The Magic Rock Dildo

by RarestRarity1779

First published

A commission fic for Seven81493. Out of this world crazy. What will happen when Twilight Sparkle goes to the extremes to try and free her friend Rarity from the corrupting spell of Discord?

All of her friends have been corrupted by Discord, and Twilight Sparkle is at her wits end! She is perhaps the closest to Rarity, each of them being the same type of pony, so she sees it only fit that she tackles her first. But Rarity refuses to believe that her beloved Tom is nothing more than a big, giant rock. What will happen when Twilight decides to go to the extremes to get her friend back. Could it be that she gets some "pleasure" out of this too?


A crazy commission fic for Seven81493. Plot change from episode is intentional.

The Magic Rock Dildo

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Twilight Sparkle burst open the door to Rarity’s home in search of her. She was sick and tired of these ponies not working with her! That accursed Discord had corrupted all of them, and they had all split from her side. And boy did it piss her off! Through sharp eyes she looked left, then right, and then straight ahead in search of Rarity. She walked from room to room to room, but saw nothing. She even looked up in the attic. One way or another, she was going to find Rarity, and she was going to make sure that she remembered who she was.

But then she remembered Tom. Rarity had fallen in love with that rock, and she knew it had to be around the boutique somewhere. Since Rarity wasn’t around, Twilight figured a little “persuasive damage” on her “big diamond” might push Rarity along. And so Twilight set out to search for the boulder. Rarity might have been corrupted by some form of twisted magic, but by no means did it coin her as stupid or cloud her judgment to think rationally, so there was no way that Rarity had dragged the thing into neat and tidy home. It had to be outside!

If Rarity truly was somewhere around here, she would have a close eye on Tom. So Twilight switched to her stealth mode and slunk from the lower kitchen to the foyer and around to the back door. Wanting to be as silent as possible, Twilight used her magic to quietly open the door just an inch or two so that she could poke her head out and check the back yard.

And then she saw it. Sure enough there was Rarity, sitting down with her forelegs wrapped protectively around the giant rock, her eyes closed as she whispered comfortingly to it. “Who’s my big strong beautiful diamond?” she asked like she was talking to a little child or a lover. Twilight gagged at the sight. It made her sick! Well, she was going to get out there and do something about it.

She pushed the door open a little more and snuck outside to hide behind a rose bush. She only needed to get a little closer to Rarity for her to do what she was about to do. She poked her head up and gagged again at seeing how Rarity had created a shrine to Tom, complete with roses scattered all over the place, a blanket placed on the ground so that one could simply sit down and observe the rock in all its glory. Taking a deep breath, Twilight moved from her spot behind the bush and snuck quietly behind a large wooden framed picture of Tom.

This was it; she was right on top of Rarity now. She only needed to jump forward. And jump forward she did! She landed on the ground right behind Rarity, startling the unicorn. But all Rarity could do was turn her head around with a look of surprise on her face. Before she could take any action though, Twilight used her magic to pick Rarity up and pin her high up on the trunk of the nearby tree. As she held Rarity against the tall tree, she used a restraint spell that she had learned to hoofcuff Rarity up there, magic rings forming around her hooves and keeping her chained high up in the tree.

“Twilight!” she shouted loudly, “I demand to know what you think you’re doing!” Rarity’s teeth were gritted, and her eye began to twitch as it normally did when she was beyond stressed out.

Twilight didn’t answer Rarity’s question, but looked at Tom with a devious smile beginning to cross her face. She moved a little closer to the giant rock and looked up at Rarity. “I’m in heat, you know,” she said. She reached her hoof out to touch the rock.

“Don’t you dare!” Rarity shouted, almost hissing. She pulled and tugged, but was helpless to break free from the magical restraints she was in. She couldn’t use her magic either, as Twilight had also placed a restraint around her horn, pinning it against the tree as well.

“I won’t touch him as long as you work with me,” Twilight said, running her hoof down the rock.

“Fine, fine, I’ll do whatever you want,” Rarity replied, still tugging, “please don’t hurt Tom.”

“Listen to me Rarity, this is a rock,” Twilight replied logically as she knocked her hoof on the rock three times loud enough so that Rarity could hear it. “Hear that? That’s not what a diamond sounds like.”

“I told you not to touch him!” Rarity replied rudely back. As Twilight had feared, logical reason wasn’t going to work with Rarity, she was too far gone. She would have to be rough with her.

“I thought you would respond like that,” Twilight said coolly. “Ooh, come here Tom,” Twilight changed her temperament to that of one of romance (one similar to the mare in her favorite romance novel). Rarity let a hurt gasp out as Twilight walked all the way around the rock, moving her entire body around it, sort of like the way a cat would around a pony’s foreleg.

“Twilight, I’m warning you!” Rarity said, trying to sound like she was on top of things. She gasped again, and tried to look away as Twilight spun around, and making sure that Rarity was watching, moved her butt up and down on Tom’s hard surface, giving it (or him) a lapdance of sorts. She moved both of her cutie marks over the inanimate object and then turned around to give it a kiss. It was killing Rarity! She wanted to look away or close her eyes, but she was suspended so high up that she was practically forced to look at the sight before her, and Twilight had placed yet another spell on her eyes so that she could not close them for more than five seconds. Twilight had to allow her to blink; it was surely windy up there.

“Ooh,” Twilight moaned as she looked up at Rarity once more, “I think he wants more Rarity. I… I think he wants inside of me!” she stood on her hind legs and wrapped her forelegs around the rock to whisper, “Does that sound good to you Tom?” She turned her head and placed one ear against it as if she was really listening for an answer. “I think he agrees. What do you think Rarity?” Twilight asked in a taunting tone as she glanced up at the helpless Rarity.

“You… You wouldn’t dare!” Rarity exclaimed in disgust as she watched Twilight give the rock another kiss.

“Oh? Wouldn’t I?” Twilight’s tone sounded even more taunting. With that, she backed up a little ways and picked the rock up with her magic. Forcing Rarity to watch, she pulled her energy together and with one little burst of magic, crushed it down to size, prompting a gasp from the fainted Rarity. She used her magic to shake Rarity awake though, “No, you’re going to watch this! It’s the only way I can make you realize!”

Rarity even cried a little as she watched Twilight continue to shape the rock. She shaped and shrunk until eventually the rock was in the shape of a penis, namely the one that aroused Twilight so much once she saw it in her anatomy book. “Are you sure you won’t believe me Rarity?” Twilight asked, giving her one more chance.

But Rarity couldn’t talk; she only whimpered and looked on. “Have it your way,” Twilight shrugged and used her magic to levitate the makeshift penis towards her. She glanced up once more to make sure that Rarity was watching, and after seeing that she was, popped the cool stone phallus into her mouth and began to suck it off. She made sensual moaning sounds as she did this. “Oh, it tastes so good,” Twilight said dramatically. “Not like a diamond though, like a rock, a cold, hard, rock,” she said pointedly.

She deep throated it a few times and pulled it out of her mouth, licking up and down on the stone frenulum. Getting into the moment to make it slap Rarity harder, Twilight had a sensual look on her face as she stopped blowing it and pulled it out of her mouth to rub up and down on it. “I think this big rock is ready!” Twilight said to a still whimpering Rarity.

Twilight then turned her tight, purple rump towards Rarity so that she could see, raised her tail high, and pushed the stone dildo inside of her. “Ah, it feels so good!” Twilight remarked as she moved it in and out of her at a steady pace, glancing up at Rarity every now and then. She sped up the pace a little and said, “Now Rarity, don’t you think that if this was a diamond it would cut me?” Rarity had a blush on her face at seeing her friend’s pussy, but only mumbled something inaudible.

Twilight pulled Tom out of her pussy and brought it up to her face so that she could lick her own liquids off of it. She bobbed her head up and down on it a few times and then placed it back inside of her pussy, moving it at a faster pace this time. She moved it inside and outside of her, and pulled it out to roll it around her winking clit.

Close to orgasm, she pushed Tom back inside of her and moved it in and out of her as fast as she could without hurting herself. Rarity was in painful tears, forced to watch her friend degrade her big shiny diamond like this.

Finally, Twilight pushed the stone all the way inside of her, constricted her pussy around it, and came all over the place. Twilight looked up at Rarity one final time, and made taunting, sensually satisfied moans. It felt good getting all of that sexual stress out of her. Satisfied that she had done a good enough job with Rarity, she pulled Tom out of her and placed it down on the ground. As soon as her magical hold was released from it, it instantly returned to its original size.

Leaving Rarity chained up in the tree Twilight became serious, “See Rarity. ‘Tom’ is a rock, he’s no diamond. He would have cut me if he were a sharp diamond, he’s a rock. No diamond, a rock.”

Rarity had lost, she gave in. Perhaps Twilight was right about the whole “Discord corrupted you” thing. Breathing an honest sigh, she accepted Twilight’s proposal to let her place the element of harmony around her neck in exchange for being freed from the tree. Twilight brought Rarity down, but kept a close eye on her. Frenzied magic knew no boundaries. Holding her down, she placed the necklace around Rarity’s neck. Rarity could only stare at Tom in sad wonder, not really wanting to forget.

But then the good, organized magic overcame her and she soon came to her senses. She stood up, not remembering the past few minutes clearly but said, “Gah! What is that thing doing here? It looks absolutely ghastly behind my boutique!” Twilight knew though that Rarity knew perfectly well what that "thing” was doing in her back yard, she was just trying to make it seem like she didn’t remember her actions.

Regardless, she played along as Rarity moved the rock far away from her home, placing it in the middle of a desolate patch in a nearby field. Blushing, Rarity brushed her hair aside and said, “Let us never speak of this again.” Twilight could only nod her head in agreement, it had been one heck of a convincing, but it paid off. It paid off real well...