Females are Crazy

by Ireyah

First published

Equestria doesn't have enough human females. Warning, female HiE and Clop.

Charlotte is alone, mostly by choice. And, to be blunt, she clops. One horrifying dark shadow in her room and a massively painful hit to the head later and she's waking up in the place she's always wanted to be.

Warning: Female HiE and Clop, because we don't have enough of that, I feel.

So, I got up the other day and realised that this was on my mind. Had to write it. Wish fulfillment with the background cast of MLP seen from the female HiE side, which is rare enough that I felt it needed a shot.

Apologies for those who like neither bisexuality or basic-level plot, becaues this has both. I cannot be bothered to make it deep and enthralling, just cohesive and cloppy.

I'll be updating the characters used as I, ahem, use them.

Chapter 1; Nurse Redheart. (Why does she not have an icon anymore?!)
Chapter 2; Mayor Mare. (She's a mare with a stressful job after all.)

The Beginning

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Sun dawned on a classic English morning. No, not raining, for once, but a summery one, where the rains had washed the world overnight and left the air clean and sparkling. Spider webs were framed in the sunbeams, dew glistening on them. Grass and nettles stirred in the back field as they warmed, while a few cows gently grazed on the water-fattened greenery. Birds had been hurling themselves out into the high treetops to rapturously welcome in the day.

It would have been perfect, really, if she wasn't in the mood to remember that all of those delightful, melodious birds were saying, in bird, 'I'm horny, and my chest can puff up!' or 'Bugger off, this is my tree!' In fact the entire morning ritual they went through was just a better sounding, constant argument with the neighbours.

The fact that she was seeing this morning from the wrong side, again, didn't help her mood any.

Charlotte sat back and stretched, feeling the cold that came an hour or so after a warm afterglow, and straightened her shirt. Another week, another fiction finished and posted. And another session of slightly frantic self gratification when both her own writing, and that of her peers, got too much. It had gotten to the point, months ago to be honest, that she actually kept a towel hanging from her desk drawer so she didn't make a mess of her faux-leather chair.

She pulled at her shirt again, noticing that she'd left drool stains from holding it in her teeth. Her towel bunched up underneath her was making the top of her thighs feel numb, in a bad way, and her bare feet were cold with only a thin pair of underwear between one ankle and the floor.

With a sigh, she went for a shower.

* * *

Anybody that could hear, and there were a couple of them, her singing in the shower through the new copper piping of her apartment thought she had a lovely voice, although they were sure that they'd never heard the songs before. The woman from downstairs harboured the belief that Char was a songwriter, and should go on X-Factor or Britain's Got Talent, but never said as much to her, since nobody really had spoken to Char since she moved in.

The girl was a little bit of a... recluse, you could say. Her neighbors knew she lived there, and plenty of the single men in the row of houses-made-into-flats had tried, and ultimately failed, to even get her to do more than exchange pleasantries.

As always happens, rumours of her occupation, night life, secrets and so on spread around for the first year or so, but now that they were three years down the line Char's retiring nature was just as commonplace as anybody else's comings and goings.

It always seemed a shame, to the lady downstairs, that the poor girl never brought a man home with her. Or even a woman, since that was what her own grandaughter was into these days.

She must be lonely.

* * *

Dressed in a fresh t-shirt and panties, this time with her fluffy purple slippers to keep her feet warm, Char found herself sitting back down at her desk again, cup of strong tea in hand and a reheated shop-bought croissant ready to scarf down as she watched her profile page to see who'd commented on her recent attempt.

She found it kind of amazing, she'd picked up this fandom two years ago when it first started, and over time her love of the show turned into a love of the community, and then evolved into a rather specific strain of the following.

Char counted herself among the ranks of the cloppers. Every day she hurried home from her mediocre Tesco's job to lose herself in writing, reading and enjoying erotic fictions, art and animations of colourful ponies.

Three years away from her parents, choosing a job over further education because she'd hated every second of school, and only now did she finally feel grateful for both. Here in her apartment she had total freedom. With a better-than-minimum-wage job, no need to run a car or take out loans, or pay off debts, she was able to get exactly what she wanted.

And right now, that was ponies. My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic.

She had a row of pony toys on her shelf, all of the ones available in England (which was shockingly lacking compared to the US, the episodes still aren't available on iTunes if you have a UK address, for crying out loud), and hanging at one end of her closet was the Twilight Sparkle cosplay outfit, the one that Tara wore, she'd ordered a matching one at a rather depressing hit to her wallet.

And in its own box in the corner of the same closet was a pink and black mottled toy of the other variety that she liked to call Mac.

Yep, she was obsessed, she admitted it. Season three had still to come out, and she was just waiting for the new story arc so she could fit some more scenarios into her fiction, and some new characters too, not to mention all the artwork that gave her the inspiration for both her fiction and her fantasies.

Clicking through the tumblr-verse left her lurking around for a few more messages from the fiction sites, to see if any more people had commented or faved her stories.

And then... what?

Something happened, something... she could never remember after. All she had in her head was a glimpse of something dark in her peripheral vision, before her head jerked forward and hurt like hell.

* * *

Waking up was... not painful in the slightest. Huh?

Her eyes cracked open a little and found that they could go no further, something soft was pressed against them. Raising a hand, she found she couldn't do that either. Her right wrist was restrained by something equally soft, but heavier.

Starting to panic, she tried to concentrate on the rest of her body, to see if anything could move at all. She was lying down, it felt like a bed. Her feet were able to wiggle, but her knees and thighs had heavy bands over them, on the other side of a thick blanket, both her arms were caught at the wrist and her chest, under her breasts, had another band that also served to hold down the tops of her arms. Her head was okay, but she was blindfolded and her mouth was very dry.

There was a noise from nearby, and a sharp series of sounds, like high-heels on tiles, "Is..." She coughed from her dry throat, "Is someone there?"

"Hush, dear, don't try to talk." The voice was calm, comforting and female, which was a bit of a relief when you're a panicked girl tied to a bed, "You're in the hospital. You seem to have had a very bad time before we found you."

More walking about, it sounded like two women, and her bed shook as a buzzing started, she found her head being lifted upwards as the bed began to raise her top half up into a sitting position. "I've got a glass of water here, do you feel up to drinking?"

Char nodded and opened her mouth slightly, the rim of a glass pressed to her lower lip, tipped, and a trickle of cold, clean water made her world a thousand times better.

After two swallows, it moved away, and she found that she could actually attempt to talk. "Thankyou. Why am I tied down? And why can't I see?"

There was a pause, "You were very badly injured, my dear, if you'd moved while you were unconscious, or under surgery, you could have hurt yourself even worse. And I can still see the bruising around your eyes, even with the bandages on."

Oh, she thought, well then.

"Dear, I have to ask, did you see who did this to you?"

"Who?" She thought about it, she hadn't had an accident, something hurt her... "No, just a dark shape in the corner of my eye, something hit me in the head, then everything hurt."

"I see. Now, you took a bad blow to the head, several actually, at the very least a serious concussion, this can sometimes result in short term memory loss or mild amnesia. What can you remember?"

She thought about it... Uh... Oh thank heaven, everything was still there. Name, age, home, year, parents, ponies... everything! "No, I'm fine there, I can remember everything about myself, and where I live, things like that. That's a good thing, right?"

"That's very good news indeed. With that, I think we can see to releasing you tomorrow. Thanks to the bed rest, you're mostly healed already." There was movement at her side, and she felt the bands over her body slacken one by one, "I'm taking off the restraints now that you're awake, try moving a little, see if you're numb anywhere or if something still feels painful."

She rubbed her wrists in relief as her arms were freed, and drew her legs up a little to feel if the joints hurt. Feeling nothing wrong, she put her hands up to the blindfold.

"Oh, no, dear, one moment, let me get the lights. You've not opened your eyes in nearly a week, we don't want to damage them." So Char held herself steady while the nurse clacked across the floor in those shoes that made her sound like she was two people.

A moment later, she could feel the difference through her eyelids as the lights dimmed and the sound of curtains being pulled pushed them into cool darkness. The nurse returned and tenderly, ever-so-gently, began to unwind the bandage from Char's eyes.

"Now my dear, I'll need you to keep your eyes closed for a few seconds, I'm just going to put a couple of drops onto the lids. Let that soak in and then we'll try opening them."

Char nodded and leaned her head back a little, she'd had bad results with sun-powered head-shots in the morning before, so she knew just how much being blinded by light could be. Two drops of liquid fell on each closed eyelid, she felt them slide into her eyelashes, and worried that they'd hold onto the moisture given that they were quite long. Soon though, she felt like somebody had oiled the surface of her eyeballs, like they'd been teflon coated for anti-stick, like -

"I can see that feels better already, why don't you try opening them."

She did, slowly, head tilted to the ceiling. The light was low, and her eyes no longer felt sleepy, or ached from long-term sleep, and the entire affair was completely painless.

"Very good, now, look down at me dear, so I can see if there's any lasting effects."

Smiling now, feeling great, Char looked back down at her carer.

And stopped.

She blinked, hard. Her eyes darted around the dim room, and she struggled to bring them back to the nurse. And... finally... she said two words that she thought she'd never get to utter in the same context. Ever.

"Nurse... Redheart?"

* * *

How do you deal with the impossible? Hell... that's a good question. What made it worse for her was that this had been a dream of hers for the last year. Literally and figuratively. The idea of somehow arriving in the once place her imagination had obsessed over for so long was so vivid and desired in her mind that actually achieving it was like... like... a meltdown.

More thoughts flashed through her head in those next few seconds, more emotions, more... wild theories and hopeless dreams, than had crossed it in the last half a year combined.

But here, in front of her, was a pony straight out of the cartoon show she loved, milk white with a cute little nurse's cap, a red cross on her flank, her cutie mark, and her pink mane done up in a practical bun, while her pink tail swished gently side-to-side as she reacted to a stranger knowing her name.

"Oh, you know me? I'm sorry to say that I don't feel I remember you, I'd certainly remember a creature quite so unique as yourself."

"I, uh... yes. Or I've seen you before." Char explained, dazed and still reeling a little.

"Well it's nice to meet you at last, what's your name, dear?" The white pony asked.

"Charlotte." She replied, wonderingly now as the idea began to sink in, "Charlotte Lilley." This was either a really good hallucination, a really good prank, or she really was in Equestria right now. "Can I try looking outside?"

"Of course, my dear, but gently. Let's try a little more light." Her hooves click-clopped, Char's mind made her hear the difference between hooves and high-heels, to the window on her right to gently lift the curtain. It let in a shaft of warm, summery sunshine that cut through the dimness of the room and hit the floor in a puddle of gold.

It was bright, but she didn't have to squint to see it, and gave Redheart a nod to go a little further. Soon the entire window was opened and Char could see out into a world that took her breath away.

In the bright light of day two things became immediately apparent, the first was that everything had outlines. Seriously, as if everything was vector artwork, outlines on the window frame, just a shade darker than the actual wood, outlines on the trees and houses outside, an outline ran around Redheart, defining her curves, and there was even an outline around her own hands when she looked down at them.

"I'm really here, aren't I?" She asked, carefully, almost to herself.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm really in... Equestria?"

"Of course you are, dear, where else would you be?"

Char paused, but decided to come out with it, "Somewhere that thought Equestria was imaginary."

"Really? Dear, you certainly have been through a lot." Redheart returned to her side and passed her back the glass of water. Char took it, realising that she really was thirsty again.

"I come from a world where Equestria was a place that people made up and told stories of, we... we... I always wanted to get here somehow." Her voice was stronger now, the feeling spreading through her gut was bubbling up through her now. "And now I wake up here, and even though I'm in hospital, I'm just so... I'm so happy!"

And with that, she laughed, throwing her arms around her surprised nurse, and kissed her square on the lips. It didn't even occur to her, as she released the mare's lips and hugged her tight, that this was a completely ridiculous thing to have done, or that it might have made Redheart uncomfortable, she was so happy she didn't even care that she'd just casually violated personal space in an extreme way.

"Y-yes, well," Redheart blushed, straightening her cap self-consciously, "that's very nice, dear, but I should go and get your paperwork."

"Oh, sorry." She blushed, guiltily, "I couldn't resist, hugging a pony is one of the very first things I wanted to do when I got here."

"And kissing?" The mare said, surprisingly archly as she stepped back.

Another, much deeper blush, "Well, not so soon..."

This got a laugh from the pink-maned mare and Redheart trotted out the door to make good on her desire to fetch paperwork. Though she silently berated herself for doing it, Char watched the mare's flank all the way there.

* * *

"No, you may not. Miss Charlotte is still in recovery, she is not to have visitors until I say so, and I say no." Redheart's firm voice got louder as she opened the door and stepped through, obviously keeping somebody out... somepony... that was a switch...

And then an all-too-familiar voice answered her, "But if I could just-"

"No!" And the nurse shut the door on her. "I'm very sorry, but she can be very insistent."

"Was that, I mean, was she Twilight Sparkle?"

"You certainly seem to know who we are, dear, but yes, apparently it was one of her friends who found you and brought you here. She's been quite insistent on being able to either meet you or study you, I can't tell which."

"And I'm willing to bet she's written to the Princess already, hasn't she?"

"Of course, nearly every day this week." Redheart placed a clipboard and quill onto her patient's lap, "Feel up to answering a few questions? I did promise Twilight that she'd get a copy of this for her studies, which is why I've included an extra set of questions we don't usually ask."

"Sure, that shouldn't be too hard." Well, apart from the quill, never used one of these before...

Redheart sat back on a chair while Char began ticking off questions as fast as she could. Old habits of test taking made her not think about the answers she knew and only spend a few moments on answers she didn't, to come back to those when she'd done the rest.

"Let's see... Name... age... species... sex, yes please, I mean... female..." She cringed a little and avoided Redheart's eye, "Mane colour... tail colour, not applicable... cutie mark, same..." So far so good. A few more complicated ones like 'reason for admission to hospital' she had to ask her nurse for specifics, because she didn't know. And as for 'place of birth' she decided to be completely honest again, putting down her full place of birth, adding in the extra lines 'England, Planet Earth' in a kind of frank fashion that nearly made her giggle.

Soon enough she was done and Redheart left her alone again. This time Char found that she berated herself less for watching, and she swore that this time those hips were wiggling far more than before. Maybe actually saying 'yes please' on that form before putting 'female' had caught her eye?

Wishful thinking Char, wishful thinking.

* * *

"And to your knowledge you have no diseases, communicable or otherwise, pre-existing from your transition here?"

She sighed, "No, I don't."

"Great!" The purple unicorn grinned, ticking off the bottom of her scroll, "And that's it for your screening. At least, I hope that's it, this is the first time I've had to screen a creature from another universe for entry into ours. Maybe I should-"

"Twilight!" Char interrupted her, it was about the fourth time she'd had to on one of Twilight's rambles, "I think you got it all."

"Oh," She looked sheepish, surprisingly easy for a pony to do, "I guess you must be tired."

"No, just in need of some fresh air. I've been lying here a day and a half now, and I've not even seen more than what's outside that window."

"Really?" She seemed confused, "I guess that's right."

"It is, and Redheart said that I was free to go whenever we were finished answering questions." She paused, to let this idea sink in. "That was yesterday afternoon, Twilight."

The adorable little thing blushed so hard Char thought the flush would colour her mane too, "I've been going like this all night?"

"No, you fell asleep sometime last night, but when you woke up again you carried right on as if nothing happened."

"I... No I didn't!" She gasped, "I'd never do something so unprofessional during an interview!"

For her counter argument, Char leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek, "You're cute when you snore." She giggled.

Twilight gasped for words for a moment or two, blushing to the base of her neck, and eventually fizzled out like a deflating balloon, head hanging down to her hooves. Char managed to contain her giggles long enough to lift the embarrassed equine's head up again, but dissolved herself when she couldn't keep a straight face.

"You are one of the most adorkable things in the world, aren't you?" She chuckled, "I can't wait to see how far that blush will go next time." And she finished off with a deliberate wink to get her meaning across.

"I should..." Twilight mastered herself with a visible effort, "I should let myself out. You're obviously in good health and no threat to anypony, so I'll just... go and... I think I'll... yeah. Goodbye Charlotte."

"Until next time, Twilight." Char smirked back, and Twilight practically fled, slipping past Redheart on her way out as if the nurse had been waiting for a while.

"Well then, that took more time than even her friends thought it would." The pink maned pony giggled a little, "I think Rainbow Dash won about twenty bits from that, her bet was 'longer than anypony else bets' at least."

She trotted happily up to the side of the bed and smiled encouragingly at her patient, "Now, what do you say to getting up and having a walk around? Test those limbs of yours out?"

"Ab-so-lutely." Char enthused, pulling the sheets away and swinging her legs out, setting bare feet on the cool tiles, breasts swinging a little too hard from her haste. Wait... One hand snatched the sheets back, the other pressed them to her body and she went scarlet in a way that put Twilight's earlier blush to shame.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Clothes dear?" Redheart's confusion spelled embarrassing doom.

"My species wear clothes... all the time." Char tried to explain,

"Oh, I see, so you had some before?"

"Yes, it's a... a, uh, what's the word? Oh, a social taboo to not wear clothes around others, only a few places consider it acceptable not to."

"I'm sorry, dear, when they brought you in here, you weren't wearing any. Needless to say, the extent of your injuries made us quite glad that you didn't have them, it would have wasted time in discovering what parts of you were vital and in danger. And even with that, the injuries themselves... it's just a miracle that you've managed to heal with so few scars."

"Scars? I..." Distracted from clothes entirely now, Char peeled away the thin sheets and examined herself carefully. But before she could move too much, Redheart extended a hoof to show her.

"You have one across here," She drew the hoof down Char's arm, and the girl could see pale skin in a sharp curve under her shoulder muscles, a flush of warmth came from where that smooth hoof touched her flesh, "and another here." the hoof slid down onto the top of her thigh where a thick, short wound had left a white area of raised flesh, leaving a tingling sensation as it passed, "And there's this one... here."

Redheart's eyes were fixed on the final scar, as her hoof gently pushed the sheet aside and pressed on the soft curve of the top of Char's left breast. Sure enough, looking down, the girl found that there was another scar there, the same shape as the one on her thigh, right over her heart. Redheart's hoof was sending little tingles through the sensitive skin, a small ring of warmth on her breast as the pony nurse put just enough pressure on the skin to stop the girl's breathing from moving it.

Without thinking about it too much, Char brought her hand up too, placing it along the side of Redheart's face, cradling the cheek lightly. The gesture brought Redheart's eyes up to meet her own, and Char was caught again by what had drawn her to these colourful, pastel ponies in the first place, those big, adorable eyes.

There was confusion in there, she saw, uncertainty as to what was quite happening. So Char decided to make things clear, because this was the most intimate moment she'd shared with another being, perhaps ever in this sense, and she wasn't going to let it slip away. Reaching a little further, Char's fingers found the white ribbon keeping Redheart's mane in the tight bun, and slowly pulled it free, letting the soft pink mane flow down onto the white shoulders in loose waves.

For Redheart's part, the conversation had been normal enough, but something had been nagging at her about the looks the human had sent her way. Ever since that kiss yesterday, her lips had been warm, as if remembering it, and that time she'd caught the girl staring a hole into her flank... But then came that moment of panic, the human clutching the sheets to her body on realising she was naked... and something clicked; this wasn't quite a patient here anymore, she was something a little more. She couldn't say what had driven her to actually touch Char's skin when pointing out the scars on it, but her hoof had just... slid across it... like fine fabric.

And then the scar right on Char's chest, she knew perfectly well what she was doing. She'd been there when the doctor was examining the human's anatomy, and she knew exactly what the cleanly rounded mounds were, but she placed her hoof right there anyway, feeling the warmth of Char's skin, the beat of her heart, the swell of her breathing and the fine tremors that her touch seemed to cause.

What confused her most was how good it felt when Char's hand cupped her cheek so gently. It sent more of those tingles through her, like the tremors from under her hoof, so she looked up to see a warmth in her patient's eyes, and... desire. Whatever this was that she was doing, Char seemed to want it just as much. And all doubt was blown away as she felt that warm hand slip the ribbon from her mane.

A soft, but enthusiastic lunge closed the gap between them and she placed her first kiss on Char's lips, her cap falling free and forgotten to the floor.

The kiss lit the fire in Char's body and mind, and she reached for Redheart like a drowning woman clings to a life raft. She pulled the white pony to her, lifting her under the shoulders until the nurse's hooves stood on the bed on either side of the human's hips. Soft underbelly rubbed up against smooth skin, while Char clung onto Redheart's neck as their kiss deepened.

They broke with an explosive gasp for air, staring into each other's eyes, but didn't say anything, simply panting and soaking up the warmth from each other's bodies.

Finally, Char pulled in again for an embrace, relishing that sensation of smooth, soft fur on her chest and stomach, whispering into the nurse's twitching ear, "You have no idea how much I've wanted this..." It was a breath, low and gentle, and it revved Redheart's motor like nothing else.

She brought her hooves up and shoved, sending Char sprawling back onto the bed, feet still hanging over the side, and pinned her down at the shoulders. With a wicked smile, the overheating nurse placed another kiss on her patient's lips, and kept going. She traced a line of kisses down the jaw line and into the sensitive skin of Char's neck, feeling the flutter of her pulse, burying her muzzle into the messy bed-hair. As she did, she felt the human's hands running through her mane, ten points of contact, firm yet supple, kneading into her neck and shoulders. A kiss was placed on the back of her ear as Char's mouth roved free as well.

Char let her hands wander, feeling the wonderful sensation of Redheart's coat under her fingers, wanting to tease her, caress her, make this mare feel the same thrill she felt whenever that coat moved against her skin. She could feel the blood warming in her crotch, the familiar sensation that was half itch to scratch, half tingle as moisture began to seep slowly into her folds. She had to know if she could make Redheart feel the same, and she let her hands wonder even further, reaching down to clasp her flanks, squeezing the tensing haunches and trying to work her fingers further.

She felt the tickle of hair against one hand and couldn't take flying blind anymore, she craned her neck to see past her lover's shoulders only to see a waterfall of pink tail falling over her fore-arm. Redheart had lifted her tail so far it was falling next to the mare's hips, spilling in pink waves down over her cutie mark. Char, under the spell of this naughty nurse, reached a little farther, higher, and grasped the base of that lifted tail, holding it as high as it could go.

Her reward was a gasping moan from the mare, who buried her face into the side of Char's neck until she ran out of breath. When she pulled back at last, her pale blue eyes were glazed and unfocussed. Shakily, she pushed herself up on her front legs, then clambered fully onto the bed on top of her human lover. The source of the shakes very much evident as she turned around, leaving a trail of droplets from her leaking nethers.

The sight of Redheart turning, lifting her tail and then presenting her with a sopping wet pair of plump, lower lips, so ready for her that they were spreading slightly of their own accord, nearly blew her mind.

Char grabbed the base of her tail again and pulled, collapsing her lover's back legs on top of her and nearly smushing her face into the gleaming folds. The scent was musky, heady, needy and Char couldn't believe that her lover was just as aroused as she was. Well, probably more if she'd underestimated how sensitive a mare's tail could be...

She took advantage of Redheart's distraction to get the first shot in, a long, slow press of her tongue all the way from the bottom of that glistening valley to the top. The white legs kicked slightly, but Char's hand around her tail seemed to be holding some kind of power over her lover, because apart from that she barely shifted. She did it again, feeling the damp fur parting under her tongue, first one side, then the other, not yet dipping into the pink, but it was obvious that such simple foreplay was long gone and the mare was ready for anything and everything else Char wanted to do to her.

That's when Char felt the ridiculously amazing sensation of her lover's tongue, the long, flexible organ slurped down her own lips and practically thrashed against her slit, lashing back and forth.

She decided to play her favourite game, the typewriter. Her one and only boyfriend had taught her this when he'd introduced her to an open minded girl. Had he not left her for that girl, she wouldn't have had anything against her, ever, for the tricks she could pull with her tongue. Taking her free hand, she snaked it under her moaning lover's body and pressed up against the mound beneath her snatch. The fur was a little fuzzier there, almost downy, and there... there, was the roots of her clit. Not the button itself, but the place where that bundle of nerves was connected to the rest of the body, and she immediately began massaging it with her thumb.

It wasn't as sensitive as the tip, but the root was a whole mess of sensations at once. What she really wanted to do was get both hands in and attack that spot from both sides while she sucked away like a baby at a teat, but sadly her right hand was busy making Redheart shiver with playful tugs on the base of her tail. So, the Typewriter it was.

She swirled her tongue like a brush and wrote a capital 'I', then followed with a 'w', 'i', two 'l's and so on, sending a message, if Redheart was playing along. At the end of the line, she left off her brushing and latched her lips onto the large and twitching clit at the bottom of her view, sucking hard and lashing it with her tongue as she rubbed furiously at the root of it with her thumb before releasing it with a pop. That was the 'carriage return', type a sentence, hit the button, zzzip ping! Start again.

The concentration on this was the only thing keeping her from going insane from what Redheart was doing to her in return. The white muzzle was entrenched in her hips, hooves had hauled her legs up high and spread them wide, exposing the dripping flesh completely, and that tongue... it made every girl she'd ever fooled around with seem like a total amateur. It was thick, it was long, the top was so rough while the underside so slick and moist.

Faced with a completely smooth, barring a small patch of thin thatching, gleaming slit, the pony was entranced for a few moments. She had seen, but tried not to look for decency's sake, when she'd cleaned and re-bandaged the human's injuries while she was under her care, but now all the possibilities were literally laid bare before her.

Her tongue was easily long enough to cover the entire length, she used the top on the way down, flicked off the end, and the smooth underside on the way back up. Well, until Char started doing that thing to her, the one that made her want to buck and squirm and cum like a fountain, but then cooled again by the rhythmic tugs to her tail and the return to the strange patterns she was drawing. After that, she wanted to step up and take charge again, so she delved deeper, tongue probing, searching and finding anywhere that made the human's legs kick.

She licked until the flesh was practically lathered, swishing over every bump and crevice until she decided to try something else; driving her tongue as deep as she could inside her enthusiastic lover. The cleft devoured whole inches of her tongue, the thick scents of her arousal flooding out, drenching her muzzle and being greedily lapped up and swallowed, only for her tongue to delve again, writhing as she tried to taste everything she could inside those hot depths.

But then she did it again, her tongue stopped, her digit pressed in, her hand tugged at her tail, and that talented mouth attacked her clit like it wanted to suck it clean off. With her tongue still buried inches deep into her lover's folds, she did the only thing she could think of; locking her lips to keep her mouth in place, she thrust her hoof in under her chin to shake and fondle the small button that the human had.

Screaming into spasms, they came. Juddering, twitching, messily, they came.

* * *

Curled up with a pony to cuddle to her chest, Char felt that nothing could be more perfect, but already self doubt was prodding at her. You just came from a pony. You just gave oral to a pony.

This was Equestria, a land where the creators, or at least the creators of the series, had excluded pretty much all kinds of sexuality. There were only three confirmed cases of ponies in love. The Cakes, with kids no less, Cadance and Shining, happily newly-wed, and Caramel and his girlfriend, from that song in Hearts and Hooves day, and they had just been talking. As much as anybody might poke at Rainbow Dash's tomboy streak and suggest she was a lesbian, there was nothing to that, they didn't put anything about it in the show. The same with every other character.

And she'd just had epic sex with one of them. Was this... allowed? She'd long ago come to the conclusion that this wasn't beastiality, so no sense of shame there, but maybe... innocence lost? Yeah, that was where the guilt came from.

"We shouldn't have done that..." Redheart muttered into her chest.

"Probably not." Char agreed with her.

"You're my patient, it was totally unprofessional of me."

"Is that all?" Char replied, a little relieved, "I thought you meant because I'm not a pony."

"No, why would that even matter?"

"Oh, no, it just would matter back where I'm from. We don't have any other species we can do this with outside of our own. Every other one is just... an animal, y'know? So coming here... meeting a creature like you... is just amazing."

"There's no ponies there?"

"Not like the ones here. Just... domesticated animals."

"Oh... that's a little sad, actually."

"We think you ponies are imaginary, remember?"

"You said that, but..."

"Don't worry about it. I'm here in Equestria now, and I'm going to enjoy every second of it." She said with conviction.

"Well obviously. I haven't done something like that in... far too long."

"We should do it again sometime then."

Redheart paused for a bit, "Maybe." Char smiled, "Apart from Miss Sparkle, a lot of ponies are going to be trying to get to understand you and get to know you, you're a totally new species, they say, and that's going to take a lot of time to settle down."

"You're right. Still..." She planted a kiss on her lover's brow, which got a smile out of her, before they pulled apart and started to straighten up the bed. Redheart let her do up the bun once again before putting her cap into place, and in return brushed out Char's noticeably dishevelled hair.

Feeling both brushing and afterglow was delicious, and Redheart left her with a kiss and a mention of looking for some clothes for her.

The next step

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The buckles clicked into place. She knew she could get out of them, they were meant for hooves, not for hands and legs, and the way they pinned her hands next to the buckles for her legs made her completely confident that she could just unclip herself at any time.

But at the same time, they were strong... heavy duty, leather, big metal buckles, made for ponies, probably capable of holding back an earth pony with all of their strength... although, maybe not Pinkie, she could get out of anything if it was funny at the time.

Having clipped her knees into the ones meant for back hooves, she leant herself forward until her breasts threatened to simply slide out of her improvised dress onto the floor and her forehead was resting on the raised pillow-brace, obviously there for both a support and a blindfold for ponies, but was simply a support for her flatter face, and slipped her hands into the inner sleeves of the brace. She twisted her fingers just a little, and the clasps clicked shut.

She shivered. Her knees were spread, held to the floor, her body was pulled forward and down, her arms now held straight down between her knees, her head was comfortable, but the forehead rest was angled to make sure her mouth lined up with her throat, and the taught stretch of her arms turned her breasts into a mounded udder beneath her lowered chest.

The most delicious thrill, however, was the way her tied-sheet dress had slipped forward, hanging over her hips like a raised tail, and her entire rump was exposed to the air.

Moonlight shone through the window, casting her shadow off to the side, showing her a silhouette of herself, displayed for the empty room, while the mirror on the wall picked her out in detail, just to heighten the sense of decadent depravity.

Then the door clicked, swinging open slowly, and a soft, feminine voice drew breath sharply, and then let it out again in a long, low 'hmmmmmmmm'.

* * *

The Mane 6, as fans called them, were a trial unto themselves. Twilight wouldn't stop asking questions, Rarity had been asked to provide her some clothes and wouldn't stop measuring her and tutting, Rainbow Dash was torn between bored and suspicious the entire time, Fluttershy was completely silent despite her fascination with a new creature, Applejack was more interested in keeping Dash in line, and Pinkie scared the life out of her.

It's all very well to laugh at their antics in the show, especially Pinkie, but the pony was nearly impossible to deal with in person.

Nonetheless, against all acts of Pinkie to the contrary, she had done it. She'd left the hospital and explored Ponyville, in the company of six well-known ponies of course, so that everypony didn't panic and so she could be introduced to a few of them who could be trusted to spread the right kind of word. Even if she was dressed in a sheet that had been folded, tied and then belted with itself to look like a strapless sun dress. Thank goddess for the internet, that trick had saved her a couple of times before.

And finally they were here, the library, Twilight's sanctum and somewhere she'd wanted to visit for two years. The door was tricky, she was a good two feet taller than these ponies at least. Pinkie's hair added a bit, but from their ear tips, none of them were as tall as her hips...

But that was when the most amazing thing of that amazing morning happened, and that's including hot lesbian pony sex on that list, because Princess Celestia was waiting calmly for them to arrive, relaxing on an oversized floor cushion, at the table in the middle of the room.

"We got her, your highness-ness!" Pinkie carolled happily, "All cleaned up and ready to party!"

"Thankyou for bringing her, my little ponies," She began, and Char stared at the wonderful, waving solar mane, "would you all please allow me some time to speak with our guest?"

"Of course, Princess," Twilight answered her, respectful, if a little disappointed to be left out quite so soon. They filed, and bounced, out the front door again, and Char felt a little guilty about kicking Twilight out of her library.

She was breathtaking in real life, Char marvelled, perfect white coat, long, slender legs, demurely folded wings, and when she stood to make a formal greeting, the sun princess was taller than the human by a few inches plus the length of her horn. That amazing mane really did cover one eye though, so she wasn't sure what was going on in the other half of Celestia's face.

Well, time to be British, she thought to herself, here's a princess, you know about royalty! "Your Highness." She dropped a curtsey with the light blue hospital sheet dress. What a time to be going commando...

Celestia inclined her head regally, "Thankyou, Charlotte Lilley, it is good to meet you at last. Twilight has told me a lot in her letters, but I find that sitting down for a cup of tea is the best way to get to know somepony, or somecreature in this case."

"I'd love to, your highness." She was still on best behaviour, feeling 'breezy' in front of royalty would do that to you. Dropping to her knees on the pillow provided, only after Celestia had resumed her seat first, manners, Char reached for the cup that had been set for her.

"Tell me, my little human, why are you here?"

Oh, one of the tricky ones, "Accident? Your Highness? I honestly don't know. Last thing I know, I was sitting in my apartment, then something hit me in the head really hard, and I wake up here in hospital. It's not the way I'd have chosen."

Celestia chuckled, "I guess not. And yet you seem quite at ease with these events, Twilight also mentioned that you seem to know a bit about Equestria already."

Eesh, another tricky one... "We... that is, some people in my world made up stories about Equestria and its inhabitants. It wasn't very popular for a long while, I enjoyed it but it was very... would it be foalish? I guess. But then a new group of people took over and started telling stories about Equestria as it stands now, with you as its ruler, about Twilight and the Elements of Harmony, your sister, about little things like Applejack and Rarity's sisters searching for their cutie marks and getting into trouble instead... the kind of stories about normal, happy life that make people feel good to hear them. I was a big follower of those. But... we thought it was all imaginary, that it was all made up, and so we used to make up our own stories, about what would happen if we went to Equestria ourselves, that kind of thing. I don't know how much is true and how much is just... idle fantasy, but waking up here is a bit of a dream come true."

Celestia sipped her tea and thought for a few moments before she answered, "It's strange, but at the same time, so very like my little ponies. They too dream and imagine themselves in new places, and they do come up with some of the most wonderful stories, but why would you want to be so far from home? Why would coming here like this make you happy?"

Honesty was the best policy, "Because I wasn't, Your Highness, happy, I mean... I didn't have a bad life, I'd say, but I wasn't happy."

"Then does being here make you happy?" The diarch asked, pointedly,

"I think it might, Your Highness," She replied with a thoughtful twist of her expression, "I haven't been here very long, but... I think, if you'll give me the chance to stay, that this just might be where my life really begins to be happy." She offered a hopeful smile to her prospective pony overlord. When she looked back down she realised that somewhere along the line she'd drunk her tea. Not any kind she knew, but a lovely brew.

Celestia let out a short short breath, and nodded to herself, then stood up once more, "Charlotte, would you truly wish to stay in Equestria?" Her tone of voice made it clear that this was a far more formal question than the previous, so Char stood up with her and faced her nearly eye to eye.

"Your Highness, I wouldn't pass this up for the world. Please, I would do anything to stay." And she meant it.

"Then I think it's time we let in those ponies who're listening at the door, so one of them can throw you a party. Welcome to Equestria, Miss Charlotte."

"OH MY GOSH THIS IS THE MOST BESTEST PARTY REASON EVER!!" Pinkie barrelled into the room over the top of her friends who, sure enough, had been leaning their ears against the door, "I mean we've had welcome parties before, and I love welcome parties, almost as much as I love birthday parties, but well who doesn't love birthday parties? And we've had welcome to Ponyville parties for everypony that's arrived in Ponyville, but how often is it that you get to throw a welcome party for somepony who's never even been in Equestria before?! NURSE! I NEED ONE PARTY CANNON AND FORTY CHARGES OF FESTIVITIES! STAT!!"

And with that, she was gone. Char didn't even see her leave.

There was a deep pause, before Celestia cleared her throat, "As you may have heard, I have agreed to allow Charlotte to stay. Twilight, will you please take her to talk to Mayor Mare about some temporary accommodation? I'm also quite sure that any help you can give her as to settling in and finding herself a place in the community would be very much appreciated."

"Of course, Princess, I'd be happy to." The student smiled, eyes closing as she did... damn that was cute...

"And Charlotte, whatever the results, I hope you find your happiness and friendship here in Equestria." With that, the regal alicorn began to leave.

"Don't worry, your highness, we'll take good care of 'er." Applejack assured her, tipping her hat.

With a round of goodbyes, Celestia stepped up and into her golden sky carriage (of awesomeness) and departed.

* * *

"It's been a true pleasure to meet you, Charlotte," The Mayor's smile was brilliant against the dim hallway, "please feel free to use the guest rooms here at Town Hall until you have your hooves under you. We don't really have the means to accommodate you in any of our lodging establishments around Ponyville, but there should be more than enough space for you here for a few days. And if you need any help with job seeking or just want to chat, I'm right down the passage there." A tan hoof gestured to the hallway in question.

It was mid afternoon, and Town Hall was, un-surprisingly, one of the few places where Char could walk through the doors upright, obviously made to allow their Princess to enter, should she wish to, thus the Mayor had graciously allowed her to stay, rather than impose on one of the residents.

She allowed the silver-maned mare to show her around, since the series had never really been inside Town Hall, least of all the upstairs and offices. She remembered that Nightmare Moon had made her appearance here, on one of the balconies, but since the destruction headed up by Derpy in series two, it had obviously had to be a little remodelled. Come to think about it, maybe that's why the Mayor had been so keen to get the Hall restored, since besides a meeting place, she also used the rooms herself on occasion. They arrived back in the main atrium with convenient timing.

"Mail call!" An enthusiastic, but slightly androgynous, voice reverberated into the open space.

It was... the background pony of all background ponies! Char couldn't help it, her hands balled up in front of her chin, her toes bounced on the smooth hardwood floor, and she did the 'Eeeeee' dance as she turned to see none other than-

"Thank you Derpy, and thank you for remembering the door this time." Mayor Mare trotted back to the open door.

"Another package to sign for Miss Mayor!" The pegasus' was completely chipper, and she looked absolutely angelic as she smiled so wide her big eyes closed.

A quick squiggle with the quill later and the mail mare dropped the clip-board into one saddlebag and reached back into the other for... It was a parcel, wrapped in brown paper, tied with string and marked with the correct stamps, but it was... interestingly shaped... long, cylindrical, and it wobbled gently in the grey mare's grip. The mayor's whole body tensed, only relaxing enough to take the package from Derpy carefully, and deliberately not letting it wobble.

"Sorry about the packaging, Miss Mayor, there was an accident at the sorting office and I had to re-wrap it."

Again, that whole-body tense, then she burbled out a forced laugh, "That's, uh, no problem, Derpy. At least it arrived here in one piece."

"Oh it's no problem at all Miss Mayor, I have one myself." And with a cheery wave, she flitted off the porch, narrowly avoiding one of the support pillars.

Mayor Mare didn't turn around, she barely un-tensed, "I'll, ah, just put this away, Miss Charlotte, and be right back. Feel free to look around!" The false brightness in her voice... she knew she'd been caught out with something. Now Char just had to find out what in particular she'd been caught out with.

Curiosity killed the cat, it's said, but Char's curiosity would have killed it, skinned it, tied it up in a sack, dropped the sack off the bridge with a brick and sold the skin on to a man in an alleyway who liked fur.

Waiting for the mayor to make it a little way down the corridor towards her office, thanked her luck for bare feet, and padded quickly after her.

* * *

That night, after trying and failing to get to sleep in the slightly-too-small bed that the mayor's helpers had set out in a spare room, she realised that the idea of what she'd seen was just too... exciting.

That fleeting glimpse inside what should have been a simple storage cupboard in the mayor's office. Inside was, well, let's just say Miss Mayor could have written a certain book about so many shades of something-or-other.

The funny thing was, though, that everything in there was... it looked brand new, shiny and well maintained. Then she'd fled, slipping out of the office door and returning to the main atrium ahead of the sound of returning hooves. She'd played innocent for the rest of the day, but couldn't help but cast eyes over her host while they sipped tea and discussed the foibles of being mayor in a town that had so many interesting residents.

And now... now she wanted a closer look.

Pulling on the blue sheet, going through the practiced motions of folding and belting that turned a single sheet into an almost-sundress, and then walking carefully to her door. The rugs on the floor muffled the sound of her steps and she was so very grateful that her soles were softer than hooves, it meant that compared to any pony walking down these halls, she was almost totally silent.

There was a key to the 'play room' inside the mayor's desk, in a thin drawer that slid out of the very front. She saw why it wouldn't have been noticed by any person before her when she was was confronted only by the carefully carved edge of the desk top, but a light tug revealed the hidden drawer slid straight out of the lower half of the carvings.

The key opened the door, the door opened for Char, and the playroom was lit by the moon with almost dream-like clarity.

Now it wasn't large, certainly not as large as she'd hoped, in fact it was almost intimate in proportions. Large windows were set high up in the wall, angled so that no casual observer would be able to see in, but the bright moonlight pooled over everything. A set of shelves lined the back wall, gleaming with metal and the ruddy sheen of plastic and rubber, the wall to her left had a simple set of five, heavy rings set in convenient distances off the floor, the one to her right held a large mirror. And in the middle of the floor, a simple board had been placed... with four relatively simple restraints, and a padded H-frame brace jutting up from one end. That one got her attention in a way that wasn't quite healthy.

Pony... sex toys? It didn't seem quite... oh but the idea made her shiver with expectation. She'd read that set of books, she'd thought about what it might be like to just... submit, no matter how grudgingly, or whether she even could.

And the straight-laced, gentle voiced mayor? Doing those things to her? No, that would... wouldn't... maybe. She gave in to the idea that it would feel incredible, but there would need to be an out.

Looking at the brace on the floor, she noticed something about the buckles; they were made for hooves or teeth, big, simple catches that popped open if you pressed the other side of them.

Okay, she had to know if they were as easy to open as that... if so, she could have a little... test, and be on her way with nobody the wiser.

Her breathing coming a little heavier now, she knelt down on the board.

* * *

She stopped breathing. Literally holding her breath out of panic, waiting for something, anything, beyond that long 'hmm' to say who was there. Okay, probably a silly question.

Hooves moved on the wooden floor and Char flinched as one touched the skin of her butt, a gentle press into the left cheek. The mirror on the wall showed a sharply shadowed face, glasses glinting in the moonlight, expression unreadable with a single hoof outstretched.

"Hmm. Soft. Very soft. I think I know what to do with you." The mayor's voice was low and completely detached, as if discussing a policy she'd been reading through.

"Miss... Miss Mayor?" Char asked, a little desperately, because she wasn't sure she wanted this all that much anymore, her fingers started to twist towards the clasps.

In response, the mare laughed softly and warmly, but a hoof stilled her fingers, "Calm down, Miss Charlotte, I'm not angry, how could I be?" Oddly, that was reassuring.

"Then..." Char couldn't finish the sentence.

"This is unexpected, I must say, but I have a little confession to make. This room has never been used, not once." She said it like it was a mint-condition NRFB (never removed from box) collector's item. Some of these probably were... "It was originally my aim to have it used on me, not use it on others, most of the toys, on their own... well, they're easy enough to practice with. The room I started on to try and get rid of some stress, but I've never had time to find somepony who would share this kind of interest with me. Nopony I trusted, you see."

She sighed, and Char found the odd weight of the mayor leaning over her back, and a look to the side let her meet the mare's eyes, she had propped her chin on a hoof (which wasn't possible in regular pony anatomy) and was examining the reflection contemplatively.

"But you... well, I can see you have an interest, and I know I should just let you up, dust you down and send you back to bed, but..."

"I don't think either of us want that." Char regained a little confidence, not to mention the spark of that shivery sensation from before.

"No," The Mayor "but that doesn't mean that this has to go as far as... all this." She waved a hoof at the room.

Char hit the release on the buckles and began to sit up, leaving her knees in place, but gently tipping the mare off her back and onto her hooves again. The silver-haired mare looked surprised as the girl wiggled her fingers a little at the mirror image, and then turned her attention to the shelves. "Where's that one you got today?"

Tan coat blushed through bright red, and the mare stepped around the kneeling girl, "That's, uh, here." She indicated the lowest shelf off to one side, everywhere else had something to display already.

It was a Mac... wait, technically it was a 'Chance', but she knew other people online who'd given them new names. About the same size, the same colours as she'd got hers, and if she remembered the wobble while it was in the wrapping, only a little firmer than hers too.

"I... had to get a slightly reduced one," chuckled the mayor, a little embarrassed, "I'm not as... able as other mares."

R... reduced? She remembered how hers would stretch her, and as good as that felt, had been saving up for something larger, something... possibly blunter too, and realised that this was considered a little below average for toys like this. Would that mean that some ponies might be bigger? Her mind immediately spun to the largest ponies she knew, Mac, Shining Armour, and Fancy Pants... wow...

"Oh but, I wouldn't dream of-" Char's hand flew out and pressed fingers to the mayor's lips.

Char drew the mare's head around and looked into her eyes. She let a smile creep into the corners of her mouth and then, very deliberately, while the mayor watched every move, bent down and slid herself back into the restraints, resting her forehead into the padded brace once more. Then, with a wiggle of her hips, made her dress slide down her back and leave herself open to the moonlight once more.

The mirror showed everything, the way the mare's eyes sparked, and a thick tongue came out to lick her lips in a slow, unconscious motion. "I, ah, I'll just... Oh, Miss Charlotte!" The exclamation was as soft as all their conversation had been, but was heavy with desire.

With no more words, the mayor stepped along her shelves and pulled down something that clinked slightly. In the mirror Char watched the, now smiling, tan mare fumble slightly with a collection of straps and buckles. She shuffled her hooves a little, grasped a strap with her teeth, and then pulled upwards, rearing up as she did. The human stared a little as she watched not one, but two smallish phalluses wobble a little before sliding up between her legs and, with a shift and a grunt, sank even further until the straps slid snug against the mare's coat.

She caught Char's wide-eyed expression and giggled a little, slightly giddy with both the situation, and her newly donned gear, "I said I'd practiced." She giggled a little more and turned around while she tightened and buckled the straps.

Her rump was now presented to the mirror and that silver tail whisked to the side playfully, showing Char the results; two big round bases, easily several inches in diameter, protruded from her holes, held in place by the silvered d-rings from which the straps radiated. The idea of somebody just... taking something, with only a wiggle and a small grunt as they did, turned her tingle into a drip. One she felt land on her wrists, strapped between her knees as they were.

Char was now intensely aware of her exposed butt. Her whole body forced into the pose of a submissive mare, and now dripping wet to the point of thin drips ticking from her slit every few seconds.

She hadn't realised, but at the noise of hooves on wood, the mayor was now walking back around from the shelves towards Char's all-too-willing nethers. As the mare rounded her rear, the mirror showed her that the toy from earlier was now firmly fixed into the crotch of her second pony lover. It wobbled a little, but the curve was just strong enough to stop it from bouncing against the floor. It was almost as long as the mare's leg! A quick staccato patter came from the wrist restraints as Char's body told her it was time to get extra, extra juicy for that.

"Oh, Miss Charlotte, I must say I'm very surprised." The mayor blinked, "You certainly don't waste time."

Char's eyes shut, involuntarily, as the mayor examined her. For the second time in twenty four hours, here she was with a mare's muzzle within inches of her- she gasped as that long tongue took a taste. Just a flick of the tongue, and then an 'mmm' from the mare.

"You taste... different." She commented, and dipped back in.

Unlike Redheart, Mayor Mare was taking her time, she flicked her tongue over the lips, which were flushed with heat and presented so openly that they were spreading under their own volition. Char's eyes couldn't stay closed, no matter how many times the sensations drove them to shut, and she watched the mirror with intense fascination.

There, bathed in moonlight, the mayor stood behind her. A fake cock as thick as Char's wrist, and long enough to brush the floor, waving gently between her legs, and her head was down, muzzle almost touching her, with her tongue crossing the gap in little, kitten licks. The sight, with the little teasing sensations, and the anticipation was making her shake.

She'd been with a man, she'd been with a woman, with both, and now she'd been with a pony, but in all of those times she'd never been taken. Never let somebody do as they wanted without finding something she could do in return. A flurry of licks accompanied the feeling of her inner walls trying to clench onto something, obviously sending a little wave of moisture onto the mare's tongue.

"Well," her tan lover stood back, sounding satisfied, "you're almost there. Now, we'll try something a little new." Her hooves clopped jauntily as she circled back around to the shelves and grasped something in her mouth and returning. Setting it down briefly to speak, the mayor said, "hold out those hands of yours, nice and flat." and picked whatever it was back up again.

Char complied, still feeling the infrequent patter of her own liquids dripping onto her wrist-straps. Then something cold and slimy fell onto her hands, liquid... lubrication! She didn't know she'd been tense about that before, but suddenly it was like a little spring had unwound inside her, and she actually smiled as the mayor murmured "Goood," into the silence, "let's make this nice and ready for you."

The weight of the fake pony cock fell into her hands, and immediately she gripped it, the lube smearing and following her grasping fingers. Up top, the mayor placed her hooves against Char's rump for balance, squatting her legs and slowly thrusting the phallus into the greased hands. There was a moment when Char forgot herself, hands stilled momentarily as she once more felt tongue along her body, long, slow licks to her flesh, to her lips, to her suddenly very sensitive ring, but she recovered enough to resume slathering as much of the mottled rubber penis with eager, lubricated fingers.

The tongue stopped and Mayor Mare patted her rump gently, leaning back to see the results of Char's work, "Yes, that will be quite enough." She nodded to Char's red-faced, slightly breathless expression in the mirror.

She stood, she reared, and those oddly warm hooves came down once more on Char's skin. Both hooves were on her tailbone, pressing down to keep balance, while that greased pole wavered around slightly as she watched. She was watching herself about to be penetrated by her new lover, watching that huge thing approach in little swings as the mare above her concentrated on getting it lined up. Her knees and arms wanted to twitch, to shift herself towards it and capture it a little early, but the straps held firm.

Char moaned slightly and then... contact. The blunt head of the strap on rested against her eager lower lips, and the shifting of the mare's hooves ceased as she no longer had to check her progress. They paused, and listened to each other's breathing.

"Are you sure, Charlotte?" The mayor asked, "Are you really sure?"

"Do it." She replied, breathily.

Hips pressed, a solid pressure as the dong tried to find it's way in, bending a little before it did, and then the first stretch. Char didn't know how loud her first moan was, but it took all the air from her lungs.

She juddered a little as tremors wracked her hips. Not quite an orgasm, but she was so close that it was only a matter of moments either way. Or inches. There was more, and more, sliding in and filling her. The massive, blunt head of the replica was being crushed by her walls, but it was still coming in. She felt her outer lips being rippled back and forth as her lover ceased trying to sink inside in one stroke and instead started to rock a little back before thrusting in again.

All too soon, feeling like she'd taken a telephone pole inside her, Char felt the stretched discomfort of being full, not to the depths she'd explored with her toys before, just... full, but as she did, the sensation of soft coat pressing against her skin sent a wave of warmth across her.

"Oh Celestia!" The mayor grunted, her hooves slid from Charlotte's back and gripped her around the hips, then she started raining kisses down onto the girl's back, shoulders and neck. "This is the first time anypony's," kiss, "ever done this for me, you," kiss, "incredible creature!"

The girl rolled her shoulders in pleasure at the kisses, but was still stuck fast in the restraints. She turned her head again and saw exactly what she'd hoped to see. The mare's hips were resting flush against her skin, her body draped itself along the girl's back, and her face was a panting, wild-maned mess with her glasses slightly askew.

"Ready?" The panting mare prompted.

"Rut me until I faint!" Char managed to turn her head far enough that she could meet her lover's eye for a brief moment, and show her how much she meant it.

With a moan of happiness, the pony pulled back, slowly, just a couple of inches, and then back, impacting Char's flesh with a little judder. Again, a few inches, and then back, but more solidly this time. Both times, Char felt the edges of the head scrape her, pulling at her insides and dragging them with the motion, but slippery as she was, especially with the aid of all that she'd done with her hands, the rest of the length was like an oiled piston. And more little drags and thrusts as the mare built up some rhythm. There was another thick section to it, about half way down, and it massaged her walls smoothly, while the tip was a ridge that drew her back and forth and sent deep shudders through up her spine.

She thanked whatever goddess, Celestia or Luna even, that her lover was clinging to her so tightly, hugged into her back, because if she hadn't been, Char was sure that these shivers would have burst from her and escaped before they reached her head. Her head... was fading. She'd turned to the side to watch, watching was amazing. Watching made the feeling of it have context, have realism, made a fantasy into reality for her.

More now, Mayor was pulling further out, half way now, and that thick ring around the middle was playing with her lips on the way out and then again on the way back in. The head slid and dragged, forcing her open every time she clenched, letting her muscles contract again too soon after it left, it was numbing her. The changes were too sudden, from empty to full to empty, her muscles were confused and her flesh oversensitive from it, she was rising, her voice was rising too.

On her back, Mayor Mare was panting like a racehorse, breathing through her teeth as she felt the thudding joy of both rutting and being rutted, her straps leveraging the toys inside her with every thrust of the one inside her human. It still wasn't enough, she needed to ravage the girl, and while she didn't want to hurt her, the desire to just swing her hips harder and harder was impossible to ignore.

Harder and harder every time, more and more was withdrawn and then rammed back inside her with enough force to steal her breath. But it wasn't fast, that was what made her moan, that was what made her want to writhe against her restraints, it was even, solid and powerful. The speed the same from a few inches through to a whole eighteen. As she felt the blunt head nearly reach the inside of her lips Char realised that it took a full second and a half for that withdrawal to take place. And while the thrust was powerful, driving back into her and shuddering her flesh forcing her face into the brace, as she watched, she could see every inch of that fake cock slide out of her. All of it, inch after inch, pulling back as slowly as a rollercoaster gets cranked up to the top, before the release and the drop, the sudden surge of power that rattled her bones.

If nobody had ever done this for the mayor before, then she was all kinds of naturally gifted. Her cynicism took a dirt nap as she felt the tip playing through her folds once more, before slamming back into her depths. Every delicious pull of that head, every scrape, every rub of the central ring, and every inch of the smooth shaft, played across her depths in dizzying sequence. The mirror showed her something she'd always secretly wanted to see, ever since she first saw an oversized dildo, she wanted to see her stomach being stretched by taking a girth so deep it distended her. Sure enough, there it was, not painful, it'd need to be a lot bigger, but the ripple of tension ran forward and back along the profile of her abdomen, pushed and pulled by the head of that cock.

Her voice was nearly constant now, until she was forced to gasp as the head popped free.

It popped out and then rammed cleanly back in! She shuddered and jerked, tipped over the edge into her first orgasm of the night. Her toes curled and straightened in time with the pulses, her eyes stared at nothing for a moment. The mayor didn't seem to realise what she'd just done, because she did it again, while Char's insides were trying to milk the fake member of its own cum, the mare pulled it free and sent it smashing back through that tumult.

Char's scream of pleasure was cut in half, only to start again once the head reached full depth. She felt liquid drooling onto her wrists, and then again, another belt of pleasure clamped her down on the slowly retreating rod, her desperate tunnel trying to drag it back down inside to finish what it started. Two orgasms in a row! She rode it out, Mayor Mare pounding her again and again, forcing her blunt imitation cock through the clenching and spasming muscles.

Her vision was going funny, she was breathing in ragged bursts as her entire lower body clenched, her voice wouldn't come out and she hissed through her teeth. Her legs were numb, down to the toes, her hands clenched and unclenched, drenched in the last of the lubrication from before, and without realising it, she'd unclipped the restraints on her hands.

There was a sharp tug on her hair and she was dragged back against the leg restraints as her pony lover, too far gone in her own pleasure to care about anything but finishing what she started, despite having finished her human off twice already, jerked on the thick head of hair and pulled the girl's neck taught, using the grip to change her rhythm.

Mayor Mare abandoned power and let her hips have their fun, speeding up and thrusting faster, faster, faster... Char was forced to stare straight ahead, she couldn't turn, she could only feel the pounding, breaking through the last vestiges of her orgasm and driving her, thrust after thrust, towards a third.

But it wouldn't come, she couldn't, she needed to, but there was something... missing. With nothing left to lose, and everything to gain, it seemed, she found the clips of the straps around her knees and ripped them off. Fighting the numbness all down her legs, and moving slowly to not disconnect herself from that thrusting member, she straightened up.

Her lover gasped as she did, and Char twisted quickly, to snake an arm around the tan body just as her hair was released, catching the mare as she started falling backwards and keeping their hips pressed together.

With slow movements, the fake cock still thrusting sporadically in and out, Char twisted until she could lower the panting mare to the ground on her back. Then, with a spin of her hips and one leg raising up and over, she turned one-eighty on the pole, swivelling it inside her. They found themselves scissored together, Char still impaled on the now-upright member, and the human threaded her hands into the sweaty mane of her lover, raising that panting mouth up just high enough that, with a stretch, she could lock her lips in a kiss.

And while it held, she became overwhelmingly aware of the mare's need. With her weight on the penis between them, it was grinding into the mayor's clit, the flat, soft end making the mare whimper from the pressure.

So, with a grin, Char took over. She got her knees below her and, grasping her lover's leg for balance, started to hump for her final release. Tired muscles protested, but she didn't care, she threw her hips up and down the length, grinding from side to side, drawing figure-eights with each swirl and drop. Her mare's eyes started to glaze and her breath became as ragged as Char's the constant movement on her clit, coupled with the sudden role reversal, and the added internal pressure on the shafts within both her holes was getting the better of her.

Gasping, Char leaned forward once more and captured the mare's lips, and, with the last of her strength, slid herself to the very tip, letting the head's ridge play with her lips, and buried it inside herself once more to tip herself and her lover completely over.

They rode out the shudders of orgasm together, lips locked, eyes forced shut and breath hissing through their noses. And at last, Char let herself roll backwards and fall to the floor.

* * *

She woke up to the sensation of cold plastic being slid, carefully, a little awkwardly, out of her.

"Mmmm..." she protested, opening her eyes. It was dawn, a hazy, low-level light creeping across the ceiling.

The mayor appeared in her line of sight, smiling gently, mane a wreck, and placed a kiss onto her lips, which Char happily returned, "You should probably get up. As much as I'd like to keep you here for my very own, it wouldn't be very responsible of me, now, would it?"

"I'm kind of thinking that I wouldn't mind that either, but... you're right." She tried to sit up and needed to use both hands and stop once she got there for balance. She realised that between them they'd stained the floor, and that her poor, used and wilfully abused crotch had that sting that only came from sessions that were too frantic, too heavy, and left her oversensitive. Plus, she'd fainted with that thing inside her... with any luck, it had stretched her a little more and she wouldn't feel as full next time, if there was a next time.

She managed to get to her feet, then re-tied her sheet dress, wrinkled, but not stained, thankfully. Her hair was probably an even worse mess than the mayor's, but still she couldn't bring herself to feel anything but last vestiges of afterglow.

"Uh, Charlotte, I, well I wanted to say..." With a bashful look, the mare trailed off.

Despite her clearly protesting legs, she knelt down to get on level with her one-night-stand, "I had one of the best nights of my life last night, thank you." And she hugged the mare gently, but sincerely.

"I... Mmm." Mayor Mare gave in and sank into the embrace, nuzzling at the side of Char's neck, "Thank you, too, I never thought I'd get a chance to do something like that. If you ever need something in the future, just let me know."

Detaching herself and standing up, Char kept her smile as she slid open the door, allowing herself a slightly naughty look over her shoulder, "I'll be sure to 'pay' you in full for any favours, Miss Mayor."

And she snuck out through the office, keeping as quiet as she could in case some other pony was up at this hour too.