> Storm Front > by Connorcooper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mind hazy, pain in his gut, and one hell of sore throat. Not the best feelings to wake up, the real problem was the fact he wasn't in his bed and wearing his day clothes. Holding back some bile he held his mouth shut at the surge of disgust in his gut. Didn't know why he felt so ill, but slowly he got back up pain still lingering in his gut. "Feeling alright there stranger?" He nearly lost his balance at the sound of the voice echoing from in front of him. Although his legs were a shaking mess he lifted his head to see where he was. The alien space in front of him caused his blood to shift, he was in a place he clearly didn't recognize. The place looked like some kind of fancy rich shop for the elite and wealth, like this place would sell suits that costed as much to buy a house. Clearly he wasn't in Kansas anymore. And by Kansas, he meant home. "The hell? Where am I?" The feeling he felt slowly faded as he regained his composer. "Eh? What you mean there stranger? You were the one to stumble into my humble shop," The voice spoke causing him to turn his head to a figure standing behind a hard red wood desk. Both the voice and the figure were all too familiar to him. Being a gamer, he knew the man all to well. Even gamers who never played the resident evil series knew who the merchant was to some extent. Rubbing his eyes thinking he finally lost it, the gamer lowered his eyes to see the merchant was still there almost waiting eagerly for him to step up. Being extremely cautious he walked to the desk to the waiting sell's man. "Welcome Stranger!" The purple scarf shifted into what gamer could guess was a smile. "What you buying?" Turning behind him just to make sure if there was any cameras or anyone hiding to pop out and tell him this was a prank for some youtube channel. But he didn't see anything. Or an exit door. Looking back towards the merchant he took a breathe. "Uhhh... what you sell?" His horse voice asked causing the merchant to give a dry chuckle. "A little bit of everything stranger," Snapping his figures the dark shelves lit up behind him. "I have remedies for all ailments, weapons for games of all kind, along with clothes for any occasion, and so much more!" The masked figure leaned on the desk placing a hand on his covered chin. "But in your case I think I you are more interested in a second chance," The merchant said with a chuckle stroking his purple mask as if it was a beard. "Am I right?" It was like the merchant's glowing eyes stared right into his soul and into his mind. "Of course I am. Now let me see I think I have something for you," The shopkeeper held out a finger and ducked under his desk. "Normally I let my customers pick their product but for you my friend I got something special," Trying to see what the merchant was doing, the gamer took a step back as the cloaked man plopped a black box onto the table. "Had this in the back for awhile I knew some day I would find someone who was right for it," Sweeping a hand across the thick layer of dust on the box the merchant popped it opened behind closing it not allowing the Gamer to ruin the surprise. "However due to this being one of my lesser stock I offering you a deal here stranger. One I don't usually give likely," Narrow his brow the gamer looked at the hooded man before him with suspicion. "What kind of deal?" "Well," Tapping his fingers on the dusty box the merchant took a breathe. "I'll be honest with you there are more powerful choices than this one stranger but I'm offering you something I don't give to everyone who does business with me," Leaning in the Merchant leaned in. "Think of it as a business proposition ," The Merchant stated. "You instrested?" "Do I have a choice?" "Yes, but will you allow me to tell you about it first?" The Merchant asked which the gamer slowly nodded. "Haha! Good man, well my business associate and I have been thinking of keeping in contact with our clients having a mutually beneficial partner with our clients," The merchant tapped the box. "I will give you a fresh start with your: Second chance here. Don't worry it's one your familiar with but one to 'keep it balance' as it were," The Merchant explained. "And in exchange of this nerfing if you want to call it that, you will have access to our services in your stay all be it limited," "What you mean by limited," "I can only give you access to the resources related to this product," Tapping the case again the merchant proceed to explain the deal. "And I can't bring you any other outside help. My apprentice will explain about the rules in further detail if you take this deal," "Uh-huh," "Of course it wouldn't be free you will need to pay for our services," "Sounds reasonable," "Glad you understand Stranger!" The merchant laughed. "But you don't have to accept the deal. I will allow you to pick from the rest of my stock if you wish and go on without our aid as many have before you," He pointed down a dark hallway which began to light up with the flick of his wrist which caused the gamer's eyes to go wide eyed at the endless hallway of items from all across media. Stuff from Games, Movies, and even books all stood waiting to be picked. Staring are the familiar items that rested in waiting the gamer froze for a second to consider the deal, sure he could pick anything from the stock but then what? The master chief couldn't go that far without a resupply of weapons and repairs. Doubt he had the knowledge to repair a titan. Even the mighty sons of Vulkan need help from the red priest of mars. Not to mention Goku needed to be healed sometimes not to mention be wished back to life more than once. Slowly he turned back to the Merchant, which already seem to know his answer. "What's in the box?" The merchant's masked smile grew as he turned it around and popped it open. "Huh. That will work. You got yourself a deal," Holding out his hand to seal it the merchant with a firm grip shook his hand. "But I gotta ask," "Of course what you got?" "How will I find your apprentice?" The gamer asked to which the Merchant tapped the side of his head. "You'll know when you see it," "That doesn't answer my-" A blinding light stopped him in the mist of his confusion leaving gamer to feel light and almost black out again. (???) "-Question," Blinking a few times after that blinding light the customer turned around seeing he was no longer in the merchant's shop, for he now stood in a flush green forest. "Way to go idiot. Should have asked before shaking on it," Hearing his voice, he took a look at his hands. The familiar white armor and black underbody glove made him smile slightly. "Oh yeah," Holding his covered head the customer messed around with it, feeling his hands move on their own seemly already knowing how it worked. One move of his finger caused the helmet's HUD to appear lighting up the customer's view with tactical data and Aurebesh that he could read as if it was English. "TK-777?" Smiling at the name on the helmet he lowered his hand. "I hope Boba doesn't mind," Feeling his belt he pulled a familiar blaster from the black holster at his waist and inspected the stormtrooper's iconic side arm: The E-11 medium blaster rifle. His helmet seemed to link with the weapon as it gave him a ammo count of the weapon's charge along with it's heat level. "I wonder," Lowering his new weapon he looked towards a tree stump sitting not so far away from him. Reaching down he picked up a rock and placed it on the stump and took a few steps back, taking aim he stared down the sight aiming at the rock. Lining up the shot he pulled the trigger, the familiar sound of the blaster echoed though the forest as a red beam was shot forward at the rock. Lower the blaster he stared at the smoking stump and melted rock. "Terrible shots my ass. Fucking plot armor nonsense," Kicking dirt onto the stump he chuckled. "I can see perfectly out this this thing too don't know why Luke and Rex were making a big deal of this," Going back to his belt he went though his pouches. "Now what else do I got here?" "Girls I think it came from over here," His head snapped up from the travel biscuits in hands. "No. He didn't," Hearing footsteps he turned his head to the sound, having no time to take cover he lifted his blaster up but quickly lowered it. "Whoa!" A familiar face met his face. "What is it- oh my gosh!" A second face meet his gaze, her coat matching his armor. "You can say that again Sweetie," The country kid spoke causing him to sigh. "Son of a nerf herder," He mumbled to himself, holding his face plate he took a breath before holding out a hand in wave. "Hello there," The CMC although hesitantly waved back, holstering his blaster he took a knee to get in eye level with the girls. "I'm a bit. Do you girls think you can help a trooper like me find the nearest town?" Sweetie Belle looked nervous, while Scootaloo seemed a little excited, while Applebloom simply smile taking a few steps to the Stormtrooper. "We be happy too Mister. My name's AppleBloom what's yours?" "TK-777," Applebloom tilted her head at the name. "Everyone calls me Lucky," "You got a funny name there mister," Applebloom smiled. "Why did your Mama name you after a bunch of numbers?" "She didn't," The crusader infront of him seemed to be even more confused. "It's completed kiddo," "I bet. No offense Mister Lucky but your name sounds like something out one of Spike's comic books," Scootaloo moved up from behind Sweetie Belle. "Who?" "He's Sweetie Belle future brother-in-law," Scootaloo teased Sweetie Belle. "Ew! No he's not! Besides Rarity and him aren't even a thing," Sweetie grumbled. "But everyone knows he's a sucker for her," Scootaloo pointed out making Sweetie Belle shuck in embarrassment at her friend's comment. "Sorry to interrupt kiddos but can you help me get into town?" Lucky asked to which Applebloom grabbed his hand causing the trooper to stand up. "This way Mr. Lucky," The young pony said guiding the white armor trooper. 'Maybe that wasn't the best name I could have thought of.' “Please Mr. Lucky was my Father’s name. Just call me Lucky,” “Really?” “No, I’m just mess with you kids,” “Awww that would have been funny,” ‘Not really. God I need to come up with an excuse as soon as I can,’ “So Mister Lucky if you don’t me asking what are you?” ‘Oh boy…’ > Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say the walk through the Everfree was uneventful would be a half-truth, for the only thing that happened was the cutie mark crusaders asking the armored trooper question after question. "Hey Lucky where are you from?" "A land far far far away. I don't think you would heard of it," "Mr. Lucky why does your helmet look like it's frowning?" "I think it was a design choice. Don't know the reasoning in the design," "Lucky? If you don't me asking are you a soldier or something?" "You can say that," "Ohhhhhh!" The girls looked at him in awe. "What kind of army are you a part of!" "Are you some kind of new equestrian guard?!" "How many bad guys did you get?!" "Uhhhhh," TK-777 cleared his throat upon making it to a clearing. "Is that ponyville?" He pointed to the clearing, the girls turned to see sure enough they had made it back into town after the long walk of twenty questions. "Well, I think you girls for the help. I would have been lost in that forest if it was for the three of you. But I think it's time for me to be my way," The trooper thanked but the the CMC whined giving him the cutest set of puppy dog eyes he had ever seen. "Awwwww do you have to go?" "Why don't we show you around? If you have never been to Ponyville you have to meet Pinkie Pie!" "Yeah! Or better yet I bet Rainbow Dash would want to meet you too!" Waving his hand he chuckled. "I be alright girls," Placing his hands on his belt he looked at them. "But I'm sure we'll see each other again," "Awww pleaseeeeee," The girls looked up at him, but the trooper resisted their attempt of pulling a 'puss in boots' and shook his head. "Sorry girls I got to meet up with someone in town. Hopefully," "Aw man... but at least tell us what you are," Scootaloo asked while the other girls nodded. He grunted knowing they'll bug him more about it if he didn't tell them now, and he really didn't need a set of tails following him around town. The white armor he wore made it clear he would stand out already but hopefully, the school was already set up and maybe he wouldn't get as many stares. Then again that is a big ask seeing this was MLP. "If you must know. I'm what's called a Stormtrooper," TK-777 answered causing the girls to look at him confused. "What's a Stormtrooper?" "Yeah I want to know too," "Do you do something with rain or thunder?" He looked at them again and shook his head. "Well, maybe I'll tell you girls if we ever meet again. But I really gotta go now girls," He began to walk away. "Be safe you three and stay out of trouble now," The girls, all be it hesitantly, waved goodbye while he walked into town. Watching him go into town the girls looked at one another and smiled. "I gotta tell Pinkie and my sister!" "I'm going to tell Rarity! "I'm going to tell Rainbow Dash first!" The CMC bolted off to tell about their new friend they made in the Everfree, unaware of what was about to unfold from their innocent actions. 'So this is Ponyville? Different than in the show,' Walking down the town with the few ponies staring at him, he did feel like he was standing out but to his suprise, the ponies weren't freaking out or giving him the same treatment as they did to Zecora when she first came into town. "Hello there traveler!" A voice spoke up causing the Trooper to turn what seemed like a food stand. "Would I interest you in some cabbages? You must have traveled a great deal and must be very hungry," The tan-colored pony in green clothes smiled at him with a cabbage in hand. "No thank sir I'm good. Say, have we met before? You look familiar," TK-777 asked the cabbage merchant. "I think not traveler. I've started my business last week and I never seen a pon-er-anyone like you before," The sell pony stated. "Right," The stormtrooper looked at the cart full of cabbages. "Business has been good?" The cabbage seller smiled at TK-777 while putting the cabbage back. "Not yet not many ponies like cabbages but I'm sure the changelings and the griffins will be flocking to my stand in no time," 'So the school is a thing. Good to know,' "Yeah and who knows you might be able to make a thriving company out of cabbages," The cabbage seller laughed at the Trooper's words. "That's my plan!" "If you don't mind me asking is this the shopping distract?" The trooper asked the pony who shook his head. "No, The market street is that way," The Cabbage merchant points out causing the Stormtrooper to look back here. "Then why are you here and not up there?" The trooper asked to which the Merchant smiled. "Well. I decided to set up here because this spot is right between the school of friendship and the dorms of the students so I can sell to them as they come back from School," "Do they come back this way from their School," The trooper's words seemed to cause the Merchant to think for a moment. "Well no. Only a few of them come back this way and not many of them buy my cabbages. Most of them go to the sugar cube corner after School to hang out," "Where is that?" The trooper asked. "Just beside the market street," "Why not put it between the sugar cube place and the market? I'm sure you'll get both students and other customers," The Trooper pointed out. "I'm sure they'll buy from you since I'm guessing the students need to eat something else with sugar and you'll be the first food cart they see when going to the market," The cabbage pony went wide-eyed at the realization. "That's not a bad idea. Thank you, friend," Nodding TK-777 waved to the shopkeeper as he began to pack up his cart and move to market place. - "Get your fresh carrots here! The element of Kindness gets them here!" "Gems! Great to wear or to eat! Spike the dragon hero of the crystal empire buys my gems!" "I have fabric that Rarity uses in all her dresses!" "Boots, Ropes, and all of work equipment. Applejack approved!" 'Man, they're using the elements to sell their product here,' TK-777 slowly walked down the shopping district he while being constantly hit with advertisement being shoved into his face like this was some flea market. Carefully avoiding any unwanted sales, he looked for a different kind of shop than some stall selling a bunch of Rainbow Dash mechanize. 'Where the hell is this Apprentice? I mean where else would a Merchant apprentice be besides a village infected by smart zombies?' Eyes darting around from behind his visor the trooper sadly didn't see anything that stood out, He almost gave up thinking that the Merchant might have cheated him on this one. That was until his HUD lit up with text on his face. SHOP LOCATED! Surprised at the sudden wall of text TK-777 watched the text shrink as a marker appeared on his HUD's compass. Recalling his conversation with the Merchant before, the Stormtrooper mimicked his movement from before. 'Could have just told me that,' Shaking his head from the memory TK-777 followed the marker which led him into a small alleyway that didn't have much going for it besides resting on the right side of an old-looking building. The marked door didn't seem that out of the ordinary besides a familiar symbol carved just above the doorknob. A seven with two marks on its top left side. Nothing that wouldn't seem like some random bit of graffiti. But a Star Wars nerd knew what it was: the symbol of a galactic Credit. Opening the wooden door he entered into a small space, barely bigger than a walk-in closest. Shelves were lined up on the wall on the right with a small desk at the end of the room just before a door resting behind it, along with someone standing at the desk. A merchant but this wasn't the same merchant, rather a much different figure stood waiting for him. "Hello Stranger I've been expecting you," A feminine voice greeted him while her glowing eyes stared at him. He couldn't make out the merchant that was in front of him, but he could easily make out the merchant's outfit all be it different. A purple mask was over her face with the same stitchwork as the Merchant before her along with a large baggy hood resting over her head. Besides the clear difference in gender, she had white locks of hair dangling from under her hood. Another factor that he could tell that made her far different from her counterpart was the fact she wasn't human or at the very least not human-shaped. The hood she had on had two hood ears but if they were either ears or horns the trooper couldn't tell, plus there was the fact that her face wasn't flat but once again he couldn't tell what she was. But that didn't really bother him, as she provides him with the services he was promised. "I can see," Taking a step to the counter desk he watched as she leaned on the desk her arms on the top while staring at his helmet. "So you going to tell me how this works?" "I will but I got to ask. How are you liking this fresh start of yours?" The Merchant lady asked to which TK-777 shrugged. "Surprisingly smooth. Meet the CMC and they helped me to town," TK-777 explained. "Good kids but ask a lot of questions," "I bet. So what name did you give them?" The merchant asked to which the trooper shrugged. "I gave them a nickname really," "Oh~?" The merchant placed her head in her hands eager to hear what he chose. "Lucky. In hindsight I should have something different than Boba's code name," TK-777 words made her giggle at his answer. Holding her chin she looked up at him. "I was right. You're such a nerd," The trooper crossed his arms at that but she waved at him. "In a good way! In a good way! I would be where I am if I wasn't a nerd myself," "How so?" "It's complicated and a long story," The merchant went wide-eyed for a moment before leaning in across the counter. "Alex!" "What?" "Asher! It's a name related to fortune or luck! Why not take that for your new name," Looking at her he hummed in thought for a moment. "I don't know. I know only one person with that name and he tried to rebuild Pittsburg using 'forced labor' and Raiders," Once again the Merchant gave a playful laugh. "God you such a nerd," Grunting he stared at her as the Merchant playful kicked her legs, and that was when he saw something moving above her legs in the dark. Yet due to how dark it was, he couldn't rightfully make out what it was, almost looked like a tail but what kind he didn't know. "If you don't like that name how about Boone it is a name referring to luck," Looking back at him the Merchant mask moved into what he could guess was a smile. "Or do you not want to be the NCR's version of Crosshair?" "What about Alex?" The merchant asked causing the Trooper to think for a moment. 'Could work out... and there was that Trooper who was friends with Luke named Alex,' "Alex is fine," The Trooper watched his benefactor stand back up. "What about you?" "What?" She blinked at his question. "What do I call you? Xura?" The saleswoman rolled her eyes at his comment. "No... besides that will be confusing for me to tell Mentor Xur," She tapped her chin and snapped her fingers. "Cordelia," "Cordelia?" Hearing himself say that he nodded. "What does that name mean?" "Wealth," She tilted her head towards him with a playful wink. "Fair enough," Alex stated, he watched Cordelia open her coat like her counterpart. Dozens of different pieces of combat equipment from Star Wars rested in sleeves and pockets waiting to be used, she reached into one of the pockets pulled out a long piece of equipment, and placed it on the counter. "Put this on your left arm," She told him while turning back to her coat pockets. Reaching for the item he held it, it was a long piece of something. He couldn't tell what it was except it matched his white armor and had two hinges that seemed to look like they could hook into the gaps in his gauntlet. "Why my left?" Cordelia stopped going through her pocket. "Are you right-hand or left-handed?" "I'm Right handed," "Then I would recommend you install it on your offhand," Turning back to what she was doing Alex looked at the device. Doing what she asked he was surprised to see with a simple pull the device snapped into his gauntlet. "Now what?" "Think about turning it on," Cordelia explained while placing a second item on the desk. "What?" "Just do it," The merchant's words caused him to turn back to his left arm. He lifted his arm staring at it before looking at the merchant after doing what she asked. "So what should be-" Stopping at the sight of a holographic screen appearing above his arm he was surprised to see what had happened. "It should be connected with the system give it a second," "What system," Alex asked but Cordelia pointed back to the holo screen. Turning back to it he was surprised to see what looked like a web browser now on the holographic image: items, prices, and goods all were before his eyes. "Hot damn," He placed a finger on the holo screen to which it responded in turn as if it was a touch screen. "That's a lot of stuff," "So what I gave you was an uplink disk to all the items and equipment I can provide for you along with your balance," Cordelia pointed out. "Where can I- Nevermind I see it," Tapping on it Alex blinked in shock. "Credits? Where am I supposed to find credits? They use bits here," "That's where this comes in," She pushed a small tray-like item towards him which he took up, and to the Stormtrooper's surprise, it opened up becoming much bigger. "That is a personal resource device. It will store any bits you get along with any other valuables you come across," "How?" "Think of the PRD as a bag of holding," Cordelia explained pointing to the large tray before moving over to the holoscreen. "And think of that as a fancy holographic catalog," Looking at each item the stormtrooper watched as the device in his right hand folded down to a much smaller shape that can easily be stored in his belt. Placing the device away he returned to the hologram on his arm. "Wait I can buy anything?" TK-777 asked to which she nodded leaning back onto the desk. "Within reason of course. No Deathstars or Starforges. Not like the entire value of this world has what it takes to buy one," "But I can buy an Imperial Star Destroyer?" Cordelia answered with a masked smile while he pointed at the holographic image of an ISD. "Of course stranger! But it'll cost you one hundred and fifty million credits not to mention the cost of fuel and the droid crew since I doubt any of the locals can be trusted to maintain or know how to run such a monster," She hummed. "However it is on the table if you can afford it," "What I can get droids?" She nodded as he quickly typed into the holoscreen's search bar, he froze at the image on display seeing the familiar black and yellow droid on screen. "Shut up," Turning to the merchant who simply smiled at his reaction of what he was looking at. "I can get one of these!" "Yep if you got the money," He nodded at her answer but was still happy that a favored assassin droid was in the store for purchase. "But there is something you should know," Turning to her the Storm trooper watched as she reached across to the hologram. Tapping an iconic, it switched to a series of items going for sale, these items however weren't any he was familiar with. "Flash training modules?" "Do you know how to pilot a tie fighter?" Cordelia asked to which the stormtrooper shook his head. "Then you buy one of those to learn how to pilot all fighters in the Empire's Lineup," She pointed to one of the Flash training modules. "Alright, that makes sense I guess. Although these feel like DLC for this second chance of mine," "Don't say that. The boss added in these modules to make things easier for you plus he told me to give you this one for free," Tapping one of the modules Alex took a step back as data filled his mind. "What the hell was that?" Blinking at what had transpired right before his eyes he turned to Cordelia. "Basic combat training module. You are going to need it," Stepping back toward her TK-777, he shifted, trying to process the data now burned into his mind. "Feels weird," "Don't worry about it. The side effects should fade in a few," Cordelia assured. "Now then the matter of credits," "Yeah, I was wondering that," "So the PRD I gave you will store all your bits and convert them into credits for the store. Luckily for you since the value of a bit compared to a credit is very different I'm pleased to tell you one equestrian bit is equaled to five credits," Cordelia explained. "So Thirty thousand bites would get me that destroyer right?" Alex asked to which she nodded. "Damn," "Also if you need to. You can pull any money you put in for any other merchants her in Equestrian but why would you? You have me," The merchant pridefully states with a hand over her chest. "I am also the only one that can give you deals based on contracts," "Contracts?" Tapping his screen again TK-777 looked at the series of data. "These look like game achievements," Alex pointed out. "They kind of are," The merchant shrugs. "But they're reusable and opinionable to choose so you don't have to go out of your way," "Un-huh," "You can ignore them if you want but they will stack if you complete a contract so all you have to do is cash them in to transfer the credits," Cordelia informed. "Also any valuable that is isn't a bit you transfer into your account will be held in store until you bring it back out or sell it to me over the holodisk disk," "That might be useful," "Plus any items that you might not need anymore can be sold back to me too but at half the value," Cordelia leaned in grabbing his chest plate to pull him close. "But don't get smart and try to sell me trash. I've been told what you do in those type of games do you understand me lucky?" She glared at him causing the trooper to nod. "Great," Letting him go and returning to her casual manner. "Than were good here," "What do you mean?" Cordelia gave him an amused look. "I got you all set up here, soldier, as the contract with my boss stated. So unless you got anything to sell our business for the day is done," The Merchant answered causing him to hum. "Unless you want to take me out for dinner?" The trooper shifted her comment while she winked at him. "But you might want to get some money first before you ask me," Standing up she waved to him. "See you around. Stranger," Walking to the door to the room she left the stormtrooper alone in the dark room, tempted to follow her to see where the door goes he decided to fight that urge. Best not to seem like a creep to the person who seems to know a lot about him, and with that, he turned to leave the Merchant's shop and back into the busy street of Equestria's little town. 'Now... where in the blazes am I supposed to get bits?' "Hey Storm boy!" A voice called out causing Alex to turn toward it. Suddenly a fist impacted his chest, in shock back the attack he barely registered it as the force behind the punch sent him flying through the street stumbling in a ball roll. His armor cracked and chipped as he ragged dolled but luckily the armor protected him from the attack. Mostly at least. Slamming into a crate of rugs, Alex groaned in pain his body hissed in pain while he attempted to stand back up from the surprise attack. Shaking his head he stood up slightly bruised from the impact but quickly he drew his blaster not knowing who or what hit him. 'Why the heck did I just- oh. Her,' A familiar daredevil stood a few feet away from the stormtrooper with a look of determination on her face. "You're really an idiot if you think that you can sneak your way into our home like this after what the Stormking did," Rainbow Dash warned fist raised. 'Stormking why would I... oh no. Scootaloo should have known she would tell her. But why does she think I'm-' Alex barely dodged in time as Rainbow launched herself at him fist swinging but the stormtrooper moved out of her way. Stepping aside he took a few steps back to get some space between her and himself but Rainbow Dash stepped forward fists still raised. "Lady, what is your problem? No one is sneaking!" "Save it you white shell snake!" Throwing another fist, Alex pushed her fist away from him as he sidestepped surprising both Rainbow and himself in the process. 'Okay, I regrate calling those modules DLCs,' "Look lady I have no idea what kind of deathsticks you are smoking but I don't know who a Storm King alright!" "Such your trap you damn lair! Trying to groom fillies into trusting your kind! I don't think so," Rainbow threw punch after punch but Alex dodged each attack like it was nothing while turning his blaster to stun. Getting more distance again the stormtrooper held his blaster but didn't aim it at her, he didn't want to escalate things. "Lady I'm just passing through not looking for trouble but I will defend myself if necessary," Rainbow didn't listen. "RAAHHHHHH!" Zooming forward to him Alex didn't have time to react to Rainbow's inhumanly fast punch, the moment the fist hit his faceplate he regretted not stunning her as he was ragdoll again throwing across the street into a familiar cart as if broken from his impact. "NOOOO! MY CABBAGES!" TK-777 rose from the ruined vegs looking at his acquaintance from moments ago who was holding the ruined greens. "Screw this," Alex raised his blaster seeing Rainbow coming at him again. But with a single pull of the trigger, a blue ring was fired in her attack path hitting her causing the daredevil to stumble and ragdoll across and this time into the ruined cart head first. The cabbage pony passed out after seeing it, Alex reached for the merchant to help him but turned as he heard the familiar sound of magic being used. Turning around he froze in place as a purple aura surrounded him causing the Stormtrooper to only move his eyes upon seeing the rest of the elements who didn't seem happy with him. 'Well, so much for passing through,' > Part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitting with his hands cuffed in the cell Alex sighed as he looked up having been stripped of his belt and his blaster. Leaving the stormtrooper in his armor, his captors believed that he could do much without his equipment. However, the native ponies didn't realize how when they removed his plastoid armor possessed items that could help him escape. He considered pulling out his helmet's comm receiver to use as a lock pick but didn't want to damage his helmet even if the commlink wouldn't work without another signal he had to think of something else. One guard stood by his cell but the ponies had left his gear on a table just outside his cell across the room near the door to the small holding area. Honestly, he didn't think Twilight's Castle had a prison in the first place, but then again the show didn't show off the entire castle room for room so there was that. He considered knocking the guard out grabbing him from behind the bars and putting him into a hold, the chain on his cuffs was long enough for him to do so. Along with the fact this Guard didn't have the common knowledge to not stand with your back BEHIND the prisoner you're guarding. Alex considered that choice since he was completely attacked in the open after Rainbow Dash assaulted him in public, he stunned her in self-defense along with breaking the Cabbage merchant's cart. He didn't know how the court system worked here, but knowing how the ponies were and how childish they could be, something told him if there was a trial for him it wouldn't end well for him. While his mind wondered his thoughts turned returned to the courts back on earth. The layout of the castle wasn't one he was familiar with but seeing how his hands were tied, literally in this case. He had no choice but to go down this route. It was either this or wait for his unfair trial and be turned to stone or be banished to the moon or whatever punishment they see fit. Standing up he slowly made his way to the front of his cell careful not to rattle the chain on his cuffs, his hands moved slowly almost reaching out of the cell until the door to the room opened causing him to back away. The sound of heels clicking caused Alex and the guard to turn to see who it was, it took him a second to recognize the pony. Her broken horn and scared face gave her away if her purple coat and dark pink mane didn't tell him who she was. Stopping at the front of the cell she turned to the guard and tilted her neck to the right, basically telling the guard to leave them. Alex watched the guard leave as his helmet matched his expression underneath, he looked to Tempest who stared him down arms crossed under her breasts. "Well," Tempest's voice echoed through the dead silence as to tell him they were both alone in the room. "When I was told a trooper of the storm king's army was captured causing a scene in the shopping district I thought Twilight was messing with me," She gave a relaxed look as she leaned back with a smile. "I'm glad to see that she was," She smiled shaking her head. "You no stormtrooper of the Storm King," Alex tilts his head from side to side. "Well your half right," Alex states causing Tempest to look at the white armor man with a confused expression. "How so?" "I am a stormtrooper but I don't know of any Stormking," The trooper states while getting Tempest's attention, as her relaxed poster turns to that of curiosity. "Mind explaining to me what you mean buddy?" "I don't serve any Storm King," This caused Tempest to chuckle. "Well yeah. He's dead but... some remnants of his army are still around but last time I checked they were still in the storm lands and were more like a group of unoriginized raiders," Tempest explains as she leans in to look at Alex more curiously. "You got a name pal?" "TK-777," Alex said giving his identification number. "And your friends call you lucky I guess?" Alex nodded much to Tempest's surprise. "Well not the weirdest name I heard but something tells me that's not your real name. So come on pal why not give a mare your name?" Alex looks at her, she looks different than she did in the movie save for the fact she is a humanoid, she looks more relaxed and has a welcoming nature to her. The trooper didn't say a word causing the former commander to sigh slightly as she placed her hands on her hips fustraded. From all the guards he had seen in his short escort to the cell, none of them had the same look that Tempest had. She was an actual soldier unlike them, having many years of experience, and was right now most likely trying to interrogate him for information. Tempest was most likely using a common form of interrogation to make him feel relaxed enough to open up to her but Alex wasn't falling for it. He didn't didn't know where he stood with the ponies here and didn't know what Tempest was planning if she was for that manner. "How about I tell you mine and then you tell me yours?" She asked before introducing herself. "My name is Tempest Shadow what is your name Lucky?" His mind raced with imperial counter interrogation tactics telling her only to give him his identification number. The silence grew until Tempest gave a groan while throwing her hands out. "You know I'm trying to help you right?" Tempest asked while Alex remained silent. "Fine. Alright 'Lucky' do you know why you here?" "No," "Well, what do you think you're here for?" "Self-defense," Alex said causing Tempest to shake her head from side to side as if to agree with him. "Yeah I can see that but you're here for assault, disturbing the peace, destruction of property, and conspiracy to murder," Tempest responded causing Alex to give a low chuckle and not believing what he just was told. "Look Lucky. I want to help you but you'll need to talk to me. If you do we can come to find out this is one huge misunderstanding and I'm sure you'll be on your way before you know it. Sure the ponies here can be a bit... 'overdramatic' but If you help me help you we can get through this," Alex turned away from her as he sat in silence causing Tempest to sigh. "Since you don't wanna talk now I'll come back later and hopefully by then you understand the weight of this," Tempest just like Alex had predicted turned to leave causing the pony to return while shooting him a nasty glare. 'Sorry Tempest but I'm sticking with my plan,' Returning to the bars while the guard had his back to him, TK-777 placed the guard into a choke hold and pulled the pony into the bars. The pony gasped struggling against his grasp while the guard's wings flapped at his armored chest plate but after a few seconds, the guard blacked out in his grasp from the lack of oxygen. Letting the guard go Alex took the guard's keys while the guard rested on the ground knocked out. Freeing himself from the cuffs and the cell, Alex got his belt and blaster back while turning to the guard. 'I wonder,' Taking the guard's helmet Alex raised the gold helmet to the device Cordelia gave him and in a flash of light the gold helmet was gone. After activating the PRD he turned to the holo-device on his wrist looking at the value of the gold armor, seeing the resell value Alex whistled. 'Solar guard gold helmet quite the pretty penny for a helmet made from pure gold,' Alex then quickly stripped the guard of his gold armor leaving him in his underclothes. Storing the gold armor bits into the PRD, the stormtrooper released the guard of his bits Alex then locked the guard in his cell. The guard would surely be compensated for this but after the time he spent and the treatment, the stormtrooper thought it would be fair for his compassion. After placing the PRD away Alex walked over to the door to the cells, peeking through the keyhole he flinched at the sight of the many guards lining the hallway. Holding his helmet's chin in thought knowing that if he went out guns blazing he could be easily restrained by magic and be back in a cell before he knew it. Grunting he turned back to the holding area, seeing a barred window the stormtrooper climbed up a dusty wooden crate to look through the window. Out the small barred window, he could see a good portion of Ponyville including the train station. Seeing a way out of this crazy town, he turned back to the prison cells and reached into his belt pockets. 'There should be- AH-HA! There you are, my little friend. Now let's see. That's not that far of a drop if I use my grappling line I could rappel my way down but this will cause a fair amount of noise,' Looking to the door to the room Alex sighed. 'But it's either going loud inside... or outside,' He quickly moved off the crates before pushing them to the door barricading it with all the items he could find in the holding area. After which he set the thermal detonator on the window's wall before acting the explosive, as it clicked to life TK-777 ran for cover as the detonator timer quickly clicked down to zero. (Friendship counsel chamber, Five minutes ago) "He's not apart of the Storm Remnant," Tempest explained to Twilight and the elements before her. "How can you be sure darling? He told Sweetie and Applebloom he was a 'stormtrooper' or whatever that means. What else would he be a part of?" Rarity asked to which Tempest groaned at her words. "Rarity by that logic that could mean the weather team would be a part of the storm remnant because they make storms," Tempest explained causing Rartiy to huff. "Also I can tell he's nowhere near a part of the Storm Remnant because he doesn't possess any of the Storm King's markings on his armor AND the fact the Storm King hated white armor and thought black armor was more scary," "Storm Remnant or not he attack me! I still feel numb from that magical ring he shot at me!" Rainbow Dash barked, causing Tempest to give her a 'Are you serious' look. "Rainbow you attack him first. He had every right to defend himself! From what the Sprout Green said about him. The guy was there shopping and minding his business," Tempest said bringing up the cabbage merchant's statement. "Also you may need to find a lawyer he might be pressing charges against you," "WHAT?! BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT!" Rainbow Dash shouted causing Applejack to grab her friend. "Simmer down sugar cube," Apple pulled her friend down as she spoke up. "Now besides the fact this 'lucky' fella may or may not have attacked Rainbow. He didn't harm my sister or any of the crusaders. From what my little sister tells me the guy was lost in the Everfree," "Sweetie Belle did tell me something similar," Rarity agreed with the element of honesty. "U-um Mr. Squirl told me that some white armored stranger was taking a nap in the Everfree so maybe he was lost in the forest? Maybe he did get lost and this whole thing is just another 'Zecora' thing," Fluttershy pointed out causing the elements to think for a moment. While her friends began to agree that maybe imprisoning the 'Stormtrooper' wasn't the right course of action and freeing him would be the right thing to do, Twilight gritted her teeth knowing if word got out that within her first week of becoming queen of Equestria. She had falsely imprisoned someone because of their differences she would be called a hippo-cite for sure! Who knows the backlash this action would cause to the world leaders, all eyes had been on her since she was given the throne to all of Equestria. This was bad, real bad. She needed to figure out something and fast. That was when the entire room shook as the sound of a loud explosion echoed through the castle halls. Confusion and panic set in before Twilight and the rest of her friends looked to the map table and saw the image of the castle of friendship smoking from the northside. "Oh no," Tempest realized where that was before the elements and bolted off down the hallway. Which caused the elements to follow suit, for the realization of what had happened had hit them. The prisoner had escaped. (ponyville train station) Cloaked in a stolen robe, Alex looked up at the castle of Friendship while in line at the train station. His heart was racing under his chest plate at the rush he just experienced, he surprised himself with how fast he moved after the explosion. Adrenaline was a helluva driving force for the human body, tightening the cloth that was around his helmet he took a step forward to the ticket booth. "Welcome to the Equestria's friendship express where would you like us to take you today?" The ticket clerk asked with a smile, although he could tell the pony was a little frightened by his appearance. "I would like a one-way ticket to the Crystal Empire," Alex answered from behind his cloaked form. The pony behind the booth turned to some paperwork and nodded. "Well let's see here. We have two scheduled for tomorrow one at 10:30 am and another one at 6:30 pm will you be taking first class or economy?" The pony asked to which the stormtrooper shook his head. "Do you have one scheduled for today?" Alex asked to which the pony turned back to the paper next to her. "Well yes but we only have one seat available for royal first class but it's quite expensive and I don't think-" "When does it leave?" Alex asked. "In fifteen minutes but sir I don't think you can afford this it is quite expensive," The pony said with a smile that made the human roll his eyes. "Money is no object. Please it's a family emergency," The trooper lied causing the pony to turn to the price and sigh. "Eight hundred bits for a royal first class one-way trip ticket to the Crystal Empire," The trooper felt his heart hop into his throat. Seeing the smoking castle in the glass's reflection he nodded, Reaching for the PRD under the cloak until he threw the amount needed onto the deck chut causing the Pony clerk to go wide eye at the bites before her. "Well?" Alex asked while the Clerk nodded handing him the ticket which he took and went in the direction of the ticket. 'Damn good thing I sold that armor... eight hundred bits for a train ticket? This so better be worth every gold piece,' Hearing the train at the area the ticket was assigned to the trooper ran up waving to the conductor who was about to close the train's door. "Hold up!" Running to the open door, Alex ran to the conductor, and after handing his ticket, the old pony the ticket then eyed his appearance almost baffled by the owner of the ticket. Seeing this the trooper groaned as the more time he wasted here in the open the more likely he would be discovered. "It was the only ticket they had. I have a family emergency up north," The conductor looked at him as he punched the ticket and handed it back. "If you don't mind me asking son what kind of emergency?" The conductor asked. "My dad is sick. I dropped everything when I got word," The trooper lied causing the old pony to look at him giving a smile. "Heh. If only most kids were like you," The conductor's words confused Alex at the comment, he would have asked why but seeing how he was trying to lay low not engaging with the conductor might be the best opinion for right now. Although he didn't want to be a dick. (Castle of Friendship) "So tell me something Tempest," Twilight asked seeing the gaping hold in the holding area of the castle. "If this 'Lucky' had nothing to worry about then why did he run?" Tempest looks at Twilight for a second before giving a guess. "Perhaps he was aware that ponies can be a bit xenophobic and decided not to take his chances with us," Tempest answered while crossing her arms. "Honestly I can't blame him from my experience," "Really? Then how come he stripped the guard of his armor?!" Twilight asked pointing to the guard who was being tended to. "A disguse? He could have easily put it on and switched it for the armor he was wearing and blended into the crowd with it," Tempest subjected not knowing the real reason the prisoner took the armor. "How do you know that's what he did?" "It's what I do," Tempest answered honestly although unaware of the real factor of why he took the armor. Twilight huffed at her answer while storming off to the entrance past her friends as Rainbow Dash huffed. "He better run otherwise I'll pound that white armored butt next time I see him!" Rainbow Dash commented causing Tempest to growl. "By the goddess! Rainbow seriously?" Tempest cried out causing the daredevil to look at her. "You do realize this is your fault right? If you hadn't been so quick to assume he was some spy or something this would have happened! Along with that why would a spy wear bright armor in the middle of the day time?!" "Well- I- Maybe- Um... I don't know," Rainbow Dash scratched her head. "He did stand out," "That proves my point!" Tempest exclaimed her head turning to the hole as she looked out of it. "But I hope he doesn't hold any grudges," While looking through the hole Tempest noticed something that caught her eye, over the years away from pony civilization she picked up on a few things. Sometimes she couldn't help herself but keep up with the habits of her past, such habits allowed her to see things most ponies didn't. Such as why he blew out the hole to this side rather than the west side of the holding cells. "Something wrong Tempest?" Applejack commented on the dark pony's head tilt. "Nothing wrong just thinking about something," Tempest answered as she turned to leave the scene leaving the remaining elements to wonder what she was thinking about. (Friendship Express) Alex took a breath under his helmet his hand on the door to his room. 'Well, time to see how much an eight hundred-bit cabin looks like,' Pushing the door open Alex froze slightly at the sight of the luxury room before him, from a very expensive-looking bed to a mini-bar along with other items that would cost an arm and a leg back on earth. 'All this for an 18-hour train ride? I would say this is too rich for my blood but might as well spoil myself,' TK-777 grinned behind his helmet as he locked the cabin door behind him. Taking off the large robe from his armor and the cloth wrapped around his helmet which made him look like the worst Star Wars character. Alex wasn't much of a drink but after the day he had today, a drink was just what the medical droid had ordered. Looking at the expensive drinks behind the bar he decided to go with something small, a hard cider. If he had anything else like Vodka or Whiskey he wouldn't properly enjoy the luxury of the eight hundred bits he had to spend to quickly escape ponyville. "My my quite the expense you paid for all this," The familiar voice of Cordelia, followed by of the shop notification on his head's up display. Turning around to see the merchant standing behind the bar her clawed fingers tapping on the table while watching him get a drink. "Cordelia," Upon saying her name the mask 'smiled' while she playfully looked at him. "What are you doing here?" "Well I was going to see if I could help you escape that cell but seeing how you did that already I decided to come for something else," Cordelia answered her white hair dangling from under her hood. "What may that be?" Alex asked. "Before I answer that. Let me ask you a question," Cordelia leaned in. "Why the Crystal Empire?" "It's outside of Equestria territory. Meaning it'll be outside of Equestria law," "But aren't the rulers related to Princess Twilight?" Cordelia asked leaning her back on the bar with her pack at her feet. "I am aware of this however if I remain unnoticed and stay out of trouble I won't have to worry about Equestria," Alex responded. "That and if I accidentally say 'long live the empire' I might be written off as some crystal empire patriot or something," "What will you do when you get there? If you don't mind me asking," The Merchant asked yet another question. "I'll do what most Stormtroopers did after the battle of Endor. Become a bounty hunter or become some hired help," Alex responded. "Ohhhh! In that case, I have plenty of equipment for you to buy!" Cordelia stated while glee holding her hands together. "Starting off, the item I wanted to bring to your attention before," TK-777 popped his drink open his attention on Cordelia. "Cool your jets Cordelia. I haven't seen how much I had after selling that armor," Alex explained while lowering his arm showing off the hologram. "Ahh yes the full set of decent condition solar royal guard gold plate armor," Cordelia smiled pulling out the same helmet he had taken from the guard an hour ago from her pack. Surprise to see the helmet again TK-777 took a few seconds to figure out how she got it. "Right. Um... let's see how much- HOLY MOTHER MOONS!" If he had been drinking the cider he would have spat it out. "11,200 bits? But it's gold and the jewels and stuff," Cordelia nodded. "Well, it would have been worth more if you had it stripped to it's basic part and had the gold melted down for resale. That and the fact that gold is more available here than on earth not to mention the American dollar system," Cordelia explained. "That and you took out 800 bites for the ticket," "Wait- How much was the armor worth before I removed the 800," Alex asked to which Cordelia hummed in thought while playing with the helmet spinning it around her hand. "Well besides the 55 bits in that bag you took... around 11,945 bits," Cordelia stated. "Don't think about that much hun you still got a fair bit of coin out of it. That and you haven't seen how much it's worth in credits," Seeing that she was correct TK-777 tapped the conversion tap on his holographic screen to see the value of his account hand jumped in value. "56,000!" TK-777 coughed seeing how much he had to spend in the store. "That's a lot of money," "Now then since you know your budget how about I show you what I'm offering you for your trip to the Crystal Empire," Chuckling Alex looked over at her. "What you got," "Well... since it's extremely cold up there in the empire how about I introduce you to swap out that standard kit for something that you are familiar with," Cordelia pointed out as his holographic display revealed Cold Assault trooper kit. "I'll give it to you for 5,000 credits and you wouldn't need to worry about your current armor it'll be stored for safekeeping until you need to swap kits out again. What do you say? I'll even throw in a few thermal detonators for 500 extra to replace the one you used to free yourself?" Cordelia asked her masked face smiling at Alex's frowning faceplate while he and the merchant bargained.