A Perfect Little Worst-Case Scenario

by Postmodern

First published

What do you get the alicorn who has everything? Nothing — she takes what she wants. Celestia has become a holy symbol to trillions, but after some strange happenings one tumultuous morning, she calls forth an old companion to work out the truth.

Celestia has won.

She rules over entire star systems with an iron hoof, having become a living deity after thousands of years of strife. There is no one alive with the power or the will to resist her...she has seen to that.

Of course, like most despots, Celestia enjoys the mentally enslaved fruits of her labors. Her sexual appetite has twisted New Canterlot into a strange version of itself, with a new Goddess as its moral compass and a population that would do anything for its Holy Mistress.

During one intense morning session, however, Celestia rediscovers a strangely familiar part of her own emotional foundation. With the help of a trusted friend, she re-considers the ramifications of conquest...one bloated womb at a time.

Tags: futa, size, knotting, womb fucking, mindbreak, oral, cum, squirting
Derpi: 3356979

Chapter 1

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The first thing the Crowned Sun heard was a slow, sultry bolero, rendered in immaculate brass and strings by the galaxy’s greatest living musicians and containing so much passion in each torrid note a pony might orgasm to hear it. She hummed along with the familiar song, letting the music gently coax her to full wakefulness. Celestia couldn’t remember the words, but they were probably about herself.

She yawned as the tall penthouse windows gradually turned transparent, letting in just enough natural morning light from the capital system’s twin suns to give her eyes enough time to adjust without strain. Of course, as a goddess, she was unaffected by such mortal weaknesses…but it showed the designers were consciously thinking about her divine comfort, so she said nothing further.

Then again…what else would they possibly think about?

As always, she was not alone in the large, overstuffed bed that took up a full fourth of her enormous bedroom. Three others were scattered among the fluffy pink blankets, still asleep in various states of ruination. One yellow pony was head-down and ass-up, with strings of white still dripping from a twitching, horribly stretched out tail hole. Another pale pony was on her back, legs splayed, with an enormous plug of drying semen taking up every millimeter of space in her wrenched-open cunt. And a third, cobalt-blue, was half off the side of the bed, her upside-down face entirely covered by a thick mask of white. The overflow of her stomach covered the fine tile below with her Goddess’s holy gift.

Such gifts had been given freely, judging by the rest of the room. Splotches of semen decorated the walls, and puddles covered the pristine floor. Over it all was the musky smell of wild sex, and the Goddess inhaled deeply, sighing as she enjoyed the aroma.

Why would anyone live any other way?

Celestia grunted, becoming aware of a warm, wet sensation between her snowy thighs. A lumpy shape was rooting around her crotch under the covers, and she let it go for a while, enjoying the feeling as the music began to rise to its climax.

An unusual flash of curiosity made the Goddess draw the blanket from her mysterious lover as her hips began to roll. A small, orange mare lay there on her stomach, staring up at Celestia, her throat bulging with mottled horse cock. She had already swallowed at least two feet of thick meat, though she was struggling with the final third, to say nothing of the large, reddened knot at the base.

Sluts tended to have such problems the first time they worshipped Celestia’s immaculate cock, though it was a problem easily solved. It just took a bit of extra persuasion.

The Goddess’ massive nuts clenched, ready to deliver the first load of the day. Obeying her body’s needs, Celestia gripped the sunset pony’s head with both hooves. She began to pull, and the mare glurked around the thick slab of meat, though her eyes held nothing but devotion as they stared up at the living deity currently using her body as a jizz sock. Slowly…slowly, her lips engulfed the rest of Celestia’s monstrous prick, spittle bubbling down the thick shaft, and though she writhed and convulsed, a gush of marecome soaked the bed under her cunt. The touch of the Goddess brought only pleasure, it was said, and thus far the common saying was proving true.

A frothy mixture of throat slime and precome made a mess of Celestia’s loins, but the slippery juices only enhanced the ancient alicorn’s pleasure as every ridge and vein of her cock received exceptional treatment. Soon, the determined pony’s snout met the fat knob of Celestia’s knot, and though at times the Goddess might have enjoyed a more intensive session as she forced her slut’s maw around the bulb of her pride, she was far too needy for such games at the moment. She drew a good half of herself free from the pony’s gullet, moaning at the involuntary spasms and the sticky, squishy sounds, but her latest cock holster barely had time to take a breath before Celestia plunged back in, faster.

Then the Crowned Sun was properly throat-fucking, her face a mask of single-minded concentration as she used the pony’s mouth with brutal efficiency. Splashes of cream flew with every impact of her lover’s lips upon her knot, and the rapid gluk-gluk-gluk sound merged with the rising crescendo of the music until, with a lusty groan, her balls began to rise, pumping her morning load down the fleshy pipe and into her subject’s stomach with a series of audible spurts.

Celestia held the pony’s maw fast around her throbbing cock while she came, insistent on draining every drop in her nuts deep within her lover. The orgasm lasted a long time, and at first, the pony below simply stared up in adoration as she took everything she was given, swallowing on instinct despite her Goddess’ come being deposited directly into her belly.

This morning, however, Celestia was particularly generous with her gift. One minute became two…then three…then the luckless orange mare’s pallor darkened into purple, and one hoof began to swat fruitlessly against the alicorn’s thigh in a desperate fight for air. The cutie mark on the Goddess’ muscular haunch — a bright sun encircled with a crown of steel — seemed to mock the pony’s futile efforts as Celestia watched her slut’s belly grow rounder and fatter with each liquid pulse.

Eventually, the sex-wracked body could hold no more. With a terrible splattering noise, Celestia’s prodigious spending erupted from the mare’s anus, drenching the foot of the bed — and another pony behind her — with scalding seed. Still, Celestia came, and though she had effectively bored a hole into her living jizz rag, the pony still struggled mightily for breath, forgetting her place at last in the fight for life.

The bolero gradually faded into silence along with Celestia’s mighty orgasm, yet the alicorn made no move to disengage, letting her fat cock sit for a while in that welcoming heat. She was strangely fascinated by her slut’s desperate efforts to keep from choking to death, so different from the normal behavior of every pony in her vast realm. It seemed that even the most devoted of her children were helpless against the ancient urges of self-preservation.

Celestia didn’t know if this was a good or bad thing. She’d never actually asked herself the question. She supposed this meant her plans were proceeding apace…but there were still many uncertainties.

The Goddess Celestia hated uncertainty.

Mulling over such thoughts, it took her a while to realize that the slut wrapped around her fat cock had stopped moving, her eyes rolled back into her skull. Briefly, Celestia thought about leaving the mare to her fate. It certainly wouldn’t have been the first time her whims had led to such a result…or the hundredth. Yet, such an act would create a type of mess she was in no mood to deal with. Especially not this morning.

“Mmm…your service has not yet ended, little pony.” Celestia began to extract herself, freeing inch after glistening inch of spit-shined horsecock from the slut’s tight throat. A fresh deluge of come fell from the pony’s slack lips in the process, soaking the bedsheets further. The warm, squishy feel of her own essence under her wide ass was not entirely unpleasant, Celestia decided.

When the Goddess finally popped her wide flare loose, sending a last line of cream flying across her bedroom, the pony’s eyelids fluttered, and she began to shudder and gasp. She then let out a hacking cough as her body tried to draw in precious air while at the same time voiding Celestia’s unreasonably huge load…a difficult task, at best. The Goddess waited patiently for the mare to recover.

At times like these, Celestia wished she could still use magic to make such dalliances a bit more interesting. The spiral horn upon her brow, once gleaming with power but now a blackened, dense ingot of inert metal, was a constant reminder of what she’d lost in her bid for ultimate power, and the weight of it had been particularly noticeable of late. She would have cut it off if she could, but such a thing was beyond even her own vast strength. Her divinity was inviolable…even to herself.


Celestia looked down at the slut between her legs. Still gasping for breath, she couldn’t keep herself from nuzzling and stroking the three feet of thick horse flesh now draped over one shoulder, drooling cream from the wide tip over her lower back. One instinct had been served, only for another to take its place. Ponies were such simple creatures.

“Thank you…Holy Mistress.” The mare’s watery eyes were filled with reverence, as if everything inside her had been emptied and replaced with a whirling concoction of agape and eros. “This one hopes she served well.”

Well enough. Celestia gave the tiniest nod of grace.

The pony’s eyes went wide, and she moaned as she came, squirting a creamy mixture of juices upon the now sodden mattress. Celestia always found such reactions to her praise immensely satisfying, and why shouldn’t she? Was divine worship not the highest form of love?

Celestia untangled herself from her still trembling come catcher and rose from the bed, her hooves carefully avoiding errant puddles upon the beautiful tile of her bedroom floor. She gave a lusty, catlike stretch, her back curving into a gentle arch as she wondered what was for breakfast. Nights like the last one always made her ravenous afterward.

She idly strode to the wide, tall windows, not bothering to hide her throbbing, still hard cock. The cloud cover was sparse today, so she could easily peer down at her subjects, even from the top of the tallest structure on the planet.

It was early, yet preparations for the week’s celebrations were already well underway. With her superior vision, Celestia could make out some ponies decorating the wide streets with rainbow-colored flowers, while others groomed the immaculate gardens surrounding the towering superstructure that was her sanctum. Icons of her own holy visage were visible from the facade of every household, and sweet scents of incense rose from the traditional offerings of the older ponies.

The Crowning of Happiness, they called it. The ultimate conquest. Complete and total domination over every sentient race as far as Goddess Celestia’s mighty wings could reach, it had been a crusade thousands of years in the making, touching even the stars themselves. And now, eons hence, that fateful day of victory was being celebrated in a particularly appropriate way.

Celestia gazed across the verdant courtyard, larger than some cities, at the only structure rivaling her own tower in size. They were just putting the finishing touches on the monument, and though the official unveiling would be that evening, its construction had already been a part of her ponies’ lives for years. It was almost strange to see it finished, but Celestia felt nothing but pride as she considered this perfect testament to her own greatness.

She vividly remembered the solemn ceremony of the casting. It had felt very good, like fucking wet plaster, and she’d orgasmed long and hard during the process — an auspicious sign, the officials had said. That first historic mold was now housed in the silvery, shining right testicle, a space as big as a warehouse, along with many other relics of centuries’ past. The equally-sized left nut contained space for prayer and orgies, and it was always in use. Celestia’s gospel venerated sexual promiscuity, and her children were nothing if not pious.

The enormous knot above, cast in a deep red metal and encrusted with precious gems, was an empty chamber, kept so as a symbol of the sacrifices made during Celestia’s terrible wars of subjugation. The beautifully rendered model of her cock towered into the stratosphere from there, gleaming with metals and stones from all across the galaxy. Veins the size of highways crawled over the surface, and the flat tip at the top could hold hundreds for special events.

The central fountain was particularly popular.

This structure was an absurd reminder to all under its shadow of the true driving force behind Celestia’s every action. Sometimes, the Goddess dreamed of having a cock that big, so she could mount the world in the ultimate expression of dominance. She always came during those dreams.

In any case, planet-fucking was unnecessary. Celestia’s rule was absolute. Perfect. She didn’t have to demand obedience, or cater to her subjects. She didn’t have to make them happy. The giant monument to her cock had not even been her idea. It was a spontaneous show of unconditional love, a symbol of her ponies’ mentality of worship at every moment of their lives.

She could see it in the eyes of each individual down there, toiling for their Goddess. It was in the very DNA of every mare, stallion and pony in the New Canterlot Kingdom, the result of breeding programs and genetic manipulation over millennia.

Her ponies were literally born to serve. Every single one was a descendant of the original Six Legends, her most faithful guard whose names were known by few in these latter days. Occasionally, Celestia dreamed about them, too…but those dreams were sad, and she always awoke with tears. She often wished she could remove such memories from her mind but, like her ruined horn, they were an essential part of her.

Celestia sighed. Now was not the time for morose thoughts. She heard a strange sound, and she realized her stomach was rumbling — a phenomenon she was very much unused to. Where was breakfast?

She turned back to her room, nodding at the immaculate cleanliness of the tile and walls, the made-up bed without a hint of moisture or stain, and the total absence of any cream-filled sluts. Her servants always did a perfect job tidying up after her…but never before she woke up and savored the aftermath of her nightly sport.

She liked to see the mess. She liked to see the bloated ruins of her sluts. But once she did, she wanted it all gone. And so it was.

The gilded door of the bedroom opened, and a small yet nicely bottom-heavy purple pony stepped through, pushing a cart laden with multiple plates covered by silver lids. The mingling aromas made Celestia pant like an animal. She almost licked her chops, but that would have been gauche.

The pony gave a slight curtsy, meeting her Goddess’ gaze with neither fear nor cringing obsequiousness. As usual, no horn graced her forehead, and no wings adorned her flanks. Those dangerous traits had been bred out of her children long ago. There would be no more alicorns except for herself and the Witch ever again, for the sake of the kingdom. Only the two of them could be entrusted with such power.

“Holy Mistress. This one has prepared your breakfast with her own hooves. Today’s meal consists of a delectable selection of-”

“Milk bread rolls, omelettes with whooping bird eggs and grazer steak filling, sour tomato and cheese stew, and mulled wine.” Celestia rattled off the dishes as she crossed the wide room. “The birds were fed with Telumian grain. The tomatoes were picked late in Bethel-9’s second season, at the height of their ripeness. I can smell the history of every ingredient, little pony. No need to tell me.”

A look of fanatical pride crossed the pony’s face. “Just so, Holy Mistress. Thank you for such a wonderful demonstration of your omniscience. I am unworthy of such an honor.”

“Yes, you are.” Celestia spoke without rancor as she brought the sweet red wine to her lips. Well…maybe a bit of rancor. It was always bothersome when ponies called her omni-anything. She never denied it, of course, but her godhood had not yet granted her such infinite power. Thankfully, that could change very soon…if her plans bore fruit.

The pony watched Celestia drink with an intense fascination. “By your leave, Holy Mistress, I shall set the dining room table for your-”

“Unnecessary,” Celestia said as she lifted the largest cover. Each of the two large omelettes within contained enough costly rarities to buy a seaside home, yet this pony would never dream of sneaking so much as a bite. “I’m famished. I shall sup right here.”

“Yes, Holy Mistress.” The pony bowed, and turned to leave.


The purple mare stopped short. Celestia circled around her, sniffing.

There. The alicorn found what she sought at the pony’s flanks. The twitching cunt looked tight and seldom-used, but cream dripped freely down her rear legs due to her proximity to the Goddess. Celestia had seldom seen a pony so ready to be mounted.

Even more impressive was that big, beautiful ass — almost cartoonishly plump on her small frame. Lately, Celestia had developed a preference for a thick set of haunches and a round, puffy anus. She wondered if this new fetish was due to the experiment. It was a welcome change to her mindset either way.

“The food’s not the only thing I can smell,” Celestia purred. She chuckled as the pony’s little pussy winked, and a tiny pulse of fluid spurted from that tempting crevice. The Goddess’ fat cock thumped against her barrel in response, as if it had a mind of its own, sensing an unfucked hole like a worm sensed moisture. “And I hunger for more than savory delicacies.”

Celestia grasped a hoof-full of the pony’s…no, the slut’s fat ass, letting the digit sink deep into yielding flesh. She spread the doughy cheeks wide, toying with her subject without a care as she caressed the mare’s asshole and tiny twat, slick with cream. Celestia probed the near virginal holes with interest, pleased to see they were as tight as she suspected.

The mare had not moved since her Goddess’s divine command, but Celestia could easily sense her body preparing for a fuck — the rise in heart rate, the rush of blood to the nethers, the heavy breathing. Above all, there was that feverish heat, like a blast furnace under her skin. The poor thing would probably start humping the furniture if she didn’t get relief in the next few minutes.

“How much cock have you taken?” It wasn’t a question Celestia usually cared to ask, but her newfound curiosity compelled her.

The slut turned her head to her mistress. She was red-faced, but otherwise keeping herself together well, all things considered. Managing the outward signs of sexual desire was a basic skill for anyone who directly served Celestia…even when one was boiling over inside. It was only proper, after all.

“This one does not know exactly, but I have had very few partners, relatively speaking. And never in my ass.” She paused, revealing the trepidation she was trying in vain to conceal. “I…have also never taken anyone nearly as…large as yourself, Holy Mistress.”

“Of course you haven’t.” Such a fact went without saying. Celestia stroked the monstrous tool in question, unable to keep herself from the mare’s inviting slit any longer.

“I’m going to destroy your cunt, little pony.”

This also went without saying, but she wanted the slut to hear it clearly.

Her words had the desired effect. The mare audibly gasped, and the trickle of mare come streaming from her pussy became a milky flood, staining the floor anew. She worked her hips up and down, clapping her thick buttocks against Celestia’s breeder in a shameless display of invitation.

“Thank you, Holy Mistress. Please mark my womb, and make me yours alone.” The hoarse, unmistakable lust in the slut’s voice almost made Celestia come on the spot.

With a feral growl, Celestia mounted her mare, bringing her great weight upon a back born to take the load. The slut’s thighs were forced wide as the tip of the Goddess’ fleshy spear broke open her tight lower lips, slowly stretching them apart as Celestia pressed forward with implacable force.

Wider, and wider still. The slut’s ass cheeks were spread to their limits around their invader as the resistance increased, but Celestia planted her rear legs and thrust with all her might…until at last, the big-bottomed mare screamed and the wide flare of the Goddess’ cock entered that tight channel with a wet squelch.

Whether the slut was wailing in agony or ecstasy was immaterial to Celestia. The only thing in the Goddess’ world was the vise-like tightness around the tip of her big prick. Celestia groaned in naked bliss as she took a hoof-full of steaming omelette from the tray next to her, ignoring niceties like plates or silverware as she stuffed her face with the succulent egg and meat.

The energizing food went straight to her libido, and she sank deeper into the trembling slut while swallowing milk bread rolls two at a time. Both types of hunger fed upon the other in a ravenous feedback loop as the mare cried out, singing praises to her Holy Mistress with every inch of horseflesh she took inside herself. There was no question of pain or pleasure anymore.

“That’s it, little pony. Scream my name as you take my cock. By the stars…such good, good pussy. So tight.” Half of Celestia’s holy prick was still un-sheathed outside the mare, and this was a sin that could not be countenanced. The Goddess began to slam-fuck her slut, her own wide ass clapping with every desperate thrust, and the outline of her fat cock became visible in the pony’s belly as the invader ravaged her insides.

The pony mewled and yowled like a beast as she came around Celestia’s pride, her higher faculties temporarily erased by the Goddess’ efforts. Celestia groaned as the fierce contractions drew her in deeper, while the outline in her slut’s belly became a prominent bump, moving in and out at a rapid pace.

“Oh…oh yes. Be impaled upon my glory and milk the gift from my great balls as you come! Ah, this…this pleasure! This hedonism! This love!” Celestia grasped the steaming bowl of tomato and cheese soup as she claimed her mare. She opened her fearsome jaws wide as she poured the scalding dish down her gullet, completely unaffected by the heat and uncaring of the splashes of red staining her snowy barrel.

Celestia tossed the empty bowl to the side as she bent over the pony, her lips dripping soup into the indigo-striped mane. “My compliments to the chef,” she growled, sensing that last inner chamber just beyond the head of her prick. “But my hunger is not yet sated.” She unfurled her long, prehensile tongue, lapping the tears and sweat from the wriggling slut around her cock. “I’m about to break you open, child. Steel yourself.”

Millenia ago, after the most depraved battles during her reign of terror (or liberation, depending upon one’s point of view), they had called her the Enemy. A demon in the shape of an alicorn. Her visage had been used to scare wayward children, and her large jaws and diamond-sharp teeth were still legend. History had done much to change popular perception — that, and a propaganda campaign spanning generations — but Celestia sometimes wondered how the freedom fighters of old who stood against her with such useless valor would react if they could see their future. Would they despair, seeing everything they fought for burned away in the fires of annihilation? Or would they fight harder, struggling against fate even as the inevitable closed in around them?

In the end, such hypotheticals mattered little. They, their families, and their entire civilizations had all become like the slut beneath Celestia now…bent over and taking cock, like good little ponies. Time was truly cruel to the vanquished.

But to the victors…to the victors, the spoils.

The mare yelped as Celestia’s bludgeon reached that secret place at last, touching the entrance to her womb with a lover’s kiss…again and again and again, slowly breaking down her fleshy doorway to admit a painful pleasure that only her Goddess could provide.

“There it is,” Celestia purred, switching from driving thrusts to a firm, insistent pressure. “Let me in, little pony. Give me your sacred chamber. Give me your womb. Let me anoint your holy temple!”

As the pressure mounted, the slut finally found her voice, shaking with emotion. “A-anoint me! Baptize me! Open me…force me to accept you! Holy Mistress…Holy f-fucking Mistress! Make my fuckhole yours!”

“I hear your prayers.”

They could both feel the cervix starting to give. Almost…another second…another moment…stretching…creaking…


“Now. Receive my blessing!”

There was a muffled snap. Celestia whipped her rainbow mane into a riotous frazzle as she roared in triumph, feeling the slut’s internal ring squeeze her massive flare like a second cunt. The mare began to babble, her mind obliterated…or perhaps, she was speaking in tongues. Ecstasy took many forms.

Celestia lay against the mare’s back, gently panting with exertion while her hoof crept underneath to gently stroke the length of cock forming a log-shaped bulge in the slut’s stomach. It was a feeling she never tired of.

“Well done,” Celestia murmured, searching for the alicorn-sized flagon of mulled wine on the tray with her other hoof, “but we’re not finished yet, little pony.” She raised the mare’s slack mouth and poured a generous serving of wine inside, massaging her throat to make sure she swallowed properly. It wouldn’t do to have her choke to death…not that way, at least.

The Goddess then reared up on her hind legs and quaffed the rest of the spiced drink, letting thick rivulets of red run down her chest to join the drying splatters of soup already there. Dropping the goblet, she gripped the slut’s generous ass with both hooves, feeling the pulse of her monstrous member play a duet with the slut’s heartbeat, creating a heated bolero all their own.

“There’s still some to go.” Celestia drew herself out of the mare’s womb, making her whimper with sudden loss. “I don’t always have my sluts take the knot, but I am in no mood to hold back. You’re going to take it today, little pony.” The Goddess touched the throbbing red mass. Just beyond, her balls were already pumping a steady drizzle of precome before the true load. She wouldn’t last much longer, and she had no desire to.

Without further warning, Celestia crashed her hips into the mare’s fat ass, making her shriek as the back of her womb was assaulted by Goddess cock, the cervix barely a speed bump now as it was fucked into oblivion. Celestia snorted like a bull while she stuffed her slut full, sensing that already stretched to the limit cunt open incomprehensibly wider.

Was it a miracle? Some mysterious remnant of Celestia’s former magic? Or simply one pony’s body adapting to the needs of the moment? Either way, the mare was undone. Now and forever, she was an alicorn slut, and she would never be satisfied with anything less.

“This cunt is exquisite,” Celestia growled as she rutted madly, the crimson stains on her chest making her look more like a fallen angel than the deity she claimed to be. “Your ass…so soft, so pleasing. You were made to take my cock, just like all my little ponies. Yes…yesss…oh, Twilight, my Faithful Student, look how you dance! Fuck me back, that’s right-”

It took a second for Celestia to realize what she’d just said. Her body kept moving, though her mind raced in confusion. Why had she thought of that ancient name after so long? Certainly, there was a similarity with the slut beneath her — her lineage was obvious — but the Goddess wasn’t normally so…nostalgic. Especially at times like this.

Before her eyes, the slut’s undersized purple body began to overlap with Celestia’s most precious memories, creating a disturbing double vision. They used to fuck like this, didn’t they? No...not exactly. Twilight loved it in the ass. She would always squirt so much when she had an anal orgasm. Celestia prodded the mare’s tight asshole, remembering those happier days…

Like a mewling kitten. Familiar, yet broken.

The thought was borne on the winds of time and space directly into Celestia’s consciousness, and it brought with it a depth of frantic lust she had not let herself experience in many, many years. There was something else behind it, as well…a small but sharp emotion that was momentarily overwhelmed by the burst of sudden desire.

“You always did know exactly how to arouse me,” Celestia whispered to the phantom in her mind. One hoof strayed to the slut’s flank, which was blank like all the rest of the kingdom’s ponies. Of what use was a cutie mark when one’s goal was the same as everyone else’s? Celestia’s machinations had effectively overwritten fate over the long centuries, so that only alicorns possessed such adornment in the present. Like horns and wings, cutie marks were now holy relics worn only by the gods themselves.

And yet…when Celestia looked at the mare’s thick haunch, a phantasmal image clouded her eyes. Diamond-bright stars seemed to appear and disappear on the pliant flesh from one moment to the next, as if struggling to make themselves seen. Though the mark was only vaguely familiar, the feeling behind it was all too real, and it called out to her.

The Goddess gripped her slut’s flanks in a death grip, as if she could capture the elusive vision in her hooves, scarcely realizing that she was now squeezing her gigantic knot inside that already ruined cunt with the force of a machine. She passively acknowledged the mare’s squealing and struggling, but every fresh centimeter she drove home inflamed her heat tenfold, and she could not stop herself from burying her prick entirely within the snug hole before her.

Celestia was beyond mercy…beyond love…and far, far beyond salvation. At that moment, she was no longer a goddess. She was just another animal beholden to her urges, an unrepentant heretic she would have executed with her own withered horn if it had been anyone else. But who was left to sit in judgment over her? Celestia was the one free pony in the entire galaxy. She could drown herself in rapture for all eternity, and no one could stop her.

The blissful constriction was almost too much. So tight…so crushingly tight…she was past the thickest midpoint now…

It happened quickly. One moment Celestia was basking in the dominant eroticism of forcing her knot into a too-small hole. Then, there was a pop, and suddenly she was looking down at a mare so stretched and bloated with Goddess meat, she might have been expecting sextuplets. The slut almost seemed more cock than pony.

The mare had stopped screaming, but she was now hyperventilating, as if she truly was in labor. However, the constant contractions were not due to the ravages of pregnancy, but the endless orgasms sending ripples through her body like stones in a pond. In her own way, the mare had also gone beyond everything she had known, entering an undiscovered realm where pain and pleasure became one.

“I…I love you.” The quavering words slipped from her slack lips, almost too low to understand…but Celestia heard them. “I adore you…more than life. I am yours, Holy Mistress. Always.”

There was nothing else. The young pony had reached the end, the ultimate state of being. She had completely repudiated any sense of self she still possessed, becoming little more than another one of Celestia’s erogenous zones, like the taint of her asshole or the spot below the head of her cock.

The mare’s life before might as well have been a dream. Here, in her new waking reality, only the Crowned Sun existed, and her light illuminated the entire universe.

Celestia let out a mad laugh as her balls began to lift and throb in their sack, priming her thick load for its long-awaited exit. This pony was now everything she always wanted in a subject: compliant, worshipful, unafraid of big cock, and living only for her Goddess’ pleasure. She had a vision then, of duplicating herself so she could give all her little ponies across the stars the personal attention they deserved, fucking them all into submission just like this one.

Perhaps it was not an impossible dream. Not anymore.

The very idea made Celestia’s nuts clench. She could feel the come pumping up her shaft, building intensity second by second until, with a muffled spurting sound loud enough to echo off the bedroom walls, she exploded at last, draining every drop of herself into the stuffed mare.

The thick knot did its job, ensuring that nothing escaped the mare’s cunt, now so horribly deformed it would never be the same again. Celestia groaned in naked bliss as she filled the slut’s belly with her torrential load, causing it to expand until it touched the floor.

There was no magic here, however. The space inside the mare was not infinite. As such, there was only so much she could take, and she soon reached her limit. Celestia saw the slut’s eyes widen as her cheeks bulged, the jizz in her body finding the only path out…and then a jet of come spewed from her lips, creating an ever-spreading pool of semen in front of the orgasmic pair.

The rhythmic pulse of disgorged issue was almost hypnotic to Celestia. With every throb of her monstrous cock, a fresh spurt jetted from the mare’s tortured throat until the Goddess seemed to be bypassing her body entirely, using it as nothing but a fleshy cock warmer. And still, she nutted. Celestia’s unhinged grunts and moans would not have been out of place in a zoo.

She wanted to drown the universe in her semen. She wanted to come forever.

But Celestia’s load, like her divinity, was not unlimited. The pumping flow eventually abated, though aftershocks still left the Goddess gasping, and the mare’s contractions were still crushing her cock. It was as if everything had been wrung from her, leaving only a strangely weakened shell.

The mare was still coughing up spumes of white as Celestia began to tug herself free, the knot unable to stand up against alicorn strength. Both pony and Goddess cried out at the intense sensations, shuddering with every sharp jerk until Celestia’s cock came loose with a wet splurch.

Celestia’s fat prick was slathered in slime, and cream poured from the newly uncorked cunt as she drew back, letting the mare fall to the ground in a twitching heap while an ocean of semen decorated their hooves. The poor housekeepers would surely have their work cut out for them, but that was the farthest thing from Celestia’s mind at the moment.

Now that the overpowering urge to fuck had been sated, the strange emotion bubbling just underneath that roiling slick of lust came roaring to the surface. Celestia clutched her chest, not expecting the wellspring of…sadness? Anger? Self-loathing? Regret? It was a horrible mixture of all of these, and the pain of it almost brought her to her knees.

It was not her pain, weirdly enough. She had no recollection of what might have caused such distress. Nevertheless, it was as real as the musky air she was breathing, or the colossal statue of her genitalia outside. It was a demanding mental barb, and not even godhood was proof against it.

Celestia staggered, gasping as she tried to understand what was happening to her. Not since the old days, in the midst of entire star systems’ worth of unspeakable yet necessary losses, was her heart so troubled. But this was no simple echo of a long-past era. It was the memory of a nightmare upon waking, except still fresh and raw enough to bleed. The event that caused this piercing ache had been shattering for the original bearer, and its reverberations were still being keenly felt. Celestia knew that much.

“The transfer experiment,” Celestia muttered, her heart racing in her chest. It could only be that. What else could cause such a reaction?

If true, then this was a problem…but not an insurmountable one. Given the subject, they should have expected a strong magical response, though the depth and clarity were far beyond their calculations. It was a rare misstep from the Witch, but Celestia was strong. Stronger than anyone. She would overcome it. By the stars, such agony…

“Holy Mistress? Whatever is the matter? Have I displeased you?”

Celestia jerked to attention as her thoughts were interrupted. She saw that the used-up mare was now approaching her normal size after expelling her Goddess’ load from both ends, and now she was suckling gently at the flat tip of the tool that had ruined her, still hungry even after her liquid feast. The slut’s mind might have been destroyed — she would never cook another breakfast — but she still possessed a measure of sapience. It was just that any and every notion in her head had been replaced by fanatical worship…starting with the cock in her mouth.

Not even Celestia’s most devout priests and priestesses could compare. But…the little pony was now gazing up at her Goddess with a questioning look.

“I…what do you mean, child? Why would you think that I am…”

Then, Celestia felt the wetness on her cheeks. She froze in horrified shame.

She was a goddess. A goddess! She had long ago transcended any mortal notions of base sentiment. For her, such ideas were so nuanced, so refined, that ordinary ponies could never understand their depths. The difference between divine angst and regular sadness was the difference between heaven and the underworld. There was no comparison.

And yet…this one had seen her tears! Had felt compassion! Pity! For her!

Celestia did not bother to dry her eyes. Things had gone far beyond that. She took a moment to recover before speaking with her customary tone of command.

“Never mind. Stand up. Now.”

The mare did as she was told, her hooves slipping upon the messy floor as she brought herself upright. Her stubby legs were shaky, and there was still a bit of a paunch around her middle, but she faced Celestia with unblinking expectation. “By your wish, Holy Mistress.”

Celestia gingerly touched the florid stains on her chest. She had never felt so filthy, and it was only partly due to her breakfast antics. Her lack of self-control felt like a sin.

And suffering a witness, even more so.

She glanced toward the food cart, then back to the mare. “You were noticeably late in bringing my meal. I will hear no excuses. Only the most perfect ponies may serve my needs directly, and you have proven sorely wanting. Remove yourself from my sight.”

The mare gave a small curtsy. “Yes, Holy Mistress. I am sorry that I did not meet your expectations. I shall take my leave.” Though she had just been cast aside by the living embodiment of everything she held most dear, there was no disappointment or sadness in the pony’s voice. No wailing or gnashing of teeth echoed through the pristine halls of the tower. There was no ego left to wound, and so Celestia’s condemnation was simply another proclamation to be heeded. She started for the door.

“No. Not that way.”

Celestia gestured with her ashen horn toward the far windows. The natural sunlight from the planet’s twin stars streamed into the bedroom from above the carefully seeded cloud cover, washing them both in shifting shades of yellow and deep orange.

“I have no use for imperfection.” This was divine judgment, she told herself. “Do what needs to be done, little pony.”

“Of course, Holy Mistress.” The mare trotted to the tall windows, trailing footprints of semen behind. She unlatched a pane, and a gust of wind blew her purple striped mane, so familiar to Celestia, about her muzzle as the glass panel swung open wide into the room.

Far below, happy little ponies were watering plants, or chatting, or simply enjoying the breeze. Each and every one of them strove for a state of being that they could never possibly reach…but they tried. By the stars, they tried.

The mare turned to face her lover, her goddess…her everything. She bowed low, the indigo head almost touching the ground for a moment. But when she arose again, she was smiling gently.

“I deeply regret that I could not be a perfect pony for the Crowned Sun. I hope that my replacement serves you better. Thank you for the gift of your radiance in my life. I love you, Holy Mistress.”

She took a step backward into space, then she was gone.

Chapter 2

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Celestia had never even asked the mare’s name. This didn’t actually bother the Goddess, though she oddly felt that it should have.

She only vaguely noticed the swift appearance of a pair of ponies who cleared away the cart and the mess of the food, and even closed and re-latched the window. They were always utterly silent and efficient in their efforts. Perfect.

In any other situation, she might have already been fucking one of them into floor as a reward for a job well done. Right now, however, there was only one pony she wished to see.

“Witch,” Celestia called. “Show yourself. We need to talk. I know you like to watch me play around, but there are weighty matters that beings such as ourselves must occasionally attend to.”

A flicker of shadow momentarily darkened the brightness of the room. Then a soft, breathy voice emerged from high in the corner above the bed.

“I was waiting for you to offer me a bite, selfish cunt. It’s hard to get your rocks off on an empty stomach…although I managed somehow.”

Something took shape near the ceiling, gradually forming into a slender pony who drifted in midair like a mote within a shaft of sunshine. The ruddy orange creature’s spread wings and spiral horn marked her for a full alicorn, though instead of a cock, she sported a pussy slit that looked as tight as a virgin’s…a cute, yet false affectation Celestia knew was purely for the Goddess’ benefit.

The eyes beneath the alicorn’s sunflower mane contained no irises. They shone with swirls of near monochrome light as she peered down at Celestia with amusement — at one moment bright white, and another stormcloud grey with flecks of gold — offering the barest glimpse of the power within. It was a power that few had seen unleashed, and none save Celestia had survived.

The pony landed gently upon the freshly made blankets of Celestia’s bed. She stretched out like a jaguar, as if she were in her own home instead of the most private sanctum of a living deity, flopping onto her side and patting the space next to her in invitation.

“Come on, then. We can attend to your weighty matter and talk about the other thing, too. An omnipotent goddess like yourself surely knows how to multitask, hm?”

“You were so much cuter back when you were afraid of me,” Celestia rumbled. But it only took a single gallop for the Goddess to leap into the bed beside the strange pony, gratefully nuzzling her head into the soft hide of the Witch’s sunset barrel. “And we both know you don’t need to eat, so stop fishing for sympathy. You’re the last magical alicorn, Witch. Try acting with appropriate gravitas every once in a while.”

“I did,” the Witch said, teasing Celestia’s mane with familiar tenderness. “For a couple hundred years, remember? It was dreadfully boring. That’s why I dispensed with all the tiresome ceremony. I’d much rather work on my theories than play at being a religious icon.”

She stroked Celestia’s massive cock with one leg, watching it slowly grow from her loving touch. “That said…I’d be happy to wear the habit again if you want. A little blasphemy for old times’ sake might be just what you need.” She blew a gentle breath against Celestia’s ear, chuckling at the resulting shudder. “It’s been a while, though. The outfit might be a little tight on me.”

“Harlot,” Celestia replied, but her voice was husky. Her hips began to move as her cock sought friction against the Witch’s thighs. “I’ll have you flogged for such degeneracy.”

“Is that a promise?”

“Perhaps. After we figure out what happened.” Celestia pulled her face out of the Witch’s breast, taking a deep breath as the morning’s events intruded upon her mind. She looked up at her companion, giving a look of such vulnerability it would have made her unrecognizable to her trillions of followers. “You felt it, didn’t you? The emotional response? Why didn’t you predict that?”

“I warned you to expect the unexpected. Setting up a beachhead in an alternate universe containing another version of yourself isn’t as simple as opening a portal and stepping over. You saw the result after the first experiment with the fruit, but the omniscient Goddess Celestia said she could handle whatever came across.”

The Witch idly stroked Celestia’s ass, consciously steering clear of the winking hole between the doughy cheeks and making the Goddess whine in annoyance. “Now that you’ve had a taste of the possibilities, do you want to keep going? You have everything a pony could ever need right here…with me. Is your drive for subjugation so insatiable still?”

“A born conqueror does not stop at only one plane of existence.” But Celestia had heard the recrimination in the Witch’s voice, along with the deeper love behind it, and she forced herself to re-consider the path she’d chosen. Certainly, when her companion had hinted at the feasibility of breaking the Axiom of Singularity within the new dimension she’d discovered, Celestia’s excitement had been boundless. She’d wanted to send an expeditionary force right away, relishing the prospect of a fight with a warped, alien version of herself.

The Goddess’ victory was a foregone conclusion, of course. No knockoff, bargain-basement Celestia could possibly stand against the real thing.

“But the multiverse could not abide such a conflict,” Celestia muttered to herself. According to the Witch’s research, breaking the Axiom would not be an easy task. The powerful alicorns’ simple existence in the same dimensional envelope could annihilate one or both, and the repercussions might shake the very foundations of reality in ways that were impossible to predict.

Might. Could. Impossible to predict. There were so many damnable uncertainties. Yet, there was no gain without risk. And the Witch had discovered some breakthroughs that raised their prospects significantly.

They couldn’t send Celestia over herself, or anything physical from their current realm, without courting disaster. However, energy was a different matter. The emotional essence that all living things possessed could be traded in a kind of equivalent exchange. The Witch could send over the magical wavelength of an object, and they would receive another back.

The interesting part — the cause of, and potential solution to, all their problems — was the fact that these swapped magical energies were forever linked across dimensions. When the Witch and the Goddess first experimented with sending the essence of the small, citrusy aphrodisiac fruit still used by some of the more old-fashioned ponies to the other side, they had no idea what they would receive in response. They certainly didn’t expect a slow, steady, driving kind of music, piped directly into the conscious minds of every pony on the planet.

The Witch had explained it as some sort of universal translation. The singular vibe of the fruit came across as a sound, which changed over time, until the sensual music had become a part of New Canterlot culture. Even its name had eventually reached them, though the word had no meaning to anyone on their side.

The alicorns could only speculate about what the alternate dimension received. Some other kind of sensory input? An aroma, or a color? Or maybe an infusion of pure magic? It was impossible to know. Whatever it was, it was likely affecting that far-off civilization as much as the sensual bolero had changed theirs.

Celestia hated to admit it, but whatever strange intelligence truly ruled the multiverse knew very well what passions motivated the beings in the small part she’d carved out for herself.

She cupped the Witch’s cunt with a hoof, finding it wet and sticky, and as she spread the delicate petals of the tight slit, exposing the reddened interior to the air, she was pleased to hear soft answering groans. Tit for tat.

“What…ohhh…what are you doing?”


“Mmm…as nice as that feels, I’ll need more. Much more.” Celestia’s pride was already growing to its full majesty between their two bodies, and the Witch tried to frot against it with increasing urgency. “If you want to reward me for my service, give me cock. I…I need it. You know how I get without it.”

“I do know,” Celestia sighed. “The last time you got all pent up, every priest on the planet dreamed of the same psychic revelation involving myself, a dolphin and a bathtub full of powdered narcotics. Coming up with a reasonable explanation for that one took some doing, you whore.”

“I said I was sorry.” The Witch sounded none too regretful, but she touched her lips to the husk of Celestia’s horn — an act more intimate, in its own way, than the deepest of deep throats. “I know you want it, too. You don’t have to put up a front with me. Please?”

The Witch was right, of course. Celestia could sense the fresh load percolating in her massive nuts, and precome was already wetting both their chests. But this was still, technically, a working meeting. Priorities had to be set.

“First, I want you to admit my idea was sound,” Celestia said, loving the Witch’s moan of annoyance. “Tell me I was right.”

The ruddy alicorn’s pout was so adorable it made Celestia want to ravage her on the spot. “That remains to be seen. You still don’t understand the danger, Tia. I’d hoped today would’ve been a wake up call.”

The Goddess frowned. “I told you I can handle it. And don’t call me that. I know you do it to get under my skin. Well, it’s working. How about I speak your old name? Would you like that?”

The Witch went silent for a while. “No. No, I wouldn’t. My apologies…Goddess.”

For just a moment, she sounded like she did when they’d first met…a time so long ago, the details of their meeting had become myth. She’d been so young then. So innocent. Time had done its work on them both. Perhaps that was another challenge for the Goddess to overcome…eventually.

“The apology is mine,” Celestia said, slowly working her hoof into the Witch’s soaked cunt to show her sincerity. “I know what you’re trying to tell me. One day my bravado will lead me to my end…but that day has not yet come, I’ll wager.”

After the first successful transfer made it clear that information could pass between the two realities, a plan began to take shape. Like the spies of old, they could send over crafted ideas exchanged with magic to fully destabilize the other world, culminating in the death of that universe’s Celestia. If they could achieve such a thing, victory was assured.

But the theory of equivalence seemed unbreakable. What idea could they send that would not reflect back onto themselves, leading to their own society’s demise?

Celestia herself had come up with the potential solution. They could use her own singular existence to upset the symmetry of the payload. The Goddess’ own mental wavelength would become something like a magical virus, guaranteed to infect the one individual whose emotional signature was unique in every reality.

“You know very well how real the risk is, though.” The Witch’s voice was muffled, since she’d mashed her muzzle firmly against Celestia’s fragrant horsecock. If she couldn’t get a cuntfull of prick right away, she could at least get high on the fumes, it seemed. “You may be much the same in some ways, but your histories will likely be very different. Your fundamental mindset, values, goals, belief system, friends and enemies, lovers…all that will diverge.”

The Witch took a deep whiff of Celestia’s cock, and she moaned as the aroma went straight to her brain. The Goddess felt her lover’s creamy juices gush anew under her hoof, and she found it increasingly difficult to hold herself back. Work, then pleasure. Lots and lots of pleasure.

Vorfreude. What did that word mean, and why had it entered her mind just then?

The Witch muttered something unintelligible. “Use your words,” Celestia chided.

The sunset alicorn pulled her face away from the dizzying cock with a gasp, lustily licking old sweat, semen and marecome from her chops. “Fuck, that’s good. Thankfully, we have more clues about our enemy after the incident this morning. Our target seems…naive in many ways. Kind. Optimistic. She cares very much about her ponies, though her love is very different from yours. She also obsesses over her failures in a way that you don’t.”

“Because I don’t fail,” Celestia said with absolute certainty. It wasn’t a brag. It was just the plain truth…as she saw it.

The Witch pursed her lips, as if holding back something better left unsaid. “Of course. The thing is…she also has the same…hungers that drive every alicorn. Depending on how she’s managed that side of herself, the equivalency could become a problem. You might be walking into-”

“Enough,” Celestia growled, and the Witch immediately went silent. She seemed to know the limits of being bratty.

“Overthinking all this is pointless. I felt her emotions as if they were my own. She is weak, my love. When all is said and done, someone like that is not a conqueror. She would never have been able to achieve what I have, not if she had all the time in the world.”

Celestia’s eyes grew unfocused, as if she could see across dimensions into an unknown realm. “My strength is utterly overpowering, Witch. I imagine my thoughts are already intermingling with hers…changing her from the inside out…affecting her personality in ways she can’t understand. Maybe she doesn’t even realize what’s happening. And in the end, she will destroy herself, beating her brains open upon the rocks of madness…or it will be done to her, by the people she loves most, as she becomes a stranger to them. Either way, our path will be clear.”

The Witch gazed up at Celestia as she spoke, enraptured by the alicorn’s absolute self-confidence. Abruptly, she dragged the Goddess’ face to hers, kissing the other with a sloppy, tongue-filled, spit-soaked fervor.

“There truly is only one of you,” the Witch sighed as she pulled away, affectionately touching her horn to Celestia’s. “Even if there are others with the name elsewhere in the multiverse…there is only one Crowned Sun.”

“And thank the stars for that,” Celestia murmured.

The Witch chuckled. “It’s funny, isn’t it? ‘Thank the stars.’ ‘By the stars.’ You use that phrasing all the time, but your ponies have no idea where it came from.”

“And they never will,” Celestia said with conviction. “The original wielder of those stars is long dead. If not for me, she would be utterly forgotten in time. But as long as I live, I shall keep her memory alive…which means she will live forever. And that is more than enough. Those memories are mine alone.”

The Witch’s pure white horn began to sparkle like a distant jewel. Celestia grunted in surprise as she found herself placed flat on her back, her legs spread and mighty cock a-thrust to match the monument outside.

Her lover straddled the alicorn’s large body with her own, slight form. The Witch rubbed her soaking twat to the slab of knotty horseflesh at her rear, and a burning spark seemed to travel between cock and cunt, demanding a resolution to their seductive play. Both ponies hissed at the shared sensation as a gush of precome showered the two of them in hot fluid.

“Those memories are mine as well.” The Witch gazed down into Celestia’s piercing, jewel-like eyes…perhaps the only part of her that had not changed appreciably over the millennia.

She touched a hoof to the Goddess’ muzzle, silencing her protests. “No. Let me say this. She may have been your lover, but I was her friend, though there was some jealousy, as well. I can admit that. I know I can never take her place…but at least, allow me to soothe your soul.”

“The day my soul is soothed is the day I lose my ambition forever,” Celestia growled. But her fat cock throbbed against the Witch’s ass cheeks, as if in response to the alicorn’s offer, and the Goddess could only chuckle at her body’s honesty. “I suppose you are welcome to try, though.”

The Witch laughed — by the stars, her expression looked so much like hers — as she rose into the air with a flap of wings, planting her drooling cunt firmly atop the flat tip of Celestia’s holy spire. Slowly, never taking her eyes off the Goddess to savor her reactions, that deceptively tight twat began to stretch wide, engulfing the first few inches of her lover’s fat breeder. They both moaned as the scalding orifice convulsed, and silky cunt cream dripped down the prick in rivulets. At the same time, fresh pulses of precome splattered out of the Witch’s fuckhole, and their merged juices made new stains upon the bedsheets.

“You wanted…oh, oh fuck…you wanted my little pussy to stay nice and tight for you, just like the first time, didn’t you? But that’s not what you really need, is it? You need a pony who can take everything you have to give, and ask…beg for more. A pony who won’t break when this bigfuckingcock destroys them from the inside. None of those mind-raped fanatics out there can do that, no matter how much you toy with their DNA. Only I can truly please you, Celestia. Only me.”

As she spoke she slid lower and lower, and they both watched, enraptured, as the massive bulge of Celestia’s cock rose higher into the Witch’s body. The Goddess could not deny the truth of her lover’s words. Her insatiable tool had done things to the lithe little alicorn that would’ve made any other pony recoil in horror. Every hole had been used and abused in a million different ways…and she still came back for more. Thus did the power of magic prove its worth.

“You have an…ahhh…an amusingly high opinion of yourself,” Celestia said, grimacing as the intense contractions around her cock threatened to drive her insane. The Witch was about halfway down already, but that was not nearly enough. The Goddess reached up and took hold of her lover’s hips, stopping for a moment to stroke the cutie mark on her haunch — a white archway, brilliantly cut from a single crystal. Was that mark still affecting the Witch’s destiny, even now? It was one of the oldest mysteries of pony kind, and the answer eluded them to this day.

Well. Ancient enigmas could wait. Celestia’s third load of the day was begging for release from her overactive nuts, and she could sense it would be just as voluminous as the first. Even for her, such an instant refractory period was unusual. Perhaps that was another gift from her unseen doppelgänger. If so, they had more in common than she might have thought.

With a force that would have torn apart a normal pony, the Goddess pulled the Witch’s hips toward her own. The ecstatic screams of her lover as she was filled with cockmeat shook the bedroom, and her slender legs began to twitch as if she’d been electrocuted.

A rush of fluid broke the seal of the Witch’s stuffed cunt to coat Celestia’s dark red knot — if she didn’t know any better, the Goddess would have thought the alicorn had lost control of her bladder. It wouldn’t have been the first time, in any case…by accident, or otherwise. But the silky feel of the juices on her snowy hide combined with an unforgettably piquant aroma told the true story. No pony she had ever been with had been as gushing wet as the Witch, and Celestia loved her for it.

The Goddess was relentless. She drew the Witch down further, heedless of any useless organs in the path of her fat breeder. She could take it, after all. She would take it, all the way down to the…

Celestia stopped…or rather, she was stopped. Something kept her from burying herself entire into the squirming sheath above her. A blockage was there, and the strange mixture of inviting softness and unyielding firmness against the head of her cock made the Goddess roar in anger.

The monochrome mists in the Witch’s eyes whirled in amusement as she watched Celestia rage. With a teasing hoof she prodded the bulging tip of her lover’s prick in her chest, pulsing like a second heartbeat, and she tittered as the Goddess strained for deeper insertion, to no avail.

“Is there a problem, Holy Mistress? You look rather stressed. I’m waiting for you to fuck me into madness, like that other thing you discarded. Can’t you get it all in? Or is the gate of my cervix too well defended for your battering ram to overcome?”

“Let me in!” Celestia’s roar was that of a starving lion as her hips rolled, fighting for one more inch, one more centimeter. “I demand it! You are committing the gravest of sins! I shall cast you into the deepest void for this sacrilege! Open your womb to my cock, little pony. Do it. Now!”

The Witch touched one of Celestia’s hooves desperately gripping a haunch with her own, and she gave the Goddess a challenging grin. The sparkling light of her horn almost overpowered the late morning sunlight.

“Tell me you love me. Say the words, and I will give you what you desire. This tight, hot, sucking womb is waiting for you, Celestia. But it will not be breached without parley. All you have to do is say, ‘I love you, Witch.’ That is all I ask. Is it too much?”

With every word that dripped from those sultry lips Celestia’s wrath increased, along with her unfathomable need. This bitch had chosen the wrong time to play games. The Goddess could now clearly feel the magical barrier preventing her from breaking open her lover’s deepest chamber, and the sheer insolence of its existence made her want to crucify the twisted alicorn. It took all her willpower not to issue the divine command. The Witch would’ve found a way to get off on it, anyway.

Had she forgotten? Had it been so long since Celestia expressed her power that this absolute cunt now thought she could get away with such silly taunts? It seemed a demonstration was in order. Let the Witch remember why the Crowned Sun of New Canterlot no longer needed magic to rule.

The Witch must have felt the change come over Celestia, as the Goddess could feel a new tension in her lover’s body. But it was too late for apologies. Her grip on the Witch’s thighs became like steel.

“Don’t swallow your tongue,” Celestia murmured. She took a deep breath. The muscles in her arms and back all stood out in sharp relief as she mustered her strength. Then, in one fearsome motion, with the power that had built and defended the greatest kingdom in the galaxy, Celestia heaved.

The Goddess savored the Witch’s piercing scream almost as much as the crackling shatter of a spell overcome. Celestia’s cock stretched the smaller alicorn’s chest to an impossible degree as it sank home in the snug womb, and the fluttering cervix seemed to suck on the head of her prick like a second mouth. The orgasms that roiled the Witch’s spasming channel were lover’s kisses, wet and passionate, and a pressure that could have crushed diamonds made the Goddess moan and laugh, all at once.

Celestia recovered her faculties first. She tensed her internal muscles, making her cock flare larger in the Witch’s forced-open cunt. A gibbering wail answered.

“What happened to all that fine talk, little one? Your magic is broken, by mere flesh and blood and strength of will. Come on, then. Defy me again. Play your next move in our game. Or have you conceded defeat already?”

“Bbbblll…urghhh…Celestia…you…how…” Spittle ran down the Witch’s sunset muzzle, and her strange eyes were wide, as if she was experiencing something not meant for mortal minds.

Celestia began to fuck with long, fast strokes, making the Witch’s body flail like a broken doll around her prick. She brought the alicorn’s twitching face to her own as she cored out her insides, close enough to feel the hot, overexcited breath against her own skin. The massive log of cock audibly slurching in and out of the Witch’s womb almost made their tryst a ménage à trois, so large did it loom between them.

But if Celestia had learned anything in her long existence, it was that cock was only a tool. It was her mad passions that had made mares scream her name from here to the edge of the known universe. Even if she’d only had a cunt, she’d have been able to do the same.

Still…a nice, fat prick certainly made things easier.

“You want to know how I broke you?” Celestia’s breath hitched as her own moment of truth crept closer. “If that is your question, then I don’t think you’d understand the answer. But we are not yet done, little pony…oh, no.”

Celestia’s fucking abruptly stopped, instead becoming a steady downward weight. Her fat knot throbbed against the Witch’s straining twat, causing it to admit the bulging invader in a way that should not have been physically possible. But the Goddess had been doing the impossible her entire life.

“You’ve done well taking so much of me, little pony.” Celestia’s voce was hoarse. She was close…very close. “Despite your childish attitude, I suppose you deserve a reward for your…flexibility. Receive this gift of truth from your Goddess, and be thankful.”

She brought her lips to the alicorn’s ear. “I love you, Witch.”

With a pop, Celestia’s full knot entered her lover’s twat. She barely had time to register the Witch’s keening cry — of adoration, tinged with pleasure and relief — before her balls lifted in their soft-furred sack. Her teeth clenched as the power of her coming took her breath away, forcing an ocean of semen into a too-small container. And yet, the Witch’s belly expanded, accepting every ounce of steaming jizz without losing a drop of the precious fluid.

Both ancient alicorns groaned as their mutual release turned them into beasts of sensation…at least, for the moment. Later, there would be much more work to do — there were so many experiments to run, and plans to be drawn up for the conflict to come. But right now, they would enjoy the spoils of their efforts as only the gods themselves could.

Far below the rutting pair, in one of the spacious gardens surrounding Celestia’s tower, a deep gouge could be seen in the soft earth. But of what had marred the formerly immaculate surface, there was no sign.

The next day, a new bed of flowers would be planted in the same spot, erasing any trace of Josephine. The Crowned Sun demanded perfection at all times, after all.