Butterflies and Draconequuses

by Illusive Shadow

First published

A private time between Discord and his marefriend Fluttershy.

A story that shows the blossoming romance between Discord and Fluttersny. Both have a lot to learn from one another and both have no idea what will happen next.

How things change

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Discord had never been as nervous as today in his life. Sure, they had been friends for years but never like this. He still couldn't even believe he had actually done it, what was he thinking? Asking Fluttershy out on a date had been pure insanity, chaos far beyond even the scope of his real.

And yet she had said yes. Yes? He remembered asking in sheer shock. Now here he was rushing around making sure the cleaning was finished. Not that his place needed cleaning, it was more of an excuse to distract himself from the realization this was truly it, their first night together while dating.

There was a sudden buzz at the door, a hoot at the moon, a pony at his door.

"Just a minute!" He yelled straightening his bow.

He opened the door to be blinded by the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Fluttersny stood in the doorway, her hellow form blended with the golden dress, her pink mane flowing down it like a stream of cotton candy.

"Fluttershy?" Discord asked in shock.

"I hope it isn't too much, I just thought since it's our first date, why not go all out rigjt?" Fluttershy smiled up at him

No, you look just stunning, I just wasn't expecting you to, I mean you're always stunning but now-." Fluttershy pressed a hoof to his mouth.

"You look stunning as always too, Discord." Fluttershy said stepping past him and into his abode.

"I hope you don't mind I decided to try cooking a meal that was a mixture of Equestrian and Chaos." Discord said hoping he fit in enough of her favourites plus some new ones.

"A full meal?" Fluttershy sniffed the chaotic spices and aromas. "Discord, you didn't have to, I would have settled for tea and hayburgers."

Now now, nothing is too good for my Fluttershy." Discord said hoping that remained true.

The pair of them sat down and ate like they had over the course of many years as friends. Truthfully it all wasn't that different. Tney laughed, reminisced and even complimented one another.

"So, how about some horror movies tonight?" Discord asked nervously.

"Oh of course, I hope you don't mind if we pass on the dancing popcorn though, it's a bit disturbing." Fluttershy said remembering how tbey devotedly jumped into her mouth.

"Yes, I suppose it does seem a bit far." Discord was forced to admit.

"Oh but I do love the floating self serving glasses." Fluttershy said with a wide grin.

The movie Discord chose was one of his favourites, House on Haunted Pony Hill. It was about a group of ponies that get invited to a haunted house and have to survive the night. The effects were outdated but Discord could not help but admire earth ponies' attempts to mimic magic with things like puppets and other such effects.

"So, Prance knew all along and went through all that?" Fluttershy asked at the end.

"Well it does seem a bit convoluted, but it seemed like it was semi self defence." Discord could not figure out how tbey got the rope and the floating mare to work though.

"So um..." Fluttershy mumbled. "Do you want to um..."

"What?" Discord was willing to do anything for Fluttershy.

"You know... Kiss me?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh well." Discord's heart pounded so loudly it literally began to burst from his chest. "Sorry, has a mind of its own sometimes."

"It's okay if you don't want to, I just thought since you went through all this trouble for me, and I really enjoyed everytning you did." Fluttershy had done much to become more confident but hormones made it difficult to be brave.

Discord fought through the fear and leaned in close. He watched as Fluttershy closed her eyes and he leaned in and pressed his mouth up against hers. Her mouth was every bit as moist as his was or so he noticed as they embraced. Discord could hardly believe the sensation of just having her warm breaths exchanging with his. His heart almost truly froze as he felt something truly different, Fluttershy's warm tongue sliding over his own.

Discord pulled away, his heart racing, he had found it too hard to breathe. Fluttershy also pulled away quickly wiping away a bit of spit drooling from her mouth as she tried to catch her own breath.

"Sorry if I went too far...." Fluttershy said placing her hooves between her legs nervously.

"No, Fluttershy." Discord struggled to find the words. "You're just so beautiful, I cannot even begin to find the words to describe this moment, I just don't know what to do."

"Well um..." Fluttershy tiltered her head down. "If you want you can kiss me as much as you want."

Discord didn't need another invitation and pushed himself over to her. Fluttershy positioned herself appropriately and lay on her back. Discord quickly found his mouth back where it was before locked with hers, this time with more confidence and more balanced breathing, pacing the breaths through his nostrils more carefully.

He could feel her smaller tongue exploring his mouth just as much as his own found amazement in exploring the narrower space that existed in hers. Without thinking his fingers began to slide up and down her smooth hind hooves. He had never guessed Fluttershy's body could feel this way, every inch of her was pure stimulation to his senses.

"Discord..." Fluttershy pulled away for a moment.

"Yes?" Discord let out slightly more squeakier than usual.

"I just wanted to say, you can rub my back if you want to." Her eyes glistened up into his.

Discord continued to kiss her as nis fingers slid up over her golden dress and up along her long hair. And then he put his hand down the collar of her dress, not too forcefully as he had no intention of breaking such a beautiful dress.
His fingers caressed down her back, every bit of her frame was as smooth as he had fantasized for so long.

Fluttershy let out a small moan at his touch and moved her hooves to rub his chest. "Discord..."

"Fluttershy..." Discord could not help but nibble at her neck causing her to shake.

Fluttershy's face turned bright red as she blushed from tbe reaction. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting that."

"Discord ignored her unnecessary apologies and found himself again rubbing bis fingers up along Fluttershy's hind hooves.

"Discord, if you would like... You can help me take my dress off." Fluttershy offered with her face now permanently reddened and her cheeks swelling.

Discord found no reason to object as the dress slid up her smooth pristine form and went up right over her head exposing her entire body to his hungry eyes. He had never expected to have such a beautiful mare gazing up at him with lustful loving eyes.

"Flutterhy..." He simply could not get enough of his mouth being connected to hers.

Only now it was going further than he had expected. Fluttershy was pulling him closer onto her, wrapping her hind hooves around his waist in such a way he could no longer pull away even if he wanted to. He knew that it was only a matter of time before...

He felt it, as his pelvic region finally touched hers, at first it was an innocent light touch, but down there he had already begun to feel once again the effects the elements of harmony had had on him. Only this was different, there was a pressure now pushing back, it was Fluttershy's pelvic region pressed against his. At first he presumed it was his imagination but the longer they made out, the more Fluttershy seemed to be purposefully pressing her groin up against his, like a desperate hungry creature trying to claim a precious meal.

Discord in his nervous state considered ending it there before things could go any further. What was he doing to his poor beautiful Fluttershy?

"Discord... Fluttershy whimpered.

Yes...Fluttershy?" Discord barely managed to get out.

"You feel nice..." She said continuing to grind herself against him.

"So... Do you." Discord began to feel it, the pleasure telling him what he needed to do so desperately.

He finally felt it, Fluttershy's moan confimed it. The moistened opening, moving ever closer into proper position. He was scared but oh so excited. His body had also done its own work in becoming moist and as it finally began sliding up against her smooth wettened opening he could not help but let out a groan.

"Discord... Don't stop" Fluttershy pleaded as he continued grinding up against her pink flower.

Her hind hooves tightened around him more as he finally gave in. Her juices now flowing profusely across his pelvic region. Jer sweet moans of ectasy truly the greatest chorus he had ever heard. Fluttershy squeezed her eyes closed and continued to moan at having the male creature of her dreams atop her, her body telling her she wanted more and that she never wanted to be away from his grasp again.

"Discord... I'm going to..." She couldn't quite find the courage to say it but Discord knew exactly what she meant and cherished every final moment.

"Me too..." In reality he had been trying to hold out as long as he could.

Fluttershy let out the loudest moan she had ever done and wrappped all four of her hooves, digging them deep into Discord's body. A bit painful but every bit worth it as he finally felt his body release, so much 9f himself releasing all over Fluttershy's yellow fur.

The two kissed deeply and passionately.

"I love you, Discord." Fluttershy said looking up into his Draconequus eyes.

"I love you too, my dear sweet Fluttershy."

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