> Into the light > by Azuras > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue ] UN Air force base Delta, Foxtrot, Charlie, 924 2027 July 2nd 13:00 “God damnit Corporal I tolled you to load the APC last not first! How are we supposed to load the emergency supplies into it now!”, “Sorry sir… I..I…I thought you said load it first” Corporal Simmons said with a hopeful smile. Major Alsea just looked at Simmons with a blank face trying to contain his rage towards the idiot in front of him “Just load the rest of the supplies and…” Alsea thought of the right words before containing his sentence “and please make sure you don’t make anymore mistakes our else you’ll be eating the omelets for the next month” Satisfied with his threat Alsea did a quick turn and left the air strip to do some remaining paper work before he had to fly the old girl. Both relived and terrified with the major’s comments Simmons returned to work, he was almost done all he had to load on were a few more boxes filled with ammunitions and MRE’s. The corporal looked at the list of supplies and checked off the last box, now he took out the next list to make sure that everything is secured to the C-130. He walked down the carefully made pathways and secured each box to the floor and ceiling for he knew the major or lieutenant would have his ass if he didn’t…. “Ok APC check, firearms check, ammunitions’ check, food check, medical supplies check, mystery box check….” Simmons muttered to himself. But once again his full attention was brought to the black case which took up a quarter of the planes storage space “I wonder what’s in there...” he reached for one of the latches when suddenly “BOO” Simmons jumped to the air with a loud scream as corporal Telis fell on the ground laughing at his reaction. “Geeze Simms you’re such a pussy” She said with a huge devious grin. Now one ever knew what was happing inside her head and all people did know is that it probably isn’t pretty. “Will excuse me Telis for not being a heartless bitch!” “Me a bitch?” She said putting on her best puppy face, which for a derange killer is quick impressive. “Yeah you a bitch” he said with a small smile, “now before you scare me to death help me out with the last inspections” Major looked out his window watching as the corporal Telis sacred the shit out of Simmons, it brought a small smile to the majors face which quickly disappeared as he remember what we was to do today. “Fuck” was all that the major could say knowing that he was the one lucky chap out there to make peace with the Chinese be giving them possible the most technological advanced weapons know to man… A knock on the door interrupted his train of fought “the fuck do you want” As he looked up and saw general Telis standing in front of him “Oh my… I’m so sorry sir” He said while bolting up right to attention with the signature Canadian salute. “At ease major and no harm done just try not to use that tone with me” Telis said with a slight grin “Again sorry sir, but may I ask why are you hear I was told that you were headed to China to attend the peace conference” “I was suppose to but I had to decline since I needed to wish my little prince luck and I had more *important* things to do” he said with a hint of sarcasm “Well sir she is outside scaring the shit out of her squad mates, and you have half an hour sir before we have to leave” “So be it major see you again” the general said turning the room and leaving. Major Alsea looked at the clock and noted he had ten minutes to put on his combats and get the squad on the plane. With a loud sigh he slung his bag containing his only valuable possessions and a few cloths and went to his baby. Outside was one of seven still operational C-130’s in the world and outside he saw the transport squad being given orders from captain Knolls, and with that he walked forward right past the small group and onto the plane. He then used his favorite attachment which was a huge mega phone attached to the inside of the plane and ordered the troops to board the C-130 and take there sets. From there Alsea started the plane closed the doors and locked them, then he talked to air traffic control for a brief minute before he was giving clearance to take off. With that he tolled the troops to place the safety harness on and warned them about the bumpy ride, something which was become a habit drilled into his brain. And with that they were air born, two thousand feet in the air. This was probably the main reason why he joined the military, to just putter along in the air with out a care in the world. “This is yours truly speaking, so lesion up. Were on a sixteen hour flight to China as you all know but I suggest that you all catch your sleep know while you can, you all have six hours” Alsea said with an unusual tone, and with a heavy sigh he put the radio down and flew the plane towards the Atlantic ocean. “Ok it’s been six hours you have five minutes to get up or else your getting an air horn in the ear” The major hollered over the radio. “A fuck I really hate that guy is was having the best dream ever” Sgt cook moaned, “Oh poor Sarge” Lieutenant Black snickered “I swear if you weren’t a lady I would kick your ass black” cook replied with hostility “Yeah and even if I wasn’t I’m still your commanding officer cook so watch your fucking tone!” Black yelled “how about you make me bitch” “you’ll like that wouldn’t you, you fucking n…” BEEEEEEERRR!!!! “Calm the fuck down lieutenant there’s no need for that kind of language” major yelled with an air horn in his hand. “huh? What’s going on sir?” captain knoll said with a confused face “Knoll I’ll never know how you do that” Alsea said “Do what” “Never mind Knoll never mind” “Ok whatever sir when do we get there?” “Ten hours, also I would like to speak to you in the cockpit” “Ok if you say so sir” Knoll said while getting up following the major to the front of the plane “Oh before I forget Lieutenant Dream your in charge” and with that the major closed the door behind him and Knoll. The major looked a Knoll and let out a heavy sigh, “Do you know why we are doing this captain?” “I do, it’s because were going to give the Chinese gifts for peace” “That’s half of it captain, were also doing this to deliver some new technology which secured the peace” Alsea said in a grave tone “Why are you telling me this sir?” “Simple because there’s many people who would kill and start another war over this tech, and that’s why we have a whole squadron of spec-ops to transport it” the face on Knoll’s face was filled with terror after these words and seemed to be looking in front of the plane “Captain what are you looking at?” All see did was point in front of her. Slowly Alsea turned around and all he saw was a bright light so beautiful it hurt. Quickly Alsea jumped in his seat and picked up his radio saying the one code word that he was told to use if he was in danger “BLACK, BLACK, BLACK I SAY AGAIN BLACK, BLA……” And the last thing they saw was the light…. > Chapter 1:Bumpy ride eh? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Bumpy ride eh? The light was nothing like Alsea has ever seen it was both beautiful and terrifying and it seemed to be ripping the plane and him apart. No mater what he did he couldn’t move the plane it was ass if they were moving faster then light, and at this rate he wasn’t about to deny travel at speeds faster then light. He looked next to him and saw Knolls passed out in the seat next to him, he then looked at his control panel, and what he saw horrified him right to the bone. According to his attitude indicator gauge and according to it he was doing barrel rolls faster then possible for any plane epically the C-130… “What’s going on Lieutenant” Simmons hollered to Dreams “I don’t know corporal” Dreams replied “What do you mean sir, aren’t you trained to deal with a situation like this?” Simmons asked with a hint of desperation “Sorry bud but this, this is new… just look around you everyone is knocked out cold” “I was afraid that you would say something like that” he said a little disappointed "Yeah well the best we can do is prevent the rest of the squad from getting injured, so check all there harnesses quickly before something even worse happens” “EVERYONE GET INTO YOUR SEATS AND BRAISE YOURSELVES FOR IMPACT” the major yelled over the radio. “FUCK, CAPTIAN GET THE FUCK UP” Alsea yelled while shacking Knolls violently, unfortunately it didn’t work “fuck this I’ll have to stabilize the old girl myself”. Alsea quickly pulled up as hard as he could while bring the two downed engines back on, and all the while dodging the mountains. Slowly the plane returned to its regular speed but it was losing altitude and fast, “What’s going on?” asked a very confused Knolls “Thanks for joining me in the times of our lives captain” the major sarcastically replied “You don’t need to be like that sir, but really what happened?” “well we reached speeds faster then light and now were plummeting to the earth and to top it all of we have only two engines” Alsea spook as if he was thrilled by what was bound to happen “now PULL UP” and with that both Alsea and Knolls pulled on the steering wheels as hard as they could in hopes of leveling the plane. When a loud beeping started and with a quick glance to the dials and gauges Alsea saw that he was losing his other engines and that a wing was severely damaged from the speed of which they were moving. The next thing they know the left wing ripped in half and damaged the tail of the plane making stirring even harder for Alsea and Knolls, “Captain get to the back and strap in its about to get deadly and survival up here is two our of ten and I really don’t like those odds” Alsea hollered at the captain “SIR!” was all the captain said and with a quick salute she left the cockpit. Alsea took another glace at his gadgets and feared the worst, and so hopping to save the small squad he put his last engine in reveres in hopes of slowing the plane. And to his surprise it helped, something which he and very few pilots have ever done in a cargo plane which should have destroyed the last of his wings and engines instantly. Seconds turned into hours as he carefully adjusted the plane for a crash landing all the while trying to find the safest place to touch down. After scanning the large forest under him, he saw what he needed a small valley just large enough to be used as a runway, and so he angled the plane and began to descend to the valley below. Unfortunately he landed short roughly two hundred yards from the valley, and in a matter of seconds everything went black… Alsea tried to open his eyes but couldn’t he couldn’t feel anything, it was peaceful and quite then when he finally got his one eyelid to lift he saw Lieutenant Black kneeling over him yelling at him “Sir, sir are you alright, someone get over here with the med kit, sir don’t move were going to patch you up, just don’t move” And that’s when it hit him he bolted up right and regretted ever doing that, his whole body erupted in pain unlike anything he had ever felt, and when he looked at the source of the pain his eyes couldn’t understand how he was alive. He had a branch going right through him but he guessed that it didn’t pierce any of his organs and was a little relived by that fact. He might make it. “Lieutenant…. What ever…. You… do…. Don’t pull…. That fucking…. Branch… out tell your… ready to… patch me up” Alsea said in short burst, every word brought a torrent of pain to his chest but he had to make sure that they didn’t kill him by puling out the only thing which was stopping the bleeding. And with that everything went black again… “Shit were losing him, hurry up Sgt we need that kit NOW” Lt Black hollered across the crash site. “Ma’am I’m going as fast as I can I had to look for it” Sgt Cook yelled back” “Finally you snail he’s bleeding out here. Since you’re the medic your in charged, so patch him up” Black said “Ok, ok be ready with the anti infection ointment and the medical foam, and when I say now put as much ointment inside that wound as possible so be ready” Cook said very serious “if your not fast enough he’ll bleed out, got it ma’am” “Yeah I got it just give me the single” Black replied “Ok, one, two, three!” and with that he ripped the branch out of the major causing Alsea to make a very disturbing noise and causing the huge hole to bleed every ware. “NOW” cook yelled getting the medical foam ready for insertion, and with that Lt Black squirted the ointment all over the huge wound trying to cover every inch. When Cook was satisfied he pushed her aside and injected the foam closing the wound and saving the majors life. “Ok good job ma’am, now can you hand me that anti viral syringe and the adrenalin” Cook said not taking his eyes off the major, "Yeah, here you go” “Thanks, now go look and make sure everyone else is doing fine please” And with that Lt Black got up and ran to the others, while Cook injected the major with the needles to insure that he would not get an infection. When he stuck the adrenalin in the major jumped up in pain and yelled probably the manliest scream Cook had ever heard, “FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK, GO DAMIT COOK” was all that major Alsea would say. After he calmed down and his shocked ended he got up and took in the crash site. “How many died Cook” Alsea asked “No one sir just some wounded” Cook replied quickly “That’s good, what about the supplies and APC are they alright” “Yes sir everything is there and intact surprisingly” “Ok that’ll be all Sgt make sure the rest are ok, and thanks” With that Alsea walked over to his now destroyed C-130 and went to see what he could get, and regretted not having Simmons re organize the storage area for the APC was in the back and that would be there life saver… A few hours later the group managed to get all the supplies out and get the APC loaded with the most important things which was quite a lot. It was becoming night and Lt Dream just mangled to start a fire and was now boiling some MRE’s for everyone to enjoy. “So sir what exactly happened” asked Simmons “Yeah what happened” a uproar of voices said multiple times, which aggravated Alsea “Well thanks all for asking so nicely, and basically what happened is we entered some sort of slip stream I guess and I caused us to move faster then the speed of light, then we exited it and I lost almost all control which resulted in us crashing in this here forest” the major said aggravated “Wait did you say slip stream as in sci-fi slip steam” Lt Black asked “Kinda I don’t know what it was but that’s what I’m calling it” major Alsea replied “So now what” Cpl Tyler asked “Well now we survive and look for civilization and a way to get back home, now if you all mind I’m going to fall asleep in the APC, so if you need something done ask Captain Knolls, and we better be moving out by the crack of dawn” and with that Alsea got up and went into the APC “So what are we going to do now” a concerned Cpl Tyler asked “Well were going to so what ever captain Knolls and major Alsea tell us to do, which is right now surviving” Sgt cook replied irritated. “Ok everyone stop with the hostility I know that where’ll all pissed but that’s not the answer for now were going to get some shut eye” captain Knolls said “also I want two sentries to watch our back with 2 hour shifts, Cpl Tyler your with Lt dream on the first watch, Cpl Opdam your with Lt Black on seconded watch, Cpl Telis your with Sgt cook on third watch, Cpl Simmons your with me on the fourth watch and Privet Tuner and Silver your with the major” And with that they all went to sleep but the sentries. The night was quite except for the occasional animal noise, but all the while a deadly predator was watching the small group of humans, learning from them and waiting to strike… The next day the troops loaded up the rest of the supplies in the APC and they drove off headed from what the compass could tell east. The ride was anything but fun the whole time people hit there heads on the ceiling from a bump or a tree being knocked over, and the whole time the major instead on blasting linkin park on the APC’s stereo. “What you kids don’t like old rock” Alsea chuckled hearing the moans as he replied the disc “TURN THAT SHIT OFF SIR, IT’S THE TENTH TIME YOU’VE PLAYED IT” Sgt cook said and an agreement from the rest of the troops which followed “Nah I like this shit so unless you have another sound track were listing to this, got it sergeant” Alsea replied “Actually I have a disc sir” Pvt Opdam said in a low voice “You have to speak up son I can’t hear you” Alsea replied sarcastically “I said I have a disc sir” Pvt Opdam said louder “Well why not put it in then” so Opdam reached over in his seat and placed the disc in the old styled CD player, and pressed the play button to start the music. Major Alsea’s face went into a huge grin as he heard one of the oldest ACDC songs and pat Pvt opdam on the back, “Good choice sun now we got more rock” Alsea said with a chuckle. And so they listened to a good hundred rock songs over and over again tell they had to stop for the night… While the humans slept a certain being was flying back to reaport her findings… “SISTER” Princess Luna said bursting through the doors of the throne room “We, I mean I have found much about these strange creatures. They seem to work together like the timber wolves of thee ever forest, but they have knowledge like us but they carry objects with claws. There also roughly the size of a minotaur just with out horns” “They also seem to be traveling inside something that I have never seen before, it has ten wheels and can move trees and rocks out of its way… the last thing I’ve learned is that they speak equestrian, and very fluently” Luna said finally taking the chance to breath. “Anything else Luna” Princess Celestia asked both curios and worried “Oh yes I forgot there headed towards ponyville and should reach it in about a day at the rate of there travel, and they also are omnivores from what I can tell” Luna replied “Thank you Luna for your help now if you excuse me I need to inform Twilight about these creatures before they get to ponyville” Celestia said. And with a nod Luna left her big sister to her work and went back to watch these strange creatures. All according to plan Celestia thought to herself, while she wrote the letter to her faithful student… > Flying High > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flying High “Twilight I have a letter from the princess” Spike yelled up the stairs “OH that’s great news” Twilight replied “But why would she send me a letter, if I haven’t given her my latest report on the friendship of magic” Twilight said a little worried “ooh maybe she wants to send me back to the castle and take me away from my friends” And with the comment twilight locked herself in the room refusing to see the letter. “Twilight come on it can’t be that bad” Spike said through the door, “besides if the princess took you away from your friends you couldn’t study friendship any more, right” Spike said trying to convince Twilight to come out. “I guess your right spike, sorry for acting like that” “Twi you always overact you don’t have to say sorry every time” he said with a grin Twilight opened the door and levitated the scroll out of spikes claws careful to not damage it on his now very sharp claws, because spike was no longer a baby dragon with cute little claws now he had razor sharp claws which could easily damaged the scroll. “Thanks spiky wikey” she said to her number one assistant “Twi you know I don’t like being called that anymore, I’m not a baby dragon” Spike said a little irritated “I know I just love how your face turns all red whenever I call you that” and with that twilight opened the scroll To my dearest twilight sparkle I have been recently told that a new species has appeared in Equestria, and there currently headed to Ponyville. I know you might take this a chance to learn all about them but I truly warn you that you leave them be for they are as intelligent as you and I. They also seem to be traveling in an armored carriage with five wheels on each side. And before you run off to meet these new beings I must warn you not to do that for I do not know there attentions and I do know that there very dangerous, in more ways then one. So send me a letter when you see them and I’ll tell you what to do from there” Your faithful Princess Celestia “eeeeeeehhh” Twilight said jumping in the air “A new species that no one has ever seen, and there intelligent I can’t wait to meet them” She said excitement that rivaled Pinkies. Then she read it over again and her eyes caught on to the words *armored and dangerous* This made Twilight think about is she really wanted to meet these beings after all. “Every thing al right in there Twi” Spike asked hearing her outburst of excitement “Yeah Spike, I’ll tell you all about it when the girls get here” “Wait what” Spike asked in confusion “Does that also mean Rarity” he asked with a hint of fear “Of course silly, are you still worried about what happened between you two the last time you got together” Twilight asked with a hint of humor “Well yeah” “Don’t worry about it she probably has forgotten by now” She said trying to mend Spike’s pride “Now number one assistant I need you to send this letter to each of my friends ok” “Yeah what ever” Spike said blowing green flames on each scroll sending them to each of Twi’s friends A few minuets later each of twilights friends came to the library, the only pony missing was Flutter shy. No one had seen the yellow pegasus in over a week, and this made the rest of the gang worried. But a few minuets later she came into the library. “Ooh I’m so sorry everypony” Flutter shy cooed “My word Flutter shy, were have you been all this time, I haven’t seen you all week” Rarity said “Oh well I’ve been taking care of some new animals which got hurt really bad and I couldn’t just leave them so I stayed by there sides the whole time” She replied in a sweet voice “Well why didn’t you tell us we could have helped you know” an irritated Rainbow dash said “Well I just got so caught up and…” “And what” Rainbow said in a higher tone, scaring flutter shy into hiding behind a sleeping Spike “Now look at what’cha did Rainbow, you scared her again you know she’s scared easily” Applejack said trying to defend her friend “Now go and say you’re sorry to Flutter shy, before I buck ya” With a glare Rainbow walked over to the quivering pegasus “Shy I’m sorry for, you know scaring you” “It’s ok Rainbow I can’t be mad at you” She said with a small smile “Just please don’t raise your voice” “Sorry to interrupt girls but I have some really big news” Twilight said a little annoyed “The Princess just scent me a letter telling me how a new species has come to Equestria and how there headed to Ponyville right now” She pause allowing her friends to take it all in before continuing “And from what the Princess said there very dangours and very smart so if any of us see something that’s not normal tell me so I can send a letter to the Princess” “Sorry sugercube but you’re telling me that there’s a new group of animals in Equestria and the Princess is worried” Applejack said getting a few nods from the small group of ponies “I don’t know, but the Princess seems to be very busy or else she would deal with it, but she thinks that we can handle it so were going to” Twilight said confidently “Yeah let’s do it” Rainbow shouted “But…. The Princess said that there dangerous” Flutter shy cooed “That’s true Flutter shy that’s why were not going to go near them in tell the Princess tells us to, and besides I have a good plan so we can know if they come and can tell the Princess way before they get here” And with that Twilight explained her plan to the five ponies and one half asleep dragon. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mean while the group of humans had just met there first unnatural creature, it looked like a lion. But had bat like wings and a scorpion tail, and was probably the size of a small car. All it did was circle the APC with causation as to not get to close for fear of the strange object attacking it. Inside the APC no one had a clue as to why the strange beast circling them had taking a liking to there vehicle and none of them knew what it was. “Ssssir, what the fuck is that thing” Corporal Telis asked with a quiver in her voice “I don’t know” major Alsea said, “But whatever it is, it likes this APC” Thinking about what he could do he hunks the horn repeatedly hoping to scare the beast. It only made it more interested in the APC “Sir maybe we should fire a warning shot” Lieutenant Dreams said from the gunner seat “Go ahead Lieutenant but make sure you don’t hit it, we don’t want to piss something that big off” And then Dream pulled the trigger shooting several eighty millimeter rounds at the beast. Lucky the beast was spook and ran off into the thick brush. And with that Major Alsea started the APC up again and continued its way East. “Well whatever it is, its gone now” Alsea said “Also good idea Lieutenant” “Thank you sir” was the only reply he got “Since you can look all around us dream make sure nothing else surprises us, if you see something give it a warning shot and try to not hit it” “Also Lieutenant Black since you know how to work the radar system get on that, I don’t want to have anything sneak up on us” “Yes sir” Both Lt’s said at once knowing that it wasn’t the time to goof off _________________________________________________________________________________________________ BOOM, BOOM, BOOM “what was that” Rainbow thought to herself. She knows it came from her left deeper in the Everfree forest, and seeing how she was flying high, she might as well check it out. Coming to the spot were Rainbow heard the loud noise, she looked around not seeing anything. So she landed to get a better look. Once grounded Rainbow look every ware but the ground, she took a step forward and tripped into a small grove in the earth. When she got back up she was horrified. “I have to tell twilight and now” was the only thing rainbow could think off as she sped off back to Ponyville, with the news of an even grater threat then a news species… When Rainbow got back to the Library she all but crashed through the window “Twilight, problem, hydra” was all that she said as she got out of some books which feel on her. “Rainbow slow down, and tell me what happened” Twilight said a little aggravated and worried Sighing Rainbow told twilight “There’s a huge hydra following the new things hear, after I heard a loud noise I went to check it out, when I got there I found hydra tracks and they were big, like really BIG” “Oh no… this isn’t good a hydra in Ponyville could kill everypony in a mater of minuets” Twi said worried “I have to tell the Princess” she said with some hope in her voice “Rainbow go tell the rest of the girls to get here quickly while I tell the Princess” Dear Princess Celestia I was recently told that a large hydra was following the new species to Ponyville, And I am in need of some assistance, for I have only tricked a hydra, never fought one and I would really like it if you could come down here and help me and the girls with it and the new species. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle And with that she gave it to the now awake spike to send it to the princes. A few seconds later spike gave Twi a letter from the Princess. My dearest Twilight I’m truly sorry to say that I can not come to assist you with this problem but I have faith that you and your friends will be able to conquer both of these problems. And before you send another letter to me I must say that I can not help because I’m in the middle of a very important meeting with the Gryphon Empire. Your loving Princess Celestia Right when twilight finished reading the scroll, her friends came in with very worried faces besides Pinkie who always wore a grin. “What’s this I hear about a giant hydra Twi” Applejack asked “Well you see a Hydra seems to be following the new beings and since there headed to Ponyville…. So is the hydra” Twilight said trying to hide the fear in her voice “And the Princess can not help us” “What in tar-nations do you mean she can’t help us” Applejack said with a hint of anger in her voice “Yes darling, why would the Princess not help us with a problem like this” Rarity asked “I don’t know girls all she said is that she was in a very important meeting with the Gryphon Empire. Twilight replied “A meeting is more important th” “Sorry to cute you off Rarity, but does anyone else hear that” spike said loud enough to cause everypony to be quite “Yeah, its sounds like that sound I heard earlier” Rainbow said Then a huge roar came causing everypony and dragon to freeze in place. It was loud enough to shake the whole tree house and shatter windows all over Ponyville “I think that the new species just met the hydra and I don’t think it’s happy” Twilight said while shacking in fear. Knowing what was about to happen Twilight stopped to shake in fear and stood tall before telling her friends what they had to do “Ok girls and spike listen up. We need to get everypony away from Ponyville before that hydra gets hear, make sure that the homes closest to the forest are evacuated first, in tell everyone is out, ok” She said with courage “Yeah” the five ponies and dragon said before running out of the library in order to get everypony to safety “I hope that we can get this done in time” Twilight thought to herself “Or else a lot of good ponies are going to die” A few minutes later twilight could just make out the heads of the hydra. This was unlike anything she had ever seen it, had nine head and its skin a greenish colour. And to top that the sound that they heard before was now loud enough to pop her ear drums. Running to the small area were all of Ponyville should be she told Mayor Mare to get all the ponies even farther away from the small town for the threat was even bigger then they thought before. After she did that she told her friends to go to the center of town and wait for she had a plan to deal the hydra. “Yawl sure this is a good idea sugercube” Apple jack asked “Yeah Twi I don’t know how this could stop a hydra that big” Rainbow said “Girls relax if my calculations are correct, the new beings should pass right through hear and then the hydra will follow allowing us to trip it and then trap it using this spell I found on trapping dragons, and since dragons and hydras are very similar it should work” Twilight said as confident as ever _________________________________________________________________________________________________ “SIR IT GAINING ON US” Lt Dreams yelled to major Alsea “I KNOW LIEUTENANT, JUST KEEP ON SHOOTING IT WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO LOSE IT IN THAT VILLAGE UP AHEAD” Alsea yelled back “SOME ONE FIRE A FUCKING ROKECT AT IT” Alsea yelled “On it sir” Privet Silver said She carefully loaded the rocket into the launcher aimed it, and fired directly at the monsters chest “HELL YEAH, good hit Privet” Lieutenant Dreams said “Don’t get to excited troops it’s getting back up” Alsea said With that the giant hydra got back onto its feet this time with it didn’t just want a meal to satisfies its hunger it wanted the blood of the creature that just harmed it. With that the hydra quicken its speed gaining on the strange creature before it and with a mighty swing of its tale scent it flying over the town” “SHHHHIIIIIIT” was all that major Alsea could say as he felt the APC become air born, the next thing he knew he was on his side inside the APC and cover in blood… But it wasn’t his own he looked next to him and saw that captain Knoll had a large wooden beam impaled into her chest. “Captain, Captain, Captain can you hear me, don’t you fucking leave me yet, we still got to kill the fucker out side, open your god dam eyes” He started to cry, this was the first time in a very long time he cried. The captain had saved his life back when she was a corporal and now when she needed him most he couldn’t save her. He put his hand to her neck looking for a pulse. He felt a slight beat and that was enough to know that she still needed him. So Alsea unstrapped himself, pulled out his gone and shot her in the head ending her pain and sending her to the heaven that she believed in. And taking her dog tags to help remember her and to give to family member back home. Major Alsea then check the rest of the group for signs of life, finding Lieutenant Dreams with his head impaled on the controls for the turret, taking his dog tags and moving on, He also found Corporal Tyler with bullets holes in his chest from friendly fire and the last dead he found was Privet tuner who had been thrown out of the APC and was now as flat as a pancake, the sight of the poor boy nearly mad Alsea hurl his launch for it was simply disgusting, his guts were push outside of him and their were bones piercing his skin all over his body. Just when Alsea was helping the other out of the now wrecked APC he heard a shallow voice say “kill me” he turned to the privet he previously thought dead and saw him somehow breathing and talking. With out thinking Alsea shoot him just like he did the captain. And collected his tags as well before heading back to the APC to help the survivors and recover any supplies. “Sir how… many dead” Sgt Cook asked while coughing “Four, Knoll, Dreams, Tyler and Tuner” Alsea replied “Now get everyone patched up and grab some high explosives were taking that fucker down” And with that Sgt Cook patched up everyone’s cuts while major Alsea garbed the biggest guns he could get, and pulling out a large black box. When he opened the box he let out a small whistle at the sheer size of the super weapon. It was an experimental Ion Cannon capable of destroying whole columns of tanks with a pull of a trigger. This is what the Chinese wanted but right now he needed it to take out the huge monster. Waiting a few moments for the rest of the squad to get ready Alsea then made a short speech “I have no idea what that thing is, but what I do know is that it killed four of our men, it destroyed our APC and it fucking pissed me off” Picking his gun up he then said “Now are you going to help me take that FUCKER OUT” he yelled “Hooah, hooah, hooah, hooah” was what he received in response “NOW FOLLOW ME” And with that the small group now armed to the teeth ran to the were the saw the monster, they ran through allies, in between the homes and even through some, to reach what they guessed to be the center of the village. Standing there was the beast destroying the buildings looking for its prey. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Oh buck Twilight, now he’s really mad” Rainbow said “I thought you said your spell would work” “Sorry Dash but I guess it only works on dragons, now SHHHH” Twilight immediately regretted doing that for the hydra turned all nine of its heads towards Twilight “Buck” was that she said before it smashed into the small house were she and Dash were hiding. The next thing she knows the hydra is roaring in pain and turning around “HEY UGLY” a strange creature yelled “You killed our friends, now were going to kill you” And with that a huge BANGent and knocking out twilight… “Hey Twi, can you hear me” Rainbow said in a hush voice “Yeah Dash, what happened” “Well those weird creatures started attacking the hydra with weird boom sticks, and killed it, there’s a huge hole in it now from the one who distracted it, and after he used his boom stick you and rarity got knocked out” “Oh really, are they still hear” “Yeah there just making sure that its dead, and the last I check they were burning it along with there friends” “WHAT, there burning there friends, why would they do that” Twilight screamed “WHO’S THERE” a voice yelled at them “I KNOW YOUR IN THERE GET UP” It yelled again Slowly Twilight and Dash got up showing the strange two legged creature that they could understand. It looked at them with wide eyes, of both confusion and curiosity, and Twilight did like wise as well. “Sir get over here, I got something to show you” It yelled behind it not taking its eyes off of them Slowly another one walked to the one who was pointing its boom stick at them. They said something then the one who was seemed to be in charge spoke. “Hello weird pony creatures do you understand me” It asked “Who you calling weird, you monsters” Rainbow yelled at it “Dash they just killed a hydra don’t yell at them, let me do the talking” Twilight said to Dash in a hush voice “Um hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle and this here is my friend Rainbow Dash, and we would appreciate it if you could call us by our names and not point those things at us. It seemed to conceder its options, then to her surprise it put its weapon down, and told the one next to him to put his down as well “Hell miss Sparkle and miss Dash, I’m Major Alsea and this here is Corporal Simmons, as you can see we are not from here, and it’ll be a great help if you could tell us….” _________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Sir were being attacked, by ponies” Lieutenant Black yelled from the over side of the dead beast “Shit” he said to him self “Don’t shoot them just restrain them” he yelled back Quickly he turned back to the over ponies in front of him “Do you think you could tell your friends to stop attacking my men” He said more then asking “Oh no, I’m so sorry Major Alsea, I’ll stop them right away” And with that the lavender pony called Twilight Sparkle ran around the dead beast and yelled at her friends to stop, he quickly followed suit to prevent anyone from being harmed. Then all of a sudden a bright light appeared in front of him blinding him and causing him to fall to the ground. When he opened his eyes another pony stood there, but this one didn’t just have a horn or wings and it wasn’t half his height it was a good six feet and a had huge wings, and a huge horn. Then it spooked. “BE STILL” > A chat with royalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A chat with royalty Major Alsea was shocked by the sudden appearance and how all commotion had stop even his own troops, stopped what there doing to hear this being of what seemed to be power. With a hint of defiance the major got up and spoke “And who might you be” he said while taking a step forward Turning to him it lowered its head and he saw its horn light up and shot a bolt of blue right at his chest knocking him down again. Alsea quickly took out his handgun, and pointed it at the concealed figured, just to have it ripped out of his and it tossed far to his left and received another blast. So acted unconscious and slowly he pulled out his last weapon a 10 inch combat knife and held on to it with force that would have snapped the handle if it wasn’t metal. In case it two was ripped out of his hand. Fortunately the being in front of him was to busy disarming the rest of his men, this gave him the opportunity to get up and get close enough for striking range. Each step was harder then the last, due to the light, which seemed to both blind him and weakening him. After what felt like days of walking he was finally with in range to kill the being, but he took one last step forward and raised his knife. But he stopped right when it turned its head towards him. He saw the instant fear in its eyes and saw how young it looked even though it was his height, he just couldn’t kill the large pony…. Luna had watched the whole battle between the new beings and the hydra, she also watched as they pointed weapons at her somewhat friends. And so when a small fight between the ponies and strange beings broke out she had to interfere, in fear that her only friends may be harmed. She used a powerful spell to conceal herself in light, and another which weakened near by creatures. Luna did this in hopes of preventing a total conflict it did for the most part in tell who she presumed was the leader, got back up and spoke to her. This made Luna fearful for the spell worked on everything even dragons, but it didn’t seem to have on the new beings, epically the one moving towards her. With out thinking she launches a blast of magic, which was a form of a very powerful stun spell. Then it retrieved a hidden object from its side, and again she shot it with a bolt of her magic, this time it didn’t move, it just breathed slowly. So she took her attention on doing the same to the rest of them to insure that they would be safe for transport. When she returned her eyes to the leader, she saw it standing right next to her with a large knife angled at her neck. She looked straight into its eye’s trying to find a glimpse of good and then she saw it, a small spark of light. He dropped the blade and collapsed onto the ground, this time Luna knew he wasn’t getting back up. She quickly worked some of her magic dispersing the hydra into dust and clearing the area of blood, she then left a small scroll next to Twilight Sparkles head, and with that she charged her teleportation spell and took the seven beings and there weapons with her to Canterlot Castle. It took her a matter of seconds, and when she arrived with the strange creatures she nearly sacred two royal guards to death. “Guards” She yelled addressing them “Take these beings into a large guest room and make sure there are sentries surrounding the area. And do not allow them to leave unless I or Princess Celestia comes for them” “Also have them cleaned up and healed, and some sort of food left in the room for them” “Yes Princess” They said at once And with that one ran off to get help while the other watched over them. While Luna grabbed the strange objects and headed for the court room, were her sister was having a meeting with the gryphons. Luna quietly walked into the room, while storing the objects inside a magical box which only she could open. With that task done she walked right into the room, disrupting the conversations going on and taking a seat on her silver throne which was placed to the right of her sisters gold throne. With a small smile she urged the conversation to continue. “Ugh me head, feels like some one just bucked me” Twilight said out loud receiving a grunt from Rainbow Dash and a small moan from somepony to her left. “What happened” was all that she said before she saw the scroll at her hooves. With that she levitated to her and opened it Dear Twilight Sparkle It is I Princess Luna, I saw a small skirmish between your friends and the strange beings, and so I interfered causing the fight to end instantly. I then took there weapons and them with me to Canterlot Castle, and I ask you and your friends to come here as quickly as possible Sincerely Princess Luna After finishing the scroll, Twilight woke her friends up, getting many complaints, and informed them of what was happing, she then sped off to Mare Mayor and told them that it was safe, and that she needed the Ponyville train to get the to Canterlot ASAP. With all of that done and onboard the train she hoped that Luna knew what she was doing. The major woke up with a jolt, he quickly took in his surroundings noting that he was in a large room, inside a very high-end building, looking almost medieval. He also noted that he was wearing his dress uniform instead of his combats. Walking to the balcony he also noted that he was a good twenty stories above the ground, and that there were several ponies in what seemed to be armor, with crossbows all watching him. Taking the hint to step back inside he walked to the bed and noticed that it was round instead of squared. He then looked to see if his bag was left with him, which to a surprise was. He quickly opened it looking for anything he could use, but only found his polishing kit and his officer wedge. With a sigh he took out the polish and decided to waste some time by polishing his boots. He guessed an hour had passed when a tangy aroma hit his noise for the first time. Looking for the source of it, his eyes came upon a large bowl, felled with what looked to be tomato soup, next to it was a slice of bread and a spoon. Thinking nothing of it he tasted it and was surprise to find that it had a powerful kick. He decided to eat the whole bowl and then use the bread to help clear the taste of it, he found it very good and wised there was more. But to his disappointed there was none, so major Alsea went back to polishing his boots. When a knock finally came to the door, the major quickly got up and said “hello” he had no reply just a small group of armored ponies come into the room and told him to follow them. Seeing how he was out numbered he obeyed. After walking for a good ten minuets they finally reached a set of large doors he was greeted by a large feast, and his troops. He also noticed the tall pony he saw earlier standing next to an even taller one which had a coat as white as snow. There was also another party at the table, Gryphons which all looked at him studding him and taking in his level of threat. Putting on his best poker face, he marched to an open seat, which unfortunately was right next to the blue pony. After he took his seat in the large room, the white pony spoke “Welcome to Canterlot please enjoy our hospitality with this small feast, and then we may talk about politics and other things later” With that all of Alsea’s men looked at him to see if it was alright, with a quick nod they dug in. While he looked for the delist soup he had found earlier knowing that there would be more food to come. Finding the bowl he took a scoop full of it into a bowl and waited in tell the rest of the beings around him had begun to eat. Satisfied he ate the soup as quietly and politely as he could while looking at the pony who sat next to him who had also taken the soup. After several minuets of dead silence the pony next attempted to make conversation “How does thou like the soup” She said Knowing that she was speaking to him, and taking a guess that she was royalty he replied “It’s very good, has a nice kick to it but is very good your majesty” Alsea replied Luna was very surprise to hear herself being called majesty after over a thousands years of not being called it, for it to be said to her a by a being that nearly killed her. It brought many memories back to her for a breath moment before she shoved them back down and forgetting the old day. And she returned her attention back to the being next to her. “We… Sorry I mean I am very glad to hear that, not many like my special dish, most would be soaking up a lake by know” She said with a small grin With a small laugh he replied “Well I will say it is very spicy one of the hottest things I’ve tasted but after many years of eating MRE’s, which taste horrible this is delicious” Luna though how amazing it was that this being was so proper and knew exactly how to act in front of her and her sister, while just earlier today he was swearing and acting like a mad pony. But thinking on how it would be awkward she quickly asked another question. “If I may ask… what is your name” She asked after stuttering for fear that she might have hit a very delicate path. “Well if you must know, my name is Michael Alsea, but I would prefer if you could call me by my last name, and now your name” he said “I am Princess Noctem Luna, but you may call me Princess Luna for very few can say my full name” She said with some sadness in her eyes, and just as fast as it came it left “Noctem as in night” he asked For a spelt seconded she was frozen in place, for he didn’t just say her name in perfect equestrian, but he also knew the meaning of it. After a few seconds of her mind re starting she replied “Actually your correct Sir Alsea, but I must ask how did you know” “Well were we come from we have many languages, and Noctem is part of an ancient language which we call Latin and so I guessed that since we both speak this language that Latin might be the same” The rest of the meal went on with Luna and Alsea talking while the rest just ate there food in awkward silence, after all seven courses were served Luna’s sister asked everyone to follow her to the throne room were they can discuses matters. When they arrived, Luna was surprise to see all six bearers of elements standing already in there waiting for the group to enter. Alsea and his group stood in a straight line in front of Luna while the Gryphons stood in front of Princess Celestia, and the bearers stood off to the side. “Now before I learn why you seven are here” Celestia indicated to Alsea’s group “I must finish negations with the Gryphons, so please go take a seat of to the side” Alsea took a short bow then lead his group to a few seats, were they seemed to discuss something in very hushed voices. Luna keep on training her ears to the conversation but she soon realized that they were speaking a different language. Seeing that she would not be able to understand them, she returned her attention to the Gryphon ambassador, who was currently debating with her sister about a peace before they go to war. Just recently Celestia had ordered some troops to take some neutral land, and by doing so she broke a treaty with the gryphon which was made over a thousand years ago after the gryphon wars. “Princess you know as well as I that you have broken your own treaty by taking that land, no matter what happened there you still broke the treaty and war will be declared if you do not give it up” Ambassador Steel said “I understand your anger Ambassador, but I did this for the good of all the beings in that small port. For you see I am setting up a government there so they can handle them selves with out relaying on you and I, then I shall take all my people out and this big miss understanding well be solved” Celestia replied in a neutral tone “There’s already a government there” Steel yelled “They created them selves, and they do not need our assistance, that is neutral territory for a reason and you wont just be starting a war with the Gryphon Empire, but all the other Empires of the world. “Ambassador” Luna said a little louder then she should have, which startled him and broke his train of thought. “I understand your reasons for being here but, if I recall my sister had received a letter of approval from the Minotaurs, zebras, dragons, diamond dogs, and the ponies in the south to set up a government in the Black Wood Port” “Well did you receive an letter of approval from the Gryphons” “No but according to the treaty if a majority of the Empires decide to do something then it shall be done” Luna said with a faint grin knowing she had just one a five day debate in a few minuets “This is an outrage, your not even a part of this government, you’re an outcast a traitor and you dare to place yourself into debate were you have no right to be in” Steel yelled Luna was shocked that a gryphon would insult her like that, it hurt and nearly made her cry, and with the truth behind his words Luna looked and softly cried to herself “I’m sorry your majesties, but that isn’t right ambassador” Alsea said while walking forward, gaining a few outraged looks from the gryphons. “Who do you…” “SHUT IT BIRD BRIAN” Alsea hollered cutting the ambassador off “Was I done talking, no you’re a debater you know not to interrupt someone while there speaking so shut it tell I’m done then you can try to make me feel small” While he said that Alsea stood at his full height which was much larger then any gryphon in the room. When Alsea began to speak Luna picked her head up to see why he would defend her when he knew nothing about it, or what she did “As I was saying, what you did was out of your place, you do not offend royalty, you do not offend your tar takers while in there home and you do not insult a lady that is a big one. You may be wondering who and what I am, but I can tell you this, your afraid of me” Alsea said with a grin “WE ARE NOT AFRIAD OF THE LIKES OF YOU” the ambassador shouted “Your not” Alsea said taken a step towards the gryphons causing them to step back “I think you are, where a good six feet away and you just walked back. Why is that?” “Enough Alsea” Celestia said drawing out his next words “Deeply sorry ma’am but I just couldn’t stand there any longer, again sorry” with a wink to Luna he walked back to his seat “I’m sorry ambassador, but you may leave now” “What’s the meaning of this Princess” Steel said aggravated and frightened by the new being’s reaction “You insulted my sister, and you then insulted my court, and you disrupted these negotiations and the problem was dealt with after my sister spoke, you may leave now, for a train is already ready for your departure” “This isn’t over Princess” Steel said before turning and walking out of the throne room “Now Alsea come forward you have much explaining to do” “Ask away your majesty” “Please call me Celestia, and what are you exactly” “We are a race called humans” “Are you a military people, I noticed you all carried many weapons and you all wore uniforms” “We are both military and peaceful, but in these recent years we have been more of a military, and yes the seven of us are military. I’m the leader Major Alsea, this is Lieutenant Black, that’s Sergeant Cook…” he said each human’s name and they each stepped forward and did a small bow “Now for my largest question why are you here” “That’s a hard one, for you see we have no idea” “What do you mean you have no idea” Luna said “Well we were flying over one of our oceans when a bright light appeared and the next thing I knew we were flying over a huge forest” “You have no wings how could you have flown” Celestia asked “We were in an airplane, it’s a flying vehicle which is able of flying at speeds which no land vehicle can reach” “Then why not fly” “Because it was badly damaged, and we can’t just take off in a forest” “Ok what about these” Celestia said while Luna took out a one of the strange objects “That there is a MP-11 hand gun, and a gun is a weapon which uses a small explosion to launch projectiles a great distance, if you give me it for a moment I can show you what I mean” Luna could tell Celestia wanted to give the human his weapon but she just wasn’t ready to trust him, so Luna decide to trust him since he didn’t kill her before “You may use that pillar over there” Luna said with a grin knowing that her sister well be in raged if it was damaged. She then quickly gave the gun to Alsea With Luna’s ok he fired three shots into the pillar making three perfect holes in it “That was interesting” Celestia said trying to keep her voice normal and not show her anger towards her sister “And I must ask you to never do that again” “Will do, also anything else” For about three hours the humans told Luna and Celestia all about there people and there history and the ponies came to the conclusion. Humans are beings of chaos… Then it was time for Luna to raise the moon, and so the humans followed her while Celestia talked to the six ponies in the room. When they reached the balcony Luna used her power to raise the moon causing all the humans to look in awe “How do you do that, its not possible” was all they said “Well you see that’s my special talent, I raise the moon so the ponies can have a time for sleep” “But doesn’t the moon do that by its self” Corporal Opdam asked “What do you mean” Luna asked not understanding what the human meant “He means on our planet the moon goes around, and the planet goes around the sun, which gives us our night and day” “How does that work” Luna asked “It’s a long story, and Corporal don’t even explain it” “Oh ok well we should be heading back to the throne room” They all walked down the hallway in utter silence when Luna told the humans to go ahead and that she needed to talk to Alsea Pulling him into a room Luna spoke “Why didn’t you kill me” “I don’t know, I just couldn’t bring myself to hurt something that looked so young and fragile” he said looking Luna in the eye’s “I’m not young I’m over ten thousand years old, and I’m anything but fragile” Luna said “Is thou mocking I” she then said hurt “No I’m not mocking you Luna, but I say this for you may be ten thousand years old, but when I look at you a see someone who has just reach adult hood, making you young, and I can also tell that something extremely bad happened to you and this being the reason why your fragile, not an insult” he quickly replied “What do you mean I look like a new adult” she said still a little hurt “When I comparer you to your sister, she is much taller then you and she looks older, while you are small and look younger, that’s all” “I see” “Now anything else you’ll like to ask while you’re blocking the exit” he said with a hint of sarcasm “Oh sorry, if I offended you” “I’m just trying to be funny” he chuckled. And with that the two quickly walked back to the throne room to discuss more about the human race and later the ponies of Equestria. > Starting Over > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting over While Luna raised the moon and the humans followed her to watch, Princess Celestia was speaking to the bearers of harmony about her plans for the humans. “You see girls these humans are similar to discord. But they do not have the ability to use magic, and so I need you six to keep a close eye on them while they live in Ponyville” Celestia said in her neutral voice “Wait what do you mean there like discord” Twilight said receiving agreements from all her friends but pinkie who yelled “CHOCOLATE RAIN” while giggling uncontrollably “And what do you mean there going to live in Ponyville” Rainbow said “There’s no were for them to live, and after the hydra attack half of the houses are gone” “Yes I’m fully aware of these problems girls, and I mean there like discord because it seems that the humans are beings of war which is a type of chaos and this is why I need them to live in Ponyville” “What about there weapons, well they have those” Twilight asked “No Twilight Luna well keep them in her chest were they’ll be safe and out of reach of every being that wishes to use them. Now since luna is done they’ll be here shortly and I’ll be sending build supplier to help rebuild the damage houses and for the humans to build there own small home, they’ll be under my orders from now on, so if I send you a letter twilight that involves a task for the humans you’ll go tell them and they’ll do it. Understand” Celestia said right before the humans came into the room “Were is Luna and the major” Celestia quickly ask silencing twilights next question “Luna wanted to talk to him about something and dragged him into a room, and told us to carry on” the human called Lieutenant Black replied And so the small group waited for Princess Luna and the major to arrive, then with a loud swear and a bright light they appeared in the room “We are sorry sister for keeping thee from business” Luna said before realizing that she had spoken in old equestrian which she only did when nervous or sad “Never teleport me again” Alsea finally managed while clutching what Celestia guessed to be his gut and saying a few inappropriate words “And where were you two” Celestia asked “I just wanted to ask the major a few question about what happened with the hydra attack and after when I interfered” Luna replied swiftly “Well if that’s the case, I’ve come to a decision with what to do with our human guests” “And what might that be” Alsea asked “Well since you can not stay here for the nobles well never accept it, and there is really no place for you to go I decided to let you live in Ponyville, it’s the small town you were in earlier” “And you all shall be working for me if that isn’t a problem” Celestia added “And what if we don’t wish to work for you” the humans who’s name was cook said “Well it’s your decision” Celestia said Quickly the squad huddled in and started to speak French again hopping the ponies wouldn’t understand, which seemed to be the case “I don’t like her” Alsea said “Yeah I agree, she seems to be hiding something” Black said “And she has that air around her that says *I own you*, and I really don’t like that” Cook put in “So what are we going to do then” Simmons asked “Well we need to stay on the good side of one of the princesses” Black said “Sir what do you think” Cook asked “I agree with black we have to let one of them be our boss, but I’ll not allow Celestia, there’s to much that’s she’s hiding” Alsea said “So we’ll let your girl friend be our boss” Black said with a smirk “First she’s not my girlfriend seconded I almost killed her, and yeah that’s what were going to try and go for I guess. Unless we want the purple unicorn in charge of us” Alsea said in a tone which told everyone that the conversation was over With quick turn Alsea turned to the princess and told them what they have decided “Princesses we have come to an agreement, we would like to be placed under the care of Luna” Alsea informed them in a neutral tone “WHAT” was all that Luna said her eye’s bugged out of her head as she heard this news “Why me, why not my sister, I’m not a politic, I just watch over the moon, Why” She wined “To answer you question, its basically like this we operate more during the night then the day, allowing you to contact us more easily and besides we figured you could use some little helpers” Alsea said with a large grin “And what if I do not agree with this” Celestia said shooting daggers at Alsea, who rubbed it off as if they were nothing “Princess we are not under your rule, were merely guests and we ask that your sister take charge of us, and it’s not to offend you. For we can all tell that you have much on your plate as being the leader of a country, and by having to watch over us would just increase your stress” he said as if he had know Celestia for years “Well I’ll be fine with it only if Luna agrees to keep an eye on you” Luna couldn’t believe what she was hearing, her sister was actually going to allow her to be the one responsible for these creatures, and the public already feared her enough, this’ll just make it much worse. But then she thought, if I take good care of them Celestia might allow me to take care of more responsible things. “I’ll take care of them sister, and I’ll make sure that there good citizens of Equestria” Luna said trying to mask her discomfort with a smile “So it’s settled” Alsea asked “But what exactly well we be doing” “Chores” Luna said giving Alsea a wicked smile The rest of the night went along with the humans pledging allegiance to Luna and Celestia and them being told there main duties, which consisted of them watching over the town and basically be the military in that area, since Ponyville had no garrison of any sort. Luna also told them that she’ll have Rarity design some uniforms for them so they can have some new clothes to wear, and with that Luna again brought Alsea into a privet room. Making sure there were no preying ears Luna began to speak “Why would you do that” “Do what” Alsea replied as if nothing was wrong “Make me seem more important them my sister and then putting it all on me. Now she’ll think that our conversation before was about me controlling you” “Well first of all, don’t tell your sister this but I don’t like her and my men don’t like her. We also figured that one of you had to be our tare taker so we decided on you” “But why does thou not trust thee sister” Luna said slipping back into old equestrian “When standing in rooms full of generals and politics you quickly learn how to spot the tyrant, and I spotted the tyrant the first time I saw your sister” “THOU SHALL NOT SPEAK OF THEE SISTER LIKE THOU HAS” Luna said using the royal canterlot voice “I shall your majesty for I know one when I see one, and if you can not see past then, then I can not help you. You were gone for a thousand years and that a lot of time for someone or in this case somepony to change” “But she would never do that to her ponies” Luna objected “Ha, you see you said her ponies not our, even you know that this is her Empire and not your own, this way of thinking has changed her and not for the better, all I know is that things her are not right” “But…” “But nothing Luna your sister is doing something and I believe she is the reason why my people are here, for her magic light thingy is there similar to the light we saw before we came here” “Enough of these I shall not hear another word of this” Luna finally managed to get out “If you wish” Alsea said taking a shallow bow After there little conversation Luna had the seven humans and six ponies load onto the train to Ponyville to help with repairs and to help with the humans adapting to pony cutler, but deep down inside she couldn’t help but feel Alsea’s words were right and that her sister had very big planes for them. And just as fast as they came Luna pushed them out not wishing to think of such terrible things. “Oh my goddess” was all that Twilight was thinking, both Princess Celestia and Luna to watch over the humans and help them fit in, she would finally be able to ask them so many questions and she’ll be the first scholar to ever right about them, it was like a dream come true. But she was dealing with very intelligent beings which are easy two times her height. Then twilight over heard a conversation in the seats behind her. It seemed that Applejack was speaking to the human called Silver who lived on a farm before she joined the military. Twilight then though of how similar these being are to them yet there so different, and yet they were so different, the humans were always worried about war and never lived in peace, while the ponies didn’t worry about anything and they lived in a paradise. It was strange and very sad, knowing that a whole civilization was always on the brink of war. “May I sit here Miss Twilight” Alsea asked which caused her to do a little jump and try to hid an embarrass blush “Oh of coarse Mister Alsea” “Thanks it’s very loud back there with those idiots trying to see who’s the strongest, and your friend Rainbow Dash trying to get in on the fun, and your other friend, Rarity I believe she just won’t shut up about our clothing” “Yeah that sounds like those two but how about the rest of my friends” “The pink one is somewhere in the back, the shy one is hiding somewhere and Applejack is talking to Silver about farming, which to be honest I don’t really care, I just want to have a little nap” Twilight noted that Alsea didn’t know all her friends names yet and made it a goal to teach him, she also noticed that even though he wasn’t tired in anyway he still wanted to sleep, it was strange since ponies only slept when tired, but humans appeared to sleep when ever they can. “Well don’t worry to much about them they’ll probably be done soon and I don’t mind if you sleep here I wont be loud” “Thanks” And with that Alsea pulled his hat over his head and fell asleep but twilight knew that the slightest aggregation would wake him up so she continued to ponder all the things that she and her friends would have to do. The rest of the train ride was smooth and Twilight heard the other humans gasping at the beauty of the land, it was as if they haven’t seen anything like it in years, but when they neared Ponyville Twilight was going to wake up Alsea when he suddenly jumped up and grabbed for a weapon which wasn’t there, causing Twilight to freeze in fear that he might hurt her. He seemed to have a confused look on his face before it returned to normal “Sorry Twilight, after living in place like I did for five years you’ll understand why I’m like this” he said “And I see we have arrived at Ponyville” he said looking out the window “Oh yes, and before you and your…” “People” Alsea said helping Twilight “People go out and explore we have to introduce you to the town so the other ponies don’t become afraid of you, since you’re the size of an Alicorn” “Yeah that wouldn’t be good I’ll go back and wake my troops and tell them what’s happing” Alsea said before departing for the seats behind him. “Now that he is gone I can go over my list” Twilight thought while taking out a scroll. A few minutes later everypony and the humans were standing at the exit doorway waiting for Twilight to give the ok. When Twilight finally said she had everything done and ready, the group walked out of the doorway receiving many cheers and smiles. But when the first human stepped out everything went quite and nopony made a sound. Knowing that the coward was sacred Twilight quickly ran to the microphone and tried to calm the ponies down while the group of humans tried to look as friendly as possible, which didn’t work very well. After about five minutes a few ponies yelled out about how the humans were monsters scent by the Princess to punish them, this caused a huge uproar of voices to brake out as Twilight tried to calm all of them down. “Please everypony there not here to hurt anypony, there here to help Ponyville” Twilight said using the microphone but got no attention from the ponies below the stage Seeing that all hell was going to brake lose, and that a small cozy town was going to have its first riot, so Alsea walked over to Twilight receiving even more yells from the angry ponies. Then a courage pony flew onto the stage and started to yell insults at Alsea, who in turn bent down onto one knee and said “And who might you be” “With those words the whole crowed stopped its shouting and yelling to look at him and the small pegasus “I..I…I’m Cloud Dancer” The female pegasus said “Well Cloud Dancer I would really appreciate it if you and your friends would stop insulting us, when we saved you from a giant hydra, and I would also suggest you get off of the stage, before a certain Lavender pony blasts you off” Alsea said with a huge grin He quickly moved over to Twilight and told her that he thinks it’ll be a good time for him to introduce his people to the ponies. Twilight nodded in approval and took a few steps back and glaring at Cloud Dance “Well. Hello Ponyville, I as you can see am not a regular being in your world, I am called a Human, and just like you I have feelings and a name. I can also assure you all that we are not here to do harm but instead help with protecting Ponyville and rebuilding it after the hydra attack” Alsea then looked over the crowed and try to pinpoint the skeptics, which were few, but still enough to make the crowd into a riot again. “As most of you know a Princess came here a few days ago, and a hydra also came. But what you do not know is that we as in my friends and I killed the hydra when it attack your town, we lost four of our own, but we save all of you, there may have been damage done but, the Princess have sent us to help with the rebuilding and protection of your small town since the nearest military is a good seven hour march” “Since when does Ponyville need an army” the stallion who started the small riot said “You don’t and the seven of us are not an army, were just a squad” “But why do we need you to protect us, we have the bearers of elements” the stallion yield “Would the bearers of elements kill in order to protect” “Twilight would you have defeat that hydra using your magic. Be honest” “Well to be honest I tried but none of my spells worked on it” Twilight replied using a spell to project her voice “So would you say that by my men and I killing the hydra was the right then to do, or would you have rather us done something different” “Well I would have preferred that you knocked it out so I wouldn’t harm anypony, but there just wasn’t enough time” “Well you see buddy we were needed and for all you know we might be needed again, but for now were just here to help rebuild and help around town, and not kill or punish anyone” Alsea stepped away from the microphone and stood with his men again while Twilight talked to the ponies who had gathered. After about an hour the ponies left and Alsea and his troops were told to have a meeting with the mayor. “Welcome, Welcome humans” Mayor Mare greeted them “Well since the princess has requested that I give you leaving quarters I’m afraid that I can not, all of the living spaces are currently full. And so I have to ask, can you sleep outside” “Yes we can sleep out side, it doesn’t really bother us” Alsea replied getting a few moans from his troops “Well they could stay in my library” Twilight offered “Its more then large enough for them to sleep comfortably, but they’ll have to sleep on the floor” “That’ll be great Twilight” Sgt Cook said receiving a glare from Alsea “Well then I guess everything has been settled, now I take it that Twilight we lead you to her home” Mayor Mare said “Oh yes I will Mayor” Twilight said pushing the humans out of the room with her magic. Once outside Twilight didn’t shut up about her home and her pet dragon and all these other things, and through out the whole time Alsea was laughing, because all his troops wanted to sleep outside now rather then with the crazy unicorn. “Well were here, my library and home” Twilight said “And you said that we could all fit in there” Lt Black said “Yes you can it looks smaller then it is, the door is small but I’m sure you can fit through, and once your inside please just don’t take any books without asking I spend much time organizing them, at least once a day” “Twilight are you crazy, no one organizes that much” Sgt cook said “Well I’m defiantly not crazy, and I would like it if you didn’t make fun of my habits since you are going to be staying here” Twilight replied “Sorry miss sparkler, its just that were we come from peopled wouldn’t do that unless they were crazy” “Oh that’s ok, well this is the room you’ll be staying in, I hope its big enough” Twilight said motioning to the large room in front of her “Before anyone makes a comment about physics remember there’s a super pony that can move the sun and moon” Alsea said with wide eyes “Oh and before I forget I need to show you all to my assistant Spike, he is a dragon” Twilight said while opening a large door “SPIKE I HAVE SOME NEW FRIENDS FOR YOU TO MEET” Twilight yield down the dark hallway “COMING” a deep voice replied, the whole tree house shook with each step the dragon took, and after what felt like an hour a large shape came into view, it was standing on its hind legs and looked humanoid in tell it came into the light of the room. The dragon was roughly eight feet tall standing up and had many green spike running down its spine, the rest of his body was a deep purple colour, and a small set of wings were on its back, which were not fully grown. “Spike these are my new friends, so be nice while they stay here for a while” Twilight said speaking to the dragon as if he were a child “Twi don’t worry I’m still a vegetarian and besides I’m not a kid” Spike said taking no interest in the humans and walking down the stairs “Spike don’t be like that” Twilight said a little late “Well that was awkward” Lt Black said “Now we thank you for your hospitality, but we would really like to sleep now if you don’t mind” “Oh yeah of course, sorry” Twilight said going up the stairs “Just pull the lever to turn the lights off” “Well do” “Now were is Major Alsea” Lt Black said, but she was greeted by a soft snoring coming from the corner of the room, farthest from the light “How does he do that” the last thing anyone said before Alsea told them all to shut up and go to sleep. > Nightmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmares The night at Twilights house was quite peaceful but as usual Alsea was awoken by nightmares of his past. So around midnight when the moon was at its highest he went for a stroll. He really didn’t know were he was going and he didn’t care all he did was walk forward and occasionally turned to avoid a home with its lights on. After what seemed like an hour Alsea found a small hill which over looked Ponyville, and this is were he deicide to take a seat and observe the small town. After a minuet a dark shadow settled it self next to him and spoke. “What brings you out here Major?” “Can’t sleep anymore ma’am” “And why is that?” “Nightmares for my past” “I could help you know” Luna said moving out of the shadows and into the moonlight which allowed Alsea to see her. “And how could you do that” Alsea said still looking at Ponyville “I can enter your dreams and help you deal with your fears” “Princess Luna its not that I’m afraid, it’s that fact that I didn’t things that can not be forgotten, and I saw things that no one should have to live with and I wont allow you to look upon things as horrid as I see every night” “Believe us we have seen terrible things in our life” “Well I thank you for the offer but I shall decline” “Well then it is your choice, I shall not interfere, but I shall stay here to enjoy this lovely night with you” “Thank you Luna” The two sat upon the hill for hours of night, eventually Luna fell asleep under the watchful eyes of Alsea who constantly mutter to himself about how a pony who was suppose to control the night falls asleep during the night. After about an hour Alsea felt a something soft pressing against him. He looked down to see Luna curled up next to him using him as a shield from the wind and a pillow. Alsea then noticed that she was making strange noises and her heart rate quickened to the point where he could hear it. Then Alsea did something he did not expect himself to do, he rapped an arm around her and pulled her closer to him as if he were protecting her from an unknown evil. This seemed to work for her for her heart rate slowed back to normal and her breathing and movements had also returned to normal. Alsea held Luna for the rest of the night tell even after the first strikes of the sun. After Luna had fallen asleep she immediately was pulled back into the place of her greatest fears, the nightmare which will always be a part of her. Ever since she was saved from Nightmare Moon she had nightmares of it trying to take control of her and every night she felt herself give in just a little. It would tell her what she wanted to hear and it would promise her things that it could give her but it was always gone by the day. But tonight was different she didn’t just dream of the nightmare but it also showed her thing that she didn’t wish to see. Luna saw her sister for who she truly was. A monster under the face of beauty, it also told her that the humans were there for a reason, and not just any reason. But then it all stopped and a bright light appeared, she saw as the nightmare was shunned to the darkest corners of her mind as a shining being pushed it away and hugged her tight. It was unlike anything she had ever felt and when she finally saw its forum she instantly knew that it was Alsea who had saved her from the nightmare. The rest of Luna’s dreams were peaceful as her friend protected her from the thing she fears most. After the sun had risen and it was well into morning Luna awoke to find that she was firmly being held by Alsea who was watching the Sun rise, he didn’t even release that she had awoken and for that she was pleased that he had stayed with her all night. “Morning Luna, I take it you slept well” Alsea said with a smirk on his face “I did thank you very much” Luna replied creating a gap between them “So why were you holding onto me” she asked “Well you were having a nightmare and so I just held you to help calm you down, and it seemed to work” He said truing to Luna “Well thank you it did help, but I must be off to Canterlot” Luna said standing up and preparing to take flight “Well if that’s the reason” Alsea chuckled as he stood up He gave a quick salute and walked off to the library and Luna took flight as she went back to Canterlot, but all the while she was trying to figure out why a being like him which was born to kill could be so gentle and caring it made her question her sister’s judgment… “Oh no, oh no anything but now why did he have to go out by himself” was all that twilight was saying while the rest of the group tried to calm her down saying that he probably just went for a stroll during the night “Twilight back were we’re from he did something similar he would get up during the middle of the night and walk around the airbase” Cpl Telis said “But this isn’t were your from” Twilight snapped, immediately realizing what she did Twilight quickly apologized “Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to yell like that its just that I’m worried” Then a knock was heard on the door and all eyes turned to it, Twilight then opened it after staring at it like a statue for a good minuet, and there was Major Alsea standing at it with a big grin. “Well boys and girls we may be in a new place but its not Sunday so we got drill to do” He said getting many shocked exasperations from his troops. “And by the way Twilight I was out with Luna, so don’t get into such a mood if despair again during the night” “NOW” he yelled at his troops “Were going to do a short jog” But Twilight soon learned that what he meant by short was anything but, she had an advantage with her four legs but during the whole while Alsea managed to stay in front of her and the others with out slowing his pace, it was like he body could go on like this for days and he was also caring rocks while he ran which should have slowed him down but didn’t. After what Twilight guessed was thirty thousand leagues Rainbow Dash came to inspect what was going on, and she decide to keep pace with the group but she flew over them all. Then when Alsea finally stopped they were in a large clearing and he barked some orders which she guessed were part of the exercise. All of the humans dropped to the ground on there hand and started to push off the ground, they did this at least three hundred times in tell they got back up and did some light jogs around the clearing. Then again they did they would push up from the ground and the process would repeat it self. At about eleven the humans stopped and did a new exercise, it was them jumping up a down while spreading there arms and legs in an X they would do this for a while, then they would jump to the ground and lay down then sit up to there legs and move back about a hundred times then they would do the jumping X’s again. “Twi why are they doing this boring stuff, were are all the tricks” Rainbow Dash said irritated “There practicing Dash” Twilight responded “Well why aren’t they doing tricks, when ever I practice I always do tricks” “Because there not you Dash, and there making themselves stronger and building there muscles from doing those weird exercise, just like what I do with my magic” Twilight said looking at Dash “Hmpth, Don’t need to be like that Twi” “Well why don’t you practice your tricks while they do there thing then you wont be so bored” “That’s a great idea, then I can show them who’s the best” “Ok Dash” Twilight chuckled And Rainbow Dash took of into the air to show of her moves, while she did that Twilight noticed the humans had stopped there exercising and started to set up a small fire pit in the clearing. Thinking no better Twilight went to investigate while the humans work. “What are you doing” she asked “Were going to cook lunch” Alsea replied taking a small packet out of his bag, then the other humans got pots out and went out to look for water “That doesn’t look like food” Twilight said “Well I wouldn’t call it food, but its edible and some taste pretty good” Alsea replied and laughing at Sgt Cook’s face who clearly didn’t like this food. “Well what is it” Twilight asked “It’s called an MRE, meaning meal ready to eat, but its much better to heat up before eating” “May I try” Twilight asked hoping to get a yes so she can know what the humans ate “Well I’ll have to find one that doesn’t have any meat since I’m pretty sure you ponies don’t eat meat judging from what I saw at the dinner” he said looking through his bag “Hey Sergeant do you have any vegetarian in your bag” “Yeah I got apple oatmeal, a few tofu and a maybe ten mashed potatoes in here” Sgt Cook replied “Ok pass me one of each and all the mashed potatoes” “Um what’s tofu” Twilight asked never hearing the word tofu before “Well Tofu is a chunk of weird paste that is a meat alternative, I personally hate it and use it as a disinfected because this stuff is hardcore it kills all infection somehow, which is why most don’t it but food is food” Alsea said making many movements with his hands “Oh so its not meat” “Not meat just weird” he said as the rest of the humans came back with water “Cook how’s that fire going” “I just got it let sir, you sure this wood is flammable” “Sergeant wood is wood” The humans quickly set to work of boiling the water and tossing the MRE’s into the water to heat them up. It didn’t take long but Twilight noticed most of the humans had stopped what they were doing to watch Dash do her tricks. “OK LUNCH IS READY” Alsea yelled over the field causing everypony to stop what they were doing to look at him He quickly tossed a box with three MRE’s at each human then he came over to twilight and showed her how to eat it, but then Rainbow Dash wanted some but he already knew she might want some and gave a box to her as well. The food wasn’t bad Twilight thought, but it didn’t taste right and she really didn’t like how the tofu felt when she chewed it, but she tried to hide it and act like she really liked it. “Its ok you two if you don’t like the food, many don’t but after being in the military for a few years you get use to eat, but that tofu just isn’t right” he said poking at his own tofu “I can’t eat this bucking stuff” Dash finally said after eating a small portion of each package “Its not food its, its… IT’S BUCKING TERRIBLE” she finally yield “That’s ok Rainbow like I just said not many like it, and what’s with saying buck, is that your word for fuck” “Um probably” Twilight said giving her friend a look “Well that’s pretty funny you know how all these words that we have are similar yet so different” Alsea said “Yeah that is kind of funny I guess” Twilight said “Um hungry pegasus over here” Rainbow said “Have an apple then” Alsea said pulling the apple out of what Twilight though was thin air “How did you do that” Twilight said wide eyed “Do what” “Pull that apple out of thin air” “Magic” Was all he said before yelling at his troops to pack up and be ready to run back to Ponyville > The Pain Has Doubled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pain has been doubled After the group made it back to Ponyville Twilight quickly went to work at giving each human a task to do, which was manly caring items or helping with construction but one at a time they would enter rarities home and work place to get fitted for there new uniforms. With everypony working hard to make the new homes and the small wall around the edge of the ever free forest Twilight though it was time to write a letter to her mentor telling her what she had learned from the humans and how they were helping, but right before she opened the door to her home Spike came running up to her. “Twilight you have to stop this right away” “What, is there another riot” she said worried “Something like that but two of your new friends are fighting of a group of ponies, some of them are hurt real bad” “Ok Spike lead the way” The two quickly ran to one of the construction area were the humans were just building a home and at a fair rate with the help of the ponies. But what surprised Twilight was that the fact that a large group of ponies were attacking Alsea and Privet Silver with stones and tools and even a few knives. She also saw that a mare was laying limp to the side of the small fight with blood trickling done her head as if she was hit with a stone. “We don’t want you here monster” A large unicorn said slashing at Alsea “Yeah get lost” the other said also attacking him From what Twilight saw it looked like Privet Silver was curled up and on the ground as the ponies longed at Alsea who would shove them back not trying to hurt them. But then one Unicorn got a knife levitated around Alsea and stabbed him causing him to topple over in pain. Twilight watch in horror as ponies attacked him at once not allowing him to get back up. It was the curliest and most gut wrenching thing she had ever seen, she just stood there paralyzed not knowing what to do. Finally Alsea fell and lay motionless on top of Privet Silver with his body to protect her. The ponies around him stopped just realizing what they did, many of them vomited at the site and many more cried but a few just stood there laughing and complimenting them selves for the deed which had been done. Then Alsea started to cough a few times starling the ponies around him. The next thing Twilight sees is a cloud of dust and a quick movement from Alsea as he longed at the Stallion who started the whole problem. When the dust cleared five ponies were on the ground unconscious and a very mad Alsea holding on to his face yelling at it. “YOU THINK THAT KILLING ANOUTHER BEING IS JUSTIFIED” he yelled right at the stallion “HUH DO YOU” Then with a single movement he tossed the Stallion into a wall and picked up Privet Silver to walk towards Twilight and Spike “Since you didn’t help before could you patch me and her up before I pass out again” he said shooting daggers a Twilight “I…I…I’m sorry” She finally got out “Twilight less talk more heal I don’t care about apologies especially something like this, we could have died” Twilight quickly set to work on Alsea before he stopped her and told her to do Privet Silver first “But you bleeding every ware” Twilight insisted “Yeah but there all shallow cuts she got stabbed in the back and gut and there deep, so do her first” He said almost like he was worried Twilight obeyed and set to work, it took her a good thirty minutes to heal her properly and then took another twenty minutes to heal Alsea. And by that time the other ponies were getting up “You done Twilight” He asked “All done why” She asked “Because a few ponies need to get arrested” He said walking over to the ponies recovering He then took out some strange tools which looked very familiar. He took out rings and placed them on the unicorn horns causing them to go limp again, he then did the same with the pegasus and earthponies but with different objects. One was a harness which went around the pegasus wings and legs and the other was a large wrist band which went on each leg and then connect to each other. After he had safely secured each pony he walked back to Twilight. “Twilight could you please send this letter to Princess Celestia” And could you also help that poor mare over there, I believe she got a stone in the head” “First before I do anything what happened and seconded why do you need to send a letter” So Alsea explained how he was lifting that mare up to some scaffolding to she could secure a ladder up there, then how he began to carry stones to her and the other mason ponies, but before long a small group showed up demanding them to stop or else they’ll be hurt. Then he told Twilight how the ponies who threatened them started through stones at them and one hit the mare in the head and knocked her out. “And the rest you know because you saw” he finished “That’s terrible but what about the letter” “Well that’s so Celestia can send some guards to pick these ponies up to await trial for there crimes” “Oh, but what about the others who attacked you, it was only those six who actually harmed us and the others I think learned there lesion” he said Fortunately the rest of the day went by very well, Five houses were rebuilt the foundation for the wall was made and many ponies were happy to see the humans instead of cower away when ever they come near. And the ponies who attacked Alsea and Silver were brought to Caterlot castle to get trailed. And the humans were doing some more drill and so this gave Twilight and her friends some time. “So girls how were your days” Twilight asked sipping her tea “Well as you know Twi that Sergeant Cook helped me with my farming and handing out food” Applejack said “Simmons helped me with all my animals and the sick ponies” Fluttershy cooed “Well my time was boring” Rainbow said “How is moving rocks BORING silly” Pinkie said bouncing up and down “Because Pinkie rocks are rocks and its very, very boring to just move them all day” Rainbow replied Pinkie “Well my day was marvelous I got all my measurements and I should be able to finish all there uniforms by the end of the week. And also got so diagrams of there body Twilight dear” Rarity said taking some scrolls out of her saddle bag. “What about you Twi” Rainbow asked “Well I learned why the humans do all that drill and I also learned that some of them can take a lot of pain” Twilight said looking down wishing she had said nothing “What happened dear?” “Well those ponies that didn’t the humans the other day decided to attack them today, that’s why the guards came, and Alsea and Silver got hurt really bad. But can we have a change subject now” Twilight said “Oh did anyone see Luna last night” Rainbow said jumping up as if it was the news of the century “Princess Luna was here last night” Twilight asked “Oh yes I saw her she was sitting on the hill last night with somepony who we couldn’t make out, but they seemed to be very close” Rarity said “Wait are you saying Luna has a special somepony” Twilight asked “Well that’s what it looked like to me” Rarity and Dash said at once “I wonder who it could be” Fluttershy said taking part in the conversation at last “Oh boy a new pony in town maybe I just have to meet him” Pinkie said jumping around again The rest of the night went by with Twilight and the girls talking about Luna’s new friend, but they all left right before the humans came back to sleep. But this time Twilight staid up all night to waited for Alsea to leave, because she had a feeling that last night he was the one with Luna and she wanted to prove it. Once again Alsea was awoken from his nightmares but this time he wasn’t just greeted by darkness, standing over him was Princess Luna. “You have awaken, care for a walk” she said incent enough to get Alsea to laugh After he stopped he finally spoke “How long have you been in here maybe two minuets, but I fear we might wake your friends if we continue to speak” “Well then lead the way your majesty” Alsea said bowing causing Luna to blush “Please do not call me that I’m just your friend right now and not you’re Princess of the night “If you say so” Alsea said opening the door and urging Luna through “So what do you wish to talk about Luna” Alsea asked after they exited the tree house “Tell me about your night” Luna asked “Well ours are not as dark as these nights, do to our many cities and lights, the only time I actually see the night is when I’m flying over our oceans or our great forests, but besides that our stars and nearly the same as yours but the positioning is a little different and we have fewer constellations but more planets” “So your stars are just like my stars” Luna asked “Yes and no, our stars are dimmer while these I can see everyone one of the stars here, its beautiful” “Beautiful” Luna asked “Yeah, you’ve never been complement on your night before” “Well no I haven’t ponies now enjoy my nights but they have never told me personally” “Well that’s what friends are for” Alsea said giving Luna a smile, which she returned “So now that I answered your question, you answer mine” Alsea said “That is only fair” “Why don’t we take part in the politics?” “Well I was gone for such a long time and much has change, and to be honest I could care less about the nobles, it’s the reason why I’ve come to spend the night with you for all that the nobles do is complain about things during my night court” Luna said with a sigh “Sound fun” “Its anything but fun Major all they do is yell and complain about things that a common pony has to live through everyday, Ohh Princess Luna your sister rejected my new bill can you pass it for me, its all they do if my sister turns away I get stuck with them” “Fist me saying that’s fun was sarcasm and seconded sounds like you hate your job” “Yes I dislike my job and what is this sarcasm” “Sarcasm is when one says something positive or negative in a way that it comes across the opposite way” “So you complement someone while you’re insulting them” “Kind of like that” “I see, now it’s my turn to ask” “Ask away” “Why didn’t you kill those ponies today?” Alsea stopped walking and looked down instantly hopping for a change of subject “Did I say something wrong?” “Yes you did Luna, but you do deserve an answer. The reason I didn’t kill them is because I’m done with killing, I hate it even though my life was threaten I didn’t want to hurt them” “Oh well you did the right thing, I’m very glad you didn’t badly hurt them or else my sisters judgment of your kind would have been proven” “Well thank you, and what exactly did you sister say about my species” “I don’t know if I should tell you that” “You owe me” Alsea said giving Luna a stern look With a sigh Luna spoke “Your right I do owe you, so my sister basically said your people are beings of chaos which means you have thought one another since the begging of your species” “Well you can tell your sister that she is indeed correct, my people are naturally violent and war is in our blood but now very few of us embrace it” “And we also haven’t had a war with our own kind in many years” “You mean you have thought another species” Luna asked “Yes but that’s a long story which I’m not telling” The two walked down the streets in tell they reached the edge of the ever free forest, then they began to walk along its edge and outside of the town of Ponyville. But Alsea just couldn’t help but to feel that someone was following them. Finally Alsea had enough. “Luna” he whisper “Why do you whisper” She asked “Because there’s someone following us, if you listen closely you can here there footsteps” “I hear nothing, I believe you are just being paranoid” “Luna I’ve been in the army long enough to know my own foot steps and I’ve been around you enough to know yours, and those footsteps I hear are much different, there quieter and lighter” “If you insist that there is someone following us I’ll cast a spell which well allow me to know who is near” So Luna charged her horn to perform the spell, and then a bright light appeared and it was dark again, Alsea felt something pass-through him almost like water but much finer and pleasant. “That was weird” “What” “After you used that spell it felt like something passed through me” “That’s strange my spell is suppose to be undetectable, maybe your species is able to feel magic much like a Alicorn” “Maybe, but did you find anything” “Yes I found many woodland creatures but no ponies, so your nerves can be put on rest” “Thank you Luna” but Alsea was still doubtful because every now and then he’ll here foot steps behind them but they seemed more distant “This looks like a good spot” Luna said making Alsea flinch “Good spot for what” “A picnic of course” Luna said with a grin which completely changed the mood of there pervious conversations “A picnic” “Yes a picnic, I brought some food and drink with us so we may have some food during the night” “Well if you want I wont object food is food” with that Alsea sat down on the cloth that Luna had somehow concealed the whole time “How are you doing this” Alsea asked as Luna took plates, drinks and food out of empty space” “A simple storage spell, many can not do it but for those who can it makes life much easier” Luna said taking out a pot which smelt of very strong spices “I take it that’s your favorite dish” Alsea said pointing to the pot “Why yes, I love it and normally the cooks only need to make one pot for I’m the only one who enjoys it, but after our last meal together I thought you might want it again, and if not I have dandelion sandwiches” “Well I think I’ll try your strange sandwiches first, then we can enjoy your chili” “What’s this chili you speak of” “Chili is what you brought, a whole bunch of spices with beans and other vegetables or meat if you’re human” “Well I just call it chunky soup” “Really chunky soup” Alsea chuckled “What’s wrong with chunky” “Nothing its just so funny” “How so” “IT’S CHUNKY” Alsea yelled falling into fits of laughter while Luna just looked at him wondering what’s going through his head “How is chunky so funny” Luna asked trying to get Alsea to stop. After about a minuet he stopped. “So sorry Luna its just that no one has said chunky were I come from in a good ten years and it brings back many memories” “Ah I see” was all that Luna said “Why so serious Luna lighten up” “What do you mean lighten up?” “Stop being all tight, let things go and just enjoy yourself” “But I am enjoying my self, see” Luna said trying her best to give an excited smile “If you say so” “Now could you please pass me the weed sandwich” “What do you mean weed dandelions are a noble deliciously” Luna said shocked “Well were I come from dandelions are weeds that grow everywhere, even in our roads” “There that many, that must be great” “Not really since we don’t eat them unless were starving” “Oh I understand, you prefer your meat over plants” “Yes and no I like fruits and some vegetables but humans just don’t eat flowers” “Well here you go” Luna said using her magic to pass the sandwich to Alsea Alsea took a bite and was surprise to find that it tasted better then tofu almost like asparagus but saltier. “This is actually good” “Now who likes the weed sandwich” Luna said grinning “I wonder how this would taste with your chunky soup” Alsea said stifling another fit of laughter “Well you have your hands you can try” Luna said eating her own sandwich like a Princess was expected to eat. “You don’t have to eat like that around me Luna, like you said before were just friends” Alsea said while placing some of the chunky soup on his sandwich, just enough to taste and not enough to overpower the other favours. “What do you mean” Luna asked “Your eating all stock up like your better then everyone else, not to be rude but that’s how you look” “Oh well I’m sorry I am still adjusting to how things work, because back in my day I was taught to always look like I’m in charge” “Did you have any friends back then?” “No” Luna said looking down. And Alsea I, immediately regretted his last question “I’m sorry Luna” he said moving over to her side to comfort her Luna then began to do a small sob causing Alsea to hug her for he had no other idea how to comfort the crying Princess. The princess then hug Alsea back crying tears that she should have cried out many years ago. They sat there for many minutes in tell Luna was not able to cry anymore, and even then the two continued to hug each other. “Feel better” Alsea asked “Yes I needed that” Was all that Luna said pulling Alsea closer “C…cccc…can’t breath” Alsea struggled to get out as Luna hugged him tighter “Sorry, I didn’t mean any harm” Luna said letting Alsea go so he could catch his breath “No harm done your just, very strong” Luna awkwardly sat back as she packed up there picnic which was anything but finished. After she had finished she noticed Alsea was lying on the ground smiling “You do know that I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Luna, its just that it seems that your not use to being around friends, but lets put this behind us and just enjoy the night” “Its ok Alsea and what exactly are you smiling about” “How you and I are so similar and how you reminded me of one of my oldest friends” “I see” Luna said while comforting moving to lay next to her friend “Hmm you say you have control over the night correct” “Yes why” “Have you ever thought of playing a prank on someone you dislike” Alsea asked with an evil grin “Once but it didn’t end well” Luna said dropping her head “Why don’t you pull another, just cause you can” Alsea asked trying to bring her sprits back “I bet you can make your sister really mad if you made the stars say something rude off her” Alsea said which made Luna bring her head back up with a smile “Your right Major, there is something I have wanted to do for many days since I have returned” “And what is this” “I wanted to right in that my sister has a fat flank” Luna said breaking into a fit of laughter, while Alsea just looked at her before finally understanding the joke. “Then go ahead” “But if my sister see’s she’ll have a fit” “What it not that bad of a prank” “I guess not” And so Luna began her work on the stars while Alsea looked in amazement at how a single being was able to change the night with a single thought. After a few minutes Luna had finished her work which read Celestia Has A Fat Flank which was written in stars from one side of the sky to the other. Luna broke into fits of laughter again and Alsea shared them with her, the two just laughed and laughed all through the night, in tell a certain pony came running at them. “Princess Luna you can’t say thing like that to your sister” Twilights voice said somewhere The two immediately stopped there laughing as Luna shoot a bolt of magic from her horn causing Alsea to fall back and shield his eyes and Twilight’s spell of invisibility to be destroyed and reviling a very angry Twilight. “How long have you been following us” Luna said raising her voice from her friendlier tone to a much more aggressive tone “Luna calm down” Alsea said putting a hand on her shoulder “But she has been following us and eavesdropping, it isn’t right” “Luna may not be the time but it did tell you that someone was following us, and yes she may have done that but it gives not right for you to get all stiff again” “But” Luna said back in her original tone “No buts Luna, I’ll deal with it” “Deal with what, killing me” Twilight yelled Alsea looked at her in shock “Why on earth would I kill you” “Because you said deal with me” “First of all don’t yell you’ll wake up all of Ponyville, and seconded what’s your problem” “What’s your problem telling Luna to do that” Twilight yelled indicating at Luna’s message “I asked first Twilight” Alsea said “No you don’t scare me” “Fine you want to know eh? Well I’ll tell you” Alsea said sighing “It’s because Luna is friend of mine and she hasn’t been feeling good lately so I thought maybe doing something very un-princess like would cheer her up, but now you’ve pissed her off” “Oh” was all that Twilight said with her ears dropping “And that’s not all, I would like to know what gives you the right to follow me” “Because I was curios and wanted to know where you went last night” “Ok I’ll tell you, last I night I comforted Luna I don’t know why I just did that’s all, and the reason I get up at night is because every night I dream of the place I try to forget most” Alsea said raising his voice “I’m sorry” “Twilight it’s not entirely your fault, but you have to respects one privacy, and if I were you I wouldn’t apologize to me” “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean, an I the only one here” Twilight then understood what Alsea meant, she didn’t hurt Alsea but she hurt Luna by acting the way she did, and she also stuck her noise into a place where she shouldn’t have” “I’m sorry Luna, for every thing” Alsea took a step back allowing Luna to speak “Twilight Sparkle I understand your curiosity, but like Major Alsea said you must respect ones privacy, you see Alsea is my very good friend and I like the time that we spend together it helps with relaxing myself” “And with the Prank it was mostly my idea and Alsea that it might help me relax so I did, it’s not like it harmed anypony” “Your right Princess” Twilight said walking away Luna noticed the look on Twilights face and she teleported in front of her causing Alsea to topple over again from the blinding light “It is ok Twilight” Luna said hugging the purple unicorn And Twilight accepted the hug from the night princess while Alsea tried to gain his footing. “I’m truly sorry Luna” “It’s ok Twilight” Luna said nuzzling Twilight “Now you should go back to bed you look very tired and you have a very busy day ahead of you” Luna said while she stopped nuzzling Twilight “Your right Luna, and again I’m sorry” Twilight said before she teleported back to her home, which once again caused Alsea to fall over from the light. “God I hate your spells” Alsea said on the ground “What do you mean?” “Every time you cast one I get blinded I’m going to start wearing sunglasses everywhere I go at this rate” “For a military man you’re very funny and relaxed” “This is what happens when your life sucks, you make everyone’s better” “Well I must return to Canterlot to attend so night court” Luna said “Well have a nice night then Luna” “And you to Major” Luna said flying off into the night Alsea only thought of how Luna reminded him of himself so much and how she just need a friend before he turned and walked back to the library. While at Canterlot Castle Celestia was throwing a major fit, and not because of Luna’s prank but what Alsea was doing. “I needed him to stay away from her, why can’t anything I do change his mind” “I’ve tried making his dreams and horrors come back, I’ve tried almost everything but he won’t stay away from my sister” she yelled “He even stuck me up in my throne room and pledged himself to Luna and not myself” “What will make him fall under my wings” She began to think Then Celestia came upon an idea, one that’ll take a long time to prepare but it’ll be worth it and if she succeeds she’ll be able to finish her original plans for the humans. “Maybe having him favor Luna over me can be a good thing after all” Celestia chuckled as she teleported to the statue garden and walking to one in particular. “Maybe he needs some inspiration just as the bearers of elements need” She said letting out a laugh > A thanks and an Apology (Author Notes) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welp, All I can say is that I'm very thankful for the people who took there time to read this story. And I also thank the people who favorite, liked and the people who pointed out my errors. Its thanks to you, that I've decided to write a new story that should be out in several weeks. But I'm canceling this one due to it being poorly written and I feel I can do better, since in this my characters had no back story, little emotion and 0 description. Everything was rushed and made little to no sense AND I had no build ups to keep things interesting making this quite the bad fanfic in my eyes. So again I thank all of you who took your time to read this fanfic and I hope my next one will be MUCH better. ~Kuh