When Darkness Shines

by TeonnaKatzGuardianStorm

First published

Princess Cadence lives the life many dream to live. Now she is just waiting for her handsome prince charming. However her daydream expectations are thrown out the window when she meet her betrothed, a sassy and mysterious umbrum prince, Sombra.

Princess Cadence lives the life many dream to live as the princess of the Crystal Empire. After growing up in the Crystal Castle alone she dreams of her prince charming to come and be her new king. Her expectations are tossed aside when she meets her betrothed, the umbrum prince, Sombra.

Prince Charming???

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One couldn't say it was a shining day in the Crystal Empire, it shined everyday. Nor a beautiful day, it was beautiful everyday. But when Cadence awoke she knew there was something different about today. Since the war in the south started almost 1000 years ago it was a constant sunset and sunrise in the Empire. The moon glistening on the left and the sun beaming on the right. The only way to tell that days were passing by was through the clocks. And this clock said it was morning.

Cadence was the princess of the Crystal Empire and daughter of Queen Amore. Each day she would learn from her mother how to one day be a good queen to her crystal pony subjects. Cadence didn't mind the repetitive days or her future throne. In fact, Cadence was delighted at the prospect that her future was all planned out. Today was different because her mother was going to introduce her to her betrothed. Cadence was overjoyed to meet her future king who would sweep her off her hooves. A handsome, strong, stallion who knew how to treat a princess. Being one of the few royals in the Empire Cadence wasn't allowed to mingle outside of the court ponies. That consisted of her mother, Queen Amore, Abacus Cinch the earth pony representative, Fleur de Verre the pegasus representative, and Crystal Beau the unicorn representative. Technically she was allowed to be friends with their kids but Cinch and Beau didn't have any and Fleur's was an infant. Cadence did have a little bit of a friendship with Golden Wheat and her daughter Crystal Cream but her best friend was her mother, Amore.

Queen Amore was a beautiful and kind queen to her subjects. She adored her little Cadenza and looked forward to the meeting between her and her betrothed. As Cadence entered the throne room Amore smiled.

"Good morning my little Cadenza. Are you excited for today?" Cadence sat down beside her mother next to her throne.

"I can't wait to meet him Mother." Cadence said cheerfully. She had asked her mother to betroth her a few years ago but only now had she found a suitable match. Cadence knew he would be a unicorn because she was a pegasus. She pictured a broad, rugged stallion with a coat as white as the north snow. A princess could dream. And that dream would come true today when they arrived later. Cadence watched her mother deal with issues in the kingdom and it felt like forever before she heard the sounds of trumpets.

Cadence followed her mother down to the plaza under the castle. She made sure each hair and feather was in it's correct spot. Then the sky grew dark and she knew the Umbrum Kingdom had arrived. The first two to shift from the shadows was Queen Rabia and King Samaar. They were very dark coated and held themselves proudly. Their guards soon shifted. 'OK, so he isn't a pearly white stallion that's still not bad.' Cadence thought to herself.

Then he shifted.

He was large, she would give him that. He held himself with poise and grace befitting a royal. As he got closer she noticed he also had a very fluffy beard. To her clean shaven looked a lot nicer but it could be an Umbrum thing since his father also had one. His black mane flowed down over his shoulders. Then she noticed the bright red eyeliner. She couldn't help the crinkle in her nose. It just wasn't her thing. He gazed down as he stood before her.

"Hello, your highness. I am Prince Sombra." His voice was deep and resonated beneath the castle. He dipped his head and closed his eyes as a sign of respect. He really got the brightest shade of red there, but at least he doesn't suck at it.

"How do you do?" she replied, picking up a hoof to raise to his. She expected him to take it and they would head off together to prepare for their engagement ball but he gazed at her confused and booped her hoof with his. His long, dark legs were covered in large silver armor. 'At least he is strong.' Sombra turned around and they made their way back to the castle to get ready for the two's celebration scheduled for that evening.

Cadence wanted to wow him when he saw her dress. She picked a beautiful shade of magenta that allowed for beautiful blue stockings. She switched her headband out for a tiara and made her way there.

Radiant Hope

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Cadence's first meeting with her future husband didn't go as well as she hoped. Sure she expected a tall and handsome stallion to sweep her off her hooves and have a happily ever after but the least he could do was not vanish during their unity celebration! Shortly after walking through the streets as a public gesture, Sombra vanished. The party lasted for hours and still no sign of Sombra. The Umbrum King and Queen headed off to their chambers and still no Sombra. Cadence bid her mother goodnight, dropped off her dress, and snuck off to go find her future husband and give him a peice of her mind. She walked through the crystal streets quietly, she definitely wasn't supposed to be out of the castle this late and especially not alone. Then she heard some giggling.

"Oh my Sombra! I didn't think you had something like that in you!" A high pitched voice giggled, definitely a mare.

Cadence turned around a house to see Sombra and a chubby little crystal unicorn walking down the street together!

"Radiant darling, I'm the ruler of shadows and everything in darkness. What else did you expect?" Sombra chuckled deeply with a sly grin. Cadence huffed angrily. They were due to be married and he was out here flirting with her subjects! She lowered her head and walked as quickly and quietly as she could towards the two.

"That was dark even for you!" Radiant started laughing loudly and Sombra joined in.

"Excuse me!" Cadence said abruptly and stamped her hoof on the ground. The two sharply turned around.

As soon as Radiant saw it was Cadence she sighed in relief. "Your highness you won't believe what happened-"

"Where were you?" Cadence cut her off as she gazed angrily at Sombra. "You missed our entire unity celebration. Do you have any idea how many delegates and ponies I had to deal with at my own engagement party. BY MYSELF!"

Radiant and Sombra looked at each other. Radiant raised a brow and Sombra rolled her eyes before turning to Cadence.

"Look darling I had plans here long before that party was even thought of. Excuse me for missing one celebration it isn't like you don't have a different one every week here."

Cadence scoffed and shoved her hoof right into Sombra's muzzle. "Your going to be king of this land one day so I suggest you start memorizing every party! And I don't know what stupid plans you had that were more important than an alliance between two kingdoms that couldn't be rescheduled and I don't care. This is my home and I won't rule it one day with an inconsiderate colt like you!" She turned around sharply and whipped her tail in front of his face before walking back off to the castle. Once she was far enough Sombra and Radiant couldn't see her she hung her head low. Not even one day engaged and they didn't get along who knows what her married life would be like. Who was she kidding the rest of her life be like? Sure she had expectations that were pretty high but she never expected someone who wasn't even interested in her. She flew back and in her window and as she laid on her bed wondered why the universe had to put her with the one pony who didn't want her.

Meanwhile back with Sombra.

Sombra rolled his eyes as Cadence walked away. Sure he had his ideas of her but he didn't expect a demanding prissy diva princess. She looked disappointed the moment he arrived. He turned to Radiant Hope as she rubbed her swollen belly. He kit his brows in concern.

"The little one isn't too fond of all this angry drama going on." Radiant Hope said worriedly.

"Let me finish walking you home and I'll try to explain everything to Cadence tomorrow." He said as he helped her up. They made their way down the crystal road before reaching a house tucked away between two larger ones. Radiant bid him goodnight and went inside. Sombra with a wave, walked over to a shadowed area behind a house and shifted into his room in the castle. He couldn't even begin to think of where to start. He removed his armor and cape and flopped down on his bed. He was grateful for some privacy in the castle. He could be as undignified as he wanted. He thought back to the headache he would have to deal with in the morning. Why did the universe have to make her so annoying?!

"Sombra!" An angry voice bellowed from the shadows.

Sombra leapt out of his bed at his mother's voice. She appeared in the darkest corner of the room, shaking the shadows off her newly shifted form. The dark queen radiated respect and unfortunately for Sombra, also anger.

"Where were you?" She said coldly, her tail lashing in annoyance.

Sombra sighed, he knew this was coming. "I had to get a break from all this." He lied.

The queen glared at her son.

"Fine! I went to see Radiant Hope!"

She rubbed the base of her horn and grimaced. "Sombra you have a duty to preform here and don't need to get distracted. I will talk to Amore and you will talk with Cadence." She headed towards the door but before leaving said, "They are not pleased about this. I expected better than this from you." She stepped out and slammed the door.

"Least you used the door that time." Sombra muttered.

"I heard that!"

Bunch of Brats

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As soon as Cadence awoke the next morning she went to see her mother. She made up her mind that she was not going to marry Sombra and wanted to request a new betrothal. Unfortunately for her Sombra's mother was with her in the throne room.

"Mother, may I speak with you privately when you are done?" Cadence said as she entered the throne room.

"If it concerns my son he has already spoken with me." the umbrum queen said sharply. She was known for her no-nonsense attitude and Cadence hoped she could see that in her son.

Amore smiled,"Would you love go get him for us?"

Cadence nodded and stepped out the throne room to gather Sombra. The faster this betrothal was annulled the sooner he could get out of her kingdom. She knocked loudly on his door.

"Sombra! The queens wish to see you in the throne room! NOW!" She chirped before heading back to the throne room. She didn't care to make sure he was following her, he had already proved he couldn't do that on his own.

Sombra's sleepy form stuck his head out the door.

"You do not have to knock so loud darling, I was already awake." He stepped out of his room in his normal regalia. He then shuffled behind her to the throne room. The prissy pegasus walking very quickly and Sombra hoped this was good news about the betrothal being canceled based on Cadence's tantrum last night. She hadn't even given him a chance to explain!

She tossed open the throne room door and Sombra in his sleepy state walked right into it as it closed, macking him right on the muzzle. He shot her a glare that she returned with a huff and looked away, flicking her tail in annoyance.

"Let's get this over with." She said as she sat down next to her mother. Sombra sat down on the other side next to his mother, Queen Rabia.

"As you two know you were betrothed and despite the mishaps with the unity celebration the Crystal Empire seems like a forgiving and welcoming place." Rabia shot her son a glare clearly noticing his absence at the unity celebration.

"Despite the unforseen events the Crystal ponies have taken a liking to the umbrums in the Empire and with the marriage between our two kingdoms I see a stronger Empire with you both as it's rulers." Queen Amore said with a smile towards her daughter.

Wait a minute.

"Mother!" Cadence shot up and said too loudly before realizing that was improper. (She didn't even need to look at Sombra to know he chuckled at her display.) Amore raised an eyebrow.

"What I mean to say is that me and Sombra... Well we just are not compatible. He is inconsiderate and quite rude. I do not think he would make a good king here."

"Now Cadence-" Amore tried to reason but Sombra cut her off.

"Excuse me for not being up to your standards Darling but some of us have better things to do than be pretty all the time." Sombra glared at the princess as his mother stared in shock. However she quickly regained her composure to rein in her son.


Cadence stomped over to the dark stallion, her tail waving and her ears pinned back in rage. "Least I care about my subjects and don't go frolicking off with the first mare I see on the street."

"Cadence!-" Sombra snarled cutting the queen off again. He bared his teeth with a growl and his pupils were very thin slits as he became overtaken by shadow. She could see smoke forming on the sides of his eyes. He raised his face close to hers before angrily enunciating each word, "You know nothing about Radiant Hope so keep her. Out. Your. Mouth."


The two turned to see a raging Queen Rabia. Her eyes a shade of purple and dark purple smoke on either side of her face. The closer you looked the more in shadow she was.

"Irregardless if you two like it or not you are expected to do your duty as royalty. Sombra you were raised better than this and I assume you were as well Princess Cadence." Queen Rabia grumbled.

Cadence sat back down and turned to her mom. "Mother you know more than anyone how much I wanted to be betrothed but Sombra is just impossible to work with."

Amore closed her eyes a moment and sighed. "Yes my little Cadenza but this is the best I can give you. We can't get exactly what we want but we can make the best of it and do our royal duty."

Sombra rolled his eyes and turned to his mother. "She hasn't even given me a chance since I got here. I know times are difficult but do we really need this?"

Rabia groaned in frustration, her shadows starting to fade. "Sombra my hooves are tied. You know why we need this alliance and like Amore said you need to make the best of it."

If there's anything those two could agree on more was how much they couldn't stand the other and the thought of marriage between them was a nightmare.

"Fine!" They turned and left the throne room. Sombra headed out to find Radiant Hope while Cadence ran to her bedroom.

Once inside her room she curled up on her bed. How could her mother do this to her. What did her Empire need from the umbrums so bad that she could not marry somweone else? Anyone else?

Sombra shifted to a shadow and reappeared in Radiant Hope's residence. The heavily pregnant mare a little shocked to see Sombra but nonetheless welcomed him with open arms.

A True Prince and Princess

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Cadence couldn’t sleep. She wanted to listen to her mother’s words but she just couldn’t see herself with Sombra. She went to go knock on Sombra’s door only to find it partly open and upon peaking her head inside discovered he was gone. She knew where he was and she couldn’t stop the flow of tears as she ran back to her room.

Cadence stayed in her room all day. She just couldn’t bear the thought of Sombra. She waited until the late hours of the sunset to go to the sunset side of the castle. Perhaps some fresh air would clear her head. She climbed on the side of the balcony and looked out at her kingdom below. She loved her subjects and it’s one of the reasons why she wanted a betrothal. She wanted to do right by them but now she isn’t so sure what’s right.

”My little Cadenza, I haven’t seen you all day?”

Cadence turned around to see her mother standing in the doorway. She turned back around and laid her head on the railing, gazing out at the houses again.

”He hasn’t been here all day either has he?” Cadence mumbled. She knew the answer.

”No. However I spoke to Queen Rabia about Radiant Hope.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. Rabia should have had better control over her son and he wouldn’t be over there with Radiant Hope now. She hadn’t missed the young mare’s pregnant belly but she couldn’t bring herself to tell her mother about it. That brought up too many dark memories.

”There’s more to them than you realize. It’s not my story to tell but you should hear him out.” Amore said taking a step from the doorway. “Sombra didn’t ask for this no more than you did.”

“Then why does it have to be him!? I asked for anyone else but you won’t and you won’t even tell me why!” Cadence said as she fumed and slammed a hoof down on the crystal balcony.

”It’s not my story to tell you, Cadence.” Amore walked up to her daughter. “You know I wouldn’t make you do this if it wasn’t the right thing to do.” She placed a good under her daughter’s chin and turned her towards her. “Believe me I know it’s hard but when you are royalty we have a duty to take on responsibilities so our subjects don’t have to. To be honest with you when you asked to be betrothed I wasn’t going to do it. I wanted you to have a choice because I know how much it hurt when I didn’t. But when Rabia came to me and explained what happened I knew there was a reason you wanted one despite what happened with your father.” Amore pressed her forehead to Cadence’s. “I know Rabia raised him better than that and I trust you to make the right decision and try to make the best of this. My beautiful little Cadenza I know that this is hard but you are princess and I know you can make it through anything.” She nuzzled her before stepping back to sit beside her.

“When I was little you and dad looked like you were a perfect match. Then one day he just left.” Cadence hung her head low.

”Your father and I could’t agree on much but we both never wanted to show that side to you. I just never felt a connection between us and it hurt to see I would never feel the same as he did for me and when she entered the picture I knew it was only a matter of time before he went with her. Your father found the love I couldn't give him. I don’t hate your father for that, he gave me you. And I know that you want a betrothal so that whoever you’re with can’t leave you like he did to me. But I know Rabia and Sombra and I trust that they will do what’s right.”

Amore nuzzled her daughter’s hair.

“I’ll talk to him tomorrow and try to make the best of this.” Cadence said with a small smile. Amore smiled back and turned to walk inside the castle.

”You know I love you right mom?”

“Always. You know I love you most.”

Meanwhile with Sombra;

Sombra shifted from shadow in the dark house of Radiant Hope. The heavily pregnant mare was relaxing reading a book. Soon her room filled with dark shadows as a small burst of red light filled the room. Startled the mare shouted, “Sombra I told you not to do that!” She turned toward the prince and saw he was very upset. Immediately dropping her frustration she went toward him.

”Sombra what’s the matter? Was it Cadence? Did she let you explain?” Radiant tried to calm him down but the prince shook and fell to the floor. She waddled back over to where she was reading and grabbed her blanket to take back over to Sombra. She bent down as much as her belly abled her to. ”Let it all out then you can explain.” She rubbed small circles on his back trying to calm him down.

”Out of all the royal brats in Equestria why does it have to be her?! She can’t stand me. Everything I get close to gets messed up.” Sombra gripped onto the blanket tightly. Radiant sat down beside him and lifted his chin with her hoof. “I’m not messed up.” She gave a small smile but it seemed to have no effect.

“If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be dragged into all this.” Sombra sniffled. If his mother saw him right now she would have a fit.

”OOF!” Radiant winced in pain. Sombra leapt up to his hooves in a panic. “Is it time?!”

Radiant chuckled and put a hoof to her belly. “Not quite yet but soon I hope, she doesn’t like to sit still anymore.” Sombra leaned down and saw a tiny bulge on Radiant’s side.

”She is gonna be quite the warrior one day.” Sombra put a hoof on the tiny bulge. He couldn’t wait to meet her. Would she look like Radiant? How powerful would she be?

“Just like her father.” Radiant Hope purred. Sombra laid back beside her resting his head on her stomach. “Got any names yet?” Radiant nodded and began listing off names. He liked North Star, Light Breeze, Shadow Dream but none quite stuck.

”She is gonna love you.” Radiant smiled.

“She is all I have left.”

Radiant's Secret

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Cadence trekked through the castle to the throne room early the next morning. She, Sombra, and Radiant Hope would meet with the queens to try and establish a bit better peace between everyone. When Cadence arrived to the throne room she saw a patiently waiting Sombra. he sat to his left on the same side his mother was on. After a few short minutes Radiant Hope arrived. She peeked her head in the door and waved.

"Come now Radiant Hope we mustn't dilly dally." Rabia said sternly. Radiant Hope sighed and stepped out from behind the door. Rabia's face turned from shock to angry very quickly. As she stomped her hoof down walking off the throne her body began to develop shadows. Sombra turned to Radiant Hope as his mother shifted through him. He shook his head in a daze as Cadence walked over to him. Amore stood up to keep in eye on his subject but even she would respect the umbrum queen.

"Suprise?" Radiant Hope said awkwardly as she lowered herself towards the ground. Rabia's pupils all but vanished as she stood in front of the much smaller expectant mare.

"What kind of breed are you?" Rabia said quietly, each word laced with the fury she felt. "You filthy, disgusting, vile, creature!" She snarled. "I let you in my kingdom! I housed you and cared for you like my own!" She slammed her hoof down so hard the floor cracked. Cadence looked up at her mother expected her queen to do something. Amore squeezed her eyes shut and let out a sigh before sitting down. She gave Cadence a pleading look, and her daughter stood over by her throne.

"How dare you not tell me! I know that foal is my son's! After everything I did for you, this is the kind of treason you pull!" Radiant Hope was nearly on the floor as her eyes brimmed with tears.

"I didn't know how to tell you. What happened was hard on all of us." Radiant Hope pleaded with the queen. Sombra seemed to finally come to his senses as he rushed over to Radiant and his mother.

"That is enough mother!" He put himself between Radiant and Rabia and shoved his head towards Rabia's. "She is carrying your grandfoal. Have better respect than that!" He used his horn to push his mother away. He turned back to Radiant.


Radiant Hope didn't have to be told twice as she rushed out the door sobbing. Sombra turned back to his mother only to find her shadow shifting back to her room. "Leave me be. I need time to process this." She vanished.

"I think it's time you two talked this out." Amore said from her throne.

"There is nothing to talk about." Sombra growled as he followed his mother. Cadence was surprised he followed her instead of Radiant Hope but nonetheless took the moment to follow Radiant alone. She dipped her head to her mother and rushed out the door quickly following the crystal unicorn.

'For a heavily pregnant mare she is awfully fast!' Cadence thought to herself as she followed her out the castle into the street below. She began to lose Radiant in the crowd of ponies. It was undignified, but so be it as she flew above the crowd following the unicorn. Radiant finally stopped at her house and just as she was about the close the door Cadence landed and stuck a hoof in the door.

"Wow you are fast!" Cadence huffed. Radiant turned around slightly shocked. "Princess, what are you doing here?" Cadence exhaled loudly before stepping in the door and kicking it shut. "It's obvious that the only way I'm going to get some answers is through you. I don't care if it's Sombra's job to tell me or not. I'm done being in the dark about all this." Radiant contemplated for a moment before turning towards the stairs. "Alright ask away and I'll tell you everything you want to know."

"First off why is it so dark in here?"

Radiant laughed to herself as she and Cadence made their way up the stairs. "The foal is half umbrum, they are much calmer in the dark." She pushed the door open to her room and Cadence looked around. It was also very dark in here but near the edge sat many, many, many blankets and pillows. At least half the floor was covered. Radiant laid on top of a few of the cushions and motioned for Cadence to sit beside her on the floor. "Why was Rabia so mad at you?"

"I didn't tell her about the baby, as you know. I kept it to myself because I couldn't figure out how to tell her that I was carrying the rightful heir of the Umbrum Kingdom. Shortly after I left my parents house I moved to the Umbrum Kingdom to explore the world. We obviously can't go south so I headed north. My chance I ran into Sombra and Seraphina."

"Who is Seraphina?"

"Sombra's elder twin sister and the former heir of the Umbrum Kingdom. We hit it off and they took me to meet their mother. Rabia allowed me to stay in the castle with them while I did my studies. Seraphina was beautiful and kind to her people. I know she deeply loved me despite Rabia wanting to betroth her. Many refused because she was no longer "Seraphim".

"Where is Seraphina now? Is she with the rest of the Umbrum Kingdom?"

Radiant sighed and turned to Cadence, her head hung low. "Seraphina, like the rest of the Umbrum Kingdom has nothing left. We were attacked by the northern dragons and Seraphina led the charge. They were crushed. After destroying her charge they chased the remaining few of us out and we were welcomed here. That's why you and Sombra were betrothed. There is no Umbrum Kingdom anymore and without the betrothal they have nowhere left to go."

Things all made sense now. Now that she knew what was going on she could try and make things right. If not for her people but for the Umbrums.

"Now that I know why I can do my best to reason with Sombra and Rabia ans try and work out a deal that helps all of us." Cadence stood up so she could go back to the castle. Radiant went to stand up but had a little trouble. Cadence went to help her get to her hooves and as she got her back legs up she grunted in pain and fell back down.

"Are you alright Radiant?" Cadence said as she lowered her head to try and look at Radiant's face. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her nose flared. Her ears were pinned back as she grunted loudly.

'Oh no...' Cadence thought to herself.

Radiant started breathing heavy but leaned up to look at Cadence. "I don't think I'm going to be carrying the Umbrum heir much longer."

Get Up!

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Cadence ran towards the door. "Stay right here and I'll go get help!"

She quickly flung it open and dashed down the stairs hearing Radiant call out. "It's not like I'm going out the window!"

Cadence leapt out the door and jumped into the air. Flying would be much faster.

"Hurry up!"

She turned and saw Radiant by the window. She nodded and flew towards the castle. The streets were still crowded and it seemed as if there was some kind of celebration going on. Cadence rolled her eyes and flew in between two stalls.

"Hey! Watch the flying there are foals down here!" Cadence looked down to see a guard yelling at her.

"As your princess I command you to leave me alone!" He quickly bowed down and mumbled sorry as she took off again. She saw Rabia and Sombra on the moonside balcony and her mother on the sunside. She flew towards her mother. If Radiant needed a healer her mother could find them she didn't think the umbrums would know who she was.

She landed loudly on the balcony startling her mother.

"Cadenza!" Amore shrieked.

"Radiant" Huff, "Baby" huff, "Now!" She really needed to work on her flying.

"WHAT?!" She looked up to see Sombra and Rabia entering the balcony with Sombra quickly leaving.

"I'll get the umbrum healer, she may be needed and I don't think Radiant Hope wants to see me right now." Rabia said as she walked off, Cadence assumed to what was the umbrum quarters.

Cadence and Amore turned to the balcony. "Cadence was too tired to fly all the way back so that left being teleported by her mother. Cadence didn't do well with teleportation.

"You go ahead and I'll catch up." She nodded to her mother who quickly teleported away.

She walked out towards the stairs to go find the Crystal Empire healer and follow them.


Sombra and his mother had seen Cadence fly by and wondered what was up. They headdd towards the other balcony and Sombra overheard her say, "Radiant" huff, "Baby" huff, "Now!"

Sombra's immediately stopped and panicked. "WHAT?!" Not even giving time for anything rushed towards the dark part of the castle to shift to her home. As soon as there was shadow Sombra was gone. He shifted into the darkness of Radiant's house to find her at the top of the stairs leaned over in pain. He rushed to her side.

"I thought you planned on having the baby upstairs?" Sombra asked. They had spent a lot of time getting the area ready as part of Radiant's plan.

Radiant groaned in pain. "Something is wrong!" Sombra quickly helped her down the rest of the stairs. He opened the door and turned to help Radiant only to find her on the ground.

"Come on Radiant, you have to get up so we can get you to a healer." He tried to help her get up but she slumped back down. She tried again but fell back down this time her head laid on the floor as she breathed slow breaths.

"Radiant! You have to get up!" Sombra tried to push her head up. She barely lifted her head and gazed at Sombra with half lidded eyes and their vibrant blue hue seemed pale.

Sombra leapt towards the door and saw Queen Amore. "The healers are on their way." She walked over to Radiant Hope and grim expression on her face. She leaned down to Radiant to feel very slow and shallow breaths. The small mare simply nodded and Amore used her magic to drag a screaming Sombra out of the house. She slammed the door shut and Sombra shoved the door trying desperately to get to her. It was too bright out to shift inside. He knew Amore knew that. Cadence, his mother, and two healers arrived but upon seeing Sombra attacking the door the two healers sat down. Cadence ran over to the door by Sombra. Rabia just stared expressionless towards the ground. Shortly Amore opened the door and Sombra ran inside. Cadence peered in the door for only a moment before rushing back out. Sombra leaned down to Radiant. He gave her a light shove on her shoulder.

"Radiant Darling, please get up." He looked into her eyes and saw no light left. Amore stood behind her giving Sombra a moment before she would let the healers inside. She knew they weren't needed.

"Get up please!" Sombra cried as he pushed her chin with his muzzle. She just fell back down. "Get up! You have to get up!" Sombra sobbed loudly as he tried to shake her shoulder once more, this time harder. Amore squeezed her eyes shut and dragged him out again. "No! No! No! She has to get up!" She pulled him back as he started turning shadow. Dark red smoke appeared by his eyes and his mane looked more like smoke than hair as he fought her magic. Rabia seemed to have cone to her senses at the sight of her son. She pulled him close and held him as he slowly stopped fighting.

Cadence couldn't do anything but stare open mouthed at the door. Wondering if she had done anything differently if this wouldn't have happened. It seemed like forever but was only a few moments before Amore came back outside this time with a tiny foal buried in her hooves.

Welcome to the World

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Back at the castle the healers checked over the foal. It was a little filly. A coat black as night with the crystal pony shimmer and her mane just like her mother's. Her horn was straight but lacked the normal rings as an umbrum did. When her eyes opened they held her mother's hue but with a slit pupil like her umbrum kin.

Both her parents were now gone. She is half crystal pony half umbrum as well as umbrum royalty so a divid between the court became an issue regarding her fate. Crystal ponies without parents usually go up for adoption to others who cannot have foals. This takes the burden off of the grieving family and blesses another. Umbrums take in their kin and raise them as their own so they may never know that their family is lost.


"You can't just take away my grandfoal!" Rabia growled to the Crystal Court.

"This loss of your own child and Radiant has you lashing out and acting like a beast Rabia. That is no life for this filly to grow up in." Cinch the earth pony member retorted.

Rabia stood and walled over to Cinch. Her eyes smoking with anger as she was nearly shadow. She leaned in and growled, "That is Queen Rabia to you." before she sharply turned back to her seat.

"Your kingdom is gone. You are no queen here. Take a few minutes to handle yourself before you talk to me again."

Rabia snarled and turned but the council was already gone. She needed to talk to Amore.


"I hear your concerns and I'll do my best to handle it but the umbrums are our people now too. We must be understanding of their ways and adapt so that we can all thrive."

"The houses they are building are so dark and creepy, my foals don't feel safe playing around them" A crystal pony mother said, worried.

"They just shift wherever they want to. It freaks us out when they appear out of the dark. What if they shift into my house when i'm sleeping." An angry stallion retorted.

"We are not thieves! We are making our homes after our old kingdom" An umbrum mare shot back.

Amore massaged between her eyes. It seemed as if everyday the two groups just argued more and more. Ever since Radiant Hope passed tensions were high everywhere. She saw Rabia stick her head in the door to the throne room as the group continued pestering each other. Rabia sat next to Amore.

"Tensions are high with everyone after Radiant's death. The crystal ponies think it was because the foal was part umbrum." Amore said sadly.

Rabia huffed a laugh, "The umbrums think it was because Radiant was too irresponsible and didn't take any precautions."

"It just happens sometimes." Amore said as she turned back to the subjects still unsure how to quell the chaos between them.

"May I?" Rabia motioned to the group and Amore dipped her head. Rabia stepped forward to the edge of the stand. "We Umbrums would never shift into homes unwarranted. Unicorns have the same ability and even stronger so. Our homes are modeled after the caves our kingdom rested inside in our old home. We can work together to find a solution that will appease all parties. Miss' fo you have any suggestions to make the homes safer and less scary?"

The mare pondered for a moment.


Cadence had been keeping herself busy as well in the troubling times. If she wasn't dealing with arguments in the street she was dealing with Rabia's son. Sombra had taken the foal into his room after they had gotten back to the castle. He refused to leave the room when he heard what the council planned to do. Since Radiant Hope was a citizen of the Empire her foal was now orphaned based on the laws of the Empire. The umbrum royalty didn't see it that way and thought the laws were taking foals from their family. Cadence didn't know what to think. On one hoof Sombra and Rabia wanted to keep the foal and raise it but on the other Rabia was aggressive to the court and Sombra hadn't left his room in weeks. What the court said made sense they were too grief stricken to deal with a newborn filly. Cadence would know as she was on the way to take food to Sombra and the baby.

"I've got one very delicious looking sandwich thanks to the royal chef Crystal Cream and one bottle for a super cute and tiny princess. She tried to be joyful when she was around them but as per normal Sombra just picked his head up and replied, "Thank you." He took the bottle and began feeding her.

Cadence went to set the plate down but furrowed her brows when she saw the last plate was stilling sitting there untouched. She took the old plate and replaced it with the other one. "You know super cute and tiny princess is a really long name, have you or Rabia thought of anything shorter yet?" She could see dark bags under Sombra's eyes as he slowly looked over to her then turned back to the filly.

"I don't know what Seraphina or Radiant would have wanted to call her. Nothing feels right." Cadence turned to go and leave again but looked back and saw the filly smiling and reaching for Sombra. He leaned his head down and smiled back at her.

Cadence sat the plate down and walked back over. She laid down across from Sombra. "It isn't very exciting watching a baby you know." Sombra muttered. Normally Cadence was quick to leave the room as Sombra would tend to get rude if she stuck around too long. "Let's try and think of one. She is almost 2 months old and she needs a name." Sombra looked up at her with a frown and furrowed brows. "She needs her parents." He retorted before leaning back down and letting the filly play with his muzzle again. Cadence rolled her eyes. "We can't keep calling her "the baby" forever. Maybe we can name her after her mother, Radiant Dream sounds kinda cute." Sombra's eyes squeezed shut for a moment and when they opened there was a faint smoke. "I won't look at her daughter and say her name."

Cadence looked at the filly and saw she was starting to grow sleepy. She was curled up in between Sombra's forelegs. Her eyes barely open as she yawned and buried her head in her hooves. "OK so maybe something a little less obvious." Cadence pondered a moment before suggesting, "Sparkling Wish, maybe?" Sombra rolled his eyes and laid his head down next to the foal. "Would you just get out already. She is sleeping." He whispered.

Cadence took that as a challenge. Somebody had to do something and she was tired of being a doormat cause he was hurt. She slowly stretched out her legs and laid her head down. Sombra opened his eyes and shot her a glare before closing them again. This time he turned his head away from Cadence. Cadence mocked a yawn and stayed there even though she knew Sombra was secretly wanting to throw her out. She could see the grimace on his face as she too slowly slipped into unconsciousness.


The next time he opened his eyes, he saw Cadence's closed. He figured she was still messing with him until after whispering her name a few times realized she was asleep. He began to realize that this was the first time that he had company that didn't want to take away the foal. Even when Rabia came she had the foal. Amore hadn't visited just occasionally spoke through the door. Sombra was still mad about her dragging him out the house and Radiant's death. If he had been in there maybe he could have done something. If he had been with Seraphina maybe she wouldn't have lost both or either of her parents. Maybe if Seraphina was alive she could have saved Radiant Hope. Sombra knew how much she loved Radiant. Sombra turned back to look at Cadence. The princess had for the past 6 weeks brought him and the baby food. Rabia did sometimes but with all the rioting breaking out she had to handle the umbrum side. Then the council got involved, and she was left to handle that. She would come 5-6 times a day, just a few minutes each time, and ask if he named the baby yet. Same thing, same answer, and same thought everytime she left.


The two weren't even friends. Even before it he hadn't told her about what happened to his sister or his kingdom. Last time they had a conversation more than a few minutes long was when they argued about getting married with their moms. He hadn't done anything to deserve her sympathy, much less her pity. He looked at her again and this time observed her. Maybe the lack of sleep was making him a freak for watching a sleeping mare. He looked at her legs, each one tipped in white like she had been running through snow. Her wings dipped in royal purple. He knew that when she flew in the sky it made her wings look like a sunset. She flew by the window a lot. Her mane reminded him more of a sunrise. It started off dark and turned pink with golden streaks in it like sun rays. Her eyes were never without her blue makeup. Sombra had noticed the day they met how disgusted she looked when he showed his red colored ones. Serphina had taught him and he just liked how it looked. His mother gave the same expression Cadence did and saw it as ill mannered for a stallion of his stature to wear. With her laying sideways he got a glimpse of a marking he hadn't noticed before. She had a little white diamond between her eyes. Her mane typically covered it but even he knew it was a very rare marking. It kinda reminded him of the moon but maybe it was because he too was slowly drifting off. Her pink coat reminded. him.. of...

Amore and Rabia:

Rabia pushed open her son's door with Amore following behind. The council had made their decision and soon they would be coming to get the foal. Both of them were taken aback by the sight before them. Sombra laid sleeping with the baby between his forelegs while Cadence laid by his side. All three were asleep. Rabia turned to Amore as Amore turned to Rabia. Both had gotten the same idea at the same time and knew the solution to all their problems.

Fate or Future?

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After a quick awakening, Cadence and Sombra were rushed(dragged) into the throne room with the Crystal Court. Cinch held held out a foreleg to Sombra for the filly but with a slight growl he turned away and walked off to stand by his mother. Rabia shooed him away much to his confusion to stand beside Cadence. The meeting started off pretty boring. The Crystal Court restating all the laws when it came to foals and orphaned foals. Sombra thought a majority of it was pretty stupid. At the thought he turned to Cadence to see her making the most obscene expression he had ever seen. He looked down to see the foal smiling and waving her forelegs around. Cadence did another and she beamed. Sombra switched her to his other foreleg and started waving it in front of Cadence's face and each time her expression would change. The filly loved it. Sombra smiled with the foal. He reached out to boop her on the nose and she in turn started booping herself. She reached up a foreleg to booking Sombra but ended up smacking him right in his muzzle. He pulled his head back and Cadence started silently giggling. Sombra shot her a cherrful glare but-

"If our two heirs bother to pay attention!"

Sombra and Cadence snapped their heads up as they noticed the court staring at them while Rabia smirked at the court. Amore just dipped her head and turned back to the court while Sombra lowered his head towards the filly to hide his embarrassment. In his defense, he had just been woken up.

"Speaking of our two heirs me and Queen Rabia have an idea that will solve all our problems." Amore said to the court.

Rabia stood up. "As we all know the betrothal between them was on very rough ground but that is to be expected when you have such an immediate betrothal and they hadn't met before all this. But there may be a better way to secure an alliance between our kingdoms."

Amore turned to Cadence and announced,
"My daughter, Princess Cadence will be her new mother."

Cadence stood in shock for a moment her mouth agape before Sombra poked her shoulder and she turned to him. He harshly pushed his lips together to signal to her that that was very undignified. As soon as he heard her name he realized what their plan was and Cadence had to appear perfect for this to work.

Cadence however had not realized this.

"Mother are you sure?" Cadence asked softly looking in between her and Queen Rabia. Queen Rabia answered for her. "And when she comes of age she will join the Crystal Court to represent the umbrums."

Cinch turned to the two queens, "And you realize by nulling this betrothal your abdicating your position as a queen correct?" Rabia hadn't forgotten Cinch's comment and as much as she was mad Cinch was right.

"My kingdom has fallen do we must work with you so that my subjects have a new home. But until she comes of age there will need to be a representative of the umbrums. I've ruled my kingdom for many years and when my husband returns we wish to retire and I ask my son Sombra to take the place until she is ready?"

Sombra froze. He hadn't expected this part but dipped his head in respect for his mother. "I will do my best my Qu- ...Mother."

Queen Rabia nodded in turn and stood beside Amore. She bowed down baring her head for the queen. Amore removed her crown and placed it on a pillow beside the throne as Rabia stood up.

Cinch and the council did a final bow to the former queen and Cinch dipped her head in respect. "With that taken care of, with Princess Cadence being her new mother, the filly needs a name."

Cadence turned to Sombra who passed her the foal. Cadence looked down at her and thought for a moment. She turned back to Sombra and then the rest of the Court.

"Her name will be Selena to honor the lost princess who sacrificed herself to get the umbrums here."

Cadence couldn't see it, but Sombra had never been more proud in that moment.

After the meeting, Sombra and Cadence headed over to Cadence's room where she had made plans to make her closet into a nursery.

"She will have the cutest little crib and one of those mobiles hanging over her and we can decorate it with crystals! Oh and paint it dark cause I remember Radiant telling me she feels calmer in the dark, I guess It's an umbrum thing...."

She went on and on about her ideas while Sombra followed with Selena in his left foreleg. They entered the room and not surprisingly everything was pink.

Her walls were light pink with dark pink ribbons hung around the ceiling, her bed also hung to the ceiling and around it was a curtain of pink. The other color aside from pink was the white floor and doors.

"Let me guess your favorite color is blue." Sombra said as he turned to Selena but also to give his eyes a break. Cadence had walked into her closet by then and pulled her head out to roll her eyes at Sombra's attempt at a joke. "Funny." She said deadpanned. She pushed the door open to reveal a very large closet that thankfully wasn't all pink but was massive.

"Too bad Umbrums can't levitate like unicorns can cause this is going to take forever."

Sombra still stood there barely hearing her as he took in just how massive the room was. It was almost as big as Cadence's room. "Are you sure she needs this much space?" Sombra asked hesitantly. Cadence scoffed. "The other rooms are bigger." She started removing gowns from the closet and Sombra would take them down the hall to her new "wardrobe room". Amore and Rabia would come to pick up Selena after they were done settling things with the Court. After Selena started crying she let Sombra and Cadence go as they weren't needed for it and Sombra would be given his new title after his father got back and gave up his crown.

"Why do you have so many clothes?" Sombra asked as he stepped into the closet. Cadence flew over a rack and landed in front of him. "As you said we have parties every other week here and as their princess I can't wear the same thing twice to them. Besides it gives the royal tailors something to do. With me and mom the only royals they don't really have to worry about changing sizes for us." Sombra held out Selena. "Do you think they could make some stuff for her?" Cadence realized something and squealed. She flew off over the racks and quickly came back with a tiny blue dress. "This was one of my first dresses when I was a filly. The tailors are gonna have so much fun making her outfits!" She out the dress on Selena and held her up. "You look so cute!" Selena giggled loudly as Sombra smiled.

Flight or Fight

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After Sombra and Cadence managed to get the closet empty remodel work had to start. It needed to be umbrumfied! Luckily, Sombra happened to be an expert.

"Black floors, black walls, a black roof, if it's a noun that doesn't have an adjective that starts with a b, paint it black."

Cadence shook her head. They had been going over design ideas all morning and so far "paint it black" was as far as they got. "It's a baby's room Sombra. It needs a little color." Amore had offered that the staff could do it but Cadence wanted to do this herself. And of course Sombra had to help. "Let's do blue for now. It matches the floor and her mane."

They settled on doing black walls but Cadence had an idea after Sombra put Selena down next to it. Her crystal coat reflected off the wall and created an iridescent effect. She decided to add in some of her crystal unicorn heritage by adding small crystals to the walls. Sombra said the effect reminded him of the caves back home so she wanted to make it look like a cave wall to honor it. Halfway through Sombra grew frustrated.

"Why couldn't we just paint it black and call it a day?" He said as he groaned, knocking his head into the wall.

"Sombra! I just painted that!" She yelled both out of concern for the wall she just finished and now Sombra had a horn and muzzle covered in iridescent paint and tiny crystals.

"He got so frustrated he walked off and stepped right into a black paint bucket. He exhaled sharply at his own mistake. Cadence couldn't help stiffle a laugh as she turned away.

"What was that?" Sombra asked as he tilted his head a little to the side. A mischievous look on his face. "I couldn't hear it over the sound of paint!" He wiped a smear of black paint over her shoulder. He did it slow and purposefully as he made sure to really smear it on there. He turned around thinking they were now even but Cadence quickly grabbed his tail and smacked a glob of iridescent paint right down the side of his flank. His leg twitched, and he jumped away.

"Cadence!" Sombra squealed out of embarrassment and horror as he was now covered in more paint. Cadence cackled loudly and flew up to avoid another attack by Sombra. Sombra's cheeks were as red as his soul color and he would have grabbed her before she flew up but he did NOT want to get teased. Throwing it was out of the question so he figured the next best thing. He pulled the curtains shut and smirked at Cadence as she realized what he was going to do. As soon as the room was dark he shifted. Cadence looked around frantically trying to see him before he got to her. Her efforts were futile as he whispered, "Boo!" Before he shifted again this time behind her causing them both to go tumbling to the ground. He shifted again just before they hit to reduce the impact of the fall. He reshifted them next to the iridescent bucket and pinned Cadence down with the leg covered in black paint from when he stepped in the bucket(on purpose to get even more paint on Cadence). He got a glob of the paint and wondered where he should put it.

"Hmm... where should I exact my revenge?" He taunted. Cadence didn't say anything but dipped a few feathers in the bucket and flicked some at Sombra with a defeated grunt. It splattered him his cheek. "That will do." He lifted up her head with the other hoof covered in shiny paint. A quick gaze into her royal colored eyes and he forgot what he was doing. His leg pinning her down loosened up enough for her to get in a sneak attack. She pounced before Sombra could realize what was happening. She pushed him over and rolled on top of him. Her legs out to either side with Sombra below.

All Sombra could think was 'Thank the goddesses it's dark in here!' Gazing up at her and seeing her accomplished and mischievous expression, he couldn't help how red he was, and it wasn't just because red was his soul color. Cadence leaned down and whispered.

"I win."

Sombra almost choked. If she didn't bloody move.

"Why is it so dark in here?" Amore called from the doorway. Cadence leapt off him and Sombra rolled over and as he did he stuck his hoof in the paint again. Cadence opened the curtains letting light back into the room. The both of them were covered in paint.

"What happened to you two?!"

Sombra spent the next few paint sessions by starting to put his hair up in a bun. Getting the paint out was tricky and he did not want to go through that again. They were nearly done with the walls. The black layer was finished and nearly all the iridescent coating and cave designs. Just a few more crystals and Cadence would be happy with it. While Cadence struggled with the wall, Sombra felt conflicted. Ever since the first paint fight, something for him changed. He would often find himself looking to Cadence more than he would want to admit. During the day he would battle the blushing and when in his room he would either groan into his pillow how frustrated he was or how big of a freak he was or on occasion thinking about her. That would turn into him thinking he was a freak. He could say they were friends now with certainty, but he did not want to be the cause of them going back to despising each other. Their parents left them alone, dealing with the feuding nation and the court. Sombra's father would be back soon as well. He had gone with a patrol to find some of the missing umbrums in case they had survived the attack and followed them.

He didn't know anyone else here like he had came to know Cadence over the past few months. Selena was almost 3 months old now. That was another thing he couldn't put himself in a position to make things awkward with her as she was Selena's adoptive mother. He had other things to think about. He had priorities. However, his priorities didn't make the feelings go away.

Finally it was Selena's first night in her new room and Sombra's first night without her. Cadence had offered to let him sleep in there with Selena the first night but he refused. It was just as much a big step for her as it was for him and he might was well make the pain go by quick. But he found himself in her room playing peek-a-boo on her first night. She was growing tired but didn't want to go to sleep. Cadence went to go get a few items in case she needed them during the night.

"My precious Selena darling, you have it easy. Just play with Uncle Sombra, Grandma, Mora, and Cadence and we do everything to your little beck and call." He gave her a boop on the nose as she pulled herself up on her crib. "We all know who the real queen is here." He wanted to take her put the crib but he felt that might make it worse. Once he picked her up it would be hard to put her back down. So he opted to sing for her.

"Sleep now princess of the dark,
The shadows matriarch,
My darling in darkness you rest,
Shifting and twisting a nightmare's guest.

Come now little umbrum and lay your head,
Resting so quietly in your bed,
The voiceless night bows to your steed,
Give it to they who don't know they should plead.

For your mercy comes in high regard,
And those who disrespect are worth disgard,
There's a reason the darkness has no light,
Fear us and our might."

"That's a pretty dark song there." Cadence said as she stepped into the door. She set down the items on a nearby table before walking over to Sombra.

"Would you believe me if I said it was something my mother used to sing?" Sombra retorted.

"Knowing your mother, yes." Selena climbed off her crib and laid down in her bed. Cadence covered her with a soft blanket as she started to fall asleep. Cadence tilted her head towards the door and Sombra followed. She left the door cracked and sat down on her couch. She patted the seat next to her for Sombra. He laid his head on the side and mumbled. "I'm going to miss her."

"The offer is still open." Cadence said not looking up from her puzzle. She planned to be awake most of the night so she had a few puzzles. This one was a waterfall.

"No. She is going to get attached to me in there and I will never get back to my room." Sombra said grumpily as he looked down at the puzzle. He slid a piece over to her. "That goes to what you are working on." Every so often he would give her peices until Cadence turned to ask him if he was going to help put any together and she noticed he was asleep. She tossed a blanket over him and went back to her puzzle.

The Warriors Return

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Sombra awoke sharply to the sound of trumpets. It took him a moment to realize he was in Cadence's room on her couch. Cadence was on the floor with her forelegs and head on the table. She was asleep. The trumpets sounded again and this time Selena awoke with a very loud cry. The cry awoke Cadence who Amore knows how leapt up straight out of sleep and headed to Selena. Sombra hadn't even comprehended yet that he had slept in Cadence's room. Cadence walked out with a very angry Selena. She yawned before speaking, "I meant to wake you but it seems I fell asleep as well." The trumpets sounded off again. "We better go see what's going on." Sombra said as he grabbed his royal attire.

Sombra, Selena, and Cadence headed to the sunrise balcony where Amore and Rabia were. Sombra looked off the balcony and almost leapt for joy. It was the umbrum patrol and from the looks of it, they had found survivors. Sombra ran inside and shifted and Cadence could see him reshift on the dark side of a house.

Cadence looked out excitedly, then turned to Rabia. "They found survivors! Maybe Seraphina is-"

"We were there." Rabia replied quickly and coldly, signaling not to bring that up again. The umbrums arrived at the castle and the royals went down to the throne room to go meet them. On the way Cadence asked her mother a question she had been wondering all morning.

"How come you didn't come wake us when you knew they were arriving?" She asked her mother, puzzled.

"Rabia went to get Sombra the moment she saw them." She turned to Cadence with a smirk. "But Sombra wasn't in his room."

"Mom!" Cadence scolded. Amore however, just chuckled. "I know Cadenza. But I'm glad you two are getting alone now, had to be a little boring having your mom as your best friend." Cadence lightly shoved her mother's shoulder and Amore smirked again before opening the throne room door. Inside were a new group of umbrums dressed in armor. Had to be at least 20 new umbrums. The one taht caught her attention was the one Sombra was talking too. She had seen him very little before he left, it reminded her of the day they met. It was King Samaar. Cadence placed Selena in the throne room crib and went to go introduce herself.

"Greetings King Samaar." She said happily, moving to stand beside Sombra. The king chuckled an old, hearty laugh.

"I'm glad you two seem to be getting along now!" He said with a smile. That was when Rabia walked up to greet her husband. She rubbed her muzzle next to his before giving him a quick peck. "I've missed you, my love." He embraced her in a quick hug and gazed down at her like she was his world. "As have I, my queen." He returned her gesture by catching her in a passionate kiss. Cadence looked over to Sombra and mouthed 'aww' while looking lovingly. Sombra returned the gesture by gagging, but Cadence could tell he was happy for his parents. Samaar and Rabia turned to Sombra and Cadence and Rabia nodded to Sombra.

Sombra awkwardly shifted on his hooves before speaking. "Well, I guess there is no easy way to say this, but Dad, you have a granddaughter."

Samaar snapped his head back, paused for a moment and turned to look at Cadence. He raised a brow before turning back to Sombra.
"Now son I know you two are betrothed and all but don't you think it's a little early to be having-"

"DAD!!!" Sombra was crimson red and wide eyed. "It's not mine or Cadence's." He stood up and turned to the white crib. "It's Seraphina's." Samaar immediately stood up and looked around the room. "Sera can't be. W-we saw it." Rabia placed a hoof on her husband's shoulder. "And Radiant Hope's."

Cadence led them to the crib where Rabia sat down with her husband. Inside was a playful little Selena. Rabia pulled her out and passed her to Samaar. "Her name is Selena." Samaar held her up and she giggled. He pushed his glasses up and mumbled. "You're making my glasses all misty little youngin." Rabia explained to him about the canceled betrothal and their new agreement. That meant he was no longer their king. Samaar however didn't care, as long as his people were safe, he was glad to finally retire. The grey in his mane only growing more prominent. He didn't even bother with a ceremony, once he heard the deal he walked over to Amore and gave her his crown and walked back to Rabia and Selena. Sombra and Cadence smiled and then walked off to the sunset balcony.

"Got anymore family for me to meet? I'm still tired after last night." Cadence said as she slumped back against the bars. Sombra had noticed she had began to be less dignified and formal around them, especially him. The Cadence he met all those months ago would have looked at this Cadence like a peasant. He was glad to see this side of her. She was kinder, braver, and it took a strong mare to step up and take care of a child.

"Just a cousin, her name's Tamaar." He said as he walked over and sat down beside her. Cadence chuckled at the name, clearly getting the reference. "She's named after your dad, right?" Sombra nodded. "He saved her when she was an infant and her mother, his sister, named her after him." Judging from how Sombra only mentioned the cousin, she assumed that the aunt wasn't around anymore and decided not to bring it up. "Also, from the accident when she was younger, Tamaar can't speak." Cadence nodded. It was good to know before meeting her. Sombra stood up and offered a hoof to her to help her stand. "You should come meet her, you could probably use a female friend and so could she."

Cadence stood up and replied with a smirk." Your not finding a replacement that easily." Sombra just rolled his eyes with a smile at her teasing before following her back inside. Cadence wasn't paying attention and walked right into somepony. Cadence looked up to see a female umbrum with honey colored eyes staring menacingly back at her. She immediately felt intimidated. "Cadence," Sombra turned and stood by the angry umbrum's side. "This is Tamaar. And Tamaar this is my friend Cadence." Cadence stood up and Tamaar quickly dipped her head. Her angry stare made Cadence feel very uncomfortable. She wasn't sure to talk to Sombra or Tamaar. So she settled with starting the conversation. "Your armor looks nice." Tamaar slowly turned to Sombra and raised an eyebrow before turning back to Cadence. She placed a hoof on her chin and motioned outward. Sombra turned to Cadence, "That means thank you." Cadence dipped her head, and the other mare sat down. The three took a little to step in but had a nice conversation. Cadence learned that despite her disability Tamaar was a general in the umbrum army. She had also learned how to use her shadow magic to communicate as well as sign. While she looked permanently angry Cadence could feel her easing into talking with her. Sombra would have to teach her more of the signs later so she could talk to Tamaar without him having to translate everything. After the new umbrums were all introduced and reunited with family they headed off to the umbrum wing to rest. They would stay there like the others had until their homes were built. The ponys and umbrums had been inspired by Selena's room and added crystals and iridescent paint to the houses, making them less scary looking. Samaar, Queen Amore, Rabia, Sombra, Cadence, and of course little Selena met up to discuss who all they had found and what rankings they were.

"Tamaar and Raksha are the two highest ranking generals left and I think it would be best if they kept-" Samaar was cut off by a very loud magical alarm. The castle shook and Queen Amore raced down the hall to the Crystal Heart. Selena started screaming and Cadence passed her to Sombra and chased after her mother. Her mother placed a hoof on the heart and it stopped. She yelled out to the guards. "Find them!" Cadence had never seen her mother this angry. "Mother, what's going on." Queen Amore looked down at Cadence.

"That alarm was made when the wall went up and it means that somepony from the south has gotten in our kingdom."

The Southerner

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With the Umbrum and Crystal Guard working together they found the intruder quickly. It was a unicorn, or at least what remained. They were brought to the castle and placed under guard until Amore could question them. Cadence accompanied her and Sombra agreed to watch Selena. When they reached the room where he was held outside stood Raksha, an umbrum general. He dipped his head in respect to the royals before he said,

"Tamaar is in there with him, the guy really likes to talk. I'd be careful."

Amore thanked him before they stepped inside. Tamaar as usual wore a face of indifference while he was laying across a bed reading. When he noticed Cadence and Amore he perked up.

"Finally some company who I can actually talk to!" He slowly rolled his eyes before glaring at Tamaar, who lightly growled in response, before he danced off the bed. "There were two of them in here but the one who could speak, or the only one who could hear me left," he leaned closely into Tamaar raising his hoof to his mouth and whispered, "can she hear me?" As he poked toward her. Tamaar snarled before snapping at him as he jumped back. He contorted his face in disgust at the umbrum guard.

"You are dismissed Tamaar." Amore said and she quickly left, slashing her tail left and right.

"That one seems feral, like a creepy little dragon. But anyways your majesties, might I say you both look fabulous, especially you miss queen...??" He looked over expectantly at Amore. Cadence thought to herself how right Raksha was. This guy could talk.

"Queen Amore, and this is my daughter Princess Cadence." Amore motioned for them to follow her to a nearby table. She sat down on one side with him on the other, Cadence on the side.

"What a beautiful and lovely looking daughter you have, Queen Amore. I myself am a royal as well. You may have heard of my mother," The intruder casually inspected his hoof, "Queen Nightmare Moon of West Equestria?"

Amore stared while Cadence's jaw dropped. Not only had a pony gotten in, a child of one of the queens at war got inside. Who knows how many others would be coming.

"You don't have to worry about others. We got in through the caverns a group called the umbrums lived in. We had been going back and forth for a while. Debated on asking them to join us in the war, but some very nasty dragons got them first." He frowned, his voice losing it's charismatic flow, "And unfortunately right before they also got the queen's dearest son's horn too. Mother wasn't too impressed and cut her losses. I came back through and by the time I found my way out, they were gone. Shortly after a group came back and I followed them here."

"How do we know you won't tell your mother about our kindgom?" Amore said flatly. She didn't seem very fond of the southerner.

"Hello? I just said the pathway is blocked and I'm the only one on this side. The dragons destroyed nearly all the caverns there."

"Your a son of Nightmare Moon."She said coldly.

He seemed to realize what she meant. "Dream Magic?" He raised his fluffy hoof up to his forehead and waved it back and forth over the broken horn left there. "I have no magic." He emphasized on the "no" before leaning back on his chair for the next question.

"Why did you follow them?"

He rolled his eyes. "I don't know if you have ever seen it out there, but there is a whole lot of snow, like mountains covered in it. I don't happen to like freezing to death. I see myself more of as the guy killed for his throne, maybe poisoned, backstabbed? I never saw exile though, never saw that one."

Amore and Cadence left the table to speak privately on the other side of the room.

"He doesn't seem dangerous?" Cadence pointed out.

Amore grumbled but ultimately saw her point. He hadn't done anything wrong and it wasn't like they could just throw him back out into the snow. Amore walked back over to him.

"Alright. We will let you here on a probationary period. But first, what is your name?"

"I'm so glad you finally asked," He held out a hoof for the queen to shake. "Shining Armor."

Shining Armor was given a room in the castle to stay in and was put on guard at all times. Cadence went back to find Sombra and Selena in Selena's room. Sombra was laying on a large rug while Selena played under a mobile-like toy. Sombra smiled when he noticed she entered.

"How was the prisoner?" He asked as she laid down on the rug, giving a gentle nuzzle to Selena. "He is not a prisoner, his name is Shining Armor and we are allowing him to stay under probation." Cadence said. Sombra raised an eyebrow and put his hoof on his chin in wonder. "Caught by guards, locked in a room under guard, being watched by guards?" Oh I know! He must be your guest of honor for the Crystal Faire?" Cadence scoffed and playfully pushed his shoulder. "You know what I mean! Besides I heard that they are doing your ceremony at the ball." Sombra's ears went back and he deadpanned. Clearly not liking the subject. "Don't remind me. I'm dreading it, Councilor Sombra doesn't quite have the same ring to it. After dad pretty much threw his crown at Queen Amore, Mom wants our last royal event to be special." Sombra dropped his head in his hooves and groaned. "She is having me wear king's attire in honor of it." Cadence chuckled to herself. The two of them spending some time with Selena before Sombra was to go get fitted for the ball. Cadence had plans to discuss with Amore and the councilors the plans for the Faire. Samaar agreed to watch Selena for her. He wanted time to get to know his new granddaughter. Rabia was filling in for Sombra on the council until the ceremony.

"Okay so the fair starts in the morning and lasts until the evening, then the ball lasts all night?" Rabia asked. This was her first fair and they wanted to go all out this year for the new umbrum subjects. Amore nodded, "We could make an area under the palace that is darker than the rest of the square for Sombra's ceremony?" She suggested. The councilors were writing every idea down, occasionally coming up with their own to add in. Cadence wanted to do a section on the moon side for umbrum traditions and stalls. Nearly all of their items were left behind so she felt it right to try and see if they could remake some of it here. Rabia was pleased with the idea and began listing off special items, places, and traditions they had to incorporate. One was the moon cave, a sacred place in the caverns that only the moon shown down into. Cadence suggested they make a version of it under the castle. The meeting lasted a little while longer, they had about a month before the faire.

Time went by in a blur.

Between Selena and the court Cadence's days went from predictable with her mother to she was constantly busy. Amore had started entrusting her with more tasks as well. Cadence was in charge of the fair preparations, Shining Armor's guard schedule, disputes between ponies, and other various tasks. Of course Sombra was there to help when he could. He was technically no longer a Prince and could spend his days doing whatever he wanted until the ceremony. Most days he assisted with Selena or joined Cadence. Rabia and Samaar had noticed the two's recent behavior and wanted to ask about it but Amore advised them to leave them alone. It was one particular day when Tamaar had interrupted one of their walks, very angry.

"I can't understand you when you sign like that." Sombra said to the very grumpy cousin. Tamaar was moving her hooves very quickly and small shadows disappeared as fast as they could appear. Cadence had learned a little bit of basics to understand Tamaar but being so busy she hadn't gotten a lot. She had no clue what Tamaar was saying but knew she was extremely unhappy with it.

Tamaar growled and made a tiny hornless unicorn on the ground before slamming her hoof down and smashing it. She then walked back towards the castle, her shadows flickering in annoyance. Cadence put her hoof on her head and said she would talk to Shining Armor. He had been a nearly model citizen since he joined the Empire. Aside from the fact he talked way too much and apparently had a bad habit of annoying Tamaar. When confronted Shining Armor told a much different story.

"I get I'm under watch but she follows me everywhere! None of the other guards are as diligent as she is. Not to mention she is constantly mad at me. Balcony, she's there. Bedroom, she's there. Bathroom? She. Is. There! I told her to make like a shadow and dissappear and she started smoking, literally smoking!" Shining Armor complained. Cadence agreed she would talk to Raksha and Tamaar about what to do but agreed to be a little more lenient about the guards.

A few days later she saw Tamaar chasing Shining Armor through the castle. After catching them both and hearing both sides, Shining Armor had made a comment along the lines of how do you tell if an umbrum is sad? (Their mood darkens) and Tamaar hadn't taken it well. After that Raksha removed Tamaar from Shining's guard list.

Cadence was telling Sombra about the incident over a puzzle late one night. Selena hadn't been feeling very well and was quite cranky. For a short time, she was asleep. Sombra and Cadence had developed a new hobby. Since starting Cadence now had eight new puzzles hanging on her wall. They were one of the few things that weren't pink. Now they were working on one that had a crystal cave.

"So I had a question I've been wanting to ask?" Sombra said as he slid her over a peice to the section she was working on. "And what is that?" Cadence said, not looking up. Sombra nervously started rubbing the edge of the table. "It's about the Crystal Faire." He admitted. Cadence placed her section onto the main part of the puzzle before turning to Sombra. "What about it?" Sombra was a nervous wreck inside but let out a silent breath before asking her. "I was wondering if you and me could go together?" He shyly confessed. Cadence rolled her eyes, "Of course we are going together." Cadence leaned down to start a new section and Sombra blushed. "Who else would take Selena?" She asked. Sombra grimaced, "I meant it more like-" but he was cut off by a screaming Selena. Cadence quickly headed into the room and Sombra laid his head on the table, both excited for the ball and ashamed at how much of a coward he felt like. When he went back to his room he sat in front of his mirror, frustrated.

"It's not that hard Sombra. Just tell her the truth." He groaned to himself. "Just tell her how her mere presence brightens your mood. How anything else from her is a gift and her company a privilege you could never lose. How much you enjoy the puzzles and walks through the empire. Tell her how much you can tell she loves Selena. Tell her how everyday you aspire to be just as strong and confident as she is." Sombra sighed and went over to his bed. Laying across it he muttered to himself. "Knowing her, if she did reciprocate, she would have had the confidence to tell me already."

The Crystal Faire

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Today was the day! Cadence and the rest of the royals had been prepping since the early hours of the morning while the subjects slept. Once the faire started they would get a few hours to sleep and then get back to it. The first few hours consisted of trading booths all across the Empire. On the moon side were the umbrum tents and on the sun side were the crystal pony tents. Being in the shadows of the castle allowed the umbrums to shift freely without having to look for dark spots behind things. Now her and her mother were on the sunrise balcony getting ready to sound the trumpets signaling the faire had begun. Later after they awoke again, there would be jousting, petting zoos, concert area, and more. Rabia, Sombra, and Samaar had recently awoken and agreed to watch the festivities whole Amore and Cadence got some rest. But Cadence told Sombra she had a suprise so he couldn't leave the castle!

Amore signaled to the guards it was time and they let out loud music on their trumpets. As ponies started coming outside Amore called out, "Here ye, here ye! I, Queen Amore, invite you all to the Crystal Faire!" Cadence yawned and the turned to Sombra, who had Selena laying on his back.

"No peeking!" Cadence scolded him. Sombra put a hoof over his heart, "I promise I won't peek. Just me and Selena in the castle until you wake up." Cadence dipped her head and headed off to bed behind her mother. Sombra couldn't help himself and gazed at her. She really was something special. He didn't realize he was staring until his mother lightly knocked him in the back of the head. He turned to her and growled but Rabia rolled her eyes. "Foolish boy! Why couldn't you look at her like that when you got here?" Sombra could tell she was messing with him. He blushed and turned away from her, giving her a light push to the shoulder. "Shut up." Rabia scoffed and pushed her son into the castle. "I'm your mother so I won't say I told you so but we are gonna get you ready and make sure she can't keep her eyes off you!" Samaar just shook his head with a chuckle and grabbed Selena. Looking down at his granddaughter, "Now who is gonna say Pop-pop as her first word?" He said to the little filly, lightly booping her nose, who giggled in response.

Sombra was pulled and prodded by his mother back in his room. "Should we do something different with your hair?" She asked herself. "Perhaps some braids?" Sombra shook his head and flattened out his mane. "No braids and no dreads. I like it fluffy." He said defensively. Rabia rolled her eyes and grabbed a wet washcloth to clean Sombra's face. When she went to go for his eyes he pulled back. "What are you doing?" Rabia sat the cloth down. "I know you wear it cause Sera did and I have allowed it because I know that's how you dealt with it but this is a very formal event and I saw how she looked at you when you two met. Perhaps you could go without it just for a night?" Sombra was hesitant. He had started wearing it before Seraphina died but hadn't told their mother and didn't wear it in front of her. She thought it was undignified. He had started wearing after she died publicly and had snuck it on when he was to meet Cadence much to her disproval. He liked how he looked in it but felt she might be right this time. "Alright" He closed his eyes and his mother wiped it off.

After she was done Sombra wore a much longer cape with more regal looking armor. She had had the tailors make it in his soul color. He had his crown removed and the gem inside would be used for a new neckpiece for his new position and he would receive it at the ceremony. Sombra looked in the mirror and didn't recognize himself. He wasn't sure if he liked it but he hoped Cadence would.

When they awoke and came down the stairs Rabia and Sombra met them at the bottom. First came Amore, who complimented Sombra's ceremonial wear. Then came Cadence. Sombra held his breath nervously as she came out from the hallway and down the stairs. As soon as she saw him her head shot back in confusion. Amore beckoned Rabia aside to give the two some space. Even Rabia was confused at her reaction. When she got down the stairs she looked him over.

"Why did you wipe off your eye makeup?" She asked, both confused and concerned as she noticed his nervousness. He rubbed his leg up and down his other foreleg. He felt bare and open and he did not like it. His hair was also pushed back and tied to one side. "Mom thought it looked nice." Cadence clicked her tongue and shook her head. "This isn't you. Come on, let's go fix this." Now it was Sombra's turn to be confused as she dragged him off to his room.

Inside she sat him down on the bed and pulled out the hair tye. She fluffed his mane back up before pondering a moment. She then flicked it all to one side and started brushing. Sombra gave his head a little shake as Cadence finished and went over to his mirror. "She picked up his red eyeshadow but also saw a black one. "How come you haven't worn the black one?" She asked curiously. "I have, I just haven't worn it in front of other ponies." He admitted, he was rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Well that is going to change." She said as she picked up both and went back over to Sombra. If Sombra wasn't nervous before he sure was now! She grabbed the black one and dabbed it over his left eye. Sombra held his breath and rubbed his legs together as he desperately attempted to hide his blush. No doubt she would see it if he didn't. She applied the red over top to create a black and red gradient. Sombra gazed in the mirror and liked it. His mane felt free and he felt less nervous than he did without the eye makeup. "Thank you. I really like this version better." He said shyly. With his hair flicked to one side as long as he turned his head he could hide his light blush. Cadence however grabbed him again. "Where are we going now? He asked as she pulled him down the hallway. "Now it's my turn!"

Turns out Amore was going to do her for the faire. Sombra patiently waited outside while she got ready. Amore had complimented his new look as well. His mother however was outside at the faire with Selena and his dad. He felt both excited and nervous at the idea of showing his mother his new look. It's not that what his mom did was bad, it just wasn't him. Amore however knew exactly what to do.

When Cadence stepped out Sombra's jaw dropped. Cadence giggled to herself as she shut it for him. Sombra failed miserably at hiding his blush. She wore a blue sleeveless dress that went up to her neck. Adoring her forelegs were two crystal slippers held up by blue ribbons. Her curly hair was also pulled to the side and where her normal headband sat now sat a crystal tiara that was also decorated by two ribbons in her hair. Her normal blue makeup was a little more extreme that she would normally wear it. Amore wore a golden dress that had matching slippers and ribbons and she leaned down to Cadence. "Have fun you two, me, Rabia, and Samaar will watch Selena tonight." Then walked away before they could argue or respond. "You look really nice." Sombra said nervously. Cadence just laughed and lightly bumped Sombra's side before following where her mother went. Sombra gave a soft smile and followed after her.

Outside the castle was busting and filled with life. All over the streets were vendors and Crystal ponies and umbrums mingled with each other. Sombra looked out in awe at the grand festival. "Wow I didn't know the faire was so big!" He said in wonder to Cadence. "It is the biggest event in the Empire and it has only gotten started!" She pulled him towards a small petting zoo. The fluffy little creatures were very soft. Then he heard cheering and they followed it to find a jousting area. Sombra rooted for the pony with the purple mane and Cadence rooted for the other who had a blue mane. Ultimately Sombra's favored won. He found he quite liked jousting. After watching a few more rounds they made their way over to a crystal berry pie stand. They agreed to split a pie and picniced over in a small field that had lots of other ponies. A few foals were flying kites, some umbrum foals running around, and Sombra hyperfocused on his pie slice when he saw two ponies cuddling each other. After they finished their pie they made their way over to some of the games booths. There was a ring toss, a bean bag throwing game, a magician, and more. They went to the bean bag game first. Cadence easily threw them in with her wings but Sombra grew a little frustrated when he failed to make any. Cadence won a small bear which she gave to a filly who also lost on their way over to another booth. After a while of playing games they headed back to the field to rest up before the ceremonies. Cadence mentioned there was one that would take place before Sombra's, signaling the start of the Crystal Ball. They could hear the faint sounds of a band from the concert area.

"You ever think we will see a sky full of stars sometime in our lifetime?" Sombra asked curiously as he gazed up at the permanently hued sky. Cadence pointed up, "If you look really closely you can see faint little twinkle up there." Sombra squinted but he definitely saw a little shine. "Like a crystal sky up there?" He said with a little chuckle. Cadence pushed her head into his shoulder and scoffed at his lame pun. Sombra could help but look down at her, his eyes a little wide at the gesture. "Your hair is soft. I think I'll rest here for a little while." She mumbled, lightly nuzzling him. Sombra heavily resisted the urge to nuzzle her back, he was still unsure about her feelings and didn't want to make things awkward between them. He didn't want to lose her. He settled for resting his head above hers. Now that she couldn't see him he let his blush go and smiled. They stayed like that until they heard the trumpets again.

"Time for the first ceremony!" Cadence said excitedly as she helped Sombra up. "Your really gonna like this!" She raced up the crystal road towards the center of the Empire. Amore stood in front of a crowd. "My subjects! Use the light and love within you to assure the frozen north will not!" She bowed down towards the crystal heart and everybody followed. Cadence smiled excitedly and they complied. Sombra's mouth hung open slightly in shock as the road under them started glowing as they bowed down. Then the light raced towards the heart and a large blast of magic spread over the Empire. When Sombra opened his eyes he gasped in shock. The crystal ponies now had beautifully styled manes and shone even brighter than normal. Even the umbrums now held a crystal coat and mane, each with a elegant mane. Even Cadence and Amore had it now. Sombra couldn't help it and let his thoughts slip.

"You look so beautiful."

When he realized he said it out loud he blushed crimson and turned his face away. Cadence just smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself." She pointed to the shiny road and Sombra gazed down at his reflection. His mane was so fluffy. Even his coat sparkled!

Then ponies started filling the underside of the castle. It was now time for Sombra's ceremony.

The Crystal Ball

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Sombra climbed up onto a small stage with Amore while Cadence stood next to Samaar and Rabia in the crowd, little Selena cheering in Rabia's foreleg. She gave her a little nuzzle before focusing on the stage again when Queen Amore started to speak.

"Here today we see a Prince. Just as strong and capable as any but with more courage than an entire kingdom. He gives up his crown and title to serve our empire on our council. For the last time, I present Prince Sombra of the Umbrum Kingdom!" Amore called out to the crowd. The umbrum subjects all dipped their heads in respect and the crystal ponies followed. After they looked back at the stage the council ponies had came out from behind the curtain to reveal a pendant that held the old gem from his crown. He held his head up proudly as Amore placed the pendant and continued. "And for the first time, may I present Councilor Sombra, representative of the umbrums!" The crowd cheered loudly and beat their hooves on the ground as Sombra smiled down at them from the stage. "Now let us dance the night away!" The signal for the start of the suprise. Two pegasi guards dropped the last large curtain to the area under the palace so it became very dark. Cadence jumped up on the stage and pointed Sombra over to the opposite side while two more guards raised another small curtain that showed only the moon through it. The umbrum subjects gasped and started cheering at their sacred place being replicated here. Cadence excitedly looked over to Sombra to see him stare up at the moon. "Suprise." Cadence half-sung, very pleased that it went off without a hitch. Sombra blinked a few times before turing to Cadence and wrapping around her in a tight hug.

"Thank you." She heard him whisper.

He then pulled only partly away and dragged her off the stage as a band started climbing on it.

"What are you doing?" She giggled curiously as he started spinning them around.

"I want to thank you with a dance. If you want to that is?"

He said it nervously but gazed into her eyes. She nodded and he began spinning her around on the dance floor again. They couldn't see it but Rabia and Amore were smiling at each other excitedly. As they both grew accustomed to it Cadence leaned in closer. She nuzzled the side of his neck to the sounds of the violins with Sombra slightly shocked at first quickly warmed up and rested his head on the back of hers. Cadence eventually wrapped her foreleg around Sombra's as they swayed with each other to the music. When the song stopped and they stopped spinning Sombra leaned into her. They gazed into each other's eyes as they were so close together they could feel the other's breathing. Cadence's eyes only left his own to gaze towards his lips. Sombra's eyes widened at the realization but he quickly and lightly dipped his head. Cadence smiled and started leaning in and closing her eyes.

"Excuse me!"

They snapped back and looked to see Shining Armor standing there. Sombra couldn't help but growl at his very rude interruption.

"I need to talk to you right now." He said to Cadence, completely ignoring Sombra. Cadence gazed over at Sombra who was now annoyed and rolled his eyes with a huff.

"Right now Cadence." He had never said her name before, only your highness. This must be serious. "If you will excuse me, Councilor." She gave a soft wink before following Shining Armor. As soon as they were out of the tent space he bolted up the stairs. Cadence quickly chased after him, following him down a hallway towards his room.

"What is going on Shining Armor?!" He flung the door open and Cadence looked down to see Tamaar. She was violently shaking, her shadows coming in and out as tears streaked down her face. She made loud whimpering noises as she seemed to stare off into nothingness.

"What happened? Now!" She commanded him, slamming her hoof sharply to the floor.

"Amore said the guards would be taking the day and night off and I was free to go anywhere in the castle alone as long as I stayed in the castle and I didn't know she was there and she overheard something I didn't mean for her to hear!" He nervously rambled.

"What was it!?" She snapped and she leaned down trying to calm the frightened umbrum. Her pupils were gone and she seemed in some kind of trance.

"I've felt really really bad about it and I was going to tell you and Amore but I didn't want to get banished cause getting exiled from my own mom sucked and I was talking to myself about how me and my team went to the northern dragon nest to take eggs for my mom cause Daybreaker recently allied with the Dragonlands. They followed us there and we got back under the wall when they attacked and I've felt really guilty about it but I feel like it's my fault the dragons took their home and got their friends and family killed!" He was now in tears as he had at some point in his ramble fell on the floor. Cadence went to respond but was cut off.




Cadence turned to see Sombra. His crystal coat was gone, now replaced by dark shadows. His eyes were angry and smoked along with dark smoke sneaking in through his bared teeth. His tail lashed violently. He snarled loudly and dark smoke filled the room and hallway.

"It-it-it was an accident I s-swear." Shining Armor pleaded. Sombra was having none of it. Cadence tried to run over to him but he shifted over Shining Armor and began pounding on him.

"Sombra stop!" Cadence cried out as she ran towards them only to be pulled aside by an unknown force as a large blast came from Shining's broken horn. As the room started to clear of smoke and Cadence peered around. Sombra laid still on the floor, no shadows left.

"I s-swear I d-didn't-t know I could d-do that!" Shining stuttered. Suddenly there was a sharp thud by the door and they both immediately turned to the sound.

The was the queen. A small and soft stream of smoke emitted from her.