Fallout: Equestria - Loyalty Lost

by xCrossx

First published

180 years after the apocalypse, a pegasi seeks justice in the Equestrian Wasteland.

Once, Equestria was a land of peace and friendship, minus the evil vilians who wished to ruin this. Six mares, Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, grew up together until war sparked between the ponies of Equestria and their neighbors, the zebra. The six Ministry Mares fought to end the war, but it lead to magical fallout. The world ended. But ponies survived in underground bunkers known as Stables, on the surfaces as ghouls, and in the skies as pegasi.
One pegasi who learned about the truth of his government, the Grand Pegasi Enclave, lost his loyalty and slipped away. Now he lives on the surface, massacring evil ponies with his mechanical arm and claws, granted by a pony who decided he'd make an excelent test subject. He is known for his gruesomeness, seen easily with his claws and the gore caking his coat. But things are about to change. He is about to meet ponies who will care for him and show that the Element of Loyalty is not truly lost.

WARNING: I write this fully inspired by Kkat's Fallout: Equestria; it will be very gruesome and ode to their story. They pay ode to Friendship is Magic's episodes by having the overarching story concentrating on the key of friendship, and this will do the same. It also contains CUSSING when appropiate from the pony cussing. Yes, raiders will cuss all the time. Yes, Shadowdust will cuss when things get shitty.

The story gets updated via G-Docs. If you have anything to say pertaning to the story, use the links at the bottom of each chapter. Index & Map


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There is a land known as Equestria, filled with ponies. Two alicorns, combination of earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns, lead the land of peace and friendship. But the peace was not eternal. The zebra neighbors waged war. Equestria was torn as it fought back. The Ministry Mares only aided in the fall, until both sides burned the world.

But all was not lost. Equestria saved ponies and zebras alike in underground shelters known as Stables. Others weren’t in range of the bombs. Ponykind lived on.One hundred and seventy years later, and the Equestrian Wasteland has lost most of the radiation that poisoned the air while gaining many populations.

The pegasi hide above the clouds while the land below gets only a shadow of Celestia’s sun, cowards since the loss of their capital during the Great War. Above, they cherish easy lives as the Enclave government hides the truth from them. Below, raiders murder, Steel Rangers hoard, innocents starve and lucky act posh. Ponies band together for survival, prosperity or evil.

One pegasus learned the truth the Grand Pegasus Enclave hides so much from its people. This pegasus, this teenager, loses his faith, his trust, and slips away to the world below. For ten years, he survives alone. He only relies on the towns for resupply, killing the wicked to protect the innocent. But he will be tested again.

Loyalty is not lost.

Fallout: Equestria

Loyalty Lost


Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Pegasus

“Why yes, I can fly. Why yes, I’m a pony. Why yes, I’ve just clawed your fucking face off.”

A band of ponies with scrap-barding hide behind rocks, armed with giant hammers, pistols and shotguns. Down the road is the two-headed cattle known as brahmin as it pulls a cart filled with junk and a pony covered with pouches walks beside it. A raider ambush. They will never see me coming.

I dive from my place in the sky, mechanical claws extended, barely gleaming with all the rust and gore covering the metals. I speed faster than almost anything in the Wasteland before leveling out and weaving around to slice the raiders, blood gushing from the deep raked across their backs.

Seconds later, they scream. So slow. I turn over the road, then back the way I came, ending the other four raiders. I leave them to die in the pain they have dealt hundredfold. I fly towards the trader, nodding to him. That’s when I notice his scowl and the scar cutting over his closed eye, as I get closer.

And the glow around his horn as he raises a machine gun from the junk. I swerve to the side, a few bullets pinging off my right foreleg, the leg I had lost to Doc Slaughter’s cyborg replacement experimenting. I swerve fast and low, circling around the basterd’s cart to find him waiting. I claw the gun into pieces before he can fire, making it explode when he does seconds later.

I land on my forelegs and spin my back to him, bunching my hindlegs before driving the clawed hooves into his face and chest. I watch him fall over over my shoulder, the deep holes gushing out blood onto me as he topples. A fitting end for such a bitch.

I walk away, ignoring the gore soaking me on top of all the dried blood from ten years in the Wastelands. This is how I deal righteousness to these evil ponies. This is how I do my part in place of the fucking Enclave. This is the Shadowdust way.

Footnote: Level up. (+10)
New Perk: Blood-Soaked -- Ponies will fear you, the crimson pegasus, and all the blood and metal. Especially those blood-soaked claws. Gruesome!


Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: The Fear

“The horror...”

I land on the bridge to Friendship City, knowing they hate fliers close to the Statue. I make the long trek across the Pre-War bridge and its makeshift wooden platforms spanning holes in the road. “Halt!” orders a deep-throated unicorn guard when I reach the far side, aiming his carbine at me with telekinesis. “State your business, pegasus!”

“Trade,” I answer gruffly, my voice barely used, as I turn to show them my rainbow-meteor cutie mark.

“Shadowdust,” the other guard mutters, a mare unicorn, as she takes in the sight of me. The blood had dried since that raider trap, but it still held its bright red hue. “The Raider’s Horror. He has permission to do business here, Starshine.” The stallion glances at the mare before lowering the gun.

“Yes, Starsparkle,” he replies as I enter into the City. “But who is that? A pegasus? Caked in blood?” he whispers to what I guess is his older sister. I ignore them, instead focusing on getting myself food.

I step into a popular diner and order a brahmin-bacon sandwich. I know, I’m a pony and a vegetarian biologically, but you can’t survive the Wasteland on Pre-War canned vegetables and the horrible Wasteland vegetables. To survive and not starve, you got to compromise your diet. Which is hard when you were used to having all the cloud seeding of the cloud cover. Fucking Enclave.

A radio on the kitchen counter plays an ancient familiar song. I listen as I eat my sandwich, wondering what the original meanings were.

“I want to calm the storm, but the war is in your eyes.

How can I shield you from the horror and the lies?

When all that once held meaning is shattered, ruined, bleeding

And the whispers in the darkness tell me we won’t survive?”

“All things will end in time, this coming storm won’t linger

Why should we live as if there’s nothing more?

So hold me ‘neath the thunderclouds, my heart held in your hooves,

Our love will keep the monsters from our door.”

“For I know tomorrow will be a better day,

Yes, I believe tomorrow can be a better day...”

When the song ends, a deep voice breaks through my thoughts. “Heeey everypony! DJ Pon3 here with the news! Remember my warning about raiders acting like traders a week back? Well, looks like the Raider’s Horror strikes again! He not only killed those the bait but also their leader who was the one who acted like a trader! Good thing, too; a caravan is meant to head to Friendship City on that very road! Kudos to you, Fear of the Wastes! Despite your cruel method for killing.

Anyway, time for some tips from ol’ DJ Pon3...” I tune myself out as I leave a tip at the kitchen counter and head up to the local gunshop. There, I borrow the supplies to clean and sharpen my claws and grease my mechanical joints. A tedious task only needed about once a month.

I get water and refill my canteens before finally leaving Friendship City, ready to tear through the Equestrian Wasteland some more. On my way out, a little colt asks his mother “What is that thing?”, pointing a hoof at me. “Shh! Don’t draw its attention!” she hisses. “That thing is a monster!” She ushers her foal away, glancing at me with fear that turns to utter terror when I happen to glance at her at the same moment.

Fear of the Wastes.

Footnote: Level up.
New Perk: Fear of the Wastes -- Everypony fears you by reputation alone. +100% Intimidation


Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Fucking Raiders

“You fucked so many asses; it’s long due that you get your ass fucked.”

I flew from Friendship City for only a short time, diverging from the road, before I see a large raider camp. I swoop down, slashing across a raider’s flank and lift up back into the sky bullets chasing after me. “FUCK!” cries a raider. “It’s a pegasus!” No shit, scientist.

I swoop back around, weaving around as hot bullets zip past me. I barrel roll, clawing the head off a raider while upside down. I spin as I right myself, raking another raider from ass to shoulder. Try getting fucked with that! I grab one last raider around the neck before lifting into the air again, spinning so the choking raider covers the vital parts of me while I look down at the remaining three raiders.

“He’s got Ashlis!” yells one of them as he points a hoof up at us. Ashlis garbles hopelessly as I giver her air to keep her conscious and alive. “Kill him!”

“NO!” another stops the idiot from shooting their fellow hanging by a throat. “You will kill her with your aim! Even if you get a lucky shot, she will die from the fall!”

I hover there, watching them, not letting the raider choke to unconsiousness, let alone death. I glare the worst hate I can at them, hating them and their evil-for-no-purpose. I hover, not doing anything. It pisses them off.

“Fuck him!” yells the first, firing at last. I squeeze and crush Ashlis’ neck as I circle her body and the bullets. She slowly falls as I strike the third and least prepared raider in the chest with my claws, digging deep before dragging them through flesh as I fly past.

I circle behind a small building, cutting off their view. I watch from the roof as they run around both corners to find me not on the ground next to the wall. The do see the door open and approach it cautiously, expecting my claws to lash out from inside. I drop on them as they stand to either side of the door, my claws digging into their skulls as I shove their heads down, snapping their necks.

They collapse limply as I pull out my claws, spitting at them, heading over to the main part of the camp and start looting caps and medical supplies. Once I collect what I can find, I fly off.

Fucking raiders deserve to get their asses fucked like that.

Footnote: Level up.
New Perk: Ass-Fucker -- You fuck people up like a raider, but only if they deserve it. Fuck yeah!
