Equestria Noir Hearth's Warming Special "The Giver"

by Jacoboby1

First published

Tailspin tells the tale of why we give gifts on Hearth's Warming

Tailspin's class has to stay at school due to the heavy blizzard hitting Ponyville. Stuck inside as the snow piles up outside Tailspin decides to pass the time by telling the story of why we give gifts on Hearth's Warming. What follows is a tale of how even the simplest of gifts can change the lives of those around us. For sometimes even the greatest presents cannot be wrapped.


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Equestria Noir

Christmas Special
“The Giver”
Written by: Jacoboby1

Do not withhold good from where it’s due, when it is in your power to do it

Proverbs 3:27

Perspective: Tailspin

“Move it a little more to the left, Rumble. No, your other left. No, my left!”

“Will you make up your mind, Tailspin?” Rumble complained, as he tried to pin the Hearth’s Warming wreath on the classroom wall.

“All right,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Just stick it up there.”

I looked around at the rest of the classroom. It was one of the last days of school before we had to head home for winter break. Originally we were going to decorate for the Autumn semi-formal, but that was cancelled a few weeks ago, due to an early and furious snowstorm. The dance committee decided to delay it until after we got back from winter break. So it had become a winter semi-formal instead.

I was a little disappointed but, on the bright side, it gave me more time to come up with ideas on how to dance with Scootaloo. So far the only good idea I came up with was replacing my legs with cyber enhanced ones, but that kind of stuff only happens on TV.

Rumble pinned the wreath on the wall and fluttered back down to the floor. I looked around and spotted Pip at his desk, a small brightly wrapped package with a ribbon in front of him. I rolled over to my pinto friend and smirked at him. “Gift for Dinky?” I asked, teasingly.

“Tailspin!” Pip exclaimed. He obviously hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings until I spoke up. Yep, he was thinking of her all right. He tried to hide the package inside his desk, but I gave him a look. Sighing he showed me the present and explained, “It’s a hair ribbon she's wanted for a long time; I spent most of my allowance to get it.”

“I bet she’ll love it,” I encouraged my friend. “Who knows, you might get another kiss out of it!”

Pip turned a deep shade of scarlet and looked over at Dinky. She was decorating our classroom tree with some of the other fillies. He then looked down at his gift with a sullen expression. “I just get so nervous around her lately. Ever since the mansion I’m worried she’ll laugh at me when I say something stupid.”

I rolled my eyes and gave my best friend a playful shove. “You took on a huge monster, this isn’t any scarier than that.”

“I guess you’re right.” Pip said, putting the present inside his desk. “I’ll give it to her after school is out.”

Everypony heard the door open and returned to their desks. Miss Cheerilee entered the room and smiled at the results of all our hard work decorating the classroom. “Wonderful children, you’ve really outdone yourselves again this year!” she exclaimed proudly.

“Crusaders, check your flanks!” Applebloom called. Scootaloo looked at her flank and frowned with disappointment, Applebloom soon followed. No cutie marks in decoration I guess.

I looked down at my own flank, still blank as well. Like the rest of the crusaders I tried all manner of things to get the darn thing to pop up. There’s only so much you can do when you can’t fly or walk, however.

That wasn't going to dampen my spirits this year though. I’d be spending Hearth’s Warming with Private, and my Dad.

“I’m sorry, girls,” Cherilee said, noticing their disappointed faces. “Maybe you’ll get your cutie marks in shoveling snow!” she added, gestured outside at the huge blizzard we’d been having. The pegasi apparently had a surplus of snowflakes this year and they had to get rid of them. Sadly they chose our town to dump it all onto.

Diamond snickered but she shut up when Cherilee gave her a glare. The teacher went on, “Now if you will turn your textbook-”

Suddenly all the lights went out. I looked around, but the room was covered in near darkness. The only light came from the windows; the skies beyond them were a dark gray, however. Some of the other foals chattered about what happened to the power. Cherilee blew her whistle causing us all to quiet down. “It’s probably just due to the snow; I’ll go have a look,” she said, heading towards the door. Before she walked out she looked at us and admonished, “Try and find some way to occupy your time, quietly until I get back.”

“Yes, Miss Cherilee,” we all chanted in unison. She left the room with a smile on her face.

Sweetie Belle looked outside at the mounting snow, and exclaimed, “I haven’t seen a snow storm this bad since I was a little filly!”

Rumble noticed the room getting a little cooler and announced, “With the power out the heat is gone as well.”

“Let’s just all try to stay warm,” I said, taking the initiative. “Everypony get in their snow gear, if the power doesn’t come back on we may be dismissed early.”

“We may be dismissed early,” Scootaloo agreed, looking outside, “but I doubt we’ll be able to walk home in all that snow.”

“This stinks!” Diamond complained, wrapping her scarf around her neck. “How will I get all my presents if daddy can’t even get here?”

All of us, minus Silver Spoon, rolled our eyes at Diamond. She always bragged about the fact that she got a mountain of presents every year for Hearth’s Warming. Some ponies are spoiled like that.


Nearly an hour had passed and Cherilee still hadn’t come back. I hoped nothing was wrong as I sat with the others around the Hearth’s Warming tree. The lights that once adorned it were out but it still somehow seemed to shine a little with the light from outside the window. Right now we were talking about how we planned to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve.

“It’s always a huge family get together,” Applebloom said happily. “All mah cousins come over and the barn is turned inta one giant party.”

“Rainbow Dash is going to show me how to fly in the snow,” Scootaloo bragged. “She said if you can fly in the snow,” she added, fluttering her wings in excitement. “You can fly anywhere.”

“What about you, Tailspin?” Dinky asked.

I smiled. “Dad is going to come from Manehattan and spend Hearth’s Warming with Private and I. I can’t wait until he comes.”

“If we can get out of here,” Snips pointed out. “Miss Cherilee has been gone for a long time.”

“I’m bored,” Diamond moaned. “When’s she going to get back?”

“I hope that she comes soon,” Rumble said, his teeth chattering. “I don’t like the cold at all.”

“What should we do to pass the time?” Pip asked. “Miss Cherilee isn’t going to be back for a while.”

“Yeah,” Dinky spoke out “Mommy is going to get worried if we’re stuck here forever!”

I had an idea. “Hey, I know how we can pass the time!”

Everypony in the room turned to look at me, I blushed a little at the attention. I gave a small smile. “I could tell you guys a story.”

“What kinda story?” Applebloom asked.

“Why we give gifts on Hearth’s Warming.” I said.

“Yeah,” said Sweetie Belle, looking off in thought. “That play didn’t really explain why we do that.”

“Well,” I said, entering storyteller mode. “Private told me this story when I was a little kid. It all started a few years after Equestria’s founding…”

Chapter 1 "Happy Birthday Princess Platinum"

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Chapter 1

“Happy Birthday Princess Platinum”

The three tribes set aside their differences and created a new nation, Equestria. They worked together to build the small country into a thriving nation, but the nation itself is not the focus of this tale. Rather it’s one of its rulers: Her name is Princess Platinum.

She was the daughter of the unicorn king in the old country. She was beautiful, fair and ever so graceful in the realms of court.

“Oh do keep complimenting me darling, I do so love it.”

Rarity! The story is starting!

“Oh right.”

Anyways, on one cold winter’s day she was smiling outside her window. Tomorrow was her birthday you see. This gave her every reason to be excited, the other ponies, not so much.

A knocks was heard on her door and she sang “Come iiin!”

The door opened to reveal Sir Inquire. His grey coat matched his Robin Hoof esque hat and tunic. He was a rather poor knight with little land or wealth but his skill at uncovering mysteries had proved invaluable in the Unicorn Kingdoms. He bowed his head upon entering. “You wanted to see me milady?”

“Yes dear Inquire,” Platinum said turning back to him. “You do realize what tomorrow is?”

“Every Unicorn knows it.” Whether they liked it or not. “It’s your birthday tomorrow your highness.”

“Indeed, I called you here because I wish for you to deliver a message to the other tribes,” Platinum explained.

“What might that be exactly?” Inquire asked, a little afraid of the answer.

“That each tribe would honor me with a present; every inhabitant must give me a gift,” She said with starry eyes. “Everypony should show how much they appreciate their fair princess.”

Inquire was very worried at this point, but knowing what would happen if he didn’t give in, he sighed and simply said. “I’ll talk to Clover about arrangements.”

“Oh Inquire you are such a darling, I’ll make sure you are rewarded for your efforts,” Platinum spoke cheerfully.

Inquire bowed his head and prepared to walk out. Clover was not going to like this…


Inquire walked the halls of the capital building. It was built shortly after the official founding of Equestria. Granted it started out as a hut but it quickly expanded as more and more ponies came round. Inquire himself had only arrived recently.

He gently opened the door to the library and there she was. Clover the Clever had changed little in the years since Ponyville’s founding. She still wore her brown hooded cloak that covered her magenta coat. Her violet eyes were scanning a tome in front of her, her horn aglow as she tried to levitate several objects at once.

Inquire couldn’t help but stare, Clover and him were friends for a long time. They met when they were kids back in the old kingdoms and were best friends ever since. Sadly circumstances drove them apart in recent years. He went on to train as a knight and she went on to become apprentice to Starswirl the Bearded. He wouldn’t admit it but she was one of the reasons he moved to Equestria.

“She’s not!”

Yes she is!

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

I’m the narrator! I’m supposed to know what I’m talking about!

“Inquire are you alright?” He heard a voice say.

He looked up and met Clover’s violet eyes, he tried not to blush too heavily as he stammered. “Um yeah, I’m alright. I wanted to see you.”

Clover raised an eyebrow at his odd behavior but simply shrugged. “Sure, what do you need?”


Five Minutes Later…

“She can’t be serious!” Clover said, her jaw dropping. “She honestly expects everypony to get her presents?”

“I know,” Inquire said firmly. “We can’t seriously have her ask this.”

“Normally I would agree,” Clover said nervously. “But the last time Platinum had a temper I nearly froze to dea-” She was cut off at Inquire’s guilty expression. “Inquire wait, don’t give me that look.”

“I should’ve gone with you,” Inquire said guiltily. “You shouldn’t have had to put up with Platinum all alone.”

“I thank you for your concern Inquire,” she said with a genuine smile. “But I’m not called Clover the Clever for nothing.”

“I guess that’s true, so what are we going to do about this problem?”

Clover shook her head slowly. “We’re just going to have to run it by the other leaders, if Platinum’s birthdays are like any of her other ones, we’re going to have to get their help.”

Inquire nodded as Clover walked past him, he always admired how well she could take hold of a situation. Somehow this whole mess didn’t seem so bad if it meant he could be with her.

“Keep this up and I’ll sock you!”

My story Private, you gotta go along with it.

“This is the last time I go along with one of your plans!”



The pair walked the halls of the capital building. Clover looked over at Inquire. “I hope that the Earth ponies don’t freak out about this. Some of them still hold grudges from the Windigo incident.”

“Just don’t get Chancellor Puddinghead talking and we’ll all be fine,” Inquire said just before he crashed into an Earth Pony.

Secretary Smart Cookie was an orange colored earth pony with a long blond mane under a pointed cap. She was carrying a bunch of posters that flew out when she crashed into Inquire. “Sorry bout that.”

“It was my fault,” Inquire apologized, helping the earth pony up. “I was distracted.”

By a certain unicorn.

“Shut up…” Inquire mumbled, not to the narrator because that would be crazy.

Clover used her magic to telekinetically fix the pile of posters. She smiled at Cookie. “Hi Secretary, it’s been a while.”

“How do ya do Clover?” Cookie said with a smile. “Sorry bout runnin’ inta yer friend ere, Puddinghead’s got me runnin’ all over the place putting these posters up.”

“She’s running for reelection?” Inquire asked while looking at one of the posters Clover missed picking up.

“Sadly Ah don’t think she’s got much of a chance,” Cookie mused. “But every time Ah tell her the polls are down she simply says:” She imitated Puddinghead’s voice. “The Earth is round Smart Cookie! There is no up and down!”

Everypony in the room rolled their eyes at Puddinghead’s antics. Inquire went on. “Since you seem to be the one in the know around here, maybe you can help us.”

“Whaddya need?” Cookie asked.

One delicately placed conversation later…

“She can’t seriously expect us tah put up with that garbage,” Cookie said in pure disbelief.

“That’s what we think,” Clover explained.

“Can’t ya tell er off or somethin?” Cookie asked frantically.

“I’m afraid nothing will stop Platinum when she’s gotten something on her mind,” Inquire said with a sigh. “If Platinum doesn’t get her way she’ll probably want to leave or do something else just as rash.”

“And we all know the what her last temper caused,” Clover said with a shake of her head.

“Ah know the feelin,” Cookie mused. “Ah’ll see bout gatherin’ the other earth ponies bout this. They don’t have to get her anything too big right?”

“I’m sure Platinum will appreciate whatever presents she gets,” Inquire said with a mild degree of hope. “If all goes well this could help relations with the unicorns.”

“Ah’ll see what Ah can do but Ah can’t promise anything.” Cookie then looked around for a minute before speaking again. “Also if ya see mah brother round, tell em I’m lookin’ fer him.”

“Your brother?” Clover asked

“He’s a sweet fella by the name of Big Gingerbread, Ah just call em Big Ginger fer short. He was supposed tah be comin’ round this week tah visit.”

“When was the last time you saw him?” Inquire asked curious .

“Not since Ah left the old lands,” Cookie said with a sigh. “All of a sudden he says he needs tah come round here in his letters and he hasn’t said why. If ya see em round here just give me a yell. He’s a big fella with a red coat, can’t miss em.”

“If we see him we’ll tell you,” Inquire said with a nod “Now we just gotta convince Commander Hurricane.”

“I’d better be careful if Ah were you,” Cookie warned. “Ah got a friend over in the pegasus wing, turns out she’s in a mighty foul mood.”


Cookie’s statement wasn’t even the half of it. For upon entering the Commander’s headquarters Inquire had to duck to avoid getting hit by a thrown chair. “The nerve of her!” Hurricane shouted. “Leaving the front lines like this! How am I supposed to run an army when she runs off like this?”

“Commander?” Clover said nervously.

The armored pegasus turned and sighed. “Oh, what dragon keep do you unicorns want us to help raid this time?”

“Nothing like that Commander,” Inquire said. “Platinum has a request…”

One very delicately spoken explanation later…

“Platinum wants us to give her gifts huh?” Commander Hurricane said to herself. “Well, if this’ll keep her from taking all the loot we find then I’m all for it. Shouldn’t be too hard to convince my men to send at least a token gift over.”

“If I may be so bold commander,” Clover spoke up. “What’s gotten you so riled up?”

“You remember Private Pansy right?” Hurricane explained. “Well a few weeks ago she just up and left. No explanation, no means of contact, nothing at all. I haven’t heard from her in weeks and that’s why I’m in a bad mood.” She bucked a nearby suit of armor in her frustration.

“I think we’d best be on our way,” Inquire said, leaving the pegasus to continue to tear her command center apart.

Clover followed shortly after, a look of apprehension on her face. “I just hope all goes well, her last couple of birthdays haven’t always been pleasant.”

“How do you put up with her?” Inquire asked. “It can’t be easy having to be Platinum’s lackey all the time.”

Clover gave a smile at Inquire that caused the knight to blush a little. “I’m fine Inquire, she’s actually not completely bad once you get past her more annoying qualities.”

“You never cease to amaze me,” Inquire mused.

A faint blush appeared on Clover’s face before she turned away. “We should get things ready.”

The pair walked off not saying anything. Despite being friends for so long, lately they’d been finding it gets harder and harder to just talk to one another.

Sweetie Belle, don’t start singing yet, I’m getting there!


The next day the whole of the country gathered to celebrate Princess Platinum’s birthday. The party itself was handled by Chancellor Puddinghead who made herself the Secretary of Party Hardy.

After the party Platinum gazed upon her ever growing pile of presents with absolute glee. She sat in the mead hall which the party took place in and smiled at the crowd. “I thank you all for your generosity on this momentous occasion.” She then turned to the gifts. “Now, let us see what my subjects got me.”

As Platinum dug into her presents Inquire looked over at Clover with a smile. “All seems to be going well, now we just need to have her open her presents and we’ll be done.”

Clover wiped her brow and sighed with relief. “Thanks for helping me organize this Inquire, it’s nice to have you around to help once in a while.”

Inquire blushed at her praise but his grey eyes turned as the door suddenly opened. Commander Hurricane was entering along with two pegasi guards, they were carrying Private Pansy in their forelegs. She struggled a little before being tossed in front of the crowd. “This pony was found sneaking around the village today! I was lucky to find her while I was taking my morning na- I mean patrol.”

“Oh please ma’am,” Pansy said as she nervously stood up “I can explain…”

“Explain what?” Puddinghead said coming out of the crowd. “Like how Tailspin can narrate the story but also talk to the ponies involved?”

Pinkie! What have I told you?

“That breaking the fourth wall is only funny in the main story arc!”

Exactly! Now get back in character!

“I mean what do you need to explain pegasus?” Puddinghead asked now fully back in character.

Pansy stood up and spoke in a soft voice. “The reason I’ve been gone for the past couple of weeks is because…well…”

“Pansy!” A male voice called from where the doors opened. In walked in none other than Big Ginger, he tried to get at Pansy but the pegasi guards blocked his path. “Listen Ah need tah see her!”

“Big Ginger?!” Cookie called in shock. “What the hay is goin’ on here?”

“Pansy is my um…” His scarlet face turned an even deeper shade of scarlet “Mah intended.”

Everypony in the room gasped in shock. Hurricane was the first to speak up. “But Pansy is a pegasus! You’re an earth pony!”

“Ah know,” Big Ginger said firmly. “That’s why we’ve been meetin’ in secret over the past few months. Ah wanted tah tell mah sis but Ah just didn’t know how to say it.”

“Please don’t be mad at him,” Pansy begged her commander. “It was my fault! I was the one who started it!”

“Pansy, you realize this is a serious deal,” Hurricane said, her magenta eyes looking at her subordinate in worry.

“Mah brother can marry whoever the hay he pleases,” Cookie protested.

“Listen Cookie,” Hurricane said, getting within inches of the earth pony’s face. “Pansy is my soldier; I will handle this relationship in a proper military manner.”

“What the hay is that supposed tah mean?” Cookie said with a edge to her voice. “You sayin mah brother ain’t good enough fer Pansy?”

“Everypony calm down for a second!” Puddinghead was the one who spoke up, everypony turned to listen to the Chancellor. “The last time we got into an argument all those weird snow ponies showed up. Let’s settle this not with mean words but instead we’ll do it the right Equestrian way! We’ll take it to a vote between me, Platinum and Hurricane.”

Everypony was so shocked that Puddinghead was the one to come up with the plan that they all simply nodded.

“That’s certainly better then arguing,” Pansy said hopefully.

“Fine, we’ll do it your way Chancellor,” Hurricane groaned.

“Alrighty!” Puddinghead cheered. “Well my vote is for it! This means I can make a wedding party when all of this is done! Plus it’ll give a happy ending to this story!”



“Well my vote is against it,” Hurricane said, crossing her forelegs in defiance. “I can’t have a soldier just leave behind her duties for some stallion, and an earth pony no less.”

Big Ginger looked ready to outright battle the pegasi but held back when he got a look from Pansy.

“That leaves me then,” Platinum said with a smile. “I’m willing to tell my vote…on one condition.”

“And that is?” Puddinghead asked slowly.

“That dear Ginger and Pansy give me a gift.”

Clover and Inquire dropped their jaws in shock. “This is crazy!” Clover said to Inquire softly. “She’s outright forcing them to give her a gift to save their relationship!”

“Ah’m sorry yer highness,” Big Ginger said with a worried expression. “Ah sold most of mah things to get food enough to get here.”

“Well, it seems somepony just doesn’t appreciate his princess enough,” Platinum said in a rather snobby tone. “I guess I will be forced to vote against this relationship…”

“Wait!” Pansy cried. “Just give him an hour! We’ll find a gift for you!”

“Alright,” Platinum said firmly. “You have one hour to find a gift, otherwise my vote will remain nay.”


“Princess, with all due respect,” Inquire spoke after most of the crowd had left. “Don’t you think you are asking for a bit much?”

“I’m only asking them to fulfill proper etiquette on one’s birthday,” Platinum said in her snobby tone. “He should’ve come prepared with a gift anyways.”

“Princess, he’s a peasant.” Clover said trying to get her point across. “He can barely afford to eat, let alone get you anything.”

“I will not hear these insults Clover,” Platinum complained “I gave them a task; I expect them to fulfill it.”

Suddenly the door burst open and Big Ginger came in with a large box in his hooves. He bowed low before speaking. “Princess, Ah have this for you.”

Platinum levitated the box with her magic and her eyes scanned the box. There was nothing remarkable about it, no ribbons or any wrapping on it. She slowly opened the box and her blue eyes grew wide.

There was a large diamond necklace inside, accented with sapphire and amethyst to allow the necklace to shine in the torch light. Platinum looked up at Big Ginger. “Where did you get this?”

“Ah found it in the hallway.” Big Ginger explained “It had a note on it, said I was tah give it to you as my present.”

“It’s The Giver!” A pony from the crowd called. “The Giver has blessed Big Ginger!”

“Who’s the Giver?” Platinum said looking at the necklace. “And where did he get this…?”

Chapter 2 "Searching for the Giver"

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Chapter 2

“Searching for the Giver”

“Who’s this Giver?” Platinum called to the crowd. “I demand to meet him.”

Everypony looked around, they were as in the dark as she was. One peasant, a unicorn musician with a green coat spoke up. “Your highness, if I may speak.”

Platinum waved with her hoof for him to go on, the unicorn spoke up again. “I was without a gift myself. The lute I gave you? That showed up at my front door this morning.”

A pegasus spoke up next. “The snow globe I got you showed up at my door too!”

“The goblet I gave you at my door as well!”

“So was my cape!”

“So wait a second,” Hurricane spoke up. “How many ponies have gotten something from this Giver?”

More then half of the ponies in the rooms raised their hooves. Platinum’s jaw dropped and she blubbered, “The Giver gave you all of those gifts! All without even showing up and asking for anything in exchange?”

“It’s true malady,” Big Ginger said honestly. “Ah didn’t see anypony leave or nothin’.”

“This Giver…” Platinum put a hoof to her chin and smiled. “I wonder if he would give me a gift as well? It is my birthday after all.”


After everypony left Platinum called both Inquire and Clover to her bedroom. The Princess lounged on her four-poster bed with an exasperated look on her face. “This Giver has not given me a gift personally.”

“But your highness,” Clover interjected. “You already received numerous gifts from your subjects, most of them from the Giver himself!”

“Yes but those were technically gifts to them, they just used the gifts to sate the requirement.” Platinum complained. (Not whined Snips, remember the difference!) “I want this Giver to show himself and grant me a gift personally.”

“So you called us here to track him down?” Inquire deduced.

“Exactly my dear knight,” Platinum declared. “I ask both of you to aid me in finding him. I demand a gift. This Giver has been recognized by the peasantry, start there.”

“But Princess,” Clover spoke up. “Haven’t you gotten enough gifts?”

“It’s the principle darling,” Platinum explained. “If this Giver isn’t going to show himself to deliver the gift then I hardly think he appreciates me.”

Clover was about ready to protest more but a look from Inquire told her to drop it. Clover simply sighed and gave in. “Alright, we’ll attempt to find him, if nothing else than so you can thank him.”

“Wonderful darling!” Platinum exclaimed in joy. “Now do hurry and find him! Hopefully we can find him before he decides to stop his streak of generosity.”


Outside of the capital building was a small village where all of the common ponies lived. Snow covered the buildings and the ground below, the pegasi being more careful with how they handled the snow after the Windigo incident. That very snow was starting to melt from the sheer heat of Clover’s fury.

“I’ve never met a more stubborn and selfish pony in all my life!” Clover complained as she stomped her way through the snow, Inquire beside her. “She honestly expects us to find some random stranger who had a kind enough heart to give the peasants gifts to sate her and now she wants us to extort another gift out of him!”

Inquire looked over at Clover. “Look, maybe if we find this Giver then everypony can thank him.” He stepped in front of her with a smile. “He’s done so much good for everypony, don’t you think he deserves thanks?”

Clover let out a breath. “I guess you’re right, though I’m still not happy about the reasons Platinum is making us look for him.”

“Me neither,” Inquire said with a shake of his head. “Let’s start asking around, somepony had to have gotten something from the Giver.”

The pair came to the first door and knocked. The door was answered by a couple dubbed Mr. and Mrs. Pastry. Mr. Pastry smiled at the pair. “Can we help you?”

“I’m Sir Inquire,” Inquire introduced himself. “This is Clover the Clever.” He gestured with his head at Clover who smiled at the couple.

“I’m sorry dears,” Mrs. Pastry said sadly. “We don’t have anything on the oven right now, but I’m sure we can scrounge something for you to share.”

“Share?” Inquire and Clover asked at the same time.

“Oh sorry,” Mrs. Pastry apologized. “I assumed you two were married.”

Both unicorns blushed brightly and looked away from each other before Inquire spoke up. “Actually, we’re hoping to find the Giver.”

“Oh that fella?” Mr. Pastry spoke up. “We haven’t seen him yet but if you do find him tell him thanks for the stove.”

“Your stove?” Clover asked.

“Yes dears,” Mrs. Pastry explained. “A few weeks ago Chancellor Puddinghead tried to use our wood stove to make some new delicacy she calls cupcakes. Sadly she made the stove so hot well…” She opened the door so they could see the black marks leftover from the last stove. How Puddinghead got a wooden stove to explode is beyond anypony.

“But then two days later we wake up and find a new iron stove,” Mr. Pastry said pointing at the new stove already hard at work making sweets for the commoners.

“Did you see anypony by your home that night?” Inquire asked.

“No sir,” Mr. Pastry said with a shake of his head. “I wish we could find him so we could thank him.”

“When we find him we’ll deliver the message,” Clover replied with a smile. “Come on Inquire, let’s ask around some more.”

Inquire nodded and followed, his mind on the comment that Mrs. Pastry made. His grey eyes gazed at the pony walking in front of him. Sure he’d always admired her for her cleverness and beauty but he never actually gave it much thought. Now however he can’t stop looking at the cloaked unicorn.

“Will you stop announcing it to the world?”

I’m not the one who’s blushing.

“When I get out of this story I’m gonna kick your-”

“Inquire you’re talking to air again,” Clover said, looking back at him with concern.

“I’m fine Clover,” he said half convincingly. “Let’s keep asking around.”


“He gave me a new quill when I ran out, still hoping for a sofa this time.”

“I got some awesome tools for teeth care; I think I’ll call them dentures.”

“My restaurant needed some spicing up, So he gotsa me the most amazing instrument ever! The accordion!”

Inquire met Clover after speaking with several houses about the Giver.

Clover crossed her forelegs in thought “The Giver also didn’t show himself to any of the families. That’s going to make it hard to find him”

“He only seemed to give to ponies who weren’t well off,” Inquire said in deep thought. “That would explain why he gave the gifts to the peasants. I’ve seen some of the gifts given to Platinum, there’s no way anypony could’ve gotten those gifts normally on a peasant’s earnings.”

“So he only comes to less well off ponies.” Clover’s eyes opened as she got an idea. “That’s it Inquire!” She declared.

“What’s it?” Inquire asked, almost afraid of the answer.

“We’ll pretend to be a poor peasant couple and we’ll act as bait for the Giver to come out,” she explained. “It’s brilliant!”

“Don’t you think he’ll see right through it though?” Inquire asked.

“We just gotta make it look convincing,” Clover said with a smile “We’ll just act like we’re a poor couple scraping by and the Giver will come.”

Inquire wouldn’t be acting for the most part though…


After creating a small hut to stay in Inquire set some wood on the fire. He had to shed his tunic for a more peasant-ish brown cloak and rags. He had to look like he wasn’t well off. He lit the fire with a spark of his magic and stared into it for a while.

“Everything ready?” He heard a voice speak up behind him, he turned to see Clover, now dressed in a commoner’s dress, walking up to him.

“That should be everything,” Inquire said with a small smile. “We have a bare bones hut, a small fire, and no food in the cupboards. We are now officially poor peasants.”

Suddenly a cold night breeze blew in from the window. Clover held herself and shivered a little. Inquire looked on her concerned. “You alright Clover?”

“Sorry,” she said, walking to the fire and trying to warm her hooves “I’m just so used to wearing my cloak I never had to worry about the wind too much. I never realized how cold it was.”

Inquire unclipped the cloak he had on and put it over her shoulders “I’m more used to the cold, here.”

“Thanks Inquire,” Clover said, gazing into his grey eyes for a minute, then the pair sat by the fire on their bellies. There was a distance between them as Clover clutched the cloak to herself.

“Clover, you’re still shivering,” Inquire pointed out.

“I’m fine Inquire,” Clover said, her shivering showing the contrary. “It’s just a little wind.”

Inquire turned red as he thought about his next move. But slowly he closed the distance between them and pressed his coat to hers. Clover looked over and blushed at being so close to Inquire. The knight smiled a little “I can’t have you freeze to death. You can get heat off me.”

Clover pressed her coat into Inquire’s, finding warmth and comfort in the stallion. “Thanks Inquire. You really want to make this authentic, huh?”

Inquire nodded a little too quickly. “Well it’s just, a couple would try to keep each other warm on a cold winter’s night like this.”

“I can’t remember the last time we were just together like this,” Clover mused. “Not since we were kids.” She then started laughing a little.

“What’s so funny?” Inquire asked.

“It’s just I remember how we used to play together all the time.” She looked over at Inquire with a smile. “You used to get so mad whenever anypony made fun of me for being a scroll worm.”

Inquire blushed at the memories of him fighting off the village boys that tried to pick on Clover. “Well, I just didn’t like anypony picking on you. You’re incredibly brilliant; they were just jealous and tried to take out their frustrations on you.”

Clover blushed at the compliment; Inquire blushed even more at having said that out loud. He looked away to hide his blush but Clover held his gaze. “Inquire, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” Liar.

“Something has been on your mind during this whole thing,” Clover said slowly. “You know you can tell me.”

Completely unknown to both ponies, somepony was listening in to the couple’s conversation. A violet eye peaked in on the couple as they sat by the fire.

“It’s just…” Inquire blushed as he was prepared to confess. “Clover, ever since I saw you again, you’re suddenly…a mare.”

“What are you talking about?” Clover said, her blush more evident.

“Clover, there was another reason why I’ve always looked out for you.” His ears flattened as he went on. “I’ve grown to…care for you as more then a friend.”

“Inquire are you saying…” She covered her mouth with a hoof in shock.

“Yes Clover,” He confessed “I’ve fallen for you.” He looked down in embarrassment. “You’re brilliant, you far outshine anypony in magic, you’re beautiful, and I can’t imagine my life without you.”

“Inquire…” Was all Clover could say as her face came closer to his, but he held a hoof to stop her.

“But,” He said sadly. “When I really think about it, why would you want me?” His grey eyes returned to the ground. “I’m little more then a poor knight. Sure I’m a noble but I have no title or land to offer. I have no wealth and only get by with what I can get. I can’t even afford a ring for you.”

Clover shook her head and tilted his head to face hers with a hoof. “Inquire, it doesn’t matter what you can offer me. You have a kind heart, you went on this crazy venture all without the promise of a reward.” She gazed into his grey eyes. “What mare wouldn’t fall for you?”

“Clo-” He was cut off when Clover planted her lips on his, he gently gave into her affections for him before a knock was heard on the door. He broke the kiss with her and answered the door.

The only thing that greeted him was a small box in front of him. He picked it up and opened it, his grey eyes growing wide. Clover looked over his shoulder, her own eyes welling up with tears at the sight. Inquire slowly revealed the ring to her.

“The Giver…he left this for us,” Inquire concluded

“Inquire,” Clover blushed heavily and looked down at her hooves. “I mean, now you don’t need to worry about finding a

The two unicorns met each other’s eyes before Inquire levitated the ring out with his magic and slid it on Clover’s horn. He looked at her earnestly. “Clover, when all of this is over, will you be mine?”

“Yes Inquire!” She said, embracing her love tightly in excitement. “I’ll marry you, we won’t have to be separated anymore.”

Inquire returned the embrace warmly, and then watched as somepony walked forward towards them. A tall Alicorn with a white coat and a long multicolored mane spoke with a smile. “Now that’s out of the way, you wanted to see me, my little ponies?”

Chapter 3 "The Three Gifts"

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Chapter 3

“The Three Gifts”

Inquire and Clover gazed up in awe as they beheld the Giver herself. She was none other than Princess Celestia, long before she was Princess of Equestria. She smiled down at the pair as they lowered their heads. “Do not be afraid my little ponies. Do you know who I am?”

“I know not your name,” Inquire admitted. “But we know what you are. You are an Alicorn, a being worthy of respect.”

Celestia kept her smile. “I am Celestia, your mysterious Giver.”

“Why are you giving all these things to ponies?” Clover asked. “You aren’t accepting anything in exchange either.”

“Do I have to accept something in exchange?” Celestia said with a raised eyebrow.

“Well no,” Clover answered. “It’s just common principle. You know, give and take.”

“You speak like Princess Platinum,” Celestia said slowly. “I’ve been meaning to speak with her.”

“Then why didn’t you come out sooner?” Inquire asked. “You would’ve avoided the hassle of getting us the ring.”

“Call me old fashioned,” Celestia winked a little. “But I’m a bit of a sucker for romance.”

Inquire and Clover blushed at the thought. Celestia went on, “But now that I am here, I wish to speak with Platinum herself.”

“Yes Celestia,” Clover bowed her head. “Platinum was also meaning to speak to you, something about receiving her gift.”

“Oh, she’ll receive her gift all right.”


Celestia and the pair of unicorns reentered the capital building. Celestia herself was walking forward as the other ponies gazed in awe at her. Many had heard the legends of Alicorns before, but to see one up close was truly extraordinary. Many bowed or spoke in hushed voices as she walked her procession.

Platinum and the other leaders gazed upon Celestia and she bowed her head politely. “I am Celestia, or as the locals call me, the Giver.”

“You’re the one who’s been giving those gifts?” Hurricane exclaimed in shock.

“Why yes Commander Hurricane,” She said with a smile. “I believe I have my gift for you right now.”

“My gift?” Hurricane said slowly. “Look I don’t need any-”

Celestia’s horn glowed and suddenly a box appeared in front of Hurricane. She took it in her hooves and opened it slowly. She smiled with absolute glee. “Oh my gosh! Is this Lady Fireburst’s spear?!” She held up the spear in absolute excitement. “I’ve been meaning to replace my old one for months! How did you-”

“Know that you’ve always admired her?” Celestia simply smiled. “Let’s just say I have an inside source. I hope the gift is pleasing to you.”

“Oh! what about me?” Puddinghead exclaimed excitedly. “What’cha got fer me huh, huh, huh?!”

Celestia teleported a scroll and put it in Puddinghead’s eagerly awaiting hooves, she opened it and raised an eyebrow. “Dieting for Scatterbrains?”

“I’ve noticed you put on a little weight,” Celestia said with a slight chuckle. “It’s unbecoming of a Chancellor to looks so. Would help in your reelection campaign.”



“The Cakes put you up to this didn’t they?!”

They’re just concerned about half of their supply getting eaten.

“When I get out of this story I’m going to show them just how much I can eat!”

Not helping your cause Pinkie.

“I guess, we should get on with the story before the humans reading this get bored.”


And there went the fourth wall.

Platinum interrupted the proceedings and smiled at the white Alicorn. “So you’re the pony all these commoners have to thank.”

“Indeed,” Celestia answered. “You are Princess Platinum I see.”

“Daughter of the Unicorn King and the unicorn representative here in Equestria,” Platinum proudly declared, and then she eagerly spoke, “So, what gift do you have for me?”

Celestia got quiet for a moment, and then she spoke solemnly, “I have no gift for you.”

“What?!” Platinum exclaimed in shock. “But everypony else got a gift! How is it they get a present and I don’t? It’s my birthday after all!”

“You have received all of these gifts from your subjects.” She gestured to the pile of presents next to Platinum, who gave a small nervous laugh. “Why do you need to receive a gift from me?”

“Is it not proper that somepony receive gifts on her birthday?” Platinum shot back. “I demand a gift from you, everypony else received a gift. I wish only to be given the same courtesy.”

Celestia gave her a long violet stare, and then she nodded slowly. “Since you so politely asked, I will grant you your request. But only if you follow my instructions exactly.”

“If it will get me my present then I shall comply,” Platinum said, not even trying to hide her disdain.

“I will require you,” she pointed to the gift pile. “To have me select three gifts from this pile, you are to give them to whom I choose.”

Everypony gasped in shock at the boldness of the demand. Platinum frowned but knew that if she didn’t let this pony have her way, she’d never get her own gift. She spoke in her dignified manner, “Fine then, but this gift had better be worth it.”

Celestia just gave a smug smile and turned to the pile. Her eyes scanned the contents of the gifts until she pulled out three objects. The first was a simple necklace, with only a gold chain and a broken pendent on it. The second was a wool cape, often worn by nobles. The last was a flower, a simple white flower with purple lined petals.

Celestia walked to Platinum and gave her all three items “Now walk through your village and give these gifts in order to the ponies you meet.”

“Fine then,” Platinum huffed, she then looked over at Clover and Inquire. “Be a pair of dears and carry these for me.”

Both unicorns sighed and levitated the gifts with their magic. The pair walked out behind Platinum as Cookie walked to Celestia. “Beg pardon Celestia, but how’s this gonna solve the Platinum problem?”

“Oh, it’ll help,” Celestia said with a smile, then she teleported a box in front of Cookie. “I believe you’ve been wanting these for a while.”

“Oh, what is it?!” Puddinghead asked eagerly. “Is it a windup toy? Is it a rubber chicken? Is it a cannon that shoots confetti? Oh! Is it a chocolate mousse that’s actually shaped like a moose? That kind of gift would be amazingly fun to have! Think of all the wonderful things you could do at parties with that!”

Cookie was very much enjoying her newfound earplugs.


Platinum trudged through the snow whining the whole way. Actually, Inquire was the one trudging through the snow while Platinum rode on his back whining the whole way. Clover was following behind, levitating the various presents with her.

“And then she has the absolute gall to force me to travel all the way to the village to give these gifts to three random strangers? It’s as if she wants me to freeze to death!”

“Some of us wouldn’t mind that…” Clover muttered under her breath.

Inquire walked a little ways before a cloaked figure came up to them. The voice was female and the hood obscured her face. “Please, can ya spare anything fer a starvin old mare?”

“Well I’m obligated to give you this,” Platinum said after getting off Inquire’s back. She then picked up the necklace with her magic and gave it to the cloaked mare. “Here, take It, I’m in a hurry.”

“Thank ya child,” the voice spoke in a kind voice. “It’s nice to see somepony willin to do some kindness around here.” She then walked off without another word.

Platinum scoffed. “Obviously somepony hoping to pawn that miserable necklace off somewhere. Come subjects, we have more gifts to give,” She exacerbated.

Inquire walked behind Platinum a bit before turning to look at the mare who had walked away…did he hear her sobbing?


They walked a little bit more, finally reaching the town. The trio walked the streets, not meeting anypony. Platinum huffed. “Where is everypony? You’d think whoever I have to give the cape to would be here to receive it.”

“Maybe Celestia wants you to learn something out of this,” Clover suggested.

“Even still,” Platinum (Yeah Applebloom you got it! Complained! Very good.) “You’d think she’d have at least told us where to work aside from just ‘in the village’”

Platinum’s thoughts were interrupted by a sorry sight. A small white unicorn filly with a periwinkle and purple mane was huddled in the alley. She wore only a raggedy dress with a rat eaten cloak on, desperately trying to stave off the cold. Inquire stopped and spoke to Platinum, “Milady, I think we have our second pony.”

Platinum stopped and looked at the filly oddly; she walked to the shivering thing and spoke inquisitively, “Have we met before?”

“I d-don’t th-think s-s-so princes-s-s,” The unicorn said, shivering like mad. “I’m ju-just somep-pon-y who lives ar-r-round here.”

“Your highness,” Clover spoke up, levitating the cape to Platinum. “This is made of wool, it’ll keep her warm from this horrible weather.”

Platinum gave the unicorn a long look before giving the cape to the filly. The filly smiled wide at the sight. “Thank you princess!” She took the cape and wrapped herself in it. She sighed at the warmth and smiled with equal warmth at Platinum. “This is so warm, thank you so much.”

“You’re um…” Platinum got quiet for a second, then turned. “You’re welcome. That’s two down, one more to go.” She then walked off not saying a word.

The filly sat in the alley, enjoying her newfound cape to use as her blanket. Clover looked at Inquire for a second. “Did you see the look Platinum gave her?”

“It’s like she knew the filly from somewhere else,” Inquire pointed out. “I’ve never seen her act like that before.”

“Will you two come on?” Platinum called and she rolled her eyes. “I know you two are engaged but I expect you two not to linger.”

Everypony now!

Can you feel,

The love tonight?

“Tailspin you are so grounded when I get outta here!”


The trio walked even further into the village. Still nopony showed up, no villager, no guard, not even a mouse was in the village. Clover looked at Inquire nervously. “It’s a little weird how we haven’t encountered anypony since we encountered the filly.”

“Yeah, “Inquire said, looking around the town. “I think everypony went to the capital building for the party, that’s why we haven’t seen anypony else.”

Their encounter was interrupted by a grey pegasus coming out…

I said a grey pegasus coming out!

Derpy where are you?

“Sorry Tailspin, I get very nervous in front of crowds.”

Look it’s not all that bad, they can’t see anything but words.

“You mean I don’t have to worry about anypony staring at me?”


“Not even that weird human who’s typing this story?”

What human?

“That one, sitting at his laptop typing out the story.”

Hey yeah! I see him! Holy crap he looks weird!

“He’s got some funny glasses!”

Princess Celestia? Who’s that guy out there?

“I would love to answer your question Tailspin.”

Really, go ahead.

“I’ll need you both to just look at this light here for a second.”

What, that light you got in your-


“That was too close; you were going to go on with the story you two?”

Sure Princess, anyways the trio was about to walk forward when a grey pegasus suddenly fell out of the sky and crashed into a nearby wagon. Platinum rolled her eyes. “Is this the pony I’m supposed to give the flower to?”

The grey pegasus climbed out of the wreckage and smiled. “Sorry bout the wagon, the cloud came out of nowhere and blocked my view.”

“Klutzy, is that you?” Clover spoke out.

“Oh, hi Clover!” Klutzy said in excitement. “It’s been a while!”

“Oh I remember you,” Platinum stated. “You were that pegasus pony who was the 227nd choice for combat but ended up as being a messenger pony.”

Nopony had the heart to tell Klutzy that 226 was Thomas the Rock. The pegasus ignored the slander and simply went on. “Commander Hurricane said I wasn’t really good as a warrior. She wanted me to drop things on ponies. I don’t understand why she got mad when I dropped that piano on her head. I guess she did know what went wrong.”

“All the same it’s nice to see you,” Clover said friendly like. “You remember Inquire?”

“Uh huh!” Klutzy said in a happy manner. “He’s the pony you had me send all those nice letters to.”

Inquire smiled at the grey pegasus as Clover’s blush became more evident. “Thank you Klutzy, your messenger abilities are something to behold.”

“If we can get back on topic please,” Platinum complained, then she gave the flower to Klutzy, who’s crossed eyes grew wide at the sight of it. Suddenly the pegasus hugged Platinum tightly, took the flower, and flew off without another word.

“Not even a thank you,” Platinum said in a huff. “Well that was a complete waste of time. Come along subjects, let us go back to receive my gift.”

Inquire and Clover begrudgingly followed.

Little did they know, how much each gift helped…

Chapter 4 "The Smallest Gifts"

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Chapter 4

“The Smallest Gifts”

Platinum returned to the capital building. She stomped her way up to Celestia who kept her expression neutral. Platinum pointed an accusing hoof at Celestia. “You! I’ve done your silly little errand! Now I demand compensation!”

Celestia simply stood there as all in the crowd awaited her answer. Celestia finally nodded her head. “You want your gift? What if it’s not something I can give?”

“What kind of insane logic is this?” Platinum shouted. “At the very least you’d have the decency to make sense when you taunt me!”

“I am not jesting or taunting,” Celestia said firmly. “I am speaking of my gift, the fact I cannot give it to you. My gifts go to those that most need them.”

“That’s it!” Platinum cried. “I’ve dealt with you for long enough!” She slammed her hoof into the ground. “I’m sick of all these games and misdirection! I don’t have to put up with this nonsense anymore!”

She then turned and stormed out, not looking back. Celestia said nothing, simply stood there. Inquire and Clover almost got run over by the Princess running by. Inquire looked at her. “Should we do something about her?”

“What does she need our help for?” Clover said with a huff. “She’s already shown that she’s a selfish brat. For the first time in her life she’s been told no. I think she should just take it like a mare.”

“Clover,” Inquire said before his beloved walked away. He watched Platinum round a corner. He looked back at Clover and spoke, “I’m going to talk to her, there’s something else going on here.”

“Do what you want,” Clover said slowly. “I for one am tired of dealing with her.”

She then left Inquire in the hallway. He just sat there for five minutes, pondering what was right. Clover was right, Platinum was a spoiled brat, she needed to be taught a lesson. But why did Inquire feel guilty about not helping her?

“Perhaps it is because your heart sees there’s more to the story.” Inquire looked up to see Celestia walking towards him. She smiled down at him. “Inquire; you worry for Platinum, do you not?”

“It’s just,” Inquire spoke unsure. “I don’t know, it’s like she’s keeping something inside. Like there’s a reason for her being what she is,”

“Inquire.” Celestia lowered her head to meet the knight’s eyes. “Go to her, she needs an ear to her problems.”

“Clover won’t like it,” Inquire pointed out.

“Let me worry about Clover,” Celestia spoke firmly. “It’s time you gave a gift you cannot hold in your hooves.”

“What’s that supposed to-” He was cut off when Celestia suddenly teleported away.

Inquire knew what he had to do…


He heard sobbing as he found Princess Platinum’s room. He knocked on the door. “Princess? It’s me, Inquire.”

“What do you want?” A weak voice spoke from the other side. “Have you come to mock me as well?”

“I just want to help,” Inquire said honestly. “At least let me hear what’s on your mind.”


“Come in.”

Inquire opened the door, there on the four-poster bed was Platinum herself. She looked like a mess, her mane in disarray and whatever makeup on her face smered from having put her face into the silk pillows she had. Her blue eyes were puffy from tears.

“Milady,” Inquire spoke up. “You look terrible.”

“I’m well aware,” Platinum said, closing her blue eyes and wiping her tears away. “I’m just very upset.”

“If I may be so bold milady,” Inquire asked earnestly. “Something is on your heart is it not? You can confide in me.”

Platinum was about to protest, but a look from Inquire stopped her. Then she sighed and spoke, “I never told anypony here about my father, the Unicorn King.”

“I met him,” Inquire replied. “He seemed like a good stallion.”

“He was,” Platinum said with a sigh. “But he was hardly a good father. Mother was smart to leave while she had the chance. He would leave on his expeditions and not be back for weeks on end. It was always some political matter with him. When he was home however, he would always give me what I wanted. If I whined for jewels, he got me jewels. If I whined for dresses, he had them given to me. My birthdays were always events where he would shower me with gifts.”

“Sounds like he cared for you,” Inquire tried to comfort.

“It was all for naught though, the point is he was never there.” A new tear fell down her cheek. “Those gifts were only to get me to shut up! I thought I was being adventurous by coming to this country! But did he even try to contact me after I found this fresh land? No, of course not! I was out of his mane! He didn’t have to drain the bank to satisfy me! I’m a leech, and that is all I will ever be to anypony.”

“Platinum,” Inquire spoke firmly. “Get your coat on, we’re going for a little walk.”

“Not again,” Platinum complained “I already had one walk through the cold, I shan’t have another.”

Inquire’s magic wrapped around Platinum, causing her to levitate off the bed and land on his back. He smiled back at her. “Then how about a ride?”

“Why are you doing this Inquire?” Platinum asked. “You should have nothing but disdain for me.”

“Maybe I’m just a sucker for a damsel in distress,” Inquire said while walking ahead.


“You’re still grounded Tailspin.”



The pair walked/rode for a few minutes out into the snowy evening. The snow was gently falling on their heads. Platinum had gotten off Inquire after a while and walked beside him. She looked over at him and asked for the twelfth time, “Where are we going?”

“To see somepony who doesn’t think you’re a leech,” Inquire spoke as snow fell on his hat. He came to a small hut on the edge of the village.

“Who lives here?” Platinum asked.

“Like I said.” He knocked on the door. “Somepony who believes you are worth something.”

The door was answered by a brown earth pony named Doctor Sundial. He looked at Inquire with a smile. “Well hello there Inquire, fancy seeing you out so late.”

“Good to see you Doctor.” Inquire gestured to Platinum. “This is Princess Platinum, she was the one who gave Klutzy the flower.”

“Oh you were the one?” Sundial gave a wide smile. “Well I can’t thank you enough for the kind gesture.”

“It was nothing,” Platinum said, trying once in her life to sound humble. “It was only a simple flower.”

“Yes but,” Sundial continued, opening the door a little more. “You may want to see this yourself.”

Platinum hesitated a little, but with an encouraging look from Inquire she walked into the hut. It was small, only one room so there was no way she could’ve missed the sight. There sitting on her rump beside a straw bed was Klutzy. Her wall eyes were gazing down at the bed’s inhabitant. A young periwinkle colored unicorn filly. She smiled weakly up at her mother.

“Momma, there’s a princess here,” the filly spoke up.

Klutzy looked up as Platinum entered. Klutzy stared at Platinum for a few seconds before her eyes welled up with tears. She flew straight at Platinum and hugged the princess tight. “Thank you so much! I can’t ever repay you!”

“There, there,” Platinum said a little confused. “I must ask you to elaborate why you embrace me so vigorously.”

“Sorry,” Klutzy said, letting Platinum go. “You saved my little muffin’s life.”

“I did what now?” Platinum exclaimed in shock.

“Allow me to explain,” Sundial said coming up. “Muffly here,” he continued, gesturing to the unicorn filly, who was still smiling. “Had contracted a very rare disease, it could only be cured by the flower you gave her.”

“I did this?” Platinum said slowly.

“Miss Princess?” Muffly spoke from her bed.

Platinum approached the filly and stared with her blue eyes.

Muffly smiled. “You really are a nice pony, thank you very much.”

Platinum shook her head. “I don’t deserve any thanks, I’m a terrible pony.”

Muffly shook her head. “You’re very sad Princess, I can tell.”

“What are you saying child?” Platinum was taken aback.

“Your eyes, they look all sad,” she said, pointing to Platinum’s face.

Platinum wiped her eyes a little. “Forgive me, I was crying earlier.”

“Bout what?” Muffly asked. “Why are you so sad?”

“I’ve done a lot of bad things,” Platinum said. “I’ve been terribly selfish and a leech to everypony.” She looked down. “I don’t deserve any thanks from anypony.”

Muffly shook her head. “I don’t think you’re a bad pony.”

“You don’t?” Platinum asked.

“No, you’re just very sad. You want somepony to not make you sad anymore.” She kept her smile. “That’s all anypony wants really, just somepony to care about them. You saved my life, I won’t ever forget that.”

Before Platinum could say anymore, Muffly pushed herself up from the bed and reached over for Platinum. She wrapped her tiny little hooves around Platinum’s leg. The Princess was struck by how bold the little filly was. Everypony in the room stood at the scene.

Platinum slowly reached her other hoof and gently stroked the child’s mane. Tears were about to enter her eyes again. “Oh Muffly, I am not deserving of your thanks and here you are, clinging to my leg.”

“You just want somepony to care,” Muffly said with a smile up at Platinum. “Hugs can show you care.”

Platinum’s tears flowed like waterfalls. She bent down and held the little filly tightly. The filly hugged Platinum gently back as she sobbed. “Thank you Muffly, I’ll give you something in return!”

Muffly didn’t say anything.

Platinum looked at the filly earnestly. “Anything you want! Dresses! Jewels! A home in the capital! Anything to express my thanks to you!”

Muffly shook her head. “I don’t want anything.”

“But, how can I express how much I care if I don’t give you something?” Platinum asked, still confused.

“You already gave me something in return,” Muffly said cryptically. “You just can’t see it.”


Inquire and Platinum walked a little ways away from the hut. Platinum was quiet as the pair walked in the now packed snow. “Inquire,” She spoke at last. “I don’t understand.”

“What don’t you understand princess?” Inquire asked.

“That little filly is living in a run-down shack,” Platinum said, looking back at the small house “Yet when I offered her all those things she said no? Why is that?”

“Maybe she already has all she could want,” Inquire speculated. “Not all gifts are things like jewelry and dresses.”

“Then what gift did I give her aside from the flower?” Platinum said to herself.

“Hope,” a voice said in front of them. Both turned their eyes to see the old cloaked mare from before. The unicorn filly from the alley was there as well. Familiarity entered Platinum’s eyes again.

“I know her from somewhere,” she said, pointing to the small white filly.

“You should know her Platinum” The old mare spoke again.

“You didn’t call me princess,” Platinum observed. “I can understand if it’s an honest mistake.”

“It’s no mistake,” the mare answered. “I gave you that name.”

“What, who are you?” Platinum blubbered.

Slowly but surely the mare lifted her hood. Under the hood was a pink unicorn with a long purple mane that Platinum shared. They also had the same eyes. This was Queen Diamond, the wife to the Unicorn King. Long ago she had left her husband after an argument broke out between them.

“It’s me Platinum,” Diamond said with a smile. “It’s been a long time.”

“Mother?” Platinum said, trying not to tear up.

Diamond looked down with a guilty expression. “I’m sorry Platinum. I’m so sorry that I left.”

“You left because father wasn’t around!” Platinum declared. “You were smart to leave!”

Diamond shook her head. “It was only a short term solution. When I left I realized just how hard it was to live alone. When I tried to come back…you had grown up.”

“Then who is…” Platinum pointed to the filly.

“This ere is yer sis, you remember little Silver right?”

“Silver?” Platinum stared at the unicorn filly. “You…left with mother, you were only an infant at the time…”

“Mom told me all about you,” Silver said with a smile. “You’re very pretty, also thanks for the blanket!”

“You two…” Platinum stared at the pair. “I gave those gifts to my own family without even thinking about it. Why are you here?”

“I couldn’t at stay home any longer,” Diamond confessed. “I came to find you in the hopes of making amends. Your father may not care, but I’m still here for you.”


“Come on sis!” Silver urged. “I just learned I had a big sister who’s also really nice! You gotta let us back into your family!”

“I’m not anypony you want to be with…” Platinum said guiltily.

“That’s not the point Platinum!” Diamond ran to her daughter and threw her forelegs around her. She held her tight. “I don’t care who you were before. I don’t care what happened before. I just want my little girl back.”

“You’re still part of our family,” Silver said, hugging one of Platinum’s free forelegs. “Please Platinum”

Platinum was quiet for a long time. But then tears found her eyes again and she held her family close to her. Inquire smiled at the sight of the family reuniting. He then turned, and saw Celestia with Clover beside her. Clover looked at Platinum in genuine shock.

“She’s…crying,” Clover said slowly.

“Did you think her heartless Clover?” Celestia asked.

“No Celestia,” Clover said quickly. “It’s just, I’ve had to put up with her for so long that I never really thought she could show kindness. And here she is, giving gifts to family and making amends. I’m moved.”

“As you should be.” Celestia then walked forward, Platinum broke her embrace with her family and bowed her head. Celestia smiled and said, “Have you enjoyed the gift I gave you?”

“You were right Celestia,” Platinum said. “You couldn’t give me that gift, I had to find it myself.”

“And this gift is?”

“Kindness and generosity,” Platinum answered. “I just met one of the most selfless ponies I’ve ever known. She didn’t ask for anything after I helped her get better. She didn’t ask for jewels, or anything. Only that she gave me something, I’m still unsure about that part.”

“What you gave to her was hope,” Celestia spoke sagely. “Hope cannot be wrapped, it cannot be put in a box, it can only be given through the kindness we give each other. The greatest gift we can give each other is the love we show for one another. That can beat any jewel or castle any day of the week.”

Clover walked forward and bowed her head at Platinum. “I want to apologize Princess, for thinking less of you throughout this whole thing.”

“Clover, I want to apologize to you as well,” Platinum said with a small smile. “You have always done what I asked and I have given little to you. But I wish to give you a gift.”

“You don’t have to Princess,” Clover tried to dissuade her.

“None of that!” Platinum said firmly. “Allow me to indulge in some generosity.”

“Alright Princess,” Clover said with a smile. “Show me the gift.”

Platinum used her magic to shove Inquire towards Clover. They blushed at being so close to each other. But then Platinum took each of their hooves and put them together. She smiled at both of them. “I give you two my blessing. Inquire is without a proper home or land for your love to blossom correct?”

“I am poor your highness,” Inquire explained. “Despite my royal title I doubt I could even afford a dowry.”

“Then worry not,” Platinum said with a smile. “You two shall have the most wonderful wedding I can plan. I will also make arrangements for a countryside home for the both of you.”

“Princess,” Clover said in awe. “There are no words that can express your generosity.”

“There is one word,” Platinum looked at Celestia. “Hope.”


Platinum changed after that. Every winter when her birthday came around she pulled a complete reversal. Instead of her getting presents she gave to those who couldn’t afford to live normally. She became the Giver, a generous soul who gave hope to those who have none.

Inquire and Clover eventually got married, they decided to build a small community on an island to the east. That island would become Manehatten.

Posy and Big Ginger would get married as well, Celestia presiding over the ceremony. The 21 canon salute didn’t go as planned however, for some reason all of the gunpowder had been replaced with confetti.

Nopony knows where Celestia went after her job was done in Equestria. She would return years later to become our Princess. But she would always treasure the memories of those she met.

Platinum would spend the rest of her days ruling Equestria with the other tribe leaders. Diamond and Silver would live with her as well. The King eventually came to Equestria, asking for forgiveness as well. Platinum was happy to oblige, just enjoying having her family around.

Platinum’s generosity would eventually come to define Hearth’s Warming. Since Platinum’s birthday was so close to the holiday we started to give gifts on that day.

These days we have a lot of commercialism to Hearth’s Warming. In the end it’s not about the gifts, the tree or decorations. In the end this holiday is really about one thing.

Giving hope to those who have none,

That’s how it got started,

And that’s how it will continue

For all the days to come,

Merry Hearth’s Warming,

Thank you for listening…


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Perspective: Tailspin

I don’t know how long it’s been since I started telling the story. When I started I just couldn’t stop. When it was over, I was greeted with applause by everypony. Their smiling faces, some wiping tears away. This just felt so, I don’t know, right.

I heard applause behind me and saw with wide eyes that everypony’s families were there. Private finished applauding and walked to me. His hoof ruffled my electric blue mane as he smiled. “Good story Tailspin, you tell it a billion times better than I did.”

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Well, the blizzard let up about half way through your story.” He gestured to the window which showed the snow had stopped falling. “Rainbow and Applejack managed to get us through the snow to you guys.”

“Well it would’ve gone faster if somepony lent a hoof to help,” Applejack said with a knowing look at Rarity.

“Well you were doing such a good job Applejack that I didn’t want to stop you,” Rarity said, trying to detract the blame.

“So anyways,” Rainbow spoke up. “After we managed to dig our way in we went to find you guys. But then we saw you guys listening to Tailspin’s story.”

“Yeah it was amazin!” Applebloom spoke up. “I’ve never heard anypony tell a story like that!”

“Guess this means I gotta step up my game,” Applejack joked. “Can’t have Tailspin comin’ over every night to tell ya a bedtime story.”

Everypony laughed a little, and then Rarity spoke up. “When we heard the charming story we didn’t want Tailspin to stop. So we were outside listening while this all happened.”

“I didn’t know I’d have to speak for such a large audience,” I said, rubbing the back of my head in embarrassment. Then I noticed the lights were still not on. “Where’s Cheerilee?”

“Some of the pipes froze in the basement,” Private explained. “Cheerilee intercepted us and said she was going to find somepony to help repair the pipes before turning on the power. She said you guys are all dismissed for Hearth’s Warming.”

All of us cheered happily at our freedom. Scootaloo tapped my shoulder as the other parents met with their kids. “Hey Tailspin, that was an awesome story.”

I blushed at her praise. “Hey it was nothing, Private just told me that story when I was a kid and I passed it on to you guys.”

“Even still,” she said with a smile. “The way you told it had us totally in it the whole time. It was like it was happening right before our eyes.”

“Yeah!” Applebloom said, leaving her sister. “That Puddinghead character was real funny!”

“I loved the romance with Clover and Inquire,” Sweetie Belle said dreamily.

Scootaloo made a noticeable gag.

Dinky spoke up. “I almost cried when you talked about Muffly.”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes almost teared up as well. “She was so kind, and when Platinum was reunited with her family.” More tears started showing up. Uh oh...

“You may want to scoot over here Tailspin,” Scootaloo warned, moving my chair away as Sweetie Belle broke into tears at the memory. Rarity walked over and comforted her sister.

Rumble rolled his eyes. “It was an okay story I guess.”

“But you were crying too,” Pip pointed out.

“I was not!” exclaimed Rumble, trying to deny it. “I just got something in my eye.”

“Overall though,” Scootaloo said with a smile. “You really put on a good story.”

“Who knew ya could tell an awesome story like that?” Applebloom quipped.

I didn’t know I could do that…

“Tailspin,” I heard Private speak slowly, he didn’t say anything else after that. He just pointed to my flank…

I used my forelegs to lift my lower body so I could see my flank.

There was a cutie mark there!!

“Everypony!” I shouted. “I got my cutie mark!”

Everypony in the room gathered around to see. I stared at my cutie mark with awe. It was an open book with squiggly lines coming out of it. I looked up at my brother who was glowing with pride. “Private! My cutie mark!”

“I can see that.” Private ruffled my mane again. “My little brother, it seems that storytelling is your special talent.”

“That’s awesome!” Scootaloo shouted in glee. “That’s a cool talent to have!”

I blushed as everypony complimented my newfound cutie mark. But then a voice spoke up, it was Silver Spoon. “Hey, has anypony seen Diamond Tiara?”

We looked around. I didn’t see the pink earth pony anywhere. Then I noticed, Pip and Dinky were gone as well.


Perspective: Pip

Okay Pip! You got this! If Inquire can be brave and ask Clover to marry him, then I can give a simple gift to Dinky. She walked towards me in the hallway outside the classroom. I was far enough way to not allow onlookers on us. I held the gift behind me as she approached.

“Okay Pip,” Dinky said with a smile. “What did you want me alone for?”

“Um, it was…” My face was turning red. Come on Pip! You can do this! “I wanted to, give you, I mean, if you want…”

Dinky tilted her head in confusion. “You alright Pip? Your face is so red.”

“Here!” I said quickly, the room felt very warm as I held the present out in front of me. I kept my eyes down so I couldn’t see her reaction. “I wanted to give this to you. Merry Hearth’s Warming!”

I looked up as Dinky tentatively picked up the package. Her yellow eyes looked at the package, then at me, then back at the package. She then used her magic to unlace the bow on top of it. She then opened the box and her eyes grew wide.

“Pip! The ribbon I said I wanted!” Dinky exclaimed, picking up the ribbon in excitement. “Thank you so much!”

“Hey, it’s nothing,” I said, rubbing the back of my head. “its Hearth’s Warming after all, you deserve a present.”

She smiled at me then gave the ribbon to me. She turned around and smiled at me. “Put it on Pip”

“Okay” I replied, I then tied the ribbon in her beautiful blond mane. Gosh her mane was soft…Pip focus!

I finished tying it on and she looked at her reflection in a nearby window. She then looked back at me. “Oh Pip! It’s wonderful! How do I look?”

My jaw was agape for a minute, but then I shook my head. “Just the ribbon or, well all of you, because both are, well um…” Now I was sounding like an idiot.

Then she walked to me and kissed me full on the lips. I felt my entire face turn bright red as she moved her lips off me. She blushed at me. “That’s my present to you.”

I reached a hoof to touch my lips; I could still taste her lips on them. Sweet Luna, was this what Inquire felt?

“You’re welcome Dinky.” I gave a sheepish smile. “You deserve a nice gift.”

Dinky simply smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back. Gosh she was beautiful.


Perspective: Diamond Tiara

That no good Tailspin! I kicked a trash can in frustration. I paced the bathroom floor, absolutely fuming. How dare Tailspin tell a story like that! Did he want to insult me?

But of course, before I can even make fun of him for telling that dumb story he gets his cutie mark! How am I supposed to tease him now? This is stupid beyond belief!

I then heard voices outside; I peeked outside to see Pip talking with Dinky. That pinto gave her a pink ribbon that he tied into her mane. She looked so happy, it was a dumb ribbon! It didn’t even have any sparkles or anything on it! Why was she so happy?

Then she turned and planted her lips on his. For a second there, I imagined a blue colt doing the same with me…

Stop it Diamond! He’s a dumb colt! A goody four hooves! A stupid, no good, useless, and utterly annoying boy!


I slumped against a bathroom wall and sighed. Why is it his story touched me so? Is it because he somehow guessed my exact family situation? That mom was gone somewhere and daddy gave me stuff whenever I asked. How did he know?

I hate to say it,

It goes against everything I know as a bully,

But I love him,

He may be a goody four hooves. But he’s just so charming in his own way. Sure he may be a cripple, but he’s the first pony who’s really told me no. Sure Cheerilee or some adult will chastise me or something. But just the way he put his hoof down back at that shed.

This whole thing is stupid! Everypony knows he’s head over hooves for that blank flank Scootaloo!

For now anyways…

Just you wait Scootaloo, Tailspin will be mine!

I’ll find some way to convince him you’re not worth it! Then he’ll be mine! Mine!


“Oh hey Diamond,” Snails said. “Everypony is looking for you.”


I knocked him unconscious with my saddle bag.

Can’t have any witnesses, nopony will believe him when he wakes up.


Perspective: Private

I shook myself to get the snow off my trench coat. The snow came back with a vengeance as Tailspin and I walked home. We were lucky we weren’t buried completely in snow. Tailspin shook himself to get the snow off himself and smiled. “I almost became a snow pony back there.”

“And you made me into one,” I grumbled as Tailspin realized the snow he shook off landed on me. He laughed as I wiped the snow off myself. “Now you get yourself ready. Dad’s going to be here soon.”

Tailspin nodded and rolled to our living room. He looked up at our now decorated Hearth’s Warming tree. My apartment back in Manehatten was so small I couldn’t hope to have one before this year. The look on Tailspin’s eyes reminded me of when he was a little kid. But he’s grown so much since when he was then.

That Cutie Mark now on his flank showed just how grown up he’s become. Has it really been ten years? Looking back on the years I’ve had with this little colt, I can barely comprehend everything that went into them. But in only a half a year he went from staying in a hospital in Manehatten, to living in a home here.

He also has his dad again.

Our Dad…


Perspective: Irenius

“I’m going,” I said over the phone for the twentieth time.

“Irenius need I remind you how important this meeting is?” My brother Lazarus said over the phone. “If Father found out you-”

“Adamus is not keeping me away from his grandsons,” I fired back. “I’m heading to Ponyville right now.” I used my magic to pack more of my bags. I didn’t have time to order some servant to do it. They were already busy packing the other items over at the train station. “You can tell him that.”

“Irenius I can’t keep covering for you!” Lazarus fired back. “I have a son; I know what you’re going through. But I don’t openly defy father to run down to Hicksville”

“Your son doesn’t live in Ponyville,” I pointed out. “Just tell father I’m taking responsibility for once, and not in the way he wants me to.”

“You know what he’ll say when he finds out!”

“I know Lazy!”

“It’s Lazarus! Now you get your flank over to this meeting before father throws a fit!”

“Tell Adamus he can kiss my flank!” I hung up the phone, almost breaking it. I shook my head at the sheer stupidity of it all. Asking me to take a meeting when I promised my boys I’d be there? He really thinks of nothing but himself.

Little has changed it seems…


It was evening when I arrived at Preventus’ home. I knocked on the door and my eldest son answered it. His grey eyes gazed at me. “Dad, you made it!”

“Of course I did,” I replied with a smile, and then I gestured to the small pile of presents behind me. “Could you lend me a hoof?”

“Are those presents all for Tailspin?” Preventus asked while picking up the first present and taking it into the house.

I levitated a couple of packages into Preventus’ humble home. “Not all of them, some are indeed for you.”

“Really?” Preventus said, grabbing another present. “Dad, you didn’t have to.”

“I wanted to,” I replied, levitating the last few presents and putting them under the tree. I looked up at it, Preventus sat beside me. “You remember our Hearth’s Warming days in Manehatten?”

“It has been a long time,” Preventus mused. “I always loved spending time together on Hearth’s Warming. You and Mom really got into the season.”

“Where’s Tailspin?” I asked.

“He’s up in his room; I was going to send him to bed soon.”

“May I?” I asked.

“Sure,” Preventus said with a smile. “I still got some presents to wrap for him. You guys have some time together.”

I nodded and followed Preventus’ directions to find Tailspin’s room. When I looked inside I saw it was a small and simple room. It only had a desk, a bed with cloud blankets on it, and several posters of the Wonderbolts. Right now my youngest was sitting in his chair, writing something at his desk.

“Tailspin?” I said slowly.

He looked up from his desk and smiled wide at me. “Dad!” He rolled to me and threw his forelegs around me. I gladly returned the hug, careful to avoid touching his small wings. We broke our hug and I smiled at him. “Have you been a good boy this year Tailspin?”

“Dad I stopped believing in Santa Hooves when I was six,” Tailspin said with a roll of his eyes.

“Well,” I crossed my forelegs in mock offense. “Then I guess I’ll take back all the presents he worked so hard to send me.”

“You got me presents?!” Tailspin said in excitement.

“Yes, but you know the rules,” I gave a slight chuckle. “And also Preventus wants you to head to bed.”

“Alright.” Tailspin’s blue eyes grew wide. “That’s right! I almost forgot! Look what I got today!” He raised his flank to show he now had his cutie mark. “I got it today! My special talent is story telling!”

“That’s wonderful Tailspin!” I smiled proudly, lifting Tailspin in my magic and spinning him around in the air. He laughed as he flew in my magic; he was used to being held in this way it seems. I finally set him down on the bed, lifting the covers onto him.

As he laid his head down on the pillow, I noticed a slight frown on his face. “Dad, you aren’t mad I didn’t get a cutie mark in being a good business pony?”

I knew exactly what he was talking about. Long ago Preventus got his cutie mark in solving mysteries. His passion for detective work ultimately led him to forsake the family business. This is what partially led to this mess in the first place. I looked down at my son and spoke earnestly.

“Tailspin, you’re going to grow older. You’re going to have experiences that define you. How you react to them can change you. But your special talent is only the starting point. The family business is there for you if you want it. But if you don’t want it when you’re old enough to make a decision, then I will honor your wishes.”

“Dad, I don’t want to disappoint you,” He answered solemnly.

“I would be disappointed if you didn’t use that talent of yours,” I said with a slight chuckle, but then I sat beside his bed. “You truly are selfless, like your mother.”

“Thanks dad.” He gave a genuine smile. “What was mom like?”

“She was a wonderful mare,” I said wistfully. “Beautiful, talented and hardworking are simply the basics of her. She was so selfless, taking care of her large family without worrying about herself.”

“I would’ve liked to have met her,” Tailspin said with a smile.

“There’s a way you can sort of…”


“Here.” I reached into my trench coat and pulled out an old tape recorder. “Your mother recorded this when you were in her womb. She was going to play it when you came out, sort of as a lullaby. But she never got the chance to play it for you. Consider it an early Hearth’s Warming gift.”

Tailspin watched as I hit the play button…


Hi baby, it’s me, Mommy. You haven’t met me yet, but you’re going to. You and I have been stuck with each other for a while now. I just have a small message for you.

When you come into this world, there’s going to be a lot of bad things. Ponies are going to be mean. They’re going to want you to be hurt. But I want you not to feel like you don’t matter. Because you’re meant to be…

You Were Meant To Be Bringing

The Gifts That You Bring

And Singing The Songs

You’ve Been Given To Sing

You Are Perfectly, Wonderfully,

Beautifully Meant To Be

You Were Meant To Be

Always remember that…my precious child…

“She’s amazing,” Tailspin said when the song was done.

“I know,” I said with a smile. “You really are so much like her.”

“You mean I got the looks,” he joked.

“You got her sense of humor, that’s for sure.” I ruffled his mane affectionately.

“Dad, I’m really glad you could make it.” He gave a yawn and snuggled into his pillows.

I gently tucked him in, watching my son’s eyes close. He had my eyes.

Sparrow, our little boys are growing up.

I can’t wait to start this journey with them.

They are my sons, nopony is ever going to take them away again.

“Dad…” Tailspin said in his sleep.

“Yes Tailspin?” I asked.

“I love you.

“I love you too my son…” I gently nuzzled him to sleep…