> Forever Night > by Lunarmagic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nightmare Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s Nightmare night again and all throughout Ponyville the fillies (and Pinkie Pie) are going house to house, getting candy. With Twilight Sparkle at her tree, waiting for a child to come to her house it starts to get late. Nopony has come to visit her. She sighs and sets down her sack of vegetables. Spike went out to see if anypony else is giving out gems. Suddenly the door bell rings and she jumps with delight. She rushes to the door and with a quick flick of magic opens the door in the eager hope of the fillies saying “Trick or Treat.” When she opens the door she is surprised to find, not a filly, but Princess Luna on her door frame. "Why hello there Twilight." Luna says to the slightly disappointed, yet still enthused mare. "Hello Princess." says Twilight, "what brings you here?" "I have decided that Ponyville is to be my temporary residence on this particular night. In Canterlot the ponies all bow instead of fleeing in fear so I decided to stay here and have a little fun while I’m at it.” Luna says with a sly wink. “Well there are plenty of ponies here who would love to have fun and get a good scare.” Says Twilight, “What did you have in mind?” “I don’t happen to know a few games, perchance? By the way, where is your little dragon friend?” Luna asks innocently. “Oh, he is out tonight to see-“ Luna leaps at Twilight and kisses her, knocking over the table and book she was in the middle of reading. In her stunned silence Twilight lays there on her back, in a loss of words. Just as suddenly as she pounced on Twilight Luna gets up and blushes a deep shade of purple, almost undistinguishable due to her dark fur, as she realizes what she just did. “I have to go” says Luna as she makes an attempt for the door. Twilight snaps out of her daze and closes the door before the Night Princess can get away. “What was that,” asks Twilight baffled at what had just happened. “I’m sorry” says Luna as she opens the door again and rushes out, flapping her magnificent wings, disappearing into the night. Sighing, Twilight resets the table and levitates the book over to herself to reread the title for the one hundredth time. “Time on the Moon” by Princess Luna A smile crept on her face as she remembered the kiss given to her by the Moon Goddess. Suddenly the door banged open as her assistant Spike came in through the door. “No gems this year?” says Twilight as she looks at her assistants claws. “No,” says Spike with a sigh, “I don’t even know why I try; nopony ever would just give out gems.” “Well…” Twilight says with a grin, “It was a good thing that I have some on the kitchen table just for you. Spike smiled from ear to ear and hungrily ran off to chow down on the long awaited gems. Twilight shakes her head in a playful manner and yells after him, “Don’t eat them all tonight! I’m heading out, so can you look over the place till I get back?” “Sure!” Spike says through a mouth full of different kinds of gems. “Ok, see you in a bit” Twilight says as she closes the door behind her. As she walks around for a while, she sees Apple Jack and Big Mac selling their products. “Why, hello there sugar,” says Apple Jack as Twilight walks up to the nearly empty treat cart, “What brings ya out here tonight? I thought ya were guna give out treats to the yunging.” asks Apple Jack. “I was but Spike came home early so he is going to give out the treats” said Twilight “Besides I wanted to come out and see how my friends were doing.” “Well were almost out of food here, so if you don’t mind, Big Mac, can I go?” asks Apple Jack. “Eeyup” says Big Mac in his usual impassive tone of voice. “Thanks” says Apple Jack as she trots off with Twilight in tow “now where is Rainbow Dash?” As is she had summoned her with her very words lightning struck right between the two talking ponies. Twilight and Apple Jack both jumped with fright as a laughing cloud hung above them. “That was not funny Rainbow Dash!” yelled Twilight and apple Jack in perfect unison. “You should have seen the look on your faces” said Rainbow Dash with a wide grin on his face. “Seen what on whose face?” asked a very bouncy chicken. “On Twilights and Apple Jacks” said Rainbow Dash. “Oooohhhh, so what did you do? Dump rain on them or did you do the tornado thing to them?” asked Pinkie who just noticed the black cloud Rainbow dash was laying on. “Neither, I shot lightning down at them” “What!” said the pink mare “That is bad Dashie you could have set the whole place on fire.” “Nah” said Rainbow with a sigh “I’m too good to do that” “What is with all the commotion?” said Rarity as she trotted up beside Twilight. “Well Rainbow Dash here shot lightning at us and Pinkie doesn’t like that” said Twilight. “What was that about lightning?” Asked the shy pegasus. Nopony herd her. So she asked again and Twilight barely herd the most inaudible squeaking sound so she turned around and saw Flutter Shy. “Hey there Flutter Shy. How’s it going?” said Twilight with a grin at how coincidental that all her friends appeared in one place at the same time. “Nothing much just been trying to get some of the animals out of the house for a bit” said Flutter Shy as she lifted her wing up for the animals to peak out. “Well good for them” And you for that matter thought Twilight. “So what’s been happenin to ya sugar?” Asks a still a little ruffled Apple Jack. Twilight blushes a little thinking on the real reason for her little trip out into the festival. “Why don’t we go somewhere else and I’ll explain it to you.” Said Twilight The five other ponies looked at each other with confused looks.