> A Time To Remember > by ericpotter4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Doctor Arrives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful day in Equestria. Twilight was sitting in the shade reading, "Advanced Magic Grade 12." She was sipping some of Applejack's apple cider and listening to the birds chirp. Suddenly, she heard a sound. The TARDIS engines could be heard as they got louder and louder. Twilight looked up from her book. To her surprise, a giant blue box labeled "Police Box Public Call" was right in front of her. She got up and started to inspect it. There was a white panel on what she assumed was the front door. The sign said, "Push to open." She did as the sign said to so and almost passed out. It was BIGGER on on the INSIDE! There was a brown colt passed out near what Twilight assumed was the control console. She rushed to help him. When the colt woke up Twilight was staring at him, "Oh! You're awake!" she said as she moved closer to him. He seemed to be puzzled, "Y-You're a... a horse!" He said with fear in his voice. "The term is 'Pony' and you're one too. The colt looked at what used to be his hands. "I have hooves. Fascinating... Please let me introduce myself. I am The Doctor." "Pleasure to meet you Doctor." "You wouldn't happen to know where my TARDIS is would you? It's a big blue box and it lets me travel through time and space. I'm a time traveler by the way. Oh boy am I rambling. Does your species have names? Whats your name?" "We do have names, and my name is Twilight Sparkle. And yes, I did see your blue box. You arrived in it when you came here. Do you want to go where I found you?" "Oh yes I would love to do that. Allons-y!" "Excuse me? Allons-y?" "Yes. It's a term I use. It means 'lets go'." "Oh okay then, Allons-y!" They started to head where the TARDIS had landed and where Twilight had found The Doctor. Twilight was asking The Doctor lots of questions,"So, where are you from?" The Doctor smiled, "I'm from a planet called Gallifrey. It's where my people, the Timelords originate." "Whats Gallifrey like? "Well, it has a brilliant bright orange sky at night, the red grass is the softest you could ever imagine. The cities, oh the cities were in large time lock bubbles. We had two suns and the second sun would rise in the south and the mountains would shine. Gallifrey was beautiful." "If it was so beautiful, then why did you leave?" "A species called the Daleks invaded our planet. Killing everyone, I tried to stop it, but i couldn't. I had to watch my species die right in front of me. I am the last timelord" "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. How old are you?" "Nine-hundred-two years old" "But you look so young!" "That's the beauty of being a timelord. When we are about to die, we sort of cheat death in a way. We do this thing called regeneration. It's when, you keep all of your memories, but you get a new body. Oh! I think I see it up ahead. They walked over to the TARDIS. The Doctor opened the doors and stepped inside his TARDIS'S orange and green interior. He saw something he almost forgot about. > Onward to Gargameth! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Doctor tried to figure out how to hold his sonic screwdriver. He finally gave up and resorted to holding it with his teeth."Doctor," said Twilight,"you have a horn, you can just levitate... whatever that is." The Doctor looked befuddled. He pressed a button on the TARDIS console. A mirror popped out and The Doctor examined his face,"So I do! Tell me, what is that mark doing there on my rear end?" The Doctor was looking at it suspiciously. Twilight exclaimed, "It's your cutie mark! Everypony has one except the foals. It describes your special talent. Mine is a symbol of magic because I am very skilled in magic." The Doctor looked delighted."So this hourglass must mean that I am skilled with time." The Doctor was still looking at his rear. "I guess so," said Twilight as she looked around the interior of the TARDIS. "What spell did you use to make it bigger on the inside?" The Doctor looked into her eyes, "Where I come from, we don't use magic, we use science." Twilight's eyes were twinkling."Oh wow! Science!" The Doctor Smiled and appeared to be in deep thought. Then, he finally said to Twilight, "How would you like to be my companion and go on adventures with me?" Twilight immediately jumped up and said, "I'd love to!" "Okay then," said The Doctor, "Next stop: Gargameth! It's number three on the list of awesome planets to go to." Twilight asked," Why don't we just go to number one?" The Doctor looked at her with a stern face and then chuckled," Everyone goes to chanchor! Thats what makes it boring. Why not go to Gargameth? Mix things up a little." "Okay, I guess." The Doctor started to do his magic to the TARDIS. Sparks flew and the engine roared to life. They had arrived. Twilight blacked out. When she woke up, she felt... different. She put her hoof up to her head. Then she noticed that her hoof was a hand. She looked down at the rest of her body. She had on clothes too. What appeared to be a purple blazer, a pink shirt, a lavender skirt with her cutie mark on the side, and a pair of purple stockings. She looked at The Doctor. He was reading Twilight's book of magic she had brought with her. He also looked different. He had on a tan sports coat, a red bow tie, black dress pants, and hair down to his forehead. The Doctor noticed that Twilight was awake. "Oh you're up! I was starting to worry." "Wha-What happened to me?" The Doctor came up to her and said,"The TARDIS detected my genetic code when we traveled, but a few things were different. While we were traveling, it changed my genetic code back into a timelord other than a pony. It must have just turned all ponies in the TARDIS into timelords to save energy rather than just do my specific code. I am so, so sorry." Twilight smiled. "Are you kidding me? I've read so much about humans, I've always wanted to be one!" The Doctor corrected her, "Timelord. You're a Timelord like me." Twilight was almost jumping with joy when she hear that she was a timelord. "That makes it even better! I can live forever like you!" The Doctor frowned, "I won't live forever, Timelords can only regenerate a certain amount of times. It is uncertain, but some speculate around twenty to thirty times." "Well, how many times have you regenerated?" "Ten, I'm the eleventh incarnation of myself." "You still have plenty of regenerations left." "True, but enough talk. Lets open those doors and have ourselves an adventure!" The Doctor opened the doors to the TARDIS, bumped into a metal object, and fell over. The metal object shouted," THE DOCTOR HAS ARRIVED! EXTERMINATE!" > DALEKS!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Doctor had a look of fear in His eyes. The Daleks were on Gargameth. "I've defeated you time and time again, and I can defeat you this time!" The green Dalek stood there, thinking. Twilight, shivering with fear asked The Doctor, "THOSE are the Daleks?" The Doctor replied, " Yes that is a Dalek. The most feared species in the entire universe. Bent on destroying everything non-Dalek." "COME WITH ME OR BE EXTERRMINATED!" The Doctor and Twilight did as the Dalek instucted. When they got to the Dalek Base camp, The Doctor was greeted with a familiar face. "Davros. So you've returned. You've been alive far too long." "I would say the same for you Doctor. Daleks! Put them in their confinement rooms" "YES LORD DAVROS" Four of the Daleks emerged from the group and pushed them to their jail cell. "YOU WILL GET IN THE CELL." The Doctor and Twilight were shoved into the cell. The Daleks closed the door, and The Doctor started waving a strange metal rod at the door. Twilight wondered what he was doing. "DRAT! They sonic proofed the door! Now we have to think of a way to get out! Any ideas?" "Wait, wait wait...sonic proof? What does that mean?" "It means we can't use the sonic to open this door." "And what is the sonic exactly?" "Sonic is what I call this nifty device called a sonic screw driver. It makes a noise when I press this button." He pointed to a button and pressed it. It started glowing green and making a high pitched noise. "It opens doors and hacks into mainframes. It gives me a diagnosis of any disease. It can disarm a nuclear bomb, and it can tell me the exact species you are and what gender you are. It is the most important thing to me, and they sonic proofed the room!" "Okay then. What's with Davros, I mean, who is he?" "Davros is the creator of the dalek species. He is the most evil person aside from the daleks." "Ah okay" There was a long awkward silence. "Whats with the bow tie?" The Doctor Smiled "Bow ties are cool." Two weeks had passed. The Doctor appeared to be doing something with his head. He was putting both fingers on his head and seemed to be thinking. Hard. After a while, a small white cube formed. A few minutes later, there was a noise outside the door. The door opened. A figure stood there who was not a dalek. "Hello swetie!" > Escape! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- River appeared at the bars of the cell. She took out the Dalek guard earlier, and obtained the key doing so. "You need to stop getting into trouble" She looked at Twilight, " I see you've met another after what happened to poor old Clara. So sorry about her by the way." Twilight whispered to the Doctor, "What happened to Clara?" A look of grief struck the Doctor's face, "It's... hard to explain." Twilight looked at the Doctor, "Oh, sorry." A moment of silence swept the room. River broke the silence, "We'd better hurry, the other Daleks are bound to find out soon enough." Quickly, she tossed the dead Dalek out of its war machine, and got in it. It looked very strange. There were panels everywhere that said various things. There was a large monitor displaying a video feed from the eye stalk. She saw a button that stood out from the rest that said, "Exterminate." She then maneuvered a small joystick to move the body and she drove over to the cell door. She yelled out, "Watch out!" and with a bang, the door disintegrated. River climbed out to greet the Doctor and Twilight, and then they went to the main prison room. Twilight nearly fainted when she saw it. There must have been at least a millinillion cells there. It was the single largest room she had ever seen. Ever. If you looked in any direction, you would not be able to see the end of the room. It was about 100 meters across, and the cells were personal cells, unlike the one they were in. They dashed along a corridor, trying to be unseen, when they finally reached an exit. It was a bolted door with a large wheel in the middle to open it. The Doctor got an idea, "Stand back!: As he said that, he pointed his sonic at the door. "But Doctor, you said the doors were sonic proof," said Twilight, "What makes you think that will work?" The Doctor replied, "Luck" As he said that, the sonic made its familiar sonic sound and the door flew open, only to reveal a large ball with spikes on it hanging from the ceiling. Curious as to what it was, they went to the door, but it was quickly shut. There stood a large, red Dalek, "NOT SO FAST DOCTOR." Twilight had nearly fainted. The Doctor noticed that River had a smile on her face. "What are you doing? What's going on? DALEKS! What are you doing?" "Give me your sonic." "What?" "Give me your sonic." The Doctor gave River his sonic. "Stand back" "YOUR SILLY SONIC PROBE WILL NOT HARM ME" "Its sonic SCREWDRIVER!" Just as she said that the sonic went off and a rumble came from the door. A second later, the door blew off its hinges, taking the Dalek with it into the abyss. > Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the busy city of London, Rose Tyler sat in her bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about her adventures with The Doctor. She glanced at her multi-dimensional transporter that was busted. She got up and took the trolley to her fiance Mickey's house to see if he could fix it. "You're going to see that Doctor fellow again, aren't you?" "Mickey, it's so boring around here, I don't know what else to do." "Rose, the wedding is very soon." "It's next November. I've got plenty of time to adventure with The Doctor and be back in time for it." "Well alright. I'll have it fixed by next week sometime. I'll phone you." Rose left Mickey's house and went to the pub for a while. For some strange reason, she had the craving for fish fingers and custard, so that's what she ordered. She went home, turned on BBC news and went to sleep. A week later, Mickey rang up Rose, and she took the trolley to his place. "Well, you're all set, but there is still one little bug though, but it should sort itself out." "Thanks a million, Mickey." She put on the transporter and went to find The Doctor. > The Doctor Plus Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose appeared by the TARDIS just as The Doctor, Twilight, and River escaped from the facility. Rose looked around and opened the door. It was unlocked. When she went into the TARDIS, it looked completely different from when she used to ride in it. There was 3 big wheels on the top written in Gallifreyan. It also had a hexagonal console and lights on the wall. It was very different. The Doctor, Twilight, and River were running away from the Dalek base camp with the Daleks high on their tails. The Doctor spotted the parked TARDIS and he told the others to follow him. Once, they reached the doors, they frantically opened them, went in, and closed the doors shut behind them. The Doctor nearly fainted when he saw what was in front of him. Rose was sitting on one of the TARDIS chairs, playing Angry Birds on her iPhone. The Doctor was puzzled as to why Rose Tyler was here, but he quickly spotted the multi-dimensional transport on the console. "Rose. What are you doing here?' "My multi-dimensional transport, remember? I got Mickey to fix it." "Do you know what you just did by coming here?" "Well I know what you just did mister regeneration" "That was a long time ago, but you ripped a hole in the fabric of space!" "Oh relax, Doctor. If something bad was to happen don't you think it already would have?" "I suppose so." "Well I've got to say, I like the new TARDIS" Twilight and River exchanged confused glances. "Yes, well I got it from Frailigesh, they drive a hard bargain." "Oh I remember Frailigesh." She held up her hands to her head and made her ears look wider, "Those people right?" 'Yes, those people." There was a long moment of silence, then The Doctor went to the console and piloted the TARDIS to a familiar place... > Return to Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Doctor awoke in a haze. He rubbed his hoof on his head. Wait. Hoof? The Doctor panicked and saw that he was once again, a pony. He looked around the TARDIS and saw that everyone was a pony as well. The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS to look around. He went to Sugarcube corner, and got an ice cream sundae. After a few hours of The Doctor roaming the town, he went back to the TARDIS to find everyone had woken up and had realized they were ponies. Rose and River seemed to be the most shocked.Twilight seemed perfectly normal. She asked the Doctor why the outside was blue, "It’s camouflaged. It’s disguised as a police telephone box from 1963. Every time the TARDIS materializes in a new location, within the first nanosecond of landing, it analyses its surroundings, calculates a twelve-dimensional data map of everything within a thousand-mile radius and then determines which outer shell would best blend in with the environment.... and then it disguises itself as a police telephone box from 1963." Twilight laughed. There was a large noise coming from outside. There was also screaming. The Doctor told everyone to stay in the TARDIS while he checked things out. He opened the door a tiny bit, and he saw a giant hole in the sky that had not been there before. Something was coming out of the hole. Daleks. "Rose, you said you knew what you were doing with the transport!" "Sorry." The Daleks were flying everywhere, and Ponyville faced certain doom.