> Fire and Brimstone, Book 1 > by BluePhoenyx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Note From the Author > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated: October, 2017 Thank you for reading Fire and Brimstone, Book 1. This story was written after season 2 or 3 of the show, so the world may not be as accurate and up-to-date. I would like to make a note that this is NOT a crossover from dark elves/Drizzt. Allow me to explain: This story was conceived while brainstorming with Blue Hibiscus on story concepts over a fire pit in 2012 (or so). I had an idea of a pony coming down like an angel from the heavens, having this holy power and whatever. That idea was shot down when Blue said that it had already done time and time again. So, I turned my eyes downward to the ground, and decided to have a devil pony come from the earth. The general world was planned out to be the opposite of an angel pony - war, treachery, deceit, evil, and hatred. This was the world that was designed. I can't tell you how much of a strange coincidence this story has been. I only had a vague idea on drow society at that time. I knew about Lolth, evil elves, and women ruling their society. It wasn't until many years later that I actually started The Legend of Drizzt series, and shaking my head at the similarities. It was even more shocking reading this story after 5 years, and the similarities slapped me across the face. So, this was not a crossover, but a coincidental crossover. If you're looking for Book 2, please see the link below. Fire and Brimestone, Book 2 > Prologue: The Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The damp walls dripped with water in the caverns deep underground. Mud covered Crimson’s scarred skin and dark red coat as he waited in hiding on the ceiling behind the stalactites that have formed over time. His clawed armored hooves kept him secured on the ceiling as he crouched inverted and waited patiently. His diamond dust armor was heavy but beautiful. However, the many years of combat made him very strong and used to carrying such a cumbersome suit. His yellow eyes adjusted to the dark and the subtle glow of heat signatures became visible to this strange breed of ponies. He kept his leathery wings tucked as tight as possible as he waited poised and ready to pounce. His older brother and superior, Scorch, waited on the other side of the cavern. Crimson and his small squad of ponies awaited his older brother’s signal. With a small group of eight ponies on their side, their ambush is sure to succeed. Eventually, another small group of armored ponies started to walk along the moist cavern floor. Their horns glowed, emitting light so they can clearly see. Crimson winced and closed his eyes for a moment so his eyes could adjust to the bright light. His eyes adjusted enough to see their dark purple amethyst enchanted armor and the emblem of House Razak, an enemy to House Thull. The group walked by unaware of Crimson or his group, and they headed toward his brother. Crimson tensed up, knowing that Scorch would signal at any moment. The earth gave a light rumble toward the small cavern ahead. “Attack!” Crimson yelled. He and the ponies spread their leathery wings and jumped from their hiding places. Taken completely by surprise, they dove toward their enemy targets. Crimson’s horn, dark red with a curved tip, lit up as he casts a spell, causing his side of the cavern to cave in, blocking any chance of their prey’s retreat. The surprised group never stood a chance. In a matter of seconds, the small group of ponies were defeated. Scorch walked toward one of the enemy ponies. His jet black coat seems flawless and he stared deep into the injured pony with his red eyes. He too had a slight bend at the tip of his magical horn. He kicked the wounded pony with his front leg, then smiled, reveling at his pain. Crimson walked up to his brother. “He is alive.” Scorch’s eyes looked to Crimson as his horn lit up, then lashes the wounded and helpless pony with a magical whip of fire created by the horn. Fire burst at the crack of the whip ripping deep into the pony. “Not anymore.” He said with a smile dispelling the magical whip. “Sire.” A member of the group lightly trotted to Crimson. “We don’t have any evidence to drop.” Scorch turned his head and glared at the soldier. “Oh really?” “Yes, sir. How are we supposed to plant the evidence against House Br-“ Crimson’s eyes popped after he witnessed Scorch impale the fellow soldier’s neck with his climbing claw. The solider reached up and tried to take out the impaled object. “There, we now have a body.” Scorch said as he watched the soldier slowly collapse to the ground. He looked over at another soldier. “You there, dress this fool up in a Broulth uniform.” “Uh, yes sir!” The soldier said and ran up to the slain pony. Scorch turned around and started to walk away. Crimson turned and caught up to Scorch. “Was that really necessary?” “Oh course, little brother." Scorch commented without looking toward the pony companion. "How else are we supposed to make it look like this was the work of House Broulth?” “I do not approve of-“ Crimson said before he was cut off. “Leave the emblems! Our work is done.” Scorch ordered as he cleared the roadblock. Crimson looked at the slain pony, then up at his brother with a frown of disapproval, then moved on. * * * The group traveled for hours through the underground caverns toward Lazbral’thull, their home and base of operations. They crossed rivers of lava, around acidic lakes, and glided over seemingly bottomless chasms until they reach the outskirts of their great city. Two ponies stood guard at the large stone gates with reinforcements on a ledge near the top of the wall that kept unwanted creatures out. “Open the gates!” A guard yelled as the group walked up to the gates. Lights beamed out of the crack of the opening gates from the lava falling from the ceiling to the lake of lava in the middle of the city. The city itself circled that great lavafall in different levels as it uses its warmth, light, and energy for survival. The group walked in and Crimson spread his leathery wings. “Where you going?” Scorch asked. “To the smith, My Lord.” Crimson replied as he lifted a hoof. “I need to repair my climbing claws.” “You’re a fool.” Scorch said with a gruff. “Just have the slaves fix it for you. That’s what they’re there for.” Crimson looked at his broken claw then back at his brother. “Is that all, My Lord?” Scorch raised his hoof to Crimson’s mane to the trinkets in the hair. “And get your jewelry cleaned.” Scorch said as he put his hoof down. “We’re the heads of this house. We need to look pristine and proper.” Scorch jumped off the ledge of the ring and glided towards the main hall. Crimson sighed as he himself jumped off and started to glide off the ledge. His body shifted as he made his way towards the lower ring where the trade district was located to repair and clean his armor and trinkets. * * * The following day, Crimson woke up and climbed out of his leathery bed. He walked towards the window, looking down at the city from the upper most ring of the city - the Ring of Nobles. He looked down at the city and sighed. Moments later, his sister walked by the door and noticed him just standing at the window. Her dark purple coat changed color as the red light from the falling lava hit her skin and curved tip horn. “Why are you up?” She asked. “Oh, Demi.” Crimson said in a startle. “I did not see you.” “May I enter?” Demi asked. Crimson nodded, inviting his sister in. She walked next to Crimson and looked out the window with him. “What’s on your mind, little brother?” Crimson stared deeply into the lava falls. “Everything.” He replied. “The monarch. The hierarchy. The life. Everything.” “What do you mean?” She asked. “I do not know why we fight all the time.” Crimson replied in a solemn tone. “We make pacts with neighboring houses only to destroy them when they serve no purpose.” Demi stared at Crimson in silence as he continued. “We treat our brethren like slaves. We kill our own family for power when it serves us best. I do not understand why.” “Don’t speak like that!” Demi exclaimed. “You’ll be severely punished for such talk.” “For thinking?” Crimson asked. Demi rose her hoof and backhanded Crimson’s face. He fell to the ground in pitiful submission. “Silence!” She ordered as Demi stepped on him with her front hooves. “We have rules and an order that you MUST follow. We are the strong, and only the strong survive!” They both stayed quiet for a long moment, all while she glared at her submissive younger brother. Finally, she stepped off of him and turned around. “If you were any other pony, I would have burned you for treason.” She walked out of the room as Crimson laid on the ground. Crimson finally stood up, rubbing his sore jaw from the brutal hit. He stared at his diamond dusted armor and the jewelry he made for war in deep thought. Shortly after, he went back to bed. * * * The next morning, Crimson was woken up by a loud thud. “How dare you speak like that?” Scorch stood in Crimson’s doorway with Demi behind him. “Stand!” Crimson stood up like an obedient pony. “Hand me your Punisher.” Scorch ordered. Crimson’s eyes widen as he momentarily held in his breath. “Yes, My Lord.” Crimson quickly trotted to his armor and grabbed an elegant knife inside a decorated gemmed scabbard, then presented it to his brother. Scorch's horn glowed as he used his magic to telekinetically manipulate the knife and took it out of the scabbard. “You’re a fool, little brother.” Scorch said as he put the tip against Crimson’s neck. Scorch walked up to Crimson and looks dead into his eyes. “If I hear you say or think of any traitorous thoughts like that again, I’ll bury you myself.” He glared into Crimson’s eyes as he stood silently. Scorch released the knife from his magical grasp and it fell to the ground. “Your blade must be paid for.” After a brief pause, Crimson picked up the knife and slashed his own left shoulder. He barely winced in pain as the blood hits the blade. “Wipe it off and report for duty.” Scorch said as he turned and left the room. Angry and hurt, Crimson walked over to his armor and grabbed a piece of worn leather. He cleaned the blade on the leather and put it back in its scabbard, wrapped up the wound in leather binds, then got ready to report for duty. * * * For the next year, although he thought about his life constantly, Crimson never spoke out about anything other than his military duty again. His constant curiosity and free-thinking was suppressed in fear of his family’s retaliation. Ever since that day, he was a changed pony. He and four other ponies had orders from his older brother to go patrolling deep into a hostile neighboring house’s territory. It was a very dangerous mission and Crimson knew it. Ever since he spoke out, he had been given tougher and tougher missions, as if they were trying to indirectly take him out of the picture. Their reasoning was that they believed in Crimson’s ability to succeed, but that didn't ring true in his ears. The five ponies walked down a cavern, their horns illuminating the way. Then, in the distance, Crimson heard yelling. After a quick gesture, the five pony's horns dispelled their magical light, and the group moved in to investigate. Their eyes slowly adjusted to the dark as they cautiously moved towards the loud disturbance. The noise got louder and louder until they come across a large group of ponies from the local house defending a small settlement against a large, transparent, green ooze. The ponies watched as the battle raged on. For every hit, the ooze would just morphed and regained its shape. Slowly, the mass of the creature diminished. Finally, the ooze dispersed and melted away. The settlement was once again safe, despite the visibly heavy losses. “We should attack.” A pony whispered to Crimson. “I have no intention of such.” Crimson replied. “They’re weakened.” Another said. “They’re tired and weakened. We should attack.” “I said no!” Crimson sternly yet quietly remarked. “Our orders are to destroy all ponies.” The pony said. “We kill the weak.” Crimson glared at the pony. After a brief pause, the ponies watched the settlement. “Let us keep moving.” Crimson said as he turned around and walked off. One pony watched Crimson as he walked away. Then, he turned to look at the settlement. “The hell with this.” The pony jumped and ambushed the greatly weakened guards. When they saw what was happening, the other three quickly jumped in and started to destroy the near defenseless settlement. “Hey!” Crimson yelled. He turned and looked as the four ponies started on a rampage, killing any pony that moved. In a matter of moments, the entire settlement was wiped out. Crimson looked around to see young ponies slain along with the mares, and solders. The four ponies celebrated their victory with cheers and self-praise as they walked towards their commander. Crimson looked angrily at the four as their cheers turned quiet, and their faces lost their excited expressions. “I gave you an order not to attack!” Crimson scowled. “Too late now, sir.” A pony said with a snide remark. The other three tried not to smile. Crimson’s anger brewed inside him. The four ponies looked upon their commander as he grew more and more angrier. Finally, something inside snapped as Crimson’s eyes give a death defining glare. “Oh sh-“ a pony started to say before he got slashed by one of Crimson’s claws. The pony fell to the ground as the three ponies, totally taken by surprise, stood shocked at what happened. Before they could react, Crimson bucked, kicking another pony into a wall. The earth gave and the ceiling crumbled, crushing the pony. Crimson stood on top of the first pony looking at the other two. He dug his climbing claws into his skin as he moaned in pain. The two ponies paused for a moment then they start to run away. Crimson’s horn glowed as he ripped his hoof out of the grounded pony, then smashed the ground with his bloodied hoof. The floor beneath the fleeing ponies started to split and crack, then fire shot up from the crack, busting the ponies into flames. They panicked and yelled in pain, then eventually fall to the floor lifeless. Crimson looked down at the pony at his hooves who was hyperventilating in a panic attack. His yellow eyes glared deep into the pony’s eyes as he cowered in fear. “I-I’m sorry, sir. I’ll never do it again!” He begged. “I am most certain you speak the truth.” Crimson replied as he stepped down, extinguishing the frightened pony’s life. Crimson walked around the settlement looking for survivors only to find lifeless ponies everywhere. With every slain youth, he grew more and more frustrated. He looked upon a slain youth holding a toy trying to escape the slaughter. His heart filled with sorrow as he took deep breaths to control his emotions. “Never again shall I take a pony’s life.” Being tired of the life of murder and chaos, he started to walk away from the settlement where he came to a crossroad. He looked at the road towards his house, then the road into the unknown. After many heartbeats, Crimson’s horn glowed and he started to burn his flank. The burn added a mark to a pattern of previous burns and scars. After his horn stopped glowing, started to walk through the second corridor, not looking back at the place he used to call home. > Chapter 1: The Cause > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “How does he keep getting out?”  Rainbow Dash said as her purple eyes widened in surprise.  She stretched her light blue pegasus wings, barely swerving around caramel clouds that suddenly formed from out of nowhere.  Her rainbow colored tail got caught in one of the clouds and splashed caramel on her rainbow cutie mark. “I don’t know, but this is get’n down right ridiculous!”  Applejack said in her southern accent as she tried to free herself from the adhesive mud at her hooves.  Her orange coat and her apples cutie mark got muddied up with this rather unusual bonding agent, and her blonde hair was a mess.  “My hat!”  She gasped as it fell from her head and in the mud just inches from her reach.  “Rainbow, I sure could use some help here!”  She yelled as she stretched forward, trying to grab her hat with her teeth. “I’m tryi-“ Rainbow Dash flew head first into a cloud of caramel.  She tried to yell for help but came out all muffled. Applejack looked up at the sky as a loud, ominous laughter boomed from all around.  “What a ‘sticky’ situation you’re all in.”  The voice said.  Applejack rolled her eyes at the cheesy pun.  “I hope your other friends are doing better than you.” “Twilight, where are you?”  Applejack said as she looked towards the nearby river that has been turned into cake frosting.  A purple coated pony with a purple mane popped up from under the frosting and tried to swim to the river shore with a golden necklace in her mouth.  “Twilight!”  Applejack yelled as the purple pony spits out the golden necklace on the river bed. “Found it!”  She yelled.  Her horn glowed and a beam of light shot from her horn up to the caramel cloud.  The cloud turned back to a normal cloud.  Rainbow Dash flew up coughing and gagging.  “Rainbow Dash, help Applejack!  I have to get to the library!”  Twilight said as she picked up the necklace and started to run towards Ponyville. Applejack stretched again to reach her hat as Rainbow Dash dove towards Applejack to free her from her trap.  She grabbed Applejack and used her momentum to pull her free.  Applejack’s teeth gripped her hat as they both tumble to the ground.  “Come on!”  Rainbow Dash said and she starts to fly towards Ponyville.  Applejack coughed as she spit out the part of her hat she was able to get a hold of.  She looked at the hat which had a bite mark in it. “Dang it!”  She grunted in frustration.  She got to her hooves and she started to run to catch up to Twilight Sparkle. Meanwhile, Rarity pouted and struggled to get her tangled purple mane that is usually immaculate out of a thorn bush.  Her pristine white coat was full of thorns - enough thorns to almost cover her three diamond cutie mark.  Her blue eyes looked up, trying to see the condition of her hair.  “Aww, this is going to take hours to brush out!”  Rarity said as she uses her magic to bend and twist the thorn bush to her will, trying to free herself. Fluttershy, who was hiding behind a tree, jumped with fear when her pink tail got pulled.  She flew in the air with her pegasus wings and looked to see what touched her.  “Oh my.”  She said in a soft, near whispering voice.  Little wind up chattering teeth pour from a hole in the tree moving toward any pony nearby.  Then her three butterfly cutie mark came to life and started swarming all over her, gnawing at her yellow coat.  In horror, she started to panic and flew away to escape her cutie mark’s vicious attack. Pinkie Pie sat at a table having a tea party with some of the chattering teeth, two living dumb bells, and a patch of grass that for some strange reason had come to life.  “We need cake!”  She said as she bent down under the table, then she pulled a cake out from under the surface.  She set it in the middle of the table and the chattering teeth jumped into the cake, like crazed demons devouring the sweet desert.  Cake got all over Pinkie Pie’s pink coat and mane.  “DELICIOUS!”  She exclaimed as she and the other guests at the table joins in on the feast. Rarity finally got free and ran  towards Pinkie Pie.  She stopped way short as she realized that cake was flying everywhere.  “Such a mess.”  She leaned forward and tentatively reached in with a hoof while standing as far from the table as possible.  Dodging projectile cake goodness, she lunged forward, then pulled Pinkie Pie away from the table.  “Fluttershy needs our help.” The two ponies ran behind the tree where Fluttershy was last seen.  They paused for a moment as they saw Fluttershy whistling at the vicious butterflies.  They landed on her and relaxed as she calmly and carefully pets one on her hoof. “Fluttershy!”  Rarity yelled. “Oh. I’m sorry, Rarity.  I was just-“  She said as she gently let the butterfly fly off. “Nevermind that.  We have to find the last one!”  Rarity said as she stomped a hoof on the ground. “I already found it.”  Pinkie Pie said as she reaches her hoof over and pulled a golden necklace out of nowhere. “What?  Why didn’t you say anything?”  Rarity asked angrily. “Because I had cake!  You can never have enough cake.”  Pinkie Pie said with a smile. “Urg!”  Rarity said as she flipped her hair. “Look out!”  Fluttershy loudly whispers to warn the other two ponies as the chattering teeth hopped towards them, getting ready to gnaw at their hooves. “Let’s get back to Ponyville and end this disaster so I can fix my hair.”  Rarity said and the three ponies make their way towards Ponyville to meet up with the others with the chattering teeth following. * * * The six arrived in Ponyville to see the chaos Discord has released to its citizens.  Trees turned to puffy shorts, grass was uprooted and chased Ponyville’s citizens, houses turned inside out, the clouds turned to caramel, and the water was cake frosting.  They rushed through the town to the library where Twilight Sparkle resided.  They burst in and close the door behind them. “Spike, we’re here!”  Twilight announced. “Oh, hi you guys.”  Spike said.  The tiny purple dragon ran up with a box, his green spikes sticking up.  His green eyes sparkled when he opened the box to reveal three other necklaces similar to the two Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie brought with them and one golden tiara. “Good job, every pony!”  Twilight said as she and Pinkie Pie put the necklaces in the box. “YAY!  We have a matching set!”  Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing up and down. “That’s nice, but let’s get this craaaziness over with.”  Rainbow Dash said, crossing her arms. “Ugh, what I wouldn’t do for a nice, hot bath.”  Rarity said brushing her hair. Spike got lost in a daze staring at Rarity as Twilight took  the box from Spike.  “Alright, now let’s get this over with.”  Twilight said as the six head for the door. * * * The six ran towards the town square where the fountain was.  Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, sat on a throne of cake frosting and jelly beans.  His grey dragon head looked into a mirror his gryphon right claw held, sucking on a grape popsicle in his left paw.  He crossed his goat left leg over his dragon right leg while his pink serpent tail swung to the sounds of chaos from the shouts all around the town.  He let go of his frozen snack and started to slick back his antler and unicorn horn on his head.  His yellow eyes lit up when he saw the six approach him from behind in his mirror. “Well now, this is a surprise.”  He said as the frosting seat rotated.  “Come again to play more games?” Frustrated, Twilight slammed the box down on the ground and kicked open the lid. “Oh dear.  What ever shall I do?”  Discord said sarcastically, tossing the mirror to the side with a smile.  The mirror hits the ground, but didn’t break.  Instead, the ground shook and split under the mirror, creating a very deep crack under the box, making it fall freely into the earth. The six jumped back to dodge falling into the crack, but then they look at the box.  “NO!”  The six friends yelled as they all reached their hooves down the crack to try to catch it.  Twilight’s horn glowed as she started to use telekinesis to lift the box. “Ah-ah-ahh!”  Discord said and turned her horn into a gummy worm.  “That’s cheating.” “I’ll get it!”  Rainbow Dash said as she flew as quickly as possible down the open earth. “Well, since she LOVES to fly, let’s ground her.”  Discord said as he started to laugh maniacally.  The ground started to slowly close as the box fell deeper into the earth. “Rainbow Dash, get out of there!”  Twilight yelled down the crevice.  Before she knew it, Rainbow Dash and the box were out of her sight. “Oh no!”  Fluttershy said as the crack got smaller and smaller.  The five ponies watched and waited quietly, scared of Rainbow Dash’s fate.  Suddenly, a rainbow shot from out of the ground with a loud and deafening boom a second later.  A shock wave of rainbow exploded at ground level creating a nova of light and color that knocked the five friends down, and caused Discord to tumble off of his disintegrating throne.  Twilight Sparkle’s horn turned to normal from Discord’s disorientation as Rainbow Dash slowed her velocity in the air, holding the box in her hooves.  She landed near the five friends and opened the box. “Let’s do this thing!”  She exclaimed as she tossed a necklace to each of the girls.  Dazed and stunned, they stood up and put the necklaces on their necks, while Twilight put the tiara on her head. Slow to recover, Discord turned around just in time to see Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie float in the air with a bright light glow all around them.  Twilight Sparkle’s eyes lit up with a similar light as a rainbow shot from her horn up high into the air, arch over the clouds, and hit Discord. “NOOOOOoooooo!!”  Discord yelled as his body once again started to get petrified.  “Not agaiiii-“  Discord was cut off as he completely turned to stone.  With Discord in the middle, a gigantic rainbow sphere blasted from his position, engulfing all of Ponyville.  Everything the rainbow touched dispelled Discord’s chaotic enchantments.  The six friends slowly fell to the ground as the light faded away. “Phew, let’s not do that again.”  Applejack said in a sigh of relief. “I know!”  Rarity added.  “My manicures just can’t handle it.” “Good job, every pony.”  Twilight said as she took off the tiara with telekinesis from her horn. They all looked around to see that Ponyville is back to normal… ish. > Chapter 2: The Effect > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For weeks, Crimson wandered alone in the dark. Avoiding ravenous monsters, starvation, and hostile ponies, he would started to make his way through the labyrinth of underground caves to escape the centuries of his kind’s brutal tyranny and bloodshed. He had no idea where he was going. All he knew was he wanted to get as far from his old life as possible. His ears perked up as he heard a feint rumble. He illuminated the area with his horn to see his surroundings clearly. Crimson leaned his head toward the floor and notice the pebbles jumping and hopping around. “This is not good.” He whispered to himself as he started to frantically look around to find a safe place to go. Suddenly, he got knocked off his hooves as the earthquake hit in full force. Unable to stand from the violent shaking, he attempted to crawl into a more stable and secure corridor as the rocks above him started to give away from the shock. The strength of the ceiling buckled as the earth all around him started to split open. Crimson jumped as hard as he could to avoid being sucked down by the vacuum created by the giant crack below. Finally, the earth settled and the crevice stopped growing. Crimson slowly got on his hooves and cautiously headed to the crack in the earth. He looked down to see the rocks his hooves unintentionally kicked fall endlessly through the dark void. Then he looked up at a strange and mysterious light illuminating from above. He lightly turned his head and shut his eyes from the bright light from overhead. Trying to get his eyes acquainted with the light levels, he slowly opened his eyelids while holding his left hoof in front of his eyes to help control the light. “What is that?” He asked himself. He looked in amazement and curiosity at the strange blue light as it reached all across the newly created canyon. Then, the earth rumbled again. Rocks fell as the crack slowly closed. Crimson turned and started to run as the corridor behind him collapsed. Making the light from his horn as bright as possible, he dodged the falling rocks, trying to keep his balance from the uneven ground. The cave in closed in as Crimson hurdled over boulders and taking tight and blind turns. He felt the rocks closing in, bouncing off his armor as he ran as fast as he possibly could. Just as the rocks overtook him, he collapsed and slid on the ground just as the corridor stopped closing in on itself. Exhausted and bruised, he started to slowly stand to his hooves as the earth settled. Crimson panted, attempting to catch his breath. He sat down to rest as he brushed off the rock and rubble from his mane. He looked up at the ceiling in deep thought, wondering what that light was. After a minute of sitting and staring at the ceiling, he stood up and walked to a wall. His horn glowed and he started to use his earth magic to slowly turn the rocks before him to sand. As the rock disintegrates, he pushed the sand behind him with his hind hooves to create a passageway upward. Slowly, he started to create a tunnel heading up toward the strange light. * * * Two weeks come and go as Crimson’s food and water supplies ran dangerously low. He worked diligently on the tunnel towards the strange light. He stopped his tunneling as he noticed the strength and stability of the earth around him wasn’t as strong as before. The moisture in the ground and the integrity of the earth was different from deep underground. Taking a small break, he used his earth magic to separate the moisture from the damp rock for water and he took a nibble of the dried meat he has created from his weeks of hunting in the darkness. After his break ended, he started to turn around to find another point to work when he heard something down his tunnel. The echoing growl diminished as Crimson extinguished the light from his horn, and he waited and listened. His eyes slowly adjusted to the pitch black as he intensely looked into the darkness, looking for heat signatures. The disturbance got louder as Crimson finally saw something in the distance. Something big – big enough to take up the entire tunnel. “Out of all of the things...” He whispered to himself when he saw the 30’ long multi legged creature charging through the tunnel. He turned toward the unstable rock and let out a deep sigh. He knew he was in trouble, and he quickly thought of ways to resolve this massive and impending problem. He started to turned in a stationary circle, dragging his clawed hoof on the ground. As the drawing of the circle closed, his horn lit up as he used his earthly magic on the rocks around him. Being his only way to stop the dangerous monster’s advance, Crimson started to channel his energies through the circle to create a small earthquake around him to cave in the tunnel between him and the monster. The earth started to crack and crumble. Dust picked up as the monster drew closer. Its eyes started to glow as Crimson's breath grew heavier and quicker from the exertion of energy. He closed his eyes and tried to focus more of his energy into the spell until finally the earth faltered. The tunnel gave and collapsed on itself, stopping the monster in its tracks. It loudly roared at the blocked path and scratched futilely at the rocks. Crimson sat down with exhaustion as he panted heavily. The dust in the air made it difficult to breath. He coughed as he illuminated the area with his horn. His eyes widened when he realized that he trapped himself in a tight space. Crimson took a deep breath as the dust settled. When Crimson felt rested enough to get back to work, he stared intently at the unstable rocks above him, hoping they don’t fall. A few moments later, he started to slowly and carefully shift and move the earth above him. Cautiously, he continued his trek towards the direction of the mysterious light. With no air flow, it slowly got more and more difficult to breath. After a few hours of careful work, the oxygen got thinner and thinner. Taking a simple breath was almost impossible. He felt his head lighten and his vision starting to fade from the lack of oxygen. He knew he was done for. Then, in an act of desperation, he gathered what strength he has left and focused it to his horn. A beam of light shot out and obliterated the rocks ahead of him with a thunderous boom. The ground shook, then Crimson blacked out and uncontrollably fell to the ground. Crimson’s eyes slowly opened after his body recovered from the asphyxiation. A breeze filled the tunnel as light entered from the passage above. Crimson coughed as he gasped for air. Slowly, his breathing returned to normal. He looked up, unable to see clearly from the bright light at the end of the tunnel. He rubbed his eyes with his hoof, then looked at the light again. In disbelief, he staggered to his hooves and cautiously walked towards the end of the tunnel. The closer he got to the end of the tunnel, the brighter the light got. Finally, Crimson escaped from the tunnels. His eyes squint as he looked at the brilliant white and yellow orb above as it illuminates everything that it touched. He stood at the bottom of a deep crater looking at the blue ceiling that was too high to touch. He stared at the white spots far above him lost at the thought of what they were. He walked towards the edges of the crater and climbed the crater walls. His clawed armored hooves and his underworld life had him climb with great ease. Upon reaching the top, he almost fell back down when he looked in shock at the vast world around him. The light from the great orb reflected off of his diamond dust steel armor, showing the intricate and elegant detail carved into the armor as he stood stunned at what he is witnessing. He looked around to see the entire land illuminated in colors and hues he has never seen, and a world so vast that it goes further than the eye can see. He had never experienced such a world before. He never knew such a world existed. Crimson stood in total awe at this land. “What is this?” Crimson asked as he looked down on the ground at the green and prickly yet soft landscape. He leans down and smelled the strange substance. “What an unusual mold.” He looked up to see large brown and green rock-like objects extruding from the ground. He walked over to one of the strange things and looked at it. He lightly touched it with his armored clawed hoof and the outer layer he touched crumbled to the ground. “Where am I?” He asked himself as he started to wander around to explore this strange land. Then his eyes popped wide open as he looked in awe. “I… I have never seen so much water!” He said as he looked upon a river. He cautiously looked around as he walked up to the river. He leaned over and took a sip of water. His eyes pop again as he dipped his head in the water. “This place is amazing!” He exclaimed with a smile. He looked around one more time, then he started to take off his armor and trinkets to take a bath. > Chapter 3: The Crater > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle studied in the library as Spike put the unshelved books away. Suddenly, the ground shook and books again fall from their shelves. Twilight looked up just in time to see a beam of light shoot from the ground in the distance. A moment later, the tremor stopped, and the beam of light vanished. “What was that?” She asked. Spike’s head poked up from a pile of books that fell on top of him. “Um, I don’t know. An earthquake?” He replied. “No, no. That light.” Twilight said as she put her front legs on the window ceil. She stared in the distance thinking about what she just saw. “I don’t like this.” She said, then jumped down and started to trot towards the door. “Where are you going?” Spike asked as he started to collect the books for inventory. “To get the girls.” Twilight answered as she ran out of the house. “Why? It was just an earthquake.” Spike said as he stared confused. A book dropped from a bookshelf above and smacked Spike in the head. His eyes rolled back and he fell to the ground. * * * Twilight Sparkle gathered her friends and headed toward where she saw the strange light. “It was in this direction.” She said leading the ponies in a seemingly random direction. “I don’t get it, Twilight. What’s going on?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew up to Twilight. “Did you feel that earthquake?” Twilight asked. “There was an earthquake?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “Yeah, it ruined my house of cards!” Pinkie Pie replied as she hopped alongside the girls. “It scared all of the animal friends.” Fluttershy commented. “It knocked all of the apples off the trees.” Applejack added. “My shop is a mess!” Rarity added. “And did anyone see the light shooting out from the ground?” Twilight asked. “Was it fireworks?” Pinkie Pie asked in excitement. She lept into the air, spinning a full circle before landing once more on the ground in full hop speed. “Oh, I hope we’re going to a party!” “I don’t think we’re going to a party.” Twilight answered. “But I have a feeling that light was the cause of the earthquake. And whatever caused that light must have been from a very powerful source.” “How far is it?” Rarity asked. “My shop is a mess and I have a TON of orders to fill.” “I don’t know.” Twilight replied. “Rainbow Dash, can you fly up and see if you can see anything?” “I’m on it!” She answered and she flew up into the air. She looked around until she saw something out of the ordinary. “There!” She yelled, pointing to a large, deep crater that wasn't there before. “Let’s go, girls!” Twilight said and they all made their way to the crater. The ponies stood at the crater’s edge. They stared at the massive hole unknowing that the unstable ground around them started to slowly give from the weight. “Who’a.” Applejack said. “No wond’a we had that quake.” “Where did this come from?” Twilight asked. “Maybe there was this giant pony who had a ginormous ice cream scoop and made a gigantic ice cream sunday!” Pinkie Pie happily commented. “An ice cream scoop?” Applejack questioned. “What’s that in the middle?” Fluttershy quietly asked. “Yeah!” Pinkie Pie replied. “How else are you going to serve ice cream?” “I don’t think this was ice cream Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said, shaking her head. “Do you see what’s in the middle?” Fluttershy asked again. “Why not? Don’t you like ice cream?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Pinkie,” Twilight said. “It has nothing to do with-“ “Hey, do you see that?” Rainbow Dash announced, cutting off Twilight as she pointed towards a small hole in the middle. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say!” Fluttershy said. “I’ll go take a look.” Rainbow Dash offered and she flew towards the hole in the middle of the ice cream scooped ground. After a brief pause, Pinkie Pie looked at Twilight Sparkle. “I still can’t believe you don’t like ice cream.” “What?” Twilight questioned. "Of course I like ice-AHH!!“ The ground crumbled as the entire crater started to close in on itself. The ponies panicked and ran away from the crater. Before long, the entire crater collapsed knocking them off their hooves. The girls sat up and looked at the vanished crater. “Every pony okay?” Twilight asked looking at her friends. “My hair!” Rarity gasped, feeling at her mane. “You’ll live.” Twilight remarked, standing up. Rainbow Dash quickly flew up and hovered in front of the girls. “It looked like a tunnel of some kind.” She landed in front of the five while they got back to their hooves. “But the ground looked burned at the entrance.” “Burned? That’s odd.” Twilight said to herself in thought. “A meteor?” Applejack asked. “No, the light came FROM the ground.” Twilight answered. “Besides, what’s with that tunnel?” “There’s something else.” Rainbow Dash said. “I saw tracks.” “Tracks?” Applejack asked. “Yeah.” Rainbow Dash replied. “Never seen them before.” “Where’d they go?” Applejack asked. “I don’t know.” Rainbow Dash replied with a shrug. “Whatever it was, there were a lot of them just going in a circle.” “So, what now?” Fluttershy asked. “What can we do?” Twilight replied. "That crater collapsed on itself, burying that strange cave." A few moments later, the six turned around and head back to town. > Chapter 4: The Stranger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- His armor shone like he has never seen it shine before. The light from the mysterious orb above showed the fine detail of the intricate and elaborate runic engravings as the diamond flake glimmered in the light. His mane and coat were cleaner than it has ever been, and his hand crafted jewelry was spotless. Crimson walked proudly around the unknown place as clean and pristine as ever. Then, Crimson took cover as he looked upon a strange settlement. He sat and observed the structures and the inhabitants. “No walls?” He asked himself as he studied the general layout of the settlement. He lightly shook his head. “This is a terrible design. It holds no military establishments. There are no walls or guard towers to defend against an enemy attack.” For the next few hours, Crimson laid low and observed. “What are they thinking?” He whispered to himself. Not long after, he decided to check out the settlement. He stood up and started to walk towards the unusual town. He looked around as he cautiously entered the strange settlement. His armor, cleaned from the river, gave off a reflection of his surroundings. Ponies started to turn their head as they noticed the unusual traveler in their town. It wasn't long before Crimson noticed the eyes of the town’s citizens staring at him. He started to slow down and cautiously move as he started to feel isolated and imprisoned. The pony citizens started to mumble amongst themselves as Crimson realized he was the only one wearing armor. The overwhelming feeling of paranoia and isolation got to him as these cowards only looked from afar. His heart pumped faster as he got more and more anxious. Finally, he couldn't take their psychological attack anymore. “Enough of this!” He yelled as he stood on his hind legs. He leaned forward to bear his weight on his forelegs and stomped the ground, causing a nova of energy that shook the area. The pony citizens scattered and ran away in fear. Not long after, armored pegasi flew to Ponyville’s defense from the strange attacker. Crimson spotted the armored pegasus, then took a defensive stance while they surrounded him fro above. “How dare you attack me?” His eyes gave a death glare at the frightened ponies. “You are all fools. Flee now while you still can.” Before a single pegasus landed around him, Crimson was already thinking of every aspect available in the surrounding area to use to his advantage. His years of war and conflict gave ideas and options in a heartbeat. His eyes focused on his kill as he glanced at the buildings, getting an idea of taking the high ground while the pegasus took an attacking posture. “Lay down on the ground!” The pegasus demanded. Crimson lightly turned his head toward an alley between two buildings, while a second pegasus landed behind him. Then he blinked a couple of times, snapping out of his monstrous zone. He looked at the pegasus in the thought that he had just left the life of bloodshed, and he wanted to leave that life behind. With no answer from the intruder, the pegasus charged to subdue the unknown attacker. * * * The six friends reached Ponyville and looked at the smoke rising from the middle of town. Applejack’s eyes widened. “What in tarnation is that?” “I don’t know. Let’s go!” Twilight said and the six went to a full trot into town. They reached the site of the disturbance. Incapacitated royal guards scattered the streets, each of them encased in a stone prison molded to the earth. They struggled to break free while Twilight looked at the strange method of entrapment. “What happened here?” Rainbow Dash pointed to a red armored pony. “Who is that?” “I don’t know.” Applejack replied as two royal guards dove in to attack. The strange pony stomped on the ground, then swiped the air with his hoof. A bounder flew from out of nowhere, hitting the two guards and knocking them to the ground. The rock molded itself around the guards as if it were turned to liquid then merged with the ground. “But we gatta stop’em!” The six charged the stranger to defend Ponyville as the armored pony turned around to see the newcomers. “Why are you attacking me?!” He shouted in anger as his horn started to glow. He stepped down and twisted his hoof in the ground. As he twisted, a ring of earth collapsed around him and he was suddenly engulfed in flame. “Leave, heathens!” The six stop in their tracks around the attacker. Twilight looked shocked at the display of magic. “What the..? I’ve never seen this magic before.” Applejack tilted her head toward Twilight while closely watching the stranger. “Any ideas?” “Yeah.” Twilight replied as she brought her head down. She pointed her horn at the fire, then a beam of light shot towards the fire. The light got absorbed by the fire as the flame lightly pulsates. A heartbeat later, the light Twilight attacked with shot back towards the friends with tendrils of fire wrapped around it. Twilight looked in surprise as the others scream. “AAHHHH!!!” Twilight desperately erected a barrier around herself and her friends just before impact. The fire engulfed the barrier, reflecting off the magic shield and catching some surrounding houses on fire. The six started to sweat from the intense heat as Twilight struggled to keep the barrier up from this powerful magic. Twilight lightly collapsed as the barrier faded. At the same time, the flames stopped, and the stranger watched his opponents through the flames. “My hair!” Rarity pouted as she covered her hair with her hooves. Applejack looked over at the exhausted Twilight. “Twilight, you okay?” “His magic is strong.” Twilight replied, panting and trying to catch her breath. “Rainbow Dash, we need rain clouds!” “Got it!” Rainbow Dash bolted in the air at Twilight’s command. Twilight looked over at Fluttershy as she looked over at the damage around her. “Fluttershy, help the injured.” Fluttershy looked over at Twilight, nodded, them moved away from the conflict. Twilight looked over at Rarity, who is using her hooves to try to straighten her hair. “Rarity, I need a fire agate. I need something that will help defend against his fire magic.” “I am NOT getting dirty.” Rarity remarked. “Rarity!” Twilight replied angrily. “Hurmph.” Rarity gruffed then ran off. Twilight looked at the strange pony as some more guards tried to ambush him. His movements manipulated the flame and he took the guards down with seemingly no effort. The earth then molds itself around the overpowered guards, placing them in a stone prison. She tilted her head toward Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie Pie, we need you to somehow distract him.” “A distraction?” Pinkie Pie questioned. “Yeah. The bigger, the better.” “Okie dokie loki!” Pinkie Pie replied with a smile and she zipped off. “Applejack, when he’s distracted, try to take him down.” “Uh, Twilight, what about the fire?” Applejack asked with a hint of worry. “Let me handle that.” Twilight looked at the stranger, on guard for any attack. The two sat and waited for Pinkie Pie’s distraction. Rarity ran up with a red gem. “Found one.” “Good.” Twilight took the fire agate and put it in front of her using her horn’s telekinesis. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie ran by Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle. “Run!” She shouted to her friends. The three looked at each other in question. “Run?” They turned around to see a tidal wave of string rush to their location. “WHOOO’A~!” The three ponies yelled as they got swept up by the tsunami of string. The strange pony glareed at the string, put his right hoof in front of his left, then drew a line in the ground. The earth cracked open, swallowing the tidal wave of string. The crack swerved through the streets to guide the wave away from the scene. Twilight Sparkle and Applejack poked their heads through the string as Rarity’s upper body was buried, with her flank sticking out. Her screaming is muffled as Pinkie Pie looked down the hole. “Pinkie Pie,” Twilight asked in confusion. “Err, never mind.” Applejack helped free Rarity of her embarrassing situation as Twilight used her magic to toss a rope of string up to Pinkie Pie. “The nerve of him!” Rarity vented. Twilight started to crawl out of the hole with the string. “Come on!” The others follow suit. When they got out of the hole, they looked at the stranger who was just standing there. Twilight looked around on the ground. “Where’s the fire agate?” “You lost it?” Rarity asked. “Hard to focus with an ocean of string sweeping you away.” Rarity’s eye for glamour and beauty spotted the gem tucked away in a corner of a burning building. “There it is!” She pointed her hoof at the gem. Twilight made a mad dash toward the gem as the building's integrity started to give out. She jumped and slid on her stomach, and snatched the gem with her hooves off of the ground. She rolled on her back just in time to see the building starting to crumble on top of her. Quickly, she throw the gem at the falling wall, then focuses her magic into the gem. The gem transmuted the magic and turned it into fire magic, obliterating the falling wall into harmless ash. Crimson stood and watched the pony struggle against the building, and observed her use of the minerals. Twilight got back up and ran back to Rarity. “You alright?” “Yeah. That was a close one.” Twilight looked at the stranger, who continued to just stand still and watch. Twilight started to think to herself about this strange attacker. “Wait a minute.” She said in thought as it started to suddenly gently rain. Rainbow Dash kicked more clouds she put above Ponyville as the gentle drizzled turned into a downpour, with the water falling all over the land extinguishing the fires in town. The strange pony looked up in confusion as he lifted his hoof, feeling the water fall on his skin. His fire barrier weakened from his lack of focus. He lifted his hoof and collected a puddle of water. He looked in amazement as he leaned in to sniff the collection. Twilight’s horn glowed as the fire shifted from the stranger and got absorbed into the fire agate. Suddenly, Applejack tackled the stranger and held him down. The stranger looked at Applejack. “What magic is this?” The stranger asked in total confusion. The guard’s earthly prison melted and they went to Applejack’s aid. Applejack looks into the pinned attacker’s eyes. “This is a good’ol smack down!” “No, this…” He said as he reached his hoof up to feel the water. “What?” Applejack asked confused as the guards relieved the prisoner from Applejack. Pinkie Pie splashed in the rain as the guards took the prisoner away. Rainbow Dash landed next to Twilight Sparkle as she walked up to Applejack. “Is it me, or did he not seem hostile?” “Hostile? Shoot, that pony was wreaking havoc all over Ponyville!” “Yeah, look at this place.” Rainbow Dash remarked as she looked upon the burnt houses. “Yeah, I guess you’re r-“ Twilight said, but was interrupted as Fluttershy ran up to the group. “No pony is really hurt.” “That doesn’t make any sense.” Twilight said as she started to think to herself. “I-eeee!!!” Rarity yelled. The ponies ran to her aid. “Rarity, are you okay?” Rainbow Dash yelled. Rarity, nearly in tears, tried to seek shelter from the rain. “No! My hair is wet!” All but Twilight looked at Rarity with incredulity, but Twilight was lost in thought. “Something doesn’t add up.” > Chapter 5: The Interrogation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Twilight Sparkle paced around the library, thinking about the armored stranger. She didn't feel right about what happened and how it happened. She felt like part of the story wasn't told, as if she was missing a page of a book. Spike just watched her like a ping pong ball. “What’s up, Twilight?” Twilight stopped pacing for a second and looked up in thought. “Something about that pony doesn’t seem right to me.” “What do you mean?” Spike asked. She rubbed her chin with her right hoof in thought. “I don’t know. There’s something about that pony...” Then, she started to trot toward the door. “Wait, Twilight. Where are you going?” Spike asked. Twilight opened the door. “To get some answers.” She replied and she trotted toward the Ponyville jail. Two royal guards standing at the entrance when she arrived. Twilight walked toward the entrance when the guards stopped her. “Sorry, no admittance.” “I want to see the prisoner.” Twilight requested. The guards stood firm. “By order of Captain Shining Armor, no admittance.” “Shining Armor? He’s my brother. I’m sure he would allow me to enter.” A guard shook his head. “I don’t care who he is to you. No admittance without his permission.” “Gah!” Twilight turned frustrated and saw Pinkie Pie hopping around in a circle, smiling and singing to herself. Twilight walked to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie, what are you doing?” Pinkie Pie started to hop around Twilight Sparkle. “Bubble ring!” A look of confusion filled Twilight’s face. “A... bubble ring?” “For bubbles.” Pinkie Pie poured bubbled water in the circle she created. Twilight lifted and eyebrow as Pinkie Pie grabbed a large ring that fit in the circle. “What’s that for?” “Bubbles!” Pinkie Pie dipped the ring in the circle, then waved it around. A large bubble formed and morphed out of the ring, then floated gently in the air towards Twilight. Twilight watched the bubble as it slowly and gently touched her horn. The bubble popped soaking Twilight in bubble water. Twilight rubbed her eyes. “Pinkie!” “Wee!!!” Pinkie Pie started to float away inside one of the bubbles. Twilight shook her head as she used her magic to pop the bubble and levitate Pinkie Pie to the ground. “Pinkie, stop for a moment.” Pinkie stopped her happy hopping as Twilight continued. “Is there anything about yesterday that’s bugging you?” “Hmm…” Pinkie Pie thought to herself for a moment. “Yeah, you’re right! I didn’t have any punch to drink.” “No, I mean about that strange pony.” Twilight corrected, slightly frustrated. “Hmm… Come to think of it, what happened to all of the string?” Twilight sighed. “Nevermind.” Shaking her head and rubbing her eyes with her hoof, Twilight looked over at the guards with the corner of her eye. “Pinkie, I need to talk with that pony from yesterday.” “You mean the creepy one with the red skin?” Twilight put her hoof down and nodded her head. “Yes, that one.” Pinkie’s eyes widened with drama. “And the strange, shiny armor?” “Yes, that one.” “And the curved horn?” Pinkie almost shouted in horror. “Yes, that one!” Twilight turned to the jailhouse. “But I can’t see him because the guards are blocking the entrance.” She turned back to Pinkie, who was now dressed up in an ice cream sales pony outfit and an ice cream cart. Baffled, Twilight blinked for a moment as Pinkie Pie walked up to the guards. The guards walked to the cart and started to pick out some ice cream. “I guess that’ll do.” Twilight quietly snuck toward the jailhouse. One of the guards pointed at a picture on Pinkie Pie’s cart. “And what is this one?” “This is an ice cream cone with cake inside with brownies on top!” Pinkie Pie said in excitement. “Wow. And what about that one?” The second guard pointed to another picture. “It’s a cake covered brownie with delicious chocolate ice cream cake on top!” With the guard’s attention diverted, Twilight started to slowly open the door to the jailhouse. One of the guards looked up and Twilight held still. She quietly took a deep breath as she watched the guard. “... What about a mix of this one and this.” The guard pointed to two separate items on Pinkie’s cart. Pinkie’s eyes widened with a hint of amazement filling her face. “Why didn’t I think of that?!” She jumped up in happiness. “Oh, and what if…” Twilight sighed in relief as Pinkie Pie talked about all sorts of combinations. Slowly and quietly, she snuck inside the jailhouse. Crimson sat in a cell in the back of the jailhouse. His hooves were shackled to the ground in heavy chains. His skin was littered with scars from the countless battles he fought, and his wings were leather instead of feathers like normal ponies. Twilight walked up to the pony and looked at him through the cell bars. Crimson saw the visitor and stood up. “Who are you?” Twilight asked. “I am Ebon Commander Crimson Thull from House Thull, son of Galvis and Nolia Thull, brother to Scorch, Demi, and Temethyst Thull.” Twilight looked at the stranger in a confused manner. “Wow, that’s a hoofull.” “May I inquire the name of my captor and vanquisher?” “My name? I’m Twilight Sparkle. Err, star pupil to Princess Celestia.” She added as to not feel so awkward to this stranger’s unusual reply. “Ms. Twilight Sparkle, star pupil to Princess Celestia.” Crimson bowed in acknowledgement of his guest. Twilight looked strangely at the prisoner as he continued. “May I ask another question?” “I have questions of my own.” “My apologies.” He said with a humbling tone. “I mean not to upset my captor.” “Captor?” Twilight mumbled to herself. She looked at Crimson. “Why did you attack us?” “I did not mean for my visit to be such an insult to your land. However, I am not the provoker.” “What?” Twilight lightly recoiled at the reply. “What does that mean?” “The ones who reside here, they are the ones who attacked first with their stares and chatter.” “Really?” Twilight turned toward Crimson’s possessions. “I did not know this civilization was hostile towards wandering travelers.” In shock, Twilight turned toward the jail cell. “How do you get that idea? Ponyville is a great and welcoming town.” “I am inclined to disagree for it was them who stared at a distance and talked amongst themselves.” “I think it has to do with your armor.” Twilight said as she put her hoof on his breast plate of his armor. She looked closely at the magnificent and elegant etchings on the armor itself. “I’ve never seen this kind of work before.” “Your soldiers wear armor.” “Soldiers?” Twilight asked as she touched the jeweled knife with her hoof. Crimson’s eyes widened as he noticed Twilight’s attention on the knife. “I am sorry. I did not mean to speak out of turn.” “What are you talking about?” Twilight turned around confused. “They’re more ‘guards’ than ‘soldiers.’” Twilight noticed the prisoner looking very uptight and tense. She looked away in thought. “What pony doesn’t know about the Royal Guards?” She asked herself as she wondered off in thought. “I must commend your knowledge in the properties of minerals.” Crimson complimented. “You mean the gem?” “Yes. I have not met many ponies who know about a mineral’s properties, much less the power to utilize them.” Twilight smiled. “Thanks. I study a lot of magic.” She turned back toward Crimson’s armor. “I noticed a lot of gems on your armor and accessories.” “They have been vital to my survival.” “Against what?” “They have defended me and kept me alive in countless encounters.” “Yeah, I can see you’ve been through a lot.” Twilight turned back toward Crimson. “May I inquire to what rank you hold?” Crimson asked. “My rank? I don’t really have a rank.” Crimson lightly leaned to his right. “Your rank mark.” Twilight turned her head trying to see what Crimson was looking at. “You mean my cutie mark?” “Is that what your kind calls it?” Crimsons asked straightening himself. “Uh, I guess.” Twilight looked at Crimson toward his flank to see what mark he had. “You have a strange cutie mark. Wait…” She leaned her head forward and lightly squinted. “Are those… Scars?” Crimson turned his head toward the pattern on his flank. “This represents my rank and affiliation.” “That’s not a cutie mark.” Twilight gasped as she looked on the other side of Crimson. “It’s not on the other side. It’s a different pattern.” Crimson looked to his other flank. “This represents my military history and my battle record.” “Oh.” Twilight quietly replied. She noticed a fresh wound on his flank that continued with the pattern. “What’s that one for?” Crimson looked at his self-inflicted burn. He lightly frowned from the mark he made just before leaving the massacre that had him decide to run away. “My desertion from House Thull.” Twilight looked shocked at Crimson. “Why would you do something like that?” Crimson looked down with a depressed look about him. “I did not like the life I was forced to live, the fear I was forced to spread, the pain and the suffering I was forced to inflict.” She looked sympathetically upon the prisoner. “It must have been terrible.” Crimson looked at Twilight after a brief pause. “May I ask a question?” “You don’t always have to ask permission.” Crimson looked confused for a moment at Twilight’s reply. “Yes, yes. You can ask a question.” “What magic caused the water to fall from above?” “Magic?” Twilight thought to herself for a moment. “You mean the rain?” “Rain magic?” Crimson asked. “There was no ‘magic’ about it. It was just rain.” “Very well. I understand. Every pony has their secrets.” “What are you talking about?” Twilight asked in total confusion. “Don’t you know what ‘rain’ is?” Crimson shook his head. “I do not.” “That’s ridiculous. Every pony knows what ‘rain’ is.” She sighed then looked at the stranger. “Okay, rain is the water that collects into clouds that form in the sky.” “Thesky… A powerful demon?” “A what? No.” Twilight said baffled. “The sky isn’t a demon. It’s… How can you not know what the sky it?” Frustrated, Twilight looked away and started to think to herself. “Am I to assume that this ‘Thesky’ is what the bright ceiling was?” Twilight, almost totally baffled and dumbfounded, stared blankly and speechless at the stranger. “And was this ‘Thesky’ overpowered by another? Or did this creature have to rest?” “It’s not called ‘Thesky.’” Twilight said, starting to understand his unusual line of questions. “It’s just named ‘sky.’ It’s not a demon.” “Oh. Where did your sky go? It turned dark with a strange chill. And why did it come back?” “… Are you serious?” Twilight asked in disbelief. “And what are the glittering lights in your sky? And the white objects? And the orb of light? What is that second orb when the ceiling turns dark?” Crimson stared up in wonder. “Why do the orbs disappear? Why did it get colder?” “… You are serious.” She looked awkwardly and confused at the strange pony as he ranted on. “And where does all of the water come from? I have never seen so much water in my life.” Crimson says as he looked out a small window. “Where are you from?” Twilight asked baffled. Crimson snapped back into reality and repressed his natural curiosity like he was trained. “Oh, I am sorry. I did not mean to be so disrespectful.” He bowed in humility. “Where are you from?” Twilight asked again. “I come from beneath your lands. Where I am from, it is dark, cold, murderous, traitorous, and very dangerous.” “Beneath us?” Twilight looked at the ground. “I escaped the dark pits below to this brilliant land of yours.” “Escaped? Wait, you came from the crater!” Twilight exclaimed. Just then, a unicorn pony comes in. He held his head up high as his decorated coat gave him a sense of title and respect. His white coat and his blue shield cutie mark were clean and spotless. “Twiley? What are you doing here?” “Oh, Shining Armor.” Twilight said looking upon her brother. “You’re not supposed to be in here.” Shining Armor looked to the prisoner. He nudged his head behind him to the door. “Come on, Twilight. Let’s go.” Twilight walked toward the door as Shining Armor followed her. Crimson bowed at the leave of his guest. “Farewell, Ms. Twilight Sparkle, star pupil to Princess Celestia.” Twilight looked back at the prisoner bowing to her presence. The two guards stood at full attention as Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor exited the building. “So what’s going to happen to him?” Twilight asked. “I’m going to hold a trial tomorrow.” Shining Armor replied. “After that, I don’t know.” Twilight seems lost in thought at that comment. “Twiley, I’d love to stay and talk, but I have a lot of work to do.” “Oh, yes. Of course.” Twilight said. “Will any pony be speaking for him?” “The prisoner?” Shining Armor looked back into the jailhouse. “Doubtful. He isn’t a very popular pony.” Twilight frowned, then looked toward the jailhouse. “I’ll catch up with you later. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat after everything is done?” Twilight gives a faint smile and nods her head. “Okay, until then.” Shining Armor turned and entered the jailhouse, leaving her outside. Twilight turned around and started to walk toward the library in thought. Pinkie Pie fell from the sky and landed in front of her with an ice cream cone in her hoof. “Why the long face?” Pinkie Pie smiled. Twilight just stared at her. “You look like you could use ice cream.” “Uh, thanks, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight slowly took the ice cream cone from Pinkie Pie’s hoof. “Why the frowns?” Twilight just stared toward the ground. “I don’t know. Something doesn’t seem right.” She licked the ice cream and Pinkie Pie tilted her head. Twilight’s eyes widened up. “Wow, Pinkie. This is terrific!” “You like it? The guards and I created it just a few minutes ago.” Pinkie started to float in the air. “I’m glad you like it!” She said as she floated behind a building and out of Twilight’s sight. Twilight sat down and snacked on the ice cream while looking at the jailhouse, reflecting on what her brother said. Her eyes widened as she snapped her head up. “I got it!” She stood up and trotted to the library. > Chapter 6: The Trial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hot and stuffy courtroom was full of angry ponies waiting for the trial to start. Tensions rose for each passing moment they waited. Crimson sat shackled with royal guards beside him just eager to take him down if he tried anything. Next to that table was another table with a well groomed pony with a gray coat and a dark mane reading files. The Bailiff, large and intimidating pony with a near black coat, stood. “All rise.” The Bailiff announced in a deep voice. “The honorable Judge Mare resides.” All of the ponies quiet down and stood up as an older pony with a tan coat with gray hair and mane wearing black robes walked in from the back room. She went to the chair in the middle of the court and rose her chin. “Be seated.” The Bailiff said. All of the ponies sat in their chairs as he himself took a seat. “Ponyville vs. The Destroyer.” “The… Destroyer?” Judge Mare asked in near disbelief as she put on her glasses. She looked into a file on her stand and gave a slight smile. She lightly smirked and chuckled gently. “The Destroyer it is.” She cleared her throat and regained her composure as she started to browse through the file. “Who speaks for Ponyville?” “I do.” The well groomed pony stood. “Ah, hello Gregor. Good to see you again.” Mare said with a welcoming smile. “Thank you.” The well groomed pony replied and sat down as the Judge continued. “Who speaks for The Destroyer?” She looked at Crimson’s table. After a brief silence, “Very well.” The courtroom doors opened with a crash as Twilight Sparkle rushed into the court. “I do!” She exclaimed. The ponies in the room started to whisper amongst themselves as Twilight trotted to the front of the courtroom. She slowed to a walk as she neared Crimson’s table. The Judge slammed her gavel on her desk. “Order!” The audience quieted down as the Judge looked over at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, this outburst is an outrage and disrespectful to my court!” “I’m sorry, Mayor Mare.” Twilight said and she sat next to Crimson. “That’s Judge Mare.” Judge Mare corrected. “Oh, sorry… Judge Mare.” “Ms. Twilight Sparkle, star pupil to Princess Celestia. You honor me with your presence.” Crimson bowed to Twilight. Twilight whispered with her hoof to her lips. “Shh.” The Judge looked straight at Crimson and Twilight. “Are you done?” Twilight cleared her throat. “Uh, yes. Sorry.” The Judge lifted her chin and once again regained her composure. “Very well. Charges?” The Bailiff read from a sheet of paper. “Sixty-two counts of Aggravated Assault, fifteen counts of Attempted Murder…” As the Bailiff read the charges, Twilight leaned to Crimson. “Just call me Twilight.” “Ms. Twilight.” Crimson whispered bowing once more. “Just ‘Twilight.’” “… one-hundred-forty-six counts of Disturbing the Peace, and fifty-five counts of Vandalism.” “My, that is a long list.” The Judge said. The trial continued with the court showing a heavy bias against Crimson. The more Gregor talked, the more the court grumbled and disliked the red coated stranger. “Witnesses.” The Judge announced. Gregor stood. “I’d like to call Witness 1 to the stand.” A pony walked up from the back of the court and went towards the witness stand. Twilight leaned to Crimson as the witness was being sworn in. “Don’t worry. Just stay quiet and only answer exactly what you’ve been asked.” Crimson nodded. “May I approach the witness?” Gregor asked the Judge. The Judge nodded. “Go ahead.” Gregor walked up to the witness stand. “So tell us what happened.” “It was a sunny day. I was on my way to the store when I saw this strange pony walk into town.” “Do you see this pony in this room?” Gregor asked, turning to Crimson. “Yes I do.” The witness replied and he pointed to Crimson with his hoof. Gregor turned his head to the courtroom recorder. “For the record, the witness pointed to the defendant.” He turned back to the witness. “Please continue.” Gregor started to slowly pace back and forth as the witness continued. “He was in this strange armor. He looked very frightening. The more he was acting strangely, the more I watched him. He was growing more and more suspicious. Then he yelled something and attacked the town.” “Did you or anyone you see do anything to provoke this attack?” The witness shook his head. “No.” Gregor stopped pacing and turned to the witness. “So he attacked for no reason?” “Yes.” “How strange.” Gregor looked around at the other ponies in the court. After a brief pause, he turned back to the witness. “What did he do?” “He did this… strange thing that shook the ground and made a loud noise. I was scared.” “And what happened when the Royal Guards came?” “The Royal Guards rushed to stop The Destroyer. Every attempt lead to them being knocked out or wrapped up in the ground or something.” “So he resisted arrest?” “Yes.” Gregor looked at the jury. “There was a lot of damage done to Ponyville. Did you see him burn any buildings?” “I saw him use this strange fire magic at some ponies who went near him.” “So he ruthlessly attacked any pony who got near him?” “Yes.” The witness replied. “I have no further questions.” Gregor walked to his seat and sat down. The Judge looked over to Twilight Sparkle. “Defense, your witness.” “Uh, I need a moment.” Twilight replied as she look down to think. “Try to hurry it up.” Twilight’s frowned as she thought about the situation. Then her eyes widened as she got an idea. She stood and walked to the witness. “Twilight Sparkle, you’re not supposed to approach the witness without my permission.” The Judge remarked. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.” Gregor smileed at the rookie’s constant mistakes. “Can I approach?” Twilight shyly asked. The Judge adjusted her glasses and stared at Twilight. “You may.” Twilight walked up to the witness stand. “Do you know this pony?” Gregor stood. “Objection! Repetition.” “Sustained.” “Sustained?” Twilight asked. “As in, ‘I agree with the objection.’” The Judge explained. The courtroom started to murmur and chuckle. “Order!” The Judge demanded. The courtroom quieted down. Twilight turned her head toward the mumbling patrons in the courtroom. “Okay, umm…” She nervously looked back at the witness. “Have you seen this pony before?” “Objection. Repetition.” Gregor said again. “Sustained.” Twilight snapped her head to the judge. “What? Why?” The Judge looked over at Twilight. “You’re asking a previously answered question. Now get on with it and stop making a mockery of my courtroom.” The frustrated Twilight turned around and fumed to herself as the courtroom again started to murmur and chuckle as they saw no confidence in Twilight’s ability to defend Crimson. “Order!” The Judge demanded. Twilight turned to the witness. “Okay, have yoooou… seen this pony before today?” She looked over to Gregor. He remained silent with a cocky grin. “No.” The witness replied. Twilight turned back to the witness. “So you watch him from the moment he entered Ponyville?” “Yes.” “Constantly?” Gregor lifted his hoof. “Objection! Asked and answered.” “It’s for clarification.” Twilight remarked, looking at the Judge. “I’ll allow it.” The Judge ruled. She looked at the witness. “Answer the question.” The witness looked at the Judge, then back at Twilight. “Yes.” Twilight excitedly whispered to herself as she performed a downward pump with her hoof. Judge Mare looked angrily at Twilight’s actions. “Twilight Sparkle, can you at least TRY to be professional in my court?” Twilight snapped her hoof back to the ground and looked straight ahead of her with a blank expression. “Oh, yes. Sorry.” She cleared her throat, then turned toward the witness to continue her questioning. “How would it feel to be watched constantly?” “Objection! Opinion.” Gregor gave a cocky grin at Twilight. “Sustained.” The Judge ruled. Twilight huffed as the judge’s ruling. She looked over at the shackled pony. She got an idea and whipped her head to the witness. “This alleged ‘attack’ that you saw before you got scared, what did it do?” “Objection! Asked and answered!” Gregor objected with a grin. Twilight looked at Judge Mare. “I’m questioning the magic effect, not the pony in question.” “Overruled.” “Yess!” Twilight whispered in excitement. She was about to do another hoof pump, but she opened her eyes with a quick breath then quickly regained her composure. The judge watched Twilight as the witness answers the question. “It caused a loud boom and shook the ground.” Twilight turned toward the witness. “And did this alleged ‘attack’ hurt any pony?” “Uh…” The witness started to think for a moment. “Not that I saw.” Twilight started to lightly pace back and forth in the courtroom as she continued to question the witness. “Did it damage anything?” “I don’t think so.” Twilight stopped and looks at the jury. “Isn’t it strange that this so called ‘Destroyer’ didn’t actually DESTROY anything?” Gregor’s grin suddenly vanished. “Objection! Op-” “Overruled.” Judge Mare immediately ruled, cutting off Gregor. The judge looked at the witness. “Answer the question.” Twilight turned toward the witness as he started to sweat a little. “I guess.” The court murmured at the reply as Twilight smiled. She starts to think about what else to look for in the testimony. The Judge slammed her gavel on the desk. “Order!” The courtroom quieted down. After a brief pause and some thought of her next action, Twilight looked up with another idea. “This fire, when was it used?” “Objection! Repetitive.” The Judge lifted a hoof. “Overruled.” The Judge grabbed her gavel as the witness started to get more and more nervous and unsure. “Umm… Whenever some pony would get close to him.” “But not at any random pony?” Twilight asked. The witness shook his head. “No, not really.” Some of the ponies in the room started to whisper amongst themselves as Gregor nervously loosened his collar a bit. Twilight continued with the questions. “So whenever some pony threatened him?” The witness started to feel unsure of everything as he started to avoid eye contact. “I suppose you can say that.” Twilight tilted her body to try to get the witness to make eye contact. “Did you see the defendant use this fire magic?” The witness started to move uneasily, trying hard to avoid eye contact. Twilight tried to match his body movement. The Judge sighed in frustration, then looked at the witness. “Would you mind sitting up?” The witness looked at the Judge. “Yes, Mayor.” “Judge Mare.” The Judge corrected. “Oh… Yes, Judge Mare.” The witness, now very nervous and stressed, sat up. “Answer the question.” The Judge ordered. “Oh. Uh, yes I did.” Twilight watched the uneasy witness. “At a building?” Gregor stood and lifts his hoof. “Objection!” “Sustained. Rephrase the question.” The Judge said as Gregor sat back down. “Okay, umm…” Twilight started to lightly pace before she got an idea. She turned back toward the witness. “Ah, did the defendant directly use the fire magic to catch a building of fire?” “Umm, not directly.” Twilight walked up to the witness. “So how did the defendant allegedly catch the buildings on fire?” The witness thought for a moment. “Umm… I don’t know.” The courtroom started to talk amongst themselves. Twilight’s eyes popped a little as she leaned her head in. “Could it be that the fire was deflected to hit these buildings?” “I... suppose so.” The witness replied, unsure at what to think about the situation. Twilight turned to the jury. “So if he didn’t feel threatened at all by any pony, no damage or harm would have been done to Ponyville.” The courtroom exploded in an uproar. Twilight smiled and walked to her bench to sit down while The Judge slammed her gavel on the desk “Order!” The Judge stood and slammed her gavel again. “Order in the court!” Finally, the courtroom settled down. The court stood quietly in an awkward silence. The Judge looked at Twilight, who was sitting down. “Are you done?” Twilight looked surprised. “Oh, yes. Yes I am.” “You may step down.” The Judge looked at Gregor, who had a nervous look about him. “Bring on your next witness.” Every witness Gregor brought to the stand generally ended up the same way. Twilight built confidence and learned how the courtroom works. The more witnesses that Gregor brought to the stand, the more Twilight learned on how to word questions. Even when Gregor brought up Royal Guards to the stand, the story eventually ended up the same. Crimson just sat quietly and waited patiently, observing these strange pony’s customs in law and order. A few hours later, Judge Mare asked for another witness. Gregor looks stressed and beaten. He stood up with a desperate idea. “I call to the stand The Destroyer.” All eyes locked in on the shackled pony. Twilight leaned to Crimson. “Do just as the other ponies did.” She advised. “Answer direct answers to questions and don’t say any more than you have to.” Crimson nodded as the guards lifted him and brought him to the stand. “State your name.” The Bailiff said. Crimson stood up. “I am Ebon Commander Crimson Thull from House Thull, son of Galvis and Nolia Thull, brother to Scorch, Demi, and Temethyst Thull” The Judge adjusted her glasses at Crimson’s reply, then turned toward Gregor. “Your witness.” “May I approach?” Gregor asked. The Judge looked at her notes. “You may.” Gregor walked toward Crimson while keeping his distance. “Destroyer, would you-“ Twilight stood. “Objection!” Grogor turned in surprised. “What grounds?” “Badgering. He has given his official name and should be called by such.” The Judge nodded. “Sustained.” Twilight sat down with a smile as Gregor sighed. “Would you say-“ “Objection. Leading the witness.” “Sustained.” Gregor huffed to himself. Then he turned back to Crimson. “Isn’t it true that-“ “Objection. Leading.” “Sustained.” The Judge agreed. Gregor, now angry and frustrated, continued to try to get a single question asked. He glared at Twilight. She grinned and glared right back at him. “What…” He looked over at Twilight. She lifted a hoof and gestured for him to continue with his question. “… affiliation were you with to achieve your rank?” “I was given my rank by the ruler of my house, Temethyst Thull, the eldest of my family.” “I have never heard of this ‘house’ of yours. Where is this place?” “Beneath you.” “Explain.” Gregor said. “Underground.” “What were you doing underground?” Gregor asked. “Living.” “Care to explain?” Crimson lightly shook his head. “I do not think I can explain it any further.” “Are you intentionally trying to piss me off?” “Objection! Badgering the witness.” Twilight announced. “Sustained.” The Judge ruled. “Careful with your outbursts, Gregor.” Gregor looked at the judge. “What? He’s avoiding my question!” “Then you’d better word your questions better.” The Judge commented. Gregor stomped his hoof on the ground in protest. The Judge looked at Gregor. “Mr. Gregor, if you make another outburst like that again, I’ll hold you in contempt!” Gregor tried to calm himself down with a few deep breaths. “You have rather destructive magic. Where did you learn it?” “Underground.” “Explain.” Crimson looked at the judge. “Objection. Repetition.” “That does it!” Gregor jumped up at the shackled witness. The Bailiff stepped on Gregor’s head and stomped him to the ground as the entire courtroom exploded in yelling. The Judge continuously slammed her gravel on the desk, struggling to get order in the courtroom. Crimson sat calm and peaceful in the booth, watching the chaos around him. Finally, the room started to settle down as the Bailiff held Gregor. “Order!” The Judge looked at the Bailiff. “Get him out of here!” The courtroom again exploded as the Bailiff drug the once well groomed pony out of the courtroom. Again, the judge slammed the gavel. “I said ORDER!” The courtroom quieted down. “The next pony that I even hear breath will be held in content!” The courtroom stood still and silent. Judge Mare looked about the courtroom. Twilight stood up. “Your Honor, I move that this case should be dismissed due to a lack of prosecution.” The courtroom simultaneously stood up and was about ready to raise havoc, but the glare Judge Mare gave to the crowd stopped their protest, and they sat back down quietly. “Due to the defendant’s inability to face his accuser, I have decided to release the defendant.” Judge Mare ruled. “Twilight Sparkle, since you have taken a great effort to defend this pony, I have decided to charge you with his parole.” “What?” Twilight asked as the Judge continued. “Every action this pony does will be your responsibility. Every mistake he makes, you will share in his punishment. We will reconvene at a later date that I’ll decide later.” She stood up and smacked down her gavel. The crowd stood up and created a huge commotion as Crimson was released from his bindings. Judge Mayor walked out of the courtroom from a back door. Twilight looked over at Crimson with a worried look about her face. > Chapter 7: The Subservient > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight walked out of the courtroom and looked upon the recuperating town. Her friends awaited her out of the courtroom and they ran up to her. Rainbow Dash hovered next to Twilight. “What were you thinking?” Twilight looked up to Rainbow Dash. “What do you mean?” Applejack gestured toward the town. “You just released this monster back into Ponyville!” Twilight shook her head. “I don’t think he’s a monster.” Rarity gasped. “Not a monster? Have you seen his coat?” Rainbow Dash extended her wings. “His leathery wings?” “The scars?” Fluttershy added in horror. Pinkie Pie stomped on the ground in a gruff. “And where is my string?” “He isn’t from around here.” Twilight said. Applejack shook her head. “Doesn’t mean he’ll be all friendly.” “And didn’t he almost burn your tail off?” Rainbow Dash shook her tail. “Yes, but I don’t think he knew any better.” Twilight replied. Applejack recoiled. “He didn’t know any better?!” She shook her head. “What in tarnation do you mean? Any pony his age knows what they’re doing.” Twilight shook her head in thought. “I don’t know. I just don’t think he knew any better.” Rainbow Dash raised her hooves. “You keep saying that.” “Yeah, why ya think that?” Applejack added. Twilight looked up at the sky. “Did you see his reaction to the rain?” Then she looked at the girls and lifted a hoof. “His unnatural hostilities. His efforts to avoid seriously injuring any pony.” “His powerful rock and fire magic.” Rainbow Dash quipped. “Come on! I need your help!” Twilight begged. Crimson walked out of the courtroom at that moment, fully geared. Twilight’s friends looked slightly wide eyed at the stranger. “They gave him back his armor?” Twilight turned to look at Crimson. “Well, the courts ruled in his favor so he didn’t legally do anything wrong.” Crimson walked up to Twilight and her friends. Her friends just glared at him in distrust as he bowed courteously to Twilight. “Ms. Twilight Sparkle, star pu-“ Twilight lifted a hoof at Crimson, stopping him mid-sentence. “Like I said in the courtroom, just call me Twilight.” “Many apologies. I shall not make that mistake again.” After a brief and awkward pause, the friends looked at Twilight. Applejack took a step backward. “Well, I got tons of apples to harvest.” “Uh, yeah. And rainclouds to work on.” Rainbow Dash added. Twilight looked toward her friends. “Oh, okay.” Rarity shook her tail. “And I have to wash my tail. Takes hours.” “The animals need to be fed.” Fluttershy softly commented. Twilight looked suspiciously upon her friends as there was a brief pause. Pinkie Pie leaned her head in with a suspicious glare. “And I just think you’re creepy!” Twilight lifted a hoof as the five turned around to leave. “Wait!” Crimson watched the strange events unfold before him. “I am sorry. Did I do something wrong?” Twilight turned toward Crimson. “Like what?” “It would seem your companions do not approve of my company.” Twilight looked away. “I guess that’s one way to look at it.” She turned toward Ponyville and shrugged her shoulder. “Come on. Let me show you around Ponyville.” “As you command.” Twilight looks oddly as Crimson follows her closely. * * * The two start to walk around the town for a couple of hours. Ponyville’s citizens looked suspiciously at the now free attacker. Twilight turned her head toward Crimson. “So tell me about yourself.” “What do you wish to know?” Crimson asked. “Tell me about your home.” Crimson stopped walking. Twilight turned around to see Crimson standing still, looking down. “My home…” Twilight walked up to Crimson. “What’s wrong?” “You wish to know about my home.” “Well, I’m curious.” Twilight asked, taking a couple more steps towards Crimson. “As you wish.” Crimson looked up to Twilight. “My home is a dark and traitorous place. The weak are slain and the strong grow more powerful. My home is filled with deception and devious acts. It is a place of war, violence, bloodshed, and chaos where you watched your back every moment of your life.” Twilight listened in horror as he continued. “Every pony you thought you trusted would betray you if it served their purpose. Even your family would turn on you for power.” Twilight stood speechless. “I am glad I left and I do not wish to return.” Twilight just stared at Crimson with a long moment of dumbfoundedness. “What a horrible place! What about your friends?” “I do not understand.” “What about your friends at home?” “Friends?” Crimson asked confused. “You know, ponies who you can rely on and talk to. Ponies you can trust.” Crimson shook his head. “They are nonexistent.” “That’s nonsense!” Twilight argued. “Tell you what, I’ll be your friend.” Crimson slightly recoiled in confusion. “My… friend?” Twilight smiled. “Yeah. You can talk to me and trust me.” Crimson looked with suspicion. “What is in this transaction for you?” “Wh… what?” Twilight tilted her head in confusion. “A pony does not simply defend another pony on a trial, put your honor on the line, and not expect anything in return.” Twilight scratched her head. “Uhh… A friend?” She replied kind of unsure. “I do not understand, but I shall comply with your terms.” Twilight looked totally and utterly baffled. “Look, trust me when I say I know what it’s like to not know what friendship is.” She nudged her head down the path. “Come on. I want you to get to know my friends.” Twilight led on as Crimson followed closely behind. > Chapter 8: The Lunacy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight opened the door into Sugarcube Corner, the bakery Pinkie Pie worked at. The smell of freshly baked goods filled the air as delicious treats, snacks, and deserts lined the shelves all over the shop. Crimson looked around and sniffs the air. “What is this intoxicating aroma?” Twilight took a few steps in and looked at Pinkie Pie, who was working on mixing batter. “Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie Pie looks over to her guests. Crimson looked at Twilight. “This smell is ‘pinkie pie?’ What is this ‘pinkie pie’ you sp-“ “Hi Twilight!” Pinkie said with a smile, but her smoke lightly wore away when noticing the pony next to Twilight. “And creepy guest.” Twilight looked at the ‘creepy guest.’ “This is Pinkie Pie. Pinkie, this is Crimson.” “Greetings, Ms. Pinkie Pie.” Crimson gave a courteous bow. Twilight shook her head at Crimson. “No, no. There is no need to be so formal.” Crimson’s eyes looked up at Twilight. “Is there no social order in your society?” “There is.” Twilight replied. “But the ponies of Ponyville lead a rather… informal lifestyle.” Crimson lifted his head in surprise. “This is madness.” “Madness?!” Pinkie Pie hopped over the counter towards Twilight and Crimson. Then in a tone that casually gets louder, “This… is…” “Pinkie Pie!” Twilight said, cutting her off while taking a deep breath. “Pinkie Pie? Well, I guess I am me.” She hopped back behind the counter. Twilight led Crimson to the bakery counter. “So what did you eat underground?” Crimson looked at a tower of color and ordainments. “Dried meats, bread, and editable fungi mostly.” Pinkie Pie looked at Crimson, who was staring at a baked good. “You mean you’ve never had cake?” Crimson started to sniff the delicious desert. “I do not even know what ‘cake’ is.” Pinkie Pie happily hopped up and down. “Then you MUST make a cake with me!” Crimson looked at Twilight. “Go ahead. It’ll be fun!” Twilight said as she jerked her head towards Pinkie Pie. “As you will.” Crimson said with a bow. Pinkie Pie led Crimson towards the back of the bakery. “I’ll be back later.” Twilight announced as she turned around and left the bakery. Pinkie Pie handed Crimson a bowl and some ingredients already measured. She started mixing a bowl of her own as she looked at Crimson. He just stood still, looking at the reagents. “You’ll make the white cake. I’ll make the mint cake. Mix mix mixy mix!” Pinkie Pie said with a smile as she expertly mixed her bowl. Crimson looked at Pinkie Pie and watched how fast she was able to mix her ingredients in her bowl. Then he started to add the ingredients into the mixing bowl Pinkie Pie handed him. He looked back at Pinkie Pie, then back at his bowl as he starts mixing. Pinkie Pie took a taste of the mint cake batter she was experimenting with. “Mmmm!” She dipped her face into the bowl and ate the entire bowl of batter iin one lick. The batter was all over her face and mane when she removed her face from the interior of the bowl. She smiled, then bobbed her head in approval. She licked her lips, then looked over at Crimson as he made a small mess. Pinkie Pie walked over to Crimson with her bowl, batter dripping on the floor. “No, no. Try it like this.” “Pardon, you-“ She tilted her bowl at him and showed him how to hold the mixing spoon. “Now mixy mix!” Crimson placed the bowl on the counter and started to mix how Pinkie Pie showed him. He mixed faster and faster until the bowl shattered in his hooves. “Is this supposed to happen?” Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened as she looked at the living vortex of white cake batter that formed on her counter top. She leaned in closer to watch the cake mix keep the form of the mixing bowl without the bowl itself. Out of wonder, she reached in and touched it with her spoon. The batter exploded, losing its shape. She stood up with a battered face mask with white cake covering her face, and the mint cake batter covering her eyes and mane. She licked her lips so her pink skin showed, making a psychedelic happy face. Pinkie Pie laughed at the delicious accident as Crimson looked blankly at the seemingly insane pony. Pinkie Pie looked at Crimson. “Why so serious?” She laughed hysterically while she held her stomach. “Get it? Like in the mov…” She looked over at Crimson, who was still looking blankly. “Oh, want to see a magic trick?” She smiled as she noticed she got Crimson’s attention. “I’m going to make this mess disappear.” In one fell gesture of her tongue, she licked off all of the batter from her face and mane. The broken bowl was cleaned up and repaired on the counter next to Crimson. With a victorious smile, she leaned her elbow up and leaned against the counter. Crimson stared at Pinkie Pie. “Why do you laugh at everything that goes wrong?” Pinkie Pie looked back at Crimson. “Why don’t you laugh at ANYTHING?” Crimson looked down a little. “Aww, does some pony have a grumpy face?” Pinkie Pie said in a deeper, slower voice. “How about we try again. Oh, oh! We’ll do cupcakes this time!” Pinkie gave a huge grin. “Very w-“ Crimson looked around as he heard some strange yet subtle rhythmic sounds going on in the shop. “… well?” He looked over at Pinkie Pie, who was bending her knees, standing up, bending her knees, standing up – bouncing all with the rhythm of the strange noise. “What are y-“ Pinkie Pie moved her face next to Crimson’s in a bouncing motion. “All you have to do is take a cup of flour! Add it to the mix~” She threw ingredients into a cup. Crimson took a step back as she somehow teleported to the other side of the shop. “Now just take a little something sweet, not sour. A bit of salt, just a pinch~” Crimson looked at the bouncing pony, who was talking in strange tones, acting out everything she said. He just stared without the slightest clue on what was going on. In a blink, she was spinning a baking pan on her nose while still talking in strange rhythmic tones. “Baking these treats is such a cinch!” “What are-“ “Add a teaspoon of vanilla! Add a little more, and you count to four.” She sang while throwing ingredients all around the shop. Crimson stood speechless as she continued her lunacy. “And you never get your fill of… “ Crimson blinked in confusion with Pinkie Pie’s brief pause. “Cupcakes!” She appeared upside down in front of Crimson. “So sweet and tasty~” He watched Pinkie Pie as she bounced from one side of the room to the other. “Cupcakes!” She said upside down hanging from the ceiling. “Don’t be too hasty!” Crimson blinked as he realized he has a bunch of pans balanced on his head. “Cupcakes!” The entire floor filled with cupcakes. “Cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAAAAKES~~~” She yelled in melody with the strange sound while standing on her hind hooves. Crimson blinked, and now the entire room was filled with cupcakes. Crimson stood still, making sure the out-of-nowhere pans maintained their balanced on his head. Pinkie Pie went back on all four hooves. “It’s that easy!” She looked at Crimson, who was still not smiling. “You’re no fun.” Crimson started to carefully take the pans off his head. “This is… fun?” “Singing, dancing, cupcakes, fun!” She looked over at the stove. “Uh-oh. I need more fire.” The doorbell jingled as someone entered the shop. “Oh, customer! Can you get more fire for the stove while I go up front?” “As you request.” Crimson bowed as Pinkie focused her attention at the new pony in the shop. He leaned his head forward as his horn started to glow. All of a sudden, black smoke shot out of the stove as it turned red hot as fire shoots out from the chimney above. Pinkie Pie, Crimson, and the entire shop got covered in soot. Not a single glimpse of color was visible anywhere. Crimson looked at Pinkie Pie. “I am sorry for m-“ Pinkie Pie drug her hoof across Crimson’s lips making it look like he was smiling. Pinkie, trying hard to contain her laughing, smiled while biting her lip. “You do know how to laugh!” Crimson looked at Pinkie Pie baffled. He reacheed back under his leather cloak and grabed a mirror. He looked at his reflection to see the funny face Pinkie made on him with the soot. Pinkie Pie saw a window to strike as Crimson gave a very small smile his funny looking reflection. Crimson touched his face. “This will take hours to wash out.” Then, Pinkie Pie shoved her hoof in his mouth as she force fed him a cupcake. He choked a little bit, trying to catch his breath. Then, he stopped moving as he starts to chew. He looked up in wonder as he slowly chewed the cupcake inside his mouth. The small smile grew bigger as he looked at Pinkie Pie. “This is superlative!” He slowed his chewing to savor the strange taste. “I have never had anything like this before.” Pinkie Pie reached from behind her and suddenly pulled out a tray of fresh cupcakes. “Have another!” “Your generosity will not soon be forgotten.” Crimson started to snack on more cupcakes. The customer walked in the back and peeked into the kitchen to see Pinkie Pie and Crimson making hoof marks on each other. “Should I come back later?” > Chapter 9: The Punisher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight returned to the shop some time later. When she opened the door, a black plum of soot escaped through the crack in the doorway. Her head followed the escaping soot, then she cautiously entered the bakery. She looked down at her hooves as she steps in place in the soot covered ground. Twilight poked her head through the doorway. “Pinkie Pie?” She looked up to see Crimson and Pinkie Pie covered in soot with hoof marks all over their bodies. Crimson looked over to Twilight and quickly stood up. “Oh, I am sorry, Ms. Twilight Sparkle. I must look like a dirty peasant.” “For the last time, just call me Twilight.” Twilight started to walk toward the two. “What are you two doing?” “We’re trying out a new recipe!” Pinkie Pie jumped to her hooves. She handed Twilight a cupcake with soot all over it. “Umm… Thanks.” Twilight hesitantly grabbed the cupcake. Pinkie Pie stared at her intently as she took the cupcake. “What are you staring at?” “Aren’t you going to try it?” “Oh, um…” Twilight tried to think of an excuse, but nothing comes to mind. Her eyes locked in on the cupcake as she moved it toward her mouth. She closed her eyes, expecting the worst of tastes as she bit down. She chewed a couple of times, then her eyes lit up in surprise. “Wow, Pinkie. These are really good!’ Twilight continued to snack on the pastry, quickly finishing it off. Her eyes got diverted at the still bowing Crimson. She walked up to him with a confused look about her. “What are you doing?” “I did not mean to be disrespectful and I humbly beg for your forgiveness.” Pinkie gasped. “Did I disrespect you too?” She bowed her head as well. “Oh, piece of candy.” She chomped the candy and took a step forward. “Ohh, piece of candy.” She started to wander off, chomping on candy she found on the floor. Twilight lightly stomped her hoof on the floor kicking up a small cloud of black soot. “Will you stop that.” “Yes, mistress.” Crimson stood up straight. “Mistress?” Twilight looked at Crimson with a suspicious look. “What’s with you and your strange behavior?” “I do not understand.” “Of course not.” Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes, then turned around and headed for the door. “Come on. Applejack is expecting us.” “By your leave.” Crimson said. Twilight shook her head as she walked away. * * * On their way to Applejack’s orchard, Twilight looked over at the soot covered armored pony beside her. “Doesn’t it bother you to be covered in so much soot?” “Very much so.” Soot fell from his mane as Crimson shook his head. “I, however, do not hold the means or the way to remove this grime from my mane.” “Speaking of which…” Twilight turned around. “What is that in your mane?” Twilight lifted her front hoof to point at the trinkets in Crimson’s mane. Crimson’s eyes looked up at Twilight’s hoof. “They are enchanted hair pieces to help protect me against various types of magic. They have saved my life many times over.” “Really?” Twilight stared with curiosity in her eyes. Crimson nodded. “Yes. All of what you see upon me has been hand crafted by my own hooves and enchanted with my own magic.” “Wow.” Twilight looked over his shoulder at the once shining diamond flaked armor under his leather cloak. “I bet Rarity would love to see this.” Applejack walked up to the two. “Hi Twilight.” She looked over to Crimson. “Uh, hey… you.” “Hi Applejack. This is Crimson.” “It is an honor.” He said with a bow. Applejack looked at the soot covered pony. “What happened to ya?” “Ms. Pinkie Pie asked me to head up her stove and I kind of… Overheated it.” Crimson looked down in shame. “And when I found them, they were sitting and having fun together in the soot eating cupcakes.” “Fun?” Applejack asked. “Actually, the cupcakes they made were really good.” Crimson looked up at Applejack. “I have never had such a treat in my life. They tasted like nothing I have ever tasted.” Applejack turned around toward the orchard and looked back toward the two. “Well come on then.” She gestured the two to follow. “I’ll have you have something even better than cupcakes.” Crimson had a look of slight shock as he looked at Twilight. “Even better? What other foods do you have in this land?” Twilight smiled as the two follow Applejack. The three entered Sweet Apple Acres. Trees scattered the lands for miles as Crimson looked upon the strange plants in awe. “What are these?” Twilight looked over at Crimson. “Apple trees.” Applejack led them into the orchard. Applejack gestured toward an apple tree. “The Great Apple Festival is com’n up so I have ta pick off all’a these apples.” She walked up to a tree and turned around. “Like so…” Applejack bucked the trunk of a tree with her back legs. Apples fell down all around the trunk. She ate an apple, then put the rest into buckets and hauled them to large stock pile of apples that have already been harvested. Crimson walked over to one of the apple trees. “I have seen these on the way to your town.” He touched the trunk with his hoof. “However, it did not have these strange red artifacts attached.” Twilight walked up to Crimson. “You’ve never seen a tree before?” “Not until recently.” Applejack walked up to the two. “Seems like ya have a lot to learn. Why don’t ya give it a shot?” Crimson looked at the earth pony in question. “Go on.” Crimson turned around and looked over at Twilight. She smiled in reply. Crimson gave a light bow in compliance, lifted his rear legs, then kicked the tree. The tree uprooted and flew into another tree causing that to uproot. Twilight and Applejack’s face turned to shock as Applejack took a step forward. “The apples!” Applejack ran towards the domino effect of falling trees. Twilight rushed to help her contain the problem. Crimson started to pick up the apples and put them into buckets as Applejack did after the apples fell from her tree. He hauls them up to the stockpile and set them down. Crimson looked with curiosity at the strange red object. He thinks back to when Applejack took a bite out of one and starts to wonder. He leaned down and grabbed an apple with his teeth. The juices pour from the apple and into his mouth as he bit down. His eyes widened in total bliss as he leaned over and ate another. Twilight and Applejack finally repair the damage caused by the falling trees. With Applejack’s strength and Twilight Sparkle’s magic, the trees were finally replanted. “That mule can kick!” Applejack exclaimed as the two walked to the stockpile. Twilight looked at Applejack. “I know. I’ve never seen that before.” “What the…?” Applejack looked upon Crimson, who has eaten almost all of the stockpile. “Where are my apples?!” Crimson looked over at the two as they look unhappily at him. He bows to them. “I am sorry. I have never tasted such a food. I just could not stop eating.” Applejack’s eyes popped. “You ate’em all? That was my entire day’s work!” “I have done you wrong.” Crimson reached behind him and grabbed the decorated knife. He bowed deeply and hands the knife to Applejack. “Whut the?” Applejack looked at the decorated knife. “What am I supposed to do with this?” “I have done you grave wrong. I hand to you my Punisher.” “… I don’t get it.” Applejack looked at Twilight with confusion as she took the knife out of the sheath. “Will you look at that?” Applejack and Twilight looked upon the beautifully engraved blade, and the clean and crisp reflection of the finely crafted metal. Crimson took a deep breath and prepared himself. “Yeah, wow.” Applejack said. “But I still don’t get it.” She put the knife back in the sheath and handed it to Crimson. Crimson slightly looked up in surprise. “The blade must be paid for.” “The whu?” Applejack and Twilight looked at each other in total confusion. Crimson grabbed the knife and unsheathed it. Twilight and Applejack took a small jump back in shock. He once again presented the blade to Applejack. “The blade must be paid for.” Applejack looked at Crimson. “You said that. But what’chya mean?” Crimson lowered his head and nudged the knife closer. “I have wronged you. I am ready to receive my punishment.” “What? You want her to cut you?” Twilight asked in dumbfounded shock. “Wrongful deeds are to be paid for in pain and blood.” Applejack’s eyes popped in shock. “Who’a!” She gently pushed the knife back toward Crimson. He looked up at the rejected knife. “Look, suga. I’m upset and all, but don’t ya think you’re overreacting?” “Yeah, that seems a little… harsh.” Twilight added. Crimson stared at the rejected knife in confusion. “I do not understand.” Applejack grabbed the sheath from Crimson. “Tell ya what, you want to pay me back?” She put the knife back in the sheath, then walked up beside the humbled pony. “Then why don’t ya harvest the apples ya ate. How does that sound?” She extended the sheathed blade toward Crimson, who was baffled at their strange ways. Twilight looked at the two excitedly. “That sounds like a great idea! That way you two can get to know each other, you help Applejack with the apples for the festival, and no pony has to cut themselves today!” After a brief pause, Crimson grabbed the knife with a faint smile. “I would be more than happy to repay my debt to you in such a fashion.” He lifted his head and put the knife away. “Good!” Applejack turned toward the orchard. “Follow me and I’ll show you how to buck apples without uprooting my trees.” Twilight turned toward Ponyville and lookd back toward Crimson. “I’ll be back later to pick you up.” He smiled and bowed, then trotted next to Applejack. Crimson looked up at the Apple Trees. “So these are called trees.” He and Applejack walked toward the orchard. “And the red things are apples?” Twilight smiled as she walked away towards her next errand. > Chapter 10: The Pristine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun drew closer to the horizon, Twilight Sparkle returned to Sweet Apple Acres to see how Applejack and Crimson were getting along. She saw the two sitting on top of a hill watching the sun set. She smiled as she walked up from behind. “… And the cold does not affect your apple farm?” Crimson asked Applejack as he looked up at the darkening sky. “Nah, not unless there’s a lot of it.” Applejack replied with a piece of straw in her mouth. “Hey you two.” Twilight walked up to the two and looked at the sunset. Applejack looked over at Twilight. “Hey, Twilight.” “Ms. Twilight Sparkle.” Crimson quickly stood up and bowed. “I am sorry for-“ Twilight whipped her head at Crimson. “How many times to I have to say it?” Her expression lit up. “No need to be formal.” Crimson, with his head still bowing, looked up at Twilight. “Like I’ve said before, just call me ‘Twilight.’” “As you command.” Crimson humbly said as he gave a deeper bow. Twilight turned and took a half a step toward Crimson. “And why do you do that?” “And what do ya mean by, ‘as you command’ anyhow?” Applejack chimed in. “I do not wish to upset my captor and master.” “What?” Applejack and Twilight asked at the same time. “But the law of your land, I have been placed under your command. I am to do as you say and no-“ “You can stop right there.” Twilight stated as she took a few steps toward the subservient pony. She lifted her hoof and put it under Crimson’s chin to lift his head. “I’m not your master.” Crimson’s eyes gazed up at Twilight. “But your laws-” “They just want you to stay out of trouble.” Twilight said. “You’re a free pony. After the trial, you were never forced to stay here.” “Free?” Crimson asked. “I am free?” Applejack smiled still chewing on the straw. “Always have been.” Crimson stood silent, trying to figure out these strange pony’s ways. Twilight turned around. “Come on. I think Rarity would love to see your jewelry.” She looked back. “If you want, that is.” Crimson looked up at his mane towards his hair trinkets. Applejack waved. “Nice meet’n ya, Crimson.” “It was my pleasure.” Crimson bowed to Applejack. Applejack lightly blushed. “Shucks.” Crimson stood up straight then turned to catch up to Twilight. * * * Twilight opened the door to Rarity’s Bridal Boutique. “Hello?” Crimson peeked inside the circular room with strange, rolled up cylinders and folded objects. Rarity worked on a dress on a mannequin in the middle of the room. “Hi, Twilight.” Rarity looked through her glasses as she worked diligently on a dress design. “Be right there.” Twilight entered the shop, followed by the dirt and soot covered Crimson. He looked in awe at the shop and at the various colors and the hanging materials. Crimson walked toward one of the hanging materials and touched it with one of his dirty hooves. “What is…” He stared in confusion and delight. Twilight looked behind her to see him touching the cloth. She walked up beside him. “What’s wrong?” Crimson slowly and softly touched the hanging cloth. “What is this material?” “This is what Rarity uses for the dresses she makes.” “Oh, drat!” Rarity exclaimed. Twilight turned and went over to Rarity. “Twilight, be a dear and hold this for me.” As Twilight helped Rarity with a dress she’s making, Crimson walked over to a different texture hanging from a wall and started to feel it with his hoof. His eyes lit up as he gave a faint smile in awe of this soft and comfortable feeling. Soon after, a customer walked into Rarity’s boutique with a sad look about him. Rarity lightly turned her head and saw the customer from the corner of her eye. “Thanks, Twilight.” She said, taking off her glasses. She presented the dress to the customer as Twilight walked back to Crimson. “Here you go.” “Uh…” The customer looked at the dress. “Something came up….” Twilight looked at Crimson, who was now rubbing his face against a piece of silk. She leaned over to him. “What are you doing?” Crimson looked at Twilight. “I am sorry. I have never felt such a material in my life.” He looked over at the customer, who was talking to Rarity. “What protection does this material serve?” “Excuse me?” “This material. It is soft yet thin. The garment being made would offer no protection.” Twilight tilted her head. “Protection from what?” “In combat.” “Oh.” Twilight said with a light chuckle. “Don’t you have dresses and suits for casual non-combat occasions?” Crimson shook his head. “… So we used the money on the dress for that instead.” The customer explained to Rarity. “So, I’m sorry. I can’t afford it.” Crimson and Twilight looked toward Rarity and the customer. “Oh, I see.” Rarity looked up and thought to herself for a moment. “Well I can’t let this dress just sit here.” She used her magic, put the dress in a box, then wrapped it up in a bow. “Here you go. No charge.” She hand the wrapped dress to the customer. The customer looked shocked at the generous gift. “Really?” “It would just take up so much space.” Rarity explained, trying to make up an excuse. “I’m sure it would look more lavishly on your wife than hung up in storage.” “Oh, thank you!” The customer grabbed the box. “My wife will be so happy!” “And I KNOW she’ll look stunning.” Rarity added. Crimson leaned to Twilight. “I do not understand. She gave the customer the garment for free?” The happy and smiling pony walked passed the two and left the shop with Rarity’s gift. “The work she put into that garment, how can she just give her products away without payment?” “Kindness and generosity doesn’t need a reason.” “I’m sorry, dear. I just had to-“ Rarity stopped in mid-sentence as she looked upon the horror of her shop. “This is dreadful!” She put a hoof over her eyes. “Out of all of the things that have happened, this… is… THE WORST!” She stood on her hind hooves as her horn glowed purple. A cushion slid behind her to catch her as she falls backwards to the ground, landing on the cushion. “Are you okay?” Twilight ran to Rarity. “Oh, the horror!” Rarity dramatically said. “What is?” “The dirt!” Rarity lifted her head and looked at Crimson. Twilight looked over to see what she’s looking at. “Oh.” She said as Crimson looked himself over. Twilight and Rarity looked around the shop to see Crimson’s dirt and soot everywhere and on everything. Crimson realized the mess he made. “I-“ Crimson looked around. “I am sorry. Forgive me.” “This is absolutely dreadful!” She stood up and walked over to Crimson. “Please allow me to clean up this mess.” Crimson started to bow. “You need a bath!” Rarity started to push Crimson through her shop into another room. “What?” Crimson looked behind him at the urgently shoving Rarity. “A b.. A bath?” “Yes, a bath!” Rarity pushed him next to the tub. He looked over at Twilight. “I do not understand.” Rarity started to fill the tub. “How can she offer me a commodity as magnificent and rare as a bath after how I have wronged her?” “That’s just who she is.” Twilight turned around and left the room. Rarity turned off the water and dipped her hoof into the bath water. “Perfect~” She started to leave the room behind Twilight. “This is truly a kind gift.” Soot fell from his mane on the floor as Crimson humbly bowed. “Oh, uh… No problem.” Rarity cringed from the pony’s dirt. “I want you to be spotless. Come on out when you’re done.” She left the room. * * * Rarity and Twilight talked while they cleaned the shop as Crimson cleaned himself up. Twilight gave a brief explanation on what she found out about their visitor, and his even stranger ways. “And when he apologized, he pulled out a knife for Applejack to cut him.” Twilight said as she hangs up some cloth. “He said it was for payment of his misdeeds.” “Oh my, how horrible.” Rarity replied as she folded a long piece of cloth. “But you should see his-“ Crimson entered the room from the back. “I hope I have cleaned myself up to your expectations.” Rarity looked over and sees Crimson’s majestic and shining coat, his flowing mane and tail, the care he took in his personal grooming, his posture, and his armor. She saw a well-mannered and noble knight with a well-kept stature, and not the dirt covered mercenary she first saw when he entered her shop. “Why yes, yes you have.” Crimson walked up to Rarity. “I am deeply sorry for my impenitence. Please forgive my wrong doings.” “Oh, it’s alright.” Rarity replied. “Just don’t pull out that kni-“ She stopped in mid-sentence as she caught a glimpse at something in Crimson’s hair. She looked closely at the jewelry in his mane. Crimson lightly recoiled as Rarity got closer to him. “These are fabulous!” She looked at the fine details in the artifacts. Twilight walked up to Rarity, who was closely examining Crimson’s trinkets. “I actually wanted to show you these. I thought you’d like it.” “And you were right. Where ever did you get these?” Rarity lifted a hoof to touch one of them. “I crafted and enchanted them myself. They help guard me against the elements.” “I have never seen such craftsmanship.” Rarity stared, admiring Crimson’s work. “You must show me how you made these.” “These?” Crimson gestured to the trinkets in his mane. “Yes, those.” After a brief pause, Crimson looked at Rarity with a smile. “It will be an honor and a privilege to teach you.” > Chapter 11: The Daspah > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun crept on the horizon and snuck through Rarity’s drapes in her boutique. Crimson lifted his hoof and covered his eyes from the bright light that filled the room. His eyes opened and he blinked a few times, as his irises worked to adjust to the morning sun. He took a breath through his nose while rubbing his eyes with his hoof, then he stood up. Rarity slept on the cushion she used to catch her when she fainted and Twilight spelt on the floor, using Rarity’s cloth materials as padding. Being used to wearing and sleeping in the heavy armor, Crimson snuck throughout the room and out of the boutique without making a sound. Then, he started to run away from the city. * * * He ran passed the gate to Sweet Apple Acres to see Applejack harvesting apples. He trotted up as she bucked a tree. Apples fell from the tree and into buckets as Crimson approached her. Applejack noticed Crimson approach her and she gave a friendly smile. “Howdy, Crimson. Yer up mighty early.” Crimson greeted Applejack with a bow. “Greetings, Ms. Applejack. I have come to ask for assistance.” Applejack picked up a bucket. “Sure, what’chya need?” Crimson leaned down and picked up a bucket as well, then the two start to walk toward the barn. "I would like to express my gratitude to Ms. Twilight Sparkle. However, I do not have currency to exchange in your lands.” “Will ya just spit it out. What can I help ya with?” “I hate to impose on you, but I would like to borrow some apples to feed Ms. Twilight when she awakens.” Applejack and Crimson reached the barn and Applejack put down her bucket. “Tell ya what, hun. Why don’t ya just take that batch, since you already brought it up here.” Crimson looked at the bucket on his back. “I… I cannot accept such a gift.” “Sure you can, and ya will.” Applejack turned Crimson around and shoved him off. “Now get back to Twilight. She’s an early riser, just like you.” Crimson turned his head to look at Applejack. “An early riser?” “As in she’ll be awake in no time. Now get!” She again gently nudged Crimson toward the exit with a bucket of apples. Crimson turned around and bowed. Applejack lightly blushed. “Yeah, yeah. Now get go’n!” Crimson turned and ran back towards the boutique. * * * Twilight awakened, stiff from sleeping on the floor. The padding did little help for a comforting sleep. She winced and stretched, then opened her eyes to a plate of apples beside her. “What the..?” She looked around and noticed another plate next to Rarity, who was sleeping peacefully on her panic pillow. She continued to look around and realized Crimson was missing. “Where did Crimson go?” She whispered to herself and stood up. Twilight looked outside and saw Crimson sitting down on the grass staring at the sun. Twilight smiled, went and grabbed the plate of apples using her horn’s telekinesis, then walked out of the boutique to greet Crimson. His ear lightly twitched as he turned his head. “Good morning.” Twilight said, closing the door behind her. “Oh, Ms. Twilight.” Crimson stood up and bowed. “No, no. It’s alright.” Twilight telekinetically put the plate down next to Crimson. “Sit back down.” He sat down and continued to look at the sunrise. “I have never seen such a powerful yet majestic and humble entity as your sun.” “Sunrises are beautiful.” Twilight sat down next to Crimson. “You brought the apples, didn’t you?” “Yes, I retrieved them from Ms. Applejack’s orchard.” Twilight looked at Crimson with a hint of surprise. “You ran all the way over there just for apples for us?” “Yes. I wished to express my gratitude for you and your friend.” “Oh. Well, you didn’t have to do that.” She looked back at the sunrise. She grabbed an apple and handed it to Crimson. He smiled, something he wasn't used to in his previous life, and they both started to eat apples while watching the sunrise. * * * Rarity woke up a little bit later. She looked up at her hair then gasps. “Oh my.” She stood up and looked around in a panic. “Phew, they’re not here.” She looked down to the plate of apples. “He’s such a gentlepony.” She grabbed the plate and started to head upstairs to her room. Rarity started to wonder as she looked around her shop at the various pieces of intricate and beautiful jewelry they made all throughout the night. Rarity stopped, then looked behind her at the doors. She walked up to the window and saw Crimson and Twilight talking while sitting on the grass. She looked at the plate of apples, then back at Crimson. “Oh my.” She watched Crimson and watched his behavior. She looked at his mane that was brushed and groomed with care, his coat that is washed and cleaned, his straight posture, and other miscellaneous details. Rarity started to blush lightly. “Ohh my~” * * * Crimson and Twilight saw on the grass watching the sunrise. Rarity walked up behind them, groomed and pristine, wearing some of the various pieces of jewelry the three made the night before. Crimson’s ear twitched and he turned his head. “Hello darling.” “Ms. Rarity.” Crimson stood up and bowed. “Good morning, Rarity.” Twilight greeted as Crimson lifted his head. “Wow, you look great with those.” “Thank you, darling.” Rarity lifted her head with pride. “I must say they do look fabulous on me.” “Did you see the apples Crimson left for you?” “Apples?” Rarity’s posture faltered. “Oh, yes. The apples.” Rarity looked at Crimson with a light blush. “Yes, I got them. Such a gentlepony.” “I have some errands to do. Would you mind watching Crimson until I get back?” Rarity looked surprised at Twilight. “What? Alone? With him?” Crimson looked at Rarity with that unusual comment. “Did I do something wrong?” “Oh, no. No, no.” Rarity stuttered, looking at Crimson. “I mean, sure! I’d be happy to watch over Crimson.” “Great! Thanks.” Twilight turned around. “I’ll be back in a few hours.” “Farewell, Ms. Twilight Sparkle.” Crimson saw her off with a bow. “It’s Twilight!” Twilight shouted as she trotted off. “Twilight… Of course.” Crimson said. Rarity walked up beside him. “So… Darling. How about I show you around town?” Crimson looked at Rarity. “It will be an honor.” The two started to walk together. * * * Time quickly past as Rarity showed Crimson all around Ponyville. “Come on. I know a place where we can relax.” Rarity said as she led him toward a building. Rarity was greeted kindly, but they look at her companion with distrust. “The usual!” The light blue pony behind the counter smiled in excitement and vanished. Crimson looked concerned at what Rarity had in mind as they get escorted to the back. The two get separated and put into different rooms. “You may remove your… uh, ‘clothes’ and put them on the counter.” Crimson’s escort said. “I’ll be back for you in a couple of minutes.” She hung a strange white texture similar to what Rarity had in her shop on a door hanger and exits the room. He looked around in suspicion, then started to slowly take off his armor. Then he walked up to the hanging piece of texture the pony hung on the door. He reached his hoof out to touch it, but before he touched it, a knock sounded at the door. “Are you ready?” “Uhh…” Crimson had no idea what was going on. Then the door opened and the light blue pony peeked her head in the room. “Here.” The pony grabbed the robe and tossed it over Crimson’s body. Crimson’s knees started to buckle as the soft and furry texture hit his skin. He never felt such comfort before, and his sense of touch went crazy over this new feeling. “This way.” The light blue pony walked out of the room, trying to get the scarred stranger to follow. Crimson felt the robe with his face as the pure ecstasy of the comfortable and exotic cloth. Moments later, the pony poked her head back into the room. She cleared her throat. “Uh-hem.” “Oh, uh…” Crimson was at a complete loss at what he was feeling. “Follow me, please.” She said and took a step back. Crimson slowly walked out of the door trying to keep his composure from the cloth’s effect it has on his senses as the light blue pony waited for him. She led him through the hallway into a sealed door. She opened it and steam burst out, filling the hallway. Inside the room was a bench and hot stones beside it. “Is this torture?” The blue pony looked shocked and baffled at the strange question. “What? This is a-“ “Daaaarling!” Rarity walked down the hallway. Crimson’s eyes widened as he looked upon a lavender purple texture on top of her head as she wore a similar type of cloth on her body. She walked passed Crimson and into the small wooden room. Crimson stood at the doorway speechless. Rarity sat on the bench and looked at the motionless Crimson. “Come on, darling. I won’t bite.” Rarity patted the bench beside her with her hoof. Crimson stared at Rarity and gulpped. Then, he started to slowly walk toward her. The door closed behind him and steam quickly filled the room. Cautiously, he sat next to Rarity as he observed these strange pony’s customs. “So, how are you liking Ponyville?” “Uh, it is… Um… Beautiful?” Crimson diverted his eyes, expecting the worst. “Oh, isn’t it?” Rarity leaned back and relaxed. The two sat quietly as the steam filled the room. Then, Crimson looked at Rarity. “So… Is this a mating ritual?” Rarity’s eyes quickly widened and she sat up in a deep red blush. “What? Heavens no!” She grabbed her robe and held it tighter against her body. Crimson bowed in embarrassment. “I am sorry. I-“ “How on earth did you come to that conclusion?” Rarity asked in a raised voice. Crimson lifted his head and looked around the room. “You brought me to a room where they removed my armor.” He then looked down and touched the robe with his hoof. “Then I was put me in some sort of ritualistic garment with some sort of mystical euphoric enchantment.” He lifted his hoof and pointed to the room. “Next I was led into a room alone with you with steam and-“ “Oh, dear.” Rarity said to herself as Crimson continued. “… now I am sitting here with no foreknowledge on what this ritual is or this ritual’s purpose.” He looked at Rarity, who was looking down in shame. An awkward silence ensued as Crimson sat up. “I am sorry.” He said with a bow. “I did not mean to upset you.” “Oh no. You didn’t upset me. I had no idea you didn’t know what a day spa was.” “Is that what you call this place?” Crimson looked up and around. “A Daspah?” Rarity smiled and looks at Crimson. “Not a ‘daspah.’ A day spa. It’s a place of relaxation and luxury.” Crimson looked at Rarity with a hint of confusion in his eyes. “Trust me, darling. Just follow my lead.” She sat back and relaxed, and took a deep breath. Following suit, Crimson sat down next to her, closed his eyes, leaned back, and then took a deep breath. Then, he peeked over to Rarity, who was just sitting back and enjoying the steam. “Eyes closed.” Rarity said without looking. “Just relax.” * * * A couple of hours past as the two walked out of the day spa. Rarity chuckled in thought of the misunderstanding in the sauna, but felt totally and utterly relaxed. “Ms. Rarity, if I may...” “Hmm?” Rarity looked over at Crimson. “What does a room full of steam, a mud bath, mud face paint, getting beat on by another pony, and sticking our hooves in the water have to do with relaxing?” Rarity stopped in her place. “You didn’t like it?” “I feel as if I was weakened.” Crimson said, trying to think. “As if my mind was distracted and I was unable to focus.” “How are you feeling?” Crimson tilted his head in thought. “I do not know. I… Do not know.” Rarity smiled. “I think you just had your first taste of relaxation and luxury.” She continued to walk. “Relaxation and luxury?” Crimson caught up to Rarity. “I think I could get used to that.” The two smiled and continued walking together through Ponyville. * * * “There you are!” Twilight Sparkle shouted from afar. Crimson and Rarity looked toward Rarity’s Bridal Boutique as Twilight ran toward the two. “I’ve been waiting here for hours. Where were you?” “Darling, hi.” Crimson greeted Twilight with a bow. “Greetings, Ms. Twil… I mean, Twilight.” Twilight smiled. “I see you remembered.” Crimson lifted his head as Twilight looked at Rarity. “Where were you two?” “I was just showing him around.” “We went to a... day spa for relaxation and luxury.” “You took Crimson to the day spa?” Twilight slightly chuckled. “Oh, stop mocking.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “We had a fabulous time.” Twilight looked over Crimson. “Well, you do look more gorgeous than normal.” Rarity took a few steps towards Twilight Sparkle. “Crimson, darling. Can you give us girls a moment to talk?” Crimson gave a light bow. “As you wish.” He took a few steps backwards, then turned and walked away. “It worked!” Rarity tried to hold in her excitement. “What worked?” “You setting us up.” Rarity restrained her bouncing urge. She turned her head to look at Crimson. “He’s such a gentlepony. So gorgeous, kind, noble, a fabulous eye for fashion… Did I mention gorgeous?” “Rarity, I didn’t set you two up.” “What?” Rarity whipped her head around. “Where did you get that idea?” “Well… The jewelry and his manners and his fabulous mane and…” Rarity gave a worrisome look in her eyes. “And the signals.” “What signals?” “Like the apples in the morning.” “What about the apples he gave us?” “He got me… Wait.” Rarity looked at Twilight. “Us?” “Yeah. Crimson got both of us a plate of apples from Applejack’s farm before we woke up.” “He got you a plate too?” Rarity started to pout. Twilight nodded. “Yeah. I shared the plate with him while watching the sunrise.” A hint of jealousy filled her eyes. “You did?” “And the jewelry… Well, I thought you’d like it. So I brought him over for you to see.” “Oh…” Rarity looked down in near embarrassment. Twilight walked up to Rarity and turned around so they were side by side. “But I think he’s a good pony.” Rarity looked up to Twilight. “I just think he needs to learn about friendship, just like I did when I first got to Ponyville. That’s why I’m introducing him to everypony.” “Oh. Of course you are.” Rarity frowned. “I feel so embarrassed, I could just hide under a rock and die…. Well, maybe behind a rock so I wouldn’t get dirty.” Twilight smiled. “He’s a good pony. You’ll see. I was just going to take him to see Fluttershy. Do you want to come with us?” “Oh, no. I can’t.” Rarity looked up at Twilight. “I, uh… I have a huge order to do and… And it’ll take all day.” “Okay then.” Twilight turned around and started to walk toward Crimson. Rarity looked at the two blankly. “See you later, Rarity.” She said as she walked up to Crimson. “Let’s go. I have someone else I want you to meet.” Crimson turned around and looked at Rarity. He courteously bowed. “I enjoyed our time together.” He said as he lifted his head. “Until next we meet…” He turned around and walked with Twilight. He lifted his head in the air. “And hopefully not like the sauna ritual.” He yelled with a smile. Rarity heavily blushed, her lips cracking a huge smile, as she watched the two walk away and out of sight. > Chapter 12: The Inferno > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle and Crimson walked out of Ponyville to the outskirts of town with a forest in the distance. Twilight smiled and looked over to Crimson. “You seem to be lightening up.” Crimson looked up at the sky. “This is a… strange feeling. This ‘freedom.’ Not having to watch my back all the time.” “There’s still so much you can learn from friendship. Even I’m still learning from it.” Crimson looked at Twilight. “That was a lost term. The only ‘friendship’ I knew was use any pony you can to grow in authority and power.” Twilight looked at Crimson sympathetically. “It must have been hard.” “It was seemingly impossible at times. I am glad that life is behind me.” The road led to a small bridge over a calm river. The road curved up and around a cliff side to a house built inside of a tree. Birdhouses and various wildlife scoured the lands in a calming harmony. Crimson looked around at the strange lands. “What is this place?” Twilight turned her head as she walked up the small bridge. “This is Fluttershy’s cottage.” Crimson observeed a bird landing on the crest of his tail. “These creatures, they are not afraid of us?” “Fluttershy has a way with animals.” Twilight said as they both arrived at the door. Twilight rose a hoof to knock, then stopped to listen. She leaned to her left, then took a few steps towards the side of the house. “Oh, there she is.” Crimon took a few steps to see what Twilight Sparkle was looking at when he saw the pink mane and tailed yellow pegasus petting small furry creatures ever so gently. “Come on.” Twilight walked towards Fluttershy. The bird jumped and flew off of Crimson’s tail as he followed not too far behind Twilight. “Do these animals obey her command?” Twilight looked back to Crimson lightly baffled. “What? No. She’s just… really kind.” “And being kind controls the animals?” Twilight smiled and faced forward. “Kindness has its own rewards. You’ll see.” The animals looked up at the two approaching ponies. Fluttershy turned her head. “Oh, hello.” She said in her soft voice. Twilight and Crimson stopped in front of Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, you remember Crimson.” “It is an honor to meet you, Ms. Fluttershy.” Crimson greeted Fluttershy with a bow. Fluttershy drooped her head and looked away from Crimson. “Hi.” She said in a shy manner. Crimson turned to Twilight. “Every one of your friends do not trust me.” “That’s because of the circumstances.” Twilight walked up next to Fluttershy. “It’s okay. Every other pony seems to like him. Give him a chance.” Twilight looked up at Twilight. “Oh, alright.” She looked up at the heavily armored pony. He stood in a strong and intimidating posture, looking down at the poor, frightened pony. Fluttershy gulped and tried to take a breath. “Do you… Uh… Have any pets?” “Pets?” “Yeah, like a small animal you treat with care and affection.” Crimson shook his head. “I was given no such responsibility where I am from.” Fluttershy looked away. “Oh.” An awkward silence erupted as Crimson looked around. “How do you control these creatures?” “They’re my friends.” A bunny hopped next to Fluttershy. She leaned her head down and lightly nuzzled the furry creature as Crimson watched in astonishment. Twilight walked up to Crimson. “Like I said, she’s really good with animals.” Crimson stared at the unusual behavior before him. “I would have to agree. Where I am from, this ‘kindness’ of yours is a sign of great weakness and is snuffed out.” “Oh my.” Fluttershy looked up at Crimson. “That’s so terrible.” Another brief awkward silence ensued. “Would you mind telling me how you befriend these animals?” “Well, it’s not that h-“ Fluttershy stopped in mid-sentence as Crimson lifted his hoof. He looked around in the distance. Fluttershy and Twilight looked up to see what Crimson was looking at. Both of their eyes widened. “Oh no.” Fluttershy whimpered as the ponies looked upon a raging forest fire. Fluttershy spread her wings and flew toward the fire. Twilight ran to keep up as Crimson stood and watched from Fluttershy’s cottage. The fire spread and animals fled out of the forest in fear. “EEEEE!” Fluttershy shouted in horror as she spotted a family of bunnies hiding behind a hollowed log trapped in a ring of fire. Twilight looked in the forest to see what she was looking at. She gasped when she saw the bunnies. “Fluttershy, get ready to help the animals escape! I’ll try to slow the fire down!” Fluttershy noded, then got ready to go into the inferno. Twilight’s horn glowed as she pointed her horn at the fire. A beam of light shot from her horn at the fire, trying to weaken the flames. Fluttershy seizes the opportunity and tried to go into the fire, but got stopped by a wall of intense heat. “I… I can’t!” Fluttershy hovered in midair above the flames. “It’s just too hot!” Twilight exerted more strength into her spell to try to tame the flames, but nothing happened. “Eah! I can’t! It’s just too strong!” Crimson walked up to Twilight. “You are a gifted practitioner.” Twilight tries to stay focused on her magic. “Less talking, more helping!” Fluttershy looked in horror as the ring of fire closed in on the bunnies. “We have to save them!” Crimson looked up at the hovering pegasus. “You wish to risk your lives for these animals?” Twilight’s magic faltered as she struggled to maintain focus. “Can you… Can you help or not?” Crimson stared into the fire for a moment. Then, he reached his hoof up and took out a trinket from his mane. He reached over and attaches it to Twilight’s mane. “Focus your fire magic into the fire agate. The enchantments I embedded into the gems should enhance your-“ “HURRY!” Fluttershy shouted and she started to bite on her hooves in fear and anticipation. Crimson looked at the panicking Fluttershy, then back at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, try to keep the fire from spreading.” Crimson spread his leathery wings. Twilight cracked open her eyes and looked at Crimson. “Wh- What are you going to do?” “Get in the ring.” Crimson jumped into the air as high as he could with a few flaps of his wings, then stretched them out as far as he could. In an instant, he glided fearlessly into the inferno. Fluttershy looked in horror as he gained speed and closed in on the wall of fire. Twilight took a deep breath, and then tried to focus her magic into the fire agate in her mane. The agate lit up, then a burst of blue flame shot out of Twilight’s horn. The recoil of the magic took Twilight by surprise, knocking her off her hooves and making her fall to the ground. Fluttershy looked at the staggered Twilight. “Twilight!” “I’m okay.” She got back up on her hooves. Fluttershy gasped as she watched Crimson move closer to the flames. “He’s almost in the fire!” Twilight pointed her horn at the fire, then tried to focus her magic again in the agate. Again, the magic recoild and she got knocked on her hind legs. The blue fire shot wildly into the air as Twilight struggled to regain her balance. “Hurry!” Fluttershy shouted in a quiet tone. “I’m trying!” Twilight grunted as she finally got back on her front hooves. Using all of her strength, she struggled to point the blue fire into the raging inferno. Crimson closed in on the fire. He felt the heat intensify as he glided closer and closer to the flames. He took his final breath, collapsed his wings, then closed them over his head. His horn glowed as he got engulfed by an orb of protective flames. Then, he dove head first into the wall. Sweat poured from his brow as he struggled to keep on course. His wings over his face diverted much of the heat from hitting his face and his armor absorbed some of the flames that threatened to burst his coat in flames. Then, his hooves hit the ground and he slid into the middle of the ring of fire. Crimson flapped his wings a couple of times to cool them off, then folded them against his side. Fluttershy clapped excitedly. “He’s through!” Twilight Sparkle finally hit her mark. The blue flames hit the outer layer of the fire and caused the ground to glow. The fire ceased to spread, but refused to die down. Twilight collapsed from exhaustion. She panted, trying to catch her breath. “Wow... That thing… packs a punch!” She looked up gasping. “Did it work?” “I think so.” Fluttershy stared in suspense. “But the fire is getting closer to the bunnies.” “And to Crimson.” Twilight gulped. “Twilight!” Twilight Sparkle turned around and looked up to see Rainbow Dash fly down. “Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed. Rainbow Dash landed next to Fluttershy and Twilight. “You two okay?” “Yes, but Crimson…” Twilight looked back at the flames. Rainbow Dash looked at the forest fire. “Crimson? That creepy red pony?” Fluttershy turned around and looked toward Crimson. “He’s in there saving some helpless bunnies.” Rainbow Dash looked at the fire, then looked behind her. “We’ll get this fire out. Stay here.” Rainbow Dash bolted into the air as more pegasai flew toward the blazing inferno. Crimson walked to the hollowed log and looks down. “I am here to assist you.” The bunnies just stared at him and shook in fear. He looked up and out toward Fluttershy, who was hovering from a distance. “I guess I should have asked her how to communicate with these creatures.” Crimson looked around at the shrinking ring. His horn glowed as he stood on his hind legs. Then he stomped on the ground as hard as he could. The earth started to crack and open through the ring of fire. Crimson leaned his head back, then whiped his head down toward the ground, shooting fire from his horn hitting the wall of flames. Twilight finally regained some of her strength and she staggered back on her hooves. Then, a blast of fire shot out of the wall of fire. “What was that?” “I think it was Crimson.” Fluttershy tried to fly up, but the intense heat stopped her in her tracks. Crimson put his head on the fallen hollowed log where the bunnies hid in fear and turned it toward the small ditch he made with his earth and fire magic. His horn glowed and the opening sealed up with dirt and rock. The magic made the rock and dirt merge and form a solid lid. He turned around and took a deep breath, then bucked the log, shooting it through the shallow ditch. The fire engulfed the log, charring the bark as it pierces the inferno. Twilight and Fluttershy saw a log shoot out of the wall of fire just as the ring collapsed in on itself, engulfing the trapped pony. The log smoked as it came to a stop away from the flames. Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle rushed to the smoldering log. They saw the rocks sealing the log creating a shelter from the fire. Twilight’s horn glowed as she cracked open the middle of the log. Fluttershy almost faints from the excitement as she saw all of the bunnies hop out relatively unharmed. “He did it!” “It’s okay.” Fluttershy landed and comforted the scared bunnies. “You’re safe now.” The bunnies huddled close to Fluttershy as she cradled them, then they all look back into the fire. Twilight looked at the fire that engulfed where the bunnies were. “Can you see him?” Fluttershy looked at the flames as well. “No.” The two just watched and waited, hoping for a miracle. Minutes pass and nothing happened. Finally, the pegasai get their rain clouds over the fire and start to pour rain down to extinguish the flames. Twilight’s eyes start to water as hope started to wane. “No.” Twilight whispered to herself. The ground lightly shook and started to crumble on itself. Then a small sinkhole hit as the ground crumbled around it. Twilight, Fluttershy, and the family of bunnies looked at the hole, wondering what it is. Then, an armored clawed hoof reached up from the hole and on the ledge. Then a second one. Then Crimson’s head slowly rose as he lifts himself from the hole. Twilight’s eyes popped in astonishment. “CRIMSON!” “He’s alive!” Fluttershy quietly exclaimed as Twilight jumped up and ran to the ledge. She grabbed his front hooves and helped him out of the hole. He finally crawled out of the hole and the two collapsed to the ground. “How… How did you do that?” Twilight asked, trying to catch her breath. Crimson laid on his back and panted from exhaustion. “An earth spell… Dissolves earth and rock… And turns it to sand.” He rolled over and stood up. “Since I could not… go over the fire… I went under the flames.” He extended a hoof and helped Twilight up. Twilight accepted Crimson’s help and stood up. “Good thinking.” Fluttershy looked at bunnies’ savior. “Are you okay?” “I have sustained worse.” Crimson replied in pride. Crimson looked at Fluttershy, who was consoling the bunny family. He walked up to them. “Are they injured?” Fluttershy looked down at the family and briefly looked them over. “No, they’re all okay.” She looked up at Crimson. “Thank you.” Crimson bowed as Twilight walked up next to him. “Here.” She lifted her hoof and took out the enchanted trinket in her mane. Crimson took the trinket and puts it back in his mane. “That thing is amazing.” She took a closer look at Crimson. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look like you’re burnt.” “I am okay.” Crimson looked at the diminishing wall of fire as rain pours down over the flames. “It would seem that you stopped the fire from spreading.” “Your trinket saved Ponyville.” “I am glad it helped.” Crimson, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle watched the pegasai fight the fire for over an hour. Afterwards, Rainbow Dash landed next to the three. Crimson stood up at Rainbow Dash’s arrival. “Phew, we have the fire under control.” “I’m glad.” Twilight replied. Rainbow Dash stared at Crimson. “Oh, sorry. Rainbow Dash, this is Crimson.” Crimson bows. “It is a great honor to mee-“ “Yeah, yeah.” Rainbow Dash said, cutting Crimson off. She diverted her gaze from Crimson and looked at Twilight and Fluttershy. “What happened?” Twilight steped up. “I don’t know. The fire just popped out of nowhere.” “And Crimson saved a family of bunnies.” Fluttershy added. “Oh whooptie doo.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Hey, if it wasn’t for Crimson and his enchanted jewelry, the fire could have spread and could have destroyed Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash slowly glared at Crimson. “What’s your game, Destroyer?” “Rainbow!” Twilight snapped. Crimson lifted his head. “I understand your disdain.” “Yeah, I bet you do.” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and hovered in midair. Crimson observed Rainbow Dash. “You ponies are amazing.” “Whu?” Rainbow Dash asked in confusion. “Your powers… You can completely defy gravity, and you can summon water from your sky.” “You mean ‘fly?’” Rainbow Dash looked at Crimson’s wings. “You have wings. So use’em.” “Is that how you are defying gravity?” Crimson gently moved his wings. “It’s called ‘flying!’” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Fluttershy stood beside Crimson and looked up at Rainbow Dash. “Oh, Rainbow Dash. Give him a chance.” Twilight took Crimson’s side as well. “He’s not as bad as everypony made him out to be.” Rainbow Dash looked at the votes of confidence at the stranger. “Fine. See ya guys.” Rainbow Dash shot up into the air. Crimson watched Rainbow Dash fly with ease as she vanished from his sight. “Simply amazing.” > Chapter 13: The Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Crimson’s eyes cracked open at first light as the sun crept over the horizon. He groaned as he tries to stretch, but the burns on his wings shot pain throughout his body. He stood up and looked at his wings. “Unfortunate.” He said to himself. He looked around only to see books. On a second level was Twilight Sparkle sleeping in her bed. He quietly tried to put on his armor, but almost every touch on his skin made him flinch. Twilight turned over and lightly stirred awake. She noticed Crimson struggling to get dressed, but noticed something off about his movements. She sat up and looked at her guest. “Good morning, Crimson. Are you okay?” Crimson looked up on the second floor. “I am fine.” Twilight looked closer at his unusual movements and noticed the various burns he has on his body. “No, you’re not.” Twilight hopped out of bed and rushed to the first floor to takes a closer look at Crimson. “It looks like you’re burnt.” Twilight ran into another room as Crimson continued to try to put on his armor. Spike poked his head over the side to see what’s going on. Twilight trotted back to Crimson. “Stop that.” She said as she took off Crimson’s armor. “Oh my. Spike!” Spike hopped out of his bed and ran downstairs. “What’s up, Twilight?” “Spike, get the book on Pony Remedies and Medical Aid.” “I’m on it.” Spike zipped to the wall and starts to climb a wall ladder. Crimson looked at Twilight, who was looking closely at his injuries. “What are you doing?” “You’re hurt. I’m going to help you bandage your burns.” “You are… Tending to my wounds?” He flinched as Twilight removed the rest of Crimson’s leathery garment. “This really is a land of kindness.” “Like I said yesterday...” Twilight observed the severity of his burns. “Kindness has its own rewards.” “Got it!” Spike grabbed a book from the bookshelf then hopped down and rushed to Twilight. Crimson stood still as Spike held a first aid book. Twilight flipped through page after page of the book. “Ah, here we are.” She looked at the book, then at Crimson’s wings. “Your wings are in bad shape.” Crimson looked behind him at his wings. “They will be okay.” “Not if they get an infection.” Twilight turned toward the door. “I’ll be right back. I know somepony who is great with medicine.” She opened the door and took a couple of steps out. "And don't put your armor on!" She ran out of the library, closing the door behind her. * * * Some time past as Spike worked around the library. Crimson looked at the tiny dragon as he categorized and stocked books on the bookshelves. He then noticed Crimson just staring at him. “Umm, hi.” “You are a draconite.” Spike put a book in the bookshelf while looking at the staring stranger. “Uhh, yeah.” “And you are as kind as Ms. Twilight Sparkle and her acquaintances.” “I guess so.” Spike said in a lightly worried manner. “Astounding. So you have a choice in your behavior?” Spike started to go down the rungs of the ladder. “I guess I do.” “Truly astounding.” Crimson took a step toward Spike. In turn, Spike took a step back. “Where I am from, all draconites are of a diabolic nature.” “Oh yeah, Twilight mentioned you weren't from around here.” Spike started to pick up another pile of books. “I am honored to meet a well natured being such as yourself.” Crimson bowed to Spike. Spike looked at Crimson confused. “I, uh… Thanks?” He started to walk toward a bookshelf with a pile of books. “I apologize for my seemingly awkward behavior.” Crimson lifted his head. “I am just used to your kind breathing fire and acid, casting spells, and other devastating abilities for ill-natured purposes.” Spike put the books down and looked at Crimson. “Like what?” Crimson thought to himself for a moment. “For instance, before I arrived to your lands, I was almost killed by a ba-“ “We’re back!” Twilight and Fluttershy entered the library with saddlebags of medical supplies on their back. “Hello again Twilight. And greetings Ms. Fluttershy.” Crimson started to bow as Fluttershy flew up to him. “Oh my.” She said softly. “These look bad.” Twilight went to the table where Spike put Pony Remedies and Medical Aid. “I’ll start mixing the medicine.” Fluttershy started to unpack the saddlebags and the two started to make a huge mess in the once clean room. Crimson just watched as the two did their thing. * * * Some time past as Twilight and Fluttershy finally finished putting medicine on all of Crimson’s wounds and bandaged them up. “Thanks, Fluttershy.” “Oh, no no. It was the least I could do.” Fluttershy gently smiled. “I think we should get you to a hospital.” Twilight started to put the contents of the saddlebags away. “Your mending will be more than sufficient for my recovery.” Crimson leaned over to start to pick up his armor. Spike noticed Crimson’s actions. “Hey!” Twilight looked and used her horn to stop Crimson from putting on the armor. “You are NOT putting your armor on in your condition.” Crimson looked at Twilight. “Being unarmored is not an option.” Twilight and Fluttershy looked at Crimson. “Well, okay.” Twilight dimmed her horn, unsure of Crimson’s decision. “But take it easy.” Crimson started putting his armor back on. Fluttershy walked up to Crimson. “If there is anything I can do to help you…” Twilight lifted her hoof. “Yeah, if there’s anything we can do…” Crimson looked at the two and gave a faint smile. “You are all the most thoughtless and kind ponies I have ever had the honor of meeting.” Twilight and Fluttershy blushed and diverted their eyes. “Come on, let’s go for a walk. Your legs are okay.” Crimson finished donning is armor and the three leave Twilight’s library. Crimson, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle walked around in Ponyville. The early morning dew and the cold air soothed Crimson’s burns. Then, the three walked into a path of Mayor Mare. She smiled and greeted the three. “Good morning! How are you on this beautiful day?” Twilight smileed at the Mayor’s greeting. “Good morning, Mayor Mare.” “Wait a moment…” Mayor Mare put on her glasses and squinted while leaning her head at Crimson. “Well now, it IS you.” Mayor Mare shifted gears and turned into Judge Mare. “How is your sentence working out?” Twilight gulped. “He’s doing fine.” Mare lifted her nose into the air to look down to Crimson. “I’d ask if you were staying out of trouble…” She looked the accused over and saw the bandages wrapped around the various burns on his wings and body. “ … but you look as if you’re doing just the opposite.” Twilight took a step forward to get between Mare and Crimson. “It’s not what you think.” Fluttershy too took a step forward. “Yeah, he was injured from the forest fire the other day.” “I see.” Mare adjusted her glasses. “Will you join me for breakfast? I’d love to hear what you all have been doing since the hearing.” “Oh, that sounds delicious.” Fluttershy smiled. “Splendid! I know a terrific spot.” Mare turned around and led the three to a restaurant. Crimson looked with a hint of suspicion at the Judge's actions, but followed when Twilight and Fluttershy followed Mare. * * * The ponies meet up at a café and they started explaining Twilight’s quest to teach Crimson about friendship. The more Twilight explained, the more Judge Mare seems intrigued. “… and he selflessly charged into the fire and saved a family of bunnies.” “A family of bunnies?” Mare looked at ‘The Destroyer’ with suspicion. “This all seems far fetched.” “But it’s true.” Fluttershy finisheed her cup of tea. Mare stood up, then Crimson shortly after. “Thank you for joining me for breakfast.” She turned and started to walk away. She turned her head towards Crimson. “Just remember that one act of kindness doesn't forgive a lifetime of evil.” Twilight looked at Mare. “But does a single bad act outweigh a lifetime of good?” Mare smiled and lifted a hoof. “Ta-ta!” She started to walk away. Mare saw a couple enter the café as she was leaving. “Ah, hello! How’s the new filly?” Crimson sat as the Mare’s left. “Does she not like me?” “It isn't that.” Twilight turned her head to look at him. “It’s her job as mayor and judge of Ponyville.” “She’s really nice.” Fluttershy mentioned. “Yeah, but she does what she has to.” Twilight added. Crimson looked away from Twilight. “I know that responsibility very well.” “It’s not like that. She does what’s best for Ponyville and does what Ponyville asks of her.” Twilight and Fluttershy continued their breakfast, having small talk as Crimson started to think about his world and the world he’s exploring. He turned speechless at the unusual similarities between the two seemingly opposite lands. > Chapter 14: The Unland > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crimson, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle continued to walk around Ponyville showing Crimson around. The houses that were once burnt were still in the process of being repaired, and Ponyville’s citizens continued to look upon Crimson with suspicion and anger. Crimson looked at the citizens that continued to whisper at his presence. “Even now, they murmur amongst themselves.” Twilight and Fluttershy looked at Crimson as he looked in the distance at Ponyville civilians. “What’s that?” Twilight asked. “The denizens of this place.” Crimson turned his head to looked at a Ponyville citizen, who suddenly hid in their house. “They whisper and hide like cowards with no honor. Have they learned nothing?” “What did you expect?” Twilight looked at her surroundings, particularly at a burnt house. “You scare the hoof out of them.” “But they don’t know you like we do.” Fluttershy said softly. “Yeah. You’ll see. In time, you may learn to like it here.” Crimson remained silent as the three continued to walk through Ponyville toward the edge of town. Crimson looked into the distance at something that caught his eye. “What is that?” Fluttershy and Twilight looked to see what Crimson sees. They looked upon the castle that was attached to the side of a mountainside, and the waterfall coming from the side. “That’s Canterlot. Princess Celestia lives there.” “Who is this ‘Princess Celestia?’” “She rules all of Equestria.” Twilight answered. Crimson stared at the castle as he connects more and more similarities between the lands. “Come on. Rainbow Dash is waiting for us.” Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle continued, but Crimson stood still. Twilight and Fluttershy turned their heads and watched him stare in a daze,f lost in thought. “Crimson?” Crimson blinked a couple of times, then looked to the two. “Oh, I apologize.” He caught up and continued to walk with them. As the three walked outside of Ponyville, Crimson looked at Fluttershy, who was walking in between Crimson and Twilight. “Is there an opposing land?” Twilight looked to Crimson confused. “A what?” “As in is there another kingdom in your land that is of the same power and influence?” The three stopped and looked at each other. “Well, there’s Cloudsdale, Manehatten, Troggingham, Fillydelphia, Los Pegasus…” Crimson looked over to Twilight. “And these lands oppose this land?” “What?” Twilight looked at Crimson with more confusion. “No, no.” “So this land runs unopposed?” Fluttershy shook her head. “I don’t think it’s like that.” Twilight and Fluttershy looked at each other kind of worried as Crimson stared ahead. “Let us continue.” After a short walk, Twilight stopped and turned around toward Crimson. “We’re here.” Crimson looked around. He saw a the road that continued on, the grassy fields that surround the area, the forest in the distance, and Ponyville behind them turning around in a complete circle. He blinked in confusion a couple of times. “And where is ‘here?’” Twilight looked straight up. “We’re under Cloudsdale.” Crimson gazed above him to the clouds. Then, he continued to look around for anything out of place. “Oh, right. Your wings are injured.” Fluttershy started to hover in place. “I’ll get Rainbow Dash.” She gently started to fly up into the air into the clouds and out of sight. Crimson watched as Fluttershy gained altitude. “Simply amazing.” Twilight looked at Crimson. “You seem… Off today. What’s wrong?” Crimson looked at Twilight as a gentle breeze blew through their manes. “Tell me about your matriarch.” “Princess Celestia?” Twilight thought to herself for a brief moment. “She’s the most amazing pony I’ve ever met. The kindest, gentlest, sweetest…” Crimon just stared as Twilight rambled on about her mentor and idol. Fluttershy slowly descended and landed near the ranting Twilight. “Rainbow Dash said to use the balloon and meet her in Cloudsdale.” “Oh yeah! The balloon!” Crimson looked at the two in question. “The balloon?” “You’ll see. Come on!” Twilight turned and started to run back towards Ponyville. Fluttershy flew next to her as Crimson stared at the two, lost in translation. Then he trotted next to them. Twilight and Fluttershy led Crimson to a large, pink basket lying on the ground with a soft looking, very large bulb-shaped pouch hovering above it. The pouch was pink with purple swirls, and a yellow accent at the bottom that was tied off to the basket with pink ropes. Crimson looked upon the giant thingamajig. “What is this contraption?” “This is a hot air balloon.” Twilight jumped in the basket and turned to Crimson. “This is how we’re going to get you to Cloudsdale.” Crimson walked up and got inside the basket next to Twilight. Fluttershy flew to the tie-offs and released the balloon from the ground. The balloon gently rose off the earth and slowly gained in altitude. Crimson went on his hind legs and rested his forelegs on the ledge of the basket, then stared off in pure amazement. “Remarkable!” Fluttershy flew up to the basket. The basket floated higher and further into the air with everything on the ground shrinking in size. Crimson looked around at the world astonished. “Your world is massive!” Twilight put her forelegs on the ledge next to Crimson. “It is pretty big.” Crimson stared at the horizon. “Has anypony fallen off the side?” “I don’t know.” “What about reaching the edge?” Twilight looked at Crimson confused. “What? The edge of what?” “Your land.” Twilight lightly snickered to herself. “Oh. No, there’s no edge.” Fluttershy grabbed the anchor and put it on a cloud. “We’re here.” The balloon slowly moved to a cloud and lands softly. Twilight hopped out of the basket on the cloud and started to walk toward the white and blue kingdom high in the sky. “Don’t worry. I won’t fall. I found spell a while ago to allow me to walk on clouds.” “That is good to know.” Crimson looked at the semi-transparent white fluff. “What about me?” Twilight turned around and looks at Crimson. “You’re a pegasus. You should be able to walk on clouds.” He cautiously hopped out and lands on the fluffy white substance. “Your world is absolutely amazing!” Crimson lifted one hoof up at a time to feel the clouds under his hooves. He frowned for a moment, realizing that he felt no connection to the stone. His frown vanished as he looked up at the amazing off-ground land. “Another great kingdom.” He looked down at the clouds, then at Twilight who was standing straight on the soft looking material. Twilight looked up at Fluttershy who was hovering above the two. “Fluttershy, do you know where Rainbow Dash is?” Fluttershy looked down to Twilight Sparkle. “She’s supposed to be-“ Suddenly, a gust of wind hit the three as a rainbow shot past them. Twilight and Fluttershy closed their eyes and Crimson widens his stance to keep his balance from the surprising gust of wind. Rainbow Dash shot up into the air, curved around, and suddenly landed on the cloud in front of Crimson. Fluttershy and Twilight opened their eyes as the wind died down. “Ah, there she is.” Twilight took a step forward. “Crimson, this is Rainbow D-“ “So you think you’re cool?” Rainbow Dash started to pace back and forth in front of Crimson as she continued. “You think you’re awesome? Strong? Super awesome?” She stopped and lifted her hoof in an arching motion toward her body. “We’ll you’re not as awesome as me.” Crimson looked blankly at the odd wording of the pegasus in front of him. He then bowed his head. “It is an honor to meet another one of Twilight’s affiliates.” “Yeah, yeah. Cut the crap. If you want my trust, you have to earn it.” Twilight got back into the balloon. “I’ll be back later. I have to meet with Princess Celestia.” “Farewell.” Crimson bowed to Twilight as the balloon lifted off and drifted toward the ground. “I have to go too. I need to tend to the cute little animals.” “Farewell to you too.” Crimson bowed to Fluttershy as she flew off toward her house. He looked up at her easily flying through the air, which still amazed him. “Come on then.” Rainbow Dash flew passed Crimson. “Let me show you around.” Rainbow Dash showed what parts of Cloudsdale she could, considering he was ‘grounded’ from his injuries. She showed him the snowflake making factory, the rainbow factory, the cloud factory, and the arena. “You have a marvelous city.” Rainbow Dash hovered next to Crimson. “Yeah, I know. You have to be super awesome to live up here.” “So you are better than every other pony?” “No, not better. Just more awesome.” Rainbow Dash continued to lead Crimson through the city. “Maybe I am misunderstanding your phrasing,” Crimson looked at Rainbow Dash. “But are you not saying you have to be better than everyone else to live in this kingdom?” Rainbow Dash hovered in place. “Well, kind of.” “I am sorry, but I am only interpreting your words as you are saying them. Am I mistaken in ‘to be awesome’ meaning ‘to be great'?” “Well,” Rainbow Dash looked upon Crimson flustered. Crimson’s ear twitched, then he turned his head behind him. An eagle/lion mixed creature flew up toward the same cloud Crimon and Rainbow Dash were at. She spread her brown wings and landed on her brown lion hind legs before landing on her front eagle talons. Her white feather head looked at Rainbow Dash’s companion as her purple tipped feathers rustled in the breeze. “Well now, did you ditch your lame friends?” “Oh, hi Gilda.” Rainbow Dash said. “Seems like you finally matured.” Gilda nudged her head to Crimson. “Who’s your friend?” Crimson bowed to Gilda. “I am Ebon Commander Crimson Thull from House Thull, son of Galvis and Nolia Thull, brother to Scorch, Demi, and Temethyst Thull.” Gilda looked at Rainbow Dash. “Wow, seems you’re moving up in the cool world, Dash.” “What brings you to Cloudsdale?” Rainbow Dash asked, landing next to Crimson. “I was in the area and I wanted to see if you snapped out of your lameness.” Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof. “Now wait just a minute!” “And I think you have.” Gilda looked at Rainbow Dash’s new friend. “You’re hanging around this bad ass pony who looks like he came straight from the bowls of hell.” “You mean Crimson?” Rainbow Dash looked back to her red coated guest. “Yeah! I mean look at him.” Gilda started to slowly walk around Crimson. “Check out his armor. It’s hard core! And his clothing. So rugged. And his hot red coat.” Crimson watched Gilda as she continued to walk around him. Rainbow Dash’s eyes popped. “Who’a. He’s NOT-“ Gilda finished her circle around Crimson. “He is totally cooler than those lame asses before.” “Now hold on a minute!” Rainbow Dash snapped. “My friends are not lame!” “Oh, so you’re still hanging out with those losers.” “Hey!” Rainbow Dash looked at the griffon in anger. “What about you?” Gilda lightly nudged Crimson. “You want to hang out with the cool crowd?” Crimson stood silent at Gilda’s request. “Come on, now. Don’t tell me you want to hang out with these lame-o’s.” “That’s it!” Rainbow Dash zipped over to Gilda. “Nobody talks about my friends like that!” Gilda rolled her eyes. “Psh, please. You’re still so lame.” She looked at the pegasus hovering in front of her. “I thought you’d have come over to the cool side.” Rainbow Dash jumped up at Gilda. She too jumped up and dodged Rainbow Dash’s attack, then pounced on her, pinning Rainbow to the cloud. “Get off me!” “I must have been out of my mind to think you were once cool.” Gilda put her talon against Rainbow Dash’s cheek. “Maybe you need a reminder on how cool I am!” She lifted her talon as Rainbow Dash’s eyes popped in fear. She went to swipe Rainbow’s face, but her talon gets stopped in mid-swing. Crimson held her talon from striking Rainbow Dash. “That will not be necessary, Ms. Gilda.” “Hey! Let go!” Gilda struggled and pulled back, trying to free her talon. “Let... GO!” Crimson released her talon and she fell off the side of the cloud. Rainbow Dash got up and hovered next to Crimson. Gilda’s head slowly rose from the side of the cloud as she flapped her wings. “You’re sooo going to get it!” She charged Crimson, ready for a fight, but Crimson lifted his right hoof, grabbed her head, then shoved her face into the cloud. As she lifted her head out from the cloud, Crimson grabbed her neck with his left hoof and pinned her to the cloud. He looked down with his calm yet deadly eyes as his climbing claw lightly dug into her flesh. She looked in horror at the demon before her. “Where I am from, impotent fools such as yourself are punished severely.” He dug his claw deeper into her chest as his eyes grow colder and deeper. He stared into Gilda’s eyes as her horror turned into a life threatening fear. “Crimson!” Rainbow Dash flew up to him. Crimson looked at Gilda, then at Rainbow Dash. He lightened the weight on Gilda and lifted his hoof. Gilda panted, trying to catch her breath. Her fear turned to excitement and adrenaline as the cold and calm Crimson took a step back. “You are a BAD ASS!” Gilda jumped to her feet. “That was SO AWESOME! I have some friends I want you to meet!” Crimson lightly lifted his head. “I hold no allegiance to you or your feeble ways.” “What?” Gilda seemed flustered at Crimson’s reply as he turned around and started to walk away. Rainbow Dash looked at Crimson, then back at Gilda. “You’re just as lame as they are! Have fun in your lame… lame land!” Rainbow Dash flew up to Crimson in silence, then landed and walked with him with Gilda yelling in the background. Rainbow Dash smiled and looked at Crimson. “… You know, that was pretty awesome.” > Chapter 15: The Gathering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun rose to the crest in the sky. Crimson and Rainbow Dash sat on the edge of a cloud and talked about various adventures each of them had. Twilight’s balloon levitated to the cloud and she anchored the balloon down. Crimson’s ear twitched as Twilight hopped out of the basket and trotted to the two. “Well, it seems that all is well.” Crimson stood up as Rainbow Dash used her wings to have her hover in the air. “You bet! This pony is awesome!” “Crimson, Princess Celestia asked me to document your adventures. Do you mind?” Crimson lightly shook his head. “Not at all.” “Oh my gosh, he has the best adventures!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly. “Danger, excitement, deception, adventurous, fierce…” “Exactly.” Twilight nodded, looking at Rainbow Dash. “It’s the world that he came from that she wants to know about. You know, you can come with if you’d like to hear more of his stories.” “That’ll be awesome!” “Great! Would you mind telling the rest of the girls about the get-together at my place?” “Sure thing.” Rainbow Dash bolted toward Ponyville, leaving nothing but a rainbow trail behind. “You sure are leaving an impression on everypony.” Twilight turned toward the balloon. Crimson trotted next to Twilight. “I am glad you all approve.” Twilight smiled. “I think you more than ‘approve’ on a few of them.” The two hopped into the balloon’s basket. “So how are you liking Ponyville?” She used her magic to release the balloon from the cloud. “I do not know.” Crimson stared at the town below. “It is different, but it also feels the same.” “Oh.” Twilight looked over at Crimson. “Is that good or bad?” “I do not know.” Crimson started to stare off at the horizon. Twilight turned her head and watched with him. Twilight landed the balloon and the two hopped out. They started to walk through Ponyville in a strange silence. Twilight turned her head towards Crimson. “How are your burns?” “They are fine.” Twilight looked back at Crimson’s burned wings. “I hope the ointment I mixed helps.” “I am sure it does.” Twilight looked ahead of her and another awkward silence ensued. “Is… something wrong?” Crimson stopped in his tracks and Twilight stopped next to him. “This land, it is… strangely familiar.” Twilight turned to look at Crimson. “What do you mean?” “The colors and the environment are different, but I feel deep down everything else is the same.” She walked next to Crimson curious at what’s on his mind. “How so?” “Well… For instance, the powerful live in a more luxurious place than the weaker. The land is ruled by a single entity. You have your royal guards so that means your lands may be threatened. Ponies try to abuse other ponies for power.” Crimson looked at Twilight. “This land has the potential of being no different than the one I came from.” Twilight looked confused, and a little disturbed. “That’s a little dark, don’t you think?” “As much as I would like to see a different world, I do not think such a world exists.” Crimson continued walking through Ponyville. Twilight turned and trotted a few steps to catch up to Crimson. “But not all ponies are like that!” “You are right. You and your allies are the best ponies I have ever had the honor of meeting.” “You keep saying that. You know you’re our friend, not just an ‘ally’ of yours.” “Do you define ‘friend’ and ‘ally’ as two separate entities?” Crimson asked. Rarity walked around a corner to see Twilight and the glamorous and noble pony. “Hello, dear!” Rarity trotted up to the two with grace and beauty. “Hi Rarity.” “Ms. Rarity.” Crimson bowed in her presence. Rarity noticed Crimson’s bandages on his wings. “Oh my gosh, what happened?” Twilight took a step forward in excitement. “You should have seen him, Rarity! He charged into the forest fire to save some of Fluttershy’s friends.” Rarity batted her eyes. “You’re so brave.” “We’re on our way to the library to document his adventures. You want to come with us?” “That sounds marvelous.” Rarity smiled and the three turned to continue to head toward the library. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack waited at the library door when they saw Crimson, Rarity, and Twilight in the distance. “There he is!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Twilight looked at Crimson with a smile. “You’re our guest of honor already.” The six grouped up at the entrance and greet each other. Twilight opened the library door and they started to go inside. “Hey, where’s Pinkie Pie?” Books fell off the bookshelf as Pinkie Pie’s head popped out from behind the books. “Here I am!” “Spike, get me an empty tome and an ink and quill.” Twilight called out as the ponies settle down. “… Spike?” Twilight looked around. “Spiiiike?” Twilight got up and started to look around the library. Then she stumbled at an opened scroll. “Hey, it’s a letter from the castle.” Her horn glowed and the scroll levitated in front of her. Twilight started to read the scroll. The more she read, the more she seemed distraught. “Girls! We have to go!” The six looked up at Twilight. “What’s wrong, suga?” Applejack asked. Twilight jumped on her hooves and went down to the door. “Something’s going on at the castle. We have to go!” The six left and Crimson sat in the library. Twilight poked her head inside the library. “You coming?” Crimson looked up at Twilight, then walked out to follow her. The ponies looked at Canterlot in the distance. “It looks like yer brother’s shield is up.” Applejack said. Twilight walked next to Applejack. “Looks like we’ll need to take the train.” * * * The seven reached the Ponyville train station. Being used to the train, the six friends just went about their business. Crimson walked up and stood silently. His ear twitched as he turned his head. He peeked his head up and started to look around. He noticed something in the distance. “What is that?” He looked toward the six, who didn't seem to notice anything. He looked back down the long path at the large charging entity that approached at high velocity. Crimson cautiously took a step back when he realized it was heading straight at him. He jumped back alarmed, with his horn glowing as the train rushes passed them. A gust of wind hit everyone as the loud, high pitch scream erupted from the monster. The gears grinned as the train’s breaks locked, making the train come to a stop. The steam rushed out as the smoke stack idled out. “Good, it’s here.” Twilight turned her head to see Crimson ready to pounce with a glowing red circle pulsating around him. He looked at the steel demon as it breaths its steam and smoke and its screeching roar. She walked up to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. He snapped his head in alarm at Twilight as she smiled. “Relax, Crimson.” The glowing red circle diminished when he saw Twilight's calming smile. "That’s our train.” Crimson calmed a bit. “Train?” “Yeah, it’s our ride to Canterlot.” The monster let out a sigh of relief as the doors opened. Pinkie Pie exited the train with a party hat on her head and a noise maker in her mouth. “Party over here!” Pinkie blew the noise maker with a smile. Crimson blinked and looked around in confusion as he could have sworn Pinkie Pie was only a few feet away from him. The ponies boarded the train and they got ready to go to Canterlot. > Chapter 16: The Heartbroken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train rushed through the mountains and over fields as it headed towards Canterlot. The train car seemed unusually empty and quiet as the seven sat in their seats wondering what was going on, and why they were summoned to the castle on short notice. The train passed through the protective dome that shielded Canterlot from outside magic. Applejack looked at Twilight, who was staring outside the car window. “You gonna tell us what the letter said?” Twilight looked at Applejack, and then looked at every other pony in the car. “In short, it read that there was something strange going on and the princess requested our immediate and urgent presence at the castle.” “Maybe she wants to throw a part for Crimson!” Pinkie Pie put on a party hat and grabbed a couple of maracas from behind her back. “Or maybe a fashion show of epic and divine proportions!” Rarity started to look out the window in a day dream. She smiled at the thought of her designs being used down the runway, the publicity her work would get, and the princess personally congratulating her and wearing her gowns. The bright and vibrant colors in her dream started to desaturate as it snowed on her fashion show. “Rarity!” Twilight shook Rarity out of her daydream. “Huh?” Rarity blinked in confusion as Twilight pointed outside the window. “Look!” Rarity looked outside as the scenery turned from a clear and sunny day to a grey and musty scene. A strange fog covered the train. The closer they got to the castle, the thicker this strange fog got. Rarity gasped. “What is this ghastly fog?” “I don’t know, but I don’t like it.” Twilight looked outside with Rarity and the other ponies at the curious fog. The train slowly came to a stop, punching a hole in the cloud of gray dust. Again, the metal monster released its loud screech, then the engine released steam as the cars lined up with the train station platform. The train conductor looked outside his window to see the empty train station, the rock and rubble, the damaged architecture, and the strange statues that weren’t there when he left the station earlier that day. The train car doors opened and the seven ponies left the train car one by one. With each step, hoof prints were left in the dust that covered the platform floor. The fog and strange gray dust limited long distance visibility, giving a light gag with each gust of wind. Applejack looked at the gray dust covered ground. “What the hay is going on here?” Rarity steped in place trying to get the dust off her hooves. “Ugh, did the janitors go on strike?” Pinkie Pie jumped on her back and starts making angels in the pseudo-snow while Crimson looked around at the statues with worry. Twilight started to leave the station. She turned around at the six standing at the station. “Come on, let’s get to the castle.” Pinkie Pie jumped to her hooves and caught up as the other ponies closely followed. The group headed to the outer gate. The gates remained open and the guards stood at their posts. The group walked up to the guards as they notice something wasn't right. Then, the six gasped as they looked at the stone statues. “I knew it!” Twilight took a step back. “Something IS wrong!” Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight. “Yeah, they’re all statues.” “Just like the cockatrice.” Fluttershy hid behind Twilight. “Yeah, just like the cockatrice.” Twilight looked around at the damage all around her. “But something doesn’t seem right.” Applejack walked up to Twilight. “Can ya turn them back?” “I’ll try.” Twilight pointed her horn at the statue. The horn glowed as she put her energies into the spell. Her body quivered, then the light from the horn fades. Twilight panted, trying to catch her breath. “No, it’s too strong.” Applejack turned her head toward Crimson. “What about you, Crimson?” Crimson shook his head. “I am sorry, I cannot.” “Shucks.” Applejack looked back at Twilight. Fluttershy came out of hiding and walked up to a statue. “We can’t just leave them here.” Twilight looked at Fluttershy. “We have to.” She started to take a couple of steps toward the castle. “We need to get to the princess.” The ponies turned and headed through the outer gates toward the inner gatehouse. They all looked around to see more and more statues of guards and civilians all over the castle. They went through the open gates of the gatehouse and headed into the courtyard. “Look.” Twilight said, observing some of the statue’s postures and gestures. The seven went to a statue with a horrified look about their face. “It looks like it wasn’t just a sudden spell but an attack.” “That is true.” Crimson commented. “These unfortunate souls saw what was coming for them.” “Twilight! Check this out.” Rainbow Dash hovered over markings in the ground, looking closely at their shape. The ponies went to Rainbow Dash to inspect the markings on the ground. Applejack looked down at the ground. “Those’re tracks.” “Yeah, and not cockatrice tracks.” Twilight looked at the tracks in thought. “Whatever this thing is, it’s huge!” Rainbow Dash looked closer at the tracks. “… I think I’ve seen these before.” Twilight looked up to Rainbow Dash in question. “Where? I’ve never seen these before.” “The crater.” The six ponies looked over at Crimson. “Do you know what this is?” Crimson stared at the six. “Yes. And I fear I have put you in serious danger.” Twilight turned toward Crimson. “What do you mean?” “Before I arrived at your world, I was being pursued by a monster from my lands.” Crimson explained. “However, before it got me, I caved in the tunnels and continued to dig towards your world.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes popped in surprise. “Wait, YOU ran away from it?” Crimson nodded at Rainbow Dash. “Yes. It is a very dangerous monster.” Twilight turned her head back toward the castle. “Come on, we need to find the princess.” She started to trot, leading the ponies through the courtyard. The closer the ponies got to the keep, the more statues they saw. As they approached the steps to the keep doors, they saw more statues and destruction. “This is terrible!” Fluttershy’s eyes started to tear up. “This creature is destroying the statues!” She wiped her eyes dry as the dust in the air started to clot in the moisture “Come on, everypony. We need to keep going.” Twilight walked up the steps avoiding the debris left over from the crumbled statues. She peeked her head into the keep to get a look at the inside. She gasped, and then closed her eyes and turned her head in horror from the destruction. Rainbow Dash approached Twilight. “It’s that bad?” Twilight noded her head trying to keep her composure. “I don’t think I can go in there.” Fluttershy softly said. Twilight opened her eyes and took a deep breath. “We have to. The princess may need our help.” She turned her head back at the doors and she slowly entered the keep. Applejack and Rainbow Dash followed behind her. Rarity and Fluttershy paused outside. “Come on.” Pinkie Pie said. “Don’t you remember?” “Remember what?” Rarity asks. Pinkie Pie smiled as her eyes sparkled. “You gatta stand up tall, learn to face your fears.” Rarity put a hoof to her head as she looked down, shaking her head. “You’ll see that they can’t hurt you. Just laugh to make them disappeeeeear.” She started to take a deep breath. Crimson shook his head. “I do not agree. Turning victims to stone can very mu-“ “Giggle at the ghosty!” Pinkie Pie sang while bouncing around. Then she popped up behind Crimson. “Guffaw at the grossly!” She bounced by continuing her song. “Crack up at the creepy!” She gave a big jump in the air. “Woof it up with the weepy.” “Pinkie!” Twilight poked her head out from the keep. The song and dance stoped as Pinkie Pie looks at Twilight. “This isn’t the time to be singing!” Pinkie Pie gave a light frown as she slowly levitated back to the ground. She sat and looked sad at the grey powdered ground. Fluttershy walked up to Pinkie Pie. “Chortle at the cooky.” She whispered with a smile to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie smiled back and stood up. Rarity walked up to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. “Come on, darlings. Let’s go ‘snortle at the spooky.’” The three girls entered the keep. Crimson stareed at the insanity in which he has just witnessed. He shook it off and followed the girls into the keep. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity gasped as they saw the horrors Twilight had witnessed when looking into the keep. The inside was dimly lit, barely illuminating the ground, unveiling the broken statue parts, dust, and ash. Crimson walked in and looked emotionless at the scene. “Oh my…” Fluttershy whispered almost bursting back into tears. Crimson walked up to the three. “We need to keep up.” Then he headed toward Twilight and her group. The ponies grouped up and carefully moved on through the devastation. They tried to keep calm as they moved around the countless statues of royal guard, trying to keep their calm as they walked around dark corners. “The throne room is up ahead.” Twilight whispered. Crimson extended his hoof, stopping the group in their tracks. His eyes widened as they looked upon a large cloud of dust and ash. “What’s th-“ Crimson gestured for silence. Crimson took a hesitant breath as a deep groan came from the cloud. Red eyes glowed and pierced through the thick cloud at ground level, then lift ten feet into the air. A massive shadowed silhouette came from the cloud. The six ponies looked in fear at the dreaded beast. A loud groan erupted from the cloud as the creature started to advance. Slowly, a large eight legged lizard-like creature emerged from the cloud. The dark gray scales blended with the color of broken statues as its tail smashed a statue at its side. It lifted its head, reaching at least twenty feet into the air, almost to the ceiling of the hallway, then sniffed the air to try to catch the scent of its next pray. Twilight gasped in horror. “What is that?” Crimson’s eyes widened as he stared in fear. “A basilisk.” He whispered. “I’m going in!” Rainbow Dash fearlessly announced as she lifted into the air. Just before she charged at the creature, Crimson jumped up and snatches her from the air just as a gray beam shot from the basilisk’s mouth at Rainbow Dash. Her rainbow main and tail sizzled as the tips disintegrate into ash. Royal guards jumped out from their hiding places and started to charge at the creature. The monter's eyes lit up and they start to turn to stone one by one. Then a dark grey beam came out of the basilisk’s mouth, turning the newly formed statues into ash powder. Crimson pushed the six into a corridor for cover as the gray beam shot passed them. The force of the passing beam wafted the ash from the disintegrated ponies. Rainbow Dash looked up at her sizzled mane. “Who’a, that was close!” Rarity lifted her hoof at the damaged hair. “That’ll take weeks to moisturize.” “Nooo!” Twilight shouted and burst into tears. Everyone looked towards Twilight as he hugged the dust and ash covered statue of Shining Armor. The girls surround Twilight and try to console her as she mourned her brother. Crimson stared at the girls, who were close to breaking down as an unknown feeling rushed through him. He looked down and tried to take a breath, trying to comprehend the strange sensation. He looked up at the girls, then around the corner at the basilisk, who was almost finished wiping out the royal guard. He took a breath, then he reached for his bandages. Applejack tried consoling the heart broken Twilight. “Oh suga. I’m sorry.” “This can’t be.” Twilight tried to take a breath. Tears ran down her cheek, making a trail on her dirt covered face. A thundering roar filled the halls as the six girls quivered from the shock. They looked toward the hall to find that Crimson was nowhere to be seen. “Crimson?” Twilight looked at the pile of bandages on the ground. The six peeked their heads around the corner to see Crimson standing in the middle of the hallway. His horn glowed as he telekinetically threw a large stone at the monster. Crimson focused on the rock causing it to emit a dim glow. The monster lifted a claw swiped at the rock, destroying it in midair. The dust and debris caused from the stone continued to glow and land on the ground, forming a circle around the beast. Twilight lifted a hoof. “Crimson!” Crimson lightly turned his head toward the girls while keeping his eyes locked on the basilisk. “Twilight, you and your friends stay there.” “What?” Rainbow Dash jumped and hovered in air. “No way!” “I will resolve this myself.” He straightened his posture as he took deep breaths. His horn emanated a gentle glow as he focused his energy on his magic. Applejack grabbed Rainbow Dash’s hoof. “He does know about this creature.” Rainbow Dash looked back to the girls. “That doesn’t mean we can’t just stay here.” “I think we should trust him.” Twilight said. “But let’s watch for an opportunity to help.” Crimson pounded his hoof into the ground, then drew a circle around the hoof print. As he drew the circle, the ground lightly shook and stones pulled up from the floor. The rocks started to orbit around Crimson, creating a shield of stones. The basilisk took a breath to fire its beam at Crimson. Some of the rock shield disintegrated as Crimson jumped toward the basilisk, avoiding the deadly breath weapon. He jumped on the side of the wall, then leapt off the wall toward the basilisk. He spread his wings to gain aerial control as the rock barrier continued to surround him. The barrier merged and created an armor of molten rock as the basilisk swiped at Crimson. The rock armor crumbled at the hit, but Crimson grabbed the claw with his armored climbing hooves. He swung wildly, hanging on to the claw as the basilisk waved his claw around, trying to get the pony off. Crimson got a good hold with his back hooves, then jumped up off the claw as the beast reached his large maw for a devastating bite. He lifted his head back and whipped it down toward the monster. A whip of fire emerged from his horn, slashing at the basilisk’s back and neck. The monster roared and thrashed as it reached back and thrust its jaws in for a bite. Crimson continued to lash into the beast as its teeth sank into Crimson’s wing. It whipped its head and Crimson got thrown down the hallway. The beast roared as Crimson flew down the hall. The girls looked in horror as he slid to a stop in front of them. “Crimson!” Rainbow Dash and Rarity went to Crimson and try to help him up, but he looked up and lifted a hoof to stop them. “No. It is not safe for you here.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “No! We’re staying.” Crimson looked up to see the basilisk’s eyes glow. He grabbed the two and jumped back into the corridor. “Do not interfere! You will only get in the way and get yourselves killed.” Rarity took a half step forward looking at Crimson. “And you won’t?” Crimson looked at Rarity, his wing crippled and mauled. “Ms. Rarity, it is my fault this creature haunts your lands.” “That doesn’t mean-“ “I have learned so much from you all.” Crimson looked at the girls. “I am honored to call all of you my friends.” The six looked at him as the creature started to walk toward the corner. Crimson’s horn glowed as he wiped off dust from the floor. “… Good bye.” Twilight blinked for a moment confused. “What?” Crimson turned around and jumped out from the corner. Twilight tried to lift a hoof only to realize she and the others were stuck to the ground. “NO!” Twilight’s horn glowed and she casted a spell at the ground to dispel the adhesive effects from the ground. The girls ran and turned the corner to see Crimson charging at the basilisk with his hooves engulfed in flames. As he got closer to the monster, the flames glowed brighter. The basilisk took a breath and fired his breath weapon. Crimson lowered his head to dodge as part of his enchanted armor disintegrated from the blast. The flames from his hooves turned into a cyclone around Crimson as he jumped into the air. His horn glowed as the monster’s eyes lit up. Crimson’s wings started to turn to stone as he landed. The flames got absorbed into the ground as Crimson’s front hooves bent and his head went close to the ground on the landing. Crimson continued to be engulfed in stone as the beast’s head lifted into the air. As it took a deep breath, Crimson straightened his arms, lunging his upper body and head upward. A spike of flame and earth pierced the ground and ripped through the neck of the demonic creature and impaled itself into the ceiling. The creature tried to roar as its glowing red eyes dimmed. The monster struggled and bucked at the pain. The spike crumbled under the monster, and it fell to the ground. Twilight looked in shock. Her eyes popped and she smiled. “You did it!” The girls ran to Crimson, but stopped in horror when they saw Crimson standing with pride and honor turned to stone. The monster laid on its side, fighting to breathe each breath. The girls looked at the monster. “Oh no.” Fluttershy’s eyes watered up as looked at the petrified hero. “You idiot.” Rainbow Dash diverted his eyes, then looked at the crippled monster that laid bleeding before them. “He even looks dazzling as a statue.” Rarity dropped her head in sorrow. Applejack looked at the basilisk, trying to fight back tears. “What should we do with this thing?” Thinking about the loss of her brother, her friend, and the destruction this creature has brought upon the kingdom, Twilight took a step forward, her eyes burning with pain and rage. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her horn started to glow. “No.” Fluttershy flew between Twilight and the basilisk. “This is wrong!” “Right! I mean, wrong!” Pinkie Pie chimed in. “This will stick with you forever. You will never be a happy pony if you do this.” “She’s right.” Applejack stood next to Fluttershy. “No matter what terrible things this creature has done, we have no right to take a life.” They all looked at Twilight, who stared with rage at the helpless creature. Her inner anger fought against her inner compassion as the creature started to lightly convulse. Finally, she let out a deep exhale and her horn’s glow diminished. She looked away from the monster in tears as her friends all hugged her. After regaining her composure, Twilight looked at her consoling friends. “Come on, let’s find the princess.” The six slowly and cautiously walked around the dying creature toward the throne room. > Chapter 17: The Dark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight rushed to the throne room’s doors with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy following close behind. She looked at the barrier protecting the room. She lifted a hoof and knocked. “Hello? Princess?” The barrier faded and the doors cracked open. “It’s okay. It’s safe out here now.” The guards opened the door and looked outside. Then they looked at the six ponies at the door. “Hurry.” A guard let the girls in as he looked around for the creature. “Princess!!” Twilight exclaimed as she saw the princess partially turned to stone. “Twilight Sparkle, my star pupil.” Princess Celestia’s near flawless white coat was spoiled by her petrified left wing, tail, front left hoof and rear flank. Her hair flowed in a windless room as her crown sat proudly on her head. The six walked up to the princess and bowed in her presence. “Did you and your friends defeat the basilisk?” Twilight’s eyes watered up at the sight of her princess. “We didn’t.” The guards at the doors started to panic and got ready to close the doors. Applejack took a step forward. “Crimson did.” “Crimson?” Princess Celestia thought to herself for a moment. “He didn’t kill it, did he?” Twilight shook her head. “No.” Again, the guards panicked and started to close the doors. “It’s mortally wounded in the halls.” The princess gave a faint smile. “Good.” She squinted a little as the petrification continued to grow, slowly engulfing her body. “Princess!?” “Calm yourselves.” The princess said, trying to focus on her stone infliction. “If you kill the basilisk, there would be no easy way to dispel this stone curse.” Applejack looked at the princess. “You say’n we can reverse this spell?” “Like a counter-spell?” Twilight added. “Yes. But it requires very specific materials.” “What are they?” Twilight asked. Rarity took a step forward. “I have lots of gems.” Fluttershy stepped forward as well. “And I know how to get special herbs.” Rainbow Dash jumped and hovered in place. “And I’m the fastest pony in the castle. I can get you anything!” Pinkie Pie smiled. “And I can make a cake for your get well party!” The princess gave another faint smile at the positivity and dedication to her friends. “You must find a flawless and pristine padparascha sapphire, then have it cut into a form with great skill and precision to have the stone harness magical powers. Theeeen…” The petrification crept a little more making Celestia wince in pain. The princess struggled to halt the petrification causing her more pain. The ponies looked upon her in dire worry as the petrification stopped growing. The princess looked back at the six. “Then enchant the sapphire with the blood of the living basilisk that caused the victim to turn to stone. The stone then can be used to lift the curse.” Applejack looked back toward the doors. “Crimson did a number on that thing. I don’t think we’ll have enough time to do all that.” Rarity looked up at her mane. “Actually…” Twilight’s eyes popped open. “That’s it!” Princess Celestia looked at the six wondering what they were talking about. Rarity took off the hair trinket Crimson made for her and handed it to Twilight. Twilight went to the princess and presented the jewelry. Princess Celestia looked at the skill and precision of the cut gem and the intricate carvings and engravings in the metals. “This is…” The princess looked at Twilight. “This is the best work I’ve ever seen!” Rarity turned her head in a blush. “Crimson showed me how to make it.” “This is perfect!” Princess Celestia’s horn glowed as she closed her eyes, then touched Twilight Sparkle’s horn. While her attention was lifted from her curse, the petrification grew to almost cover her right wing. Light emanated from the two as everyone looked at them in awe and worry. The light diminished and the petrification slowed down again as Princess Celestia lifted her head. “I have bestowed upon you the ancient ways of weaving magic to create magical gems.” She handed the sapphire to Twilight. “Now go, before it’s too late.” Twilight took the gem, turned around, and ran passed her friends. The friends turned around and follow behind her. Twilight ran as fast as she could – faster than she ever ran. “Please be alive. Please still be alive.” She ran up to the monster and looked at it’s mangled and bloody body. It slowly blinked and looked at Twilight as its shallow breathing weakened. Applejack nudged Twilight. “Hurry up, Twilight!” Twilight took a deep breath, then closed her eyes. The gem floated between Twilight and the basilisk as Twilight’s horn glowed. The five nervously waited and watched Twilight. Rainbow Dash stared blankly. “… Nothing’s happening.” Every second felt like forever as Twilight remained focused on the difficult spell Celestia bestowed upon her. Then, the monster groaned as deep red mist seeped out from the basilisk’s gray scaly hide. Then the monster went limp and lifeless as the mist floated toward the sapphire and circle around the gemstone. The sapphire soaked the mist, changing its color from a dark orange to green and it fell to the ground. Twilight collapsed in exhaustion as the gemstone landed in a pool of the basilisk’s blood. The five ran up to Twilight. Fluttershy leaned down to Twilight. “Oh my. Are you okay?” “Y.. yeah.” Twilight looked up in a dazed and weakened state. “Did it work?” Rarity used her magic to telekinetically pick up the gemstone. She lightly shook of the blood from the stone. “I hope so.” Twilight panted and looked toward the creature. “And the basilisk?” Applejack looked over at the beast. “It’s gone.” Twilight slowly got up. “Alright, let’s get back to Princess Celestia while we can.” Fluttershy and Applejack helped Twilight stand up. Her knees shook as she tried to get her strength back. Applejack bore most of Twilight’s weight. “Take it easy, hun.” Twilight shifted her weight to, for the most part, stand on her own. “I’m okay. We have to hurry.” She turned and started to trot down the hall. She wobbled back and fourth like a pony drunk off of Granny Smith’s Secret Apple Cider. The five watched as Twilight slowly started to get used to the room spinning in her eyes. Applejack turned her head to looked at the girls. “Come on, now. Let’s make sure she gets back safely.” The five caught up and escorted her back to the throne room. The throne room doors stayed open, but guards stood posted at the entrance. Twilight staggered passed them with the five close behind. They looked strangely at the dazed and weakened pony. They walked up to the nearly petrified princess next the throne. The princess looked at the six as they approach. “Did you succeed?” Twilight panted, trying to get her breath. “I… I hope so.” She telekinetically presented the gemstone to the princess. “Hmm…” Princess Celestia looked closely at the gem. “It looks half-done.” Twilight looked upon Celestia with distress. “What do you mean?” “Did the creature live throughout the entire process?” Twilight looked down in sorrow. “I… I don’t know.” Rainbow Dash stepped forward. “Sorry, princess. It didn’t.” Rarity gasped at the dire news. “All is lost!” “I see.” The princess studied the gemstone. “I can feel its magic, but it’s very faint.” Fluttershy looked at the princess. “What can we do?” “Hmm…” Princess Celestia started to think to herself. Then, she lifted her head and looked at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, use the Elements of Harmony on the gemstone. Hopefully, it’ll amplify the magic enough to break this curse.” Princess Celestia pointed her horn toward the hallway that led to the vault. Twilight watched the Princess’s horn glow. “Do you really think it’ll work?” Celestia’s body got more encased in stone as her horn stopped glowing. She caught her breath and looked at the ponies. “I think you six hold more power than you know.” The six looked toward the hallway. “I’ve unlocked the vault for you. Now hurry.” The six started to run toward the hall. They ran down the red carpet, passed the stained windows, down toward a door with an inscription of a sun in the middle. In the very middle of the sun was a small glowing hole. The girls stopped in front of the door. Rainbow Dash hovered and stared at the doors. “Now what?” Applejack stared at the door, turned around, then kicked the doors. They slammed open to revile a small sealed room with a pedestal with a gemmed box sitting on top of it. Twilight’s eyes lightly popped. “That’ll work.” Twilight then used her magic to telekinetically lift the box and brought it out of the room. Applejack walked next to Twilight. “Do you really think this will work?” Twilight looked at Applejack. “We have to try.” Twilight opened the box and the six don their designated pieces. Applejack put on a gold necklace with a red ruby apple. Pinkie Pie grabbed a gold necklace with a blue balloon shaped emerald. Rarity put on a gold necklace with a blue diamond. Fluttershy got a gold necklace with a pink sapphire butterfly. Rainbow Dash put on a gold necklace with a dark red lightning bolt shaped ruby. Finally, Twilight Sparkle telekinetically placed a large gold crown lined with blue opals and a large six pointed star red sapphire. Twilight put the box back on the pedestal. She turned around and looked to see if they all had their necklaces on. “Okay, girls. Let’s go.” The six galloped back toward the throne room. Twilight entered the throne room with the others close behind. They saw Celestia had been mostly covered in stone. It crept up the left side of her neck and started to petrify her face. Her guards looked at her with mournful and grievous concern. Twilight gasped. “Princess!” The six ran to the princess. “Now hurry.” Celestia struggled as she lifted her head, trying to get as far away from the stone skin. “Free your friends. Don’t worry about me.” Her face started to get encased in stone as Celestia took a deep breath. “GO!” She commanded, then stood completely petrified. “NOOO!” The six stared at the statue of Celestia as her guards tried to keep their composure. Fluttershy looked in horror, sorrow, and confusion. “What do we do?” Twilight turned and looked toward where her brother’s statue sat. A tear rolled down her cheek as she realized that she may never see her brother in the flesh again. She blinked as another tear fell. “… Save Celestia.” Twilight held her head up high. “My brother would have wanted us to.” She looked toward the lightly empowered sapphire and took a few steps toward it. The six walked up behind Twilight in deep sorrow at the horror they’re living through. They positioned themselves with the sapphire between them and the stone princess. Twilight turned her head and looked at her friends with teary eyes. “Is every pony ready?” Applejack wiped her eye with her hoof. “I think so.” Twilight turned back towards the sapphire. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash lit up and started to float into the air. “Good bye, bbbff.” She whispered to herself trying to catch her breath. Then her eyes lit up and she started to float into the air as Twilight herself started to illuminate a white glow. Then a rainbow helix shot out from the six toward the ceiling before merging together. A rainbow formed from the crest of the spiraling helix and shot into the sapphire. The sapphire resonated and shook as it absorbed the rainbow. It cracked as more and more of the element’s power was absorbed. Finally, it buckled, then shattered into countless pieces. Every pony in the room was knocked off their hooves and fell to the ground as a shockwave boomed through the halls, shaking the very foundation the castle sat on. Being slow to get up, the six looked at the results of their efforts to look upon the shattered gem. Rarity gasped and covered her mouth in horror with her hooves. “Oh no!” The six got to their hooves and circled the destroyed sapphire. Rainbow Dash looked up at Twilight. “Did it work?” Twilight looked over toward the princess. “I don’t think so.” She stared at the statue of the princess. The six turned and walked to the throne. Twilight was stricken with guilt and failure. She started to feel overwhelmed and angry at the failure of the Elements of Harmony, making her feel sick with grief. Her knees weakened as she felt sick to her stomach at the dismal future her, her friends, and the entire kingdom will be facing. Applejack looked at Twilight. “What do we do now?” Twilight’s legs buckled and she fell to her knees. A tear slid down her face and fell to the ground. “I don’t know.” She dropped her head, broken in shame. Shortly after, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy follow suit and dropped their heads in sorrow. Pinkie Pie looked at the girls as they dropped their heads. Confused, she dropped her head too. She started to look around at the ground. “… What are we looking at?” Twilight let off a sniffle, crying in defeat. “Nothing.” “Oh…” Pinkie looked at Twilight. “How would we know if it worked?” Twilight lightly lifted her head to look at Pinkie Pie. “What?” Pinkie tilted her head. “How would we know if the spell worked?” “Well…” Twilight briefly thought to herself. “I guess the stone would crack and break.” “Oh, okay.” Pinkie replied. Twilight lowered her head in sorrow, and all but Pinkie Pie cried at their loss. Pinkie Pie looked at them confused. “I don’t get it.” Twilight looked at Pinkie Pie with a sniffle. “What? What isn’t there to get?” “Why are you all crying?” Pinkie asked. Twilight started to feel the negative emotions turn to anger. “Why are we crying? Because Equestria will never be the same. The princess is gone. My brother is gone. Crimson is gone… My brother…“ She restrained her anger and looked down at the ground. She sniffled, then lightly looked back at Pinkie Pie. “Don’t you realize that?” Pinkie Pie looked up and away as if she learned something that everyone else knew. “Ohhhh… But the princess isn’t gone.” Twilight looked confused at Pinkie Pie. “What do you mean?” Pinkie Pie lifted her hoof and pointed at the princess. “See?” The girls turned their heads to see the statue slowly cracking. Finally, the stone skin was blasted off from the inside as Princess Celestia stretched her limbs, breaking herself free from her stone prison. “PRINCESS!” The girls ran to the princess in excitement and disbelief. She was surrounded by the guards in the room as they all start to cheer in happiness and excitement. “Princess, you’re alive!” Twilight exclaimed. With the entire room in an uproar, the princess gracefully lifted her hoof to silence everyone in the room. “Of course I am.” “But… how?” Twilight asked. “Didn’t you use the Elements of Harmony to free your friends?” “Well, no. When we used the elements to free you, the gem shattered.” She turned her head to look at the shattered gem. The princess looked upon the broken sapphire. “I see.” Celesia looked around at the heavily damaged throne room. Applejack turned toward the door. “Do you think the others will be okay?” Twilight looked to the princess. The princess gestured towards the door. “Go to them.” The six turned and ran out of the throne room as the princess addressed her guards. The six galloped through the halls as fast as they could. Rainbow Dash stayed with them, even though she could fly there faster than everyone could run. “I’m going to check on my brother.” Twilight said. “I’ll check on Crimson.” Rainbow Dash answered. Rarity followed Rainbow Dash to see Crimson and Applejack followed Twilight to see Shining Armor. Fluttershy stopped in her tracks in between the two. “Oh my.” Fluttershy started to engage in an internal struggle on who to look to. Rainbow Dash stopped at the statue of Crimson. Shortly after, Rarity and Pinkie Pie caught up. Rarity looked up at the statue of Crimson. “Did it work?” The three looked at the statue. “I don’t think so.” Rainbow Dash replied. Meanwhile, Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie ran up to the statue of Shining Armor. They stopped and looked for cracks. Twilight closely observed and studied the statue. “Do you see anything?” Applejack took off her hat so she can get a closer look. “Noth’n.” Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie sat and watched Crimson as Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie sat and watched Shining Armor. Fluttershy was still in between the two going back and fourth on who to follow. Twilight’s eyes started to water back up. “I… I don’t think it worked.” Applejack put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, suga.” Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie stared at the statue of Crimson. “It has to work.” Rainbow Dash said. “It has to.” While Fluttershy stood in between the statues of Shining Armor and Crimson, the rest of the five stood and waited in dreadful silence. After a long silence, Twilight broke in rage and sorrow. “NO!” She burst into tears as the failure of their efforts to reverse the affliction placed upon them from the basilisk. Applejack and Pinkie Pie hugged and consoled Twilight, who was emotionally destroyed from the ordeal. “Come on, hun. Maybe the Princess will know what to do.” The three stood up, turned around and started to head back toward the throne room. Fluttershy saw Twilight, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie walk up. She noticed Twilight’s terrible condition and heavy heart. “Oh my.” She walked up and hugged her devastated friend. “I’m so sorry, Twilight.” Applejack looked up at Pinkie Pie as she, some how, walked up from Crimson’s direction. “Pinkie Pie?” She turned her head in confusion, then back at Pinkie Pie. “I thought you were with us with Shining Armor.” “I was.” “But I saw you coming from Crimson’s statue.” Pinkie smiled and nodded. “Uh-huh.” “Then how did ya…?” Twilight fell to her knees as she broke down. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack surround her to console her. Then, Twilight coughed as dust fell on her nose from above her. She wiped off the dust with her hoof and looked at it with confusion. She looked up at the greatly compromised ceiling. The three looked at Twilight as she stood up and looked toward Rarity and Rainbow Dash. The ceiling cracks and rocks started to fall to the floor. “Rarity! Rainbow! Get out of h-“ The entire hallway came crashing down as Rainbow Dash grabbed Rarity and bolted toward a more secure location. Twilight used her magic to put a telekinetic sphere around herself and her friends around her as Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie huddled close to Twilight. She focused her powers in her horn as the others looked around at the rocks that surround them. They tried to look around, but the only light inside their bubble was the dim hint of light illuminating from Twilight’s horn. Applejack looked around at the dim surroundings. “What are we going to do now?” “I don’t know.” Fluttershy answered. Twilight struggled to stay on her hooves. “I… I don’t know… how much… longer I can… hold this…” The ground started to rumble as the glow from Twilight’s horn started to falter. Applejack took a step closer to her friends. “I guess this is it.” Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy hugged Twilight and held each other as they closed their eyes. The fear consumed them as they grew numb from the cold. The light died out as the bubble grew dark. Then a bright flash hit their eyes as they thought their last thoughts. Rocks crashed around them as they gave into the reality of their last breath. They braced themselves for the plummeting rocks above them, but instead got hit horizontally and was slammed to the ground as a loud boom deafened the girls. > Chapter 18: The Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight blinked, trying to comprehend what had happened. She lifted her hoof and covered her eyes as she squinted from the light of the sun. She started to cough from the dust in the air. The sound of her coughs sounded lower in pitch and muffled from the constant ring in her hears. She rolled on her stomach and squinted, trying to figure out what the blurry shapes were in front of her. After a few more blinks, she looked upon a beautiful scenic view from a very high ledge. She stood up and slowly walked toward the ledge to look upon Ponyville, the Everfree Forest, and Cloudsdale. “Equestria?” She asked, disregarding the muffled noises as she was lost in the confusion. “Am I…?” “Twilight!” A hoof touched her shoulder. She jumped and snapped out of her daze. “S… Shining Armor?” Twilight saw her brother unharmed, standing next to her. “Are we… dead?” Shining Armor’s eyes popped in surprise. “What? No.” Shining Armor smiled. Twilight’s eyes teared up as she jumped on her brother with a great hug. “I thought I’d never see you again.” “Aw, Twily.” Shining Armor put his hoof around his sister. “TWILIGHT!” The friends ran up to Twilight and Shining Armor. “You’re okay!” “Yeah.” Twilight looked at her brother. “I think I am.” The girls smiled as the sun hits their coats. “What happened?” “The Elements of Harmony.” Princess Celestia walked up to the friends and the Captain of the Royal Guard. “Princess.” “They freed all of the basilisk’s victims…” She looked at the devastation the shock had done and looked at the missing walls knocked out. “And apparently I have some remodeling to do.” Twilight frowned. “Ops. Sorry, Princess.” The princess stood on the ledge of the castle foundation, looked around at Equestria, then smiled. “It’s okay. I like this view.” Talking and confusion was heard in the distance as everyone who was turned to stone reverted back to flesh. Some guards walked up to the princess. The princess looked at the guards. “Tend to the victims and the wounded.” The royal guards acknowledged her request and rushed to help the others. Everyone started to talk amongst each other, looking at the scene. “Wait, what about Crimson?” The ponies turned around as a red hoof with a broken climbing claw stepped on a rock behind the chattering ponies. Crimson stood tall with his burnt leathery wings tucked in. The once diamond dust enchanted chest piece laid in pieces and dust, his magical trinkets cracked on absorbing so much magic, the climbing claws cracked and broken, and his leather garments tattered and torn. The wind from the missing wall flowed through Crimson’s long, black mane and tail as he stood proud, tall, and victorious. “CRIMSON!” The friends ran over to Crimson. Crimson looked at the six. “Are you all well?” “Are we well?” Twilight asked with a chuckle. “Wait, YOU!” Twilight glared at Crimson. “What gives you the right to go off on your own like that!?” Crimson looked at Twilight. “I only wished to save your lives.” “So you’re the one my star pupil spoke of.” Princess Celestia walked up to the scarred and battered warrior. Crimson’s eyes widened in shock as he gave a deep bow. “Your royal highness.” He said humbled. Celestia looked upon the unusual stranger in her presence. “You’re very brave to do such a thing. Why did you do it?” “Your royal highness, it is my fault your lands have been plagued by a demon from the underworld. I was the only one who was qualified to battle the demon.” Celestia stared at the still deep bowed and humbled pony. “True. But you didn’t really answer my question.” “Your highness?” Crimson asked. Celestia lightly lifted her head in the air looking down Crimson. “Why did you, a warrior who knows only of survival, risk his own life to combat something like this alone?” “Your royal highness, I…” Crimson paused and thought to himself. Then he barely lifted his head in confusion. “I do not know.” “Stand, young warrior.” Princess Celestia lightly smiled as the humble and civil stranger. Crimson stood up, but kept his head bowed. “No need to divert your gaze.” Crimson’s eyes looked towards the princess, then blinked and he looked away once more. “Now, now.” Crimson blinked a few times, then slowly turned his head at the princess, but then looked away. “It is not my place to gaze upon one of such royal blood.” Crimson commented. “Very noble of you.” A rock from the floor above fell and smashed against the ground, causing it to cave in destroyed the floor below in the shattered and devastated castle. “So, what would the savior of my home wish as a reward?” Crimson continued to keep his gaze diverted. “… I desire nothing, your royal highness.” The princess lightly chuckled to herself. “How about a job?” Crimson almost looked at the princess in question, but caught himself. “Your royal highness?” “Crimson, you have proven to me that you can be a great and powerful protector of anything your heart wishes to protect. And today, you have shown me that your heart wished to protect Twilight and her friends.” Crimson stood silent as the princess continued. “You have proven your unique abilities in combat and the goodness in your heart.” Crimson remained quiet. “So, how about it? Would you like to join my royal guard?” Shining Armor walked up in confusion after overhearing his Princess’s speech from afar. “Princess?” “I…” Crimson looked down in thought. “I am honored, but I must decline.” The princess looked a little shocked at the unexpected reply. “Walk with me.” She turned as Crimson lightly looked toward her direction, but still not directly at her. He paused as the princess turned her head to look at Crimson. “Come.” Shining Armor looked in question at the princess. “Princess?” Princess Celestia looked over to Shining Armor. “Twilight, you and your friends tend to Shining Armor. It looks like he needs the company of family and friends for a few minutes.” Twilight caught Celestia’s subtle request and the six went to her brother and push him away, letting the two be alone. Celestia looks over to Crimson who is standing in place. “Come with me, young warrior.” Crimson started to walk with the princess in the decimated and destroyed, but now a very open and remodel-in-progress hallway. Crimson walked behind the princess as she walked tall and proud with her hair waving in the air. “Walk beside me.” Celestia said. He briefly quickened his pace to catch up and walked side by side with the Princess. She looked down at the warrior who is still looking away. She smiled and looked up. “Given what I heard about you, I didn’t expect your answer.” “Your royal highness, I did not mean to offend.” “No, no. No offense. I would like to know why.” “Why?” “Yes. Why decline my offer? “Your royal highness.” Crimson thought to himself for a moment while walking with Celestia. “I made a personal vow - once I escaped the clutches of my family to never be chained down in violence and oppression.” “As I hear, this world is vastly different than the one you were from.” “… I do not wish to be rude.” The pause in Crimson brought a feeling of him hiding something. “Please, I’m not going to be upset.” Crimson, keeping his gaze away from royalty, started to think about his experiences. “Through your assumptions are true in some aspects, I regret to inform you that it is false in most.” “Oh?” The princess asked. Crimson lightly nodes. “I’d like to hear more. Tell me your story since you got to the surface.” “My story?” “Yes. I’m interested in what you think. Tell me everything.” Crimson looked up with a deep breath. “As you wish.” After a brief pause in thought, he started his story. “At first, I did not know where I was at nor what anything was. It seemed like a dream of false hope as I had found my escape from the tyrannical rule which my world lived in. The dream continued as I discovered my first lake. Though minor in comparison, I have never seen so much clean water in my life. Clean and drinkable water is a commodity where I am from.” The princess listened to his story as he continued. “Upon discovering Ponyville, I came to the conclusion that the town itself was a non-hostile civilization. I saw no defensive structures, military personal, or anything that showed a combat affiliated area. It was when I entered the town was when the similarities of the two worlds started to emerge. The fear of Ponyville’s citizens was a sign of fear and oppression. The arrival of the royal guards told me that this world was like the underworld as they attacked without question.” Celestia started to think to herself from what she had just heard. “A very interesting perspective on life.” “What surprised me was how kind I was treated when imprisoned. I never expected to be treated as kind as I was when Ms. Twilight Sparkle came to talk to me. It was even more surprising when she stood up for me in your strange judicial system. She assumed responsibility for me as I was released under her supervision. In my world, that means I am her servant. She never treated me as such. I have never known such genuine kindness that her and her friends have shown me. They have shown me the world I thought was a dream as they accepted me as not their slave but their equal.” Celestia smiled at the marvelous work her pupil has done for the stranger. “When I looked upon the castle, I realized that this land was almost exactly like the underworld. The rich live in luxury and wasteful lives. Every other pony lives with struggle and hardship under the nobles.” The princess’s eyes popped open as she wanted to say something against what he just said, but stayed quiet and allowed Crimson to continue. “However, something happened when Ms. Twilight Sparkle read a letter at her residence. She genuinely cared about the monarchy. It was not an act of loyalty, but compassion that drove her to make haste to the castle. What I saw at the castle was a nightmare that I have lived before and a nightmare I could tell was not even a thought in this world. Then, I feel… strange when it comes to them. I could not bear the thought of them getting hurt or killed. I felt a strange sense of… compulsion, I suppose you could call it, to protect them. That is why I did what I did. Because I knew I could protect them and I knew I was the only one who could slay the beast.” The princess stared at her lands from the open wall. “That’s an interesting story and a very interesting comparison.” She looked over at the young warrior. “However, I care a great deal about every pony in Equestria. We all live in harmony. Ponyville’s citizens are happy with their lives and have a more fulfilling life than a lot of other ponies I know. Most of them don’t care about status. They care about each other.” “You are a wise ruler, your royal highness.” Celestia smiled. “Only because my subjects taught me to rule this way.” “May I ask her royal highness a question?” Celestia nodded. “Of course.” Crimson walked to the ledge and stareed upon the lands of Equestria. “Is there more of the world than this land?” Celestia stareed off in the distance with Crimson. “Yes. The world is vast and plentiful. There is much to see.” “If it would be alright with her highness, I would like to see the world and learn from it. I hope to get from it as much as Ponyville has given me.” “I think it’s a wonderful idea.” She looked over to Crimson. “However, I have two conditions.” Crimson turned and bowed deeply to Princess Celestia. “What would her royal highness wish of me?” “Stand up and look at me without fear and without submission, but as a free pony.” Crimson’s eyes looked up, then looked away with a blink. After a moment of silence, he slowly lifted his head with his eyes closed. Then slowly opened his eyes to bear witness to the pure blood’s white and spotless coat and flowing pastel colored mane. She smiled at his accomplishment. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Crimson stared at the princess. “Her royal highness is a beauty of beauties. I have never seen your equal.” Celestia gently chuckled. “Now, on to your second task. I have Twilight Sparkle and her friends write to me whenever they learn something about friendship. I would like for you to write to me whenever you learn something about the world.” “Write to you?” “Yes. I’d love to hear about what you learned about the world. You have a very deep and interesting perspective I’d love to read about.” Crimson bowed to the princess. “It would be a great honor, your royal highness.” "And one more thing." Princess Celestia handed a necklace to her guest. Crimson bowed. "Promise me you'll stay out of trouble." Crimson lightly lifted his head as Celestia placed the amulet around his neck. "I swear I shall do as you request." Celestia smiled. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.” The princess turned toward the buried throne room. “Of course, your highness.” “Until we meet again, I look forward to your letters.” The princess started to walk away from the humbled pony. “Yes, as do I.” Crimson said to himself as he lifted his head, watching the princess tend to her royal duties. > Epilogue: The Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weeks past as the renovation of Canterlot progresses quickly. The six went about their lives rebuilding their emotions, their spirit, and their being. They all missed the strange warrior – a pony who was so unique and cryptic that he somehow, some way touched their hearts. Twilight Sparkle scoured the libraries to find out more from other worlds that may exist. Applejack looked at apples in an enlightened way, feeling as if she took such a commodity for granted beforehand. Rarity made jewelry from only the best of the best gems and emeralds to improve on her jewelry crafting. For every one she made, another idea popped into her mind that would fit into her outfits. Rainbow Dash spent her time day dreaming about the stories she was told about Crimson’s adventures and liked to put herself in those situations. Pinkie Pie gave a moment’s thought on why not every pony enjoys her antics and parties. With Crimson, she never fathomed the thought of some pony not KNOWING how to have fun, much less what to do once experiencing it. She took things a touch slower than just giving the grand finale in the beginning. But with that, she made her finales even larger in life than they previously were. Fluttershy learned more about fear. She tried to be more assertive on things she knew, and felt in her heart is right. When it wouldn’t always work, and she would push her ears back, lower her head, and droop her eyes in submission in the end. Even after all of that, she always felt that she’s was trying, and Crimson would be proud of her. * * * One sunny day, Twilight was reading a book on architecture, looking for what she could imagine what Crimson’s cities looked like. With a belch, Spike, who was putting away the books Twilight threw on the floor, regurgitated a rolled up piece of mystic parchment. He caught it with his claw, then slid down the ladder and gave the letter to Twilight. “Thanks, Spike.” She telekinetically grabbed the scroll and opened it up. “It’s from the princess!” Twilight smiled as she started to read the scroll out loud. “My faithful student, please gather your friends and come to Canterlot as soon as you’re all available. Signed, Princess Celestia.” She lowered the scroll and looked up in thought. “I wonder what’s going on.” Spike shruged. “It couldn’t be anything TOO urgent as it read, ‘as soon as you’re available.’” “You’re right.” Twilight stood up and started to leave the library. “Take care of the place until I get back.” Spike gave a playful salute. “Right.” * * * Twilight gathered her friends and took the train to Canterlot. This would be the first time since the basilisk that they were all together at once. They talked stories about their time with Crimson, and how silly some of his ‘antics’ were. Rainbow Dash leaned forward as the girls sat in a circle. “And when he was about to charge at the train because he thought it was a monster.” The girls laughed as the train let out a whistle while it started to slow down. Twilight let out a sigh from the laughing. “We’re here.” The six got up and exited the train. They looked upon the newly renovated Canterlot in awe. Applejack looked around. “They sure did a good job clean’n this place up.” Rarity admired the newly constructed castle. “Such fabulous work.” Twilight looked around at the new construction and updated defenses around the castle. “Yeah. It looks like the royal guard is upping their game around here.” Pinkie Pie looked over to Twilight. “Do you think the princess is going to throw us a party?” Twilight looked at Pinkie Pie. “A party? For what?” “You know, for saving the day.” Rainbow Dash leaned into the girls. “Again.” Twilight tried not to smile. “Oh hush. Come on, girls.” * * * Guards escorted the six through the castle. A lot of internal construction was still in progress, but it looked exponentially better than when they left. For the most part, the directions were the same. However, if they weren’t shown the way, they would have gotten lost. The throne room doors were marked with new protection wards, and were thicker and stronger to prevent another attack like the basilisk from happening again. The double doors opened and Shining Armor stood before them. “Shining Amor!” Twilight trotted up and gave her brother a hug. Shining Armor put his arm around his little sister. “Hey, Twilight.” He turned toward the throne where Celestia sat. “The princess is waiting.” “Oh.” Twilight looked at her brother, who escorted the girls to the princess. “Ah, Twilight Sparkle and friends.” Celestia grabbed a scroll that was next to her. “This is for you.” She telekinetically moved the scroll to Twilight, who used her powers to take hold of the scroll. “What is it?” Twilight asked. “A letter from Crimson.” The girl’s eyes lit up and they all give a smile. Applejack leaned into Twilight. “Come on, Twilight. Read it!” Twilight turned around and opened the scroll. Her smile turned blank as she stared at the parchment. The princess looked at the confused pony. “As you can see, that is not of our scripture.” “I can see that.” Twilight turned to Celestia. “I’ve never seen this language before.” “Nor have I, which leaves questions…” The throne room doors opened and Princess Luna walked into the throne room. “My sister, I have returned.” Celestia smiled at her sister’s arrival. “My sister, how fairs the southern lands?” “They are well. The fields have healed from the dry spell.” She walked up to the six while looking around. “I could not find my way to the throne room. Art thou renovating?” “It’s a long story.” Celestia stood up and took a step forward. “Which I will tell you all about later. But now, we have a puzzle on our hooves.” She looked over to Twilight. Luna looked at Twilight as well. “A puzzle?” Twilight looked up to Luna. “Yeah, a letter from a friend of ours. We can’t read it.” “Show me.” Twilight presented the scroll to Princess Luna. When she opened it, her eyes betray her as she tried to hide her shock. “Who is this from?” Princess Celestia walked up to Luna. “Can you read it?” “Yes, but it isn’t a form of literature I have seen in over a thousand years.” The six looked in awe as Princess Luna returned the scroll to Twilight. Princess Celestia looked questionably at her sister. “How come I haven’t seen this but you can read it?” Luna turned around and gave a very light hearted chuckle. “Good day, sister.”