> Through Darkened Halls > by TranscriptBrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Through Darkened Halls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She had done it now.... Rainbow Dash, the weather supervisor for Ponyville, had screwed up. Not how she usually did, like when she would hand her job to an inexperienced pegasus for a day. It was bad this time. Very, very bad. How had this happened? She was trying to push a storm cloud away from the town but she aimed terribly wrong. In fact, her aim was so poor that she literally aimed it towards the town. Unbeknownst to her, she bucked the cloud and sent it flying....right at the town hall. The storm cloud swallowed the building and destroyed it within itself. So in a nutshell, she had really screwed up indeed. Thoughts raced frantically through her head as she looked on towards the destruction.. What would happen now? Would she lose her job? How much would the damage cost? So many other thoughts raced through her head, like if she would lose her house and if she would have to move away, and she became very worried. So worried that she was on the verge of utter sickness, she flew directly home. She lay on her bed, still worried.. Slowly but surely, like a sponge, these worries squeezed her until she was completely dry, dry being completely sick. The Weather Factory Council might be lenient, after all, she had caused problems before...well not on this level before. This was a new hazard for Dash to face. How would they react? The very next day she received a letter from the Weather Factory Council. In the factory there was a color code for envelopes. Green or blue signified good news. Red or gray signified bad news. Her envelope was gray. Not good! Dash opened the envelope and the letter popped out. She picked it up and began to read it in fear. This is what it said: To Miss Rainbow Dash, It has come to our attention that yesterday at 1:26 in the afternoon there was an incident involving your handling of a storm cloud. We also have been informed that this event has led to the destruction of Ponyville's Town Hall. The damages will cost 6,346 bits, which we, the Administrators of any weather personnel, must pay. This is a big loss to the factory as those funds could have gone towards more important projects. We, the council, have no choice but to relieve you of duty in the Ponyville sector. We have also expelled you from entering another sector. We are sorry, but your weather control days are over. We will need you to come before the council by the end of the week, preferably on Friday, to turn in your paperwork and badge. We know that you never wore this badge, but it is company property. We regret losing a fast flier from our team. -Sincerely The Weather Factory High Council. Dash collapsed to the floor. She had just been fired! Her life would slowly flush down the drain of despair! Surely she would lose her home now and probably have to move back to Cloudsdale...or maybe that was her mind rushing. Still, she was no longer employed and she had no idea if she could pull off any other job. What else could she possibly do? Mail service, secretary, teacher, plumbing? Dash's terrible situation haunted her mind until she fell violently into sleep. The next day came, the day before her expulsion from the factory. Dash awoke in no fast manner, she was still incredibly sick from sadness and worry. Stumbling about her house she tried to make herself breakfast, which turned into a gloopy, sticky mess. She decided to stay in her house again today, out of shame. Around halfway through the day her doorbell rang. "Go away! yelled Dash. She heard her mail slot open and close, then she heard wings flapping and getting farther away. Dash decided to go investigate. To her surprise, it was another letter from the High Council. It was the first time she had seen a black envelope. This confused her, but all the same piqued her curiosity. She tore open the envelope and pulled out the letter. She sat at her kitchen table and began to read. Dear Rainbow Dash, We have contacted you again because an interesting matter has come up. There is, in fact, another occupation for you in the factory. The head of the Rainbow Department has informed us that there is a lack of workers there. We have decided to begin to hire new employees. He only requested you, however. We have granted his request. Seeing as you have not been formally expelled from employment, we hereby transfer you to the Rainbow Department of the Weather Factory. You begin tomorrow. Arrive at 9:00 am, no later. -Sincerely The Weather Factory High Council Dash's heart exploded in her chest. Her job within the factory had been secured!...sort of. She had been transferred after all. Oh well, at least she still had a job! Even though she was very happy, she was also very curious. She had heard stories about the Rainbow Department at the factory. She had been through it once or twice, but she had never truly experienced the work done there. All the stories she had heard though had been good, so no worries right? Exactly. Just a simple transfer, no harm done. Now that her spirits had been risen, she decided to spend the rest of her day with her friends. She found all of them relaxing at the park on a picnic blanket. "Hey Dashie!" screamed Pinkie Pie. "Rainbow Dash, how wonderful for you to join us." said Rarity. "Well, you guys couldn't have a picnic without me, could you?!' replied Dash. Dash sat herself in between the jumpy Pinkie Pie and the notoriously shy Fluttershy. There was no set food on the blanket, so Dash assumed this was just a hang out session. "So RD, any news 'bout the Town Hall?" asked Applejack. "...No, Applejack. Good news though! I kept my job!" "You really kept your job in Ponyville?" Twilight didn't sound convinced. "Well, I kept a position in the factory. I go into Cloudsdale tomorrow so I can start." "How early darling?" asked Rarity. "9:00 am." groaned Dash. "Jeeeeeez Dashie! That's pretty early for you." "I'm fine Pinkie...I hope." "If it's that early, you should probably get some sleep Dash." said Twilight. "Yeah! You know what they say about early mornings right?" asked Pinkie. "...What do they say, Pinkie?" Twilight asked. "...I don't remember." "Haha! Pinkie Pie, you're so random!" cried Dash. "You're not...moving are you?" whispered Fluttershy. "I don't think so. I wasn't told anything..." Dash trailed off. They didn't say anything about her having to move, or at least anything yet. "Well, as long as Rainbow Dash stays in Ponyville, I'm happy." said Rarity. "Ah think we can all agree on that one!" replied Applejack. "So now we have that bit of business settled, does anypony have any gossip to share? Oooo! Did you all hear about the mishap at the spa with the sauna? It's too juicy to ignore!" said an excited Rarity. Gossip was exchanged for the next two and a half hours. All six friends, knowing that Dash's future in Ponyville was not at stake, maintained their happiness until it came time to say goodbye. "Goodbye everypony! See y'all in the mornin'." said Applejack. "You won't see me, AJ. I will probably be in Cloudsdale all day." replied Dash. "Oh, in that case, um, see ya in two days?" "Haha! Yeah, sure thing Applejack!" "Yes, I do believe we all wish to see you again dear sometime soon." said Rarity. "Ditto!" screamed Pinkie. "Have fun Rainbow Dash, do be careful too." whispered Fluttershy. "Remember to write if anything else happens, good luck Dash!" said Twilight. The six friends departed, each heading separate ways to their homes, and most likely, their beds. When Dash returned home, a wide, friendly smile was spread across her cyan face. She was happy that she still even had a job and that her friends were there for her. Dash trotted up her stairs and into her bedroom. Before she lay in her bed, she performed her nightly tradition of looking at her Wonderbolts poster and saluting them. She never really knew why she had to do it every night, her guessed reason was just out of respect. After she had done this she set her alarm and fell upon her bed, not even bothering to cover up. She quickly fell into the grasp of seducing slumber. The next day came rather fast. An early morning for the somewhat lazy Rainbow Dash but she did manage to wake up. She ate a quick breakfast and readied herself for her new position. She brushed her mane, teeth, and coat. She also took a quick bath; she didn't want to be rank for her first day. When she felt like she was ready, she opened her front door and took a deep breath. Time for a successful day! She launched off the front porch of her floating house and shot straight towards Cloudsdale. Dash felt free up in the sky. She looked about herself and saw for miles around, seeing many city skylines, including those of Fillydelphia and Canterlot. Up in the air, she felt as if she could do as she pleased. Dash pulled off many loops and corkscrews, tearing up clouds as she passed through them. She could eventually see Cloudsdale in the distance, this meant she was halfway there. Dash had no idea what time it was so she increased her velocity. She was now going incredibly fast, possibly on the verge of beginning a Sonic Rainboom. The floating city was now approaching fast and hot. Dash would have to hit the brakes soon. She was now around a mile out of the city, so she began to slow down. Perfect timing too, she cruised comfortably to the factory grounds. She touched down in front of a giant golden gate. Above it a sign said "Weather Factory." Dash approached the gate which opened in front of her. This surprised her a bit but she still continued through. The other side of the gate was another story, just simply a cloud pathway led to the main building of the factory--the Administration Building. The door leading into the building was rather large as well. It was made of oak and had markings upon it that were painted gold. These markings seemed to look like pegasi in the clouds, but they were greatly faded by weather, so it was hard to tell. Dash arrived at this door and pushed through. She entered and looked around. She grunted out of boredom; there was nothing special in the main room. There was just a bunch of past administrators and other ponies, like employees of the month and such. Whatever thought Dash. The clerk at the front desk said that the Rainbow Department adviser would arrive shortly. Dash took a seat near a rather large picture of the factory from a distance; a bit too big for her tastes, but it did truly capture the greatness of the place. Dash waited for ten more minutes until the adviser arrived. He wore a white lab coat and donned a white hard hat as well. His coat was a glorious ruby red and his mane and tail a magnificent shade of sapphire. His irises were a dull gray, which was odd for a pony, but Dash didn't point it out. The truly strange thing was that his coat covered his cutie mark. Very curious indeed. "Ms. Dash, I presume?" he asked. "The one and only!" "Ah, wonderful! Now, if you don't mind, please follow me. We must commence your training!" "Okay, whatever you say." Dash followed the adviser down a very long hallway, covered in velvet and lined in iron. It was a masterpiece of architecture for Cloudsdale, it just wasn't too pretty to look at. They eventually rounded another corner and again faced a long hallway. Dash was getting tired of walking very fast, but flying fast through hallways was forbidden inside the factory, plus she didn't want to leave this adviser behind -- that would leave a bad impression. Maybe he would race her, after all, he was obviously a pegasus pony. Nah, he didn't seem like the type to her. Too bad. They came to the end of this hallway and turned left. Immediately in front of them were two large swinging doors. They were white with no windows. Above a sign said "Rainbow Factory." "I thought this was a department?" asked Dash. "It is, we just like to call it a factory, that's all..." The two pushed through the doors and before them was the Rainbow Department. Well, the front desk at least. As they walked past it the adviser bid good day to the clerk whom replied back in the same response. They then trotted into a huge room with white walls and tubes all over the place. Pools of spectrum liquid lay in front of Dash's eyes. She had seen them before, so she wasn't in any sort of awe. The adviser didn't seem to stop though, which peeked Dash's curiosity. This was the department, wasn't it? The adviser trotted up to a door that stated "Special Personnel Only." He unlocked and opened the door. "Mares first, Ms. Dash..." She walked through the door and was followed by the adviser. She found herself with the adviser inside a room with steel walls, nothing else was in it. "Welcome to the Special Elevator, Ms. Dash. We will soon arrive to the area in which you will be working." "Okay...hey, what's your name by the way?" asked Dash. "My name is Professor Matter and, as you know, I am the adviser to this department of the factory. I am also in charge of your training in this particular field of work." "This can't be that hard, can it?" "You would be surprised, Ms. Dash, the process of making Rainbows is...a bit hard for some to come by." This confused Dash. How could it be hard to understand how to make a rainbow? Heck, it was in her name for Celestia's sake! This would be a cinch...hopefully. Professor Matter continued "Where we are going is the place where rainbows are truly made. The workers down there just stir it and keep it in liquid state for placement in the sky. We up here make the 'magic' happen." Doors opened up to their sides and Dash looked into a white hallway. Multiple doors dotted the hallway. How many "special" personnel did they have? "Follow me. Now, we head to your temporary room for the next few days. Some of your training will take place there." said Matter. He led Dash to room number 256, in other words, the room closest to the factory floor. Matter unlocked the door and Dash peered in. Everything was white: the bed, the table, the chair, even the dressers. "We know the color choice isn't exactly the best, but it should do you fine. Now, go lie in your bed and wait for a trainer to come find you. There is a selection of books on the nightstand next to the bed so you don't get bored. I will see you soon Ms. Dash!" And with that, Professor Matter left the room. Dash took a moment to really take in her surroundings. Nothing but white everything in here. Realizing that there was really nothing to see, she went and lay upon the bed. She looked over towards the nightstand and picked up a book, which had a fully white cover as well. Dash couldn't believe her eyes! Written upon the cover in golden letters were the words "Daring Do." How did they know she liked that series?! Wait, many ponies liked that series, so now it made sense to Dash. However confused she was, she still dove into the book, right at the beginning, taking in every glorious detail it placed in front of her. Twenty minutes later, a trainer arrived with a tray, only this trainer looked more dressed as a doctor than a trainer. "What's up Doc? Hehe..." said Dash. "I'm here to give you a shot, company policy and such..." Then this so called trainer jabbed a syringe into Dash's left foreleg without warning and then left. "Ouch! Hey, get back here!" screamed Dash. The Trainer returned. "What?" "What's the shot for?" asked Dash. "How should I know? I just give you the stuff!" he snapped. "Somepony isn't happy. You probably know, don't you?" questioned Dash. "...I don't kiss and tell." Then the Trainer left for good. Dash lay there, rubbing her left foreleg tenderly. She suddenly felt very drowsy. She also felt light headed and short on breath as well. What did that shot do?! Soon, Rainbow Dash passed out on the snow white bed. ............... "Ms. Dash! Ms. Dash! Oh do please wake up, you need to train!" Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes. She tried to move but could not. Her eyes shot wide open as she realized she was strapped to a dental chair, her head set in place. She could only look at a screen in front of her. "Ah, hello Ms. Dash! Welcome to phase one of your training!" exclaimed Matter. "Wha-what is this?! What are you doing?!" "Ssh! Ssh! We must not waste any time! Now hold your eyelids open please..." Professor Matter tried to place eye lid clips on Dash's eye lids, but once she realized what he was trying to do, she shook her head, dodging the clips. "Now, now, Ms. Dash, please cooperate! This may seem strange, but I promise, the training will be over before you know it." Dash, still questioning the clips, allowed Matter to attach them to her eye lids. "There! Now, let us begin!" As soon as he said that, the lights shut off and a projector turned on. On the screen was a white mare, a unicorn, with golden mane and tail. She was strapped down as well and something edged closer to her eyes. Whatever it was sunk themselves into her eyeballs and began to rip them out. "Ah! What is this?!" screamed Rainbow Dash. "Good, good. Expected reaction...." The mare was screaming loudly and blood splattered on the camera that was taking the shot. Dash began to shudder in the chair. What was this?! The picture transitioned to a healthy looking young filly who stood in a cage. A door somewhere was opened and wolves pranced into the cage. The young filly screamed and was attacked by the wolves. Flesh, blood, and intestines flung across the cage, some once again splattering on the camera lens. The wolves eventually walked away. All that was left was a hunk of bloody, gory meat with no face or lower limbs to compensate. "Sweet Celestia! What is this hell?!" Dash was now struggling to break free from this captivity. She could bear no more! Still, the picture transitioned again. Another pony appeared on the screen, attached to a table. For the next ten minutes, Dash witnessed an anonymous character dissect this poor colt! Limbs thrown across the room, eyes torn out, blood lost, and soon a dead colt lay on the table. Once again blood had found its way to the camera lens. Then the projector shut off and the lights came back on. Dash was screaming her head off. "Get her sedated and back to her room pronto! Remember to lock the door!" Somepony jabbed a syringe into her left foreleg and she slowly fell unconscious again. ........... She opened her eyes and found herself in the small white room once again. She shot straight up too; she had some nightmares while in the dark. Remembering what had happened, she quickly got out of her bed. She stood in place staring at the white door that led out of the room. She screamed a war cry and charged the door. She collided with it but fell backward. They had locked it! "Now, now Ms. Dash, play fair! Hehe, we don't want any trouble..." Matter spoke over an intercom. "Play fair?! How was that fair you....you buckers!?" "Oh! A feisty one we have here, oho! You'll get used to them, you'll see dear..." "Get used to those?! Fat chance you loonies!" The second day came soon enough and Dash was subject to the mental torture once more. She once again tried to resist the eye lid clips but now refused to stop resisting. Dash had to be subdued by a small hit to her head, which actually knocked her out cold. When she woke, the horrors began again. The first clip first showed a colt sitting in a chair with a strange harness around his head. Dash noticed that he was shedding tears but not openly bawling. A button lay near the chair, in the view of that camera. A hoof, belonging to an unknown character, appeared in the scene and pressed the button. The colt screamed as the harness around his head began to turn, forcing his head to turn as well. Dash watched in horror as the colt's head was twisted around 360 degrees and torn away from the neck. The body was still twitching. "Stop! Please stop! I'll give you anything!" cried Dash. Tears were streaming down her face, though she was unable to close her eyes. "Same place as yesterday, but we will soon see progress." said Matter. "We only have one more clip today, but it's rather long so sit tight!" On cue, the second clip appeared. A mare was hung from all four of her limbs by tight ropes which spread them apart from her body. Her head was hanging down, being either asleep or completely drained of energy. After a few seconds, she raised her head very slowly to the camera. Her face was scarred, bloody, and bruised. One of her eye's was closed and very puffy, suggesting a black eye. Then the mare spoke. "Please....stop....." she groaned. After she said this, one of the ropes jerked violently, causing her to scream loudly. The same rope jerked again and tore off her lower left leg. The mare uttered a blood curdling scream that could have woken the dead. Another rope jerked, tearing off her other leg, then another, tearing off her upper right leg. The mare hung there now by one leg with blood pouring out of her newly created orifices. She was growing pale and was surely to pass out soon from blood loss. The mare was lowered to the ground where a masked figure waited. Her last leg was then cut off by a chainsaw the figure had been holding. Blood was still pouring out of her, so the masked figure turned her over on her face and held her in that position. She died drowning in her own blood. Dash was screaming, crying, and struggling to break free of the confinement chair. Matter looked upon her with a smile. He knew that she would succumb to the terror soon, it would only take time. Time worked in his fashion, for only twenty four hours later Dash was subject to the horror again. Throughout the entire showing. however, Dash just sat with a dead look on her face. Her eyes were held open again, but they never seemed to be concentrated on the screen, although she was still seeing the clips anyways. After the "show" had ended, she didn't even have to receive an injection. They just loaded her onto a wheel chair and pushed her back to her room. Matter was happy with his findings, as he recorded in his journal. Day 3: Rainbow Dash seems to have changed dramatically. She acted as if she was a corpse, just sitting there with no emotion on her face. I knew that she would break soon enough! We will soon have her mind fully contorted to our wishes within the next few days. The next trial arrived and Dash was sat down once more to view the gore. As the first clip played, Matter noticed her lips quivering ever so slightly. She also looked confused, that is, her eyes were wide and dilated. The next clip was shown and the quivering lips of the cyan prisoner became worse. Dash began to twitch a small bit too. Some of the other workers in the room became slightly scared at the sight of her. Then, the third and final clip was shown. On the screen was a normal pony. A mare from the look of things,with a green coat and orange mane and tail. She looked blankly off in the distance, not towards the camera, but away to the left of it. She also stood on top of what seemed to be a trap door. After a few seconds, the door below the mare opened and she fell down, screaming. The camera view panned to reveal a pool full of liquid, which was where this mare fell. Soon after she fell in, the true identity of the liquid was revealed. The mare was screaming very loudly, enough to rupture her vocal cords. The reason: her flesh was melting off. She had fallen into a pool of flesh eating acid. Her legs were reduced to bone within minutes and her upper body nothing but what looked like hacked up meat. Soon even that was reduced to bone, which was the end of the mare. Still, the clip rolled on to show the flesh on her head melt away in a bloody mess to reveal her skull. Only her skeleton remained. The projector shut off and the lights turned up. Rainbow Dash sat in the chair chuckling in her throat. Her lips still quivered violently and her eyes still wide and dilated. To be safe, she was injected in order to stop any possibility of injury to personnel. The fifth day arrived rather quickly. Dash was shown to her chair and strapped in. This time she requested not to have her eye lids clipped up. Some personnel were unsure of this but Matter allowed it. The first clip was shown and Dash laughed through the entire thing. Her body shook with pleasure when blood splattered onto the camera. When that happened he also let out sounds of pleasure as well. "That was a good one! Show me more!" exclaimed Dash. On cue, a second clip was shown, with the same results. The laughter from Dash once again resonated through the room, which scared some of the workers right out of it. Those who rushed out went by Matter, who stood where he was, smiling. He made no notice of those who ran by him, his eyes were locked on Dash. The second clip ended, and Dash once again requested another. Matter was the only pony other than Dash in the room so he loaded the last clip himself. The scene set was of a mare spread out upon some grass. The camera shot was looking down upon her, and she was also looking up upon it. Suddenly the camera panned up higher and a colt fell on top of the mare. She began to scream and try to fight the colt off but was failing terribly. Her struggle annoyed the colt however, so he socked her in the head. She was now knocked out cold, with the colt still on top of her. Soon, he was joined by more and more colts who took positions all over the mare's body. After five minutes, the sounds of pleasure from the colts died and they left the scene. The mare lay there on the grass, eyes wide, with no life remaining in them. The shot to her head had actually killed her. "Bravo! What a show! She had that coming, being spread out like that. Hahaha! That was some fun, wasn't it?" said Dash. Matter came down and unstrapped Dash from the chair. Dash then guided herself back to her room. Matter watched her leave with a smile on his face and walked away with a skip in his step. Matter recorded his joy in his notebook. Day 5: Astonishing! My method truly did work! I knew it would, but there was a slight chance of failure. Her reactions did scare me a bit, like some of the other workers, which is surprising for me, I filmed all of those clips myself! On the sixth day, Matter came over her intercom again. "Ms. Dash, please come to the front desk of the department at once." She obeyed. She traveled to the elevator, went down, and left. She concentrated on her path and held a disturbing look of determination. This unsettled some of the workers on the main floor, which made some flee to the break room. She eventually arrived at the front, where Professor Matter and the High Council waited for her. "Mares and Gentlecolts, allow me to introduce Rainbow Dash, the new head of the special wing!" To this, Matte raised one hoof towards Dash. "Is she...fully transferred?" asked a council member. "Oh yes, we can even test it. Lets see....Ms. Dash, what would you do if I placed a young filly in front of you now?" "I would bash its brains out with my bare hooves..." said Dash. "Are you sure this is safe for everypony else?" asked another council member. "Why ask? I heard you voted yes for this process to go through, council member..." mocked Matter. "Still, this had better work. We are not doing such a...terrible thing for nothing!" "Of course, of course! You must still realize, in order for this factory to meet demand, sacrifice must come, even if the idea is too gruesome to imagine! Good day council members, have a pleasant one as well!" said Matter. The council members left through the two giant white doors, some taking last glances at Dash...the new Dash. After they left, Matter turned to Dash. "Ms. Dash, I must congratulate you on your training outcome, it was very impressive indeed!" "All for the factory, sir..." "Good, good! Just as we taught you! Now, your job here will be given to you now. I hereby make you the overseer of the upper level of the Rainbow Factory! You will watch over the whole creation process, after all, you have been trained to do so..." "Thank you sir, I will do my best!" exclaimed Dash. "Oho! Good, good! Now, two more things before I let you go. One, your uniform is in your room inside the closet, you will find a white hard hat and a lab coat with a special badge on it. Never let that coat leave your person while on grounds! Two, you get to come and go between here and Ponyville, just make sure that what we do here doesn't get out! With that, I bid you many good days Ms. Dash, and I hope to see a report by the end of the month!" Professor Matter took his leave, but before he did he said something else. "Oh, and Ms. Dash, the first batch is in. Have fun now!" Dash watched the adviser leave. She stood where she was for a few seconds, then turned around and headed back towards the elevator. She gave more workers the chills, but no one dared to stop her. She got back on the elevator, rode it back up, and headed back to room 256. She found her uniform where she was told it would be. She put on the hard hat and coat, and looked at the badge. It said "Head Creator." She pinned it on permanently to the coat and headed out. She turned a quick left at her door and stood in front of the lab doors. She took a quick glance over her shoulder, then pushed through the doors. She came out to the end of a catwalk where she overlooked an entire room. The room was filled with fillies....and the machine. Dash nodded at another personnel member. They nodded back and flipped a switch, which locked all the doors. Dash stepped forward to the edge of the catwalk, right up to the railing, and spoke. "Welcome, young failed fliers to the Rainbow Factory! Today we will need a volunteer to help show the fun activity that you all will be participating in today!" With those words said, a random filly was pushed to the front of the crowd. He had a brown coat, what seemed to be a broken wing, and tearing blue eyes. His mane and tail were snow white. His eyes were dilated and wide and tears were gathering at his eyes. His legs also trembled. "Ah, perfect! You look like you will cooperate. Now, you are all pegasi, yes? Of course you are...anyways all pegasi have a special sort of magic in them, one that by itself makes rainbows. By that I mean, it's the color of a rainbow. And by within you I mean your entire body. So let's show you what you will be doing now!" Dash pressed a button in front of her and a claw appeared. The robotic claw grabbed the helpless filly and lifted him above what seemed to be a giant grinder. At another press of a button, the claw compressed, snapping all the ribs in the filly's body, causing blood and bits of flesh to fly everywhere. All the fillies on the floor began to scream. At the press of a third button, the claw let go of the maimed filly, who fell into the now active grinder and was mashed and smashed. There was no body left to save, only a spectrum colored liquid flowed into collection tanks. "There! Now doesn't that look fun?! Haha!" screamed Dash. For the rest of the day, one by one the fillies fell to the grinder. Blood and flesh scattered all over the room and sprayed the still living fillies. Those fillies eventually fell as well. Then came the final one, a young mare who seemed to have a slightly broken wing and was desperately trying to bust down the door. The claw grabbed her, busted her ribs and dropped her. Suddenly there was a creaking sound, as if the whole system had jammed. It had, and there in the middle of the grinder, still alive, was this young mare. Dash flew down to her and investigated as she cried. She assumed that some bone of hers had jammed the system, probably her femur, most likely still attached too. A simple kick to the side of the machine would do the trick! Dash looked towards the poor filly first, looking deep into her eyes and occasionally looking at her gaping mouth that poured blood. "Heeelp......meee......please......" groaned the poor mare. "Didn't you hear me? I said 'Welcome to the Rainbow Factory'. May I add though, little filly, 'Where your fears and horrors come true'!" Dash then kicked the side and the mare was ground into spectrum. Nothing was left now of all the fillies, except all the blood and flesh that scattered the room. Dash looked upon herself. Her coat was soaked her and there a crimson shade, along with some bits of flesh stuck to her helmet. She ordered the others to deliver the spectrum to the lower level and then she left. She entered her room first, placing the coat and the helmet in the washer provided. The badge could no longer be removed so it was washed too. Dash then took her leave of the factory and for the first time in six days, headed back to Ponyville. Now it was time to lie to her best friends. The thought made her laugh and cackle all the way home.