Can She be Trusted?

by Slender Dash

First published

Luna has been troubled over her night one thousand years ago, which Celestia helps her to recall.

Luna has been back in Equestria for awhile, but she still hasn't heard what got her banished. She is untrusted still by everyone, even her sister, Celestia. She wants the truth. And she wants forgiveness.

She Needs the Truth

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Luna paced in her luxury bedroom, her starry hair sparkling in the moonlight. It twirled and danced as it defied gravity, and kept whirling around as Luna came to a halt. She stared at her hooves, and furrowed her brow. She stood there for awhile, thinking. Then she pushed past the glass door leading to her balcony, and took in a deep breath as the cool night air soothed her thoughts.

At first she watched the ponies in the streets of Canterlot, walking away to their, no doubt, custom, garnished houses. She stared as some looked around nervously, fearing what lied in wait hidden in the mist of the surrounding shadows. Others simply walked on, undaunted by the eerie but beautiful scenery of the night.

Then her eyes swiveled up to the stars she had painted in the sky tonight, flickering and twinkling as if they were actually alive, somewhere far, far away. Then her gaze rested on the gorgeous moon, shining boldly and brightly, scaring away evil mist as it hung in the air. This moon gave Luna a sense of security- and a sense of dread.

This moon was hers. She controlled, made it perfect, but it was also her captor. The one thing other than Celestia herself to keep her stranded for one thousand years. Her gaze hardened upon the sight of it, but she soon discarded her petty anger. She had no quarrel with the moon. She was upset with someone else.

Abandoning her room of deep blues and black, and traces of silver, she stepped out into the grand hallway that led away from her room. She snorted as she eyed the guards her sister had placed by her room to protect her from danger. Supposedly.

"Does not my sister think I can handle myself if a dangerous situation were to arise?" Luna questioned, and raised an eyebrow as they stared silently ahead. "Or does she think that I will be dangerous myself?"

Luna stifled an angry laugh as she watched them shift uncomfortably from hoof to hoof. Then she sighed and said, "At ease, you are only doing your jobs. I was wrong to question your position here." She turned an started walking down the hallway, noticing the two pairs of footsteps following close beside.

Luna stopped suddenly, silently fuming as they stopped nearly as quickly. She turned her head dramatically slowly, to lay a single, blue eye on the guard to her right. His expression made no change, though he gulped hard.

"Must I have a escort WHERE EVER I GO?" She squinted her eyes and dipped her brow, staring at him furiously. When no answer came, she righted herself and went off. Looking back, she saw the confused guards deciding whether or not they should follow. She gave a sad chuckle as one stepped forward, but the other pushed her back before she got hurt.

Luna stared at the magnificent tapestries hung on walls, and all of the dancing patterns of purple and gold intertwined. They all depicted breath-taking images of the sun in its glory, but none displayed the beautiful moon and its silent vigil in the sky.

Luna walked to the kitchen to find the chefs creating exquisite desserts for both princesses. The smell of warm tea and rich chocolate filled her nose, and she picked up traces of delicious apple-cinnamon strudel. She gave a warm smile to the chefs as she walked by, getting nods of acknowledgement and respect back. Dessert was Luna's favorite meal, as it took place right after she put the moon in the sky, and she needed something to gain a little energy back.

"Ah, Chocolate lava cakes, one of my favorites." Luna scooped one up and popped it into her mouth, savoring the warm chocolate as it flood her tongue. "Other than the shape and heat, this resembles lava in no way. This chocolate isn't orange!" She chuckled a little bit, and chefs gave slightly disoriented chuckles back. She said her thanks and continued on to her destination.

When she finally reached the room, she could hear her sister humming as she went through daily letters and reports from around Equestria. Luna scowled; she wasn't allowed to even look through the papers, much less make any decisions regarding them. Luna picked up a sliver-shoed hoof and rapped on the door. She heard a rustling, and then a quick, "Come in!"

Luna pushed open the door to reveal her sister, sitting lazily on her top-rate bed. No papers were in sight, they were all hidden quickly away when she had approached. Puttong on her best poker face, Luna stepped forward.

"Luna, I haven't seen you all day!" Her sister smiled cheerfully, and it slowly melted off her face when her sister did not do so much as twitch.

"Celestia, we have important issues to discuss." Luna walked over a took a seat on her sister's bed, not far away but not close either. "Why do you have guards outside my room?"

"Why, they are merely there to keep you safe. I value the protection of my little sister!" Celestia gave her a hollow smile.

"You had no guards on your doors. Do you not value your own existence?"

"Oh Luna, I can handle myself."

"So can I, but you don't seem to think so."

Silence. They sat for a minute in absolute silence, Luna sulking and Celestia's eyes meeting everything but Luna's own eyes. She soon started to mumble again.

"Well...I thought,'re not used to everything yet, so they could" Celestia knew it sounded bad right when it came from her mouth.

Luna scowled. "I do not require assistance, especially from ponies who do not wish to be in my presence." Luna could always be depended on to tell the truth, whether it be wanted or not. "And it wouldn't be so bad if you hadn't ordered them to escort me everywhere I go!" Luna exclaimed, getting worked up. "I mean really-"

"They were not with you at my door!" Celestia pointed out, obviously hurt by Luna's accusation. Now she stared intensely at her lunar sister.

"Only because when I got angry they stayed behind so they wouldn't get hurt." Luna raised a hoof as her sister tried to object. "Do not deny it, Celestia, I heard them say so myself."

This put the goddess of the sun into a shocked, sad silence. It took a moment for her to begin speaking again.

"Then I am sorry, Luna, for the way they treated you-"

"Celestia, you do not even trust me yourself."

This made Celestia's anger start boiling over. She fumed, seeming to take on an orange tint, along with her slightly red face. "How dare you say that! You are my sister! Of course I-"

"You post guards by my door to keep other ponies safe. You do not let me get involved in any official matters, and you do not even like me to leave this castle during night time. Celestia, I rule the night! And you forbid me to go out, because I might scare some pony!" Luna stated matter-of-factly. She rolled her eyes as Celestia shook her head, especially sense she knew that what she had said was the truth.

"You do not trust me. All because of Nightmare Moon. Everytime anyone looks at me, all they see is a horrible princess who despises them. Maybe they would start if you would start, too?" Luna raised her eyebrows at the suggestion. Celestia stared shamefully at her carpet, wincing under Luna's sharp glare.

"I..Luna, I'm sorry..."

"Stop. We have another, more personally matter to discuss." Luna initiated her magic and tugged the door closed with an aura of blue light. She settled on the other side of the bed, and invited Celestia to face her. Then she brought down her voice to a near whisper.

"Why?" Luna said. Celestia looked confused, and Luna went on. "Why did you do it? What happened that night, one thousand years ago?" Celestia jolted a the question. It seemed like she had been shot by lightning. Painful memories started flashing in her eyes, dancing along with the light of the room.

"I...I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, you're going to have to, since I don't remember any of it."

Celestia gulped, then gave a slight nod of resolution. "You're right," she said in a shaky tone, "You deserve to know."
She began talking in a quiet voice, and this is where the story begins.


Slender Dash here, and I just want to give you a heads-up about the next two chapters. Celestia tells the story to Luna, with some interruptions. There will usually be some space in-between the story and the interruptions, but just be aware that the story is not in any way bolded or italicized. Also, in the parts of the story where it says you, since Celestia is speaking, she is referring to Luna, not you personally. She is speaking to Luna.

The Story Begins

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One night, I was working on the tedious affairs of this country, sighing as I sifted through reports from the armed forces. The sun was on its descent in the sky, and I was just finishing up. You walked into my room, your innocent smile on your face. I smiled, because the sight of you after such a long day just filled me with joy. I set down the papers and we started talking about your day and my day. We talked for hours, and soon it was time to raise the moon.

Luna butts into the story. "Was this when I still had a mentor?"

"Yes, but you we're almost done with him by then. You learned very quickly. Now, let us continue."

We stepped out onto the balcony, well, in your case, bouncing, and I stood off to the right of the pedestal. You stepped onto the polished rock, carved with the insignia of the sun. You looked down at it, and frowned, for half a second, maybe less. I simply pushed it away in my mind.

You planted your feet down surrounding the center of the stone, and lowered your head. Your flow of indigo magic soon started, and I watched in awe as your moon slid over the horizon into the sky, its beauty taking my breath away. Then you pulled out the stars, and splashed them across the sky in what can only be known as art.

"You always were more creative than me, Luna," Celestia said with a grin.

"I know," Luna said back, not smiling but giving a warm glance.

As I admired your beautiful display, you came over to me and stared off the balcony. You watched sadly as people turned to look at your precious moon, then scuttle away to quickly get home instead of being trapped in the night. You shook your head as someone literally screamed as the moon rose, obviously terrified that she hadn't gotten home before nightfall.

"Celestia," you whimpered, "Why does everyone hate my nighttime? Do I make it too ugly? Or do they hate me?" You looked up, almost tearful, and I smoothed your mane with my hoof. "Hush, everyone loves nighttime. They're just afraid to admit it."
You giggled in return, shaking away the tears that had threatened to overcome you. Then you stopped and said quite seriously, "I hope they come to their senses soon. They're hurting my feelings."

That sounds exactly like someone as young as you would say. It was cute, I gave a light laugh, and we both stepped inside. We had some fun the rest of the night- you wanting to play dress up-

"I did no such thing," Luna snorted

Celestia laughed in return. "Of course you did!" And she laughed again as Luna blushed.

Well, every night we would go and raise the moon. you seemed happy until you went to watch the ponies rushing home each night. At first I could tell you were confused, but as the long days dragged by I saw your confusion turn to hurt, then sorrow, then sadness. And finally, the anger came. It was very subtle at first. No one really noticed it. But every time you watched those terrified ponies, the scowl on your face hardened and so did your heart.

Celestia raised an eyebrow as she saw Luna scrunch up her face in anger and regret. Celestia waited for it to go back down before continuing.

One night, when I was going through official matters, like always, you pushed open the door to my room and came sulking in. You flopped down on my bed, shoved your face in a pillow, and screamed in desperation. I had set down my quill and had walked over to you, now sitting limply under the pillow. I lifted it with a wave of magic, and came upon my little sister with tears streaming from her face.

"Why? Why, Celestia? Why does everyone adore your day, but curse my night? What's wrong with it? What's wrong with me?" You had started wailing out your troubles, and wanting no pony to overhear, I clicked the door shut and cast a "no-eavesdropping" spell on the room.

"Luna, what's wrong? Is it the ponies going back home after the day?" I asked you sympathetically, but you cried a minute more before you could finally squeak out, "Yes!"

"Oh, Luna," I sighed, and I tried to think of something to tell you. The problem was- it was true. The ponies in Equestria feared the night, and did not trust it. They did not trust the Princess of the Night either. So I came up with an idea. "Luna, how about I gather everyone in Canterlot next Sunday, at sundown, so you can raise the moon for them? Maybe it will show them that the night is something of beauty and not be scared of."

You sniffled, and looked up at me through teary eyes. "You would really do that for me?"

"Of course," I replied with a smile. Then you leapt up and encased me in the tightest hug I've ever felt. You were crying again, but this time mostly from happiness and relief. I finally got your iron arms off me and we laughed and played and danced the rest of the night. Everything was okay.

It was Friday when we started making the plans. The ceremony would be held in the Canterlot Gardens, close to the edge of the cliff facing where both the sun and moon rise. There would be hors d'oeuvres and music starting at five o' clock in the afternoon, where I make the sun begin to set. We would tell the guests, which would be most of Canterlot, that we have a show especially from me, Princess Celestia, to see. Of course they would stay. Then they would realize the beauty of the night when my sister raises the moon for them.

Preparations began early Saturday. The garden was ladened with tables, with coverings that were a deep rich blue tinged with gold. There were a couple of chairs with the same color scheme. A wide, grassy area was kept open in the center, as most of the ponies would be standing.

The chefs prepared lovely treats, like a grand chocolate fondue to put out with little tidbits to dip in-strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, brownies too, which I found ironic. They prepared small, light hay sandwiches to be set out, some sort of wrap made of veggies and grass. They made some cinnamon apple pies, dozens actually, and they were cut in small triangles.

The morning of the ceremony, the hors d'oeuvres were layer out fashionably on the tables, arranged nicely on silver platters. Banners had been hung up for both the sun and the moon, and some are swaying slightly in the cool breeze. It was a beautiful day, and we had no trouble getting loads of people to come after we sent our telegram ponies to every door.

All of the ponies had arrived by four thirty, and we started playing some soothing music. I greeted ponies cheerfully, being flooded with smiles and hoof-shakes. I glanced over to you trying to do the same, but only to get awkward nods from everyone you tried to talk to. You seemed distraught, and I caught you sighing in desperation.

Soon the music stopped and it was time to set the sun. I walked up to the makeshift stage, and turned to gaze at my little ponies gathered before me. I explained to them all to stay after the sun had set to see a special show. Some ponies seemed nervous at the offer, but most excepted it, thinking I would light up the stage afterward.

I placed my hoofs down after turning one hundred-eighty degrees, and slowly lowered the sun past the horizon. then I walked off stage, and ponies waited eagerly for the lights to turn on. They started shifting uncomfortably when you appeared sheepishly on the stage, and started murmuring as you took your place.

You pointed your horn toward the ground, and unfolded your indigo wings. You concentrated as the moon started sliding over the horizon. You lifted into the air with a downbeat of your wings, and rose higher with the moon. Then it reached the first position in the sky, and you dropped back down having completed the job of getting it up.

The ponies gathered stared in silence as you started painting the dark blue sky with drops of starlight. Stars flickered and shined brightly, all designed perfectly in our canvas of a sky. Then you put on a show for them. Making the stars dance around each other, switching them around to make constellations, even adding some meteor showers to the mix. It was dazzling. But in the end, I was the only one clapping.

The ponies realized that this was the show, this beautiful thing you had just shared with them. But all they saw was a dark and scary night just playing more tricks on them. They were instantly afraid. People started screaming as they rushed to leave, and go home. A couple fainted. And I watched the tears fall from your eyes as what you had thought would make everything better turned out to be so much worse.

"Stop!" You called. It was hopeless, really, but you cried out none the less. "Don't leave! I just thought I could show you..." Your body started shaking violently, from the horrible wails that racked your body. Those tears soon stopped, and you shook out of pure anger. I quickly got up to fly over, and what I found filled my eyes with horror.

The Story Continues

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"Stop! I do not wish to heed another word," Luna cried, as her sister continued on with the story. She glared holes in the walls, sitting nervously.

"Luna, you know as well as I do there is no going back now," Celestia said sympathetically. She walked around the room for a bit until her sister was ready to hear more.

"Let us continue," Luna said curtly.

I flew over quickly and saw you...changing. Morphing, more like. It was unearthly. Your legs went stiff and rigid, the bottom of your hooves facing the stage below. Your body was shuddering, like a fall leaf struggling to keep its grip on the tree in a strong wind. Tears started dripping form your eyes again, releasing sadness and sorrow. But most of all, anger. I could feel the dense rage rolling off you in waves.

The tips of your hooves started glowing in a bright blur light. The wave started slowly traveling up your legs, leaving jet black fur behind. Then you turned your eyes to me, and stared in dismay and wailing, burning anger.

"You said it would make it all better," you whispered softly to me, as the wave started reaching your belly. "You did this to me."

As the wave traveled up your torso, it unraveled teal and purple, shining armor that was made like a saddle. You closed your beautiful blue eyes and squeezed them shut as the energy coursing through your body turned your sky blue mane and tail into a floating, swirling mass of blue light dotted with blazing stars. It throbbed with energy, and swished around violently. Then the wave placed a matching turquoise-violet head piece on you, and you wore it like a twisted, horrible crown. You slowly opened your eyes, only for me to gasp as the appeared as the same dark colors as your new armor.

You turned towards me, and roared. "YOU DID THIS!" You lunged forward with a beat of your wings, your newfound fangs extended for my throat. I dodged to the side quickly, and rose up above you.

"Luna," I shouted, "What are you doing?" You looked up at me in confusion, with your old blue eyes staring at me with a deep sadness that made me want to curl up and cry. You blinked once more, and those wretched dark eyes were back, with nothing but the dagger-ed glare of an angry soul. You whorled around quickly, and shot off towards the fleeing ponies, howling with rage as they swarmed away from you.

I held my position for a moment, dumbfounded and incredibly hurt. I could tell you were extremely angry and upset, but this was a completely new experience. Your anger had been so great, it had manifested as its own ragging spirit and had taken you over. I saw in those sad, scared eyes in that split second they had changed back, and I knew you were still trapped inside. You hadn't known this would happen, that it would get this out of control.

Luna sat on the bed, crying silently as the tears slipped down her face. Her small intakes of breath were hardly audible, and she was bent over, her hooves over her eyes. Her normal, wonderful eyes. Celestia scooted closer and opened a wing, enveloping her sister in a white, feathery hug as she cried.

"Maybe we've had enough for the day," Celestia suggested gently. "We'll pick up the story again tomorrow."

"No," Luna quivered," We need to finish this now," Gulping down the rest of her tears, she blinked her eyes a few times and stared blankly back at her sister. She was ready to hear the rest now, and she wanted no delay from Celestia to tell it to her.

I let one tear fall from my face, down onto the gardens below, when I thrust my wings and rapidly flew towards the palace. I stooped in through my window, landed ungraciously, and picked up running as my hooves touched the ground.

I ran to the Armory, and levitated the finest armor designed for me onto my body. It fit quite snug, and I lowered a helmet onto my head as well. The armor was golden, reinforced with steel and trimmed with a metallic purple. I tightened the saddle straps to keep it from falling off, and I rushed to the Canterlot Archives.

I loaded up on fighting spells, refreshing the memories of others, and quickly teaching myself to cast a wide variety of beams and force fields. I flipped quickly through books, ganging as much knowledge as I could in the short time available. Soon I was rushing down the hall again, not bothering to look at anypony staring at me.

"Princess?" called a voice I had left behind a matter of seconds ago. "What are you doing?"

"No time, Shining Armor!" I yelled back as my writhing mane whipped around my face. I dashed down hallways, almost crashing into everyone that turned a corner before I either side-stepped or leapt out of the way.

I kept running until I reached a sealed hallway, and came to a stop before it. I let my magic flow out and reach for the lock that only opens with a special spell. I sighed as the door swung open, and I ran inside. I swiped a few hidden items, and dashed out of the room again before the alarm sounded.

It did. I guess that's what happens when the most valuable items in Equestria have been stolen. I belt away from the "crime-scene," and got into another hallway before the Royal Guard went rushing past me towards the gaping doors.

I spotted an open window, and hurtled towards it. My legs were beating as fast as my heart now, and I took another few steps before I leaped out of the window, my wings snapping open and catching the cool night air.

I pumped my wings furiously in the direction you-or, not you- had gone, and I was thinking out different plans in my head. How could I save you without hurting you? If you were trapped inside of that thing, was it even possible to get you out? Will all of my experience be enough? What if you hurt someone?

The air rushed out of me in a sound described as a deflating balloon as I tumbled through the air and crashed on the ground. I slowly lifted my head, and made out the black mare resting down on the ground before me. Temporarily unable to move, I scrabbled for air as you stalked over with a sinister laugh.

"Celestia, ruler of the Sun. Well, sister, it's too bad that the night will be forever now." You through back your head and gave a vicious laugh, and then trained your eyes on me once more. "I, Nightmare Moon, have deemed you unworthy of the throne." You smiled with sharp, white fangs, and your eyes sparkled at the joy of seeing me on the earth beneath you.

This had confirmed one thing- you were not my sister. Deep down inside, were there, struggling feebly to regain control as it sapped your energy. This was an entirely different being, one who came only to bring harm.

I sucked in a breath, and spoke boldly, "You are not welcome here. Let my sister go, and leave."

I stared with growing doubt as you reared up and laughed, kicking at he air with your hooves as you struggled to sustain enough air to keep laughing. Your hooves reached the ground again, and you chuckled, "Your sister created me. I cannot leave. And there is no. Getting. Her. Back. Her spirit is almost dead anyway, and it would take a thousand YEARS for me to run out of her energy. I'll tell you, your sister is quite the power. Lots of energy to go around."

"Please, just don't hurt her..." I said pleadingly as I gazed into your- I mean her, or whatever- eyes, and I got only treacherous glee in return. A huge, evil smile was spread across your face as you stared down at the seemingly helpless Ruler of Equestria below you. You chuckled again and leapt up into the air flying swiftly away.

I jumped to my feet just as quickly, and mustered up the strength to put forth a truly powerful spell. The solar ray of magic burst forth from my horn uncontrollably, catching up to you in mere seconds. The blast hit your wing full on and you spiraled downward, before catching yourself unsteadily in the air. You winced with every flap of your injured wing, and send me a hateful grimace in return for the unwanted gift.

I am in the air by now, staring you down with burning eyes. The battle will start soon. Very soon. Actually, it started so soon that I barely managed to dodge a dark beam of incredibly powerful magic. This energy was either a match to my own or even surpassing it a bit. Good thing I had brought a back-up.

I pushed my wings down and tilted up, rapidly gaining altitude. You began to race after me, chasing me on my path to the sky. I propelled myself faster, gaining speed, and slowly leaving you behind. When I went the highest I could in the sky, you were about a mile below me, rapidly getting closer. I blink, and you've covered almost half the distance. I concentrate hard, remembering, then let out a shot of magic.

The magic hits you square in the chest, and you are knocked off balance for a little bit. Then, an energy net burst out from the point on your chest, materialized into a sturdy net in the air, and weaved its way around you. Your legs flailed in the net, and you started to fall. I began charging my energy for another attack- when you busted out of the net.

I shot the magic and you rolled swiftly out of the way. You spiraled upwards when you came out of your turn, getting above my head as I tipped up to fly. You flew a wide circle in the air-and ended up staring me in the face, magic ready to deliver a hefty blow.

I dropped quickly, snapping my wings shut and dropping like a stone. Your attack singed the flowing hairs above my head as I fell. Then you dipped straight down and sped after me.

I flung my wings open to stop my fall immediately. They almost got pulled out of their sockets. They protested in pain as i didn't bother to take a break for them to heal a bit. Instead I shot off to the side, heading away from Canterlot. I didn't want to cause any casualties.

I kept flying, my wings slowing slightly as I flew. I didn't know how far I had flown, I only knew that you had disappeared behind me. I guess you hadn't followed me here. I crawled to a stop in the air to catch my breath. I stared over the shadowy landscape of the night. Normally I would find it pretty, but tonight I see what every pony else sees- a dark, scary place waiting to swallow you up.

I gave a yelp of pain as your hoof slammed down on my arm, popping it out of its socket. I struggled away from you, turning to face your direction as I stopped. I placed a hoof on my shoulder, trying to keep it from moving. You stared at me with hatred, and I stared back with pity. Not for the beast that was now you- for the real you inside.

You flung yourself at me, shrieking with rage as to swing down your hoof to catch my spine. I dodged out of the way, giving a cry of pain as my shoulder jostled around. I sucked in a huge breath, counted to three- and gave a huge shove up my arm.

I screamed as my arm gave a sickening pop, but instantly the pain started to ebb away. I sighed as I was filled with sweet relief, only to get hit on the side. I spun around half way and bolted in the other direction, only to get stopped by jarring pain to my neck. I cracked, and felt a little better after wards, but not good enough. I turned and swung an outstretched hoof at you. Unexpecting it, you backpedaled in the air, but my hoof met with your wing and wrenched the muscles out of place. You gave a roar of agony as you dropped from the sky.

I folded my wings and dived, following after you. I couldn't let you yeah the ground- my sister inside would get hurt as well. About one thousand feet above the ground, I grabbed onto you and beat my wings as hard as I could. I couldn't stand the weight of myself and an extra, full-sized mare. Though we slowed considerably, we still landed in a painful pile of wings and legs.

I picked myself up, charging my mana, watching you shakily get to your feet. I watched silently as you laughed, or coughed, or whatever that was. You gave a small half smile, and I let the stored magic loose. I stared as a dark cloud enveloped your body, then wished away as soon as the attack was finished, leaving you unharmed.

"You'll never defeat me," you taunted, with your wing still flopped out awkwardly on your side. "And I thought the sun would shine forever." With that thinly veiled insult, I launched myself forward, pumping my wings for extra speed and distance. I slammed my hoof into your side, and planted both front hooves on the ground. I spun in a half circle and instantly leaned down towards the ground. I pushed up with all my might, resulting in a hefty double buck. You yelped as the blow landed on your arm, and toppled to the ground, your bone snapped.

Tears started to flow freely from my eyes. My sister. My poor, poor sister, trapped inside this being of rage and hate. I did that to her. I just disabled her wing and snapped her leg. I thought you must be screaming on the inside, begging me to stop. But I couldn't, not if Equestria were to survive.

I calmly stepped back as you fought back tears, even managed to get on your feet. Your eyes were crazed, your wing layer uselessly on your side, and your arm was pressed protectively against your body. You snarled as I closed my eyes, and I levitated the stolen objects out of my pocket. Your anger melted into fear as you realized what I had brought. You began to whimper like an animal, one only aware of its injuries and its danger.

I opened my eyes to the five Elements of Harmony, cradled softly in my magic's glow. I arranged them into a small circle, and tipped my horn to start. My magic began, and a fuzzy white light glowed from the end of my horn. I placed the magic between all of the elements, and concentrated. I was almost about to give up when the gems gave a flash of energy, then hummed with life as the spark reached the core of the gems. I lifted them off the ground, and in my posse ion, I felt their energy coursing through me.

Using the Royal Canterlot voice, I spoke out.

"For threatening the land of Equestria, meaning to place the land in eternal darkness, causing chaos and harming my littles ponies, you punishment will be severe."I shouted with such force, I couldn't believe I had that much energy to muster. YOu began to shake violently, terrified of what was to come. And I remembered about what she had said. What she had said about she could run off your power one thousand years.

"As punishment, you will be banished to where no pony will ever reach you," I decreed. Then I whispered, "The moon."

The elements began to spin, weaving a beam of magic the color of rainbows into the sky. You began to yell as the magic crashed over you, slowly sucking you up and wrapping you in the magic. I watched for a few seconds, and when the magic unveiled- you were gone.

She Regrets

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Tears have started streaming form both princesses' eyes now, and they sat there hugging each other for a long while.

"I was heart-broken, Luna," Celestia sobbed, "I had to send you away. I didn't want to, but I knew I had to. It was the only way to let the rage die."

"I know," Luna whispered, "I know." THey both cried until the were reduced to shuddering gasps, and then they smiled at each other, knowing both would be better off from this experience.

"I wish you to be here every day," Celestia said, "And there was no way possible I could make the night sky like you." She smiled and gave her sister another hug for good measure.

"But how were you able to defeat me when I returned?"

"The energy was much weaker when you came back. And I didn't defeat you," Celestia smiled, "The magic of friendship did."

"Celestia, I forgive you. It was my fault. I got out of control," Luna stated, bowing her head in shame.

"I forgive you, too," Celestia replied, drawing her wing back to her body.

"Bu will Equestria?" Luna searched for an answer in Celestia's eyes, but she found none. She got up and walked to the door, gave one last smile, and started walking toward her own bedroom. She pushed open the door on her fancy room, and hopped lightly onto her luxurious cloud bed. She snuggled down under the blankets and slept-happy, but unsure.

Luna paced nervously on the stone floor of the hallway. Celestia was outside, greeting half of the nation for the morning. She was speaking in a very enthusiastic tone, the complete opposite of Luna's anxious state. Even though she had been back in Equestria for awhile, not every pony still accepted her. She found that out because of Nightmare Night. So, her sister came up with another...brilliant...idea, and it was going into play this moment.

She pricked her ears as she heard her queue to get ready started forming on her sister's lips.

"And I want to say thank you for being so kind, and welcoming my sister, Princess Luna!" Luna started walking towards the balcony. Celestia stepped aside and gave her an encouraging smile, and an almost unnoticeable nod of her head. Luna lifted her head and puffed out her chest, then stepped into the ray of sunshine on the veranda. She looked over the railing and the wave of noise hit her like a truck- screaming, cheering, whistling,chanting, you name it.

She gave a laugh as some pony started the wave, and watched ponies throw their hands over there heads in a ripple across the crowd. She watched as there was a tiny struggle in the crowd, then a cyan pegasus zoomed up in the blinked of an eye. Her unkept rainbow mane swayed in the slight breeze as she held out her hoof, wielding a fierce smile on her face.

Luna burst out laughing, returning Rainbow Dash's hoof bump and watched as her friend flew back down, to be yelled at by all of her friends for disturbing the peace. Luna waited a moment more, then lifted her hoof for silence. You could hear a pin drop in a matter of seconds as everyone's gaze settled upon the Princess of the Night.

"Thank you so much for welcoming me back," Luna began. Se surprised a giggle as Rainbow Dash called out a quick "You're welcome!", only to get hushed by half the crowd.

"I have now heard the true story of what happened on that night one thousand years ago, and I am...ashamed," Luna said slowly. Apologies were not her sweet suit. She hated giving them-especially to three thousand ponies. It had to be done though.

"I want to say, I'm sorry, for everything. I...I don't know what got into me, I just wanted...." Luna faltered, trying to fight off the tears that threatened to flow. She soon gained control again, and continued. "I want to say sorry for the things I did. For the fear I struck into your hearts, for the fighting with Celestia, and for the undieing hate you had to witness."

Luna gave a small, curt nod and stared back at the awe-struck crowd. She shifted on her hooves, wanting to be out of there unmoving eyes. She risked a look back to Celestia, and raised her eyebrows for an answer. Celestia, looking just as confused, shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

She turned back to a shocking sight- all of the ponies gathered below her were settled into deep, sincere bows to her. She looked around, baffled, as some looked up, and noticed tears in some of their eyes. Then they started calling out themselves, yelling assurances to her.

"You don't need to be sorry!"

"It was our fault!"

"We were so mean!"

"I'm sorry!"

The last response seemed to be heard from everyone, and they all started crying out to her, screaming sorrys and regret. She smiled back down at them and waved her hoof, telling them it's no big deal. But the were unrelenting, and the waves of words just kept flowing. Ponies screamed and shouted and wept, and Luna started weeping along with them. She had a smile on her face though- no, these tears were not from sadness.

As she walked back into the palace, her heart warmed at a beautiful thought.

"Yes," she said aloud," I have been forgiven."