> A Father's True Love > by Fimbulvinter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Next Day (M/M/M) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Father's True Love A/N: As with the previous story in this series ‘A Fathers Love’, this story contains graphic depictions of M/M Sex, Incest, and later will contain some Futa. If you are offended by any of these topics, then cease reading now. In response to common comments on the last story, this one features significantly more plot (of both kinds). I also attempted to branch out slightly with the first scene and try my hand at some more sensual clop, followed by some rough and ready threeway later. Let me know how you thought the first scene turned out Anyway, enough talk. On with the clop Chapter 1: The Next Day Celestia's golden sun shone in through an open window on the second day of Shining Armour’s three day pass. The day before Shining had found his father in the compromising position of buggering another stallion. What had followed was a whirlwind of raunchy sex and perverse acts. In the space of 20 minutes, Shining had gone from straight as an arrow to having sucked dick, swallowed cum, fucked another stallion, been fucked by his father, and been treated to a hornjob by another dude. Following their carnal activities, all had retired to his father Orion’s bed and whiled away the night in a dreamless sleep. Shining Armour awoke in his parent’s bed, sandwiched in between his father and the Wonderbolt Soarin’. Sweat and cum encrusted his body and the smells of sex lingered in the air. A dull ache throbbed in his butt as if something had been repeatedly forced in there. Groaning through a very dry and parched mouth Shining attempted to recollect the previous day and night. Images of him locked in sweaty coitus with Orion and Soarin’ assaulted him as he looked back at what he did. No matter which way he looked at or tried to justify himself, he had crossed a number of lines that were never meant to be crossed. For Celestia’s sake he had allowed himself to be fucked by his father while giving another pony he had barely known a blowjob. Most sickening of all was the knowledge that he himself had initiated the events, he could have simply left the two alone and gone about his original plan to bang some nameless hooker in another city. Now there was no turning back though, he had fucked and been fucked by other stallions. Society would label him as a Colt-cuddler at best, and a monster of which certain levels of hell were reserved at worst. Shining took a deep breath and calmed himself down. What was done, was done. He had lost himself in a moment of pure depraved passion and, he secretly admitted to himself, had loved every moment of it. He would deal with the fallout of this later. Right now however he needed to take a shower. Shining moved as quietly as he could through the house, not wanting to wake either of the other occupants who still appeared to be fast asleep. Life in the military had drilled him to waking up early, so he wanted to let the others sleep when they could. Despite his best efforts, one pair of eyes watched him go. With a look at the other pony still dead to the world, he got up and followed. Shining reached the shower with relief. His coat was matted in many places as if he had been out in the wild for weeks. Crusty cum flaked off of him as he reached up and turned the taps, a steady stream of water enveloping him and starting to wash the evidence of his sins away. Levitating a bar of soap Shining washed every inch of his body, cleaning off sweat and stench alike. He paid extra attention to his balls and ass, the feeling of the water and soap soothing to his backside. Caught up in his washing, he did not notice a figure enter the bathroom behind him. “Let me get that for you.” Shining jumped slightly and turned around at the sound of the voice, catching sight of Soarin’ creeping up behind him, his coat just as matted as Shining’s had been. Under that though there was a certain sheen to him. His winged thunderbolt cutie mark glistened in the steam now filling the bathroom and it rippled as he walked. His strong and muscular flanks bulged with every step. Shining let the soap drop as for the first time he truly got a close look at the stallion before him. Soarin’ was gorgeous. From his chiselled jaw to rough wavy hair. From his perfectly sculpted abdominal muscles to his light green eyes. It was no wonder that every fan girl lusted after him. And this Adonis of a pony was right there before him, offering to lather him in soap suds and maybe more. Soarin’ exuded an aura of power; a combination of his well built body, his rugged looks, and the kindness that could be seen in his eyes. Looking at him, Shining could remember why he suddenly felt the urge to abandon his straight lifestyle the day before. The Wonderbolt radiated a feeling of primal power, and anypony alive would be attracted to him. Hesitantly Shining turned around, showing off his backside to Soarin’, but not in any lewd manner, just as if he was getting back into the shower. The night before had been a moment of pure passion. A moment that he had had no right to intrude upon as he did. Soarin’ may just be looking to take a normal shower sans any hijinxs, to clean off the filth coating him as Shining was. Shining was going to have to test out the waters before attempting to continue anything. “Oh damn, I dropped the soap.” Shining exclaimed, inwardly shuddering at how stupid he sounded. As far as pick up lines went, that was one of the crudest ones he had ever heard. Bending over forwards to pick it up with his hooves, Shining exposed his plot and balls to the onlooking pegasus. ‘If nothing happens then we never mention it again.’ Shining thought while holding his position for a few moments longer than was strictly necessary. Just as he was about to give up Shining felt a hoof stroke against his rear before moving to the side and lingering over his shield cutie mark. It was a soft and tender touch. Soarin’ moved into the stream of the shower alongside Shining. “Let me wash you” he asked again. Shining picked up and handed the soap to Soarin’, who grasped with both his front hooves. Soarin’ proceeded to lather up and scrub every inch of Shining Armour’s body. With every motion Shining could feel himself starting to harden within his sheath, something that Soarin’ could no doubt feel himself as he scrubbed the underside of his belly. Finally Soarin’ reached Shining’s balls and shaft. Somehow with these he became even gentler than he had already been. Every wipe and stroke was feather light. Soarin’ worked slowly, his motions devoid of any reckless passion but full of something far deeper – love. Somehow, the Wonderbolt had reached a state of deep and tender love for the unicorn, even though they had only just met the day before. Shining had not had anypony feel that way about him for a very long time. Cadance tried, but the spark and passion of their marriage was waning, a passion that Shining hoped he could reignite. Another part of him wanted simply to ravish Soarin’ on the spot, but such an act would ruin this beautiful moment for them both. Soarin’ eventually finished with his cleaning and stood to face Shining. Moving in for a slow kiss, one deeper than any they had shared the previous night he asked a single question. “Can I mount you?” Shining nodded lazily, still drunk on the whole surreal quality of the experience. Any notions that it may have been a dream were dispelled the moment Soarin’ mounted his back. A gentle probing nudged his back door and Shining concentrated to let him in. Soarin’s entry was tender and graceful. There was no pain and his motions were so slow that Shining could feel every inch passing through him. Each ridge and vein stood out on the cock now nestled inside his body. Even once he was fully entered Soarin’ held himself there, allowing Shining the time to adjust to the feeling of being filled. Shining could feel every twitch and throb of the cock resting within him, the heartbeat of the pegasus pounded through him, and his own beat in time. Once he began to move again, Soarin’ retained his slow, loving pace. Shining felt the pegasus lean forward and plant kisses upon his back and neck, a single lick from the base of his horn up to the top of his tip. Shining gasped at the pleasure flowing through him. Despite its slow pace he thought that this was most likely some of the best sex he had ever had, it felt so good on a much deeper level than their actions the previous night. That it was with another stallion and him playing the part of the mare was of no consequence to him anymore. Soarin’ was fucking him with such tender passion that their efforts the previous day felt puny. It quickly became too much as the eroticism of the moment overcame Shining and he let his orgasm take him away to Nirvana. Soarin’ felt the contractions on his cock as Shining shot off his load into the shower. The contractions were languid, each one in no hurry to finish massaging his own cock. He slowly sped up his thrusts, grunting a little with each one until he also came inside Shining, filling his lover with a gift of his sperm. Shining felt Soarin’ withdraw from him and turned to face the Wonderbolt. Although it was hard to see under the shower, Soarin’ could see that Shining had been crying slightly. “Did I hurt you?” he asked the unicorn, horrified that he had done something wrong. Shining held up a hoof to Soarin’s mouth, silencing any further comment. In one motion he moved in and planted a deep kiss on the pegasus, one that was returned with equal intensity. They held the position for a full minute, the water of the shower flowing over them both. Soarin’ unfurled his wings and embraced Shining in them, an act considered by pegasus to be reserved for only one that you truly loved. Shining eventually broke the kiss and looked into Soarin’s eyes. “Soarin’.” He began, attempting to articulate his thoughts. “I have had a lot of sex in my time, but that was the first time I ever truly made love.” Soarin could see the truth of Shining’s words in his eyes and it humbled him. The pair eventually exited the shower as the warm water began to turn cold. Shining paused to cast a spell on the tank, boiling the water inside. As they exited the bathroom they could hear the sounds of cooking coming from the kitchen. The aroma of sizzling hay bacon emanated from ahead of them and both stallions followed their stomachs. In the kitchen they found Orion, pans and skillets caught in his magical grip. Eggs and hay bacon were cooking away while Orion was pouring out several glasses of juice for the three ponies. Orion turned to his son, noticing the closeness of the two ponies as they stood there watching him. It did not take a genius to deduce what they had been doing in the shower together. Once the food was ready, Orion served all of them a filling breakfast. Throughout their eating however Orion could sense there was a question brewing in Shining Armour. “Go ahead Shining, ask what you want. After last night there are no more secrets between us.” “So how did you get started? When did you realise you were gay.” Shining asked Orion Orion paused, his eyes softening slightly as he looked back into his past. “I suppose I have always been at least partially bi son. Did you know that my first time was with another colt? We were at astronomy camp together and we had had way too much to drink. As for when did I meet Soarin’? It was at your wedding. No, we didn’t fuck then but we both felt an attraction to each other.” Soarin’ leant over and gave Orion a quick peck on his muzzle before settling in for a hug, not interrupting the story being told. Shining saw just how smitten Soarin’ was with his father. It was a love, as true and pure as any he had ever seen. Shining resolved that no matter what happened right now, he would never reveal this secret to his mother. Orion continued with his story. “Your mother and I have been going through a rough patch of late. She hit menopause abnormally early for mare and it has understandably affected her in ways that you or I could never fully comprehend. I still love her and she me, but lately whenever the topic of sex comes up it reminds her of everything she has now lost. She knows that she will never be able to bear another child, and while we have two children of which we are immensely proud, Dazzle had always wanted a third baby.” Shining was shocked at the news. He had always assumed that Dazzle had all the children she had wanted after Twilight was born. That she had wanted a third was news to him. “I do not blame Dazzle for not wanting to have sex anymore. I am still a stallion of needs though and simply clopping off to porn didn’t cut it for me. When I met Soarin’ at the wedding, I knew that I had found somepony like me. A few days later, I invited him around to the house on the pretence of trying to book a private Wonderbolt’s show. Did you know that Twilight has been trying to get a private show booked for one of her friend’s birthday for months? Anyway I invited Soarin’ over and well… Things escalated from there. Within 30 minutes of his arrival we were going at it like rabbits, and to this day I do not believe what we did was wrong. Since then Soarin’ and I have been conducting a private affair as often as we can without arousing suspicion.” At the mention of the word ‘arousing’ Soarin’ started kissing his way down Orion’s body, moving down with slow tender nips and kisses. He paid extreme attention to Orion’s chest and belly before sliding down lower and resting his muzzle on Orion’s ball sack, fondling it with his hooves. Shining watched as his father quickly became hard, his member engorging and rising out of its sheath under Soarin’s tender ministrations. “Patience my love, patience” he called down to the pegasus in his lap. “There will be plenty of time for that later.” “Okay Orion” Soarin’ said back, raising his head off of Orion’s sack but not before taking one quick suck at the erect dick in front of him. Orion moaned loudly but pushed Soarin’ away. Shining watched the pair, thinking of how just a few days ago such an act would have repulsed him beyond belief. Now he thought of it as beautiful. These two ponies were clearly deeply in love with each other, and regardless of gender or societal norms and taboos he was going to be happy for them. They deserved that much, even if it had to be in secret. Shining caught himself staring at his fathers erect cock and marvelled at it. The organ itself was a work of pure art, as far as dicks went. The sheath and lowest third were an almost pure back, with some pink mottling appearing at just below the medial ridge. The tip and flare were composed of the lightest pinks. His own member was far less impressive in its colouration – the entire thing was an almost uniform white like his coat, shifting into pink at the tip. Still he could match his father in terms of length and girth any day of the week. Unbidden Shining’s cock began to rise as if reacting to an unspoken challenge. Both Orion and Soarin’ saw it instantly and Orion’s face turned from one of remembrance to one of lust. “That’s my boy. Eager to go again?” Shining nodded, not taking his eyes off the prize in front of him. His encounter with Soarin’ in the shower was still fresh in his mind, and he wanted more. A part of him realised that he no longer saw Orion purely has his father. That relationship had changed forever. It was time to forge a new one. Orion got to his hooves and cleared the kitchen table in one swift stroke, the plates and cutlery falling to the floor in a loud clatter. Orion put himself down on the table, laying on his back and allowing his legs to splay to the sides. His tool stood proudly as he leaned back, motioning for Shining and Soarin’ to come closer. Each did so, kneeling down on opposite sides of the dick. With a silent nod to each other, Shining and Soarin brought their lips together and sandwiched Orion’s pride between them. Orion’s eyes bugged out at the feeling and sight. The feel of Soarin’ and his son making out while also sucking on his cock was incredible. Two tongues flittered over his member, each one bathing him in warmth and wetness. Shining slid his mouth up Orion’s shaft, giving the flare a lick before opening his mouth and taking the tip inside him. The sweetness of Orion’s flowing pre-come greeted him as he moved his tongue around in his mouth. Soarin’ retreated to allow Shining the space he needed, instead climbing up the table and allowing Orion to fondle and stroke him to hardness. Shining bobbed up and down on Orion’s stiffness, taking him to the back of his throat with each pass. The speed at which he did so increased with every trip down, and soon spit and saliva coated the majority of Orion’s member. Steeling himself and taking a deep breath, Shining dropped down and opened up his throat. He plunged down on Orion, taking his shaft deep and deeper until he bottomed out at the root. The coarse fur of Orion’s underbelly tickled his face as he remained there with a pony-cock shoved halfway down his throat. One of his own hooves was stroking his white member, smearing his lube and pre-come all along its length. Orion looked with pride at his son. After only a day he was already sucking dick like an experienced veteran, showing the same dedication to mastering this skill as he did with any type of war craft. A pair of pendulous nads appeared in his vision, blocking out the sight of Shining going down on him. Soarin’ had reached full length and was looking for somewhere to dock his equipment. Orion was only too happy to oblige and leaned forward, taking Soarin’ into his mouth in a mirror image of his son’s actions. Shining had to pull off his father as his air supply ran out. Withdrawing he gagged for a moment, choking and spluttering as he tried to refill his lungs with the life giving gas. Orion’s cock waggled freely for a moment, saliva and lubes dripping from its surface, giving it a polished shine. Shining positioned himself under it for a few moments, allowing the drips of pre-come to land on his face and horn before licking them off, relishing the taste. Reaching up he engulfed the shaft again and really started to work on it. He realised that despite having now given his father two blowjobs he was yet to actually taste his fathers cum and he wanted to see how it differed from his own or Soarin’s. To Orion there was no mistaking the intentions of his son. He was going to bring the older stallion to orgasm and he was going to do it quickly. The speed and intensity of Shining’s sucks increased and one free hoof rose up and started playing with his balls and anus. That extra stimulation was all he needed. Releasing Soarin’ for a moment, he reached out with both hooves, securing Shining in place as he spasmed into the younger ponies waiting mouth. Shining felt his fathers cock twitch and expand a moment before a cloying liquid burst forth into his mouth. He had assumed that when Soarin’ had cum in him the day before that it was about the average amount. He had clearly been mistaken. An absolute flood of white stallion seed shot into his mouth. Shining swallowed as rapidly as he could, but it was not enough. Several large lines of cum began to leak from his mouth as Orion continued to deposit his seed into his son’s eager mouth. Eventually, just as Shining thought that he was going to drown in a sea of his father’s semen, the flow stopped and he could breathe again. The taste in his mouth reminded him of his own flavour, just stronger, more mature, infinitely better. Orion lay back, a feeling of total satisfaction coming over him. It was at times like these that he wished cigarettes from the Griffin lands were permitted here. He had heard stories from the ambassadors that smoking one made good sex into great sex, or great sex into something unimaginable. With Orion now out of it for a moment, Shining turned his attention to Soarin’ and his equally impressive, though thinner length. With one single motion, he shifted his body and sat under the pegasus, sitting still and looking up at him. Soarin’ understood at once and using both his front hooves, began to jack his member over the sitting unicorn. Aided by Orion’s earlier efforts, Soarin was able to quickly reach his peak. Jolts of electricity flowed through his body as he came, releasing spurts of his thick white seed onto the waiting pony. The first one landed directly into Shining’s open mouth, mingling with the remains of the cum still in there. Shining obediently swallowed the received load, lowering his head and allowing the next two ropes of cum to coat his horn and forehead, a long blob falling down past his eyes and onto his nose. The last blasts were simply to wherever Soarin’ was aiming at the time, streaks of cum staining Shining’s two toned mane and white face. Eventually the athlete was spent as well, falling down alongside Orion on the table, panting and gasping at the intensity of all he was experiencing. Unlike him though, Shining was not done. Not even close. His own cock was aching for release, and he knew just where to put it. He pulled his almost comatose father up and off his back, taking him and sitting down on the floor up against one of the walls. It was a position that was very uncomfortable to hold for extended times, but it would allow him to have his father face him. Orion put up no resistance while Shining positioned himself under his father, the tip of his hard cock scraping against Orion’s thighs and backside as he did so. Once he was in position, Shining thrust up and speared his father with his dick, Orion’s butthole quickly opening to accept the new invader. Orion gasped as it happened, Shining was significantly thicker than Soarin’ was and he had not prepared the unicorn prior to entry. Any pain was quickly lost to pleasure as the younger one started thrusting in and out, somehow managing to gyrate his hips from a sitting position. Orion’s cock and balls were caught in between the chests of the two ponies as they twitched together, bathing the pair in new pleasures at every turn. Orion spied the top of Shining’s head and the large blobs of Soarin’s cum still clinging to his horn. Without pausing he reached up and took his son’s horn into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the spirals and licking off all the blobs of cum that he could. Under his touch, Shining’s horn began to fizz and spark as it had done the night before. The unicorn’s horn was connected directly to the brain through a long series of nerves. To touch or suck on another’s horn was an act of intimacy similar to a pegasus sharing their wings with another. Shining thought nothing of that though, he was too focused on the intense pleasures he was getting from both his loins and his horn. Each one was crying out to be seen first, but in the end both peaked at the same time. With a howl more reminiscent of a timber wolf, Shining gave one last savage thrust and held himself deep within his father as he dumped the contents of his balls into his father’s rectum, coating every available surface in his sticky goo. At the same time his horn reached it climax, a bright glow of lights and colours bursting forth from the tip. Or rather would have done, it Orion’s mouth wasn’t still clamped around it. Watching from the side, Soarin’ saw Orion’s mouth light up as if there was a mini rave in his mouth and everypony was invited. All three ponies were finally spent, collapsing to the floor in sweaty puddles of their own bodily fluids. Shining and Soarin’ were once again filthy and matted, while Orion who had never showered to begin with was even dirtier than either of them. The remainder of Shining’s three day pass was spent wrapped up in constant fucking with his father or Soarin’ or frequently both. He had never come so much during a 3 day period as he did while with them. Neither of the older ponies expected Shining to remain only with them, just as Soarin’ was allowed to take a fan girl or two to bed if he wanted. Shining was married after all, and his duty to his wife should come first. Orion still held out hope that Dazzle would come around and their sex life would resume. However if at any point he wanted to return, then one or both of them would be available whenever he needed some relief. Shining gave both of them one final kiss before setting off towards Canterlot castle. He still had guard duty that morning. > Chapter 2: The Prince's Secret (M/M) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: The Prince’s Secrets A/N: This is easily the darkest chapter I have planned for this story. Content warning for non-consensual sex on top of the usual warnings regarding M/M sex. Do not worry, things will start to look up for Shining and co from the next chapter. Prince Blueblood strode the halls of Canterlot castle with purpose and determination. He was under no illusions regarding his public identity. He knew that most of Equestria regarded him as vain and stupid, a spoilt royal who threw a tantrum whenever he didn’t get his own way. The public shunned him even as they fawned over his sister Cadance. She was lucky, having gotten a one in a trillion genetic fluke and been born as an Alicorn while he was just a unicorn. From the moment of her birth the public loved her, comparing her to Celestia and Luna while Blueblood, the elder sibling was left in relative obscurity. When he came of age, the palace gave him some token fiefdoms and insignificant duties to perform while Cadance was raised to take her place as the god incarnate of love. In many ways this suited the blonde unicorn just fine. The less the public’s eye was on him, the more freedom he would have to indulge in some of his… darker pleasures. He prided himself on his cutie mark – a compass rose. Whenever he was asked about it, he would reply that it meant he was a good navigator and that he always knew where he was going. What he didn’t say was that it also meant he was very good at finding things. And it wasn’t limited to physical objects only. Blueblood was a master at reading body language, from the smallest shift of weight to a darting look of the eyes. Blueblood could find anything and he could find anything out. There was almost nopony at the palace that he had not managed to discover something incriminating about – the maid to the high chancellor was stealing silverware or that one of the royal archivists was attempting to rewrite his family history so as to remove any affiliation with the lunar rebellion prior to Nightmare Moons banishment. Blueblood didn’t always confront a pony about these things, knowing full well the value of having a few cards in reserve. But the fact remained: every pony in the palace was subject to his eye, and it saw everything. It was with this eye that he saw his brother-in-law, the captain Shining Armour return from his 3 day leave with a new spring in his step and a gleam in his eye. ‘Something has happened to him, time to find out what’ Blueblood thought, his mind already beginning to consider blackmail possibilities. Having a captain of the royal guards in his pocket had so many opportunities, not to mention leverage over his sister. “Guard captain Armour” He called out, attracting the attention of the other white stallion. “Report to me once you have presented yourself at the guard barracks. I have something I want to discuss with you.” Shining nodded but did not react in any other way. Personally he thought of Blueblood as a pain in his ass. There were rumours about the prince. That he in fact led a secret life of extreme sexual perversion and depravity or that he blackmailed everyone he got the chance. None of Bluebloods friends had ever said anything about it though and it all remained simply as rumour and hearsay. Shining was confident that all the other prince wanted was to discuss some trivial matter – he did have a few legitimate duties to perform that overlapped with the guards from time to time. It would not be the first time the Blueblood had attempted to exert his influence over a promotion or demotion. He would go report to his commanding officer, and then go deal with Blueblood. Throughout the palace, ponies stopped and greeted him as he passed or on duty guards saluted to him. While he was technically a medium ranked captain, the fact that he had also married into the royal family meant that he got respect and treatment he didn’t truly feel he deserved. A pony attempting to curry favour by manipulating the duty roster, invitations to parties by ponies he had never even met before. Such things were common and Shining did not approve. The guard barracks located in the royal palace were as opulent as the rest of the majestic structure. At least they were on the outside. Golden filigree and ornately carved columns littered the entrances. Muscular ponies in resplendent gold barding guarded the main doors. Past the entrance however all the splendour of the palace faded away. Gold gave way to wrought iron and steel. The suits barding on the walls were not of gold or silver, but of chain links or plate steel – the kinds that a soldier would actually wear into battle. It was into this somewhat more Spartan lifestyle that Shining Armour felt most at home. While the chambers he shared with his wife were majestic – thick carpeting, stained glass windows, plush cushions, Shining Armour could live without any of it. A true career soldier, he could live happily on just a pile of hay and a thin travel blanket. His commander was a gruff no nonsense pony. Providing you did your job well, the best you could expect from him was a level stare. Shining, an exemplary officer received a single nod from the commander. Shining had liked this commander. He didn’t give anypony special treatment or fawn over Shining’s status as a prince. To him, you rose or fell in his estimation based on your actions alone, as it should be. “You’re late Armour.” A comment Shining knew was a calculated lie designed to throw him off balance. He wasn’t required to be on duty for another hour. “Sorry Sir. Won’t happen again.” Shining banged a hoof against his forehead in a salute. “Prince Blueblood has requested to speak with me at once.” The commander glowered at this. Once again the baby prince was sticking his nose into the guards business. “Best go and see what ‘His Highness’ wants then. Do it quickly though, you’re up on the wall today.” Shining saluted again and left the barracks, striding down the hallways towards Blueblood’s office. Blueblood’s office was on the other side of the palace from the barracks, and the contrast could not have been more clear. Every inch of the prince’s office was covered in some form of excess. The floor was either tiled in solid marble or covered in thick shags. One wall was dedicated to a staggering array of liquors, almost all of them were either technically illegal in Equestria or so rare that a normal pony would never have a hope of getting their hooves on a bottle. Artwork and tapestries hung on the walls, each of them invoked a sense of the erotic or the disturbing, and the eyes of the paintings on the walls all appeared to track you. Shining hated it here. The entire office was designed to make a supplicant feel uneasy or to prove just how rich Blueblood must be if he could afford to decorate his office in this manner. Sitting in the middle of this lair was Blueblood, prince of Equestria. From the way he had been stationed at his desk, front hooves lightly pressed together to form a triangle, he had clearly been expecting Shining. Not surprising, given that he was the one who arranged the meeting. Blueblood watched as Shining let himself into the office, the door closing with a solid thud behind him. The door was another ploy the prince had had installed. The solid construction and imposing sound of the door closing served to increase the feeling of isolation that visiting ponies would feel. Once that door closed, you were trapped in this room until the prince saw fit to release you. Shining did not let himself feel any apprehension. He saw through all the tricks that Blueblood surrounded himself with, petty parlour illusions that would not work on a seasoned soldier. At first Blueblood simply observed Shining as he sat before him. For nearly a full minute he said nothing, watching Shining’s reactions to his scrutiny. Shining calmly looked back, his face an inscrutable mask. Eventually Blueblood spoke. “I’ll get straight to the point. Who was she?” Blueblood asked bluntly. For all the features of his office, he had no desire to be subtle today. “Who was who?” Shining asked, his brow creasing in a lack of understanding. “Don’t play dumb with me soldier. Cadance is away in the empire and your entire demeanour reeks of you having slept with somepony. There is no possible way that you could have gotten up to the crystal empire and back down again so quickly without leaving some kind of trace evidence, train tickets, magical residue, a hire notice for a pegasus carriage. None of the gate guards reported ever seeing you leave the city, thus I am forced to assume you found some entertainment a bit closer to home. So I will ask you again: Who was she?” Blueblood fully expected that when Shining Armour finally cracked he would hear the name of some Canterlot back alley hooker, he knew them all had had engaged their services many times at various points. Initially he got exactly what he was expecting. Shining quickly realised that he had made a simple mistake. He had failed to establish an air tight alibi by allowing a guard to see him leave the city. It would not take long for Blueblood to start piecing together the pieces until they lead to his father. Casting into his memories, he looked for the name of any of the hookers he had arrested at some point, hoping to be able to pull a name out to placate Blueblood's curiosity. Blueblood watched as panic and concern crossed Shining's face. From the little twitches, it was clear he was trying to fabricate a story on the fly. 'This is almost too easy' He mused. "Alright Blueblood. You win. Her name was Cherry Blast" Shining said, finally managing to get the name of a mare he had brought in for soliciting a year ago. Blueblood's eyes lit up at that name. Cherry Blast was the best hooker he ever partook of. She was also dead, having been caught in an accidental fire about 3 months before. "And just where did you meet her, the Graveyard? Shining you naughty boy, I had no idea you went for that sort of thing. Necrophilia indeed." Blueblood called Shining's bluff, catching the guard in a clear lie. Shining knew he was trapped. He would never be able to outsmart Blueblood on a subject like the hookers of Canterlot. “Ugh Fine. Their names were Soarin’ and my father.” He admitted, looking Blueblood right in the eye. He was not going to live in shame about what he had done, multiple times now. If the truth was going to get out, then he was going to be the one to dictate how and when it was revealed. Blueblood sat in his seat for 30 seconds, not moving an inch. An expression of amazement was plastered over his face. Whatever he had expected to hear from Shining Armour, it was not that. Regaining some of his faculties, he asked Shining to repeat he last comment. “I must have misheard you. You said you had sex with a member of the Wonderbolt’s and your father?” Shining nodded, not taking his eyes off of Blueblood. “You, had incestuous sex with two stallions?” Another nod. “Does Cadance know you are gay?” At this Shining Armour shot Blueblood a warning look. “I’m not gay Blue, I still love Cadance. It just kinda happed.” ‘And kept ‘kinda’ happening several times after that’ a voice inside Shining Armour’s mind spoke up. Blueblood gave Shining a long appraising look. This was even greater dirt than he had ever expected. So good in fact that he was going to cash in this favour right now.. “Are you going to tell Cadance Blue?” Shining asked “Blueblood” the other prince replied. “My name is Blueblood.” Shining looked exasperated. “Fine, are you going to tell Cadance Blueblood?” “That depends” Blueblood replied, a thin smile full of malice crept across his face. “On what?” Shining asked, seeing the smile. Blueblood climbed out of his chair, revealing his royal tool at full extension and dribbling freely. During their conversation, Blueblood had hardened out of sight under his desk, images of the acts he was about to commit exciting him. “It depends on how well you can convince me to stay quiet about it.” He gestured towards the waiting dick. “Well, convince me.” Shining stared at him. It seemed that some of the rumours about the prince were true after all. He was indeed a sexual deviant and he was demanding that Shining service him right there in his office. Shining wanted to refuse, but realised that both Soarin’ and Orion’s heads would be on the block next to his, metaphorically speaking if he did. Another part of his mind considered lashing out at Blueblood and beating him into submission. Such a plan was flawed however. Several ponies either knew or had seen him enter this office. Any investigation would quickly place the blame on him and would start to question just what was so important that Shining was willing to commit Assault and Battery. Knowing Blueblood, he probably also had this place bugged for sound anyway. No, there was really only one option available to Shining Armour. With a deep disgust, aimed at both the monster sitting before him and himself for doing it, Shining moved forward and engulfed Blueblood’s dick into his mouth. As he felt the crown of the tip pass his lips, Shining was assaulted by a bitter flavour. Where Soarin’ or Orion’s pre-come was sweet and light, Blueblood’s was heavy and almost rancid. Shining’s nose wrinkled at the taste but he did not withdraw from his sucking. He had to see this through, or else Blueblood would most likely simply take the price of silence out of his father or Soarin’. Their lives would be ruined, but Shining had one chance to keep that from happening. If it meant Blueblood keeping his mouth shut, then Shining would suck him off no matter how repulsive such an act would be. He just hoped that nopony would stumble in on them. ‘This is the most degrading thing I have ever had to do, lets just get this thing over quickly’ Shining moved in and plunged Blueblood down his throat, deciding to commit to the action fully so as to get it over with as quickly as possible. Shining’s tongue flittered lightly around the rod in his mouth, teasing and licking against the sensitive undersides, hoping to bring swift resolution. He moved up and down on the dick, making sure to put as much suction on each up thrust as he could before dropping down and engulfing Blueblood’s cock right down to his blue balls. If there was one thing that Shining was noticing from doing this, it was that he was getting better at the action of deep-throating. Where Soarin’ or Orion had made him gag the first time he had tried it with them, he found he could accommodate Blueblood’s member with ease. A small part of him felt proud of such an achievement, even at a time like this. Blueblood was relishing the feelings he was recieving. Both the actual pleasure that the upstart Shining Armour was lavishing on his cock and the equally intense feeling he got whenever he was able to coerce somepony into doing his will, that feeling of total control. Compared to that, the pleasures of the actual sex came in second. This wasn’t about Shining being gay; it was simply a power play and having Blueblood lay down the law to the newest member of the royal family. That law was simple: do what Blueblood tells you and everything would be fine. With his lesson firmly planted in his partners mind, Blueblood decided that it was time to truly enjoy himself here while he had the chance. It was time to make his own claim on Shining Armour’s flanks. Blueblood withdrew from Shining’s mouth, his cock now shiny with spit. For a moment he felt a chill as the air in the office made his exposed organ cold, but Blueblood knew of a perfect way to warm himself up. “Turn around Shining.” He commanded. There was no mistaking the tone of his voice. This was not a request from a lover looking to give greater pleasure. This was a command from somepony out only to satisfy themselves. Silently Shining did as he was bade; resisting would only prolong the experience. In short order, he felt the tip of Blueblood push against his opening and force its way inside him. Inch after inch of pony cock slipped inside his tight passage, leaving him with a feeling of being totally full. It seemed that Blueblood had turned from being a metaphorical pain in his ass to a literal one. There was no tenderness in Blueblood touch however. Giving Shining only a moment to adjust himself to the new girth filling him, Blueblood began to move. A single long pull allowed him to withdraw from the other white unicorn until he was almost fully exposed. With a vicious thrust, he sank back into the depths of Shining, relishing the velvet feel of the other ponies muscles on his cock as he did so. Even when he screwed mares, he had a preference for anal. It was so much more sinful, so delightful to take a mare’s back door. At first, Shining felt like his butt was on fire. Bluebloods thrusts into him were rapid and violent, but he quickly was able to adjust his body to accommodate the new stallion. While he would never actually say anything, Blueblood was not the largest of ponies. Both Orion and Soarin’ had fucked him with larger dicks than was currently plumbing his depths. As the lining of spit wore off, Blueblood’s cock emitted a new layer of pre-come, greasing Shining’s passage and making the thrusts more bearable. As it had with Orion the first time, the pain soon turned to pleasure. A quiet moan escaped his lips as Blueblood soon reached a smooth place, slamming his dick into Shining Armour’s ass with every thrust. Squishes and slaps could softly be heard from outside the office door. Ponies who had worked at the palace long enough had learned to simply disregard such noises. It was far better for their own personal sanity and job prospects to allow the prince to do whatever he wanted behind closed doors. Everypony could still remember the last worker who tried to take Blueblood’s perversities public. That pony was now a bitless bum. Blueblood had taken everything he had, all without the media having gotten a sniff. Blueblood worked hard at reaming Shining’s butt. With one hoof he felt under Shining’s chest, feeling his flaccid cock just now starting to harden, proof that Shining was starting to enjoy this just as much as he was. He jacked the slowly hardening rod, it looking as if it was an extension of his own shaft. Shining’s moans increased, to his shame. Blueblood rammed into Shining, his ballsack slapping against the others with every thrust. A twitching in his loins told him that he was getting close. He picked up the pace, increasing the speed and depth of each thrust. A wave of pleasure overcame him as he made one last thrust and held himself as deep as he could be inside Shining, his flare expanding and anchoring him securely while a surge of cum boiled up from his sack and out his tip, spurting into Shining’s waiting plot. Rope after slimy rope of cum shot out of him and passed into his unicorn bitch. Quickly his flare began to recede and Blueblood began to withdraw from Shining’s ass, very satisfied with himself. Shining felt Blueblood expand and twitch inside him, a layer of cream filling washing over his tunnel. The fluid soothed some of the remaining fire lingering in his rear. Shortly after, he could feel Blueblood start to shrink and withdraw from him, emerging from his ass with a quiet pop sound. A thin dribble of cum trailed after, dripping down his crack and over his balls and still erect cock before landing on the floor. Blueblood had specially left him on the edge as a partially sadistic torture. A slow clap from Blueblood drew his attention outwards. Turning to the other, Shining saw him levitating up a rag towards him. Inwardly he was glad that the whole experience was over. “Get yourself cleaned up boy, but first a little reward for you.” Blueblood spoke, the first time since he had commanded Shining to turn about. A glow surrounded his horn and Shining felt Blueblood begin to wank his length using magic. A glow appeared on his erect cock as magic simulated hooves and stroked him. Blueblood rubbed up along Shining’s dick quickly, eliciting gasps and moans from the guard. As it became clear that Shining was getting close to coming, Blueblood split his magic and levitated a cup over. Shining groaned one final time before shooting his load into the cup, a healthy volume of seed spilling from his tip. After 6 or 7 spurts, Shining ran dry. Blueblood levitated the cup up to Shining’s mouth. With one hoof he motioned that he wanted Shining to drink it. Shining took the half filled up, looking at the thick white liquid contained in it. Of all the acts that Blueblood had subjected him to, this was likely the easiest one for him. He had tasted his own seed on the lips of Soarin’ and Orion before, and it was no big deal for him to drink this now. In one motion he up ended the cup and felt its contents flow on to his tongue. The sharp salty taste of his own cum greeted him, and Shining swallowed it quickly. The slimy texture of the cum tickled his throat as it descended, but soon Shining had swallowed the entire cup, showing the empty cup to Blueblood before putting it down on the desk. Blueblood looked at the empty container, satisfied that Shining had swallowed it all. “Your secret is safe with me, for now. I may call upon you again in the future. You would do well to be ready when I do.” With a final gesture, Blueblood dismissed Shining out of his office. Shining quickly finished wiping up any cum he could find on his body. Once he was satisfied that he was clean he turned back to Blueblood. “If you tell Cadance, so help me Celestia, I will make you regret it.” Blueblood simply smiled at the bravado, he had heard it all before from so many ponies. “Yes, yes, you would hunt me down to the four corners of Equestria and make me rue the day I was born. I keep my promises Shining Armour, like all true royalty. Of course, if you were to tell anypony about what happened here, my mouth may accidentally slip at the dinner table.” Shining glowered at Blueblood but said nothing further. There was nothing left to say. He had to get to his post on the castle walls before any of his subordinates noticed he was missing. > Chapter 3: Cadance finds out (M/F. Gender Reversal) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 – Cadance finds out. A/N: This one is the Futa chapter. Enjoy. “He did what?” Soarin’ asked. It was the next night and Soarin’ had been recalled to the Wonderbolt’s HQ. With the Wonderbolt’s currently stationed in Canterlot, he made a point of finding Shining after both their days ended. A pair of open beers sat between them as they for all intents appeared to just be two guys catching up after work. Orion was at his job in the observatory, and would be unable to join them until so late as to make it not worth the trip. While they were alone, Shining had recounted what Blueblood had said and done in his office. When he heard, Soarin’ was all up for storming the castle and giving Blueblood a face hoof at rainboom speeds. Shining had needed to use his magic to restrain the pegasus until he calmed down enough not to go dashing off. “How could that sleazeball get away with something like that?” Soarin’ asked. “Because he has almost the entire palace either in his pocket or blackmailed into submission. Right now he is willing to keep quite about us in exchange for ‘favours’, and currently doing them is less risky than trying to expose him. Blueblood has had years to entrench himself in his position and we would need something really damning to take him down. Something like evidence of first degree treason at a minimum, and Blueblood isn’t nearly stupid enough as to get caught up in something like that.” Soarin’ did not look placated in the slightest, but knew it was futile to try and fly off again. He decided that he would have to focus on another topic for now until a better opportunity to deal with Blueblood came up. Chugging the rest of his beer, Soarin’ let out a loud belch that reverberated around the park the two ponies were in. Shining cringed at the crude display while Soarin’ laughed at his discomfort. Soarin’ gave Shining a sly look, a pair of bedroom eyes giving him a ‘come hither’ invitation. “I know a few things we could do to get your mind off of Blueblood” he hinted, slowly running the tip of his tongue over his lips, leaving a sheen of moisture behind. Shining caught the subtext of the words instantly, and his body followed suit. Soarin’ watched his cock emerged from its sheath and harden. Shining looked around the park, hoping that they were alone. While ponies went around nude 90% of the time, exposed genitals were still considered offensive. A glance showed him that they were the only two ponies in the area. Soarin’ was not content to simply look however. Moving in with the speed that only a trained pegasus could muster, he dropped to the ground and scooted under the standing form of Shining Armour. His tongue darted out and gave the sensitive underside of Shining’s erect cock a long lick from the base up to the tip. Shining squealed in response before covering his mouth with a hoof. Soarin’ continued to lick and suck at the exposed glands, heedless of the public setting or Shining’s embarrassment. “Soarin’, not here. Ponies could see us.” Shining said, trying in vain to prise the pegasus off his sex. Soarin’ had managed to get a death grip with his mouth and wasn’t about to let go. Shining could feel himself begin to leak fluids into Soarin’s waiting mouth as the Wonderbolt’s skilled tongue massaged his flare with a practiced ease. Soarin’ continued unabated for another 30 seconds or so until he pulled off and rose to his hooves. “I want you in me, know anyplace we can go?” Shining thought for a moment. Dazzle was back from Ponyville, so his parent’s house was out of the question. They could rent a motel but both of them were easy to recognise. Shining quickly realised there was one place that would be free for them to use, although it would violate a huge number of rules and regulations. “My chambers at the palace should be free. Normally when Cadance is out of town, I sleep at the guard barracks anyway, so nopony would expect me to go there. I can teleport us both there right now if you want to go.” Soarin’ nodded so vigorously that Shining was afraid he would break his neck. The pair got up from their table. Shining knew that his chambers at the palace would be both free at the moment and totally private. Cadance was meant to be getting home tomorrow afternoon, so he and Soarin’ were going to have to make the most of tonight. Shining concentrated and called up his teleport spell. Putting a hoof of Soarin’s side, he expanded the spell’s envelope bubble to accommodate the additional pony and blinked them both out of existence. Teleporting is not a simple disappear here and reappear there affair. The caster must maintain a tight grip on the spell as they travel through a layer of non-space. The effects of travelling through literal nothing varied from pony to pony, but generally the side effects were to the negative. Every unicorn reported that their first teleport was a little bit on the rough side, especially if somepony else was doing the actual driving of the spell. The more mass that needed to be transported, the rougher it would be on all involved. Shining and Soarin’ reappeared inside the entrance antechamber leading into his and Cadance’s royal chambers in the palace. Shining was mostly unaffected by the phase into the palace, he had been through several much longer and harder jumps before during guard training. Soarin’ however was a different story. It was clear to Shining that he had never undergone a teleport before, and was feeling the effects quite severely. He appeared to be almost drunk, having trouble maintaining balance without holding on to anything. A tinge of green appeared around his mouth. Shining knew that he would just need to lie down for a few minutes as his body processed what had just happened to it. Shining hoisted Soarin’ to his hooves and half walked, half dragged him towards the bed. It was a huge king sized bed, such a size was needed to hold an Alicorn’s frame, even one as diminutive as Cadance was. The bed itself was made of the highest grade cloud encased in soft threads, covered in sheets of pure silk. Sheets that Shining, as he approached, realised were currently occupied by two other ponies. Cadance, Princess of Love was currently spread on the bed, both her wings were erect to painful levels. Buried between her legs, tongue flicking at the pink jewel and one hoof rubbing her own leaking pussy was… “Twily? CADANCE?” Shining shouted out, interrupting the sapphic display taking place before him. Both mares screamed and jumped at the sound of his voice, limbs flailing around in a futile attempt to cover themselves. Cadance looked horrified at the sight of her husband standing there, watching her along with a pegasus she thought she recognised. Shining was totally stunned. Of all the things he could have thought that Cadance would be doing, having lesbian sex with his sister was not one of them. The shouts seemed to focus Soarin’, his eyes blinking rapidly and seeming to regain focus. He took in the scene in front of him, noticing the smell of sex in the air. His body reacted the only way it knew how. His cock plumped up instantly, but he hung back and tried to hide it. Shining regained the use of his mouth, though he was still rooted to the spot. “Cadance, what the hell do you think you are doing with my SISTER?” He conveniently forgot the fact that he was just about to engage in exactly the same activities. Cadance looked like she was going to burst into tears, her eyes were filled with water, and a single drop more would burst the floodgates. “I’m so…so sorry Shining” She choked out. “I never p-p-planed for you to f-find out like this.” Shining’s molten fury softened slightly at the sight of his bride on the verge of crying. He moved in a put a hoof over her shoulder. She responded by burying her face into his chest, heaving and sobbing. For what seemed like an hour they remained there, Cadance bawling her eyes out into Shining, him just holding her and stroking her multi hued mane. Finally she calmed down enough to manage a coherent sentence. “Can I talk to you in private Shining? I need to tell you the truth.” Shining nodded and led Cadance into the guest bedroom off to the side of the main chamber. One inside he closed the door, leaving Soarin’ and Twilight behind. Soarin’ and Twilight watched as Cadance and Shining Armour disappeared back into the bedroom chamber. Neither knew what was going to go on in there, but Twilight had a fair idea about what Cadance would do. Soarin’ tried to remain silent but was distracted by the smells of arousal that Twilight was emitting. Before being interrupted, she was well on the way to getting herself off, and Soarin’ could taste the pheromones in the air. The mare had seemed to have forgotten that she was still leaking, and a puddle of her arousal was forming under her. Dark stains appeared on her rump as her secretions soaked into her fur. ‘Screw it, I’m only Equine’ Soarin’ thought as he moved up towards Twilight, the smells dispersing the last of his nausea. Turning his 100 watt smile and making sure that his manly musk was being directed at the mare, he decided to breach the question with subtly and nuance, grace would be required. “So Twilight, Wanna fuck?” Twilight looked up at him as if he had spoken another language other than Equestrian. She caught sight of Soarin’s cock, standing proudly under him and recoiled. “What? What are you doing? Put that thing away before somepony sees you.” She hissed, unable to take her eyes off the pole waggling before her as Soarin’ moved in front of her. “Why? We are the only ones here Twilight. What’s the matter, never seen a stallion up close before?” Twilight lowered her eyes before answering. “No, I haven’t. I mean I have seen Shining’s once when I walked in on him, but I’ve never had a special somepony.” Soarin’ pumped up his charisma to near max levels. That such a cute mare was still a virgin was almost criminal, Soarin’ didn’t count lesbian sex. Unless there was some kind of penetration it didn’t count, or so Spitfire had told him so many times while she took some lucky mare off to her bed. “Then let me show you just what you have been missing. I’ll be gentle, I promise.” Twilight melted under the energy coming off the pegasus. She became aware of a tingling feeling in her loins; an after effect of her session with Cadance. She had not managed to achieve her release then. Her body knew what to do with its arousal and it wanted this badly. A quick nod to the stallion was all she could manage. Her desire quickly changed to confusion when Soarin’ lowered his head to her dripping tunnel. She had expected him to straddle her at one and fill her up. A moment later, a burst of pleasure overrode her ability to think anymore as a soft, somewhat rough tongue made a slow lick up her snatch. Cadance burst into tears, as sobs and heaving cries emanated from her. “Oh Shining, I’m so sorry. It was a stupid mistake, borne of a situation that should never have happened. Can you forgive me?” Shining moved up and embraced his wife. “I can forgive you Cadance. Tell me what happened, but then I have a confession of my own, one which may be just if not more shocking for you.” Cadance choked back tears and tried to start her story again. “We have been drifting apart lately. Neither of us said anything, but there was a distance growing between us. I knew that it had to be me, my inability to embrace your desires were going to drive you into the arms of another mare. I was too afraid to ask you about it, so I went to the smartest pony I knew: Twilight. She explained to me through one of her thoroughly complicated diagrams that I had been denying a part of myself ever since I had been born. That sex with the one you love is love in its purest form, and as such I should be embracing sex in all its forms. She tried to help me experiment to start with, something we both were uncomfortable with and things quickly escalated from there. I was going to tell you, I promise. Please don’t hate me.” “I could never hate you Cadance, I love you far too much for that. Now it is my turn for a confession.” Shining hesitated, gathering his thoughts. There was no easy way to explain what he was going to say, so saying it simply and directly was the best solution. “This last week while you have been away, I have been sleeping with Soarin’ and my father. I walked in on them having sex and I don’t know what came over me, but I joined in. I have had sex with my father and we both loved it. Can you forgive me for that?” Cadance looked directly at Shining, tenderness filling her eyes. “The moment you walked in I could sense what had happened between you. You are bathed in the love of your father, something I can see clearly. He truly loves you. Yes, I can forgive you Shining. This was all my fault to start with. Twilight helped me see that sex is a natural part of love. I have spent so much time holding us back with my naïveté that I pushed you into the arms of another pony. I want to make that up to you.” Shining could see the truth in Cadance’s eyes. She truly thought that she had failed him and was willing to do almost anything to make it up. “Anything you want, any fantasy you can come up with, I will help act it out for you. No questions or taboos. You want me to dress up as Twilight? I can do that.” In a flash of magic, Cadance’s body shifted, her colours changing to resemble those of Twilight, though her wings remained. Shining put his hoof on his wife’s muzzle, stopping her fretting. He knew exactly what he wanted, and it wasn’t a simulacrum of his sister. Cadance returned to her normal pink colouration as she broke out of the spectrum spell she had cast. “You want to help me act out my fantasy do you? Well them my love, here it is. Just for tonight, I want you to be the stallion. Can you use your magic to grow a penis? I want you to make me your mare.” Cadance smiled at him. “Oh, I can do much more than that my love. Just watch.” Cadance’s horn began to glow as she powered up a spell. Quickly her aura enveloped her entire body and Shining was blinded by a flash of light. Covering his eyes with a hoof he had to close them so as not to be blinded. As quickly as it had appeared, the flash vanished, and Shining’s vision began to return. A hazy out of focus shot of a big pink blob resolved itself into an image of his wife. She looked exactly the same as before, but when she moved, Shining saw something bob up and down from underneath her body. A quick glance told him all he needed to know: Cadance now had a stallion sized penis, erect and flared up. Her movements with the extra appendage were graceless, as if she had never had such a burden on her body before and Shining was fairly sure she hadn’t Shining was smitten with the image of his wife complete with cock. Tonight would mark a turning point in their marriage, one which would he hoped would only strengthen it. All their secrets were out now, and each had forgiven the other for their trespass. From here, they could only move forward together. “How do you boys get around with these things? I can’t take two steps without it flying up and slapping me.” Cadance mock complained. Shining laughed at the sight. “We stallions just know how to handle ourselves.” He sidled up to his wife and kissed her deeply, gently dragging her onto the bed until she was laying on her back, her new tool waving from side to side. “Does this spell allow you to feel things?” Shining asked. “It does. The spell makes it fully functional as a replacement, real down to the last detail.” Cadance confirmed. “Good” Shining replied. “I don’t want you to miss out on this.” Before Cadance could ask what he meant, Shining dipped his head and took Cadance’s hot pink member into his mouth, wrapping and dragging his tongue over the tip and crown, bathing the faux cock in his warm saliva. Keeping the cock in his mouth, Shining looked up at his wife to see her staring off into space, her mouth open. Both her wings were stretched out behind her and quavering rapidly. Shining took that as a sign she was enjoying herself. With each suck on the shaft, Shining managed to tease out a little bit more of Cadance’s pre-come. It tasted extremely sweet, each drop was charged with something that made his tongue tingle, a fact he attributed to the magical nature of the organ he was fellating. For Cadance the experience was like nothing she had ever felt. The sensations that Shining was lavishing on her new tool were so different to anything she had felt before that she wasn’t sure if she liked them or not. Tingles and sparks of electric power seemed to shoot from every spot that Shining licked or sucked. Every time that he dropped down to the base of her cock, Cadance felt a new pressure start to build in her ball sack. “Shining, I feel weird, I think I’m going to pee. Oh, Celestia. HERE IT COMES, PULL OFF” Cadance shouted out, arching her back and wings, trying to dislodge Shining from sucking on her. A moment later she was unable to focus on anything as her vision dimmed and something spurted out of her cock into Shining’s mouth. Shining felt the first spurt of magical spunk land on his tongue. The moment it registered, he felt like a firework had gone off in his mind. The flavour was well and truly the greatest thing he had ever tasted, it was like somepony had condensed the love he and Cadance shared and distilled it down to its purest form. One part of his mind not reeling from the intense flavour considered that if this was what the changelings fed on, then he had misjudged them severely. If he had know pure love was this tasty then he also may have been tempted to get every drop he could. That part of his mind was quickly drowned under the rest of his body, all of which cried out for more of the sticky substance now filling his mouth. Cadance was producing copious amounts of the white fluids, and Shining had to swallow multiple times in order to prevent himself from choking on it. Each swallow was tinged with the regret that he would not get to savour its taste again. Cadance rode out her mind blowing male orgasm, Luna’s stars dancing before her eyes. As she felt each spurt pass from her into Shining, a pang of new pleasure wracked her body. On instinct, her hooves latched onto the back of Shining’s head, attempting to draw him in even closer. A guttural howl escaped her lips as her faux penis pumped out the last of her load. Cadance fell back onto the guest bed, both of her wings writhing around her body. Despite not having actually done anything overtly physical, she felt like she had just run a marathon. Her body was totally spent and every limb was more relaxed than she had ever been. Her wings had stopped wiggling around her and now hung limp and idle from the joint. As she lay back in the bed panting, she could still feel Shining going to town on her magical appendage. “Oh, Celestia that was just incredible. Is it always this good for you men?” Cadance asked once she had recovered enough of her strength to speak. Her tiara was askew but she didn’t care, she had just had the best feeling of her life. Shining prised himself off of Cadance’s member. A property of its magical nature was that it had not deflated following ejaculation. It was still as hard and eager as the moment Cadance had conjured it. “It is pretty good yea” he admitted to her. Shining moved a hoof down and began stroking Cadance lightly, eliciting a new round of groans from the pink princess of love. Shining reached up and gave his wife a long slow lick from the base of her dick, up past her bulging nipples and tracing his way up towards her neck. Working his way up he breathed into her ears, his warm breath causing her to flick it several times. “Guess what, it gets even better. With one final kiss to Cadance, he got to his hooves and squatted down over her rock hard length. A quick push and he felt her tip glide inside his ass, the crown and flare squishing down hard as they pushed against his muscle ring. Cadance was lost in heaven, relishing the tight grip Shining’s ass was impressing on her dick. His ass was smooth and soft like a velvet glove. The heat and pressure on her exposed glands were almost unbearable, and yet she wanted to show herself even further up into her husband. Each inch of herself that she felt slip inside him was like another accomplishment. For the first time she could truly see why stallions loved sex so much. Aside from the pleasure she was getting, there was a feeling of power that went with it. She was subjugating another to her will and it got her going in a way she had never experienced before. With one final push, Shining felt Cadance bottom out inside him. Each throb of her heart pulsed within him as he rested his body upon hers. His own dick had reached full length and was resting flat against her chest, drips of his pre-come falling upon her and leaving dark stains on her coat. The pair held their position for a moment as Shining leaned forward and planted a deep kiss on Cadance’s lips, their tongues mixing and dancing in each others mouths. For a moment Cadance could taste the lingering aftermath of the cum she had deposited in Shining. They held still for a full minute before Shining broke the kiss and rose up, towering above the prone figure of Cadance. With a push he rose up further, allowing Cadance’s dick to begin to slide out of him. When only the tip remained within him he paused again. Looking down at Cadance he locked eyes with her, she was in rapture. In one stroke Shining fell back down, his ass swallowing the cock with an almost practiced ease. Cadance’s scream of pleasure echoed throughout the guest bedroom and likely the rest of the chambers as well. She could not contain herself for long, the pleasure was far too intense. As Shining rose and fell on her, her hips instinctively began to match his movements with their own thrusts, each one forcing her deeper into her husband and lover than the last. Shining was in heaven, bouncing on his wife’s dick. He knew that they were going to have to start doing this on a more regular basis. Each one of Cadance’s thrusts was tickling his prostate and pleasuring him in ways he had never thought were possible. Somepony had once told him that heaven was inside your wife, but right now he realised that it was having your wife inside you. With each thrust up and down, Shining’s dick slapped Cadance’s exposed front, large globs of his fluids seeping out and splattering over her fur or face. Cadance tentatively licked up one of the globs that landed on her nose. It was tart but not sour. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not, maybe it would grow on her over time. That train of thought was cut off as Shining redoubled his efforts on her cock. A tingling in her balls signalled that she was about to cum again. With one final slam into her husband, Cadance let the floodgates open and unleashed a torrent of her cum into Shining. Despite having already cum not a few moments ago, the volume was undiminished. Her cock twitched and throbbed, blasting multiple loads of seed into Shining’s rear. Shining could sense each searing blast enter him, leaving a coat of magical essence on his insides. He held himself as still as he could while Cadance unloaded in him, letting her ride out her orgasm in peace. After a long moment, Cadance settled down and stopped twitching in him. Not pausing to catch his breath, Shining grasped his member with both hooves and started jacking himself. His earlier session with Soarin’ and the uniqueness of the current situation had given him a hair trigger. Pearly white strands of cum flew out of his tip, splattering over Cadance’s face and mane. Each strand clung to her body, leaving her with a spiderweb of semen. Two ropes landed in her open, waiting mouth. Cadance spluttered as the warm salty taste reached her mouth. It was like the pre-come only a lot stronger. She figured that she could learn to like it if she had to. Shining fell forward, landing on the bed next to his wife. Its function fulfilled, Cadance’s cock shrivelled and disappeared, sucking itself out of Shining’s body. Both ponies lay on the bed, covered in sweat and in Cadance’s case, Shining’s cum. Neither made a sound other than the noises of their panting and heaving as they tried to catch their breath. “Oh no” Cadance said, sitting up and turning beet red. “Twilight and Soarin’ are still in the other room, they would have heard everything.” If it were possible for an immortal god to die of embarrassment, she would have done so then. Shining however was not that concerned, his sister had caught him jacking it before a few times and Soarin’ was cool with it. Both ponies moved over to the door and took a peak out. They half expected one or both of their guests to be right outside the guest room, ears pressed against the door in an effort to hear what they were up to. To both their surprises, neither Twilight nor Soarin’ were close by. They were both on the main bed, Soarin’s face buried in Twilights plot, while Twilight had swallowed a goodly amount of Soarin’s erect cock. Both were moaning and gasping at various times. Neither Shining nor Cadance had the energy to try to interrupt the mating pair. Rather they just settled down to watch as a star athlete made love to their sister. > Chapter 4: A very special family reunion (M/F, M/M/F) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 – A very special family reunion “I’ll be gentle, I promise.” Almost without any input from her mind, Twilights head nodded to the hunk of a stallion before her. It seemed there were two ponies in her at that moment, one which knew exactly what it wanted, and another still reeling from all that that happened in the last few minutes. In the end the one fuelled by her budding libido won out. She watched in mixed excitement and apprehension as she expected Soarin’ to instantly push her to the ground and force his way into her, taking her virginity in a single stroke as he surely had so many others before her. To her surprise he didn’t do that, rather lowering his head and holding it right next to her dripping pussy. He made one slow lick up her jewel, sending shudders all the way through her body. All ability to generate rational thought left her body as Soarin’ dragged his tongue over her slickness, pausing only to make a quick suck on her puffing clitoral hood. As quickly as it had started however, Soarin’ withdrew his tongue and waited, doing nothing other than taking deep breaths and inhaling Twilights scent. Each exhale felt warm on Twilights slit, the air tickling her now hyper sensitive outer lips. “Why did you stop?” She asked when he didn’t start up again. The lick had felt so much better than her own hoof, and her body was crying out for more. “I want to savour your smell. A mare’s scent is always so much stronger and sweeter the first time, and you are intoxicating.” Soarin’ came in and gave Twilight another long lick, drawing up whatever fluids he could. Her squeals and bucking told him he was doing a good job at teasing her. Moving in for another pass Soarin’ began in earnest, latching on to her clit and sucking away. Twilight pressed her head back into the bed, arching her back and spreading her legs to give Soarin’ better access to her innermost treasure. Soarin’ didn’t need any more invitation, and plunged in, sucking and licking every exposed part of flesh he could get his mouth on. It wasn’t long however before he felt his own genitals demand some attention. Twilight felt Soarin’ pick her up and shift himself onto his back. Moving her around, he had her face towards his legs before he dove back into her wetness. Twilight settled in for another long licking until something slapped her in the face, leaving a spot of moisture on her forehead. Opening her eyes she was greeted by a close up shot of Soarin’s pride and joy. This was the first time she had ever seen a stallions genitals up close. She knew all the anatomy regarding male reproduction, but actually seeing this up close crystallised in her mind that this was the real thing. She was about to loose her virginity to a pony she had only met a handful of times. Stretching out her hooves, she started to move Soarin’s cock around, inspecting it from every angle she could. Behind her Soarin’ stopped his lavishing of her plot as he felt her start to play with him. Twilight moved her hooves along the solid length in front of her. Almost subconsciously she started jacking it, sliding both hooves in a steady rhythm. Small beads of a clear liquid dripped from the tip, landing on her hooves and coating them in a glistening layer. Tentatively Twilight brought one of them up to her mouth and gave it a lick. A sweet and tangy flavour, reminiscent of pineapples greeted her and she began to suck on her hoof with greater intensity. Soarin’ saw her eyes light up after tasting him and he knew he had her. “Would you like to try sucking on me instead?” Twilight was hesitant. “Are you sure that’s ok Mr. Soarin’? Do you really want me to suck on your penis?” Soarin’ would have laughed if it wasn’t so adorable. “Just call me Soarin’ Twilight, and it’s a dick or a cock, not a penis. Save that for anatomy class. Twilight blushed as Soarin’ casually said what she would consider to be naughty words but did as she was told. Slowly she extended out her tongue and gave the tip of Soarin’s cock a lick, a quick darting motion that left a small slick of her saliva. A second later she gave him another lick, this one longer and stronger than the first. Soarin’ waited with eager glee as he watched Twilight lower her head over his dick, his flare disappearing into her mouth. A moment later he felt the warm texture of her mouth and tongue begin to touch him as she continued to take him into her. As she reached the medial ridge she hit her limit and stopped. Soarin’ quickly realised that she didn’t know what to do and was just holding him in her mouth. “Suck on it like an ice-block. Run your tongue along it and move it in and out of you mouth.” Twilight seemed to understand the analogy well as she started to bob her head over Soarin’ length, dragging her tongue along the sensitive underside and around his flared tip. Soarin’ moaned and plunged his tongue back into Twilights pussy, forcing her outer lips apart as he penetrated her with the tip of his tongue. Twilight squealed around his cock, the vibration and rush of air making him twitch and shudder involuntarily. A soft click from across the room drew Soarin’s attention. From the corner of his eye he saw Shining and Cadance emerge from the guest bedroom. Both were dishevelled and Cadance appeared to be splattered in Shining’s cum. Soarin’ could guess that they had kissed and made up in there. Neither one approached him and Twilight, but sat down and watched. Now that he had an audience, Soarin’ decided that he was going to shift this from a simple deflowering into a show for the reunited couple. It was time to put this into a higher gear. Twilight had fully committed to her new role as a cocksucker. With every suck and lick, she was able to get a new drop of Soarin’s tasty and slightly slaty pre-come to well into her mouth. A few times she had tried to go a bit deeper than she felt comfortable with, and nearly gagged on those occasions. Soon she reached a smooth motion, sucking hard on her way up while blowing out on her way down. From the way that Soarin was moaning into her pussy she assumed that she was doing well. A sudden thrust into her cleft made her start, as Soarin’ jammed his tongue deeper than any time before into her. Her body reacted the only way it knew how in this new situation: She came around his questing tongue, muscles spasming and twitching. Soarin’ felt her come as a splash of fem-cum landed on his muzzle. Twilight’s body had taken on a mind of its own, and she had released him from her mouth, both hooves going right down to her pussy and massaging every inch of flesh she could get a grip on. “OH CELESTIA” She screamed as she fell to the grips of the strongest orgasm she had ever had. Multi-hued sparks emerged from the tip of her horn, each one exploding above her like a small firework. Soarin’ had to shield his eyes from the bright flashes, most were in the natural purple of Twilight’s magical aura, but each of the colours of the rainbow appeared here and there. This continued for several seconds before Twilight keeled over and rolled off him. Soarin’ got up and admired his handiwork. Twilight was almost dead to the world. Ooze flowed freely from between her hooves, one of them still twitching over her clit as aftershocks worked their way through her body. Her horn was glowing and fizzing but didn’t emit any new sparks. She was panting like she had just run a marathon, and was covered in a sheen of sweat to match. Off in another part of the castle, Princess Celestia perked her ears up at what she thought was her name being shouted out. She paused from her paperwork for a few moments, but when no functionary or guard came before her, she shrugged and went back to her work. Twilight fell to the floor in orgasmic bliss, twitches of pleasure rippling through her body. Warm liquids trickled over her hooves and onto the floor. Through a haze that had settled over her mind she tried to catalogue all the sensations she was feeling, but she couldn’t manage it, her body was just too drained. The only thing she could accurately list off was that she felt better than she had ever had before. ‘Wow, Rainbow wasn’t kidding. Sex is great.’ Oh her third attempt, she managed to get to her hooves to find Soarin’ helping her up. Further away, Cadance and Shining Armour were watching them, each one clopping themselves. Strangely, Twilight felt no embarrassment at seeing her brother and sister in law like this, she felt too good for it. “Soarin’ that felt incredible” Twilight muttered, a lopsided smile plastered on her face as she turned to the pegasus. Soarin’ lent down and gave her a quick kiss on the nose. “It gets better. Ready for the main event?” Twilight was confused, her brain still only firing on half cylinders. “What do you me… Whoa”. Soarin’ picked up the purple mare and positioned her so that the entrance to her pussy lined up perfectly with his throbbing cock. He held her there, the tip of his crown gently spreading her labial lips but not penetrating. He caught her eyes, finding them filled with fear. “Last chance Twilight. We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. We can stop right now.” Twilight mastered herself and shook her head. “No, I want this. Maybe now Rainbow Dash will stop teasing me.” “Then get ready, this will hurt a bit the first time.” Twilight nodded at him to proceed. With a gentle push he pierced her lips and began to sink his rod into her depths. Twilight hissed and bit her lip as she felt herself be stretched in a way she had never felt. She had never played with herself more then rubbing, certainly never having shoved anything inside herself before. Soarin’ moved himself into Twilight, the feel of her tight passage a velvet vice on his cock. Every time she winced he stopped for a moment, allowing her the time she needed to adjust to the girth filling her. When he had less than half of his cock in her he encountered a fleshy barrier, proving to him the depth of her inexperience. “Twilight, this is going to hurt” Soarin’ said. Twilight nodded and steeled herself. “Do me” Soarin’ didn’t need any more invitation. He pulled back slightly, withdrawing himself from Twilight’s snatch before ramming in a quick as he could, shredding Twilight’s hymen in one stroke, eliciting a sharp gasp from the mare. Inch after inch of his member sank into her unplumbed depth until he felt himself bottom out in her, the tip of his dick just touching up against her cervix. The look on Twilight face was priceless. She was stock still, mouth open in a silent scream and both eyes unfocused, open but unseeing. Soarin’ had seen that look enough times to know that she was trying to focus through the pain of having her hymen torn. All he would have to do was wait and the pain would turn to pleasure as she adjusted to having him inside her. Twilight felt fuller than she had ever felt in her life. A glance down at her waist shower her that Soarin’ was now fully enclosed within her body and it felt like he was splitting her in half. In the back of her mind she knew she would get used to it quickly but for now, it hurt like hell. Soarin’ heard her whimpers and held himself perfectly still. “Do you want me to pull out?” “No, just give me a moment” Twilight wrapped her hind legs around Soarin’ trapping him inside her, and preventing him from moving. Neither pony moved for a full minute until Twilight indicated she was ready to go. “Make a mare out of me. Buck me until I can’t see straight” Twilight said, trying to remember one of the lines that Rainbow Dash told her she said. It sounded cheesy, she was sure she had screwed up the delivery or the timing. Soarin’ pulled back, withdrawing his cock from her, her lubed walls trying to latch on a hold him in. at the apex of his withdrawal he looked down to see his member, slick and shining with lubrication from Twilight’s pussy. With a nod from Twilight, he pushed back down and proceeded to fuck her silly. For Twilight, the initial pain of the thrusts soon melted into white hot pleasure as Soarin’ thrust himself into her body. Each thrust felt better than the last and Twilight was left wondering why she had waited this long to experience sex. There had been plenty of suitors and one night stands offered to her through out her studies, but she had rejected everyone. Soarin’ grunted with every thrust, each one met with a similar coo from Twilight. She was fully into it now, matching his thrusts with one of her own, her hooves sliding down his muscular chest or massaging her clit which had puffed up out of its hood and demanded attention. He recklessly plunged his hardened tool into her tight pussy, her walls gripping him as if they wanted to never let him go. Each trip into her caused him to tap lightly against Twilight’s womb, sending a shiver through the mare. The pair copulated in a hedonistic revelry unheard of prior to Shining and Cadance’s horizontal jig of earlier that day. Twilight worked hard on the length piercing her, clenching and relaxing muscles she didn’t even know she had. To Soarin’ it was incredible. Twilight was milking his cock like a true slut. Every squeeze she gripped him with brought a new level of pleasure to his mind. Twilight was outperforming mares who had had with years of experience on her first try. All too quickly for his tastes, Soarin’ felt himself come close to reaching his peak. Twilight could feel it too, Soarin’s cock was starting to throb and expand within her. “Cum in me. Make you your mare. Fill me with your splooge.” Twilight cried out, egging Soarin’ on. Dimly she remembered Rarity telling her that ‘a true lady never spits. She always swallows or lets the stallion finish in her’ With her permission given, Soarin let loose. His flare expanded and stuck him fast, forming a plug as the first gush of semen burst forth and entered Twilight, rapidly filling the available space. Twilight saw Soarin’ tense up and hold himself still. A moment later, a searing heat filled her pussy as she felt the first of many ropes of cum squirt into her. Soarin’s flare had filled her and prevented any of his cum from escaping, each new squirt forcing the flood of cum further into her body, his virile sperm looking for an egg to fertilize. As the last burst of cum entered her, Soaring shifted slightly and his tip rubbed against her G-spot. It was far too much for her to take and she peaked for the second time that night. Soarin’s cock began to shrivel inside Twilight as she fluttered her vaginal muscles around him, trying in vain to make him hard again. As his plug receded, a gush of combined cum and pussy wine leaked out of Twilights well used hole, dripping over Twilights crack and marring her tail with stains before landing onto the floor. Both ponies were not totally spent, Soarin’ knew he would not be able to get up again for some time, and Twilight was lost in her own private world of orgasm, her hooves scooping up whatever fluids she could find leaking from her pussy and shovelling them into her mouth, tasting Soarin’s cum mixed in with her own unique taste. “That was just amazing. So much better than my friends told me it would be.” Twilight purred. Soarin’ shifted and started lapping at her dripping cunt, suckling on it as a newborn would a teat. Pausing to swallow his meal, Soarin’ caught her eyes. “There is more. Have you ever considered anal? Once you get used to it if feels great” Twilight was too far gone into the throws of pleasure to find the idea of a pony reaming her butt repulsive. If vaginal sex felt this good, surely anal could be just as good if not better. “Can you show me Soarin’?” Soarin’ shook his head as he flopped onto his back, his limp dick hanging down between his legs, the shaft still glistening with Twilights juices. “Sorry Twilight, I’m done for now, but maybe your brother can oblige you.” Soarin’ indicated Shining and Cadance, both of whom had edged closer during their sexcapades, hoping to get a better look at the action. True to Soarin’s word, Shining was erect and ready to go again. Twilight looked upon her brother tool with near religious reverence. It was the second time she had seen it, but the first time she had really looked at it. Its white sheen, slightly tapered shape and generous proportions combined to tell Twilight this was going to be something truly special. Shining was hesitant however. “Soarin’, I can’t do that, she is my sister after all.” Soarin’ just shrugged. “Family didn’t seem to stop you before.” Twilight pondered Soarin’s comment. What did he mean by that? She had no time to truly question it though, things were still happening around her. “Go for it my love. Show Twilight just how strong your love with her is” Cadance urged Shining on as well. The clinching argument came from Twilight herself. She ambushed Shining with the puppy dog look, sitting down on her rump and gazing up at him. “Please BBBFF, fuck my ass.” Shining melted under her look. Twilight wasn't playing fair right now. “Oh Twily, I can never refuse you.” Twilight clapped her front hooves together in glee, acting as if she was a tiny filly rather than a fully grown mare. Quickly she spun around, the fatigue of a few minutes ago banished at the idea of her brother screwing her ass. She lifted her tail out of the way and exposed her rosebud to her brother. Shining’s mouth watered at the sight. His little sister was practically throwing herself at him, begging him to destroy her ass and his wife was telling him that she wanted him to. In his darkest moments, he had thought about this, but never truly thought it would actually happen. With Cadance’s blessing given he reared up and mounted his sister, his shaft sliding quickly along her already slick folds, gaining lubricants. ‘May as well go for the whole hog while I’m here’ Shining pulled back and plunged his dick directly into his sisters sopping cunt, driving himself to the root in one swift stroke, his eyes bugging as he felt Twilight’s vag grip him tightly and bath him in her fluids. Shining wallowed in his sister, allowing his dick to soak up her juices. Twilight sighed as she felt Shining penetrate her. It felt so right to her, a perfect expression of their love for each other. Almost as soon as he had filled her up than Cadance appeared before her, caressing her face before moving in for a deep kiss. Each thrust of Shining forced Twilight to press harder into Cadance’s mouth, their tongues duelling fiercely. A number of strands of what Twilight assumed to be her brothers cum still clung to her face, and Twilight gave one a quick lick. It was sticky and quite salty, not something she would like to taste everyday. Cadance repositioned for another kiss, taking back some of the cum that Twilight had licked up. She clearly enjoyed the taste considerably. Soarin’ watched the three members of the family engage in carnal relations, enjoying the sheer forbidden nature of their relationship. His hooves fluttered over his limp dick, trying to rouse it back to action. His actions had partial success, but he would not be ready to go again for some time. He resigned himself to simply watching for the time being, his hooves jacking himself absently, whishing that he was in either Twilight’s or Shining’s positions. Cadance broke the kiss with Twilight, pulling away as a strand of saliva linked the two for a moment. Instead she moved over to Soarin’ with a look of desire on her face, eyes locked on his slowly hardening member. “Let me help you with that” She said as she knelt down before him… Shining slid his dick within his sister slowly, relishing each sensation she was able to bestow upon him. As he penetrated her, he also conjured up a pencil this shaft of magic, which he pressed against her sphincter. Twilight’s body clamped down on his magic as he pressed, her pussy also squeezing his cock in a similar motion. Regardless he pushed in until the tip of the magical dildo entered her and held it still. Twilight gasped at the strange feeling of something being jammed into her butt. It wasn’t unpleasant but was so alien to her that she could not identify it. She knew that when Shining entered her, it was going to hurt. Rainbow Dash had once told her that anal was equal parts pleasure and pain, you had to work through the pain to reach the pleasure. The strange feeling in her ass intensified as she felt the dildo begin to expand and contract in a smooth pulse, the motion forcing her sphincter and muscles to stretch out in time. Each time the dildo expanded, it remained a little bit thicker than the time before, gradually expanding out to what she assumed to be the size of an average ponies penis. She understood what Shining was doing, he was trying to stretch her before attempting to enter her, so as to spare her the worst of the pain. Twilight thought it was such a tender thing to do, any other pony would have just jammed himself into her, not caring about her own feelings or pleasure. Soon Shining withdrew from Twilight, his dick now coated with her juices and gleaming in the light. The magical dildo was withdrawn from Twilight’s ass and Shining pressed his own tip up in its place. Twilight’s anus opened at his push and he was rapidly swallowed up into her back door, her plot expanding to accommodate him a little further on every thrust. As tight as her pussy had been, Twilight’s ass was something else. It massaged his cock in ways that he had thought were impossible, her sphincter threatening to cut off circulation to his dick. Shining continued to delve into her tight depths regardless, knowing that she would loosen up eventually. For her part, Twilight grit her teeth together and tried to focus through the pain assailing her rear. The dildo had been unpleasant, but this was far more intense, it felt like she was trying to take a huge dump in reverse. Shining’s cock was far bigger than the dildo and she was not sure she could take it all. Briefly she considered telling Shining to pull out, but another part of her envisioned Rainbow Dash laughing at her, calling her an egghead or a wimp just because she couldn’t take a little bit of pain. Resolved, she focused even harder on riding out the discomfort. Still every time she winced, Shining stopped his forward thrust, pausing awkwardly half into her ass. Eventually Twilight got fed up with his sissy baby thrusts and, taking a deep breath shoved herself back into him, forcing the remaining half of his cock into her body in one motion. The act brought tears to her eyes, her butt lighting up as if she was being sawn in half. Both ponies remained perfectly still as Twilight tried to adjust her body as quickly as possible to the new invader. ‘Take that Rainbow, up my ass in one stroke. Now who’s the egghead?’ Twilight smiled in grim accomplishment at her success. Shining was fully encapsulated within her crack and she could instantly tell the difference between him and the dildo he had conjured earlier. The heat he was emitting was burning her insides, he felt white hot. Each of the veins on his cock stood out and throbbed inside her with each beat of his heart. He felt so much more real to her. As the pain died down, Twilight gave a few experimental clenches of her muscles. Shining took it as a signal that she was ready and began to pump forward and back at a very slow pace. Twilight was exerting such a tight grip that it seemed as if he was having to thrust through molasses, but the sensation was delightful. Both siblings recognised the difference between her vag and ass. Ploughing her anal passage was silkier, smoother, sinfully better. Twilight soon became impatient with Shining’s slow pace again. “Come on Big Brother, ream my ass already.” Twilight found that the use of naughty words was turning her on even further than she already was. Her pussy was not just dripping anymore, but flowing freely in a constant cascade of her cum. One hoof snaked down and started playing with her clit, rubbing hard and polishing her secret pearl to a high shine. Two pairs of hooves lifted the coupling ponies off the ground. Soarin’ and Cadance had moved around them and were lifting both Twilight and Shining, moving them until Shining was now on his back. Twilight fell back on top of him, her legs opening and displaying her filled ass and leaking vag to the room. A day ago, she would have instantly tried to cover her shame with a hoof or her tail. Now however she realised that everypony in the room had either seen or been in her at some point, so there was no point in hiding. Instead she moved her hooves away, exposing herself totally, using her magic to open up her labia even further than it was, giving Cadance and Soarin’ a deep view into her most private depths. It wasn’t until she saw Soarin begin to clamber on top of her that she noticed that Cadance had managed to get him fully erect again. He mounted her and without any hesitation entered her pussy again, her hole remembering the visitor from earlier and opening up quickly to accommodate him. The feeling of being full intensified far beyond her original notions. It was like when she had met her friend Applejack for the first time, when she ate far too much food. This felt like that, except it was a pleasurable full, not a stomach ache full. Shining saw Soarin’ climb on top of Twilight and he could guess what was going to happen next. He was not disappointed. A new hardness appeared next to his own dick deep inside Twilight, a thin membrane of flesh all that was separating Soarin’ and Shining from touching. Twilight was so tight around both of them that Shining could have sworn that he could make out the contours of Soarin’s dick with his own. Once Soarin’ was fully entered into Twilight, both stallions started pumping for all they were worth. Twilight bucked and squirmed under the relentless assault of the two cocks currently filling her. The actions of both Shining and Soarin’ on their own now felt puny compared to what she was feeling now. Having two dicks within her was greater by far, and she never wanted this feeling to end. The combined stimulation brought a now familiar tingle to her loins, and Twilight knew that this orgasm would be the strongest one she had ever had. The pair could sense it two, and somehow managed in increase their thrusts, each one feeling the others cock sliding around inside Twilight’s body, their own climaxes not far behind. Twilight had both her hooves furiously rubbing away at her pearl, and in one perfect moment, it all came together for the trio. First Soarin’ came again inside Twilight’s pussy, adding another layer of his seed to her womb. Next Twilight felt a splash of hot liquids gush up her ass as Shining came in her rectum, both stallions grunting like caveponies out of the Neighlithic era as they filled Twilight with their life giving essences. The feeling of ponies cumming in both her holes got Twilight over on her own quest to cum. It felt like a star had gone nova in her body, intense pleasure burned her from the inside, blasting away every trace of her mind, purging her sense of self and concept of identity. For one glorious moment, she was nothing but a pony shaped ball of orgasm. On the outside of her body, Twilight’s magic had kicked into overdrive. Light spilled from her eyes, drowning out the colours from her irises. A needle thin beam of light lanced from her horn, blasting into the ceiling and cutting through it like a hot knife through already melted butter. Cadance had the presence to cast a bubble shield around the trio, preventing the laser from doing any more damage. The power being directed against her however taxed her magical abilities. She may have been immortal, but Twilight was a magical savant. As quickly as it has started, Twilight’s burning laser diffused into a shower of orgasmic sparks and Cadance dispelled her shield. As the sparks cleared one thing became clear: Twilight had passed out at some point, either from sensory overload or from sheer sexual exhaustion. One hoof still tried vainly to rub her clit, but it could not reach between the bodies of the two stallions still pressing on her from either side. Shining and Soarin’ moved carefully, extracting themselves from Twilight’s limp form with care. The mare would be very sore and tired the next day. Soarin’ managed to get himself free first, his cock shiny with Twilight’s juice and smeared with his own cum. Twilight’s sphincter had clamped down before she passed out, so progress was slower for Shining, he had to wait until he began to soften before trying to pull out. He eventually came free with a soft pop, Twilight’s ass gaping for a moment as the muscles retracted back into normal position. A thin trickle of Shining’s cum dribbled out after him, but much of it remained inside her body. Soarin’ collapsed onto the bed next to her, his wings drooping in exhaustion. He was ready to call it a night but Shining seemed to have other plans. With a quick burst of his last remaining energy he dropped to his knees and slurped on Soarin’s softening dick, licking it clean of his cum and Twilight’s juices. The combination of the two different tastes made it seem as if Soarin’ had covered his cock in honey and salt. Soarin’ protested but didn’t put up any actual resistance, he was far to exhausted from banging Twilight to within an inch of her sanity. “Dude, your wife is right here” He hissed to Shining, who looked up sharply, realising that he had forgotten that Cadance was in the room with them. She was reclined in a chair watching them, legs spread and a pink dildo shaped force field gliding in and out of her glistening snatch. “Oh I don’t mind, I had my turn already. I think it looks hot, watching my husband suck off another stallion. It’s a power thing, gets me off.” As she said it, Cadance rolled back her eyes and came, cunt wine spraying from her pussy onto the floor. Once Shining finished cleaning Soarin’s cock, the evening’s festivities wound down to a close. The guest bedrooms were kept ready for Twilight and Soarin’ to use, but all four ponies slept in one big diamond dog pile on the kind sized main bed. Shining slept with his legs entangled in Cadance’s with Soarin’ spooning his back. Twilight was behind Cadance, having been put there when none of the others could rouse her. Cadance had insisted that she was fine and just needed some rest. As he sank off to sleep, Shining knew that no matter what Blueblood said, or what his family thought, everything was going to be alright. The next morning a dragon fire message arrived for Shining: His most esteemed royal highness, the honourable Prince Blueblood wished to see his at his earliest convenience. Shining could guess what Blueblood wanted to see him about, but this time things would be different. Bluebloods threat of telling Cadance about his affair was now null and void, she already knew. The prince no longer had any power over him. It would be time for a little payback. It would have to wait for a little while though, first he and all his various lovers needed to get cleaned up. He had awoken well before any of the others, his mind flashing back to the morning waking up after making love to Orion and Soarin’ for the first time. His eyes flashed over to Soarin’s sleeping figure. He was clearly still fast asleep and Shining wasn’t about to wake him up. The bathroom for the royal chambers was as opulent as every other facet of the rooms. Fine marble on the floors, gems encrusted the taps and faucets. Shining could sell the showerhead alone and buy himself an entire new set of plate barding. Right now he needed the showerhead where it was and he stepped into the stream of cleansing liquid. Twilight awoke in searing pain. Her loins felt like they were on fire, needles assaulted her rear and there was a constant ache from her pussy. Almost every inch of her coat and mane was matted with something: sweat, cum, or other orgasmic discharges. She didn’t regret any of the night before however. It had been the greatest experience of her adult life, equal to the joy she had felt when she was appointed as Celestia’s student. Sounds of running water could be heard from the bathroom and Twilight realised that Shining was not still on the bed. She figured that it was part of his life as a guard, having to get up early every morning. Soon enough, the shower stopped and a moment later, her brother emerged from the bathroom, a heat spell drying him off rapidly as he moved through the main room. “Hey Twilight, I’ve got some errands to run, then I’ve got to report for duty. Will you still be here tonight?” Twilight nodded, not wanting to move much in case it caused her pain to flare up again. “Yes Shining, I’ll still be here when you get back.” Shining saw her stiff movements and guessed how she was feeling. “When she wakes, ask Cadance if she can dull the pain for you. She is quite skilled in healing magic, though I suppose now she can add sexual healing to that list”. Both ponies groaned as his bad joke and Shining took the opportunity to leave the chambers. He trotted over to Bluebloods office in no hurry, taking a moment to greet or compliment every member of the staff he came across. His good mood was noticeable by almost everypony, and a few of the bolder maids or guards even asked what had put him in such a fine state. To that question he simply answered that he and Cadance had reached a new level of closeness in their relationship. Most let it be after that, but one of the guards gave him a knowing look. To that, Shining said nothing. Eventually he got to Bluebloods office and waltzed in, not bothering to knock. Blueblood was seated in his chair, as he had been the first time. He didn’t bother with any pleasantries, slowly getting up and moving across the office. “Ready to earn my silence dear brother?” Blueblood said with a predatory smile Shining shoved a hoof into Blueblood’s chest, forcing him to recoil and leaving the beginnings of a bruise. “Cadance already knows Blue. I told her myself, and then we fucked each others brains out. Whatever hold you had over me is gone. If you are very lucky, maybe I won’t tell her about your little arrangements here, I don’t think she would take kindly to you trying to blackmail and rape her husband.” With that Shining turned and left the office, turning back at the last moment. “The only reason I’m not beating you to within an inch of your worthless life is that it would upset Cadance. For some reason I cannot fathom, she is blind to your faults and loves you dearly. I don’t want to have to deal with the fallout of having beaten up her brother. That said, threaten me again and I will tell her.” Blueblood stood still, watching him go. Long after Shining was gone he continued looking at the door, deep in thought. ‘You think you are free from me, but only because you haven’t thought it through. You may have nothing left to lose just because Cadance knows, but what about the rest of your family? Your mother for instance’ > Chapter 5: Oedipus, thy name is Shining Armour (M/F, F/F) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 – Oedipus, thy name is Shining Armour The next day a summons had been issued that Prince Blueblood had requested that Dazzle Sparkle see him at once. Eager to find out what the issue could be, the mare arrived at Canterlot Castle within the hour. The off-white and purple mare was directed to Blueblood’s office, and one of the maids escorted her directly to her location. Several times, Dazzle could have sworn that the maid was trying to tell her something with a look in her eye, but she never actually said anything. Blueblood watched as the matriarch of the Sparkle family, Dazzle, entered his office. At the sight of Blueblood she quickly dropped into a low bow, averting her eyes in deference. ‘Good. At least somepony in this family knows their place’ Blueblood mused to himself. He had the mare hold her position for a few seconds longer than formality required, enjoying the sight of a prostrated pony before him. Eventually he called for her to rise up and join him at the desk. Dazzle followed the prince and took the guest seat across the desk. The expression on her face indicated that she had no idea what she had been summoned for. If it was a matter with the royal guard, she would not have been called in. If it was a matter with her daughter in law, Cadance then she would be meeting with the Princesses rather than Prince Blueblood. Whatever he wanted from her, it was a private matter. Blueblood saw the unease cross her face and smiled inwardly to himself. The mare was sweating what she could have done already and he hadn’t even started. “Relax Mrs. Sparkle, you have done nothing wrong. I merely wish to talk to you about you son, as something has been brought to my attention. Oh, but where are my manners. Would you care for a drink? I can have tea brought here, or I have something stronger if you wish.” Blueblood indicated his expansive collection of booze. Dazzle seemed to relax slightly at the mention she was not in trouble. “T-Tea please, if it isn’t too much trouble.” “No trouble at all. It will be but a moment.” Blueblood said cheerily, reaching out to ring a small bell on his desk. A few moments later a stallion in full butler’s livery appeared pushing a cart loaded with steaming pots of tea, a small selection of scones and tarts, and a number of jams or other spreads. The sight of such a normal object reassured Dazzle that this may not be a bad meeting. Blueblood picked up one of the pots and poured two cups of steaming amber liquid. To his own he added two sugar cubes and offered them to Dazzle, who refused saying that she liked hers straight black. The butler waited until both ponies had finished selecting a pastry, bowed to Blueblood and left the room without a single word. “Now to business. There is no easy way for me to say this, but it pertains to your son so I feel obligated to tell you.” Blueblood said calmly, sipping his tea as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Dazzle however felt her apprehension from before begin to return. She put her own tea down on the table, lest it begin shaking in her magical grip. “What has he done, your Highness? Surely if it was something to do with the guards then his superiors would handle it themselves.” Blueblood nodded at her comment. Such actions were common as the guards were almost a law unto themselves. The higher ups had the power and authority to deal out whatever punishment they saw fit. Celestia chose to not involve herself in the day to day running. Only serious cases involving national security would be brought to the attention of royalty. “This has nothing to do with his tenure as captain of the guards. It seems that your son has been seen engaging in extra-marital affairs with several rather well known ponies.” Blueblood did not betray a hint of emotion as he made his proclamation. ‘This will show them who is boss around here. Don’t think for a second I was going to let you off that easy Shining Armour’ Dazzles face went through a gauntlet of emotions. First incomprehension, then shock and outrage, and finally disbelief. “You are lying. My son would never do that. Who told you?” She demanded “I’m afraid I cannot reveal my source on this. Rest assured that I have total faith in the accuracy of their reports.” Dazzle was furious at his casual handling of this matter. “Then who was he supposedly having this affair with.” Blueblood grinned to himself. Here was something he could tell the pure truth about. After all, the best lies are the ones that were true. “He has been seen with the Vice Captain of the Wonderbolt’s, a pegasus by the name of Soarin’ and an as-of-yet unidentified blue stallion.” Dazzle snorted at him. “You really expect me to believe that not only is my son cheating on the goddess of love, but that he is gay as well? Shining Armour is the least likely stallion I know to be gay.” Blueblood sighed. This mare was wilful. Ignorant, but wilful. It would just make shattering the illusion she surrounded herself with all the more satisfying. Finishing his tea, he selected a bottle of liquor from his shelf, a very rare bottle of griffin made whiskey infused with smoke from elder dragon fire. Only three bottles of this batch had ever made their way to market, and Blueblood had snapped up two of them. The last one had been sent off one of the neighbouring kingdoms as a tribute to its leader. Pouring himself a measured dose, he continued talking to Dazzle regarding her son. “I’m afraid the evidence against him is rather conclusive. While he has technically not committed an offence under the strict definitions of the law, infidelity being a civil matter rather than a criminal offence, his actions must be seen as immoral and disgusting in light of his choice of partners.” He took a long draw at his drink, allowing the liquid to burn its way down his throat. Ponies tended not to favour very strong drinks. Beers and ciders were more to the tastes of the plebeian masses, but Blueblood had a penchant for something stronger. Dazzle had finally heard enough. “NO your Highness, you are wrong. My son would never cheat on his wife. I am going to go there right now and settle this matter. And after that, we are going to take you to court for slander. You and this alleged ‘source’ of yours.” Blueblood just laughed. A humourless chuckle that let Dazzle know exactly what he thought of her threat to him. “Very well then, off you go. Your son should be in his chambers at this hour.” Dazzle didn’t waste a moment in leaving, not even bothering to bow upon her exit. Outside the office she found Orion waiting for her, his dark blue coat and mane a stark contrast to the glittering white of the palace. “Dazzle dear, what is going on? What did the prince want with you?” he asked, concern creasing his face as he saw the mood she was in. Dazzle didn’t stop moving, heading directly for the chambers that Shining Armour and Cadance shared. “The prince had the gall to imply that our son his having an affair with two stallions. Total madness. We are going to put an end to this ridiculous accusation right now.” As Dazzle was leading the charge, she did not notice the colour drain out of Orion’s face at the mention of two stallions. Such was her pace that many members of the palace service staff had to jump out of her way or risk her crashing into them. A moment later, Orion came through, apologising furiously to anyone she had disturbed. After many twists and turns, Dazzle came upon the door to the royal couple’s chambers. The door itself was fairly plain – only a small amount of golden gilding was present. Shining had been the one to choose it, and its almost Spartan appearance was out of place with the opulent designs directly on either side of it. Dazzle burst into Shining’s chambers, running hard through the ante chamber and into the main bedroom before coming up short as she saw the bed and occupants it contained. Twilight was half resting on the bed, her hind legs touching the ground while her fore-hooves rested on the mattress. Mounted behind her was Shining Armour, his dick clearly lodged within her ass. Behind him the Wonderbolt Soarin’ was reaming Soarin’, his speckled cock pumping smoothly into the Unicorn. Spread on the bed in front of Twilight was Cadance, Twilight’s tongue flicking her pearl every time that Shining pushed her forward with the force of his thrusts. Dazzle took one look at the carnal orgy, a single though that Blueblood had been right going through her brain before her mind blanked and she passed out. Coming in a second later, Orion caught up to her just in time to catch her before she hit the floor. Orion saw his kids caught in their compromising situation. While he expected Shining and Soarin’ to be together, he gasped at the sight of Twilight and Cadance included in the mix. Twilight had always been such a prude in regards to sex that Orion was partially convinced that she would die a virgin. One part of him was relieved that she had found a stallion to take her to bed, the other part of him was unsure of if he should approve of Shining and Twilight together. ‘Kinda hypocritical of me, seeing as how I have fucked Shining myself several times. I suppose if they both are willing and are careful, there is no harm in this’ Once Dazzle was safely on the floor, Orion turned to his children. They had stopped their fucking but had not withdrawn from each other. Twilight looked a combination of aroused at the idea of another stallion joining the mix and mortified that her father had just walked in on her having sex. Orion looked coldly at the group, making his way over slowly. As he approached the head of the bed he stopped and spoke. “Kids, I am disappointed in you both.” Twilight hung her head in shame. Orion lifted her head up and she caught his expression soften. With a wink to her he continued “Shining, how could you have brought your sister into this and not included me? You should have invited me too. Now how are we going to explain this to your mother?” Shining was the first one to speak. “The truth I think. It’s time we told her the full truth. This is only going to get worse if we keep lying to her. Dazzle awoke to find herself resting comfortably on a couch in Shining’s living/bedroom room. Arrayed around her were all the other players in this chess game: Shining himself, Cadance snuggled up against him. Next to her was Twilight, sitting by herself and across from her were Soarin’ and Orion. All had looks of concern on their faces as they waited for her to get up. Dim flashes of memory flew through her mind: Blueblood telling her that Shining was having an affair, her bursting in to find him and Twilight having sex with another pony. Dazzle could not believe that those memories could be true and she tried to dismiss them, but they would not go away totally, remaining in the back of her mind and festering. “I must have nodded off for a moment and had a bad dream.” She said pleasantly, affecting an air of composure and pushing herself off the couch. 5 pairs of eyes followed her as she did. ‘Why are they all staring at me like that? It’s not the first time one of us has fallen asleep during a visit. Do I have something in my mane, did I mumble something rude in my sleep? And what is Soarin’ doing here. I know he and Orion are friends but even still, what’s he doing here? Orion spoke first. He had a look in his eye that said he was going to make one of the most important speeches of his life, and Dazzle began to dread what he could be about to say. Once again the image of her foals having sex came into her mind but she shut the memory out quickly. “Dazzle honey, we need to talk. All of us.” Orion said, his tone deadly serious. Dazzle felt the bottom drop out of her stomach. That kind of tone was reserved for only the most important and devastating news. “What i-is it dear. What have you done?” She replied, fear beginning to colour her voice. “Ever since Shining and Cadance got married, I have been living a lie with you. I have something I need to confess, and please promise me you will hear me out before you react.” Dazzle nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Memories of her meeting with Blueblood bubbled up again, one sentence he had said in particular standing out. ‘A pegasus by the name of Soarin’ and an as-of-yet unidentified blue stallion.’ As that memory floated through, all the others burst up. Blueblood telling her that her son was cheating on his wife, her telling him that he was wrong, her bursting in on Shining banging his sister while another stallion reamed his ass. This time there was no denying what she had seen. It was all true, every word of what Blueblood had said. Dazzle really looked at her husband, noting his dark blue coat. She had a sinking feeling she knew where this was about to go. “Soarin’ here is not only my friend, he is also my lover. From about a month after the wedding he and I have been conducting an affair behind your back. You were so depressed over being unable to carry another foal to term that I couldn’t ask you for sex and Soarin’ offered something I wasn’t getting. It was all going so well until about a week ago when Shining walked in on us.” Shining took up the narrative from that point. “I had been unhappy with my marriage as well. After all the excitement of the wedding and the changeling invasion, we quickly became stuck in a rut. Originally I had planned to use my three day pass to pick up some floozy for a quick bang but I kinda found dad and Soarin’ going at it and well, I joined in.” Dazzle looked in disbelief at her son. First he was openly telling her that he had planned on cheating on his wife while she was snuggled right up next to him. Not only that he was admitting to joining in with his father and Soarin’ in incestrus gay sex? For a moment, her vision dimmed again and she almost blacked out a second time. The acrid taste of bile began to creep its way up the back of her throat. Breathing deeply, she focused on the sound of heart and her vision cleared. While her face held a million questions, she didn’t ask any of them. She had given her word that she would hear them out, and while she had not been expecting this, she would honour her word. “Now stick with us, because from here things get a little bit convoluted and a lot crazy” Shining said, trying to defuse some of the tension in the room. From the looks he got, it didn’t work. “We fucked like rabbits possessed and it felt so good. We didn’t think that what we were doing was wrong.” “Eventually I had to return to the guards, but I was to meet up with Soarin’ and dad later. Soarin’ was feeling a little bit too frisky and we planned to come back here for some privacy and we found Cadance in bed with Twilight.” Dazzle looked over at the two mares, both of whom nodded to indicate that was exactly what happened. Cadance took over the story from that point, eager to get her own two bits in on what happened. “You see Mrs. Sparkle, Unicorn and Alicorn developmental cycles are very much different. While we may be about the same age, due to my much longer lifespan, Shining Armour is far more psychologically developed than I am, he is a fully mature adult, while at my age, an Alicorn would still be viewed as a teenager. He was ready to take our relationship to a new level while I wasn’t. I was holding him back and I could see that it was slowly pushing him away from me. I didn’t want to loose him, so I went to the smartest pony I knew. Twilight helped me to understand that I needed to change, to embrace some of Shining’s more mature needs. She offered to help me experiment and explore my sexuality and Shining and Soarin’ walked in on us as we were trying things out.” Shining picked up the thread again. “Cadance and I worked things out that night, and we have never been closer. What neither one of us expected was that Soarin’ and Twilight would hook up at the same time.” Twilight interrupted at that point. “It was my first opportunity to experiment with a stallion and it was incredible. I know I should have felt dirty doing it, but Soarin’ was so kind, he knew all the right things to do and he just felt so good inside me. In a moment of insanity I let Shining fuck me as well and we shared a love that went far deeper than that of siblings. And now that you have found out, we can’t keep this a secret any longer. I love Shining Armour and I want to lie with him as his wife would.” Orion brought the story to a close. “Dazzle my dear, this is all my fault. I was the one who started things. I was the one who could have stopped this at any point. I didn’t and now it has led to our children have had sex. If you never want to see me again, I’ll understand, but please do not hate our children. This is all on me, not them.” With that he hung his head and awaited her reply. When it came, it was not the shrieking fury he had expected. Dazzle’s voice was calm and collected. “Are you all happy like this? Do you want this to continue?” Five puzzled faces looked at her as she said that. It was not something anypony had expected her to ask. They had expected condemnation or incomprehension, not placid acceptance. Slowly they all indicated that, yes they were all happy with the current setup. “We are all adults here. If you are all willing and consenting then I have to respect your choices, even if I do not approve of them. Shining, Cadance, if this is how you two want to live your lives then I have no right to stand in your way.” Dazzle turned to Orion, her eyes tearing up as she did so. “Orion, we took vows to be faithful to each other no matter the circumstance. You have cheated on me, and I cannot abide that. I’m sorry but I want a divorce. Maybe then you can stay with your toy boy over there.” Orion was rendered speechless but hung his head in resignation. He had expected as much would happen if Dazzle had ever found out, but hearing it from her lips hurt him more than anything he had ever imagined. Stunned by Dazzle’s news, Shining and Twilight failed to notice the small pair of magical half hearts floating above the heads of their parents. Soarin’ saw it however, and turned to Cadance, seeing her horn glow with a soft blue light. The two hearts popped over Dazzle and Orion’s heads and instantly they ceased their bickering and sobbing. Soarin’ could see that the whites of their eyes had been replaced by a pink tinge, a very similar colour to Cadance’s coat. He had heard rumours that Princess Cadance had the power to force two ponies to love each other, but he had never actually seen her use such a power. To see it in action in front of him was both awe inspiring and more than a little bit frightening. The effect on Dazzle and Orion was instant. Both paused for a second before looking into each others eyes. “Oh Orion, I didn’t mean it. I love you.” “And I love you Dazzle. I’m sorry I never told you, but we can work past it.” Both ponies rushed up and embraced the other in their forelegs, brushing their lips together and engaging in a deep kiss together. Shining almost felt like he and the others were peeping on a truly intimate moment between his parents. He averted his eyes, looking over to Cadance who was watching the handiwork of her spell with fascination. She had only used her forced love spell on a handful of occasions, and never on two ponies who were as far gone as Dazzle and Orion were. Mostly it was just on lovers who were in a small spat, not two who had decided to end their marriage. She was immensely pleased to see it working so well Orion was the first one to speak after they broke the kiss. “Dazzle, I don’t know what to say to make this up to you. I should have told you about this. Can you forgive me?” Dazzle put a hoof up to Orion’s lips, silencing any additional platitudes. “Shining, Soarin’, can you come over here please, I want you all to hear this.” The two stallions walked over and joined Orion, not sure of what Dazzle was about to say. “Orion, you hurt me badly, but some of it was my own fault for neglecting you. And now that I see him in the flesh, Soarin’ you are one hunk of a stallion.” Soarin’ unknowingly started to flex his chest muscles at the compliment, his highly developed pectorals pulsing. Dazzle noticed and looked at his display with more than a little interest. Eventually she tore herself away and continued with her speech. “Orion, I will forgive you for this, providing that this is the only one?” Orion nodded at her question. “Yes, Soarin’ and Shining were the only ones. I have never touched another mare.” Dazzle smiled weakly at his admission, instinctively knowing that he was telling the truth. She reached in a gave him a quick kiss again. Orion internally sighed with relief that he had not only managed to navigate this minefield of his own creation, but had come out the other side relatively unscathed. In his relief he did not notice Dazzle’s horn begin to glow. If he had, he would have been worried. His children’s talents with magic certainly didn’t come from his side of the family. Dazzle had been quite the spell-caster in her youth, it was one of the things that had attracted Orion to the white mare in the first place. One of her talents was the ability to create force fields that could last without having to be re-enforced by a continuous spell casting, an ability that both children had inherited. A moment too late, Orion saw his wife cast a spell and tried to take a step back. Orion, Soarin’ and Shining felt magic surround them, lifting them on to their backs and spreading their legs. Tendrils of magic bound their legs either to the bed or above their heads. No matter how they struggled they could not break their bonds and were trapped at the mercy of Dazzle. Two additional glows appeared over the horns of Shining and Orion, disrupting their control over their magic. She walked over to the bed, a new sparkle gleaming in her eyes. “Now, I may have forgiven you, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to be punished. Now you three just sit tight, I have a few things to get ready. Cadance, Twilight, come with me.” The three mares left the room, leaving the stallions bound and trapped on the bed. “Dad, what’s going on?” Shining asked, still attempting to break Dazzle’s bonds. Orion knew that it was a futile gesture. When they were dating, Orion and Dazzle had determined that her magical tendrils had a tensile strength greater than steel. There was no way that a pony trapped by them would be able to break out without assistance from the outside. “I think your mother is going to punish us for our infidelity. Beyond that, I have no idea what she is planning. Just lie back and get comfortable, we could be here for a while.” Shining put his head back and tried to forget about their situation. If a maid or guard were to come in it would be a very difficult situation to explain. 3 stallions tied up and on display, their privates exposed for all to see. About 2 hours after they had left, the three mares returned to the chamber, several plain bags caught in their telekinetic grip. Shining and Orion looked hopeful that they may be released soon. Soarin’ didn’t make any motion. For him this was not the most embarrassing thing he had ever had to do in a bedroom. Many of the fans he had screwed had some rather strange kinks. Once he had been asked to dress up as Spitfire to act out a mare’s fantasy. As far as he was concerned, mild bondage was fairly tame. Dazzle looked at the 3 captives. They were all just as she had left them. Not that she had expected them to have moved. Nothing escaped her force fields once she put her mind to it. “Now just hold on a moment longer my dears.” Dazzle said, putting one of the bags down on the floor near the bed. “We just need to finish getting ready and then your punishment can commence.” The three mares went into one of the guest bedroom with the other two bags. Shining tried to get a look into the remaining bag. From his position on the edge of the bed he could make out the handle of something, and a cylinder or two but he could not identify any of the objects clearly. Shining gave up trying to identify what was in the bag after a few moments and turned his attention to the door of the guest bedroom. Quiet giggles and gasps could be heard from inside. Shining could only imagine what was going on it there. Eventually the door opened and Dazzle, Cadance and Twilight emerged into the main chambers. In perfect unison, Orion, Shining and Soarin’s jaws dropped at the sight of the 3 mares before them. All 3 mares were decked out in sexy clothing, each outfit carefully chosen to accentuate a particular feature on the mare it was on. Dazzle was decked out in what looked like leather – a vest covering her upper body. Sheer pantyhose and a black thong covered her lower half. Cadance and Twilight were clothed in very thin cloths. Cadance was wearing a light purple dress that accentuated her curves and wings. Frills and lace covered her legs and surrounded the slits for her wings. Twilight was also dressed out in a see through dress. Hers lacked much of the frills of Cadance’s but she made up for with a horn ring that had several strands of thread connecting to rings in her ears. A single drop was attached to the tip of her horn. Oblivious to the effect she was having on the boys, Dazzle waltzed over to them, allowing every inch of her exposed fur to drip sensuality. Cadance quickly was able to match her gait but Twilight was having trouble imitating her sexy walk. Through half lidded eyes Dazzle looked over her captive audience. “Well boys, time for you to be punished.” She said, her voice breathy and dripping sex. With a flick of her magic she levitated a crop out of the remaining bag and passed it over to Twilight who caught it and looked it over. The crop was tipped with a feather and was clearly designed to be used for teasing and tickling rather than for whipping. “Cadance, come over here will you?” she called out. Cadance did as she was told, ensuring that she showed just a little bit more flesh that was necessary as she did so. Shining felt his dick begin to rise up, and in a moment of insight realised what their punishment was going to be. “You have all cheated on me, so now you must be punished.” Dazzle didn’t hesitate and swept in for a deep kiss with Cadance. Cadance resisted for a moment, before melting into Dazzle’s embrace, her eyes closing as she relaxed into the kiss. Orion and Soarin’s cocks quickly rose to match Shining and the nature of their torture was quickly made apparent to them. They were going to be forced to watch their respective wives make out and pleasure each other and they would not be able to do anything about it. Within moments, their cocks were rock hard and aching for release, but thanks to Dazzle’s force fields they could not move their hooves enough to provide such release. Instead they simply had to suffer through the sapphic display in front of them. For her part, Twilight was to keep an eye on the captives and lash them at any point if she suspected they were beginning to enjoy themselves a little too much. Soarin’ especially needed to be kept down as his wings were still free. With the right movements he could possibly stroke the members of Orion or Shining with the tips of his wings. A quick lash with the crop would keep his wings from extending out and each stallion’s focus of their wives. Cadance and Dazzle clinched in and ran hooves along each others bodies, stroking their manes or in Dazzle’s case massaging Cadance’s wings through her nightie. All through out this they were locked at the lips, mouths swapping saliva and tongues exploring the backs of each others throats. Cadance’s wings began to flare up as Dazzle stroked her hooves along the sensitive ridges of her flight feathers. The stimulation of her wings caused Cadance to shudder with pleasure as the tips of her wings tingled under Dazzle’s touch. A thin trail of wetness began to move its way down between her legs. The smells of female arousal began to waft around the apartment as Dazzle and Cadance made out in front of their husbands. Dazzle moved one of her hooves from Cadance’s wing around towards her backside, encountering the slick feeling of her rapidly engorging cunt. Cadance reciprocated the action, her own hoof finding that Dazzle was absolutely sopping wet, a constant flow of her juice emerging and running down her searching hoof. Both mares found each others clits and began rubbing and stroking, their still joined lips redoubling in their efforts to merge into a single entity. Shining and Orion had no choice but to watch, their erect shafts so hard that they could have used them to cut through diamond. Soarin’ was distracted by Twilight who was busy kissing her way down his body while levitating her crop, using the feather tip to tease him and brush gently against his cocks exposed gland. Each pass with the crop brought him almost to the edge of his orgasm, but each time Twilight would retract the crop just before he could get over. To Soarin’ it was maddening, even with Twilight’s mouth lavishing attention on other parts of his body. Amid a series of moans, Dazzle broke the kiss with Cadance, her chest heaving as she sucked in air. Cadance did not seem to be bothered by the fact that she should need to take a breath. ’I suppose that’s Immortality for you, you don’t actually need to breath’ Dazzle looked at Cadance, bringing out her ‘come hither’ look, and pulled her slowly over towards the ground. Cadance allowed Dazzle to put her on her back, her wings splaying out to give her balance. Her hind legs were gently split apart and Cadance realised that Dazzle had positioned her so that Shining and Orion would have a perfect upshot of her leaking vagina. With a level look at both her husband and her son, Dazzle extended her tongue and for the first time tasted the sex of another mare. Her tongue made one slow pass from the tip of Cadance’s clit moving down along her labia, the mass of her tongue forcing Cadance’s lips to part slightly. The smell of Cadance’s dripping cunt filled her nose and the taste of her juice filled her mouth. Dazzle’s eyes lit up as she tasted Cadance, her tongue registering that it was the sweetest thing she had ever had. With earnest she dove back in, her tongue and mouth sucking on the goddess of loves steaming slit. As she did so, she felt Cadance lift her up and put her down over her prone body. Dazzle paused from her sucking for a moment as she waited eagerly for Cadance to start tending to her garden. She wasn’t disappointed. Cadance’s tongue slithered out of her mouth and inserted itself into Dazzle’s moistening cunt. Dazzle’s eyes widened as she felt Cadance’s tongue press against her pussy, forcing her lips to part and nuzzling inside her cave. Quickly she buried her face back into Cadance’s sex, making rapid long licks as fast as her tongue could manage. Dazzle’s body bucked and writhed as she fell prey to Cadance’s tongue. The primal pleasure of wild sex, a feeling she had not experienced in years awoke inside her and she wanted more. Instinctively she spread her legs as wide as she could in her current position, allowing Cadance more access to her temple. Cadance responded by pushing her tongue as far into Dazzle’s dripping tunnel as she could, feeling out the soft velvet texture and taste that hinted of plums. Her front hooves began stroking across the leather covering Dazzle’s body, lingering on her sensitive chest and flanks. Through her magic, she could tell that Dazzle was getting close to her release, so Cadance buried herself into Dazzle and rubbed a hoof over her shining, puffy clit. On cue, Dazzle’s inner walls began to spasm and constrict around Cadance’s tongue as guttural shrieks of pleasure bounced off the walls. Dazzle quickly fell off of Cadance’s form, collapsing to the ground, her body still in the throws of orgasm. Her body could be seen twitching sluggishly as the first orgasm she had felt for a long time tore through her, leaving a satisfied mare behind. She was breathing heavily as she looked at the ceiling, a sheen of sweat covering every inch of her body. Cadance rolled over along side her, one of her hooves gently rubbing alongside one of her breasts, teasing the nipple to an erect point. The Princesses tongue started licking over and along Dazzle’s horn, lapping up all the magical essences that had been secreted. Shining and Orion were in hell. Watching their wives have sex was more than they could take, and yet they could do nothing, their dicks were freely leaking pre-come and straining for some kind of release. The pressure building in their balls was overriding their ability to think on anything else. Adding to their discomfort, Twilight had progressed from licking and sucking on Soarin’s muscular chest to sliding her vag along it, leaving slick trails up and down his body. As she did so, she also gave his cock a quick suck, tasting his pre-come and tormenting him further than her crop could. The crop itself was now alternating between Shining and Orion, teasing them and lightly tapping the tip against their cocks, causing them to waggle from side to side with each stroke. So caught up in their own personal hells were they that they didn’t notice that Dazzle and Cadance had separated and were bearing down on the captive unicorns. Shining’s first sign that his punishment may be over was when he felt a warm mouth engulf his cock. Opening his eyes, he expected to see the pink head of Cadance working her way down his cock. To his surprise he found Cadance licking on the tip of Orion’s cock, clearly enjoying the experience. Dazzle was the one giving him a blow and she was doing a great job. His mothers experienced tongue was working on his cock in ways that neither Cadance not Orion or Soarin’ had ever been able to do. His mother clearly had far more skill and knowledge on the art of cocksucking than any other pony in the room. Shining’s eyes rolled back into his head as he gave in to the pleasures she was bestowing on his cock. For a moment she pulled herself off him. “You know, it occurs to me that I’m the only one here who hasn’t had the pleasure of your cock, my son. Care to correct that oversight?” Cadance also removed herself from the blowjob she was giving Orion. The older stallion was extremely worked up and Cadance didn’t want him to cum just yet. “Orion, I’m still an anal virgin.” Cadance whispered in her father-in-laws ear. “I want you to be my first. Please, screw my ass.” Her request was more of a formality than a request for permission. Orion was still restrained and at her mercy. With a swish of her tail, Cadance revealed her puckered anal cherry to Orion. The clenched rosebud hinted at untold wonders and Orion’s mouth began to water as he thought of what Cadance would be doing to him momentarily. Twilight saw her mother and sister-in-law begin to mount their respective stallions and took that as a sign that she could straddle Soarin’ herself. This had been just as much punishment for her as it had been for the men. Dazzle had made it very clear to her daughter that she was not to allow any of the boys to enter her until Dazzle and Cadance were ready, but that she was to tease them and, by extension herself to within an inch of their sanity. Twilight had complied to the letter and her pussy, which had now smeared vast quantities of liquid over Soarin’s body was demanding that she fill it up with a hot stallion injection. An act that Twilight was only to happy to oblige. With a quick motion, Twilight slid her vag over Soarin’s erect length, leaving a trail of her lube behind as she felt him glide underneath her body until his quavering tip was positioned perfectly at her entrance. His bulging flare was poking at her lips, forcing them apart and occasionally entering her body for a moment. Twilight loved this moment, the single point in time when both parties know exactly what is about to happen. With a lunge, Twilight sank her dripping cave around Soarin’, feeling his tool split her hips apart and force her body to expand to accommodate his entry. She took him to the hilt in a single stroke, sighing in pleasure as he filled her body with his hardness. Far too quickly for her tastes, she felt his dick twitch and jump inside her, followed by an expanding puddle of warmth. It didn’t take Celestia’s prized student long to realise what had happened, she had kept Soarin’ at the point of orgasm for so long that he had cum on a hair trigger. Twilight was disappointed but resolved not to let that stop her. Clamping down with her cunt muscles she prevented Soarin’s softening length from slipping out of her. As she did so she started rippling them along Soarin’, trying to re-engorge his cock within her. As she did so, the feeling of warmth inside her spread as his cum coated her walls and flowed through her tunnel. Twilight felt Soarin begin to rise in her again after a moment and she resumed her humping with gusto. Cadance had a single goal throughout this encounter. She was going to lose her anal cherry to her father-in-law. She knew how good it felt from the stallion’s perspective but now she wanted it from her natural mare’s point of view. It would be a thank-you to him for allowing her to marry his son and she wanted it to be special. That meant first rubbing out the easy one. That could be achieved by combining it with her need to lubricate the shaft and Cadance shoved Orion’s cock into her pussy without a second thought. It was only the second cock she had ever had in her, not counting the quick blow she had given Soarin’ the day before. Shining had been her one and only actual screw but even so she could feel the differences between them. Orion’s cock was harder and thicker than Shining’s but felt like it lacked some of the vitality that Shining’s younger member could provide. Nevertheless, it was more than adequate for her needs and Cadance was going to enjoy the moment. As she bottomed out around Orion, Cadance moved in, bringing her head and horn into contact with his. “I want you to enjoy this moment as much as I will” she whispered to her mate, bringing her mouth level with his ear again. “So I’m going to let you cum in me first and then you get to be the first visitor down my private road.” The first part of her plan turned out similar to Twilight’s. Orion was so pent up that he came almost instantly inside his daughter-in-laws pussy. Cadance grunted in pleasure as she felt the warm goo spread inside her body, the potential for life it carried surging through her, looking for an egg to fertilize. She was not yet physiologically ready to bear children, so she wasn’t worried about pregnancy. Instead she simply enjoyed the feeling of Orion’s semen inside her body, showing her ultimate trust and love for her father by accepting his seed into her. No less pleasurable was the need to get Orion hard again. Squeezing her vaginal muscles tight, Cadance began to rise up on Orion’s sinking shaft, ensuring to put as much pressure on it as she could. In front of her, Orion had closed his eyes in pleasure, his entire being indicating just how much he was enjoying this ride. A part of Cadance realised that this was perhaps the first time he had been with a mare in a very long time, and she was pleased that it was her doing this. With each bounce into Orion’s lap, Cadance felt his length harden within her. It was an odd feeling of swelling, as if somepony was inflating a balloon inside her body. Nothing new was entering her and yet something was displacing mass inside her. Cadance decided she liked that feeling a lot and was almost sad to see it come to an end when Orion reached his former hardness again but she had a far greater purpose for his newly erected equipment. She rose up and allowed his dick to fall out of her, a trickle of their combined fluids following and dribbling onto Orion’s crotch and legs. A similar mixture coated Orion’s cock, leaving streaks of his cum to run down to the base. Cadance wasted no time in engulfing his rod within in her mouth, licking clean every inch she could get her tongue on. With each pass she tasted her own sweet juices contrasting delightfully with the tarter salty taste of Orion’s freshly squeezed cum. She made sure to put on as much pressure as she could, draining every drop from Orion until he was dry. Once Orion was clean and her task done, Cadance moved off his cock and shifted her body, brushing her engorged and hyper-sensitive cunt lips over the tip of Orion’s cock. Positioning herself slightly more forward that she normally would, Cadance felt his tip press up against her anal opening. She gasped as Orion poked at her back door, the pressure of his tip trying to force her sphincter to open. Steadying herself, Cadance pushed down on Orion’s shaft and felt him enter her, roughly making his way into her body with no regard for her own feelings. Or rather that was what she wanted to have happen. As it was, Orion’s cock would not enter her ass. Either she was too tight and small or he wasn’t hard enough. Every time she pressed down on him, his cock would resist and either bend away or slip forward and pop inside its natural entryway, penetrating her vag rather than her ass. Cadance moaned at the feeling of Orion repeatedly entering her pussy, but she wanted him to fuck her ass and she was going to get it one way or the other. Using her magic, Cadance wrapped Orion’s cock in a blue glow, telekinetically keeping it rock steady as she once again pressed her rosebud up against his tip. Wrapped in her magic, Orion’s cock could not deviate away and Cadance felt the pressure on her butt increase but to her disappointment he did not enter her. Every time she pushed down, her sphincter would clamp shut and not allow entry. Cadance pouted at this fact before rising up for one last attempt, positioning herself higher than on any previous attempt. Orion saw what was going to happen and tried to struggle free. Cadance thrust herself down as hard as she could, angling herself perfectly so that Orion’s dick would line up exactly with her bunghole. With no other option, under the weight of Cadance’s thrust, her sphincter opened and swallowed Orion’s dick whole, inch after inch of his hot stallion meat entering her body and stretching her bowels in ways that she had never thought possible before. As she sank down on him, Cadance focused through the immense pain tearing through her body, a high scream escaping her lips as she did. A searing feeling emanated from her groin as she wallowed in the heat of Orion’s dick inside her ass. She felt more filled than she had ever felt before, as if she had eaten a huge lunch and her body wanted nothing more than to expel the intruder that should never have been there. Her mind however saw through the initial discomfort towards to kernel of pleasure she knew must be waiting for her on the other side of this first penetration. Both Shining and Twilight had told her how much being ass fucked pleased them and Cadance trusted them both to speak the truth. After what seemed like an hour, Cadance reached the root of Orion’s dick, savouring the triumph as much as she was reeling from the lingering pain. Shining had told her that the pain would recede quickly if she remained still. She held herself as still as she could, the burning heat of Orion’s member filling her with a new warmth. Weakly she also stroked her empty pussy, coating her hoof with the remains of her and Orion’s combined discharges. To distract herself from the pain in her rear she brought her coated hoof up to her mouth and sucked off the tasty mixture. Orion watched as Cadance took him into her body. He had thought that Shining was a tight fit, but compared to Cadance he was as roomy as the chamber they now occupied. She fit around his cock like a satin glove, every inch of his cock was pressed up against her flesh. Her sphincter was so tight around him that it threatened to cut off circulation. For all the discomfort of having his cock so crushed, the feeling of being inside Cadance was indescribable. Her plot was so warm and soft that he the beginnings of another orgasm rise within his balls. He vowed to hold out as long as he could. His vow was tested when he saw Cadance begin to lick his secretions off her hoof, clearly enjoying the taste. Only through force of will could he stop himself from shooting off right there. The goddess of Love found his cum tasty. Orion felt himself swell inside her, his rod hardening even further than he had ever felt before. Cadance felt it as well. The pain had receded enough for her to feel the pleasure and she felt ready to begin moving. Pushing up she started to remove Orion from her plot, the feeling of being filled replaced by one of emptiness as she emptied him from her bowels. Not pausing however, she dropped back down as she felt the tip begin to leave her, plunging Orion back into her and into the warm embrace of her ass once again. Each stroke on his dick became easier and Cadance was beginning to see why Shining had asked her to be the stallion before. Taking it in the ass felt incredible and Cadance knew that this was going to have to become a regular part of their love making, regardless of what happed here. With no regard for her surroundings, Cadance bounced on Orion’s cock, each thrust forcing his thick meat further within her. “Fuck my ass Orion, You feel so bucking good.” She screamed as a tingle in her pussy told her to hang on for dear life. Her ass clamped down hard on Orion’s cock as Cadance rode out her massive orgasm. Leaning back, Cadance spread her pussy lips open and squirted her ejaculate juices over Orion’s body, leaving damp patches and streaks along the length of his chest and up onto his face. Two spurts landed onto Orion’s mouth and tongue, which Orion quickly licked up and swallowed, relishing the sweet taste of her climax. Tasting Cadance’s cum was all Orion was able to handle. Deep in his balls, his load of cum bubbled up, eager to escape their testicular prison and experience the joys of freedom. Thick ropes of pearly cum squirted out of Orion’s cock, entering Cadance’s ass and coating her bowels in white. Orion nearly passed out from the pleasure he was receiving as Cadance clenched around his cock, his dick experiencing sensations similar to auto-erotic asphyxiation. Cadance felt Orion’s cum blast her insides as she rode out her orgasmic aftershocks. As she came down from her high, Cadance fell forward, her body no longer able to sustain her weight. Orion’s shrivelling cock slipped out of her ass and she could feel his cum begin to drip out of her body and run down her pussy. She was too worn out to care, her entire body one big ball of satisfaction. She had let her father-in-law fuck her in the ass and had loved every moment. Dimly she saw Twilight grinding her body into Soarin’s on one side and Dazzle introducing her genitals to her sons. With her last burst of energy, she rested her head onto Orion’s chest, listening to the beating of his heart. “That was incredible dad, I can see why you went gay now.” Cadance said, lifting her head to stare at Orion’s eyes. He looked back at her with kindness and love. “I’m glad you liked it so much. I know I did.” Both ponies laughed a little before embracing and listening to the beating of his heart again. Dazzle clambered on top of her son, pausing for a moment, her pussy hovering inches away from Shining’s cock. From the looks of Soarin’s and Orion’s faces, it was clear they had both cum within seconds of entering their respective mares. ‘Light-weights. Let’s see about this legendary stamina that the royal guards are meant to have’ Dazzle had far greater hopes for Shining. While she wasn’t supposed to know, there were legends of her son’s sexual prowess, that he had been a true ladies colt prior to going steady with Cadance. “Your father and his toy boy couldn’t last for more than a few seconds. I want you to do better. Make me proud son.” Slowly she lowered herself down, brushing gently against Shining’s hardness, leaving a slick of her arousal to lubricate before she allowed him to enter her. Shining took the opportunity to take a close look at his mother. While he had seen her almost every day of his life, this was the first time he had really looked. Despite her advancing years, Dazzle had kept herself in excellent shape and her body was still smoking, especially when accentuated by her leather vest and hose. Shining decided that she was going to the top of his MILF list. Dazzle saw her son checking out her body. She had put effort into retaining her figure after her kids and now it seemed it would be paying off for her. Shining’s rod pulsed and throbbed under her, clear pre-come seeping out of its tip and coating her cunt. From the look on his face, Dazzle knew that Shining was just drinking in her body, imagining was it would be like to lay her down and ravish her without pause. Lost in her musings, Dazzle didn’t notice herself sit down over Shining until she felt his cock slide out from under her, jutting forward and emerging between her body and his chest. To Dazzle it almost looked as it she had grown a penis and Shining was the mare. ’So that’s what being a colt looks like.’ Dazzle mused as a hoof idly stroked the tip of Shining’s member, eliciting a groan from the trapped stallion. The river of pre-come flowing from his tip increased to a raging torrent and Dazzle remembered how quickly the others had cum. If she wasn’t careful, she could miss out altogether. It was now or never. If she was really going to do her son, it was going to have to be now. Lifting herself up, she grabbed her leather thong in her magic. Slowly, she slid it down her legs, revealing her purple star mark and proceeding down further. A swish of her tail gave her butt a jiggle and bounce, presenting her dripping cleft to her son’s eyes. Shining was drawn to his mother’s vag as if it was a black hole, the gap winking at him as his mother gave him a striptease lap dance. Following the thong came the vest, Dazzle making sure to take her time and showing as much flesh as she could. Soon she was naked again, apart from the hose on her hind legs. Somehow the hose made her nakedness far more alluring than if she had simple been without clothes as ponies normally were. The lace drew attention to the fact that she was wearing nothing, and Dazzle was taking every opportunity to show off her curves and flanks. Eventually, Dazzle looked around her, noticing that Twilight had impaled herself on Soarin’ again, and Cadance was trying to force Orion to enter her ass without much luck. It was time to move onto the main act. Quickly, Dazzle jumped back onto the bed and straddled Shining, guiding his dripping dick towards her prize, his pre-come coating her hoof in a constant stream. Soon, she felt his tip press up against her entrance and she lunged downwards, her hips opening to accept her son’s length into her body As Dazzle felt her son enter her, she could not resist a quip. “You know you couldn’t get out of me fast enough the first time. Welcome home.” Shining filled her up to her limit, bumping against her cervix even before he had fully entered her body. Dazzle moaned in pleasure as he did, the feeling of her body being used and stretched out again was something she had not realised she missed so badly. It had been her own fault that she was missing the touch of a stallion, she had been the one to reject Orion’s advances, to tell him ‘not tonight’ every time her came over in an amorous mood. That had been what had driven him into the arms of another lover. It was not just that he had been weak, she had forced him away by not being willing to service him as was her due as his wife. That was in the past now. Right now, Dazzle was going to focus on welcoming her son home to the place of his conception. He ought to know the place well. After all he did spend 11 months in there. Dazzle took as much of Shining’s cock into he as she could, leaving a few inches on the outside. Once she was adjusted to his girth and length, Dazzle began grinding herself on him, bouncing up and sinking back down, Shining’s length disappearing into her welcoming hole up to just past his medial ring before beginning to withdraw again. A jolt of pleasure surged through Dazzle with each thrust down onto her son, her vaginal walls clenching hard around the phallus, squeezing the tip and massaging the rod. With each thrust, her body was able to accommodate a bit more, her pussy loosening and stretching out as it recovered from self inflicted neglect. As she mated, Dazzle leaned back and spread her legs, shifting into the cow-mare position, allowing Shining a clear view of his cock disappearing into her slick cleft and her breasts just above, the latter jiggling with each thrust. The sight proved to be a tad too much for Shining to take and with a animalistic snarl he released his floodgates and filled his mothers snatch with his seed. His flared tip expanded to form a plug and the crown twitched in time with each release, jets of his cum spilling out and covering the insides of Dazzles body in a rich, creamy white. Dazzle felt the first touch of cum in her and instantly dropped down to take as much of Shining as she could into herself, forcing him to cum as deeply in her body as she could. The touch of seed in her belly was enough to trigger her second orgasm, her walls clenching hard around Shining’s still twitching member, trying in earnest to drain every last drop of the life giving fluid from his balls. Dazzle’s vision sparkled as the intensity of her orgasm became clear. “Oh SHINING” she yelled out as her mind began to misfire, all sensations other than the pleasure of her climax disappearing in a haze of white light behind her eyes. With each spasm of her vagina, Dazzle’s thoughts and cried became more simplistic, quickly resembling a wordless howl or grunts. Below her, a pool of liquid was forming as evidence of her pleasure, liquids flowing freely from her body and over Shining’s crotch. Dazzle didn’t notice any of this however, she was still focused inwards on her own pleasure and a hoof quickly made its way down to stroke herself, trying in vain to extend out her climax. Taking in deep, gasping breaths, Dazzle’s vision and mind began to reclaim control over her body and she lifted herself off of Shining’s shrinking dick. Quickly it became clear that she had over exerted herself in her hedonistic revelry and an all consuming wave or dizziness came over her, her body swaying on its hooves before nearly collapsing to the floor. As she did so, the magical bands surrounding the stallions disappeared and they found they were free to move again. Shining took the moment to pick Dazzle up and roll her gently onto the bed, his mother clearly on the edge of passing out. The best thing would be to get somewhere she could lie down for a while and on the bed that was soaked with the combined juices of 6 ponies seemed the best spot for the moment. Dazzle’s pussy was dripping the remains of her climax out, and Shining’s cum was also beginning to flow sluggishly as well. Dazzle’s legs spread out, possibly as part of an instinctive reaction to having been put on her back. Shining couldn’t resist taking a lick and moved in for a swipe with his tongue, lapping up the juices that had once bathed him for 11 months. Dazzle had a taste that was sharper, more mature than anything Shining had tasted before, something he had noticed with Orion as well. Maybe sexual secretions matured like a good cheese. Beside Shining, Orion and Soarin’ were taking full advantage of their ability to move again. Orion had flipped Cadance into her back and was pumping into her ass as quickly as he could. Soarin’ had somehow managed to lift Twilight up into one of the corners of the ceiling, her body pressed right up against the wall and was thrusting into her with reckless abandon. Droplets of their sweat and cum were raining down over the bed like a light summer shower. Shining’s only thought was that they would likely have to burn the sheets and mattress, there was no way they were going to be able to get all these fluids out. This though was interrupted as Cadance reached out and engulfed his shiny cock in her mouth. Behind her Orion saw what was occurring and redoubled his efforts on Cadance’s ass. “Ready to spit roast your wife my boy?” He asked as Cadance worked on getting Shining’s dick hard again, licking off the remains of his cum and Dazzle’s juice. “I sure am dad. Give it to her good.” With that he made a hard thrust into his wife’s mouth, causing her to almost gag. The next morning saw the rise of 6 very tired and sore ponies. Dried cum coated every inch of their bodies and the bed. The smells of sex lingered like a miasma, choking out the aromas of the flowers near the windows. No one had any regrets about what had happened. Group sex had been the wildest thing any of them had done, with the exception of Soarin’ who claimed that he had once participated in a cluster fuck of one particularly fanatical blue pegasus fan. She had somehow managed to get every male member of the Wonderbolt’s to fuck her at the same time. She had needed to call in a very big favour with Spitfire and himself to get that one. Something about having saved their lives once. Twilight only had one question about the previous day. “What brought you here? You would have sent word with Spike if you were coming for a visit.” Dazzle nodded at her question, an ice pack pressed against her aching cunt. She had been reckless the previous night after such a long dry spell and had torn more than a few ligaments and muscles. Cadance had offered to dull the pain, but Dazzle wanted to feel it as it would help her to remember her limits the next time, assuming there was going to be a next time. All had agreed they wanted there to be a next time. “It wasn’t a planned visit. Yesterday morning, I received a summons from Prince Blueblood. He told me that Shining was having an affair with…” “HE DID WHAT?” Cadance yelled, jerking right up from where she had been resting, her head on Shining’s belly, her wings spreading out in anger. Dazzle was cowed at the display and shrank back a little. “He told me that my son was having an affair and sent me off to find him. He clearly wanted me to walk in on all of you and likely hoped that I would disown you or something.” “He had gone too far this time.” Cadance turned and galloped for the open window, jumping out and plummeting towards the ground. Just before she would have hit, she angled her wings and caught the air, arcing away around one of the towers of Canterlot castle, heading for the target of her wrath: Blueblood’s office. Shining and the others looked at each other. Even at a full gallop, they would never be able to reach Blueblood’s office before Cadance got there. And this was now a private family matter between the two of them. There was nothing that the Sparkle family plus Soarin’ could do. > Chapter 6: The Blueballs of Blueblood (M/F. Gender reversal) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 – The Blueballs of Blueblood A/N: Futa, Rape and light watersports. Thanks to all who chipped in with ideas regarding punishment acts Shining and Dazzle galloped through the castle, hoping to get to Blueblood’s office before Cadance could. They knew it was a fool’s hope and that Cadance had most likely already arrived and would be confronting her brother. It was only after Shining had rounded a corner and almost run into a pair of maids that he realised both he and Dazzle were still stained with sweat and dried cum, not to mention the smell that he could detect wafting from their coats. The maids seemed to notice the smell and their appearance, wrinkling their noses at the pungent aroma. The maids quickly moved out of the way when they recognised who it was before them. One tried to apologize for not getting out of his way faster, but Shining didn’t have the time to hear her. Picking up his pace, he rushed behind Dazzle who was keeping an impressive pace, given her exhaustion and increased age over him. Behind them, the two maids began muttering to each other, pointing out their stained coats and manes. One of them would have to inform the grapevine about this. Shining caught up to his mother just as she was pulling up to Blueblood’s office. Neither of them had any intention of actually assisting the slime-ball prince, but if they could, they would prevent Cadance from leaving a lasting mark. Shining found the door to Blueblood’s office was closed but unlocked so he opened it slowly. Inside, the office looked like it had been hit by a bomb. Shattered glass littered every flat surface, the desk and floor were covered with the small reflective shards. Shining noticed that the pattern of the glass dispersal indicated that something very large and travelling very fast had hit the outside of the window, shattering in into the office. He hoped that Cadance had not been too badly hurt by the entry. Moving his horn around, Shining could detect traces of Cadance’s magic, likely a teleport spell, something that only the Alicorn’s could do with impunity within the castle. From the amount of residual power, Cadance had likely taken Blueblood with her, but where they had gone, Shining had no idea. “What is going on here?” Shining looked up at the voice, finding the imposing dark form of Princess Luna standing in the door frame, her mane of midnight flowing in an ethereal breeze. A pair of barded Night Guards were stationed behind her, both now turned to face away from the office, watching the hallways. Beside him, Dazzle sank to her knees, and Shining began to do the same. “Captain Armour, rise and explain yourself. What hath occurred here?” Shining tried to order his thoughts before responding, knowing just how compromising this would look to him. He just hoped that Luna really was as naive as the rumours said she was when it came to sex. “You see your highness, I think that Cadance and Blueblood had a family disagreement, but beyond that I don’t know. I will get the guards on this ASAP.” Luna did not look amused. “Pray yes, Guard Captain Armour. We would recommend haste in this matter. But before that we would suggest that you speed your exodus to a shower, for the odours assailing our olfactory senses are most displeasing. We will stand watch here until guards come to investigate.” Shining and Dazzle took the leave that Luna had offered them. As they moved to exit the office, Luna leaned in and whispered into Shining’s ear. “A word of advice. If thou wishes to partake in such actions as your family has been indulging in of late, then you would do well to remember to cover up the evidence afterwards. Tia is not as… forgiving as I am on these matters.” Shining felt his face burn a bright red as Luna began to walk into the office to take a more detailed look around. Once they were out of the office, Shining put his hooves around Dazzle and the pair vanished in a flash of light, ‘porting back to Shining’s chambers to inform the others and of course, take that shower. Earlier Blueblood was having a very good start to his morning. Several delegations of ponies had come to him asking for a boon or two. Most of them he had declined, but one had struck him as more than a little interesting. A pair of brothers with a set of bacon coloured manes had come to him looking for funding to develop some kind of automatic cider dispensary. They said they had already built a working proof of concept model but needed funds to keep it running and improve on the design. Blueblood had checked over their plans and had agreed to fund their research and development in exchange for a double his investment return and 15% on all future sales of the machine. He didn’t really think that the machine would actually work worth a damn and he guessed that he would never see his money again, but that simply meant that he would have a pair of ponies who would owe him a favour, a big one at that based on the amount that he had loaned them. His good mood wasn’t to last however, as the peace and quiet of his sanctum was shattered as a fast moving pink blur smashed through his stained glass window, showering the room in small shards of glass and wrought metalwork. Blueblood quickly ducked down under his desk to shield himself from the shrapnel now slicing its way through his office, one fragment nicking his front hoof and drawing a thin trickle of blood. He had never been very good at generating shields with his magic so his first instinct was to hide rather than confront. After a moment the sounds of shattering glass ceased and Blueblood put his head tentatively above the desk. Standing before him, bathed in all her radiant fury was his sister, Princess Cadance. Her head was bowed and fury seethed from her eyes, which were shooting very large daggers at him. Her coat and mane were filthy with what Blueblood could only assume were the remains of conjugal activities. From her entrance, there was only one possible reason from Cadance to be here: Shining had blabbed. If that was the case, then this was going to be a very painful reunion. For Cadance, this reckoning had been a long time coming. While she had never said anything to her brother, she knew all about his underhanded dealings: The bribery and corruption. Thus far she had made a vow to herself not to interfere in his actions, Blueblood’s life was not hers to fuss over. While she may not agree with his choices, he was still her brother and she loved him. This time however he had crossed the line. When Shining and Soarin’ had walked in on her and Twilight, she had felt Blueblood’s influence on him along with Orion and Soarin’s. That alone had not been enough for her to openly suspect anything, the essence of a pony can rub off and appear on others quite easily. Even something as small as Blueblood being grateful could have been enough. It was only when Dazzle also mentioned that Blueblood had told her he knew and sent her off to find them that it all crystallized in her mind. Blueblood had been extracting some kind of payment from Shining and Cadance had a very good idea as to what that could be. She bore down on her brother, small cuts on her skin rapidly healing over as she infused power into them. Fury was plastered on her face and she took a moment to make sure that the door to the office was sealed, she didn’t want anypony to walk in on this. Blueblood shrank before her, his composure withering as he caught the look in her eye. “You crossed the line Bluey. For a long time I have turned the other way when it came to you. When you blackmailed somepony to get your own way or to satisfy your perverse sexual desires. Even when you arranged for a whorehouse to ‘accidentally’ catch fire and claim the lives of three prostitutes who knew too much. As much as I despised you, I could forgive it all as you are my brother. All that changed when you put your hooves on my family. Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?” Blueblood flailed under her accusations. “N-Now Cadance, we can w-work something out.” Cadance slammed a hoof into the desk, splintering the heavy oak finish. “Shut up you worm. I’ve forgiven you a lot, but that stops here. Today you are going to be punished for your sins, punished for each injustice you have perpetrated on my family. So buckle up you miserable bastard, we are going for a little stroll.” Blueblood noticed her hoof still resting on the desk. It was covered in what he desperately hoped was a patch of sweat. Normally he would have remained as far away from the dirty object as he could and then had himself fully washed and groomed afterwards, but he knew that there would be no such relief now. Cadance had him fully trapped, no matter which way he looked at the situation she would be able to easily overpower him both physically and magically. Her blasted Alicorn heritage meant that she was his better in almost every category. For a moment he was tempted to make a jump out of the shattered window. The drop would surely be fatal for him and would also likely prove to be less painful in the long run. Such an idea was foolish, Cadance would easily be able to intercept him on the way down or even catch him before he made the window. No, this situation required something Blueblood had never before practiced: Total honesty. “Yes I fucked your husband. Yes I am blackmailing almost every member of the palace staff and a few of the higher ups as well. Yes I had those upstart bitches killed, they knew too much about me and were demanding money to keep quiet. I may not have started the blaze myself, but it was done on my order, which amounts to the same thing. And you know what? Shining loved every second of it. I didn’t even have to force him, he dived in on my dick all on his own. He moaned and he squirmed and he came like the little sissy boy that he is.” Blueblood’s tirade was calculated to put Cadance on the defensive, maybe even cause her to lock up or break down for a few moments. If Blueblood could just get away from the palace he could call in a few of the favours he was owed from the ponies over at immigration. A new set of ID documents and a one-way trip to some other place and he could vanish forever. He had enough bits stashed away in various secret accounts that he would never need to work or could buy the protection of anypony he needed. All he had to do was get past his sister. Cadance was having none of it. Instead of causing her to lock up, hearing Blueblood’s confession seemed to sharpen her, the fury on her face shifting from molten to icy in a second. Blueblood would have sworn that the temperature of the room dropped noticeably as her expression darkened. “How DARE you speak about my ponies like that.” Cadance continued to move forward towards Blueblood, her wings arched up to her sides in order to give herself extra size and height. “Do you really care so little about anything other than yourself?” Blueblood felt a wave of nausea surge through him as the smell coating Cadance assaulted him, slapping into his face like a brick. He felt like dry retching and if he did manage to get out of here relatively unharmed, then his first stop would have to be to the groomers for a full wash. “It’s time that somepony taught you some humility Blueblood. It’s time that somepony showed you just what it means to make somepony else your bitch. So buckle up and get ready, cause we are going for a little ride.” Under normal circumstances, Blueblood’s office, like the rest of Canterlot Castle was warded against teleporting. Only a few ponies were allowed through the enchantments, and even then usually only to one or two areas. Shining Armour could only access his own chambers and the main entrance hall. Celestia had designed the system for a two fold purpose. One was defensive, it prevented an assassin or unicorn who meant her harm from either appearing directly in front of her or rapidly escaping. The other reason was that it put all the sub-types of ponies on an even footing when requesting an audience. Pegasi and unicorns had to walk into the castle, just as an Earth Pony would. None of this mattered to Cadance. She was an Alicorn and her magic was not that of mere mortal ponies. Her magic was derived from the same place as Celestia’s and Luna’s: The Eternal Well of Souls, where the spirits of the dead would rest forever. Fuelled by that, her magic could easily cut through the warding governing teleporting throughout the palace. With a darting hoof she reached out and grabbed Blueblood into a tight embrace, forcing his body tight up against her filthy fur. Even as he struggled to get away, she cast her spell and both ponies disappeared, leaving behind an empty office Blueblood groggily awoke to find himself restrained, each of his hooves bound in chains. As he looked around he found himself surrounded by outcroppings of reflective crystals, each facet reflecting an image of him bound. A solid A-frame supported his weight and each of his legs was spread in a different direction. In one of the larger crystal reflections, Blueblood could make out that the tip of his horn was dotted with a number of small crystal shards. When he tried to cast a teleport spell, the shards diffused and refracted his magic back into his skull, causing him discomfort proportional to the amount of energy he had directed into the spell. “You will find that escape is quite impossible.” A voice from behind him attracted his attention. Cadance walked around from behind him, trailing a hoof over his flank. The rage that she had been caught up in earlier had subsided, leaving behind only a cold and calculating desire. If anything, Blueblood found this new persona even more unsettling that raging fury, “Do you know where we are my brother?” Blueblood didn’t have any idea. Crystal mines were a common sight over much of Equestria. “We are in the crystal mines under Canterlot. In the very chamber where Chrysalis stashed me during my own wedding in fact. After the wedding, several ponies made new surveys of this place, looking to see if anything of value could be salvaged. Needless to say that they didn’t find anything and once again, these caves have been regarded as worthless and of little interest. This suits me just fine, for you see I come here often.” Cadance’s horn began to glow, and around the cave Blueblood could see a number of the crystals reacted by mimicking her magical glow. “While I was imprisoned here, I found that the crystals in this place were attuned to my magic, but I was too weak to do anything with it. These crystals can amplify and augment my spells and can even block the spells of others if I so want.” Cadance moved to directly in front of Blueblood, bringing herself down to eye level with him. “I have overlooked your dalliances for a long time Blueblood but you crossed the line when you tried to blackmail my husband. Now it is time for you to pay the price.” Blueblood’s stomach turned to ice as he caught the undertone of Cadance’s voice. Renewing his struggle, he railed against his bonds, trying feebly to dislodge a hoof or otherwise free himself. It was ultimately of no use, Cadance had prepared him far to well for him to simply slip out and escape. Cadance saw him struggle for a moment and eventually end up still. Resignation crossed his features as he realised that the only way he was going to get out of here was if he played Cadance’s game. “So, what happens now?” he asked. The look in Cadance’s eye did not comfort him in the slightest. “Now? You tried to make my husband your bitch. Seems only fair that I return the favour.” Cadance moved back and reared up in front of Blueblood, revealing her underside. Lodged between her legs was the largest pony cock Blueblood had ever set eyes on. Easily double the size of his own, it was an intimidating sight and Blueblood had a sinking feeling about what Cadance was going to do with in. Small drips of pre-come welled at the tip of Cadance’s new equipment, indicating that it was fully functional. A pair of balls, each the size of a grapefruit swung like a pair of pendulums under her body in an almost hypnotic motion. Cadance looked down at her temporary stallionhood with pride. Many of the royal guards she had talked to would kill for a dick as big as the one she could create down here. There was no question that it would be very painful for Blueblood when she decided that his ass was going to be hers. Still, it could use a little lube first. “Don’t worry Bluey, I’m not going to shove this thing into you dry. Lets lube it up a little bit first.” Cadance said as she levitated a bottle over into Blueblood’s line of sight. Opening up the lid, Cadance began to slather her cock with a thick red gloop. Blueblood could not see the label of the bottle, but he could see the image of an open flame on the side. From the smell he could take an educated guess as to what it contained: Hot sauce. Cadance finished covering her cock in the hot sauce, drips of it liberally covering the floor of the crystal cavern. “Now this may sting just a little bit.” She said as she walked around behind Blueblood, a hoof running along his flank indicating her progression. As she rounded her brothers rump, Cadance saw his tail instinctively press down over his exposed plot hole and genitals, trying in vain to cover himself and prevent her access. Blueblood felt his tail lift magically as Cadance moved in for the kill. A large, wet, and very blunted object began to poke at his rump entry, gently forcing itself against him before pulling back for a moment. The hot sauce covering Cadance’s magical appendage burned at his ring, leaving a searing feeling on the tender flesh. Blueblood had never allowed anypony to enter him before, so his ring was totally unused to having anything other than a towel pressed up against it. The cold sweat of fear began to trickle down his neck as the prodding became more insistent. He could tell that Cadance was going to take his cherry very shortly, and she wasn’t going to be gentle. Cadance was having the time of her life. The hot sauce covering her dick stung slightly on the tender flesh, but she had made sure to desensitise the nerves attached to it, leaving her slightly numb. It would reduce her pleasure slightly but it would make the experience more bearable for her. For Blueblood, it should be as if the fires of Tartarus themselves were burning in his bowels the second she made the first penetration. Each partial thrust towards Blueblood’s waiting hole caused her cock to jump and slide slightly. She still did not have the technique that all true males seemed to have when it came to being able to angle and control their thrusts. As she had earlier with Orion, she clasped her cock in her magic, holding it still as she made one concerted push towards her goal. Blueblood’s rosebud resisted valiantly, but eventually sheer pressure and a correct application of force won through and Cadance felt the tip of her cock compress as it slipped inside her brothers burning passage. Blueblood’s flanks felt like they were on fire as Cadance forced herself into his body. His rectal passage was being forced apart as Cadance moved her oversized cock into his tunnel and the burning heat of the hot sauce was only compounding the problem. The chilli contained in the sauce was irritating his bowels and his body instinctively tried to eject the intruder, muscles convulsing hard around the steel like object lodged in his butt. With an agonized scream, Blueblood felt Cadance force the thickest part of her cock past his muscle ring, tearing it as the medial ring entered him, causing the nauseating smell of blood to fill the room. Blueblood’s world began to spin as he felt himself begin to pass out from the pain. If Shining Armour had felt even half of what Blueblood was experiencing now, he truly was sorry. No pony should have to suffer through that. Cadance saw Blueblood begin to slump in his restraints and quickly held herself still. It would be of no use if Blueblood passed out before she was finished. She wanted him awake for the whole thing. A glance down at her magical appendage told her why he was on the verge. A thin covering of blood now coated her cock. In her hast to penetrate her brother, it seemed that she had torn something and he was now bleeding internally. The amount did not seem life threatening, it was just a thin trickle, no more serious than a paper cut. Still, it had to be hurting him immensely. Rather than risk causing Blueblood to pass out entirely or threaten his life through an internal rupture, Cadance pulled out of him. Blueblood’s arsehole gaped at her for a few moments before trying weakly to regain its original shape. Her dick was coated with a mixture of her own lube, the remains of the hot sauce, and some of Blueblood’s actual blood. An idea came to her, one that would be just as, if not more degrading to the prissy unicorn than anything she could do behind him. Blueblood felt Cadance withdraw from him, and sighed internally with relief. She was being merciful, having realised that he could not possibly take it all. Maybe she would let him go now. The hot sauce in his ass had dwindled from a searing fire to a smouldering ember, certainly still painful, but more in a dull throb way, rather than shards of glass stabbing you kind of way. Such hopes were dashed as he saw his sister walk around before him and mount his head, putting a very uncomfortable pressure on his neck as he had to support half of her weight as well. Cadance’s cock was just inches away from his face, speckled with drips of her lube, remains of the hot sauce smeared over its intimidating length, and what looked like his own blood on the tip. “Clean it.” Cadance commanded. Blueblood baulked at the idea. “No, such a filthy object is not fit to pass my royal lips.” “CLEAN IT” Cadance repeated, thrusting forward and ramming the tip of her cock into Blueblood’s nose, leaving a stain on his pristine white coat and filling his nostrils with the smell of her sex odours. Cadance’s pride forced its way into Blueblood’s mouth, sliding past his tongue and ramming against the back of his throat, causing him to gag around the meat pole. The taste of his ruined cherry assailed his pallet, along with the taste of the soured hot sauce and another taste he had to assume was his own rectum. The combination was foul in his mouth and Blueblood retched around the cock lodged in him. Cadance thrust into his mouth again, forcing the tip into the back of his throat and partially down his oesophagus, deep throating him. To Cadance, it felt wonderful, Blueblood’s tight mouth and throat massaging her equipment as if it was a vagina. A light-bulb lit above Cadance. She realised that she still hadn’t actually had sex with another mare like this, so she didn’t really have a true point of comparison. Once she was done with Blueblood, she would have to see if Shining would let her correct that oversight. She would deal with that later though, right now she had to concentrate on Blueblood. She could feel his throat constrict and choke around her flare as he tried to get some air around her obstruction. The sensations were delightful to her cock, which throbbed its pleasure, causing Blueblood to choke even harder, thus increasing her pleasure again. Sighing, she pulled back from her brother’s mouth, allowing him to gulp in air in deep shuddering breaths. Cadance was pleased to see that her dick was significantly cleaner than when she had started. Blueblood’s mouth made an excellent cock sock. “Please, have mercy.” Blueblood wheezed, his breathing beginning to even out. A large tendril of his spit wobbled from his mouth as he did so, forming a puddle under his head. “I didn’t mean any harm to Shining, I swear. Please let me go. My coat is getting filthy and I need something to wash the taste out of my mouth.” His comments enraged Cadance. He had the audacity to rape her husband and here he was not only begging for mercy but actually concerned about the state of his appearance. Blueblood was either stupider or even vainer than she had ever realised, quite possibly a goodly helping of both. “You want something to wash that taste out. Well why didn’t you say so earlier?” Cadance said, righteous fury colouring her voice. “Here, I have a nice amber liquid you can drink, a very strong head. It will purge any other taste from your mouth guaranteed.” Cadance turned around and exposed the folds of her marehood to Blueblood, swishing her tail out of the way. Blueblood seemed to realise what was about to happen a moment too late and his eyes widened in horror. “NO, STOP.” Cadance’s golden stream of urine arced from her slit and landed with unerring accuracy onto Blueblood’s face, splattering over his body and staining his coat a sickly yellow. Looking back, Cadance was pleased to see Blueblood’s face scrunched up in abject disgust, his eyes and mouth clamped shut as he tried in vain to get his head out of the stream. “What’s wrong Bluey? I thought you asked for something to take the taste away.” Blueblood did not respond, as he was still trying to avoid being covered in Cadance’s piss. Eventually her stream ran dry and Cadance lifted a hoof to wipe up any drips still leaking from her opening. Tempted by all her debauchery, she brought her stained hoof to her mouth and sampled her urine. It was tart, quite sour but not quite bitter. Maybe she would give this another go under better circumstances later. Turning around she was greeted by the sight of Blueblood dry heaving towards the ground, drops of her urine still flowing from his mane and coat. Blueblood looked as if he was going to be sick, and Cadance hoped that he was. The bastard deserved to wallow in his own filth for a change. Instead of trying to force herself back into Blueblood’s mouth, Cadance began stroking herself, sliding her hooves over her swollen length. She didn’t want to take the chance of Blueblood vomiting over her body, as she had no desire to feel that anytime soon. She hadn’t realised it until she actually began doing it, but she had wanted to take revenge on her brother for some time. Watching him squirm as she degraded him and covered him in filth was far more satisfying than any actual physical torture could possibly hope to match. She had not hit him, nor done anything that would leave a lasting mark, and yet she was violating his spirit in the most delightful of ways. A tingling in her conjured ball-sack indicated that she was getting close to unloading her seed. Getting to her hooves, she angled herself so that the tip of her cock was once again pointed directly at Blueblood’s face. The look of horror on his face indicated he knew exactly what was about to happen. Cadance rolled her eyes back in their sockets and let fly with the first rope of her cum. The pearly white stream of seed plastered itself onto Blueblood’s face, slashing over his eye and coating his mane. In rapid succession, several more ropes joined it, leaving Blueblood’s face a spider web of gloop. Cadance growled in pleasure as it happened. Covered in her urine and now splattered with her cum, Blueblood truly looked like the whore that he was. Strands of cum covered his eyes, preventing him from seeing. Cadance moved in a wiped the cum from his eyes. She wanted him to see what she had planned as the finale. Stashed off to one side of the crystal cave was a thin metallic object, significantly smaller than her cock, but of the same basic shape. Cadance levitated it over to her and made sure that Blueblood could get a good look at it. “Now this little beauty is something I picked up while you were still out of it. When activated in will send a small electrical discharge, only a few volts, through its outer shell every 10 seconds or so. The current is far to low to actually cause injury, just a mild shock if you aren’t ready for it. I stripped the parts from a children’s toy and put them into this metal vibrator for better conduction.” Cadance’s expression turned dark. “Care to take a guess as to where this is going?” Blueblood tried to struggle as Cadance once again moved behind him and he felt the cold touch of metal on his aching bunghole. Without any preamble, he felt the tip be forced into his body, stretching his already ravaged hole open again, the cuts that had just began to crust over were torn open, bringing a fresh wave of pain over Blueblood’s body. In one moment, Blueblood felt a new pressure build as the tip of the device expanded to form a large plug inside his rectum, presumably to prevent him from pushing it out. Cadance moved back into view, this time she was levitating a remote of some kind. It was a very simple device, just a snub antenna and a single switch marked ‘on/off’. She flicked the switch and Blueblood tensed for a surge of electricity. For a long moment, nothing happened. Blueblood began to wonder if the device was broken. Cadance did not seem worried in the slightest, and after what seemed an eternity, Blueblood felt the first shock pulse from the device. The actual shock itself was not too powerful, but it was being channelled through flesh that until that day had never been touched by anything and was still as tender as flesh could get. Adding to that was the fact the flesh was also covered in small lacerations, further increasing the sensitivity of the flesh. Blueblood did not have any time to consider this however, as to him the electrical pulse felt like a bolt of unbridled lightning surging through his rump. It caused his anal muscles to contract painfully around the device, highlighting the discomfort it was causing him. His hooves skittered around on the ground, unable to truly move very far due to the chains holding him in place. A Banshee’s scream escaped his mouth, the wail echoing off every wall. Just as he felt that he was recovering from the first shock, the second one came and the entire process started over from square one. As his eyes watered over, Blueblood saw Cadance laughing at him, one hoof still jacking her deflating member. With that, the last vestiges of his resistance shattered and Blueblood resigned himself to his fate. He was going to die down here, at the hooves of his sister who it seemed had turned out as an even greater sex pervert than he himself had been. Seeing Blueblood’s will crumble was the last element that Cadance was waiting for. She had fully broken her brother, anything she did now would be truly sadistic, and that was something she would never become. Her depravities on her brother were, in her mind fully justified. Now that her revenge had happened, she had no need to retain her cock. The shrivelled organ was quickly dispelled, leaving Cadance once again as a pure mare. Wiggling her hips to confirm that she was not carrying any more weight than she should, Cadance moved around to extract the butt plug vibrator, but stopped as she did so. If she extracted it now, Blueblood may not fully learn his lesson. Better to leave it in for a little while longer, just to make sure that it all sunk in properly. Instead she returned to face Blueblood. With his urine soaked coat and strands of cum still clinging to his face, Blueblood looked slightly like a banana split covered in whipped cream. Cadance moved a hoof in under his head and raised it, ensuring that Blueblood was looking directly at her. As she did so, she felt his body spasm as another surge of electricity shocked him. “I’m going to leave you now, to consider what a bad stallion you have been. When I come back I want to hear you apologize to me and tell me what you plan to do to make it up to us and all the others out there that you have wronged. Until then you can stay here, covered in the filth that you are so akin to.” Cadance let Blueblood’s head fall back down and stood away from him. Gathering her magical energies, she concentrated on teleporting directly back to her chambers. No doubt that Shining and the others would have questions for her about where she had been and she herself wanted to take a shower. Her coat and mane were becoming a bit too ripe for her liking. Shining was caught between pacing around the royal couples suite and wanting to rush out and look for Cadance. Every second that he spent waiting was a second that he was not spending trying to find his wife. After he and Dazzle had returned to his chambers, they had explained what had happened, including Princess Luna’s intervention. Twilight, Soarin’ and Orion had listened attentively and were shocked to learn that Luna passively supported them. Shining had headed off for his own shower at that point, wanting to scrub every inch of his body clean of ‘evidence’ as Luna had put it. It had taken a long time, but eventually everypony was clean enough to be presentable in public. As Shining had left to co-ordinate the search efforts he had been stopped by one of the lunar guards. The guard had informed him that he was no-longer needed, and that her Royal Highness Princess Luna would be co-ordinating the search herself. Shining was to wait here in case Cadance decided to return to their chambers directly. As he was making what had to be his two hundredth lap of the chambers, he felt a change in the atmosphere. Looking up at the centre of the chamber he saw the distinct flashes of a long range teleport, flickers of magical energy that warned all passers by to get clear. With a blinding flash, Cadance appeared in the centre of the room, her teleport leaving a slight burn mark on the rug. “Cadance” Shining yelled out as he rushed over. “Where have you been?” Cadance returned the hug that Shining gave her, seeming not heeding the state of her body. “I’ve been spending some ‘quality’ time with my brother.” “I’ll say. I saw his office. You really did a number on his window.” Cadance gushed a little. “Yeah I went a little bit overboard on that. But he won’t be a problem again.” Shining shook his head. “I don’t want to know what you did, he deserved whatever he got. I’m just glad you are back safe.” Cadance broke off the hug. “I really need a shower right now. I stink to high heaven.” Shining smiled at her. “I wasn’t going to say anything. You go wash up. I’ll round up the others and tell them you are back.” Cadance gave Shining a quick kiss and headed off to the bathroom. The bathroom contained a royal sized shower that 2 Alicorns could stand up in at once. The multiple nozzle heads for the shower could be set to flay the meat from a ponies bones if needed, but for Cadance a gentle pulsing scrub was idea. Each jet of water was a relaxing stream, purging off all the negative emotions that she had picked up while dealing with Blueblood. Scented soaps and lotions returned her coat and mane to their normal lustre and left her with the pleasing smell of lavender. After 20 minutes, she decided that she couldn’t spend any more time under the stream without getting pruney. Shutting off the water, Cadance lifted a towel to dry her face. As she did so, she could hear the chattering of voices in the main chamber. One she could easily identify as her husband. The other one was too soft for her to make out, but it was clearly female. Cadance left the bathroom to find her family off to one side. Taking up the centre of the room was Princess Luna, resplendent in her night steel barding and tiara. “Aunt Luna, what a surpri…” Cadance began to say as she quickly moved to embrace her aunt. Luna held up a hoof to forestall her approach. “We are not here to visit, dear niece. This is an official visit concerning the disappearance of your brother. You have been implicated as the last pony to see him before the pair of you vanished for some time. Well, explain yourself.” Cadance shrank down before her aunt. Here was one part of the plan she had not considered: how she would explain things afterward. Still Luna knew that she was the one behind it all, so there was nothing to be gained through lying. “I-I don’t know what to say, your highness. Blueblood was hurting my family and I had to stop him. I acted alone, none of the others had anything to do with this.” Luna’s expression softened slightly. “We suspected as much. Off the record, we think we know what may have happened. Just tell me two things. One, where is he? And two, did he suffer?” Cadance nodded at her questions. “In the crystal caves below Canterlot, and yes, he did.” Resolve hardened in her eyes as she looked up at Luna. “And he still should be now.” Luna gave the assembled ponies a grim smile. “Blueblood has been a thorn in our side for a long time. We could never prove anything, as no pony was willing to testify against him. Ponies forget that my lunar guards have hearing far beyond that of normal ponies. They hear much and keep me well informed. It was through them that we heard whisperings of Blueblood’s dealings. We apologize to you all for any mistreatment you may have suffered at his hooves. We can assure you that he will not go unpunished for his crimes, as we now have a record of his confessions regarding blackmail and accessory to murder. It seems that he failed to turn off his recording devices that he kept around the office.” Shining felt relief that Blueblood would be truly punished. No matter what happened to him, it would still not be enough. Luna wasn’t finished however. “Moving on to another topic; your family activities of late. We need not point out the many years of precedents and concepts of social decency that you all have abandoned over the last week. Sexual congress between family members has been a taboo for a reason, as it can lead to abuse or genetic defects in foals.” “We are all willing.” Twilight said. “Everypony here is participating in this of their own will, there is no abuse, no pressure is being put on anypony. Please don’t tell Princess Celestia about us. She would never understand.” Luna nodded sagely. “Do not worry Twilight Sparkle. We will not tell our sister about this. But you all must learn to practice discretion. The two maids that you encountered earlier today have been sworn to silence in exchange for a significant pay rise. We will not be able to cover for you again. If word spreads to our sister, we will not be able to assist you. Do you understand?” The assembled ponies nodded in unison, they all knew exactly what would happen if they were caught. Celestia would have no choice but to banish them all to the four corners of Equestria, such actions were written up in the ancient laws of Canterlot. Luna wasn’t finished however. “Cadance, we cannot tolerate vigilantism, so I’m afraid that you are also going to have to be punished. Starting tomorrow, you are assigned to the royal archives as a re-shelver for three months.” Cadance knew she was getting off lightly but even still could not suppress a groan. Being a re-shelver in the archives was one of the most tedious and never ending jobs one could get. For every book you returned to its correct place, 3 more were taken from the shelves and put back in the wrong spots or simply not put back at all. It was the perfect blend of a job that required full concentration, and yet was mind numbing boring. “Now we best be off. Somepony has to rescue Blueblood, we suppose.” Luna said dryly. “Although we may be delayed along the way. Those caves have so many passageways after all.” She shot Cadance a look as she got up and walked to the door. All the family had gotten the message: they were going to have to be far more careful in Canterlot from now on. “Captain Armour. For what it’s worth, we sorry that it had to be you caught up in all this, but we are glad that you were eventually able to turn it to an advantage.” With that Luna left the chambers, leaving the six ponies to themselves. > Chapter 7: Equestrian Orgy's Unlimited (M/M/M/M/M, F/F) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 – Equestrian Orgies Unlimited In the weeks following the Blueblood incident, as it was now known, the Sparkle family took a collective decision to cool their relationship for a while. Orion and Dazzle returned to their home, Soarin’ went on tour with the Wonderbolt’s again and Twilight headed back to her tree house library. As soon as she got off the train, her friends noticed a change in her attitude, Rainbow Dash commenting that ‘somepony got laid’. Pinkie Pie had instantly offered to throw a ‘Twilight got laid’ party at which point she received five ‘NO’s’ in unison. Twilight managed to duck and avoid saying whom it was she had had sex with, claiming that he was very sweet and gentle and that it was private between them. Everypony except Rainbow eventually accepted that, though Rainbow kept on trying until Rarity shooed her off. Life for Shining and Cadance settled down into what used to be their regular routine. Cadance looked after the affairs of the Crystal Empire and Shining discharged his duties as a guardsman. Every night however, they had blistering sex in every position of the ponysutra, of which Shining was sure the entire palace could hear, even through his sound proofing shield. It was about 2 days later that Shining received a letter from Princess Luna informing him that a private hearing between the Princesses and Blueblood had concluded. Blueblood had declined to have a public trial, opting instead to be judged only by his aunts. Luna’s letter indicated that Blueblood had been found guilty on multiple charges, but due to his royal status he was given a choice. He could either serve his jail term here in Canterlot, or he could ‘volunteer’ to serve at tour at the Equestrian Legion’s northern most outpost: Fort Frostmere. Even further north than the Crystal Empire, Frostmere was regarded as an unofficial prison. If you were assigned to Frostmere, you had fucked something up badly. Its position in the frozen arctic wastes meant that there was both nothing to do and nowhere to go. Blizzards that lasted multiple weeks were common. The number of ‘unexplained deaths’ at that fort was triple what it was at any other posting. Blueblood chose the fort without hesitation. To his mind, anything was better than tarnishing his name by openly going to jail. While the Princesses publically endorsed the move, citing that ‘Blueblood is showing the true face of the royal spirit, sacrificing his position and standing at court in service to the ponies of Equestria’, not one of them actually came to see him off. Two weeks later The Sparkle family approached the Ponyville theatre, somewhat confused about the reason. Earlier that week they had received a letter from Soarin’, inviting them to the theatre to have some kind of party. All the note had told them was that they would have a blast and it would be a night to remember. Aside from that, nopony knew what the crazy pegasus had planned. Twilight had informed the others that no performances were booked for the theatre at the moment, so Soarin’ wasn’t taking them all out for a night of high class theatrical entertainment. The theatre itself was located a fair distance away from the township, partly so that the noise of a performance would not reach the town, but mostly because the theatre was not a well regarded establishment. Many of the ponies in town had little time for the fine arts, and when they did, they would almost always go to one of the larger halls in Canterlot or Trottingham. Ponyville’s theatre hall was small and beginning to fall apart. Every budget season, the Mayor would never be able to find enough money to fix up the hall, always claiming that ‘maybe there would be money next year’. Arriving at the hall, Twilight led the group inside to find four other ponies scattered around. Twilight recognised them all after a few moments. Applejack’s brother Big Macintosh was sitting down talking to a solid black pegasus she recognised as Thunderlane. He and Twilight had spoken a few times during tornado season and his little brother, Rumble was a common sight around town. Up on the stage was a white, very slightly grey unicorn with purple shades, a musical note cutie-mark, and a two tone blue mane that looked like it had been styled by a lightning bolt. Twilight recognised her as Vinyl Scratch, aka ‘DJ-PON3’, one of the hottest up-and-coming new musical talents to come out of Canterlot in the last few years. The last time Twilight had seen her was when she was DJing the royal wedding. What she was doing in Ponyville, Twilight hadn’t the foggiest. She seemed to be occupied in setting up some speakers. Was she going to be giving them a performance? Huddled in one corner of the theatre was the towns running joke, Berry Punch. A wine maker by trade, she was regarded as being in either the perfect or the absolute worst profession she could possibly be in. She had a daughter, whom she loved dearly, no idea who the father was, a unicorn presumably. Berry was known as generally good company, though she seemed to chart her drinking by the phases of the moon. Over in the other corner she could hear Big Mac complaining to Thunderlane. “Why did ya all drag me here? I don’t even like tha theatre.” It was likely the longest continuous sentence Twilight had heard him speak. Thunderlane was trying to keep the hulking Earth Pony from simply getting up and leaving. “Relax dude. My buddy Soarin’ told me this would be a totally bitching party. And check out that DJ, smoking hot.” Vinyl seemed to hear her name as she looked up, her expression unreadable behind her shades. For a long moment she looked at Thunderlane, who began to fidget under her blank state. Eventually she turned back to her speakers and resumed working on plugging them in. Big Mac snorted as he saw his brash friend reduced to a squirming little filly in one stare. As he did so, he caught sight of Twilight and the others standing by the doorway. “Twi? What are ya’ll doing here?” “Same thing as you Big Mac. We got a letter from Soarin’ to come here tonight. We don’t really know why.” Thunderlane looked up at that. “Sounds like what happened to me. Soarin’s an old friend, so he invited me tonight. I didn’t know we were going to get a show by DJ-PON3.” “What about Berry over there?” Thunderlane scratched his chin with a hoof. “I don’t really know, she was here when we arrived. Didn’t seem to want to talk to us.” “Thaths nowt true” Berry’s slurred voice came out from her corner. “I-I-I wantesh to talk, I jush got nothing ta talk aboot-hic”. Twilight moved over to the inebriated mare. Berry was generally a good pony and a caring mother. It seemed that tonight however was one of her bad nights. She always drank on a full moon, and looking out the window, Twilight could see the large silver orb hanging fully in the sky. Luna had clearly outdone herself on this night. “Berry, are you ok?” She asked, looking the purple pony over. Berry didn’t seem to be covered in anything unsanitary and Twilight could only see two bottles of wine. Both were empty. Shaking her head, she began to cast a spell over Berry “Ish fine, Twah. Jush needs me a little pickup.” Berry’s wording began to become more distinct, the intonation of each letter resolving as Twilight cast a sobriety spell on her. It was a spell she had needed to use several times on Pinkie Pie during cider season. It would remove the effects of intoxication for a few hours, though it would give Berry a cracking hangover later. “How do you feel now?” she asked. Berry’s eyes focused on Twilight as if she was seeing her for the first time. “Ugh, my head is pounding. How much did I drink this time?” Twilight was about to answer her when an ear splitting static crackle burst over the speakers. All the ponies winced and covered their ears while turning towards the stage. “Sorry about that everypony, my bad. Still, means it working now.” Vinyl gave the group a sheepish grin as she dialled back the volume with her magic. Lower levels of static and a constant hum filled the air. “And that, my good ponies, means we are ready to start.” A voice, masculine echoed out from the back stage area of the theatre. Emerging from the shadows cast by the speaker stack, two pegasi walked up and out into view. One was a pale blue with a tousled darker blue mane and piercing green eyes. Soarin’s muscular build was apparent, even from the distance that Twilight was looking from. Behind him, still partially in the shadows was a golden pegasus, female and equally well built. It was the first time that Twilight had ever seen Spitfire up close and without her uniform. Her flame styled mane shone with hints of power and she viewed the assembled group with a smile that was more reminiscent of a predator than anything. Soarin’ made his way to the centre of the stage, Spitfire moved in a draped a hoof over his back, nuzzling into his mane. Soarin’ looked over everypony, catching the eye of each one in turn. He lingered for a moment longer on Twilight, giving the unicorn a small extra smile as she blushed a little. “Welcome everypony. I’m sure you all are wondering as to why we are gathered here tonight. Let’s just say that I have a very special party planned.” “Yea, a private show by DJ-PON3. Right?” Thunderlane called out, flapping his wings in excitement. Big Mac had to step back to avoid being clipped by a wing. Soarin’ chuckled at his friend’s enthusiasm. He had no idea what was in store for him tonight. None of them did. Truth be told it had all been Spitfire’s idea, something she had asked of him a long time ago. Tonight would be partially fufilling an old debt to his Captain. “Settle down there Thunder. DJ-PON3 is here to provide the music, but trust me, the entertainment will be something else. Princess Cadance, could you step up here please. I will need your help for the next part.” Cadance gave Soarin’ a quizzical look but did as she was bade, moving past Shining Armour and towards the stage. Behind Soarin’, Spitfire watched the princess with keen interest, tracking her progress and stealing a goodly glimpse of her curvy flank. She liked what she saw. Once she was on the stage, Soarin’ moved over and began to whisper into her ear. Shining watched as Cadance’s expression changed from curiosity to outrage, through to interest and back to curiosity again. A snigger escaped her lips as she brought a hoof up to try and silence her laughter. Eventually she got control over herself, grinning from ear to ear. Her horn glowed briefly and a flash of magic covered the theatre, blanketing all the ponies in a soft blue glow for a moment. Shining looked around, but he couldn’t see anything different. “What did you just do?” Twilight asked. Within a few seconds of her asking, she began to notice a tingle in her loins. It wasn’t unpleasant, far from it, it felt like she was moderately aroused. A small damp spot began to form around her hindquarters and she blushed as she looked around to see if any of the others had noticed. That quickly turned out not to be a problem as each of the others seemed to be experiencing a similar reaction. Dazzle’s jewel was beginning to moisten and drip gently. Orion and Shining were trying unsuccessfully to cover the fact that they were now sporting half-erect cocks. As Twilight looked around, she could see that the other stallions were in a similar situation. Up on the stage, Vinyl was fidgeting around in her seat. Cadance was grinning down at her, clearly enjoying each moment that the gathered crowd spent trying to hide their increasing libidos. Her own pussy was beginning to itch, but she knew why and suppressed it for the moment. “That, my dear sister, was a little spell I’ve been working on in my spare time. Something I call aphrodisia. It’s a powered down version of the want-it need-it spell designed specifically to target erogenous zones and reproductive organs. Puts you in the ‘mood’ as it were. Soarin’ spoke up over her, drawing attention to him. Both his and Spitfire’s wings were beginning to straighten up, forming the position known as the ‘wingboner’. Thunderlane was also suffering the social faux-pas but was trying hard to suppress it, looking a bit embarrassed at his inability to control himself. “And with that, welcome everypony to this gathering. The First Annual Ponyville Orgy Night.” With that he reared up, exposing his fully erect member, and mounted Spitfire’s back, making a show of sliding his cock along her outer folds, spreading her lubrication over her lips before plunging into her, spearing Spitfire in one smooth stroke. Spitfire moaned lustfully as she pushed back on him hard, forcing Soarin’ deeper into her flesh. Big Mac stared at the mating pair, the stem of wheat he perpetually carried in his mouth falling towards the floor as he gaped at the lewd display. His cheeks blushed fiercely, though it was almost unnoticeable over his already red coat. Up on the stage, Vinyl took one look at the fucking pegasi before submitting to her own carnal desires. She was a highly sexed mare and it didn't take much to convince her to join in. She pulled out a smaller speaker that she had kept back from public view. This one had a very special attachment that she kept for very special parties like this one. Standing astride the speaker, Vinyl sank down on the sybian attachment of her speaker, one she affectionately called her ‘bass cannon’. As she felt the dildo fill her body she yelled out “AWWW YEA, IT’S ONE OF THOSE KINDS OF PARTIES. DJ-PON3 IN DA HOUSE.” With that she flicked a switch, cranking up her sound rig and ramped up the bass. Throbbing beat filled the theatre, drowning out all other noises. Each throb of the bass was echoed through her sybian and directly into Vinyls body, pleasure from each bass drop sending her into orgasmic shudders in seconds. Holding her hooves above her head, she bounced on her throbbing dildo, timing each thrust so that the bass beat surged through her at the apex of her climbs and falls. A pair of perky tits bounced along with her, each one perfectly rounded and firm to the touch. Directly below her tits, Vinyls leaking vag slid gracefully around her dildo, her lips parting with each bounce on the erect simulacrum of a horses cock. Vinyl had always gotten off to music, but tonight the music was going to get her off. With each beat of her bass cannon, Vinyl felt herself get closer of achieving her release. As she did so, her horn lit up in a lightshow, showing up the theatre in flashing strobes of light, with the result that it appeared more as a rave party than an establishment for classical theatre. Dimly in the back of her mind, Vinyl regretted not bringing any glow sticks with her. In the main rows of the theatre, most of the ponies assembled appeared stunned at the turn their meeting had taken. Whatever each of them had been expecting from this, it certainly was not a carnal orgy. That said, watching as Soarin’ rutted his co-captain wile being backed up by a DJ fucking herself silly with her own music was all the incentive some of them needed. Over in her corner, Berry picked up one of her empty wine bottles and started to slide the head over her cleft, the last few drips of the sweet wine mixing with her own ooze. Sparks flashed behind her eyes as she touched her clit with the ribbed head of the wine bottle, her body twitching and spasming in time with the blasting music. Grinning with anticipation, she moved the bottle so that is rested directly over the opening to her love tunnel, occasionally brushing the lips aside for a moment. Drips of her arousal began to collect inside the container, replacing the wine that had once filled its innards. With an audible pop, she shoved the bottle neck deep into her body, the replacement dildo quickly filling her body with its smooth glass form, eliciting moans from the purple mare. The resultant pumps caused the liquids collecting inside its body to slosh around, creating a frothy mixture that Berry took great delight in filling even further. Big Mac was a relatively shy pony at the best of times, and right now was hardly the best of times for him. His family was relatively old fashioned in their moral views on sexuality. He had needed to keep a dark secret from them for a long time, that he was gay. While he knew that Applejack and Applebloom would likely understand if he came out, he also knew that his Granny and his parents, whom he only saw infrequently due to their working on another farm elsewhere, would pitch a fit. At best they would simply disown him, at worst they would send him to one of the infamous ‘straight’ camps that littered around Equestria, preaching that homosexuality was wrong, that it was a sin against Celestia and Luna, and that they would all be cured of their affliction. As a result, he backed away from the wanton acts of carnality that were being perpetrated around him. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to get it up for any of the mares here, and if he didn’t then he would be found out and his life would be over. As he backed away from the group towards the door, he felt a hoof come to rest on his shoulder, a solid black hoof. Thunderlane was standing right behind him, no longer trying to cover himself but looking concerned at his friend. “Mac, are you okay?” he asked. “Ah can’t do this. Ah hafta leave, NOW.” Big Mac tried to push the pegasus out of the way, but Thunderlane stood his ground. “It’s okay Mac, don’t worry.” He brought his face in closer, so that only Big Mac could hear him over the noise of the music. “I know about you Mac, I know that you are gay. And you know what else? So am I.” Big Mac’s eyes widened as he heard one of his closest friends calmly state his hidden secret as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “What are ya’ll sayin’?” “I’m saying that I don’t judge you Mac. It’s time for you to accept who you are and let everypony know as well. I want to help you accept yourself.” Thunderlane’s hoof moved downwards, towards Mac’s semi rigid cock, stroking it for a moment before moving down again to cup his balls. “But most of all, I want you to rut me silly. Nopony here will notice or care, and certainly will not tell anypony.” Big Mac felt a war brewing inside his body. One side wanted to get out of that theatre as fast as his big and muscular legs could carry him. The other side was reeling from the sensations that Thunderlane was lavishing upon his dick. Nopony had ever touched him there before like that. He had dreamed about it happening of course, but never actually thought that it would happen. Thunderlane moved his face in closer, his mouth brushing against the rough hewn farm ponies for a moment. “Please Mac, let me help you.” The two side of Mac’s mind increased their fighting until one side deployed the mental equivalent of a tactical fission device, obliterating the other side in a haze of smoke and dust. Almost without thinking, he brought a hoof up and around Thunderlane’s head and pulled him in for a kiss. It only lasted for a second before he pulled back, terror clear in his eyes as he indulged his forbidden desires for a brief moment. That moment was all Thunderlane needed. In that second of contact, he had learned all he needed about his friend. If he could just convince him to come out of his shell to his family, he would be much happier. Still, he mused to himself, that could wait for another day. Tonight was a night for reckless, passionate screwing and he would be damned if he let this chance slip by. Without taking his eyes off of Mac’s, he slid down and under the hulking stallion until his eyes rested on the real prize of the night: Big Macintosh’s cock, and what a hulking beast it was. Legends had been told about his members impressive size, mostly fuelled by mares wanting to get in bed with him. Thunderlane could see that the rumours did not do him justice. Big Mac was not just large, he was huge and he wasn’t even fully erect yet. From the base of his cock to the tip of his flare had to be almost as long as one of his legs, and equally at thick to boot. His testicles were swollen and hanging loosely. Thunderlane’s mouth watered as he thought of the cum contained within those nads, cum that would soon be gushing down his throat if he played his cards right. Closing his eyes in reverence, he slid forward and engulfed Big Mac in his mouth, forcing his jaw as wide as he could so as to allow Mac’s dick to pass his lips. Dimly, he felt a hoof press against the back of his head as he did so, pressing him down further. It seemed that Big Mac had decided to let him help after all… Shining Armour found himself quickly surrounded by a glut of fucking ponies. Soarin’ was screwing his flight partner up on the stage, Vinyl was lost in her own little world, seemingly not aware of the show she was giving everypony. Behind him Thunderlane was sucking off Big Mac, his mouth only just able to contain the red stallions tip. The only ponies not currently getting busy were his family. Cadance looked like she was about to pounce on him, but Dazzle looked very much out of her element. She had never liked crowds all that much. The swinger lifestyle was likely not for her. Shining saw his father try to comfort her, he could hear him talking to her. “We can leave if you want.” Shining was impressed with his father. The stallion was sporting a fully erect cock and surrounded by available and aroused mares and other stallions, but his first instinct was to tend to his wife’s needs rather than his own. He watched his parents for a moment before turning towards his wife, planning to take her in a manly fashion. Cadance was looking very pleased with herself. While she knew she could have brute forced everypony into acting as they were now, she had tried a new spell that meant that they all still retained their free will. All of the desires that were being acted on now were real, ponies acting out their personal fantasies. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Shining approaching her, his arousal clear to her mind. While at any other point, she would have been eager to service her husband, to submit to his carnal desires, right now she was reminded of her pledge to herself while she was dealing with Blueblood earlier – that she was going to have to screw another mare as a stallion would. She could see Twilight standing alone behind Shining, and Cadance knew she would be the one. After all, Twilight had been the clincher of Shining’s proposal to her. It was only fair that she be the first mare that Cadance truly had. She turned to Shining who was just about in range to mount her, oblivious to the others around him. Cadance felt almost bad about deciding to blow him off, and told herself that she would have to make it up to him later. “Sorry Shining, not now. Normally I wouldn’t hesitate with you, but tonight is about picking somepony else, and I want that tight piece of ass that is your sister.” Cadance said as she walked over to Twilight, who had perked up at hearing herself mentioned. Cadance’s horn flashed and Shining caught a glimpse of something emerging from her underside. It didn’t upset her walk in the slightest though, it seemed that Cadance had figured out the trick that colts and stallions did when walking at full mast. That’s my wife, even as a stallion she is graceful Shining mused as he looked for somepony else to get it on with. Soarin’ spotted Shining looking a bit lost and waved him over. “Plenty of room over here.” He called out, not slowing his pace as he pistoned his length into Spitfire, who was matching his strokes with her own, cooing as she did so. Clearly she was enjoying the rutting just as much as he was. “Spit’s a great fuck, but she gives an even better blow. Why don’t you show him, eh Spit?” That last question was directed at Spitfire, who opened her eyes and took in Shining’s form. “Well h-hey there c-cutie.” She said, her words coming out as a stutter each time Soarin’ thrust into her again. “Care to f-find out if I ‘spit or swallow?” She had an expression like the cat that had stolen the cream on her face. Shining felt his inhibitions crumble. He moved in closer and pushed Spitfires head down below his chest, his hooves brushing against her golden mane, noting its rough texture. After a second, he felt Spitfire’s mouth engulf his cock, and his brain shut down all the sections except the blinding point of pleasure at this tip of his loins. Spitfire’s tongue was as rough as her mane, each bump sliding over Shining’s flare, leaving streaks of her saliva as she swirled her tongue, treating Shining as if he was a candy cane. Every time that Soarin’ thrust into her, if forced her to take Shining slightly further into her mouth, his tip quickly coming to rest at the back of her throat. Taking a deep breath, Spitfire opened up her throat and swallowed until she reached the root of Shining’s cock, her nose brushing up against the short fur of his underside. Years of practice as a professional athlete had conditioned her for holding her breath for extended periods, even when under physical duress in a race or show. That ability combined with prodigious control over her gag reflex to enable her to deep throat for far longer than other mares she knew. Even with Shining’s meat choking her, she would be able to hold out for easily another minute before having to come up for air again. Soarin’ looked as his buddies face, seeing the pleasure etched on every line. Beneath him, Spitfire was in fine form, the horny little minx had always used sex as a workout and Soarin’ had been all too happy to oblige her. He leaned in close to Shining, catching his attention. “You ready to spitroast this little Spitfire?” He asked. Shining nodded wordlessly, not sure that his mouth would work. Soarin’ settled that question by leaning in further and bringing his lips to Shining’s, linking them a passionate kiss as they both ploughed a hot piece of tail between them. Over in the one last corner that did not contain ponies attempting to buck each others brains out, Cadance had reached Twilight. The purple pony was still slightly in shock over watching everypony around her devolve into a mass of bucking pony flesh and she didn’t notice Cadance sidle up beside her. “You look a little tense Twilight. What’s wrong?” Cadance’s voice seemed to focus Twilight and she broke her trance from watching the orgy around her. Blushes were glowing on her cheeks. “Cadance, what is going on here? What did you do?” Ever the scholar, even in the midst of a hedonistic revelry Cadance thought, laughing slightly at Twilight’s expense. Still, that’s why I love you, you adorable little bookworm. She decided to breach the question as directly as she could, Twilight would not appreciate it if she minced words, she might even go into lecture mode. For a second, Cadance was tempted to see what that would look like – Twilight trying to give a room full of ponies having sex a lecture on anatomy or the physiology of coitus. Instead she decided just to go ahead and ask. “Twilight, I have a favour to ask of you.” At the mention of a favour, Twilight looked a little relieved. That would mean she had something to do, rather than just standing around like a fifth leg. “What do you want, Cadance?” “I promised myself that I would one day take another mare to bed, but as a stallion would. I want that mare to be you. Would you let me do that?” Twilight’s face lit up as she heard Cadance’s request. She had heard of, but never actually seen a futa spell in action. She had always meant to try it out one day, purely as part of her academic research, but had always felt a bit dirty whenever she started to read up on it, like she was letting Celestia down by soiling her mind with such smut. But here was Cadance, offering her the chance to examine the spell and its effects up close. How could she say no, it would be for science after all. Cadance felt Twilight’s body signal its acceptance a moment before Twilight nodded her assent. Licking her lips in anticipation, she moved around behind Twilight, her hooves lingering over Twilight’s star mark. The image was a variation on the Sparkle family crest, similar to the one that Shining had on his flank as well. Cadance had spent hours looking at it while she was a foal sitter, but she had never really seen it. She could not spend too much time lingering though, the true treasure of Twilight’s body rested just a little bit further around, and Cadance was not going to waste this opportunity. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake.” She called out, hoping that Twilight would catch on. She did almost instantly “Clap your hooves and do a little shake.” She replied, leaning over and wiggling her plot into the air, the innocent foal game taking on a decidedly lewd tone as Twilight’s wiggling caused her slit to be exposed, its form winking at Cadance with every motion, drawing her gaze in. She was tempted to forget the whole thing and just dive right in and assault that temple with her tongue. Through monumental force of will she did not, resolving to stick with her original plan. With Twilight almost prone on the ground, she had no need to rear up in order to mount her sister, choosing instead to simply move over her. Twilight’s tail hairs scratched and slid over her hanging balls and she moved herself into the correct position, noting the slightly different orientation she would have to take in order to reach the right hole. The tip of her cock prodded against Twilight’s moist hole, gently forcing her lips to part slightly as Cadance covered herself in Twilight’s arousal in order to lubricate before entry. Twilight’s folds were already slick and easily covered Cadance in a thin sheen of liquid. Every pass over Twilight’s vag built Cadance’s anticipation, her magical cock basking in the heat of Twi’s gleaming pearl. Soon, Cadance was ready to go, her appendage was slick and Twilight was dripping. This was it, the moment she had been waiting for. When Shining had told Cadance that she would be gaining a sister as part of his proposal of marriage, she had never expected it to turn out like this, but now that it had, she was going to enjoy herself. “Ready Twilight?” Twilight’s response was a little slurred. She had been teased enough to cause her brain to almost drown in a puddle of its own endorphins. “Do me Cadance, rut me until I can’t stand.” Cadance moved in to penetrate Twilight’s cute rump, but pulled away at the last second, bringing her head down and giving her slit a quick lick instead. Twilight squealed as she felt Cadance’s tongue caress her rather than the expected pressure of a dick. Cadance chuckled as she tasted Twilight’s unique flavour. She tasted slightly of lavender, possibly some lilacs in there as well. The entire thing was supplemented by a tingling that lingered on Cadance’s tongue, like the fizzy rocks that foals liked. It must have been a result of Twilight’s sheer magical power, it was leaking into every other aspect of her body. The taste of Twilight faded from Cadance’s mouth and she refocused her attention on her original plan – screwing her favourite foal to sit for. Her cock was aching for the feel of her velvet tunnel, a desire that she was willing to sate at once. “Get ready Twily, cos here it comes.” Twilight’s body tensed up as it felt Cadance tap at her rear, the tip of her blunted tool prying her lips apart and forcing itself into her body. Cadance’s dick was easily as large as Shining’s and Twilight’s felt it force her hips apart, a single, unending blast of pleasure and heat as she was filled with her foalsitters meat. A small part of her mind noted the absurdity of such an action, but it was overwhelmed by the pleasure centres. Cadance’s cock was somehow even better than the any of the others that she had had before. For Cadance, taking another mare as a stallion was one of the best things she had ever done. She could easily see why it was that the stallions enjoyed it so much. Twilight’s cunt was a velvet glove that fit around her cock perfectly, massaging and bathing her in warm and sweet fluids. Cadance could feel every twitch and contraction of Twilight’s muscles. Cadance pumped into Twilight’s plot, each thrust matched by a squelching sound as Twilight’s cunt tried to grip her well lubricated member. Cadance hummed as she fucked her sister in law, revelling in the pleasure that normally only a stallion would feel. Twilight was tight and she was enthusiastic, each time Cadance thrust into her, she pushed back, jamming more of Cadance into her body with each stroke. Cadance couldn’t hold herself back for long. Twilight’s marehood was milking her hard, her wet snatch dripping fluids. To Cadance, it felt like the most natural thing in the world to blow her load inside, and she had no issue in following eons of masculine instinct. With a final grunt, she shoved herself as deep as she could into Twilight, the tip of her cock touching against the mares cervix. Cum boiled up and out of her magical balls, gushing out her cock in a flood of white strands. Twilight felt the creamy cum fill her body, Cadance’s member twitching inside her. “Oh Celestia, YES!!!. Fill me Cadance, fill me with your seed.” Twilight bucked her body, forcing Cadance’s still pulsing dick into new places within her. Jizz began to seep out of her snatch and drip down to the floor. Twilight fell down to the floor, landing in a puddle of her own cum as a very satisfied mare. Cadance landed beside her, one hoof still stroking out the last drops of her jizz from her fading dick. Twilight moved around and replaced Cadance’s hooves with her mouth, suckling on it and trying to coax the limp member back to hardness. Drips of salty cum landed on her tongue, which she eagerly swallowed. Cadance rested a hoof on Twilights mane. This night was far from over. Spitfire was a talented little slut, if her cock sucking abilities were any indication. She had a very dextrous tongue and it was currently occupied in wrapping itself around Shining’s dick. She was in hog’s heaven, with a dick in her mouth and one in her snatch. Her body was wracked with orgasm after orgasm as Soarin’s cock dumped its load inside her vag, filling her with his goo. Focusing her attention on Shining’s cock, Spitfire made her deepest plunge yet, swallowing Shining to his root while her tongue swirled around his thick, firm hardness. Soon, the moment she had been waiting for was upon her, as she felt Shining swell in her throat. Quick as a fox she pulled back and sucked as hard as she could on the bulging flare. If she hadn’t been so skilled in suppressing her gag reflex, the first shot of semen would have choked her as it blasted out, striking against the back of her mouth. A raging torrent of seed quickly followed, filling her mouth and distending her cheeks as she struggled to keep it all inside her mouth. The salty taste and slimy texture of the cream was delicious to her mind and Spitfire knew exactly what she was going to do next. Pulling her head off the dick before her, she stood up and opened her mouth, showing Shining all the collected seed she had stored, before making a large and greatly exaggerated show of swallowing it down in one gulp, just as she had seen mares do in Soarin’s private movie collection, topping it off with a gasp and opening her mouth again to show Shining that she had swallowed it all down. Shining was spent from the show, and sat down heavily on his rump, panting. Even though he had done very little, he felt exhausted already. Still, he was smiling broadly, and had no intention of stopping yet, this was one of the best nights he had ever had in a long time. A hoof brought him out of his reverie, and he opened his eyes to find Soarin’ jacking his limp dick, trying to tease it back to hardness. “Two for one offer tonight, you’ve done Spit, time for you to do me.” Soarin’ said, bending his head and engulfing Shining and sucking as hard as he could. The stimulation brought Shining’s dick back from its stupor, and Soarin’ felt his prize begin to engorge before burying his head down to the hilt, opening his throat up and trying to replicate Spitfire’s ability to deep throat. It wasn’t long before he had to pull off, gasping for air, but his job was done. Shining’s dick was once again at full mast, strands of Soarin’s spit replicating the sight of rigging. Rather than just turn around and force Shining up his poop chute, something that he knew that both of them would enjoy, Soarin’ decided to do something a little different, and a whole lot more perverted. “Attention everypony, attention.” He called out, garnering everyponies attention. “Can I get all the men up here on the stage, I need a few extra cocks up here.” “What are you planning Soarin’?” Shining asked, a little perplexed as he watched Orion clamber up and Thunderlane detach himself from Big Mac. “Why, this is an orgy isn’t it? Let’s have a dog pile. Give the mares a real show.” “A what? What’s a dog pile?” Shining asked. Orion answered, moving up behind him. “A dog pile is a total free for all, if you see a hole, you take it.” Not waiting any longer, Orion picked Shining up and jabbed him with his cock, parting Shining’s sphincter and entering his son in one hard stroke. Shining opened his mouth to protest, but found it filled with Soarin’s cock as soon as he did, effectively ceasing any further protests. Shining quickly adapted to the twin cocks in him and started a bobbing motion over Soarin’, realising just how much he had missed this kind of sex. After a moment he felt another mouth engulf his cock, and looked around Soarin’s meat to see Thunderlane forming a suction seal around him. Shining’s eyes rolled back into his head with pleasure as he realised that he was now being fucked, sucked and sucking all at the same time. A switch had been flipped inside his head, right now all he could think of was cock, taking more of it into him, or forcing his own into others, it did not matter as long as he got it. Behind Thunderlane however, he could see the hulking form of Big Mac. The farm pony had not gotten in on the action and was still looking rather ashamed that his secret was now out. Shining couldn’t have that, Mac just needed a little push to get him started. Focusing past the pounding his father was giving him, and the sucking that Thunderlane was giving him below, Shining called up and split his magic, one strand wrapping itself around Mac’s erect dick and gently stroking it, not enough to cause him to climax but just to maintain hardness. His other strand formed into a solid shape like the one he had used on Twilight back when he had first fucked her. The solid magical form rose up behind Mac’s body and gently began to stroke back and forth over Big Mac’s puckered anal hole. Big Macintosh’s eyes bulged as he felt something prod against his backside as at the same time a wisp of magical energy gripped his cock and began jacking him. He didn’t want to admit it to anypony, especially himself, but it felt great. The shape behind him eased its tip into his arsehole, spreading his entrance slightly as it did so and wedged its way into his bowels. Mac closed his eyes and tried to maintain his composure and not cum. The magical phallus was worming its way deeper into his body, touching him in ways that he never though were possible. With a quick stab, the tip of the phallus touched something inside him and Big Mac’s brain lit up like a hearths warming tree. The phallus had prodded against his prostate and the waves of pleasure were too much for the red stallion to handle. With unbridled ferocity, his cum spewed forth like a geyser of water, blasting his apple seed out of his body and arcing over towards the four copulating ponies on the stage, strands of his reproductive jizz covering their bodies as they fucked each other with reckless abandon. Like a stallion possessed, Big Mac didn’t wait for his orgasm to end, but rather he leapt up onto the pile and jammed his still twitching member up against Thunderlane’s inviting ass, coating his rosebud in a while cream as he tried to force his way in. “Whoa, easy there big fella” Thunderlane said, removing himself from Shining’s dick so as to speak clearly. “Plenty of time for that later, there are other things to try first.” Thunderlane wiggled his hips as he spoke, highlighting his erect but untouched cock. Big Mac’s eyes followed the cock as it waggled before him, almost hypnotic as it danced back and forth before him. Moving with the slow, steady motion of one under a trance, Big Mac approached and fell to his knees below Thunderlane’s body, his hoof touching another pony’s dick for the first time in his life. “Go on, give it a lick, it tastes like raisins” Big Mac tentatively leaned forward and extended his tongue, giving Thunderlane’s hardness a slow, timid lick before retreating back again. Mac pondered the flavour for a few seconds. It didn’t taste like raisins to him, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Thunderlane was getting impatient with Mac’s slow progression. “Dude, don’t think about it, just dive in. you remember how good it felt when I blew you, well just do the same things back.” Big Mac moved in and slowly parted his lips, allowing the tip of Thunderlane’s cock to enter his mouth. His lips instinctively formed a suction seal around the hard length and his tongue extended to give the underside a long like. I’m actually doing it. I’m actually going to suck a cock. The thought gave Big Mac more pleasure than he had expected. He had resigned himself to having to live in secret for many years to come, at least until his parents had died, and by then, his best years would be behind him. With a flick of his tongue, Big Mac felt the first drop of Thunderlane’s pre-cum land on his tongue. It was light and sweet, with a hint of tropical fruits, and it was all the convincing that Big Mac needed. Quickly he plunged down, taking in as much of Thunderlane’s dick as he could, backing off as he began to gag, spluttering and coughing up spit. Still he sucked as hard as he could, trying to tease out every drop of fluid that he could. Above him, Thunderlane was moaning around Shining’s dick as he resumed his own sucking off of the prince. Shining was almost totally buried in a mound of male pony flesh, and he was loving every moment. Orion was reaming his butt, Shining’s arsehole was burning from the friction as Orion slid in and out, his hard tool penetrating deeply into Shining’s body with each stroke. Shining felt his anal muscles clench each time that his father thrust into him, his rectal walls spasming around Orion’s hard length, massaging it in a way that only another male could. With each thrust he could feel Orion’s balls slap against his own with a dull slap. Each thrust caused him to rock forward a little bit, pushing his own cock deeper into Thunderlane’s mouth, and allowing him to swallow just a fraction more of Soarin’s. He was sucking, being fucked and being sucked at one, while also using his magic to stroke Big Mac’s limp member back to hardness. If he had been told a month ago that he would be having a 5 way orgy with 4 other stallions, he would have said that they were mad, but here he was, the focal point of just that very action. Behind him, he felt Orion’s thrusts become more erratic and jerky, Orion was clearly loosing control over himself. The pressure that Orion was putting on him increased as he felt his father’s penis swell within him before twitching rapidly as Orion released waves of his searing seed within his bowels. Orion buried his dick as far into Shining’s body as he could while he rode out his shattering orgasm, filling his son to the brim with his life giving sauce. His expanding flare acted to keep all of it in, and he could feel the pressure of the liquid he was pumping into Shining threatening to push him back out. He continued to make tiny thrusts to maximise the pleasure he was feeling, and knew that Shining had to be feeling it as well. Soon his cock deflated and he felt the pressure force his cum out around him, coating his dick in his own ooze and drips now landing on the ground. Spent, he withdrew fully from Shining’s butt, a torrent of his semen following as he lay down on his back, his limp, cum covered cock on display for all to see. After a moment he felt a new warmth surround his cock and he looked up to see Dazzle lowering her pussy over his still soft member, her horn glowing as she held him rigid enough to enter her. She was covered in sweat and patches of matted fur, a strand of liquid clung to the tip of her horn. He tried to get up off his back, but Dazzle just gave him a quick smile and shook her head. “Just lay back and relax my love, I’ll take care of everything. Next you are going to be taking your sweet daughters ass, but I wanted you for myself first.” Orion lay back down and began to think of his little purple fuzzball daughter as his wife rode him hard. Back in the dog pile, Shining was eagerly slurping on Soarin’s dick, trying with all his skill to bring the Wonderbolt to orgasm as quickly as he could. The flyer’s cum was a treat that he had been missing for some time now. Cadance’s artificial cum from her futa dick was delicious, but Shining had been craving the savoury taste of real stallion seed for a while now, a taste that could not be imitated or replicated. It had to be sourced direct from the genuine article, and right now the genuine article was three quarters of the way down his throat and dribbling sweet pre-cum profusely. With one particularly hard suck, Shining felt Soarin’ tense in his mouth, and he quickly pulled back until only the tip remained in his mouth. A final lick over the crown and Shining felt the first blast of warm salty jizz lance across his tongue Soarin’s flavour, the first one he had ever tasted surged throughout his mouth, filling Shining with his primal male essence. Shining remembered back to the first time he had tasted Soarin’, having used his cum on a sandwich thinking it to be a bottle of mayo that was near expiration. Much had changed since then, but one thing was clear, he would drain every last drop out of Soarin’s balls before he let the pegasus go. The taste of Soarin’ was enough for Shining to reach his own climax, and he let fly with his royal seed directly into Thunderlane’s mouth with little warning. Thunderlane choked and spluttered, spilling Shining’s splooge from his mouth as he did so. Shining’s dick slipped from his mouth and several ropes of cum splattered across Thunderlane’s Mohawk styled mane. One strand layered itself across Thunderlane’s eye, causing him to squint as he tried to wipe it off. The motion also forced him to withdraw from Big Mac’s mouth before he was able to cum himself, leaving the hulking stallion a bit disappointed. Rather than try to get Thunderlane back into his mouth, Big Mac moved up towards his mane, his rough tongue making a long lick up and collecting Shining’s cum up. Mac paused while he tasted the jizz on his tongue, trying to decide if he liked it or not. Another lick, this one across Thunderlane’s eye and Mac had all the information he needed, he liked it and wanted more. There was still one thing he wanted to experience. He wanted Thunderlane to stuff him like a pig and fuck his brains out, and he was going to get it. “Thunderlane, ah want you ta fuck me.” Big Mac said, his voice trailing off as he did so. Thunderlane noticed, putting on a coy smile. “What is it you want me to do Mac? Speak up.” “Ah want you ta FUCK ME.” Big Mac shouted out, focusing his remaining nervous energy into one last demand. “Well, since you asked.” Thunderlane said, extracting himself from the pile and moving around behind Big Mac. “You ready for this?” “Eeeyup” Replied Mac as he swished his blonde tail out of the way, revealing his hole, still being prodded and stroked by Shining’s magical constructs. Thunderlane didn’t hesitate, he had wanted this for a while, and there was no telling how Big Mac would feel after this night had ended. If he was going to fuck his boy crush, then he had to do it now. Shining’s magical toys vanished as Thunderlane moved in, positioning his dripping cock perfectly behind Mac’s rosebud. A couple of prods transferred some of his sticky pre-cum onto Mac’s sphincter, leaving it a glistening target for his final push. “Deep breath there Mac, cause here it comes.” Thunder said, gently pushing forward, Mac’s sphincter resisting his advance until it opened up like a flower, sucking him in and clamping down. Thunderlane felt Mac’s body tense up in response to the unknown penetration. He waited, the top third of his dick now sheathed inside his buddy’s butt, holding still until Big Mac relaxed. “You alright?” Big Mac grunted, but didn’t reply. After a moment, Thunderlane felt the clamp on his dick relax and he was able to push forward again, his streaming pre-cum acting as a lube. When he got halfway in, he ceased forward motion and wallowed in the feeling of Big Macintosh’s ass. Like every part of the farm ponies body, his ass was composed of rock hard muscle, and it was gripping him like an iron fist rather than a velvet glove. Slowly, he began to withdraw, feeling Mac’s ass clench down on him as he did so. It took every ounce of his will not to blow his load just then. For his part, Big Mac was getting into it. The initial discomfort of the penetration was wearing off, leaving a pleasant burning ache behind, one that he wanted more of. He wanted to feel that glow of a load of jizz slowly expanding inside his body “Come on already, fuck mah ass.” “Alright then, here it comes.” Thunderlane called out and pushed forwards with one savage thrust, burying his dick deeply in Mac’s ass up to the hilt, his balls slapping against Big Mac’s own. Big Mac grunted as he felt Thunderlane reach deeper in him that he had before, prising his bowels apart and stretching him like nothing he had felt before. As quickly has he had been filled, Thunderlane’s dick retreated from him, leaving his anal walls to try to regain their original shape until a moment later they were stretched out again as he plunged in again. It wasn’t long before Big Mac felt Thunderlane swell within him, and a second later the first ropes of cum emerged to splatter within his gut, the creamy substance coating his internal organs and leaving a viscous pool expanding within in. The feeling of Thunderlane twitching inside him send Big Mac’s own body into overdrive and he beat his meat furiously with his hooves, feeling his own seed bubble up from within his balls and surge forward in search of an exit. Shining and Soarin’ both moved and sat down before Big Mac, opening their mouths eagerly to receive his salty apple sauce. Big Mac obliged them, angling his dick to point directly at them. The first rope of Mac cum landed across Shining’s face, coating his horn and forehead in white goo. The second rope was aimed at Soarin’s mouth, and the practiced athlete caught every drop with ease. While he closed his mouth to swallow the collected cum, a third rope covered his face. The final burst of Mac’s cum was angled back at Shining’s mouth, and the unicorn managed to collect some of it, the remainder sailing past his head to coat the floor in waste. Shining let the splash of seed coat his mouth and pondered the taste. He had expected the salty taste and slimy texture, but it also contained a hint of apple, something he chalked up to Big Macintosh’s apple rich diet. Rather than swallow it outright, Shining moved in for a close embrace with Soarin’, kissing the pegasus and inserting his tongue, the clinched lovers swapping Big Mac’s cum between them before swallowing an even share each. Shining broke away to suck in air, while Soarin’ instead moved up to lick and clean his horn, sparks fizzing off the magical appendage as he dragged his tongue along it. Soarin’ cleaned Shining’s horn meticulously, ensuring that every ridge, every indent in the spiral was clear of Big Mac’s cum. Soon every inch of his body was cleaned, and both stallions fell back to the floor in sexual exhaustion. Thunderlane and Big Mac quickly followed, Thunderlane’s cum still dribbling weakly from Big Mac’s plot. While the men were engaged in their hedonistic orgy, Spitfire took stock of the other remaining ponies. Including herself she had one pony who was still fucking herself silly with a half filled wine bottle, another doing the same to her bass speaker. Twilight was resting next to Cadance who had used magic to give herself a stallion’s parts. Twilight’s mother was standing on her own, slightly off to one side. “Mares, are we going to let your stallions have all the fun?” she called out, attracting their attention. “Everypony over on me. Time to show those stallions why we are the superior sex.” With that Spitfire walked over to Twilight, drinking in her purple coat and mane. “You’re a cutie, aren’t you? How about you and I get a little bit more acquainted?” Twilight looked a bit scared at her invitation. “I’ve never done it for real with just another mare before. I’ve fooled around once or twice, but never actually meant it.” Spitfire grinned. She was perfect. “Don’t worry about that. Spitty will take good care of you.” She said as she reached a hoof up to brush away on of the bangs covering Twilight’s face. “Soarin’ said good things about you. That you were one of the best mares he had ever had. Soarin’ is not easy to impress.” Spitfire leaned in a kissed Twilight, soft and gentle, running a hoof along the side of her cheek as she did so. Twilight squirmed under her touch but did not retract from her, instead she leaned in to the kiss, returning it with fervour. Spitfire broke the kiss off and moved her hoof away from Twilight face, snaking it down and tracing a line in her chest fur until she came to Twilight’s darker purple nipples, each one budding under her touch. Twilight gasped and hissed as Spitfire played with her private mounds for a moment, bringing each one to a full erect state before moving down lower to touch her already glistening cleft. Cadance’s cum still clung to Twilight’s cunt in several places, and Spitfire swiped it off with her hoof. Bringing her cum stained hoof back to her face, she licked off the seed of the princess of love, sensually dragging her tongue over her fur and leaving a trail of her saliva in its wake. Twilight watched the scene with growing anticipation, the sight was alluring in ways that she couldn’t explain to herself. Spitfire’s body had curves in all the right spots, while maintaining a solid layer of muscle as Soarin’ had. Her vag twitched and winked as she looked upon the golden goddess before her. Spitfire moved in again to kiss Twilight, their tongues meeting and duelling as they exchanged saliva. Twilight yelped as she felt Spitfire’s hoof glide down between her breasts again, but this time she didn’t stop to play with her nipples. Spitfire’s hoof went directly for Twilight’s pussy, sliding along her sensitive lips before stroking Twilights engorged clit. Twilight’s body moved on its own, her legs spreading to allow Spitfire better access to her hidden treasure. “Please, don’t stop.” Twilight managed to say between breaths as she humped against Spitfire’s hoof. “Oh Celestia, let me touch you, I need to touch you please.” Spitfire grinned and shifted her body, exposing herself to Twilight’s eyes. Soarin’s cum still oozed weakly from within her body, and Spitfire made sure to use her free hoof to spread her pussy open, giving Twilight a show. Her breasts were small but perky, a side effect of her acrobatic training. “Go on Twilight, give me a lick.” She commanded, her voice husky from her overwhelming arousal. Twilight moved in and nuzzled her nose against Spitfire’s cunt, sniffing deeply and taking in her sent, a strong honey mixed with the musk that only comes from hard work. It was the smell of a natural mare, no perfumes or oils to contaminate it. Under it she could smell the odour of Soarin’s fresh cum. From her studies, she knew all the erogenous zones of the female form, and her few times experimenting with Cadance had given her a basic understanding of what felt good, but she was not expert in pleasing a mare. She just hoped that she didn’t disappoint Spitfire. Twilight dragged her tongue over Spitfire’s breasts, earning a squirm from the golden Wonderbolt before settling down to latch on to her steaming tunnel, licking up her dripping arousal and Soarin’s cum in one long pass. She was rewarded for her actions as Spitfire picked her up and spun her around, putting Twilight into the 69 position, mouth pressed directly into her cunt. A moment later Twilight felt Spitfire’s tongue attack her clit, and she took it as a sign to do so as well. Spitfire was clearly the far more experienced mare, and Twilight adopted a student’s attitude, trying to study Spitfire’s movements on her body and copying them whenever the opportunity arose. She quickly noticed that Spitfire’s motions were becoming more jerky, less co-ordinated and her breathing was becoming ragged. Twilight could guess what was happening and redoubled her efforts on Spitfire’s clit, scraping the nub gently with her front teeth. The effect on Spitfire was telling. She tensed up and shook as she came. Twilight felt her nose and mouth moisten as Spitfire’s marecum splattered over her and she stopped to lick up every drop that she could, lavishing long tender licks over Spitfire’s twitching pussy as she tried to get just that one drop more. Spitfire’s bucking reached a peak and Twilight had to release her grip, pleased that she had managed to get the Wonderbolt’s captain off in such a timely manner. Spitfire’s commanding voice cut through her reverie, dragging her attention back to the present. “Did I say you could stop? Drop and give me five more orgasms. GO.” Twilight smartly saluted “Ma’am, yes ma’am” before diving back in and pressing her tongue back inside Spitfire’s body, the fire maned pegasus, shoving her face in deeper with both hooves. Twilight discreetly snaked one of her own hooves down her body, teasing her nipples before settling down on her buzzer. Up on the stage, Vinyl had extracted herself from her position behind the turntables, putting her precious rig on auto pilot while she moved in to scratch another itch. There was free pussy on offer before her and she wasn’t going to miss out. Scanning the available mares she came across one that fitted her fetish perfectly. She had a thing for older, more refined mares. It was one of the reasons she put up with Octavia as a roommate, as they didn’t have anything in common. Standing right before her, all on her own was Dazzle Sparkle. While not yet fully noticeable, her face was etched with the lines of a life lived and Vinyl found that incredibly sexy. A little MILF flank would do nicely. Slinking around behind Dazzle, Vinyl paused to take in each inch of her body. From her cream and purple coat and mane to the trio of stars as her cutie mark, Dazzle was the mare that she wanted to buck into next Tuesday. Sneaking up behind her, Vinyl decided that the direct approach would be the best option here… Dazzle yelped and jumped forwards as she felt a slick, wet object drag its way up her snatch. She leapt forwards, clamping down over her vag with her tail and turning to face her assailant. It was the white unicorn DJ who was been setting up on the stage when she arrived. “Wait a second, I know you. You played our sons wedding.” Vinyl grinned, the kind of grin that could only be found on a kitten that had stolen the cream. “That’s right. And you know what I regret from that night. Not doing you right then and there.” Dazzle blushed as she heard Vinyl calmly state that she had wanted to fuck her back at the wedding. It was reassuring to her to hear that ponies other than her family had wanted to take her to bed and not while under the influence of mind altering spells. Vinyl lifted up her purple shades, revealing her magenta eyes to the leader of the sparkle clan. “Come over here, you look like you would enjoy my bass cannon.” Dazzle allowed herself to be led over to vinyl’s DJ rig and she spied the sybian attachment, still slick with Vinyls juices and blasting music. Dazzle could feel the bass beat throbbing through her body. Vinyl levitated a cloth up and wiped the sybian clean of her slick arousal before moving Dazzle around to sit directly on top of it. “Relax, this may feel a bit weird to start with, but trust me, you will learn to love it.” Vinyl said and pushed down on Dazzle’s shoulders, forcing her to slip around the dildo and ease down to the base of the speaker. Dazzle quickly sank down to the base, her well used pussy easily expanding out to accommodate the thick plastic that was entering her body. Vinyl felt her own pussy begin to drip. The though of her being able to fondle those wide child bearing hips was driving her wild. Soon Dazzle had filled herself with Vinyls equipment and was looking somewhat confused as to what to do next. “Ah, Vinyl was it? What am I meant to do now?” Vinyl grinned again and picked up a small remote control unit and turned the dial up slightly. The effect on Dazzle was telling as her eyes bugged out and she jumped up, allowing the sybian to slide out of her, its plastic form glistening with her juices already. “Wh-what was that?” Dazzle exclaimed looking down at the throbbing bass unit. Vinyl leaned in and gave the dildo a long suck, licking up all the juice that she could, savouring the mature taste of Dazzle while she could. “That was my Bass Cannon. Blasts the music directly into your body. Care to try again?” Dazzle looked down at the vibrating musical boom box and nodded. It hadn’t been unpleasant, just unexpected. She righted herself again and pushed down, her cunt opening like a flower as she felt the tip of Vinyls’ sybian penetrate her body again, the bass pulsing through her body with every beat. Every throb forced a thin drip of her secretions out of her vag, coating the thick plastic casing of the cannon. Vinyl was not idle while Dazzle rode on her favourite toy. She reached in a started licking and kissing her way down Dazzle’s body, paying attention to her full breasts and nipples. She could feel her music vibrating through the older mare and passing into her mouth as she teased Dazzle’s teats. With her magic, she controlled the remote unit, slowly dialling up the volume and power on the Cannon, forcing Dazzle’s body into ecstasy. Dazzle was panting as she heard a song she loved come up on Vinyl’s turntable. She grinned as she bounced along with the bass beat, feeling the song in her body like she had never before. With her eyes screwed up and head bowed forward, Dazzle didn’t notice Vinyl’s body rise up before her, her tail up and out of the way. Vinyl had to time her move carefully and surged forwards when she felt the time was right. Her flank moved forward and caught Dazzle’s body perfectly, Vinyl’s pussy catching Dazzle horn between their lips and pushing back, forcing the phallic object into her body with a smooth stroke. Dazzle opened her eyes to see white plot filling her vision. Her horn was fully planted in Vinyl’s pussy and she was already thrusting it in and out of her cunt. A unicorns horn was connected directly to their brain, one of the reasons it was so sensitive and Dazzle’s brain tried to keep up with the pleasure being piped in directly. Vinyl’s pussy was slick and warm, overloading her pleasure centres as she flexed and contracted on the magical rod. A spark flared behind her eyes and Dazzle’s dam burst in a raging flood. Her pussy spasmed around Vinyl’s sybian, rippling muscles trying to cling to the unyielding hard plastic. Her horn lit up brightly, thick drops of pure magical essence welling at the tip and mingling with the fluids already washing over it from Vinyl’s slick cunt. Vinyl saw Dazzle buck and twitch under her and easily guessed what had happened to her. She withdrew Dazzle’s horn from her pussy and exchanged her mouth for it, her tongue swirling around and licking up every drop of her own arousal and the far more intense taste of Dazzle’s horngasm. The strong taste of the horngasm forced Vinyl’s body to hit orgasm as well, the liquid was effectively magical orgasm given a physical form, and there was a black market trade for every drop that could be collected. Even one drop would induce a mind shattering orgasm in the user, and Vinyl was suckling from the source directly. Vinyl jammed a hoof onto her clit and rubbed furiously as she fellated the horn of Dazzle, swallowing each drip of horn juice as soon as it touched her tongue. All her thoughts were consumed with making her own orgasm last longer. Pussy juice squirted out from her cunt and formed a puddle on the floor with each contraction of her snatch, some of it coating her equipment with clear jizz. Somewhere along the way, Vinyl’s legs failed her and she found herself on the floor, both forehooves rubbing her pussy for all she was worth. A slick wetness worked it’s way onto her horn and Vinyl looked up to see Dazzle’s gaping pussy sliding down her white horn, marecum oozing along through the spirals of her horn and mixing with her fur. Drips of it welled down past her eyes and slid along her muzzle, which Vinyl licked off quickly, again enjoying the mature aged flavour of the MILF impaling herself on her horn. It was clear that it was the last burst of energy that Dazzle had, and she quickly collapsed beside Vinyl, both mares gasping and sweaty in orgasmic bliss. Trying to regain her breath, Dazzle looked around at the other groups. Twilight was buried tongue deep in Spitfire’s crotch, Orion was dumping a load of sperm into Shining’s butt. She decided that those two were going to have to get it on next. She would have to make some preparations first… For her part, having recovered from screwing Twilight, Cadance was focused on the neglected member of the group, the one who had not been spared even a second glance since the orgy began. Berry Punch was almost done filling up the second wine bottle with her secretions, the first one was filled to the brim and somehow Berry had managed to replace the cork and wrappings. If Cadance hadn’t seen her do it, she would have sworn that the bottle was unopened. She walked over to Berry, her futa cock vanishing as she made her way over to the purple earth pony. “Care for a hoof with that?” Cadance asked, indicating the wine bottle, now overflowing with Berry’s personal wine. Berry looked down at the bottle, almost as if noticing it for the first time. “Na, I got me a better idea.” She pulled out the bottle and replaced it with a wine cork, shoving the spongy cylinder into her body before replacing the wine bottle in after it. “Here’s a little trick I picked up a few years back while trying to get back into shape after Pinchy was born.” Berry squeezed her hips hard while holding the bottle steady, clenching her pussy hard around it. After a few seconds she removed the wine bottle and showed it to Cadance. The cork had been inserted fully into the bottle. “How did…” Cadance started “I do that?” Berry Punch interrupted. “My talent is alcohol and everything that goes with it. That includes being able to shove a cork in just about anything with just about anything. But for you, Crystal Princess, I have something a bit more special.” Berry reached behind her, her hooves moving behind one of the rows of seats and grasped a bottle that had been hidden there. It looked like a normal bottle of wine, but something about the colour was a bit off – it was far too clear to be a red, but also had multi hued highlights running through the liquid, mixing and dissolving as the lights of the theatre played off it. “This is a bottle of Crystal Berry wine. I picked up the berries during the Crystal Fair and pressed them myself when I got back. As far as I know, this is the only bottle in existence. The crystal ponies never developed the fermentation process, preferring to stick with berry juice.” Berry said as she uncorked the bottle with a practiced motion. The smells of the wine easily cut through the already overpowering odour of sex. Crystal berries were very potent and sweet, and Cadance could only imagine what a wine made from their juice would taste like. Berry withdrew 2 shot glasses from somewhere and filled up both, handing one over to Cadance. “Well, here’s to the Crystal Empire.” Cadance took the wine with grace but was slightly disappointed that Berry seemed to be more interested in having a drinking session than anything else. “To the Empire” she said, raising her glass to tap against Berry’s. It was then that Berry did something strange. Rather than drink her wine, she leant back and splayed her legs apart, giving Cadance a perfect shot of her vag and tits. The opening of her cunt winked at her, a pool of liquid arousal beginning to form and stain Berry’s tail. Once she was in position, Berry tipped her shot glass over, dribbling her wine onto her body, the prismatic liquid washing over her fur and cunt, drips of alcoholic fluid cascading down and mingling with Berry’s natural juices. Indicating her now wine covered cunt, Berry said “Well, drink up.” Cadance took a swig of her wine, noting the strong blueberry flavour and hints of oak. In her mind, she could almost see the pretentious label claiming all sorts of flavours that ponies would spend hours trying to see if they could taste – elderberries or mature plums or cinnamon and spices. The crystal wine was strong, containing a high level of alcohol for its type. Cadance assumed that it would be more akin to a whiskey than a wine, hence why they were drinking it out of shot glasses and not flutes or goblets. The liquid burned a fire down Cadance’s throat and she coughed and spluttered, but didn’t spill any from her glass. It wouldn’t do to spill any, as there was only the one bottle. Maybe Berry would be able to create a new label later. Such a though was pushed to the back on her mind as Berry dribbled another few drops of her precious liquid over her body, her eyes pouting as she signalled Cadance to begin. Cadance dove in and gave Berry’s cleft a long lick, noting that Berry’s natural musk combined with the crystal wine to take some of the edge off of the alcohol taste but made it sweeter and easier to swallow. Her tongue forced its way into Berry’s snatch, trying to lick up every drop of the valuable liquids. As her tongue worked its way into Berry’s body, the purple mare bucked and moaned around the invading muscle. The feeling of Cadance’s tongue on her slit and the cold burning of the alcohol mingling with her natural juices was mind-blowing, a feeling that Berry hadn’t had for a long time, and she quickly lost it, jamming Cadance’s mouth hard against her cunt and squirting her marecum over the princesses body, soaking the few remaining patches of clean fur in a layer of fresh ejaculate. Cadance pulled back as she felt Berry’s climax reach its peak, her slit twitching wildly and squirting juice with every contraction. Berry’s eyes were unfocused as she fell flat onto her back, her mind trying to comprehend was had just happened to it, but failing and shutting down. As Berry stopped twitching from the last traces of her orgasm, Cadance waved a hoof over her crossed eyes, trying to get some kind of response from the wine maker. She failed, Berry’s gaze looking up at the ceiling but not actually seeing anything. Her breathing was a regular rhythm, one hoof was trying to find her clit or something to rub on herself, but she didn’t seem to have the ability to contract her muscles correctly and it just flailed about lazily. Cadance shook her head at the earth pony before her. Berry had needed a good fuck, more so that she had realised. Her only complaint was that Berry hadn’t managed to get her off as well. Oh well, next time. Cadance though as she looked around for the crystal wine bottle and refilled her glass with the fiery liquid. Looking around at the other parties of the orgy, it was clear that most of them were beginning to slow down. Most of the stallions and mares were in situations similar to Berry – worn out and ready to take a break. Only Dazzle Sparkle, Twilight and Spitfire seemed to be still active. Dazzle was riding her husband, trying to nurse him back to hardness. Spitfire was grinding her slit into Twilight’s own, the two mares scissoring together, their slick pussies mashing together. As Cadance watched, Spitfire arched her back and her wings began to buzz rapidly with short shallow movements, a clear sign that she had just climaxed again. The unicorn/pegasus combo broke away after that, Spitfire falling back on her wings, tongue out and lolling as she panted and gasped. Twilight was not in much better shape, her body covered in Spitfire’s cum and her own sweat. Her horn fizzed weakly, little sparks of magic erupting from the tip before dissipating into the air. Between pants, Spitfire managed to get up off her back. “And that makes five. Good work rookie” she said, running one hoof over Twilight’s body before collapsing back down. Twilight didn’t make any response, but lay there, a goofy grin plastered over her face and she recounted her actions in her mind. Cadance was going to move over to Spitfire and Twilight, maybe get a little threeway action going once the pair were recovered when she noticed Dazzle and Orion move over, clearly with the same idea in mind. Cadance retreated back to one of the benches littered around the theatre and sat down to watch, sipping her wine as she did so. She was pleased to find that the crystal wine went down far smoother than the first time she had tried it, she was able to take a large swig without choking on it and could just savour the unique berry taste. Dazzle had managed to get her husband back to full hardness, eagerly exerting pressure with her vaginal muscles around his cock until he was ready to screw their daughter. He had done everypony else in the family after all he may as well make the circle complete. For her part, Twilight looked like a spent wreck. She was covered in the cum of several ponies and she was gazing up at the ceiling. That was fine for Dazzle, Orion would be the one doing much of the work. Twilight just had to lay there and take it. Twilight seemed to notice their presence as they came over and got up to her hooves slowly, clearly worn out and ready to fall down again. “Enjoying yourself sweetie?” Dazzle asked her daughter, noting the large smile that she had on her face. “Oh Celestia yes. Why did you two let me spend so much time in books? You never told me that mares tasted so good.” “Well to be fair honey, I didn’t know until a few weeks ago” Dazzle replied, thinking back to the day when she found out and the naughty actions that followed. “Maybe” Twilight countered. “But he did.” Twilight pointed a hoof over to her father. Orion nodded at her. “True, that’s why I’m going to make it up to you now. Your sweet ass hasn’t seen any action yet tonight. It’s time to show you just how much I love you.” Twilight stared at her father, her ass giving an involuntary clench as the thought of Orion screwing her like he had her brother or Cadance flittered through her mind. “Oh yesyesyesyesyesyesYES.” Twilight exclaimed, bouncing around her father before stopping and propping her butt into the air, waiting expectantly for the first thrusts of his dick penetrating her body. What she got was a pencil thin thrust, followed by the feeling of a very cold, very viscuous liquid slowly being squirted into her ass. Twilight squealed at the feeling and pulled away, turning to see her mother holding a bottle in her magic, a thin trickle of thick golden liquid oozing its way out of the squeeze top. The label read ‘Fancy’s finest honey flavoured lube.’ With the picture of a monacle and a top hat under the writing. “What are you doing?” Twilight asked Dazzle who turned the bottle towards Orion’s dick and pumped a generous spurt of the liquid on to the erect member. “Oh, just getting you both ready. Unless you would rather spend time stretching out first.” Dazzle replied, spreading the lube over Orion’s dick before giving it a quick lick herself. “My, that does taste like honey. Only the best from Fancy’s finest I suppose.” Curious, Twilight came down and gave Orion’s dick a tentative lick herself. The taste of honey assailed her mouth as she licked off some of the anal lube. There was also a tarter flavour that she assumed was Dazzle’s own jizz. Not wanting to waste anything, Twilight opened her throat and swallowed her father’s dick down as far as she could, sucking and licking up every bead of the honey lube that she could, replacing it with her own spit. She could feel Orion trying to restrain himself and not blast his load into her mouth right then, and she had to remind herself that she had a far better goal in store for the tool that had granted her the gift of life. Reluctantly she pulled off of Orion’s cock and once again turned around, exposing her tail hole and the thin trail of lube that was already seeping out of it. “Take me dad, take me like it was your first time.” Orion didn’t waste any time in mounting his daughter, grabbing hold of his penis with his hooves and guiding it directly towards Twilight’s poop chute. Twilight’s rectum resisted at first, but he was insistent and quickly Twilight’s rosebud opened before him and he slipped inside. The generous coating of lube that Dazzle had spread inside before hand quickly coated his dick and he began to glide smoothly into and out of Twilight’s rump. Twilight’s body began to squirm and buck under him, further encouraging him to rut her hard. Once he felt that he had reached a smooth pace, he lifted Twilight up and fell back down onto his back, allowing Twilight to take her position on top and obtain control over the encounter herself. Twilight reacted instantly and tried to increase her pace, ramming down as hard as she could on Orion’s flagpole. Twilight was lost in the pleasure of feeling her father’s tool lodged in her tight ass. She had wondered why she found anal so pleasurable when her friends appeared to regard it as either disgusting – Rarity, painful – Applejack or just wrong – Fluttershy. The only pony to actually enjoy anal like she did was Rainbow, but she enjoyed almost every possible sexual perversion, so that didn’t count for much. As she bounced on her father, her rectal walls clung to the invading member, trying to caress it with their silky touch. Twilight could feel Orion harden even further inside her passage as he came closer to releasing a burst of proto-Twilight’s. She shuddered as she imagined the feeling of the warm gloop filling her body, radiating out inside her, coating her insides in her fathers love. A random glance at the window shattered all her illusions and broke the atmosphere of the party. Screaming, Twilight wrenched herself off Orion’s cock, exposing his tool to the air at the exact moment he came. A fountain of white semen flowed from his cock, erupting like a minature volcano. Arcs of cum shot out of the tip before landing back down, coating Orion’s cock and chest in his own material. Everypony looked to see what had spooked Twilight and quickly they all saw it. Outside the theatre, looking in through one of the windows was a pony, one with a very long horn and a flowing mane. Even at night and through the window, Twilight could recognise the form of her mentor. Princess Celestia had seen everything. They were all bucked… Twilight bowed her head as she saw the flash of light that indicated her mentor had teleported inside the building. When she looked up, she received yet another shock. Standing before everypony was not the alabaster Princess of the Sun, but a pony covered in gold. Every aspect of her body was golden, from the tips of her hooves through to the ends of her flowing mane. The only source of colour was the whites of her eyes, made all the more visible by the fact that her pupils had contracted to almost nothing. A slightly unsettling smile was plastered on her face as she looked around at the assembled group. “Princess, I’m so sorry about this.” Twilight called out, almost sobbing as she spoke. The golden figure turned to look at her. “Who is this Princess you are speaking of? I don’t know any Princess. My name is… is ahh… ahh ‘Goldenrod’. Yes, that’s it, Goldenrod.” From her tone of voice, it was clear that the pony before them was trying to put on a very bad accent, sounding exactly as if she was trying not to sound like Celestia. Despite the golden covering, she still clearly had the regal sun mark upon her flanks, and Celestia’s royal tiara was still perched on top of her head. Despite the gravity of the situation, Twilight giggled a little bit. Clearly Celestia had gone into Trollestia mode for tonight, something she did every once in a while to break the monotony of being the ruler of a kingdom. Still she wasn’t sure what to do with her. It seemed that this ‘Goldenrod’ had no intention of busting them, but Twilight didn’t feel comfortable. Fortunately, Cadance was the first one to step up afterwards. “Welcome ‘Goldenrod’. Would you like to join us? We can always make room for one more.” Celestia moved into the centre of the room, looking around at all the worn out ponies. Their spirits were willing, but most of their flesh was spudgy and limp. This would not do at all. A golden glow appeared around her horn and for a second the warming power of the sun filled the room, permeating every corner and filling the bodies of the ponies present. As the light faded, Twilight found that her fatigue had been banished. She felt as if she had just gotten a massage and a full eight hours of sleep in a second and her body was up and raring to go again. A glance around told her that the others were also experiencing similar effects, all the stallions were at full mast again, even Orion who had cum not a minute ago. That thought brought Twilight back into the mood, and she looked down at her father. His dick stood up proudly while it was splattered in ropes of his cum and the remains of Twilight’s lube. Twilight squatted down before him and made eye contact with Orion, looking him directly in the eye as she took the head of his cock in her mouth and lowered down, opening up her throat as the tip began to prod at the back of her mouth. The honey taste of the lube had soured slightly after spending time in her ass, but Twilight focused on the salty taste of Orion’s cum. The idea that she had once been no more than the individual sperm swimming around in her mouth humbled her slightly, but she still gratefully swallowed them all down her gullet. Once Orion was clean again, Twilight pulled off and turned to look over at Celestia. No, tonight she is not my mentor, she is Goldenrod, random Alicorn out for a good time Twilight reminded herself, all the while imagining the fun she could have with her princess and teacher. Celestia had other ideas however. “All you stallions, your princess deman… Ah, I mean, your guest requests that you give her a cum bath.” Celestia sat down on her royal flank and closed her eyes. Shining, Orion, Soarin’, Thunderlane and Big Mac found themselves caught in a yellow magical glow and lifted into the air before Celestia’s golden form. Once they were all standing before Celestia’s seated form, the yellow glow receeded until it was only jerking their members. Celestia was jacking all five stallions at once with her magic, clearly intending to have them cover her gilded body with their reproductive waste. Big Mac tried to resist and step back but Soarin’ seemed to be enjoying the sight of the Princess before him, trying her hardest to make him burst onto her body. Shining was hesitant but didn’t resist and Mac was. He knew that trying to resist the will of a god was impossible, and that he may as well do what Soarin’ and now Orion were doing and relax and enjoy the magical hoofjob. Thanks to having been prepped by Twilight, Orion was the first one to blow his load over Celestia’s body. Using her magic, Celestia was able to direct every creamy rope to cover her golden face and neck. spurred on by the sight of Orion defiling the ruler of Equestria, the others soon followed suit with their own contributions to the Princesses desires. The combined discharge from five virile stallions soon covered the golden Princess, almost rendering her white again. Throughout it all, she did not stop grinning, even when the cum dripped into her mouth and covered her teeth. Big Mac’s load had been the most impressive, and was directed purely at Celestia’s flanks, his appletastic seed leaving a spiderweb of cum over the royal sun cutie mark. It wasn’t until she was sure that she had been covered in every drop that she was going to get that Celestia spoke again. “Now who wants to clean my body after my bath?” This question was directed more at the mares than the stallions, who had done their part in covering the princess in the warm salty goo to being with. Cadance was the first pony to volunteer for cleaning duty. Moving around all the others, she closed in on Celestia and gave her a deep open mouth kiss, making sure to use an excessive amount to tongue. Celestia returned the kiss with as much fervour as she could, the two princesses locking lips as is they were trying to undergo atomic fusion. Twilight watched the princest unfold before her, feeling her juices pool around her legs as she sat down on her haunches in order to get a better grip on her clit with a hoof. Around her she could see her Mother, Spitfire and Berry do the same, though Spitfire didn’t remain solo for long. She got up and moved over to Berry and began licking her instead, the pair quickly moving into a 69 position and tongue fucking each other. Vinyl joined them soon, and the three formed a daisy chain, each one licking the next one in the sequence. She was about to go over and join her mother or Spitfire when Twilight saw Cadance motion her over, indicating that she needed help with her cleaning. As Twilight came over, she saw Cadance break the kiss with Celestia and move onto dragging her tongue over the regal muzzle of Equestria’s ruler, licking up the copious amounts of cum that coated her body. Between two licks, Cadance paused to swallow. “Why don’t you get started on the backside Twily?” Celestia perked up at that. “Yes my faithful stu… I-I mean pony I have never met before. Worship my beautiful flanks.” Celestia gave her plot a little wiggle to emphasise her desire, the royal sun mark dancing before Twilight’s eyes. Shrugging inwardly, Twilight moved in and began to lick her way up Celestia’s white streaked golden flank. If Celestia was going to pretend that she wasn’t really her tonight, then Twilight was going to take advantage and have a little fun. She quickly noticed that the golden coating on Celestia’s body came away easily under her tongue. Twilight recognised the taste quickly, it seemed that Celestia had covered herself in Lustre Powder, the edible golden material that Rarity and the Cakes used in their products every now and then. Celestia seemed to be enjoying her ministrations, as her breathing became shallow and she was trembling all over as Cadance sucked on her horn, trying to clean off all the sticky goo and Twilight lavished attention on her rump, one hoof lightly stroking the royal plot and ass. Soon her entire body gave a massive jolt, and Celestia’s horn gave off one massive pulse of power. “OH SWEET ME THAT FEELS GOOD” She yelled, bucking Twilight and Cadance off her body, the remaining streaks of cum burning off as Celestia ignited with the power of the sun for a second. Outside observers would later note the erratic motion of the sun that night, that in the depths of Luna’s night the sun made a short appearance to race across the sky for a few seconds before eclipsing the moon and then returning from where it came. Official word from the palace was that Celestia had sneezed. When the flash of light was cleared, Twilight found that Celestia was laying on her back, panting and fanning herself with her wings. She hadn’t noticed that all the lustre powder had burned off her body, leaving the Alicorn ruler of Equestria her normal regal white with a soft rainbow mane. “Ah ‘Goldenrod’, You OK?” Twilight asked. “Oh, praise me that felt good.” Celestia replied, not noticing the multiple times she had referred to herself as Celestia since arriving. She was not particularly good at maintaining a disguise. She got up to her hooves once she had recovered slightly from her exhaustion. Looking around at the assembled crowd of ponies, she grinned at them all. “So, who’s up for round two?” The remainder of the night was a blur to Shining as he fucked and sucked his way through more pony flesh than he had consumed in his entire life. By the end he had totally forgotten who he had and hadn’t been with, it may have been all of them. One thing was for certain, he didn’t envy whoever had to clean up the next day. The next morning was a slightly complicated affair for him, as his duty roster for the next day involved him providing a threat assessment report to Princess Celestia and he wasn’t quite sure how to handle such a task after the events of the previous night. Jacking your sperm onto another pony and then fucking them raw later tends to change your relationship with them slightly. Sighing to himself, he decided to just get it over with. Whatever Celestia had planned for them all, it would be better if it happened quickly. Entering the throne room, he found Celestia calmly reading the local newspaper while sipping a cup of her favourite jasmine tea blend. She noticed him approaching quickly and put both items down on her side table. “Ah, Guard Captain Armour, how nice to see you again. I trust you had a pleasant night doing… whatever it was that you were doing.” Shining gulped slightly. “Y-yes, a very well spent evening. Cadance and I are much closer for the time spent last night.” Celestia smiled again. “So glad to hear that. I wouldn’t know as I wasn’t anywhere near the Ponyville theatre last night.” I never mentioned the theatre. Shining thought to himself but shrugged it off. If Celestia wanted to pretend then he could do just the same. “I have the threat reports for the Griffon Kingdoms and the Changeling Hives for your inspection Princess.” “Very good. Just leave them over on the table, I will read them once I catch up on local news.” The remainder of the day, and in fact the week passed without any further allusions to the night in Ponyville. Celestia steadfastly insisted that she was not anywhere near Ponyville that night, even if not actually pressed. At the end of the week, Shining went home to visit his parents only to find that Orion was the only one home. It seemed that Dazzle had planned a trip out to see Twilight and had taken Cadance with her. “Bummer.” Shining through as he looked over the note. “Still, I’m sure we can find something else to do” he continued, giving his father a meaningful look. Behind the pair, the back door opened and Soarin’ came charging in. “Hey guys, do you know where Spitfire got to? She seems to have vanished after talking to your wives.” Shining and Orion exchanged glances. “You don’t think?” “Maybe.” Orion turned back to Soarin’. “It seems our wives have decided to go on a trip to visit Twilight in Ponyville. We seem to be all on our own, if you know what I mean.” Soarin’s wings pomfed up instantly as he took the hint. “You know, I think that bottle of mayo in the fridge may need topping up.” Shining reached into the kitchen and grabbed the offending jar and followed his two lovers up the stairs to their bedroom. It was going to be a good night.