A Night With Chaos

by Omega_code

First published

Twilight working along side with a creature of chaos.

It was just a normal day for Twilight Sparkle. She had some fun with her friends and was able to do everything on her to-do list. As she stayed up late during the night doing some minor free time work an unexpected visitor popped right in front of her. More importantly she later learns he has the power to control chaos and apparently needs her help to track down a new threat that has appeared in her world. Now she must work with a power she think is evil and take down this threat before the night is over.

A/N: This is not the typical type of chaos you might be used to. Since in reality, there's no such thing as chaos. Also, Sir Not Appearing in This Fic.

Ordo ab Chao

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Thanks to ProtheanBrony for proofreading this. Enjoy.

Luna’s moon was high in sky, as it cast its light down onto the land of Equestria. Most ponies were already asleep, while the rest stayed up; either for jobs that took place during the night, or just to enjoy the night sky. However, in Ponyville, one pony who lived inside a library was doing something completely different.

“Just need to add a few more drops...” Twilight juggled a flask and a beaker in the air with her magic. She tilted the flask and let a few drops of some sort of liquid fall into the beaker, and the two liquids mixed.

There were small sizzles and a popping noise and Twilight examined the reaction in the beaker. “Interesting,” she mumbled to herself. She looked over to the scroll sitting on the wooden podium, picked up her quill and scribbled a few notes on the scroll.

Nothing like a little science before going to bed, she thought to herself. With Spike and most of the town folks sleeping the night away, Twilight found that it was far easier to do her experiments at this time, so that no pony would interrupt her.


The noise echoed in Twilight’s ears. She looked away from the podium and scanned the room. What was that? She thought.


An aura of magic filled the air, but it didn’t feel like the normal kind of magic unicorns used.


There was a bright flash in front of her as if Celestia had teleported into her home. Twilight was blinded by the sudden flash, and wondered what in Equestria was going on. As her eyes started to recover she heard somepony coughing and a stallion’s voice. “Man, that dimensional transport was rough. I think the Dimension Gate needs to be recalibrated.”

As Twilight’s eyes finally readjusted, she saw that the thing talking wasn’t actually a pony. It stood in front of her, and appeared to be an erect Diamond Dog, except its body was a far more slender than normal and his forearms were a lot shorter while his two legs supported his entire body. Also unlike Diamond Dogs, who mostly wore some sort of vest, he wore a stark-white tunic with a coattail split down the center and a blood-red sash tied around his waist, only having his head and tail visible. His head was in the shape of a fox's and his fur was white with grey fur which only covered his ears and the end tip of his tail.

The fox was now checking his arms and then down at his body. “Nice, I’m still in my body. They must have a creature that is similar to me.”

After she recovered from the shock of what was happening, Twilight put on her most kind voice and spoke out. “Um, hello?”

The fox’s ears perked up to the sound of her voice and he turned his head towards her. The kind of smile she would've expected a close friend to give her formed in his face. “Ah, Twilight Sparkle I presume.”

Twilight was surprised that the fox knew her name. “You are correct, Mister?”

“Omega,” he cheerfully answered.

“Omega, would you mind to tell me what in Equestria is going on?” Normally any other pony would've screamed for help right the moment Omega appeared. But enough things had happened in Twilight’s life to not make her act like that. She was however more intrigueded on how Omega got here, and something about a dimension gate picqued her interest.

“You’re taking this extremely well, huh? Good, solves me the trouble of calming you down. Now to answer your question; to put it simply, I’m from another dimension that is far from here but is also very close. I was sent here to find you so that we can look for a dangerous monster and stop it!”

Twilight was bewildered by this. “A dangerous monster!?”

“Well I think monster is too cruel of a word to describe it, more like a dangerous being.”

“Still, why would you need me and what makes this being so dangerous?”

Omega shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t know about the first part of your question. I was only told that I was being sent to a world where I would meet a creature that goes by the name Twilight. I then had to ask her if she would help me track down a dangerous threat to this world and stop it. Also, this all had to be done before the night was over too. To answer your second question, it’s a Nightmare that’s why.”

All of the information Omega was giving to Twilight only opened more questions for her to ask. “Why does it have to be done before the night is over, where do we start looking and what do you mean Nightmare Moon is back?”

Omega simply replied. “Don’t know, have no idea, and who?”

“Nightmare Moon, the dangerous being you said is here, but that’s impossible since me and my friends stopped her two years ago.”

“I believe you misunderstand me Mrs. Sparkle. It’s a Nightmare, not this Nightmare Moon. A Nightmare, to tell a long story short, is a creature that comes from the Void, and has lost its mind to painful memories of its past life, so to speak.”

“What?” A dumbfounded Twilight asked.

“I’ll explain more as we make our way to find it. Just know for now that it’s dangerous and we need to get rid of it. Shouldn’t be a problem though, a Chaos Knight like me shouldn’t have any difficulty taking down a lone Nightmare.”

“Wait, a Chaos Knight? Does that mean you have the ability to use chaos?” Twilight asked in a cautious tone.

“Um... yeah; I can’t be a Chaos Knight without having the ability to use some chaos!” Omega frown as if he felt something was wrong and he quickly jumped to the side to dodge a purple beam of magic that was fired at him. Omega looked at Twilight who had an angry scowl on her face and her horn basked in a bright purple aura. “WATCH WERE YOU POINT THAT THING! You could bloody hurt someone!”

Twilight only focused her magic for another blast of magic. In the blink of an eye, Omega reached down to his side to what looked like a card deck holder and pulled out a single card. He then quickly tossed the card into the air and it flew straight and face down towards Twilight. Right before the card hit Twilight it faced straight up and stopped, emitting a very bright flash.

Twilight winced, closed her eyes, and looked away from the light. Once the flash receded, Twilight opened her eyes and looked back Omega... if she could that was. She was able to open her eyes, but she couldn’t move her head. “What is going on!” She cried out. She could still move both of her eyes, so she glanced over towards the card with her right eye. It was just floating in the air and it had some sort of picture on it which Twilight couldn’t make out.

Twilight could hear Omega walk over to her and he propped his head right up next to hers, looking at the card. “Cool, immobilization. Haven’t drawn that card in a while.” He looked over at Twilight. “So, is there a reason why you attacked me?”

“Because you’re a creature of chaos!” Twilight tried once again to move some joint in her body. “You need to be stopped.” She wasn’t having any luck breaking from her invisible imprisonment.

“Struggle all you like, you won’t be able to break free. And for your information my race are not creatures of chaos. We are known for doing some trickery though.”

“Still you used chaos, and no matter what evil you have planned, I will stop you.” Twilight reached for her magic, hopping she could cancel the spell Omega had casted on her. Successful, her horn started to glow and she was about to cast a spell when Omega let out a disappointed sigh and reached over to grabbed Twilight’s horn. Twilight’s magic ceased flowing through her, and she was now powerless.

Omega moved in front of Twilight’s face and had an insulted looked on his face. “Evil? You think I’m evil because I use chaos?” Twilight’s fierce look was the only answer she gave. Omega sighed disappointingly. “It’s one of those worlds huh? Why can’t I be sent to a world that has a better mindset towards chaos?”

“Because chaos is evil, and nothing good ever comes out of it! How can I tell what you’ve told me was really real!?”

Omega gave a deadpan looked at Twilight. “Order can also be evil too dearie, and so can everything else in the universe. It all depends on how you use it to make it evil. The only thing that is always evil is evil. Though there was that one time...eh, nevermind. I’ll also let you know that without chaos, some good things would’ve never happened.” Omega let go of Twilight’s horn and swiped the card out of the air. Twilight’s magic started to flow through her again and she could also move her body as well.

“Also I’m a Chaos Knight, which means I’m a knight, and as a knight I have a set of vows to follow. One of them is to uphold the order of universe by using chaos; another is not to tell lies. I’m one of the good guys Mrs. Sparkle, not a bad one.” Omega put the card back into the deck and walked towards the door. “Now I only had to ask for your help to track down the Nightmare, it didn’t say you had to accept it. The Nightmare threat I’ve told you is real, and if it isn’t stopped, bad things will happen.” Omega reached for the door handle.

“Wait,” Twilight called out. “What kind of bad things?” She asked in a worried tone.

“Things that will make you wish the Nightmare was just a bad dream.” He replied in a grim tone.

Twilight remained silent as she thought about her answer. In a displeased voice she answered, “Alright, I’ll help.” Omega smiled as he turned around to face Twilight. “But I need to pack a few things first.”

“Then what are you waiting for? We’re wasting moonlight.” Omega sarcastically said.

Twilight turned around and went up the stairs to the second floor of the library wondering what she had gotten herself into, and planning on her next move.


MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro. All characters that belong to their companies are rightfully theirs.
Omega and anything related to him comes out of my head.This writing is for fun and nothing else.

To Find A Nightmare

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Thanks to ProtheanBrony for proofreading this.

“Ah Rarity, you shouldn’t have,” Spike mumbled in his sleep.

“Spike,” Twilight’s voice softly but firmly spoke out. Twilight laid a hoof on his shoulder and gently nudged Spike back and forth.

Spike moaned in complain. “Leave me alone you parasprites.”

Twilight let out an annoyed sigh. She then began to shake Spike very hard and whisper very loudly. “Spike! Get up!”

Spike’s body jolted as his eyes shot open. “Twilight?” He said in a sleepy tone. “What’s going on?” He slowly leaned up and rubbed the drowsiness out of his eyes.

Twilight’s horn light up and several objects started to float up in the air. “I need you to write a letter to Princess Celestia.”

“Why? Its night time, she’s probably asleep.”

“Because downstairs at this very moment we have visitor who has the ability to use the power of... chaos.”

Spike snapped out of his drowsiness and loudly exclaimed, “What!?”

Twilight rushed over to Spike and covered his mouth. “Shh! Not so loud.”

Spike nodded his head and Twilight removed her hoof from his mouth and got back to her packing. “Discord is back!? But how is that possible?” Spike disbelieving asked.

“No, Discord isn’t back. It some sort of fox Diamond Dog named Omega.” Twilight put her saddle bag on her back and fastened the faux-leather strips underneath her belly. “Now here’s what I want you to write to Celestia.”


Omega was standing next to one the many bookshelves that the library housed. His eyes were scanning the many titles printed on the spines of the books; from a list of known unicorn's spells to how to run a slumber party. His eyes locked on to one the books and he reached out to pull it from the shelf. He looked at the cover, The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide. He opened the book and started to skim through the pages. He turned page after page, only taking a few seconds glancing at each page. He stopped when he reached a page that had a picture of five stones circling around one big one. He carefully read the entire page.

“So, they are real,” he quietly spoke to himself once he finished reading. The sound of Twilight’s hooves clopping down the stairs filled Omega’s ears. He quietly closed the book and quickly put it back on the shelf. He then placed his hands behind his back and let out a friendly smile just as Twilight came into view. “So, all packed up and ready to leave?” He asked in a merry tone. 

Twilight stopped her advancing down the stairs and stared at Omega. “Yes. Now, how do we find this Nightmare?”

“Simple, we just find the place that they like to hide in.”

“But you said you had no idea where to start looking!”

“And that’s true, I never been to this world so I have no idea where to start.” Omega, held one finger in the air. “However, I didn’t say I didn’t know what areas they liked to hide in. If I told you their characteristics, maybe you can deduce what part of your world it might be in.”

Twilight took in deep breaths to vent of her frustration. “You know, it would help if you told me that the first time.”

“Well, you should’ve asked. I can’t tell you every single thing that runs across my mind. Plus you attacked me before I could say that.”

“Fine, just tell me what these characteristics are.”

“Well first off, Nightmares like a place that’s mostly dark throughout the day; though they are not afraid of the light, they do like areas that are similar to night time. Second is a place that is close to a town, but it’s an area where not many of the town’s folks will travel to. That way it’s easier for them to stalk a town and have a safe haven to hide in just in case they were discovered. Finally, and I know this will sound strange, they like a place that holds lots of forgotten or painful memories.”

“Huh? The first two I understand, but the last one doesn’t make any sort of sense.”

“It’s hard to explain in a sort amount of time we have. Let’s just leave it as a place where many of your kind probably wander into and they were never seen again or a place where desolate towns or ruins of a town lies.”

Twilight, still confused at the last example Omega used, thought about where in Equestria this Nightmare might be hiding. Only one place came to her mind. “The Everfree Forest; it’s close to Ponyville, mostly always dark, and many ponies stay away from it.”

“Sounds like the perfect place.”

“Still, the forest is huge. There’s no way we can comb through the entire forest in a single night.”

“Well then Twilight, is there somewhere inside the forest that you know of that fits even better with my descriptions?”

“Well, there is the ruined castle of the royal sisters, so I guess that is a good place to start.”

“Then off to the Everfree Forest and to this castle.” Omega walked to the door and opened it. He held it open and gestured his free arm to the door. “Ladies first.” He politely offered.

Twilight scoffed at this. Her horn glowed and the door was covered in a purple aura. “Actually, you go first.” She insisted.

Omega moved his arm away from the door to see it being held by Twilight’s magic. He looked over at Twilight to see the same cold look she been giving him ever since she found out he was a Chaos Knight. Omega shrugged his shoulder. “If you insist.” He slightly bent down and walked through the door. Twilight shortly followed and once she was past the door, she firmly closed it. 
“So where is this forest of ours?” Omega asked.

“We’ll walk down this road for a few blocks then we will take a right. We continue walking until we reach a bridge and cross that. That path from the bridge will take us directly to the forest. From there I’ll lead you to the castle ruins.”

“All righty then.” Omega held up one of his arms. “Lead the way.”

“No, I want you in front of me,” Twilight demanded.

Disoriented, Omega asked. “Um, then how will you lead me?”

“I will tell you where to go.”

“That’s very poor leadership skills you know. It might be easier if you try to lead in front of me.”

“Well I don’t trust you enough to be behind me. Now start walking.” She sharply ordered.

“Wow, you must’ve took an extra dose of grumpy pills today.” Omega quipped. Twilight’s glare just intensified. Omega rolled his eyes and started to walk down the street.

This is going to be a long night, Twilight thought before she began to follow Omega.


MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro. All characters that belong to their company are rightfully theirs.
Omega and anything related to him comes out of my head.This writing is for fun and nothing else.

A Deal and the Small Print

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Thanks to ProtheanBrony for proofreading this.

Twilight and Omega walked down the road in silence. Omega had his hands in his pockets with a bored expression on his face, while Twilight closely followed him. She kept both of her eyes on Omega, occasionally glancing over him to make sure they were still on the right path. While she might be overdoing her distrustfulness towards Omega, she couldn’t let her guard down after how so easily he was able to make Twilight defenseless.

She also took the time to study him. He was about as tall as Iron Will, if you didn’t include Iron Will’s horns. Omega walked only on his two legs and nothing like what a Diamond Dog would do when they walk. Though his tail seemed to help him to keep his balance as it did small side to side sways with each step he did. In a way, Omega’s walking style reminded her much like a minotaur’s walking style. Another thing that caught Twilight’s eyes was Omega’s hands, which were also like a minotaur’s hands except Omega had five fingers instead of four. All of these little observations she was making caused Twilight to think about those mystical creatures Lyra kept on talking about.

“So Twilight, would you mind if I ask some questions about you and your world?” Omega asked.

Twilight was drawn out of her investigative mindset and harshly replied, “Why, so you can gain information on how to defeat us?”

Omega let out a disappointed sigh. “No, I just wanted to learn about your world. It’s not every day I come to a world full of talking horses; in fact I think this is the second time I’ve been to one.”

“Still, why should I?”

“Because I love learning about new things, and I bet you love learning about new things too. How about this, for every question I ask you, you’ll have to answer it honestly, and then you can ask me one question that I’ll have to answer honestly; the same thing if you ask a question too. Sounds reasonable enough?”

Twilight knew the great opportunity she was being given, and even though there were probably risks in accepting it, she couldn’t pass it down. “Deal.”

“Great,” Omega said with much delight in his voice. “And for good show of sportsmanship, I’ll let you have the first question.” 

Twilight thought carefully of what question she should ask first. “What makes you a Chaos Knight; other than you having chaotic power.”

Omega brought one of his hands under his snout. “Hmm, that’s a tough one. To be honest with you, I don’t even fully know. Each Chaos Knight was promoted to their status for completely different reasons. And even though there are rules to follow once becoming one, there are no set parameters into becoming one. I’ll have to answer we become a Chaos Knight only when our leader thinks we’re ready to become one.” Not the answer Twilight was hoping for, but at least it was something informal, to her at least. “So what do you do for a living?”

Twilight quickly answered, “I work at the town’s library. Now who’s this leader of yours?”

“Hey, that’s all I get!?” Omega said with much agitation in his voice. “I work at the town’s library? I’m not going to answer your question till you fully answer mine.”

Frustrated Twilight replied back. “Well it’s the honest truth, what more do you want?”

Omega voice quickly went to an insisted tone. “Because if you only worked at the library that’s makes you a common folk. I don’t get assigned to team up with common folk on missions this important, otherwise I would’ve been told to do this alone. There something special about you, and I would like to know what that is.”

Twilight had to give some credit to Omega. While he acted like a jokester, he was indeed very perceptive and smart. “Fine, I’m a student to Princess Celestia, co-ruler of our land. While I run the library in Ponyville, I also help around the town while studying the magic of friendship. Also I’m very skilled and strong in the field of unicorn’s magic.” She said that last part with a bit of intimidation in her voice.

Omega glanced back at Twilight with an unconcerned look on his face. “Duly noted Mrs. Sparkle.” His voice instantly turned back to its whimsical tone. “Now as for our leader, he’s wise, smart, and extremely weird. Though considering what he has been through for his whole life, it’s understandable. I will have to say that once you get through all of his quirks, he’s really a nice guy who cares about the safety for the order of the universe and will do drastic measures in order to protect it.”

“How drastic will he go?”

“I once heard he moved a star and made it go super nova, for whatever reason why he did something like that I don’t fully know. He keeps on changing the story every time someone asks him.” Twilight was dumbfounded by that. She knew that Celestia, Luna, a dozen or so powerful unicorns, or even Discord could have the power to move a sun, but to have enough power to make it go super nova was unheard of.

Omega held up his right hand with two of his fingers pointing up. “Also, that’s two questions my dear, so I get to ask two questions. My first one is…” His ears perked up and turned slightly behind him. “Never mind, it seemed we are about to get a visitor.”

Confused, Twilight turned around to see one of her friends making their way hopping down the street. 
“HI TWILIGHT!” Pinkie cheerfully (and loudly) spoke out.

Panicking, Twilight quickly turned her head around to face Omega. “Quick you need to…” Omega had vanished. Twilight frantically looked around the area, but didn’t catch a single sight of the white fox. “You lost something Twilight?” Pinkie’s voice spoke out from right behind her.

Twilight looked towards her friend with an uneasy smile on her face. “Oh Pinkie, so it was you who was calling me.” Twilight hated to lie to one of her friends, but knowing Pinkie she didn’t want her to risk a mass panic so late at night.

“Then why did you look back when I first called you?”

“Oh…um…I guess I didn’t see you the first time.” Twilight’s sheepish smile grew bigger.

“Then I think you need to see an eye doctor then Twilight. Though,” she picked over Twilight’s head with her squinting as if she was trying to spot something, “maybe I should see one too. I thought I saw one of those mean Diamond Dogs standing right behind you.” Pinkie’s face instantly snapped back to her cheerful smile as she ask, “So what are you doing up so late Twilight?”

“Oh...I...I was just about to head out of Ponyville to the open fields to do some stargazing.”

Pinkie tilted her head in confusion. “But don’t you need your telescope for something like that?”

“Oh, yeah...well...I have a new spell that let me enhance my version temporarily to help me see better in the dark and let me see far.” Her sheepish grin couldn’t get any bigger.

Pinkie’s eyes slowly closed, as if she didn’t believe Twilight’s lie. Twilight’s heart started to race and she was almost getting ready to sweat. Pinkie lifted up a hoof up to her mouth, fully closing her eyes, and let out a very sleepy yawn. In an equally sleepy tone she said, “Well I hope you have fun Twilight. I would offer to come with you, but *yawn* I just finished having a big party, and it was a wild one.” Pinkie started to walk away. “See you in the morning.”

“Yeah, see you in the morning,” Twilight replied back. She continued to walk down the path towards the Everfree while Pinkie walked to the right towards the Sugar Cub Corner. After a Pinkie was no longer in sight, Twilight ceased walking and looked around. “Omega,” she loudly whispered out. Twilight looked in all directions, left, right, up and even down but there was still no sight of him. Great, I just lost a potential threat to Equestira and I have no idea where...

“You know, her voice reminds me of someone, but I can’t figure out who that person is.” Omega’s voice spoke out right next to Twilight. Twilight quickly turned her head to the side to see Omega standing right next to her. He was facing towards the direction where Pinkie was heading and had a hood over his head.

Twilight briskly moved away from him and with an annoyed tone asked. “Where were you?”

“I was right next to you.” He reached up his chest and tapped a gray gem that was embedded in clothes. “You see my clothes are a very special set. For a limited time it can make me invisible, along with a few other things too.”

“I guess it ran out of power then since I can see you.”

“No, it has at least 23 hours of charge left. I just turned it off when you stood around looking around the area like a maniac. Now, let’s continue making our way to the forest; we’re wasting time and I have four questions that I get to ask.”

“Four? I thought you only had two?”

“I did, but you asked two questions after our encounter with your friend. And because of the deal we made moments ago, I get to ask my share in questions. Now it’s up to five.”

“I thought that only applied to questions about Equestria?”

“No, the deal was that every question you or I asked, the other can get to ask their question they wanted to be answered. Six.”

Twilight glared daggers at Omega, but a small smirk formed on her face. “If that’s the case, your count should only be five. One of those questions wasn’t really a question but was just an observation of mine that I assumed from what you told me.”

Omega’s eyes glanced up as he thought on what she was talking about. “Okay, I’ll let you have that. Now, we really should get a move on before someone else pops up out of nowhere. The after effect for going invisible too many times in a single day isn’t a pleasant feeling.”


MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro. All characters that belong to their company are rightfully theirs.
Omega and anything related to him comes out of my head.This writing is for fun and nothing else.

A Potential Threat

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Thanks to ProtheanBrony for proofreading this.

Twilight easily answered three of Omega’s five questions. They were all on Equestria and that was something that everypony should know by grade school. Things like who Celestia and Luna are and what they do (that counted as two since he asked who Celestia was first then about Luna). His third one was for some basic information on Ponyville.

“Hmm, interesting,” Omega remarked after Twilight finished explaining her town. “Ponyville sounds like a nice place for me to spend some of my R&R time, or even have a chaotic party.”

“No!” Twilight suddenly bluster out. “Once you're done finishing taking care of this Nightmare I don’t want you to ever come back.”

Omega glanced back at Twilight at her sudden outburst. “You sure do have a conflict with chaos don’t you, why?”

Twilight just gave an icy stare at Omega. “Because a year and a half ago Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony, broke free from his imprisonment. He rained chaos throughout the whole land in Equestria, ruining the peace of Equestria for his fun. He played with us as if we were his puppets and he didn’t care about the harm he was doing to everypony, only caring if he got a good chuckle from it. He was heartless, cruel, and evil.”

Omega remained silent. “Well, clearly you were able to defeat him. So how were you able to do that?”

“Through the power of friendship. Five of my friends and I were soon able to resist his power and overtake him by using the Elements of Harmony.” Twilight’s voice grew a bit boastful in the saying the next part. “And for your information, the Elements of Harmony are the most powerful magical artifacts in all of Equestria. It can take down any threat that they face.”

“Well luckily I can handle the Nightmare, so there is no need to bring in these elements.” Omega replied as if he didn’t get Twilight’s little threat. Twilight let out a small frustrated huff of air. No matter what threats Twilight made to Omega, he just didn’t care or was just ignoring them. Though, in her mind she was a bit happy about this kind of attitude. Discord acted the same way, being neglectful and foolhardy, and that was what brought his downfall. If Twilight could keep Omega acting like this, maybe it will be easier to take him down.

Omega asked one more question. “Did anyone get hurt, or killed?”

“No. Discord might have been a jerk and enjoyed tormenting us, but he wasn’t a killer. All his tricks, for the most part, were harmless.”

“I see...I believe it’s your turn in asking a question, and you have three of them to ask.”

They finally reached the bridge and the Everfree Forest was looming in the distance in front of them. “What kind of chaos powers do you have?” As she said this she took the time to scan the sky for something.

“All I can say on that is I can bend reality, in a limited way of course.” Omega spotted Twilight looking towards the sky. “I don’t believe your princess will be coming anytime soon.”

Twilight’s eyes slightly dilated and she looked back at Omega. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She said in a steady tone.

One of Omega’s eyebrows rose in skepticism and he held up his right arm up in front of him. A red stone on his gauntlet glowed and a scroll appeared out of nowhere in his hands. Twilight’s eyes grew even smaller as they recognized the scroll she had Spike write to the Princess mere moments ago. Omega unfurled the scroll and read what was on it.

“Dear Princess Celesta. I have urgent news about a new threat to Equestria. A Diamond Dog like creature known as Omega appeared in my library. While he said there was this thing known as Nightmare that is loose on our world, I learned he has the ability to use the power of chaos. I tried to stop him, but he was able to stop me. I’ve agreed for now to help him in finding this Nightmare in order to keep an eye on him. I don’t know yet where we are going but I’m going to enchant my saddle this specific energy frequency...yada yada yada, suggestion on bringing the elements, some more info on me, blah blah blah,” he said skipping some parts of the letter. “Ah here it is. I will try to distract him as long as I can, and hope you come to my aid quickly. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.”

Omega looked at the stun Twilight with dissatisfy eyes as he rolled the scroll back up. “You know Twilight; I’m very disappointed in you. I am a fox, not a dog; a Kitsune to be more precise. I won’t have the likes of you putting my intellect to that of a dog. I am way smarter than them.”

Twilight wasn’t expecting Omega to say something like that, “I...but...how did you get that letter!?”

Omega waved the scroll in front of Twilight, teasing her. “Simple, I placed an interception ward around your home. I mean, ‘I need to pack a few things first’. I’ve heard better excuses to make plans behind my back. I knew you were going to try to send some sort of message with your magic; however, I couldn’t let you do that just yet.”

Twilight snatched the scroll out of Omega’s hand with her magic. “Well what did you expect from me? Sit around and let some agent of chaos free to roam around without telling anypony?”

“Yes, and a bit of more trust wouldn’t have hurt too. I haven’t done anything that shows I’m a threat to your world Twilight; in fact I’m trying to save it.”

“Well I’m sorry if I disappoint you. The last time I underestimated a creature of chaos it almost cost my whole world to fall apart. I’m not going to let that happen again.”

“Well, boo- bloody- who Twilight,” Omega said harshly. “Go cry me a river with that lame excuse. You think you’re the only world that has been harmed by chaos? You ain't, nor will you be the last one.” He pointed up to the night sky. “There are countless of worlds out there, along with nearly countless different dimensions that hold them. You have no idea what kind of chaos that runs amok out there.” He then pointed at Twilight. “This Discord was just some prankster who wanted some laughs and used chaos to achieve them. I’ve seen a lot of different beings who used chaos do far wickeder things to make them chuckle, and normally no one else is alive to get the punch line.”

“Then that’s just proves my point. Chaos can’t be trusted, so why should I trust it now when I have no proof you’re really not a threat?”

Omega remained silent. He let out a saddened sigh and reached down for his card deck. “You know Twilight, you’re right; I really can be a threat to your world.” He pulled out a single card and held it up between two of his fingers. “There are so many things I can do to this world, it would’ve make your head spin.” The card started to glow eerie white as it floated out of Omega’s fingers and up in the air. Omega’s voice also dropped to a menacing tone. “In mere seconds I can make it where you town is nothing but ash, the forest ablaze, a make your world just a barren place.” The glow on the card intensified and strange symbols started to form in the air around it. “All with just a flick of my wrist.”

Omega held to fingers up to the card causing sparks of energy to arc out in random directions. “But you know what? I’m better than that.” He placed his fingers on the bottom of the card and pushed, tilting the backside of the card up to the sky. “Because I’ve discipline, honor, and control of my power. I will never use them for evil.” Omega slightly withdrew his two fingers and gave the card a light tap.

Now Omega was expecting to let the card discharge its energy harmlessly into the air, and do some sort of trick with them; however, the card did discharged its energy, but at him instead. Thousands of volts of electricity ran through him, making Omega let out a loud yowl of shock and pain. The flow of electricity stopped, and the card plummet to the ground. Omega was still standing with his two fingers pointed at were the card was, his face baring a slack-jawed expression. Parts of his body emitted small twitches, and his exposed fur was standing on their ends. “Not exactly what I was expecting,” he weakly said before he fell flat on his back.

Twilight was speechless on what she saw. A small chuckle rolled in her throat and it quickly developed into a deep wave of laughter.

MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro. All characters that belong to their company are rightfully theirs.
Omega and anything related to him comes out of my head.This writing is for fun and nothing else.

You could lead a horse to water...

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Thanks to ProtheanBrony for proofreading this.

Twilight’s laughter filled Omega’s ears. Omega closed his eyes while letting out a sigh. Nice going there, you made Twilight laugh and embarrass me right in front of her. Are you happy now? Omega thought out loud. Though you could’ve given me some kind of warning you were about to do that!

‘It’s not like that was your first time you’ve been shocked by a thousand volts.’ A female voice stated inside his head. ‘Now get back up. Twilight should be a lot easier to talk to since she saw her ‘potential threat’ get harmed by their own power.’

Omega frowned at this. Hey, my idea would’ve worked if you had given me the chance.

‘Yeah it would've worked, if Twilight didn’t already see you as a powerful threat. Using my power like that would’ve only made it worse. Remember, you're trying to show Twilight you’re the good guy and are here to help. Making yourself sound like some all-powerful being that could burn their planet to its core at any time is not a good way to promote one’s self. Plus, my powers are not to be used for some parlor trick, use your own magic for that.’

Fine, but you could’ve simply not answered my tap for your power. That would've spoken as loud as shocking me.

The voice chuckled for a few seconds. ‘True, but it was funnier for both me and Twilight to see that happen to you, and you wouldn’t have learnt an important lesson.’ The voice wittily replied.

Omega did a mental eye roll. And that lesson would be?

‘Never try to force someone to believe in something, just show them the truth and let them decide on what to believe. And remember, it might take a long time to convince them so be patient.’

Now you’re sounding like Wistala. Omega noticed Twilight had stopped laughing, and the sound of clopping hooves against wood echoed through the air. Soon the smell of minty grass tainted breath poked at Omega’s nose, along with the sound of faint breathing right above him. Omega opened one of his eyes to see Twilight leaning over him with a concerned look on her face.

“Are you all right?” Twilight asked.

Omega opened his other eye and slowly began to lean back up. “Yeah, not my first time having one of my cards backfire on me, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.” He groaned out. As he fully sat up, he began to search for the card that shocked him.

“Looking for this?” Omega could hear a small twinkling sound as his card was brought up, embraced in a purple glow. It floated towards them, or more like towards Twilight. Twilight brought it up close to her face and examined it, looking at the picture the card held: a single dark cloud with a lightning bolt coming out of it. “I don’t understand, how where you able to make electricity shoot out of this?”

“Simple really, magic.” Omega pushed himself to stand up and began to do some stretches, “Chaotic magic to be more precise.” After he finished his stretching, he quickly snatched the card and put it back in the deck in one fluid moment.

Twilight didn’t have much time to comprehend what just happened. “But, how? I mean there’s no way a card could store that much energy into itself and discharge all of it. It’s just made out of paper, it should've burned up!”

“Good thing it’s made out of special paper then,” Omega shrewdly replied. Twilight gave a deadpan face at Omega’s 'joke'. Omega sighed. “Look Twilight, my powers are Chaotic, it’s hard to explain how they work when the rules on using them change frequently.” Omega began to walk towards the forest with an inquisitive Twilight closely following.

“If you have no idea how your magic works, how are you even able to control it? You shouldn’t be able to cast any spell, let alone make a card spew out lighting!?”

“Cause technically it’s not my magic that allows me to use the cards like that. I just tap into the cards, and she does the rest.”

A baffled mood covered Twilight’s face. “Who’s she?”

“My deck of cards,” Omega simply replied. Twilight was now looking at Omega as if she was finally convinced he lost all of his marbles. “I’m not joking. My deck of cards has a personality of their own.”

“And this personality is of a mare?” Twilight asked with a doubtful look still on her face.

“Look, can we change the subject? It’s kind of hard to...”

'Pull out a card Omega.' The female voice in his head interrupted him.

Omega stopped walking and let out sigh. Twilight also stopped. “What? It’s kind of hard to do what?” Omega didn’t reply, only reaching down and pulling out a card for the deck. He looked at it and smirked at the picture on the card’s face.

He then turned around to face Twilight. “It’s better just to show you.” He then flicked the card towards her.


Twilight’s face flinched as she closed her eyes expecting the same effect that had happened in her home to happen again; however, nothing happened. Twilight opened one her eyes to see what was going on. The card was just floating in the air a foot away from her face. Then her eye caught the picture on the card and she opened her other eye in awe and bemusement. A beautiful picture of Celestia was on it; her mane looked like it was alive just as in real life and ever her fur coat shone just as bright as ever.

Twilight looked up at Omega. “I thought you’ve never been to my world?”

“And that is true Twilight. I have no idea who that is on the card, but judging the look on your face, you know who that is.” Omega walked to the railings of the bridge and began to lean on them with his hands in his pockets.

“But then how do you have a card with a picture of Celestia on it?” Twilight demandingly asked.

“Touch the card with your magic and see for yourself.” Omega replied with a bored expression on his face.

An annoyed frown appeared on Twilight’s face as she returned her gaze back on the floating card. She wondered would happen if she did what Omega suggested, and was a bit fearful of what might happen. After all, she did see Omega get electrocuted by one of them. But Omega wasn’t answering her questions, and the only way to answer any more was to touch this card with her magic.

Her horn glowed in a bright purple aura as she grabbed hold of the card's magical glow. Nothing happened. She looked at Omega for answers. “Focus your magic to one part of your body and tap the card with it.” Twilight let go of the card, letting it float in the air on its own once again. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her magic, forming a glowing purple orb sitting on the tip of it. She bowed her head and tapped the tip to the horn on the card. Again, nothing happened.

This is pointless, she thought as she opened her eyes. However her eyes rapidly dilated as fear spread in her heart when she saw the dirt road she was standing on was gone and replaced by the black of nothing. Twilight moved her hooves as if she was about to fall at any moment; her hooves clashing with a glassy surface that she could not see.

“Be at ease Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia’s voice spoke out.

Twilight stopped moving when she heard her voice. It sounded like Celestia but something wasn’t quite right with it. Twilight looked towards where the voice spoke out from to see Princess Celestia standing right in front of her. Celestia appeared as normal as ever, she was wearing her crown jewels on her white fur and her mane was waving in a nonexistent breeze. But again, something wasn’t quite right in her form.

“Princess? What’s going on, where am I, and why are you here?” Twilight asked.

“You’re in a small pocket dimension Twilight, my home. I wanted to talk to you to help clear up some mishaps Omega made.” Celestia answered. “Also, I am not Celestia.”

“Huh? But then who are…” Twilight’s pupil grew larger as she rapidly deduced. “You’re that mare personality that Omega was talking about.”

Celestia nodded her head. “You are correct.”

“But then why do you look like Celestia?”

“Because that is how your mind perceives me, for it cannot comprehend my true from.” Celestia began to walk up closer to Twilight, her body shimmering in and out as if it was a ghostly image covering some unknown being. She stood over Twilight, and unlike the normal feeling of warmth and comfort Twilight gets when Celestia was near, Twilight felt fear and uneasiness seeping in the back of her mind.

“What do you want,” Twilight asked with much tension in her voice.

“First, I want you to calm down; I’m not here to harm you but to save your world. Second I need you to trust in Omega. He might act foolhardy, careless, and let his temper get carried away, but he is a noble soul and will do everything he can in protecting your world.”

“By stopping this Nightmare, that’s roaming around in the Everfree?”

“Correct, and he is going to need your help in defeating it when the time comes.”

“How? I don’t even know what I’m facing against or how to even help when we face it.”

Celestia smiled as she emitted a soft chuckle. “Yes, that is the nature of chaos. It doesn’t like to explain much and it just does what it wants when it is need.” Celestia glanced up as if she saw something fly across the empty sky. “It is time for our conversation to come to an end. You need to guide Omega to ruins of the castle before the moon begins to set; otherwise, it might be too late to stop the Nightmare.”

“Before the moon sets, I thought we had the whole night!?” Twilight asked with great anxiety.

“I sensed great power of the Void as we got closer to the forest. It’s waiting for something to happen, and I fear it will happen when the moon is at its highest point in the sky. Now go, and don’t forget to call for the aid of Chaos when the time comes.”

Twilight faced harden sourly. “I don’t use chaotic magic,” she said in an acidic tone.

Celestia raised one her eyebrows. “Then why do you use it every day?” Before Twilight could react Celestia emitted a bright flash, blinding Twilight. Twilight’s eyes cringed at the sudden brightness as they closed shut.

When the light level came down, Twilight blinked her eyes a few times to recover them. She was greeted by the view of the only known “safe” entrance to the Everfree forest and Omega sitting down on the ground with his legs crisscrossing, drawing something in the dirt. He glanced up and gave a big smile to Twilight. “Welcome back to the land of the living.” He cheerfully said.

MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro. All characters that belong to their company are rightfully theirs.
Omega and anything related to him comes out of my head.This writing is for fun and nothing else.

One Side Game of Chance

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Thanks to The Republican Brony for proofreading this.

Twilight was completely baffled by what had happened. First she was near the bridge and then, the next thing she knew, she was in a dark and empty world speaking with someone that looked like Celestia. And now she was standing in front of the entrance to the most dangerous place in all of Equestria.

"So, now do you believe everything that I said about my deck of cards?" Omega asked, walking up next to her.

Twilight nodded her head, slightly dazed. "Yes." She said in a wavering tone. Uneasiness and fear still danced in the back of her mind, and the lavender mare still couldn't put a hoof on why. The fake Celestia hadn't looked any different from the real Celestia. Twilight couldn't even find anything wrong with the way she had spoken and acted. So why did it she feel like she needed to run away, dig a hole deep in the ground and hide for several days and nights?

"She does that a lot." Omega stated. Twilight looked up at strange fox creature, who had an oddly compassionate look on his face. "After all she's a creature of pure chaos. Your body knows that, for you, being near her is wrong on many levels. That's why she chose to look like someone that was close to your heart. It was to make sure your body didn't completely shut down while you were talking to her."

Omega reached down a plucked the card that was still in front of Twilight out of the air. "I got say though; you've done a lot better than others who have talked with her. Most of them usually run away screaming in terror. The rest are paralyze to the point were they can't even speak a single word." He began to place the card back into the deck. "You standing in place and still able to retain control of your body says a lot about you."

Twilight's mind finally started to relax, letting her take in some big breaths to take back full control of herself. "You knew that was going to happen to me!" She said in very agitated tone.

Omega held his arms up in defense, "Hey, it happens to everyone who talks with her, even to me. Besides, she wanted to talked to you and told me to give you the card. You didn't have to tap the card with your magic, yet you did. So what’s done is done." He put his hands down. "You made it out okay and did something not many could've done. You talked to true creature of chaos and are still able to put together full sentences. In a way, that’s basically passing a very important test of ours."

Twilight head spark with curiosity. "Paasing a test for what exactly?"

Omega was hesitant in answering. "Well... technically... it's one of the first steps to becoming a Chaos Knight." Twilight's eyes narrowed darkly at Omega, which caused Omega to roll his eyes as he murmured, "Yeah I knew you weren't going to like that answer."

"Come on, your...friend told me we need to get to the ruins before the moon reach its highest point." Twilight said in a bitter tone. She began to walk towards the entrance of the forest and once she was next to Omega she added. "Just to be clear, I'm nothing like you."

Omega raised a curious eyebrow at Twilight as she passed by, "I never implied that you were." He started to follow the cranky unicorn. “Besides, you would’ve made one lousy Chaos Knight; you don’t have any sense of humor.” With that witty remark, Omega and Twilight entered the Everfree Forest.


The creaking of wood and the dancing of leaves to a beat of the swaying wind rattled throughout the air in the forest. Twilight and Omega were walking down a rough dirt road when they reached the edge of a cliff. There was a road that continued going down alongside the cliff, but along the way there was a big gap where the road had fallen apart nearly two years ago. Twilight simply teleported herself across to the other side while Omega scuffled his feet deftly on the side of a narrow road that was still holding on to the cliff. After that they hastily, but carefully, made their way down into a small valley wedged between two hills. Twilight took some time tp carefully look for any trouble in the area. The last time she was here, a Manticore had attacked her and her friends.

No trouble came and Twilight lead Omega into an area where the trees were thick and blocked much of the moon’s light. Twilight used her horn as a light source and was softly singing a soothing melody out loud.

“Giggle at the ghostly, guffaw at the grossly...”

“What’s that you’re singing?” Omega asked.

“A song one of my friends made, it helps me keep calm in places like this.” Twilight answered as she stepped over an exposed tree root.

“A little too old to be afraid of the dark aren’t we?” He quipped.

Twilight gave him a warning looking. “I’m not afraid of the dark, it just that the forest makes me uneasy.”

“One day you’re going to learn what sarcasm really means,” Omega dolefully stated. “And what makes this forest so creepy? So far it looks pretty much like a normal old forest to me.”

“Just about everything in the forest. The plants grow on their own, animals take care of themselves, and clouds move without pony intervention. It’s not natural. Plus, considering the variety of dangerous creatures that could tear us limb from limb, I have every right to be a bit nervous.”

Omega stopped in his tracks, looking at Twilight in disbelief. “The second part I understand, the first however...” Omega waved his hands in the air, dismissing his thought. “No, I’m not even going to try to argue with what you just said.”

Twilight stopped and gave Omega a perplexed look. She was about to question Omega’s last statement, but the last thing she wanted to hear in the forest then cried out into the air.


Twilight’s eyes shrank as she rapidly searched for the source of the Timberwolves’s howl.


This cry came from a different direction and fear was starting to sink into Twilight’s heart. “Timberwolves! We need to get out of here fast.” She exclaimed as she continued to walk briskly along. A white transparent wall materialized right in front of her, blocking her path.

“Not so faster there Speedy. The first wolf was telling our location, and the second wolf was saying it was going to bring its pack to surround us. Running would be a very bad idea.”

Twilight looked back at Omega. His arm was stretched out covered in a white aura and he was scoping out the area. “You understood that?”

Omega reached his other hand down to his deck, opening it and pulling out five cards. “Being a part of the canine family has its perks. Now stay closed to me. They’re going to be here at any moment.” He took a quick glanced at the cards in his hand then back out, keeping an eye out for any trouble.

Twilight looked at Omega like if he was crazy. “Are you insane!? We can’t fight them. If you knock them apart they just rebuild themselves. We need to get out of here.”

Omega gave a puzzling looked at Twilight. “What do you mean, aren’t they just like normal wolves?”

“Not unless the wolves from your world are made out of wood and can instantly repair themselves whenever you break them apart.”

Omega blinked in amusement. “Wow, your world takes the word Timberwolves literally.”


The roar of the Timberwolves was close; causing both Twilight and Omega's heads to look into the dark woods. “Don’t worry, I've fought with creatures like those before and I have three cards that will help me in the fight.” Omega gave an appraising smile at Twilight. “And thanks for that little bit of info. I was a bit confused as to why I was given this particular set of cards.” There was a sound of paws pounding the ground. “Now get over here before they do.”

Twilight stopped a moment to consider her options before sprinting towards Omega. “I hope you know what you’re doing!”

“Don’t worry I’m always quick on my...,” Omega’s face froze. In a quick fluid motion he pulled one of his cards out of his hands and flung it to his right side, creating a tall energy barrier. A second later a single Timeberwolf crashed onto the barrier, causing Twilight to let out a small yelp of surprised. Right at the moment the Timberwolf was sliding down the barrier, Omega gave a small magical push with his hand, causing the card to disintegrate which made the barrier exploded with great force. The Timberwolf’s body instantly fell apart as it flew back into the darkness, with some of its body's small pieces of wood shattering into dozens of splinters.

Two more Tmberwolves leapt out from the shadows and quickly circled the pony and the fox. They rumbled out low growls as a green foul smelling mist exited from their mouths. Twilight recoiled from the horrendous odor while Omega just grabbed hold of another card. He twirled the card making it faced down to the ground and activated it. Fire sprouted up from the ground and surround Omega and Twilight, forming a ring of fire. Twilight’s whole body flinched when the flame almost touched her and the two Timberwolves became a lot more hesitant to approach the flaming circle. However, Omega acted quickly, flinging another card at one of the wolves, embedding it in its chest, and running through the wall of fire towards the other wolf.

The Timberwolf was caught off guard, but it bared its teeth and charged forth at Omega. As the two collided, the wolf lunged its teeth at Omega, which he easy evaded by stepping to the side. Omega held out a card that brushed against the wolf’s body as it flew by. Dozens of small flashes of light danced through the wolf’s body, as if a dozen firecrackers were going off all at once. The wolf’s eyes grew large in surprised and, the moment it touched down on the ground, its body fell apart into a neat pile of cut wood.

Omega smiled at his handy work, but Twilight cried out, “Behind you!” Omega spun around and held out his free hand. It glowed in a white aura as well as the card on the Timberwolf who was soaring through the air at Omega. The Timberwolf whole body halted midair as if gravity was no longer working. The Timberwolf desperately waved its forelegs, trying to grab the ground beneath it, to no avail.

“Thought I’d forgot about you eh?” Omega mischievously stated out as he walk towards the floating wolf. The wolf’s head tilted up at Omega, and Twilight saw something see'd never seen in a Timberwolf's eyes before. Fear. “Sadly for you, you have been affected by one of my favorite cards.” Omega pointed two fingers down and the wolf’s body plummeted towards the ground. The wolf’s body slammed hard into the ground and was being kept down by some invisible force. “You see, its so tempting for me to do very nasty things to you. For instance I can increase the pressure on you a thousand fold, crushing you into a flat piece of plywood, or I can send you sky-bloody-high and let gravity have its way with you.”

The wolf whimpered as it tried to beg Omega not to do any of those things. “But, I have another idea to try out.” Omega pointed his two fingers at the wall of fire and the Timberwolf’s body slowly began to move towards it. In a dark voice he asked, “How do you feel on becoming a campfire tonight?”

The wolf’s whimpers grew louder as it now desperately dug its claws into the earth, trying to stop itself from sliding closer to the fire. But its speed never changed. The wolf got closer and closer until its front claws were mere inches away from the wall when it stopped moving. “If you don’t like that idea then I have good suggestion for you.” Omega walked up to the wolf and leaned down to one of its ears and softly whispered, “Run.” The glow around the wolf’s body vanished and the wolf instantly bolted away from the fire and ran back into the woods with any hesitation.

Twilight watched in awe as the Timbewolf ran away in fear, a rare sight to see. The wall of fire that was surrounding her died down as Omega materialized right in front of her. “Well that was fun,” he said cheerfully.

MLP: Friendship is Magic is copyright to Hasbro. All characters that belong to their company are rightfully theirs.
Omega and anything related to him comes out of my head.This writing is for fun and nothing else.