> The Great and Powerful Trixie Demands Your Attention! > by debrecen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Show Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have been sitting in a dark, seemingly abandoned auditorium for almost an hour now, but it was hard to tell exactly how long you were there anyway. After all, you didn’t have a watch and you weren’t sure if it was even day or night, since there were no windows and seemingly no doors in or out of this place. The only thing you could see by the faint light of the small tinted lights lining the aisles of seats leading up to the main stage was that large, heavy stage curtains that extended probably a good twenty feet into the air, were drawn closed. You wanted to get up and climb up out of the middle group of seats where you had been more-or-less comfortably sitting, but something in the back of your mind advised against that. It was if…some unforeseen portent was lurking just beyond the darkened limits of your vision, shrouded in the darkness and oddness of the entire situation. You remember how you ended up here, though the precise chronology of everything seemed a bit jumbled when you tried to piece it all together with any precision. You were visiting your friend Twilight Sparkle, who wanted you to tell her a bit more about the culture of your homeland so she could document it all and maybe even publish a compiled anthology of your account of what life was like before moving to Equestria. After all, as you explained to Twilight, even though you could comment on the more general elements of life before the interdimensional portal took you to Equestria, very few humans from your home universe would be able to talk about what it is like to be a Hungarian (certainly something that was rare enough in the human world and even more novel in Equestria).  You told her about everything that was dear to you within the larger domain of Magyar culture, Liszt, Kossuth, and so many other things. Sometimes it felt with no other cultural outlet around, you could talk the hind leg off a camel, or maybe–under these circumstances–a pony.  Returning to your memories, with no visual or auditory stimuli to take your mind away from the silent horror of the situation, you recalled how you were on your way back home…yes it was all coming together now. You were walking home through Ponyville back to Starlight Glimmer’s house. She was kind enough to offer you a place to stay and something about her personality told you that she was somebody who could be trusted. Even if your feelings about her honesty and true nature changed after staying for her for a few days and listening to the rumors about her spread by the other ponies, it was admittedly interesting to be in a home with a layout and prairie-style stone masonry exterior. You remember, you were almost to her house but then…everything went black and now, well, here you are.  Everything seemed so foreign and dark in that empty auditorium; you weren’t even aware that Equestria, much less Ponyville, had such a large theatrical venue in the first place. But even as much as you were amazed by the size of the auditorium, you couldn’t help but be struck by just how hot it was; it felt like someone had turned up the humidity well past 100 percent, and it must have been at least 85 degrees fahrenheit in the room.  Just when you were getting settled in one of the audience seats right in front of an empty orchestra pit, the lights abruptly flashed on, nearly giving you a heart attack and sending your breathing racing for a few seconds. The surround-sound speakers blared: “Testing, one, two, three…oh, great, I guess it’s working, awesome..”  Oh, great. You knew this voice and were–unfortunately–well-acquainted with this pony’s all too distinct vocal fry. “Ahem! Listen, one and all! All you insignificant little ponies whose abilities simply PALE in comparison to the powers of yours truly. Take heed, for you are about to receive the most marvelous performance from none other than the Grrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie herself. Prepare to be amazed and dumbfounded by the most powerful and capable magician and stage performer in all of Equestria.” “Why did you bring me here?” you shout out, obviously annoyed with being in this place against your will.  “Silence!” she responded with an arrogant confidence, “All questions must be saved for the end of the show, but I doubt any audience member will be able to ask questions with their jaws firmly DROPPED to the floor!” “But…I’m the only one here,” you remark quizzically.  “That’s not important; whether one or many, Trrrrixie’s amazing skills can impress anypony!” “Fine,” you mutter under your breath, settling back into your seat, still feeling a combination of the heat and annoyance of this stupid charade. You cross your arms, a bit ticked off at everything going on so far, glaring at the stage as the curtains dramatically sweep open to reveal Trixie standing in the center, a smug grin–so characteristic of the showpony she was–plastered across her blue, smiling face. “Behold!” she announces, her cape billowing as if some hidden wind machine had suddenly been turned on. “The Grrrrreat and Powerful Trixie shall now astound you, mere ape mortal, with her first trick: a Surreal, Reality-Shattering Vanishing Act!” She waves her wand with a flourish, and in a single puff of purple smoke, she disappears. You sigh audibly, not too impressed at all, waiting for the inevitable reappearance. Seconds later, Trixie reappears on the opposite side of the stage, looking far too pleased with herself. “Ta-da!” she says, spreading her hooves wide with a flourish.  “Big deal” you call out. “Twilight can teleport. I mean, like, half of the ponies in this country seem to have skills like that. From here, it looked like you just used smoke and mirrors.” Trixie’s eyes narrow, and she flips her mane with a disgruntled huff. “Clearly, you are too simple to appreciate true artistry. Perhaps you need something more… elementary. Let me think…ah, YES! Watch as the Great and Powerful Trixie conjures a bouquet of flowers from thin air!” She waves her wand again, and with another burst of smoke, a colorful bouquet appear in her hoof. “Flowers? Really?” you groan. “Is that really the best you’ve got? Is this your showstopper?” Trixie’s face flushes with irritation, but she forces a smile. “Ah, but these are no ordinary flowers! Behold!” She tosses the bouquet into the air, and it explodes into a flock of brightly colored doves that flutter around the auditorium before vanishing into the rafters. You raise an eyebrow, mildly impressed. “Okay, that was better. But I’m worried about the birds now…nevermind, I will just say that it was pretty cool” “Of course it was!” Trixie snaps. “Now, for my next trick, I shall perform the impossible! I will read your mind!” She points a dramatic hoof at you, her eyes glinting mischievously. “Think of a number between one and ten, and Trixie will reveal it with her unparrrrrralleled magical prowess!” “Fine,” you say, deciding to humor her a bit. You pick a number, and she stares at you intently, her horn glowing faintly. “Is it… seven?” she asks. “Lucky guess, that’s like the easiest-to-guess number. after all,” you reply, rolling your eyes. Trixie’s face falls slightly, but she quickly regains her composure. “Luck has nothing to do with it! The Great and Powerful Trixie is simply that skilled. But enough of these minor feats. Prepare yourself for the grand finale, something to blow your…what are those things called you humans wear… oh, yeah, SOCKS!” She rears up on her hind legs, her horn flickering and then glowing brightly with a sustained pink hue. “For Trixie’s final trick, she will summon a storm cloud inside this very auditorium!” You sit up a bit straighter, genuinely curious to see if she can pull this off. This seem a little bit…let’s say “beyond” her abilities. Trixie’s horn glows brighter and brighter, and with a loud crack of thunder, a small storm cloud materializes above the stage, complete with flashing lightning and rolling thunder. It seemed real, but with how good effects were getting in the world, it was hard to tell. “Not bad, honestly. I am impressed, and I don’t say that lightly” you admit, watching as the cloud floated above Trixie’s head. “Not bad?” she echoes, her voice rising with indignation. “This is the pinnacle of magical prowess and ultimate skill! The Great and Powerful Trixie commands the elements themselves! She essentially controls the world, hahaha” “Yeah, but can you get rid of it?” you challenge, smirking at her shortsightedness. Trixie’s confident grin falters. She glances nervously at the cloud, then back at you. “Of course Trixie can! Just… uhhhh…..watch!” She waves her wand frantically, muttering under her breath. The cloud wobbles with some stubborn uncertainty, then begins to dissipate, leaving only a few drops of rain that sizzle on the stage lights. You clap slowly, sarcastically. “Well, that was… something. Looks like you had a biiiit of a tough time there with that.” Trixie glares at you, her cheeks red with frustration. “You clearly lack the sophistication to appreciate true talent. But no matter! The Great and Powerful Trrrrrixie has shown you magic beyond your wildest imagination!” “Right,” you say, standing up and stretching. “Well, thanks for the show, Trixie. For your reference, I actually have a pretty wild imagination, soooo, yeah… Now, how do I get out of here?” Trixie’s eyes widen, and she glances around as if she’s only just realized you’re trapped. “Uh… well, Trixie will… she will…” “Yeah, thought so,” you mutter, sitting back down with a sigh. “Guess I’m stuck here a bit longer.” Trixie fidgets nervously, then straightens up, her haughty demeanor returning. “Fear not! The Great and Powerful Trixie will find a way if she so desires, but at the moment, she is not done with you or your attention. Until then, you may continue to bask in the glory of her presence!” You roll your eyes, settling back into your seat and sighing with vigor. This was definitely going to be a long night. > Chapter 2: Trixie Reveals Her Ulterior Motives > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silently bearing the further tricks and displays that Trixie had arranged for you, you tried to cope with the annoyance and general boredom that you came to feel from the situation, as the previous feelings of fear and anxiety quickly subsided once you understood that it was just Trixie. As you saw it, there was nothing to worry about…right? While she performed more and more tricks, trying her hardest to impress you, you slowly found yourself yawning more and more, slowly getting to the point where you were instinctively checking your wrist for a watch that you half knew was not there in the first place. Trixie, noticing your growing disinterest, seemed to falter. Her magic tricks became less enthusiastic, and her confident demeanor started to crack. Finally, she paused in the middle of yet another card trick and sighed dramatically. “Anon, Trixie sees that her dazzling display of magical prowess has failed to keep you entertained.” You sit up a bit straighter, sensing a change in her tone. “Yeah, well, I’ve seen better, if I’m being totally honest” you say, though your words lack the earlier bite. Trixie huffs, but there’s a vulnerability in her eyes now. “Very well. Trixie did not bring you here just to showcase her magic.” She takes a deep breath, as if bracing herself. “There are two questions that Trixie must ask you, and they may be kind of…touchy.” This catches your attention. You lean forward slightly, intrigued. “Oh? And what might those be?” Trixie hesitates, her eyes darting around the empty auditorium before focusing on you with an intensity that makes you uncomfortable. “First… Trixie needs your help with a… a heist.” You blink in surprise. “A heist? What are you talking about?” “Trixie requires assistance in retrieving a rare & powerful artifact from the Canterlot Archives. She cannot do it alone, and she believes you have the skills necessary to help her succeed…as well as some other things.” “What do you mean??? Tell me, & be honest, is it just my hands that you are after; I know opposable thumbs can be a plus in a heist.” “No,” she says indignantly, ”I need much more from you!” she adds with a huff. You can’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. “And what makes you think I’d agree to something like what you are offering?” “Because,” she says, stepping closer, “the artifact is crucial to enhancing Trixie’s magical abilities. With it, she can finally prove herself to be the greatest magician in all of Equestria; truly a force BEYOND COMPARE!!” The almost maniacal crescendo in her voice made it quite evident that this was important to her. You stare at her, weighing her words. “And what’s in it for me?” Trixie’s eyes soften slightly. “If you help Trixie, she will ensure you receive a generous reward. Bits, gems, whatever you desire. Maybe even, dare I say it, a place in my wagon…” You give her a clear half frown at that last line. “Or not, you can just borrow the wagon occasionally if that works better,” she said, nervously backpedaling.  You ponder this for a moment. The idea of a heist is certainly thrilling, and the promise of a reward was tempting. But before you can respond, Trixie’s demeanor shifts again, becoming almost shy. “There is… another question,” she says quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. “What is it?” you ask, genuinely curious now. Trixie fidgets, her bravado completely gone. She looks at the ground, then back at you, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush of mixed pink and azure hues. “Trixie… Trixie wants to know if… if you would consider… dating her.” The question hangs in the air, heavy with the weight of its unexpectedness. You’re taken aback, your mind racing to process what she just asked. This confident, boastful mare who had kidnapped you to show off her magic is now standing before you, vulnerable and uncertain. “Trixie,” you begin, unsure of how to respond, “why would you want to date me?” “Because,” she says, her voice trembling slightly, “Trixie has seen something in you that she admires. You are brave, intelligent, and… and you see through this great magician’s façade. You are not fooled by her bravado, and that is something she finds… appealing. Maybe even enough that this unmatched magician wouldn’t mind having a relationship with this…special person.” You sit there in silence, grappling with the bizarre turn of events. The idea of Trixie liking you in such a way is something you never considered. “Trixie knows she is not perfect,” she continues, her eyes pleading, “but she is willing to try, if you are. So, will you help Trixie with the heist? And… will you give her a chance?” You look at her, seeing her not as the boastful magician but as a mare who is genuinely reaching out to you. The decision is yours, and the weight of it feels immense. After a long moment, you finally speak. “Alright, Trixie. I’ll help you with your heist. And… we can see where things go from there.” Trixie’s face lights up with a mixture of relief and joy. “You will? Oh, thank you, Anon! The Great and Powerful Trixie promises you won’t regret this!” You watch as Trixie's face lights up with relief and joy; this is probably the happiest you had ever seen the blue pony before, you though to yourself. However, before things get too carried away, you felt obliged to raise a hand to halt her celebrations. "Hold on, Trixie. Before we get into this, we need to establish some ground rules. For both the heist and... well, whatever…this…. is between us." Trixie blinks, her enthusiasm dimming slightly as she nods. "Of course. The Great and Powerful Trixie agrees. What rules do you propose, mortal non-pony?" You lean back in your seat, thinking carefully. "Firstly, don’t call me non-pony, haha,” you add with a smile. “Secondly, about the heist. If I'm going to help you, we need to plan this meticulously. No rushing in with half-baked ideas. Sometimes it is said around town that although great and powerful, Trixie can sometimes…rush into things. In any case, we need to gather information, identify the risks, and have contingency plans in place." Trixie nods, her expression serious. "Agreed. Trixie will provide you with all the details she has gathered so far. Together, we will form an unstoppable team!" "Good," you continue. "Second, we need to be honest with each other. No secrets, no surprises. If there's something you think I should know, you tell me. And I mean that, you HAVE to tell me!. And I'll do the same." Trixie hesitates but then nods again. "Trixie agrees. Complete honesty. She can do that." "And third," you add, "we need to have an exit strategy. If things go wrong, we need to know how to get out safely. Both of us," you add, lifting an eyebrow and seeing if Trixie understands this is not a one-pony show.  "Of course," Trixie says, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and respect. "Trixie values her wellbeing—and yours—above all." "Alright," you say, feeling more confident now. "Now, about the second part. If we're going to see where this... relationship goes, we need to take it slow. No rushing into anything. Let's get to know each other better first." Trixie shifts on her hooves, looking a bit nervous. "Trixie understands. She can be... overzealous at times. But she promises to take things slow." "Great," you reply. "And, just like with the heist, honesty is crucial. If we're going to make this work, we need to be open about our feelings and thoughts. No hiding behind facades." Trixie nods, a small smile forming on her lips. "Trixie will try her best. She knows she can be... difficult, but she is willing to change. For you." You smile back, feeling a strange sense of newfound camaraderie forming between you. "One last thing," you say, "we need to respect each other's boundaries. If something makes one of us uncomfortable, we need to communicate that and be willing to adjust." "Agreed," Trixie says earnestly. "Trixie will respect your boundaries, and she hopes you will respect hers." "Of course," you assure her. "Respect goes both ways. That’s something that we in the human world really value, at least on paper" With the ground rules established, you feel a weight lift off your shoulders. There's still a lot to figure out, but at least now you have a foundation to build on. "So," you say, standing up and stretching, "let's start off with the heist. What do you know about this artifact, and why do you need it? It seems like you have the ability to conjure almost anything you want, seems to me like the artifact’s importance here is a bit…overblown." Trixie's eyes sparkle with excitement as she begins to explain. "The artifact is known as the Amulet of Alhazred. While that name probably sounds like gibberish to the…magically ignorant, it’s very important. It's said to amplify a unicorn's magical abilities tenfold. With it, Trixie can finally prove herself to be the greatest magician in all of Equestria!!!" You nod, listening carefully. "And where this thingamabob is it kept?" "In the deepest vaults of the Canterlot Archives," Trixie replies. "Heavily guarded and protected by powerful enchantments. But Trixie has a plan." "Alright," you say, feeling the thrill of the challenge ahead. "Let's hear it." Trixie's eyes sparkle with excitement as she begins to outline her plan. She produces a scroll from beneath her cape and unfurls it, revealing a detailed map of Canterlot and the archives. “Behold, Anon! The Great and Powerful Trixie has crafted a flawless plan to obtain the Amulet of Alhazred. Pay close attention!” “No need for the formality, Trix,” you say, hoping to mitigate her showboating nature as much as possible. “Okay, Nonny,” she says lightly chortling as she claps back with a nickname of her own.  You nod, respecting her quick retort and leaning in to study the map. Trixie points to a series of entry points marked with red Xs. “First, we must enter Canterlot under the cover of night. The city’s gates close at midnight, but there is a secret passage—known only to a select few—that leads into the castle grounds.” “Secret passage?” you ask, intrigued. “Trixie has her sources,” she says with a wink. “Once inside, we will need to avoid the Royal Guard patrols. Trixie has observed their patterns during her recent trips to Canterlot and knows when they change shifts. We will have a narrow window to slip past them undetected.” “Sounds risky,” you remark. Trixie waves a hoof dismissively. “Risk is part of the thrill, is it not? Besides, with you by her side, Trixie feels more confident than ever.” She glances at you, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. “You have a way of making Trixie feel…braver.” You raise an eyebrow, but Trixie quickly continues. “Next, we must navigate the archives themselves. There are magical wards protecting the deeper vaults. Luckily, Trixie knows a counter-spell that will disable them temporarily. However, it requires perfect timing and precision.” “I assume you have a plan for that too?” you ask. “Indeed,” she replies, her confidence returning. “Trixie will cast the counter-spell while you keep watch. If anything goes wrong, we will need to retreat immediately. But Trixie is certain it will not come to that. She has practiced extensively. Such a great magician must be prepared for these things, and let’s just say Trixie is the BEST” You nod, impressed by the level of detail in her plan. “Okay, and once we have the amulet?” “We make our escape the same way we came in,” Trixie explains. “And then, Trixie will finally have the power she deserves. With the amulet, she will be unstoppable!” “Unstoppable, huh?” you say, smirking. “And what about us? How do you see this heist affecting our… relationship… as you put?” Trixie pauses, her bravado faltering slightly. She looks at you, her eyes softening. “Trixie hopes that this adventure will bring us closer together. She knows she can be… difficult, but she truly values your companionship, Anon. You see past her exterior, and that means more to her than she can express.” You feel a warmth in her words, a sincerity that’s rare for Trixie. “I appreciate that, Trixie. And I’m willing to give this a chance. But let’s focus on getting that amulet first. One step at a time.” Trixie nods, a determined look in her eyes. “Agreed. And then… perhaps we can explore what lies beyond this partnership.” She added this last part with a bit of a smug smile. You just calmly look her up & down, smirking a bit at her desperation. Trixie grin finishes outlining the specifics of the heist, her eyes are full of excitement and a hint of tense but eager energy. She rolls up the map and turns to you with a determined expression. “Now, Anon, the Great and Powerful Trixie has another crucial part of the plan: getting to Canterlot undetected. We cannot simply stroll into the city, as the Royal Guard is always on high alert. We must be stealthy, clever, and—dare Trixie say it—quite close.” You raise an eyebrow. “Close?” “Yes,” she says with a slight smirk. “We will travel under the cover of night, using a disguise spell to blend in perrrrfectly with the shadows. Trixie has perfected this spell, but it requires us to stay… physically close to maintain the illusion.” “Alright,” you say, nodding. “As long as it keeps us hidden.” Trixie grins, a mischievous glint in her eye. “Excellent! We shall meet at the edge of Ponyville at midnight. Be prepared, Anon, for the journey ahead is not for the faint of heart.” Forming a somber coat of pure blackness around them, save for the light of the moon partially obstructed by clouds, late night arrives, and, after being released from your auditorium prison by Trixie, you find yourself waiting at the outskirts of Ponyville. The moon is high in the sky, casting a silver glow over the landscape. Trixie appears out of the darkness, her cape billowing dramatically behind her, causing you to wonder if she cast a spell to make that happen too. “Anon,” she says, her voice a whisper. “Tell me, are you ready?” “Ready as I’ll ever be,” you reply, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. “Good,” Trixie says, stepping closer to you. “Trixie will now cast the disguise spell. Remember, we must stay close for it to work.” Her horn glows softly, and a shimmering aural glow of undulating light rays envelops both of you. The air around you seems to warp and shift, blending you into the shadows. “Now this is a magic trick,” you thought, taken aback by how cool this all was. Trixie stands so close you can feel her breath on your neck. “Stay close,” she murmurs, her voice low and almost sultry. “The spell is delicate, and any distance between us could break it.” “Hey, out of curiosity,” you ask, “what are we even disguising ourselves as?” “Oh, yeah, haha,” Trixie laughs under her breath, “I made our disguise a cow so people will just think we are just a farm animal wandering and grazing around. Once we get closer to the target, we are going to switch to the even more challenging invisibility spell.” You nod, focusing on the path ahead. As you start walking, Trixie stays pressed against your side, her shoulder brushing against yours with every step. With such close contact, you couldn’t help but notice how warm she feels. “Trixie appreciates your bravery, Anon,” she says softly, her voice barely audible. “Not everypony would agree to such a daring plan. You must be very… confident in your abilities.” “I guess I am,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady. “And I trust your plan.” She glances at you, a sly smile playing on her lips. “Trust is a rare and valuable thing, Anon. Trixie values it greatly. I hope you don’t…take advantage of my trust in you…” Not knowing how to react in such close quarters, you elect to stay silent and look forward. As you continue your journey, Trixie’s attempts to get closer to you become more apparent. She occasionally leans into you, her mane brushing against your arm, and her whispered groans from the exertion of keeping up the spell seemed to linger a bit longer than necessary. “You know, Anon,” she says at one point, her voice a mix of playful and serious, “Trixie has always admired those who can see past her bravado, those who can look right through her. It takes a special kind of pony—or human—to do that.” “Really???” you say, glancing at her. “What in the hell makes you say that?” “Because,” she replies, her eyes locking onto yours, “Trixie has had many admirers, but few who truly understand her. You… you seem different. Genuine.” “Honestly, many admirers? You could have fooled me,” you add, taking her down a peg.  The way she looks at you sends a shiver down your spine, and you find yourself at a loss for words. Trixie’s expression softens, and she gives you a small, sincere smile. “Thank you, Anon,” she says quietly. “For giving me a chance. Trixie knows she can be… difficult, but she appreciates your patience.” You manage a smile. “We all have our moments, Trix. And besides, this is turning out to be quite the adventure.” She chuckles softly. “Indeed it is. And perhaps, when this is all over, we will have more than just an amulet to show for it.” You can’t help but be puzzled what in the wild, wild world of sports she means by that, but what the hay, there’s no time to dwell on it. The city of Canterlot looms ahead, its towers and spires gleaming in the moonlight. Trixie’s demeanor shifts back to determined and focused as you approach the outer walls. “We’re almost there,” she whispers. “Remember, stay close and follow my lead.” You nod, and you could feel your heart pounding in your chest, feeling as if it might just explore within you, as you prepare for the next part of the action.