> Spike, The Shy Tooter > by SWikey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Spike's Stuffed Tush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike the dragon was having a nice stroll with his girlfriend, Smolder. Or at least, as nice a stroll as they could have while traversing The Dragon Lands. The two had been dating for about a year, and they were just visiting Smolder’s family to celebrate Spike’s 19th Birthday. It was a little more chaotic than Spike’s birthday parties usually were, which is saying something considering how crazy Pinkie Pie’s parties got in Ponyville. Regardless, Spike enjoyed the family dinner, even if it included more playful insults than he was used to. Granted, Spike’s build over the years had grown more feminine than most. His hips were wide, his thighs were only slightly slimmer than when he was younger, and his upper body didn’t look like it had an ounce of muscle on it. Even Spike’s wings weren’t bigger than Smolder’s, let alone Garble. Spike’s outfit didn’t help with his feminine look either. He wore black short shorts that really hugged his big butt, as well as a white tank top that just barely hung off his thin shoulders. He also sported some pink panties with white polka-dots which thankfully wasn’t seen by Smolder’s parents. Spike’s provocative outfit did yield the desired result of catching Garble’s attention, and the red dragon rewarded the younger twink by pounding Spike’s ass while Smolder watched. The two were in an open relationship, or at least open to the point where Smolder enjoys watching Spike getting his tushie humped. Not that Spike minded, since he is pansexual and had a crush on Garble.  “So, how was it finally getting fucked by my brother?” Smolder asked with a smirk. She always took a perverse pleasure in making Spike blush with her…naughty words.  “Can you please not call it that?” Spike asked, bashfully. “What else am I supposed to call it?” Smolder asked. “Hmm…tush stuffing!” Spike answered.  “Tush stuffing? Yeah, no. I’m gonna keep saying you got FUCKED!” Smolder responded. “Keep your voice down!” Spike said in a quiet scream. When he saw that no one was around, he answered Smolder’s original question.. “It was good…I like how it made my tummy feel all warm inside.”  “Hehe, I bet. You always want to sleep with a tummy full of warm cum.” Smolder snickered at Spike’s red face before she moved onto a statement that was certain to make him even more embarrassed. “You fart a lot in your sleep after you get fucked, too.” “WHAT!?” Spike screamed. “I don’t f…toot!”  “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Spike. Every creature farts.” Smolder said, matter-of-factly. “I keep telling you to fart in public. I think it would do wonders for your self-esteem.” “Ha! Fat chance! No pony is ever gonna catch me doing something so private out in the open.” Spike said, but then he stopped walking and squeezed his thighs together involuntarily. “Ngh, speaking of privacy…I really gotta tinkle.” “Oh brother, just say piss!” Smolder said. Now that Spike was 19, she felt he was more than old enough to use mature language,  “Whatever, just stay here while I go behind those rocks.” Spike said before he sprinted behind nearby stalagmites. When the coast was clear, Spike quicking unbuttoned his shorts and let them drop to his ankles, before grabbing the waistband of his panties and shimmied them down to join his shorts. In the same motion, Spike squatted in a girly fashion, making sure his penis was pointed straight down before a stream of urine trickled from his tip. Spike sighed in a relief that was short lived since he soon heard the squeak of gas escaping his exposed hole. The drake blushed slightly and covered his nose to protect it from the smell he just released. That toot was dryer then Spike expected, given the fresh semen that still resided in his backdoor, but at least Smolder wasn't here to-. “You still squat to piss?” Smolder chuckled. Spike turned to see her standing right next to him. “SMOLDER! What are you-?” Spike stammered out before his girlfriend cut off his thoughts again.  “Hey, when ya gotta go.” With that, Smolder lifted up her skirt with one hand, pulled down her white panties with the other, and used her thumbs and pointers to open up her pussy lips before she began pissing while standing up.  “Aren’t you gonna squat?” Spike asked, though he was still in shock over how brazen Smolder was.  “Eh, maybe I could use a squat.” Solder said. After her stream died down, she pulled her panties the rest of the way down and began shitting right next to Spike like it was no big deal. “Ahh, that's better.” Spike froze at that moment. His own stream slowed to a crawl thanks to him being a shy tinkler. All he could do was stay still and listen to his girlfriend let out the most disgusting poop sounds. Thank goodness his hand was already covering his nose. “Hey, you know what would be fun?” Smolder asked, as she finished shitting. “If you pissed all over my turds!” “I dunno, Smolder.” Spike managed to squeak out. “Oh come on, it'll be fun!” Smolder then grabbed Spike’s hand that was covering his nose and pulled him up until they were both standing.  Smolder then stood behind Spike and guided the hand that was on his junk until his piss stream was dripping on her turds in a more steady stream. As much as Spike wanted to deny it, Smolder could see his cock stiffening in enjoyment. As soon as Spike was aiming the stream himself, Smolder lowered herself until he was eye-level with Spike’s exposed ass. She then parted his big butt cheeks and dove her snout right where the sun doesn’t shine. She only got a few licks of Spike’s tasty asshole, before the drake jolted in surprise and farted a glob of Garble’s cum directly into her mouth. Smolder reared her head back in shock just in time to see a turd slip out of Spike’s hole and plop on the ground. Spike turned around and immediately began apologizing, but Smolder simply held up her hand and loudly gulped her brother's load. “Well, that's one way to get me to swallow.” Smolder said with a wicked grin. She got what she wanted. Spike finally farted in front of someone.