Nightmare Moon Before Halloween

by Experimenteer

First published

Nightmare Moon meets Jack

Nightmare Moon found herself on a different town, only to decide that she could take charge as the Spirit of Halloween.

(Take note, this shall be in poem form)

Part 1

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Nightmare Moon before Halloween

Deep in the woods were animal’s fray,
and the sound of unknown prey.
Gazed the moon a mare stood still,
feeling weak and dull.
She was dark and mystique with blue armour wear
Nightmare Moon was she called.
She was tired and despise her rightly name.

“I’m sick of all the fright and the sheer of terror,
I’m done with my ways and all of my error.
I’m bored with this place of shrouding the night,
And my head is sore from using my might.
I don’t like how things work, I need something new,
There’s must be more than reigning,

Hiding from the trees, with whispering intent,
Came a softer, spectral, serenic event.
It was a little ghost dog, with a faint little bark,
And a jack-o'-lantern nose that glowed in the dark.
Nightmare Moon gasped, her eyes weren’t fooled,
To feel his ghostly slime that he likely drooled.

“What is this? That’s something new,
For surely I haven’t seen anything like you.”
The ghostly dog barked and spinned around the mare,
Barking happily, with a cheery care.
She was silent in shock by what had transpire,
For the ghostly dog wasn’t afraid of her wicked desire.

The dog quickly depart and blitz away,
Nightmare followed and strided.
She was completely dismay.
She goes into the depth to chase such creature,
To discover something else of an amazing feature.
Upon a distant near, she spotted something new,
Of four unlikely doors of a brownley hue.
Stood with amazement as she stood with content,
Her gaze was centered by one special door.
Cautious and unsure, with slightly sense of excite,
Nightmare Moon opened to meet a spooky, terrifying night.

Nightmare didn’t know, but she was in a different place,
When she opened her eye she couldn’t tell where to trace.
There was something different, something new in store,
In the land that was filled, with horrific galore.
Upon her explore she spotted a brand,
where it shown an unlikely name,
In the town of Halloweenland.

Confused and stirred, her gaze spotted the snout,
The canine’s reddish glow that greatly sprout.
Deeper he went into the town he flown,
That leaves a pause by the great unknown.
Nightmare didn’t know or what to expect,
But she went along on this appointed track.
Whispering winds that hailed with a voice,
For she finally feels to regret,
That she made a terrible choice.

Through the fields a figure quickly stand,
Had a skeletal body and a skinny bland.
It was hooked on a pole and had a sign:
“Welcome to Halloween of all my design!”
Nightmare pondered on this silly message,
Soundly strange and quite frankly,
A humorous dosage.
She strided forth along to not notice a thing,
Till the skeleton turned and stare with an unlikely bring.

At the instant, Nightmare twisted to spot,
When she fired her ray, with a powerful shot.
Exploded by impact, the skeleton suddenly leaped,
With a gleeful smile as he presented:
“Who's there that’s making such offense?
Why you attack with such expense?”

Slightly paused by his slippery talk,
Nightmare countered with a slightly mock:
“It is you who should answer and not I,
For I came to this land and exploring nearby.
I am Nightmare Moon, the mare in the night,
For I come to explore the land and of Halloween sight,”

The skeleton rubbed his chin and obsessively wondered,
For he’d never heard such name and not even to ponder.
For he extended his hand as a peaceful offer,
With a warmly smile that compares her flatter.
“A strangely name to call on such a lonely night,
For your present reveals a gruesome fright”
Nightmare returned, shaking with a firmly grip
As the skeleton introduced himself, with a scary trick.

Nightmare covered and gasped by such magic,
For a cloud soon roll in, the skeleton shrouded.
When the smoke was clear to such reveal,
Of his blacken suit, with such appeal.
“My name is common throughout the land,
My bones quite rattle as I take out my hand.
I am the king of the patch, the pumpkin that lack,
My name is quite simple, the name’s Skellington, Jack.”

Days went by with their unlikely meet,
The two would discuss on their likely feat.
For Nightmare compare of Skellington’s pain,
Of the days before that were likely to stain.
She met different things that she could not understand,
With ghouls and monsters that are showing to blend.
Fazed to believe that such land existed,
For truly it was a wonder for all who visited.

On one fateful night, an idea was sprung,
in time of Halloween Eve.
Nightmare greatly thought about a plan,
But not wicked deed, but something grand.
Unsure on how Jack would react by her claiming mean,
For she desired and wanted, to be the Spirit of Halloween.

Nightmare asked in instant and not a moment to spare,
Which left Jack speechless and stun without compare.
He remembered a familiar stage, from not long ago,
When he desire upon the Christmas role.
His skeletons fingers, tapping by such confession,
Jack stood and sighed,
He came with a decision.

“I knew this day would come,
For I see in your eyes that you wanted it so,
To be the Spirit of Halloween is not an easy role,
Will you meet the condition to achieve such goal?”

Nightmare nodded, ferocious for sure,
She would give anything else to attain such leisure.
She stood with pride and a heart of gold,
For she would be bless by the skeleton’s hold.
With a promise to bear, she must make a swear,
Upon to Jack himself,
To be decent and fair.
Gathered around by Jack’s notable peers,
They watched in silent, with urging cheer.
As Jack would recite,
And would gladly suspect,
That Nightmare heart was fill with excite.

“By the words of darken void, I shall give you this title,
To bear the Spirit of Halloween and all such partial.
Arise, mare of the night, arise and be what you are,
For you are Nightmare Moon, the fright of midnight star."

Part 2

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Nightmare Moon Before Halloween - Part 2

In the magical land of Equestria,
and the sound of such hysteria.
Prepared the event of fullest of eves,
with candies galore and tricks at scheme.
Once a year on such horrible fright,
A celebration was held on occasional night,
For Nightmare Night was soon to arrive,
Of an evening that they would never forget.

From a small little village, with a silent little wonder,
Came a village called Ponyville and my what such color.
Streamers and masks and costumes so vast,
Of the oncoming event of such widely cast.
Upon the center in the middle square,
Stood a large tree that look very rare.
Inside the home came two little subject,
Where Twilight discusses her costume addict.

"I'm telling you, Spike, it isn't what you think!
My costume is great, it does not stink.
I choose this wear for my nightly eve,
Instead of something else that I mostly believe.
Now get this right and let me tell you again,
For I am Wooden Toast the horsepony! (Norseman)"

Spike greatly yawned and bored to death,
For he cannot stand,
Of her every breath.
"I don't know, Twilight, it look the same,
The costume from last year was really lame.
It should be cool and something awesome,
Instead of picking the same old fashion."

Twilight puffed in denial to admit,
For her costume was great and quite perfect.
She studied hard and decided to wear,
As she chooses this one as simple as fair.
Spike shook his head and tidied his costume,
For his style was greater than her assumption.
Wrapped in a finely suit, with a cute little hat,
For he was born a prince,
on midnight's flat.

About to be ready and getting out,
when all of a sudden,
came a sudden knock.
Twilight called and opened the door,
To gazed a pink little mare, wearing a condor.
"How do you do, Twilight. Do you have a moment or two,
For its time again and without further ado.
This is going to be spectacular on Nightmare Night,
For the treats were set and prepared such delight."

Twilight nodded and agreed on every way,
For the time was special since last year parade.
"I've no doubt in mind that the night would be special,
For Princess Luna will arrive on exquisite cradle."

Pinkie paused and scratched her head,
For Twilight spoke strangely without comprehend.
"Cradle? Now that's a funny way to say?
Could have done better than to spray"
Twilight was confused and couldn't understand,
But Pinkie surely knows how to make a grand.
"Strangely words to rhyme on Luna's chariot,
It should be something more, it needs to be edit,
Oops. look at the time, I gotta take my split,
It's been nice knowing ya you two as I gotta skit."

Twilight raised to question and more than ever,
For she was lost upon Pinkie's silly laughter.
Before she could ask or stuttered to make,
The pink little mare hopped away, searching for some cake,
"Now that was weird. I wonder what she meant,
I didn't say anything funny or my accent."

"Now's not the time, Twi, we need to go,
Before the candies are gone and all its cargo."
So Spike went off in such a hurry,
Leaving Twilight alone, fazed and flurried.
The holiday cheer was growing, with such number,
For she continues on,
Hoping once more,
That this holiday would be a popular drawn.

Funny Moment's with the Poet

"Pinkie Pie, why you ruining the fun,
Can't you see it's hard to make a storyrun?"
Explaining the ways through the fourth wall,
Can't you wait until the next install?"

"Now where's the fun in that? Where's the excitement in that!
You can't control the storm of such crazy judgement
The party is getting bigger and I wanted a show,
To present my laughter and say all a fine hello."

The poet sighed and rubbed his eye,
For the truth in all,
That he cannot lie.
He wished it was simple, but cannot be done,
When the pink little mare could make it all undone.
"Your making this difficult and the viewers to doubt.
I need to finish this story soon before time runs out.
Understand I will fit your role and all such goal,
But let me finish this one for the next scenic stroll."

Pinkie smiled, with a greatly fever,
For she hugged the poet and speak in gibber.
"Okay smartypants, I'll play your game,
But at least can I say a few good thing."

The Poet nodded, allowing her to speak,
But what had he done,
Would spell a disastrous bleak.
"Hey pony fans to all such kind,
My name is Pinkie and I can read your mind.
Hope to see you on chapter 3,
So stay all frosty and be as frilly as you can be!"

"...thank you, Pinkie Pie, you speech was well noted,
For now I say to you that this chapter has ended."

Part 3

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Nightmare Moon Before Halloween - Part 3

On the night where ponies would wander,
With their costumes and all such wonder.
The Halloween's eve was filled with delight,
Where spooky monsters may linger from hidden sight.
Upon the stroll on a festive party,
Twilight was her name, along with Spike,
Exploring the fun of Nightmare fright.

"Come on Spike, don't be greedy,
There's plenty of fun, stop being choosy.
There's candy in sight from every corner,
So don't rush onto things without my order.
I know your excited of one particular rare,
So don't get your hopes up to meet your

Spike didn't listen for he was focus on front,
He still couldn't wait for his special stunt.
To impress a Lady, with a powerful trick,
That would surely steal the heart of basic.
The night was growing as more ponies linger,
Going door to door and shouting:
Give us something sweeter.
Upon they arrive on a fashionable house,
Where little Rare was prepared to set and out.

Spike was nervous like a torrential fall,
He couldn't stand straight or get together at all.
He took one step back to where he came,
That was when Twilight arrived to stop his claim.
"What if she doesn't like it," Spike quickly asked.
"Would she get angry after my act?
Oh what should I do, what word to speak,
Can't you do it, Twi and help my bleak."

Twilight shook his head and with good reason,
For it was all up to Spike to deal such season.
Though in her gut she wanted to assist,
But in her heart, she knew couldn't insist.

Spike was shoved in front of the door,
With inhaling breath, he gave three knocking roar.
A looming silent that breeze of Nightmare eve,
With gates been open for him to relieve.
There in his sight stood a majestic creature,
With a purple mane and extensive feature.
Sapphire eyes that glued upon the little dragon,
Sweating profusely and quickly sunken.
"Hello, Rarirty. How nice to see you,
Hope I didn't mean to intrude,
I have something to show you,
It wouldn't less than a--"

"Hold on a second, Spike. I have no time for that,
I have a busy schedule to keep up and track.
But I promise you I will see your show,
Now excuse me, for I have to go."
Rarity rushed and headed away,
Leaving Spike alone,
With disappointing dismay.
For Spike had the chance to steal her heart,
Now he has to do again, from the very start.

"I'm sorry Spike, I know you wanted it bad,
Guess Rarity was busy with all the business she had.
Guess we know why she couldn't attend the event,
For she was busy making costumes content."

Spike sighed and admitted to fact,
For his time was too soon to make an act.
For now, at least, he still have the time,
To propose his feelings to the Rare of prime.

Part 4

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Nightmare Moon Before Halloween - Part 4

The gang was gathered and enjoying the night,
Without Rarity to gloat or Flutter's excite.
With Rainbow Dash's costume of Wonderbolt admit,
But the most shocking of all was Applejack's fit.
Coated surprisingly in a fitting dress,
She amazed the gang, with her finely crest.
The apple sign of gold upon her chest,
That glittered and shined than the rest.

"Wow Applejack, I never suspect of that,
Your costume is simply amazing, but where is your hat?"
Applejack stuttered and looked away,
Which result a suspicious for Twilight to fray.
"I sense something wrong in this picture,
Don't tell me you lose a bet to some bicker?"

"I couldn't tell a lie, but in truth that's not the case,
I was forced of doing because I lost to a race.
Now I have to wear, this slinky style,
Till the time is over for awhile."

Gathered the ponies they did to the village hall,
Where they waited silently for the arriving call.
As the night went dim, the moon shall be bright,
To hail the Nightmare, of eve's of fright.
The gang was here and upon the wake,
To witness the skies of midnight take.
Time had arrived and settled on stage,
With her wings be spread and a bluish wage.
The Princess of Night, the cause of holiday,
She stood as proud as ever, like it was her birthday.
The applauding cheer instead of fear,
Of a ponies love that brought a tear.

"Welcome my subject of all pony kind,
I thank you all for the warmly refine.
I know it must be a lot for all to come,
So I appreciate you all for your patience blossom.
Here again I find this place wanting,
For there is nothing else to start,
You all make me proud and happy
For I cannot return of such part.
But enough of me or my frilly glee, I need to make a show,
So enjoy everypony of my great wonders of flow."

Her wings assailed and leaped into height,
She sailed above the glorious night.
With a flicker of light from her glowing horn,
Constructed the stars, with a greatly worn.
The stars were traced and aligned on track,
To reveal such art that ended with sight.
With crystal show, refracted from light,
It revealed to all, a merry good night.

The ponies were cherished by her generous act,
For they have never seen or how to react.
Speechless bound and heart been skipped,
To gaze the stars of dancing blitz.
Twilight was glued, sold by such sight,
But something else was stirring in the night.
Arrived a shadow, with quicken pace,
That block the moon, the stars and of Luna's trace.
Instant shock that drove the ponies to fear,
For they were starting to feel queasy and to grimly hear.
Out from the darkness, arrived a familiar doom.
To spotted the traces of Nightmare Moon.

Part 5

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Nightmare Moon Before Halloween - Part 4

High from the tower in Halloweenland,
Laid a skeleton that gazed from the window stand.
Jack was his name, the king of pumpkin patch,
For he was impatient and fool of being attach.
His power, his title and his lovely game,
All given to a mare, with a silly name.
Hopeful to wish that she would reign,
For if not then it would be a similar pain.

Nightmare Moon made a dramatic entrance,
That blew the ponies with a stunning trance.
She curled once more to show her glee,
Which the crowd were stumbled and to flee.
Her eyes was planted at Twilight and her gang,
For she knew very well,
That she would go and tattletale.
Nightmare was ready, not fooling twice,
For she brought a band from the nether-vice.

Monsters and ghouls and witches appeared,
Along with ghosts and skeletons that Nightmare unleashed.
They haunted the village, with common zeal,
That the ponies were stunned that it was real.
Every house and under your bed,
A monster shall lurk, with pointed teeth and glowing red.
Every house and under your stair,
A monster shall hid, with spiders as his hair.
Even the breeze that blew was calling,
Shouting out "Who's there?"
That the ponies were startled when it blew their hair(mane).

Exempted they fuel, with bellowing screech,
When Nightmare Moon stood, with a firmly speech:
"Fillies and colts of every age,
Don't you love to see something strange.
Witness it all for you will see,
That Nightmare Moon shall return your festive glee.
Villagers of Ponyville,
Bear witness as such,
For my artful design and my gentle touch.
For this time of night would never forget,
Of Halloween days and nightly beset.

A tree that walked with bones that dangled,
That sing its song that skeletons followed.
All such horror exist on one single night,
To give it all and work, with torrential fright.
Darken skies that glowed from above,
That shrouded the land with an ominous moon.
For Twilight and her gang must solved such grimly dilemma,
And turned away from chaos and horror's drama.

Part 6

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Nightmare Moon Before Halloween - Part 6

The night had grown cold in such unlikely event,
Where monsters had come to make a scary content.
The brighten moon where stars to glitter to hope,
Were shrouded beneath the stain to deal such cope.
Twilight must find a solution, an action be haste,
For Ponyville was soon to cover in a horror's paste,
With a few of friends to deal such rough,
For the journey ahead will be tough.

"What are we doing? We should stand up and fight?
Why are we running from their sight?
We should help the others instead to run,
We should find a way to return Luna and the rightful sun!"
Rainbow Dash was bold but too much of proud,
For she could not bear to see that it shroud.

Beneath the shadow where monsters lied,
Laid a sinister creature that it linger to hide.
Beyond the horror that darkness would bring,
Laid something more that many should cling.
A size of great that spew of rife,
That demand the depths to a scary life.
With razor sharp claws and a horrible smile,
Of his glowing eyes that stretch a mile.

The gang was frozen and demand such cause,
But Twilight could only stare, silently paused.
The monster was large, larger than the rest,
That stand their way in a bigger test.
"Go on, Twilight, we'll cover your back,
Just find a way to stop the attack!"
Apple and Dash stood their ground,
While Pinkie and Spike distract the creature around.

Twilight was grateful and speed without a second,
For Ponyville had grown chaotic, like Discord's obsession.
She wondered into her home, but was quickly cut short,
For the another figure arrived with a disturbing snort.
The creature was not a pony, that Twilight understood,
For it was tall and stout that was made of wood.
Its head had spun, without pain or ache,
For it show two mirrors of love and hate.

Twilight backed away and headed off,
Into the forest of dark to hear their scoff.
Ignored all the way, she went deeper still,
To find something different and a corpsely fill.

Part 7

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Nightmare Moon Before Halloween - Part 7

Upon the way that Twilight would see,
Was a strange looking doll and all its glee.
In a path of a darkly trail,
Twilight was bound and in stutter pale.
The ragged doll was alive and well,
For she made a smile, that something to tell.

"Don't be afraid my little dear, I won't do no harm,
For I came to see your world and its charm.
And I admit I was stun by such duty,
For everything was colourful and beauty."

Twilight was caught from her sensation,
For the doll was moving and without explanation.
There was no chance in way for her to admit,
For she would bet on her bit.
Snapping from reality, she turned to her attention,
To stop a nightmare obsession.

"I have no time to listen, I must help my friends,
I cannot stay here much longer, there so much things to do.
I must stop Nightmare Moon and her monster's pal,
Before she takes over Ponyville town."

The lively doll that called Sally by right,
As she shook her hood,
Denying such blight.
"You must be mistaken, must be in fact,
For Nightmare Moon is no threat, there is no evil act.
Alone and lost, she needed some help,
So Jack lend a hand to begin her step."

Twilight stuttered and completely appall.
That Nightmare Moon had friends at all.
Possible to why the monsters afoot,
Was because she needed some friends, that Twilight had put.
"Please you have to listen, their must be a mistake,
For your friend has cast a horrible wake.
Even as we speak, they ravage and roam,
Scaring the young and old from their home."

Sally shook once more, but added with a sense,
For the world was too kind and not so intense.
"But you should not worry a thing,
For the monsters only wanted to scare, its a joyful bring.
And surely they aren't mean."

Twilight could not stand, unwilling no more,
While her friends and others were played like toys galore.
"This cannot be stand, I step down my hoof,
There must be a way to stop this turning aloof.
Who is this Jack that you imply?
Is he your friend from the other side."

Sally blushed, with a slight little hue,
For she was embarrass to express her truly due.
Jack was kind and strong, the king of Pumpkin patch,
For surely she could help this little mare to ease such batch.
"He is more than a friend there is no doubt,
But he given his promise, I'm afraid there's now way out.
For a single night, her reign will continue as plan,
But, there maybe a way to alter her likely grand..."

Part 8 - The End

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Nightmare Moon before Halloween - The End

Between the land of mystic ware,
laid a nightmare that roamed, with such scare.
In a town that was ravish beyond such fright,
that feel the horrors to bear.
Nightmare Moon proud and tall,
for her dreams were come true at last.

"Fear and hail my wonderful subject,
For I, Nightmare Moon, shall carry your verdict.
Here you shall see, the constant anew,
That even the sun and moon would have the time to argue.
I am your spirit, in these time of festive fright,
For I am Halloween and Nightmare of

Abrupt by her speech and pause to glimpse,
Laid a familiar sight of bones and skinny limp.
The monster were instantly stopped in gaze,
To find themselves to be quite amaze.
For appear in front, with a skeletal track,
For his name was familiar, by the sound of...

"Jack? What are you doing here at this time of day?"
Is there something that you want to say?"
Jack coughed and heave a sigh,
For his balance was crooked at evening nigh.
He was crumbled to slouch and hard to stand,
For he was not Jack at all, but some crazy plan.
Beneath from cover, lies a mare in sight,
With Sally to join the evening delight.

The imposter Jack, with bones slightly out of place,
started to speak, with a poor, cheesy and oddly replace:
"My dear, my friend, why you make such a mess?
Your ruining the fun and starting to obsess.
Return all the ghouls and witches and many more,
And return the ways to simple galore."

Though Nightmare listen to surrender such trance,
Another mare, with googly eyes, that lost their chance.
In her wings that fall into an awful crash,
That knock Jack off its bones and its strings attach.
Their plan was quickly foil, more Twilight to worry,
For Nightmare discover that Jack was a bogy.
Nightmare yell, "You cannot stop me; your tricks will not fool,
For I am Halloween and Nightmare of nightly cool."
Then a small glowing light that pierced the darkness.
With her wings that spread to deal the crisis,
Who could it be? ...It was Celestia, the light of fullness.

"That's far enough, Nightmare Moon, your time has come,
For you and your monsters that all have succumb."

With a wave of light her rays were bright as stream,
That foiled Nightmare's reign and shattered her dream.
As Nightmare was down, crumbling from the count,
Then was heard, "Don't you hurt her, you evil trout!"

'Twas by many that heed her call,
Where monsters were gathered and stood rather tall,
From werewolves to skeletons' bones,
To horrid slimes that slightly from another zone.
They gathered and helped the mare of the moon,
For the time was not over, not yet too soon.
The voice came from a little mummy,
Whose wraps were tangled, calling Nightmare her mommy
"Don't you harm her, don't you even dare,
She has enough pain that is too much to bear.
Can't you see that she wanted to change,
Why must you disrupt such arrange."
The moon that shone from midnight cascade,
That made Celestia turned and dismayed.
For once more another repeat of pain,
When she cast her sister, with heart in stain.

Nightmare pulled herself up, with friends of her own,
And from there she reviewed that her dream was blown.
Then at last the light arrived its morning dawn,
For Nightmare Moon and Jackies peers were lastly sawn.
"I thought I be the Spirit of Halloween, I had such belief.
Nightmare laid down and filled with great grief.
Unable to bear, she was stained with fear,
Then at long last she crumbled and shed into tear.
As Nightmare Moon crumbled on the ground.
She suddenly heard a familiar sound.

"My dear Nightmare Moon," said Jack, "I applaud your wondrous role,
And I know you follow the steps of scaring, that was a noble goal.
Don't feel bad about today and don't be so blue,
For you did very well and did exactly what you do.
Understand, my little moon, that being Halloween is not for you,
But you indeed an excellent job that only could do a few.
So for now I must depart, its very nice to meet,
Take care Nightmare Moon, for I shall fleet.
Faded through the shadow and with a wink of an eye,
He said at last, "Happy Halloween," and he bid her goodbye.

Back through the woods, Nightmare felt gloom, but then, with such hysteria,
Jack brought a howling flower in the land of Equestria.