> The Howling Night > by ClosetKone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So on one particular dreary night, Twilight Sparkle held her first sleepover. The night had been a learning experience for all of them, especially Rarity and Applejack. They learned to be accepting, and their friendship was cemented for it. So while Twilight slept in her comfy bed, the other two ponies shared the spare mattress. Twilight was deep asleep, even though Spike shook the house with his snores. Unlike Celestia's students, the two friends could not ignore the dragon's ruckus. "Hey Rarity," Applejack whispered. "Y'all awake?" Rarity rolled over, facing her friend. "Unfortunately. As much as I love Spike, he is a... tad loud." Applejack sighed. "All ah wanted was a good night's rest after what happened during this here sleepover. It was not easy removin' that tree from the living room." "Ugh I know, I need my beauty sleep," Rarity rolled her eyes. "Maybe Twilight has a book on how to ignore snoring." Applejack laughed. "I’d believe that egghead would have somethin' like that layin' around." Rarity pushed herself up on her front hooves suddenly. "You know what? Snooping through the library sounds far more exciting than sitting here listening to Spike." The baby dragon punctuated this with a particularly loud snore. Applejack winced. "Actually, I wouldn't be against puttin' some distance between mah ears and his mouth." The two ponies slipped out of bed and crept down Twilight's stairs. They fumbled around for a lantern, hooves outstretched. "Ouch!" Rarity cried out, bumping her shin on a small table. "Shhhh!" Applejack silenced her. "We should at least let Twilight sleep," she said, looking down at the table. "Oh look. You found the lamp." She reached down and lifted the lantern with her teeth. Rarity lit the fuel with her magic, and the two could suddenly see. Applejack trotted quietly over to one end while Rarity tiptoed to the other. They began rummaging through the books, careful to not mess up the order. They found books on anatomy, astronomy, apples, animals, and analysis but nothing that looked like it would be entertaining. They circled the room until they were both at the last shelf, shoulder to shoulder. At almost the same time, they found one book that piqued their curiosity. ""Bedtime Stories for the Lonely Filly?" What in tarnation is that supposed to entail?" Applejack asked, showing the book to Rarity. "Well, I've never heard of that book. It doesn't sound like a textbook, either. Why would Twilight have a book of bedtime stories?" Applejack looked at the back. ""For fillies who find themselves alone most nights." Hm. Well, let's take a look." They brought the book over to the table, flipping it open to a random page. They set the lantern down next to it, and leaned in to read. Rarity started. ""Anastasia had her thoughts turning to thoughts of the gentlecolt from oh so many nights ago. She began to grow warmer, her body reacting to her fantasies..."" She lifted her head. "What kind of book is this? Seems kind of... Off." "I don't know," Applejack agreed. "Let's keep going. "Her hooves roved over her body, and her eyes fluttered. She began to breathe heavily as she rubbed... her... plot..." They both looked at each other, a mixture of worry and revulsion on their faces. "My goodness, how unladylike! I can't believe Twilight owns a book like this!" Rarity quietly exclaimed. "I hear ya. This is filth, through and through, no matter how exciting it is." Applejack said in a hushed voice. "I know, I mean... Wait, did you say that it excited you?" Applejack blushed, her eyes widened. "Huh, what? N-no, I never said anythin' like that. I'm not that kind of-" "I feel the same way, actually... It was quite... Exciting." Rarity awkwardly admitted. Rarity walked up to Applejack, their faces coming close. "In fact, I wouldn't mind getting my hooves dirty like that at all..." She took Applejack by surprise by kissing her on the mouth. The farm pony resisted for a second, then gave in to her feelings. She pushed back, letting her desires ignite. She always thought was a straight and true pony, but there was always room for experimentation. “Oh, Applejack,” Rarity moaned breathily. “This is simply divine.” Applejack cringed. “Please don’t use language like that. Kinda spoils the mood.” Rarity smiled coyly. “Then you’d better keep my mouth busy.” They locked lips once more, growing more excited as their tongues explored each other. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Rarity broke away. "What was that?" She said, worried someone had seen them. Applejack wiped her mouth. "I don't reckon Ditzy's takin' to deliverin' the mail at night?" "Ummm... Applejack, darling, why don't you go see what it is?" Rarity pushed her towards the door. "Now, hold your horses," Applejack retorted, pushing against Rarity. "Maybe it was just wind or something. No need to-" There was another thud on the door. Both ponies froze, eyes glued to the front door. In the silence, the rain pattering on the windows sounded like thunder in their own right. They looked at each other, and Rarity gestured with her eyes for Applejack to go check. Applejack took a deep breath and crept towards the door. She couldn't see anything through the small window in the door apart from the spatter of rain. Cautiously, she placed a hoof on the handle and twisted slowly. With the same care she pulled the door towards her. As it swung inwards, the howling wind blew the torrential droplets inside. Applejack peered out, squinting her eyes, but she couldn't see anypony. "Hello?" She called out. In response, she heard a groan from somewhere in the blackness. Fear began to rise in Applejack. "A-are ya'll hurt? D'ya need help?" Again, the groan answered, though it was closer this time. Applejack could feel her heart pound against her ribcage. She was on the precipice of panic. Suddenly a pony lurched at her. She cried out as the unknown assailant struck her. The pony's coat was soaking from the rain, and her mane was covering her eyes. She moaned loudly, angrily, as Applejack stepped backwards. Rarity screamed. "Oh my goodness, Applejack! Don't let that fiend in here!" Applejack twisted away and planted her back hooves firmly on the pony's chest. With a mighty shove, she kicked the pony back outside. Rarity galloped over and slammed the door shut, and then locked it. She looked at Applejack, who was gasping for air. "Are you okay, Applejack? Did they hurt you?" She asked, worried. "No... No I'm alright," she replied. "I'm just a bit shook up is all..." "What in the name of Celestia are you two screaming about?!" Both ponies turned around to see Twilight walking down the stairs, rubbing her eyes. "Do you have any idea what time it is? I thought we went to bed already." She scolded. "Um," Applejack started. "Well, we couldn't sleep, and ya see, we thought we'd read a book. Then there was this knockin' at your door, and when I went ta check, some pony attacked me!" Twilight snorted. "Oh, I'm sure you're overreacting. Nopony around here goes door to door scaring people in the middle of the night like that." Spike joined in on the conversation. "What's going on? Is it zombies?!" He called from the top of the stairs. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Spike, that's highly unlikely. Stop thinking it's always zombies!" "Unlikely... But still a possibility!" He replied, as per usual. There was a knock at the door again. Applejack and Rarity gasped and jumped back. Twilight sighed. "Here, I'll show you. You're just overreacting." Calmly, she walked over to the door. She put on her best smile and opened the door. "Hello, can I help you?" With unexpected speed, the pony grabbed her and tried to drag her outside. Everyone shrieked as the unicorn struggled to get away. Before anyone could react, two more pairs of hooves appeared, dragging her outside. The door banged open and the lightning outside illuminated Twilight's outline as she was pulled away, screaming. A chorus of moans rose, and several more ponies stumbled inside. Their eyes were glassy and lifeless, their manes were matted and dirty. Their skin was tinted a sickly green, and their mouths hung open. Slobber trailed from their gaping maws, alongside what appeared to be blood. "See?!" Spike shouted. "Zombies!" Applejack and Rarity dashed to the top of the stairs beside Spike. "Rarity! Ya gotta poof us outta here!" Applejack pleaded. "But, I-I don't think I can! I mostly use my magic for findings gems, not teleportation!" She stammered "Ya gotta try, Rarity! Or we're all gonna end up as zombie chow!" Applejack yelled.. Rarity bit her lip. "Okay, okay. Here goes." She screwed her eyes shut and her horn began to glow. She shook and sweat from the effort. Finally, just as the zombies reached the bottom step, a blinding flash radiated out of Rarity's horn. Applejack waited for it to fade, then opened her eyes, which subsequently almost popped out of her head. "Rarity... Where are we, and where is Spike?" She asked, looking around. Rarity moaned in response. The magic use had taken a lot out of her, and now she lay on the floor. Applejack shook her. "C'mon, Rarity, snap out of it! We gotta move! We gotta find Spike!" Rarity's eyes fluttered open. "Spike...? Spike!" She leaped to her feet. "What do you mean he's not with us?!" A bloodcurdling scream sent a chill down their spines. They turned to look for the source, and saw it was coming from Twilight's library across the street. "Holy Celestia... Spike..." Rarity whispered, her eyes filling with tears. Applejack grabbed her and spun the unicorn to look at her. "I know, but we have to go! We can't stay here!" She shouted, barely holding back the tears. Rarity could only nod, and the two galloped down the street. Zombies were pounding on doors and windows everywhere they looked, and pained screams filled the night air. "Look!" Applejack called out. "Sugarcube Corner! C'mon!" They slammed into the front door, but it wouldn't budge. They hollered at the top of their lungs and banged on the door. They heard something shift on the other side, and the door flew inwards. Mr. Cake reached out and yanked them both inside. As soon they fell on their faces, Mrs. Cake and another townspony began reconstructing the barricade. The pair stood up and dusted themselves off. "Thanks pardner," Applejack said. "It's a might hairy out there right now." "We're just lucky we managed to get as many ponies here as we did," came Mr. Cake’s exasperated reply. Applejack looked around the room at all who were assembled. There were a couple ponies she didn't know, then Mr. and Mrs. Cake, as well as Berry Punch and Fluttershy. "Fluttershy! You're alright!" Applejack bounded over to the trembling pegasus. Fluttershy opened her mouth as if to speak, but only a strangle squeak came out. She hid her head under her wing. Rarity walked over beside Applejack. "Wait. Where's Pinkie?" She looked to the Cakes. The couple glanced at each other nervously before answering. "She's up in her room. She's... Not handling the situation to well. We've just been leaving her be for now." "Not handling this well?!" Berry Punch interjected. "She's gone downright insane! Why, if it were up t' me, I'd throw the filly outta here!" She slurred her words. "Hush, Berry," Mrs. Cake scolded. "We're all having a tough time. We don't need that kind of talk." Berry muttered something under her breath, and plopped down and opened up a mickey. Applejack turned back to the Cakes. "Y'all have any ideers on how this whole mess started?" Mr. Cake opened his mouth, but before he could speak, a voice interrupted him from the stairs. "I do," Pinkie announced. She looked to be in rough shape; her mane was mottled, not wholly flat and not wholly puffy. "I think I know." Slowly, she descended the stairs. Each step seemed to take a massive amount of effort on her part. "When I was at Fluttershy's last, I poked around the Everfree a bit. When I was there, I saw some silly looking masks and weird statues." Pinkie reached the bottom of the stairs. She drew a shuddering breath before continuing. "I bet that whoever put those up has something to do with this. But hey, at least we get to have a slumber party." She laughed weakly, which turned into coughing. "Pinkie, you should rest. You're tired," Mrs. Cake said worriedly. Pinkie shook her head. "No... No I'm okay. I don't want to be a burden." She walked over to a nearby table, head lowered. With a loud exhale, she climbed into a chair. Rarity and Applejack exchanged worried glances. "Hey," Pinkie called. "What happened to Spike and Twilight?" Rarity began to tear up again, so Applejack answered for her. "We came from there. She didn't-“ A loud crash interrupted her mid-sentence. Everypony's head whipped to look towards the source. Outside the boarded windows, a pegasus was smashing herself against the glass. Cracks started to appear, and like the fingers of Death himself, they spread outwards. "Celestia help us!" One townpony cried. As she ran to fortify the barricade, the window shattered. The pegasus crashed through the boards and hit the ground hard, bouncing twice before coming to a rest. Everypony backed away, fear choking them. The pegasus lifted itself back up and opened its eyes. "Ditzy?" Applejack said incredulously. The zombified pony snarled and charged towards Applejack. Rarity screamed as the airborne monster tackled her friend down. Applejack screamed as Ditzy sunk her teeth into her. There was no time to help however, as more zombies were coming through the window now. Rarity looked into Applejack's eyes, uncertain. "Go!" She screamed at the fashionista. "I'm sorry!" Rarity sobbed, then ran full tilt at the window. She leaped past the zombies, knocking them aside. A couple other survivors followed, but they were all panicking too much to coordinate. Rarity blindly thundered down the streets and alleyways, pursued the entire time. She reached the edge of town and took to a nearby dirt road. There, she found Fluttershy's cottage. She burst inside and slammed the door behind her. Her lungs burned as she gasped for air, and her eyes stung from the tears. She fell to the ground, curling into a ball. Stroking her tail, she wept for her friends. The only consolation she had was that maybe Rainbow Dash was okay. A sound from the darkness made her head snap up. She heard a sort of scraping sound, and a wet flop. Something was in here with her. She pulled herself to her feet and backed until she found a corner. She was hyperventilating, her eyes darting from side to side. The scraping drew closer and closer, but it was too dark to see it. Terrified, Rarity lit her horn up. She shone into the cottage, searching for the source. Upon seeing it, she froze. Angel was limping towards her, his left foot having been ripped off. Instead, his leg bone stuck out which was causing the scraping. He growled, and Rarity tried to scream but her throat seized up. She sprinted out of the cottage, eyes wild. Upon exiting she smacked into something large and was knocked down. Looking up, she peered into the glassy eyes of a bear. Her scream was drowned out by a strike of lightning.