> Lethal Misconceptions > by Heavy Rains > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Target: Star Dancer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective: Unknown I look myself over as per tradition. I start with my mane and tail, the two tones of azure that were bestowed at birth. I drifted to my eyes and horn, grayed out and tired from the expense of my arcane talents. I now eyed my coat, a deep cobalt as always. Finally resting on my hooves, I can almost see the blood of so many on them. Whether they deserved it or not I was not in a position to say, but what's done is done. I hate myself for what I've done but its the only thing I know how to do. As always I would counteract my less than desirable thoughts with my saving grace, a bottle of wine aged since 4112. I poured a small glass and pondered the sensation as it soon passed through my throat. Reworking the cork into place I set it inside the cabinet of my temporary abode. Maybe I'll get a new safe house after this job... I enjoyed the thought. Alas, I could not savor it for long, as there was work to be done. I donned my oh so familiar cloak and went out into the night. I walked to a familiar alleyway in Canterlot. All that occupied the confined area was a dumpster and the back door to a café. I reach under the refuse of the dumpster to reveal the dead drop with my next target inside. Job Description: Target infuriated one HT. Target: Star Dancer. Pegasus. Light green coat. Black mane and tail. Cutie mark is a telescope. Mother. Orders: 'Natural' Causes. Location: 4356 Reverie Drive. Canterlot. "A mother... this will be easy", I say as I began to make my way to the given address. I perch atop an apartment complex overlooking my target's home. Where are you... Ah there you are. I see my target enter her home. I pull up the hood on my cloak to cover my horn, jumping from the rooftop and landing in a roll to soften my landing. I walk to the window to see her cooking dinner. It said she was a mother; where's her foal? No sooner had I finished that thought when I saw a foal bouncing around her. Perfect. I draw power to my horn as I began to cast a spell. *** Perspective: Star Dancer I am a maid for the fashion monarch Hoity Toity. Recently I have been stealing from him, small things to prevent being caught. Unfortunately Hoity Toity came home early and caught me. After his exuberant display of anger, I guessed what I stole was worth a lot ... oops. I thought I was going to go to get fired or go to jail or get fired out of a cannon to the place where I'll be in jail. Instead he said he was sorry for his outburst, and he'd see me tomorrow. I wonder why I wasn't fired. He had every right to fire me... but why didn't he? I headed for my house, eager to get home to my pride and joy. I opened the door and relieved myself of my saddle bags. I walked to the kitchen to start dinner when I heard hoof steps approach me. "MOM!!!" My small filly with a similar color scheme launched at me. "You're home! You're home!" I chuckled slightly at her display. "Yes honey, now go wash up for dinner." The young filly then bounded for the stairs before she fell to the floor. I spun around to see what had happened. I was met with horror. My only child was picked up by this pony in a cloak. "MOM!!!!!!!", she shouted with tears in her eyes before her throat was slit. "NOOOOO!!!!" I charged the pony but he just dispersed in to a cloud of smoke. I turned to my daughter's still form and sobbed deeply into her coat. *** Perspective: Unknown It was too easy. I almost feel bad that she fell for it... almost. I smirk as I approach Star Dancer who was prone on the floor sobbing into the floorboard. I rather enjoy my work as it lets me get creative. I withdraw a small blade and slowly prick her neck. The illusions are just icing on the cake. As I began to leave I hear her foal charge from the second floor. Before she took notice of me, I lurched through the open window. Just as I had made my exit I dispelled the illusion, bringing Star Dancer back to reality. I look back to see her hugging her daughter tightly while sobbing. Hopefully she will make the most of the few hours she has. I look to my blade and the green substance coating it. I give her two maybe three hours tops. I walk to my safe house in complete tranquility. As I enter I toss my cloak onto my chair, close the blinds and lock the door. *** I have no regrets for taking other's lives. My entire life is devoted to it now. I have no remorse for those who have yet to meet my blade. If I am commissioned then so be it. I began to pour myself a glass of wine as I sat in the safe house's chair. I began to read an article of vacant residences in towns such as Ponyville, Detrot, and Hoofington. Maybe I just need a change of pace. While Canterlot has no lack of contracts, it does lack the timid nature I was accustomed to for so long. Maybe I'll see about getting my own safehouse in Detrot or Ponyville. I down the glass' contents and reach for a vial of liquid dragon fire. I began to pen a quick letter. HT, It is Done. I drop some of the liquid onto the paper before I walk over to a candle and burn it. As it disappeared before me, I shed a thought for the foal. I wonder what shall happen to her? Probably become an orphan. I refilled my glass to the brim attempting to drown the ping of my conscience. That damn thing I despise. Tossing the glass away I tilted back the bottle of wine. Bottoms up... *** I awoke to the sun's rising, as it peered light through the blinds directly at my retinas. Having risen from the safe-house's bedroom I had a small pounding in my head as I trotted to the kitchen. I splashed water in my face. The immediate jolt to my nervous system woke me up. I adorned my cloak and headed out for the dead drop with a hangover that hurts like a motherfucker. I don't know why since I never return to a mark's house but for some reason I did today. I walk past Star Dancer's house to see the foal crying upon the door step. I wanted to walk away but my conscience got the better of me. Stupid thing. I walk up to her uncovering my head as I stood next to her. "Hello young one, what is your name?" I ask. The young filly looked up to me with welled tears as she replied. "S-star S-shine...." She sobbed uncontrollably as I sat down on the door step. I placed a hoof over her and pulled her close. "Star Shine, a beautiful name, but why are you crying?" She looked at me with those big tear filled eyes. "My... my mommy didn't wake up..." she says before once again crying. "Listen here, Star Shine. While your feeling all kinds of hurt right now, dwelling on it only prolongs the suffering. I'm not saying you should forget about your mother, but instead of grieving it's better to remember the moments you shared with her. You have to move forward for her." She looked at me with eyes that caught me off guard. "Did you know my mommy?" Oh... damn. Well I'm beyond the point of no return now. I thought of a way out of this situation as words escaped my throat. "No, but I know how you feel. My mother passed when I was really young. So I know that the grief keeps eating away at you until you come to terms with it. There is no escaping what's inside you." She seemed to dry her eyes as I spoke to her. "She was all I had Mister...." She stared directly at my eyes as she trailed off. "Subtle Shift. But please call me Shift," I say as she slowly nuzzled my hoof. "Okay Shift." She seemed to lighten up as if all her worries were gone. How strange... "So you don't have any other family Shine?" She slowly shook her head at the question. I can't let her go to an orphanage, she's way too sweet to turn out like me. "Well...", I hesitated to finish my sentence but something willed me on. "If you want, you can stay with me." Her eyes sparkled at the news as she bounced around me shouting "Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes". What have I gotten myself into? *** Perspective: Star Shine "If you want, you can stay with me." I stared at him for a second before jumping for joy around him shouting "Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes". This stallion is the nicest pony ever! As we continued down the road, he turned into a back alley. "Where are you going?", I asked him fearing he would ditch me. A moment passed and he returned with a bag of bits in his hoof. "Whoa you found that in the dumpster? It must be your lucky day Mr.Shift!" He looked at me and nonchalantly shrugged. "It must be, and don't call me mister. As I said before Shift is fine." I eyed the bag and looked towards his horn. "Sorry Shift... hey, if you don't mind me asking... Why not just grab the bag with your magic? I mean you're a unicorn right?" He shook his head as his answer came. "I'm not very... shall we say... adept at using normal magic. I was never formally instructed as a colt." I was in disbelief. A unicorn who doesn't know how to use his magic? What's next a pegasus who is afraid of heights? "This is where you live?" I came to face a deteriorating apartment complex. The walls were grayed and looked as if they would fall at any moment. "Home sweet home." He laughed as we approached the door. When he reached to get keys from behind a false wall panel, I caught a glimpse of his cutie mark. It was a small mask that I had seen during Nightmare Night. What is that called... mask something... mask-or-aid? I think that's it. I decided to ask him about it. "Umm... Shift? What does your cutie mark mean?" He peered at me with slight interest as he inspected my blank flank. "I see you do not have your own? Well, mine means I like to blend in or to move without being seen in a crowd... to be anonymous or unknown. If you ask how I earned mine so you may have an idea of getting your own, don't worry they just take time." I was both intrigued and mildly annoyed at his answer. "Okay, another time then?" he looked at me once more as he let out a sigh. "Sure... another time." I celebrated a little in my head at his answer. Well, I guess I start a new life now... YAY. > New locations, New opportunities P1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective: Star Shine The interior of the apartment was misleading by the decrepit outside of the house. The walls were new as well as the floor, the kitchen, and the living room. I eyed a piano in awe before asking once more. "You live here?" Shift looked at me from the kitchen as he withdrew a bottle from a cabinet. "Not necessarily, I stay here while I work in the area." I looked around curiously before asking my next question. "What do you do?" He uncorked the bottle and took a small swig before answering. "I do a little of this and a little of that, primarily odd jobs that people need done." He shrugged as he worked the cork back into place and walked to a map on the wall. He eyed it thoroughly before placing tacks on two locations. "What are you doing Shift?" He lifted a magazine and retired to a chair in the corner before acknowledging the inquiry. "I'm looking to buy a home in either Ponyville or Detrot. Why do you ask?" I looked at the map before turning to him. He's going to leave me, no! "Those are pretty far away... how would you get there?" I don't let the sadness I'm feeling show. He looked up from the magazine for a moment. "First, you mean how are We going to get there, and secondly We are going by chariot." I stared in disbelief before I jumped at him, throwing my hooves and pulling him into a deep hug. He's not leaving me, YAY. After a tour of most of the house we approached the last room. "And here's where you will be sleeping." I looked to a very large bed in a corner with a nightstand beside it. I enthusiastically dashed for it and jumped on it a few times, giggling while I do so earning a small chuckle from him as I continued. I looked around for another room but found nothing. "Where will you be sleeping Shift?" He turned to face me as he was leaving the room. "I'll be sleeping on the chair in the living room, why?" I looked to the bed beneath me before admitting it. "I'm... afraid of the dark and when I'm alone I feel as though I can't breathe." I looked up to see him walking towards the bed; he sat down and drew me near. "You want me to bring the chair up here?" I nodded, still looking into the sheets that made the bed. "Alright I'll be back in a few moments." He left the room, sighing as he went. I examined the room more closely, specifically the photograph on the nightstand. *** Perspective: Subtle Shift I started into the living room pondering what drove me to take this filly under my care. She reminds me of myself, I suppose. Fate dealing her a hand that was rigged from the start of the game. Well it's too late to leave her now. I walk to the reclining chair, grip it in my hooves and head back to the room. Upon my entrance, I noticed Shine was looking at something. "Who are the people in this picture Shift?", she asked with a quizzical look. "They were my parents." I pull the chair into a corner and walk to the filly. "And that picture is all I have of them." I looked to the floor before she asked another question. "Where are they?" I looked at her in the eyes before answering again. "As I said before my mother died during child-birth and my father was never around when I was a colt. I had to survive on my own until I found my job." She looked at me curiously. "How old are you?" I laughed at the question. "I'm twenty-three, why?" She looked at me with even more curiosity. "Why are your eyes grey?" I looked to the mirror opposite the bed. "They are grey because of the type of magic I use." She appeared to be dumbfounded. "I thought you didn't know how to use magic?" I drew power to my horn as I spoke. "I never said I didn't know how to use my magic." *** Perspective: Star Shine His horn glowed as the room was engulfed with a grey light. I closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them I was met with a sight that made me jump in excitement. I found myself in the middle of a party! The sweet smell of baked food overwhelmed me as I looked to the display before me. A table filled to the edges with cakes, muffins, ice cream and candy. I nearly fainted at the sight. I see everypony freeze as if time stood still; I turned to find Shift looking at me with an amused smile. "What do you think about my magic?" I stood, mouth agape as he bent reality to his will. So awesome! "How is this even possible?", I ask with a small amount of disbelief. He grew a smirk and walked towards me. "That would be telling." As he moved, all of reality as I perceived it fell into oblivion behind him. I awoke upon the bed with him nowhere in sight, but instead, the air was filled with tunes from a piano. I entered the living area where I witnessed Shift presiding over a piano, playing it as shadows danced around the room. Many depicted a pony committing horrifying acts against others, more than a few were decapitated, while others were disemboweled. I stood still both in horror and in awe as the images continued. As he ended the beautiful demonstration I slowly crept forward and hugged him. He must have a lot of grief to let go of... Well, since he helped me I'll help him! I hugged him as I saw a stray tear fall from his cheek as he returned the gesture. After we broke the hug I yawned due to all the excitement of the day. He picked me up and planted me onto the bed before he spoke. "Thanks Star, I'm going to be going out for a bit, okay?" He looked at me with concern, no doubt the cause of my fear. "I'll be fine as long as I'm asleep... I hope". With that, he left the room and the apartment. Within minutes sleep took me. *** Perspective: Subtle Shift After leaving the apartment I decided to get some food for Shine and myself. I entered an establishment of high standards owned by none other than Fancypants and Fleur de Lis. Entrepreneurs... gotta love 'em. I waved to Fleur as I took a booth in the far back and Fancypants followed soon after. He placed a menu in front of me and put on a smile. "Always good to see you Monsieur Shift, what shall it be today?" I looked through the menu and selected something for Star, then myself. As Fancypants walked away to prepare my meal a figure in a black cloak sat in the seat in front of me. "Are you hunter or are you prey?" It was a soft voice; from what I could tell it was a mare in her early twenties. "I am hunter", I responded to the challenge that new contacts would use. The mare placed a near invisible barrier around the booth, most likely to sound proof it. "I represent a certain... enterprise that would like your help in a matter." She struggled to find the correct words for the situation. "What did you have in mind?", I asked feigning interest. That cloak... It must be that group that tried to contract me a month back. She grew a smile before stating what I already knew. "We will offer you a large amount of bits to deal with a certain hu..." I put a hoof to her mouth, as I rejected. "No, I will not take this human's life. I have seen what happens to those who are under the employ of 'The Darkness'. I refuse to work for those you represent, and their ideals." I gave her a deadpan look and continued. "You are nothing but cultists trying to bring about the apocalypse, and I will have no part in that." As my food arrived she stood to leave. "We will approach you again when you have come to your senses." With that said, she left. Finishing the meal before me, I approached the counter to pay Fleur and be on my way. I grabbed the meal I had boxed specifically for Star Shine, before heading to the apartment. I arrived not long after, placing a note and the meal on the kitchen table and left. Upon my exit, I decided to go to a realty to schedule a carriage to Detrot and to purchase a 'home' there. Home... that's somewhere I have not been for quite some time. I shook the thought from my head before entering the building. *** 2 Hours Later... I exited the building about 30,000 bits lighter before heading for the safe house. I can't believe they charged so much for a one-story home... 29,699 bits. For an extra 300 bits we'll include a free carriage ride to your new home! I mocked the sales associate before pondering how the carriage ride was 'free' if I paid 300 bits for it. I soon realised I was sitting outside the safe house for close to 15 minutes, Star even poked me with a stick from the first step. I sighed and headed to my chair only to remember I moved it to the bedroom. Upon entering said bedroom, I collapsed in the chair and embraced sleep's sweet respite. 2 Hours Minutes Later... "Shift..." "..." "Shift..." "mmm..." "SHIFT!" I awoke to a small green pegasus jumping on my lap. I let out a groan of unmistakable pain as she smashed my stallionhood. I reeled as she flew onto the floor exclaiming something. I came to my senses to hear her yell. "I LEARNED HOW TO FLY!!!" I stared at her with both pain and excitement. She demonstrated her new found ability by rocketing through the apartment and performing little spins in the air. After her display I congratulated her and went back to the chair. Not long before I would have fallen asleep, I felt a small pegasus jump to my lap once more. Before I could act, she hugged me and spoke something that made my heart break. "I love you Dad..." WAIT WHAT? AN: So 1,700 will probably be around the average length for most chapters. Also, feel free to point out any grammatical/spelling errors so I may fix them. Thank you. And thank Grado for making this legible. > New locations, New opportunities P2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective: Star Shine "I love you Dad." With that said, I broke the hug and glided from his chair. I circled the room once more before landing upon the bed. I still can't believe I learned how to FLY! I savoured the feeling of air going through my feathers as I crawled between the sheets. I glanced towards Daddy in the chair before letting my mind weave into a dreamscape. I woke in my bed as light peered through the window. I caught the scent of pancakes filling the air. Wasting no time I flew from the bed and into the kitchen to find Daddy making the fluffy discs of pure delight and awesomenessosity. "Mornin", he said as he put a stack of them on the table for him and myself. I ran over to the table and immediatly grabbed a fork to start digging into the pancakes so awesome. "So Star, the carriage is coming later today. You need anything from your old place?" I look at him confusedly "I thought we already took everything we needed when we moved here. Though I think moving twice is a bit odd but whatever." *** Pespective: Subtle Shift I tried to sleep, but with the thoughts buzzing through my head I didn't really sleep... whatever. SHE SAID DAD? WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT? I'M NOT HER DAD! I MEAN YEAH, THERE WAS THAT ONE TIME A COUPLE MONTHS BACK BUT SHE'S TOO OLD FOR THAT! Since sleep wasn't coming to me anytime soon I decided to go get my best friend before I ripped one of the arms off the chair. I entered the kitchen and withdrew it; the greatest invention since poison. Booze, oh booze how I love you. I uncorked the bottle and swallowed the contents in a couple seconds before making some food. Okay... so she thinks I'm her Dad... things could be worse. I soon began to argue with myself on the matter. How could things be WORSE? Well for one she could think I'm her mother. I shiver at the thought True... but still, this is only going to end up in a FUBAR situation! Besides what would you do? Become her father and act as if you didn't murder her mother!? Isn't that what I've been doing in the first place? Excluding the father part of course. Of course, but there is something wrong with that filly! I'd bet my life on it! Explain. Dude! Her mother just died, and aside from when you met her, have you seen her cry once? Or sulk? Any sign of grief whatsoever? ....No.... Exactly now I'd suggest you either get our shit and get the BUCK out or get that time bomb to a psychiatrist! Fine... I'll take her to a psychiatrist once we're in Detrot. I stop arguing when I hear Star coming to the kitchen. I put the empty bottle away and start to place the pancakes. Might as well see a psychiatrist considering I just had a conversation with myself... and lost. You couldn't get rid of me if you tried. Well fuck. "Mornin" I say as Star runs over to the table just to start digging into the food. I sit down as well and start munching on my food "So Star the carriage is coming later today you need anything from your old place?" She looks at me funny "I thought we already took everything we needed when we moved here. Though I think moving twice is a bit odd but whatever." That's odd' YES IT IS "Star can you tell me what happened the other day?" "Of course, you decided that our last place was all stuffy or something so we came here. Now we're going to Detrot." Nothing about her mom... what the hell is going on. "What can you tell me about your mother?" "What do you mean? She left us after I was born. I never got to meet her." "No... thats... no about yesterday... you were living with her and she died. After that I decided to take you in so you wouldn't go to an orphanage. Do you remember any of that." She gets this confused look on her face before she squeezes her eyes shut and puts her hoofs to either side of her head "AAAAHHHH." I run to the other side of the table "Star? STAR!" I shake her a bit. That seems to snap her out of it. "Wha? What happened?" I sigh, "Nothing Star" *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* "Looks like the carriage is here." *** The view from the carriage was breathtakingly beautiful. The mountains surrounding Canterlot stretched to the sky and past the clouds while on the other side there are forests for as long as the eye can see. To the south I could make out a small town with a windmill; not far past it was a mass of clouds. Must be Ponyville and Cloudsdale, I idly thought to myself. I turn to face Star Shine only to see the young filly still lying on the seat with her wings wide open like she's flying. I hope she's enjoying that illusion. I know I'm liking this silence. *** Perspective: Star Shine Daddy and I are flying around the sky just above the clouds. This is AWESOME! Even if it is an illusion it feels so real. Daddy must be really good at illusions. Despite Daddy being a unicorn he gave himself Pegasusus? No wait Pegasi wings so we can fly together. "So, having fun yet?" I looked over to find him heading for a dive bomb. I chased after him screaming, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA!" I mimicked his dive bomb before spinning out and doing some loop-the-loops. *** Perspective: Subtle Shift I could see Detrot coming into view on the horizon. It was somewhat like Fillydelphia but less populated and the apocalyptic events only happen every month instead of every week. Thank Celestia for that. In a few minutes I would have a new safehouse and Star would have a home... Do you actually want her as a daughter? GAH NO... I mean I can't... I don't deserve it Then why is she here? I couldn't come up with an answer. I shook the numbness from my body as I stepped out of the carriage and dispelled the illusion Star was under. I placed her across my back as she woke up. "How'd you like that?" I smirked as she shot into the air and screamed "AWESOME!" before she landed on my back. After searching for a little under half an hour I found the apartment. "This is it. 2183 Chivalries' Way. Welcome to our new home Star." AN: Shout out to Jack Keller. Also Grado is Co-Author and he killed it this chapter! Good work and to say someone else's phrase. Brony on! > A New Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective: Subtle Shift We entered the small apartment and I was immediately in love; on the opposite wall from the door was a wine rack filled to the brim. I ran over to check the date and I nearly felt my liver fail while my heart jump out of my chest. 4112. Star had enough time to fly around the house while I ogled the hooch. "I'm in love." "Dad! You get a bed this time!" She giggled before flying up and landing on my back. "Now you don't have to sleep in that chair!" "Hey! I loved that chair." "More than me?" "Of course not!" That caught me off guard. I need to get her to a psychiatrist... sooner rather than later. "Yay!" She did a small back flip landing on my back once more. "So Star... Why not show me around the house?" She then rocketed to the hallway on the left of the wine rack. I trotted down the hallway after her. There were two rooms, one a bathroom complete with all the amenities. The other was a storage room completely cleared out, save for a workbench. I'll keep an alchemy station here; can't think of any better way to use a work bench with a small filly in the house. After those rooms we entered back to the den and went to the right of the wine rack. Quit teasing me, I mentally tell the rack only for it to silently laugh at my plight. I found one more room at the end of the hall. It was a master bedroom with two beds, a small library, and a desk. I looked to the beds and saw Star jumping rapidly from one to the other. I would have thought, with her being able to fly, she would have lost interest with that... My stomach decided to let out a grumble as I walked to the bed. Star looked at me and giggled uncontrolably before her stomach gave in to hunger as well. I chuckled slightly. "We better go find somewhere to eat, huh?" *** Perspective: Star Shine "We better go find something to eat, huh". I kept laughing at Daddy. If only he could see the look on his face. I fly onto my perch amongst his back. "Yeah I'm getting kinda hungry." "So what're you in the mood for?" "I want....ummm spaghetti!" "Really?... Alright then. Though we do have to go out for it; go to the door I just need to grab some bits." "YES!" I run out of the room and wait by the door for Daddy to get the money. It took us FOREVER to find a restaurant! We trotted inside and a white and black pony led us to a booth then gave Daddy and me a menu. The menu had some strange words for food. I mean, I can understand Equish fine just not.... whatever this is... so where's the pasta? "Due piatti di spaghetti mio buon signore." The waiter chuckled slightly before walking away. "I didn't get to order!" I pout. "Don't worry Star I ordered for you. Two plates of spaghetti." "Oh. Why didn't you say that?" "I just did." "Really? In what language? Cause that wasn't Equish!" "It's Istallion Star." "Oh..." "I know a lot of languages little one. Who knows, maybe I'll teach you some when you're older." "You mean it?!" "Sure." I launch into the air and flip before landing back in the seat, getting stares of awe from everypony as I did. I give a nervous chuckle to the ponies staring at me "ehehehe sorry." Not long after our food came, FINALLY! and I downed it within seconds. I turn to Daddy as he laughs. "What?" "You got a little something on your face." "Where?" "Everywhere. Here I'll get it for you." He reached over cleaning my muzzle with a napkin. With a full tummy and a comfy ride to our home I stared into the sky slowly drifting into slumber. *** Perspective: Subtle Shift I open the door to the safehouse with Star sleeping on my back. I walk to the bedroom eyeing the wine as I passed. Once in the room I placed Star on a bed and tucked her in. "Goodnight Star." I walked out, gently shutting the door behind me before I sprinted to the end of the hallway. I slid across the floor and lost my balance for a couple seconds. Soon I found myself face to face with the wall of Celestia's sweet nectar. It's time. I awoke with the worst fucking headache in all of my life. This must be the biggest hangover of even Celestia's lifetime. Why does my back feel like it's pounding? I squint my eyes as I look around to see I'm lying down with about a dozen bottles next to me. The pounding was then joined by my tired laugh. "...Dad..." "...Uhhgg..." "...DAD..." "...Uhhgg....Colgate..." "DAAAAAD!!!" "Wha? What happened?" "You slept on the floor.... And who's Colgate?" "I slept on the floor?" I look around again to confirm what had been conveyed to me. "I guess I did..." "Dad, who's Colgate?" "Just somepony I used to know." "Was she my mommy?" "Seeing as she was a unicorn... No." "Oh... okay." "You want me to make you some breakfast?" "PLEASE! Your pancakes are the best!" "Alright give me a couple minutes." "Sure thing Dad." I pull out the necessary items as I began to talk to myself... again. You know what? You are one bucked up customer, pal. You shouldn't talk about yourself that way. Hardy bucking harr... that was hilarious. There was a sarcastic slow clapping which just further aggrovates my headache. As I was saying, while I can't blame you for wanting the adorable little runt. I seriously think this is a bad idea... Glad you could see it my way... for the most part. "Hey Star! Pancakes!" Immediately I saw a green blur rocket to the table. I chuckle a little bit before flipping the pancakes onto a plate in front of the ravenous little mare. "Bon appetite!" "Dad?" "What?" "Do you think you could teach me how to read?" "Shouldn't you already know how to read? You're eight." She mumbles something. "What was that Star? Speak up." "I didn't go to school," she says with a blush. "Oh well... uhhh... sure then, right after we're done." "You promise?" "I promise Star." She squeed, quickly finished her plate and flew into the bedroom to grab a book. What the hell am I doing with Star? Why the hell did I take her in? Hell, if it wasn't for her I would already have everything set up and be getting clients soon. So why did you take her in? WHY? Give me one reason! I dont know. I admit. NO! You know the reason you brought her with us, so admit it already. I just stay silent. You know you can't run forever... I know. > An Old Friend... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a couple days teaching Star how to read I decided to make some contacts here in Detrot. I had been told of a stallion who owns a night club called 'Cloud Nine'. As I entered the large building I noticed that it had quite the selection of drinks. Deciding I should save poisoning myself until after this meeting I trotted away. On one side was a very large station for a DJ and the other was a dance floor. The music in this place sure is weird... Then again if I drink enough anything can sound good. I head to a metal stairway that led to a office overlooking the club floor. It was quite professional from what one would think a club filled with drugs would look like. The walls were black; there was a large wooden desk with a pegasus stallion behind it and a fish tank lined the wall opposite the door. Trotting inside, the pegasus looked over his shoulder and gave me an approving nod. "You must be the guy I've heard so much about... Aren't you a little short for a mercenary?" "Not a mercenary; they start problems with blatant actions and brash heroics. I, on the other hand, prefer disposing of those who might cause trouble quickly and quietly." He stood up and walked towards the window. "Good... Because my friend in the guard has outlived her usefulness." "Name, Description, Location, and CoD." "CoD?" "Cause of Death." "Wow, you even let me personalize their death?" He laughed before looking at me again. "I feel like a foal in a candy store but let's go with a simple poison shall we?" He says with a grin. "Very well." *** Perspective: Star Shine "Why do you have to leave Dad!?" I stared at him with horror as he told me the news. "I've got a job to do for a client Sweetie. I'll be back in three days Okay?" "What about me?" "Well I called in a favor from an old friend." "Who?" KNOCK KNOCK "Here... I'll introduce you..." Daddy went to the door to get his friend. Who could it be? Maybe it's Grandma! or Grandpa! or... "Star... this is Colgate. Colgate this is my... daughter Star Shine." She was a light blue and had a mane that was white with a blue highlight...or blue with a white highlight? I don't know... but she was really pretty! "Hello Star. Nice to meet you!" "Are you Daddy's MAREFRIEND?" Daddy laughed at the statement before she hit him in the shoulder. "No, I was a foalhood friend of his." "Where are you from? What do you do?" "I'm from Ponyville and I'm a dentist." "Do you like my daddy?" She laughed for a moment before answering. "He wishes." *** Perspective: Subtle Shift "He wishes." Wow... Is she still mad at me? She can definitely hold a grudge... *** Perspective: Star Shine "So make sure you do what Colgate says." "...Okay..." "Don't worry. Think of it this way; you have a new friend." "Alright Dad! I love you!" "Love you too Sweetie." With that Daddy put on his saddlebags and showed Colgate around the house before leaving for... Where did he say? Moose-Din? I think that was it... "So Star... How old are you?" I look to the den to see Ms. Colgate with a book, more specifically A Tale of Two Fillies. "I'm eight years old!" She giggled slightly at my enthusiastic answer. "So what do you like to do?" "I like to read, fly, play with Daddy and let him carry me around when I'm tired!" "Want to read with me?" "Sure!" I fly over and sit in her lap while we begin to read the story. *** Perspective: Subtle Shift I begin my journey to the small village of Moosden to stake out for my mark, Snow Drop who's a corrupt guard and smuggler who cheated the client one too many times. It would take me a couple days to get there and a couple days back. The time would give me, if nothing else, a chance to determine what to do with Star. The little filly... I miss her already. Yeah... me too, I mean... uhhh good riddance. Don't lie to yourself. You love her too. We're the same thing. I am you, you are me so of course I love her; she's so cute. It's good to see you lighten up a little. Don't expect too much from me... I'm you only the logical part. I could almost hear the smirk in the voice. At least we're getting somewhere. *** Perspective: Colgate I can't believe I'm doing this for him... We spend our foalhood together and he leaves just to come back into my life 10 years later for me to watch his filly... Speaking of which I don't see any resemblance of him in her... Maybe she's adopted. That would make sense I guess... I mean ten years ago he never... I guess ponies change. I look down at the little filly as I tuck her into bed. Poor little thing fell asleep while I was reading to her... I leave the room being especially careful not to disturb her. Once I was in the clear I made my way to the den. If I'm doing this for him I'm gonna at least have some fun. I walk up to his wine collection and withdraw a bottle. I uncork it and levitate a glass from the cabinets in the kitchen. As I began to pour I noticed the date on the bottle... 4112? A fine year... He certainly knows his wine... Hey, he probably knows more about wine then he knows about himself. Good to know he's okay... I missed him. Even if he didn't miss me. I began to read Fifty Tones of Hay before I retired for the evening, still thinking if there was a chance for 'us'... Soon I entered the bedroom to find a still slumbering pegasus and an empty bed for my use. Within mere seconds I began to dream of a time when things were simple. When I was with him.... AN: So my Bronies and Pegasisters... The real story begins. As always thanks to TB, Cheesus, Grado, and Squishy. Hope you enjoyed it. - HR > A Strange Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective: Subtle Shift I walked past the border of Detrot as I made my way to the small village of Moosden. All I really know about the village is that it has been losing residents recently. They're abandoning their homes for unknown reasons in the middle of the night, probably due to the guards but it doesnt matter. I trotted for what felt like hours due to the tranquil nature surrounding me. For the first time in a great while I was at peace with myself... perhaps I should rephrase that. You have something on your mind? Do you really think Colgate is mad at me? Most likely, yes… I never spoke to her for the better part of my life. I didn’t even tell her I was leaving. I’d be upset if somepony did that to me, so... yeah. It’s fair enough I suppose. Only Celestia knows how she feels about me sending a letter from out of the blue, telling her to watch my ‘Daughter. I think we need to sit down and have a talk to straighten out this daughter situation with Colgate. That would probably be best. Do you think I should try to tell Star that I am not her father again? Honestly, the problem is indeed psychological. It seems that I replaced her mother throughout her memories. If that indeed is the case abandoning her would mess her up, worse than what happened to us. I mean if what we went through caused our mind to split, I cannot begin to fathom what might happen to her. I won’t let her become me. If I must become her father, then so be it. Neither of us asked for this life… I won’t let her forsake herself to a life of death. She deserves better then that… don’t you think? Considering I’m you… I think you know my answer. Also, I have no control over our body remember? So even if I did object, what would I do scream? I’m just along for the ride. Good point. I look to the horizon and saw the sky begin to illuminate from the sun’s approach. We only have an hour left before the day comes. Let’s find someplace to sle- wait whats that I notice a shadow pass through some trees ahead of me. Get ready. We are not alone. I give a mental nod to the more logical existence of myself. I continued walking noting the rustling of bushes, and trees as I did. Eventually I was able to get a number to how many were following me. I count four. You? Six. The amount of disturbed vegetation was too large. Unless we are dealing with pegasi, then there are six of them. Maybe seven. Ready? What do you think? I chuckle a little at the question. I draw power to my horn, which was concealed under my hood, so as to not arouse their suspicion that I was on to them. I waited for them to make the first move; I was rewarded with an orange pony jumping from the tree closest to my position. As he landed I withdrew my throwing knives, and lodged one into his forehead. He died before he hit the ground. The others descended from their floral cover and circled around me. I withdrew a short sword; it was the only thing my father left me when I was young. It was a normal blade; there was nothing special about it. The only reason I kept the instrument was due to its reliability. That and the fact of the engraving on the length of the blade which stated: “I miei zoccoli sono veloci e gli scioperi sono vere. Non vi è nessun equino in questa esistenza come sfortunato di te.” The first verse of the rhyme started from the hilt following to just before the point. The second continued the first’s pattern. The engraving yet legible, did not seem to compromise the weapons durability. I looked around for the next victim to feed my blade. They all decided to charge me at once. I rolled under the one to my right, slicing his haunches as I did. The others broke off their charge to attempt to surround me once more. I dug the blade into the wounded bandit’s neck, quickly ending his life. As the others began to form around me I charged to the nearest one, feinting to the left. His spine met steel as he suffered for his mistake. I kicked my hooves behind me, meeting another bandit’s muzzle. This caused her to fly backwards a small distance before landing on the ground. I noted another one recklessly charging me; I jumped above him throwing three of my knives into his spine paralyzing him. As I landed I sunk my blade into another’s muzzle effectively silencing her. Soon I felt a small sting in my left hindleg as an arrow pierced it. I found the culprit still hiding in the trees. Just as he was about to fire another I cast the spell I had been holding. I forced the archer to withdraw a blade and slit his throat. I walked to the paralyzed bandit bleeding heavily upon the ground to retrieve my knives. As I did I grasped his neck and twisted it a complete hundred and eighty degrees. I was met with a satisfying number of cracks. The last bandit stood watching in horror as the last of his accomplices met their fate. I walked towards him slowly charging my horn once more. As I approached he begged for forgiveness, making false promises and bargains to spare his life. I began to cast the spell I charged, invading his mind and destroying him from the inside out. I left him effectively brain dead before I retreated to reality. I turned my attention to the arrow in my leg; it wasn’t as deep as I initially thought. I decided it was probably best to remove it and sanitize the wound to prevent it from getting infected. I broke the shaft in two, and withdrew a bottle of my conscience killer. I really despised the next act. I began to push the arrow through my leg trying to penetrate the other side. I winced at the intolerable pain that I was giving myself. Soon the head appeared through the other end. I removed it and poured the alcohol over my wound. I screamed slightly at the stinging sensation, before pulling bandages from my saddlebags. Having finished bandaging the wound, I continued on my way before finding a clearing with a small tree. Deciding it was as good a place as any I collapsed underneath it. I set up a small barrier, not unlike a sound proof spell, to conceal my position. I soon let sleep take me into its embrace. *** After spending the day sleeping under the tree I awoke just as the sun was setting. I tested my leg to see if I could stand; it wasn’t a problem as long as I kept most of my weight off of it. Planning to arrive early to survey the area around Moosden, I began on my way. It didn't take long for my journey to fall victim to a certain cognitive function. I hate archers, hiding during a battle to strike from the unknown, that’s shameful... a good tactic but shameful. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for a living. You got a problem with that? No, we can hold our own in a straight fight. Archer’s have to hide to prevent from dying prematurely. That’s cowardice. Many ponies believe our work to be the same as… Wait. Who is that? I look over to see somepony kind of near me. Who? That brown pony by the rock... just to our right... see him? Of course you do. Yeah... let's get a better view. I decide to get a better look and cast a small camouflaging spell so I wouldn't be noticed. When I was near enough I could see that he had light green hair and a cutie mark which depicted a head of cabbage with a square cut from the middle. Before getting any closer, I saw him holding a small head of cabbage which was bruised and looked close to expiring. Deciding he wasn't a threat, I released the spell. "Excuse me sir? Is everything alright?" He looked to me with a twitch in his eye. "Did you steal my cart?" His eye twitched more intensely now. "What cart?" I began to wonder if I had been wrong to approach this pony. "My Cabbage Cart. Did. You. Steal. It." I began to prepare myself for anything. "...No, would you like help finding those who did?" I completely regret coming over here. "Find them... No. Making them suffer beyond their beliefs... Yes." Yeah definitely regretting it. This is a delay I can't possibly afford. "Well I'm willing to offer my services mister..." I at the least want to know this pony's name before he goes batshit crazy on me. "Cabbage Patch." I'm going to be honest with you... This guy is really creeping me out. Yup. *** After a few minutes of walking, Cabbage Patch and I arrived at the site where his cart was stolen. The area was pretty bare, except for blatantly obvious tracks where the cart was redirected to. "Hey...uh… Cabbage Patch. There's some tracks over here." He immediately charged towards the tracks, knocking me on my flank. "Let's go. The sooner we find my cart, the sooner we can get on with our lives." I looked to him as he trotted after the indentations in the ground. "Indeed." Not long on our crusade, we found ourselves outside a cave. It was the generic picture that springs to mind when one says 'cave'. He began to enter but I stopped him by placing a hoof on his shoulder. "You ever killed somepony before?" He looked at me before shaking his head. "Ever been in a fight?" He nodded with slight hesitation. "When?" He then began to recount the events that led him to here. Apparently he had been conscripted by a pimp, a prostitute, and a mailmare to save a little filly. The most he had done during the encounter was knocking a low life unconscious before said lowlife was interrogated by the prostitute. He hesitated, sharing details of the interrogation. All he mentioned was 'Brick shaped bruises' were present on the thug afterwards. "Wow..." Was all I could say. I could barely comprehend the tale conveyed to me. It seemed like something out of a poorly written story. Note to self: Never cross a pimp by the name of Cheesus... "I think I should handle this but if you want to come along I'm not stopping you." With that we entered the cave. To our surprise we came to a door further in the tunnel. It was wooden and newly constructed. I craned my neck to look through a small window and as I did the door opened and I came face to face with another earth pony. I look back to Cabbage Patch to confirm what I was seeing... an exact likeness between the two; accurate down to the cutie mark itself. I turned to the replicant who was shaking in fear. "Who're... who're you?" I took a step back to wrap my head around the situation. Then Cabbage Patch (who I'm going to refer to as CP1 from this moment on) threw a hoof at the other Cabbage Patch (who I shall refer to CP2). "YOU STOLE MY CART YOU MOTHER BUCKER!" CP1 then began to mercilessly chase CP2 around the room. I peered inside to find a well furnished home despite the location it was in. Chairs, a fireplace, a refrigerator, and what looked like a jacuzzi were all occupying the makeshift home. I focused my attention back to the CPs to find I couldn't tell one from the other. As they struggled to incapacitate each other I shrugged and decided to raid the fridge for anything with alcohol in it. After finding a bottle of hooch that wasn't rancid to the taste buds I settled down, cleared my throat and stopped the conflict the way I learned to with Star. Though I decided to step it up a notch or two... "SETTLE THE BUCK DOWN BEFORE I KILL YOU BOTH." Both CPs stopped immediately. "Now I don't stand a snow elemental's chance on the sun of telling you two apart. So, I'm going to give a little test..." AN: So thanks go out to tallestbrony for the first Brony point submission of the story, choosing who Shift met during his journey. I'd also like to make a formal apology to Cheesus for the act stated below me. As always thanks for reading. -HR EN: And remember people never write when you're drunk or else you get an unhappy editor with a headache. - Grado > First Impressions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective: Star Shine I woke up expecting Daddy to be there. I was saddened to be woken by a ray of sunlight. I also felt as if there was something I was forgetting… “..Star” “……” Now I remember Ms. Colgate is looking after me. “…Star Shine… It’s time to wake up…” At the moment her voice could have made me do anything. It was the most soothing thing my ears had ever heard. “…Fiiiine…” I rose from my sheeted confines and looked to find Ms. Colgate reading again. I made my way to the bathroom to wash up and take care of the rest of my morning routine. After washing the last of the grime from yesterday’s stuff, which was flying for too long and landing head first into a dumpster, I decided to pace myself a little when airborne. Ms. Colgate wholeheartedly recommended that decision. I left the bathroom and headed for the kitchen. I miss the smell of pancakes already. I look to the table and find a small bowl of fruit laid out for me. Why did Dad have to leave me with a Dentist? Ms. Colgate was very strict about dental care and eating right. I just wanted anything with sugar in it, pancakes, cupcakes, candy, anything! I begrudgingly ate the breakfast before me. Thinking about the things I will be able to do when Daddy’s back. I also began to think of something else… I walked out of the kitchen keeping the question in my mind. “Ms. Colgate?” She held a hoof up reading a small amount more before closing the book and looking at me. “Yes Star?” “How did you meet Daddy?” She looked at me a moment before beckoning me to sit on her lap. “Well now that is a story. Why don’t I start from the beginning.” I actually wondered if you could start a story from anywhere else. “Well Star this goes back to when I was but a young mare, both Shift and I were about thirteen at the time…” *** Perspective: Colgate I walked out of the schoolhouse reviewing my notes as I went along. I stayed after class to discuss the material with my teacher, Daisy Darling. I began to walk home until I heard somepony cursing behind the building. I wanted to see if they were alright so I ran as fast as I could. I turned the corner to see a cobalt unicorn with a dual shade of blue running through his hair. “BUCK ME!” He shouted as he rubbed his head. “Hey! Are you alright?” He looked to me as he quickly straightened his hair and hid any sign of uncouth behavior. “Yes I’m quite alright. I just tend to get aggravated with my magic training.” I looked at his head and noted a small discoloration on his horn. “What exactly were you trying to cast?” He looked at the ground before letting out a sigh. “Promise not to tell anypony?” He looked in my eyes as he spoke. “I promise.” He rubbed his neck a little, working up the courage to state what was plaguing him. “You see that apple on the fence over there? I was trying to… trying to levitate it…” I stared at him while the sentence registered in my mind. He can’t levitate objects? But that’s a natural unicorn talent. “You don’t know how?” He looked at me before looking at the ground. “No, I know the technique, I know the fundamentals, but every time I attempt it my magic shuts down or it has odd effects.” I stared in disbelief at the colt before me. I felt rather sorry for him. “Do you know any other forms of magic besides manipulative?” He picked up his head and blushed just as quickly. “I’m sorry I don’t even know your name miss?” “Minuette, but my friends call me Colgate. And you are?” “Subtle Shift, you can call me Shift if you want.” “Okay then Shift. Now show me what you are exactly doing to levitate that apple.” He nods before drawing power to his horn. The apple was engrossed in a dark blue energy but it did not lift instead it changed colors. First orange, then blue, yellow, green, brown, and purple all before turning back to red. His horn gave way to the stress it was under. He looked at me and spoke. “See? The damnable thing just changes colors. I suppose I’m not meant to be able to perform regular magic.” I look at him questioningly before asking him my next inquiry. “Can you perform any other types of magic?” He hesitated before answering. “Well… I’m told I can create illusions pretty well.” He cheered up a bit when he answered. “Maybe that’s your special talent?” He looked at me with a nervous smile. “It is. I got my cutie mark because of it. See?” I look at his flank to see a small masquerade ball mask. OMC Im staring at his flank! I blush a little as he notices me staring. “Sorry! I…Just…uh…Just…was admiring your mark!” He laughs a little as I stutter out the sorry excuse for ogling his rear. “It’s alright. Anyways here let me show you what I meant by pretty well at illusions.” His horn glowed for about three minutes before its power receded. “What did you do?” I looked around for anything to change, but I saw nothing. He began to walk towards me and whispered in my ear. “Look up.” I looked to the sky to see that my likeness was portrayed in stars, as well as my name below it. I stared at the beauty this colt had created for me. I felt as though I was entranced by it. I stared for well what felt like well over an hour. “You can stop if you’d like Shift.” He looked at me and shook his head. “Don’t worry about me; I’ve held illusions for much longer than five minutes.” He smiled at me before looking back up to the sky. We both stood there staring at the heavens. I edged my way over to him and leaned against him. He looked at me before altering the image above. It was now depicting the position we were in. I looked at him before planting a kiss on his cheek. He froze up and dropped the illusion before I whispered into his ear. “I have to get home Shift. Thanks for doing that for me. We should do it again sometime.” He sat there frozen before shaking his head and speaking with a slightly higher pitched voice. “Yeah… We… We should totally do it. This I mean! I… uh… I’m glad you enjoyed that Minuette.” I turned to walk on the road from the school house to my home. I looked to him and said one thing before leaving. “Call me Colgate, Shift.” He nodded and blushed as he looked at my flank. “Okay Colgate.” *** “And that’s when I first met Shift.” I looked at the little filly that was deep in her thoughts. “Your real name’s Minuette? I like that name better than Colgate! May I call you Minuette?” I chuckle a little as she begs for my approval to call me by my formal name. “Even if I say no you would still do it wouldn’t you?” She nodded quite furiously, in fact she reminds me of Rainbow Dash in a way. Except she isn’t so self centered as she is determined, actually she is quite the opposite. I’ve seen her give food to the homeless, and volunteer to help people wherever she can. She must get that from Shift. “Minuette? When do you think Daddy will be back?” I looked at her before letting out a sigh. “Knowing him probably within a few days, but anything can happen.” *** Perspective: Subtle Shift Do you really think this will work? I don’t know. But it’s worth a shot. I shrug as I walk between the two CPs. I had spent the better part of the night trying to differentiate between them; so far they seemed exactly alike. I had to resort to something a bit more… invasive. I charge my horn and stare directly into CP1’s eyes, scouring his mind for his memories to see if what he had told me was correct. The event with Cheesus and Derpy seemed to check out word for word. I released his mind as I made my way into CP2’s. I examined the same memory; except it wasn’t from his eyes, the perspective was from somewhere behind them. Suddenly I was met with the face of a changeling, not just any but Queen Chrysalis. I retreated from the depths of its psyche, grabbing my short sword and pirouetting, I sliced the changeling in two as I kicked his torso into the fireplace. I turned to Cabbage Patch to find him quite entranced with his cart, even speaking to it in a hushed tone. Im not sure but I think he kissed it... no just no. I decided to give him his privacy and exited the cave. I looked to the sky to see that it was still pretty early. Maybe I could make it to Moosden by this morning. I said my farewell to the odd cabbage merchant and was on my way once more. After a few hours, I was surprised to see a small shanty village not too far ahead of me. I stuck to the trees as I made my way to the small village. The description certainly matched Moosden but I felt as though there was something off about it… As I pondered the situation I witnessed a Lavender unicorn appear in the center of town, she was accompanied by two pegasi; one was a mare whom had a rainbow mane and was a light cyan. The other was a light grey stallion, with bushy black hair. I turned to the sky to see that morning had already passed. I look back down to see the stallion was quite erect at the moment, and he tried to mount the lavender unicorn. Fucking perv... now where I have I seen that Unicorn before? I ask myself. I think she is princess Celestia’s ‘Faithful Student’. Remember, she was at the Gala a few years back. Oh yeah that was quite the party. I’m surprised you can remember it with how much you drank. I could hear a small laugh come from my thoughts. I was about to retort but noticed something else approached the ponies. It was bipedal and roughly six to seven feet tall. It had light tan skin as well as black hair. It didn’t take long for me to realize this was the human I had heard so much about. I was wondering if I should present myself to this human. The thought, however, was quickly shot down as I witnessed a rather large detachment of guards headed towards them. Included among the guardponies was my mark… Snow Drop. Well things just got complicated. > Complications... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked to the human to see he managed to relieve the unicorn of her sexual assailant. The pegasus was now rolling to the left and right while jumping after each roll, shouting off a number then the words “For Captain!” I looked back to the detachment of guards to find how close they really were. I was not the only one to notice them. My target, Snow Drop, and another guard approached the human leaving the group behind them. As they approached I could faintly hear them speak. The other guard started the confrontation. “What have we here?” The human and the guard began to square off. “I am Miles Eremita, Captain of the Spartan regiment. What business do you have here?” The guard eyed this ‘Miles Eremita’ for a while before leaning over to Snow Drop and whispering something. “Miles is it? I am Lieutenant Snow Drop…” Miles interrupted her sentence “You a guard?” “Uh… yeah. So we…” “Ah, then why is Moosden in such shitty shape? Where is all of the food? And why are all of you here?” Snow Drop turns back to the other guard, who takes his place in front of Snow. He tries jumps into the air and gets in Miles face. One should never try to intimidate a better trained soldier… Ponies tend to live longer if they follow that rule. I agree completely. “You ask too many questions freak.” This guard was quite the arrogant bastard. “Is that so?” “Yeah. Ponies who ask too many questions don’t usually last very long around here” “Is that a threat?” “It’s a promise.” Miles gave a slight chuckle before taking a step back. “That’s what I…” “Moosden is now under the jurisdiction of the Spartan regiment. Any further harassment will be dealt with… severely. I suggest you leave.” Miles then put his… Would you call those claws? I ask myself unsure of what the nomenclature on the appendages would be. Maybe. We gave each other a mental shrug dismissing the conversation for now. “Spartan… look idiot, we out number you. There are thirty of us and two of you…” “Well then go get some more guys and then it’ll be an even fight.” He set his… claw on the small blade upon a belt. “SHU…” The guard was silenced as Miles pierced his throat with the blade. “AH!” “MILES!” Whoa… this ‘Miles’ certainly has reflexes… Yeah… let’s never get on his bad side. He threw the lifeless body back as he looked to the rest of the guards, Snow Drop included. “You… he… MURDERER!” Snow Drop yelled as she pulled out a blade and charged Miles. SHIT! SHIT! Miles sidestepped Snow Drop’s charge and gave a blow to the back of her head. “Storm! Get up! Twilight, Dash, go to the others and wait for us… this won’t take long.” This is fucking great… do you think the client is going to understand we had no control over it? I asked hoping to reassure myself. What do you think? We didn’t kill the mark in the designated fashion... or at all for that matter. That is fan-fucking-tastic. I guess we aren’t getting paid then. By the time my conversation ended Miles and the pegasus had bested the guards. All but two it would seem… A pair of guards came trotting from the same path their cohorts had arrived from moments earlier. As they neared the site of the massacre one immediately fell to the ground in tears. When the mare dropped to the ground wailing for their friends, the pegasus dropped in behind them while Miles appeared in front of them. When they came face to face with Miles, they discarded their weapons. “We surrender.” “Y-yeah, just… please don’t kill us.” Miles looked between them before sheathing the blade. “Good. Start digging graves for all of them, then we’ll get to you.” He’s going to make them dig their own graves… “Get moving, we have shovels over by the tree line.” Tree line? Ohhh…. I look out to see two shovels lying right past the shrub I am hiding in. What the Buck are you waiting for? They’re coming! I wasted no time as I noticed the mares approaching, with the pegasus not too far behind. I cast a small camo spell and made my way backwards into the trees. As I was about to lose their line of sight I tripped and released the spell; breaking a few twigs as I fell. “Huh?” One of them was looking directly at me. If we get killed right here and now… I want you to know… I always hated you. Am I such a dick to everypony? No, but you do have low self esteem. And that justifies what you said how? Easy, I dont give a buck. “Keep it moving! We don’t have all day.” I have never been this happy to see a rapist before in my life. The pegasus nudged them along until they were at the locations the graves would be dug. Every once in a while the mare would look towards my general direction, whenever she wasn’t sobbing for her lost friends that is. I waited for hours, by the time they finished it was nearly noon. I looked out from the small trench I was lying in. My eyes met the mares as she and her friend were held by the mane and a knife was put to their throats. I watched as they were about to die. The only one willing to object to this act was the rainbow maned pegasus from earlier. I close my eyes to prevent from adding the scene to my nightly terrors. SHINK I reopen my eyes to see both mares unharmed, save for their manes which were now floating into the graves. I was going to question the motive behind such a sentiment, until Miles chose to explain. “That, is your past.” That doesn’t help… “O-our past? I don’t follow…” “That is the past you. The you that willingly enslaved a town and held the needy in shackles. The new you has a choice to make. Either denounce all other ties you ever had before in your life and become Terradisian, or follow your past. Your choice.” Well that explains it. Quite merciful… yet still harsh. Indeed, it’s basically die, or become a traitor to your ideals and faiths. “So… its die, or become a traitor.” Fucking called it. “That’s not much of a choice.” “Consider yourself lucky that I’m giving you the choice. Do not take this lightly. If you choose to become Terradisian, there are many stipulations to it. Those given this choice often choose to follow their past.” The other mare wiped her tears away as she asks. “W-why would they do that?” “Because starting over is hard.” “What would we have to do if we chose to become Terradisian?” While Miles was beginning to explain the ins and outs, the two pegasi disembarked to one of the abandoned homes around Moosden. I took the opportunity to extricate myself from the area. As I slipped past the mares and Miles I thought I heard a faint voice… “…ease…lp…e…” Did you hear that? Yeah… it sounded like a mare. “…I…on…nt…to...ie…” I think its coming from below… us? Somepony is still alive? Which grave is it coming from? I looked to see Miles walking to one of the buildings, smoke was coming from the chimney. The two mares were headed to another building. Seeing as I had some time I listened for the pony who was buried alive. I almost couldn’t believe that one of them was still alive, I was sure Miles had systematically killed them all. After a few minutes I finally discovered the unfortunate mare’s earthen tomb. I checked the tombstone for a name and… No way… it’s Snow Drop… What are the chances. *** I had to wait until Miles and the others left. They had some weird vehicle that would give a goblin a stiffy, but that was unimportant right now. After their departure the two moose and mares went to their respective homes. It’s now or never… I grabbed a shovel and began to dig, making small divots so as to prevent impaling the prisoner within. It took an hour but I found myself face to face with Snow Drop. She looked at me with reddened eyes from either crying or the dirt entering them. I extended a hoof to her and she just stared at it before asking. “A-am I… d-dead?” I shook my head and looked her over. She was quite the attractive mare underneath her armor. “No… You are very much alive, my friend.” She looked around as she took my hoof. The first thing she noticed was the grave plots around us, she took in the sight with welled tears escaping her eyes. “Anypony else?” I shook my head once more. “I’m sorry but… No. I discovered you by chance; I heard your pleas for help.” She faced the ground as she grabbed me in a tight hug, pulling me to the ground. She sobbed into my shoulder as we sat there. I actually felt sorry for her. My other half chose to give a notion on the matter. You know… we can fake her death if we put a different body in the grave. And do what? Take her with us? It would save us a lot of trouble if we just killed her. Well… actually yes it would but she has already lost everypony close to her; we just need to dye her coat and hair then presto. She’s a new mare. Plus I think we can't do this we're going soft. And here I thought we could kill her anyway. I wanted the bits to restock the wine shelves, I just know Colgate is going through them. And Im the evil / rational voice again because? FINE whatever we do it your way. “Snow Drop… Do you want to come with me?” She looked through teary eyes. “W-why?” “The human that killed them if he knew you were still alive then he would come back for you. If you come with me I'll make sure he cant. Also is you're coat naturally white?" “No, it’s colored with talc like powder. Why?” I told her that I felt as though she didn’t deserve what had happened to her, and what I had originally intended to do. She was speechless as I continued on about what I had been contracted to accomplish. “So you were sent here to kill me?” I nodded. “But that human beat me to it. Or so he thought. At any rate I’m offering you to come with me, but if you’d rather... end it. I can’t blame you… as I’ve heard before ‘Starting over is hard.’” Then she cried. AN: So This was originally going to be alot longer but as I was nearing 5,000 words my PC crashed and I had to rewrite the beginning from memory. So hopefully I can recover what I wrote. Also If you are wondering what Star Shine looks like or how great of a doodler I am (I say that lightly), click HERE. Thanks for reading. - HR. > A new Mare... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not wasting anytime, I refilled Snow Drop’s grave making it appear as if nopony had tampered the soil in the first place. I turned and began on my way; I had pleasant company of course…. “So… you’re an assassin huh?” I turned to look at Snow Drop who was now a bright turquoise with a violet mane to match her eyes. “Uh-huh.” “Do you even have a name, or should I call you Whiskey Dick for the remainder of our time together?” I let out a small laugh at the thought. “Where are my manners, my name is Subtle Shift. But please call me Shift; I hate formalities.” She let out a small chuckle of her own. “Okay then Shift, where are we headed?” “We are on our way to Detrot; any objections?” I looked at her and noticed she was daydreaming. “Equestria to Snow Drop; are you there?” She shook her head a little before answering. “I’m quite sorry, there was a rather nice flank distracting me. What did you ask?” I genuinely laughed at that answer. “I asked if you see anything else you like.” I flashed a grin her way as she returned the gesture. “Maybe… Anyways you said we’re going to Detrot?” I gave her a slight nod. “Yeah, and you’re going to meet the two loves of my life… My Daughter and Booze.” “Who was the lucky mare?” “There wasn’t a lucky mare, I adopted her.” I look back to notice she made a slight grin at the words. “Really? Have your eye on anypony?” I reached into a saddle bag to retrieve a canteen. Said canteen turned out to be empty. Luckily we were already at a stream I came across on my way to Moosden. I trotted to the stream and refilled the small container before answering her question. “Wow you're actually flirting with the pony that was sent to kill you. Anyway theres nopony in particular…well maybe… no…that part of my life is over and I doubt she would take me back… At any rate there is nopony in particular.” She then joined me by the stream and looked herself over in the water. “I wasnt flirting," she says with a pout before glancing at me. "Were you ever a stylist? You did pretty well with dyeing my coat and mane.” She gave a turn as she looked at her reflection, when her rear came in to view she wiggled it a small amount. “No but when ever you practice my trade for as long as I have, you learn how to stay hidden by any means necessary.” “Think I’d be any good at assassin work?” I stopped in my tracks and turned to face her. “That depends… can you live with yourself doing it? Can you live with seeing the bodies of those you kill every time you close your eyes? Can you live with killing your targets with no complaints? How about foals? Could you kill them too? I don’t do this for shits and giggles Snow, I do it because it’s the only thing I’m good at… and I can barely look at myself in the mirror every morning. It’s driving me insane Snow, my mind has literally split from years of this work… I wouldn’t wish it on anypony.” She just sat there speechless before wrapping me in a hug. “Don’t worry; you had to deal with it alone for years… but I’m here now Shift… I’m here for you…” She then leaned her muzzle towards my own… “Hey there!” We both look behind us to find a, familiar to me, brown earth pony. “Shift is that you?” “Cabbage Patch? What are you doing here still? I thought you’d be in Detrot by now.” He took the liberty to join us by the stream. “Yeah I decided to wait in the cave so I could thank you properly on your way back.” “How did you know I was coming back this way? Or at all for that matter?” “Well after seeing what you did to that changeling, I knew that what ever you were going to Moosden to accomplish would be easy for somepony such as yourself.” He then noticed I wasn’t alone… “Well now who’s your marefriend Shift?” I now realized Snow was still clutching me in a hug. “Well this is Sugar Song, I met her in Moosden. Sugar, this is Cabbage Patch I saved his ass from a changeling yesterday.” She looked at me for a moment giving me a glare; probably for the name I gave her. “Nice to meet you ma’am.” “Like wise, Cabbage.” Cabbage then pulled up to my ear and whispered. “Nice catch.” I gave a small nod. “Anyways I’m still headed to Detrot, if you ponies want to come along, the more the merrier.” Snow gave me a shrug before trotting to the cart. With that we were on our way again. Cabbage Patch has impeccable timing… Indeed… that was definitely a cock block… *** Perspective: Star Shine I flew through the streets of Detrot; dodging ponies and trash cans as I went. The last thing I wanted to do was be late for when daddy came home. I seems like it’s been forever since I saw him last! I can’t wait! I blew the door open to my home and dropped the bags off before I flew straight for Ms. Colgate. “Ms. Colgate! Daddy’s on his way home!” I burst through to the bedroom to find Ms. Colgate doing something between her legs. She stared at me for a moment before turning a bright red. “Ms. Colgate what were you doing?” She was breathing a lot for somepony who was just lying there… “I was….uh…was…stretching! Yeah! I just did some exercises to warm up my muscles!” “Can I do stretches too?” Her eyes bulged slightly before she nearly shouted, “NO! I mean these are grown up exercises ehehe.” Whatever I just shrug at her before remebering what I ran in here for. “Anyway... Daddy’s on his way home! When I was getting the fruits you wanted, I decided to see how high I could fly up and I almost made it to the clouds! When I was starting to come down I saw three ponies with a cart. One of them was Daddy!” I started to jump around the beds. “That’s…nice to hear star.” I looked at her once more. I noticed that the bed was soaked with sweat…I think? “Ms. Colgate… What were you really doing?” She looks nervous and is about to reply when I hear the doorknob so of course I left her there, not before hearing. “Oh thank Celestia.” So I raced through the house and jumped just as the door opened. *** Perspective: Snow Drop While Shift and Cabbage talked about Celestia knows what, I was going to make myself at home in his apartment. I had heard him talk about an extensive collection of wine that I was quite eager to taste. I opened the door and was met with a blow to the chest from a small filly. We were both sent rolling into the street, where Shift and Cabbage happened to be standing. “You okay Sugar?” I shook my head to try and settle my vision. “First off, OW… secondly, yeah but who is the pony who rammed into me?” Shift started to laugh a little as I eyed the filly on top of me. “You have had the pleasure of meeting my daughter, Star Shine. Also I think she meant to do that to me.” The filly launched through the air tackling Shift to the ground while screaming “DADDY! YOU’RE BACK!” I decided to head inside and brush off my mane, when I came muzzle to muzzle with another mare. We both stared at each other before asking the same question. "SHIFT! WHO IS THIS?” AN: So the Prologue is over... Now the REAL story begins...