> My Own Summer > by AndyHunter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fräuleinwunder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stood outside the school, relief flooding over me as the bell finally chimed, signaling the end of another tedious day. School could be a mixed bag, sometimes a dull affair, depending on Miss Cheerilee's lesson plans. If it was yet another lecture on the history of Equestria, I could feel myself drifting off into daydreams. But if the topic veered towards more engaging subjects, like the pursuit of cutie marks or tales of pony folklore, my attention was rapt. I relished those moments of lively discussion and the playful dynamics that sometimes unfolded at the end of class, if time permitted. I watched as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, with their heads together in earnest discussion, planned yet another escapade in their tireless pursuit of cutie marks. It seemed as though that's all they ever talked about—cutie marks this, cutie marks that. Their obsession bordered on the absurd, in my opinion. Personally, I wouldn't mind remaining a blank flank forever. As Cotton Cloudy, my faithful friend, trotted alongside me, our hooves kicking up dust on the path homeward, a sense of contentment settled over us both. I could already envision the adventures and mischief we would get up to during the coming days. "You know, Cotton?" I remarked, a hint of sarcasm lacing my words as I glanced skyward, one hoof gesturing in mock exasperation. "Sometimes I wonder if Miss Cheerilee deliberately saves the most tedious lessons for the end of term, just to make time crawl by even slower." Cotton chuckled at my remark. "Hahaha! I couldn't agree more. It's almost as if she enjoys watching us squirm." I nodded in agreement, a playful grin spreading across my face. "Twice in a row now! It's practically a tradition for her to subject us to such torment," I exclaimed, my voice laced with playful exaggeration. Despite the melodrama, it was these moments of shared amusement that made our conversations so enjoyable. Cotton laughed once more, executing a graceful aerial maneuver before alighting back on the ground beside me. "At least we won't have to worry about homework or tests for a whole month. Do you know what that means?" I nodded thoughtfully. "You'll have plenty of time to hone your flying skills, I imagine," I remarked, casting a brief glance over my shoulder. The school was already fading into the distance—a sight I welcomed wholeheartedly. "Yes, but not only that," Cotton replied, a determined glint in her eye as she clenched her hoof with resolve. "I'll also have the chance to catch all the Wonderbolts shows during these days." "Oi, you reckon you're forgettin' somepony?" I quipped, arching an eyebrow with a mischievous glint in my eye. Cotton gazed at me for a beat before realization dawned. "Ohhh, right! Hanging out with you," she exclaimed, lightly tapping one hoof against the other. "Tomorrow, perhaps we could take a dip in the lake, that is, if it's not already claimed by somepony else." "I still owe ya a rematch, though I'll 'ave ya know, it won't make a difference from now on, 'cause it's clear as day I can 'old me breath longer'n you," I boasted, avoiding the scorching gaze of the sun overhead. "That's because you cheat! Making funny faces underwater to distract me," Cotton retorted, a playful hint of indignation in her voice. "Ain't no rule sayin' I can't do it," I shot back with a cocky grin. "Well, there should be from now on. You'll see, I'll outlast you this time," Cotton proclaimed, her determination etched plainly across her features. I flashed Cotton a smile as I gazed ahead, the noonday sun casting a gentle glow over the tranquil scene. It was a calm day, the breeze whispering softly against my face as I closed my eyes for a fleeting moment, savoring the sensation. Yet, amidst the tranquility, a lingering sense of unease still gnawed at me, yearning for release. "You got any plans for today?" Cotton inquired, breaking through my reverie. I snapped back to attention, my head whipping around to face her in an instant. "I'd be chuffed to bits, but you know, I've got to blow off some steam with my mum first," I explained to Cotton. "We could catch up after you're done," Cotton suggested, hovering a few meters above the ground as we approached the town where we typically parted ways to head home. It was a quiet and secluded spot, far from the hustle and bustle of the main thoroughfares. "Just bear in mind, it's usually a bit draining. For some reason, I always feel knackered afterward, what with that liquid business from down below," I confided in Cotton. I wasn't exactly well-versed in the intricacies of solitary pony activities, but what mattered was that both Mum and I were tickety-boo with it. "It must be because of the D you got on that math test. I didn't think it'd still be weighing on you," Cotton remarked, her voice tinged with empathy. "Aye, the truth is, I didn't put much graft into studying. Spent me time mucking about, playing or watching the telly. Can be a right daft sometimes, can't I? That's why I need me mum's love, don't want to let her down," I confessed, frustration evident as I tapped a hoof against the ground. I'd been wrestling with these feelings for a week now, desperate to find a way to shake off the stress. It weren't the first time me mum had given me a massage down there. Always does the trick when I'm feeling out of sorts emotionally. With the end of term rush, there were so many tasks and activities piled up, I never 'ad a moment to spare for a bit of stress relief. Reckon that'll be the first thing on me summer agenda. "You should know, Dinky, not all's lost. You've still got a chance to turn things around. We've got five months left in the school year," Cotton reassured me, swooping towards me and giving me a comforting pat on the back. "Maybe you're right, but... maths is proper boring. 'ard for me to muster up any interest in it," I admitted, my gaze dropping to the ground. "We can work on it together, keep each other in check if one of us gets distracted. But for now, let's make the most of the summer, alright?" Cotton suggested, her tone soothing and supportive, like the best mate a pony could ask for. I lifted my gaze slowly, pondering her words. Cotton had a point. Maybe it was time to shift me focus onto other things. Yet, as much as I tried to push it aside, the memory of the day I got that D lingered in me mind. It was a right low grade, no denying that. But with bloody ADHD throwin' obstacles in me path, everything felt even bleedin' harder. I knew I shouldn't be usin' language like that, though. Me mum don't take too kindly to it. But sometimes, you just gotta let it out somehow. "Sounds hunky-dory... reckon I might catch ya tomorrow, though can't say for sure if I'll be up for playin' after me mum's done with the massage," I said to Cotton, raising a hoof near me chest in farewell. "Sure, no problem, we'll meet at the lake tomorrow afternoon," Cotton suggested, fluttering in front of me and offering a parting hoof. "Absolutely, count on it," I replied, bumping me left hoof against Cotton's. "Cool, See you later!" Cotton said, offering me a smile before bidding me farewell. "Pip pip, Cotton," I grinned back, extending me hoof towards the sky in a final wave goodbye. Even though me mum's a Pegasus, the savvy choice was to settle down in Ponyville, rather than Cloudsdale. Me mum's told me me dad was a unicorn, which explains why I'm one too, but I never laid eyes on him, nor do I know his moniker. Mum's always been dodgy about discussin' him, reckon it's adult business I'd struggle to grasp. I reached me gaff and gave the door a rap with me front hoof. By this hour, I reckon mum should've wrapped up her day at work. As me mother swung open the door, it took 'er a tick to clock that it was me who'd been knockin'. Given me diminutive stature, it's easy to overlook me at times. But in a flash, recognition dawned on 'er, and she greeted me with open hooves. "Ohhh! Dinky, my dear, you've finally returned home," she exclaimed, scooping me up in 'er embrace and planting kisses on me cheeks. "I've missed you too, mum!" I replied, pressing two of me front hooves against 'er cheeks and returning 'er kiss on the lips. Our bond ran deep, forged over countless moments like this. I couldn't 'elp but feel a blush creep across me cheeks, mindful of the open door and the potential for prying eyes. Me mother returned me kiss, our lips meeting in a tender embrace. In that moment, it felt as though we were the only two ponies in the world. Moments like these left me feeling cherished, valued, and secure in the warmth of 'er love. Me mum and I pulled away from our kiss, opening our peepers simultaneously and sharin' a momentary gaze. I leaned in to give me mum a little lick on the face, eliciting a chuckle as me tongue tickled her. "You've got a real penchant for licking, Dinky," she chuckled. "What can I say, mum? It's me way of expressin' me love for you," I remarked, pressing me cheek against hers. A smile crept across her face at me words as she hugged me even tighter. With a gentle touch, she closed the door behind us and led me inside. Carefully, she lowered me down to the floor. With a flick of me magic, I left me backpack on the couch. Our gaff was like any other in Ponyville—wooden floors beneath me hooves, walls painted in hues of yellow mingled with brown. The furniture, mostly wooden, filled the space, with a red and yellow carpet adorning the living room floor. Family photos adorned the walls and tables, spannin' from me babby days to the present. Not a trace of me dad in any of 'em—me mum's made sure of that. In one corner of the room, me other pal resided—Yuki, a butterfly koi. She was a sight for sore eyes, her scales as white as snow, which is why I named 'er Yuki. I trotted over to Yuki, keen on havin' a gander at 'er up close. Sometimes, I'd while away 'alf an hour, even an hour, watchin' 'er dart about in all directions. The fish tank was sizable, givin' 'er plenty of room to roam. "Mum, did you ensure Yuki got 'er nosh?" I hollered, raisin' me voice a tad as me mum made 'er way to the second floor with me backpack in tow—ever so kind of 'er. "Yes, I fed her and also cleaned the fish tank; the water was a little dirty," me mum replied from above, out of sight but not outta earshot. "Apologies, mum. I ought to be tendin' to 'er meself, but I always seem to forget," I admitted, runnin' a hoof through me mane. "No worries, love. Happens to the best of us," me mum reassured me, 'er voice driftin' down from the upper floor. I turned me gaze back to the fish tank, where Yuki swam to and fro. Every now and then, she'd pull a funny face, as if she were taken aback by me presence. And then there were times she moved 'er mouth in a peculiar manner, as if she were tryin' to convey somethin' to me. Watchin' Yuki swim about, even in 'er simple motions, brought me a sense of calm. Sometimes, it's the simplest of things that can bring us the greatest joy. It brought to mind them days spent on the beach, up north in Whitetail Woods. Crystal clear waters, shimmerin' like the sunset, with the bottom visible even on rainy days. Cotton and I would spend hours paddlin' about in the shallows, enjoyin' every moment. Off in the distance, a sparkle danced across the water, addin' to the beauty of the scene. It made ya just wanna dive in and never leave, swimmin' alongside the local fish, feelin' like a free spirit. They say the beaches of Maremany are the finest in all of Equestria, but it's a three-hour trek on the friendship train. I'll 'ave to find a way to persuade me mum to take me, Cotton, and perhaps Noi too. 'Aven't seen 'er in a couple o' days. Usin' me telekinesis, I fetched a chair from the kitchen and positioned it in front of the fish tank. Climbin' atop it, I dipped me hoof into the water. Yuki wasted no time, dartin' towards me hoof and nuzzlin' against it. "You've missed me, 'aven't you?" I mused aloud, though I knew she couldn't reply. Somehow, though, I felt she understood. The fish tank boasted a volcano, from which bubbles bubbled forth, and Yuki took a likin' to swirlin' about it. Come nightfall, it looked even more splendid, for with a flick of me magic, I could change the color of the lights inside the volcano. A hue of blue was simply masterful. "Tell me, dear, how was school today?" me mum inquired, catchin' me attention as I withdrew me hoof from the fish tank. I hopped off the chair afore respondin'. "Dull as dishwater, as per usual. But at least Cotton's company adds a dash of excitement to the monotony. You've no idea 'ow much I've been pining for summer vacation." Me mum offered a smile, knowin' full well me penchant for exaggeration and drama. "Then make the most of each day, dear. Holidays pass in the blink of an eye, especially when one's having a great time." "And I know precisely 'ow to kick off this summer!" I exclaimed, me eyes gleamin' with excitement as I trotted toward me mother. "I'd fancy a proper massage, mum. Fancy repeatin' what we did last week," I said, huggin' one of me mother's front hooves. "I'm not so sure, dear. Are you sure you want to do that right now?" me mum queried, placin' a hoof to 'er chin as doubts lingered in 'er mind. "Indeed, mum. I've been feelin' a bit stressed of late, and yer lovin' touch would do wonders for me right now," I insisted, nestlin' me face against me mother's hoof, implorin' for 'er assistance. "I'm sorry to hear that, Dinky. In that case, I'll do it. I'm tired from work, but I'll give me all to make you happy," me mother conceded, gentl' strokin' me mane with 'er other front hoof. As me mum and I made our way to 'er room, a small celebration danced in me mind. Though I'd done this dance before, it always felt like the first time—me body meldin' with me mother's in a harmonious union, culminatin' in a release of our fluids. 'Tis indeed the most pleasurable experience a pony can partake in. Her bed seemed the obvious choice, bein' larger and more plush than mine! Why is it that grown-ups always seem to get the best things? Don't get me wrong, me own bed ain't uncomfortable, but it's a tad cramped. Me mum's bed, on the other 'oof, is five times the size and offers ample room, especially for the intense massages we 'ave planned. As we made our way to me mother's chamber, she enveloped me in 'er warm wings, the soft feathers ticklin' me small frame. It felt just as cozy as bein' up in the clouds. Every so often, me mum would take me flyin'. Of course, I can't stand atop the clouds meself, but I've 'ad the chance to brush against 'em. They're incredibly fluffy and soft. Me mum swung the door open with 'er other wing, revealin' a room much grander than mine—enough space for three adult ponies to easily fit atop the bed. To the left, a window let in a sliver of sunlight, softened by the curtains me mum pulled shut, leavin' 'em drawn halfway to keep the room from gettin' too warm. I was the first to clamber onto the bed, me small frame necessitatin' a bit of a jump compared to me mother. Effortlessly, she simply took to the air and settled beside me. "I think you want to begin with a licking down below, dear?" me mum inquired, raisin' a bent front hoof to 'er chest as she flushed crimson. "Aye, mum," I agreed, layin' back and exposin' meself. Me mother positioned 'erself belly-down, closin' 'er eyes for a moment afore meetin' me gaze once more. Before commencin' with 'er lickin', she asked, "Do let me know if it gets to be too much, alright?" "It's alright, mum. I'll give you the nod," I assured 'er, though there 'ave been times when I simply couldn't continue 'cause it stung a fair bit down below, especially when she introduced me to those peculiar tower-shaped toys. Me mum closed 'er eyes and set to lickin' me parts, 'er tongue glidin' through every nook and cranny. I brought a hoof to me forehead, me mouth partin' instinctively as waves of pleasure coursed through me. As she pleasured me, I tenderly caressed 'er mane, watchin' as she licked me from bottom to top. The sensation was beyond words, sendin' me senses reelin' and me mind into a frenzy. And this was just the start. "Oh, Mum, don't stop," I moaned, me voice thick with pleasure. This was the stress I'd been achin' to release, feelin' it melt away with every lovin' gesture from me mother. Me mother continued 'er passionate lickin' from beneath, not just at me private parts but also me flank, drenchin' every inch in 'er saliva. 'Er insecurities seemed to melt away as she threw 'erself wholeheartedly into pleasin' 'er filly. I raised me hind hooves, offerin' meself up for 'er to lick me flank, me private parts, and me rear end. "Mmmm," me mother purred, savorin' the taste of every part she caressed, while movin' 'er other hoof beneath 'er to pleasure 'erself. Watchin' me mother take breaks, seein' drops of saliva dribblin' from 'er mouth, sent shivers down me spine. Despite the breeze driftin' in through the window, me body was ablaze with heat. I couldn't help but wonder what to call these intense sensations I was feelin'. Me mum engulfed me parts with 'er mouth, suckin' and lickin' every inch while slidin' a hoof inside 'er own parts. She tried to let out a scream of pleasure, but bein' occupied with pleasin' me, she couldn't quite manage it. I kept me mouth open, moanin' as me own saliva dripped onto me chest. I let it fall, not carin' a whit about gettin' dirty and sticky. The only thing that mattered in that moment was that we both found pleasure. Me mother ceased suckin' me parts, lickin' 'er lips to ensure not a single drop was wasted. "Now, it's your turn, sweetie. Try sliding your hooves inside me," she directed, layin' on 'er side and exposin' 'er own parts. I positioned meself atop 'er, me right front hoof gently explorin' me mother's parts. I prefer startin' slow, buildin' up the intensity over time. Me mother gazed at me with a deep blush, 'er lovely yellow eyes filled with a yearnin' to be pleasured by 'er own daughter. Is this what parents do with their foals in private, away from prying eyes? Shower each other with love in this intimate way when they're alone, when their foals need a bit of relaxation, or perhaps just for the sheer enjoyment of it? For me, it's a bit of both. I find myself wonderin' if this will continue even after I've grown into a mare. Sharin' moments like this with me mother brings me such joy. I reckon I'll likely stay in Ponyville when I'm older, to remain close to 'er. And what about Cotton and Noi? Will they share similar experiences with their own mothers? It's a topic worth explorin', one I'll have to discuss with 'em when I get the chance. We could spend hours sharin' our experiences and chattin' away. I nibbled on me mother's right ear and gave it a lick. "Ohhh, Dinky, you're quite the wild one. I rather like it," she moaned, with more than half of me hoof buried inside 'er. I quickened the pace of me hoof inside me mum, despite bein' small, they were still capable of bringin' 'er pleasure beyond measure. "Dinky! Faster, please," me mother urged, eyes shut tight as she fought to keep 'er voice down, though I reckon the whole house could 'ear 'er, maybe even those outside through the open window. I peppered kisses along me mother's cheeks, leavin' trails of saliva in me wake, me tongue dancin' across 'er face. She stroked me yellow mane, ever so gentle, treatin' me like a proper lady. I 'ad some experience in this, and I was determined to give me mother the utmost pleasure. Though I can't say I know what it's like to 'ave a job, I can imagine it's quite the strain bein' a mailmare, especially with 'er condition. Me mother planted a deep kiss on me cheeks, tryin' to contain 'er desires and keep 'er moans from escapin' into the world outside. I kept up the pressure with me hooves, feelin' 'er back legs shakin' beneath me touch. She was on the edge, ready to let go, and I knew she'd been cravin' this moment as much as me. But she didn't dare say it. "Dinky, I'm about to release! I can't hold it anymore!" she exclaimed, lyin' back on the bed. I knew me duty. I must swallow 'er liquid, every last drop of it. With a flick of me magic, I spread 'er parts and dove in, eager to give 'er all the pleasure she could take. Me mother's face twisted in ecstasy, eyes closed tight, but I kept meself locked on 'er gaze. As me mother reached the peak of 'er pleasure, I felt 'er liquid spillin' into me mouth, warm and sweet like honey. It flooded me senses, and I eagerly swallowed every drop, savorin' the taste. It was like nectar from the heavens, a blend of sweetness and saltiness that danced on me tongue. The flavor was intoxicatin', makin' me crave more with each gulp. I couldn't 'elp but moan in delight as I drank 'er essence, each swallow fillin' me with a warmth and contentment like nothin' else. Me mother's liquid was like a delicacy, somethin' to be cherished and savored with every sip. And as I licked me lips clean, I couldn't 'elp but smile, knowin' that I'd brought such pleasure to me dear mother, and that she'd shared such a precious moment with me. My mother raised a hoof to her forehead, letting out a satisfied sigh after her intense release. I licked me lips, tastin' 'er liquid, and couldn't 'elp but express me satisfaction. "Blimey, Mum, I adore yer liquid. I'd fancy another sip," I said contentedly as I lay beside 'er on the bed. "I understand, love, but I've just finished. Now it's your turn to return the favor," she sighed, explainin' the nature of 'er release. "And what I've just expelled is called vaginal fluids." "Vaginal fluids? Is that what comes out of here?" I inquired, touchin' me own parts to clarify. "Yes, that's right, dear. That's what it's called. Every mare's got one," Mum confirmed, gettin' out of bed. "Try not to move too much," she instructed, positionin' 'erself in front of me as I lay still, awaitin' 'er touch. My muvver began to slowly insert 'er 'oof inside me, and I clutched the sheets, tryin' to stifle any cries of pleasure or pain. It was clear 'er 'ooves were larger than mine, causin' a bit of discomfort alongside the pleasure. As she picked up the pace, I bit down on my lips, suppressin' any screams that threatened to escape. Every so often, Mum withdrew 'er 'oof to lick it, savorin' my essence with each taste. The combination of 'er saliva and the sensation of 'er 'oof inside me only 'eightened my arousal, creatin' an indescribable burnin' sensation that begged for more. Despite the intensity, I continued to grip the sheets tightly, feelin' the emotions rise within me. Mum's movements were vigorous, and though they brought tears to my eyes, they weren't solely from pain but from the overwhelmin' sensations coursing through me. "Mum!" I cried out, unable to contain meself any longer, and she silenced me with a deep tongue kiss. I surrendered to the intensity, closin' me eyes as tears flowed down me cheeks, minglin' with the sensations of pleasure and release. Durin' the kiss, I felt our tongues intertwine, sharin' our saliva, strengthenin' our bond with each touch. Me muvver licked me face, and I returned the favor, revelin' in the exchange of saliva. The sensations were intoxicatin', makin' me feel more alive than ever. She continued to press against me with fervor, and when we parted from our kiss, she took me horn into 'er mouth, suckin' it with the same enthusiasm. Me body burned with desire, yearnin' to release me vaginal fluids. As she played with me horn, I found meself cryin' out with pleasure, lost in the sensations overwhelmin' me. It was a marvel 'ow I could accommodate 'er entire hoof without feelin' unbearable pain, but I supposed it weren't me first time. "Mum, I think it's comin' out!" I cried, unable to contain the overwhelming sensations any longer. My back hooves trembled from side to side, and I pounded the bed with me front hooves, as if tryin' to ground meself in reality. "Hold on, dear. Let me continue sucking your horn," me mother purred, clearly enjoyin' the sensation. "I can't, mum! I'm about to expel it!" I sobbed, the need to release me fluids growin' too strong to ignore. No matter 'ow much I tried to hold on, it were inevitable. With a deep sigh, me mother stopped suckin' me horn, and me eyes widened in anticipation as she moved 'er mouth lower. Before I knew it, 'er entire mouth were envelopin' me vagina, and I let out a gasp of pleasure. Me 'eart were racin' as she began to swallow me vaginal fluids, 'er tongue workin' with an expertise that made me shiver with delight. I bit me lip, tryin' to contain the moans that threatened to escape me. Her mouth moved with an intoxicatin' rhythm, and I felt meself reachin' the peak of ecstasy. Every swirl of 'er tongue, every suckle, sent waves of pleasure shootin' through me. As I released me fluids, she swallowed eagerly, makin' me feel even more intoxicated with pleasure. It were an experience like no other, and I were lost in the sensation of it all, me body quiverin' with ecstasy. I would be chuffed to have another round, but I'm feeling quite knackered... it's like all the energy I had just vanished in the blink of an eye. My mum gave me one last taste of me own fluids and kissed me on the lips, passing it back to me mixed with her saliva. I swallowed it with excitement, a lovely way to wrap up our moment. She pulled away and looked me straight in the eye. "Mum, I'm feeling proper tired... do you mind if I crash in your bed?" I yawned, feeling the exhaustion wash over me. It always hits me like a ton of bricks after our sessions, I don't know why. My mum nodded, shaking her head gently. "Of course, dear. This one was a bit more intense than the others. You need your rest. I'll wake you up in three hours for dinner. It's not good for your health to eat late." She draped a sheet over me with her mouth, then flew over and tucked it around me. I didn't have the energy for another word. Everything seemed to blur together as I drifted off, the last thing I felt being my mum's kiss on my forehead. "Rest, Dinky. Mummy loves you ever so much." And with that, darkness enveloped me completely. "And that's what these stress relief sessions with my mother are like, right proper exciting?" I told Cotton as we lounged on the beach, the lake being occupied by Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, leaving us with this secluded spot. It might be a bit further out, but it's usually quieter, with the crystal clear water and fish giving it that extra charm. We were bobbing in the water, surrounded by darting fish. Cotton had inquired about my sessions with my mum. "Really? It sounds a bit like wrestling, how's that supposed to be relaxing?" Cotton asked, flapping her wings to stay afloat. "It's not something I can properly explain. You've got to experience it for yourself. Did you ask your mum if she'd give it a go?" I asked, wiping water from my face. "I did, and she was surprised!" Cotton laughed, her wings ruffling the water. "The look on her face when I asked her for a vaginal massage was priceless!" Cotton mimicked her mum's reaction with an exaggerated expression, causing us both to burst into laughter. "Hahahahah!" I couldn't help but laugh, splashing water unintentionally in Cotton's face. Cotton wiped her face with a hoof, knowing it was accidental. "She bombarded me with questions, asking where I got the idea from, who in their right mind does that with their foal... You know how it goes. My mom can be a bit dull at times." "I guess convincing her will be harder than the nine multiplication table," I remarked, kicking my hind hooves to keep myself afloat in the water. "Yeah, it's a shame I can't experience it with her," Cotton replied, and for a moment, there was a hush. Cotton gazed at the shimmering water, while I watched the pelicans glide through the sky, their calls echoing in the air. "I know!" Cotton suddenly exclaimed, breaking the silence. "Why don't you ask your mom to give me a massage?" She tapped one hoof against the other, a hopeful gleam in her eyes. "I hadn't thought of that... sounds brilliant! It'd be a right laugh, I reckon. I'm sure my mum would be up for pampering both of us," I chimed in, excitement bubbling up within me. If it's fun with just the two of us, adding Cotton to the mix would be even better. Cotton nodded determinedly. "This is gonna be amazing! How about we ask her later? After we've had a swim with the fishes?" "Sounds top-notch! And we could have a proper sleepover too. This summer's gonna be the bee's knees, mark my words!" We high-fived and dove underwater, racing with the fishes, knowing full well we couldn't beat them in speed, but relishing the challenge nonetheless.