> One Tight Knight > by Bronystories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > or How to Polish Your Lance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Sombra was temporarily thwarted by Cadance's protective shield, but the Crystal Empire was far from secure. As Twilight Sparkle searched for the crystal heart, her friends tried to buy her more time by keeping the crystal ponies entertained. A jousting tournament was starting soon and the ponies of the Crystal Empire had already begun to fill the stands. Rainbow Dash donned her knightly armor as she prepared for the jousting event. Being somewhat of an attention whorse, she loved hearing the crowd cheer for her. The smiling faces of the crystal ponies reflected off of Rainbow Dash's gleaming armor. She felt strong and powerful, like a real knight of yore. There was something about the lance strapped to her side that made her feel more... dominant. The length, the girth and the firmness of her mighty phallic symbol all resonated with Rainbow Dash on some primal level. Fluttershy on the other hoof, approached the jousting arena with fear and trembling. Her lance swung awkwardly and she was constantly tripping over it as she walked. "I wasn't meant to be a knight," Fluttershy said pathetically, "Knights are brave and strong. I just wanted to run the petting zoo." She let out a terrified squeak as an ominous rumbling noise was heard. What sounded like thunder was actually King Sombra attempting to penetrate Cadance's protective barrier. Her defensive magic held him at bay for now, but Twilight's friends could tell that time was running out. "Come on, Twilight," Rainbow Dash said, "We need you." Pinkie Pie dressed as a jester to distract the crystal ponies from the ancient tyrant that loomed just beyond Cadance's force field. As King Sombra continued his assault on the barrier, Pinkie Pie blew the crystal flugelhorn, which officially started the jousting tournament. Upon hearing the sound of the horn, Rainbow Dash was off like a shot. As she galloped towards Fluttershy, the tip of Rainbow Dash's lance bobbed in the breeze as she aimed for her target. The crystal ponies whispered to each other and watched excitedly as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash charged in glorious combat. Fluttershy screamed as her opponent's lance forcefully connected with her armor. The impact sent her flying in a high arc as she cried pitiably. Fluttershy landed with a crash onto a pile of hay. The crystal ponies cheered for Rainbow Dash, the victor. "Bravo, Knight Rainbow Dash!" the crystal ponies echoed from the crowd as they waved and applauded with their hooves. Rainbow Dash waved back and acknowledged their accolades as she approached a whimpering Fluttershy. While catching her breath, Fluttershy soon noticed a long shadow being cast over her. When she turned around, she saw that it was a particularly smug-looking Rainbow Dash. The thunderous sounds of King Sombra continued outside as the two pegasi stared at each other. Rainbow Dash started to speak to Fluttershy, when her words were drowned out by the roar of the crowd. The crystal ponies tensed up, as though they were anticipating the next phase of the tournament. Expectant murmurings were whispered amongst the crystal ponies, before eventually growing louder. "Conquest! Conquest! Conquest!" The crowd chanted eagerly. Not having moved from their spots, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy turned their heads to look at the crowd. "Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash said, looking over at the jester, "What's this 'conquest' they're chanting about?" "I'm looking," Pinkie Pie said as she skimmed the rulebook of Crystal Empire jousting, "It must be the next type of competition." She read instructions for how tournaments were to be conducted, complete with illustrations of armored ponies wielding lances. "The next page is stuck to this one," Pinkie Pie said, "It's like the last pony who looked at the book spilled something sticky on it; like syrup or..." Pinkie went silent as she managed to separate the brittle pages. The pink pony blushed as she stared at the conquest illustrations. Rainbow Dash left Fluttershy sitting in the hay, and walked over to Pinkie Pie to examine the book. The illustration showed the victorious knight sexually mounting the loser. "Conquest! Conquest! Conquest!" The crowd chanted exuberantly. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie felt their hearts race as the crowd cheered for a display of sexual exhibitionism. "So that's what they mean by conquest," Rainbow Dash said, blushing. "And these pages were stuck together with dried semen," Pinkie Pie said as she sniffed the brittle pages, "Who knew the crystal ponies were so horny?" "Yeah," Rainbow Dash said, "They really put the 'lust' in lustrous, don't they?" Casting aside any reservations she might have, Rainbow Dash licked her lips as she cast a hungry eye towards the naive Fluttershy. "Well, we'd better give these ponies what they want," Rainbow Dash said with a smile as she gave Pinkie Pie a sly wink, "It'd be a shame to break from tradition." Pinkie Pie giggle snorted as the two pranksters disappeared into the supply tent to prepare for the next phase of the tournament. A few moments later they reemerged, with Rainbow Dash sporting a new attachment. As it turns out, the supply tent had a whole box filled with toys and tools to be used during the conquest portion of the tournament. Rainbow Dash opted for a strap-on dildo, which gleamed and sparkled in the sun like her armor. It was held in place by black straps that connected to a black rubber thong. The long end of the dildo hung between her hind legs, while the short end was inserted into her pussy. The dildo was 'L' shaped, which stood for lesbian. Rainbow Dash sauntered back over to Fluttershy, who was looking particularly nervous. Pinkie Pie bounced over as well, balancing the jousting rulebook atop her head. Fluttershy was afraid that she would have to participate in another round of knightly combat. "Isn't there somepony else who could take over the jousting demonstration with you?" Fluttershy asked in a frightened voice. "Don't worry," Rainbow Dash said, "We're finished with jousting..." "Oh, that's a relief," Fluttershy said. "...because we're moving on to the next phase of the competition," Rainbow Dash said as she showed her flank to Fluttershy. The demure pegasus gasped as she saw the ten inch long chrome horse cock dangling between Rainbow Dash's hind legs. Pinkie Pie threw the jousting rulebook at Fluttershy's hooves. It explicitly detailed, in pictorial form, what happened to the loser of the jousting competition. "Conquest! Conquest! Conquest!" The crowd chanted fervently. Fluttershy felt her heart beating fast in her chest. Her breath was coming out in shallow gasps. "Conquest?" Fluttershy whispered fearfully. Pinkie Pie ran over to the stands and danced around while blowing the crystal flugelhorn to further incite the crowd into a frenzy. The crystal ponies were cheering and growing wild with anticipation. Fluttershy sat there quivering as she covered herself with hay in a childish attempt to hide. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and tried to guilt Fluttershy into complying. "Tch," Rainbow Dash scoffed, "The FATE of an entire empire rests on us showing these ponies a good time." Fluttershy poked her head out of the hay and looked like she was going to cry. Tears filled her eyes as she stared at the manipulative Rainbow Dash. "But, you know," Rainbow Dash said, disparagingly, "if that isn't important to you." Fluttershy put her head in her hooves and whimpered pathetically. Rainbow Dash gave an exasperated sigh. "Okay, okay," Rainbow Dash said, "I'll take it easy on you..." Fluttershy gave a weak smile before Rainbow Dash added more to her statement. "...but not too easy," Rainbow Dash said as she trotted away from Fluttershy, "I've got a reputation to maintain!" Rainbow Dash's lengthy dildo swung like a pendulum as she headed towards the crowd. Fluttershy hung her head despondently and followed Rainbow Dash over to the center arena, where Pinkie Pie had set up a cushion for the two knights to lie on. The crowd cheered as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sat next to each other on the cushion. Rainbow Dash's fake cock protruded out from her as she absentmindedly rubbed it while waving to the crowd with her other fore-hoof. "You're not really going to stick that... thing inside me, are you?" Fluttershy asked as she stared horrified at the dildo. "You mean just shove it in?" Rainbow Dash said, incredulously, "I wouldn't dream of doing that..." "Thank Celestia," Fluttershy said, before Rainbow Dash finished her thought. "...I'd never do it without lubing up first," Rainbow Dash said, "That would just be cruel." Fluttershy's heart sank like a stone as she whimpered pathetically. Oblivious to Fluttershy's morose mannerisms, Rainbow Dash watched Pinkie Pie as she skipped around the arena blowing her crystal flugelhorn in anticipation of the next event. "You there, Jester," Rainbow Dash shouted to Pinkie Pie, "Get your bell-jingling butt over here and put that blasted flugelhorn down. I've got something else you can blow." Rainbow Dash leaned back which allowed her dildo to stick up at an angle. Pinkie Pie bounced over and eagerly began sucking on Rainbow Dash's proxy pole. Fluttershy blushed as she stared at the flagrant act of fellatio occurring right in front of her. She could feel her wings start to tense up from sexual excitement. The crowd cheered for Pinkie Pie as she prepared the gallant knight's tool of conquest. Once the faux phallus was slicked with spit, Pinkie Pie removed her lips with an obscene slurping sound. Fluttershy gulped nervously. Pinkie Pie then looked up seductively at Rainbow Dash. "How about a kiss for good luck, my valiant and virile knight?" Pinkie Pie said as she scrunched her nose seductively while leaning forward. Catching Rainbow Dash by surprise, Pinkie Pie planted a sloppy wet kiss on her friend's blue lips. The two held the kiss as the crowd cheered and whistled. Fluttershy watched her two friends kiss open mouthed. She could see their tongues as they darted back and forth while coiling around each other like amorous slugs. After a few moments, the spontaneous make-out session ended and Pinkie Pie retracted her flexible tongue. Rainbow Dash stared into Pinkie's eyes and suddenly realized that the large purple star painted over her left eye was surprisingly sexy. "Wow, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash said, breathlessly, "Where'd you learn to kiss like that?" "Tongue twisters aren't just fun to say," Pinkie Pie said, while winking her left eye, "They also help make your lips limber." With her instrument now fully slicked, Rainbow Dash instructed Fluttershy to lie down on her back. The demure pegasus complied... but kept her hind legs crossed. Rainbow Dash stared at her in disbelief. C'mon, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said as she tried to pry Fluttershy's legs open, "Are you trying to make me look bad in front of the crystal ponies? I won the jousting competition, so it's time to claim you as my prize." "Conquest! Conquest! Conquest!" the crowd cheered. Fluttershy turned her head to her left and stared at the crystal ponies. King Sombra pounded against the barrier, causing the crystal ponies to gaze up in fear and alarm. Rainbow Dash looked over at the fragile barrier, then at the crystal ponies. Finally, she looked at Fluttershy with a look of sincerity. "Twilight is risking her neck to save the Crystal Empire," Rainbow Dash said, "Our job is to keep its citizens distracted until the crystal heart can be found. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stop the crystal ponies from panicking. Are you?" Not wanting a riot on her hooves, Fluttershy gave a melancholy sigh and complied with the crowd's demands. "For the Crystal Empire," Fluttershy said, as she reluctantly spread her legs. "That's the spirit!" Rainbow Dash said, enthusiastically, "It'll all be over soon. Just lie back and think of Canterlot." Now that Fluttershy was willing to cooperate, Rainbow Dash was determined to show these ponies a good time. "I, the valiant knight, Rainbow Dash, have tracked the dragon back to its lair!" Rainbow Dash said as she used her fore-hooves to spread Fluttershy's pussy lips. The blue knight sighed deeply after inhaling Fluttershy's scent. "Must be a seafaring dragon," Rainbow Dash said jokingly, "I'd recognize that fishy smell anywhere." Fluttershy blushed as members of the audience snickered. "Now roar for me," Rainbow Dash whispered to Fluttershy. "What?" Fluttershy asked, surprised. "Roar for me!" Rainbow Dash repeated sternly, "We've got to put on a good show for the crystal ponies, so roar like a dragon!" Fluttershy made a mewling noise which sounded more like an injured cat than a ferocious dragon. Rainbow Dash did a facehoof and gave an exasperated sigh. "Obviously the dragon is trying to lull me into a false sense of security by sounding weak and pathetic," Rainbow Dash said, as she gave Fluttershy an annoyed look, "Well, it won't work! I know your game, dragon! You won't terrorize the Crystal Empire while valiant Knight Rainbow Dash is around!" The crowd cheered and applauded vigorously. "Conquest! Conquest! Conquest!" they shouted. Feeling emboldened by the praise, Rainbow Dash proceeded to move forward with the performance. "Time to explore the dragon's cave for treasure," Rainbow Dash said as she started licking Fluttershy's labia. The timid mare let out a squeak as her friend's tongue slowly circled her pussy's perimeter. Rainbow Dash nibbled and sucked on Fluttershy's plump, juicy lips. No treasure at the edge of the cave," Rainbow Dash said, coyly, "What if we explore deeper?" Pressing her lips against Fluttershy's cooch, Rainbow Dash circled around the entrance to her friend's wet love hole, before sticking her tongue inside and wiggling it around. Rainbow Dash could feel Fluttershy's muscles tighten in response to the stimulation. Wet, sloppy sounds could be heard as Rainbow Dash messily ate out Fluttershy. Her blue lips rubbed and bumped against Fluttershy's clitoral hood, eliciting an erotic response from the timid mare. "Oh," Fluttershy moaned, "That's good." "You like that, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked between licks. "Oh yes," Fluttershy whispered, "More please." All of the stimulation caused Fluttershy's clit to swell until she was fully aroused. "What's this?" Rainbow Dash said, "A hooded figure in the dragon's lair? Could it be?..." Rainbow Dash spread Fluttershy's clitoral hood, exposing her swollen joy buzzer. "Behold!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "It's the Crystal Princess!" The crowd cheered as the knight lapped at Fluttershy's clit, causing her to moan with pleasure. "I shower the Crystal Princess with knightly affection," Rainbow Dash said while kissing Fluttershy's bulbous bitch button. The unexpected surge of pleasure causes Fluttershy to release an embarrassingly loud queef from her winking vagina. "The roar of the dragon!" Rainbow Dash said, "It's coming to thwart our escape! Stand aside, princess! I'll slay the foul beast!" Rainbow Dash pressed her sterling stallionhood against Fluttershy's slick slit. She screamed as Rainbow Dash found her mark. The brash pegasus roughly spread Fluttershy's feminine folds as the strap-on plumbed her moist depths. Rainbow Dash humped Fluttershy's luscious labia with reckless ferocity, all the while remaining in character. "I repeatedly run the dragon through with my lance!" Rainbow Dash said, "The great beast is weakening." The crystal ponies in the audience cheered for Rainbow Dash and encouraged her to pump faster and harder. "You're doing great," Rainbow Dash whispered to Fluttrshy, "Now squirt for me." Fluttershy closed her eyes and nodded. "I'm cumming," Fluttershy said weakly. Her entire body shook as she quietly climaxed. Rainbow Dash's dildo was coated in her squirting feminine ejaculate. Grinding against Fluttershy was bringing Rainbow Dash to the point of orgasm. After driving her dildo in to the hilt, Rainbow Dash shouted as she came, spraying the inside of her thong with femme lube. "In the name of the Crystal Empire, I have slain the dragon!" Rainbow Dash said as she soared on winds of bliss, "I saw! I conquered! I came!" The crystal ponies in the grand stand whistled and cheered. They had also grown horny from the obscene display and had all started to clop. Stallions sat stroking themselves while mares stood rubbing their nubs. As Fluttershy was coming down off a delicious orgasm, Rainbow Dash directed her friend's attention to the crystal ponies in the stands. "Look at them masturbate," Rainbow Dash said pervertedly as she turned Fluttershy's head toward the gawking crowd. The timid pegasus blushed and shut her eyes. "They're watching you while shamelessly clopping," Rainbow Dash said as she pulled her dildo out of the wet cunt. She then pressed her slick dildo against Fluttershy's clitoral hood and rubbed it back and forth. "How does it make you feel to know that so many are masturbating to you right now?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Doesn't it make you wet?" "Yes," Fluttershy said embarrassed as fresh lube flowed freely from her puffy pussy lips. "They want to bathe you in their cum," Rainbow Dash said, "but they can't. Not yet. You're still my prize as the victor and I'm not through with you yet." "Okay," Fluttershy said, timidly as she stared transfixed at the obscene clopping crowd. Somewhere along the line, Rainbow Dash had gotten swept away in the power of her position. This wasn't just about the crystal ponies anymore. In Rainbow Dash's mind, she owned Fluttershy's body, by right of conquest. The cocky pegasus was determined to eke out as much pleasure as she could. "After all," Rainbow Dash thought, "when in the Crystal Empire, act like the crystal ponies." Pinkie Pie had torn the crotch out of her colorful patchwork jester's costume and inserted the short end of the crystal flugelhorn. Expelling small bursts of air, Pinkie Pie was attempting to play the Crystal Kingdom anthem with her queefs. "Hey, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash called out, "Come over here and help me with Fluttershy. She's looking a little hungry. Why not give her a slice of your pink pie?" Pinkie Pie giggle snorted while removing the flugelhorn. "I'd be happy to, Dashie," Pinkie Pie said as she sauntered over to the two sweaty knights. Rainbow Dash had Fluttershy stand up so that the crowd was to her right. Pinkie Pie turned around and lifted her tail, exposing her glistening cunt to Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie then backed up and mashed her privates against Fluttershy's face. "Mmm," Pinkie Pie said, "Jostle my juicy jizz junction." Trying to replicate what Rainbow Dash did to her, Fluttershy began lapping at Pinkie's fun folds. While Fluttershy was occupied with Pinkie's pie, Rainbow Dash was running her tongue in tight circles around Fluttershy's sphincter. The rimjob caught Fluttershy by surprise, who let out a gasp. "That tickles," Fluttershy said, "What are you doing back there?" "Something you're gonna be feeling in the morning," Rainbow Dash said eagerly. Once her yellow back door had been successfully loosened, Rainbow Dash rubbed her rod against Fluttershy's dripping pussy for good measure. After a few moments, Rainbow Dash positioned her well-lubed tool over Fluttershy's anus. "I've conquered the dragon's lair," Rainbow Dash said, "Now it's time to vanquish the brown cyclops." Fluttershy's eyes went wide as the lubed dildo slid effortlessly inside her rectum. Pinkie Pie's moist muff muffled Fluttershy's scream. Rainbow Dash passionately pumped her friend's poop chute while Fluttershy distracted herself from the pain by continuing to eat out Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash did a reach around and began rubbing Fluttershy's hood. She tried to enjoy the sensation of her pussy being played with as she nibbled on Pinkie Pie's swollen clit. The party pony could feel her orgasm building within her. "Ooo, you're good," Pinkie Pie said. The three ponies continued to grind away at each other for a while. Pinkie Pie eventually became distracted and started compulsively telling jokes. "Hey, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie said, "Why don't lesbian clowns eat each other out?" "I don't know," Rainbow Dash said while buggering Fluttershy, "Why?" "Because they taste funny!" Pinkie Pie said, cracking up. In her fit of mirth, Pinkie Pie queefed on Fluttershy. The startled pegasus scrunched her nose in surprise, but reluctantly resumed servicing Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie, that joke was awful," Rainbow Dash said, "Let's hear some of your tongue twisters instead." "Okie dokie lokie," Pinkie Pie said, "Here's one of my favorites." "Mrs. Pinkie Winkie has a square cut punt. Not a punt cut square, Just a square cut punt. It's round in the stern and blunt in the front. Mrs. Pinkie Winkie has a square cut punt." Pinkie Pie said. "Pretty cool," Rainbow Dash said. Pinkie Pie turned her head around and stared at Fluttershy, who was nose-deep inside the pink pony's rosy pussy. Fluttershy didn't look up, as she was too engrossed in her task. Looking behind her timid friend, Pinkie Pie watched as Rainbow Dash reamed Fluttershy's rectum raw while also teasing her yellow happy hood. "What about yourself?" Pinkie Pie asked Rainbow Dash, "Know any good tongue twisters?" "Yeah," Rainbow Dash said as she continued thrusting, "One of the counselors at Junior Speedster flight camp taught us this one." "One-One was a Wonderbolt. Two-Two was one, too. When One-One won one derby, Two-Two won one, too," Rainbow Dash said. "Wow!" Pinkie Pie shouted, "Your tongue's incredible!" "It's a little tricky to say," Rainbow Dash said, modestly, "I don't know if I'd call my tongue incredible." "Not your tongue, silly!" Pinkie Pie said as her back arched, "I'm talking about Fluttershy. Oh, buck me! I'm cumming!" As Pinkie Pie climaxed, her slimy slit secretions smeared Fluttershy's snout. Pinkie Pie collapsed to the ground as she reveled in her orgasm. Picking up the pace, Rainbow Dash slammed harder into Fluttershy's posterior. Each slap sent waves of pleasure through both pegasi. Fluttershy stood and panted during the unrelenting sodomy. Her legs shook as though they were about to give out. "Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said, breathlessly, "I'm gonna cum again!" "Me, too!" Rainbow Dash said, "Let's cum together!" Rainbow Dash buried the full length of the dildo inside and rubbed her thong-covered clit furiously against the base of Fluttershy's pink tail. "Ah, yeah!" Rainbow Dash said as the familiar euphoric feeling of an orgasm permeated her body. The squirts of her second climax soon filled her thong. In the midst of her orgasm, Rainbow Dash kept rubbing Fluttershy's hood until she eventually came. Her second climax was much louder and messier. Fluttershy squeaked loudly while spraying her slit splooge all over the ground and on Rainbow Dash's hoof armor. Physically exhausted from her second orgasm in under an hour, Fluttershy collapsed where she stood. Rainbow Dash's dildo slid out of Fluttershy's bottom as she fell to the ground. She lay there utterly exhausted and completely spent. Rainbow Dash stared at the crowd. They were all aroused, but none of them had cum yet. It was almost as though they were saving their orgasms for something... Rainbow Dash gave a devilish smile. She knew exactly what the crystal ponies were waiting for. They wanted a turn with the loser. "I think this crowd is eager for a little audience participation!" Rainbow Dash shouted, "What do you say, crystal ponies? Wanna gangbang Fluttershy?" The stands erupted with exuberant cheers, as the horny crystal ponies stampeded out of the grandstand. The crowd didn't need another invitation as they gathered around where Fluttershy was laying. She looked around and gulped nervously as she was surrounded by thirteen horny stallions. More ponies were crowded around them, and all were eager to take their turn with Fluttershy. "So, who wants to follow me back to the petting zoo?" Fluttershy said nervously, hoping to tempt the randy ponies to pursue other interests, "We can take turns feeding the tiny ewe-OOOOS!" Fluttershy's offer was interrupted by a burly crystal pony lifting her up off the ground and sliding his girthy horse pole up her ass. The stallion lay back on the pillow, with Fluttershy enveloping the length of his cock and laying with her back on his chest. Bucking his hips forcefully, the stallion anally impaled Fluttershy repeatedly. "Oh my," Fluttershy thought, "This is so much bigger than Rainbow Dash's dildo!" "We don't have to do this," Fluttershy said as she bounced along to the stallion's thrusting motions, "I hear there's a nice basket weaving booth in the town square." "Buck the baskets," a slender crystal pony stallion said, "Your box is all I'm interested in." The slender crystal pony then proceeded to stick his shaft in Fluttershy's sopping snatch. This second pony wasn't as girthy as the one in her ass, but he compensated by being one lanky son of a bitch. "It's so deep!" Fluttershy said, "Nopony's ever been so deep inside me before!" The other eleven stallions sat on the ground around Fluttershy in a semicircle; which was appropriate, because they were all semihard. The seated stallions all began masturbating together. Beyond them, an even larger circle of mares were standing around the stallions. The crystal pony mares watched the show while standing on three hooves and jostling their genitals with the other hoof. The lanky and bulky stallion alternated their thrusting motions and soon found a groove that worked for them. No sooner would one dick retract, before the other would slam back inside. The semicircle of crystal pony stallions strained themselves as they fapped furiously over Fluttershy. "This isn't gay, is it?" one of the crystal stallions asked while jerking off. "Nah," another crystal pony replied, "We're just a bunch of stallions masturbating in a close circle. It doesn't get any straighter than that." Having already served its purpose, Rainbow Dash removed her strap-on dildo. The inner part of the toy slid from her slit with a wet popping sound. Sitting off to the side of the action, Rainbow Dash started mashing her privates as she watched the stallions hammer Fluttershy's lower holes. The voyeuristic pegasus was breathing hard and her face was flushed as the thick stench of sex invaded her nostrils. "Hey, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie said, seemingly appearing from nowhere. Rainbow Dash made a sound of complete surprise. "Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash said, "Don't sneak up on me like that!" "Oh sorry," Pinkie Pie said, "Are you busy?" "A little," Rainbow Dash said as she gestured to her genitals, "Do you mind?" "Not at all," Pinkie Pie said. The hyperactive pony then dove headfirst into Rainbow Dash's puffy muff and started slurping on her slit. "That's not what I meant," Rainbow Dash said as she leaned back contentedly, "but not unwelcome either." "This is one tight knight," the burly stallion said, "I'm gonna bust a crystal nut!" The large stallion groaned as he filled Fluttershy's ass with his essence. Copious amounts of glittering crystalline cum seeped out of her sphincter as the stallion filled her to overflowing. The bulky pony pulled his spent shaft out of her blasted asshole, allowing his spunk to spill out. The stallion pounding Fluttershy's pussy was nearing his orgasm as well. "After one thousand years trapped in suspended animation," the lanky stallion said, "finally being able to blow my wad is going to be pure bliss!" The stallion wiggled his rump as he unloaded the contents of his shiny balls into Fluttershy's cunt. Sparkling, off-white semen traveled through his long shaft before splattering inside Fluttershy. Jizz oozed from her cooze as the lanky pony pulled out. Fluttershy's crotch and ass were dripping with thick cum as she lay there, surrounded by horny ponies. She was too exhausted to move. Suddenly, the stallions surrounding Fluttershy all reached their opalescent orgasms simultaneously. Like a viscous, sticky rain, Fluttershy was soon covered head-to-hoof in crystal pony semen. Cum clung to her knightly armor and her exposed belly was drizzled in glittering jizz. She closed her eyes as stallions aimed their spurting streams towards her head. Ribbons of gooey paste crisscrossed her face until it formed a spider-like web of stallion sauce. By this point, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were eating each other out in a sixty-nine position. They were too engrossed in their own orgasms to focus much on Fluttershy. However, when they heard the collective groan of nearly a dozen stallions cumming simultaneously, that piqued their curiosity. Rainbow Dash was on bottom and tilted her head to watch as the stallions came buckets all over Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash's view was suddenly obscured by a thick, girthy cock and a pair of opulent balls. The burly pony who recently came in Fluttershy's ass was hard again and ready for another round. "Why should Fluttershy have all the fun?" the large stallion said, "What do you say, Knight Rainbow Dash? Think you can handle my lance?" "Kinda busy at the moment," Rainbow Dash said as she went back to licking Pinkie Pie, "Maybe some other time?" "There's no time like the present!" the burly pony shouted as he shoved his slick dick up Rainbow Dash's ass. "Hey! I said not now, you jerk!" Rainbow Dash shouted angrily, "Pull out or I'm gonna tear you a new crystal cornhole!" Pinkie looked down and stared mesmerized as the cock slid seamlessly in and out of Rainbow Dash's sphincter. "Ah, lighten up, Dashie," Pinkie Pie said, giggling, "It's all in good fun." "You wouldn't think it was so fun if he was railing into you," Rainbow Dash said while wincing in pain, "This iridescent dick cheese is gonna split me in two!" "Don't worry," Pinkie Pie said earnestly, "I'll take your mind off your poor pummeled pooter." She then resumed sucking and tickling Rainbow Dash's clit. Pinkie's eyes suddenly opened wide as she heard her costume tear. The lanky pony had ripped off the patch of clothing covering Pinkie's ass. Before she had time to fully process what was happening, she felt his knob pressing against her fudge factory. In one smooth and steady motion, the lanky stallion slid his entire length up Pinkie Pie's butt. As the shaft worked its way inside, Pinkie Pie kept waiting for the stallion to bottom out, but it never seemed to happen. Several times, she would think that he couldn't possibly go any deeper, only for him to surprise her with a few more inches. "Holy moley!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, "That's a long-ass poley!" Once the two stallions had firmly inserted themselves up the mares butts, the four resumed their little orgy. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie continued to eat each other out, while the stallions rammed the mares' respective rectums. "I hope he cums soon," Pinkie Pie said, "Even I can't keep this party going forever." The other stallions were taking a moment to recover, allowing the crystal pony mares to encircle Fluttershy. The mares faced away from the cum-soaked knight, while standing on three legs and teasing their clits with their other fore-hoof. One of the mares let out a gasp when she realized she was going to cum. Squatting down over Fluttershy's face, the mare mashed her pussy lips until her dam burst. Having been in a state of suspended animation for one thousand years, the crystal ponies had stored up an inordinate amount of fluids and the mares were no exception. When the mare came, she came hard, drenching Fluttershy's face with her sloppy orgasm. Copious amounts of female ejaculate coated Fluttershy's mane and face. Before Fluttershy had time to recover, another mare began rubbing her cunt vigorously against Fluttershy's helmet. She cringed as the mare gave a satisfied sigh when she came, spraying Fluttershy's helmet with femme jizz. Several mares came at once, screaming in orgasmic pleasure as they leaked their lusty love liquid all over Fluttershy. The large pillow was soaked with a mix of mare and stallion ejaculate. "I've never been raped by an entire empire before," Fluttershy said. Her entire body reeked of sex. Fluttershy's pink flowing mane was now sticky and matted. Her armor, which had once been bright and brilliant, was now greasy and tarnished. She wiped the cum out of her eyes and stared blearily into the eyes of a grinning crystal pony stallion. Fluttershy looked behind him and saw that most of the crystal pony stallions were now waiting in line. They were eager to take turns plugging Fluttershy's holes. She slowly sat up, causing the layer of semen and female ejaculate to slide down her yellow chest and onto her crotch area. Fluttershy took a deep breath as she prepared for another round. "Oh, I have to remain tight. Yes, because they're so horny," Fluttershy sang weakly, "I can save the crystal ponies with my wet pussy..." Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie soon lost interest in cunnilingus. With the severe pounding their asses were receiving, they were more focused on maintaining consciousness and breathing as opposed to giving each other pleasure. After several minutes of agonizing sodomy, the stallions were finally ready to cum. "Switch holes!" the burly stallion said as he slid out of Rainbow Dash's gaping blue butthole and shoved his girthy cock down Pinkie Pie's throat. The party pony could barely wrap her lips around his massive member. The smell and taste of Rainbow Dash's ass permeated the cock like a gastrointestinal glaze. These odors were soon replaced with the overwhelming stench of the stallion's semen as it filled her mouth. Cum poured from Pinkie Pie's lips and onto Rainbow Dash's twat. As Pinkie Pie struggled to swallow the deluge of semen, she felt a chill run up her spine as the lanky stallion pulled out of her ass, before shoving his purple python down Rainbow Dash's throat. Rainbow Dash gagged immediately as the long schlong tickled her tonsils. The lanky stallion humped her face as he came down her throat. Rainbow Dash had no choice but to swallow all of his semen as it filled her stomach. When their orgasms had subsided, the two stallions pulled out of the mares' mouths. Pinkie Pie lay breathlessly on top of Rainbow Dash as a mixture of cum and drool leaked from her mouth. Rainbow Dash sputtered and coughed while gasping for air. The burly and lanky stallion sat down on the grass and gave each other congratulatory pats on the back. They took time to recover as they watched the other stallions advance on Fluttershy. Cum dribbled out of her pussy and ass as Fluttershy got to her feet. She wobbled and shook. Her knees buckled a couple of times, but she managed to stay standing. Drawing inspiration from Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy decided to do some light role-play with the crystal ponies. She flexed her vaginal muscles, allowing more semen to spill out. "Well, mighty barbarian," Fluttershy said seductively, "Don't you want to lay siege to my slimy, sweaty snatch?" Not wasting any time, the crystal pony stallion mounted Fluttershy and after a few thrusts, came inside her. When he pulled out, a healthy stream of fresh semen splattered on the ground. "Next!" Fluttershy said, "Somepony else pillage my puffy pussy!" Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie watched in awe as Fluttershy satisfied pony after pony. A line of mares formed in front of Fluttershy and they took turns spraying her face and body with a second helping of their slimy pussy punch. While this was happening, stallions took her from behind; one right after another. Some stallions liked to alternate from her cunt to her ass and back again. Most of them came inside her, while others preferred to pull out at the last second and give Fluttershy's rump a fresh coat of their own personal glittering glaze. "Wow," Pinkie Pie said while munching on popcorn, "Those stallions really like basting Fluttershy in nut butter. Shouldn't we go over and help her?" Rainbow Dash stared at Fluttershy as more ribbons of crystalline cum were ejaculated onto her tarnished armor. "I think Fluttershy can handle it," Rainbow Dash said, hesitantly, "Besides, what would you suggest we do to help?" Pinkie Pie looked at Fluttershy, who had three mares rubbing their pussies on her face and shoulders while a stallion came inside her ass. "Well, she doesn't look comfortable in her armor," Pinkie Pie said, "Maybe we could stop the orgy long enough to help remove her protective plating?" "Nah," Rainbow Dash said, "When she's having sex with that many stallions, it's a good idea for her to wear protection." Pinkie Pie shrugged her shoulders as Rainbow Dash reached into Pinkie's bag for some popcorn. All Fluttershy seemed to care about was making everypony cum as much as possible. She acted like a sexual machine that was only programmed to show the crystal ponies a good time. "Gotta keep 'em happy," Fluttershy thought, "Besides, if they're sexually exhausted, they'll be too tired to panic." As time wore on, the combined payloads of more than a dozen stallions oozed from Fluttershy's holes. A wet puddle of various fluids had formed below her as she managed to satisfy their every carnal desire. Jizz and vaginal secretions dripped off of her body like rain. Fluttershy was the last one standing, amidst a sea of sleeping and satisfied ponies. All the crystal ponies who came for the jousting competition also came on the jousting competitor several times. Fluttershy had lost count of how many times she had been climaxed on or in. She stunk of semen and shame, but she had done her job. Despite the personal sacrifice, Fluttershy had managed to show the crystal ponies a good time. Slowly, Fluttershy stepped over the slumbering ponies and walked over to where Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were sitting. With each step, she left greasy, cum-stained hoofprints. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie nervously watched her approach, unsure of what she would say. Fluttershy stopped in front of her friends and stared at them without saying a word. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash thought about how they had both sat idly by while Fluttershy was violated for hours on end. Neither of them could read her current expression. This was partially due to the fact that her face was half-covered in jizz. "Hey, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said as she awkwardly broke the silence, "Pinkie Pie and I would've helped you out, but it looked like you were handling things fine on your own. No hard feelings, right?" Without saying a word, Fluttershy turned around and pointed her ass at Rainbow Dash. Scrunching up her face, Fluttershy farted loudly. Her gas expelled the stockpile of sparkly splooge that had been stored in her ass from more than a dozen different crystal pony stallions. The loud, wet flatulence soon covered Rainbow Dash in glittery goo as it sprayed from Fluttershy's fart factory. As the last, lingering traces of shimmering semen dribbled out her ass, Fluttershy lowered her tail and started walking away from her friends. Pinkie Pie was trying her best not to laugh as she stared at a cum-covered Rainbow Dash. "Not. One. Word. Pinkie," Rainbow Dash said. As she spoke, sperm sprayed from her mouth like spittle. Pinkie Pie snorted and stifled her laughter. Fluttershy gave a vindicated smile as she walked towards the jousting arena showers. It was time to take off her armor and clean up. "No hard feelings, Dash," Fluttershy said, "I'd say we're even."