> Children of Primus > by noncommittal brony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Chance for Redemption > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots and the last surviving son of Primus. A legend in all galaxies. Many people described it differently. The weak and oppressed called him a savior and the only hope in such difficult times. Tyrants and dictators considered him a coward and a hypocrite. And the strong ones honored him with respect. Not many people knew his story. And his inner world remained a mystery even to the creatures closest to him. On the outside, he was a fearless leader whose goal was always to help his own people and those of others. However, inside... Pain. There is nothing but pain and fear of being rejected by your comrades again. A similar fear was caused by numerous betrayals from those whom he considered his allies, friends and even family. Megatron, the one he considered a brother, decided to start a war that lasted several thousand years. Sentinel Prime, who became his senior mentor and father, made a deal with the enemy behind his back. People, once allies, who hunted his species and disgraced the corpses of his friends. But even despite what happened, he fights for the peace of mankind. Once again risking his life and putting his comrades in danger. _______________________×××_______________________ Optimus dodged another asteroid in his path. More than two weeks passed after he left the earth. And his search for the so-called “creators” in space has reached a dead end.  However, this was not the only problem. The Last Prime felt his exhausted systems threatening to shut down at any moment.  It was clear that even if he managed to find Logdown’s employers, the descendant of Primus was unlikely to be able to give a worthy fight. After a few minutes of thought, the last Prime finally decided to allow himself to rest. Turning on the scanner, it scanned its next path. Having made sure that no other cosmic body is rushing towards him for the next ten kilometers, Prime, closing his optics, finally plunges into stasis. _______________________×××_______________________ "Wake up, young warrior." Lying in a green clearing, Optimus slowly opened his optics.  His gaze was immediately met by the blue sky, and a shadow loomed over him. "Hello Optimus." Despite his clearly vulnerable position, the last Prime was in no hurry to get off the ground. "Hello Prima. Did you want to talk to me about something?" Optimus was calm. This was not his first meeting with the Primes of the past. After his death at the hands of Megatron, his soul moved to a part of the Primes' forest. Where he met the first son of Primus and his brothers. Having learned from them about the prophecy and that he would soon be resurrected, Optimus began to wait. Along the way, he learned from the seven Primes about information from the past and about what could help him in the battle with the Fallen. "Yes, Optimus. I'd like to talk to you about your next mission." Hearing this, the Autobot leader finally bothered to get up from the ground. "I'm listening to you, Prima." _______________________×××_______________________ Sentinel Prime has long been considered a hero to his Cybertronian people. He was the creator of many amazing devices.  Each of which was created to make life easier for Cybertronians in one way or another. However, perhaps the most outstanding invention was the columns of the space bridge. A teleportation device whose capabilities made it possible to mix even planets with stars. Sentinel had noble goals. Find a new sun for Cybertron and finally put an end to the feud between Transformers over resources. The goal was achieved. The acquired sun recharged the Allspark and managed to breathe life into the dying planet. This was the beginning of a golden era where Sentinel began to be considered a hero. However, a new war soon broke out between the two factions. Whose events brought Sentinel to earth. Where Prime's true nature was subsequently revealed... _______________________×××_______________________ “Optimus, you must understand why I had to betray you...” Earlier, one of the strongest transformers, Sentinel Prime, lay on the ground and whined for mercy like a wounded dog. "You didn't betray me... You betrayed yourself!" After these words, a click was heard, signaling the reloading of the gun. "No, Optimus!" The last thing Sentinel heard before falling into darkness was a shot... _______________________×××_______________________ Sentinel Prime opened his optics in shock. Realizing that he was lying on the ground, he immediately jumped to his feet. Grasping the hilt of the sword behind his back, the former leader of the Autobots began to frantically look around. There was darkness all around, and the only source of light was the automatically turned on headlights on his chest. "Where I am?!" His scream immediately echoed in the darkness. “You don’t need to be afraid, my son. Please, take your hands off the weapon...” A loud and powerful voice came from the void. Sentinel froze in place. He recognizes this voice from a thousand... No, from a million voices! The voice of Primus, the first transformer and his father. "Father?! Is it really you?!" Sentinel asked, hoping to dispel doubts. "Can you have any doubts about who I am? I am Primus! The true creator of Cybertronians! I hope you understand why I brought you here!" Exclaimed the voice in rage. Each spoken word shook the space and instilled a spark of horror in Sentinel.  There was only one reason why Primus wanted to see him... "Sentinel Prime! You broke the law I established for the Prime family! You encroached on the lives of billions of creatures! Tried to kill my last descendant! And most importantly, you became one of the causes of the war on Cybertron!" Realizing what Primus could do to him, Sentinel immediately fell to his knees.  "I ask you, father! Let me explain! All my goals were aimed only at the well-being of my people..." "This is a lie! You acted only for selfish purposes! As punishment for this, after your death, you had to go into the void between dimensions to the Fallen One!" Sentinel was silent, lowering his head to the floor. No matter how much he didn’t want to admit it, his father was right. "However... I will give you a chance at redemption." The former Autobot leader raised his head again with hope in his eyes. "You will be sent to a world where evil has gained the upper hand."  The voice fell silent temporarily, allowing Sentinel to process what had been said. "Your job is to fix this and become the new protector of this place." Sentinel considered what he had heard.  Save the world from evil? Become a defender? It was extremely absurd! He was the one who tried to destroy a billion living beings. And now they demand from him that he become a hero of another world?! However, there was not much choice. Be locked between dimensions or forcibly become the hero of an alien world? "I agree..." "I'm glad that my two lascivious sons agreed to this proposal." Sentinel glanced sideways in bewilderment. "Two?" As soon as he said this, heavy footsteps were immediately heard from the darkness behind Sentinel. Standing up from his knees, the former leader of the Autobots immediately turned back into the darkness, from where red eyes were already looking at him. "I would like to introduce you to your brother. Megatronus Prime, also known as the Fallen One." _______________________×××_______________________ "What?!" Optimus stared at Prima in shock. "You want to send me to another world with Sentinel and the Fallen?!" The Last Prime felt his anger turn into wild rage. However, realizing the rudeness of his tone, he immediately bowed his head in a sign of apology.  "Forgive me, Prima..." "It’s okay, child. I understand your anger. But this is really necessary. Sentinel and Megatronus are among the strongest Cybertronians. The world that plans to send you has been captured by evil. You will need all your strength to defeat it." Optimus was silent, pondering the situation. Even though Sentinel and Megatronus were the ones he hated most, the last Prime could not leave a dying world. Even if it means an alliance with your sworn enemies. "I agree Prima." "I am glad to hear it."  Prima nodded in gratitude. "Before you go there, however, I need you to hand over the Matrix of Leadership." Such a request confused the last Prime a little. But without hesitation, he finally decided to open his chest compartment and transfer one of the greatest artifacts into the hands of Prima. Seeing the puzzled look of the last Prime, Prima decides to clarify everything. "The Matrix of Leadership will be charged with the energies of the sun. I want you to give it to Megatronus." The request shocked the young Prime. "With all due respect, Prima. But this action is too risky." "I know Optimus. However, as I said in the battle you will face in the future, you will need all your strength. Since our last battle, Megatronus has been weakened. He needed the energy of the sun to restore his strength and destroy the earth. But now, everything has changed. I ask you, when the right moment comes, give the Matrix of Leadership to Megatronus." For more than five seconds, Optimus did not react in any way to Prima's request.  Clenching his fists until metal scraped, the last Prime nodded uncertainly. "I thank you Optimus. But your time has come."  Prima said quietly. "You will meet your brothers in that world." > Chapter 1: Not a pleasant transformation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom ran through the evergreen forest in the hope of hiding from the dragons pursuing her. After the capture of Equestria, Tirek began the complete colonization of lands outside the country.  Dragons became the second after ponies to suffer the wrath of the centaur. As a result of a short fight, the dragon king was defeated, which automatically made Tirek the new leader for the flying lizards. As for the ponies themselves, they were turned into slaves, destined to work in the mines and farmers' fields under the supervision of dragons. "Where did you go, little trash?!" Garpple's angry cry was heard behind her, causing the mare to involuntarily turn back. Distracted from the road, Apple Bloom did not notice the root protruding from the ground. She stumbled, rolled a couple of meters through the mud, and crashed her head into a large cobblestone. Whining in pain, the mare tried to get up.  However, she was immediately pressed back into the ground by the red leg of a dragon who stepped on her back. “Do you have any idea what problems you’ve created for us?!” Grapple pressed harder on the mare, causing her to let out a painful cry. "I'm tired of constantly chasing you!" The pressure was increasing. It was clear that the dragon did not plan to leave her alive. Closing her eyes, Apple Bloom began to remember the time spent with her family and friends. She was sad to realize that they were all destined to be slaves of the evil centaur. She especially felt sorry for her older sister Apple Jack. Which, along with the rest of the Elements of Harmony, were imprisoned in the dungeon of Canterlot Castle, where they were tortured to this day. She was angry at the princesses and their weaknesses. Why didn't they kill Tirek during their first meeting? Why did they free Discord, who betrayed them? Why should ordinary ponies be responsible for all their mistakes? "What will your...?!" The dragon's voice stopped abruptly. Much to Apple Bloom's surprise, there was no further blow. She shuddered, feeling something dripping on her. Gathering her courage, the mare turned around and looked up at the dragon. Her eyes then widened in shock and horror. From Garpple's head an incredibly large angular sword was thrust out, from the tip of which blood dripped onto her head. "Are you okay child?" The dragon's body was thrown aside, revealing her savior and the owner of the new voice. A broad-shouldered pony stallion, with a thick gray beard on a red muzzle and blue irises. His body was covered in red armor with strange mechanisms in it. But that wasn't the only thing that shocked Apple Bloom. On the pony's forehead was a long unicorn horn, and large folded black wings looked out behind its back. An alicorn stood in front of her. Managing to rise to her legs shaking from exhaustion, Apple Bloom silently stared at the stallion. Her head ached from the questions. Alicorn stallion? Didn't Miss Cheerilee say that only mares can be alicorns? "Are you still going to shoot at me?" ___________________×××___________________ Sentinel Prime was angry. One of the reasons was his transformation into an anthropomorphic horse with wings and a horn. Just the description of his new appearance disgusted the former Autobot leader. The horse was a more pitiful animal than people. In Sentinel's opinion, they were nothing more than dirty, stinking cattle who lacked the very concept of intelligence. The second reason was the small mare in front of him, who looked at him in horror for more than twenty seconds. Maybe organic beings liked to waste time pointlessly, but not him. “Are you just going to stare at me?” His voice finally brought the mare out of her stupor. "Alicorn?!" Great, he came across a mentally retarded cub. “Is this how they thank you for saving a life?” Sentinel asked rhetorically.  Hearing this, the mare froze, and realization appeared on her face. "Thank you so much!" She immediately grabbed Sentinel's waist in her arms, and tears of happiness flowed from her eyes. However, this behavior did not greatly please the modified Cybertronian, who already began to regret saving the little mare. "Boss! Where are you?!" The crunching of leaves was heard behind him. Turning around, Sentinel saw five dragons of different colors and sizes coming out of the bushes. "Hey! Who are you?!" One of the dragons pointed at Sentinel. But before anyone could respond, all five of them noticed Garpple's dead body.  Everyone was horrified by the sight before them. A sword was sticking out of the corpse's head, and a dying expression of shock was displayed on its face. "What did you do to our boss?!" Breaking free from Apple Bloom's embrace, Sentinel turned fully towards the five dragons. "Your boss fell victim to my sword. The same thing awaits the five of you." Hearing this, the reptiles shuddered. Did the pony in front of them kill the dragon?  This is absurd! No pony can match the strength of a dragon!  It is so? Growling, one of them, with its mouth open, rushed at the former leader of the Autobots. However, this was the last thing he would do in his life. Grabbing the hilt of the second sword behind his back, Sentinel cut the dragon's throat with a quick swing. Everyone present watched as the attacker froze in shock with his eyes wide open.  After a second of silence, red liquid gushed out from the cut. The dragon immediately fell to the ground, clutching his throat in an attempt to stop the bleeding. It did not help. He spent the last minute in convulsions under the looks of horror from those present. The only one who looked at the dragon’s torment with an indifferent gaze was Sentinel himself. "Child, I recommend that you step aside and not interfere." Realizing that they were addressing her, Apple Bloom quickly nodded and ran to the side behind one of the trees. Making sure that the mare was at a safe distance from the battlefield, Sentinel looked back at the dragons. Which in turn answered him with angry glances. The former Autobot leader smirked. These reptiles do not understand who they have met. "Behold the power of the Prime!" ___________________×××___________________ Megatronus sighed irritably, tearing the spine out of another monster. Now he was found in a cave surrounded by open cells and monsters who wanted him dead. Dodging the sting of the wasp-bear hybrid, Megatronus grabbed the creature with his telekinesis and slammed the creature into the floor. The blow was strong enough to break the chitin and bones of the monster, causing it to howl in pain. Jumping up and grabbing the bear by the head, Megatronus quickly twists its neck. Rising to his full height, Prime looked at the corpses lying around him with an indifferent gaze. After making sure that the monster was the last one, he prepared to teleport and go in search of his brothers. "Hey! We're here!" ___________________×××___________________ Celestia, Luna, and Cadance watched in horror at the carnage below the platform.  The stranger pony, a unicorn, was able to single-handedly deal with every creature from Tartarus. The battle was so bloody that after five minutes the floor in the cave was already completely red and the limbs and organs of monsters lay around. "Is an ordinary pony capable of this?" Luna whispered quietly, afraid to attract the stranger's attention. "I don't know." Celestia couldn't give an exact answer. The unicorn was superior in physical strength to Queen Chrysalis and Cadence combined. However, in the depths of her consciousness, the white alicorn realized that this was not the limit of the stranger’s capabilities. The battle outside was coming to an end. Each of the three princesses became nervous. The unicorn did not notice their presence. Should they announce themselves? "We need to get his attention before he leaves." Celestia said decisively. "This is madness, sister. In our condition, this pony could kill us in an instant. We can't risk it." "Luna. He's a pony, he could have been sent here to rescue us." Cadence decided to support Celestia's decision. The two princesses continued to argue while the white alicorn looked thoughtfully at the stranger below. She has already decided everything. "Hey! We're here!" > Chapter 2: Meet the Royal Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Stay behind me!" Having exclaimed this, Optimus immediately took out his sword, ready to engage in battle at any moment. Behind him were frightened ponies, and in front stood two winged dragons more than ten meters high (32 feet). There was destruction all around. The buildings of the city he found himself in could not boast of good condition. The once great skyscrapers now lay on the ground in the form of rubble. The roads were cracked and there was ash everywhere, mixed with broken glass and other debris. Such a sight made the last Prime return to the time of the first battle with the Decepticons on earth. But this time, the smell of despair in the air was much stronger. "Don't make us laugh, ponies! Do you really think you have a chance to win?" The one who spoke to him was one of the two dragons. The reptile had a yellow belly, red scales all over its body, two orange fins instead of ears, and a crest of the same color on its head. The muzzle was elongated, and yellowed fangs were visible from the mouth. The eyes had an elongated black pupil like a cat’s and a green iris. There was obvious pride in his gaze; it was clear that the dragon was not going to take the Autobot leader seriously. "We're in a good mood today, so we'll give you a chance to escape." The second dragon that spoke was almost identical to the first, with the exception of green scales and horns on its head. Optimus was silent. The two giant reptiles were nothing but disgusting. He arrived in this world less than an hour ago, but already knew who needed to be protected. The frightened ponies behind him closed their eyes and hugged each other, as if coming to terms with the end.  Their sight awakened long-forgotten memories of the war on Cybertron. Fear, despair and lack of faith in the future. He spent a couple more seconds in similar thoughts and memories before looking at the dragons again with rage in his eyes. "I kill you..." _______________________×××_______________________ The three royal mares froze, looking at the stranger in front of them. The stallion had a long thick black mane and tail of the same color, gray fur all over his body and red irises. The only clothing he had on was a red loincloth. To their surprise, he turned out to be much taller than they initially thought. His height easily allowed him to tower over Celestia herself by about a head. Despite this, the unicorn did not look lanky or thin. And even vice versa. And in the almost complete absence of clothing, the princesses could see every relief and muscle on an incredibly built body. In truth, if not for their predicament, all three of them might even have noticed the stallion's attractiveness. "Um..." This was the first time in the last thousand years that the solar princess could not find words. The stranger's stern gaze was fixed directly on her. Causing Celestia to become nervous and confused in her train of thought. Seeing the situation her sister was in, Luna decided to make contact with the stallion herself. "Bow down ponies, you are in the presence of your princesses! Tell us who sent you here and free us from our cages!" Although she could not use the "royal voice" and due to the lack of magic, her real voice was loud enough to echo throughout the cave. A deathly mess ensued. Cadance and Celestia stared at the moon princess in shock. Wasn't that the pony who was worried about their safety a moment ago? "What did you just say?..." All three shuddered when they heard the stallion's deep and rough voice for the first time. With a jerk he found himself in front of the cage with the Moon, he put his hand through the bars and grabbed the princess by the throat. "I will never obey the orders of a stupid horse..." Celestia and Cadence watched in horror as Luna tried to escape the stallion's grip. "Please stop! My sister didn't mean to offend you!" The princess of the sun exclaimed in despair. However, the plea was ignored. Megatronus smiled sadistically as he watched the mare suffer in front of him.  Tears flowed from her reddened eyes and her body was beating in agony. This is what will happen to those who push them around! But the pleasure did not last long. The fallen Prime's head began to throb with sharp pain, causing him to involuntarily unclench his palm and release Luna's throat. Grabbing his head, Megatronus groaned in pain. His vision slowly began to darken, and his consciousness began to fade. "I'm disappointed with you son..." This was the last thing Megatronus managed to hear before completely losing consciousness. _______________________×××_______________________ Ponyville, a city that was once inhabited by all three types of ponies, has now become home to Tirek's dragon army. Most of the houses were destroyed and burned. And those that remained were turned into "nests" where the dragons spent most of their time, devouring precious stones or starting "friendly" fights. But, as you might guess, the main entertainment for dragons was bullying ponies. "Hey! I'm out of cider! Bring me some more!" The dragon threw a wooden mug at the head of the waiter's pony. Who, bending down, immediately ran behind the bar counter. The pony was a unicorn stallion with white fur all over his body and a dark blue mane and tail. He was wearing a standard waiter's uniform with a white apron. A distinctive feature was his fit body and clearly military style, which greatly distinguished him from the rest of the workers. The stallion's name was Shining Armor, the former prince of the crystal empire. Standing at the desired barrel with a tap, the stallion began to fill the wooden container. As soon as the liquid filled the edges, Shining looked around, filled with saliva, and spat into the contents. Thus, showing his hostility towards the fire-breathing reptile. Straightening up to his full height, the unicorn headed back to the dragon. Setting his mug down, Shining prepared to leave before being called out by another voice. "Hey! I know him! He's the husband of one of the princesses!" Hearing this, Shining tensed, trying to suppress his growing anger. "Exactly! I heard that his wife became Tirek's concubine!" The dragons burst into laughter as they watched the unicorn's reaction. “And I heard her jerking off Cerberus in Tartarus along with the other princesses!” The laughter got louder. Shining Armor felt angry and resentful for allowing his wife to be spoken about in such a way. However, this was not the end of the abuse. One of the dragons picked up a gem from his plate and addressed the unicorn directly. "Do you think she'll blow me for one crystal?" Growling in rage, Shining Armor rushed at the speaking dragon. Having knocked him off the chair and onto the ground, the unicorn began to hit the reptile in the face.  Yes, he didn't have magic. Yes he is weak.  But he will not allow anyone to insult his wife. Despite the number of blows, the dragon only continued to laugh, but this time at the unicorn’s pathetic attempts to harm him. As soon as the laughter stopped, he casually hit him with the back of his hand and sent Shining flying to the end of the hall. Hitting the wall, the unicorn clenches his teeth and tries to suppress a groan of pain. "I'll teach you some manners." The dragon approached the lying unicorn.  Raising Shining by the mane, he opened his mouth and prepared to release a stream of fire directly into the unicorn's face. But before that happened, there was a loud creaking sound from the door hinges. "I think I found a nest of these creatures..." Everyone present immediately turned towards the voice. At the entrance to the establishment stood a stallion pony in red armor. The dragons were in disbelief as Shining looked at the stranger in shock. "Alicorn stallion?" The alicorn glanced around the room before reaching for the strange device behind his back. "Killing you with a sword takes too long." A click was heard from the device. "But there is an easier way..." > Chapter 3: Contact with the public > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimus dodged another blow from the large paw. Rolling to the side, Prime took out his shield - a cannon, and with an accurate shot hits the right eye of a huge reptile. Roaring in pain, the Dragon tried to release a stream of fire at his enemy. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Optimus threw his sword straight into his throat. The blade immediately pierced the cervical spine, ending the life of the once powerful creature. The second dragon, seeing his ally's defeat, panicked. The pony in front of him was too strong. Without hesitation, the giant reptile flapped its wings in an attempt to fly away. "You won't leave!" Exclaiming in rage, Optimus shot at the dragon's wing. However, despite the wound, the reptile continued its flight, moving away from the battle site. Cursing quietly, the Autobot leader put his shield back behind his back. At this time, the ponies watched Prime with wide eyes. The stallion was an alicorn, which went against everything they knew about the royal family. But perhaps the most shocking thing was the strength of the stranger, which allowed him to compete with two adult dragons. Taking his sword out of the dead reptile's mouth, Optimus turned to the shocked crowd. It's time to make contact with the locals. But what should he say? Tell them that he is a modified alien from another planet, who was sent to them by an ancient God? After spending a couple of seconds thinking, he decided to slightly change the story of his arrival. Once he was close enough to be heard, Prime spoke. "Hello. My name is Optimus Prime, I come from a distant land called Cybertron. Our leader learned of your difficult situation so he sent me to help you." Optimus paused, allowing the creatures in front of him to process what he had just said. "However, I need information and an accurate history of the events taking place in your country." The crowd was silent for a couple of seconds, looking at each other. Before one old mare raised her hand, getting Prime's attention. "I'll tell you everything, son." Coming out of the crowd and standing in front of the leader of the Autobots, the old mare cleared her throat and began the story. "A month ago, our country of Equestria was attacked by Tirek. An evil centaur capable of absorbing the magic of living beings. Many years ago, during the first attack, our two princesses managed to defeat him and imprison him in Tartarus, where he spent more than a thousand years." Optimus listened silently, simultaneously pondering the incoming information.  Magic? Princesses? An ancient villain living for a thousand years? All this was similar to the description of a children's human fairy tale. Of course, Prime was a little surprised that in this world there were creatures that lived for a thousand years.  Although this age was relatively young for Cybertronians, it was a significant feat for organic multicellular organisms. "Having been freed from captivity, Tirek again tried to take over Equestria and, unfortunately, he succeeded. Even the bearers of the legendary Elements of Harmony were unable to stop him... Now all ponies are destined to be slaves of this tyrant and his army of dragons." Prime nodded, processing the information again. "I thank you for the information provided, but I still have some questions. Where am I? And how can I get to Tirek?" The mare looked thoughtful, trying to remember something. "You are in the city of Manehattan. Judging by what I heard during the conversations of the dragons, Tirek settled in Canterlot Castle." As soon as the mare finished speaking, the Autobot leader fell into thought. Now he knew where the centaur was, but still had no idea how to get to him. "I would be grateful if you could find and give me a map." _______________________×××_______________________ Megatronus rubbed his head in slight pain, simultaneously rising from the ground.  Previously, he almost killed the mare, but loss of consciousness prevented this from happening. It was obvious that Primus would keep him on a leash, not allowing him to cross the line. Of course, Fallen Prime was grateful for the second chance at redemption, but the knowledge that he would have to control himself did not make him very happy. Rising to his full height, Prime again looked at the mares. All three were scared. Especially blue. "Listen, my sister didn't want to..." The white one and also the tallest of the three tried to talk to him in an attempt to justify her sister. "I don't need excuses. Your sister insulted me." Hearing this and realizing that her sister might die, the mare immediately fell to her knees and tears flowed from her eyes. "Please don't kill her!" Observing the mare's behavior, Megatronus could only sigh in irritation.  One of the reasons he didn't like organic beings was their emotionality and poor stress tolerance. Of course, he did not deny that the new generation of Cybertronians behaved the same way. But who said that he has sympathy for the Cybertronian people? "Stop crying. I don't intend to kill any of you." As much as Fallen Prime wanted to end their lives, he understood that he would have to learn to solve problems with words if he planned to remain in this world. The mare immediately looked at him hopefully. "R-Really?" Megatronus clenched his teeth in anger.  He spent a little more than an hour in this world, but he had already grown to hate these stupid creatures. He is God! She should be afraid to say an extra word in his presence! "You are not God..." The familiar voice sounded in his head again. Even though this time he did not lose consciousness, the words spoken by Primus echoed with pain with renewed vigor. It was clear that even his thoughts were now on display for his father to see. At this time, three mares watched in bewilderment as the stranger froze in place. Luna watched the stallion's every move with apprehension, while Celestia and Cadence just looked at each other nervously. Before any of them could say anything, the unicorn took a step towards the sun princess's cage. "Enough talk..." Celestia closed her eyes, waiting for the stallion to decide to end her life. "I need answers to my questions. If you can give them, I will let you go." _______________________×××_______________________ Sentinel plunged his sword into the dragon's belly. Another one came up from behind, hoping to attack Prime on the sly.  However, the barrel of a cannon immediately hit his face. By pulling the trigger, the reptile's head was exploded.  Having looked around the room and not finding any more dragons, Sentinel exhaled tiredly. His now organic body was exhausted, which angered the former Autobot leader beyond belief. Was it really necessary for Primus to modify their bodies?! Shaking his head and pushing these thoughts aside, Prime turned to the unicorn stallion peeking out behind the bar counter. "Stop hiding like a scared bug. Come out and show yourself!" The stallion immediately raised his hands, slowly emerging from his hiding place. "I'm not the enemy." The pony said in fear.  In response to this, Sentinel rolled his eyes irritably. "I don't want to hurt you. I just want answers to some of my questions." Hearing this, the unicorn lowered his hands back, but fear was still visible in his eyes. Ignoring this, Sentinel picked up and placed one of the remaining chairs off the ground, allowing himself to sit down. Such an act might seem strange to some Cybertronians, because the former leader of the Autobots would never have allowed himself to show others his fatigue. But now, there was a different case. Under the layer of armor, Sentinel's body was burned. The fiery breath of the dragons, although it could not damage his armor, managed to leave behind a couple of burns. The legs of the chair creaked, trying to support the weight of Prime and his armor. However, Sentinel ignored this. "Tell me what happened." The unicorn looked at Sentinel in bewilderment. "I don't understand..." "I want you to tell me how you were captured by Tirek." _______________________×××_______________________ Apple Bloom looked at the doors expectantly. Now she and the other ponies from Ponyville were in the town hall, waiting for Sentinel to arrive. Earlier, after defeating the dragons in the forest, the stallion and her went to Ponyville. On the way to the city, the alicorn asked her a lot about the situation in the country and why dragons attacked her. At first, Apple Bloom was a little confused, because who could not know about Tirek? "I hope everything goes well with him." As soon as the little mare said this out loud, a familiar wrinkled hand immediately fell on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Apple Bloom. From what I've seen, this handsome stallion can take care of himself." The speaker turned out to be Apple Smith, Apple Bloom's grandmother. She had green fur and orange irises, and her graying mane was tied into a bun. She wore a beige sweater, a red knee-length skirt, a white apron and a scarf tied around her neck. "I know grandma... Wait! Did you call him handsome?" Apple Bloom stared in bewilderment at the older mare, who saw her reaction and smiled slyly. “It’s time for an old lady like me to look for a stallion. Otherwise I’ll grow old alone...” Before their conversation could continue, the door to the town hall swung open, revealing a familiar alicorn and a white unicorn. "Uncle Sentinel!" Having exclaimed this, the little mare immediately ran to meet the stallion.