> Transdimensional Warping With Ponies 101 > by Wyrmtail Island > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Transdimensional Warping 101 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mane six were chilling in twilight sparkles library or home, whatever you want to call it, she called it home, they call it a library, it's argueable! Anyways, they were all sleeping besides spike who was outside practicing his firebreath, he had been able to produce small tendrils of flames recently and has been getting better ever since then. Twilight was the first to wake she yawned, stretched, and got up and walked around the room to wake herself up. She went to the bathroom and washed her face with water to help as well, and got coffee. This was odd... She never coffee before, but now she was having cravings for it! Applejack awoke, stretching and accidentally smacking pinkie pie of whom awoke shortly after, stiffling a small yawn and getting rarity, and rainbowdash up, which rainbowdash's loud yawn woken up fluttershy. Last night was a party! All the hotty colts were their partying with the cute ponies of the town, rainbowdash took a guy to the room and made out with him, typical RD! Fluttershy hooked up with a yellow colt who had dark red hair and whos name was "Scyna." Rarity was too busy drawing clothe designs, pinkie pie was being a total slut as the other ponies of who weren't the mane six called her... Twilight sparkle had her face crammed with books, ignorant to all the events of the party. Most of the ponies got a cup of coffee... Where did the even get a coffee maker? Inb4 plotwist lolno. Anyways... "That was some party" said pinkie pie, trying to brush down her frizzy hair with a brush, "Sure was" replied Applejack, taking a sip of coffee. "I was too busy." speculated rarity, "same" agreed twilight sparkle, fluttershy and rainbowdash were quiet. Fluttershy fell back asleep but rainbowdash had to go clear some unnatural rainstorms that had suddenly came along... Twilight was cramming her face into more books, applejack was outside paying with spike and rarity was finishing up her drawings she worked on from last night. Spike rushed in and a multitude of questions came out like "What happened?" "Did you get you know..." which made twilight blush "Was it fun" "Tell me about it" "please tell me" "PLEASE!" "NOOO!" twilight sparkle yelled, spike yelped and ran back outside, rarity was rolling, . "Oh twilight. You got your hands full with that one." she said, focusing more on her drawings then the conversation she had started with twilight sparkle. Applejack came back in dirty... "Can I use 'r shower twilight?" she asked, mud and dirt covered her mane and coat, "Of course Applejack, feel free to do so without asking next time." "Thank you twilight. Applejack trotted upstairs to the show, the running water could be heard from downstairs. I will need a shower after her, twilight thought, smelling her armpit, pee yew! Twilight got up and looked around in her boosheld. Potions, magic potions, spell masteries, magic lessons 101, garbage techniques... What was that doing their... Her eyes kept skimming countless mutlitudes of leatherbound knowledges until she came across "Transdimensional Magic 101" which struck her as odd, she had never seen this book, or read it as a matter of fact. She used her magic and took the book off the shelf, quickly her eyes met the books gaze and the knowledge of Transdimensional magic began to flow into her thick head. Twilight had draw a ten first circle in the middle of the room and begin drawing specific markings, she was doing a masters portal to another realm without trying out beginner portals, what is she stupid? Yes is the answer here. In the middle had to be a catalyst item to be sacrificed to the portal, she took an old diary she has had for several years and tossed it dead center in the middle, now she had to gather up all her friends. One by one she got each one, RD from the sky, Applejack from the farms, rarity from her shop, pinkie pie from her bakery, and fluttershy from her gardens, now they were all here. each of them took a place in the circle. "Akh u'km i ssa'le unn'm" twilight chanted, her eyes began to glow a harmonious green, "Uhhh..." applejack said nervously, the look was on all of the ponies, they were questioning what was going to happen when this worked... Each of them was wrapping in a purple bubble, their bodies slowly shrinkings, the pain was unbearable, most of the ponies cried out in pain... Then they blacked out, all of them did. When they awoke the scene was white with fading dots and splotches of greens and blacks, the scenes shifted between rapid colors as if they were... Going forward through the universes. Twilight was amazed, they were actually using the transdimensional wormhole to travel to a new dimension, but to what dimension she did not know. A lump formed in her throat, what if the ponies and creatures in the dimension were savages and ripped them apart as food? What if they were hostile and killed us on site? What if they were peaceful, but took us as experiments and eventually killed us with unknown drugs and medicines? The thoughts ran through her head like a major league athlete. She looked around, she was the only one awake, and the circle they were on was now a solid sphere form with the marking still on it... It was a flat, metallic looking disc which soared through the dimensions, allowing travelers to use it if they knew how, and twilight did. But why had she never seen that book before? She must have looked everywhere in that shelf a thousand times over! But, the question had an answer she could not wrap her mind around, the scene slowly changed and twilight blacked out. Twilight and the others slowly emerged from their sleep. They were each on a comfy couch besides rarity who was on a rug, a fireplace sat in front of them, lit with six pieces of burning logs which seemed to be almost out. Twilight rushed to the fire and reached for another piece of wood, she placed it in and looked at her hooves... What were these long things on them? She stood up and faced the mirror, her friends were behind her as well, they all smiled. Humans. Twilight sparkle, fluttershy, rarity, applejack, pinkie pie, and... Wait where is RainbowDash!?!