> Braeburn IS NOT Gay > by Erik189 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Insultment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braeburn woke up that morning feeling better than ever and he was looking forward to a nice day in Ponyville. He got out of bed and had a quick breakfast consisting of pancakes and 2 apples, then walked outside and look at the sun rising up. "Oh golly! What a beeeeautiful day it is!" Braeburn said getting his vest and cowboy hat, he got dressed quickly and ran off to the market to do some trading. He went up to Applejack's stand with a bag of coins ready to purchase some fine goods. "Well hey there, Braeburn!" Applejack said grabbing him around the neck and giving him a friendly nuggy on the head, "Hey be careful, you might make Fruity there cry!" a pony said laughing as he walked out of the market headed home. "Huh? Why would he call ya fruity, Brae?" Braeburn was confused aswell, no pony had ever called him fruity in his life. "I don't know, but that there pony has a lot of nerve" Braeburn said with a mean look on his face. After a lot more insults, Braeburn got tired of being in public and being insulted, so he headed home with less amount of goods than he expected. "Good riddance, no pony nowadays has any manners in public, when I was their age I would have gotten the tar beaten outta me for that" Brae sucked it up and went home, and unloaded a bit took his vest off along with the hat, and sat down on his couch. "Well i'm sure it was just some rude teenagers that said those things, Celestia be with them if I get my hooves on them" After an hour or 2 Braeburn fell asleep on his couch having some delightful dreams. "Apples.....Juice, apple cider...." He whispered in his sleep, but was alarmed and woken up by a huge crash noise against his window, he looked at his shattered window and A brick with a note on it saying, "Visit my place tommorow night, from Anonymous" Braeburn read the note carefully and was a bit shocked and confused at the same time. [Tommorow, 22nd of may] Braeburn had not even bothered to get up, nor make any effort to think about getting up, he just lied in his bed waiting for that night to come to see who that person was, the address was 345 26th Flower Street, that street had normally been abandon or not many ponies living there, so it wasn't strange for people meeting there mostly about gang rumbles and mafia plans. 5 hours past and Braeburn had fell asleep again, the alarm clock went off and it was time for whoever he was meeting. He went out a dirt path that went down to there, only he knew about it, and it was best because no pony would call him "Cock-eyed" or "Faggot" and "Butt pirate" at all. When he arrived at his destination that place was-as usual-Abandon. No sign of a pony there, "Maybe I should just live here, no exetremely rude ponies around. He knocked on the door of the house he was suppose to visit, but it was opened already for him. He walked around the house to find someone and found someone who looked rather sad. It was a mare, she a light purple coat, a beautiful mane and tail that were chocolate brown and buttermilk white stripes. She had a pair of reading glasses on, a cutie mark that was a paintbrush. Braeburn walked in and saw her sitting in the kitchen, "Umm, hello?" Braeburn said and she turned her head and looked at him, observing his marvelous mane and tail (Or it least was to her) "G-Good, you're just in time, please sit down, the we'll talk. > Chapter 2:Not the only one > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, why'd ya bring me here?" Braeburn said to her, waiting for her name. "Well, I think I should give you a proper introduction, My name is Silver Masquerade, I already know you, Mister Braeburn." Silver said to Brae. "I know about the whole situation with you aparently being gay" Braeburn immediately stood up and slammed his hooves on the table hard and yelled "I'm not queer, damnit!" Silver Masquerade scooted back in fear, shaking and sweating praying that he wouldn't kill her. "Please! I didn't say you were!" she said frightened. Braeburn was about to hit her, "Why the fuck does everyone think that?! How do I know you're not in cahoots with these fucktards?!" Tears started coming down Silver's eyes, she was shaking and trembling, scared to death of how blood thirsty violent Braeburn looked. "Pl-Please don't hurt me..." Masquerade whimpered "I just wanted to help with this situation" She was now completely bawling and crying. "Silver, calm down. If you can help tell me now." Braebrun said calmly he sat down again. Silver cleared her throat and started to talk "Well, uhm I've been Seeing how they insult you like that, its the same with me, im blamed for being a lesbian everyday and I'm sick and tired of it, then I saw I wasn't the only one-" Braeburn cut her off while she was talking and he said "Just get to the chase already!". "Oh right yes, well I sorda divised a plan for this incident, oh I'm not sure if it will work, well the first part of it is who started the rumors, I know who it is, his name's Miney, and if anything, he's 110% gay" Silver Masquerade continued with the plan and finished with "If we could get the ponies to think he's gay, it will completely ruin him, It will get our reps back" Braeburn was excited about the plan and asked "When will we do this?' Masquerade answered back: "tommorow I got Butterscotch willing to do this because, he's always had a liking for Miney. > Chapter 3: Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braeburn had left his house an hour ago and was already in the market waiting for Silver and Butterscotch to come. While he was there he saw Miney and began having bad thought of what he could do to him with that small statue at one of the stands. Butterscotch and Silver came ready for the plan, Butterscotch was excited, silver was glad that she would get her rep back. "All right im ready now~" Butterscotch said smiling, "Okay scotch go now" Silver said, and Butterscotch trotted over to him and skipped next him. "Can you like do that somewhere else?" Miney said but Butterscotch wouldn't stop and said "What's the matter sweetie? Don't want you snugum around?" Everypony stared at them and one of them yelled "Miney's gay!" . Miney blushed in humiliation ad everyone was laughing calling him endless amounts of names, then one assumed and yelled "He just blames it on other people because he's to fruity!" Miney ran off and never came back again. ~End~ Not long after Miney's humiliation, Braeburn and Silver Masquerade got the reputation back, Few years later the found a liking for each other and quickly fell in love with each other, not long after they were happily married and settled in pony ville to live a normal life -This story is to all you braeburned cloppers to just stop your sickness, you all sicken me.-