> Sisterly Bonding > by GorisTheDeathclaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sisterly Bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You flap your wings in a desperate attempt to gain some altitude. “Alright!” you exclaim as you see the ground moving away from you. “I’m doing it! I’m flying!” You suddenly get a wing cramp and go crashing down onto the ground again. “Ow…” This is pathetic. This is really pathetic. What kind of 19 year old Pegasus can’t fly? You sigh. Maybe you should give up. You could never do this as a kid, and you can’t do it now. The most you can do is a pathetic kind of hovering that lasts a few seconds before you fall. You’re never gonna be in the Wonderbolts, that’s for sure. You flex your wings (and almost break them like an idiot in the process) and prepare to try again. “Hey!” You stop for a moment. You’re pretty sure you just heard someone call to you. “Up here!” You look up and see 2 indigo-coated pegasi flying towards you. They land next to you. “Uh… hey,” you say. One of the pegasi, with a cerulean mane, stares at you for a second. “It is you!” She turns to her companion. “See? Told you it was him.” You start to feel kind of nervous. “Um… what?” you ask dumbly. “Oh, sorry,” the pegasus with a turquoise mane says. Her voice is a little less loud than the other one’s. “You must not remember us. I’m Flitter and this is my sister Cloudchaser. You were in our flight class when we were kids.” Your eyes flicker between them as you try to remember. “Nope, sorry. I don’t think I remember either of you…” you say. Cloudchaser frowns. “Seriously? You don’t remember that time you got paired with that Rainbow Dash kid for a race?” “…No?” you say. “What happened?” Cloudchaser continues. “Well, she went zooming off through the clouds, doing her thing… you kind of flopped around for a second, grabbed onto the cloud, started crying and-“ You interrupt them. “Oh, yeah. I remember that. Yeah. Uh, so… yeah.” The memories of flight school are flooding back to you. The horror. The unbearable, unending torment. The humiliation. The- “Yeah, we were in your class for a couple of years,” Flitter says. “You know, I think I do kinda remember you guys now,” you say. “Flitter, didn’t you bandage me up after I broke my arm that one time?” you ask. “Yeah, that’s right!” Flitter says. “After you flew into that tree!” Cloudchaser bursts out laughing. You groan in embarrassment. “So what are you doing around Cloudsdale?” Flitter asks. “I was trying to fly. I can’t do it, though… it’s too difficult,” you explain morosely. Flitter gives you a somewhat sympathetic look while Cloudchaser just loses it and starts laughing again. “Hahaha, what a guy! He couldn’t fly as a kid, and he can’t fly now!” This is getting annoying. “Hey, hey,” Cloudchaser says, catching her breath and wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes. “I’m sorry. Why don’t you hang out with us for a while? We could talk about the good times we had in flight school.” You must have blinked and missed these mythical ‘good times in flight school’, but you don’t have anything better to do today. You accept her invitation. Flitter and Cloudchaser have a pretty cool cloud-house. You spend most, if not all except for today, of your time on the ground. Clouds always make you feel kind of uneasy, like you could fall through at any moment. It’s a stupid phobia, of course, as you’re beginning to accept now that you’ve been sitting on Cloudchaser and Flitter’s cloud-sofa for the whole afternoon. After only a short conversation, you found a lot of common memories of your childhoods and then got to know each other better. You’re actually getting on really well with these 2 sisters. It’s getting late into the night. You can’t believe you’ve been here all day. Cloudchaser leans over and pours you another glass of cider. “Thanks!” you say. As soon as she turns away, you toss the contents of the mug out the window. You hate alcohol. Mainly because you can’t take it. Cloudchaser has no such problem, though, and has downed an amount of cider that you’re pretty sure could kill a terminator. As proof of this fact, she’s slurring every sentence and can’t walk in a straight line, and has a kind of happy, vacant look in her eyes. Just like your mother… though you’d rather not think about that right now. Flitter hasn’t had as much cider as her sister, but still enough to help her come out of her shell and talk more openly to you. Cloudchaser slurs out a cute drunken laugh. “Heeey~”, she begins, “you know… how you said you couldn’t… uh… thing with the wings… fly?” she asks you. “Yeah?” you say. “It’s like… it’s like you’re a flight virgin.” You don’t see what’s so funny about that, since it’s technically correct use of the word virgin, but Cloudchaser completely loses her shit and collapses onto the floor in a fit of laughter. You and Flitter stare awkwardly at each other until Cloudchaser manages to stand up again. “Hey… are you the OTHER type…” she has a mid-sentence laughter break. “Are you the OTHER type of virgin too?” You think for a moment. Are you a virgin? There was that one time, but that didn’t really count because of the whole stupid thing that happened… same for the other time… then there was that time with the cat… “Yeah, I guess,” you say. “I guess you could call me a virgin.” Cloudchaser looks genuinely shocked for a moment, then just breaks down into laughter again. This is getting tedious. She’s like a Big Bang Theory studio audience member. “Hey, sis!” she says, looking at you. After a moment of confusion, she turns to Flitter. “There you are. Hey, sis,” she slurs. “…yeah?” Flitter asks. “We… we should… cure his virginity… hahahaaaaaa~” she manages to struggle through the sentence before breaking down into laughter again. Flitter’s eyes go wide in shock and she blushes fiercely at the suggestion. “Haha, umm…” Flitter gives you an apologetic look. “Sorry… I’ll get her to bed.” “No, no,” says Cloudchaser as she stumbles to her hooves. “Really… this is the best idea I’ve ever had! Let’s have, like, a threesome!” You and Flitter both stare in horror at Cloudchaser (well, a mix of horror and anticipation in your case). After Cloudchaser starts stumbling mindlessly around the room again, Flitter turns to you. “Well… I, uhh…” she blushes again. “N-no, nevermind. Forget it.” You feel a sudden rush of boner-powered confidence. “If you were gonna say it doesn’t sound like such a bad idea, then I’d have to agree,” you say. You try to put on the most charismatic facial expression you can, although you’re having an internal panic attack. Flitter looks pleasantly surprised. “Really?! Wow, um… okay, let’s uhh..” “YAY!” Cloudchaser says. “Wait a minute,” you say. “She’s really drunk.” Flitter laughs. “Oh, it’s okay… she does this kind of thing all the time. She never cares about it in the morning. She thinks it’s funny.” You’re not sure whether that’s awesome or terrible. Cloudchaser bounces shakily over to you and kisses you. Your mouth fills with the pretty disgusting taste of alcohol and gross saliva, but who cares? You’re actually DOING it! You’re living the dream! You’re having a threesome with two hot sisters! As Cloudchaser is kissing you, Flitter comes up behind you and lies on her back with her head facing up between your legs, and she darts her tongue out and licks your shaft. It feels unlike anything you've ever felt before, and you can't help but moan out loud. Cloudchaser smiles drunkenly and walks you over to the sofa, with Flitter following closely. She pushes you down onto your back and places her own mouth around your cock, while Flitter gingerly walks up behind her sister and eyes up her vagina. The thought of these two sisters getting it on is getting you so HARD right n- Cloudchaser, your cock still in her mouth, winces and looks ill for a second before vomiting all over your erect dick. The vomit leaks down under your foreskin and burns your dickhole. "AUAUGAH!" you scream. "GET OFF! GET OFF!" you yell to Cloudchaser, who still has her lips clasped around the end of your dick and is also still vomiting. Flitter doesn't seem to realize there's anything wrong, as she finally gets the courage to lick her sister's vajayjay. Cloudchaser was apparently not expecting this. She reacts in quite a surprised way. She reacts by clamping her jaw shut. "uuuuuuUUUEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" you scream as her teeth dig into your dick, vomit soaking into all the bite marks she leaves. Flitter finally notices your discomfort (to use a pretty fucking tame word for the situation) and backs off, looking horrified. Cloudchaser backs away from you too. You look down. Your dick is hanging by tendons and nerve endings and is covered in vomit. You're pretty sure this is the worst it gets. However, there's an upside! Through the excruciating shitstorm of pure unbridled pain, you can feel the sweet release of unconsciousness coming on! Or it might be death. You aren't quite sure. You're about to pass out when Cloudchaser vomits one more time, soaking you completely in vomit. You inhale sharply from pain and get vomit up the nose like a vacuum cleaner made for sucking up the grossest stuff ever in the entire world. You're about to pass out again when Flitter screams. "Oh my god, move!" she says. You can't reply. You're in too much pain. But you manage to turn your head to see what she's getting all worked up about. The cloud floor you're laying on is dissolving. "Acidic liquid is the only thing that can dissolve clouds!" Flitter shrieks. Cloudchaser doesn't hear and vomits her gross-ass drunk cider vomit all over you again, dissolving the last of the floor around you as you enter a freefall. ...that turned from gold to shit pretty frigging quickly. You open your eyes. You're not dead! The throbbing pain covering your entire body is gone! You hear a beeping machine next to you. Hospital! Awesome, you're saved! "Hey," says a mare next to you. Shit, you know what's coming next. You roll over. "Hey Nurse Redheart," you say. She smiles at you. You're not sure if it's a genuine smile or a sadistic one. Or somewhere in between? "Hey!" she says. "I hope you're feeling better." She picks up a notebook and starts a strangely adorable laugh. At least it would be adorable if it wasn't so clearly at your expense. "Do you know what the paramedics who brought you here wrote on your admittance papers?" she says, trying her best not to laugh. "...Fine, go on. What did they say?" you ask grimly. Redheart reads from the notebook. "This patient's sex organs have been mutilated to the point of being unrecognizable. The damage is so severe that initially, we weren't quite sure whether the patient was male or female but we're fairly confident, after hours of examination, that this is a female." She manages to stay calm for a new record of 2 whole seconds before collapsing to the floor in a fit of obnoxious laughter. If you had the energy, you'd throw the life support machine at her.