Hitting the Showers

by FlimFlamBros.

First published

Rainbow and Lightning decide to go hit the showers after a long day of flight training. But, before things get clean, they quickly get dirty.

Rainbow and Lightning decide to go hit the showers after a long day of flight training. But, before things get clean, they quickly get dirty.

Hitting the Showers

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“Alright everypony! Bring it in!” called Spitfire, blowing her whistle to signal in all of the cadets. At the sound of the whistle, they all flew in quickly to meet their temporary drill-sergeant. “That’s it, bring it in.”

“You all have done pretty good today,” she began, marching down the lines of the cadet, “You’ve all shown major improvement since yesterday’s drills, especially you Rainbow and Lightning.”

Her two star fliers smiled a little, giving each other a little nod as they stood at attention.

“You two have broken more academy records in the past three days then any group of ponies have over the last five years. I should know, it’s my records you keep breaking,” she announced with a hint of pride mixed with annoyance. “You both show a lot of promise, but you still have a long way to go if either of you want to become Wonderbolts someday.”

“Ma’am thank you ma’am!” the two said in unison.

“I want each one of you other ponies to look at these two as an example. If you want to be the best, you’ve got to strive like they do, don’t be afraid to push your limits and take risks because that’s what being a Wonderbolt is all about.”

“MA’AM YES MA’AM!” they all cried in unison.

“Okay! Now hit the showers, you all smell riper than a sunbathing mule,” said Spitfire, flying away from the group of cadets. “Dismissed!”

With their Drill Sergeant gone, the ponies were able to relax. They each started to chat with one another, talking about what a great job each of them did and things like that. Rainbow and Lightning walked together towards the shower halls.

“Did you see that triple flip I did through that obstacle ring?” said Rainbow, bragging to her Captain. “It was pretty awesome.”

“That’s nothing, did you catch me in that spinning corkscrew through the wind turbines? Talk about air penetration!” Lightning Dust bragged to her wing pony.

“What about when we got to the weather machines?” retorted Rainbow. “I was going so fast, I came out drier on the other side!”

“Foals play to how I recovered after being rutted by that sonic cannon,” said Lightning. “It may have been quick, but damn it was fun!”

“That’s not quick,” puffed the rainbow-mane pony. “My Sonic Rainboom, now that’s fast.”

“A Sonic what?”

“A Sonic Rainboom, I’ll show it to you sometime,” said Rainbow. “Trust me, it’ll blow your mind.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” grinned Lightning as they continued to fly over to the showers. “So, Thunderlane, you’d do him?”

Rainbow nearly spun out of control, “W-w-what?!”

“Relax Dash, it’s just a question,” laughed Lightning. “It’s just a question. Would you or would you not do Thunderlane?”

Rainbow quickly found a blush working its way across her cheeks.

“Well?” the opal pegasus asked again. “Quit stalling and answer the question.”

“I don’t know... maybe?”

“Maybe? Interesting...” smirked Lightning. “What about Snowflake? he’s a big strong pegasus, you think he could satisfy the Dash?”

“And probably kill me in the process,” laughed Rainbow. “There’s being in shape, and then there’s going overboard. Like waaaaaay overboard.”

“Good point,” agreed Lightning. “Plus I think all those horse pills have shrunken his wings, who knows what else has shrunken, if ya know what I mean.”

“I’d rather not think about that...” muttered Rainbow.

“Why not?” asked Lightning. “Do we not play for the same team?”

“What do you mean? Team?”

“Dash, you know exactly what I mean,” nudged Lightning. “So are you?”

“Well--I mean, not umm... it’s not like I...” Rainbow tried to say, but was at a lost for words. She sighed heavily as he looked down in same. “Kind of... I don’t know.”

“Cool,” shrugged Lightning. “So then, Cloudchaser, you’d do her?”

“Excuse me what?!” blurted Rainbow Dash.

“Well, if you're a fillyfooler, then there’s no point in asking you if you’d do the rest of the stallions. So, lets move on to mares. Cloudchaser, Raindrop, and Spitfire. In order in who’d you nail and why.”

“I’m not a fillyfooler!”

“Then what if you were a fillyfooler?” smiled Lightning Dust. “Who would you do and why? Hypothetically of course.”

“Well...” she mumbled, her face flushing redder by the second. “I guess I would do-- hey why do I have to answer all the questions?! What about you? What order would you do them in?”

“That’s easy, Spitfire first, because you know she’ll be quick, then take down Raindrop and Cloudchaser at the same time,” Lightning said. “Then I’d probably go hit up Mercury and Thunderlane.”

Rainbow’s face grew a blank. “Umm... wow, that was sort of straightforward...”

“Of course, that’s how I roll Dash,” she said. “Now it’s your turn to spill.”

“I guess...” Rainbow took a deep breath as she thought it all over. It wasn’t like she hadn’t already though a little about it before but never this intensely and she definitely didn’t expect to be asked by Lighting of all ponies. “I guess I would go with Cloudchaser, then Raindrop, and then the stallions, saving Spitfire for the end.”

“Why Spitfire last?”

“She’s been my childhood hero since I was a filly, I’d want to get in the zone before trying to please her... but it’s not like that will ever happen anyways.”

“You never know,” smiled Lightning. “Who knows, maybe we’ll do her together.”

“Yeah... wait what?”

“C’mon, race you to the showers.”

Lightning zoomed up ahead of her, leaving Rainbow in her golden dust. “Hey no fair!” she barked, quickly taking off after her. The two zoomed through the clouds and the other idly flying pegasi, weaving through any obstacles with expert precision.

She slowly started to catch up to Lightning, following right in her trail. inching ever closer inch by inch. When Lighting would turn, so would Rainbow. If she went up, she did too. It was slowly evolving into a race of precision and speed, and Rainbow was quickly gaining.

Lightning peeked over her shoulder, seeing how close Rainbow was to passing her. She smirked as she kept her speed up and headed towards the shower hall.

“I got you now,” grinned Rainbow, as she steadily gained on her. “There’s nopony as fast as waaa...” she gasped.

Either by purpose or accidental, Lightning’s tail had flicked up, revealing all to the widened eyes of Rainbow Dash. It was only for a brief moment, but it was enough to cause the pegasus to falter in her flying.

“W-w-whoa!” cried Rainbow, her mind quickly warping back to reality as she almost crashed into the stone walls of the shower halls. She managed to quickly cut up however and avoid injury, flying around in circles above the building as she slowed down.

“You okay Rainbow?” called Lightning, who was standing by the front entrance of the shower halls. “You look like you got distracted or something!”

“Y-yeah,” she flustered. “Something got in my eye.”

“Oh well, I’ll chalk it up as a tie wing pony!” she laughed. “C’mon, let’s hit the showers.”

“Sure thing,” Rainbow said, slowly looping into the shower halls entrance and landing behind Lightning.

Lightning Dust. Had she’d done that on purpose or was that just a wind current kicking her tail up? Either way, Rainbow had seen everything through the tight spandex of the cadet uniform. every curve of her flank that the uniform pressed down against, every powerful muscle in her thighs and hips, she even got a quick glimpse of Lightning’s marehood. Was that all just so she could win a race to the showers?

Rainbow wouldn’t be able to think about it for very long as Lightning slowly started to peel off her uniform. Her back was turned to her so Lightning was unaware that Rainbow was watching her strip. The light opal-coloured pony unzipped the front of the suit, rolling the tight fabric over her shoulders and bunched it down to her waist. She got up on her hind legs as she wiggled the rest of the uniform off, bending over to step out of the leg holes of the spandex uniform. Rainbow focused in on her perfectly toned flank as she stuck it up in the air, almost as if Lightning was inviting her to gawk at it.

Then she did it again, her tail flicked up once again, revealing the freshness of her flank and gorgeous sex. She tried to get a better look, but Lightning's honey blonde tail kept wagging back and forth, only letting Rainbow get the quickest of glimpse through the strides. Rainbow shuddered at each teasing glimpse she got. She was shaky, drooling, her heart beating at what Spitfire would call a new academy record.

“You’re not going to shower in your uniform, are you Dash?”

Her mind jolted back into reality, quickly sucking the hanging piece off saliva back into her mouth. “Whaa...?” she asked dumbly.

“Umm...are you okay Dash?” asked Lightning with a raised eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem... distracted.”

“No I’m not!” Dash quickly defended. “You’re just asking a lot of questions!”

“Easy Dash!” frowned Lightning. “I was just trying to make conversation before. If I knew you’d get like this I would have bothered to ask them.”

“I...” Rainbow tried to say, but she couldn’t come up with anything. “Sorry,” she finally said. “I think I might just be a little sore from practice is all, nothing a quick shower can’t fix.”

Lightning’s frown quickly curled up into a smile. “Good to hear it, now let’s hit the showers.”

Rainbow nodded as she quickly slipped her own uniform off and followed her into the showers. Everypony else must have already showered and left because the white shower room was empty, yet there was still a hint of steam in the air, so they couldn’t have been gone for long.

“I hope they didn’t use all the hot water,” grumbled Lightning. “I’m not taking another cold one like last time.”

“Yeah,” agreed Rainbow, walking on the wet floors of the showers. “Do you see any soap or shampoo left? There’s none on this side.”

“Umm... yeah, still got a couple squirts left.”

“Any soap?”

“Half a bar, you don’t mind sharing do you?”

“N-no, not a problem,” said Rainbow. It was a good thing that their backs were turned or else Lightning would have caught her blushing again. She quickly turned the water on, letting the steaming hot drops fall onto her aching body. After a long day of training, this was heaven. Rainbow brushed her drooping mane out of the way so the shower could splat all over her face, exhaling pleasantly as the warm water washed away her stress and tension.

Behind her, she could tell from Lightning’s own soft moans that she was enjoying herself just as much as she was. Rainbow took ahold of the shower’s support rail in front of her so she could lean forward and let the water run down her back and wings. She fluttered them a little, letting the water splash a bit to make sure every feather got nice and wet.

“Hey Dash?” came the voice of Lightning, barely heard over the rushing water and steam in the locker’s shower room.

“Yeah?” Dash answered with her eyes closed. She turned around and opened her eyes as water continued to flow down her eyelids. She then saw something that totally caught her off guard and made her eyes as wide as saucers.

Lightning was bent over the shower railing, hind legs splayed and caressing her wet and matted furred flank with her hoof. Lightning gave a mildly sultry look to Rainbow as she couldn’t help but notice her stare.

“Do you think my flank’s bigger than Spitfire’s?” Lightning asked, pouting just the tiniest bit to add a hint of innocence to her voice.

“Well... I... They’re the same?” she answered, smiling nervously as Lightning grabbed the bar of soap.

“Are you sure?” Lightning asked, still keeping her playful tone. “Because I know you’ve been looking at Spitfire’s flank a lot so I figured I would ask, but I still think mine’s bigger... and juicier.” Lightning spoke the last of her statement provocatively, while winking at Dash.

Rainbow gulped.

“Hehehe...yeah. I mean, I guess so,” she said, her heart thumping against her chest.

Lightning batted her eyelashes as she stood up on her hind legs and leaned up against the wall of her shower, crossing her legs to hide her most sensitive of areas away from the rainbow pegasus’ gaze. Rainbow could feel the water rushing down her face, and if it hadn’t of been so hot and wet in the locker’s showers, she would have sworn she was sweating.

“You know...” grinned Lightning, playfully tossing the bar of soap in her hoof. “It’s okay for you to admit it. After all, who’s to say I haven’t been watching you also?”

“I-I-I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

Lightning made a little bit of a pouty face. “Pity... then I suppose you wouldn’t mind if I did this...”

Rainbow’s heart nearly exploded as Lightning pressed the bar of soap against her chest, rubbing sensually into her coat. Bubbles quickly formed where the soapy suds and the shower water met. She kept scrubbing harder and harder as Rainbow’s face flustered more with each scrub. The rainbow maned pegasus had to swallow the lump in her throat as Lightning’s body was covered with the sweet smelling soap suds, her body slick, shining like that of a Goddess.

Then she almost lost it again as Lightning unfolded her legs to finally reveal her sleek, fur covered mound.

“Are you sure you’re not a fillyfooler?”

Rainbow’s mind wasn’t working, it had stalled out when Lightning had opened her legs. She didn’t even bother trying to look away from Lightning’s sweet succulent sex. It was as if she was utterly transfixed by the pure lustfulness of the moment.

“No answer? Oh well,” she smiled.

Rainbow’s eyes nearly shot out as Lightning moved her soapy wet hoof down and began to rub within the folds of her marehood, gasping from the initial touch. The slick, folds gave way to Lightning’s hoof as she began to rub the innermost part of her most sensitive and slick area, lathing and massaging soap into and around her clit and labia entry.

Rainbow couldn’t find the words to express how she felt at that moment, as it was a mix of shock, lusting arousal, and pure unadulterated passion. Here she was, sitting in the shower, watching her good friend and Captain mastrubate in the showers...right in front of her.

The thought was to agonizing to bear. She had to begin touching herself.

She slowly began to move her hoof downward, inching ever so close to her own luscious mound.

Lightning opened her eyes ever so slowly while her moans echoed through the tiled shower room. She gave a slight smirk as she saw Rainbow’s hoof moving lower and lower, inching closer to touching herself.

“I knew it...” she whispered in a voice dripping with desire. As she began to pick up the pace of her clopping, the well-weathered bar of soap slid out of her other hoof, against her private area, down her legs, and onto the floor.

“Oops,” the opal pegasus giggled. “I dropped it.”

She slowly bent down to pick it up, ‘accidentally’ letting it slip between her legs and slide behind her. She moved her body downward, legs and wings spread while bending over, giving Rainbow a full view of every part of her intimate areas.

Lightning smiled as she put everything she had on display for her wing pony.

Rainbow had staved off of touching herself this entire time, but this was just too much. Her lips quivered and her teeth chattered. Lightning was now fully bent over and had her hind legs spread wide.

“L...Lightning Dust...”

The Captain’s ears perked up at the sound of her voice.

“Yeah RaiAAGHH!” she screamed, as the next sensation she felt was the long, slightly bumpy tongue of a certain cyan pegasus penetrating her marehood.

Rainbow couldn’t take it anymore. The little taunts and teases that Lightning gave her had been too much. She needed a taste of Lightning Dust and she needed it now.

And Goddess was it sweet. The rainbow pony ravished her captain, sticking her tongue in as deep as she dared, her hooves pressed against Lightning’s flank, massaging it as she continued to explore deeper and deeper into Lighting’s marehood.

“Unnnff...” Lightning managed to squeeze out through her lips, biting them almost hard enough to make them bleed. “What do you think you’re...ohhhhhhh yesssss.” she hissed in pure pleasure.

Rainbow had opened her mouth, letting her teeth grind against the inner sides of Lightning’s folds. She pinched her legs around her face from the sheer pleasure, inducing more moans and cries from her twitching partner.

“R-R-Rainbow...” quivered Lightning. “D-don’t stop! Don’t Stoaaaahhh!”

Rainbow grinned greedily as she continued to suck away at Lightning’s pulsing sex. She was close, Rainbow could tell, she just needed a few more seconds to finish her off to reach glorious climax.

“S-s-so close...” Lightning trembled.

“What was that?” Rainbow smirked, pulling away from Lightning’s legs. “I couldn’t hear that.”

“F-finish it!” groaned Lightning.

“First I want to hear you beg,” ordered Rainbow. “I want to hear you scream for it, cry to Celestia for me to finish you off.”

“I don’t beg...” she grumbled.

“Then I don’t finish,” replied Rainbow, sliding one of her hooves down Lightning’s flank. “Kinda sucks, I was looking forward to it.”

That was it. Lightning pressed her soapy body against the wall, causing the unprepared Rainbow to lose her balance on the slippery tile floor. As Rainbow was trying to keep her balance, Lightning pounced on the her, wrestling her to the ground. Rainbow couldn’t defend herself as she was laid out on the floor, Lightning taking a comfortable seat on her face.

“You’re going to make me come,” growled Lightning, “Even if I have to do it myself!”

Lightning reached out and grabbed onto the nearby shower rails to help balance herself. She stretched her wings out, letting them flap away at the water and steam coming from the showers. She started thrusting herself into Rainbow’s open mouth, forcing her to unwillingly grind against Lightning’s labia.

“C’mon you lowly Wingpony, make your Captain come!” Lightning barked, grinding harder against Rainbow’s face, each new thrust pushing her closer and closer over the edge. But it wasn’t enough. She grabbed Rainbow by her drenched, multi-colored mane and forced her deeper inside. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, yes, yes, yes! yes! Yeeeeesssss!”

Rainbow didn’t know what to do. What could she do? She was at the mercy of her captain, unable to escape, unable to move except for her tongue against her captain’s swollen sex.

And she liked it. Her eyes watered and her cheeks flustered as she looked up to her dominant partner. The power in her eyes, the forcefulness of her thrust, it all made her quiver as the heat built up between her own legs. She needed a release, just a few rubs to keep herself from going crazy.

“Rainbow!” cried Lightning, her senses dulling as with a few more forceful plows to Rainbow’s face, she finally reached her first orgasm.

Rainbow’s face was coated in Lightning’s pussy juices as her own mind went numb. She eagerly lapped up every drop of Lightning’s slightly soapy come as the opal pony continued to show her dominance. She still wasn’t done with her.

“Keep going!” panted Lightning, her legs squeezing against Rainbow’s head as she refused to slow down. “I’m not finished with you yet.”

The rainbow maned pony tried calling out, but she was too lost in the pleasure. She didn’t even care at the moment, the very idea that she was being done by Lightning was enough for her. Her own orgasm came without the need of any stimulation. All she needed was the hot, stuffy steam, the warm, caressing water and Lightning.

“D-did you just..?” wondered Lightning, slowing down slightly to look over her shoulder. “You did! I can’t believe I managed to make you caaAAH!”

Rainbow wrapped her arms around Lightning’s legs, spreading them apart so she could get a better look at her sudsy sex. She drove straight into it, jamming her muzzle as deeply as it would be allowed. Lightning screamed with ecstasy as the aching pleasure grew once again between her legs. A few tongue flicks was all it took to drive her home after the initial penetration as she came once again on Rainbow’s face.

She closed her eyes and let it wash over her face, she didn’t mind getting a little dirty. Rainbow felt the weight on her mouth increase; Lightning had let go of the railings as she wobbled on top of her, happily disorientated after two consecutive orgasms.

All it took was a little nudge from Rainow to push Lightning over the limit once more, her weakened body collapsing right next to her shortly after.

“That... that was incredible,” breathed Lightning. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”

“Shut up,” said Rainbow quickly flipping on top of Lightning. “I made you come three times and I’ve only had one.”


“You owe me two,” smiled Rainbow as she looked around the showers. “And I need to get you back for all those little flashes you gave me earlier.”

Lightning gulped, as she tried to wiggle free from underneath Rainbow. But she could barely even lift her hooves, much less overthrow Rainbow at the moment.

“Now... where did you put... ah here it is,” Rainbow smiled mischievously, slowly reaching out for the shampoo bottle that laid on the floor. “Let’s see how much is left in here.”

She slowly brought the bottle closer to her mouth, looking down at Lightning, she could see the arousal in her eyes, why not give her a little pre-show? She certainly deserved a little teasing.

“I wonder if this is as big as Thunderlane?” teased Rainbow, sticking her tongue out and dragging it down the shaft of the shampoo bottle. “What do you think, huh?”

“W-w-what are you going to do it?”

“Pretend it’s Thunderlane,” she smiled, before dragging her tongue back up and closing her mouth over the lid. She pushed it deeper within her mouth before letting it slide back out, covering it with her saliva. She sent it back in,swirling her tongue around as she pulled it back out again.

Rainbow popped the lid open with her teeth, sending chills down Lightning's spine as she watched the cyan pegasus lift the bottle over her head and squeezed the white goop all over her face.

“Hmm...” she sighed, giving the bottle a few more squirts on her chest. “It feels so good.”

The pegasus leaned back to let the shower rinse over her body, the white shampoo quickly bubbling as she massaged it into her fur, causing clumps of bubbles to form around her. Covered in the soapy substance, she started to lay back on top of Lightning, resting in a position so that her mane lay down on Lightning’s marehood and her own perky lips laid inches from Lightning’s face.

“Enjoying the view?” asked Rainbow, spreading her legs farther apart. “I want you to have front row seats for the show.”

Lightning barely heard her, she was too intrigued by Rainbow’s exposed and soapy privates, her mouth salivating, begging to get a lick a of it.

Rainbow flipped the bottle of shampoo over, so that the wider end was sticking out of her hoof. She lowered it down to her twitching sex, rubbing it slowly against the outer lips.

“Mnmm...aah!” she gasped, pressing the bottle a little deeper inside of her. Her marehood stretched around the wide shaft of the bottle as she slid a little more of the invasive in. Every inch of the hard bottle that went inside of her sent spasms throughout her body until it was in as deep as it would go, with only the little nub of the cap sticking out of her swollen canal.

“Pull it out,” ordered Rainbow, flexing her shivering nethers into Lightning’s face.

Any excuse to get closer to Rainbow, Lightning tilted her up, using all her might to grab ahold of the bottle’s cap. She managed to barely grab ahold it with her teeth, her nose pressing against Rainbow’s ciltoris, causing her to cringe with delight.

“P-pull it out.”

Lightning did, letting her head fall back as she pulled half the bottle out of Rainbow. The sexy shrills she received tipped her that Rainbow had enjoyed every single moment. Smirking to herself, she decided to ram the bottle right back into her cyan wingpony.

“Gaaaahhh! L-Lightning! Do it again!”

She complied, happy to hear the shrill cries of Rainbow. Lightning continued to pull and shove the bottle out of the rainbow mare as she increased in volume, her groans echoing through the halls of the showers. Her heartbeat quicken along with her panting, it wouldn’t be long now. Rainbow grabbed ahold of the bottle’s lid from Lightning, bucking the air above her as she rutted herself into climax.

Her juices squirted out into the air, raining down on the unsuspecting Lightning, who could do no more than watch as Rainbow rode out her orgasm.

The opal mare reached for her own neglected sex. She needed to touch herself, she needed a release of her own.

“Mmm,mmm!” groaned Rainbow, as she leant back, nestling her head in between Lightning’s leg, blocking all access from any self-touching.


“No buts!” moaned Rainbows, placing her flank down on Lightning’s chest. “One more... then we’re even.”

Lightning gulped as Rainbow pulled the slick and wet bottle out of her shivering .... and handing it over to Lightning. She knew what she had to do.

As fast as lightning, she wrapped her right arm around Rainbow’s soapy torso, and the bottle with her left. She wasted no time stuffing the length of the bottle back into Rainbow’s open twat.

“Ye-ye-ye-ye-yeaaaAAHH!” screamed Rainbow as Lightning forcibly plowed the cyan mare with the bottle, easily and quickly bucking her with the coat of soap and other fluids that coated it. She tightened her grip and increased the pace of the bottle bucking, peaking up to see the priceless expression stricken across Rainbow’s face. Her cheeks had reddened to a lush red as she slowly rocked with the thrusts she received, her eyes rolled backwards and her tongue hung out, drooling shamelessly as she took her bucking at the hooves of her captain.

“C-close!” Rainbow moaned. “S-so c-close!”

Her arms were getting tired, every muscle in Lightning’s body was screaming but she fought past it, finishing Rainbow off with a few final and extra strong thrusts of the bottle. When she pulled the bottle out of Rainbow, she was greeted with a flow of come that shot out. Lightning opened her mouth, making sure to get the majority of Rainbow’s orgasmic fluid. She swallowed every ounce, savoring the tangy, if slightly soapy aftertaste.

“T-two...” mumbled Rainbow.


The sound of all of Rainbow’s juices flowing down Lightning’s throat echoed throughout Rainbow’s ears like sweet, sweet music. Lightning spoke after greedily drinking it all,

“We’re even now, right?” asked Lightning.

“Yeah... yeah,” sighed Rainbow, rolling off and lying within the stream of the shower, panting heavily as she came down from her secual high. “You still wanna go?”

Lightning’s eyes widened. “You’re ready to go already?”

“Yeah, I can go once more.”

“But it’s been like six seconds.”

“Really? That’s a new personal record,” giggled Rainbow, slowly sitting up. “Anyways, I’m too tired to fight you for it, so do what you want.”

“I’m done fighting too,” Lightning replied. “Just... need to let one more out.”

“You know... we could work together,” suggested Rainbow. “No fighting for who’s in power, or who’s the dominate one. We could just work together for the finale.”

Lightning smiled. “Sound’s like a plan... partner?”

Rainbow didn’t answer, she just leaned into Lightning’s face, their lips meeting for the first time throughout the whole experience. It had seemed like time itself halted for a brief period as she connected her warm, wet lips with her partner’s, just barely getting a hint of her own orgasmic aftertaste. They continued to kiss for a while, massaging each other’s tongues before they slowly pulled away, leaving the tiniest trail of saliva stretching from one mouth to the other. Rainbow licked her lips and gave Lightning a gentle smile.

“Definitely...partner,” the Element of Loyalty spoke with utter bliss in her heart and mind. They slowly began to move their hind quarters towards one another.

They helped lower each other to the ground, lying gently on the warm watery tile. Lightning pulled Rainbow a little closer to her as she lifted up one of her legs, presenting herself to the cyan mare. Rainbow happily placed one of her own legs in between Lightning’s, inching herself closer and closer until she felt the warm touch of Lightning’s marehood against her own.

The initial heat inflicted a gasp from both ponies as Lightning locked her legs around Rainbow’s.

“Ready?” she asked.

“Bet I come before you do,” smiled Rainbow.

“What happened to nopony in control?”

“Nothing wrong with a little friendly competition.”

A sexy grin stretched across Lightning’s face, accepting the challenge as they started.

Both ponies moved as one, their hips rolled against one another as they felt their wet, slick sex’s brush against each other. They continued to grind as Rainbow bit into her forehoof, moaning into her hoof. Lightning couldn’t help herself, she grabbed Rainbow’s other hoof, biting lightly to muffle her own screams.

The slight sting of the Lightning’s bite quickly melted into guilty pleasure, making her buck harder against Lightning. She could feel it building up inside of her loins, she needed just a little extra push. She released herself from her bite and reached over and grabbed Lighting’s honey blonde mane, the new pain she received from the strengthened bite was enough to push her over the edge.

Lightning could feel the new wetness between her legs as Rainbow came. It just made it easier to grind against her now, plus the mane pulling only heightened the passion of the intense moment. She looked deeply into Rainbow’s magenta eyes that sparkled like the falling water, and were as hot as the steam around them. There was a strange tug on her heart as Lightning came as well, bucking her hips against Rainbow's as she rode it out, the immense pleasure sending her to an all time orgasmic high.

In that one moment, when they shared their pure, lustful release together, it was as if everything she had worked for in her life and everything she had ever cared about led up to this moment.

She knew where she belonged, and that was with her friends, and with Lightning Dust at her side.

They reluctantly uncrossed their legs, as they laid in the downpour of the showers, the water gently rinsing them off as they laid on the floor in their pre-coitous bliss. Rainbow snuggled up against Lightning, nuzzling her neck a little.

“That... was... awesome,” she whispered, giving her a quick peck on Lightning’s neck.

“Better than Spitfire?” smirked Lightning.

“I would imagine,” yawned Rainbow. “Because this was real... partner.”

“We’ll have to try this again sometime,” said Lightning, brushing a hoof through Rainbow’s wet mane. “Maybe somewhere a little less... watery.”

“I thought it was pretty sexy.”

“Never said I’d be opposed to the showers again,” giggled Lightning. “But maybe tonight... after we grab a bite to eat?”

Rainbow looked up at Lightning. “Are you... are you asking me out on a date?”

“Depends,” smiled Lightning. “Is that a yes?”

The cyan pony tilted her partner’s head towards her, giving her a soft kiss on the nose. “Of course I’ll say yes.”

“Nice...” nodded Lightning, rolling over onto her back. “You know, we should probably get dried off soon before someone walks in on us.”

“Well, looks like I missed the party,” a very familiar and commanding voice spoke, ringing throughout the locker room’s showers.

Rainbow and Lightning’s eyes shot wide open, before they scrambled in the water left over by the shower to get back to their hooves. They then stood looking at Spitfire, standing right in front of them with a duffel bag and a smug smile on her face.

“Umm...we were just-” Rainbow spoke, but was cut off.

“Don’t play dumb,” Spitfire hissed towards her. Rainbow and Lightning both gulped as Spitfire laid her duffle bag down with one wing and began to walk over to where the two stood in the middle of the shower room. Cocking a smug eyebrow, Spitfire leaned towards both of their faces, until she was mere inches away.

She gave a smirk.

“Next time, invite me.”