Futa Chrysalis and Twilight Sparkle Have Waffles (and More Sex)

by SexyBack

First published

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I hope you like BDSM.

Of Waffles and Riding Crops

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Twilight’s blood boiled as she stomped her way home and slammed the door behind her. She grumbled under her breath, threw aside her backpack, and yanked a stack of papers from it that she slapped down onto the dining room table.

”Chrys, have you seen this?!” Twilight gestured to the rumpled stack of loose-leaf pages before she turned her attention to Chrysalis. “I caught my students with it before class.”

A loud hiss filled the air as Chrysalis poured another measure of batter onto their waffle iron. She spared a quick glance for Twilight, then let her eyes fall on the subject of Twilight’s ire, though she said nothing.

“It must have been one of those guards,” Twilight continued, thinking out loud. She frowned at the stack of papers and tried to will it out of existence. “I knew I should have blocked off the door better, but I swear I didn’t see anypony else.”


“I know it’s not exactly like we kept it a secret or anything—”


“—But seriously, my students don’t need to know that about their prof—”


Ears flattened, Twilight finally took her eyes off of the offending sheaf long enough to look at Chrysalis.


“It’s fine,” Chrysalis said, forking out the now-done waffle and adding it to a small pile. “Have something to eat and tell me what this”—she nodded to the papers—”is that has you so riled up.”

Twilight bit into the food without preamble. “Fanks.”


Twilight nodded and accepted a bottle of syrup offered to her as well.

“Well?” Chrysalis arched an eyebrow, and Twilight hastily swallowed.

“It’s...” Twilight rolled her eyes as she tried to think of the right words. “It’s about us and our first time.”

“The prison cell?”

“Do you know any other first time we had sex?”

“Point.” Chrysalis pulled the papers over to her and began scanning the lines. “Seems pretty accurate, from what I’m seeing.”

“Accurate?” Twilight made a sour face and grabbed at the papers, flipping through a few pages as she sought out a memorable passage. “Look at this,” she said, pointing to a particularly graphic paragraph. “The author made me out to be some simpering sex puppet, some overeager virgin looking to lose that status as soon as possible.”

“Mm.” Chrysalis sipped at a mug of chocolate.

“Seriously, my characterization is completely off!”

“You’re worried about your characterization and not the graphic sex?”

“I try to keep a neutral outlook on that. Sex is a natural state of affairs, once you get past the stigma.”

“Glad you think so.” Chrysalis leaned over and gave the current page a study. “I think it’s pretty good.”

Twilight opened her mouth to retort, but the shadow of an idea crossed her mind.

“You... think this is pretty good.”

“Mmhmm.” Sip. “For what it is, of course.”

“Of course,” Twilight said. “And you wouldn’t happen to have had anything to do with it, would you?”

“Why would you think that?” Chrysalis batted her eyelashes. “Surely, it was the guard that we didn’t see. Quite impressive how he got the emotions right, don’t you think?”

Twilight did her best to set Chrysalis on fire with her glare, and when that failed, she took a deep, cleansing breath and said, “Okay. Why did you do it?”

“I was bored.”


“Look, I was between performances and had nothing else to do.” Chrysalis shrugged. Over the rim of her mug, she smiled and said, “I had to do something to keep me occupied while you were off teaching.”

Twilight grimaced and rubbed her temples. “Okay, okay. This is fine, but...” She tried the glare again, but no dice. “Seriously, couldn’t you have put a little more effort into making me seem like... me?”

“You must be a lot of fun at parties.”

Twilight stuck out her tongue before going back to her waffles.

After a few minutes of quiet chewing, Twilight said, “These are really good. You want some?” Chrysalis just shook her head and took another sip of cocoa. “I don’t get how you can be this good a cook when you don’t even eat actual food.”

“I do eat actual food. It’s not my fault that you don’t know how good emotions taste. Everything else”—she waved to the waffles and the raw ingredients in the cupboard as a whole—”is like sawdust in comparison.”

“So you’re good at making sawdust tasty, somehow.” Twilight forked another wad of waffles into her mouth and chewed, making quiet, contented sounds as she did.

“It’s simple observation and the ability to follow directions. It’s not hard,” Chrysalis said, rising from her place at the table and slinking over to drape herself around Twilight. “But I am.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Subtle.”

“Aren’t I?”



“Maybe later,” Twilight said, but she couldn’t help the small moan that escaped her lips as she felt Chrysalis nibble on the sensitive fringe of her ear.

Chrysalis pressed her hips into Twilight’s back as she worked, running her tongue along the edge of the unicorn’s ear. They rose together, Twilight with her rump arched up, tail thrust aside to allow Chrysalis easier entry.

Twilight gasped as the first thrust shoved her forward, the edge of the table grinding into her thighs as Chrysalis pulled back with an agonizing slowness that had Twilight growling deep in her throat.

“If you’re going to fuck me, then fuck me already.”

She might have regretted those words—along with the broken dishes falling to the wayside from the force of the resulting thrusts—had it just not felt so good. Her voice rose and fell in staccato while she tried to muffle her cries, but they had spent years together and had more than enough practice for Chrysalis to know exactly how to break Twilight’s control...

“Twilight?” Chrysalis whispered, smile unseen but still felt. “Twi-i-light.”

“What?” Oh. Twilight snapped back to the here and now. She narrowed her eyes at Chrysalis, but she gave her a promising smile as well. “Right. Later.”


“No, definitely.”


“Somepony's been naughty.” Twilight’s smile turned predatory. “Somepony who needs to be punished.”

Oh.” Chrysalis rose, an eager gleam in her eye. “Until later, then.” As she turned to leave, Twilight slapped her on the rump, then shooed her away. Turning her nose up, Chrysalis strolled out of the room towards the garden, leaving Twilight to mull over her meal and the writing in peace.


Their Canterlot home—really, Twilight’s in name, but effectively theirs together—exemplified the famously underpaid lifestyle of a university professor, augmented only a fraction by Chrysalis’s infrequent contributions from theater gigs. Still, they needed little and wanted for nothing.

Their modest house was built like a squarish donut—a lonely apple tree kept silent vigil over the open-air garden that occupied the center, and this was where Twilight found Chrysalis a short time later, tending to her roses.

“Oh? Is it later already?” Chrysalis asked. She chuckled when Twilight gave her a flat stare, then went back to trimming her rose bush.

For her part, Twilight took a seat next to the apple tree and leaned back, its familiar coarseness scratching gently at her back. For a time, neither Twilight nor Chrysalis said anything; neither needed to. Chrysalis hummed as she tended to her flowers, and Twilight smiled to see her partner happy. It hadn’t always been like this, even excepting their first tumultuous encounter, but they had striven to make things work.

The afternoon sunlight lit Chrysalis’s iridescent wings with a riot of colors that shifted and shone with every delicate snip of her pruning shears, every indrawn breath and subtle movement. Twilight smiled even more as her eyes slowly took in Chrysalis’s whole form, focusing on the little details that were easy to miss at first glance: the way she stuck out just the very tip of her tongue as she concentrated, the ripple of muscles behind her shoulders as she moved from rose to rose, the slight swish-swish of her tail that spoke of more than a passing breeze.

“You know,” Twilight said, “you’d probably need to worry about growing those less if you didn’t keep using them to seduce me.”

“Are you complaining?” Chrysalis stopped and turned to regard Twilight, pruning shears frozen in midair.

Twilight smiled. With Chrysalis’s eyes still upon her, she pulled down an apple, taking a long, slow bite that echoed in the stillness between them. Thin runnels of juice trickled down from the corners of her lips, and she wiped them away with an exaggerated gesture. Chrysalis was watching her with a hungry expression, her pruning shears lying on the ground seemingly forgotten.

That same hungry look stayed on Twilight as she took her time finishing the apple, as she rose to her hooves and dusted herself off, as she turned, flicked her tail from side to side and cast a half-lidded glance back over her shoulder.

“Okay,” Twilight said. “It’s later.”


Their house would be considered cozy, even by Ponyville standards, but they had made the most of limited resources.

What had originally been a shared, one-story bedroom had become a shared, one-story bedroom with stairs leading down into an additional chamber once they’d applied a little excavation magic and ingenuity. Not that they received a lot of guests, and certainly none that would intrude on their personal life, but it was nice to keep all of their personal equipment in one place.

In this newer chamber, Twilight saw to it that Chrysalis was made... well, comfortable would be too kind a word.

Perhaps stationary. Twilight strapped Chrysalis to a wooden frame, coarse sisal ropes tying each of her four legs at different angles, and slipped a cold-iron ring around the base of Chrysalis’s horn, though this last earned her a small frown.

“Is that really necessary?” Chrysalis asked, eyes rolling up to take in the magic-nullfier.

Twilight pressed a hoof—gently—against Chrysalis’s chest. She leaned in, eyes stern but filled with promise, and asked, “Did I say you could talk, Pet?”

Chrysalis opened her mouth to object, but seemed to think better of it; she only shook her head.

Satisfied, Twilight lowered herself back to all fours. “Good. Don’t go anywhere—I’m going to go slip into something comfortable.” She flicked Chrysalis with the tip of her tail as she left, vanishing behind an ornate privacy screen.

Twilight opened a well-maintained wooden armoire and pulled out a few needed items. The vinyl corset was new, and she relished the idea of breaking it in over the next few hours, but it was still a bit tighter around the hips than was strictly comfortable. She shrugged; a little tightness might not be so bad. Besides, it was hardly noticeable with the garter belt pulling at her thigh-high stockings. Black on black with silver buckles that she cinched tight with a practiced tug, it fit snugly against her rump. Chrysalis had remarked more than once—when given permission—on how well it framed Twilight’s cutie mark.

Deciding that she should see to her pet, Twilight levitated a few remaining odds and ends out of the armoire and stepped back into the soft light of the room proper.

“Now,” Twilight said, drawing closer with a leisurely stroll that gave her time to give her riding crop a few practice swings, “it sounded like not only did somepony decide to write a little story about our sex life, not only did she release it to my students—I don’t know how, though I’m sure she’ll tell me—but she was proud of it, too.”

She stepped up to where Chrysalis waited, bound and helpless before her, eyes downcast. The riding crop floated between them and nudged Chrysalis’s chin up until she was looking Twilight in the eyes.

“Does that sound right, Pet?”


Master.” Twilight swatted Chrysalis across the hips with the riding crop. “Does that sound right, Pet?”

“It does, Master.”

“Hmph.” Twilight turned and stepped in a slow circle as she cast her gaze around the room, shaking her head gently. “What am I to do with you, Pet?”

“I—” Chrysalis cut off as Twilight snapped her head around to look, but when no rebuke seemed forthcoming, she continued, “I should be punished.”

“Well, obviously,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes. “But how, hm?” She tapped the side of her face with the riding crop, then, feigning surprise, pulled out the velvet collar and blindfold she had taken from the armoire. They slipped into place with practiced ease, though Twilight set aside the ball gag—she wanted her pet to be able to speak.

For a while at least.

“Do you know what the interesting thing is about blindfolds, Pet?” She smacked Chrysalis across her belly with the crop, once in each direction. She punctuated her next words with more blows. “You never know what’s going to happen to you, or where it’ll be.”

What had at first been quiet gasps as each strike landed turned into quiet moans as Chrysalis warmed up to her punishment. She writhed on the scaffolding, and before long, her darkened shaft exposed itself, growing every time Twilight struck.

“What’s this?” Twilight wrapped the tassels of the crop around the base of Chrysalis’s shaft, though she didn’t do more than squeeze gently, receiving a frustrated moan in response. “Mm. Now what are we to do with you? It seems like you’re enjoying this a bit too much.”

She stepped back, pulling the riding crop away. Chrysalis gave her a disappointed groan.

“Master, I’m sorry...”

“Oh, not yet you’re not.” Twilight used a whisper of magic to pull Chrysalis—frame and all—from her standing position to a prone one, facing her up towards the ceiling. Nearby, atop a small table at the foot of their bed, a dozen candles in various states of wholeness waited to be used. With a thought, Twilight lit them all and turned back to her pet while the wax softened.

“I read all of that story, you know,” Twilight said as she stepped over to Chrysalis, straddling her, but keeping just out of reach. Close enough to hear her breathing, close enough to feel the heat and desire rolling off of her pet’s body. A small sip of what it must be like to be a changeling—a twinge of envy plucked at her heart, but it was only a passing fancy. She leaned in close, tracing the edge of Chrysalis’s jaw with the crop. “Twice.”

Twilight looked over and, deciding that she was in the mood for something colorful today, drew a powder-blue candle to her. From beneath the candle-strewn table, she drew out a stoppered bottle of cider as well, gone a bit hard from being left out too long.

Since she knew Chrysalis couldn’t see her, she uncorked the cider with an audible pop to give her an idea of what was in store. Twilight couldn’t be certain, but she knew her partner well enough by now, could imagine her heart beginning to race as eagerness and trepidation mixed.

Not one to disappoint, Twilight tipped the still-lit candle to let a dribble of wax cascade over the edge and splash just above Chrysalis’s knee. A sharply indrawn breath told Twilight that that was a perfect amount. Taking mercy on her pet, Twilight poured a thimbleful of cool cider over the wax splatter, chasing after it with her tongue.

Above her, Chrysalis groaned, and Twilight had to admit: this close to Chrysalis’s slit and shaft, it was more than tempting to simply abandon all else and satisfy their mutual desires, but no. No.

Time and patience would make things so much better.

With her tongue still lapping up the last drops of cider, Twilight tipped the candle again, this time on the other leg, a bit further up, a bit further in. Chrysalis was panting audibly now, fighting against the restraints; a gentle lash with the riding crop stilled her motion, though it did not settle her breathing. Again, the cider, and again, her tongue, pressed flat and drawn in long, deliberate strokes along Chrysalis’s thighs.

Wax and cider. Wax and cider. Closer and closer.

“Please...” Chrysalis whimpered when the last stroke of Twilight’s tongue had touched the base of her shaft, bobbing in time with her rapid heartbeat.

“Please what?” Twilight smirked. “I seem to remember something of this sort from your little story. How did it go now?” She tapped a hoof against her chin for a moment, then leaned forward across Chrysalis’s chest and whispered, “Beg for it.”

“Please, Master, I need you so badly...” She writhed in her restraints again, and this time, Twilight didn’t stop her. Rather, she made an appreciative humming noise as she took in the sight of her lover.

“I suppose we can do something about that.” With a thought, she undid her knots and tossed the rope away, though she left the blindfold and collar in place. “Rise.”

Chrysalis rose on shaky legs, rubbing at them where the rope had been bound tightest, but she neither moved to remove her blindfold nor did she speak.

Twilight nodded in approval. Filled with nervous energy, she fought down her urge to jump ahead and mount Chrysalis already. Instead, she cast about the room until she found what she sought: a small golden bell with a dark oak handle. Again, she nodded in approval and floated it over, tapping Chrysalis on the leg with it.

A few seconds passed without Chrysalis responding. Twilight prepared to swallow her disappointment and set aside the rest of her plans when Chrysalis finally took the bell and tucked it into the crook of her foreleg. Twilight smiled and narrowly suppressed the urge to sit up and clap eagerly. It looked like they were both ready for more, and so she brought out one of the few remaining items from the armoire.


With one leg holding onto the orb, Chrysalis stood on three limbs, but she didn’t stagger or shift as Twilight forced the gag into her mouth. The straps squeaked loudly as Twilight cinched them tight, fitting the ball and muzzle into place, but once done, she stood back and nodded to herself.


Slowly, Chrysalis turned in place, defining a half-circle to face away before Twilight told her to stop. Chrysalis waited, tail flicking side to side, breathing heavily around the obstruction wedging her mouth open.

For her part, Twilight was having a difficult time securing the newest toy to herself. Usually, she had Chrysalis help her first, and there was this one buckle just beneath her thigh that just...

Twilight huffed. It was fine.


She turned her attention back to Chrysalis who, flicking tail notwithstanding, was waiting patiently, though a swollen redness between her thighs told Twilight that that patience was tinged with a healthy amount of anticipation.


An old joke between them, their height differences had made some positions challenging and others impossible, but they were both adaptable creatures.


Chrysalis stopped swishing her tail and shoved it to one side with such obvious eagerness that Twilight broke character for a moment and giggled, though she did her best to stifle it. Levity or not, Twilight found her heart racing as she took in the smooth curve of Chrysalis’s backside, arched up and eager for her attention.

Twilight stepped forward, head hung low as she moved her muzzle to within an inch of Chrysalis’s rump. She blew a gentle breath out through pursed lips, just enough to make a few strands of her tail rustle, yet more than enough to prompt Chrysalis to shift her weight from side to side.

Grinning, Twilight stuck her head forward and drew her tongue the length of Chrysalis’s thigh, almost, but not quite, touching the most sensitive spots and drawing a muffled protestation from her pet.

Chrysalis deserved a little reward, Twilight decided. Her story hadn’t been bad, just naughty. In truth, Twilight would have let the matter drop by the end of the day had this opportunity not presented itself before her—rope, gag, harness, and all.

Smoother than her own, Chrysalis’s coat gave Twilight little purchase as she mounted her partner from behind, thrusting blindly—though with practiced motions—and missing the mark more than once. Without the benefit of having an actual organ swinging beneath her, Twilight had to wait until Chrysalis let out a dull moan to know that she had hit home.

Twilight pushed in slowly at first, knowing those first few agonizing seconds to be the most focused upon, the most anticipated. Soon, she had the full length of the toy resting inside Chrysalis. Intense heat from where they were joined had Twilight aching to stop this playing around, to stop this teasing and rush to the fastest conclusion for both of them, but there were so many things to do and so many ways to do them. She drew back and set to work, splitting her attention between her actions and, more importantly, how her partner was reacting to them. She varied her thrusts, pistoning in and out at times, at others, pulling out and pushing forward with a varied stroke to keep any one motion from becoming uninteresting.

Even without the benefit of her partner’s ability to literally sense emotions, Twilight was an astute observer; Chrysalis had several tells when she was approaching orgasm: her ears would flatten, the muscles just forward of her hip would begin to flex, her wings would tilt and jitter just so...

Twilight grunted as she pushed forward and stopped, watching the telltale signs flicker and pause. From Chrysalis, she heard a whimpered moan, half-frustration, half-question.

“I’m not feeling that mean tonight, Pet, but I want to do something a little different first.”

She withdrew slowly, smiling as she felt Chrysalis fight to keep the molded-plastic toy inside of her, but Twilight had all the leverage and pulled out with a wet slurp. Tiny drip-drop sounds filled the interval between their breathing as they both worked to regain their composure.

Twilight fiddled with a few buckles, tugged at a few straps, and the harness which had been strapped to her hindquarters fell to the ground in a tangled heap, one which she stepped out of while she bade Chrysalis rise, still blindfolded.

Gently taking the bell from her, Twilight guided Chrysalis to the enormous bed pressed against the wall, helping her lie down after drawing the covers aside.

They had measured and remeasured to get the fit right, but both had been quite pleased with the end result: the bed was just wide enough that Chrysalis could be laid spread eagle and bound at each corner of the bed, tied securely to the four wooden posts by silver cuffs which clicked as Twilight rolled them into place.

Chrysalis made a muffled sound, a single syllable made unintelligible by the gag, but Twilight understood.

“It’s here, by your right hoof.” Twilight lifted the small bell and gave it an experimental ring. It chimed, one-two, before being set back on the nightstand just at the tip of Chrysalis’s hoof.

Twilight smiled and briefly considered removing the gag—she wanted so badly to kiss Chrysalis, to play with her tongue and breathe in her breath, to nibble and suck on her lips, to feel her teeth nipping at her proffered neck, but no. Not this time.

Once tied, Chrysalis gave each of her bonds an experimental tug, more for show than anything else, but Twilight smiled all the same.

Chrysalis’s body had lost little of its anticipation, and Twilight suspected that she would shortly get back up to speed. In all honesty, with as much teasing as she’d been putting Chrysalis through, Twilight felt ready to pop herself. She only hoped she could last long enough to make it interesting for both of them.

Without any sort of preamble, Twilight mounted the bed and then, with only a slight shift for positioning, mounted Chrysalis herself, impaling her body upon her partner’s shaft in a single fluid motion that ripped an involuntary moan from deep within her as her front legs threatened to topple her from her sitting position.

She wanted to savor the feeling of completeness for just a moment, just a heartbeat longer, but her body had repressed its urges for too long; Chrysalis had grown impatient herelf and begun to make small thrusts in an effort to push Twilight along. Twilight shuddered and began rocking back and forth, mind focused involuntarily on the feel of every ridge and vein as it slid in and out of her. She needed something else to think about, or else she’d be done before they even really began.

With a grin, Twilight dropped forward, teeth closing on the loose tab of Chrysalis’s velvet collar, and pulled, cinching the collar a fraction of a notch tighter. As they writhed and groaned together, pushing and pulling in a desperate attempt to satisfy each other while sating their own hungers, Twilight pulled on the tab more and more.

So focused was she on her impending orgasm that Twilight didn’t at first notice when Chrysalis’s movements slowed and grew even more irregular, when her ragged gasps for air quieted and then fell silent. Her mind snapped a warning at her just a heartbeat before the bell toppled off the nightstand and clanged across the tiled floor.

Twilight gasped and dismounted immediately, fumbling with her magic to remove the collar, undo the gag, lift the blindfold. Chrysalis drew in a great gasping breath when the collar came off, coughing a little, and Twilight undid the cuffs tying her to the bedposts so that she could rub at her throat.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Twilight rushed forward, alternately peppering her with apologies and kisses along the mark where the collar had bitten deep.

“Twilight...” Chrysalis tried to say more, but her voice came out in a coarse crack.

“I’m sorry!” Twilight stopped long enough to look Chrysalis in the eyes. “Are you okay?”

Chrysalis nodded, though she still rubbed at her neck. “Can we....” She grimaced as her voice failed her again. She gestured to Twilight and then back to herself.

“Really?” Twilight held up her hooves defensively as a scowl began to form on Chrysalis’s face. “I just mean, are you sure you’re okay?”

In response, Chrysalis pulled Twilight down and pressed their lips together, shoving her tongue into Twilight’s mouth. Twilight’s eyes fluttered closed as she melted, returning the gesture in kind and wrapping her forelegs around Chrysalis’s neck.

“Turn around,” Chrysalis whispered, apparently having given up on trying to speak normally.

Twilight lay down on her side, facing away, but she twisted her head around to ask, “Do you want me to take all this off?” She gestured down to the corset and stockings, but Chrysalis responded by taking her ear into her mouth and thrusting her hips forward, entering Twilight with a practiced ease that drew a shudder from them both.

Neither lasted long, but neither needed to. The play was over, and in light of their mutual reassurance, they wanted this, needed this so badly. Twilight’s pelvic muscles clamped down as waves of pleasure rippled throughout her body. A distant part of her mind noted the way Chrysalis’s forelegs wrapped around her chest, noted the way their hips ground together, noted the way she could distinctly feel every pulse and spurt as Chrysalis emptied herself as deep inside as she could ever remember.

Twilight filed those notes away for later—they were sure to see frequent use. For now, she only smiled as her mind wandered back to the present, albeit at its own leisurely pace. Pressed against her back, Chrysalis leaned forward to nuzzle Twilight and playfully nip at her neck, making Twilight giggle and swat at her thighs.

“So, I guess I shouldn’t write another story about this, huh?” Chrysalis asked with a small chuckle.

Twilight smiled, wiggled her hips, and closed her eyes, savoring the deep sense of completion that covered her—that covered both of them—like a shared blanket on a cold winter night.

“No, you shouldn’t,” Twilight said, hugging Chrysalis’s foreleg to her chest.

“Because this one’s mine.”

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[Again, blame Cold in Gardez for these.]

Twilight pressed a hoof—gently—against Chrysalis’s chest. She leaned in, eyes stern but filled with promise, and asked, “Did I say you could talk, Pet?”

Chrysalis opened her mouth to object, but seemed to think better of it; she only shook her head.

Satisfied, Twilight lowered herself back to all fours. “Good. Don’t go anywhere—I’m going to go slip into something comfortable.” She flicked Chrysalis with the tip of her tail as she left, vanishing behind an ornate privacy screen.

Twilight opened a well-maintained wooden armoire and... well, shoot. It was missing. She frowned at the garments hanging from the rack and nosed them aside, looking for the shine of candlelight on vinyl that would reveal her special little outfit.

It wasn’t there. Huh.

“Chryssie, where’s my corset?” she called over the divider.

“Oh, I think it’s upstairs still,” Chrysalis’s voice sounded back. “I hung it up in the garden to get some air. Uh, master.”

Right, of course. Twilight sighed and trotted back to the stairs. There would be a whipping for this later, she promised herself.

The corset was right where Chrysalis said it would be, hanging on a clothesline between one of Twilight’s saddles and Chrysalis’s bathrobe. She snagged it off the line and spent a few minutes struggling into it. Tighter than she expected, mostly around the hips -- she wriggled inside it, then shrugged. It wasn’t bad, especially after she slipped on the garter belt and thigh-high stockings. She gave them a little snap and cooed at the sting against her flank.

Who’s a naughty professor! Why, you are! She tittered at the thought and trotted back into the house, ready to inflict a little ‘discipline’ on her troublesome student. This, she told herself, was going to be a day to—

“Twilight?” Her brother’s voice snapped her out of her happy daydream and back into the present. She stopped in the middle of the room and gawked at him.

He gawked back. His eyes travelled up and down her form, pausing on the shiny black vinyl corset, garter and stockings. His pure white coat turned a brilliant pink.

“I can explain,” Twilight blurted. “It’s, uh... wait, why are you here?”

“You... invited us, remember?” Shining Armor said. His eyes were still locked on her costume, even as she tried to shift around behind the kitchen table. “You wanted mom and dad to meet Chrysalis?”

Oh shit, is it Tuesday? She glanced at the calendar. It was. A bright red circle surrounded the day’s date, with the words “Parents!” written inside. Shit! Fuck, fuck fuck fuck shit! Okay, okay, I can still fix this. I can still fix this...

A faint patter of conversation drifted in from outside, accompanied by the clop of hooves on her wood patio. A moment later, the door swung open, and her parents stepped inside.

“There’s my little Twilight!” her mother gushed. She stepped around Shining Armor’s frozen form and made it three steps before slowing to a halt. “My little, uhm...”

They stared at each other, the four of them. The clock above her stove was the only sound in the room.

It’s okay. It’s okay. I can still fix this. She plastered a smile on her face and tried to imagine a zany, madcap reason for wearing a slutty vinyl corset with matching garter and stockings. “Okay, so, you’re probably wondering–”

“Master!” Chrysalis’s voice echoed up from the open basement door. “What’s taking so long?”

Twilight took a deep breath. “You’re probably wondering–”

“I think these ropes are too tight!” Chrysalis called.

Okay. Okay. “Probably wondering–”

“Come on! I want to fuck before your parents get here!” A pause. “Uh, master.”

Silence. Eventually, her father sighed and spoke for all of them.


* * *

With her tongue still lapping up the last drops of cider, Twilight tipped the candle again, this time on the other leg, a bit further up, a bit further in. Chrysalis was panting audibly now, fighting against the restraints; a gentle lash with the riding crop stilled her motion, though it did not settle her breathing. Again, the cider, and again, her tongue, pressed flat and drawn in long, deliberate strokes along Chrysalis’s thighs.

Wax and cider. Wax and cider. Closer and closer. She suppressed a shiver of anticipation and set the candle on the packed dirt beside her. It wobbled for a moment and tipped over, spilling a puddle of wax on the floor.

She frowned and picked it back up. The bottom of the candle had chipped at some point, and now was uneven. She pondered it for a moment, cognizant of Chrysalis’s hot, heavy, impatient breathing, then simply shrugged and leaned the candle against the wall. It stayed upright this time.

Perfect. She smiled and turned back to her captive.

Captive. What an odd word to use for this situation. She gave a little frown at the thought and leaned back to consider Chrysalis’s bound form. Was this so different from when they first discovered their love for each other, in that prison deep beneath Celestia’s castle? Was she somehow compelled to reenact that day? Did Chrysalis somehow long for it?

Chrysalis gave a little impatient whinny. Twilight swatted her absently with the crop and fell back into introspection. I didn’t like this sort of thing before that day. Do I need to be in control? Am I only comfortable when my partner is helpless? In chains? Imprisoned?


“Hush, pet.” This was somewhat disturbing. Had Chrysalis always loved being bound? They would have to talk about this later, Twilight decided.

“Master, I think something’s burning.”

Huh? Twilight blinked in confusion, then sniffed at the air. The acrid tang of smoke was beginning to overpower the mingled scents of their arousal. A flash of light to the side caught her attention.

The curtains! Flames licked at the fabric hanging above the candle, quickly racing up the walls. Twilight gasped and ripped them from the curtain rod and tossed them onto the floor, then began stomping on them frantically.

It was no use. The flames danced around her hooves, scorching her fetlocks. She cursed loudly and kicked them away to the side, where they came to rest against Chrysalis’s fireworks collection.

“Master, is everything okay?” Chrysalis asked. She strained at her bonds helplessly.

“Uh, yes. Everything’s fine!” Twilight looked around frantically for some water, but all she had was cider. Nice, hard, highly flammable cider.

One of the fireworks exploded with a loud bang, filling the room with a blue haze of smoke. Twilight coughed and edged closer to Chrysalis. “Uhm, we might have to leave.” More fireworks exploded, and the flames began to spread to the diesel fuel tanks beside them.

Yup, time to go. Twilight grabbed Chrysalis, frame and all, with her magic and ran up the basement stairs. It was a bit of a ride for Chrysalis, especially as the frame didn’t quite fit through the door on the first try, but eventually Twilight got her through and out the front door (which was another adventure) and came to a panting halt in the middle of the road outside her house. The frame, with a battered, blindfolded Chrysalis still strapped to it, came to a rest on the ground next to her.

They were not a moment too soon. Back in her basement, the diesel fuel tanks finally caught fire, and a tremendous explosion lifted the rapidly expanding remains of her house high into the air. Twilight watched wordlessly as flaming wreckage crashed to the ground all around. Within moments a crowd of ponies had arrived, and split their time between staring at the burning hole where her house had stood, and staring at Twilight and Chrysalis, the former of whom still wore her slutty vinyl corset, the latter of whom was still strapped to the frame.

“So, uh...” Twilight trailed off.

Chrysalis sighed. “Again?”

* * *

They had measured and remeasured to get the fit right, but both had been quite pleased with the end result: the bed was just wide enough that Chrysalis could be laid spread eagle and bound at each corner of the bed, tied securely to the four wooden posts by silver cuffs which clicked as Twilight rolled them into place.

Chrysalis made a muffled sound, a single syllable made unintelligible by the gag, but Twilight understood.

“It’s here, by your right hoof.” Twilight lifted the small plastic pig and turned it upside down. A loud “oink!” sounded from the hidden mechanism inside. She nodded and set it on the nightstand just at the tip of Chrysalis’s hoof.

* * * * * * * * *