Taking Flight

by Trachyon

First published

2nd person, humanized, sex-in-zero-gravity story with little to no plot. You, Rainbow Dash, and two of Twilight’s gravity negating potions. Fun ensues.

After you and Rainbow Dash receive an invitation to Twilight’s house, Rainbow Dash ‘“lets herself in” to figure out just what Twilight wanted. Following along for the ride, you and her stumble upon some bottles of a strange potion that have some rather interesting effects on gravity...

2nd person male anon, present tense, you already familiar with Rainbow Dash. All characters humanized; Rainbow Dash still has wings. Zero gravity sex with exposition, but not a whole lot of story. You’ve been warned.

(Cover art originally by riicheponies.)

Zero Gravity

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"Twilight? You in?" Rainbow Dash knocks on the door. Again.

"Dash, I really don't think she's in..." you emphasise for maybe the eighth time, hoping against hope that she might just get the hint this time.

"Well, I'm not leaving until I know what Twilight wanted to show us! You might have time to spare for junk like this, but my time's valuable!"

"Rainbow, it's Sunday."

The winged girl crosses her arms as she looks across at you. "And?"

"On Sundays you're either playing around or just sleeping on some cloud somewhere."

"Exactly!" She flaps her wings irritably. "I'm wasting valuable sleeping time! Urgh... Heck, I don't even know if I'm that interested in what Twilight's got to show. I know you love listening to her lectures, but me... Hey, are you listening?"

While Rainbow Dash was busy talking, you had decided to peer in through the window to the interior of the tree-library. The place seemed deserted.

"Yeah, she's definitely not in, Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash groans loudly, pushing herself up off the ground a few inches with her strong wingbeats. "Y'know what? Screw this!" She thrusts off further from the ground, and sets off into the sky, disappearing behind the tree-home.

A few seconds pass before you decide to follow her. She seems particularly grumpy about something, though you don't really know what. Then again, Rainbow's always grumpy after being kept from her "valuable napping time". Glancing around at the rest of the quietly bustling town, you step forwards into the midmorning shade of the building.

You've barely set foot around the back of Twilight's home before a soft weight barrels into you from behind, knocking the air from your lungs. But instead of falling down face first, a pair of arms wrap around you, and you find yourself falling up, someone’s body pressed against your back as your feet leave the ground.


"I found an open window up this way!" Rainbow exclaims from behind you. "I think it's big enough for the both of us!"

"Rainbow Dash!" You shout back over the sudden gust. "We are not breaking into Twilight's house!"

"Hey, it's not breaking if we don't actually break anything! The window's open, so we won't really be breaking anything!"

"What." You struggle for a second with Rainbow's bizarre logic, before putting your foot down, metaphorically speaking anyway. "No, this is messed up, Dash." You start to struggle against her grip, your fingers working to pry hers away from your body. You're also acutely aware of Rainbow Dash's chest squirming against your back as she tries to keep her grip on you.

"Dude, cut it out! You really want me to drop you here?!"

Looking down, however, you have to agree with Rainbow Dash. Now above the rooftops of most of the buildings, you can see that falling from up here, at least halfway up the massive tree, would result in a broken ankle at least. You take in a gulp of air, and maintain a firm grip on Rainbow Dash's arms as she repositions them around your waist, half-throwing you as she regains her hold.

"Thought so," she snarks.

You let out an annoyed huff of air. "Fine. You can set me down in Twilight's house then, but that's it. I'm leaving, and I'm not bailing you out of whatever trouble you get into this time, deal?"

"Yeah, deal, whatever," Dash sighs, still slowly ascending. "Seriously, I'm just going to take a look. In and out, okay? Y'know, you worry about me way too much!" she teases.

"Oh, is that what I'm doing?" you respond wryly.

“Here it is!" Rainbow Dash hovers the two of you maybe a metre away from the canopy of the grand tree. Sure enough, built into the wood of the natural home before you, is a small porthole window, maybe a metre and a half in diameter, just barely open.

"You sure we can both fit through that?"

"Yeah I'm sure! Although... You might want to tuck your arms in," she adds indecisively, a powerful flap of her wings blowing the window open fully.

"Oh, wonderful..." you sigh, bracing yourself for a world of hurt. This wasn't the first time Rainbow had pulled something like this, but you never really got used to her daredevil antics, either. That they sometimes ended with broken bones, your broken bones, didn't entirely help.

And with that, Rainbow flaps her wings to draw herself up a few extra feet, dragging the two of you away from the window. Holding for just a second, you feel Rainbow fold in her wings, and tilt forward for a dive. You close your eyes against the sudden rush of wind, and hear the snap of air as you pass into the musty warm of Twilight's house moments before crashing into the hard wooden floor.

You clumsily attempt to turn your momentum into a roll, and just about manage a bumpy side-over-side tumble, ending with you on your stomach. You hear yourself let out a winded groan, certain that most of the skin on your body must now be bruised.

"Neat landing huh? Not a feather out of place!" Rainbow Dash comments from somewhere behind you.

"Did you drop me on the floor as we were diving?" you ask angrily.

"Well duh! How else was I meant to pull up so quickly? Besides, I knew you could take it!"

You sit up and practically glare daggers at Dash, who ignores you entirely in favour of her leg. "Aww man, I think I bruised something..."

"You think you bruised something?!"

"Uh, hey, is this Twilight's bedroom?" Rainbow Dash hastily tries to change the subject. You decide to humour her, not wanting to start a pointless argument. Sure enough, you see two beds, Spike's smaller one next to Twilight's own, matching with the polished wood theme of the library you've so often seen. Just like downstairs, bookshelves filled with all manner of tomes and novels more or less line the walls of the room. You wouldn't expect anything less from Twilight.

"Y'know, Twilight really shouldn't leave her window open like that. Some creep could easily see it and climb in," Rainbow Dash comments as she closes the window.

"Good thing that creep happened to you then, huh Rainbow Dash?" you reply sarcastically.

"Yeah, I- hey!" Rainbow glares at you as you laugh slightly at her expense, but she brushes it off to look back around the room. The two of you pretty much made a competition of jabs and jests like that.

"Spike? Twi? Any of you home?!" Rainbow Dash calls out. No answer. "...Well, time to get lookin'. Front door's downstairs, if you're still leaving."

"Yeah, I think I'll do that." You stand up, and brush yourself down. "Just don't come crying to me when Celestia banishes you to one of her dungeons."

Rainbow lets out a snort of laughter as she hovers besides one of the taller bookshelves. "Yeah, well, later dude!"

"Yeah, later." You start to head down the stairs into the massive main room to leave, but you stop just short of having your head disappear to Dash below the floor. "Listen, Rainbow, seriously..." She perks up at this, and turns to look at you quizzically. "I know Twilight's your friend and everything... But what if you get caught by someone who isn't her? You really could get into some trouble here."

The winged girl frowns, before zipping over to come face to face with you on the stairs, still levitating just an inch or so from the steps. "Hey, I'll be okay! I just want to know what Twilight called us for. It's not like I'm going to go rummaging through all her junk, or anything like that!"

"You know that's not what I mea-"

"Yeah yeah," Rainbow Dash interrupts. "You care about me, and don't want to see me in trouble, and all that chivalry junk you love... Right?"

"Right..." you sigh.

"Just lighten up! I'll be in and out, like I said! Besides, haven't you ever done something crazy just for the thrill of it?"

You remain silent, not wanting to admit anything to her to let her justify her actions.

"Heck, all this time spent talking, I could've been outta here already. You still want out, there's the door- Hey, what's that?" Something catches Rainbow's attention as she glances to the front door. You follow her gaze, where it settles upon a table at the far end of the room, standing under the presence of one of the more imposing bookshelves. The table isn't the curious thing though; rather what's on it. Three potion bottles, each corked and filled to the brim with a purple liquid that seems to glow with the same light as Twilight's magic.

Rainbow zooms over to the table almost instantly, with you following by jumping down the last few steps just to catch up to her as she crosses the room.

"Magic potions?" Dash asks, eyeing the bottles inquisitively. "Is this what Twilight called us over for?"

"Remember Rainbow, don't touch anything," you comment offhandedly as you too examine the curious liquids.

Of course, Rainbow Dash ignores you, and picks up one of the bottles, bringing it up to her face for a closer look.

Your attention is more drawn to the sheafs of paper sitting beside the bottles. All thoughts of leaving now pushed to the back of your mind by your curiosity, you pick up the sheets and begin to read through them.

The notes are barely legible, definitely Twilight's handwriting, made that way through years of rapid note-taking so many doctors might've had to endure in medical school. It'd explain all their illegible handwriting, at least. You do your best to translate the scrawl, parsing through some of the magical and scientific equations as you go. "'Something something pull...' 'Something rate of... acceleration equals y...' 'Something ingestion... Field extends roughly one centimetre from body...'"

"'Ingestion?' That means eating and drinking, right?"

"Sure does," you reply, your attention focused more upon the notes than Rainbow Dash herself. "Looks like Twilight's been messing around with some physics-type stuff."

"Well, guess there's one way to find out what exactly!"

"Mm-hm... Wait, what?!" You double-take at Rainbow Dash. Too late. The girl pops the cork from the bottle, and downs the entire concoction before you even have time to process the action.

"Rainbow, what are you doing?!"

Rainbow Dash grimaces at the taste of the liquid before shooting you an annoyed glance. "What? You said to 'ingest' it!"

"But I... But you..." You stammer at Dash's apparent disregard for the sanctity of life, unable to find words that come close to describing your disbelief. "Why did you drink it if you have no idea what it does?! What if it's poisonous?!"

Rainbow Dash snorts derisively at the suggestion. "As if Twilight would just leave poison lying around! Dude, just take a look: Purple glow around the bottles means that Twilight made them, and there's three bottles!"


"Duh! Three bottles for three different people! Me, you, and Twilight! That's why she wanted us three here!"

"That... Actually makes sense," you consider slowly. It's not the most flawless logic, but it made more sense than most of the stuff you'd come to expect from Rainbow Dash. "You're still crazy for drinking it, though.

...So how's it taste?"

Dash cocks her head to the side, simultaneously narrowing her eyes in the process. "Weird. Kinda... Purpley."

"Purpley's not a word, Dash," you state to her, deadpan.

"Yeah, but that's how it tastes! It's kinda like berries, except it's not really fruity. You know what's really weird, though?"


"I can't feel it. Y'know when you take a big drink, and you feel it sloosh around inside of you?" To demostrate, Rainbow Dash bounces up and down in the air quickly, jiggling her hair, and... other body parts, rather amusingly. "It's like I didn't really drink anything. Just, y'know- WHA-"

With no warning at all, Rainbow Dash shoots up from the ground, somersaulting in midair where she comes to a loud stop, crashing back-first into the ceiling. Eyes wide with fear and surprise, she flaps her wings in a panic, seemingly determined to get back to the floor as quickly as possible. The sudden thrust sends her careening back towards you, and ends with her landing none-too-gracefully on her butt. Though, no sooner than you think Rainbow Dash has corrected herself, does she attempts to stand, the apparent springiness of the floor causing her to launch back up into the air again.

"What's happening?!" she screams, buzzing around the room and flying into nearly every bookshelf, most of them while upside down.

You knew drinking that potion would be a bad idea. "Rainbow, what's wrong?!"

"I can't- oof! -get down! I don't even know- ow! -where down is! I'm just floating, like I'm underwater, except- ngh! -there isn't any water!"


"I can't stop- gah! -bouncing! I can't feel down anymore!"

You think over what Rainbow just shouted down at you as she pinballed around the library, and then glance back at Twilight's notes, trying to make out as much as you can.

"'rate of acceleration due to something... g=9.81m/s...'"

...Of course! "Dash, I think Twilight's potion cancelled out gravity for you!"

"What?! Ow!"

"Twilight's potion, it's magic put you in a zero gravity environment!"

"You mean like in space?!" she shouts with disbelief, doing her best to turn in midair. Unfortunately, her momentum carries her ass-first into yet another bookshelf, spilling several book onto the floor.

"Pretty much." You stare at the girl as she crashes down next to you, scrabbling at the floor only to float right back up again helplessly.

"How do I stop it?"

"Meh," you shrug. "Shoulda thought of that before you drank some random potion you found after breaking into your friend's house!"

"Hey, I didn't break-" she cuts off as she manages a glance at the stern look on your face. "Oh come on!" Rainbow yells as she attempts to stabilise above you with her wings, ending up with her banging her head on the ceiling. "Oww... Please, I'm serious, just help me out here!"

You look up at her as she drifts above you, flailing her arms and legs to try and steady herself. In the split second that she's moving slowly enough above you, you catch a look at her face. Her cerise eyes are wide with fear, real fear, and you can tell that she's pleading with you, even if she'd never admit it.

"Okay, I'll help. First, stop flapping your wings! I know it's the natural thing to do in midair, but you don't need constant thrust to maintain your speed in zero gravity!"

Rainbow Dash stops flapping her wings. As she floats upwards from yet another angled impact against a bookcase, she clings onto the only thing she can reach: one of the knotted grooves in the ceiling of the tree.

"Okay, that's good! You're doing good! Next, try to float down to me. It's like you said, like you're underwater. Y'know when you push something in the water, and it stays on that path?"

Dash nods, flinging the wayward floating strands of her technicolor hair back and forth as they sway.

"Yeah, it's just like that, except it's a bit harder to stop. So come on, just push off, and try to aim for me."

"And you're gonna catch me, right? You're not gonna pull some prank and leave me bouncing around again, right?"

You shake your head, keeping your arms held out in an open gesture. "Not gonna happen."

"Well, okay then..." Rainbow relaxes her expression, and, with a single breath, pushes off from the ceiling with her hands. She carefully twists around, almost cat-like, to face you, her hair trailing as if she really were underwater. Dash descends slowly towards you at a slight angle, arms outstretched, an uneasy look still on her face. The metres between you slowly close over seconds, and you reach out to wrap your fingers around her wrists. You pull firmly at her arms, pushing down slightly so as to get her feet closer to the ground.

With you now supporting her, Rainbow Dash comes to a complete stop, her hair halting seconds after, to whip back ever so gently.

"You still alright?"

"Yeah, thanks for the help, I guess. Uh, not like I couldn't have handled it myself, eventually!"

"Oh yeah, sure. It was a real ariel ballet up there."

Rainbow Dash harrumphs as you reach up an arm around her now bare waist, her sky-blue T-shirt having floated up towards her navel slightly. You pull her back down towards you, her continued momentum sending her falling forward into your body. Partly through instinct, you keep your hand around Rainbow's lithe waist, though neither of you say anything of it, what with the more pressing issues.

"So, what's it feel like? Zero gravity?" you ask, using your free hand to brush aside the slowly flowing curtain of hair between you and Dash. You could swear you had just caught her blushing. Although, you weren't entirely sure if you weren't either, to be fair.

"It's... Weird. But also pretty cool! It's kinda like being in freefall, without all the wind. And, uh, falling."

"Neat. Just don't go crashing back into everything again."

"Do you know who you're talking to? Hey, I'm practically a Wonderbolt in all but name!" Rainbow Dash flares her wings, the slight draft causing her to rise by a few inches. You keep your hands on her sides however, just to keep her from floating off too far. "This is just a slightly different way of flying!"

"I guess I can see why Twilight called you around, too."

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash pushes away from you at a slight angle, tucking herself up into a ball shape to somersault head-over-heels as she levitates up and away from you.

"Yeah. Barring Twilight's magic, you're pretty much the only one who can adjust your velocity without any external forces acting on you, like walls, or ballasts."

"Dude, you're Twilighting again," Rainbow Dash jokes as she comes back out of her somersault, her spin slowing as she emerges.

You sigh loudly. "People can't normally change their direction in zero gravity without pushing off from something. With your wings, you can still sort of fly around and turn, and stuff."

"Huh." Rainbow Dash crosses her arms, contemplates the thought, as she swings back down to face you, her feet pointed up at the ceiling. "Well, I can understand getting the worlds greatest flier to help out with something like this..." You roll your eyes. "But why not just get Fluttershy to help? Cool as this is, I'm not in it for the science. She has wings too, and unlike me, she actually likes listening to Twilight's lectures!"

"Really?!" you exclaim. "You're the first person to ever experience weightlessness like this, and you're asking why you had to do this instead of Fluttershy? Besides, you know 'Shy wouldn't be able to do this!"

"Why not?" Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow.

"Well, she'd freak out, for one thing. And then there's her b- uh... big... Hair. Her big hair getting in the way."

"What the heck are you talking about? Fluttershy's 'big hair' getting in the way?" Rainbow Dash looks at you like you've gone insane.

"Um, yeah! Her hair's kinda long, so it'd get in the way of her face a lot!" you attempt to lie.

Rainbow Dash doesn't buy it. Her eyes narrow, and just seconds before she floats too far away from you, she grabs your shoulder, and pulls herself in to float face-to-face with you. "What were you really gonna say?"

You sigh. No point in trying to dissuade someone as stubborn as her. "Fine. Look down your shirt."


"Just, take a look. You'll get what I mean," you spit out, doing your best to maintain your composure.

Rainbow pulls her shirt forward to peer downwards. You just barely resist the urge to follow her gaze. "Dude, I still don't get it. Why the heck- oh..." Realisation begins to dawn on Rainbow's face. Just to prove it to herself, Rainbow Dash lets go of you and, totally suspended in midair, legs kicking slightly, slips her hand behind her, underneath her shirt. You start to blush profusely as you realise what Dash is doing. Sure, you'd known each other a long while, but you didn't think even someone like Rainbow would be comfortable doing this right in front of you. More or less stunned into silence, all you can do is stare at the girl floating a few feet away from you.

A couple of seconds of wiggling and squirming later, and Rainbow Dash pulls her arms back into her sleeves, a plain white sports bra in one hand. She drops it dismissively as she returns her attention to underneath her shirt, one hand reaching underneath to do what you can only imagine.

"Oh..." Dash looks back up you, now fully realising what you tried to get across before.

"Yeah," you simply reply back.

"So because Fluttershy's 'hair'," she intones with gestured speech marks, "...is so big, it, uh, they float around and get in the way."

"Pretty much," you intone blankly.

Rainbow Dash laughs loudly. "Well why didn't ya just say so?! Jeez, since when did it become taboo to talk about boobs?" she asks incredulously. "And since when did you learn so much about all this zero gravity stuff?"

You shake off your previous embarrassment, glad for the change in subject. "Twilight usually talks about it. Her levitating stuff sometimes involves it, so it's a pretty key part of basic magic. Most of the time it's the physics part. Conservation of angular momentum, Neighton's three laws of physics, that sort of stuff."

"Right..." Rainbow Dash obviously risked being bored by that short talk. "Well, since you're such an expert, and since you think zero gravity's so awesome, why don't you try one of those potions? Hey, if you teach me about some zero gravity tricks, I could even teach you a few flying tricks!"

"Look, Dash," you begin. The temptation to drink one of the bottles and join Rainbow Dash in her floating is ridiculously tempting, but you can't shake the feeling that it's still wrong. "I really don't know. I mean, we've already broken into Twi's house, and you've already drunk one of her potions and destroyed half her library!"

"Aww, come on!" Rainbow Dash pouts as she corkscrews in place before you. "Stop being such a wuss! I know Twilight'll be fine with everything! She can just make more potions, right? And Spike can clean up any mess we make! It's win-win!"

You find yourself torn between the two options, still hesitant to decide.

Rainbow Dash encourages you further "Seriously, just take a risk once in a while! No matter how bad things get... Uh, not that they'll actually get bad... Heh..."

You raise an eyebrow at her.

"Look, haven't ya ever wanted to go on an adventure, or take some crazy risk? Why not just do it, so you can look back on today and laugh?" she asks exasperatedly.

You look into Rainbow Dash's eyes and hold her gaze for a brief moment as you decide.

"Fine..." You cave into the pressure, to gleeful whoops and cheers from Rainbow.

"Yes! Awesome! See?! I knew you'd wanna try it!"

Dash wraps her arm loosely around your neck, and you walk back over to the table in the corner, pulling her along behind you like a human helium balloon. You find yourself amazed at just how gently Rainbow's skin pushes into your own as you pull at her. She really does weigh nothing at all.

You reach the table, Dash hovering over your shoulder and watching as you take the plunge. Sighing, you pick up the bottle, sloshing it around as if it'd change somehow. You pop off the cork with your thumb, and, taking a deep breath, heart fluttering in your chest, raise the potion to your mouth.

The bottle tips, and you down the whole liquid with six large consecutive gulps. Rainbow Dash was right. It does taste purpley.

The frothy mixture slides down your oesophagus, where it then collects... Actually, it doesn't. She was right about that too. Almost as quickly as you drank it, you feel the drink dissipate and disappear within you as quickly as it had entered.

"Anything?" Dash circles around you, grabbing onto the rim of the table to bring her feet back onto the ground.

"Hang on..." You raise up a hand. It took a few seconds with Dash, so why would it work instantly for you? The two of you wait in silence for a moment longer.

Your patience is rewarded.

Your stomach fills with the sudden rushing feeling of falling, like at the start of a steep drop on a rollercoaster. The disorienting feeling spreads throughout your body, sending the nerves at the tips if your fingers and toes into a wild state of tingling.

The pressure on the bottoms of your feet that you'd become accustomed to for your whole life quickly fades to nothing, and you instinctively wiggle your feet to try and find purchase on the now nonexistent floor. Of course, this only sends you drifting upward more.

You reach out and grab Rainbow Dash's free outstretched hand, your fingers wrapping around her own as she pulls you back into her. Your heart is pounding ever more lightly in your throat as you attempt to process the simply blissful pleasure of weightlessness.

Your body bumps back into Rainbow Dash, and there you stay, legs bending and swaying slightly as you try to keep what used to be upright.

"Whoa," is all you can manage.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Rainbow Dash grins crookedly at you. "Come on then, science guy! Teach me about zero gravity!" she teases.

You half-grudgingly let go of Dash, but you're all too eager to show off to her. All it takes is a small kick-off from the floor with the balls of your feet, and up you rise towards the bumpy, domed ceiling of the library. You know that the trick is to keep yourself bouncing at a decent enough speed. Just drifting slowly in the middle of the room could leave you with nowhere to go for a long while.

Lighter than a feather, and tingling throughout your body, you reach the ceiling. Feeling daring, you twist around and kick off with your feet. The whole library, even the town and the sky outside the window flips upside down. As disconcerting as the view is, you're not thrown off by the change in direction at all. Mostly because it doesn't feel like there is any.

Just to prove this, when you next reach the bottom (or is it the top now?) of the room, you reach out to the floor with your hands. You twist yourself as you push off at an angle, causing yourself to spin slightly. Copying Dash, you tuck your chin into your legs, and the spinning increases in speed. Sure enough, aside from the blurring walls, you don't feel yourself spinning at all.

Still curled up in a foetal position, you close your eyes. Nothing. No spinning, no floor, no up or down. The most you can even feel, aside from your clothes, is the gentle ripple of the air against your skin.

"Hey, watch where you're going!"

"Huh?" Your eyes jolt open just as you collide with the wooden bookshelf. You reach out and grab at the sturdy wooden plank to support yourself; luckily you didn't hit anything too hard.

Rainbow Dash chuckles from above you. "You sure you know how to do this?"

A smile starts to spread across your face as the idea to challenge Dash comes to mind. "Why don't you try to catch me and find out?"

Rainbow's determined grin pushes away all thoughts of the outside world. Sure, she had flying experience, but you had the upper hand knowledge-wise. You knew what you could and couldn't do like this.

With a sharp mock-battlecry, Dash pushes off from the table at the far corner of the room from you, and the game of cat and mouse begins.

Rainbow drifts straight down towards you from the floor, arms outstretched to grab you, but you react right at the last second. You pull at the bookshelf beside you, sending you careening off to the left. Rainbow Dash secures herself where you were moments ago, and leaps off toward the centre of the room, meaning to cut you off. But you anticipate this, and reach back for the wall to pull yourself back in. Dash's hand just scrapes by your knee, but she only manages to drift away from you as she scrabbles at your trouser-leg.

You mischievously blow a raspberry to Dash as she ends up floating into Twilight's room.

The winged girl lets out an annoyed huff of air, before pushing off from a bed-post at you again. When she's just a metre away from you, you feint to the right, hoping that Dash'll expect the same as before. She does, and a skilful wingbeat pushes her to the right also, right into your feint. You lazily drift off from the shelf as Rainbow crashes into it, only for her to turn and leap back towards you at a much faster speed.

She reaches out to grab you with both arms, but you knock her away and quickly turn her around by the shoulders. Not wanting to be outdone, you push at the small of her back with your hand, causing her to crash into yet another shelf, sending another handful of books crashing to the ground.

You wind up in Twilight and Spike's bedroom, where Dash had been just a moment ago. Grabbing onto a bedpost to stop yourself, you turn back around to face her, just as she's done dislodging herself from the mess of shelves and paper.

She rotates back around, using the shelf as a pivot, and her eyes lock with yours, an almost wolfish glint in her irises.

Dash kicks off yet again, just as you realise that you have nowhere to dodge to. Twilight's room is an alcove, leaving no room for manoeuvring. This thought hits you right at the same moment as Rainbow Dash does, her shoulders barging into your chest. The impact causes the two of you to bounce back against the wall, then drift off into the main room again, millimetre by millimetre.

"Gotcha!" Rainbow proclaims. "Gravity or not, I'm still the best flier in the land!"

"You got lucky!" you quip, as you untangle yourself from Rainbow Dash. The rush of adrenaline fading, the mood quickly changes from competitive to... Something different. "I didn't hurt you, did I? When I pushed you into the bookshelf?" You look Rainbow Dash in the eyes, the two of you floating across the room as a single object

Rainbow Dash just snorts lightheartedly. "As if! You worry about me way too much!"

"Hey, I just don't want to see you get hurt, is all! I-"

"Yeah yeah, I've heard it all already! You don't want to see me get hurt and you worry about me because you care about me, blah blah blah!" Rainbow rolls her eyes at you.

"Yeah, pretty much." you shoot her a small smile.

Rainbow Dash leans her chin down on your shoulder, sighing gently. "Kinda nice having someone always be there to look out for you, huh? Even if they are a huge wuss," she adds jokingly.

"Oh, look who's talking, Miss 'I-think-I-bruised-myself-breaking-into-Twilight's-house!'"

Rainbow Dash chuckles lightly, but surprisingly doesn't respond back. Instead she tucks up against you, wrapping her leg around your waist as if she were sitting on a non-existent cloud.

You knew Rainbow Dash had a soft side, but it's almost disconcerting to see it emerge like this, and in such close proximity to you. Almost.

Usually you'd be up for teasing her like this, in line with your usual playful banter, but you can tell that Dash is in a more somber mood than usual. Maybe thinking on that whole you-looking-out-for-her thing.

Content to remain floating in the centre of the library with Dash's warm body pressed up against yours, you begin stroking at her colourful bangs of hair. You watch as they continue to wrap back around even without your touch to push them, when Rainbow Dash suddenly stirs.

"So, umm... How long until this potion wears off, do ya think?"

"Probably should've thought of that before you drank it, silly," you tease at her.

"You jerk!" Rainbow Dash laughs at you, punching you playfully on the shoulder.

"Hey!" You draw your arm around Rainbow's back to stop yourself from drifting away from her, and end up pulling her even closer into you. She pushes up against you, and you're acutely aware of her bra-less breasts rubbing against your chest through your tshirts. Judging by her blush, Rainbow Dash is aware of it too.

"How long do you think until Twilight gets back?" she whispers into your ear playfully.

"Who knows. She could be back right this minute." You move your free hand up to cradle Rainbow Dash's chin as she pulls away to look you in the eyes.

"She could come in and catch us floating right in the middle of her library any second now." Dash says slyly, eyes half-lidded.

"She'd probably notice your bra on the floor too. Plus all those books we knocked down. She might starting getting ideas about us," you add, matching Dash's low tone. You're starting to see now why Rainbow loves the thrill of this sort of stuff so much. Consequences be damned.

You're almost certain that the room has heated up by a few degrees in the last minute or so. Judging by the flush in Dash's cheeks, you might not be far off the truth.

You move your hands around to Rainbow's back, and start to play with the long feathers on her wings, pinching and rubbing them between your thumbs and forefingers. Her breathing grows shallow as you do this, and you feel her wings slowly extend. Looking at her as you continue your massage, you see her pupils dilate as she stares into your eyes, her own half-closed in a sultry expression.

"Wanna see a neat flyin' trick?" Rainbow Dash asks temptingly, her voice slightly husky. By now you're all too aware of her erect nipples grazing at you, even through the fabric of your clothes, the gentle grinding of her hips against yours blotting out any thoughts of the outside world.

"That was just about the cheesiest pre-sex line I've ever heard," you respond.

Floating together in the middle of Twilight's house, Rainbow Dash grins widely, before she moves in and kisses you right then and there.

Suspended in midair, with no up, no down, and no gravity, the feeling of Rainbow Dash's warm body grinding up against your waist as she kisses you is just about the most pleasurable thing you can remember feeling. Her soft lips push and pull against your own, short moans and ragged breaths occasionally escaping from Rainbow Dash's mouth as the two of you wrestle with each other.

Keeping your lips pressed into hers, still pushing and pulling passionately, you allow your hands to explore beneath Rainbow's shirt. You start at the base of her back, your fingers massaging her perfectly smooth skin and the contours of her lower body. Dash's voice cracks as she half moans, half pants in pleasure at your movements.

Taking this as a sign to continue, your hands travel slowly up her back, fingers pointed up, your palms pressing into her as they move parallel to her spine, stopping just short of where her wings protrude from her back.

You break the magical kiss just for a second, long enough to draw breath again. Rainbow Dash gasps deeply as she pulls away too, her violet eyes wide with excitement.

"Whoa," she pants out.

"You okay?"


"Wanna keep going?"


You and Rainbow resume the kiss, this time with her grinding up against you even stronger this time. With one warm hand she cradles your face, her fingertips pressing against your cheek. Her left hand finds its way beneath your shirt, much like your own hands, and there's it stays, her nails digging painfully and blissfully into your skin.

Zero gravity makes squeezing against Dash without using your arms hard-to-impossible, but Rainbow has the perfect leverage to push up against you. Her strong legs, originally trailing freely behind her, now wrap tightly around your waist for even more support. From there, Rainbow works the muscles in both her arms and legs to rub her hips maddeningly against your crotch, your penis twitching against your stretched underpants.

Feeling your penis stiffen against her own crotch, Rainbow Dash starts thrusting into you, rubbing the bump in your pants against the split in her shorts as she dry-humps you out of desperation.

As amazing as the feeling of Rainbow Dash against you is, you slide one hand around to her tummy, and push her away, breaking the kiss in the progress.

Rainbow Dash pouts, but you stand, or rather, float firm. "Are you sure you want this, Rainbow?"

The girl in front of you pauses, then nods eagerly, strands of her hair whipping backwards and forwards leisurely.

Just as you're about to continue, however, Rainbow's back bumps against the bookshelf, one unlucky book being knocked from its nest onto the floor. Without even realising, the two of you had floated all the way to the other side of the library.

"Nuts..." Rainbow Dash breathes. "It's gonna kill the mood if we keep crashing into stuff. What if one of us hits our head?"

She's right. As exotic as zero gravity is, it'd get annoying if you both kept bumping into stuff. Luckily, you remember something Twilight taught you.

"I have an idea. But I'll need your shoes."

Rainbow Dash doesn't hesitate. As you keep both her and yourself pinned to the bookshelf, she brings up her knees to her chest, pushing up distractingly against her breasts. She unties her shoelaces, pausing to watch the loose strings dance like snakes, almost entrancing her. She slips off her trainers, however, and hands them to you.

You make a rough calculation of momentum in your head, working out the speed and mass needed to reduce yours and Dash's speed to zero. You take your weight, or rather your mass, and add it to Rainbow's. Fifty, maybe sixty kilograms. Scraping together a rough estimate, you make sure Rainbow's still held onto you, and push off carefully.

The two of you drift, dreamlike, back into the centre of the library, you holding up Rainbow's trainers. A few seconds pass as you twist around, you now facing the direction you're traveling in over Dash's shoulder. You readjust your grip on the shoes, then throw them straight ahead at the far wall.

Regular physics return to them the moment they leave your grasp, the shoes landing with several bumps on the wooden floor. But the physics of zero gravity still apply to you. The moment the shoes leave you hands, you notice a distinct decrease in your speed.

Rainbow notices it too. "How'd you do that?" she asks.

"Conservation of momentum. I push forward on the shoes, the shoes push back on me. Then we both slow down."

"Twilight teach you that?"

"Yeah," you admit. "Bet she didn't see me applying it like this, though."

"We're still kinda moving though." Rainbow Dash shoots you a smouldering look, her voice heavy with suggestion. "Guess we need more clothes to throw, huh?"

Can't argue with that. You bend your knees and bring your feet up to your lower back, using one hand to slip off both shoes while the other cradles Rainbow's soft-yet-firm waist. You set your shoes in front of you, and push on them firmly as you let go. The shoes drop to the ground as you slow ever further.

Next are your socks. You throw these slightly harder, to account for their lack of mass. That done, Rainbow takes the lead this time round. Grabbing at the bottom of your shirt, she tugs it off from you as you raise your arms up. Her legs unlock from around you, and Rainbow Dash lowers herself relative to you, bringing her head down to your stomach. Her nails trace and scratch lightly against your skin as she slowly lifts up your shirt, revealing your navel. Hot breath plays on your stomach, before being replaces by a pleasant tickling as Dash plants wet kisses all over your abdomen. She continues in this manner, slowly climbing up your body as she reveals it inch by inch, making sure to kiss and nip and lick wherever she can reach.

You laugh slightly as Rainbow nibbles against your side, and decide to return the favour. You lower your arms again, and place your hands on Rainbow's head. Starting slowly, your fingertips gently massage into Rainbow Dash's scalp as her hair flows and scintillates beneath your working hands.

"Oh, Celestia, yes..." Rainbow Dash moans loudly. You see her legs flex and go limp from the pleasure and stimulation, curling out behind her with her toes pointed up at the ground. Her wings stretch out to their fullest, twitching and shivering much like your manhood as it rubs against the still ascending Rainbow Dash. Continuing, she reaches your pectoral muscles, and extends her tongue, licking along from the bottom of your sternum to your own nipples in a 'Y' shape. You let out a low groan of pleasure, and lift your arms up as Rainbow finally pulls the shirt over your head, making sure to tease as much bare skin as possible.

She copies you in throwing it behind her, slowing your movement across the room to a snail's pace.

"Now you do me..." Rainbow Dash prompts huskily.

You're all to happy to oblige her. You place your hands on her hips and move down on her, bringing your chin in line with the waistband of her shorts. Slowly crawling up her, you plant your own kisses all around her stomach, paying particular attention to the area around her navel. You mix things up slightly by nuzzling your nose into her soft tummy, causing her to let out a quiet squeal.

As you draw up Rainbow's shirt, inching ever closer to her breasts, she imitates your actions from earlier, and begins to massage at your head with her fingertips. The feeling is pure, blissful electricity as she runs her fingers through your hair, your brain nearly overloading with the pleasure.

Your exploring mouth reaches the soft undercurves of Rainbow's breasts, and you yank the shirt up and over them, causing them to jiggle and bounce hypnotically in the absence of gravity. Rainbow pulls her T-shirt off by herself, wiggling and contorting somewhat to pull her wings through the holes in the back. Meanwhile, you bring your mouth to her perfectly pointed nipple. Like was said before, Rainbow Dash is nowhere near as endowed as Fluttershy, but the lack of gravity on her c-cup breasts is no less noticeable as they bounce and wobble with her breathing and writhing.

She gasps sharply as you envelop her pink areola with your mouth, your tongue working to push and pull her hard nipple as you suck against it.

"Oh Celes-..." Rainbow Dash breaks down into shivers and animalistic moans before she can even complete her sentence. She mindlessly throws her shirt behind her, bringing you two to a more or less total stop.

This is it. The two of you now float, half naked, right in the centre of the library. Your dick twitches against the fabric of your underpants again, eager for release.

Wanting to please Dash even more, you bring your hands around to her back, just by her shoulder blades, and begin to stroke at the base of her wings. Your fingers press into the muscle and sinew which extends from her skin, and push and pull at the soft blue scapular feathers that line those particular joints.

Your sucking, combined with your hands massaging her wings, brings Rainbow Dash to moaning shivers as she pushes her chest up against you. Making sure to keep your tongue flicking at Rainbow's nipple, your hands travel down the length of her wings along the muscle and sinew at the top. Your fingers smooth and rub at her marginal coverts, the top layer of soft blue feathers along the inner part of the wing. Dash's wings all but vibrate, and her moans increase in pitch as she tugs lightly at your hair.

You pull your lips away from Dash's right breast, but quickly envelop the left one in kisses before she can complain, your caressing hands rubbing down to her primary feathers. The wing-massage reaches a crescendo as you all you can to drive your partner over the edge.

The hard work pays off. Rainbow shudders and spasms in your hands, her wings flaring as she lets out a half-moan, half-scream of pure bliss. The orgasm passes, and Rainbow's legs unclench, her entire body going limp. She closes her eyes as she pants for much needed air, her arms falling to push your head into her bosom.

"You okay, Dash?"

She nods wordlessly, eyes still closed. "Let's keep going..." Rainbow Dash's voice cracks again in that same adorable manner that drives you wild for her. "Please, keep going..."

Agreeing to her plea, you float back up to her, and begin another long, yet much slower kiss. Yours and Dash's tongues play against each other as the kiss continues, pushing and intertwining as much as they can manage, exploring every inch of each others' mouths.

All the while, your hands work at Rainbow's waist, pulling down at her shorts to reveal a pair of plain white panties, damp and soaked through at the crotch. You gently tug these down the milky smooth muscle of Rainbow's legs, even using your bare feet to push them away. Anything to continue the kiss.

The shorts slip down to Rainbow's toes, where one last kick by her causes the floating fabric to fall to the ground. Rainbow Dash does the same to you, only she breaks away from the passionate tongue-play to rip off your pants as fast as she can. Your underpants follow immediately after.

The elastic catches on your fully erect member, and a last tug by a now wild Rainbow Dash causes it to flop back and forth, the lack of any downwards force causing it to jiggle slightly longer than would be normal.

Dash drifts back up to you, raising her right hand to make sure you see her white panties held between her thumb and forefinger. She lets them fall to the floor with a lustful grin, her cerise eyes now burning with fiery passion.

"Enough playin' around," she whispers into your ear, making sure to crush her lean, perfectly smooth naked body against your own. "Put it in me." The voice carried along by her hot breath starts your heart pumping even more, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.

Kissing her tenderly once more on the lips, you place both your hands on her toned waist, securing her for what you're about to do.

You ever so slowly bring her down, until you feel Rainbow Dash's hot, wet, impossibly soft labia against the head of your penis. You and Dash gasp in unison before you continue to gently impale her.

Her nether-lips push against your head as you apply more and more pressure, until they part, your penis sliding into Dash completely. Her eyes close and she digs her nails into your back, trying to crush herself against your chest as much as physically possible. You feel her squeeze against your shaft, her fluids trickling down along it as you slowly press further into her.

"Ngh... Ohmygosh..." Rainbow Dash pants, her nails clawing at your back painfully. She lowers herself onto you completely, her vagina stretching to take you in all the way down to the base. Her heat practically burns at your penis, her inner muscles clenching and tightening in an urge to feel as much of it as they can. You press your chin into Dash's shoulder, pulling out of her halfway before slowly sliding yourself back in her, making her emit another throaty cry of pleasure. Your hands find their way back to Rainbows wings, where they grab onto the protruding muscles, using them as living handles to gain leverage on her. Up you pull on her wings and back out you slide, then down, and back in, each thrust sending the two of you into a perfect rapture.

You don't know where up or down is now. You don't care. You and Rainbow Dash are free from the physics of the outside world, floating in the middle of your own. Back out you pull, then back in, making sure to slide against as much of Rainbow's now sweat drenched skin as possible. Something about the lack of gravity causes your sweat to stick to your skin much more than it naturally would, allowing you to glide nearly effortlessly against Rainbow's marshmallowy breasts. Out, then back in.

You don't know how long you and Dash have been making love for, neither of you were keeping track in your own isolated bubble. Maybe five minutes. Maybe half an hour. But as much as you didn't want this to end, you feel a pressure building in your groin, signalling the eventual approach of your orgasm.

"Dash, I'm close," you inform her, slowing down as you rub around her wing joints.

"Me too," she squeaks, clenching against you as you thrust strongly into her again.

"I'm going to slow down, okay?"

"Mmm..." she croons hoarsely. "Don't keep me waiting too long..."

With that, you decrease your pace enough to offset the risk of orgasm.

So you and the girl of your dreams remain suspended, spinning dreamily in midair as you slow-fuck each other. Minutes later, however, Dash pipes up again. "I'm ready..." Her legs clench around your waist, and she grinds into you, her tight passage still milking your shaft. "Please," she begs, "Come inside me... Make me come..."

"Dash..." You only manage to speak her name, your heart skipping a beat at her words. You begin to pick up the pace again. Out, and in... Out, and in, out, and in...

She lets out a loving squeak with every buck into her, her nails drawing red lines down your back as they drag into your skin. The sharp pain forces you to pound into her harder, her whole body pressing into you as if you and Dash could meld into a single being. Out and in, out and in, every second stroke reintroducing your penis to the hot pleasure of Rainbow's passage.

The pressure within you builds, pressing against your swinging balls and groin like a surge of water against a dam, ready to break any second.

"Dash, I'm about to come!" you yell to her, feeling your seed travel up to your head, doing your best to delay the inevitable even as you buck into Dash.

"Keep going!" Is all she shouts, her own grinding and thrusting matching yours both in tempo and strength.

Letting go entirely, you grab at Dash with both hands, using all your upper body strength to drive your shaft up into her repeatedly, speeding up and loosing all control over yourself.

Rainbow Dash inhales sharply, letting out a loud loving moan as she climaxes, sending a flood of hot bliss rushing against your dick. She screams out your name as she spasms against you, arching away from you with her eyes rolling back in ecstasy.

Rutting her as hard as you can, this last action by Dash sends you over the edge; you shoot your hot seed into her, humping with every mind-destroying spurt of pleasure Dash's clenching passage can milk from your throbbing penis. The last bursts of semen flood against Rainbow's inner walls, the two of you thrusting in and out for as long as you can until oblivion forces you both into submission. Rainbow Dash melts into you, her head resting against your chest as she pants heavily, the rise and fall of her breasts matching that of your own chest.

"Hahh... hahh... Ohmygosh..." she breathes.

You're too overwhelmed to say anything at all. Instead, you hold Rainbow Dash close to you, your penis still twitching within her, revelling in the afterglow of zero-gravity sex with her.

Eventually, the two of you drift off to sleep together, your bodies still intwined as you hang, suspended, in Twilight's library.

You wake up. Disoriented and sleepy, but with a warm feeling in the pit of your stomach, you look down.

A flowing rainbow of colour fills your vision as you look down at Rainbow Dash, tendrils of her hair reaching out as if she were floating underwater. So the potions still haven't worn off.

Rainbow Dash snores quietly against you, her arms and legs still wrapped around you. She smiles softly as you move your hand down her back to play with her wings, your other hand stroking tenderly at her hair. "Mm..." She lets out a soft sigh, snuggling up against you further.

Taking care to not disturb Rainbow's sleep, you look around, trying to orient yourself. Your heads are pointed down at the front door, but you spin slowly diagonal to the floor, like the hands on a tilted back clock. Down to your right you see a window. It's still sunny out, and you can't see any distinct shadows from this angle, so you guess it must be around noon. You and Dash had been asleep for maybe two or three hours, and you'd drifted maybe five feet from where you remember floating earlier.

You just now notice the earthy musk of sweat in you nose as you breath in, and become aware of the now drying liquids around both yours and Rainbow's groins. Twisting your head, you also see your clothes litter the floor haphazardly.

Hardly the best state to be found by Twilight in, to say the least.

"Hey, Dash." You kiss her on the forehead, trying to wake her up gently.

She mumbles your name, and stirs somewhat.

You try again. "Rainbow Dash... Hey... Wakey-wakey sleepyhead..."

This seems to work. Rainbow opens her eyes, her pupils dilating and contracting as she wakes. "Mngh... Hi there." She smiles sleepily at you, before nuzzling her nose into your shoulder. "We still floating?"


"How long was I asleep for?" She looks back up at you questioningly, shifting her muscular legs around your back slightly.

"Maybe two or three hours. Twilight's not back yet, but we should probably get our clothes on. We can use her shower if there's time. If not, we'll head back to my place."

Rainbow Dash nods, and scans the floor over your shoulder, taking in all the books and clothes. "Might take a while to get dressed," she comments. "Y'know, getting all our clothes together."

"Guess we might as well start now."

Rainbow Dash opens her mouth, but pauses as you both hear something from outside.

"...everything we need from the shops already, and it's only twelve!"


That wakes you and Dash up sharply. The two of you freeze, eyes wide open and locked on the door even as you spin lazily.

You hear keys rattling in the door as Twilight unlocks it, your heart pounding. "Oh crap."

The handle turns, and the door opens, Twilight stepping though dressed in a plain skirt and blouse. "This way, we can get even more- What the hay?!" she yells as she turns to face you, eyes widening and cheeks turning bright red.

"Twi, what is it?!" You hear Spike from just outside. Twilight's eyes dart back outside, her mind obviously racing.

"Uh... Nothing, Spike! I just remembered something important! Why... Why don't you go and spend a few hours with Rarity today? Like, right now please!"

"Oh boy, really?! Thanks Twi, you're the best!"

Twilight closes the door behind her, turning to face you with a mixture of anger and embarrassment on her face. "What in Celestia's name are you two doing here?!"

"Oh, uh, hey Twi! Yeah, about that" Dash chuckles nervously, the two of you still entirely naked as you float together. "We were just, umm, here because of your invite!"

"B-but... My invite was for tomorrow," is all Twilight can manage.

"What." The two of you blurt out your disbelief in unison.

"And why are you floating?! And naked?!"

"Oh, that?" Rainbow asks, trying to play it off. "We were just testing your potions for you, right dude?" She signals for you to back her up.

"Yes," you state blankly. "We were just testing them. We absolutely did not use them to have zero gravity sex."

"Wha-..." Twilight sputters, clearly unable to find the words to express her disbelief at your actions.

"Oh, hey, Twi?" Rainbow Dash adds. "You don't think you could make us like a whole dozen more of those potions?

Y'know, for science."