> The Peacemaker > by Trigger_Finger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Days of war > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No-one knows what really happened, well maybe the leaders of Equestria and humanity know but like hell they’d tell anyone. As rumors have it over three decades ago both humanity and Equestria somehow met each other, whether it was through coincidence or fate I don’t know but they soon became allies and shared technology with each other. But as fate would have it one of the two wanted to rule over the other and the two sides began to bicker about their political views and as in all problems that humanity faced they simply resorted to violence while Equestria did the exact same. In the first decade humanity dominated over all the battle fronts simply because they had advanced weapons and combat tactics that Equestria had never bothered to look into because they were a peaceful civilization, however as the second decade of war began Equestria began to recruit human mercenaries and terrorists that shared weapon technology. Equestria formulated a large military campaign, using fronts composed completely of human mercenaries and terrorist groups and eventually toppled humanity’s military force. As the final days of the Equestrian war theatre came to a close humanity threw a last ditch effort to inflict as much chaos as they could and began to hire mercenaries and private military contractors. That’s where I came in, at only the age of 15 I accepted a mercenary task and my mission was simple. > The job > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I entered the small office, the smell of cigar smoke filled my nose and it made me want to gag. I wasn’t a smoker and had no plans to begin smoking. I sat down from an older looking Russian man and he slid over a small beige coloured dossier. “Your targets are an Equestrian military colonel named Wildhorse and his wife, a military advisor for Celestia” the Russian man explained in a thick accent “The wife’s name is Rose Pedal… where the hell do they get ridiculous names?” the Russian man muttered the last part to himself as I looked over the dossier. Wildhorse was a yellowish coloured earth pony with a red mane. His cutie mark was a sun shining as it came over some clouds, his wife Rose Pedal was a Pegasus with some flowers as her cutie mark. “What’s the pay?” I asked, trying to act professional. The Russian man looked to me “3000 for each… you do this and you will be a rich man Dmitry” he explain and I stood up and placed the pictures of the targets in my camouflaged combat jacket. “Here… I trust that you shall do job well so we pay you in advance… but if you screw us then we will have your balls strung above front door to show people what happens when they cross us” the Russian man threatened as he handed over a stack of fresh paper bills. “I wouldn’t think of it comrade” I replied, my own Russian accent was thick but a little less manly than his. I stuffed the payment into my jacket pocket and the body guards allowed me to leave. As I left the small building I pulled out the dossier as I walked over to my truck, which was an old Willis Jeep with an M2 .50 caliber mounted on the rear. I sat in the driver seat and my friend Ivan looked over to me. “How much?” he asked, his accent was Slovakian but could easily be misinterpreted as a Russian accent. I pulled out $3000 my coat and handed it to him. “Wow… American currency… this is some high class shit” he muttered as he counted his money. “Ivan we have to kill these two ponies… they’re supposed to be located in a place known as Stalliongrad… fuckers have no respect for mother Russia and simply ripped off name from our glorious homeland” I informed him and he nodded, too busy counting his cut of the job to care. I started the jeep and began to drive it to our destination, though the targets where technically in Stalliongrad they actually lived on the outskirts in a more secluded and isolated area. * * * I pulled the jeep up as close as I dared to get to the house where the intelligence forms claimed the targets to be. I pulled an SVD Dragunov out of its case and looked to my friend Ivan. “You stay, I go… cover my ass in case ponies come to rescue yeah” I told him and he mounted the M2 machinegun and nodded. I crept along through the tall grass and eventually came to a hill top that over looked the small house down below, almost 1000 meters away, just out my rifle’s effective range but I wouldn’t dare to try and get any closer. I laid down in the grass and deployed the bipod on the rifle and set my rifle up gently as I got ready to finish my job. The wind was blowing slightly but it wouldn’t affect my shot all that much, compensate maybe 3 inches to the right for wind compensation and my shot would be dead on. I began to look through the rifle’s mounted scope and dialed in the range, I could see through a window of the house. A yellow mare was making supper but it wasn’t right, she wasn’t a Pegasus she was an earth pony. I gasped to myself, had the intelligence been wrong I wondered but then I saw a red stallion and he fit his description except that he was a Pegasus, not an earth pony. “The Intel was wrong… but they are the ones” I muttered to myself. I slowed my breathing so that my heart was beating very slowly and my hands steadied so much that my rifle’s scope sights stopped wavering. I compensated for wind direction, three inches to the right and lined up a shot with Wildhorse. My mind seemed to blank out as I pulled the trigger, my rifle boomed in my hands. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. The 7.62x54mmR round ejected out of the barrel like thunder, the round flew through the air and smashed through the window and struck Wildhorse in the chest. I had never killed a living thing before, minus mosquitos and small insects. Time seemed to slow down as the round devastated his body and sent it tumbling backwards in the kitchen. I could see Rose Pedal frantically run to his body but as I went to line up a shot she left into another part of the house. “Shit” I cursed, Ivan turned to me. “What is wrong?” he asked, his face having worry on it. We had been friends since we were little children and when we heard that the military was paying top prices for mercenary work we joined. We had stolen a bunch of old military equipment from an old Russian armoury before we came to Equestria in search of mercenary work. “One of the targets is hiding in the house” I told him as I lifted my rifle up and set it in the back of the jeep. “What do we do?” he asked curiously as I hoped in the driver seat. I started the truck and looked to him “We finish the job” I told him as I raced the jeep towards the small house. I kept an eye on the house to make sure that no one left the building. As I pulled the jeep up in front of the house I looked to my friend Ivan. “Cover the front door… make sure no one leaves except me, make sure you confirm your target first before you shoot” I told him and he nodded. I pulled out an old Colt SAA revolver that my father had given me. He told me “Son, this is one of the finest revolvers ever made… keep it with you always” and to this very day I hold on to the revolver and keep it with me always. I went around to the back of the house and cocked the hammer on the revolver as I kicked down the back door and entered the home. My breathing was stuttering as I neared the body of Colonel Wildhorse. It was so different from the movies, the blood, the smell, the look on his face… it made me want to cry because I had taken his life just for money, I felt guilt in myself. I knelt down and closed his eyes which were open and looking into the ceiling lifelessly, blood had pooled around his body and the hole in his chest had bled profusely. I tried to breathe more steadily but couldn’t, my breathing became more erratic and stuttered heavily. I quickly remembered my mission but I didn’t know if I could kill another living thing, I had already killed today and was not sure if I could do it again. I readied my Colt .357 revolver and walked through the house slowly, making as little noise as I could. I heard weeping come from another room and I pressed my body up against the wall beside the door where the weeping was coming from. I steadied my breathing as best I could then spun out and kicked the door down. As I entered the room my revolver led the way, I spotted the yellow pony known as Rose Pedal cradling a baby foal that was wrapped in bed sheet and the foal was crying. Posey looked to me with tear filled eyes “Please… don’t kill our baby” she cried as she tried to cover the baby. I let my mind slip and with no emotion I lifted the revolver and pulled the trigger, a lone thunderous BOOM filled the house as Rose Pedal’s head was obliterated into a bloody mess, the foal was not harmed but the blankets that covered it were drenched in blood. I was shaking violently, not able to control myself as my emotions ran out of control and I began to weep. Though everyone on earth said that ponies were evil and needed to be exterminated I don’t know if I could ever kill again in all my days. The foal continued to cry as I lowered the revolver to my side and holstered the gun. As the foal continued to cry I felt a burning guilt rip through me and I couldn’t bear to just leave this foal after I had just shot its parents. I walked over to the foal that now laid on the ground in the blood soaked blankets. I began to cry as I picked up the foal and unraveled the blankets, a cute cyan foal face looked to me and stopped crying. It had beautiful cherry coloured eyes and a small mane of rainbow coloured hair. I fell to my knees and began to weep, the small Pegasus didn’t understand what was going on as I wept. The foal began to make infant noises and reached for me with her small hooves. “I am sorry little one… I cannot undue what I have done… this is like a nightmare… I am sorry little one… I’m so sorry” I cried and my tears dripped down onto the fur of the small Pegasus foal. The Pegasus reached up to me and continued to make baby noises but managed to say “Dada”. “No little one… I am not your daddy… I have” I began but suddenly the thunderous rattle of the M2 machinegun sounded outside along with the small rattling of small arms. I covered the body of the small foal and covered her ears and within a minute the massive machinegun stopped chugging ammunition and I could hear voices outside. I stood to my feet and cocked back the hammer on the revolver. “No more… no more will I live… I will leave this world and never return” I cried to myself. As I entered the kitchen I heard cries of pain come from my friend Ivan along with the laughter of several other voices. I peeked out of a kitchen window and saw my friend Ivan being brutally beaten by four large stallions dressed in military fatigues. “Yeah take that you stupid human” laughed one of the stallions as he beat my friend with a club. They brought him up to his knees as an older looking mare with green fur approached with a small pistol that was designed to be shot by ponies. She brought the pistol up to the back of my friend’s head and shot him mercilessly in the throat and the stallions all laughed as my friend Ivan began to gag in agony as blood spurted out of his throat. My rage and fury over took me and I lifted my Colt revolver and burst from the front door. The stallions looked to me but they were too late, I quickly lined up my first shot and held the revolver on a tilted slant and pulled the trigger. As the gun recoiled and the bullet slammed into the stallion’s chest I used the recoil of the gun to transfer my aim to the next stallion and quickly shot them all down in a quick sweep, all except the mare who rolled behind the jeep and shot blindly at me from behind the cover of the jeep. I quickly lept out of the way and cradled the baby foal. The mare lept from cover and I took a quick shot that slammed into her hip, the .357 magnum round shattered her hip bone and she was knocked to the ground. Her pistol slid from her grasp and tumbled along the ground. I walked slowly over to the mare as she tried to pull herself towards her pistol. I kneeled down and rolled her over then brought my knee down on her chest. “You bastard ah’ll have yah know that yer messin with the one and only Sergeant Smith” she hissed and I brought the revolver up to her head. I knew that I had no more bullets left in the gun but it was simply for the fear factor of it. I presented her the foal, “What are you doing… answer me you filthy ape” Smith scowled and I holstered my revolver and pulled out a wad of cash. “I am not the father… I killed her parents… please send her to school and give her a better life” I told Smith and her angered face calmed down a little bit. “You… you filthy…” she began but I looked to her with desperate eyes. “Please… I do not think that raising this foal would be the greatest of ideas… please will you make sure she lives a good life” I pleaded and she grumbled to herself. “Fine… I’ll send her to flight school where she’ll be well looked after but I must warn you… she’ll probably hunt you down one day” Smith warned and I nodded and handed her the foal as I got up and dragged one of the stallions over who had a long rang radio strapped to his back. “Call in a rescue, and for the record I died” I told her and she grunted to herself in pain. “Well where’s your body?” Smith asked and I walked over and pulled an old Russian RGD-5 fragmentation grenade and tossed it into the house. The grenade exploded as I pulled out a Molotov cocktail and lit the rag and tossed that to into the house. Within minutes the house was burning to the ground and I looked to Smith and nodded, she gave me an angered look as I hopped into the jeep and drove away, crying to myself and contemplating suicide because of my horrible actions. I had just killed multiple living beings and for what? A job? Payment?. > Years later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That was 20 years ago. After Equestria won the war humans retreated back to earth but Equestria was no longer interested in humanity and showed no interest in following them back to earth. The humans who stayed in Equestria were either killed or made into slaves to serve the ponies of Equestria but when a slave refused to work or became unable to work they were killed. Only a few humans staged a resistance act and they were called the Last Beacon of Humanity or LBH for short. I became a drifter, no longer interested in living life and I moved to the high mountains of Equestria and drank homemade vodka to drown my sorrows. Few ponies pursued the life of bounty hunting un-slaved humans, referred to as ‘wild-men’. On a few occasions I had to kill bounty hunters who came looking for wild-men in the mountains but a few years after the war few ponies would venture into the mountains just to look for Wild-men. * * * Okay just a heads up I’m going to switch perspectives right now to Rainbow Dash and I just thought I’d tell you so you didn’t get confused. “Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about” I boasted, Hoops was foolish enough to believe he could beat me in a race and once again I left him in the dust. “Aww man, I can’t believe I was just beaten by a mare” Hoops complained and I walked up to him and lifted his chin up as I gave him a wink. “Don’t worry… I think the snails are looking for some-pony to race” I laughed then zipped away, leaving him in a puff of dust. As I flew through the air I looked down to the ponies in the meadow fields below. Fillies and colts played with their parents, playing ball or having picnics. A tear rolled down my face as I remembered my childhood, I had never had any parents and was simply told that I was dropped off with a large wad of cash and the flight school had orders to raise me. On several occasions I asked the principal of flight school what happened to my parents but they always told me I would have to wait until I was older to understand. Finally ate the age of 15 years old the principal told me that an elderly mare named Granny Smith knew what had happened to my parents so I dropped out of school and went looking for this ‘Granny Smith’ and finally found her at a place called Sweet Apple acres but every time I try to talk to her about my parents she either pretended like she couldn’t understand me or simply changes the subject. I held back my tears and raced towards Sweet Apple acres. Due to my unmatchable speed I arrived at Sweet Apple acres quickly and landed in front of the barn. The apple family’s human, Javier, was working furiously, pitch forking hay. “Hey Jay, go get Applejack for me” I ordered him and he looked up to me fearfully and nodded then quickly raced inside, humans were weird and very skittish when ponies ordered them to do something. Soon my good friend AJ came out and Javier raced back and started pitch forking hay again. “See yah later Jay” I called out with a smile but he simply flinched as we walked by him. “So tell me Dash, what brings yah tah the farm today?” Applejack asked me and I shrugged “Actually I was wondering if I could talk to Granny Smith today” I replied and Applejack nodded. “Well of course yah can, come on inside she’s bakin a batch a apple fritters” she told me and led me into the house. “Now be careful Applebloom, them fritters is hot” said the old mare known as Granny Smith. As Applejack and I entered the kitchen Granny Smith looked to us, “Well howdy there Rainbow Dash… what brings yah tah the farm today” she asked in her elderly southern accent. “Well actually I was wondering if I could ask you something” I replied and she got up from her seat and trotted over to us rather slowly, her hip creaking all the while. “Well sure dearie, come on in tah the livin an make yourself at home” Granny Smith replied and led me into the living room while Applejack and Applebloom prepared the apple fritters. As I sat down across from Granny Smith she looked to me contently. “So dearie… what can ol Granny Smith do fer yah today?” Granny Smith asked. I took a deep sigh “Well I was wondering if you could tell me about my parents?” I asked, “Yer parents… why ah have no idea about what happened tah yer parents” Granny Smith lied. “I didn’t say something happened to them, I asked if you could tell me about them?” I asked again. Granny Smith let out a depressed sigh “Alight dear… ah guess it would be appropriate fer yah tah know what really happened tah yer parents” Granny Smith began. “The year was 1992, twenty years ago. Your parents were the famous Colonel Wildhorse and military advisor Rose Pedal, they were very respected among the Equestrian military and very hated among the humans” Granny Smith told me, “Wait… why did the humans hate them?” I asked. “Well dearie a long time ago humans and Equestria had a very bad war and many ponies were hated by the humans for being famous war heroes, like yer father and mother” Granny Smith informed me. ‘Wow I never read about the war between Equestria and humans… maybe I should have paid more attention in history class’ I thought to myself as Granny Smith continued her story. “So back in ’92 yer father took leave with yer mother and they both went out of town tah yer father’s house on the outskirts a Stalliongrad. So anyways this hotshot comes racing down on yer pa and mother and shoots them both dead but you were just a baby so you probably don’t remember and before he killed yah ah grabbed yah up and tossed a grenade into the building and he was killed in the blast” Granny Smith told me. “Wow really?” I asked and she nodded but then lost track of her story. “Heck yes, why just before ah shot him dead he blasted me in the hip an that’s why ah walk so slow” she told me. “Wait… hold on, I thought you said he was killed by a grenade blast?” I asked suspiciously. Granny Smith’s eyes quickly looked back and forth as she tried to make up a story “Well yes… uhm ah meant tah say…” she stuttered. “Granny… just tell me what really happened” I told her and she let out another depressive sigh. “Okay… but yah can’t tell no-pony bout this err we’ll both be in deep trouble… the man who killed yer parents really did shoot them both dead but fer some reason he felt pity fer yah and after he slaughtered all the stallions under my command he shot me in the hip then gave me a wad of cash and told me tah give yah a good life because he didn’t have what it took tah be a father, especially of a child whose parents he’d killed. He then burned down the house and told me tah tell the officials that he was killed in the fire… so that’s it” she told me and I was taken back by the information. “What happened to my parent’s murderer?” I managed to ask through sniffles of sadness. “Don’t rightly know tah tell yah the truth, he wasn’t tagged during the human’s retreat out of Equestria and he was never enslaved. But ah heard rumors back in the day that any bounty hunters that go looking fer wild-men up in the mountains never come back” she informed me. “You think that he’s there?” I asked and she shrugged “It could just be an old dragon tail but then again maybe yer parent’s killer is really up in the mountains… wanted tah go myself but never got enough soldiers tah go lookin so ah never went” she told me. Rage and fury built up inside me as I thought to myself ‘Ha well I have enough courage to do it myself and I will avenge my parents’. > The journey begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Rainbow Dash, that’s absolutely absurd… yah can’t really be askin me tah join you on a wild-man hunt, ah mean yah don’t even know if he’s up there” Applejack told me as she pulled a wagon of apples behind her. “Come on AJ, I need this and I need your help to do it” I begged but she shook her head as she came to a stop in front of the barn. “Javier, come unload these apples” Applejack called out and the human known as Javier rushed out of the barn and began to grab baskets of apples and unload them off the wagon. “Please AJ… PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE PLLLLLLEEEEEEEASSSE” I begged but Applejack simply sighed. “Ah can’t Dash, yah know as well as ah do that with cider season comin up ah can’t afford tah be runnin around with yah lookin fer some guy that yah don’t even know is alive” Applejack replied and I dropped my head down in disappointment then shot off, figuring maybe Twilight would help me. * * * I sat on a bench in the streets of Ponyville and sighed to myself, Twilight was too busy doing studies that Celestia had tasked her with, Rarity was too ladylike to go hunting, Pinkie Pie would’ve gone but she had to work then watch over the cake twins tonight and Fluttershy… well Fluttershy would never even think about hunting down a living creature even if her life depended on it so I didn’t even ask her. I sighed to myself the hoped off the bench. ‘If none of my friends have the time then I’d just have to do it myself’ I thought as I zipped up into the clouds and flew towards the mountains in hopes of finding my parent’s murderer. I reached the bottom of the mountain and wondered, ‘Now does he live at the top of the mountain or somewhere along the bottom?’ I thought to myself then decided probably the bottom because the top of the mountain was cold and humans had now fur to keep them warm. So I began to trot sneakily through the forest below the mountain then realized that I had rushed myself and completely forgotten to bring a weapon, but how hard could it be to kill a human, like really Javier may be taller than me when I’m on all fours but he’s scrawny so other humans have to be scrawny to right? I shrugged and looked around for a big stick that I could use to beat my parent’s killer to death with and snapped a large branch off a tree and held it with my wing, when the time came I’d just hop to my hindlegs, hold the branch with my front hooves and avenge my parents, easy. As I snuck through the forest I became rather irritated with how long it took me to sneak so I just started trotting through the forest regularly while I looked for the human but then I realized another thing. “How the hell will I know what he looks like?” I asked myself outloud, realizing that I had no way of knowing what he looked like, ‘for all I know Javier could be my parent’s killer and Granny Smith simply wasn’t telling me so she wouldn’t have to buy a new human if I killed Javier but Granny Smith would’ve killed Javier herself because he shot her right?’ I thought to myself as I continued trotting through the forest. “Ohh this is taking too long” I complained to myself as I continued my search. As I continued to trot along in the forest I heard voices and I stopped. “I’m telling you John, this shit is going to blow away the Equestrian military” said one of the voices and I laid down and began to crawl towards the voices. “No way man, even if we had all this shit, we still wouldn’t be able to get enough guys to take on the horses. You know that” the other voice said, who I presumed to be John. As I crept up closer I finally saw them, there was three of them. One was black with a short mane… or whatever the hell humans called it, the other two were white but one was a darker shade of white and had more of a tan on his skin and both of them had longer human mane’s. “I don’t care, I just sell the guns you know that” said the black one. ‘Guns… what were… oh yeah I remember one of my teachers telling me something about humans and guns and how they were bad’ I thought to myself and as I went to crawl closer my body weight crushed a twig and the trio stopped and began to looked around. “You hear something?” asked the tanned human, “You better not have been followed” said the black one. “No way man… you aren’t a spy are you” said the white one and he pulled out some small handheld thing and pointed it at the black one. “Hey chill the fuck out man… I ain’t no pony fucker” said the black one but the white one kept his object aimed at the black one. I gripped the large stick in my front hooves and got up and charged down at them, they looked at me but were way to slow. I cracked the stick against the tanned human’s head and he was knocked out but as I went to crack the stick against the other humans, the white guy pointed his thing at me and I saw it flash come from the end of the handheld thing as a thunderous BANG rang out and I felt something rip through my shoulder and I staggered back as blood began to bleed out of a jagged hole in my shoulder. BANG BANG, his object thing shot again and two more pains shot through my body as two objects ripped through my upper left chest and my lower stomach area. I staggered back and collapsed against the tree and another BANG rang out but this time the tree beside me was chipped and splinters of wood shot into my face as the projectiles coming from his shooty thing put a hole in the tree beside my head. I lept to my hooves and staggered a bit but then took off. But as I flew through the air another BANG rang out and I felt a projectile rip through my wing and I spiraled down to the ground and landed with a soft THUMP. I grunted to myself in pain as blood began to stain my fur, I tried to move my wing but it felt as if something was lodged in my bone wing and it hurt too much to move it. I heard the yelling of several voices, more than what could be made by the trio. I steadied myself then tried as hard as I could to gallop away, though I was fast the pain from my wounds slowed me down considerably. I was galloping when suddenly I heard a horrifying buzzing sound that was awfully loud. Suddenly it seemed as if the trees around me began to explode and wood splinters shot out in all direction as the trees began to get chopped away by projectiles. I tried to run further but suddenly a larger projectile ripped through my hindleg and I tumbled to the ground as the buzzing continued. I heard voices as the buzzing stopped, “Get that MG42 up front and kill that Pegasus before she gets away” screamed a voice. ‘An MG42? What the hell was an MG42?’ I thought to myself as I staggered up and began to limp away, blood now oozed from my hindleg and I couldn’t put weight on it or the pain would force me to fall to the ground. As I continued to limp away I heard a voice yell “Over there” and again the buzzing started as I tried to take cover behind a tree but one of the projectiles tore through the tree and ripped through my already wounded shoulder and I was knocked to the ground from the force. I screamed in pain and tried to crawl away and as the buzzing stopped I staggered to my hooves and began to limp away but a lone BANG, rang out and nicked my flank and I fell to the ground in pain again. As I looked to the sky and to the setting sun I felt as if I was dying, well I probably was due to all the blood loss. ‘I’m sorry mom… dad, I tried… I really did but I wasn’t expecting this’ I thought, praying that my parents could hear me in the afterlife. As my vision began to blur and fade I saw a couple of humans surround my body and point long objects at my face. “No… I want to kill this one myself” I heard another voice say and a large looking man with scruffy facial hair stepped forward and brought out some big looking hand object and pointed it at my face. “Goodnight little Pegasus” he sneered and I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over. > Rescued > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I laid on the ground and waited for it to be over I heard an absolutely terrifying rattling sound and opened my eyes, in the blur and faze that clouded my view I saw the humans above me start to twist and turn as blood spurted out from wounds as projectiles ripped through their bodies. Several of the humans fell instantly but others tried to stand their ground, only to be pummeled by incoming projectiles that further shredded their bodies. The one who had pointed his hand thing at me tried to bring his object up but a barrage of projectiles riddled his body and he fell to the ground. Suddenly another human entered my view and he crouched beside me as he held a large shooty thing that he had to hold in both hands. “Looks like I arrive just in time” said the human with a thick accent, whatever it was it was kind of funny. He slung the big shooty thing around his back then lifted me up and put one of my forelegs around his neck as he began to carry my body away. Other shots rang out in the forest and I could hear the projectiles whiz past us. My vision kept blurring as we moved along through the forest when suddenly another human burst out from behind a tree and swung a machete at my saviour. He stepped our bodies back and drew out a shiny handheld thing and cocked back a hammer to the rear of the object then the object let out a thunderous BOOM and the other human’s head seemed to disappear in a mist of blood. He continued to carry me along as several other humans chased us from behind and he turned our bodies and in quick succession shot off five more projectiles, each with their own BOOM signaling their departure towards another human. “Don’t worry little one… I won’t let you die here… not now… not like this” whispered the voice and he continued to carry me along but suddenly another human burst out from a thicket of bushes and tackled us. As my rescuer was tackled to the ground he dropped my body and my vision blurred severely and I could barely see but I was able to depict the two humans fighting. One began to dominate over the other and I just hoped that the one winning was my saviour or I’d be doomed. Suddenly one drove a knife into the other’s skull then came over to me. “Stay with me… you can’t die here… not here, not now” said the voice of my rescuer as he picked me up and began to carry me again. I passed out from the pain and fell into unconsciousness but even in my unconsciousness I could hear my rescuer’s voice as he muttered things to me. “You will survive… your parents were legendary warriors… you are a legendary warrior” I heard him mutter but I phased out again. “Dammit… this is really bad… hey stay with me” the voice said again but I phased out again. “There… I will see you again soon… I know that, if you ever find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have done, please tell me before you kill me” the voice said and I phased out again. ‘Kill him? For what, he saved my life so why would I want to kill him?’ I wondered in my state of unconsciousness, as time rolled by I found myself wondering other things such as who was that human and how did he know I needed to be saved. * * * I awoke in a hospital bed in the Ponyville hospital and began to look around but flinched in pain as I realized that my wounds still weren’t healed. “Damn… that sure was something else” I muttered to myself. “Ah yes, Ms. Dash it’s so good to see you’re finally awake” said the familiar voice of nurse Redheart. I looked over to Redheart with a weak smile, “What… how am I here?” I asked and Redheart shrugged. “No-pony really knows, there was a knock on the front door and when we came to the front door there you were. Some-pony had patched you up before bringing you to us but didn’t stick around to chat” she informed me. “So how long do I gotta stay?” I asked and Redheart thought to herself. “Not long actually, gunshot wounds heal up rather fast… though your wing may take up to a few weeks to heal” she informed me and I looked to my bandaged wing. “What the hell happened to me… it was like thunder was going off then bang, things started to rip through my body” I told her and she chuckled. “Perhaps you should’ve paid more attention in history class Dash, you might’ve learned a thing or two about humans and their guns” she began. “Guns?” I asked and she nodded “Yes guns, humans and their guns… they’re very dangerous and you’re lucky you aren’t dead. You see humans use guns as a sort of weapon and only unicorns can use guns very effectively, though a few Pegasus and unicorns have been able to utilize customized guns” she told me and I let out a deep exhale. So some human had come to my rescue then left me at the front of the hospital. I concluded at that point that perhaps I could be friends with this human and he could be like my own human, the same way Applejack owns Javier and maybe this human that saved me could help me hunt down my parent’s killer. * * * Alright just so you all know I’m hoping back to Dmitry now oky doky. I sat on my rocking chair on the front porch of my small house by the bottom of the mountain and smoked a cigarette. I had never wanted to start smoking but after I killed Wildhorse and Rose Pedal I just let myself go. I took a deep drag of the cigarette as I heard a small car drive through the forest towards my small house that was secluded in the wilderness. As the car approached I readied my double barreled shotgun, waiting to see if it was a friend or a foe then I realized I had no friends and kept my shotgun ready. “Please Dmitry, lower the gun… we mean you no harm” said one of the men as they exited the car. I lowered the shotgun but only slightly as I let them approach. “What do you want?” I asked the two men as they walked forward to my porch. The man in the nice suit stopped and looked to me then asked “Dmitry… how would you like to get paid: bits or dollars?” > Stopping a train > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you insane? I’m not doing that, it’s stupid” I yelled but the man in the suit sitting across from me simply laughed. “Please Dmitry, think about what you’re saying. If you destroyed this train then it would cripple the Equestrian military’s ability to transport troops quickly” the man in the suit replied casually. “No deal, I’ve seen that train before and it doesn’t transport military troops. It transports regular everyday ponies” I argued and he simply sighed. “Dmitry, do you really believe that any pony is actually innocent. They’re just animals… animals for Christ’s sake, don’t feel pity for them” the suit man replied. I let out an irritated exhale, “I’m not doing it so if you would please just leave me alone. I am a free man now” I told him but he refused to listen. “Dmitry, think about this. You could be the one who changes Equestria for the better” the suit man told me but my face soon went into an angered frown. “You think that humans ruling Equestria would be a good thing? I highly doubt that” I replied. “You horse fucker” said the other man as he drew out an M9 pistol and aimed it at my head. “Go ahead… do it, but you have to turn the safety off before you can shoot that thing” I told him and he sneered but soon his face turned into one of curiosity and he turned the gun sideways to inspect the safety. In a flash of motion I drew my Colt single action, cocked the hammer back and pulled the trigger. The house echoed the gunshot and my ears rang as the bullet boomed out of the barrel and smashed the man’s pistol apart in his hand. The force of the bullet took the remainder of the gun and knocked it out of his hand and the pieces fell to the ground. “You are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel to find these rookies aren’t you?” I asked the suit man and he sighed. “That’s why I came to see you. We have no professional killers and need some really good soldiers like you” the suit man replied but I stood up and pointed to the door. “Get out” I told him and the man rose from his chair and tipped his fedora hat. “It’s been an honour Mr. Dmitry, perhaps we shall see each other soon… oh and keep an eye on the railroad because in about one hour there will be a spectacular event” the suit man informed me as he turned to leave. “Wait… what do you mean spectacular?” I asked and he stopped and turned his head so he could look at me. “Well, you weren’t our first choice and certainly weren’t our last. We have a group of men setting up pressure plated explosives on the railroad tracks, part of a LBH sabotage you see” he informed me then turned and both he and the other man left my home. As I heard the car leave I chuckled to myself, they wouldn’t really blow up a train full of pony civilians… would they? My stomach twisted and I got a terrible feeling in my gut as I rushed outside to look at the railroad but it was too far away to depict anything. I cursed to myself and ran back inside to look for something to help me see the railroad easier. I looked around my house and sifted through empty vodka bottles until finally I found a box with a very powerful spotting scope that had a 15x magnification zoom range. I grabbed the spotting scope and raced back outside and looked down at the railroad. I saw the railroad tracks but I couldn’t see anyone sabotaging the rail tracks. I sighed in relief, “Those LBH guys must have just been bluffing” I told myself but as I continued to scan along the railroad tracks I spotted about seven men doing something to the tracks. My stomach felt as if it sank, I dropped the spotting scope and without even thinking I rushed over to the small shack beside my house. I barged through the side door and opened the front sliding door to allow the jeep to leave the shack. It was the same jeep from all those years ago from when I had killed Wildhorse and Rose Pedal. I have never driven it since the day I parked it here. I hoped in the driver seat and started the jeep, they had really been built to last and it only took me two tries before the jeep started. The jeep puttered to life and I looked in the back of the jeep, all of my assault weaponry and gear from the days when I was a mercenary were still in the back of the jeep. I had never bothered to throw it away, I never even wanted to touch it. The only reason I kept my revolver was because it was given to me by my father and the shotgun was for self defence against wild animals. I slapped the jeep into drive and sped along as fast as the jeep would take me towards the railroad. “This can’t be happening… not again” I muttered to myself sadly as I continued to speed through the forest. I looked back to the rifles and reached back and grabbed an AK47 from the pile of guns. I had always told Ivan “Russian weapons are the most reliable and versatile weapons ever created, no weapon is more reliable than the AK47” and it was true, though the barrel’s exterior had been weathered severely over time the gun would probably work with little to no problems. I drove the jeep out of the forest and onto a dirt road and sped along the bumpy dirt road. As I drove along the road I placed the butt stock of the rifle against my leg and cocked back the charging bolt and loaded a fresh round into the chamber, the gun’s pull back was a little stiff but it worked without much resistance. I held the gun’s grip with my right hand and rested the barrel on my left arm which was steering the truck. I squeezed the trigger briefly and let off a quick burst. The gun rattled and fired off four rounds without any sort of malfunction. I nodded to myself and set the gun across the passenger seat, without any doubt by the end of the day I will have killed again and I had sworn to myself all those years ago that I would never kill again but this was different somehow. These men, these mercenaries, they were going to kill many innocent ponies. Though many humans hate ponies I could not allow these heartless men to kill stallions, mares and foals who were all just taking a simple train ride. A tear rolled down my cheek as I approached the railroad tracks, in the very far distance I could see the black smoke stack off the train engine and I knew I would only have a few minutes to stop these men before the train was destroyed. I cursed to myself and turned the jeep and drove alongside the edge of the railroad tracks. “Come on… COME ON!” I yelled as if my yelling would make the jeep go any faster. As I neared the group of men that were sabotaging the tracks they looked to me. Several of them stood up and waved, knowing that a pony would not drive such a vehicle. I stopped the jeep withing 20 yards of them and turned the jeep off, one of the men called out to me. “Hey man, nice of you to show up to give us a ride” he called out but as he called out to me I lept out of the driver seat and into the back of the jeep and mounted the M2 Browning machinegun. Several of the men just froze in fear as I swung the massive machinegun towards them. “OH SHIT!” yelled one of the men as I pressed the trigger and began to fire the devastating machinegun. .50 caliber slugs burst out of the gun in full automatic fire and the men that had sabotaged the railroad tracks were simply ripped apart. Once a .50 caliber round stuck their body they would simply tumble backwards, their bodies were turned into a crimson of destroyed body parts. Within seconds the madness was over, their bodies lay on the ground, eviscerated by the fearsome .50 caliber round. I hoped off the jeep and grabbed my AK47 as I walked up towards the sabotaged railroad. As I inspected the explosives I heard the train come around the bend in the tracks, I had less than two minutes but I hadn’t the slightest of clues about how to disarm explosives so I ran forward and tried to scream for the train to stop. “STOP, STOP” I scream but I knew that no matter how loud I yelled they wouldn’t hear my screams. I looked to the men and quickly knelt down beside them and began to search their bodies in hopes of finding anything that could help me stop the train. “Please… PLEASE” I prayed, hopping that someone, somewhere would answer my prayers. As I searched through one of the men’s pant pockets I found a syringe and it was labeled ‘Unicorn Serum’. I remembered hearing about serums back in the war, apparently humans found a way to enchant people with unicorn and Pegasi abilities though the serums were said to be rather unstable and if too much serum was taken the person using it would overdose. I had never used a serum before but I knew that this was my only chance to stop the train and that someone or something, somewhere had heard my prayers and answered them. I stuck the needle into my wrist and squeezed the plunger and injected myself with the liquid serum. As I pulled the needle back out of my wrist my body seemed to tense up, my muscles flexed and veins began to protrude from my muscles. Hopefully I hadn’t given myself an overdose. I staggered to my feet and walked over to the railroad tracks then realized that I had no idea how to cast a spell or what kind of spell to cast. “Uhm… train stop” I said uneasily but the train kept coming forward at full speed. “Uhm… train stop now” I said again but the train continued on and its steam engine whistle blew loudly. “Stop… please?” I asked but it kept coming forward and was less than seventy yards away. I rushed forward along the track and stood on the tracks but made sure I was far enough forward that I wouldn’t set off the explosives. “STOP!” I yelled then brought my hands forward like I would simply stop the train with my bare hands. Suddenly a magical blue aurora surrounded my hands and I felt something tingly course through my hands. I focused as hard as I could on the train “STOP” I yelled again and the train conductor must have heard me because a stallion stuck his head out of the train and looked at me then went back inside the train and the train’s rail wheels screeched along the tracks as the train conductor furiously tried to stop the train but I knew that it wouldn’t stop in time. I focused on the train engine and imagined it stopping, the train engine was encased by a blue aurora and the train started to halt at an accelerated pace but even still the train was going to slam right past me and into the explosives. “NOOO” I yelled and tried to focus harder than soon realized the only way to stop the train was to change where it was going so I used all my strength that I mentally had and focused my magic on the train engine and levitated it off the tracks and derailed it into the dirt, though the train crashed I doubt it was as bad as what would have happened if the train had hit the explosives. I released my magic hold on the train engine and nearly collapsed from the physical exertion, who would have known that using magic was so physically exerting. The train conductor looked out the side of the train engine and gasped, not really knowing what to take of the scene. I looked around me to realize that there I was standing on a railroad track near a bunch of dead people whose bodies were eviscerated into a gory mess and I had just technically derailed a train but for good reason. I quickly turned and raced for my jeep, not wanting to be around when the authorities arrived. * * * Trixie’s point of view: Finally I had been granted a big case, something worth looking into. After my failed magic act career and being showed up by Twilight for a second time I had never really been given the chance for something big but when General Hammerhead himself called me and put me on the case for a derailed train I thought ‘Great another derailed train, this will be fun’ but when I arrived it turned out to be so much more. After first arriving it looked like some train had been derailed but then I spotted the bloody mess of some bodies that had been covered up so that young foals didn’t see the death and crimson. After close inspection I soon found that the railroad had been sabotaged but for some reason the train had been derailed before it could hit the explosives. All the ponies in the train were lucky, the explosives would have probably killed them all. “So explain to me again… what happened?” I asked the train conductor, whose head was wrapped because he had hit his head pretty hard when the train was derailed. “It was the strangest thing… I was just driving when I heard a faint voice yell stop so I looked out and there was this human. So I tried to pull the train to a stop but suddenly he just stuck his hands out and the entire train engine was caught in some magical aurora… like a unicorn spell. Then the train was pulled off the tracks and derailed but it was strange because he ran away and left and I thought he was one of them LBH fella’s but it turns out that he actually derailed the train so we didn’t hit the explosives on the tracks… it’s the weirdest thing” the train conductor explained. I stood up and looked around, this was big and I could get commended if I cracked this case. “I need to use a phone” I told the conductor and he pointed down towards the town of Ponyville. I knew just the pony that could help me, my old unicorn rival Twilight. > Government agent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I knocked on the door and waited for a moment then the small purple dragon known as Spike opened the door to greet me. I levitated out my wallet and showed him my badge “Special agent Trixie, I work for the government. Can I please use your telephone?” I asked, trying to act really sophisticated because I was no longer The Great and Powerful Trixie, I was Special agent Trixie. “Twilight” Spike called in an uneasy voice and soon my old unicorn rival came to the door. “Oh hey Trixie, the library is closed right now but if you” she began but I stepped into the library anyway. “I need to use your phone” I told her, naturally most ponies never had phones but recently Equestria had invested in them because they looked to be promising. “Well sure, it’s in the kitchen. Spike and I will be upstairs if you need us” Twilight informed me and the two went upstairs. I led myself into the kitchen and spotted the phone beside a bread box and levitated the phone piece and brought it up to my ear as I dialed the number for Hammerhead’s office but as I looked to the stove clock I realized it was 9:57pm and he’d probably be at home. I hung up the phone the picked it up and dialed his home phone number and the phone begun to ring. I waited for a few seconds then Hammerhead answered his phone. “Hello?” he asked in a somewhat gruffly voice. “Sir it’s me, I think I’m onto something big” I told him over the phone. “You called me at home for this Trixie?” he asked in an irritated voice and I nodded but then remembered he couldn’t see me over the phone. “Listen, there’s something big going on, found some LBH guys and they were dead but a train conductor said that some other guy used a form of magic to derail the train so that they wouldn’t hit some explosives” I told him and he chuckled, I could hear his TV playing in the background, he was watching some old cow-pony and buffalo movie again. “Sir, this big” I told him but he simply laughed over the phone. “So we got some human that was with his unicorn owner and they stopped the train before it hit some explosives” he said casually, “No sir, no owner. This man was wild” I told him with a sort of fake worry in my voice to try and convince him that this was big. “So you’re telling me that this train conductor saw some guy just stop a train and derail it?” he asked with a chuckle, “No, he used a form of levitation magic… sir I think that he’s the one we’ve been looking for” I replied as I bit my hoof in franticness and waited for him to reply. “Ha that old dragon tale… Trixie you seriously need to get out more” he laughed and I sighed, I was trying to get him to see things my way but apparently he saw things differently. “Sir… this is big, if that man stays wild than who knows what he could do” I told him but he simply chuckled, I knew that he wasn’t paying attention and was probably just watching his TV movie. “Yes Trixie… I’m sure it’ll all end badly and horribly” he replied carelessly. “Sir this can’t be taken lightly, I know that you’re thinking it isn’t that bad but he can do some serious damage” I warned him and he yawned. “Sir… he could be really bad, I mean he derailed a train for Celestia’s sake” I told him. “Yes Trixie, he derailed a train that was headed straight for some explosives that would’ve killed every-pony aboard the train” he replied casually. “Well what’re you going to do?” I asked and he chuckled. “Well right this minute I’m going to watch my TV show and listen to you rant about something that doesn’t really matter” he replied and I scowled to myself. Was he really going to shrug this off like nothing was wrong? “Sir… I got a feeling about this one” I began but he cut me off “Trixie if you can get me some evidence say… an eye witness of this guy I might send down a professional, HELL GET ME A PHOTGRAPH OF THIS GUY DOING MAGIC AND I CAN PROBABLY GET AN ENTIRE COMPANY OF SOLDIERS DOWN THERE, but you say you’ve got a feeling” he laughed. I scrunched my nose in anger “Fine you want evidence, I’ll get you evidence and when I do I’m gonna want a promotion” I scowled, “That’s nice” he said casually, not really caring. “And on top of that I’m gonna want a memo, AND AN INTERIEW WITH CELESTIA AND…” he hung up the phone and the phone started to hum, signalling that the line was hung up. I let out a depressed sigh and hung up the phone. I looked down to the floor in self disappointment then I heard a small clack sound and looked over to the phone to see that it had fallen off the hooks that held it up. I reached over and set it gently back on the hooks but it fell off again almost instantly. I sighed and tried to hang up the phone but once again it fell off the hook. I levitated the phone up and placed it on the hook but as soon as I released it from my magic it fell back down, like it was mocking me. In my anger and frustration I grabbed the phone and began to slam it on the hook multiple times. “WHAT’RE YAH DOING, GET ON THE HOOK ARRRRRRG” I screamed in anger and I finally cooled down and hung up the phone but as I did I realized I was hanging it upside down. I flipped the phone the right way and hung it up and let out a deep exhale. As I turned to leave I saw Twilight in the kitchen looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I pointed to her with my hoof and winked “Thanks for letting me use your phone” I replied casually and began to trot towards the entrance of the library. “Well see you around Trixie” Twilight said as I opened the door to leave. “See you later Twi, later Spick” I said, on purposely screwing up his name. “It’s Spike” he replied back in an agitated voice. As I began to trot away from the library I muttered to myself “Spike, who the hell name’s a dragon Spike, I’d name him Blastfire or something”. * * * Dmitry: I had parked the jeep in the garage and was curious about what else I could do with my new found powers. I focused my thoughts on the jeep and tried to levitate it up like I had the train but couldn’t, my hands didn’t even illuminate with a magical aurora. I cursed to myself as I focused furiously hard but couldn’t seem to generate any sort of magic. “Maybe it was a one-time thing” I thought to myself as I began to walk towards the house. Suddenly I heard a snarl from behind me and as I spun around I was met by the sight of a ghastly timber wolf as it approached me with hunger in its eyes. “No doggy, bad doggy, I’m not your supper” I yelled but the timber wolf lept on me and tackled me to the ground and began to snap at me with its fangs. I turned my head side to side in an attempt to dodge the wolf’s bites. The wolf kept trying to bite at my face then finally decided it would be too hard to grab my face so it bit lower and bit down on my right arm with its teeth. I screamed out in pain and punched the timber wolf in the head but it didn’t even faze the wolf as it held onto my arm. “GAHHHHH” I screamed out in horrid pain and due to all the pain that was coursing through me, my left fist unclenched. I still managed to slam my palm into its head but it wasn’t effective at all. Suddenly my palm illuminated in a blue aurora and a beam of energy shot into the wolf and it exploded into forest pieces: branches, twigs etc. I staggered back to my feet because I knew that it was only a matter of time before it regenerated but as I waited for the timber wolf to regenerate it didn’t. The timber wolf pieces just laid there on the ground. I took a quick glance at my arm and knew I’d have to disinfect it before I wrapped it up but that wasn’t the first thing on my mind. I had just permanently killed a timber wolf with some sort of advanced magic blast, I thought that timber wolf couldn’t be killed unless they were burned but even then their soul just takes the form of some more forest pieces and comes back but this soul never left the body… it just died. > The search begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash: “I’m telling you Applejack, this guy was absolutely awesome” I told Applejack and she nodded as she pulled the wagon along towards the barn. “Mmhmm, ah’m sure he was spectacular” Applejack replied but she did so with a plain voice that made it sound as if she didn’t really believe me. “You don’t believe me do you?” I asked and she looked to me and shook her head “Not really, no… sorry Dash but yah do have a tendency tah over exaggerate things” Applejack replied. “Okay so than how do you explain all my wounds when I was brought to the hospital?” I argued and she sighed “Well ah don’t doubt that yah were saved by a human ah just think it probably wasn’t a wild one, he probably had an owner” Applejack replied as she pulled the wagon up beside the barn. “Javier, come unload this wagon” Applejack called out and the small Mexican human rushed out and began to unload the wood. “Listen AJ, this guy lives near the mountains I just know it. Wanna tag along? We could go ask him if he knows where my parent’s murderer is” I suggested but Applejack shook her head. “Sorry RD but ah have tah” she began but suddenly a scream of pain filled the air. We both turned to see that Javier had fallen off the back of the wagon and his leg was twisted the wrong way. We both rushed over to his side. “Oh Ms. Applejack, I fear I may have broken my leg… please don’t be angry” he pleaded but Applejack gave him a look of comfort. “Don’t worry sugarcube, yah’ll be fine” she said, soothing his worry. “Sorry RD, but ah have some chores tah do before ah can go around gallivantin with yah” Applejack replied and I sighed to myself and took off, once again every-pony would probably say ‘Sorry Rainbow Dash but I have something to do’. I thought to myself about how I could find this guy, it was getting very late and maybe I should just try in the early morning. With that thought in mind I flew up and landed on my favourite cloud. As I laid down on my cloud and curled up I wondered what my human friend would be like, we could go play pranks on ponies, he could teach me cool things about human stuff, he could help me out with things and carry my stuff. I cuddled up in the cloud thinking about how great it would be to have my own human, my thoughts were finally drifting away from getting revenge on my parent’s killer. * * * Usually I’d sleep in but today I wanted to get a head start on finding my human friend so as soon as I felt the sun’s warmth on my body I woke myself up, I quickly flew into Ponyville and bought a camera to take pictures of me and my human friend then quickly started to fly towards the mountains where I was sure my human friend lived. As I flew towards the mountains I thought to myself how I should greet him then realized I’d first have to find him first but I still had no idea where he lived exactly. “How am I even going to find this guy?” I asked myself then came to the conclusion that I could simply just act like I was in need of rescue and he’d come save me then we could become friends. “Easy peasy” I told myself as I began to fly over the forest top and looked to the thick forest below and picked a nice place to land. I swooped down and landed on the grassy forest ground and looked around. “Hey human… I need your help” I called out but soon realized it wasn’t ‘distressful’ enough. “HEY HUMAN GUY SAVE ME!” I called out but all I heard was the chirping of birds. ‘God how does Rarity do it?’ I asked myself as I began to trot through the forest thinking about how Rarity does her ‘damsel in distress’ voice. I quivered to myself, never in a million years did I think I’d be calling out like a damsel in distress but desperate times called for desperate measures. In my best damsel in distress voice I cried out “Oh help me, won’t someone please help me. I am defenceless against the horrors of nature and I’m going to perish unless someone helps me” I called out. I stopped calling out and listened but still all I heard was the chirping of birds. “WELL!?” I yelled out but still no one came to my fake rescue. “Hey, come out and rescue me already” I yelled but still no one came out. I mumbled angrily to myself as I began to trot through the forest and looked for my human friend. Eventually I became rather bored and walked into a less thick part of the forest and sat down. “Hello… human guy… where are you, I need your help because I’m being chased by a bunch of guys with… shooty gun thingies” I called out, remembering what Redheart had called the shooty things. As I waited throughout the day I became extremely bored and every so often I would give out a damsel in distress call but it never worked. “Hey human guy come help me I’m being shot at, BANG BANG BANG” I yelled out, doing my best interpretation of what a gun sounded like but it didn’t sound very real. I laid my body over a fallen tree trunk and sighed to myself, the day had progressed and was easily noon by now. I let out an exhausted sigh, I had stayed up rather late last night and woke up rather early and my body was quite exhausted. I closed my eyes and figured I’d just let them rest for a second but soon it became a minute then before I knew it I was snoozing away peacefully. * * * I awoke when a twig behind me snapped under the weight of a hoof, or whatever it was called on humans. I spun around to see a human behind me but it wasn’t my friend, this one was smaller and had different facial features. He pulled out a small hand held gun and pointed it at me. “Bang” he laughed and my eyes went wide as I realized that my yelling had probably called the attention of every wild-man in the forest. Using quick thinking I pulled a tree branch back and let it go, the branch swung forward and slapped the human in the face. He cried out in pain and dropped his gun and he grabbed his face in pain. I took no time in jumping up and I began to run as fast as I could, forgetting completely that I had wings. I skidded to a stop in a small clearing and looked up through the tree tops. I was about to take off when a thunderous KA-BOOM thundered from behind me then I heard a ka-chuke sound and I turned around to see some human pointing a large gun at me. “Surprise bitch” he laughed, “You can’t shoot me” I stammered and he chuckled. “Why not?” he laughed, “Well because uhm… my friend will stop you” I warned him and he laughed hysterically. “What the same guy that you were calling to for the last few hours. What’s wrong? Lose the human you enslaved… I wouldn’t blame him for running away from you, you’re an ear sore” he laughed as he lined up a shot at me. I heard a clicking noise come from behind him. “I belong to no-pony but I will protect her always” said a voice then suddenly it was as if the man’s head exploded and the remainder of his body fell to a clump on the ground and behind where he once stood was my human friend, holding his shinny hand gun, wait was that what the small ones were called, hand and gun, it would make sense and the bigger ones were called arm guns because it had to be held with the full extension of their arms. Either way I’d just ask him later. “Hey, about time you showed up I’ve been calling for the last” I began but he quickly ran up to me and grabbed me in his arms and began to carry me as he ran into the depths of the forest. “Hey where are you bringing us?” I asked him but he simply kept quiet as he rushed through the forest. I heard several other humans scream from behind us but my fiend was easily able to lose them and soon we found our way to a small house by the bottom of the mountain. ‘Why hadn’t I seen this before?’ I thought to myself and he set me down. I turned to him and looked to the sky and figured we’d have at least a few hours before sundown to do a bunch of fun stuff. “Go home little one, it is not safe here” he told me in a blunt voice. “Wait, what?” I asked, totally stunned that he wanted me to leave. “Little one, it is not safe to stay here, you must go before more men arrive to kill you” he replied bluntly. “What? No way, you and me are totally going to become best friends and are going to go on adventures and prank ponies and” I began but he cut me off. “It would not be best for us to be friends” he told me and I looked to him with a raised eyebrow. “Why not?” I asked and he sighed as he looked out to the forest and we could both hear the distant yells of the wild-men as they tried to find us. “Because you are a pony and I am a human… a wild human” he replied and I simply laughed. “If any-pony asks just say I own you and that’ll keep us out of trouble” I told him but he shook his head. “Awwweeee come on pleeeeeeasse?” I pouted and he let out a deep sigh then looked to me and said “This is not the greatest of ideas” > Afternoon fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dmitry: “Come on let’s go pull a prank on some-pony” Rainbow Dash said as she pulled me towards Ponyville. ‘Why did I agree to this?’ I thought to myself, I had killed her parents and she didn’t even know. ‘Should I tell her or just be friends with her and not let her know?’ I wondered to myself. “Come on, we’ll pull a prank on Pinkie Pie” Rainbow Dash laughed as she pulled me into the town. Though several ponies starred at us none gave us suspicious looks or any sort of look that would suggest that something was out of the ordinary. We approached some large house that was obviously some sort of pastry market. “Okay you take this bucket of water and hang it above the door but hand me the end of the line so that I can drop it on her head when she comes to the door” Rainbow Dash said and handed me a bucket of water. ‘Where the hell did she get this from?’ I asked myself but then just went along with the prank. I tied the line to the handle of the bucket then looped the line over the front of the door light and handed Rainbow Dash the other end of the line and she pulled it back so that the bucket of water stayed in place above the door. “Okay now knock on the door and wait for her to come to the front door, but make sure you’re back far enough that she has room to step just outside the doorway then I’ll drop the water on her head” Rainbow Dash snickered. I reached forward and knocked on the door then stepped back. A mare opened the door, she had light blue fur and a curly pinkish mane. As she stepped out of the doorway she began to say something but suddenly the pale of water fell on her head and drenched her body. A camera flash went off, “OHH YEAH I SOOO GOT YOU PINKIE… uh-oh… sorry Mrs. Cake I meant to get Pinkie Pie” Rainbow Dash replied as she brought down the camera from in front of her face and I looked both ways in fear, ponies were now looking at me with curious looks. Mrs. Cake lifted the pale off her head and looked to Rainbow Dash. “Though I do enjoy a good prank, I would have to ask that next time you don’t… oh Rainbow Dash I didn’t know you owned a human” Mrs. Cake replied. I was about to tell her that I belonged to no-pony but Rainbow Dash must’ve known what I was going to say and quickly raced in front of me and interrupted me. “Yeah… I uh got him just yesterday, well gotta go. See yah” Rainbow Dash said in a hurry and pulled me along with her as she darted off. She stopped running and stopped in front of some sort of fashion shop or something. “Ohh this is going to be a good one” Rainbow Dash said and handed me a rather large present. “I don’t know if I should…” I began but Rainbow Dash interrupted me. “Oh come on, it’ll be easy just knock on the door and make sure my friend Rarity comes out, she’s hard to be mistaken for because she’s… very ladylike. Then give her this present and say it’s from a rich secret admirer” Rainbow Dash told me and I looked to the present and my stomach twisted. I told myself I shouldn’t do it but a little voice in the back of my head said ‘Do it, you killed her parents so you owe her big time’ the voice said and I sighed and went along with her plan. I walked up to the front doors and knocked, then stepped back and waited. A pure white mare answered the door, she had a beautifully combed mane and beautiful sparkly blue eyes, she had to be the one that Rainbow Dash was talking about. “Yes… how may I help you?” the mare asked me and I stammered as I presented her the present. “Uhm… a rich admirer sent you this present” I stammered as she took the present and squealed in delight. She quickly unwrapped the present but as she opened the present a pie flew out and splatted her in the face and ruined her mane. A camera flash went but she must not have cared because she wiped the pie from her face and poked me in the chest. “You ignorant stupid ape, why your owner better have a good lawyer because I’m going to bring them to court about this, do you have any idea how” she screeched but stopped as Rainbow Dash lept out of the thicket of bushes, laughing all the while. Rarity looked over to Rainbow Dash. “Dashie… darling, tell me this wasn’t your doing?” she asked but Rainbow Dash couldn’t stop laughing. “I am so sorry Ms. Rarity, I did not want to do it but she said it would be funny” I apologized. “Such a gentleman, Dashie you could learn a thing or two from this man” Rarity teased, calling me a man rather than a human or ape. She looked back to me “Sorry about the whole stupid ape thing, I didn’t mean it really… I was just sort of angry that you had ruined my new hairstyle” Rarity apologized. “I took no offence ma’am, I was hoping that you would actually forgive me” I replied. Dash grabbed me by the arm and began to drag me away. “Boring, see yah later Rarity” Rainbow Dash called out as she dragged me along. “Why did you have to get sooo… formal?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously almost in disgust for my actions. “Well I did ruin mane so I thought it would be nice to apologize” I replied and she chuckled to herself and let me go and I followed her without question. “Alright next we get Applejack” Rainbow Dash informed me and led me out of town. We soon arrived on a farm and she looked around and scrunched her nose. “What’s the plan?” I asked as she continued to look around for something. “Do you see Jay around?” she asked and I looked around for Jay but then realized I had never met her friend Jay. “What does he look like?” I asked and she shrugged as she walked through the barn. “He’s hard to miss… uhm he’s a human and he has tanned skin and… his full name is Javier but I call him Jay” she informed me as we kept looking. “Alright forget the main plan, we’ll ask Applejack where Jay is then prank Big Macintosh” she concluded and I shrugged and simply went along with the plan. We went up to the front door and she knocked, soon a mare answered the door, she had orange fur and wore a cowboy hat. “Howdy RD. Wow when did yah get a human?” the southern pony asked and Rainbow Dash shrugged “Got him just this morning actually” Rainbow Dash replied and the southern pony, whom I assumed was Applejack, nodded. “Well how can ah help yah today?” Applejack asked and Rainbow Dash peeked inside the house, “Is Jay around?” she asked and Applejack sighed. “RD… yah may want tah come inside tah hear this” Applejack told her and she nodded and Applejack led us both inside. She sat us both down in the living room and sat across from us when suddenly an elderly green mare entered the room, I remembered this mare. We made eye contact and she remembered me as well, I could see it in her eyes. “Applejack… who’s yer friend?” Smith replied and Applejack simply chuckled. “Aw come on now Granny, yah know it’s Rainbow Dash” she replied but Smith, or Granny as she was referred to now, shook her head and pointed to me. “Ah meant him” she replied casually without any sort of anger in her voice. “Actually he’s Rainbow Dash’s human… she just got him this mornin” Applejack replied and Granny nodded. “Rainbow Dash, dearie where did you get this human?” Granny asked and Rainbow Dash shrugged “I bought him from a stallion up in the mountains who was selling humans” Rainbow Dash lied but I could see it in Granny’s eyes, she didn’t believe it for a second. She probably knew as well as I did that I’d never allow myself to become a slave, I’d kill myself before being captured. “Well you all have fun… ah’m going to take a nap” Granny told us and trotted off slowly, her hip creaked terribly as she walked away. Even though I felt sort of guilty for causing her the handicap I felt she deserved it for what she did to Ivan. “So Dash, tell me again what it was yah wanted?” Applejack asked and Rainbow Dash turned her attention to her. “Oh well I was wondering where Jay is?” Rainbow Dash replied and Applejack let out a depressed sigh. “What? What’s wrong?” Rainbow Dash asked and Applejack looked up to her. “Dash… Jay’s injury was bad an Granny Smith had tah put him down” Applejack replied and Dash shot up from the information. “WHAT!” Dash exclaimed but her friend’s head simply dropped down in self disappointment. “Why? He wasn’t hurt that bad, his leg was only broken” Dash said sadly. I felt pity for Javier even though I didn’t know him and I hoped his death wasn’t horrid like Ivan’s. “Dash, yah have tah understand that it would’ve cost more tah get Javier healed than tah just buy a new human worker” Applejack informed her but Dash wouldn’t listen and ran out of the building in tears. “What… I didn’t think that ponies cared about the lives of humans” I told Applejack but she simply sighed. “Sometimes she’s more like Fluttershy than she’ll ever know. She doesn’t understand that sometimes things have to be done that aren’t pleasant” Applejack informed me and I nodded as I stood up. “Well I guess I better go get her” I replied and Applejack gave me a nod as I left to go find Rainbow Dash. As I left the house in search of Rainbow Dash a broom handle whacked me across the face. I grunted as I grabbed my nose and staggered back and looked to my attacker to see Smith holding a broom stick. I raised an eyebrow “I thought you were taking a nap” > Fluttershy's advice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I straightened my nose and made sure it wasn’t broken. “Now yah listen tah me here sonny… ah ain’t gonna try tah kill yah cause ah know as well as yah do that yah could easily out-match me… but ah swear on muh own life that if yah hurt that girl ah’ll fillet yah like a fish” Granny Smith threatened and I curled my lips in anger like a snarling dog. “I have no intentions of hurting the little one. Do you know where she has gone?” I asked and Smith lowered the broom stick. “If ah had one guess ah’d say tah Fluttershy’s cottage, it’s where all the girls go when they have problems. Seems that mare knows a lot about phycology” Smith informed me and pointed towards the Everfree forest. “Go that way an yah should find a small cottage just before yah enter the Everfree” she informed me and I gave her an acknowledging nod and departed for Fluttershy’s cottage hoping that I could finally have a word with her about some things I was meaning to tell her before. * * * Trixie: “Special agent Trixie, I need to ask you a few questions” I told the mare running Sugarcube Corner. “Oh why hello there Trixie, so good to see you back in town again” replied Mrs. Cake. “That’s special agent Trixie” I scoffed and her face frowned, “Oh alright sorry, special agent Trixie” Mrs. Cake apologized and I smiled. “Have you seen a human that’s out of the ordinary lately?” I asked making sure I didn’t say he could cast magic. "Well now that you mention it I did see one” Mrs. Cake replied and I levitated out my notebook as she began. “Well it wasn’t something huge but Rainbow Dash got herself a new human just yesterday… would’ve never thought that Rainbow Dash of all ponies would buy a human” Mrs. Cake informed me. I scrunched my nose at the information, ‘Seriously, that’s what goes for strange around here… Rainbow Dash buying a friggin human. Who cares about that?’ I thought to myself as I put away the notepad and nodded. “Thank you for your time” I told her and nodded then I trotted off, it was like the entire town hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary, well a few ponies said the same thing Mrs. Cake said ‘Rainbow Dash bought a human, but that had nothing to do with strange’ I thought to myself as I trotted down a dirt path towards the apple family farm. If they had nothing to say than my case would come to a close and I’d just have to write it off as something unexplainable. I finally arrived at the apple family farm and walked up to the front steps of the house and knocked on the front door. I had seen Applejack and the other red stallion, Big Mac I think his name was, working on the farm but I wanted some-pony like perhaps the little filly to talk to, some-pony who might exaggerate their story a little just so that I could get Hammerhead to believe me. The elderly mare known as Granny Smith answered the door, ‘Great, this will be an earful’ I thought to myself and wanted to sigh in irritation but held it back. I pulled out my badge “Special agent Trixie, I need to ask you a few questions” I informed her and her eyes grew wide as she grabbed my coat collar and pulled me towards her and whispered in my ear. “Yer here bout that rascal human ain’t yah… quickly come inside and ah’ll tell yah all yah need tah know tah get the army down here tah get em” Granny Smith replied and my eyes grew wide as I followed her inside. * * * Dmitry: I approached the cottage cautiously, hoping that I wouldn’t scare any-pony since I didn’t have a pony with me to act like my owner. I peeked through a window of the cottage only to see a beautiful yellow furred Pegasus with a rosy pink mane. I swallowed hard as I knocked on the door and waited. The Pegasus answered the door and looked up to me. “Please don’t scream, I have an owner she’s just run off and I can’t find her, please don’t call the authorities on me I mean you no harm” I blurted out quickly. She simply blinked as she took in the information. “Oh… I see. Well if you want you can come inside and sit down… I might be able to help you” she offered, ‘Wow, she was so nice to me despite me being a human’ I thought to myself as I entered the cottage. I sat down and she went into another part of the cottage then came back with a tea set and sat down beside me. “Don’t worry, everything will be fine” she told me with a very soothing voice that was almost creepy due to the fact that she was talking to a human that way. She handed me a cup of tea, “Drink this… if you want, it might sooth your nerves” she suggested and I took a sip of the tea. It wasn’t very hot but it wasn’t warm either, somewhere between warm and hot. “Okay… if you want you can just start from the beginning” she replied and I nodded. “Are you Ms. Fluttershy?” I asked and she nodded so I extended my hand to greet her. “The name’s Dmitry, nice to meet you” I told her and she shook my hand with her hoof. “Whenever you’re ready” she told me and I took a deep breath. “My friend Rainbow Dash, she uhm well… we were pranking ponies and we went to this pony named Applejack then she told us that their human was put down and Rainbow Dash just ran out crying and when I spoke with Granny Smith she said she might have come here” I informed her and she nodded. “So Rainbow Dash is your friend or owner?” she asked me and I sighed. “A little bit of both” I informed her and she nodded again, “Do you care for her?” she asked and I looked to her and raised an eyebrow. “Oh… I didn’t mean any offence, please don’t be mad” she stammered shyly and I quickly shook my head “Oh I’m not mad believe me, the question was just weird was all” I replied and she nodded again. “Well… do you care for her?” she asked and I sighed, “Yes… I care for her like she’s my daughter, I would die for her” I replied and she gasped. “What? Did I say something bad?” I asked and she looked to me intently and asked “Would you really die for her?”. I nodded like it wasn’t a big deal “Well yah, wouldn’t any human die for their owner?” I asked almost sarcastically then remembered that humans were actually more like slaves. “No, there’s a reason I don’t have a human. They are more like slaves and I could never bear to keep one chained up” she replied then looked to me and blushed “Well unless he was like you, you are very honourable and seem noble” she replied and I sighed and leaned forward. “Can I tell you a secret just between you and me?” I asked and she nodded and leaned forward to listen. “I’m a wild-man” I informed her and she screamed and lept back in fear. “Please Fluttershy don’t be scarred I’m not going to hurt you” I pleaded but she kept shuffling back but then fell off the couch we were sitting on and landed with a thump. I raced over to help her up but she attempted to fly away but ended up flying right into the cieling with a loud crash. She lost all her flying momentum and fell back down to the ground but I caught her effortlessly in my arms before she hit the ground. I sat down on the couch with her body in my arms like a new born baby. I caressed her body and began to run my left hand through her silky mane and caressed her body gently. She shook of the dizziness from the crash and looked up to me with fear in her eyes but soon realized that I wasn’t going to hurt her. “You’re not… hurting me” she said in a voice that was uncertain about what was going on. “I could never hurt such a beautiful and innocent pony” I cooed and she simply just laid there in my arms. “But… you’re wild, don’t you kill ponies?” she asked and I shook my head. “I want to tell you something but you must promise to let me tell Rainbow Dash myself” I told her and she nodded. “Back in the war days… I was very young, very stupid. I was a mercenary and a man paid me to kill two ponies and I did it for the money, nothing else and I heartlessly killed both my targets… it is an action I regret to this very day of my life, even now their faces are burned into my soul” I began to tell her and she looked into my eyes deeply, almost as if she was looking straight into my soul. “Before I killed the mare I saw that she had a baby foal but in my emotionless state I simply killed her but I couldn’t bring myself to simply leave the baby to die so I brought it with me” I said as tears began to run down my face as I remembered that tragic day. “As I left the house I realized that the house had been surrounded by pony soldiers led by a mare who executed my friend with a very horrid execution and he didn’t deserve a death like that… no one deserved a death like that. I shot down all the soldiers but the mare and gave her the baby… that mare the executed my friend is the one know today as Granny Smith, I had shot her in the hip and that is why her hip is bad. She agreed to send Rainbow Dash to flight school and give her a good life” I told her and my tears almost filled my vision. I wiped the tears from my face then continued. “And to this day those faces… the faces of Rainbow Dash’s parents haunt me… I can never live down what I have done and I have not been able to bring myself to tell Rainbow Dash that I am a heartless killer” I informed her and she sat up and gave me a tight hug. “You may have killed… but that was long ago, if you don’t tell Rainbow Dash soon then she may find out from someone else” Fluttershy told me and she pulled back from the hug and looked into my eyes. “Dmitry, you may have killed once but that doesn’t mean you are still a killer. Always remember that you are who you choose to be” Fluttershy told me and I nodded. “Rainbow Dash did come by and she said she was going to Pinkie Pie’s, she lives at Sugarcube corner” Fluttershy informed me and I stood up and began to leave. “Wait” she called out to me and I stopped and looked back to her. “Yes?” I asked and she trotted up to me, hopped up to her hind legs and looked me in the eyes. Her face blushed and her cheeks turned a light cherry red. “I just wanted to say… uhm, I uhm well you uhm… good luck” she stammered then hopped back down onto all fours. “Uhm yeah thanks… Thank you Fluttershy, you really helped me out” I replied then dashed out of the house, giving her a final wave as I left. * * * Trixie: “I’m telling you sir I have solid evidence” I yelled into the phone. I had come back to Twilight’s library and called the general again but he once again simply laughed at me. “Yeah, some old mare that probably can’t even remember her childhood” Hammerhead laughed and I scowled to myself but made sure he couldn’t hear it over the phone. “Trixie listen, if you can’t handle to report something as simple as a train wreck than I can easily get some-pony else that can finish a report like that in less than an hour” Hammerhead replied. “Sir, there’s something different about this one. This guy is a menace” I warned him but he simply chuckled. “Yes Trixie he’s a menace please remind me what he’s done that has caused him to be such a threat to Equestria?” he asked like I was some kind of joke. “Sir, he’s wild, he’s got magical powers, he doesn’t have an owner and he… he caused a train wreck” I told him frantically but he chuckled. “Yes Trixie, he caused a train wreck. A train wreck, I might add, that saved several ponies from guaranteed death” he said casually “Now until you either get more evidence or wrap this report up I’m going to do some more important tasks, like rearranging my sock drawers” he replied and I sighed to myself in failure as the phone line hung up. > Magic trick > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dmitry: When I arrived at Sugarcube corner Mrs. Cake had told me that Pinkie and Dash had gone out to the lake to go swimming for the afternoon so I got directions from her to the lake then dashed off for the lake. I arrived at the lake and saw Rainbow Dash dive bomb into the lake and make a large splash then I saw a pink furred pony splash into the water as well. I rushed up and met Rainbow Dash at the edge of the lake. “Ohh a human, Dashie think he’s wild or do you think that his owner is around?” the pink one, who I assumed was Pinkie Pie, asked and Dash just chuckled as she got out of the water. “I’d say his owner is around. Actually I’d say the owner is really close by” Dash snickered. Pinkie Pie lept out of the water, “Ohh yeah, oky doky let’s find the owner” Pinky Pie suggested and Dash chuckled “Okay first one to find the owner and bring the owner to the lake wins” Dash challenged and a creepily big smile went across Pinkie Pie’s face. “Ohh you are so on Dash” Pinkie said and was about to dart off when Dash grabbed her tail with a hoof and held her back. Pinkie looked back “Hey that’s not fair!” Pinkie exclaimed but Dash couldn’t help but to laugh. “I win” Dash told her friend and Pinkie looked around, “But you didn’t find his owner” Pinkie replied and Dash pointed to herself. “I’m the owner, so since I found myself first I guess I win” Dash laughed and Pinkie scrunched her nose. “That’s not fair Dashie, that’s like cheating” Pinkie pouted as Dash let go of her friends tail. “Not really, I’m the owner so since I’m here and I own him I win” Dash laughed. Pinkie’s face was cross but suddenly she grabbed Dash and pulled her into the water. Dash pulled herself away from Pinkie Pie and jumped out of the lake. “Pinkie, why’d you do that?” Dash asked and she simply laughed “Well silly you said first one to bring the owner to the lake, technically we were on the lakeside, not on or in the lake so I guess since I brought you into the lake I win” Pinkie squealed with delight. “Nuh-uh that’s not fair” Dash said as she jumped into the water and splashed Pinkie with some water, I had never met someone so competitive in my entire life. The duo splashed in the water together so I decided to sit back and relax for a moment and let them have their fun before telling Dash the bad news. I closed my eyes and relaxed but as I did I heard Dash call my name. “Hey Dmitry? Cool off” Dash quoted and as I opened my eyes I saw a large splash of water come at me. “GAH” I screamed and brought my hands up in front of my face like I was motioning for the water to stop. My hands illuminated with the magical blue aurora and the splash of water was caught in an aurora of matching blue. Both Pinkie’s and Dash’s mouths slacked wide open as they watched me block the water with magic. “WHOA! How’d you do that?” Dash gasped as they both ran back up to shore and looked at me. “Uhm magic… you know like what unicorns do. What? Have you never seen a human do magic before?” I asked and both Dash and Pinkie shook their heads. “I have the greatest idea” Dash said and ran over to her bag and pulled out her camera. I shook my head in fear of what she had in mind. “Okay, Dmitry see that boulder over there? Levitate it over me and make it look like I’m holding it up then Pinkie you take a picture” Dash ordered as she handed Pinkie the camera and I sighed at the request, perhaps I should’ve just let the water splash me. Focusing my thoughts on the boulder I held out my right hand and it illuminated with the magical aurora and the boulder lifted up and over to Rainbow Dash and she held up her hoof and made it look like she was holding it up with one hoof. Pinkie took the picture and I tossed the boulder to the side. “Dmitry lift me up in the air and make it look like I’m racing Dash through the air” Pinkie squealed, obviously intrigued by the idea. I levitated over the camera then lifted her body into the air with a levitation spell then began to levitate her though the air and Dash flew beside her and made it look like somehow Pinkie was flying. I snapped a picture then levitated Pinkie to the ground. For the remainder of afternoon both Dash and Pinkie had me perform various acts of magic while one of us took pictures of the others. I was gasping for air. This magic stuff really takes your breath away. “Alright Dmitry for our next act” Pinkie began but stopped as I collapsed to my knees from the physical exhaustion. Dash ran up to my side, “Geez Dmitry, are you okay?” she asked and I nodded in response. “Just… out of… breath… is all” I replied through heavy pants of exhaustion. I finally caught my breath and staggered to my feet, a camera flash went off and both Dash and I looked to Pinkie Pie as she took our picture. We both smiled and Dash lept into my arms, “Hey Pinkie, take another picture of us like this” Dash said and Pinkie took yet another picture. Dash lept out of my arms and landed on all fours. “Hey Dmitry think you can launch that boulder into the air then blast it to pieces?” Pinkie asked and pointed over to the boulder that must have weighed at least three or four tons. I shook my head and Dash gave me a competitive nudge. “Come on, if I can lift it with one hoof you should be able to bust it apart” Dash teased. For some reason I had really been influenced by Dash today and had picked up some of her competitiveness. Taking quick focus I levitated the boulder and threw it into the air. I concentrated on a magic blast but due to my exhaustion I couldn’t generate enough energy to form a blast. “Well come on Dmitry what are you waiting for?” Pinkie said as the boulder hurled down towards me. Dash looked to me “Dmitry…RUN!” she called out but in my exhaustion I couldn’t find the energy to do even that. Dash ran over to me and tried to move my body out of the way but I couldn’t even walk. “Dmitry… come on let’s go” Dash cried out as the boulder fell towards us. I looked up weakly and saw the boulder and fear for Dash’s safety coursed through my veins. It was as if something kicked me in the ass and gave me some power. I pushed Dash out of harm’s way and clenched my fists, the ground around me shook and a small whirlwind began around my body as wind gusted around me. Blue electricity crackled around my body and I cupped my hands in front of my body, a camera flash went off. A single blue beam of energy shot out from the palms of my hands and collided with the boulder. Another camera flash went off as my beam of energy struck the boulder and there was a small explosion as the beam annihilated the rock into nothing but smoke. The electricity surging through my body along with my new found energy left my body and I collapsed onto the ground. “Dammit… DMITRY!” Dash called out and rushed to my side, “Little one… I am fine do not worry about me” I told her and she let out a sigh of relief as she realized I was okay. “WOW! That was sooo awesome” Pinkie exclaimed and I looked to Dash, who feared the same thing I did. Dash looked to Pinkie, “Pinkie, you can’t tell any-pony about this okay? Pinkie Pie promise” Dash ordered her friend and Pinkie began to make some ludacris gestures. I staggered to my feet and managed to walk. “Oh man… okay we’ll have to go to Twilight’s to get these photos developed… I can’t think of any other place to do it” Dash said and we all departed towards Ponyville. * * * Rainbow Dash: I knocked on the door and Twilight answered. “Oh hey Dash, how can I help you?” Twilight asked as she let us into the library. “Well I needed to use your dark room to develop some pictures” I informed her and she nodded and led us into the basement of the library. “Okay Dash, just try not to splash the photo resolution water out of the trays” Twilight told me and let us into the revolving door of the dark room used for developing photos. We entered the dark room which was dimly lit by a spooky red light. I put the photos through the chemical developing solutions. After putting the photos through the developing solutions I put the photos up to dry and looked to Dmitry. “It’ll take about an hour for the photos to come through and it’s about 7 right now so I guess we could just bring you back to your place then I’ll come back later tonight and get them then tomorrow you can see the photos” I told Dmitry and he nodded as we all left the dark room. As we walked back upstairs I waved to Twilight, “See yah later Twi” I called out as we all left the library and headed for Dmitry’s home in the mountains. * * * Dmitry: “Ohh boy, that was sooo fun, tomorrow we’ll have to do that again but maybe next time well have to…” Pinkie Pie went on her rant as we walked through the forest to my house. I looked to Dash and Pinkie, “Are you sure you are safe to go back without me protecting you? The forests are dangerous at night” I told them and Dash simply shrugged. “We’ll be fine, I’ll just hold Pinkie and fly us back, my wing may be injured but I should be able to get us out of the forest” Dash replied. “Oh hey Dmitry you never told me you were having a bonfire at your house. Why didn’t you invite us?” Pinkie asked and I looked towards where my house would be and saw smoke rising up through air. “Shit” I cursed as I ran towards my house. It wouldn’t have mattered how fast I would have ran, by the time I got close enough to see my house I could already tell that everything had burned to the ground. I simply stopped in my tracks and looked in horror to where my house had once stood. “Oh my goddess… Dmitry I’m so sorry” Dash replied as she trotted up beside me. “Don’t be… it was only a matter of time before someone found my house” I muttered and Pinkie hopped up beside me. “Don’t worry Dmitry, I can give you a place to stay at a rock mining farm just outside Ponyville” Pinkie offered and I looked to her then considered the possibilities. Perhaps it was time to accept my fate and settle down, maybe being a slave wouldn’t be so bad but only if Rainbow Dash was my owner. * * * Trixie: “Twilight” I called out and the lavender coloured unicorn appeared at the top of the stairs. “Oh hey Trixie, need the phone again?” she asked and I shook my head, “No actually can I use your dark room, I need to develop some pictures” I replied and she nodded. “Just don’t knock over the chemical solutions” she called out as I led myself down into the basement and into her photo development room. I grumbled to myself, I hadn’t gotten anything worth really developing but due to my orders I had to develop all the photos I had taken which mostly consisted of the train crash. But as I was about to develop my photos I looked to some other photos that were hanging up on the photo dry line and thought I seen something suspicious so I levitated one of the photos over and took a closer look at it. There it was plain as day, a full grown male human and to add to that he was shooting some form of powerful energy blast from his hands. My lips curled into a smile, “This is perfect” > Equestrian army > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash: I had left Dmitry at the rock farm where Pinkie pulled some strings and got Dmitry a job, well more like put him into slave labour but either way it was a convenient cover until I could find him a place to stay. I entered the library without even knocking and led myself downstairs without even telling Twilight I was here. I rubbed my eyes and tried to shake off my exhaustion but I knew that I was going to have to go to sleep soon. I walked into the revolving doors and entered the darkroom. I took my hooves away from rubbing my eyes and was met by the sight of Trixie sitting down in a chair. “Hello, Rainbow Dash” Trixie replied in a snooty sort of voice. “Yeah, hi” I replied, ignoring her as I went to grab my photos then my stomach sunk as I realized my photos weren’t on the drying line. “Looking for these?” Trixie sneered and levitated out my pictures. “Hey give me those” I yelled out but Trixie took them back and held them out of my reach. “Hey you can’t do that” I yelled and she raised an eyebrow. “Where’s the human?” she asked and I snarled “Screw you I’m not telling you shit” I scowled and she sighed. “The army arrives in the morning and they’ll arrest you for withholding information” Trixie threatened. “Ha, they won’t arrest me I’m an Equestrian hero for Celestia’s sake. I’ve helped save Equestria more times than… than… I don’t even know” I blurted out and she levitated out a news article if front of me ‘Equestrian hero found with LBH soldiers and is executed’. “That’s absurd, he’s not an LBH soldier he’s my friend” I yelled but Trixie simply shrugged. “The army won’t see it that way I’m afraid but if you tell me now I’ll be sure to tell them that you weren’t part of his resistance movement” Trixie told me. “Fuck you, I’m not telling you shit” I swore, I wouldn’t rat out my friend to Trixie just so they could kill him. Trixie let out a disappointed sigh and levitated a picture forward that I had taken of Dmitry and Pinkie. “Too bad, the army is going to look at these and they’re going to have to arrest Pinkie as well because she was involved, oh and I suppose they’ll arrest Twilight as well because she was the one who hid him all this time” Trixie sneered. “YOU CAN’T DO THAT” I yelled and she laughed and held up a hoof. “Oh we can and we will” she said and my head drooped down in self disappointment. “The rock farm… he’s at the rock farm” I told her sadly he horn flared up and I felt myself become surrounded in her magical aurora but soon my exhaustion flooded through me and I passed out. * * * I awoke abruptly in an unfamiliar bed and as I looked around I realized I was in the library. I lept up and rushed to the window to go warn Pinkie and Dmitry but a magical aurora encased me. “HEY WHAT ARE YOU” I began but the aurora closed down tightly around my mouth and held it shut. “Shh, you don’t want to wake Twilight now do you?” Trixie whispered in a sneering voice and set me back into the makeshift bed. “Don’t worry, we still have six hours before the military arrives, so you have lots of time to get some sleep” Trixie laughed and I snarled and rolled over so I wouldn’t have to look at her. I began to fake sleep, though she probably knew that I was fake sleeping I had the upper advantage, I had endurance that she probably didn’t have. I waited for what seemed like hours than rolled over like I was simply rolling over in my sleep and creaked open my eye and looked to Trixie. She had passed out trying to watch me and now slept sitting in a chair. I quietly snuck out of bed and crept into the kitchen, I didn’t dare try to escape through the window or front door in fear of making too much noise. I quietly snuck over to the phone and dialed the number for the rock farm, the phone seemed to buzz incredibly loud as it rang the other end of the phone line. The other end picked up “Mmm yeah?” replied an obviously irritated voice, I couldn’t blame him it was early in the morning. “Mr. Rocks, keep it down, it’s Dash” I whispered, he sighed. “Yes Dash, what can I do for you at… four in the morning?” he asked, still irritated that I called him. “Listen Rocks, the army is coming here in the morning, they think that Dmitry is some sort of super soldier or something and they’re going to kill everyone involved with him if they think it’s true so I need you to tell Dmitry then start working him really hard in like an hour, and paint some fake blood on his back to make it look more real. Then when the army arrives make it look like he’s got a harsh life and could never be an LBH soldier” I whispered and he grunted. “Alright… I’ll see you in a little while then” Rocks replied then hung up the phone. I snuck back over to the makeshift bed and went to sleep peacefully, I had a good feeling about tomorrow. * * * Trixie: I was lost in the dreaming world and was having the most spectacular of dreams. “Special agent Trixie, for performing above and beyond the call of duty I am making you a military advisor and chief of the army, sorry for ever doubting you” Hammerhead apologized and pinned a congressional medal of honor to my chest. Celestia walked over and shook my hoof but as she did I felt my whole earth begin to shake then I awoke abruptly. “Guh… huh?” I mumbled drowsily and Rainbow Dash was shaking me awake. “Come on Trixie, some general guy is here to see you” she told me and I jumped to all hooves as I realized I had fallen asleep. “How long have you been up?” I asked her and she shrugged. “Not long, the army woke me up when they were banging on the front door” she informed me then walked into the kitchen. Twilight stepped in front of me with a cross look on her face. “For some reason the army is on my front door steps. You wouldn’t know anything about this would you Trixie?” she asked me and I straightened my tie and smiled “Please call me Special agent” I replied and walked over to the front door and opened it. General Hammerhead was a very burly stallion, standing at an astonishing 5’7” he almost stood eye to eye with Celestia who was 6 feet high exactly. He was getting to an older age and his mane had started to grey and he had wrinkles on his face but his face was squared and his body build was heavy. Just his mere appearance would make a pony quiver in fear. “This better be good evidence Trixie or by god I’ll ring your” he began but I levitated out the photos and he stopped and looked to them. He sifted through them and dropped all the other photos to the floor as he held the one with Dmitry shooting the massive boulder with an energy shot. “Yeah that’s my personal favourite as well” I replied as he looked at the picture with widened eyes. “Everyone out of the house and get onto the carriages. Where is this menace?” Hammerhead asked and I pointed out towards where the rock farm was. “Out of town at the rock farm” I informed him. * * * Rainbow Dash: Trixie had told the general of Dmitry’s whereabouts but I had a feeling that they were in for a huge surprise. The drivers of the military carriages, which were based loosely off of human vehicles, parked the carriages by the rock farm house where a middle aged stallion stood, sipping his morning coffee. Trixie rushed up to him with the general right behind her. “Alright where is it!” Trixie ordered and Mr. Rocks raised an eyebrow “What, like the rocks?” he asked and Trixie jabbed him in the chest with a hoof. “You know damn well what I’m talking about, the human, where’s the human?” Trixie yelled and Mr. Rocks simply laughed. “What’s so funny?” the general asked and Rocks pointed to his farm where several humans worked slave labour in the rock fields. “You idiot, stop playing us for fools, where the hell is that human with special powers?” Trixie screamed, a vein bulged from her forehead and looked like it was going to explode. “Special powers? Like… can work faster special powers or…” Rocks replied, acting like Trixie was some sort of stupid vagrant drunk on a drunken rant. “She means my human, she thinks he has magical powers that could change Equestria and that he’s secretly plotting to take over Equestria Ooo” I said, making it sound like a wild dragon tale. Rocks tried to stifle a laugh but couldn’t then began to burst into hysterical laughter. “Oh, oh that’s good, this is some sort of joke right? I mean we’re on TV right? Hello TV viewers” Rocks said and waved into the distance, acting like he was a movie actor breaking the fourth wall. “Stop screwing around, this is federal business and I’ll have you arrested for withholding a criminal” Trixie threatened and Rocks stopped laughing then his face turned dire. “Oh my goddess… you’re actually for real? Oh I thought this was some sort of joke” Rocks said, his voice made me wonder if he hadn’t believed me either and simply disregarded the warning. “Well in that case follow me I’ll bring you right to him. It’s Dash’s human you’re looking for right?” Rocks asked and we all followed him to a barn. “You know you guys are lucky, Dash was planning on selling him to the apple family farm because they recently put down their human cause it had a broken leg… but I’m sure Dash would be happy to sell you hers cause you’re with the government and all” Rocks replied as he opened the large barn doors and revealed a bunch of human slave workers, all of whom were working furiously hard. “Dmitry, up and centre” Rocks called out and a ghastly looking human who looked to only be skin and bones scurried forward. If his face wasn’t the same I’d think it wasn’t even Dmitry, how the hell did they even get him to look like this anyway. As Dmitry approached we could see his heat beat because of his fragile body frame. It almost made me want to cry how sickly he looked. One of the soldiers tried to hold in his lunch but couldn’t and bent over and began to puke. “Well here he is, the uhm… one you guys were looking for. Are you sure it was Rainbow Dash’s human you were looking for?” Rocks asked uncertainly and Hammerhead pulled out the picture of Dmitry blasting the boulder away with the magical blast. Rocks looked at the picture, “Well that looks like his face… but it looks more like someone just took another picture and pasted Dmitry’s face over it” Rocks replied. “That’s ludacris, no-pony would do that, besides no picture like this one even exists” Trixie argued but Rocks pointed over to a portrait on the barn wall of a picture that looked identical to the one that the general was holding except it had a black man with a funky afro shooting the beam and the title read ‘If he can do it, so can you’. “Looks like whoever made this picture, took that one there and just recreated it with another body and Dmitry’s face” Rocks replied. Trixie began to stammer frantically. “Sir this… I… I can explain the” she began but the general looked over to her and snarled. “Step outside Trixie” he said in a deep voice that would make a pony’s heart stop. I quickly fluttered up to a window near the top of the barn and looked down at the duo as the general gave her an earful. “You called me saying you had evidence and I fucking called Canterlot and warned them of a major threat in Equestria and got an entire fucking military company down here to find out THAT YOU FUCKING CREATED A FAKE FUCKING PHOTO OF SOME FUCKING SHRIMPY ASS MOTHER FUCKER AND TOLD ME HE WAS THE FUCKING GUY THAT WAS GOING TO DESTROY EQUESTRIA” the general screamed and Trixie didn’t even respond. The general pointed to him soldiers “Stallions, move out, double time” the general yelled and turned back to Trixie. “I expect your full report and a formal apology to Celestia on my desk this afternoon” the general replied. “Yes sir” Trixie replied in a defeated voice and walked back to one of the military transports. I gave Trixie a wave “Goodbye special agent Trixie” > The truth comes out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dmitry: “Alright Dmitry, you can change back now” Rocks said as he made sure that the last soldier was gone. I gasped in exhaustion and all my magic creations disappeared, the slave workers, the portrait and even my fake body from. ‘God that felt weird’ I thought to myself as my old body form finally returned. “Wow, Dmitry you were able to create all that?” Dash asked and I nodded. “Alright, score. We’re in the clear now” Dash said with a bout of confidence. Rocks nodded and walked away, soon after he left, Pinkie Pie came zipping through the door. “Did I miss it, oh please tell me I didn’t miss it” Pinkie said frantically. Twilight put a hoof on her erratically jumping friend. “Sorry Pinkie… they already left” Twilight told her and her face went to a frown. “Aw shucks… oh well, hey Dash wanna play?” Pinkie said and Dash looked to me. “Wanna tag along?” Dash asked and I nodded, it felt like a terrible time but I was going to have to tell her soon and I feared that it may break her heart to hear it. “Well I gotta go back to the library, figures they never even offered me a ride” Twilight replied and chuckled as she left. Pinkie, Dash and I all walked outside onto the rock fields and looked around, it was kind of dull and gloomy. “Man… this place...” I trailed off and my memories were flooded with the day I killed Rainbow Dash’s parents. Pinkie Pie zipped along “Hid and seek” see squealed and zipped away, leaving a puff of dust to cloud mine and Dash’s view. “Let’s go get her” Dash said and was about to dash off after her when I grabbed her by the shoulder. “Wait Dash… there’s something I have to tell you but I don’t know how you’ll take it” I began and she simply laughed. “Hey, don’t be getting all emotional on me now, I might like you as a friend but… well that’s just weird” Dash laughed, taking my advance in the complete wrong direction. “No Dash… you have to hear it from me before anyone else” I told her as my eyes began to tear up. Rainbow Dash sighed “Alright… fine, but don’t feel bad when I say no” Dash laughed, still thinking I was going to say something sappy like ‘I love you’ or ‘Will you marry me’, I almost wish that’s what I was going to tell her. “Dash… I don’t know how to say this so I’ll tell it to you straight… I killed your parents” I said and her face turned into a humorless face. “That isn’t funny” she said, obviously thinking it was some sort of crude joke. “Dash I am serious… twenty years ago I was a mercenary, paid to kill whoever my job made me kill and my final and only mission was to kill two targets, Wildhorse and Rose Pedal… I killed your parents but when I found you I couldn’t bring myself to leave you to die so I began to leave but as I did Smith, or as she’s known today as Granny Smith, had a squad of stallions execute my friend Ivan. I killed all the stallions under her command and shot her in the hip then gave you to her and told her to raise you with a good life, knowing that I could never give you the life you deserved” I said as tears rolled down my face. Her eyes widened in realization and she finally accepted that I was the one that killed her parents, though whether she didn’t want to believe it at first or whether she was stunned by the information I will never know but she just stood there wide eyed. Finally she came to and her face became one of hatred and anger. “YOU FUCKING APE!” she screamed and punched me hard across the face. “GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE BEFORE I CALL THE ARMY BACK” she screamed, “Please Dash, that was twenty years ago, I have changed, please forgive me” I begged but she punched me again. “I SAID LEAVE, I HATE YOU” she screamed again and I began to run away, though I did not know to where, I would just keep running until I found a place to exile myself. * * * Rainbow Dash: He had used me, though I didn’t know exactly for what. He had used me then told me the truth like it wasn’t a big deal and just expected everything to be okay. Tears rolled down my face as I cried in anguish and fell to my knees. My parents had been killed by my only human friend I ever had and he had neglected to tell me. “What’s wrong Rainbow Dash? Where’s Dmitry… oh yeah I forgot, hid and seek. Let’s find him” Pinkie replied as she bounced along joyfully. “He’s gone Pinkie, let him go” I sobbed angrily and she raised an eyebrow “Well that’s silly, why would we let him go. If we did then he’d win the game of hid and seek” Pinkie replied joyfully. “Pinkie! He killed my parents, I never want to see his face again” I screamed and she stopped jumping. “HE WHAT?” she gasped and I looked up to her and stood to my hooves again. “He-killed-my-parents” I replied slowly and with anger still lingering in my voice. “Why would he do that? Wait a minute I’ve never seen your parents before” Pinkie replied and I rolled my eyes. “That’s because he killed them both when I was just a baby foal but he let me live” I scowled. “Well that was a long time ago, did he at least say sorry?” Pinkie asked and I looked to her with an angered look. ‘She’s not serious is she? Saying sorry doesn’t make up for killing my parents, no matter how long ago it was’ I thought to myself. “Pinkie it doesn’t matter how long ago it was or whether or not he said sorry, he killed my parents and I never want to see him again” I told her and she walked up and put a foreleg around my neck. “Dashie… if he did it during the war then sure it was his fault but you can’t blame him entirely and if he’s truly sorry it would be good to hear him out” Pinkie told me and I turned away. “I’ve heard all I needed to, I don’t want to hear his apology, and I hope he dies” I scoffed and Pinkie gasped in horror. “You don’t really mean that Dashie” Pinkie gasped and I turned to her “Oh yeah I do, I pray to Celestia that he dies, I hope he dies real soon for what he did” I yelled, my anger and hate for him was still raging out of control. “Dashie… if you wanted him dead so bad than how does that make you any better than him, what if he had children and you ruined their lives” Pinkie replied and I scoffed. “Well he’d deserve it, he killed first” I replied and she shook her head and looked me right in the eyes. “No Dashie, he didn’t kill first, we will never know who killed first but we can only be the ones who don’t kill last” she told me and my heart sank as I realized what she was saying. “Oh no… what have I done” I said as my anger faded and I thought about my last words to Dmitry, I didn’t want those to be the last ones. “I know you may be angry Dash, but try and think of all the good times you had with Dmitry” she told me and it was as if my heart became sore and I wanted to cry again. I took off but due to my injured wing I couldn’t go very fast and stayed low to the ground. “Please… I don’t want that to be the last words to Dmitry… please just give me another chance” I pleaded to myself and suddenly a motorcycle pulled up beside me. “What the hell… Pinkie where’d you get that?” I asked and she winked. “I keep a motorcycle around for motorcycle emergencies” she replied and motioned for me to hop on. “You’ll never catch up to him with your sore wing, come on” she told me and I hoped on the back of motorcycle and she raced away towards the forest where we had guessed Dmitry would be. * * * Dmitry: I had stopped running a long time ago and just simply walked along the dirt path and it was as if a thundercloud was over top of me and my whole life had been darkened. A human military truck pulled up and four men jumped out, armed with assault rifles. “Freeze cock-bag, you’ve been giving us a hell storm of problems but lucky for you the boss man doesn’t want us to kill you… so get in the truck” he ordered but I simply widened my stance. “What the hell do you think you’re…” he began but in a flash of motion I pulled out my Colt Peacemaker and fanned the hammer as I held back the trigger, .357 magnum rounds thundered through the air and tore apart their bodies, all accept one who I made sure only got a leg shot. While the others fell lifelessly to the ground, the wounded man began to scream but I walked over and picked him up by the collar of his jacket and slammed his body into the hood of the army vehicle. “Where’s the LBH base?” I asked but he simply spat at my face. I smashed the hilt of the revolver against the side of his head. “Wrong answer so I’ll ask again, where’s the base?” I asked and he grunted and pulled out a small map and handed it to me. I looked at the map, it had the coordinates of the LBH headquarters. “Thanks bub” I said and cocked back the trigger on the Peacemaker and emotionlessly shot him through the head. > Assault on the LBH > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third person perspective: The base was relatively calm, soldiers mingled about. Some cleaned their rifles while others had a smoke with each other and socialized, the heat was hot and sweat rolled down the foreheads of several men. At the gate entrance stood two guards, one operating the gate while the other waited for someone to arrive so he could check their papers and make sure they weren’t a spy. A truck came barreling down the hill road towards the base. The guard posted at the gate snickered, sometimes the guys just wanted to speed and make a ruckus. The truck came ever closer and ceased to slow down. “What the fuck?” the guard muttered to himself and walked out in front of the gate and held up his hand. “Hey slow the fuck down!” he yelled but the truck continued to pick up speed. He leveled his rifle sights and aimed at the truck. “SLOW DOWN YOU IDIOTS” the guard screamed but the truck didn’t stop. He was about to pull the trigger when he realized that something about the driver didn’t seem right but as he went to pull the trigger the truck ran him over and crushed his body underneath it and smashed through the front gate and into the base compound. The other guard posted at the gate screamed in Arabic and fired his AK47 at the military vehicle and soon most of the soldiers in the yard fired their rifles at the truck and within seconds the truck had been completely riddled by the bullets from their rifles. “You two check the truck” ordered a sergeant and two soldiers went up and opened the truck, inside there was blood sprayed across just about every inch of the interior, nothing inside was alive. “We got them sir” replied one of the soldiers. Several other soldiers approached the truck and soon there was a crowd looking at the truck. * * * Dmitry: I came around the front gate and a soldier stopped me. “Sir, show me your military ID” the guard ordered. I was really hoping that the entire compound would be interested in looking at the truck but it seemed that someone had posted a guard. I pulled out a detonator. “He’s my ID” I replied as I hit the detonator switch. I had filled the truck with the bodies of the men who had tried to capture me and made it look like they were driving it, the truck exploded and caught many men in the blast. “Shit” the guard swore as he flinched and turned to see the destruction. I reached forward and snapped his neck. No one had seen me yet and I planned to keep it relatively quiet until I had caused further destruction. I may be killing but by Equestria’s goddess and my own god I swear that I’m going to destroy the LBH so they cannot kill anymore innocents. I snuck around back of a supply bunker, there was only one guard posted. I snuck up behind him and grabbed him around the neck and broke it effortlessly. I dragged his body into the supply bunker without anyone spotting me. I hid his body behind some ammunition crates and went into the far back part of the bunker. There was everything I would need back here. I slid of my old clothes and slipped on some camouflage combat dressing. I rolled up the sleeves of my jacket and found a heavy ballistic vest and slipped it over my chest and tightened it to my body. I opened an explosives crate and latched several M67 fragmentation grenades to the chest harness on the ballistic vest. I found an M16A3 with a barrel heat guard rather than the usual fore grip and it even had an M203 grenade launcher, though it was a little weathered it looked to be fine. I slung the M16 across my back and slipped some extra magazines along with some grenade rounds into the battle harness, and then I slipped some leg harnesses to my legs and looked around for a good pistol as I holstered my Colt SAA into the right hip holster. There were many pistols but none took to my fancy, I wanted something big, something that would give a real boom. I couldn’t find anything that fit my fancy so I disregarded the whole sidearm thing for the moment and looked for a big gun. I found one, an old Russian RPK light machinegun. I grabbed the machinegun and looked at it thoroughly. Though weathered, the gun was in good repair and would defiantly work. I held the light machinegun over my shoulder and grabbed some extra magazines for it and slipped them into the ballistic vest. I was almost ready. I looked around and found the ballistic vest plates and slipped a plate in the front of the vest and in the back. I grabbed two large 7 inch combat knives, slipping one into a leg sheath and the other into a sheath built into the ballistic vest. I tilted the RPK forward and pulled back the charging bolt and loaded a fresh round into the gun. I rested the RPK across my shoulder as I cocked a fresh round into the M16, I already had my Colt SAA loaded before I entered the base. I was about to leave when I glanced at the bunker office and curiosity enticed me and I walked inside. There was no one inside but on the desk laid some scattered papers. I walked over and looked through the papers but nothing caught my interest, except for the locked desk drawer. They say curiosity kills the cat but I had a feeling that it wouldn’t hurt to check. The locks on these desks were flimsy at best and all I had to do was give it a motivational pull and the lock broke and the drawer opened revealing its contents. Inside the desk was a .50 caliber AE Desert Eagle. I pulled out the massive handgun and pulled back the slide, there was a loaded magazine in the pistol so I released the slide and loaded a fresh round into the chamber then holstered the pistol in the leg harness and grabbed the extra magazines from the desk, which totalled in five plus the one in the gun, equalled six. I was about to leave when I spotted an AA12 by the door along with a crate full of drum magazines for the gun. There was no way I’d be able to take that along with me and be able to run. I thought to myself how cumbersome it would be but then shrugged off the thought and walked over and slung the mighty shotgun across my back and took several drum magazines for the gun. The weight of all the equipment was easily over a hundred pounds but it didn’t slow me down all that much. I walked out of the bunker, some of the soldiers had went along their way and left the truck but some still looked at the truck in flames and the explosion had drew quite a crowd. I pulled one of the grenades off the chest harness and pulled out the safety pin and released the spoon. The grenade was hot and I tossed it at the soldiers. Several soldiers took notice but it was too late, the M67 frag grenade exploded and violently tore anyone within its blast radius into a gory mess. A soldier who was close by screamed something in Arabic, or maybe it was Spanish I really don’t know. I pulled the M16 forward with my right hand and triggered the grenade launcher. A 40mm grenade round propelled down range and exploded behind a small group of soldiers. The soldier that was screaming got caught in the blast and was propelled into a front flip. I let the M16 dangle back down on its sling and leveled the RPK at hip level, aiming it towards a group of soldiers who were running out of a small shack. I held the trigger back on the RPK and hosed down the group with a torrent of 7.62x39mm rounds. They screamed in horror as their bodies were shredded by lead death and their bodies were strewn across the ground. Several other soldiers heard the commotion and came running, guns at the ready. A soldier came running around the corner of a building with an Uzi and was about to fire upon me but I was already ready and cut him down with a quick burst of auto fire from my RPK. He screamed as his body twirled from the force of the incoming rounds. A soldier took a vantage point in a guard tower and fired at me with an AK47, the bullets missed me and kicked up dirt behind me as I leveled the RPK on the guard tower and held back the trigger. The RPK devastated the soldier in the guard tower and the soldier let out a comical scream as fell back over the railing of the tower and fell to his death, landing on a pile of crates which shattered under his body weight. Several other soldiers rushed out from a building and took a stationary stance and aimed the rifles at me and fired but somehow they all missed terribly. I leveled my RPK at the hip and emptied the remainder of the magazine into the group. Some of the bullets missed the soldiers and stuck a large propane tank behind them and the tank ruptured and let off a tremendous explosion. Their bodies were tossed through the air as the explosion ripped through the compound. Several soldiers ducked in fear as I continued my slow walk through the compound. I ejected the spent magazine from the gun and loaded a fresh one then loaded a fresh round into the gun. A group of soldiers took defensive positions on top of a roof balcony and took pot shots at me. I slid behind the cover of a military vehicle parked nearby and their rifles riddled the body of the vehicle but luckily it had armour plating that, for the moment, stopped the barrage of bullets from striking me. Several other soldiers tried to flank me from the sides and I leveled my RPK and once they were in my line of sight I hosed them down with a long burst of auto fire. They screamed and those who were not torn apart by the barrage of lead death took cover behind solid surfaces like other vehicles or buildings. I reloaded my RPK with a new magazine and tried to line up a shot with the soldiers on the balcony but they had me completely pinned down. I thought to myself for a second and thought about how durable the armour was on the doors then decided to take the risk. I opened the door and slipped the vehicle into neutral and began to push the army truck towards the building with the balcony while taking cover behind the door of the truck. My gamble paid off and the door was able to stop their rifle’s shots for now. They continued to scream as I pushed the truck closer to them. Finally I got close enough and while I pushed the truck with my left hand I let go with my right hand and loaded a fresh grenade round into the M203 launcher attachment on the M16. One of the men on the balcony screamed frantically and I took that moment of opportunity and popped my body out to the side of the door and held the M16 in both hands and triggered the grenade launcher, the 40mm fragmentation round collided with the balcony and exploded in a violent eruption of fragmentation shrapnel and extreme heat. The balcony collapsed and crumbled in front of the building and I smirked as I slung the M16 back across my back. I saw a group of soldiers charge towards me and I leveled my RPK and fired upon them. They screamed as they were chopped down by lead death rounds. I spotted another group take cover so I pulled out another frag grenade and pulled the pin and tossed the grenade at them, as I released the grenade its safety spoon disengaged and the grenade was live. As it landed near them I heard screams but my face turned dire as I watched the grenade get tossed back at me. I ran from the grenade’s trajectory blast and lept away, “Oh shit” I yelled just as the grenade exploded. I felt shrapnel tear into the ballistic plate in the back of my vest but luckily it didn’t cut through. I grunted as I rolled behind a slight incline in the land elevation that protected me from the front. I rolled onto my back and was about to get up when I realized that my RPK had received shrapnel damage and the gas port was destroyed. I sighed to myself, the gun would still technically work but only if I cocked a new round into the chamber each time and that completely took away from the point of the RPK. I tossed the RPK to the ground and unslung the M16 and loaded a fresh grenade round into the launcher. I lept to my feet and saw a group of soldiers coming towards me but there was something terribly wrong with the group. There were three unicorns and a pegasus with them, I didn’t let the thought faze me and I hosed down the group with an automatic burst from the assault rifle. I took one quick glance at the group as they lay lifelessly on the ground and simply figured perhaps the LBH simply recruited some pony mercenaries. I heard a fizzing sound of something like that of an RPG round and turned but as I did and RPG round flew pat me and into an army vehicle behind me. The explosion sent my body propelling through the air but luckily I wasn’t harmed, except for some bruising I received from when I hit the ground. I coughed in pain and looked up to a guard tower to see a soldier reloading an RPG-7. I got to my knees and aimed the M16 at the guard tower but instead of firing off the assault rifle I triggered the grenade launcher and the 40mm grenade round devastated the top of the tower and annihilated the soldier with the RPG. I loaded a fresh grenade round into the launcher and stood to my feet just as a group of pony soldiers raced around the corner of another building. I fired the M16 from my hip level and their bodies twisted and turned as the smaller 5.56mm rounds tore through their bodies. They let out horrid screams of agony as they fell to the ground and their life drained from their bodies. My M16 had run dry and I loaded a fresh magazine into the rifle but as I cocked the gun, the round failed to load and jammed itself. “Shit” I cursed and pulled back the extraction bolt and ejected the jammed round and loaded a fresh one. As I rounded the corner of a large building several human soldiers along with pony soldiers came around the other corner opposite of me. I leveled my M16 at my hip and launched a grenade round at them, the group of soldiers were torn to shreds as the 40mm grenade round burst into a deathly explosion. Skin and muscle was torn from the bone and the explosion eviscerated the group. I continued to walk forward to the large compound building which I presumed was the HQ. A small group of soldiers came racing out of a storage bunker and fired at me. I leveled my M16 and lined up a fine shot but as I held back the trigger the gun began to rattle as it spat out 5.56mm NATO rounds, though I had never shot an M16 before I didn’t think they were supposed to rattle like and AK47. As I chopped down the group the M16 suddenly burst apart in my hands, the entire upper receiver burst from lower part of the gun and erupted violently. Burning powder and carbon burnt my face mildly but it was enough to make me drop the busted M16 and grab for my face to rub off the burning carbons. The group continued to fire at me, one of them finally scored a hit on me and the force of the bullets from his large caliber rifle knocked me to the ground but I was lucky enough for the ballistic vest plates to stop the bullet in its path. The group stopped firing at me, probably thinking they’d stopped me, oh how wrong they were. I unslung the Uzi from my side and held the gun in front of me and sprayed them down with the Uzi. They screamed as the 9mm rounds, meant for a pistol, spewed out of the Uzi at an incredible rate of fire and they were cut down, empty brass spat out the side of the gun at an incredible rate and littered the ground beside me. I got to my feet and looked around, the compound had mostly been destroyed by my lone assault and explosions had set the forest vegetation ablaze. I walked forward towards the large compound HQ and attempted to open the large front doors but they wouldn’t budge, it felt like something was jammed behind it. I looked back to the yard and saw a large military flatbed truck and smiled. * * * Third person perspective: “When those guys come through the door, shoot until you run out of ammo” ordered a lieutenant. “But sir… reports from outside say it’s just one guy” whispered another soldier, “That’s bullshit, it can’t be just one guy, there’s no way” muttered a sergeant who had mounted himself behind an M240 machinegun. “Unless… unless it’s him, the one” whispered a frightened corporal. “That’s just a myth, it’s not real. Now put in your tampons and” the lieutenant began but suddenly a large flatbed crashed through the front entrance of the building, making its own entrance. The driver side door opened and a bloodied man with short hair, stubble and a tattered combat uniform stepped out of the truck, holding an AA12 at hip level with one hand. He smiled and quoted “Knock-knock” > Government secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dmitry: I lifted the barrel of the AA12 up and pointed it at the group of soldiers, for some reason they just stood there in shock, not really knowing what to make of the situation. I held back the trigger on the AA12 and it chugged out military grade 00buckshot. The soldiers were hit by a wall of lead pellets and their bodies were knocked back by the force of the 12guage rounds as their bodies were devastated by the blasts. At this range a shotgun was absolutely terrifying and its combat results were just as fearsome. Several of the soldiers managed to scream out in horror as I put them down the hard way. Screams echoed the hallways but were silenced by the thunderous chugging of the AA12. I released my grip on the trigger and smoke escaped through the end of the barrel. Two ponies took defensive positions on the second floor balcony that overlooked the entrance and mounted the M240 machinegun that was mounted on the rail of the balcony. The room was filled by the rattling gunfire of the M240 as its 7.62x51mm rounds filled the air. I lept behind the cover of the sandbags that the soldiers had set up and thankfully it held up against the barrage of gunfire but I wasn’t sure for how long. I crept along the floor and waited. Then the machinegun stopped firing, I waited to make sure they hadn’t simply just stopped firing. My ears were ringing from all the gunfire but I was able to hear the click of the machinegun as they opened up the receiver to reload the gun. I burst up from behind the cover of the sandbags and held back the trigger on the AA12, and thanks to the recoil assembly of the gun it didn’t kick all that much. The 00buckshot tore away at the flimsy railings of the balcony and the machine gunner and his partner were annihilated by the constant stream of lead. I ejected the drum magazine and loaded a fresh magazine into the gun. I pulled back the charging handle and released it, the receiver slammed forward and loaded a fresh shotgun shell into the chamber. “Okay if I was a tyrannical dictator where would I hid?” I asked myself out loud as I began to walk down the hallways of the building. A lone soldier hoped out of a doorway and let off a quick burst with a G3 assault rifle, one of the rounds nicked my leg but it didn’t faze me, I turned my body to face him but he ducked back into the room, I turned my aim to the wall and held back the trigger. The 00buckshot destroyed the drywall and ripped right through and into the lone soldier. He screamed as his life drained away and I simply turned back around “Nowhere to hide” I quoted as I continued to walk down the hallways. Suddenly another man burst from a doorway, but he was different because for some reason he was dressed in a suit and had a fancy XM8 rifle with a drum magazine. He let out a scream, well I think he was trying for a war cry but it came out more like a scream. He held down the trigger of his assault rifle and 5.56mm rounds tore through the air as I slid down to the floor and the rounds tore through the drywall behind me and it crumbled apart. Pieces of drywall debris along with dust cluttered down onto my back and I rolled behind a wall and the man blasted another burst of bullets at me. I got to my feet and ran through the hallways as he sprayed across the walls and the 5.56mm rounds tore right through the drywall. I slid across the floor and slowed my breathing. “Come out come out wherever you are” he taunted. I kept sneaking along through the hallways until I came into a back atrium of the building with a balcony that had a large window behind it so people could look out to the forest. “Surprise” the man laughed just as the distinctive sound of auto fire came from his XM8, the 5.56 NATO rounds chipped away at the tiled floor beside me. I rolled to the left and as I regained my posture I took a crouched stance and pulled back the trigger on the AA12. It chugged through the remainder of its ammunition in less than two seconds. The man’s suit was torn apart and his chest was shredded as the 12guage rounds ripped him apart, blood stained his suit. The force of the buckshot knocked the man back through the window and he fell with a scream into a large crate of explosives that for some reason exploded as his body broke through the crate. The explosion felt like it was rocking the building. Finally the explosive shockwave stopped. I smirked “Well that hit the spot” I chuckled and looked to my left to see a security door. I dropped my emptied AA12, I would’ve liked to take it along but I no longer had any ammunition for it. I tried to open the security door but it was locked. I reached to my chest harness and pulled out my last grenade, I pulled the pin and released the safety spoon and dropped the grenade by the base of the door as I ran from the live grenade. The fragmentation grenade exploded violently and blew down the security door. I walked over to the blown down door and drew out my Desert Eagle handgun and walked down the stairs into what looked like a basement or perhaps it was a sublevel of some sort. As I finally reached the bottom of the stairs I looked around, the hallways were lit by dim red lights that gave it a spooky feeling. “Figures I get the warlord with a necrosis attitude” I muttered to myself as I walked down the hallways, leading my way with the powerful handgun. It was like a friggin maze down here, one that I wondered if I would ever get out of. Finally I reached a doorway at the end of a long hallway, it was like whoever made this place made an epically long hallway just so they could put a single room at the end of it. Pointless if you ask me, and a waste of time. I kicked down the door and a nerdy looking man turned around and screamed. “Gah, don’t hurt me” he screamed in an almost stereotypical nerd voice. “Where the fuck is the leader?” I asked, morel like ordered him to reveal his location. “Oh well… oh I uhm… I am the leader” he said as he stood up, his frame was small and he pushed his square glasses up his nose so that he could get a better look at me. “You can’t be serious? Really? I mean, there’s all those soldiers out there and you’re the one leading them” I replied, completely shocked that he could be leading the LBH, but then I thought to myself ‘Sometimes warlords weren’t fighters but rather smart people but I never thought in all my life that a warlord word be a nerd’. “Why?” I asked as I pointed the Desert Eagle at his head and stepped closer so that the cold barrel touched his temple. “Gah please don’t kill me” he pleaded. “Why the fuck did you do this? Why the war? Why all the pointless killing?” I roared, almost on the verge of tears. “Because she told me to, and it wasn’t me who started the war, it was my dad and he did it for her” he informed me and I pulled the gun away from his head and stepped back but kept the handgun trained on his head. “Who’s she?” I asked and he mumbled something but I wasn’t able to hear him. “What?” I asked and he began to say it again “Chrys… Chrysa… Chrysalis” he stammered, almost like the name was more fearsome than I was. I remembered hearing about some infestation in Canterlot awhile back, something about some queen named Chrysalis who launched an attack with a bug army or something. “Who the bug?” I asked and he shook his head, “No the real one” he said but the fear in his voice simply made it hysterical. But before I could say something quipy a gunshot went off and a bullet hole was placed in the side of his head and the opposite side of his head burst apart as the bullet ejected from his skull. I swung my body to where the shot had come from and saw a horrid looking creature that was levitating a smoking Colt Python. “What the fuck” I yelled as I looked at the creature before me, it released the gun from its magic aurora and the Colt clattered to the ground but I kept my Desert Eagle trained on the monster. “Please, lower your gun” she said in an almost mesmerizing tone. I stepped back and kept the gun aimed at her. “What the fuck are you?” I asked and she smiled grimly “I was going to ask you the same thing” she replied. “Human… I’m a human, now what the fuck are you?” I asked and she took a daring step forward. “I am the one known as Queen Chrysalis, empress of the changeling army” she announced. “Yeah… weren’t you like killed or something during your attack on Canterlot?” I asked and she looked to me and raised an eyebrow. “No, you see over a millennia ago I defeated Celestia and encased her in a magical cocoon but before I sent her away I took her body form so I could rule Equestria, the only one to see through the disguise was her sister, that retched alicorn known as Luna, so I banished her to the moon” she informed me. “Okay let me stop you right there, I know you’re lying because Celestia banned Luna to the moon because she went evil and turned into Nightmare moon” I replied and she laughed hysterically. “NO, you silly fool. Luna knew her sister was defeated and could not aid her in battle so she encased Equestria in darkness because she knew that in darkness her powers would rise considerably but I managed to defeat her and banish her to the moon but her power rose to considerable new heights that rivaled even mine and when she returned I knew I could not defeat her new found power so I used the ones known as the element bearers to defeat her and eliminate her new powers but then I realized that the elements of harmony’s new powers were also greater than my own so I sat and waited for an opportune moment to strike. I thought I had one but I wasn’t sure so I constructed a plan and had one of my best changelings transform into a body form that looked identical to me and I allowed the attack to ensue, we would’ve won but the love of those fools Cadence and Shining Armor was our undoing so I just waited for the opportune moment to reveal itself again” she told me. “That doesn’t explain the whole human war thingy” I told her. “Oh right. When I was in search of new love that could boost my powers I found a man on another planet who would love me willingly for who I really was, strange that someone would love me despite my regular appearance. We shared many passionate nights together and it was like” she began but I interrupted her again. “I don’t care about any of that, why the war?” I asked and she sighed. “Picky, fine I’ll tell you what you want to know” she sighed. “So as it turned out he had connections in the earth government and together we found a way to open a transportation matrix that allowed people to come to Equestria, but I made it so that ponies couldn’t go to earth. People’s love for ponies boosted my powers considerably but when I began to demand power over the humans they demanded the exact same thing and soon war broke out. The war was filled with hate that diminished my power. The human army had considerable amounts of warfare technology that we had never even heard of. So as the second decade came around I began to hire greedy humans to reveal technology to us and eventually we defeated the human army but at a heavy cost. Now that humans were considered taboo to love I couldn’t just let them stay here but I needed their love to regain my power so I created a plan. Send all the human soldiers back but keep a percent of them to help raise my powers. And that is how everything played out” she informed me. I yawned, the story was a long one and it did make sense but jeeze it was almost unbearably boring. I pointed to the dead nerd. “What’s his story?” I asked and Chrysalis looked to me and smiled, “He is the son of the father who helped me bring my plan into action, on a very special occasion his father and I shared a passionate night together and a few months later I gave birth to his child, he later died of old age but I promised myself to keep his blood line going” she told me and I snickered. “So much for that” I laughed and she smirked. “No… right now his seed is inside me and I am pregnant with his child, their blood line continues even though he is dead… but I need a new spouse” she said and licked her lips as she looked to me. “Ha, no deal” I laughed as I raised my Desert Eagle, but as I lined up a shot with her ugly face it was as if she was staring into my soul. “Uhg… uhh” I grunted and it was as if I lost the will to kill her, my hands fell to my side and the Desert Eagle fell from my grasp and clattered to the floor. “Silly humans, so easy to manipulate” she hissed as she trotted forward. It was as if my entire body was in some sort of trans, I couldn’t even move my fingers. She trotted up to me and licked my face with her slimy tongue. “You and I will have powerful children together” she whispered in my ear. I tried to subdue her brainwash but I couldn’t, I wanted to cry. I had failed to stop the LBH and in the end I would most likely be the cause for the downfall of Equestria. A lone memory of Rainbow Dash came to my mind, “I HATE YOU” she screamed, my anger for myself burned within me. I hated myself so much that it became unbearable. The rage broke free from her brainwash and I clenched my fists and let out a thunderous roar of pure anger. My muscles all tensed and veins surfaced as my anger continued to rise. I hated myself so much for all the pain and suffering I had caused. “No don’t hate… DON’T HATE” she screamed and something in the back of my head remembered that she needed love to feed off of, so if I was full of hate she couldn’t get a single drop of energy from me. A whirlwind began to surround me and gusts of wind blew papers from the desk. A powerful blue aurora surrounded my entire body and began to flash brilliantly from my body. Electricity coursed around my body and crackled through the air, I continued my roar of anger and it felt as if I was stronger than ever before, my muscles nearly doubled in size as my anger rose to un-foretold levels. The ground beneath me shook and the ground around my feet crumbled apart and pushed back, creating a crater around me as I continued to let my anger flood my body. “No stop it… STOP!” she screamed but I paid her no mind. Finally I allowed myself to settle down but my power had not left my body, I stepped up the slight incline of the crater that was created from my… whatever it was that I did that created the crater. “No… this is impossible” she stammered in fear as I stepped forward. I clenched my fists and electricity crackled around my fists. > Celestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dmitry: I charged at her with all my might but just as I went to slam her head into the ground her horn flared up and she disappeared into thin air. I tried to think about where she could’ve gone but couldn’t think of anywhere. ‘Save me’ whispered a voice in my head, “Uh yeah… I know right” I said out loud, ‘Please save me, Equestria is in grave danger and it needs my help’ whispered the voice. “Yeah, well I’ve already fucked up enough things for one day I don’t think that Equestria needs me running around in some fury state destroying a bunch of stuff” I told the voice. ‘No… in the doorway past where you are… look to your right’ the voice told me and I looked to my right to see a heavily built door. I walked over and tried opening the door but it was locked, I stepped back and booted the door down. It crashed to the ground with a THUD and I entered a dimly lit chasm. “Okay seriously, no more spooky hallways” I said out loud and the voice returned. ‘Please, the fate of Equestria may rest on your shoulders’ the voice told me. I tensed myself up and generated a brighter aurora around my body, the aurora was so powerful that it blew dust away from my feet and the air around me crackled with electricity as I walked down the creepy hallway. Whoever had made this, probably that freakish bug lady, had made it to be lit with torches. “Man… this place looks ancient” I muttered to myself. ‘It is, it was built by our great ancestors many millennia ago’ the voice told me and I let out a deep exhale as I looked in fascination at the torches that lit the hallway. The hallway seemed to go on forever but finally I reached the end and was about to open the door when a voice screeched in my head. “Nooo, don’t release her, if you do Equestria will be doomed’ screeched the voice in my head. “WELL MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND ALREADY, YOU HAD ME WALK ALL THE WAY DOWN THIS FUCKING HALLWAY AND FOR WHAT? To tell me ‘Don’t open the door’” I yelled and the long hallway echoed my voice. ‘No you must release me, do not listen to her’ said the voice in my head but then the voice was silenced by the other. ‘Do not listen to her, she is weak. Her weakness will spread across Equestria and make it weak, you must have a powerful leader’ hissed the other voice. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I yelled and both voices left my head, at this point I was already down her so I might as well see what’s behind the spooky door. I opened the door to see a brightly lit cocoon tied in chains with Princess Celestia inside. Well I think it was her anyway, with things the way they were I was only sure of one thing, that I was me. I walked over to the cocoon and it illuminated brighter as I brought my hand up and touched the transparent cocoon. It had a slimy feel to it and just touching it made me want to gag. I felt pity for Celestia, if she had been trapped in this thing for… however long she was trapped in it, she was probably pruned like someone who had been in the bath way too long. I pulled out my combat knife and looked at the cocoon that was wrapped in chains. I held one of the chain links and my hand illuminated in a beautiful blue aurora and soon the chains melted and the cocoon simply hung there, a strand of cocoon attached to the ceiling kept it hanging above the ground. I reached up but couldn’t reach it. “I wish I had pegasus serum… that would make this easier” I muttered as I focused on my own body and made myself levitate upwards. I reached forwards and cut the cocoon down from the ceiling and caught it in my magical aurora so the occupant wouldn’t be injured from the fall. I laid the cocoon gently on the floor and cut open the cocoon with my knife, making sure not to cut the occupant. Green liquid goo gushed out of the cocoon as I opened it, Celestia’s body rolled out of the cocoon case and I nudged her, hoping she was just sleeping or hibernating or whatever. But she didn’t react to my nudge, I brought my ear up to her mouth and listened, she wasn’t breathing. “Well this is just perfect” I told myself but then I remembered basic CPR. I groaned to myself and I rolled her body onto her back and began to push down on her chest as I attempted to get her to breathe. “Come on… come on… Breathe!” I yelled but the body simply laid there, lifeless. “I did not come all the way down here, cut open this goo sack just to have you be dead… BREATHE!” I yelled but still the body didn’t move. I brought my ear up to her mouth again but she still wasn’t breathing. I kept trying to pump my hands against her chest to bring her back to life but she still wouldn’t come around. Her mouth was open and her tongue lay limp out of her mouth then I remembered in CPR you were supposed to like breathe down their mouth to help them have oxygen or something. “Ohh… yeah no” I said to myself but my conscious caught up to me, after all the lives I had just taken I couldn’t really just let Celestia die. “I’m never going to live this one down” I muttered to myself as I leaned my face over top of hers. “Oh god… I hope no one ever knows about this” I muttered as I held her mouth open and placed my lips over hers and breathed into her mouth. I quickly took my lips away from hers and wiped the slim off my lips. “Ack, gross” I muttered to myself as I began to pump her chest again but still she didn’t come around. “Come on… don’t die on me… I didn’t come all this way just to find out you’re dead” I muttered, then again I had come all this way to put a stop to the LBH, which technically I almost did. I looked to her mouth again and groaned disgustedly that I was once again going to perform mouth to mouth on a slimy pony err alicorn… it was still gross. I once again leaned my face over hers and had to close my eyes from the sheer grossness of it as I leaned my face forward and pressed my lips against her and breathed into her mouth again. ‘Alright seriously if she doesn’t come around this time I’m just gonna say she’s dead and leave her’ I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt something wet and juicy slip into my mouth and it licked my own tongue. I jumped back from the suddenness of it. I landed on my ass and looked to the slimy princess. She coughed a few times then stood up onto all four of her hooves, if I was standing up I would probably be eye to eye with her. “What… the fuck… was that?” I gasped, horrified to know the answer. “My tongue” she replied casually and I leaned over and puked. The slim was bad enough but I had just unintentionally French kissed with a talking pony. No I didn’t. She kissed me, it’s different. Celestia walked over, “Didn’t you like it?” she asked and I shook my head “No… I didn’t it was… quite disturbing” I replied and she simply sighed. “That’s too bad, I was hoping for a stallion in shining armor to come to my rescue… the kiss to wake the sleeping beauty” she told me and my gut wrenched in disgust. “You… weren’t really dead were you? You were just faking” I asked, already knowing the answer. She nodded and I groaned “Don’t tell anyone or else” I groaned and she laughed and walked over to me and pushed my body onto the ground as she stood over top of me like a seductress. “First we need to do something” she told me and I tried to escape out from under her but she had bound my body to the ground with her own magical abilities. “You know what? I should’ve listened to that insect freak, at least she wouldn’t have raped me” I muttered then thought about it, she probably would’ve raped me to. I cursed myself for letting myself get dragged into this situation. “Don’t worry, soon you will have the most tremendous powers” Celestia told me. “Wait what?” I asked in confusion and she suddenly stabbed both my shoulders with her horn, the left then the right. I screamed out in pain as she stepped back and released my body from her magical aurora. “You now have the powers of an alicorn at your disposal” she told me as my wounds healed magically. I was panting heavily as the wounds finally healed, she trotted past me, “You didn’t think I was actually going to rape you?” she laughed as she gave me a wink and opened the door to the isolation chamber. I groaned to myself as I followed her, this was getting better by the minute, what next? Oh I know she’ll tell me that I’m supposed to rule Equestria or something. As we walked down the hallway the torches dimmed and a gust of wind went by and the fires of all the torches went out. “Great” I muttered as I clenched my fists and powered up, the aurora around my body illuminated the hallway with a beautiful blue haze. Suddenly that bug lady… Chrysalis, came flying at us. I opened my fist and put it in front of my body and a blue blast of energy shot out of my palm and collided with her. There was an explosion followed by smoke that soon past but her voice echoed through the hallways. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you yet” Chrysalis’ voice laughed. “We have to get out of here” Celestia said but collapsed to her knees. “Another prince charming act?” I asked sarcastically but she shook her head weakly. “No… giving you those powers has made me weak… don’t worry, I can still walk” she replied and staggered to her feet but this simply wasn’t going to cut it. Suddenly I heard a gross slushing sound and looked down the hallway to see a tidal wave of green goo splashing towards us. “What is this? Indiana Jones?” I asked and looked up. “Up and out” I muttered and lifted my hand up and blasted the roof of the hallway with a large beam of magical energy. The energy cut through the roof and tunneled all the way to the surface, the tunnel was large enough for us both to fly though. I looked to Celestia who was still having troubles standing. I grabbed her in my arms and cradled her body close to mine and lept upwards and amazingly I could fly. ‘Alicorn powers are sweet’ I told myself as I flew upwards through the tunnel. Our bodies flew through the tunnel top and I landed blissfully on the ground and was about to set Celestia down when I realized she was still exhausted so I held her body close to mine. “I’ll get you out of here… I promise” I told her and she looked up to me with a weakened smile. “My knight in shining armour” she whispered and I looked down to her. “Yeah if I’m gonna save you, you’ll have to call me something different” I replied, “How about prince charming” she snickered and I rolled my eyes, ‘How was that any better?’ I thought to myself then figured I wasn’t even going to bother so I simply muttered “Yeah sure let’s go with that” > It begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I carried Celestia out of the compound I heard the engine of a motorcycle approach. I had both my hands occupied so I levitated out my Desert Eagle and the engine roar came ever closer. The motorcycle, which was a classic Harley Davidson, came over the hill and drove down towards the military compound but what was strange was that it was two ponies riding the motorcycle. They drove right up to me and Rainbow Dash lept off the Harley and grabbed my tightly. “Please… I don’t hate you” Dash cried and I felt her tears against my skin. I returned her hug and she looked up into my eyes. “I forgive you” she cried and I knelt down to eye level with her. “I’m truly sorry, I am happy to hear that you forgive me. I think I will be able to forgive myself now” I told her and something inside me felt warm, like a darkness inside me finally had light shawn upon it. “Sorry to break up this reunion, but we have to get to Ponyville and warn every-pony” Celestia groaned. “Wait if you were locked up for all this time how do you know about Ponyville?” I asked and she smiled. “I have my ways” she told me. “Alright you two drive and I’ll fly with Celestia” I told them and they nodded. “Wait, Dash” I called out and she stopped and turned to me. I stepped forward and embraced her in another hug. “I love you little one” I whispered and I could feel her smile. “I love you to... friend” she said and we broke away from the hug and I launched into the air but made sure they were close behind when I started flying. * * * Trixie: I drove the military issued car between two trucks as we continued towards Canterlot. Hammerhead had ripped me a new asshole and I’d be lucky if I ever saw the field again. I saw Pinkie Pie and Dash race past us in the opposite direction on a motorcycle. I looked back to see her driving towards Ponyville and above them in the sky flew a human who held Celestia. I turned back around and faced the direction I was driving when suddenly it hit me. ‘Human, flying… holding Celestia!’ I thought to myself and turned around to look again and my jaw dropped as I watched the human fly towards Ponyville with a defeated Celestia in his hands. I lost track of my driving and ended up rear ending the truck in front of me. The car stopped abruptly and the front end of my car was destroyed but that wasn’t the biggest of my problems. I kicked open the door and started screaming for the men to look. General Hammerhead got out of his leading convoy vehicle and came trotting back to me with an angered face. “TRIXIE! WHAT IS THE” he began but I cut him off. “The human. Look it’s… it’s attacking” I screamed and pointed to the human holding Celestia as it flew towards the town. Hammerhead’s jaw dropped as he watched the human fly towards Ponyville and muttered “Sweet mother of god”. * * * Dmitry: I landed in the middle of town and Celestia began to call out to every-pony in the town. A crowd soon formulated around Celestia as she began to warn ponies about the current events. Pinkie Pie raced the motorcycle up and Dash lept off and raced up to my side. Pinkie Pie chuckled and Twilight gave her a strange look, Pinkie Pie was about to say something then just sort of shrugged it off. “Chrysalis is more powerful than any of us and we have to” Celestia began but suddenly a loud KA-BOOM filled the air and the building behind Celestia was annihilated by a tank shell. I covered Celestia’s body with a protective shield as the debris crumbled around her but then I heard the sound of screeching tires and looked to see at least a dozen LBH jeeps pull up on the opposite side of the street. One of the jeep gunners turned a Browning M1919 towards the group and opened fire at Celestia and took no regard for any-pony nearby. I focused my energy into a shield and protected every-pony from the incoming fire. The shield was strong enough to repel the .30 caliber rounds and no-pony was harmed. “We gotta get outta here” I yelled and ran up and grabbed Celestia and used an instant teleportation spell and transported us away from the havoc. * * * Trixie: The LBH soldiers had their weapons trained on us and at the moment it would be a toss-up of who would win. We both had several tanks and armoured jeeps and both sides had a considerable amount of armed soldiers. “Cease this foolishness” yelled Celestia as she fluttered down. ‘Wait a minute… I thought that human guy defeated her?’ I thought to myself but I shook of the thought as Celestia began her speech. “That human is a menace, he needs to be killed along with his imposter” Celestia informed us. “Both sides must join together if we are to have any chance of winning this” Celestia told us but Rainbow Dash ran forward. “Don’t listen to her, she’s the imposter” Rainbow Dash yelled out to the crowd. “Don’t be ridiculous” Celestia yelled and Dash paid her no attention. “She is a fake, the real Celestia is with Dmitry” Dash called out and Celestia stepped forward and held down Dash with her magic. “This one has already been brain washed by the beast, we must strike it down before it takes all of us” Celestia ordered us and with that both sides joined forces to defeat this menace. * * * Dmitry: I ran along as fast as I could with Celestia in my arms, even though she wasn’t all that heavy she slowed me down just a little. I heard the sound of an incoming explosive shell and suddenly the ground beside us erupted and almost knocked me down but I kept running then lept into the air and began to fly. * * * Third person: “Dammit” Hammerhead yelled and grabbed the radio piece from the back of one of the pony soldiers and dialed it in. “GET ME THE WONDERBOLTS OUT HERE NOW!” Hammerhead yelled and the human leader beside him smirked and grabbed his radio. “Code red, I repeat code red. I need some F-18s in the air yesterday” the human leader yelled into the radio and hung up his radio and looked to Hammerhead and pointed forwards. The tank division, which consisted of nine human tanks and eight pony tanks, began to tread forward. Dmitry flew through the air and held Celestia tightly to his body as he flew forwards at an incredible speed. He heard something whiz past but suddenly he was hit by the pass by force of an F-18 jet and it knocked him off course. “What the hell?” he began but as he looked back he saw a couple F-18s following him. Dmitry stopped himself midflight and flew the complete opposite direction and past the F-18s. One of the F-18 pilots tried to look back through the clouds but couldn’t see him. “Lost visual, I repeat lost visual” the F-18 pilot said into the microphone. “Copy all, turning back for another pass over” replied another F-18 pilot. “I think we lost them” Celestia said but she spoke too soon, an F-18 flew forward and launched a missile at the duo. Dmitry created a spell shield in front of them but when the missile struck the shield it detonated and destroyed the shield. * * * Dmitry: I lost control of my flight but was able to hold Celestia tight to my body as we plummeted to the ground. I managed to create a small levitation spell on my body but it didn’t really help as I crashed into the ground, my body skidded through the dirt and I made a massive trench as my body skidded along. Finally my body came to a stop and I groaned in pain. Somehow the magic abilities had made my body more resistant to damage but it still hurt like hell. I groaned as I got up but Celestia’s eyes were closed. “Hey Celestia… we made it… but we gotta get outta here… Celestia?” I asked but she didn’t answer. I fell to my knees as I held her in my arms. “No… come on get up… please don’t die” I cried but she didn’t answer and my tears. * * * Third person: Several tanks appeared not far from Dmitry and the generals both looked down to the large trench-like crater that had been created from Dmitry’s fall. “Alright now let’s find out who the hell this guy is” Hammerhead announced and the tanks drove towards the crash site but Hammerhead had gotten a military jeep where he, the human leader and Trixie all sat as their driver drove alongside the tanks. The convoy stopped and Hammerhead pulled out a pair of binoculars. One of the tank commanders pointed to the still living Dmitry. “It’s still alive” screamed the tank commander. “SHOOT AT IT!” Trixie screamed and the tank cannons all boomed but suddenly it was as if the earth shook but the tank shells all exploded violently and smoke obscured their view. “Good call Trixie” Hammerhead replied and Trixie smiled deviously but her smile turned dire as the smoke cleared and Dmitry stood there, his body protected by a powerful shield. “Goodbye my friend” Dmitry said as he laid Celestia’s body on the ground gently and stood up. Several of the tank commanders screamed and fired more tank shells at him but Dmitry’s shield held as he walked towards them. “Kill it goddammit” screamed the human leader but Dmitry’s hand lifted up and his palm began to illuminate as a sphere of energy formed in front of his palm. “Now, while his shield is down” the human commander yelled and another tank cannon went off and Dmitry was struck by the tank shell. The smoke hadn’t even cleared and Dmitry simply walked through it, though his jacket and vest had been destroyed he wasn’t harmed. Dmitry’s energy blast flew forwards and a tank exploded into pieces. “Fuck it, let’s get outta here” Trixie bellowed and the driver agreed as he slapped the jeep into reverse and spun it around then slapped it into drive and raced back to the town of Ponyville, the tanks all drove in reverse and fired at Dmitry as Dmitry blasted energy shots at them and blew them to bits. > Dmitry Vs Chrysalis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash: Pinkie drove the motorcycle up beside Celestia’s body and I lept off and felt her pulse, it was dim but she was alive. “Pinkie we need a… were the hell’s you get that?” I asked as she loaded her motorcycle into the back of a human truck. “I keep a truck around for… truck emergencies” Pinkie said and I rolled my eyes as I hopped in the passenger side and sat Celestia’s body down in the middle of us. Pinkie and I watched as Dmitry shot apart the tanks in the distance. “We have to do something” I muttered as Pinkie floored the accelerator and the truck raced towards the town. * * * Dmitry: I continued blasting all the tanks that stood in my way as I continued my walk forward, it must’ve been the most terrifying thing for my enemies. Suddenly a large explosion from artillery cannons struck me. Though it hurt a little, it tickled in comparison to what I usually felt for pain. I continued my walk towards the town when suddenly a figure slammed down into me. * * * Trixie: “Nothing can stop this thing we’ve hit it with everything we’ve got” Hammerhead screamed. “Not everything General, we haven’t tried… it” I replied, putting emphasis on ‘IT’. Hammerhead removed his sunglasses, “You scare me Trixie, you’re suggesting that we nuke ourselves with our own bomb?” Hammerhead replied and I shook my head. “No sir, we lure him away from the town then nuke him” I told him and the human leader nodded. “It is an excellent plan” he said as he pulled out a radio. “Get me the Nostramo” he ordered into the radio. “This is the Nostramo’s Captain” crackled a voice from the other side. “Ready the missile” the human leader said then the radio crackled and the human leader hung it up. * * * Dmitry: Chrysalis readied herself in a combat stance then charged me, her punches were like lightning and I could barely block any of them and each strike was extremely painful. I staggered back as she pounded me but I reached forward and blasted a shot of blue energy into her face and knocked her back. Smoke was steaming off her face from the blast and she curled back her lips like an angry dog and snarled. I readied myself but once again her punches were like lightning and I could barely even block one or two of them, “Come on, the legendary warrior can’t even stand up to fight me” Chrysalis sneered as she continuously slammed punches into me. She swung around and bucked me, my body went skidding across the ground and I managed to stop myself and stagger to my feet but she once again flew towards me and landed a devastating kick to my chest and I staggered back but managed to stay on my feet but her attacks were relentless and she managed to stay on her hindlegs while she pounded me with her front hooves. I managed to stay on my feet but it took every inch of energy to stabilize my balance as she pounded me. I stood back and gasped in pain as I tried to ready myself for another attack but was barely able to even lift my arms up in front of my body. Chrysalis walked up to me and slammed a heavy punch into my stomach and in the pain I doubled over and collapsed but my upper body was held up by her shoulders. “Uhg…gah” I grunted but couldn’t even move a muscle in my body. “And I thought you hated me” Chrysalis laughed and pulled me back then began slamming more punches into my chest and face. * * * Rainbow Dash: Celestia groaned as she awoke from unconsciousness and looked to me. “Dmitry’s in trouble… he can’t defeat Chrysalis alone” Celestia said weakly, “Well what are we waiting for?” Pinkie asked and drove faster towards Ponyville. “Pinkie… he’s over that way” Celestia groaned and Pinkie chuckled to herself. “I have a better idea” she said and drove the truck into Ponyville. * * * Dmitry: Chrysalis slammed a heavy kick into my chest and sent me flying through some trees. I tried to muster enough strength to fight back but all I managed to do was stagger to my feet before she flew into me and slammed both her hooves into my chest and slammed me against a tree and began to pummel my body relentlessly again. I gagged in pain and blood spat up. “Oh… this is no fun, are you dying already?” she asked hysterically then kicked my body with tremendous force and sent my body hurtling through the air but her horn soon flared up and multiple shots of green energy chased my body and when they collided with me the exploded violently and sent my body into a smoking spiral downwards and I crashed into the ground with a tremendous THUD, my body created a small crater as I crashed into the ground. I staggered up but only managed to get on my hands and knees. “Oh that’s swell, you’re already getting into the habit of getting on your knees before me” Chrysalis snickered and I coughed weakly and blood dripped from my mouth and onto the ground as she flew up and delivered a powerful kick to my side, it sent my body hurtling through the air. * * * Rainbow Dash: We had all gathered out front of the stone statue of Discord, spirit of chaos. “Pinkie, are you sure about this? It could bring about more damage than good” Twilight asked and Pinkie nodded and looked to Celestia. “Twilight Sparkle, you have proved yourself to be a great spell-caster and leader but I am afraid that in these times of desperation one’s enemy can become your ally” Celestia told her. Twilight nodded, even though I had informed everyone that the Celestia they all came to know was a fake, Twilight still trusted the leadership of Equestria’s ruler, even if she wasn’t the one who had trained her all this time. We all pooled together our strength and our element of harmony relics all flashed in a brilliant rainbow stream of energy and it struck the statue of Discord. There was a puff of smoke and we all coughed and then the irritating voice of Discord filled the air. “I’m back, and with that I’m going to bring about chaos and…” he paused and flew forward and looked at us all. “What’s wrong? I just got back and you already all look defeated” Discord laughed and Celestia stepped forward. “Enough Discord, we brought you back to” Celestia began but Discord lept over to her. “Oh Tia, it truly is good to be back… but why in all of Equestria would you release me… unless of course you finally chilled out and want to relax” Discord laughed and Celestia sighed. “Discord… you may be Equestria’s only hope. Please will you help us?” Celestia asked and Discord brought his eagle claw up to his chin and scratched it. “Hmm that depends Tia, on a few conditions… one: I want to be free after this, I promise only to rain chaos in lands far away from Equestria and two:… that’s all” Discord laughed maniacally and Celestia extended her hoof. “Deal” she replied and Twilight gasped as Discord looked at her hoof. He probably didn’t expect her to agree so easily. “Celestia, you can’t be serious, he could easily over throw Equestria afterwards” Twilight argued and Celestia looked to Twilight with a saddened look. “Twilight if we do not agree to his terms then I fear that we may lose Equestria” Celestia said as she shook her hoof with Discord’s claw. “Now explain to me your problem?” Discord asked and Celestia pointed over to were the battle between Dmitry and Chrysalis was going on. “Well, then I suppose it’s time for me to save Equestria, it’s been a pleasure” Discord said. “Just make sure you defeat Chrysalis not Dmitry” Celestia said and Discord nodded as he scampered off towards the battle. * * * Dmitry I staggered and tried to ready myself for another attack but Chrysalis simply lowered her guard then trotted behind me, I couldn’t even muster enough energy to turn my body and block her attack. She threw an elbow into the back of my neck and the force of the blow knocked me to the ground. I rolled over then staggered to my feet and wiped the blood from my mouth. “Poor Dmitry… so lost that he can’t even see the fine writing in from of him” Chrysalis laughed then suddenly a lizard like foot kicked her across the jaw and sent her staggering back. In front of me stood the infamous Discord, lord of chaos. “Dis… Discord?” I grunted and he turned to me and laughed. “Just sit back my dear boy and relax, I can take it from here” Discord laughed and clenched his fists, or talons or whatever they were and a powerful aurora of energy surrounded him but unlike mine his was a pure white. Actually now that I think of it I didn’t even have my power aurora since I began my battle with Chrysalis, as soon as we started it felt like all my power got drained. Discord flew forwards, wait he can fly too? His punch connected with Chrysalis’ face and she staggered back. So far he was doing better than I did. > Chaos Vs Empress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third person: Both of the fighters fought in mid-flight, throwing punches and kicks that were faster than the eye could see. Discord struck Chrysalis with lightning fast jabs but she managed to block most of them then threw a kick into Discord’s side. The draconequus grunted in pain then threw a heavy punch into her face and knocked her head back. Discord flew back and Chrysalis’ horn flared up and shot an energy blast at Discord who brought his arms up in a cross as he shielded his face from the blast. The smoke was just clearing as Discord was bringing his arms back into a combat stance and Chrysalis charged through the smoke and landed a brutal punch into his gut. Discord gasped in pain but swung his body and kicked his leg out, the chine bone struck Chrysalis’ head and knocked it to the side. She gritted her teeth in pain and Discord smiled, but he did so too soon. Chrysalis’ horn once again flared up and she blasted Discord again with yet another energy blast. Discord’s body was knocked out of the air and his chest smoked from the blast as his body plummeted to the ground but before he crashed into the ground he caught himself and began to float in the air again. He looked up to Chrysalis and huffed. “This may be a bit more difficult than I thought” Discord muttered. Chrysalis looked to him and smiled as she dive bombed towards Discord. Discord gritted his teeth and launched himself towards her at full speed but just before their bodies collided it was as if Discord vanished and appeared behind her but if you could slow down time to 1/100 of a second you would actually see that Discord moved faster than the naked eye could see and dodged her charge and ended up behind her. He spun his body and brought the palm of his paw forwards as an energy sphere formed. He snarled and the sphere launched at Chrysalis and struck her in the back and the force slammed her body into the ground with a large crash and the force of the impact created a small crater. At an incredible rate of speed Discord cocked his arms back and in a flash of motion began to shoot his arms forward, launching energy shots at Chrysalis’ body and as each energy blast launched his arm cocked back as if it was affected by recoil. Chrysalis’ body was struck by the destructive energy blasts and soon she was surrounded by heavy explosions. Discord stopped blasting her but suddenly Chrysalis appeared behind Discord and blasted him with one of her own blasts of energy. Discord fell forward and Chrysalis’ horn flared as many more shots of energy followed Discord and erupted as they struck his body. Discord regained a battle stance and covered his body in a protective shield so Chrysalis stopped wasting her energy and stopped blasting energy at him. “How did you do that?” Discord scowled and Chrysalis simply laughed as she rubbed a hoof against her chest triumphantly. “Like that one huh? Twilight showed me that while she still thought I was Celestia” Chrysalis announced and Discord growled and flew towards her at incredible speeds that could match that of even Rainbow Dash and began to slam powerful jabs into Chrysalis but she simply laughed as she blocked his punches with her hooves then threw a heavy knee into Discord’s stomach. Discord bent over from the pain and gagged. Chrysalis hammered the back of his neck with a powerful elbow and Discord flew down and crashed into the ground. Chrysalis flew downwards and brought her hooves forwards like a diver and it was like her body became a deadly drill that was going to drill right through Discord. She slammed into the ground with heavy force that made dirt fly into the air along with dust from the crash force. She stood up and looked in pure shock as she realized she hadn’t hit Discord but simply slammed the ground. Suddenly a powerful blast of white energy struck her from the front and the explosion of the energy sent her body tumbling backwards. “Gah… how did you miss my attack” Chrysalis screeched and Discord shrugged and brought his arms forward in an aggressive battle stance. “Picked up a few new moves while I was in statue confinement” Discord laughed. “Ha no matter, I will still strike you down” Chrysalis laughed and propelled herself at Discord as she launched a barrage of energy blasts at Discord. Discord brought his paw and talon fist forward and attempted to block and deflect the blasts but they simply erupted and blew through his body. Chrysalis head-butted Discord in the stomach and her jagged horn cut through his body. Discord screamed out in pain as she shook her head and his body was taken along with the movements. Her horn flared as she launched another energy blast but as it left her body the blast took Discord with it and erupted, the blast sent Discord skidding along the ground. Discord got to his feet and readied himself. ‘This is never going to work. I need a new strategy’ Discord thought to himself. “Yes you do, this one is quite boring and I want a challenge not a warm up” Chrysalis replied. He gasped as he realized she had just read his thoughts she gave him a funny look. “What’s wrong Discord? Don’t like it when others have the abilities to see what you’re planning?” Chrysalis muttered. At this point he realized that she had only been able to predict his attacks because she had read his thoughts and knew his every move. ‘Time to just wing it’ Discord thought and charged forwards. Chrysalis was about to counter his charge when he moved faster than the speed an eye can see and it was like he teleported behind her. She felt his presence and turned but as she did she was met by the sight of a white sphere of energy which struck her face and sent her flying back but it was followed by several other blasts of energy that slammed into her body and erupted violently. Discord stopped blasting energy shots and flew forwards. Chrysalis staggered back and looked up but as she did she was greeted by a barrage of lightning fast jabs and Discord was relentless as he pummeled her. He quickly changed his tactics and flew up and threw a round house kick to the side of her head. Her head was knocked to the side but as it was she saw he opening and took it. Using the momentum force of the kick she let her body be pulled by the force but swung her hindleg out and landed a thunderous kick into Discord’s side. The spirit of chaos screamed in agony as three of his ribs were broken from the kick. He staggered back in pain but Chrysalis didn’t let him have a second of rest and flew forward with tremendous speed and landed a single heavy punch to his stomach with her hoof and Discord gasped in pain and doubled over. He gagged in pain and as he did, blood came up through his mouth and spat out. “Well this is no fun” Chrysalis complained and literally back-hoofed Discord across the face and sent his body flying into multiple trees, each time he collided with a tree the power of his body weight combined with the tremendous speed from her backhand force sent him crashing through the trees. Finally his body came to a stop and he slumped up against a tree and continued to cough in pain. Blood leaked out of his mouth and also oozed out from the wound in his side from where Chrysalis had impaled him with her horn. He managed to stagger to his feet and grunted in pain as he began to stumble forward. “You can barely walk, let alone fight” Chrysalis laughed and Discord turned around just as she bucked him and the force sent his body flying back into the field but as he hit the ground his body dug in and made a large, crater-like trench that followed his body. His body lay at the end of the trench in a smoking heap and he tried to stand to his feet but couldn’t. A flash of light appeared and then stopped and Chrysalis formed from seemingly thin air, though the teleportation spell was nothing new. Chrysalis picked up Discord in her magical green aurora and stood to her hindlegs as she began to slam debilitating punches into Discord’s stomach area. Each time she punched him he screamed out in pain and blood spat out of his mouth. A flash of purple light seared through the air and the element of harmony bearers along with Celestia appeared. Chrysalis looked over to them, “Oh how wonderful, not only do I get to kill these cockroaches but I get to step on the hole nest” Chrysalis laughed. “Let him go” Fluttershy said in a stern tone that was rather out of character for her. Chrysalis grabbed Discord by one of his arms and held him up as she released him from her magical grasp. “Well if you want him, you can have him. I’ve taken all the fun out of him” Chrysalis laughed and tossed Discord’s body to their hooves. “Now which one of you wants to die first” she laughed in a hysterical tone. Twilight knelt down, knowing that Discord was probably their best hope and lent him some of her energy. Though his wounds didn’t heal, his energy returned and he snarled as he stood up quickly. “Ugh… what have you done” Chrysalis screamed as she realized that Discord’s power had returned. “Discord may have been our enemy once, but how’s the old saying go again? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?” Twilight told the angered queen who simply sneered. “Fine… I’ll just have to beat him to a pulp once again” the queen laughed insanely. Discord let out a terrifying roar and the air around him gusted powerfully like he was the center of a twister and a magical white aurora surrounded him as the ground beneath his body shook and every muscle in his body tensed. “Chrysalis, meet the spirit of CHAOS!” Discord roared. Chrysalis brought her hoof forward and a tiny beam of green energy shot out and struck Discord in the chest and burned a hole straight through him. His energy aurora disappeared nearly instantly and he fell backwards to the ground with a THUMP. “Well that was pointless” Chrysalis laughed and looked to the element bearers. “Well… I think I’ll kill the purple one first” she laughed but before she had the chance to lift her hoof again a man flew down in front of them. At first he stayed in a crouched stance but then he rose to his full height and turned to Chrysalis with an angered look on his face. “Oh great… it’s that ape man again, haven’t you learned monkey? You can’t kill me” Chrysalis screamed as she brought he hoof up and shot a beam of energy at Dmitry. The others scattered as they knew that the beam could cut through skin and flesh like a hot knife with butter but Dmitry simply raised his palm in front of his body. As the beam flew at him he swatted it away like a bug and the beam flew harmlessly into the sky. Chrysalis watched her beam of death fly away and cursed as she launched a barrage of beams at Dmitry who simply moved his hands in a blur of motion and deflected each beam harmlessly into the air. Chrysalis took a step back muttered to herself “There’s… there’s no way that’s possible” > Ascension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dmitry: Chrysalis continued to gawk at the fact that I was somehow standing and able to deflect her blasts, to be perfectly honest I wasn’t sure either but I had a burning rage inside me that couldn’t be tamed. “How… how is this possible… humans are weak” Chrysalis screeched. I flew forward at an incredible speed that was parallel to none. My fist slammed into her chest and electricity crackled. Her body floated back in a seemingly slow motion effect. She managed to stagger the pain off but as she did I threw jabs into her at alarming speeds. There was no way she stood a chance now and she knew it. I stopped pummeling her with my fists and gave her a round house kick to the side of the head that sent her body tumbling along the ground. Her body skidded to a stop and she back flipped then began to fly as she breathed heavily in disbelief that I had this kind of strength. “Impossible… it can’t be… YOU SHALL DIE!” she screamed as her horn flared up and a very powerful blast of green energy launched towards me. I tilted my body to the side and the blast completely missed me, she gritted her teeth in anger as her horn began to illuminate a powerful green. Globs of pure energy dripped from her jagged horn as she maxed out her energy. I stepped my right foot back and brought my arms up to my chest level. “DODGE THIS” she screamed and energy shots burst from her horn like torpedoes and flew towards me. In a flash of motion I flew into the air, as I narrowly evaded the energy blasts, it was like I was a blur of motion and within seconds I was within striking distance of Chrysalis. My fist was like a sledgehammer as it collided with the side of her head, disbelief along with disgruntled pain filled her facial expression. The power of my punch sent her hurtling into the ground and her body created a crater as she crashed. She got up and looked to me in the sky as I floated down to the ground peacefully. “How… how is this possible?” she screeched and I snickered. “What? What is so funny?” she asked in an agitated tone. “When I first fought you I lost because I fought for love, for others. You drained my powers because you feed off the emotion of love, I realized this in your fight with Discord, though he fought for fun and mere chaos it was still enough for you to feed off his emotions and drain his energy. But now the tables have turned Chrysalis, I fight for anger, for hate, for selfishness… I no longer fight for the ones I love, I fight purely with the rage and hatred built up inside my body” I told her in a deep tone and she snarled and gritted her teeth. From behind Chrysalis I could hear the weak mocking laughter of Discord. Chrysalis turned to see Discord staggering to stay sitting up. “Chrysalis… your time of tyranny is over… you must now face your judge from… from a monkey ahhahahaha” Discord laughed weakly. Chrysalis snarled and lifted her front left hoof up and a green beam of energy shot out and shot through Discord’s chest. As the blast shot through his body he gasped in pain, blood spat out of his mouth as he gasped and his body fell back onto the ground with a quiet thump. I flew over to him and knelt down beside him. “Discord… I can’t believe you Chrysalis, he was already down!” I yelled in anger. Discord leaned up weakly “Yes… yes that’s it Petrovich… let the ang… anger course through… through your body… it is the only way to… to…ugh” Discord gasped and fell back, a tear came to his right eye and rolled down his face. “Petrovich… she is afraid of you… afraid of all humans… because of what they can become… what they can do… please let your anger take over… it is the only way… you have to defeat her or… or happiness everywhere will cease to exist… please Petrovich… don’t let her… win” Discord gasped them his head fell to the ground and he passed away, the lone tear he shed fell to the ground and was soaked into the earth. “Such a waste of life” Chrysalis sneered and my rage began to burn out of control. “And yet another life you could have saved… but didn’t” Chrysalis laughed. My rage burst past its limitations and I lost myself in my rage and fury. My fists clenched and my muscles tensed as I went began to ascend beyond the point of strength I had already reached, through angered grunts I managed to yell “He gave everything… for nothing… he didn’t need to try and save Equestria, he could have just left… but he didn’t, he stayed and fought… I WILL AVENGE HIM!” * * * Third person: The ground of all Equestria seemed to shake violently like an earthquake. Chrysalis stepped back in shock as the aurora around Dmitry’s body began to flash brilliantly and instead of flowing around his body it began to push directly outwards in a jagged pattern. Dmitry let out a roar as his muscles began to tone and expand as his strength grew to ridiculous heights. Celestia and the element bearers looked to Dmitry and Celestia gasped. Twilight tried to comprehend what was happening but couldn’t “What’s… what’s going on… it feels like… like” Twilight stuttered. “He’s ascending… that power is unreal” Celestia gasped, “Ascending?” Twilight asked and Celestia looked to the young unicorn. “When Alicorns finally ascend their power level boosts considerably, they also get new mane features… well except Cadence she… well she never really ascended, she just never was really interested in power and strength” Celestia informed her and Twilight scrunched her nose. “Ascend? Power level?” Twilight asked bluntly and Celestia nodded. “When I ascended I was able to control the sun” Celestia informed her and Twilight nodded. “But Dmitry isn’t an alicorn” Twilight replied and Celestia snickered. “I gave him alicorn abilities back at the LBH base so it wouldn’t be strange for him to be able to ascend” Celestia told her. “Did you have to go through a second ascension so you could control both the moon and sun?” Twilight asked and Celestia shook her head. “No, I was in captivity when Chrysalis had stolen my form, she was powerful enough to control both sun and moon” Celestia informed her. Dmitry stopped roaring and began to breathe deeply as he calmed himself down. His muscles were larger and his hair had grown from short buzzed hair to longer more scraggily hair. “Well, that took considerably longer than it should have… and your power is still no match for mine” Chrysalis laughed. Dmitry snarled and launched forward at incredible speeds but Chrysalis teleported behind him and slammed an elbow into the back of his head. Dmitry stumbled forward through the air and attempted to keep his concentration so he was able to keep his flight. He spun around and turned to face Chrysalis, she however paid him no mind and brought her body upright so that she was mimicking Dmitry’s body posture. She cocked her forelegs back and a green aurora surrounded her body and her muscle size bulked up considerably but not ridiculously. “Oh no” Celestia gasped, Twilight looked to Equestria’s true leader in fear. “What is it?” she asked worriedly and Celestia groaned in fear “I thought that Chrysalis had already ascended, but now that she has taken her full power… she easily outmatches Dmitry” Celestia said fearfully. As Chrysalis charged Dmitry again, Dmitry simply sped around her in a simple motion that was so quick only brief flashes of his body could be seen and he slammed a punch into Chrysalis and her body flew downwards before Dmitry’s body could be seen. He stood there, motionless with a look of silent anger on his face. “I must admit… that was pretty good… for a human” Chrysalis laughed. “Is that a compliment?” Dmitry asked and Chrysalis brushed her mane out of her face and to the side. “I don’t think so” she laughed and suddenly Dmitry was knocked forward and it was as if she just appeared behind Dmitry as she said that and somehow managed to complete her sentence. Dmitry fell forward but spun around and shot multiple blasts of energy from his palms that all collided with Chrysalis and erupted on impact. Dmitry fell head first towards the ground but before he landed he stuck his hands downwards and stopped himself from crashing then pushed himself into a back flip and landed on his feet. The smoke from Dmitry’s energy blasts faded but Chrysalis still floated in the air, literally unharmed. “You ruined my mane” she muttered then flew forward but as she did Dmitry swung his body and threw a backhand into the air behind him and amazingly he predicted that Chrysalis would teleport behind him and he struck her in the side of the face and knocked her to the ground. Dmitry flew backwards, away from her body, and blasted her relentlessly with energy blasts. Dmitry landed on his feet and readied himself quickly but no matter how fast he became, Chrysalis seemed to always go further. From out of the smoke Chrysalis’ body flew forward and smashed dozens upon dozens of powerful punches into Dmitry and he staggered from all the force. Dmitry got a window of opportunity and took it. He slammed his palm into her chest and blasted her with a sphere of energy and knocked her body back. Dmitry flew back and lowered his arms, his aurora along with the longer hair, electricity and muscle size all disappeared. “Giving up?” Chrysalis laughed and Dmitry smiled. “Not even close… I just wanted to try something” Dmitry replied and Chrysalis laughed. “Nothing you can do can match your power with mine” Chrysalis sneered. Dmitry clenched his fists and his power level quickly returned but he grunted then his grunts turned into a roar of anger and his aurora began to grow even more than it had before, becoming more jagged and exerting more energy than ever before. Celestia closed her eyes and felt Dmitry’s power begin to rise further. “Gah… this power it’s… it’s unreal” Twilight said as she felt the magic power vibrations fill the air, any unicorn or alicorn could feel his power level rise to a new peak. Dmitry’s aurora forced the trees back to a near snapping point and the ground thundered beneath him like never before. Dmitry’s roar could be heard from Ponyville and Trixie was taken back in awe. Hammerhead looked over to her in shock, “Trixie is something wrong?” Hammerhead asked and Trixie nodded. “Arm the missile” she replied quickly and Hammerhead looked to the human leader and he nodded as he grabbed the radio. “Nostramo, I say again Nostramo. This is general Icarus Irving, please respond, over” Icarus said into the radio and then the static reply came. “This is the Nostramo, we copy your all, what is your request over?” the Nostramo captain replied. “Target the human that is battling in the fields north of Ponyville, use track and lead targeting, when I give the go launch the nuclear missile, launch it. Over” Icarus ordered and the Nostramo captain replied “Copy your all, track and lead, over and out” and with that the radio line was ended and Icarus hung up the radio. Dmitry continued to roar and his power vibrations had gone all the way to Saddle-Arabia. “Ugh… if Dmitry doesn’t knock this off now than he might destroy all of Equestria with a massive earthquake” Celestia gasped and grunted and she closed her eyes and clenched them shut, his power was extraordinary. Luna had arisen from her sleep, being the princess of the night meant she had to sleep during the day to recover from exhaustion and had not been informed of any of the current issues. She closed her eyes and contacted her sister telepathically. She gasped suddenly in realization that there was two Celestias but as she concentrated harder she realized that one was an imposter and the other wasn’t. “I knew it” Luna gasped then contacted her real sister. “Sister it is us, please tell us what has happening?” Luna asked her sister and Celestia returned a thought to her sister. “A human has been granted alicorn powers and is fighting with Chrysalis and has ascended” Celestia informed her sister and Luna scrunched her nose. “Sister… is it wise to enchant humans with alicorn powers?” Luna asked and Celestia smiled. “Yes sister, this was a human that could be trusted” Celestia replied. Luna felt the royal castle shake beneath her hooves. “Sister what is happening?” Luna asked and teleported to the battle and nearly fell to her stomach, the vibrations in the earth were much more sever here than in the castle. Luna noticed the human in the sky. He had ascended and she could easily feel his power ‘But what does he think he’s doing?’ she asked herself as she got to her hooves. “This… is to go… a step beyond” Dmitry grunted as his hair seemed to disappear completely but soon a holographic flashing hair style began to grow from his head, almost like Celestia’s and Luna’s manes. “He must be bluffing… I mean what would that make him? Double ascended?” Luna laughed. Dmitry’s powerful vibrations even reached mountains and they crumbled down from the sheer power. In Manehatten ponies scurried along the streets in fear, not knowing what was happening. Suddenly the vibrations caused the glass in skyscraper windows to shatter and glass fell from the towers and littered the streets. Dmitry’s hair had grown down past his shoulders but continued on, flowing like some sort of smoke or vapor. His muscles didn’t bulk up at all but his power could easily be felt as it reached beyond that of anything ever foretold in all of Equestrian or human history. Dmitry brought his arms into the air then brought them back down and cocked them at his side, as he did one final vibration was sent through the ground and air. His aurora flashed erratically outwards rather than flowing in a smooth pattern around his body. Electricity crackled around his body, his hair or rather his mane was flowing down past his waist. His hair/mane looked like Luna’s only it was a little bit of a lighter shade of blue, but only ever so slightly. His face and muscles had become more toned but he was still easily recognizable. Chrysalis gasped in fear and Dmitry turned his head slowly towards Chrysalis. “This will be one for the history books” Celestia muttered. > Battle for Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third person: “So what? So you’ve gotten some new hair, big deal” Chrysalis scoffed but suddenly it was as if she was punched by something that was invisible and she staggered back through the air. Twilight gasped “He just has to look at her… and she gets knocked back?” Twilight asked. Celestia snickered “No… he’s gotten so fast that he can make it look like he’s not moving at all” Celestia informed the young unicorn, who gasped in realization of the fact. Chrysalis disappeared and so did Dmitry, thunderous BOOMs could be heard in the air as the duo’s bodies appeared for brief seconds in some sort of battle fight but immediately disappeared just as soon as they had appeared. “It’s… it’s insane… it’s like they’re moving so fast I can’t even see them” Dash exclaimed as she watched intensely, trying to follow the fight. Suddenly there was a loud BOOM in the air and Chrysalis’ body flew down towards the ground and crashed with a heavy impact. She staggered to her feet and looked to the sky in search of Dmitry and scowled as she couldn’t locate his whereabouts. “Behind you” whispered a voice and Chrysalis swung around and attempted to back-hoof Dmitry but as she swung her hoof Dmitry seemed to vanish into thin air and appear behind her, back to back, mocking her all the while. “It’s… it’s impossible… how has your speed and power increased this much?” Chrysalis scowled and Dmitry simply laughed at the question. Chrysalis attempted a quick teleportation spell and appeared in front of where Dmitry was but as she tried to punch him, his body once again faded into the air again as her punch went through the air where his body would have been. Chrysalis screamed in anger and gave a complete 180 spin kick, thinking that Dmitry was behind her but he wasn’t. She gasped in realization that he had become so fast she couldn’t keep track of his movements. “Up here” whispered a voice and Chrysalis looked up to see Dmitry floating in the air above her head, her horn flared up and she attempted to blast him but he once again evaded her attack by simply vanishing. Dmitry appeared a few feet in front of her and she charged at him but rather than simply vanish again he just stood there as she threw lightning fast punches but it was as if she couldn’t even hit him. His body looked to be staying in one spot but her punches never connected, his body was moving at such an insane speed that it looked like his body wasn’t even moving but at the same time he was able to dodge all her punches. “Come on… I’m not even using my hands here and you can’t even hit me” Dmitry taunted and flew back. Chrysalis’ horn flared up and she launched hundreds of small green energy spheres into the air that surrounded Dmitry’s body. “Dodge… this” Chrysalis panted, exhausted already from her all-out assault. The energy spheres erupted around Dmitry and the entire space around him was filled with explosions and smoke. Chrysalis snickered, “That’ll teach you” she sneered but her sneer turned into a gasp as Dmitry walked out of the smoke, though his chest was smoking from the impact of several energy shots he was relatively unharmed. “This is how you do it” Dmitry said and launched a single energy sphere at her which erupted as it impacted her and the explosion knocked her onto her back and she tumbled along the ground for several yards. Her body came skidding to a stop and she groaned as she got to her hooves and looked at Dmitry. “It’s… it’s not possible… how has your power increased this much” Chrysalis yelled. Dmitry flew down to the ground and spit blood onto the ground. “I’ll give you one shot, your best shot. Take your best shot and try to kill me” Dmitry said and Chrysalis took a moment to think then crouched down and lowered her head. Her horn began to flare up and drips of pure energy spat out the end of her horn as she began to create a powerful sphere of energy. “DMITRY, THIS IS INSANE!” Celestia cried out but Dmitry paid her no mind. “NOW YOU DIE!” Chrysalis laughed, the sphere of energy launched at incredible speeds and green energy crackled around it. Dmitry simply stood there and allowed the blast to strike him. The green energy blast struck him and erupted violently, the explosion blocked the sight of Dmitry’s body, though he was probably evaporated by the explosion. Back in Ponyville the radioman handed General Icarus the radio, “Sir, it’s the Nostramo” the radioman informed him and Icarus grabbed the radio. “General we have a lock on the human. Awaiting orders, over” the Nostramo captain informed Icarus. “Wait for my order, over and out” Icarus replied and hung up the radio. Trixie looked to the human leader, “Are you crazy, this could be our one chance” Trixie yelled and Icarus laughed. “Even at this range the nuke would vaporize us in seconds. We need to lure him further away” Icarus replied. The smoke finally started to clear. Chrysalis laughed “It would seem that his pride got the better of him”. “We’re doomed” Celestia muttered. “Now what in Equestria gives you that idea?” asked a relatively calm voice and every-pony gasped and looked to the clearing smoke where Dmitry stood. His body had multiple scratches on it that were bleeding but nothing serious. Dmitry wiped blood from his nose and chuckled. Chrysalis simply gasped, “Imposs… impossible” she gasped in shock but Dmitry simply flew forward and gave her a hard uppercut and sent her body flying into the air but his body vanished and appeared in the air above her. Dmitry clasped his hands together and struck her from behind and sent her crashing back into the ground below. Chrysalis staggered to her hooves and looked up to Dmitry. Dmitry extended his arms into the air and held his palms flat. “I saw this in a TV show once, let’s see if it works” Dmitry chuckled as he widened his stance in the air. “Everyone I need your help, please lend me your energy” Dmitry said and waited for a moment. Nothing happened and he lowered his arms “Well it was worth a try” he laughed. “Well I guess I’m all out of ideas so I guess that means you win Chrysalis, I surrender” Dmitry said plainly. “WHAT” everyone seemed to exclaim at the same time. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding” Dmitry said as he shot both his arms out to the sides and to their full extension, holding his palms out as a dark blue sphere formulated on the ends of each of his palms, they were created by the very brightness of Dmitry’s soul. The energy flashes seared bright light, crackles of electric energy flashed around the spheres as they grew. Dmitry brought his hands in front of his body, his arms still at full extension and the spheres formed together into one large energy sphere. Dmitry let out a roar of anger and the sphere launched at Chrysalis. All she had time to do was stand on her hindlegs and try to stop the blast with her front hooves. Her hindlegs dug into the ground as the powerful sphere of spirit energy crushed her body beneath it. “Love may be your power but it is also your weakness… now it will be your undoing” Dmitry yelled as he drew out his Colt Peacemaker. He rolled the cylinder of the revolver down his left arm and spun the cylinder then swung the revolver out to one side and cocked the hammer back. Dmitry’s electricity coursed into the revolver and it too began to emulate in the beautiful blue aurora that surrounded his body. Dmitry brought the revolver in front of him and held it in both hands, the electricity coursed down the revolver magnificently and Dmitry took aim on the sphere of spirit energy. Dmitry let out a final war cry and pulled the trigger of the revolver, but rather than firing a lead bullet the pistol projected a large blue beam that was identically the same colour as his aurora. The beam struck the spirit energy sphere and the energy sphere cracked and erupted. Chrysalis’ body began to give out and her body began to disintegrate beneath the spirit energy. All around Equestria some of the ponies began to change into changelings and cried out in pain as their empress died. Chrysalis’ screech could be heard as the spirit energy finally erupted in a brilliant explosion of light energy, finally her body completely disintegrated beneath the pure spirit energy and all her powers, her evilness, every inch of darkness that she had, vaporized forever. Changelings all over Equestria fell over and died of as their empress died off along with their telecommunication with each other. The spirit flash finally ended and Dmitry landed on the ground, his powers still at it’s peak. The element bearers along with the princesses rushed over to him. “Dmitry… you did it, we won” Celestia began but Dmitry held up his hand. “We still need to tell everyone what really happened” he told her and she nodded and they all rushed towards Ponyville. Back in Ponyville some ponies and humans were still shielding their eyes from the explosion. “This is not good” Icarus said. “Sir the human… it’s approaching” yelled a soldier and every armed soldier pointed their guns towards the group as they entered the town. “Sir we have no time left. Launch the missile” Trixie yelled out. “They’re getting closer sir” yelled another soldier, “Do it now General, Equestria’s at sake” Trixie yelled. “DON’T SHOOT!” Luna bellowed and everyone seemed to gasp. “Wait, Luna’s with them?” Hammerhead asked, “It’s a trick launch the missile” Trixie screamed. “Are you mad Trixie, everyone stand down. Icarus, get the Nostramo on the horn, I want them to disarm that missile NOW” Hammerhead ordered, everyone started standing down as Icarus got on the radio with the Nostramo’s captain. “This is Irving, get me the Nostramo” Icarus ordered into the radio. Trixie couldn’t believe this was happening, she watched as the human, who was now more powerful than anything, socialized with the princesses. “This is the Nostramo” came a voice from the radio, Trixie snatched the radio from Icarus’s hands. “LAUNCH THE MISSILE NOW!” she screamed and in the far back forest of the Everfree a silo door opened and a large nuclear missile launched into the air. > The Peacemaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dmitry: General Hammerhead grabbed Trixie by the collar of her combat jacket. “THAT MISSILE IS TARGETED FOR HIS CURRENT POSITION… where’s the human TRIXIE?” Hammerhead bellowed and Trixie looked over to me, we were all looking at her now. “Ohhhhhh… weeeeee can duck and cover. There’s a fallout shelter right there” Trixie began but Icarus cut her off. “There’s no way of escaping this, YOU IDIOT!” Icarus yelled. Trixie’s eyes widened in realization of what was happening. “What if we grabbed it in a levitation spell?” Trixie asked frantically. Icarus shook his head, “No… That missile has been magically enhanced so it can’t be affected by magic or anything, only thing that can stop it is a collision” Icarus explained. “You mean we’re…” Trixie trailed off. “All going to die Trixie, for Equestria” Hammerhead said with a small smile on his face. Trixie back pedalled in fear, obviously not wanting to die. “Screw Equestria, I’m gonna live” Trixie yelled as she grabbed a human soldier in her levitation spell and threw him out of his military jeep. Hoping into the jeep she quickly directed the controls with her magic and drove the jeep forwards to try and get out of the town. I stood in front of the jeep, my powers were still over flowing and the jeep rammed into my body and with a vice like grip I grabbed the jeep and lifted it into the air. Trixie screamed in fear as I slammed the jeep into the ground on its side and disabled it. Several human and pony soldiers pointed their guns at Trixie as she got out of the jeep. “Make sure she stays here, like a good soldier would” Hammerhead ordered, a missile alarm warning went off and ponies along with humans looked into the sky. I looked around, ponies were scurrying about in fear, mares held their foals and cried. The musicians known as Lyra and Octavia began to play slow sad music while Vinyl Scratch began to provide a slow melody beat for the background base, the music was terribly depressing but it fit the moment perfectly. “Rainbow Dash… Twilight, you can get out of here… princess… princesses, you can get out too” I muttered. “No” Luna replied and I looked back to her. “We wouldn’t be able to get everyone out… it wouldn’t be fair” Celestia told me and I looked into the air. Even Pinkie Pie was sad, her hair had seemed to deflate and it gave her a depressing look. Soldiers tried furiously to keep ponies from panicking but they weren’t really panicking, they were crying. I turned back to the group and saw Applejack huddling her young sister close to her, Rarity was doing the same. Rainbow Dash had a young filly close to her and she was whispering to the filly. “Shh, don’t worry squirt” Dash told the young one as tears rolled down her eyes. I looked to the streets, ponies everywhere were getting together with friends and family, getting together and crying emotionally as the missile continued through the air. I walked over to the group and stood with them, watching the missile. “Sis… why’s this gotta happen?” Applebloom cried. “Ah don’t know sis… ah truly don’t know” Applejack replied solemnly. I turned my head towards them and they all looked to me. I let out a saddened smile, they gave me curious looks. “What is it Dmitry? Do you have a plan or something?” Celestia asked and I lifted my view towards the missile as a lone gust of wind blew past, beautiful sparkles of blue mist from my flowing hair blew into the air. “What is it? What do you have in mind?” Luna asked and I turned my view back to them. “Listen… there’s not much time left and there’s only one way I can think of to save everyone now” I said in a somewhat happy tone, but sadness could still be heard in my voice. “Ugh what are you talking about?” Twilight asked distressfully as she held Spike, her friend dragon, close to her. Rainbow Dash let out a gasp, “No Dmitry I think I know what you have planned and you don’t have to do this” Rainbow Dash said through tears as she ran up to me and grabbed me tightly. I embraced her in a tight hug and waved to the others, “Goodbye… friends” I said sadly. The all gasped as they too found out what I had planned. “No please Dmitry don’t leave us… I take it back please… I don’t want you to die… I didn’t mean it” Rainbow Dash cried as she remembered what she had said when Dmitry first told her that he had killed her parents. “Dash… I never told you this, but ever since that day I have watched over you… I’ve loved you like my family… like my daughter, I would never harm you and I’m truly sorry that I killed your parents… I love you” I cried and we embraced in one last hug. I had to break away from the hug. “Celestia… they’re in your hooves now, take care of them” I said and gave them all a saddened wave goodbye. I looked into the air and saw the missile coursing through the air. “Dash… goodbye my daughter, I love you” I said out as tears rolled down my face, even though she wasn’t my daughter I wanted to let her know just how important she was to me. “I love you too… father” she said, the comment made me want to cry even more but I knew I needed to go. I crouched down then shot into the air, flying towards the nuclear missile. As the missile entered orbit its thrusters gave out and came back down towards Equestria. As I neared the nuclear missile Fluttershy’s words of wisdom came back to me. ‘You are who you choose to be’ Fluttershy’s voice echoed in my head. Tears rolled down my face “The hero” I said to myself and closed my eyes. “I love you Dash” I whispered. * * * Third person: Dmitry’s body struck the missile warhead and it erupted violently, the bright explosion filled the sky. Ponies along with humans shielded their eyes from the brightness, it was like a second sun. Dash had tears rolling down her face as she watched the explosion. General Hammerhead and Icarus both sighed, two generals who were on opposing sides gave each other and hand/hoof shake and nodded in respect for the other. Icarus removed his helmet “Alright gentlemen… pack it up, let’s go home” Icarus said in a sad depressed voice. As everyone paid their respects to Dmitry they soon began to all depart as the night encased Equestria. All but Rainbow Dash had left the streets and Dash simply sat there and cried as she remembered the brief time they had together. Yet despite how short it was they had cared for each other despite his past * * * Narrated by Rainbow Dash: In the weeks that followed Celestia and the commanders of earth finally signed a peace agreement and after nearly four decades of war and killing, peace finally bestowed itself upon the two worlds and those who were slaves were released from captivity. Though there was tensions at first, it all settled down in the end as everyone remembered the man who had given life itself to save others, even those who would want to kill him, he gave his life for them. Celestia informed everyone about the real occurrences in history with Chrysalis and how she had been imprisoned by the changeling queen. Finally… finally things were peaceful in Equestria. Dmitry Petrovich, it always makes me cry. Dmitry Petrovich who gave up life itself for the better good of everyone, though it was an act of sacrifice for others I always cry when I think of him. Those of us who knew him pass talk of him often, Rarity talks about how much of a gentleman he was, Pinkie talks about how fun he was. As for me… well whenever I’m asked I simply say that he was like a father to me. The times we had together, though not many, was enough to last me a lifetime. Even though it’s painful to remember him I will always remember his smile, his gruffly smile. I guess I just miss my friend. * * * Rainbow Dash: There was a knock at the door and I quickly answered it, it was Twilight and she had a package in her hands. “Hey Dash… listen I know you are really sad but I thought this might help, the General left these on my floor and I thought you should have them” Twilight told me and handed me the box. I took the box and opened it. Inside were all the pictures from the day that Pinkie, Dmitry and myself had played at the lake. There were pictures of us doing things like splashing in the lake and doing magic tricks but one picture took my interest over all the other pictures. It was the one were Dmitry was holding my body in his arms like I was his baby, I would treasure it for always. “So Dash, what have you been doing lately?” Twilight asked me and I walked over to the desk I was writing at and picked up the novel I was writing. “I was just writing a book” I replied and handed it to her. “Oh what’s it about?” Twilight asked and I smiled as she looked at the book that was titled ‘The Peacemaker’.