> Moonlite Ranger > by Spideronthewall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Dimes and... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [] Chapter One: Dimes and…. It was called Charlies, as to why was anyone's guess. The owner was a grouchy old woman named Mari who won it in a game of spades against a man called Two Teeth who had a full set of said teeth when he was shot for horse theft by the sheriff thirty years prior. The how and why of such a bar called Charlies is irrelevant to the context of it's import to the small town called Ponyvil or Ponyvillie to the locals. It being the only place within fifty miles where getting wasted was encouraged, the music rowdy if not profane, a true dive in an otherwise reputable town. Everyone who was someone knew about Charlies,  the local sheriff gave it a wary berth for peace of mind any dispute was settled in the bar. Anything more was solved in the woods abject. The wolves of the Everfree were well fed in this regard. As it would be tonight, the bar was rather packed. Not for any special occasions, just a merry Saturday bringing in all sorts. If not a few celebrities. If asked they'd dismiss any fanfare (save one who didn't mind it in the slightest) as it was common at any occasion they went to. For the five women, as they were, going to Charlies was a time honored tradition even before their collective rise to world fame. Not that they could stop it even if they tried. A special place was reserved just for them just beside the bar. No fancy ornamentation spotlights or que, they'd have dismissed it outright. The seating was perhaps much more furnished, table always kept clear, and under no circumstances would they ever find themselves wanting to one service or another. Saving the world had its perks. “...so there I am battling for the lead. Out of nowhere comes this squall real wing shredder, rain hail freaking frogs like nothing I've ever seen before.” Rainbow dash paused, taking a deep draft of beer letting out a content sigh as the alcohol warmed her. She cleared her throat, hands spread on the table, a humourless chuckle forming . “I'm doing everything to keep myself airbore, mother nature wants my ass for grass. And you know what I see?” She looks specifically to the blonde haired woman whose arms were crossed against her flannel covered chest. The blonde takes a sip of the smokey whiskey shrugging as she set it down. “Manners?” Applejack drawls earning a snort from Rainbow who was taking another drink. “I see my trainee, waving at me from below. The little shits watching me fight for my life and he's just cruising along getting ahead.” Rainbow shakes her head in mock belief at the audacity of the situation. “And then?!” Gasps the red haired woman across from Rainbow Dash, to say Pinkamena Diana Pie was in rapt attention to the story was an understatement. Full bodied leaning across the table nearly face to face with the other woman Pinkiepie wide eyed gaze told all. While Dash would never openly admit it, Pinkie scared the living shit out of her when she was interested in something. “Then i-well frankly-” Dash stammers at the there woman's undivided attention. “Reemed him a new one?” Offered the resident alicornian present. Twilight Sparkle had one elbow propped on the table she nursed a dry martini face flush buzzed even despite having just the one drink. Rarity beside rolled her eyes sipping a similar drink having heard the story before. Taking another drink Dash snapped her fingers pointing to the magician. “He had the gall to ditch me, better believe it. Ever see what happens to a wood pigeon when it's hit with a sonic boom?” She asked with a wicked grin on her lips. A sharp horrified gasp across the table answered the question. Fluttershy covered her mouth in abject horror, her blue eyes wide tears forming in their corners. Dashs cringed realizing the implied animal abuse to the lover of said creatures. “Shy I didn't mean-”  But the other woman was already standing up heading towards the bar. More than a fair share of eyes locked onto her, as she pushed her way to the front. Out of all of them the  Pegasie was perhaps the most endowed. Despite her best to hide it she had a bombshell of a body no man present would deny it, nor woman. Breasts that could have easily been described as globes used in astrology. For they definitely had their own gravitational force, those rare few who'd ever seen the woman bare chested could account for the lack of sagginess normal to those of similar bust. The telltale sway of her thick hips had earned a fair amount of whistles and catcalls in the past. This was usually done once, for the meek woman was beyond pure held in the highest respect due to her infinite generosity. She’d tamed chaos incarnate, a god hell bent on re-writing the very fabric of reality. Discord now went to voluntary counseling at her behest. Seeing the tears on the beauty made every eye collectively flick to the woman who had disturbed her so. Dash shrank in her seat not at the least afraid of them, just cognisant of that she was very much the center of attention in a very not good way. Applejack wordlessly took another sip doing her best to not say- “Told you so.” Rarity brushed a rogue strand of black hair out of her vision. Dash hunched over grumbling into her beer, Twilight giggled  in drunk humor. Pinkie disappeared beneath the table, popping up beside Dash patting her shoulder. Applejack clicked her tongue taking another sip of her drink. “Ya just had to bring animals into it didn't you?” There was tinge of anger in the tone but Dash was aware that it wasn't meant to put her down. She signed, shrugging off the other woman who shuffled to the edge of the seating area. “Yeah yeah I'll apologize.” Dash grumbled standing up, Applejack would have nodded in approval if her eyes had not caught the pink haired woman's hair at the bar. “I think you'd be sitting down lov.’” She said most amused. Dash cocked her head confused, turning to see why. What she saw rattled her, then humbled her, and in one way enraged. The other woman was smiling and seemed the least bit upset … — Drinking was not a habit she was fond of doing. But her friend found it a means of ‘letting loose’ something much outside her comfort zone. Fluttershy loved Rainbow Dash as a sister, both polar opposites of one another, their bond built of multiple respect. Dash had stood at her side from early days of renown, many saw at an early age the meek woman as an easy target for misguided frustration. The much more abrasive rainbow haired woman fists was a simple solution to otherwise complex emotions.  Decades. To simply say not by blood but by symbiosis. They had formed a bond that would never break. But the reserved woman was still easy to upset, so simple to put on edge. Perhaps she'd reacted harshly to the simple turn of phrase, one that should have not been taken so literally. Fluttershy sniffed her head abowed the ache deep in her heart. The reaction was perhaps too exaggerated, tears still steamed freely which begged the question. Why was she so upset?  Animals were so easy to understand, they in a better sense of the word were much less complex than humans. She'd learned this but perhaps the hard cider had washed her emotions? How could she- “Long time since I've seen one like this.” said the man nursing a particle dark shade of brandy. Fluttershy blinked, rubbing her red eyes looking him up and down. He was far older than her with long black hair  slicked back with traces of grey, a fair amount of similar stubble dotted his weathered chin. His accent was that of the north clipped with a dry sense of humor. His grey eyes meet hers , Fluttershy felt a deep blush form she brushed the loosen strands that had fell into her vision. “Like what?” She murmured, unable to meet his gaze. “Wrong, for all the reasons that shouldn't.” He chuckled, taking a long sip giving her a subtle wink as the glass was set on the stained bar surface . She sniffed, finding some courage to actually look at the older man. “What's that supposed to mean?” She huffed, raising a hand to signal the bartender who’d been subtly watching the woman the moment she'd set foot at the counter. “Just that I felt the way you have. For more just as for less.” He replied with a shrug a wily grin on his weathered features. “What can I get you?” Asked Mari with a friendly smile, anyone else would have gotten a fair gruff answering. But the Element of Kindness was one that even the staunchest of people found the glimmer of humility. Fluttershy paused glancing at the man's drink. “One of what he's got.” She said holding her head high, a brow raised Mari glanced at the stranger who simply shrugged. With a nod the rather cantacorus bartender proceeded to make the drink as requested. “Don't recommend that, more than an old man's drink.” “I think I can handle that.”  “Is that right?” he raised his half empty glass the as the bartender set the glass before her. Shy took it, the contents were far more than murkey, thick as mud almost. A healthy shred of fear bubbled at her core.  “To what's more than less.”  The man said simply clinking the glass against hers and downing the rest of his drink. Fluttershy watched him as he took a deep sigh turning the glass upside down and slamming it against the counter. She threw it back in similar fashion… By Celestia how it burned. In her first time in  the Kingdom of Drakes she’d taken in a lung full of sulfer despite the numerous warnings. Fluttershy's eyes teared up, a sickening yack filled her throat. She shivered as the racking cough shook her over. The man patted her shoulder with a humbling grin on his face. “Warned you.” He mused patting her back as the woman struggled to catch her breath. Fluttershy took in deep gulps air a hand against her chest. “How. *Gasp* Do you drink this?” “It's an acquired taste…” the man grinned his eyes full of humor, truly giving her a once over. Shy couldn't help but feel a fire build in her core not unable to size the man up.   By no means was she a virgin and  more than a good amount had come to her to confess either love or admiration to her beauty that she denied. But they, so few as to be counted on one hand with digits to spare, where fleeting relationships. Younger men who saw just her body to conquer. Ending with her being used for such ends, leaving her refusing to talk to anyone for weeks . The last had been the worst some three years ago and the longest. Her friends helped her throught the worst of it along with whole mess of other distractions. Honestly she'd sworn off trying to even put herself out again saving herself more heartbreak.  But … This was the first time a much older male had ever… With eyes full of appreciation, humbled with only flecks of…  She was probably twenty years younger than him….  He was hot.  In all the right ways. “I-i’m F-fluttsrshy.” She stammers with a shaky smile, shifting closer to him pressing her chest against his arm.Maybe it was the alcohol or some minor sense of courage, she didn't know. The man raised a brow, a sense of learned curiosity forming. “Chahce, pleased to meet you Mrs-” “Miss.” She quickly said , just when had she'd gotten so close? He smelled like hickory and old sweat. The scent made her eyes flutter and a stray hand found his left leg. Her breath was shaky, something Chache couldn't help but notice. “Miss Fluttershy.” He said leaning closer a hair's breadth from her face. She took shallow breaths mixing with his, it was heavy the two mixed bubbling like molten lava. Fuck him, her hind brain screamed, the hand on his thigh traveled north earning a gentle intake of breath from him. She swallowed as he gave a warm inviting smile. “Someone's eager.” “You have n-no idea.” “I'd say my place but I-” “I live down the road.” She blurted out jumping out of her seat, eyes bright. Chache blinked, sitting upright, his head cocked slightly. “You're serious?”  Fluttershy nodded face flushed her soft hand digging into his inner thigh. He was a smart man, she was young, maybe a bit warmed up from the drink she'd just taken. It'd be so damn easy for this to go sideways. “I'm not gonna force you -”  Fluttershy's hand found his crotch giving an aggressive squeeze. Chache coughed eyes darting around the room of people clearly watching. “By the Moon woman!”  He hissed standing up earning a nervous grin from Fluttershy. Quickly taking out some bits and handing them to Mari, he didn't bother with the change.  Applejack let out a low whistle as the two hurried towards the door. Dash glared at the blonde woman who couldn't help but chuckle. “Shouldn't we- I don't know-stop her?” She asked both hands on the table balling into fists.  “Shys a big girl.” Responded Rarity with a wave of her hand, magenta sparks shot from her fingertips flashing overhead before zipping after the bobbing woman's head. Rainbow knew a ward when she saw one having spent a better part of a decade around some of the most powerful magicians Equestria had ever seen. Didn't stop her from turning a nose up at the rather invasive magic use. Twilight threw up a hand as well sparks flashing from her finger tips. These were just sparks which sent up puffs of smoke as they landed on the tabletop. “Wah hooooo!” She slurred, falling against Applejack who rolled her eyes as the other woman buried her face into her neck. “You smell nice.” The drunk princess mumbled embracing the apple farmer rubbing her rosy cheeks into the other woman's chest. Subtly Rarity pushes her drink to the other side of the table well out of reach. How she managed to get so wasted on just a sip confounded all of them to no end. – 1.1 interlude:... Jukebox baby  They made it to the door. Fluttershy's house proximity to Charlies was much closer than Chache anticipated. The young woman had all but dragged him out of the bar. Her insistence should have been a warning but his blood was warm and he wanted to see how this played out. So they made it to the door. Then her tongue was shoved into his mouth. He grunted as she latched onto him, pressed against his like her life depended on it. The door was pushed open which made him wonder if it'd been left open intentionally. She was ravenous, wild like a animal, yet controled if barely. Between the heated make out they somehow navigated the darkness of her home. Fluttershy started unbuttoning his shirt hands shaking fumbling with the buttons. Were really doing this they collectively thought.  His movements are more reserved working around just how close she was to him. A sharp gasp escaped her as he slid his hands under the hem of her sweater. Chache is rewarded with a throaty moan as he glides one hand up and the other south a strong hand grabbing a healthy amount of her plump ass. Fluttershy broke away from kissing him burying her face into his chest. A fire was building threating to become an inferno within. Any reservations had been left at the doorway. “Bed.upstairs.now.” she managed to choke out as clasp of her custom made bra came undone. Chache obliged, pulling the garment out from her sweater and tossed it somewhere. With a grunt he bent over slightly , grabbed her backside and lifted her clear from the floor. It was an awkward climb up the darkened staircase, made slightly more difficult by playful biting/licking of his throat. Chache somehow found her door without instructions, Fluttershy fumbled blindly  with the door nob.  “Cute.” He mused taking a moment to observe the moonlit room. It's center had a medium sized been with green slower paterned sheets. A series of pink dressers lined the natural tree bark walls, with one having a large full sized mirror built into it. “Thank you…” She said with bright blush as he set her down on the edge of the bed. He smiled leaning over planting a kiss on her forehead. Flutter giggled sliding back to middle of the bed. Chache swallowed as both her  hands slid down from her knees, the curve of thighs gradually spreading them apparch. Now, fuck me was what she wanted to say. The older male was on her before the words could form on her lips.  Between the heated lust, pawing and moaning they managed to get each others remaining clothes off. Both took brief moments to admire one another. Chache gaped at the young woman's naked figure, her bust was certainly the biggest he'd ever seen easily as big as his head. With palm sized areoles just begging to be touched by his eager hand. She had a waist most women would die for, not to narrow not to thick with a small amount of healthy body fat that completed her frame to a tee. And by the holy light did she have an ass to match her already jaw dropping features. It bounced at the slightest touch but was soft and  just as supple as a ripe peach. Fluttershy's face was pure crimson as he pressed himself into her. His body was lean, trimmed of fat cut like it was from marble. By no means was he a powerlifter or had muscles that bulged to near obscenity. It was frame of a working man, skin kissed by the sun dark on his arms and  face lighter the further down his chest. A healthy amount of grey and black hair made a well groomed path down his torso, her hands found extra purchase in it as they ground into each other. Fluttershy felt his member pressed against her thigh a shiver went up her spine at its heat. Not some massive thick club or to small even be memorable. Average in length and thickness with hair trimmed as that as his chest. Chache found himself on his back, Fluttershy on top pinning him down her long loose hair  hanging between them both their chests heaving in time with one another.  “Front right pocket.” He said nodding to his pants strewn on the edge of the bed. Fluttershy reached back her hot folds pressing against his shaft as she dug into his pocket. Neatly placed was a foil wrapped condom, she gave him a cheeky grin to which he shrugged. “Pays to be prepared.” Fluttershy murmured ripping the seal apart with her teeth. Chaches breathe shook as her soft fingers slid down his shaft the rubber seal adding an unexpected amount of sensation . With tense slowness she lowered herself onto him, his hands gripped her waist shuddering at her warm tight folds. It became blurry then. Friction came in paces, hands locked together eyes squeezed shut. Sweat built between them mixing with the cool air. Her nails dug into him, leaving dark red furrows in his skin. Her mind hazed made the startling realization this was probably the rashest thing she'd ever done. Any other thoughts were dashed as Chache sucked on her left nipple and tweaked the other between his calloused fingers. Added with the pounding he was doing to her insides an orgasmed rocked through like avalanche. Her sudden clenching drove him over the edge both letting out a collective orgasmic sigh. She collapsed onto him her whole body sparadicly twitching. A wave of exhaustion suddenly swept over her followed by a wave of dizziness. The ‘old man’ drink had finally caught up with her. “That was…” “Amazing.” “Yeah…” Her eyes started to drift shut as he gently started to stroke the back of her head. Fluttershy rubbed her cheek into his chest hearing the steady thump of his heart. “Please don't…” she mumbles sleeping threating to take her. “I won't…I won't…” Like the tide she drifted warm and content, into the darkness in peace. — Chapter 1 end: No rest for the… There is a certain satisfaction as to wake up beside another person. It's a primal thing, as sleep is perhaps the most vulnerable position a body be in at any point. Waking beside another sharing in their heat wrapped arm in arm… Fluttershy didn't want to open her eyes. Feeling the cold sheets that wrapped around her body. A pit formed, hollow deep in her soul. It was expected really why shouldnt she be surprised. Theyd just met, no dating no bonding just a bar and a shared glass between them. Her lips began trembling wanting to badly to let out a painted cry.  Stuiped girl. Stuiped, stuiped , stui- Click Her eyes shot open body frozen solid. Chache carefully closed the bathroom door dressed in his briefs. He tip toed to the side of the bed he’d deftly slid out from. Fluttershys eyes snapped closer as the covers shifted and he got back under the sheets. “I thought you left.”  He flinched startled as having just gotten settled in beside the younger woman. “Did you want me to?”  She answered by dragging herself closer to him, drapeing her leg and chest across his. Her breath warmed his skin rather pleasingly, she began to play with a long peice of his chest hair. Chache smiled letting his head fall back into the pillow. “Your not married are you?” The question came so suddenly he barked out a laugh. It took a minute before his mirth finally settled. Fluttershy looked up to him expectingly her signature stare piercing any shred of humour. “No, not for a long time.” “So you-.” “She left me.” The bluntness wasn't harsh just a clarifying statement. “ I couldn't give her what she wanted, which was a lifestyle far beyond my means. So when some rich playboy got into town and I was away…well one thing lead to another… ” He explained with a shrugg rubbing the back of his neck. “She found someone better.” Fluttershy continued to watch him, cyrulian eyes unblinking taking in everything there was about him.  She moved dragging the blankets upwards till she staddled his torso. Chache had to sit up slightly to make it more comfortable. Without a word Fluttershy embraced him arms weaving under his. “I think she chose wrong.” She whispered in his ear sending a small shiver up his back. What followed was a sudden, if not wholly welcomed ,kiss. It was slow at first passionate truelly tasting each other. But she wanted more so much more. “You have- such a- way with -words.” Chache managed between her increasing aggression. A loud growl from Fluttershys stomach stopped then both cold. Her face flushed crimson in embarrassment, she hid behind a curtain of messy hair. Chache refrained from letting out an amused chuckle instead patted her thighs. “Such a way with words.” He repeated giving her a peck on the cheek encouraging her to get up. — Patience is perhaps a virtue that Rainbow Dash could be on better terms with. The whole night she could only focus on thinking about her longtime friend. Sure the ward Rarity had cast was a quote “a surefire detergent against unwanted aggression” or fancy way of causing a guys dick to burst into flames. But who knew what that guy could do, certainly not anyone she or anyone else knew. Could be he was some sorta master magician or a shape shifter, or freakin Discord everyone knew he had a thing for her.  The night had them out fairly late, Twilight and Pinkie ended up dancing on a table at some point. Rarity, being Rarity sat with elegance watching the show while Applejack wrangled the both of them. Dash joined sticking to her beer making it five or six pints deep before calling it quits. Everything after became hazy, pretty sure Applejack got her home.  Might have tried to cop a feel at some point . Her jaw hurt in the morning so, that told her all she needed to know. Any other day she'd sleep the hangover off. But her worry for Fluttershy had the Pegosian hastily slap cold water in her face and power through her turning stomach. Felt like the longest flight in her life ripping across the tree tops at super sonic speed. Every worse case scenario filled her thoughts as she landed awkwardly on Fluttershys front lawn. Most of the animals surrounding her home scattered as she approached.Dashs wings flapped in strained protest before melding between her shoulder blades. She'd be achy all day having not properly stretched them properly before. “Shy!” Pounding on the womans door only made her headache worse.  “Shy! Open up!” Worry filled every word much to her chargin.  “Fluttersh-umpf!” The door opened and Dash found herself smothered in Fluttershys near bare breasts. While appreciative of the large soft mounds she had her face buried in Dash wiggled free of the bear hug. Fluttershy was positivly beaming half dressed in a button up that barely contained her overflowing bust and shorts that hugged the wide hips in an all to appealing way.  “Good morning Dash!” The bright eyed woman chirped brushing her hair back, Dash coughed awkwardly doing her best to not stare at the bouncing cleavage.  “Uh hey Shy I uh- how are you doing?” She struggled to say as Shy beckoned her inside the doorway. A blush bloomed on her cheeks as the door closed, a look Dash had come all to familiar with over the years. Her friend was positively, unequivocally, head over heels, over the bloody moon… In love. Ah shit Dash thought as Shy cupped her cheeks swaying side to side comically. “Oh Dash, absolutely wonderful.”  She fell hard and fast, something Dash and company had done their best to curb sice they'd known her. She followed as Fluttershy all but skipped past her towards the kitchen. The smell of fried tofu hit Dash as they passed the threshold. It was their she got a good and proper look at the prize of the normally meek woman's affection. He was old, probably in his forties at least, just from the general wrinkles on his  black and grey bearded face. He was dressed in a dull checkered red flannel with it's sleeves rolled up showing off a pair darkly tanned arms. And jeans that hung loose around his waist. As they entered he turned smiling brightly as Shy hurried over and kissed his cheek. “Good morning to you.” He said nodding to Dash his grey eyes giving her a once over. She crossed her arms nodding standing up straighter sizing him up. Fluttershy was all smiles as she slid past him and leaned against the counter.  “Rainbow Dash, Chache. Chache, Rainbow Dash.” Shy introduced them with utter obliviousness of the weary aggression Dash was exuding. Chache offered his hand to her which she shook making sure to meet his grip with equal strength. He smirked all to aware of how she regarded him. Fluttershy picked up the cleared plates off the counter and set them in the sink. It was then she had the startling realization of how underdressed she currently was. With a squeak not to akin to a mouse and face blooming into a shade of crimson Fluttershy whirled past the two of them just as fast as she entered. Collectively they blinked at her sudden departure. “Is she…?” “Always like that? Yes.” “That's adorable.” Dash scowled at him, Chache crossed his arms over his chest causing his shirt to ride up showing off the belt secured around his waist. Attached was a large silver buckle, it was circular and engraved with the words  Moonlite Ranger's. An star flanked with laurel and waxing moon were centered as the main piece.  “Your a cop?” Dash asked with brow raised hostility easing off her tone. Chache glanced down then shrugged rubbing the front with his thumb. “That's a loose way of describing it.” “So your not.” Chache scoffed shaking his head. “A cops authority is limited to a town. Rangers have authority to and entire state, that the answer your looking for?” “Yeah….you gotta gun?” He gave her an annoyed look, Dash was unfazed under it. “I got posted here yesterday so no, not yet.” Dash bobbed her head up and down slowly bracing her shoulder on the wall. So he wasn't some drifter, or a complete dickhead, she knew something's about the Rangers. A elite unit not unlike the Wonderbolts more law enforcement than military. The training was akin to most special forces, even harder to pass than it was to get into the WB. Didn't stop her from turning a nose up at him, just judging from Fluttershys lighter than air look they'd done more than made it past first base the night prior. “H-Hey! Sorry bout that.”  Speak of the devil… Fluttershy bounced down the stairs wearing a modest stretchy green sweater and blue jeans hair nearly tied up in a pony tail. They both watched with mutual awe as she hurried down to the bottom steps. Chache pushed away from the counter glancing at watch on his wrist. “Perfect timing.” He said stepping around Dash who followed him to the door. Fluttershy was waiting slipping on a pair of trainers.  “I was going to show him around after he went to the station.” Fluttershy explained as he opened the door and stepped through.  “Shy…I know you….” Dash said in a low tone making sure Chache was well away from earshot. “What? You want to come with?” Sweet Celestia she was so innocent, Dashs resolve all but crumbled. He didn't seem like a bad guy, stable at least. Loyalty was a hard thing to break Dash would never doubt Fluttershys judgement on a person. Just her choice of them, and those had been poor to say the least.  “Yeah, sure got nothing better to do.” She just hoped it didn't end up like…a memory surfaced of a past. A midnight black thing dredged from the depths. A decision years in the past herself and three others swore never to speak again. A chill went down Dashes spine, it'd been necessary the only way.  Fluttershy grabbed her hand leading her into the light. The darkness faded, but left a lingering taste of fear at the back of her throat…. End of Chapter 1. > Chapter 2 : Oil that tastes like... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter two: Oil that tastes like… (Part 1) “Your fretting.”  “I am not.” “Yes, you are.” The woman scowled to her subordinate who sat across and was propped up on her elbows, eyes half closed in amusement. Sheriff Shako faced the full length mirror again, trying to smooth out a stubborn wrinkle on her tan work shirt. Deputy Willow signed inwardly watching her boss continue stressing over a uniform that was beyond perfect. They were both roughly the same age but Shako was far more responsible, more mature. She was tall, a full head over herself, with silky chestnut hair cut short above the ear. Her body was thin, near masculine in appearance with only subtle hints of femininity showing in her hips and small chest. Willow took a moment to look down at her otherwise short stacked features, a bust that stretched tight against the fabric of her similar work shirt and brown slacks she'd had to get custom made to fit her sizable thighs.  Sheriff Shako picked up her star set down on the desk and pinned it to her right breast. Its bronze surface was polished to a mirrored sheen catching the light as she twisted back and forth again. With a satisfied smile at the crisp cut of her uniform she then grabbed the velvet lined stetson and tucked it under her right arm. “A first impression means everything Deputy.” she said cheerfully, Willow rolled her eyes leaning back in her chair. She was…less than pleased about the new hire. Sure getting some help would be nice, not that much crime ever happened in Ponyville. It's always just been the two of them for the last couple years.  Just the two of them. Alone.  Together. Willow bit her lip as Shako turned and headed to the window. The subtle tick of the Sheriff's hips warmed her cheeks to a cherry red.  A memory came to her. Hearts and Hooves day… A bottle of wine… Heated breathes against flushed skin, two equally frustrated people locked in sweet drunk passion. Desperate to a point of being pinned to the floor hands  forced over her head with three finger shoved deep into her leaking puss- *Ring ring* Willow snapped to her feet launching the phone off the receiver just catching it before crashing to the floor. “Uh-Deputy Willow, how many I assist you?”  Shako gave her a startled look ,she smiled in embarrassment whilst hastily writing information down a notepad. “Yes-of course- yes sir but I really don't thin- Yes she's here-I understand but-we will sir i-”  Shako was already beside her by the time she set down the phone. With a grumble Willow tore off the note from the pad and handed it to her.  “Old man Humphreys at it again.” “Someone poisoned his watering hole? Is this a joke?” “He's threatening to take it to the mayor….” “Again? Ah hell that's the last thing we need.” Shako glanced worryingly at the time, it was still early so perhaps…Willow already had keys in hand and was heading to the door. Hopefully this matter could be resolved before their new Marshal was given a bad impression. – He refused to be carried. Chache waved to Fluttershy above the trees, her tan wings flapped gently against the thermals. It was a decent walk into town from her house, he’d taken a cab to get to the bar originally. She'd offered to carry him awkwardly shifting side to side touching fingertips together eyes wide and shining. Dash huffed arms crossed taking flight without giving him a second look. He politely refused to be carried. Dash drifted side to side rolling her shoulders trying to get the kinks out of them. Fluttershy kept stopping to wave down at Chache. Some part of her hated to see this the girl was just so fragile, so easily manipulated. Dash eased herself back glidding beside Shy who spun in the air positivity glowing. “He seems…” “Wonderful! I know right?” “Ollllld, like as my dad. And your dad” she bluntly pointed out, as if it hadn't been obvious. Fluttershy let out a tittering laugh nervously scratching her cheek. “What's so wrong with that?”  This girl. “Just don't….I'm your friend Shy.” Dash gently touched her should slowing them both midair. Fluttershy looked away rubbing her arm a well of nerves bubbling inside. “ I just want what's best for you, don't rush into things lik-” “You don't have to remind me.” The snarl in Fluttershys word left them both shocked. Rainbow Dash sniffed rubbing her nose, Fluttershy wanted to apologise but a raised hand silenced her. “Your right. I'm sorry…just know I'm here for you Fluttershy. Always.” Dash smiled gently making it clear she held no I'll will. Fluttershy let out a cry of relief suddenly embracing her in a bear hug. Twice now Dash found herself smothered in the avalanche of cleavage which would have been far more enjoyable if they were fifty feet off the ground. A sharp whistle bellow broke them apart, Chache waved with both hands to them. They'd traveled a good distance and where probably a few miles shy of the towns edge. He'd stopped in the center of the long dirt road pointing off to the side to a field that ran along side. A little bit away was a small pond and what seemed to be a rather sizeable crowd formed around it… – Things went from bad to, really bad when the other ranchers showed up. Course Old Man Humphreys was already difficult enought to deal with in the first place. The old timer was half senile ,deaf in one ear, and stubborn as a mule. No sooner had they arrived he was already roaring up a storm. “Damn Apples! At it again!” And  “Rottin, two bit lickin, fruities! Then the ever loved “Witches! All of em! Specially that Smith! Took my good eye for some potions!” Old man Humphreys still had both his eyes, but that didn't stop him insisting otherwise. They tried to price together what exactly was wrong with his watering hole. It'd taken some effort but he eventually gave a rough explanation. “Cattle run this patch every week you see! But lately they been refusing to come even near this place had two die already from the heat!” A  distance away a good head of cattle snorted lazily chewing some grass. It was getting hotter as the day progressed having both lived in the area most of their lives seeing the cattle not waiding or drinking from the pond was out of the ordinary. “Sure some possum didn't just drown and make the water bad?” Willow offered earning a harsh glare from the cantankerous old man. “Do I look like I was born yesterday girley!? Waters fine, but the cows won't touch it none of our cows will!” That's when all the other ranchers in the area showed up. Apparently everyone in the county was having similar problems save one. Willow and Shako found themselves grossly outnumbered as a group of very pissed off ranchers started calling for the Apple family be called to justice. Old man Humphreys may be grouch but he held big sway in the farming community. Talk of “taking care of it” and settling it “the old way” filled the heated air. They both looked at each other alarmed quickly seeing a lynching about to occur. “Excuse me.” This was going to go from a real bad to a collosal one of the didn't do something. “Excuse me!” Slow hands drifted to pistol grips, a warning shot would that work? Certainly, right?  “EXCUSE ME!” All heads singlular snapped to Fluttershy who had just screamed loud enough that a glacier elemental some ten thousand miles away stopped what it was doing to listen. Immediately she hid behind Chache having just surprised herself at the action . He and Dash both blinked owlishly momentarily wrong footed. “Good morning, all.” Chache recovered first clapping his hands together. His hands settled on his belt buckle making the silver flash in the daylight. “I'm Ranger Chache, your new Marshal what seems to be going on here Sheriff.” His words are slow just as his steps are. They part as he meets each of their gazes evenly daring anyone to speak up. He stands next to Shako and Willow who are both open mouthed. “Waters been poisoned.” Said Old man Humphrey pushing his way through the other ranchers. Chache nods his head looking to the watering hole. He kneels down finger tips touching the surface. Silently he brings it to his nose giving it a soft sniff. “And your saying that someone intentionally did this?” “Yeah! Those dirty rotten App-” Chache rounds on him making the old man stumble backwards falling to his backside. “Do you have any proof of this accusation?” “N-no! B-but-” “BUT NOTHING.” He roars a pistol suddenly in his hand pointed directly at the shaking mans head. Shako doesn't bother to look down at her now empty holster. A single loud-Click-causes everyone to take sharp breathe. “I will say this once! I will not have frontier justice on my watch! I am the law! And the powers that be the Moon and Sun have given myself and those under me the means to dispense it.” His grey eyes bore into Humphreys, a patch of wetness forms in his lap. “Do I make myself clear?” Silence. BANG! Chache fired a single round between the piss soaked man's legs. Everyone jumped, except Humphrey who would later deny but completely and utter did in fact scream like a little girl before promptly fainting. Not a word is spoken as the other ranchers hurriedly nod their heads in agreement before picking up Humphrey and running back from whence they came. With smirk Chache spun the revolver before handing it grip first to Shako, who is still processing what the hell just happened. “Well gat damn.” Muttered Rainbow Dash with a healthy amount respect. It took some serious stones to pick a fight with any rancher round these parts. And out numbered at least ten to one at least. “Sure know how to pick them Shy..Shy?” Fluttershy had stopped listening shortly before the first shot. Mostly because one hand was at firmly clutching her right breast while the other teased the front of her shorts threating to dive right into soaked folds. Where it not for some shred of decency likely this would have occurred. This fucking girl. “That was…” “Holy shit , I've never….” Sheriff Shako holstered her pistol taking Chaches hand and shaking it firmly. Willow took it next making sure to do it extra hard.  “I doubt that'll work twice.” He said as they finished with the pleasantries. A man of action their new Marshal seemed to be both could get behind that. “Give me the broad strokes.” So they did, everything that'd happened up to they arrived. “This isnt the first time allegations against the…” “Apple family.” Explained Shako as they walked the perimeter of the watering hole. “They've worked the apple farmer north of here for generations. It's the best farmland this side of the Everfree. Alot of people just don't like them because they've been so successful, their decent folk the Apples their matriarch Granny Smith has invested a lot into the community over the years. And their eldest Applejack why she's an Element of Harmony!” Toted Willow still excited from the spike of adrenaline. Chache wordlessly kneels down again rubbing his fingers together his eyes squinted. He sticks them in his mouth for a moment before spitting suddenly. “It's not poisoned, but definitely not safe to drink.” This makes them both look at one another worried. “This pond..it's part of a underground river right?” “Yes…the Ursa in starts in the norths and works it's way south. Almost all the ponds around here are part of it.”  Chache stand upright again rubbing his hands dry on his pants. He rubs his chin scanning the distance tree line to the north where the edge of the pond started.  “Think going to Apple Farm would behove everyone. Did you two drive here or…”  Willow pointed to a parked green and white SUV with PNYville Sheriff's department stenciled on the side. He nods then steps between them heading back towards Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Dash raises a brow as he approaches, while Fluttershy all but tackles him. “Sorry about that.” He says stumbling at her sudden weight she mumbles something into his chest he can't hear. Dash clears her throat before he has a chance to ask what. “I take it your going off to do some police stuff?” Dash guessed jabbing a thumb towards the waiting Sheriff and Deputy. He shrugs helplessly or at least attempts to under Fluttershys iron grip. “Duty calls, yes.” He said managing to pry himself loose from her. There's a flash of silver and in his hand is a crescent moon piece the size of a walnut. Chache takes Fluttershys hand and carefully placed it in her soft palm. With care he closed her hand then softly kissed her closed fingers. “Id like to take you out to dinner, movie anything to get know you better. Call me with this okay?” Dash has to refrain from gagging at the soap opera level of flirting happening right now. Fluttershy cant find the words to speak just manages to rapidly bob her head up in down. With a smile he lets go turning and jogging over to the waiting women by their vehicle. Rainbow whistles as they clamour in and start to drive away. “Smooth as silk that -holy shit are you okay!?” Fluttershy had fallen to her knees face flushed beyond healthy recommendations and body twitching in various ways. Dashes initial concern quickly evaporated at the realisation that her friend had just had an orgasm. “THATS IT! NO WAY HIS DICK WAS THAT GOOD. I DEMAND ALL THE ANSWERS!” She yelled grabbing the bliss faced woman's collar and dragging her in the direction of town. – He finds himself in the back of the squad car, such is the irony of things. Sherif Shako drives while Deputy Willow rides passenger. A few minutes of silence pass before any of them speak. “It's an honour, to have someone such as yourself working with us.” Shako says looking at him through the rear view mirror. Theres a slight edge of hero worship in her words that makes a small grin form. “I could say the same, you both handled that situation better than most.” Both women beam at his praise, Willows earlier reservations were all but cleared up they'd be neck deep in shit if he hadn't shown up. “Thank you sir-” “Please call me Chache.” “Of course si-Chache, couldn't have done it without you.” Shako adjusted her grip on the steering wheel as they turned down a road towards main Apple Farm. “Couldn't help but notice you were with two of the other Elements of Harmony before….” She started earning a thumbs up from Willow who'd seen the same thing.  “You mean Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash? I'm not familiar with these elements one of the Apples is one of them as well correct?” This thoroughly surprised both of them given how common knowledge it appeared to be. In turn they explained the various aspects of the Elements of Harmony their place in Equestria and how all of which were located in Ponyville. “So some of the most powerful aspects of known society. Capable of doing battle against the forces of chaos, and otherwise reality breaking creatures or events. Are all located in this completely unassuming town in the middle of no where. Living daily lives with the powers of god's at their finger tips. Am I understanding this correctly?” Both of them nodded as the SUV drove over a cattle guard and onto the Apple family farm. “And we're going to…huh fuck me jogging okay right.” “Is everything-” They rolled to a stop before a large two story ranch house. It might have well been the gates of hell…. – Applejack was standing on the porch when they all got out of the car. She was a impressive woman: Tall, tanned, muscles that flexed at every careful movement. If an Amazonian was put side by side the only difference would probably be the flowing blonde hair that was braided neatly down her back. From her large bust ,chiseled abs and strong thick thighs the apple farmer was every inch a force to be reckoned with. She wore a loose flannel that was tied around her midriff and white tee that did just as little to contain her cleavage. And a pair of short cut jeans that stretched tight around her thighs like a second skin from her current stance.  Which was that of well controlled aggression. Shako and Willow nervously glanced at each other as the element of Honesty tipped her hat. “Mornin officers…” She said green eyes drifting over them. Chache got out much slower meeting the weighted gaze evenly as he shut the car door. “Fraid I'm not familiar with you mister…?” “Chache, Marshal Chache. I'm assuming your Applejack?” The blonde smirked leaning against the center post of the porch. It'd taken her a moment to recall where she'd seen him before. Today was certainly turning out to interesting. “Hm yea that's me alright. What can I help you with today….Marshal.” She asked cooly as he began to approach the porch. His hands rested on his belt buckle as he gave the front of the house a good looking over. “Got a few complaints, name was brought in quite a few of them. So, doing some do diligence clear things up. Mind if we took a look around?”  “You got a warrant?” Growled Applejack fixing him with a scowl. While having only interacted with her on a few occasions both women could tell that she wasn't in a mood for games. “Got something to hide?” He pressed setting a boot on the first step. Applejack shoved off from the post and was face to face with him in a heart beat. They met eye to eye her green filled with a fury against his icey grey. Shako and Willow once again felt helpless in the situation well beyond anything they'd dealt with to this point. “No. We don't.” She said with a click of her tongue. Applejack never took a step back or looked away as she extended both arms till they were level with her shoulders. “I'll give the nickel tour just for you.” “Fantastic, we’ll-” he started to turn to them only for Applejack to snatch up his collar. Again they were face to face inches from one another. “Only.you.” she repeated her words barely above a growl.  “Fine.” He hissed as she let go, Chache rubbed his throat where the collar had dug into the skin. With a curt nod in their direction he gamely followed Applejack who’d already strolled away. Shako sat back in the vehicle first both hands shaking.  “Are we…are we gonna die?” Whimpered Willow fastening her seat belt and sinking into her seat. Shako was busy praying to every god she knew to give a solid answer. – Chapter 2: interlude part 1 “Cant both become the…” Pissed didn't even begin to describe Applejacks mood right now. She'd dealt with alot over the years from uptight business men who'd never worked a honest today, to weasel faced snake oil salesmen who sold magic deagin lotion to Granny. Which half the time turned out to be mud, not even GOOD mud crammed into a tub. But this, this took the cake. Giving this grey eyed old bastard a tour of their honest living and having him scrutinize everything. Course she gave the tour of the farm often city folk always marveled at the ‘simple’ life she lived. Course they didn't understand how non simple it was. Most got all googley eyes half way through anything she said instead staring at her ass of tits. She gave him details about the various machines and tools used around the farm. Course that wasn't enough wanting to know how where the fuel is kept how it's stored. Even when they went through the cider making endless question after question following everything she said. “And this is the main orchard.” She huffed leading him down one of the many paths they used daily. Chache walked slow running his hand across the bark. Applejack watched him closely as he knelt down picked up a small clump of dirt off the ground at rhe base of the tree. To her shock he then ate it. “What in the sam hell is-” “Sulfur.” “Excuse me?” “Bits of ammonia, getting some fish…hmm not regular sulfur.” He stood up slowly meeting her shocked eyes. “Draconic sulfur.” Chache stated daring her to say otherwise.  “That would be illegal.” Applejack replied cooly crossing her arms over her chest. Draconic sulfur was an extremely potent fertilizer agent. Compared to regular sulfur it boosted soil vitality tenfold. However it also resulted in dangerous mutations in plants often leading to carnivorous variations of otherwise docile species. It was a highly regulated and used only by the most skilled botanists. Owning even a gram was considered an felony. “Extremely yes…but I could be wrong.” He said with a coy smile. Applejack was long last playing games at this point. She shoved him hard into the tree pining the lawman to it. “What's your angle Marshal!” Applejack had his collar again lifting him clear from the ground. Chache kicked wildly struggling to free himself, after a few useless moments of being pinned like a bug he relented but was far from broken. “I could care less about your fertiliser! I've got a mob of people wanting yours on a pike. I'm trying to prevent that so if you would kindly fucking cooperate it'd be appreciated!” Chache snapped baring his teeth. Applejack was keenly aware of the water situation going on but hadn't made much progress on her end. She dropped him, now free Chache was on her in an instant. Using his leverage to the tree to grab her arm and pull. Applejacks vision blurred as she was slammed into the same surface. He had hand a fistful of her undershirt sheer suprise kept her from lashing out. “Don't you ever put your hands on me like that again.” Chache barked knuckles white from just how hard he gripped her.  Well this was…new. A warm feeling started to bubble in her core, not the most unwelcome of ones either. Was this what people felt like when they were helpless? Sure there had been times when she had been overwhelmed or just flat out exhausted to the point of collapse. But never helpless , she could fell a redwood tree in a single kick and have energy to spare.  Course he was a male, an older one at that no where near as strong as herself he was starting to shake just from trying to hold her up this long. But getting a real good look at him… He wants so bad looking, Fluttershy had seen something in him… Was it is weathered stern face? Or perhaps the flint in his eyes? Maybe how he seemed to be focusing on everything about who he was talking to not just who they were… So many questions. Applejack found no answers, except one. That being just how turned on she was by a brief moment of being completely out of control. “Please…um let me go…” She mumbled a steady blush forming on her cheeks. Chache picked up the embarrassed edge to her voice becoming acutely away that only did he have her shirt in his hand but also her bra along with it. Her cantaloupe sized orbs threatened to spill out if held up any longer. Without a second thought he let go distancing himself from her. Applejack faced away from him covering her chest with the unbuttoned portions of her flannel. “I apologise for that. But I still refer to my previous statement.” He calmly said as her back was still to him. A slight shiver went up Applejacks spine wondering what it'd feel like if… Forgive me Fluttershy, but I might have to fight you for this one.  The thought made her grin wickedly before focusing back onto the point. She turned to him her face neutral still holding the front of her flannel. “What did you have in mind?”    > Chapter 3: Oil that tastes like...(Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Oil that tastes like… (Part 2) “Sugar?” Shako and Willow declined, while Chache graciously accepted a cube. They were seated on an ancient dusty leather sofa, across from them was an equally aged woman. Her hair was snow white tied neatly in a bun, while relatively small barely large enough to fit the recliner she sat in. Not one of them doubted the authority exuding from the Apple family matriarch. Chache took a small sip of his tea, finding its taste rather pleasing. “Been in the family for three generations.” Granny Smith proudly explained holding a similar cup. Leaning in the doorway, Applejack swirled the contents of her own, eyes occasionally flicking towards him. Chache took another drag before setting down the cup. Shako set hers down beside the tremor in her hands having abated. When both of them had returned, clothes disheveled she’d assumed the worse. Now sitting in their home the Sheriff could only wonder what had occurred in the short time they'd been apart. “So Marshal, I understand that you need my granddaughter's help?” Smith started, looking back to Applejack who nodded curtly.  “In a manner of speaking, yes. I believe she said you all have a map…” As he spoke another Apple skipped into the room. Her hair tied into pig tails a fiery red she bore a striking resemblance to Applejack save being a full head shorter. The woman was also not nearly as dressed as her counterpart wearing only a midriff showing top that revealed a healthy shelf of cleavage and daisy dukes cut so short they might have well been nonexistent. Fully aware of the collective jaw drop at her entrance she took the extra measure of swaying her hips giving a pleasant view of her ass. “Ere ya go sis.” Drawled Applebloom handing Applejack a yellowed parchment. Her sister scowled at the state of dress, of course she'd seen what had happened in the orchard. Applebloom winked at her head tilting towards Chache. Before she could properly throttle the shit Applebloom skipped away a tittering laugh following down the hallway she’d come from. Applejack cleared her throat going over to the coffee table and setting down the map. Chache shifted to the edge of his seat as she marked the location of their farm. “Ok so here's the situation …” Chache tapped the map around the farm with his index finger. “As it is, all water sources to the north of your homestead have had no issues, while everything south is gradually undrinkable.” He makes an invisible line on the southern edge of their property again, tapping his finger. “From what I've seen aside from…some questionable practices that will be discussed at a later date, I have seen nothing here that could cause something of such scale.”  Granny Smith rubbed her chin mulling over his explanation. “Do you have some idea as to whuts causing this?” she asked, to which he nodded, crossing his arms and leaning back into the couch. “Yes I do, it's magic. And if not stopped soon, we’re gonna have more than just dead cattle to worry about.” — There are two distinctively different aspects to magic. The first is the most common which is the application of changing or manipulation of a natural source and using it for means outside of intended purpose. Most Equestrians had a greater understanding of this as three quarters of the population were gifted. Even more were able to quite literally conjure things from thin air, this took an excessive amount of skill but with the right amount of training anything was possible. Then there was the reverse side. Earth Magic. This is the natural state of being every object in the world was attuned with. Very reason as to why ice elementals, stone giants, or ents existed in the first place. It is old, a wild and very dangerous thing to behold let alone try to manipulate. Some can, with weary caution entire city's have vanished beneath a sudden volcano forming in its center at wanton use. The Apples family had always been known for their ‘green thumbs’ having been to farm the same land for well over a century. In part this was due to their ability to attune to Earth magic ,while they flaunted it or made a show of the power they held . It flowed through them to the ground they toiled, to the trees they built a life off of. What was happening to the water was because of Earth magic. Someone or something was tampering with the natural flow left unchecked… Applejack shook her head, hands clenched into fists. Chache laid out a plan to which everyone present carefully listened to. “I believe the source is above ground here in the Everfree Forest. We need to spilt into groups and try to find whatever it is that's doing this. It's not going to be natural but if it is likely youd be able to spot it . The sooner the better I say, so given your proximity I ask that you help us in that regard.”  Willow shot a panicked look at Shako stepping into the Everfree was dangerous. He wanted them to traipse around the deepest parts of it on his first day? “Big ask their Marshal.” Smith said, closing both eyes as she rocked back and forthing in thought. Applejack was already set to go Granny Smith was just weighing her options. “Mac hun you mine helping these dearies out?”  A heavy set of footfalls drifted in from the kitchen as a giant of a man ducked into the living room. He was broad shouldered, hard muscled, stoic in both face and demeanor. Big Macintosh large green eyes fixed on the sheriff and deputy. Both women swallowed as his massive arms crossed over one another.  “Eyup.” He said simply. Granny smiled, opening one eye giving Chache a mischievous look. “You can take Applejack to, just try to be gentle with her. She's single ,if you were wondering about it.” Chache found himself speechless, Applejack face turned beet red which she hid beneath her hat. Granny let out a cackle positively beaming. She'd been waiting forever to say something like that. — Meanwhile… Twilight Sparkle was NOT having a good morning. Waking up hungover didn't make anything better for what seemed like the hundredth time she swore never to drink again. Paired with the fact that she missed several meetings two of which had with Celestia herself, Twilight could feel the scolding words beating into her brain. “Spiiikkke…” She groaned face down at her crystalin desk. Her ward/ surrogate brother looked up from his paperwork, he'd gotten tall over the last few years, no longer a short chubby cheeked bright eyed boy. More than a few had tried to make a pass on the young dragon however his heart was dead set on one woman only. Not that he had any luck in that regard one day though… “Kill me please.” Twilight whined covering her head to block out the sun the shone through the massive window overlooking the town “I did say stick to cider.” He remarked, grabbing a pitcher of water near himself. Twilight huffed with a wave of her hand casting a magic finger to flick him in the head. Spike poured her a tall glass setting the pitcher beside it with a kind smile on his face. Begrudgingly she picked herself up, took the glass in both hands and drank it all in one gulp. With a slap to the cheek her eyes flashed magenta and just like that she was fresh as a morning daisy. “Let's do this!” She cheered Spike clapped relieved to see her so revitalized. And so their day began…. With having to sign three hundred and forty three tax documents. By the end of it Twilight was pretty sure she had carpal tunnel. Spike watched her soul begin to leave the theatrics where a welcome break in-between the manonoity. A buzzing noise caught his attention, with a wave he brought up the front door to the manor. He grinned at the sight. “Rainbow Dash is here.” Twilight stood like she'd been shocked, a mirror appeared floating before her. The princess quickly began to clean herself up cursing all the while.  “Shitshitshitshit!” Why did she have to forget having brunch with Rainbow Dash. After insisting for months? Practically begging the women to find some time in her tight schedule? Perhaps even going so far to manipulate the local weather for clear skies and having a good talk to her brother on putting the Wonderbolts on standby status for a week.  For brunch. A totally normal brunch. Just a  “Hey I'm single, you're single and cool and hot and I want you to tell me about how hard your workout was ,how sweaty it gets you, maybe watch too.” Meetup. Totally didn't have any other intention besides that.  Twilight snapped her fingers changing clothes in an instant. Now wearing a black blouse with a white shirt a size way too small because Dash may or may not like larger busts. And a pair of modest blue slacks that made her hips really stand out. Spike chuckled to himself thinking it best to not mention that Rainbow Dash wasn't alone. She disappeared in a flash of magenta. He made sure to have the view pulled up to watch the show… – Twilight took a breathe grabbing the door handles. She'd read every book, scoured ever moldy scroll, even went so far as to ask Cadence how proper courtship worked. “You can do this.” She insisted, rolling her shoulders and pulled the door open “Hey seeeeexxxyyy-guys hiiiiiii!” Rainbow waved standing beside a starry eyed Fluttershy. Beside both of the Rarity was picking at her manicured nails giving Pinkie Pie the side eye. The red haired woman was recalling the complexities of a baby shower, birthday , wedding all at the same time. Twilight forced a smile nervously laughing. “I didn't expect all of you so early.” “That'd be her doing.” Rarity pointed to Dash who stuck out her tongue.  “Yeah well it's important so I figured now would be as good a time as any.” She groused, grabbing Fluttershy's arm and dragging her towards the door. Shy protested but her strong grip squashed any way of getting out of what was coming. Dash paused for a moment looking Twilight over. “Looking good by the way.”  Twilight bowed her head  bashfully letting her friends inside. While not according to plan, whatever was important to get almost all of them together at such a time took priority. Rarity entered last an all to knowing aura about her. “Sexy huh Twilight? That's what you were going to start with?” The afformentioned princess gaped in embarrassment as Rarity cupped her face with one hand. “I'm sure Dash would have appreciated the sentiment. But she's far too dense for that, next time wear nothing at all and say that. She'll be yours forever then.” The fashionista smiled, patted her cheek and followed the others. Twilight filed that information away for later having never thought to be so direct. – “Seriously?” “Seriously.” “Seriously?” “As a heart attack.”  Rarity rubbed the bridge of her nose feeling a migraine forming. She had been working on a rather pressing order for a noble family, it'd been slow going having lacked inspiration. But this morning had brought with it enlightenment, fabric took tailered shape before her very eyes. It was to be a masterpiece of a selection fit for the very ballroom floors of Canterlot! Then Rainbow Dash all but kicked down her front door. At that time it seemed like a serious emergency. “You dragged us all here because Fluttershy. Had an orgasm?”  Pinkie fell out of her chair  belting out a laugh holding her stomach as she rolled around the floor. While Fluttershy did her best to shrink into her chair, face burning. Twilight suppressed a snicker doing her best to keep a straight face. Dash nodded her head in complete seriousness, further building the aneurysm threating to burst in Rarity’s brain. Twilight cleared her throat sensing the fashionista's magic flare into a rather unpleasant curse that would have turned Dash bald  . “While I can only assume there must have been extenuating circumstances for that. I'm sure there was some other reason…?” She managed to keep her tone as level as possible. Rainbow cocked her head confused until Fluttershy stood  and whispered in her ear. “Oh right! Waters being poisoned in the Everfree, new Marshals heading over to Applejacks to do something about it.”  A pin drop could be heard…. “WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAD WITH THAT!?!!” – Chache glanced over his shoulder loading the last hull in the shotgun. Himself, Applejack, Macintosh, Deputy Willow and Sheriff Shako were gathered around the beaten path leading into the Everfree at the southern border of the orchard. “What's up?” Applejack asked, Chache frowned, shaking his head. “Thought I heard…it's nothing.” He slung it over his shoulder. She shrugged adjusting her gun belt letting it hang loose around her waist . Mac carried a massive woodcutting ax resting it over his shoulder, Willow and Shako busied themselves with looking like they weren't absolutely terrified. “Remember, anything out of place. Find it, shoot up a flare , handle accordingly.” Chache reiterated gesturing to Applejack and Max who took point for the teams.  “I would like to point out just how bad an idea this is.” Voiced Shako keeping extremely close to the axe wielding Apple, Willow followed suit. “Noted. Cowboy up Sheriff.” He replied keeping pace with Applejack who was already ahead of all of them.  — Chapter 3 : (interlude part 2) Can't both become the… It became so dark it'd be easy to dismiss it being night time. Such is the thickness of the overhead canopy. Applejack kept a good speed, stopping only occasionally to check of Chache was to far behind. The old man was fit for age, and he seemed a competent woodsman too. Navigating through the foliage with near silent precision.  The other party had long since been lost in the brush, Applejack was confident both women would be more than fine under Mac's watch. Neither had spoken since losing sight of them. She found this to be rather…grating eagerness otherwise overcoming the seriousness of the situation. “Nice legs.”  Applejack stumbled as they crested the trench of a fallen oak  just being caught by her gun belt, faces inches from a  dagger like tree branch. Chache grunted, pulling her upright. She blinked rapidly at the narrow brush of death. “Come again?”  “It takes a lot of effort climbing trees…” He said awkwardly shifting from side to side, clearly not what he'd met.  “Right…” Applejack huffed, taking the lead again.  “You're legs aren't so bad either.” She paused at the bottom as he slid the rest of the way down.  “Oh? Thank you?” The look Applejack gave him could have dried fresh paint. “I…didn't mean to say that out loud.” He relented, adjusting the sling over his shoulder. Applejack had both hands on her hips cocking them slightly. Chache sighed tilting his head back scanning the canopy. “I'm not apologizing.” “Good, dont.” She swiveled around taking the extra measure to add extra sway of her hips in each step. Chache clicked his tongue watching the Apple bottom sway deliciously. Either he was very much misunderstanding the situation or… This girl was coming on to him. The former seemed most likely to the latter, but then… Having sex once did not make a relationship, while true in his feelings towards the bright eyed woman he’d met the night before. Under no right was he wholly hers and free to do as he wished in that respect. With that in mind Chache broke into a jog until he was once more beside the blonde.  So far they'd yet to see anything of note, a few passing deer here and an occasional swooping bird of prey there. Chache knelt down at regular intervals sifting through the ferns every time coming up with a dour expression on his face. Applejack began to feel something was off as well, a tingling sensation on the back of neck it makes her fingers clench into her palm. “Look at this.”  Chache waved her over, he'd knelt down to an exposed root prodeing it with a stick he'd picked up. As she approached the stick went through the root revealing a rotten black core. Both of them recoiled as a pungent wave of death filled the air. “I think we're close.” He gagged holding his nose, Applejack grabbed his shoulder pulling him to her chest. Wide eyed Chache let out a startled yelp only to be silenced by her hand over his mouth. He asked a muffled question only for her to pin him to a tree. It was then he noticed they were not alone. They were as big as horses. Their heads shaped in the grim visage of a wolves skull with rows of jagged fangs lined in lipless bone. A timber wolf true to its name was a beast made of the very stuff of nightmares. While a creature common enough to encounter in most places in Equestria, those of the Everfree were a whole different breed altogether. Masters of ambush, with cunning that denoted a level of intelligence that bordered on human. For indeed while the forest provided many sources of food the flesh of man was the sweetest.  Patches of moss grew across their contorted bark skin making for a perfect camouflage. The size of the pack must have numbered in the thirty or forty. How long had they been followed? How long had these creatures stalked the edge of their vision blending seamlessly into the background? Applejack could take them easy, which is the only reason they'd shown themselves. They knew who she was. Chache wouldn't survive, sheer weight of number would see him dragged away screaming. They'd kill him slowly, it's how they preferred it when making a meal of men. Yellow eyes watched them dragging the long moment out like a blade.Some of them they could see opened and closed their rotten maws, sap drooling in a steady stream down diseased necks. Some shook, barely able to keep upright, occasionally having to be nudged by those who were in even worse states. “They're sick.” Chache whispered, freeing his mouth but wrapped his arms around her waist. As he spoke the wolves bowed their heads parting the way for a true monster. The alpha put them all to shame in sheer bulk more akin to a bull in muscle and height, while fairing as bad as the rest of them hide bearing weeping sores it was in no way any weaker. It was on them in a single bound a snarl leaving its maw much like a chainsaw revving. A yellow eye bright as sunlight bathed them in a sickly glow. Chaches grip around her waist tightened as the wolf let of a grunt stomping away. It paused for a moment, eyes narrowed, head facing just to the right through a thicket rumbling a growl out. Then they were gone. Melding into the trees, the Alpha's paw prints the only trace of their existence. Chache let out the breath he didn't realize he’d been holding his heart in his throat. He’d thought he'd seen every horror life could offer but that would haunt his dreams till the day he died.  “Just what sort-hmpf!”  Applejack's lips crashed against his so hard their teeth bounced against each other. She's ravenous to the point of desperation unashamedly grinding against his body. Each protest only drew more of the monster before him out. Her hands attacking his belt buckle was the final straw, bracing a boot against the tree he launched themselves forward. Applejack landed flat on her back; he was on top of her a second later pinning her to the forest floor. Her chest heaved as Chache forced both her arms down, she made no effort to resist. “Hell has gotten into you!?” He demanded “Shut up and fuck me.” Applejack replied. Chache was speechless, his mouth opening and closing.  The young woman's thighs rubbed together, hips rising yearning for just the right sensation. Her mouth parting with heated breaths, tongue licking pursed lips, eyes locked on his. Emerald orbs  dancing with flames of temptation. Never had in his long life had he seen a woman so ready to have her world rocked. Bought as green as a light could get in his book. She tastes sweet like…apples dipped in toffee, her tongue battles him as they mash their bodies against one another. Applejack all but rips her top off as they sit upright breaking away only to tear her shirt and bra off.  Chache grabs both of the ripe mounds of flesh while nowhere as near as big as Fluttershys by the Moon did they compare in softness. She moans softly and takes one hand to grab her tight ass still trapped in the prison of jeans. Without prompt she's undone them and has thrown them away. Chache wastes little time feeling up the exposed skin her black laced thong and hat, the only articles she had left to wear.  “Your turn.” She whispered tracing down the center of his chest to the bulge in his crotch.  “Darlin I don't have a -” “I don't. Care. Fuck me proper Marshal, now!” In a series of perhaps bad decisions made this day, Chache decides what the harm of another could do. His pants come off just as Applejack turns her back to him. She shifts to her knees ass firmly in his lap a coo bubbling from her throat at the twitching head of his shaft against her eager folds. It's her choice, he's just a bystander now raising her hips  parting her soaked panties and spearing herself on him. She cries out as he thrusts into her. Yes. Their rhythm builds, his teeth are at her throat. YES. Were they still there? Still watching? Wondering?  YES! Weighing the thought, it'd be so easy now. To pin her down, clamping eager jaws across her windpipe , and and - “YES!YES! YES!” Applejack shudders, clamping against his cock like a vice. Chache gasps burying himself into her balls deep, the young woman's eyes roll to the back of her head as he fills her so completely. They collapsed into the tree in a mixture of bodily fluids and rapture. “Holy fuck.” They say together voices shaking from the adrenaline. (End interlude) – They dress in muted silence both facing away from one another. Applejack's hands shake as she does what little buttons remain of her flannel  shirt up. Neither had said a word after everything having happened so fast. She touched a hand to her navel, rubbing the warmed surface gently. “If you end up…” “I'm on the pill so-” “If you end up expecting.” He continued half turning to her his aged face set as stone. “I'll accept responsibility, understand?” There was a cold reality to his tone, not a trace of anger or regret. A dark thrill shot up her spine. Applejack nodded once as he picked up the shotgun that had fallen against the tree. Chache shoulders it, pointing the barrel towards the waiting thicket. “You ready?”  Just like that he was ready for round two. Applejack smiled hand on the butt of her pistol. “Ready.” He grinned, proceeding ahead ducking through the undergrowth… – An elder tree was for one a very ancient thing often a forest would have several scattered through deeping on size. Secondly in terms of scale they dwarfed all others; the largest ever recorded had a trunk 8 meters wide and rose some three hundred feet tall. This tree wasn't close to that scale, just a fledgling with a meter wide base and canopy that just reached the tops of the trees around it. Given time it would likely have become a true monarch. That day would never come. It was dead, bark peeling away oozing black iccor from hundreds of weeping holes. No leaf clung to the wilting branches giving it a visage of skeletal remains. What had brought such a mighty thing so low? The forest wept at the promise of a fallen king. What matter of cruelty exists to force it to a state of undeath unable to pass on to give itself back to the earth?  That answer came twofold. At a distance distinguishing the pair of men would have been close to impossible. Similar in both height, build facial features and eye colors. The likeness between them ended subtly; one had a mustache that curled upwards while the other curled downwards. Both were dressed in carny outfits down to having curved canes in opposite hands. One of the men was singing, the beauty of his song formed literal notes in the air that drifted to the base of the tree. On contact the notes burst into a snot green mist melding into the bark. “Mother fuckers.” Growled Applejack being stopped by Chaches firm hand. They were both crouched a fair distance from the two men. “You know them?” He asked to which she nodded. Flim and Flam, the two conest con men to ever grace Ponyville. They'd always had some scheme going or some other. Applejack dealings with them usually ended with both brothers flat on their ass with sizable bruises on their faces. But this, this was something new, beyond something a simple ass kicking could rectify. Flim shifted nervously beside his brother wringing his cane with both hands. Flam seemed to be getting into whatever his role was in this, a hand to his chest really hitting the high notes. Chache had seen enough of whatever this was standing up and strolling into the clearing. “Gentleman!” He shouted, they both spun a grating screech like nails on a chalkboard at the sudden interruption. A smell of ozone filled the air at a spell canceled short of its completion. The brothers paled, clutching their canes, seeing the shotgun in his shoulder.  “I'm Marshall Chache and the two of you are-” “Sir please there's a reasonable-” Began Flam with wirey grin on his face. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Roared Applejack bursting from the hiding place pistol in hand. Both of them flinched, the rage in her voice told them talking their way out was no longer an option. “...Under arrest, hands to the heavens slow like canes on the ground.” He flicked the barrel to the cleared forest floor. Flim dropped his without hesitation, throwing his hands up. Flam rounded on his brother a snarl on his lips. “Coward!” Brandishing the end of his against Flims chest. Chache racked the shotgun at the sudden aggression. “Don't make me say it again.” He warned, Flam licked his lips, his eyes flicking between Chache and Applejack.  “Igni!” A magic word left his mouth both barely had time to dive to the ground as a cascade of fire lashed out like a whip. Applejack recovered rolling to her feet, hair slightly burnt on the ends. Chache slapped at his pants patting down his burning thigh. Flam was running the opposite way leaving his shocked brother behind. “After him!” Chache yelled through the pain keeping the shotgun trained on Flim his leg still smoking. Applejack broke into a run crashing through the forest after the fleeing man. Chache hobbled over to him reaching into his back pocket and tossing a pair of nickel plated cuffs onto the ground. “On your knees.”  Tears streamed down Flims face as he sniffed, lowering himself to the floor. Movement at the corner of his vision drew Chaches attention away from the weeping man. Applejack walked back into the clearing, her head hung low. Her steps were measured and her hands were raised like she was… “G-gun down Marshal!” Flam said behind Applejack one hand grabbing the base of her braid the other at the center of her back. Chache kept his aim leveled at both of them , Applejack had a nasty gash across her forehead but otherwise she looked alright. “Can't do that son. You alright Applejack?” “Asshole hit me with a tree branch, but yeah I'm good.” “Shut up! Both of you!” He snapped pulling her hair sharply, pressing the barrel of the gun against the side of her neck . “Let the girl go, you can still walk away from this.” Flam let out a dry laugh, forcing Applejack forward at an awkward gaint. “Walk away? Marshal you have no idea how far I've come to just walk away.”  Chaches aim never waved, his grip tightening as they moved. From his position Flim wiped his leaking nose and shot his brother a pleading look. “Flam please brother this is beyond both of us!” “Shut up you miserable excuse for a sibling!”  “Brother, please-” “Shut up!” “It's not to-” “SHUT UP!” “Just let her-” “I SAID SHUT UP!”  Flam pointed the gun at his brother's head, Applejacks elbow snapped up smashing into the man's face breaking his nose. He howled and let her hair go. Now it was at her head his eyes filled with murder. Applejack's eyes widened her life flashing before her eyes. A white light. A deafening roar of fire. A shower of bright red gore. A piercing wail of something lost. Smoke drifted from the end of Chaches gun, his gray eyes chilled as stone slamming a fresh round forward. Flam had been launched back, his chest a slurry of shattered bone and ruptured organs. His eyes stared blankly up ward the gun tumbled from his hands clattering down the roots of the tree. Blood leaked out of his mouth pooling with the rest of it staining the trunk.  Applejack touched her face, fingertips coming away red with… Blood  His blood. Her stomach turned vomit shooting up suddenly. She hunched over spilling her guts hands on her knees as Chache limped over to her side.  “I’m f-fine.” Applejack assured spitting the taste of the bile out of her mouth. He patted her back brushing her hair out from hanging over her shoulder. She shuddered, closing her eyes trying to regain her bearing. Flam stared blankly ahead, his mind not fully comprehending what he'd just seen. Chache grimaced, holding his leg limping over him. “You're going to tell me everything boy.” He said through gritted teeth pointing at Flams bloody corpse. “Y-you killed him…” Flim mumbled in disbelief, Chache put the barrel under his chin forcing his head up. “And I've half a mind to do worse to you if you don't cooperate.” Flim started to sob, shaking uncontrollably hunching over as he fell into hysteria. “Applejack!” Big Machintosh shouted at his sister's side shucking off his shirt to wipe away the blood drying on her face. The big man was wicked fast when he wanted to be, quiet to but if he was here then- “Marshal.”  His head turns slowly to Sheriff Shako she looks like hell; hair filled with nettles and leaves clinging stubbornly to be once neat uniform. Deputy Willow is in a similar state her uniform torn in several places. Both had their guns drawn thumbs resting on the hammers. “You missed the party .”  “Looks like you didn't miss anything.” Shako said grimly nodding to the slouched Flam. Chache slowly lowered the shotgun from Flims chin letting the man fall over completely. “He didn't give me a much of a choice, Applejack can attest to that.” Applejack managed to push her fussing brother away having most of Flam whipped away. She held her stomach taking numb steps to Chaches side. “Flam had me at gunpoint, if Chache hadnt-” “What have you done.”  Thunder roles at the raw fury in her words. Twilight Sparkle is above them her wings spread eyes burning majenta in unbridled rage. The Princess of Friendship descends landing before Chache towering over the marshal barely able to contain herself. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash ,Rarity and Pinkie Pie flank her spread wings. Shako and Willow drop to their knees in terror never before having seen the god like wraith broiling before them.  “Princess Twilight Sparkle I assume?” Chache guessed seemingly unfazed. He tilted his head seeing Dash and Fluttershy standing behind her. “What.Have.You.Done.” She repeats enunciating each word pointing to the sprawled Flam who'd tumbled forward and now lay face first in the dirt.  “The law ma’am. He was going to shoot your friend here dead. It was her or him, I made the decision. If he'd surrendered none of this would have happened.”  Applejack stepped forward putting herself between them meeting Twilight burning gaze with her own. Flecks of dried blood flew off her face as a tempest flared at the princesses magic discharged. “He saved my life, Twi. It's the truth now settle down your scaring everyone.” She calmly wrapped both her arms around Twilights waist embracing her in a tight hug. It took a long minute for the accumulated magic to settle she breathed out sharply through clenched teeth. Twilights wings folded into her back as she signed feeling her friend shake against her.  “I want an report of what occurred here on my desk tomorrow morning Marshal. Not a single detail spared.” She said keeping a tone just above a growl as Applejack pulled away and the rest of her friends came forward.  “Aye I'll do just that.” Chache shifted nodding towards the elder tree. “Think you'll be able to take care of that?” He asked, Twilights lips curled in disgust a nauseous wave of magic flooded her senses. It was the most toxic thing she'd ever beheld nothing could undo the damage done here. “We’d have to burn it.” “I think theyd appreciate that.” Announced Pinkie Pie making everyone present turn to her. The woman was positively beaming bouncing up and down pointing at the assembly of timber wolves surrounding them. The wolves formed a seemy circle in the clearing, with the massive Alpha sitting patiently on its haunches. Twilight and Rarity both had a spell ready in hand sparkles dancing between twitching finger tips. “Enough both of you.” Barked Rainbow Dash pulling both of them back by their shoulders. The Alpha stood padding forward until it was just a few feet away from them. It bowed it's head jaws opening slightly dropping something wriggling onto the ground. Fluttershy let out a small gasp knowing exactly what was happening. “It's a pup.”  As she spoke the last heathy timber wolf pup rolled over bright yellow eyes gleaming letting out a delighted yip from its tiny jaws. It faced the Alpha tail wagging its entire body, tounge lolled as a much larger one lapped it's little head. With a nudge it was moved forward, for a second the pup hesitated letting out a keening whine. The Alpha snarled in anger sending it scurrying under all their legs until it huddled behind Chache whimpering. Again the Alpha sat on its haunches letting out a snort shaking it's diseased frame. “They'll contain the fire.” Fluttershy whispered whipping away a tear sniffing. Twilight bit the inner part of her cheek not liking any part of what was happening here. “Ma’am please.” Spoke up Shako who'd picked herself and Willow off the ground. “Twilight…” Rarity started as the princess raised a hand towards the tree bursting it wholly in flames. The heat hit them all like an open furnace Twilight lowered her arm hands balling into fists. “Were done here.”  A circle bloomed at their feet, there was a crackle of lightning ozone burned then a flash. Only the wolves remained. The Alpha threw it's head back letting out a final howl. It's pack gathered around the burning tree each singing a final song as the flames turned a fallen king and kingdom to ash…. — Chache grimaced as the bandage was pulled tight around his thigh. Fluttershy whispered an apology putting small amount of pressure on the burn. It'd be a few hours since the princess had teleported them back to town inside her palace, Flam had been whisked to the mortuary while Flim was dragged to the jail for interrogation. Shako and Willow had given him a weary berthe, as far as first days and impressions went he’d blown every expectation out of the literal water. They didn't hate him not as far as he could tell but certainly had a heathy shred of understanding of what kind of man he was after today's events.  Twilight left himself and everyone shortly after in a rare display of anger storming away to who knew where in the manor. Rarity shook her head giving Chache a helpless shrug. “She's thankful. We all are.” She said following after the princess.  Pinkie Pie bounced after her giving him a wink before leaving a unsettling smile plastered on her face. Rainbow Dash was well aware of what that looks meant and shuddered at the thought. Fluttershy finished with bandaging his leg standing up just enough to be level with his face. She kissed him on the lips it was gentle with a warm smile.  “Id like that date if possible.” She murmured cupping his cheek and kissing him again before he could protest. Applejack bit her thumbnail watching jealously, however a small part of her writhed in knowing that perhaps she wasn't completely out of this game yet. Alot of things were going on in Chaches mind most of which focused on the girl before him sucking on his face. It wasn't simple magic that the boy had been fiddling with it'd been directed with a purpose and well beyond anyone of his ilks skill to control. Maybe the living brother could shed some light on that subject. At least point him in the right direction at most. For now, he let the day settle into his bones. He felt a set of paws against his leg the timber wolf pups yellow eyes meeting his brimming with a unsettling intelligence.  Whatever future lay ahead of him Chache was sure of one thing… This Moonlite Ranger was just getting started. End chapter 3. > Chapter 4: Just wish to fix what's... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Just wish to fix what's…. “How difficult is it? To find passion, to keep interest with such a long lived life?” How often had she been asked this question now? Perhaps a hundred fold, maybe more. Trying to answer it often leads to rather droll philosophical debates on the immortal mind. Unless a nice bottle of wine and healthy amount of vodka were present it was a conversation she'd best avoided. Princess Celestia: The physical embodiment of the sun, ruler of daylight and all realms within Equestria. Sat upon her throne in Canterlot beside her, Princess Luna ruler of the night and it's all those who dreamed within. Both women were in essence gods for lack of better words. Having graced the earth long before the first mammal ever crawled out of its cave. Much of that history is speculation, by intent that is. In this age both sisters were known to be benevolent rulers, spreading kindness and peace to all who would accept it.  History is a funny thing. Few remember or dare to say that once there was an Age of Darken Fire. When the sun left its gravitational cradle, it was drawn into earth proximity just by a few feet. A few feet. There is a saying  “A true Dragon does not burn…” It's a popular phrase, catchy even. “...but even they can be turned to ash.”  Celestia had seen the earth scorched of the once mighty Dragons Empire. They'd ruled the earth for millennia in a single day she'd brought about a near total extinction.Luna had brought about the darkness that followed ,covering the smoldering continents in a blanket of lunar frost. What few Dragons remained burrowed deep in the planet's core they'd never again hold power their ancestors would became Drakes meager shadows of once mighty creatures. The sisters had made their claim upon the Earth none would live to question it. That'd been what? A hundred thousand years ago? Give or take a millennium, few magic incursions there, Discord being discord time is a relative thing. Celestia repressed a yawn as the throne room doors closed after a procession of advisors had given a rather stale presentation of this year's wheat harvest. Being a tyrant is easy, being an understanding, kind, motherly ruler is hard. She stretched raising her arms above her head, several of the younger newer solar guard averted their gazes at the sudden stretching fabric around her bust. Befitting Celestia would have the body of a goddess, breasts like a pair of basketball stuffed into a simple white toga and wide flared child bearing hips that had been made in past centuries her revered as a deity of fertility. Only Luna compared to her bearing an hourglass figure that filled many a wayward dreamer deepest passions. Though much to the youngers chargin lacked in the height department a whole foot shorter than her..  “What else is their today *yawn* dear sister.” Luna mumbled rubbing the sleep from her eyes having expertly dozed off halfway through the meeting. She'd always been a master of illusion, something Celestia would ever openly admit to being jealous of. It looked like to them that she was raptly paying attention, even asking questions regarding crop sales and bouts of blight that began to pop up in various farms to the south. Reality was the she’d been sprawled rather undignified in her chair: one leg hiked up on the arm rest the other spread showing off her near see through pink panties that looked more like a thong on her thick thighs. And wearing all but an undone pajama top, breasts exposed, mouth open a loud snore rattling in her throat . “Maybe if you actually paid attention…” Celestia said, eyes wandering up her sister's exposed torso. Luna slumped back in her seat, arms crossed letting out an annoyed huff. “...you'd know next would be-” “Now presenting lord Blue Blood! Heir to the Blood house! First of his name!” Called the Captain of the guard beating her poleaxe pommel onto the marble floor. Both of them grimaced as the man swaggered into the room. He was thinly built with swept back black hair, and a cocky smile that adorned his narrow face. His attire was that of a Equestrian Army officer red suited chest adorned with half a dozen citations for various feats of daring bravery, acts of heroism and other noteworthy accolades…. That his father had achieved. It was a bygone legacy in the Army to wear one's father's medals. Normally just at special events such as award ceremonies or balls etc etc. Blue Blood wore them every day even if the occasion required him to get the mail for his commanding officer. “Aunt Celestia! Aunt Luna! A pleasure as always.” He said nonchalantly giveing a half bow  to the sisters. The Blood family was in fact not related to them, except on paper. An accord signed by his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather when he'd been adopted by the pair after some long forgotten war that left hundreds of children orphaned. Only this allowed his current behavior, that of a spoiled child being all too familiar with his superior's. “Nephew Blood, you're looking…well.” Celestia forced a smile, Luna waved a hand lazily her clothes changed from pajamas to an outfit like her own: a modest though form fitting floor length toga suspended from the shoulders. The illusion she had created vanished a moment later. If he noticed he made no showing of it. Blood's smirk grew oblivious of how testing his presence was.  “And you both look ravishing as always.” His eyes flick hungerly between them unabashedly taking in their figures. Luna's eye twitched while Celestia clasped her hands together to hide balling fists. “Thank you, dear nephew. I understand you have a message for us?” She said in a curt tone no longer in the mood for pleasantries. He nodded, raising a hand half looking over his shoulder. “Boy, message now.” Blue Blood said with a snap of his fingers. Another entered the room much younger than himself wearing a similar uniform unadorned by medals and coloured gray of an enlisted man . He was a timid creature : head bowed, long hair tied in a neat ponytail, a noticeable tremor on his lips at being so close to royalty. He had the visage much like Blue Bloods with a slightly squared jaw and fuller cheeks. Not so much the boy he’d been called, neither a full man either. His red eyes flicked nervously to them, his hands shaking as he handed Blue Blood a sealed scroll. It'd been brief, just a glance of sheer nerves more than anything. Hearts fluttered, breaths stopped short, a pleasant heat bubbled. “Dibs.”  Both sisters looked shocked at one another, having blurted the same thought at the exact same moment. Luna's eyes narrowed while Celestia pursed her lips. A silent war raged between them. I saw him first. Bitch, please.  Blue Blood cocked his head confused, taking the parchment. “You both…wish to receive…” He started to wave the other away. Celestia stood up surprising herself more than anything. “Yes! We do uh stay please for a spell.” With a flick of her wrist the scroll vanishes from his hands, appearing before her already open. – Dearest Mentor Celestia. I apologize for the lateness of my message and for the missing of our assigned morning meeting some weeks passed. I understand now the silence between was a form of punishment in that regard. Normally I'd have waited till you deemed me worthy of forgiving, but there have been maters of late that have occurred beyond what ever encountered before. To summarize it started… –  Celestia and Luna skimmed through the rest of the letter recounting Twilight Sparkles first engagement with this ‘Moonlite Ranger’ and the subsequent death of a townsfolk. Also attached was an index referencing a magic signature that she hadn't been able to identify. It was used to poison an Elder tree which in turn started to damage the local ecosystem. She'd done her due diligence but this type of magic was beyond her experience. As for the death, apparently that of  a known lowlife seemed relatively cut and dry. Twilight was young in retrospect, all her battles ending in submissive compliance. The words she conveyed were direct and to the point but it was easy to note the tinge of fear in them. All real important things, things any other day would have garnered herself and sisters  full attention. She was family after all even before her elevation to the status of Alicorn. Buuuuut….. “Tea?” Celestia chirped as a butler appeared smartly holding a steaming tray. They'd moved to a much more comfortable seating area than the throne room. Blue Blood took one reclining in the adorned cushioned chair with a pleased grin. Luna took a cup trying to not let her eyes linger to long on his subordinate who stood behind him despite the seats provided for. Celestia had a small sip doing much of the same. “You may sit, please.” Motioned Luna drawing a chair from behind him catching the startled man by surprise. A cheeky smile bloomed as he was whisked to her side. “Hi… I'm Princess Luna…” she purred, leaning over making sure he was extra close. The sleeves of her dress slipped slightly from her shoulders showing off a jaw dropping amount of midnight black breasts. Luna glanced down hand shooting to her mouth in mock surprise.  Small cracks started to form on the tea cup Celestia was holding.  He visibly balked under her gaze, words trying to form but failing miserably. Also trying not to do anything but look down at the view she was offering. Blue Blood took a long drag of his drink not seeing the interaction. “Nephew, you've yet to introduce your guest.” Celestia barely managed to contain the growl in her words, shooting her sister a piercing glare. Luna was upright winking at her an heartbeat later adjusting the sleeves back to their intended location. Blue Blood's lips twitched to an uncomfortable grimace, his eyes ticking to his subordinate as if just realizing his presence. “Oh him? He’s…really ..not important, hardly worth the thought. Honestly I'm not entirely sure why he's still here” He pointedly made sure to direct every word to the enlisteds  way. The mans trembling hands did not go unnoticed by either of the Princesses. “I insist.” Said Celestia more firmly this time stiring the teacups contents with a floating silver spoon. “Really, there's plenty of more interesting things to discuss such as an up coming gal-” In his arrogance Blue Blood failed to notice the flash in Celestias yellow eyes. Faster than light, his head exploded like a hand grenade painting the room crimson. Chunks of bone punched through the wood walls and unprotected flesh. His arms fell his torso collapsed forward sending the table and all its contents to the floor in a crash of fine china. She never blinked even as the spray of gore turned her fair white skin pink. That's how easy it was to solve problems, kill everyone and everything, no more worries. Sometimes it helped, yet in her experience not everyone enjoyed  such simple solutions.  “Please indulge your dear Aunty.” She said sweetly cutting off Blue Blood mid excuse. Luna skillfully hid her smirk; her thoughts were much similar except having whole body implode violently. With his still remaining head, he gave a defeated huff gesturing to the man. “As you insist. I introduce you to my bastard brother Jasper, my family's shame and my man at arms.”  Jasper pushed away from the table dropping to both knees and put his head to the floor abasing himself before them. His forehead made a dull painful thud as he'd all but thrown himself to the floor. This was man all too familiar with having to bow as if it was expected. While yes it was given they were in fact both rulers of the land. Neither had felt so humbled by that formality before this very moment. “I beg your forgiveness, your graces!” His words came out as a near sob. Like someone at the edge of grief ,racked with a deep seated guilt. “I dishonor the house of Blood! My presence is an offence to their good name! I beg mercy for my transgression!” The corners of Blue Bloods lips  edge into a sneer as he takes another sip of tea matching red eyes all but reveling in Jaspers prostration. It had not been the first time he'd  had done this with him present. They see it clearly as the sun breaking the horizon.  Celestia is doing everything in her power not to go supernova. “Stand, a bastard need not…abase themselves in such a manner.” Luna said with softest touch of a charm in her words. He picked himself up arms at his side keeping his eyes fixated to the floor. She bit the inside of her cheek doing her best to keep a neutral expression. “A memorial ball for the last Drakain war is being held on the Blood estate two months from now.” Blue causaly spoke crossing one leg over the other after setting his now empty cup on the table top. Jasper made no effort to sit back down his hands were clenched so tight they began to turn white.  “ It’d be possitvily wonderful if you both would graciously attend!” His hands clasped together joyously, countless lords and ladies petitioned for the Princesses favour. His relationship as their ‘nephew’ allowed him a step above the chaff. Delivery of the message from Princess Sparkle had been given a standing order of urgency. JUST so happened he’d picked up his commanders letters when it'd arrived at the post. How convenient. Celestia tapped her chin in thought drumming her other fingers across the table. He saw it as serious consideration all but stoking his blind sense of importance. If he had any sense Blue would have noticed the sudden lack of guards present in the room. It was just the four of them now, her subtle movements had been a silent message. What happened next needed no witnesses. Celestia smiled thanking him for his diligence haven taken it upon himself to deliver the message personally. Of course they'd attend the ball it'd been some years since they'd seen his father. There was much to catch up on they both looked forward to the occasion. Blue Blood chest puffed with pride gushing over her praise. He stood respectfully, bowing to them eager to spread the news of his accomplishment. With a series of lengthy farewells he signaled to Jasper to follow, Blue Blood had an extra spring in his step as he swaggered out of the tea room. With his man at arms at his heels he left wearing his ambition like the medals on his chest. The doors closed behind him. Jasper still standing behind Blue Bloods chair was frozen in place. He’d made to move only for his feet to be locked to the marble floor. He had clutched his throat finding himself mute as his half brother strutted away. Luna let out a tired sign, it was of no effort to create the illusion that Blood Blood had in fact left with him. The fool would assume as such until she decided otherwise. Only in his eyes would his man at arms appear any conversation or interaction would be one sided. A simple hex one that would drive to his early dismissal from the armed forces: reasons relating to work related insanity constantly speaking to a ghost of memory that no one could see.  That would come later of course, sending alittle thrill through both sisters. “Relax dear Jasper.” Celestia stood taking slow steps around the table till she stood directly in front of him. His efforts to fall to his knees where met with futile strain. She placed both hands on the underside of his chin running her thumbs across the light stubble on his cheeks. Oh you poor poor thing… Luna licked her lips releasing the hold she held over his body. He took a shaking breath tears streaming down his face. Celestia tutted whipping them away whispering soothing words. If you only knew what we had in store  Lunas thighs rubbed together at the thought toes curling into the floor pleasure pooling between her legs. To Jasper it appeared that Celestia looked at him with kindness he was blatantly was undeserving of.  Her cheeks a subtle shade of pink, pupils dilating, mouth half open taking short heavy breathes. The Sun Princess was so close to orgasm it hurt.  Such a beautiful thing he was. A beautiful broken thing. They could have anyone they wanted be it man , woman, the whole technicolour rainbow in-between. A long life left little room to be picky. It'd been some years since either of them had much desires of the flesh. But then Blue Blood showed up with this delectable specimen. Mortals were blinded by beauty so lust came easy to them. But this man was so beat down nothing nor the concept existed in his fragile physique. A broken mirror of a human shattered in thousands of tiny shards. Celestia knew that this man needed help that only herself and Luna could provide. To be put back together one tiny piece at a time. It was something to do. It'd take an exorbitant amount for effort. Oh but how good it will feel, the sex.  By the outer gods how the sex will be.  The innocence came off him in waves Jasper viewed them with virgin eyes that knew only pain having never been shown an iota of love.  They'd love him. Give him the world. And then…oh then… Celestia's knees almost buckled at merely thinking of having her way with him. What a glorious day that'd be. Though perhaps Luna would beat her to the punch or maybe they'd have to share or even better… Her red lips locked against Lunas blue, breasts mashed together, hand intertwined. A sun's heat against the cold expansion of space and inside her…or Luna…Jasper having his world shattered as two dieties had their way with him… “We have much to discuss.” That'd come later, they could be patient. It's what made it all the more worth in the end. — Chapter 4 interlude: Saw a lone rider….   “Things would be alot easier if you just told us why.” Chache leaned his shoulder against the narrow holding cell bars . Flim was huddled on his cot still wearing his carny suit minus his belt and shoe laces. He sniffed, pulling his legs up curling into a ball. The Marshal signed, shaking his head. It'd been almost two weeks since the incident and he'd not said a word except asking to make a phone call. Sherif Shako had the foresight to ask that the line be traced only for it to be denied curtly. Chache insisted on knowing who he got into contact with, going so far as to confront Princess Twilight, who acted essentially as the final say in any criminal litigation. And who had bluntly denied any notion of listening in on the accused. Thatd been an interesting day to say the least. “You denied our trace, Princess.” “Yes I did. And it's Princess Sparkle Ranger.”  Chache places his fists on her desk leaning on his knuckles, his grey eyes locked onto hers. They were in the upper parts of the manor overlooking the town. Behind him was her assistant Spike transcribing their conversation dutifully. “If we're talking titles then its Marshal to you. If I'm to do my job then I need you to stop hamstringing my investigation, your grace.” Twilight calmly laced her fingers together sitting straight in her chair. Contempt came of her in waves; this didn't deter his annoyance in the slightest. “As per artical 8 paragraph 4 of the Equestrian detention mandate: All incarcerated, jailed or otherwise detained may be allowed an unsolicited call at any point denial of such request-” “Will result in immediate dismissal of all charges and forfeiture of any evidence against the accused. Don't quote the law to me Sparkles Ive known it long before you stopped sucking your mother's teat.” Ozone filled the air, a subtle tick in her lips threatened to turn to a full blown snarl. Chache didn't even blink at the magic boiling between himself and the Princess of Friendship. She breathed sharply through her nose, swallowing the rage ready to spill out. “You will never call me ‘Sparkles’ ever again Marshal. You will conduct your investigation to the letter I've read all there to know about you ‘Moonlite Rangers’ . I will not tolerate cowboy antics in law keeping, barbaric means of interrogation, or flagrant disregard for common human decency. This is my town, and you will remember that every day you put on the badge. Your appeal for a trace is denied, Spike please show him out.”  Chache shoved off her desk storming away, the Drake quickly following after him. He muttered a series of profanities as Spike guided him through the labyrinth of a manor.  “If it's any consolation…” Spike nervously said, trying to lighten the mood. “Flam had it coming.” This brought Chache to a dead stop, his eyes narrowing, the young Drake quickly turned hands up. “I meant for trying to ya know…kill Applejack and what he did to the Elder tree…mostly Applejack she's practically family.” “So she's not upset that I shot him?” “Oh no she's plenty pissed about that, she'd have probably had him hanged or lectured him literally to death. But after due process, a  lengthy trial, all that.” Spike scratched at the scales on the underside of his jaw looking up to the ceiling. “Don't think calling her Sparkles helped you much either.” He muttered, shrugging his shoulders weakly. Chache let out a tired sign, hands on his hips, and gaze towards the view of Ponyville. “Ever heard of someone named Soble?” He asked suddenly. Thrown by the sudden change of subject Spike it took a moment for him to collect his thoughts. “I can't say I have no. Someone you know here?” The Marshal barked out a dark chuckle that made Spike feel more than on edge.  “You could say that, heard they maybe passed through here sometimes back that's all. Mind showing me the door kid kinda have pressing policing to do lest Sparkles pitches a fit.” That'd been a week prior, every attempt to communicate with Flim was met with weighted silence. He hadn't asked for a lawyer, not a soul had come to visit him. Well save the several enraged ranchers whose livestock had been killed. More than few had shown up in the passing days demanding recompense. Given that everyone who was someone knew that neither Flim or Flam had a nickel to spare between them… Chache made sure the station was manned at all hours of the day. “Still not a word?”  Sheriff Shako handed him a cup of black coffee which he took gratefully. The Marshal took a sip ,wincing at just how terrible it was . Then took another, finding it slightly less unpleasant. Shako grinned as he struggled through the drink. “Not a peep- Moon above that's awful- any leads elsewhere?” The brothers frequently passed through town often for one scheme or another. Plenty of people had seen them around which wasnt exactly helpful. Most did their best not to associate with the known miscreants.  “Rumors mostly: some kids say they saw them poking around the graveyard before the water went bad. An elderly couple swears they saw them at the Carrot  Bakery but everyone always visits there and then-” “The Carrot Bakery? Why? I saw it the other day and it didn't seem like much.” “Pinkie Pie works there for one, the Element of Laughter. The Cake family owns the place  she runs it and makes the best fritters on the planet. Like literally we had aliens here once just because they wanted to try them.” Chache stared at her owlishly, his expression bordering on disbelief and being annoyed. Shako coughed pulling out her notebook scanning through everything she'd come up with. Which amounted to a heaping amount of nothing, besides what they already knew. Flam had been the brains whatever plans they had died with him. Flim was just the sorry sap left to take the blame. Chache ran a hand through his hair taking aong sip of the coffee. “Shit.” He muttered, setting it down with a grimace. The overhead clock showed it well into the evening with the sun starting to dip into the horizon.  “Alright look, tomorrow I want you to find all the homeless in the area.” “Homeless, sir what's that have to-” “Everyone says they've been in town for a couple days right? But not a penny between them. They had a car right? Well where's the car and in addition to that where we're they sleeping?” He went over to the front door grabbing his hat, a dusty leather piece that'd honestly seen better days. Shako was rapidly taking notes bobbing her head up and down in rapt attention. “So if we find the car…” “Maybe we will find out what these kids were up to. Let's face it, that magic was well beyond either of them. Someone powerful was pulling their string and I want to find out who.” With a nod towards Willow who had been somewhat dozing in a corner but sat up quickly as he started to move.  “You're on first watch.Now I've got business to attend to. I'll see you both in the morning.” Chache put on his hat and ducked out of the station with that. Willow let out a cheeky whistle, arms crossing around Shakos waist. “I've got business to attend to.” She mimicked his gruff tone rather well earning an amused giggle from the Sheriff. “More like a certain shy pegasie got our boss wrapped around her dainty little finger tips.” Speaking of finger tips… Shako took in a sharp breath as Willow's hands descended further south, rubbing up and down the sheriff's crotch.  “Will-ah-ooow” She gasped, eyes fluttering at the menstruation. The deputy let out a tittering laugh stopping suddenly, Shako turned around sharply, face flushed. Willow had hopped onto her desk, legs spread hands on her thighs.  “Later tonight…I got some business you can attend to.” Once again mimicking the Marshal's voice. Shako pouted, having been reved up at just the simple foreplay. “Your such a tease.” “Would you have it any other way?” Shako response was to throw herself at Willow knocking everything off her desk, mashing thier lips together in a desperate make out session. — Fluttershy was walking on air figuratively speaking. Her wings flared she danced around the kitchen humming a catchy toon. Around her various woodland creatures, household pets and a mildly irritable bunny rabbit ate from hanging food trays or bowls. Most were on the mend in some way or another, others just wandered in time to time.  She was kind to all both big and small. Rarity watched the scene with mild nterest , not every you got to see a Il tempered honey badger practically jump for joy. The presence of less appealing rats and mice she could have lived without.  “You'd make a killing in show business Shy.” She often said to the woman's embarrassment. Rarity could think of a hundred things Fluttershy was great at all of which revolved around actual people. Natural beauty aside, something she was painfully aware of , the Pegosian could appease anyone be they god or demon with but a soothing word and gentle caring touch. Rarity sighed inwardly twiddling with a long lock of her hair. Bravery was something the woman had lacked in spades. It'd taken her years to work up the courage to say more than a passing word in the Fashionista's presence. Just how many adventures had they had since? When the cocoon of fear opened and the beautiful courageous butterfly spread its wings. This made her smile. Reminiscing of their relationship was not why she was here. No not in the slightest. The only reason why she was here today was because… “I take it…you find it to your liking?” Rarity propped herself up a grin on her face as Fluttershy spun around the various critters. She wore a pink apron adorned with flowers, beneath it a faded green sweater that hugged her busty form pleasently and a pair of blue jeans that fit her hips just right. Had Rarity any desire for females outside of fashion she’d have put a ring on that woman's finger long ago.  Maybe a baby. Three at most. None of the outer clothing was of her design. What lay beneath however well… “It's like I'm wearing nothing at all!” Cheered Fluttershy jumping up and down her bust hardly moving in the slightest every time her feet left the floor. Of all her works perhaps the most difficult was designing a bra for the ridiculously busty Pegosian. While by no means lacking herself in the breasts department she might as well have apples attached to her chest compared to the melons perched ripe to the other woman. Normal underwear was out of the question, so it'd been her solemn duty to craft something befitting the ballad worthy orbs. Spider silk from the rare eastern Persian Gravity Spider, down feathers of a Dolden Snow Griffin, and mythril forged in the fires of the Dragons Mountain hold. It was a brazier fit for god's. And of course it came in black. Such a thing had taken all her skill as a tailor, blood sweat, mountains of money. Had Fluttershy  been told the cost she would have fainted at the sum. Generosity was her element after all it was a gift for a lifetime of friendship. That was repayment enough. “I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll find it to their liking…”  Fluttershy missed a step stumbling over a gopher, who chirped angrily only to growled at by the small yet still intimidating Timber Wolf pup sitting on its haunches beside Rarity. She chuckled watching the woman's face turn an bright crimson. “Y-you d-dont say.”  “How have things been between you two? Been along while since I've seen you so…” Rarity gestured to the imaginary golden glow surrounding Fluttershy giving off the aura of sweet satisfaction.  “Oh you know, steady. Work keeps him busy during the day so finding time is difficult but we're making do. And He's still settling upstair-”  Rarity let out a low whistle crossing one legs over the other thurley invested as Fluttershy slapped a hand to her mouth. “So he’s living here now? My my Fluttershy  I didnt think you had it in you. Next your gonna tell me you have a wedding date already planned out…” The Element of Kindness turned her back arms crossed over one another refusing to meet her eyes. “N-n-no I do not.” she lied so obviously it  nearly made her burst out in laughter. “Uh hu all the same, wedding season is coming up…your more than welcome to come model for me.”  While she couldn't very well read her friend's mind she had the distinct impression there was bells going off inside, flowers raining above her head, vows being spoken. “I-i will think about it.” Rarity could could kiss that Moonlite Ranger, she’d trying for years to get Fluttershy to model for her. Always being flatly denied the poor woman to embarrassed by her own figure to even give it a second thought. A hundred different designs flashed through her mind inspiration taking off like a rocket. There was a distinct rattling of a door knob from the hallway leading to the front door. Several of the animals eat heads shot up ears high and alert. The wolf jumped to it feet skittering across the tile at dead run positively shaking with excitement. Chache let out a yelp as he was jumped on, his face being covered in slobber. Holding onto the pup he half stumbled into the kitchen. The Marshal smiled awkwardly trying to put it down despite it's clear intent on being held. Fluttershy let out a tittering laugh grabbing the pups waist and setting it to the floor. Rarity watched most amused as she cleaned his face of drool with a hand towel, the fusing was like watching a already married couple which she was sure was still very much on Fluttershys mind. The fashionista stood brushing off the wrinkles in her black skirt and picked up her handbag.  “Well, it's been an absolutely lovely time dearest but I must be off. Don’t forget what we talked about now.” She navigated expertly around the various animals littering the floor. Pausing just beside Chache who blinked as she grabbed the collar of his shirt turning pulling him away from Fluttershy. Her head cocked she gave him a once over , eyes criticaly taking in his form. “Id say a burgundy: silk lined, tapered two buttons hmm no tie. Sound about right to you?” She never looked directly at Fluttershy but by the open mouth and blinking shocked eyes Rarity's assessment had been spot on. With a nod and a wave she left them both speechless a smug grin plastered on her face. “What did I miss? I feel like I missed something.” Chache asked recovering first, Fluttershy swallowed wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. She hummed as he bent over and lifted her to sit on the counter. “My-day-was-fine-by-the-way.” He managed with a chuckle as dug her fingers into his scalp. Her legs locked around his waist talking the last thing she had in mind right now. Many of the animals eyed the increasing lust with weary interest some took it as an opportunity to make their exit. Fluttershy was trying to do everything on her power to not beg him to rip her clothes off. She had to maintain what little self control that existed in the fantasy that had formed.  Wedding bells rung. She gasped as a hand undid her pants rough fingers slipping under panties giving digging into waiting folds. It'd be in the spring, maybe early fall but preferably spring. When the leaves were still green.  Her hips rolled, all to eagerly matching his pace. She wanted him inside her now pounding her insides till her legs went numb. The venue would be in the Apple orchard all her friends would be there, family, the whole damn town. She'd wear whatever Rarity deemed fit for such an an occasion though she'd had to tailor it in the last months due to  the swelling curve of he- Fluttershy buried her face into the cleft of his neck panting as her whole body was rocked with an numbing orgasm. Chache smirked as the younger woman clung to him like her life depended on it. If he had any idea with the thoughts going through her head he made no show of it. “You good?” “B-better now.” she whimpered as the hand that had stirred her insides gently cupped her cheek. He lifted her head up giving  a quick peck on the lips his grey eyes twinkling. “Your adorable when you lie.”  She weakly slapped his chest as he carefully picked her up again. Fluttershy wobbled on unsteady feet as she  buttoned her pants up . The fantasy was still fresh in mind causing a tremble in her fingers. It was to soon to think about such things. Chache edged around the animals still present the wolf at his heels heading to the fridge. “How bout I make dinner tonight eh? I'm starting to actually like that tofu stuff, question though can it be deep fried? I'm thinking spaghetti with tofu balls but not entirely sure how'd they stick together.” Fluttershy bobbed her head tamping down the urge to supercied any sort of common sense to take things slow.  One day. One-if she didn't give in the primal urge to rut this man raw from sun up to down- day maybe that fantasy would be a reality. Now she would have to be content on taking things slow less they end up like… The memory brought an urge to vomit to her throat. She buried it deep, refused to ever think of that terrible time ever again. Now was more important then the past.  – Six hours later… Willow yawned spinning around in her swivel chair. It was getting close to midnight only so much coffee could keep her up so long. She was getting increaingly bored with this guard detail. The ranchers had left awhile ago sure they talk a big game but doubt after they'd actually try anything. Chache message had spread rather quickly through the county. None showed up armed , or raised a tone an octive above an inside voice. She huffed coming to a stop drumming her fingers on the arm rests. God's she wished something interesting woul- Click  The station door opened slowly, she sat up alarmed hand on her pistol. Shako peeked her head in slowly green eyes scanning the room till they met Willows. With a breathe of relief the deputy shook her head and stood as Shako stepped inside.  “Scared me half to death.” She said dryly as the sheriff approached her. Shako said nothing taking measured steps closing the distance between silent as wraith. Willow eyes bugged as she was pulled into a kiss being pushed against the back wall. Taking this in stride the deputy drapped her arms over Shakos shoulders. She grabbed Willows right thigh hiking her leg up aggressively. A warbling moan escaped her lips as Shako attacked her neck sinking sharp teeth into Willows throat. Her back arched as a heat filled her chest, eyes fluttering mind going hazy. Everything just slowed. Down. The world was vertigo, she was tired. So tired.  Warm. Content. And so…so..tire…… Willows eyes closed as she drifted to a dreamless sleep. – Nothing in the world is worse than the sound of an alarm going off in the middle of the night. In this case it was a dial up phone which was worse due to just how damn loud it was. Collectively Chache and Fluttershy groaned shifting against one another blindly reaching for the receiver. He managed to find it in the darkness not even daring to open his eyes. “What.” He grumbled as Fluttershy made herself comfortable against his chest.  There was a long silence as the person on the other end spoke rapidly. Her eyes flicked up as he shifted up right in a hurry. The blankets fell away as Chache scrambled out of bed muttering curses as he struggled to hold the phone and find his pants. “This doesn't get out understand. No press, no sirens, and so help me if Sparkles is there I'll have your head.” Chache growled slamming the receiver down causing her to flinch.  “Did something happen?” She whispered sitting up holding the blankets to her bare chest. He didn't answer immediately to much in a rush to get his clothes on. “It's nothing just a minor incident that requires my attention.” Chache explained finally after finding his boots in the pitch dark. The edge on his words was an easy tell of the lie. His hand found her cheek a wet kiss planted on her confused open lips. “I'll be back soon, promise.” – No sirens just like he said. Didn't stop the flashing lights of emergency vehicles surrounding the station. The sun was just leaking over the horizon by the time he’d arrived. Seeing the crowd forming around the responders didn't help his mood in the slightest. He had to wade through the gawking mass, those that recognised him threw a flurry of questions.  Chache answered none of them. Inside, he found a dozen or so fireman and paramedics most around Shako who was kneeling next to a drowsy Willow  a hand on the woman's shoulder. Raw fury burned in his core as he shoved past all of them. “You useless excuse of a fucking-” Chache roared his advance halted by a burly set of fireman . Willow looked up to him her eyes glassy and unfocused pupils wide as saucers. His rage fizzled at the sight ,Shako stood signaling them to back off.  “I found her like that.” She said words hollow, her brown eyes puffy from tears. A paramedic wrapped a foil blanket over the deputys shoulders helping her upright. Chache moved out of their way his hands clenched furious at himself. “Show me.” He whispered with baited breathe. – Flim hung from the ceiling like a pinata, his eyes bugged out of his skull ,tounge sticking out. He was held up by his pants one leg tied to the roof of his cell, the other around the dead mans throat. Two fireman lifted him as another took a pair of sheet to the stretched fabric holding him aloft. Shako couldn't look as they set his stiff body on a gurney to wheel away to the morgue. “Someone cut the fuel lines to the squad car. I was an hour late.” Hatred laced every word she spoke her whole body shook eyes squeezed shut. Chache never took his gaze away from Flim even as they left the station. His tempered had gotten the better of him a heavy weight bore down on his shoulders. “Go.” He said putting a hand on her back moving her towards the station door. Shako hesitated not understanding. The Marshal guided her towards the exit pointing the ambulance Willow was being loaded into. “She needs you.” His words were kinda, genuinely said. Shako ran to the vehicle and jumped in the back without a second thought.  The sun broke the horizon casting long shadows. Chache took a deep breathe filtering out the noise of the gathering townsfolk. Bout time he went and kicked a Princesses door in.