> Acantha Rose > by Grimmdark1993 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1-Acantha Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Vinyl.....I would like to breach a topic with you." The dual-toned blue-haired girl looked up from her vast array of sound equipment and lifted her purple shades. "What is the topic babe?" Vinyl Scratch asked with a piqued curiosity and dying to know what it was. "Well, it's been four years now since we eloped and rocked our family's worlds...I was talking to an old friend and she is having trouble with a young girl and she asked if I had any ideas." "Keep going babe I already have a guess where this is going but I want to hear it." "I said we could take her in for a time being.....now I have a bad feeling we'll regret me saying yes." "It's only one kid how can it be?" "Well Vinyl, she has had a rough beginning or so I was told but that could mean anything." "Tavi.....I got a gut feeling about this if it was like my past then it'll be a war zone." "Maybe Twilight and Sunset could give us some advice?" Vinyl shrugged and suggested asking Granny Smith because she had raised three kids on her own." Two weeks had passed and Vinyl and Octavia driving along the road into Appaloosa. When the pair arrived at their destination Vinyl Scratch looked at the girl before her; she was about five foot four inches tall and looked like she weighed a hundred twenty pounds. This girl had broad shoulders solid broad hips and strong-looking legs; the girl's hair was a deep dual-toned black and red. Vinyl Scratch noticed that the girl had scars up and down both her arms and on scar on her neck. "Ladies this is Acantha Rose and I'll have her things brought down and we can finish the final paperwork." Acantha Rose followed the trio inside and Acantha knew Vinyl and Octavia by the posters she had packed. Acantha deep down was a musician at heart and one who enjoyed farming which explained her strong body. Her scars reminded her of the day she was abandoned and the years following that she was depressed and suicidal. Her rage also accounted for a few of the scars from breaking mirrors and windows. The paperwork was finished and the trio loaded into the car, Vinyl and Octavia had driven out into Octavia's more fuel-efficient convertible rather than Vinyl's weighed-down modded party station of an SUV. "Look Acantha, let's go over a few of the house rules now so when we get to the house we can have a chill time." Vinyl stated and nodded to Octavia who returned the nod. "Acantha rule number one no being out past ten o'clock at night on weekends unless you let us know if you plan to stay out later. Rule number two is no boys over unless one of us is there, rule number three is if you disagree with a decision we make you can contest it as long as you're respectful. The final rule is that you clean up after yourself and perform your personal chores once you're assigned them. Am I clear Acantha?" "Yes, ma'am" was the short reply. Vinyl and Octavia wondered how Acantha Rose could be difficult she seemed mild enough excluding the cuts and scars that were visible. When they arrived home Acantha Rose grabbed her few belongings and gazed at what would be her new home; it was a very proper home on the outside but she was curious about the interior with the two different personalities living inside. Following her foster parents inside she saw a very modern decor and yet it had a classy feel to it. "We'll show you where your room is and guessing you're thirsty perhaps hungry? I'd like to let you sample a treat a friend made." Acantha looked at Vinyl and nodded. Acantha's room was a spacious one and in one corner was an electric guitar and electric cello and on the wall above those was an electric violin. " Wicked sick!" Acantha screamed as she went over to hold the violin. Vinyl and Octavia were shocked that this girl had an interest in music. "May I play a short tune?" "Of course Acantha" Octavia said as she watched Acantha Rose take a proper stance and form and begin to play a jig. Octavia looked at Vinyl who returned the glance, Vinyl's past was probably similar to Acantha Rose's so they mentally prepared for a rough road ahead. They turned their eyes to Acantha Rose who was tap dancing in the corner completely lost in her tune. When the impromptu concert finished Acantha Rose hastily rolled her sleeves down hoping that Vinyl and Octavia hadn't gotten a good look at her scars. "Well, Acantha" Octavia began, "we'll need to acquire your needed school items and a cellphone to keep in touch, there will be rules concerning the phone once you have one but one rule would be that if a boy texts you'll let us be privy of it for safety precautions." "I'm fifteen I can handle things on my own." Acantha spat out and then sheepishly apologized. "I know you're just trying to be responsible and all and I'm not used to that...sorry for lashing out." Octavia accepted the apology and looked at Vinyl who took a few steps and placed a hand on Acantha's shoulder. "Hey kid, it's been a stressful day I'm sure mentally adapting to our rules and all...however, I was once like you, and I know you'll come out on top of the challenges ahead like I had." Acantha nodded and looked at her foster parents. "I'm warning the both of you now so it won't be a total shock but I tend to get into fights a lot." Octavia spoke her mind before she knew what she had said, "Thanks for the warning but I want to hear that you finished the and not the instigator." Vinyl choked back a laugh for two seconds and laughed. "Tavi! you just gave your fucking approval for fighting! What till I tell the girls we were in school with they'll die! Especially Rarity." "Vinyl you wouldn't dare?" Octavia spat out in shock as she realized what she had said out loud." " I'm failing to see what is so funny," Vinyl and and Octavia discussed how things had been back in their school days, and Acantha Rose right then and there figured that these two could handle whatever she threw at them.