A Simple, Loving Embrace

by SamRose

First published

Scootaloo and Rumble share a loving moment.

A "What-If" story based on my Pregnant Scootaloo tumblr that takes place several years in the future (also with them as humans).

Scootaloo has been dating Rumble for a few months now. One night when Sandy has to work late, Rumble invites himself over for dinner and a movie. But the night quickly turns to that of a more... 'Romantic' nature.

This story is based off of a picture I drew and it kind of grew in my head. Then my friend's forced me to write it and now I'm sharing it with you all. This is my first time writing something like this professionally, so be gentle!

Loving Embrace

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The following story is a ‘What if’ scenario about the possible future of the tumblr storyline Pregnant Scootaloo. I wrote this primarily for fun and not intending to show the future of the storyline or spoiling any facts, just a fun hypothetical. Also humans. So enjoy it for what it is~

“Alright, I’m going to be working till really late tonight, I’m leaving you in charge of the house.” Sandy was dressed in her formal business suit once more, double checking her purse for everything she needed, “I left you some money for pizza if you’d like that, or you can always just make something from the kitchen.” Satisfied that everything was where it needed to be, she slung the string of her purse around her shoulder.

“I got it.” Scootaloo waved her hand casually to her guardian. She was lying on the couch at the moment, rather deep into the latest Daring Do novel.

“Alright, I’m off then.” Sandy smiled, before stepping out. The door clicked loudly close behind her as Scootaloo let out a soft sigh. She flipped the page of her novel and continued reading. The house was now almost deathly quiet, the only sound that could be heard was the gentle tick-tock of the clock that hung above.

The growing silence was broken only by the loud ringing of the wall-mounted phone. Blinking back some confusion, Scootaloo tilted her head to look up at the clock. It was barely five minutes past eight; she wondered who would be calling at that time of night. Swinging her legs off the couch, she stood up with a stretch before quickly crossed the living room.

“Hello, Sandy Hooves residence,” Scootaloo recited from memory as she placed the plastic to her ear.

“Ah, hey Scoots! Just the gal I was looking to talk to.” A familiar voice echoed through the phone. Realization struck and Scootaloo’s face felt hotter as blood rushed to her cheeks. Her hand fumbled with the cord, wrapping it around on of her fingers as a soft smile appeared through her lips.

“Oh, hey Rumble. You’ve got good timing; Sandy’s gonna be working all night so we’re free to chat as much as we want.” Scootaloo chuckled softly, pressing her back to the wall as she leaned comfortably. The sound of Rumble’s voice was comforting for her, one she just let soak in like she had done so many times before. She could listen to his voice all day if she was given the choice.

“Oh? You’re free all night?” He asked curiously, going quiet on the other side of the phone for a moment. “Did Sandy leave you money for pizza again?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Well, you should order some pizza, I’ll pick up a movie, then I’ll come over and we’ll make it a date. How’s that sound?”

“Heh, that does sound like a lot of fun, and I don’t think Sandy would mind you being over… Sure, I’ll order the pizza and see you in a bit?” Her smile widened as her heart skipped a beat.

“Alright, I’ll be over in twenty then.” Rumble said eagerly before ending the call on his end. Scootaloo stood listening to the blank tones of the phone for another minute before hanging up, a smile stretched on her face and her blush deepening.

“Mmmm… Oh come on Scootaloo. Stop that,” She softly laughed at herself, placing her hands against her cheeks, feeling the warmth that was emanating from them. “You two have been dating for a few months now, why are you still acting like it’s the first week?” She gently shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts for the moment, “Okay, got to order some pizza and then…” Her hands wandered up to the back of her head, trailing her fingers through her lengthy hair, “Clean up a little, my hair’s a mess right now.”

The pizza arrived just shortly after Rumble did. His choice of movie had been one that was considered ‘bad’ but had been enjoyable to watch, easy for the two of them to riff on. The two headed to her room and dined on the box. By the movie’s end, the box of pizza was nearly empty and the movie was the last thing on their minds.

The ending credits were rolling, the white text listing everyone who worked on the project against a black screen, a popular song playing to the music. Of course, the two people there weren’t paying attention to any of it; the music simply provided a backdrop for them.

Scootaloo’s hand was brushing up against the back of Rumble’s neck, gently caressing his cheek as their lips met. Rumble was brushing his hand over her hip while holding her close. Their lips melded together, a hot breath being shared between them. Scootaloo could feel the strength he put into his hold and it sent quiet shivers down her spine. She was wrapped up in his kiss, loving every second as her heart beat loudly in her chest. Rumble had become an expert at it since they’d started dating.

Their mouths opened a little and the kiss grew deeper, gentle tongues meeting each other. Their breathing picked up as Scootaloo felt her cheeks flush more, Rumble’s hands slowly drawing upwards, caressing the sides of her chest. Her fingers gently ran through his thick hair, feeling the various strands wrapping them to her touch.

Rumble’s hand brushed against the edge of her shirt. Feeling emboldened by the heavy kissing his fingers began to gently caress against her stomach. Scootaloo shifted a little, unsure of how to feel about his fingers trailing along her body. Her eyes opened slightly as her tongue darted back into her mouth. She panted hotly against his lips as his hand slipped further up her shirt, dragging the edges of the fabric up with it. His fingers trailed along her belly up to her chest.

She gasped, those fingers wrapping around the small bump of her chest. Her face flushed and sparks ran up her back and she looked to his face, wanting to see his eyes.

For a moment, she didn’t see Rumble. His hair seemed brown, deep blue eyes penetrating her, a darkened grin on his face. Her eyes widened as the color drained from her face, her free hand quickly grabbing Rumble’s wrist from under her shirt.

“Rumble… H-Hold on…” Scootaloo gasped out through choked breaths. Rumble blinked in confusion, looking down at Scootaloo who had now lowered her head, looking towards his chest. “I… I…” she tried to speak, but the words seemed to catch in her throat. Her shoulders began to shake as she tried to control her breathing.

“…Scootaloo?” His voice came out softly, trying to make sure that she was okay. Her grip tightened on his wrist and she leaned in closer, resting her head against his chest as she softly shook. Not completely sure what was happening, he wrapping the arm she wasn’t clutching on to around her shoulders and held her close, gently pressing his head against her head. “It’s okay, I’m here…”

“I’m sorry…” Was all her broken words could muster. Her shaking seemed to get worse and her breath got caught, holding back tears that were forming at the edges of her eyes. She was desperately trying not to cry, she’d already promised herself that she had done enough crying over this subject, those memories were flashing back once more and she couldn’t stop them. “I’m sorry…”

It took Rumble a moment to realize what was going on. He’d gotten so caught up in their heated activities that just for a second, he’d forgotten what Scootaloo had gone through before. It wasn’t a subject they discussed much; Scootaloo didn’t like talking about that part of her life. But he knew enough, he knew why she was reacting this way.

“Sorry… I didn’t mean to rush you.” They were the only words he could think to say, reassuring the girl he cared about more than anything. Scootaloo slowly started to calm down, her shaking becoming more a gentle tremble. She carefully wiped her eyes, sniffing able to hold back the dam from breaking.

“I just…” She spoke quietly, trying to find the right words. She felt comfort in Rumble’s embrace, like the bad things in the world seemed to fade away slowly, yet were right on the edge of coming back. “I’m… I’m scared, Rumble…” The words came out barely louder than a whisper, muffled through his chest.

“I know…” He spoke softly, gently drawing her closer, closing his eyes as he pressed his face into the top of her hair.

“You… you make me happy, Rumble…” Scootaloo’s voice slowly rose past a whimpering mumble, “You do… You really do, but I just…” she took in a deep breath trying to calm her nerves, “Y-you know what happened… right?”

“Well…” Rumble opened his eyes, looking into the magenta hair that filled his vision, “I know some jerk abused your trust and got you pregnant…” He mumbled softly.

“I thought he loved me, Rumble.” Scootaloo shook her head slowly, pressing her forehead tighter into his chest, “He said he did, and I loved him and thought he meant it. But all he did was lie to me, lie and tell me that it’d be ‘fun’ to do this together. I believed him because I loved him, I was just happy to have more things we could do together.” Her fingers gripped tightly against his shirt, “I didn’t know what would happen if we did… And once he’d gotten what he wanted, he left me. He left me to deal with my life crashing down around me because of him.”


“I’m scared. I’m scared it’ll happen again. I’m scared that I’ll take this step and then you’ll be gone.”

“Scootaloo…” Rumble raised his hand up to her chin, “Look at me.” He said calmly, pushing against her chin to lead her. Her head slowly complied, her large purple eyes coming into view, tears still forming at the edges of them. He smiled for her and spoke in his most reassuring voice, “I’m not going anywhere. I love you, Scootaloo. If you don’t want to do this, we don’t have to. I’ve had more than enough fun just hanging out with you. We’ll move at your pace, when you’re ready.”

Rumble sealed his words by pressing his lips gently against hers. He didn’t feel any resistance to his advances. Scootaloo’s lips barely pressed back, but he felt them shift and move to return his kiss. As he slowly pulled back, he felt something wet hit his hand. A few tears were slowly rolling down her cheeks now. He raised his hand and gently brushed some away with his thumb, feeling her nestle her cheek into his hand.

The two of them sat there for a minute, Scootaloo sniffing as she took another breath, wiping her other cheek with her hand as she calmed down again. Rumble just held her gently, smiling as he watched her.

“Rumble…” She spoke softly.


“If… If you want…” She took a deep breath, steeling herself once more, “We… We can… continue…” her words grew quieter the more she said them.

“Are you sure?” He tilted his head, trying to gauge the expression on her face, but she just avoided his eye contact once more. “I don’t want to pressure you into anything, only if you want to…” Scootaloo didn’t say anything for a moment, just seeming to let her thoughts take hold of her for the moment, before closing her eyes and looking back into his hesitantly.

“I… I want to…” She mumbled softly, feeling her face heating up once more, looking down into his chest. “Just… just go slow, okay?”

“Sure.” He smiled, letting her know everything would be okay. He gently lifted her chin up once more and pressed his lips to hers. Scootaloo closed her eyes and let his warmth flow into her once more, feeling her hesitations still clinging tightly. But if it was with Rumble… she could be happy.

Rumble brushed his hands around her shoulders as their kiss deepened once more, letting the heat grow back to the moment. She could taste him once more; she always liked how his kisses tasted. They seemed sweet with a hint of bitter, but that seemed to fit him somehow.

Rumble pulled his lips back and smiled, stroking his hands down the length of her arms and placing them gently against her hands. “Here,” he spoke, guiding her hands to the base of his shirt, “why don’t you take my shirt off first?” Scootaloo hesitated for a moment before nodding softly and gripped the fabric between her fingers. She slowly began to lift, exposing Rumble’s stomach to her eyes. He raised his hands, allowing the shirt to gracefully be pulled over his head.

“W-Wow…” Scootaloo mumbled softly, seeing Rumble’s exposed chest. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen it, but it was her first time seeing it this way. She pressed her fingers against his chest, feeling the muscles hidden underneath his flesh. He wasn’t a very buff guy, but he wasn’t lacking either. She ran her fingers down his chest and to his stomach, committing the little bumps and ridges to memory under her touch. Her face flushed a little hotter as she intimately touched his chest.

“Do you mind?” Rumble asked carefully, wrapping his fingers around the edges of Scootaloo’s shirt. She felt her face flush harder. She curled her fingers up against his chest. This time was so different from before; Rumble was making sure she was okay, making sure she was happy. Before it had been so rough, only a few words had been spoken…

She slowly nodded her head, letting him know it was okay to proceed. Rumble’s smile grew as a small blush finally started forming on his face. His fingers tightened around her shirt and slowly drew it upwards. She raised her arms, letting the fabric slip past her delicate skin. The shirt was gently tossed to the side of the bed and Rumble looked down at her precious body. Scootaloo’s face was red, looking down as she held her arm, embarrassed at exposing her body this way.

“You’re beautiful.” Rumble smiled, pressing his hand against her burning cheek. Scootaloo softly lifted her head to look up into his eyes again, seeing the sincerity to his words. She gulped nervously, trying to push back the hesitation in her mind and carefully reached her hands up to her bra. She gently fumbled with the clasps that held it together, undoing them expertly. The cloth became loose and she held it gently against her chest, realizing what she was about to do.

“I…” Scootaloo bit her lips, “I’m sorry their so small…” she said hesitantly before slowly pulling the bra away. The small buds on her chest came free, revealing the pink nipples that had been hidden before. Scootaloo could’ve sworn that her face was glowing; if she had been outside she might have been visible from space. She was fidgeting sitting there, wondering why Rumble was being so quiet, when she felt his warm hands suddenly press against her chest.

She let out a gasp as she practically jumped in her spot, her chest pushing up into his hands as she did. Rumble’s fingers gently squeezed down and took in their size, Scootaloo closing her eyes as sparks of pleasure coursed to her brain. Rumble squeezed gently and explored her breasts with precision, caressing and squeezing perfectly. He leaned in slowly and pressed his lips against her neck, suckling down gently. Scootaloo’s mouth gasped open, gasping in pleasure as soft moans began to escape.

“Rumble…” She moaned softly, feeling his thumbs pressing down against her nipples, gently massaging them in circles. She could feel them hardening to his touch, her breathing growing more ragged as her chest felt like it might explode from how loudly her heart was beating. His lips began to travel down her neck and his body was gently pushing her back. Her head tilted back as she gently laid herself back down on the bed, her arms spread to her sides. Her chest lifted and fell with each heavy breath as his mouth moved closer down to her chest.

His hot lips nipped at the nape of her neck, further down her skin, towards the small globes that rested on her chest. His lips planted gentle kissed down the curves of her right one, his hand caressing and squeezing her left. Her back arched and a moan escaped her lips as his lips clasped down onto her nipple. His hot tongue darted forth and twirled gently against the pointed end, massaging it with gentle force. Scootaloo’s breath grew faster as he suckled harder.

He pulled his head back, lifting the skin for a moment before letting it fall back with a quiet ‘pop’. Her back fell back to the bed and she panted, staring at the ceiling. Rumble smiled, lowering his head back to the nipple and gently licking the swollen gland. His free hand gently caressed down the side of her stomach, quickly reaching the skirt that was around her waist. His fingers wandered around the cloth, till he found what his goal. Grabbing hold of the zipper he guided it down slowly, loosening the fabric from her waist. He hips instinctually lifted for him, and he slipped the material down her legs and off the bed.

His mouth clamped on her nipple once more, the moans escaping her mouth again. His hand didn’t waste any time moving between her legs, pressing up against the pink fabric. Her back arched as his fingers dug into the material, feeling the moisture already starting to dampen the panties. His fingers ran up and down her panties, feeling the outline of the hidden lips there. He could feel the heat emanating from her body as he worked her body into a fervor. Her breaths escalated, her body arched, pleasure coursed through her.

Rumble finally let go of her nipple and looked into Scootaloo's eyes with a smile, his fingers still caressing deeply against her sex. Her eyes glazed with pleasure slowly looked back at him. With that encouragement he lowered his head once more, kissing the spot just below her breasts, and began to trail down her stomach. Scootaloo let out a short gasp, her hands moving to her waist and stopping his kissing assault. Rumble lifted his head confused, seeing Scootaloo's blushing face as she looked away.

"What's the matter?" he asked, wanting to ensure she was still enjoying herself.

"...Y... You'll see it..." She grumbled softly, squeezing her hands against her abdomen tighter.

"See what?" he tilted his head curiously, his eyes wandering to where her hands were covering.

"...My... my scar..." she murmured again, "It's ugly..." Rumble couldn't help but chuckle at the idea that there was an 'ugly' part of Scootaloo's body.

"It’s not ugly silly, no part of you is." His words didn't hesitate for a second and Scootaloo's face grew hotter. He gently grabbed her wrist and slowly moved the hands away from her stomach, revealing what she had been hiding. A very faded scar that stretched across her the bottom of her stomach, a very clear indication that at one time she'd been cut open to deliver her baby. Rumble just smiled, as if she hadn't pointed it out he probably would have never seen it.

"Oh Scootaloo, it's barely even noticeable." He said, leaning in close and giving the scar a gentle kiss. This elicited a short, muffled moan from Scootaloo before Rumble continued his journey downwards. His kisses finally reached the boarder of her panties and he finally could see the soaked material with his very eyes. Her leg's squirmed and tried to squeeze close, embarrassment flooding her at the idea of Rumble seeing that part of her, but he was about to let her keep them closed.

His fingers wandered up her legs and slipped under the waistband of her panties. Scootaloo gasped and shivered, realizing she was about to be completely naked in front of him for the first time and worry filled her. She wanted to say something but a knot formed in her throat and she just closed her eyes tightly. Rumble began to gently slip the material down her legs, trying to ensure she was comfortable until the material had been slipped off.

Scootaloo now lay on the bed before him, completely naked and completely vulnerable to his actions. She squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment, not wanting to make the first move next. Fortunately, Rumble's normally passive nature seemed to be swept away and he moved to his knees next to the bed. Scootaloo opened one eye to briefly try and figure out what was going on, when she suddenly felt his hot breath on her exposed lower lips.

A loud gasp escaped her mouth and she clamped her hands to her mouth. His tongue was reached out and had started to lap away at her. Her back arched again and she was trying to keep herself from suddenly screaming in pleasure, the sparks of electricity flying up her spine at a rate she'd never experienced. Her breathing was almost uncontrollable and she felt her entire body shaking.

Rumble had placed his hands against her hips and was pressing his lips against Scootaloo's, his tongue continuing to move up and down the entire length of her sex. He’d never done this sort of thing before, but he'd seen it done plenty of times before in his brother's porn stash. He was doing his best to mimic them while combining it with the knowledge that his brother had given him. He wrapped his lips around the top of Scootaloo's sex, the spot his brother said they were the most sensitive, and began to gently suck while using the tip of his tongue to lick rapidly.

Scootaloo's body seized and she let out a near scream in pleasure, her entire body convulsing and crashing rapidly as the unexpected ecstasy hit her like a tsunami. Her legs squeezed down onto Rumble's head, keeping him there as the thunderous waves blanked out her mind and made her see white.

The explosion felt like it lasted hours, but after only a minute the pleasure finally began to settle down and Scootaloo could feel her senses returning. She let go of Rumble's face with her legs, as he looked up at the beautiful girl panting heavily on the bed before him.

"Wow... did I really just make you cum?" He asked curiously, gently licking his lips at the thought.

"I... I..." Scootaloo panted, closing her eyes as she tried to recover, "I... never have before..."

"Wait, really?" Rumble blinked in surprise. "I can understand why you didn't back then but... not even when you were by yourself?" Scootaloo simply shook her head at that, squeezing her arms tightly against her chest at the thought.

"I-I haven't touched myself before..." She squeaked softly, "After... After he did what he did I-I didn't even want to try it for myself... T-Though it's not like I didn't have the urges, I was just... Just afraid of them..." She turned her head away, not wanting to look at Rumble at the moment.

Rumble stood up from his position and leaned over Scootaloo. She turned her head to look at him, his eyes glowing into hers with a smile spread on his face. He raised his hand and gently wiped his mouth, before leaning in and pressing his lips against hers. She winced at first, but closed her eyes and let the kiss sink in, feeling the burning sensation of tears appearing at the edges of her eyes once more.

"It's okay Scootaloo..." Rumble spoke softly once he'd broken the kiss, "I'll always make you feel good. I place that on my honor," he said. One of his hands was currently busy working to undo his pants, making himself as naked as she was.

Scootaloo felt hesitant, she felt like she shouldn't out-right believe his words, that she shouldn't just blindly trust someone again... But she believed Rumble. Something about him made her heart open up, made her want him even more. She raised her hands slowly and wrapped them around Rumble's neck, wanting nothing more than to hold him close.

Rumble drew closer, now as exposed as Scootaloo was, and gently pressed himself against her. Scootaloo gasped, feeling his hardened sex against hers, her body quivering at the thought that she was about to be connected once more with someone. She moved her hands down to Rumble's chest and pushed, trying to keep her mind focused for just a moment. Rumble blinked in confusion, but backed off for a moment.

"Second thoughts...?" He asked softly. Scootaloo shook her head.

"N-No... but... if... if we're going to do this... n-not raw..." Scootaloo asked, closing her eyes. She was afraid Rumble was about to hate her for the idea, for not wanting to feel him connected directly to her. But she'd already experienced what happened when you didn't use protection once, and as much as she loved Rumble she wasn't ready for that again.

"Oh, right, sorry." He chuckled, "Luckily my brother always makes sure I have one on me." Rumble said, moving quickly to grab his pants. He reached into the pocket and pulled a wallet, and from within he pulled out a wrapped condom. Scootaloo questioned why his brother would want to keep Rumble stocked, but those thoughts faded when she saw his hardened sex for the first time. Her face grew hotter as she watched him unravel the condom and gently place it at his tip, and unrolled it down the length.

"There. Still ready for me?" He asked, stepping back over to Scootaloo, taking his place between her legs. Scootaloo bit her lips hesitantly and looked Rumble in the face. She could see him and only him, the man she'd slowly come to love and wanted in her life. The man that after she felt she could no longer trust someone to love her, had taught her to trust again.

"Rumble..." she muttered softly, turning her head and closing her eyes.

"Yes?" He asked curiously, always making sure that she was alright.

"Y-You're not going to just... leave me after this... A-Are you?" Her voice cracked as she asked, not wanting to ask the question, but wanting to be sure he was going to be there for her, wanting to be sure that after this was over she'd still have him in her arms.

Rumble just smiled and leaned in once more, turning her head to plant a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I love you Scootaloo. I'm not about to leave you for anything." He smiled brightly. Scootaloo stared into his eyes as her eyes watered, and she nodded her head.

"I love you too, Rumble..." She said, taking in a deep breath. Rumble was pressing up against her once more. And then...

They were connected. The two of them seemed to gasp deeply in unison, their sexes joining together for the first time. Rumble panted as he felt himself being consumed, drawn into Scootaloo's warm body. Her muscles were clamping down and accepting him, drawing him further and further into her body.

Scootaloo felt the waves of pleasure returning as he drew further into her. Not once did she feel pain, not once did she feel like he was hurting her or invading her. This felt right, this felt natural, this was with the person she could say she loved without hesitation. Her moans escaped her lips as she felt him buried inside of her.

"I'm going to move now." Rumble panted heavily. Before Scootaloo could say anything, he was withdrawing himself from her body. She felt herself slowly being emptied and suddenly craved for the feeling not to end, to have Rumble inside of her once more. Then she got her wish.

With a thrust of his hips he was buried again and her eyes almost popped from her head as she gasped loudly. Rumble withdrew and thrust again, his hips almost meeting hers with each thrust. Her panting grew loud, it grew frantic, pleasure was coursing through her like it'd never done before. This felt even better than the orgasm she'd had just minutes before.

"Rumble... oh sweet Celestia, Rumble!" She moaned his name, her fingers tightening at the bed sheets. Rumble grew faster, his body leaned forward, his mind almost a blank as he gripped her hips and thrust into her faster and harder. Her body began to shake from his momentum; the bed beneath them began to squeak from their movements, her chest bobbed to the motions as their skin began to meet.

"Rumble! Oh Celestia Rumble! Don't stop!" Scootaloo moaned, wanting more of what Rumble was doing. Nothing else mattered in the world anymore; no thoughts came to her mind. She was lost in a torrent of pleasure, wrapped in the warm embrace of her lover. Rumble was in an equal state of pleasure, only able to see Scootaloo before him and nothing else.

The world faded from around them and all that existed was their perfect bubble of pleasure. The love between two of them flowed through their sexes, giving both of them a joy they couldn't otherwise describe. The only sounds they could hear were their gasping moans, the sounds of each other’s name as they were called out, the combined passion that the two of them had.

They loved each other, their bodies loved each other, all that mattered was that they were connected. Rumble wanted nothing more than to make Scootaloo happy, and Scootaloo wanted nothing more than to make Rumble happy.

Their love making felt like it lasted for hours, they didn't want the sensations to end. The clasping of Scootaloo's muscles grew tighter and more frantic, drawing her closer and closer to an end. Rumble grit his teeth and breathed heavily through his nose, trying to last as long as he possibly could. Their climaxes drew nearer, their bodies grew heated, they wouldn't last.

With a final crash into her body, Rumble's mind and body exploded with pleasure. Scootaloo felt the hot pulsing of him inside of her and her body crashed with him. Scootaloo's screams echoed through the house as she lost her mind to the pleasure, feeling Rumble pulsing inside of her was too much.

Their minds were blank as they collapsed onto each other. The only sounds that could be heard were their loud breathing to each other, feeling the world very slowly come back to them. It was several minutes before the white void faded, returning them to Scootaloo's room once again.

"That... that was amazing..." Rumble was the first to speak, resting his head against Scootaloo's chest as he regained his composure, "I had no idea it would feel so... so good..."

"I didn't know it could be so good." Scootaloo said, wrapping her arms around Rumble to hold him tightly. Rumble snuggled into the embrace for a moment, before he felt something odd.

"Mmm... hold on a moment Scoots..." He said, sitting up for a moment. Scootaloo blinked, but watched in realization as he slowly took off the condom, being sure not to spill any of the contents in the room. He grabbed the end and stretched it, before tying it up tightly so that the contents would forever be sealed within the latex. "There." He said before tossing it in the small trashcan she kept in her room.

With the disposal taken care of her laid down on the bed next to Scootaloo and snuggled up close to her.

"...I love you, Rumble." Scootaloo whispered softly, her body shaking as she gripped him tight. Rumble held her tighter as he heard her breathing grew ragged once more. He was a little confused, but it quickly dawned on him that Scootaloo was sobbing. He drew Scootaloo closer and let her rest on his chest. Her tears flowed as she took in shallow breaths, clutching tightly to his chest as she did.

"I love you too, Scootaloo." He said, gently caressing her head as the two of them lay there. Scootaloo needed to let it all out and Rumble understood that.

It took several minutes before her breathing calmed down and she grew quiet by his side. The two of them just laid there in the loving embrace for several minutes, before they both gently drifted to sleep.