> Anon's meetup with Sunburst's mother > by The_Real_Hog18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Quick Escalation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, Anon was having a normal life at first. That was before while riding the bus with his sister and… yeah, I think we all know what has happened to land them in such a situation. When they first arrived in Equestria, they were surprised to find that they were welcomed quickly, possibly because they weren’t the only humans. The anthropomorphic ponies were really kind and safe to say, things have been well. Helping them settle in was no other than Sunburst, a unicorn claimed to be a powerful wizard. He was able to find them a decent place to stay while in Ponyville. Anon found a friend in him due to his kindness, although his sister saw a lot more than ‘just’ a friend in the stallion. It eventually led to the human girl and stallion dating and… well, the other human had more time to himself. More Time that he had to focus on… well, other things. Like art. Although, part of him did want to have a relationship like his sister and Sunburst had, but… for now, he wasn’t looking hard. Anon was up in his room, drawing a family photo for the neighbors across from him before he got a knock at his bedroom door that nearly started him and caused him to groan in annoyance before he stood up and went over to his door and opened it, seeing his sister smiling. “Hello, brother.” She says with a hand up. “Hey, uh… I’m kinda in the middle of something right now.” He tried to tell her. “Got it, got it. Just wanna know if you’d like to come with me and Sunny to Sire's Hollow.” She asked. “Sire's what?” “Sire's Hollow. It’s Sunny’s old hometown. He and I were planning to visit and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind coming with us.” “... For how long?” “Just about a week or so. Not that long.” “I… I don’t know, I’m backed up on… a few commissions so I don’t think…” Anon started to say before his sister stared at him. “Ya know what I guess I could just finish them up while we’re there.” “Good, then get ready. We’re going early tomorrow.” “How early?” The answer was very early. Thankfully they managed to catch the train. Anon’s sister sat happily humming to herself while slightly tilting back and forth. Then she noticed something and looked at Sunburst, seeing the stallion shaking while sweating a bit. “Hey, are you okay?” She asked as he clamped up for a moment. “Y-Yeah, all good. Nothing to worry about.” He stutters while smiling. “Nervous?” She asked as he slightly nodded. “It’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid.” “I’m not afraid. It’s just…” The stallion huffed for a second. “My mom is a bit of a… well, she’s supportive and all, but… she’s a little much at times. I’m just worried about what she’ll think when she finds out that I have a marefriend… I-I mean girlfriend.” “Hey, I’m sure it won’t be a big deal. If she’s as supportive as you say-” “Oh, no, I’m not worried about that… just that… she might be a bit of a meddler at times. A big one.” “Oh…” The human girl says before thinking for a moment. “Well, it… still can’t be something that isn’t something we can’t get through.” She says before placing her hand on his. “Plus, it’s nice to meet the mare who created such a handsome stallion as yourself.” She then says as he blushes. “Still here ya know.” Anon says as they turn to the human just across from them. “Think you can at least save the gushing for when we’re there?... when you’re by yourselves?” “Grow up, Anon. We hardly even flirted just now.” His sister retorted back. “Besides, you hardly leave the house anyway. At least try to enjoy this.” The young human simply rolled his eyes before going back to working on his art, ignoring the two across from him. As they arrived at Sire’s Hollow, stepped off with their suitcases, and sat at the train station. Sunburst looked around, looking concerned. “Hey, it’s okay. We’re gonna get through this.” Anon’s sister says, reassuring the stallion next to her. “Right, right. No big deal.” He says. “I’m gonna head to the bathroom. Be back in a bit.” Anon says while leaving the two. While he was walking he was taking a look at the town, seeing how small it looked compared to Ponyville. It still seemed like a nice place just from looking at it, though also seemed quiet and less populated. He didn’t mind the latter, in fact liked it. It wasn’t that loud at Ponyville, but the quiet was calming to listen to. However, he was distracted enough to not look where he was going, crashing into somepony and landing on the ground. He groaned while feeling something pressing against his face as he pushed himself up, gasping for air before looking down, feeling something soft in both his hands and then his eyes widened. Below him was a unicorn mare with an orange fur coat, emerald green eyes, a scarlet mane, and white-furred hands, while wearing a dress shirt, necktie, pencil skirt, and dress boots. She was looking at the boy with eyes wide and a small blush on her face. Small hint, it was because the things in the human’s hands were not oversized rubber balls. Seeing where his hands were, he quickly got up and looked at her as she looked back. “I-I’m sorry!” He says while quickly running away. So, after ‘escaping’ the situation. Anon sat in the restroom stall for a few minutes trying to calm himself down. He needed a minute to think about what he just did. Not even a day in the town and he already got himself into one of those ‘incidents’ without even leaving the train station. The worst part was if that mare wasn’t at the station to leave the town, she was gonna still be there, and he would likely run into her again. He was worried about that happening, especially the off chance she was one of those who would freak out the moment she saw him again. Then he shook his head. That was only a problem in his world, surely. Hopefully, if he did run into her again, they would both act rational and maybe talk it out at least… or he hoped that she would probably forget about what happened earlier. After a bit, he stopped wasting time and finished his business. Drying his hands as he left, he made his way back to his group. He was there to visit Sunburst’s hometown and meet his family, no more than that. He wasn’t gonna let this moment ruin the trip he had set off with his sister to enjoy. As he was making his way back, he saw they were talking to another mare who was giving Sunburst a big hug. Yep, this had to be the mother. He walked over there as his sister noticed. “Oh, right on time. Ms. this is my brother Anon.” Anon’s sister says while referring to him. “Well, hello there. My name is Stellar… Flare…” The mare came to a stop. The human boy and the mare stared at each other with wide eyes in realization. That mare standing in front of him was the one he had bumped into earlier… and it was Sunburst’s mother. Did he tell them what happened? No, neither he nor the mare did ever explain how they had already met earlier, nor did they want the couple to know about it. Things were in a way awkward after that, Anon hardly said a word and mostly tried to avoid eye contact with the mare. Thankfully no one seemed to catch on or question why. Right now, the human was sitting on one of the couches in Sunburst’s old home, and the other three were in the other room catching up on some things. He was working on a drawing that he was gonna give to one of his clients when he got back home, hearing Stellar Flare make some joke that embarrassed her son which he chuckled at for a second. He took a glance back at them and got a good look at the mother. She seemed oddly young and beautiful. Not enough to be like a sister to Sunburst, but considering the aforementioned stallion’s age, he was expecting a granny who needed a cane to walk, but there wasn’t even a wrinkle on her, and if there was then she did a good job of hiding them. She caught him staring and he quickly looked away and got back to drawing. The last thing he wanted was to be caught staring at his sister’s boyfriend’s mother by any of them. “Hey, Anon, me and Sunburst are heading out for a bit. Do you want anything while I’m out?” His sister asked. “I’m good. I don’t need anything right now.” The boy says. “Okay, have fun with Stellar then.” He froze for a moment as he saw his sister and her boyfriend leaving the house. He didn’t have to look back to know that the mare was behind him, although now he was alone with her. Shaking his head, he just got back to his art piece trying not to lose focus. “Well, hope you’re doing well for yourself.” Stellar says while going over behind him. “I have to say, it is odd to see one of you uh… hoomans was it?” “Humans.” “Yes, that. Though it is nice to see my baby boy so happy. Surely he’s shown you how amazing he is with his magic.” “Oh, he has. Plenty of times.” The boy says plainly before his eyes turn to his side seeing the mare sliding up next to him with a smile. “So, what do you think of it?” Anon looked uncomfortable, scooting away a bit. “I mean… magic where I come from is… pretty dull so it’s kinda cool and impressive.” “Indeed it is. After all, my baby did attend the great Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.” The unicorn says proudly. “... I see. Well, I wouldn’t know too much about that.” Anon says while going back to his work. The mare pouted because the human wasn’t making an effort to listen to her. Then she looked over, seeing what he was doing. “That looks nice. What are you drawing?” She asked in interest, much to the puzzlement of her guest. “It’s just my neighbors back in Ponyville. A few people… er, ponies have asked for some sketches so, might as well get them done while I can.” “Oh, I see.” She says. It seemed to end right there and silence filled the room… along with the awkwardness. Stellar was fidgeting with her fingers trying to think of something else to say. The boy himself was stuck on what he should say, knowing that he couldn’t rely on someone else to take over. Taking a glance around, he thought of something to ask. “So, uh…” He starts to say. “Where’s Sunburst’s dad? Is he coming back any time soon?” Stellar looked at him, before huffing in annoyance while looking away. “Unfortunately, he’s not coming back at all.” She says bitterly. He looked at her, once again puzzled. Then it started to sink in what she meant and his face dropped. “Oh, sorry.” He quickly says. “It’s fine dear. After all, it’s normal to be curious.” He stared at her for a moment before looking forward, not knowing what to say that wouldn’t break the awkwardness. Anon had decided to go out for a walk to clear his mind and hopefully for the awkwardness to have died down by the time he got back. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much to do. He did try some of the food there, including something known as a carrotdog which… tasted exactly like a hotdog, surprisingly. Although he was caught off guard by knowing that Sunburst’s parents weren’t together, he didn’t think too much about it. Considering how Stellar acted when bringing up her ‘husband’, that was enough to tell him that things did not end well. That and he did feel bad for her, knowing that she had probably been alone ever since her son left. Speaking of which, he caught sight of his sister with the stallion having a good time with each other, on a date. He wanted to maybe meet them to ask how they were doing, but decided against it and let them have their own time. He went back to the house they were gonna be staying at, not knowing what else to do and planning on getting back to his work. However, as he entered the house, he heard a faint noise, puzzled at what it could be. Then he heard a small yelp and a thud from upstairs and got worried. “Oh no.” He says before rushing up the stairs. “Ms. Flare?!” He called before hearing her groan from the bathroom and quickly ran to it, bursting in, causing her to gasp. “I’m sorry! I just heard something fall and… wanted to…” He stopped as he looked down. The mare was lying on the floor staring right up at him in shock. He could see that her legs were spread, enough for him to see under her skirt and what looked like some flat bottom. The more he stared, the more his eyes were starting to bulge out of his head from seeing it. He did not need to be told what it was. “I-I… I was…” He says before slamming the door. “Sorry!” He ran into the guest bedroom he was staying in, looking embarrassed, freaked out, and… well it wasn’t easy to describe what else he was feeling, but his red face should be enough to explain it. His first day in this place, he had done no less than grope and invade the privacy of the mother of his sister’s boyfriend before the day was even over. Great, just perfect. There was no way that she didn’t think he wasn’t a degenerate at this point, right? And he was gonna be there for a week. Hell, he might as well just go back to the station and lay on the track-Okay, he caught on to how dark that sounded quickly before stopping. Then he heard a strange grunting noise coming from the hall again. Hearing that he started to get worried. Was she getting started again, while he was still there? Did she just not care? “OW!” He then perked up and listened again. “Oh, stupid thing!” It didn’t sound like she was getting pleasure, more like pain. Now he knew that it probably wasn’t a good idea, but then again, it sounded like she wasn’t doing alright. Slowly, he walked out and over to the bathroom again. “Come on, get out!” Peaking inside, he saw Stellar on her knees ass to the door. Looking down, her skirt was up and he could see the flat bottom of whatever was still there. She was trying to pull on it with little success, even trying to use her magic, but nothing seemed to move it. Now maybe the ‘parts’ were blocked, but the situation alone said a lot about what it was. He got caught up in staring once again before looking away. Should he knock or should he leave? In a second, the door opened before he could react and the mare looked at him. “I’m sorry, I know this might be a little bit of an inappropriate thing to ask, especially my guest, but… there’s something stuck that I kinda need help with.” She asked with pleading eyes. “Could you… help me, please?” He started to mentally fight with himself for a second. Yes, it’d probably be the right thing to help her, but his sister and Sunburst could be back any minute and he was worried what they might think… then again, they weren’t back yet. He nodded, hoping it could at least be fast. Now, what was he thinking when agreeing to this? Well, he didn’t have time to think about that as he entered the bathroom and watched as the mare bent over, putting her hands on the edge of the tub, presenting the young human with her rear. “As embarrassing as this is, I… c-can you just… pull it out, please?” She asked again. “... S-Sure, I’ll…” Anon gulped. “I’ll get it.” He took one more second, thinking about whether this was dumb or not. Then pushing it aside as he reached down and wrapped his fingers around the base. “Okay, one…” Stellar started counting. “Two…” The boy inhaled and exhaled for a moment to prepare himself. “Three!” He then started pulling as much as he could, causing her to grunt as she gripped the tub. They stopped for a moment to catch their breaths before they started again. The young human almost lost his grip as he felt the thing shift a bit, seeming to get loose. He started to hear something dripping onto the floor before stopping, causing the mare to moan. ‘What am I doing? What am I doing?! What am I doing?!’ Anon mentally yelled at himself. ‘Seriously, what am I doing?!’ “Okay, okay…” Stellar huffed, panting for a second before turning her head to look at him. “I think… one more… should do it.” She says before her horn lit up along with the thing in her. “One… two… three!” Then Anon put all of his energy into his arms and gave it one strong pull. In the next second, Stellar lost her grip on the bathtub, crashing into the human and causing them to land against the door, shutting it entirely. After that, they heard the sound of rubber bouncing and more splatting as the thing landed on the floor. That thing being a stallion dildo. As weird as it was for Anon to see what it was, it was the last thing on his mind right now. What was, was the mare laying against him, huffing and puffing and covered in sweat. That and something else. “I…” Stellar started, pausing to pant for a second and catch her breath. “I’m truly sorry. I should not have dragged you into this.” “I-I… y-yeah, uh…” The boy tried to say. “Honestly, what would the town think if they had found out I got myself into a situation like this?” They probably would’ve-” She stopped as she started to feel something. Looking down and lifting her skirt a bit, she saw her uncovered entrance rubbing against a bulge in the young human’s pants, which was dark and damp with presumably her juices. Embarrassment finally found its way onto her face as her ears folded. She slowly turned to face the human who looked away in his own embarrassment. They knew the position they were in and… how lewd it was. “Hello!? Mom?” They jumped when they heard Sunburst’s voice. “Oh shoot. I-I got to get out of here.” Anon says as he is about to reach the doorknob. “No!” Stellar whisper yells as she uses her magic to lock the door. “Are you crazy!? You can’t go out there with us like this!” She says before clearing her throat. “In here, sweetie! Just… getting ready to take a shower!” “Oh, okay… Where Anon?” Sunburst asked. “He… said he was going out for a walk and that he’d be back in a bit.” “Oh, I see. Well, uh, if you need us, we’ll be in our rooms.” “Okay, I’ll be out in a little bit.” They heard the sound of footsteps go by and sighed in relief. “Okay, can I leave now?” “Not yet.” Stellar tells the human before she gets off him. “Just… wait it out for a bit.” She says while going up to the bathtub, and starting the water. “Again, I’m sorry.” Not knowing how to respond, Anon gulped as he stayed sitting against the door. He watched as the mare started to strip. Starting by removing her headband, then pulling down her skirt, revealing her soaking lower lips, and her big, jiggly, and bubbly asscheeks with her cutie mark on her hips. Then she took off her tie, then her shirt was next, both being dropped to the floor. She changed it to turn on the shower before reaching behind and undoing her bra as she turned around, removing it and allowing her breasts to bounce free as well. Then she remembered she wasn’t alone before attempting to cover them again. However, the human had already gotten a good look at her breasts, seeing her nipples which weren’t covered in fur, and how big her chest was at all. Now he wasn’t an expert, but if he could guess, she might’ve had a D-cup size. Stellar was about to say something but then looked down at the human’s bulge in his pants. Then a thought came to mind, then she smiled. The boy looked puzzled but then saw her drop her bra before walking over to him, almost as if a switch had flipped and she had quickly altered from being embarrassed at that moment. “Ya know…” She then bent over to meet his eye level. “Maybe we could help fix each other’s problems.” Anon looked up at her in shock as she looked at him with a smile. What did he do? Did he tell her off? Tell her that what she was proposing was wrong? How immoral it was? No… no it wasn’t. “B-but the… what if… they hear us?” He says, unable to break eye contact. “Well, maybe we should try to be quiet. Can you do that for me?” She asked him. “I still don’t know about this.” Sunburst says as he enters the room. “Come on, we can make this quick. No one will know.” Anon’s sister says while closing and locking the door. “Right, but we won’t be able to hear when your brother gets back, or when my mom gets out. Are you still sure?” “I’m sure. Come on, Sunny.” With a shrug, Sunburst emitted magic from his horn before shooting it at the ceiling, creating a barrier around the room before it went invisible. Knowing they weren’t gonna be heard, the human girl smiled before she started to undress, the stallion getting a little flustered before smiling as he started to do the same. What the two in the other room didn’t know was that it benefitted their relatives in the bathroom greatly. On the bathroom floor were two piles of clothes, the shower curtain was drawn, followed by the sounds of the shower running and muffled wet slapping. In the shower, Anon and Stellar Flare had their arms around each other, mouths pressed against each other, and the mare’s foot was up and against the wall as her hips were slowly bucking against the human’s while the water ran down their bodies. It felt like a second ago when they were in an awkward position of being caught by their family, and now here were the two, making out as the human’s tower was going in and out of the mare’s cavern. The unicorn was especially going all in, swirling her tongue around his own, being in full control of him. Of course, our little protagonist tried to fight back with his tongue, but it was all futile as the pony milf overpowered him easily. It only ended once she pulled away from his lips, leaving them both panting and red-faced, more so the human as the mare smiled as they looked at each other. “Not bad. Do you have a marefriend? Ever done this before?” She asked. “N-no. Neither.” “Oh really? Could’ve fooled me.” She giggled before moving her hips faster. “Seems you’re a natural.” She gave the boy a lick up his neck, of which sent a tingle through his body. Part of him was still wondering why he was doing this, why he suddenly just up and decided to give this mare his first kiss and virginity, and yes, there was a second voice trying to tell him to stop fucking his potentially future mother-in-law. However, that second voice fell on deaf ears, being pushed into the back of his head. He couldn’t care less about it at that moment, only caring about how good and tight she felt. It was a surprise to him, but he was hardly questioning it as his mind was filled with lust and pleasure. Unconsciously, Anon moved his hands down and grabbed ahold of her asscheeks, and started assisting her, thrusting into her as she moaned in delight. “Yes! Just like that!” She says through her moans. “Fuck, I feel like I’m gonna cum.” “Don’t be afraid. Let it all out.” After a few more hard thrusts, their hips rammed against each other and the human could feel his member twitching. A while later and he felt the mare’s pussy suddenly tighten around him and let out a loud moan which triggered him to reach his climax and soon he started releasing his seed into her. Her grip tightened around him as she pushed her hips further against him, making sure he stayed inside her, not losing a drop. About a minute later, the orgasm seemed to stop before the human’s member softened and fell out of the mare’s lower lips. Panting for air and both having red covering their faces, they looked each other in the eyes. The mare only smirked before giving the boy another kiss. The next day, Anon was sitting at the table for breakfast that morning with a drawing he had been asked to work on from Ponyville. He hadn’t finished it yet, only staring at it. He was thinking about what happened yesterday and what he had gotten himself into. That second voice had found its way back and was now scolding him and not letting him forget it. It was making sure he suffered for- “Anon?” He snapped out of his trance as he looked over at his sister who looked concerned. “Are you okay? You haven’t touched your food in a minute.” He looked at his plate, then back at her. “I-I’m all good.” “You sure? You’ve been spacing out for a while.” Sunburst says also concerned. “If you want, I can take it back to-” Stellar started to say. “No, no, it’s good. All good. I’m just… thinking ya know.” The human quickly says before stuffing his face. That seemed to be convincing enough… somewhat anyway. Quietly sighing in relief, he continued eating his breakfast. Although he still couldn’t get his mind off of the ‘incident’ yesterday. He was doing his best to not make eye contact with the mare in question, much less her son. The second voice still was hounding him about it, not bothering to let him live it down and making sure he felt shame for it. Maybe he should. After all, it was shameful what he did was it not? The fact that he was sitting at the same table as the stallion whose mother he banged should be enough-Wait, what was that thing pressing against his crotch? He flinched a bit and looked down, seeing a familiar white foot rubbing between his legs. Blushing, he looked up at the mare, seeing her smirking at him. He knew what she was doing, and it almost frightened him seeing how bold she was being since her son was right next to them. But did he swat it away and reject it?... Do you really think so? “You sure you don’t wanna come with us?” Anon’s sister asked as she and the stallion opened the front door. “You don’t wanna get out of the house or anything?” “I’m sure. I just wanna get some more pieces done before we have to go back.” Anon tells her. “Ugh, whatever. What about you Ms. Flare?” “Oh, I’m all good dear. Go on, have fun with each other.” Stellar tells them before smiling. “But don’t give me grandkids too quick.” “MOM!” Sunburst says as the mare giggles. The two left, closing the door as the Stallion was now embarrassed. “She’s really sweet.” Anon’s sister says. “Yeah, but… this seems kinda different. I mean, she wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to spend time with me. We did just come down here to visit her.” Sunburst says as they start to walk away from the house. “Yeah, that does seem odd, in a way.” As the couple were now away from the house, the two inside hadn’t wasted much time. Stellar was on her knees in front of the human, bobbing her head on his member while slightly gagging each time as Anon panted, feeling the heat reach his face. The drawing he was doing was left on the table, still unfinished. The milf was making sure his member from tip to base was coated in her saliva, making sure no part of it was left dry, keeping mindful of her horn. The boy felt like he was in paradise and the second voice was being pushed back again and it was no more than a muffle for him now. He couldn’t care less about it now and wasn’t gonna let it get the better of him and ruin this moment. “I must say, your little friend here is a lot different than the ones I’ve seen before, and I like it.” Stellar says after pulling off of his member. “So, how are you feeling, dear?”  “Yeah, this is…” He inhaled before exhaling. “Honestly really good.” “Good. Now why don’t you help this old pony relieve herself before they get back? ~” She then took him by the hand and led him to the couch. They laid on the couch, Anon on the bottom with his tongue lapping against the milf’s pussy while Stellar was tending to his shaft. She kissed the tip and dragged her tongue down it, licking his balls. This made the human flinch a bit, but he returned it by sticking his tongue into her lower lips. “Ooh, you know how to treat a mare.” She laughed as she bit her lip, enjoying it as she took the cock into her mouth. Did they find it shameful? Yes. Was it still exciting and felt good? Yes. Anon kept his hands on the mare’s asscheeks, squeezing them, pulling them apart from each other, heck even pushing his face more into her entrance just to feel her asscheeks on each side of his face. And he would be lying if he said it didn’t feel amazing. After a bit, he felt her come in his mouth as he drank as much of her juices as possible. A little while later, he came in her mouth, spraying his load into her mouth as she downed every drop. Things felt… great. Days had passed since then and things were going well for them. The stallion and human girl were having a good time with each other, thankfully not being smothered by his mother at the time, but that was because she was busy with the human boy. As time passed, the mare would take any chance to tease the boy. Whether it’d be giving him the occasional wink whenever the couple’s backs were turned, if she felt more risky she’d give him a peck on the lips or rub his thigh, but when they were alone, they got it on. And he partook in it, doing his best to keep the relationship he had made with the mare in under a week from being known, figuring what his sister and his… well friend would react if they found out. Anon was walking back from the coffee shop, it being the only place he could get his work done for obvious reasons. He had finished his last piece and could finally stop worrying about getting them to the ponies who requested them when he got back to Ponyville, and it was the final night he’d be there too. “I’m back!” He called as he entered, closing the front door and looking around, seeing the place empty. “Hello? Anyone there?” He wondered if they were asleep, which got him a little worried about waking someone up, though if they were asleep he would also wonder why they were when it was still some time in dusk. Then as he looked up the stairs he saw a familiar hand reach out from the top and usher him to come up. Now he was wondering what ‘her’ shenanigans were this time as he dropped his work on the living room table and walked up the stairs. Making it to the top, he saw no one there, but saw the door to the mare’s bedroom creak slightly. Looking left and right for a moment, he went up to the door and started to wonder what she was planning as he opened the door and stepped inside, eyes wide afterward. “Welcome back. Like what you see? ~” The mare says in a seductive tone Stellar sat on her bed with her legs crossed, looking at the door with a sultry stare. She kept on her normal tie, but was wearing a black lacy bra and panties that were mostly see-through. She enjoyed seeing the flustered look on the young human’s face, standing up from the bed, her horn lighting up as the door closed. Anon turned to the door, startled for a second, giving the mare the chance to reach under his shirt and feel up his torso. He let her do it, not rejecting her touch as she led him to the bed. They sat on the bed next to each other, not jumping into it straight away like they usually have before then. “You know, I’m gonna miss having you here.” Stellar says in a soft tone. “Not just because of how much fun you gave me while here, but knowing I'll be alone by myself once again. So I really hope you visit more often.” That’s the last thing he expected to hear from her at that moment, but then again, he did feel bad for her. “Well, if you want, I could maybe move here.” He says, causing her to perk up. “You’d do that for me?” “Yeah, I would. If you want anyway, Ms. Flare-” He started to say before she put a finger on his mouth. “Please, dear. Call me Stellar tonight.” She smiled, not in a seductive way, but seemed more genuine. She then cupped his face and kissed him, as he put his hands on her waist in return. This time though was more passionate than lustful. Once they were done… yeah, they went back at it. Stellar laid on the bed as Anon was above her, bra off as he was fondling her boobs, sucking on one of them, and his shaft going in and out of her pussy. The mare moaned in delight as she held the young human, wrapping her legs around his torso as he bucked his hips into hers. Anon didn’t care to listen to the second voice in his head, acting as though it wasn’t even there. Technically it wasn’t, but slowly started to forget about it. It didn’t matter to him anymore, it didn’t control him, and if it wanted to ruin this moment, he wasn’t gonna let it. After a bit, he stopped sucking the mare’s tits before reaching down and grabbing her ass as he started thrusting harder. That was enough to make her climax and cover his crotch in her juices while he kept moving his hips. During those days, he quickly learned to adjust and last longer and make sure she had a good time since this was his last night before the next visit. Part of him was starting to think that maybe he should move to Sire's Hollow, just so he could be with her. His sister was old enough to take care of herself, and he could think of an excuse as to why he would move there without his sister and friend knowing why. While he was thinking, his hips started getting faster, and faster, making the mare moan louder than before as he could feel his end coming. “Yes! YES!” Stellar said through her moans as her arms and legs’ grip tightened. “Give me your foals!” He complied and pushed his member as deep as it could go, practically penetrating her womb and then unloading as much seed as he had left. There was enough to flood her womb, some leaking out and onto the sheets, staining them along with the mare’s own cum. He never felt more amazing than in that moment. It went on for about a minute before he was done. They panted afterward, feeling exhausted. They looked at each other in the eyes, then moved in slowly. But before their lips could connect, Stellar’s face dropped as she looked behind the young human. He wondered what she was doing before his eyes widened in realization. Slowly, he looked behind him and there was his sister and Sunburst in the doorway looking shocked by the position the other two were in at that moment. Suddenly that voice in the back of Anon’s head found its way back and was now giving him the ‘I told you so’ speech. > Epilogue (Bonus) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, Anon stuck to his plan, moving to Sire’s Hollow not long after the ‘incident’… and having to clear some things up with his sister and Sunburst, which was a ‘fun’ time having to explain why he was banging the mother of his sister’s boyfriend. Thankfully though, the relationship between them hadn’t been damaged… surprisingly anyway. Although things were awkward for a little bit for pretty obvious reasons, fortunately again, not for a long time. Unfortunately between the time of his prepping to move, his sister would tease him about it in some harmless banter, which he admitted he deserved. He was gonna miss being with her, but he knew she was in the good hands of the ‘wizard’ of a stallion she was dating. And, it wasn’t like he wasn’t gonna see her again. Ever since he moved though, he hadn’t heard that second voice so he guessed that it just gave up. So, here we were now, months later. Anon was in his bed, being awoken by the ringing of the phone on the nightstand next to him. He groaned, not wanting to answer it, but had to. It was only a landline phone that was brought to Equestria by humans that arrived before him and his sister, though part of him wished they hadn’t so he wouldn’t have to hear the annoying ringing. “Hello?” He says groggily as he lays back against the pillow. “Hey, sorry to call so early. I didn’t wake you, did I?” Sunburst says over the phone. “Unfortunately yes. Though, I wouldn’t say it’s early.” The human says while looking out the window. “Is there something you need?” “Well, I was calling because we have that meetup today. You remember when I told you about Starlight?” “Somewhat.” “She’s gonna be joining us. Hope you don’t mind.” “Well, if she’s as nice as you say, I’m sure it’ll be good.” “Great. See you soon. I’m sure your nephew will be happy to see you.” “Got it. Now if you excuse me… I need another five minutes of sleep before I get some more commissions done.” “Okay, no need to be a drag… dad.” “Man, shut up.” Anon says embarrassed before the phone was taken from it. “I’ll be seeing you too, sweetheart.” Stellar says into the phone. “Say hi to my grandson for me.” “Will do, Mom. See you soon.” She then happily placed the phone on the stand before looking at her lover. “So, how was your talk with your son? ~” She says in a flirtatious tone. “Stellar, we’ve been over this. I’m not Sunburst’s new dad.” “I know, but it’s fun to tease you about it.” She giggled. Sighing, Anon sat up as his lover sat by his side. Both were only in their underwear and the human had grown to be a foot taller than Stellar while the mare changed more drastically. She took his hand that had a ring on it and moved it down to her big round pregnant belly. As he rubbed it, one of the twins reacted by kicking which he felt. “You know, we still need to name them.” She says while smiling up at him. “Yeah, I know. I’m trying to think of something.” “Whatever you do come up with, I’m sure it’ll be good.” He was a few months away from being a father, and yes he was nervous. However, he was preparing himself for the day. He is in the works of turning his art hobby into a legit business, mostly so he can provide for his new family. So far, this new life wasn’t so bad for him.