> Our Game Called Equestria > by MrSnuggle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fortnight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight couldn’t sleep. It had been six days since Cozy Glow was sent to Tartarus for a crime that seemed unreal—a crime that no one would have expected from a filly, a crime that’s cemented her as one of the most dangerous. An absolutely ingenious crime. Twilight had bid Spike a goodnight and lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling for hours now. She needed to see Cozy Glow. Twilight rolled off the bed, lighting her magic. She knew a spell the princesses taught her, which allowed her to make a gateway to Tartarus. Aiming to the corner of her room, she shot a bolt of magic that stopped midair and turned clear. It expanded, making a fizzled doorway that showed the insides of the ancient prison. Her heart pounded against her chest as the spell showed stability, and—after a notable pause—she made her way through, putting on a neutral look. At once, she spotted two cages sitting next to each other. One housed the red centaur she despised for destroying her previous home, and the other contained a bright pink filly smirking at her. The expression on her face was nasty. It shouldn’t belong to anyone as young as she. “Look what managed to drag in,” Cozy said, gripping the cage’s bars. “Missed me?” Cozy knew what she was doing, and Twilight’s heart leaped at her teasing. Tirek and Twilight heard two different versions of the same question. The oblivious villain also had a sly smirk on. He probably thought Twilight was stupid enough to let him out. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Princess,” he said with a bow. Twilight was not here for him. “Cozy Glow,” Twilight said, putting on her professional royal voice. “You are to come with me to prepare for your trial.” Cozy smiled, saluting. “Sure thing, Boss! I have a specific lawyer in mind already.” Twilight nodded—“I should hope so.”—and undid the cage’s lock. The cage wasn’t an ordinary one. It could only be opened through alicorn magic, though Twilight was sure there were other ways to escape. Cozy walked out like a rich schoolfilly in a field of flowers. Sneaking one glance at Tirek, she stuck out her tongue, which he rolled his eyes at and huffed. A purple hoof gestured to the portal back to Twilight’s room, and Cozy made her way through without hesitation. As she passed, her tail brushed and tickled Twilight’s leg. Not gifting Tirek another glance, Twilight followed Cozy, the portal closing behind her. The mood changed immediately. Cozy and Twilight stood in the center of the large bedroom, staring at each other. Her mouth a thin line, Cozy muttered out, “Hey.” Twilight gave a gentle smile. “Hi, Cozy.” Cozy kicked a hoof off the ground. “I missed you.” Twilight’s heart fluttered. “I missed you too.” “For a second, I thought you were going to keep me in Tartarus because you were mad.” Purple magic pulled Cozy to Twilight, and Twilight pecked her on the lips. “Don’t turn stupid on me, Cozy.” When they last saw each other on good terms, Cozy ushered her out of her own school, insisting Twilight and her friends head to Tartarus to speak with Tirek. How devious that was. Even with hindsight, Twilight had no idea how she would have figured out what was going on before Tirek told her. When Tirek spilled the truth, Twilight never felt a burning sensation in her chest like she ever had before. It was a wonder how she managed to keep composed and fight back. Her filly orchestrated this entire play. She was glad her friends didn’t catch her blush or arousal. Cozy giggled. “When’s the trial?” “Oh.” Twilight frowned. “There is no trial.” “What? That’s… harsh.” “More than harsh.” Twilight glared, caressing Cozy’s cheek. Cozy knew Twilight’s intense look wasn’t directed at her, even though her eyes were. Resting her head on her purple fluffy chest, she nuzzled to calm her down. “It’s fine.” “It’s not.” It made it much easier for Twilight to go behind their backs and free Cozy just then when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna deemed her Cozy “too dangerous.” Cozy rose from her chest and grinned, leaning forward and kissing her. “Well, in any case, you won.” Twilight giggled. “Yeah, but you were just brilliant, Cozy! Getting tips from Tirek to take down magic?” Cozy lidded her eyes. “What’s a better way to come out on top against you, you Magic Abuser.” Twilight whined. “Oh, come here, you!” Their lips slammed together; It came with two moans that they both felt vibrate. Fuck, how she missed this. Growing up, Twilight never knew the meaning of love. It was a foreign concept, not that she wanted to offend Cadence. Now, she was more greedy than a dragon for it. Twilight thought nothing of it when Cozy Glow arrived at the School of Friendship. She thought Cozy was just another cute filly she had met, just like the others. But then Cozy started visiting Twilight in her office, requesting help with her friendship lessons and offering help as an assistant. Cozy often glanced down at Twilight’s scattered notes on the desk, and conversations would light up about those concepts. Their conversations should be challenging for even adults to follow, yet Cozy would without trouble. Time theory, quantum physics, psychology... Even advanced magic. Twilight never knew she found foals more attractive than she should have. She didn’t care to come to that conclusion before then. Two things held her back subconsciously: her morality and the foal’s lack of intelligence and maturity. Cozy Glow didn’t lack intelligence or maturity. She spoke of electrolysis, giving theories of how they could use electricity as a primary power source. They had magic gadgets brewing in the works, but Cozy explained that electricity could be used for emergencies or those who don’t possess magic. Their favorite topic was metaphysics. The conversations would keep going for hours. After that, they started hanging out regularly, discussing friendship and other topics. Their talks turned to flirting, turned to hugging. It wasn’t long before their first kiss on the principal’s desk—which Cozy initiated. Twilight didn’t feel guilty about it. She didn’t stop her. She’s glad she didn’t. Cozy made her happy, and the filly was in the right mind to stop Twilight whenever she wanted. Twilight would have stopped. There were countless times when Cozy was hidden under Twilight’s desk when someone came to interrupt them. It was more fun than teleporting Cozy away. Kissing led to touching, groping, and then grinding. Eventually, they got too loud, and Cozy had to visit Twilight in the castle for safety. She came over so much that she practically lived there. Life was perfect. Then, over a week, something changed between them. A good change. What started out with who could finish their plate faster turned into who could make the other orgasm faster. That turned into bigger dares and bets, and it only became bigger and bigger until Cozy found out the ultimate power play, one of Twilight’s big things over her—magic. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, yet when they separated, they were breathing harder than usual. Twilight couldn’t wait. She hugged Cozy close to take her in again, pushing her tongue in and playing with Cozy’s. During their make-out session, Twilight carried Cozy over to her—their—soft bed, throwing Cozy onto it without letting her go. Cozy moaned and wrapped her forelegs around Twilight’s neck, pulling her close. Twilight responded by hungrily kissing deeper, pushing Cozy’s head into the mattress. Twilight lifted a bit off of Cozy, instantly regretting it the moment she did. She wanted more. Cozy did too. She nuzzled the side of her head, leaving steps of kisses as she traveled down her neck, earning a satisfying exhale from Cozy. Despite being in Tartarus for six days, that sweet smell still lingered on her fur. Twilight’s kisses made their way to her soft chest before she raised to get a better picture. They were both short of breath. Her eyes trailed down, and they were dripping wet below their sets of teats, slightly darker than the rest of them. Twilight knew Cozy had heat in her loins just like her, and something grew from Twilight’s crotch. “I almost cracked when they arrested you,” Twilight said softly. It was still fresh in her mind. When they returned to Ponyville, Twilight wanted to scoop Cozy up and shower her with kisses, admitting she lost. But, obviously, they had an act, and Twilight had to tell Cozy she was wrong and play like she was disappointed with her, even though it was quite the opposite. It pained her. Cozy giggled softly, shifting a little under Twilight. “I almost cracked way before that.” Cozy was a far better actor than Twilight should ever be, but if Twilight said that out loud, Cozy would reprimand her. She probably wanted to tell Twilight about her plans for the longest time, but she kept it shut for the big surprise. Cozy’s mane was disheveled as she lay in the crumpled bed sheets under the moonlight that peered through the window, and she stared at Twilight with pure love in her lidded eyes. She was beautiful. Twilight wanted more. She bent down, forcing Cozy into another kiss filled with passionate moans. Her hooves trailed down Cozy’s sides, rubbing her figure before digging underneath to hold her close. The door opened. “Gah!” Twilight snapped her head towards the door, and there stood Spike. She stared at him nervously, and he stared back at the two of them with an indecipherable expression, his eyes going back and forth a couple of times. Cozy blushed, looking sideways at Spike. “Hi, Spike.” The smell of sex in the room became quickly apparent, and the two of them flushed. Spike frowned. “I heard a noise. Two weeks. You couldn’t wait two weeks, Twilight? You said two weeks! A fortnight!” Twilight nervously chuckled. Cozy looked away and hid her face, still hugging Twilight’s neck. “I know!” Twilight whined. “But I couldn’t!” Spike crossed his arms, looking at Twilight. “Well, anyway. Somepony could have gotten hurt. Cozy needs to be punished for that. And I don’t mean spankings; you both enjoy those.” Cozy peaked out from under Twilight, resting her hooves on Twilight’s chest. “Sorry.” She liked him too, though in a more physically attractive way. His claws and feet specifically, though she admitted he had a cute face and butt as well. Spike waved a claw. “It’s fine. We’ll talk more in the morning. You two have fun!” He left and closed the door behind him. Twilight sighed. Cozy reached up with a hoof and rubbed her cheek, her eyes pupils sparking and expanding. Twilight wouldn’t fall for it. “You lost. So you were getting a punishment anyway.” Cozy put on a pout and dropped her hoof. Twilight giggled. “Not tonight. I’m still topping, though.” She bent down and kissed her. Cozy wrapped her legs around Twilight’s neck again and hugged her with her hind legs. Something big and thick appeared in between them. Alicorns didn’t only gain the traits of every pony race. Twilight reached down and started rubbing Cozy’s teats before reaching down and rubbing her clit. She grabbed Cozy’s hooves with her magic, pinning them above her head. If Cozy had won, Twilight wouldn’t have been able to do such a thing. As Twilight continued to rub, Cozy gasped. “T-Twilight.” Twilight nuzzled her cheek with her own. “What is it?” she asked, her tone playful. “Please! It’s been so long.” Twilight agreed. “Use your words, Cozy.” Cozy squirmed. “F-fuck me, Twilight! Fuck your filly!” Answering Cozy’s call, Twilight lifted Cozy’s hips and entered her pussy. Cozy’s moans bounced around the room. Twilight kissed her to quiet her, but more importantly, to feel the buzzing of Cozy’s incoherent words through her lips. It sent shocks down her spine. Cozy was as tight as she remembered, but they were way past the careful stages of their relationship. Twilight knew full well how lenient Cozy was. Twilight pushed deeper into Cozy’s hot cave, her pussy fluids from their make-out session providing more than enough lubrication. As she pushed further inside, it became more awkward to kiss Cozy due to the size difference. They’ve always managed despite that. Eventually, Twilight stopped in Cozy, a mere pause. She reeled back a few before slamming right back in, conquering the last inch of her insides and hitting the back of her walls. Cozy mewled in their kiss. Breaking away from Cozy, Twilight took a deep breath and didn’t let Cozy catch hers before speeding up. Their thighs clapped together as Twilight fucked Cozy, her balls smacking her butt. She was so tight and warm inside. Twilight had been feeling colder lately, so thank the heavens Cozy was on their bed. Oh, how she missed this! Cozy couldn’t even get a word out. For the past six days, she felt so empty, but now, Twilight’s dick kept forcing breaths out of her like a pump as she filled her insides. She bounced up and down on the bed even as Twilight held her still with her hooves and magic. It wasn’t long before she started to feel pressure rise in her crotch. Cozy came first, arching her back and gripping Twilight’s cock with her tight pussy. Twilight paused for her. She yelled to the ceiling, forgetting where she was for a moment. Twilight continued after a short wait, bringing a whimper out of Cozy, and it only took around ten more seconds before she slammed her hips deep, feeling her cock pulse and emptying her balls inside of her adorable filly. With heavy huffs, she pulled out of Cozy, and her cum dripped out of her filly folds. Cozy was moments away from catching her breath and saying something before Twilight flipped her over, cutting off anything she had to say. She rested on her belly for a second before she felt Twilight against her anus. Their safeword was “cranberry.” Cozy never needed to say that word. Twilight pushed in, forcing a groan out of Cozy. Only a few heartbeats passed before she was back in her rhythm, anally fucking her tight ass. Cozy gasped as she kicked the bedsheets and tried to grab them with her forehooves. She couldn’t grasp the sheets with her hind hooves, so she curled them in the air instead. Twilight held her down. She fucked her relentlessly, breathing over her like some savage canine. She brought her hips up as much as she could before slamming them down, satisfying claps raining over and over as she was brought over to the edge. Cozy cried out a few times before she came on the bed sheets, and Twilight wasn’t far behind her as she felt her ass tense through her orgasm. Her head flared as thick ropes of cum shot all the way into the innards of her cute filly butt. They kept still as their breathing dominated the room. Twilight rested on Cozy to catch her breath, still inside her, but Cozy never found her weight hurtful or uncomfortable. After a moment, Twilight blew out a blissful sigh and rolled off of Cozy to lie down, her cock leaving Cozy’s ass with a pop. Using magic, she brought Cozy to lie on her chest, which the filly appreciated. “I love you,” Cozy murmured, her head rising and falling with Twilight’s breathing. “I love you too.” Twilight kissed her mane. “Spike’s been missing you too. I’d help him, but it still feels weird.” “That’s fine. I don’t mind helping him out.” There was a notable pause with her. “I’m a criminal now. How does that work?” Twilight sighed. “Well, I’ll be putting in a double in Tartarus. If by the off-chance anypony asks why ‘I dragged you out for a day,’ I already have a story made up for it.” Cozy chuckled, rolling her head so she could look at Twilight. “That’s my Sparkle, always the planner.” Twilight giggled and hugged her close so Cozy’s head dipped under her chin, rubbing her back. “How are you going to maintain magic in Tartarus, though?” “Well, it’s tricky to explain, but it’s you, so I’m not worried.” So Twilight explained how she was going to maintain magic in Tartarus. Yup, she did, and with a totally legit reason too. > Snug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sat at the dinner table, arms crossed, staring across from it with a frown like someone had told a joke at the wrong time. It began when Twilight reminisced that one time they bought one of Pinkie Pie’s specialties and brought it home—a few weeks before magic started being drained. Then Cozy remembered when Twilight sneezed out a bunch of pastry through her nose, which they laughed at. Twilight replied with the next thing that happened that day, and they continued back and forth with every bit of detail, telling each other like they didn’t fucking remember. And now the two were holding hooves, faces inching closer and closer without touching as they whispered with the widest grins on their faces. Their whispers sounded excited, and their smiles looked as if they hurt. A few seconds passed, and Spike couldn’t hide a smile, but there were more important things at the moment. Clearing his throat, he slammed his claws on the table, jumping the two out of their moment. “Girls, as much as I don’t want to get between you two, we need to talk about Cozy being the most wanted pony in Equestria.” “It’s fine, Spike,” Twilight said. “The double is still there.” “Yeah.” Spike nodded before pulling out a newspaper and reading it. “Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and Princess of Friendship, found by Applejack, a Friend of Twilight, kissing and touching filly Cozy Glow, a villain and threat to Equestria, who is as young as Applejack’s sister, which is also the believed reason for Twilight’s murder.” Twilight deadpanned and pulled Cozy closer on her lap. “That didn’t happen.” “But it will happen eventually if you don’t take this seriously, Twilight! Our friends always barge in like they own the damn—” “Twilight, are you present?!” an echoed voice shouted down from somewhere. It was Rarity. All three of them widened their eyes, and Spike immediately pushed himself away from the table. “I’ll deal with her. You two, fucking figure something out.” As Spike ran off, Twilight groaned and tilted her head to the ceiling. Cozy chuckled and rubbed her cheek. “Maybe we just talk to Princess Celestia and sort things out?” “We didn’t go insane yet, so that’s a terrible idea.” Twilight kept staring at the ceiling. “Eh.” Cozy shrugged. “We’ll figure something out then.” Twilight sighed through her nose, hugging Cozy tight to her chest to cuddle. She kept an ear out to listen for anypony, ready to teleport at a moment’s notice. Cozy felt warm in her lap, her cute filly butt like a cloud, and Twilight thanked whoever created alicorns that her dick could be toggled off. As much as it was hot, it was also uncomfortable, and Twilight wouldn’t know if she could contain herself if she was erect. As if Twilight could talk right now, groping Cozy’s ass. She had already rubbed her pussy a few times so she could lick her hoof and taste her sweetness. And now that she was thinking about it, Twilight wanted more. Yeah, fuck it. Without warning, Twilight teleported them to their bedroom, where she sat down and placed a squeaking Cozy on a small tea table, her crotch now at head level. Clutching Cozy’s hind legs, Twilight took a whiff before digging her snout into her pussy, earning her a gasp from the filly. Cozy’s wetness was pleasant on Twilight’s taste buds, and Twilight wanted nothing more than to stay here in their room so she could indulge in her filly nectar for hours. In her work, Twilight teased Cozy by taking a few pauses and licking or kissing the inside of her pink thighs and teats. She was rewarded with a shuddering breath, music to her ears every time. Cozy rang out quick cries as Twilight lapped up her insides, holding Twilight’s head in place as she spasmed on the table. Her sensitive folds, exposed to the predator, which was Twilight’s mouth, had nothing to defend themselves. When Twilight changed her attention to her small nub, her blush intensified, and she cried out. She tried tightening her legs around Twilight, but the mare had a firm hold on her jolting legs. Cozy felt Twilight’s tongue exploring all inside her, extending as it wished to discover every spot inside. She was losing control of herself, her body arching and twisting. “F-fuck…” Twilight moaned a little when Cozy came, gulping every last drop of her delicious cum. When Cozy finished, Twilight grabbed the filly by the waist and brought her into a kiss, letting Cozy taste herself, which she knew she enjoyed. The two fought with their tongues for a bit, and Twilight pulled Cozy chest to chest in the midst. They tasted each other for a while before they pulled back for air. With a content sigh, Cozy snuggled deep into Twilight’s fur. She didn’t want to lose this, and now, after her orgasm, her mind started fixing itself. As Twilight rubbed her back, Cozy leaned up and kissed the underside of her chin, then nuzzled with her nose. “Spike’s right. We’re in real dangerous territory now.” Twilight nodded, thinking about what Spike said. Then she thought about Applejack or somepony else actually walking in on them and found that exciting. As young as her sister. She snapped her head straight, going still. “Sister…” she muttered. Cozy stared at her for a second before frowning. “Okay, I think I know what you’re thinking of doing, but how will we convince anyone I’m your sister?” Twilight shook her head. “Close, but I have something else in mind.” Cozy raised a brow, and when Twilight gave her a dirty smirk, she felt her chest go tight. “What exactly?” “You’ll see. But you’re eating me out first.” Cozy sighed and smiled. “Sure, Sparkles.” So Twilight took Cozy to the bed, laid her down on their soft mattress, and sat on her face. “What. The. Fuck!” Cozy stood before the class, trying her damndest not to glare at the ground like she wanted to murder it. Her old classmates stared at her, and the teacher for today, Spike—whose twitching lips told her he was holding every piece of laughter in—stood beside her and introduced her to the class. “Everyone,” Spike said, wavering, “this is Snug Sparkle, Twilight’s newly adopted daughter who will be joining our class! I hope you all get to know her well and become great friends!” “Hi, Snug!” the classes collectively shouted. Snug. A synonym for cozy. That name sounded so stupid hearing it from somepony else. Especially without the last name. Especially as a group shout. Cozy wore a frilly dress that matched her old pink fur, now blue in a magic disguise. Her mane was pink and flat instead of the cute curls she worked so hard on daily. It was in her face, blocking her view. It wasn’t practical at all! But that wasn’t close to the worst part of this disguise. Twilight had the brilliant idea of adding more accessories to her costume. Forget the dress; everything else was all she could feel on her body. She had a purple collar around her neck with a loop in front of it. Objects settled deep in her ass and pussy, a slight hint of movement as they vibrated on the lowest setting. Of course, they were all cloaked in an invisible spell. The dress didn’t help at all. It brought attention to her rear, even though everything was invisible. She had already caught three different colts, a filly, and a griffon staring her ass down. It was fucking bliss. Cozy would have come multiple times if it hadn’t been for the collar stopping her. Some magic bullshit. Cozy loved Twilight’s magic bullshit. Twilight had never accomplished anything like this on her before. This level of excitement and arousal was unforeseen. Shit. She wanted more. Cozy—Snug Sparkle—didn’t pay attention in class at all. Instead, she focused on how she would get back at Twilight. She couldn’t wait. But she didn’t mind riding this out for a little while before then. > Betwitx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike hummed as he went about with his midnight snack of choice, a bowl of berry ice cream from their fridge. It was dark in the shadows of the hallway, the only light shining being Luna’s moon from the skies. His footsteps echoed, the sounds alone like he was. He neared his room when he saw a room further down the hall with its door open. With a roll of his eyes, he took a spoonful of his snack and walked over. Taking a peak inside, the smell hit his nostrils instantly, but he was used to the sharp sense of sex by now. A trio of candles illuminated their bedroom on its own. Sleeping on the bed were Twilight and Cozy, lying on their sides, with Twilight serving as the “big spoon,” as she called it. When Spike looked closer, Twilight’s cock was buried deep inside of Cozy. Spike shook his head. For a couple of brainiacs, those two were so dumb at times. Any pegasus could be flying by and spot the light of the candles like a beacon of light. They’d probably be embarrassed by how they got caught. They looked adorable, though. Cozy’s ear twitched every now and then when Twilight breathed on it. It looked, for lack of a better word, cozy. Spike always wanted to ask if he could join in. Sure, Cozy let him burn off his greed, but that was entirely different. He doubted they’d oppose him joining in—if anyone could, it’d probably be him. Those two were made for each other despite the age difference. At a glance, it could look as if Twilight was grooming Cozy or that Cozy was blackmailing Twilight, but Spike knew better. The way they looked at each other, the way they smiled, the way they forgot everyone else in the room... Spike couldn’t get in between of that. He entered the room, setting his bowl on the nightstand before going over to their bed, grabbing the edge of their blankets, and gently tucking them in. The two smiled at the sudden warmth, and Twilight pulled Cozy closer. Spike smiled and stepped away. He grabbed his dessert bowl and quietly blew out the candles. With one last glance at the love birds, he closed their door, careful not to let it click. > Horn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight woke up with a feeling of something around her horn. Blinking her eyes open, a full view of soft pink fur obscured her vision. She felt a lick on her horn and gasped. The lick sent shocks of stimulation through her head. When she spasmed, all of her legs tugged against the bindings against the bed—iron cuffs tight around her hooves. “C-Cozy!” Cozy giggled, lowering so they were at the same head height. “Morning, Twilight.” “Morning…” Twilight responded before Cozy gave her a quick kiss on the lips, their tongues tasting each other for a mere second. When Cozy pulled back, Twilight whined a little. By instinct, she tried pulling Cozy back with her magic, but after that didn’t work, she looked up and saw a black ring around her horn. Cozy rubbed Twilight’s chest for a second before climbing back up, wrapping her lips around her horn again and engulfing it. Twilight cried out as Cozy began bobbing her head. It only took half a minute for her to feel her magical orgasm coming. Cozy didn’t relent. She sucked harder and licked everywhere around her horn while Twilight writhed and jerked her head. Thankfully, she had Twilight locked in place. Twilight would get her back for this; she swore it. But for now, she’d enjoy this. Purple gooey magic shot out of Twilight’s horn, and the alicorn cried out in pleasure. Thicker than cum, Cozy had to work to swallow all the rich flavors of magicum as she called it. Once Twilight's orgasm finished, she craned her neck back, and an audible gulp entered their ears. “F-fuck…” Twilight gasped out. Cozy giggled. “Just back and relax, Twilight. I’m going to drain all the magic out of you like Tirek did.” Not like she has a choice. Twilight whined and pulled against her bindings. “Someone will walk in on us, and I won’t have magic.” “Nice try." Cozy already knew about the spells Twilight set up ever since she first started coming here. "Spike’s guarding downstairs for us, so you’re all mine today!” The powerful princess whimpered. “I’m kinda tired, so it’s your turn now.” Cozy raised herself up and lined herself before lowering her filly pussy on Twilight’s face. Twilight gave an incoherent muffle as Cozy ground against her muzzle, giving her all her sweet young juices. “Lick,” Cozy demanded and started playing with her teats as Twilight obeyed. She whinged and squirmed a little when she felt Twilight’s tongue roam her insides. Cozy moved her behind a bit so Twilight was rubbing her lips against her clit, and she held back a moan. When she felt an eruption rising, Cozy lifted her ass high enough so she came all over Twilight’s waiting face—tongue still sticking out. Twilight’s face was a mess, but Cozy didn’t care as she lowered again and kissed her deep, sticking her tongue into Twilight’s mouth and wrestling her tired tongue into submission. They moaned into each others mouths, but soon Cozy let up, retreating and raising once more. Again, she wrapped her lips around Twilight’s horn and began working on her earlier promise. Twilight moaned, and Cozy lifted a hind leg to fit it into her mouth and shit her up. She had always said she found her filly hind hooves adorable. Cozy never understood why, but she couldn’t judge while having a claw and feet fetish—also wings. For the rest of that day, Twilight had a wonderful day off. Whenever she needed a break, Cozy forced Twilight to eat her out or simply snuggled up to her chest, then returning to suck her off in an endless cycle. Twilight didn't want this day to end. > Family and Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh, aren’t you adorable!” Rarity pulled the filly closer. Twilight wanted to murder Rarity and Pinkie as they smothered Snug Sparkle. At first, she thought this would be a funny prank on Cozy, but now she wanted blood after Cozy’s unamused frown turned into a smirk. Cozy would have hated this if it weren’t for Twilight’s blank stare that screamed, “Put my filly down right this fucking second!” Everyone else around Twilight’s living room were so oblivious. They were her closest friends—the other Elements of Harmony—yet they couldn’t see the pure jealousy hidden behind Twilight’s default smile. Rarity squeezed tighter. “You should meet our younger sisters! They would love to meet you!” “So…” Applejack started, turning to Twilight. “Y’all went to the outskirts of Equestria, found Snug without her parents, saved the town from a worm monster, and adopted her all in the same day?” “Yup!” Twilight nodded. “When did that happen?” Rainbow asked. “Oh,”—Twilight waved a hoof—“sometime last week.” “That’s an entire two-parter!” Pinkie yelled. Fluttershy shot a worried look. “Are you sure you aren’t rushing things, Twilight? Taking care of a filly is hard work. You still have your Princess duties on your plate.” “I know you’re concerned, Fluttershy—all of you—but Snug is very dear to me, and I won’t let anyone tell me otherwise.” “If you say so, Twilight,” Fluttershy said with a smile. “I trust you.” Cozy liked to think Twilight meant that about their real relationship, and it warmed her cheeks. Luckily, everypony was none the wiser. “You are not making me do this,” Cozy said flatly when they were alone later in their room, her disguise off. “They don’t even know the first thing about sex!” She knew Cozy didn’t mean that in a way where she wanted to have sex with the CMC. “You mean they’re normal.” Twilight's friends went off to do their own things, leaving them be for now. Spike left with Pinkie Pie to help her with something she needed—Twilight couldn't remember what. Before they left, Twilight promised that Snug would have a playdate with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Yes. Normal is boring.” “Sure. But you could use more friends.” Cozy rolled her eyes. “I have you and Spike. And I’m chummy with the students at your school. That’s enough.” “I wouldn’t say so. As much as I love you, I don’t want you to turn out antisocial like I was. Plus, it’s fucking funny!” A gasp came from Cozy. “I knew it! This is your way of topping!” Twilight giggled before smirking. “No idea what you’re talking about. But I’m sure the Crusaders would be disappointed if you didn’t meet.” “You can’t force me. I’ll kick and scream.” “The perfect excuse to spank you.” “I enjoy that, FYI.” Then Cozy blinked, a devious smile crawling up her features. “Actually, how about I start to spread rumors that you’re touching Snug. I bet a lot of ponies wouldn’t be too keen on hearing that. Then Celestia would have to take away your crown and imprison you.” Twilight turned to her, expression unreadable for a moment before smiling. “You wouldn’t do that. I’d reveal who you really were, and then all of this would be over. You love me too much,” she said matter-of-factly before turning for the doors. Cozy deadpanned at her and grumbled something before following. They had lunch to eat. Later that day, Twilight and Snug Sparkle received a letter from the Princesses, summoning them tomorrow. So, after a good night’s rest, the two and Spike headed up to Canterlot first thing in the morning, leaving the School of Friendship in Starlight’s care. Cozy Glow groaned all the way there. She didn’t want to see those two “idiots” again, and despite Twilight’s feelings about them imprisoning her filly, she didn’t like Cozy calling them names either. When they finally arrived at the throne room, the two Princesses stepped off their throne and came down, approaching them. “You must be Snug Sparkle,” Celestia said with a kind smile. “Nice to meet you.” Snug smiled back and gave a bow. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both, Princesses. I’ve heard so much about you.” “When we found out you adopted a filly, Twilight, we thought it was just a rumor at first.” “I can assure you it’s no rumor, Princess,” Twilight said. “Snug and I have grown really close over the past few weeks. She is as much family as Spike is.” She didn't look over at Spike, but she knew he wouldn't be jealous of that statement. He was mature enough. Besides, they already had that talk a long time ago. Luna grinned. “We’re glad to hear that. I, for one, am always happy for another niece.” Even as a master manipulator, Cozy almost rolled her eyes and scoffed. Luckily, she kept her emotions down and continued looking with innocence. Celestia’s warm look changed into something more serious, which made the room's atmosphere heavy. Twilight stood straight, ready to hear whatever she had to say. “Twilight, I had been waiting to tell you this until maybe next moon, but now that you’re here…” She turned her head to Luna. In contrast to her sister, Luna had a bright smile. “We are retiring!” A few blinks went off before Twilight, Spike, and Snug widened their eyes and gasped. “What?!” Twilight yelled. It was lucky she did because she stopped Cozy from doing so. “Equestria is currently enjoying its longest period of harmony in recent years,” Luna explained. Celestia nodded. “And it’s all thanks to you, Twilight. And your friends, of course.” “Well—I, um…” Luna took a step forward. “Because of your efforts, there’s been less and less for us to do.” A flash of light later, and Discord appeared. “Breaking news! The royal princesses retiring! I have so many questions! Who’ll take over? Who will run Equestria? Will it be someone tall, dark, and handsome? Or will it be the Lord of Chaos?” Celestia cut him off before he could continue. “We were going to hand over the mantle of Ruler to you, Twilight, but seeing that you have your hooves full with a new daughter, maybe we’ll hold off on that for a bit.” “Wait, you were what?!” Twilight screamed, nearly shattering the windows. “Oh, nonsense!” Discord said with a wave of a talon. “Twilight can certainly juggle two huge responsibilities. She’s proven herself thus far! I’m sure she could cozy up to this challenge as well.” Snug snapped her gaze at Discord, and when he returned her look with an odd smile that no one else noticed, her blood went cold. “I suppose you’re right, Discord,” Celestia said, looking concerned at Twilight. “I’m still uncertain. Twilight, what do you think?” Twilight couldn’t answer, for she was breathing too fast and heavy. Discord chuckled. “Let me have a private talk with her.” He snapped his talons, and Twilight, Spike, Snug, and himself flashed away. Celestia sighed when they left, and Luna giggled. “We can wait and rule for another hundred years, sister,” Luna said, warmly smiling. “I know. Is it selfish of me to say I was excited?” “Everyone deserves to be selfish." The four of them reappeared in a closed room of the castle. “Discord!” Twilight yelled with a frown, Discord floating above the three of them. “What are you doing? We were—” “Oh, don’t mind, little ol’ me. Just here to properly meet the fabled Snug Sparkle.” With a tug of a finger, Snug started floating over to him with an “Ah!” “I must say she looks really cozy!” Snug groaned and rolled her eyes. “We get i, so stop that! It’s annoying!” Twilight blinked. “Wait, huh?” "Okay, my bad—Spike and I get it!" Spike placed his hands on his hips. “Discord knows. Who woulda thought!” he said sarcastically. With a snap, Cozy’s disguise was lifted. “I-I can explain!” “No need, Twilight.” His voice was eerily calm, and Cozy looked frightened for once. “Put her down! Cozy’s—well, she’s not innocent—but—” “Oh, I’m not angry with her!” he said, putting on a wide grin. “It was honestly pretty entertaining with how much chaos it caused. Besides, without magic, I wouldn’t risk dying by not doing anything chaotic, so it wouldn’t be all bad. I could get used to being magicless; lots of creatures already do.” “Mhm.” Spike nodded. He scratched his beard. “It’d probably be more tedious, I suspect. As I was saying, I’ve already seen enough. Quite the spectacle, I must say. You two are certainly cute together.” He gently dropped Cozy onto Twilight’s back, and Twilight rubbed her mane to soothe her. “How…” Twilight stared up at Discord as he landed in front of her. “How long have you known?” “Oh”—he waved a hand—” I saw you two fooling around through a mirror this one time. Doesn’t really matter. What I will say, though, is that when Cozy Glow seemingly turned evil, I was perplexed. I thought she truly broke your heart, Twilight. But then I saw it. That look in your eye. Filled with passion.” Cozy raised a brow. “So… you’re not against us?” “Oh, please, I’ve seen much too many toxic relationships in my time to judge yours. Not saying yours is toxic. In fact, I wouldn’t believe my own eyes if I saw Twily do something that evil. Anyway, I’m here because I have big plans that Cozy needs to be let in on.” “What are you—” “Relax. It’s a secret for now—the same as your relationship, which I promise to keep safe fucked—I mean tucked right into my chaotic heart.” “You’d better, or—” “Or what, Twilight?” Discord said with a smirk, his arms crossed. “You gonna band all of your friends against me? After they figure out you like fucking little foals?” Twilight wavered a bit but didn’t stand down. “I just don’t like you playing with our relationship like it means nothing.” Discord's expression was hard for a moment before turning soft. “I’m just kidding, Twilight. I wouldn’t do that to you, honest. I can see genuine love between you two. Besides, cultural standards are way beyond me.” What scared Twilight more than others finding out was the fact that she didn’t care if they did. She didn’t care if the world turned against her—if they stopped seeing her as the light of hope Equestria needed. There were very few relationships she cared about. Spike and Cozy were the obvious top spots, but her brother was not far behind. Twilight’s uncertainty didn’t disappear, and Discord seemed to notice. “Tell you what, let me let Cozy in on the secret, and she can tell you if it's a good idea or not.” His neck stretched close like a snake, and he put his mouth to Cozy’s ear, covering it with a paw. As he whispered to her, Twilight couldn’t hear despite him being right over her head. She noticed how Cozy’s eyes widened further as time passed, and a gigantic, excited smile grew on her face. “That’s perfect!” she yelled once Discord finished, neck still stretched. “Wait, that’s going to be amazing! When?!” “In the upcoming weeks.” “What? Tell me!” Twilight yelled. Cozy giggled and hugged Twilight around her neck, nuzzling her cheek. “It’ll be great. Just you wait!” Twilight groaned, and Spike patted her side. “Well, that’s all I wanted to say.” Discord prepared a paw to snap. “And Twilight, do be a team player and accept the Princess’ offer.” Cozy bonked Twilight’s head. “Do it.” “Ow! Okay, fine!” “Great!” Discord said, wearing a grand smile before snapping them back to the throne room with Cozy's disguise back on. Twilight had no idea what was in store for her, but if Cozy was more excited than Pinkie at a party—actually, that wasn’t possible, but the point still stands—then so was she. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza quirked a brow and held her mouth open when her joyful husband told her the news. Her sister-in-law, Twilight Sparkle, adopted a filly daughter. How excited she was waiting the entire day for Twilight and her new daughter to come visit the Crystal Empire. No matter how many documents to sign, meetings to attend, or tasks she had to complete, she couldn’t get the raw exhilaration out of her system. Despite the sudden news, she couldn’t help but feel happy. She wanted to know all of the details. She worked her ass to the bone to get all of her work done early so she and Shining Armor could meet the filly. Twilight Velvet and Night Light were already here, waiting as impatiently as ever. Apparently, the news was just as abrupt to them. Cadance didn’t think too much about it. However, when Spike, Twilight, and her new daughter entered one of the castle’s sitting rooms, Cadance kept silent, her excitement replaced by something else entirely. Princess Cadance was very familiar with love. It was her forte. With just a look, she could decipher the true connection between a plant grower and their constant visitor, the way the visitor would look at them while the planter stood oblivious. It didn’t help that she could feel love in the air like a changeling could smell it. The feeling came in many forms. Sometimes rich, other times spicy. It was always delightful. In these ways, Cadance could tell the type and level of love it was. When Twilight and Snug Sparkle entered the room, their love was not one a mother and daughter would have. Their love felt heavy—it prickled on her fur and threatened to push her away. This was a common occurrence in the past, especially in her teenage years. She had gotten used to it. Lustful teenagers left and right would have a school hallway feel dense, though only a few would have truly devoted love towards each other. While heavy and prickly, those with true love would carry warmth and comfort, like a blanket fresh out of a dryer. Twilight and Snug shared those same characteristics. Except, for the first time in years, Cadance almost couldn’t handle the amount of pressure their love carried. It was romantic and lustful—not familial. She said nothing during the entire get-together. When something was said to her, she only nodded. When Shining asked if she was alright, she assured him so. It took about an hour before she managed to pull Twilight away from the group so their parents could get to know their "second grandchild." “Hey, Cadance!” Twilight said as Cadance locked the door behind them. “Is everything alright?” Cadance smiled at her. “Everything is more than fine, Twilight. I just have some questions.” They sat on one of the couches with some tea on a table in front of them. “Firstly, I’m so happy for you, Twilight! Congratulations!” “Thank you!” Twilight grinned. “We’ve grown really close.” Cadance gave her a knowing look. “Maybe closer than usual?” Twilight blinked. “What are you talking about?” “You know… erotic.” Twilight’s smiling face froze. She didn’t blink. Cadance knew the signs to tell she was an entire minute away from full-on panicking. To help her calm, Cadance placed a gentle hoof on hers. When she spoke next, it was just as soft. “Before I became a princess, I was tested like you were. Solving love problems is probably not too far off friendship problems, I imagine.” Twilight’s smile dropped, but at least she was still breathing normally. Cadance didn’t need to touch her chest to tell her heart was threatening to run away. She put on a solemn look. “I never told you how many horrible relationships I had to witness—the amount of abuse, manipulation, rape, Twilight.” Twilight was a couple of seconds of bursting out—possibly yelling explanations. Cadance wouldn’t allow it to go that far. “I did not once sense any of those from you or Snug,” she said, a warm smile reaching her features. Twilight only stared. “Twilight, breathe.” A gasp of air and Twilight heaved for a moment. “Shit… I didn’t think…” Cadance giggled. “I’m the Princess of Love for a reason, Twilight.” “You’re not mad? She’s… you know!” Keeping her warm smile, Cadance said, “A large age difference like this only became taboo because of the implications. Usually, the foundation is manipulation, blackmail, or worse. I don’t sense any of that Twilight. You couldn’t fool me if you tried.” “So… you’re not mad.” Cadance giggled again. “No, I’m not. Your love is pure and strong.” She leaned closer, her grin wide, feeling giddy. “Are you intimate?” Twilight blushed momentarily before groaning and hiding her face with a wing. “Yes, we are.” “Who else knows?” “Spike—obviously—and Discord, and now you. That’s it.” Cadance rained Twilight with questions, and despite her embarrassment, she answered the questions one after another. The past few days were tense, annoying, and agonizing for Twilight and Cozy, but they were glad to get it over with. Now with the ice broken it would be easier. As they grinded against each other on the bed sheets in the night, all of that was forgotten, as it should be—as always. The only thing centered on their minds were each other, and they could be content with that for as long as they lived.