> Trixie's Terrible Revenge > by TAW > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trixie's Revenge: Attempt 15 ============================ Trixie looked down the dark alleyway, out onto the better lit street just by the side of the entrance to Ponyville Theatre. She was prepared. It was almost time. She had watched Twilight Sparkle for weeks now, planning her downfall and humiliation - the townspeople thought she had left town for good, but they didn't know The Great And Powerful Trixie, one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria. No, tonight was the night. Twilight and all her little friends had gone to see a performance, run by some inferior showmares and stallions. Trixie hadn't checked, she didn't care. What she did know was that this alleyway was Twilight Sparkle's fastest way home, and all of her friends would be heading in a different direction. Nobody would go with her - this was Ponyville, there is no crime in Ponyville. Hiding behind the skewed cardboard boxes and bins full of various refuse and rubbish, Trixie checked the equipment that would make Twilight pay for what she'd done. The bag of powdered Unicorn horn that would overpower her magic and leave her defenseless, and the enchanted collar and bridle that would assault her mind and strip her of her will. Tonight, thought Trixie, that purple mare will be hers. What use is a sorry looking carriage when one's slave can simply teleport one from place to place? Trixie could hear the applause from within, the play was coming to an end. The knowledge that soon, Twilight would applaud at nothing but her owner's magnificent works made Trixie feel good. Very good. Just imagining it was almost enough. The evening was too well planned to fail. Twilight would walk out of the theatre and say goodbye to her little friends for the last time. She'd walk down the alley, and by the time Trixie stepped out to confront her, it would be too late. "Trixie? What are you doing here?!", Twilight would say. Trixie will simply smile, lift the bag of rare and expensive powder to her face, drawing in breath to blow it over the blasted mare. It would flow over her, and Twilight's eyes will roll back as her magic is sapped from her and her mind is left weak. When Twilight falls to the ground, silent, Trixie will lift her up and take her back to the cave she's been staying in, deep inside the everfree forest. When Twilight awakens, she'll find herself in bondage, the collar restricting her mind, and the bridle restricting her body. Both of which, by this point, will belong to Trixie, though Twilight will have yet to discover this. As Twilight looks around the cave, seeing the amazing paintings of Trixie Trixie has achieved to pass the time, her mind will fill with a warm, happy feeling, but she won't know why. Trixie sinks deeper into her fantasy, lowering a hoof to her hindquarters and starting to rub the wet, sticky slit. "Trixie, what is the meaning of this? Unhoof me at once!", Twilight cried in Trixie's mind's eye. "Oh, Twilight, call me 'Mistress'", Trixie replied with a commanding tone and an easy smile. "Mistress, please release me!", Twilight responded, without a thought. Her mind already lost, though still fighting for the freedom it no longer really wants. The defiance in Twilight's eyes slowly fades as Trixie runs a hoof over her body, the touch of her master driving thought from her mind and filling her with nothing but pleasure - just one of the many functions of the powerful bind around her neck. Trixie asked Twilight if she were sure - if she really wanted to be away from here. Twilight's only response was a quiet, gasped "no" - Trixie had her pet. Now all that was left was to ensure the effect could not be reversed - right now, it was just the collar. Her friends might be able to remove it, and grant Twilight the gift of rational thought once more. She had to burn the effect in, wipe all residue of Twilight's former mindset from her neurons. The best way to do that would be to send a huge wave of sensation through her entire body - say, an orgasm. Trixie was looking forward to this bit. "Pet, present yourself to me", snapped the incredible Trixie, watching with glee as Twilight quickly struggled to her hooves and turned around, raising her tail and bending her forelegs to give Trixie a perfect view of her rear end. Trixie's Twilight's rear end. Back in the real world, Trixie started to shiver as her frantic masturbation continued. This fed back into her fantasy, as Trixie brought a tongue to Twilight's rear, enjoying the moan of complete submission as she drove a long, wet lick across her flank. "What do you want, pet?", inquired Trixie with false compassion in her voice. She was only asking so she could slap a hoof across Twilight's cutie mark when she answered, snapping at her that what she wants isn't important. She lives to serve Trixie now. Alas, Trixie hadn't anticipated how quickly Twilight would fall at her metaphorical feet. "I just want to serve you, Great and Powerful Trixie! Do whatever you want to me, I am yours, mind, body, and spirit!" Real-World Trixie let out a light moan as her imagination conjured up the words that had taken center-stage in so many of her dreams recently resurfaced. Back in the dream, she raised her horn and guided the tip to the edge of Twilight's purple folds, letting Twilight's sopping wet hole lubricate her as she stabbed inside, letting her horn's natural ridges fill Twilight with sensation. "Thrust", she commanded to Twilight, expecting, and receiving, instant and complete compliance. Standing still as Twilight ground herself onto Trixie's powerful horn, Trixie couldn't help but appreciate the twisted beauty, watching as Twilight willingly and enthusiastically brought herself closer and closer to orgasm, willingly giving herself, in totality, to Trixie. Trixie's horn began to glow, pulling and pushing Twilight harder and harder, bringing her to the edge, and keeping her there, panting and groaning in complete ecstasy for what seemed like minutes, until Trixie decided it was time, and brought her over the edge, tasting her gushing juices as the washed down her face, and feeling the glow of energy as the collar worked its final function, working all of its magic into every cell of Twilight's writhing, powerless body. It was over, Twilight was hers. Trixie pulled back, with a smile on her face. It was over. Twilight Sparkle, bearer of harmony, prize protégé of the god-empress Celestia herself, and graduate of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, lay before her, panting on the floor in a puddle of her own juices and saliva, gasping Trixie's name over and over, as if it were the only important thing in her world. "Thanks again for inviting us all to this, Rarity, it was great! I'm getting pretty tired, though, I think I'll head off home - I hope Spike didn't stay up TOO late!", echoed Twilight throughout the alley. Trixie's head snapped up and her fantasy shattered - her time had arrived. Removing her soaking hoof, Trixie huddled behind the boxes and checked her bags - everything was ready. She couldn't fail. She wouldn't fail. Waiting until Twilight was merely steps away, Trixie slid out of the shadows, bag of powdered horn kept just out of sight in a telekinetic glow. "Trixie? What are you doing here?!", gasped Twilight, exactly on schedule. Trixie smiled to herself - this was going to be too easy. Taking a breath, she swung the powder at Twilight, watching her stumble back and close her eyes. Working quickly, she slipped the collar around Twilight's neck, and waited for her to collapse, her victory now secure. Twilight's continued coughing was surely a good sign - she was bound to pass out any moment. Any moment now. Right now. Any time at all. The collar could keep her in check even without her being unconscious, it didn't matter if the powder wasn't completely effective. Twilight couldn't disobey a direct order while wearing such a powerful control collar. "What the hay, Trixie? What in the wide world of Equestria did you do that for?" coughed Twilight, the cheap powder going up her nose and into her throat, providing a minor irritant. "Silence, my pet. Come with me, back to your new home, with your new owner. You're mine, now, Twilight - there's no point fighting it. You cannot possibly win against the Great and Powerful Trixie!" gloated the surely-victorious blue mare, her grin beaming into the darkness. Twilight did shut up, and with a pulse of her horn, pulled the collar off of her neck and held it in front of her eyes. The weak enchantments, of course, proving no match for Twilight's raw ability, and indeed, being so simplistic that she could learn nothing from it, Twilight simply vaporised it with a thought. "This is embarrassing, Trixie. This is the second time this month you've tried to do this, and quite frankly your last attempt was better. I'm surprised at you, Trixie, I really am.". Twilight's entirely non-magical, but still very powerful "disappointed tone" had been honed to a fine art bringing up Spike, but she was being honest. "And is your hoof we... oh, Celestia, really, Trixie? I've had enough, are you going to stop yet? I've done nothing to you, what happened with the Ursa was nobody's fault. Nobody blames you for any of it." "Ha! You could never truly best me, Twilight! This was just... this was just a test! To see how you'd react if I appeared to fail! Next time, when you're least expecting it, I'll get you! You will be mine, Twilight!", reeled off Trixie as she tried to salvage the situation. She could go back to suppliers, she must have faulty equipment. Those were top of the line, nopony could escape from her grasp. That Twilight's eye was twitching was of no matter - that purple mare can snap all she likes, it'll just make her weaker for when Trixie takes control! "If you aren't going to stop, I'll just have to MAKE you stop! You won't stop until one of us can't think straight, so that's what's going to happen! COME WITH ME", screamed the clearly insane Twilight as a far calmer and more collected Trixie stared on in disbelief. Until a magical force hit her on the back of the head, and she slumped to the ground, the already darkened alley fading to total darkness. Some time later, Trixie awoke in some kind of basement, inactive magitek machines lining the wall, and a purple blanket beneath her legs. Twilight must have put it there for her to sit on, so her legs wouldn't be cold. That was nice of her. Trixie likes it when Twilight is nice to her. Halfway through a happy sigh, Trixie's lazy, unfocused eyes snap back to attention. That's not right at all - The Great and Powerful Twil-Trixie was the one in control, here! It doesn't matter where that beautiful, perfect, smart purple pony had taken her, she wouldn't stand for it! She was a pet, for Twilight to do with as she pleased! Wasn't. Wasn't a pet. Shaking her head and trotting over to the door, Trixie gave it a tug with her horn - much as it paled in comparison to her owner's powerful instrument, it should still be able to open a door. Can she open the door? Trixie couldn't remember where she was allowed to go in Twilight's house. Deciding it'd be better to stay put than face punishment for obeying her master, Trixie galloped back to her bed, figuring she could just ask Twilight where she can go. Straight after demanding release and freedom, obviously. That's still what's most important here. Minutes later, Trixie had come to a conclusion. Twilight's basement was just really boring. It was time to have a bit of a poke around, see if there was anything that needed cleaning or tidying, or any other way she could serve. Or get some kind of advantage in order to escape, that too. Looking up onto one of the nearby tables, Trixie noticed a note. Probably Twilight's, shouldn't touch that, it's not hers. On a second inspection, it's written in Twilight's handwriting - that beautiful, curvy cursive, each letter like watching angels dance. The gorgeous lines and shapes eventually resolve in Trixie's mind to a single word - "Trixie". It's to her! From Twilight! Opening it carefully but enthusiastically, Trixie pulls out the paper within and starts to read. "Trixie, I've just popped out for some supplies for our training later. Stay where you are, I'll be back soon. Love, Twilight Sparkle" Trixie sat there with a lazy smile and happy eyes. Love! Twilight Sparkle loved her! The rest of the message was silly, though - why would she go anywhere? This was her home. Where else would she go? For such an incredibly intelligent, powerful, witty, smart, lovely, amazing mare, her owner could say some silly things sometimes. Never mind, thought Trixie to herself as she curled back up on her bed, she can just stay here and wait until Twilight returns. True to her word, Twilight was back soon, a stack of books trailing behind her and filing themselves away onto various shelves. Looking down at her newfound pet, who had now awakened and was sitting there happily staring upon her beauty in silent reverence, Twilight silently thanked the extra-curricular classes she'd taken on mental magic. She could do with another assistant to help Spike, especially one where Spike would never be unsure of who's in charge, and finally getting rid of Trixie's annoying and increasingly absurd revenge attempts was a bonus indeed. Trixie didn't know any of this, though. She didn't think it was important. Well, more accurately, she didn't think. Not right now. Her mind was open and waiting for commands, basking in her owner's presence. Watching Twilight's amazingly beautiful and incredible actions, the perfect compliment to that amazingly beautiful and incredible pony. Somewhere in the very back of Trixie's mind, below the layers of magical conditioning preventing her from getting off a rational thought, wondered if Twilight would let her dye her coat purple. Purple was a lovely colour. She knew that. "Trixie? Come over here, please", Twilight softly spoke, her words filling Trixie's mind. Trixie was moving by "come". Every step closer she took, more of that slight, niggling knowledge something was wrong dropped away. That's only natural, of course, the only thing that could be wrong was not being near Twilight. The urge to escape was still there - Trixie was aware she hadn't been outside in hours. She needed a walk. She hoped Twilight had her lead, so she could clip it to the dark purple cloth collar around her neck, like it should be. She didn't ask, though, Twilight made that sort of decision. Twilight made all the important decisions. As powerful as Twilight was, her magic still followed the basic rules. A little dose of Want-It-Need-It focussed on herself, a little bit of memory restructuring, suppressing Trixie's ego and inflating her previously non-existent desire to submit, but it was still temporary. It'd take days, maybe weeks, to wear off, but it was still temporary. Twilight still needed to finish the job. "Would you please turn over, Trixie?", Twilight commanded. Trixie complied, without a thought. Her vagina, now laid bare to her owner's glistening eyes, was still damp, and the fur around it matted from her earlier fantasies. Her primal musk filled Twilight's nose - almost a form of mind control on its own, the stench filling Twilight's mind with some small fraction of Trixie's overwhelming desire. Leaning down to drink deep of the glorious smell, Trixie shivers in delight - Twilight was so close now. As Twilight's nose brushed lightly against Trixie's clitoris, her mind exploded in pleasure. An untempered moan escaped from her lips as Twilight slipped a tongue inside, giving her own moan of approval as she took in Trixie's taste. Pushing in further, Trixie felt Twilight's incredible tongue dive deeper, rolling over her inner walls and feeling the waves of hot love roll up her body, metaphorically slamming into her mind and dislodging everything but what Twilight put there. The world started to recede as Twilight continued, losing herself in the act, more violently licking and probing, pushing her head further in and timing it to the thrusts of Trixie's hips. Both ponies were groaning heavily now, Twilight losing herself in seeing nothing but Trixie, tasting nothing but Trixie, and smelling nothing but Trixie, and Trixie losing herself to the building pleasure, already overwhelming but still rising, finding new heights she'd never before attained. As Twilight's slurping, greedy tongue finally brought Trixie over the edge, the scream piercing the room as Trixie's old personality finally left the building, Twilight continued lapping up Trixie's flavoursome juices, even as Trixie lay there practically unconscious, breathing heavily and still moaning to every lick. Eventually, Twilight stopped, thankful nobody of importance saw her lose control like that. Probing Trixie's mind with her horn, she saw exactly what she expected to see - complete and total obedience, without even a trace of resistance left in her head. Without much left in her head, really, knowledge of party tricks or illusions wouldn't be very helpful as Twilight's new 'assistant', so she hadn't bothered keeping them. They say ignorance is bliss, Twilight thought to herself as she looked over Trixie's sleeping form, so really she's just made somepony a very happy pony. Carrying Trixie back to her thin cloth bed, and laying her down away from the cold, hard floor, not particularly caring about the dripping fluids coming from both ends, Twilight started drawing up a checklist of chores for tomorrow. The shelves needed sorting, Spike wanted some fresh gemstones from one of the local traders, and general tidying. Not to mention that Twilight herself, the important one in this relationship, hadn't gotten off that night. She supposed that that could be forgiven just this once - she knew Trixie would always try her very hardest not to disappoint her. Spike, after some carefully worded explanations, accepted that Trixie had come to help assist Twilight, after realising the error of her ways. He quite enjoyed having a pony to boss around, especially one who'd do anything he said, after Twilight made clear to her that Spike's orders were almost as good as her own. Rarity was very jealous of Twilight's new acquisition, and made Twilight promise that any future troublemakers would be delivered to her. Pinkie Pie threw Trixie a party, where the townspeople had lots of fun ordering her about. Dash just laughed. And, of course, they all wrote a friendship report to the princess, together. Trixie did the writing. "Dear Princess Celestia, Sometimes you can find new friends in the strangest of places, even if you have to work very hard to make them your friend. You should never give up on somebody just because they're mean - maybe they just need a helping hand to see the light. Your Faithful Students, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack"