> Alternian Heartscars > by lazydayArtist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Certain Surprise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Certain Surprise A blatantly cheery sun rose over the town of Ponyville. A certain daring Pegasus was first to arise, and was not all too happy to find an angry pair of gray eyes in her face. "WAH!" the tiny, furry creature was sent flying across the room with a wail. "What are you?!" Rainbow Dash stared. Another one of those creatures with strange rabbit feet was laughing her head off. "nice tryyyyyyyy, krrkt~" she taunted. Her voice was strange, made up of clicks and small whines, but it was obvious what she was saying. "HUSHIE!" the other, much smaller one complained. He bounced up to Rainbow's bed again, holding a letter. They had strange long tails with fluff on the very tips. Rainbow took the letter carefully, looking at the girl creature with suspicion. Opening the letter, she noticed Princess Luna's script immediately. She read aloud. "Now, I bet you're wondering why you have obtained these rabbit-like animals. In fact, they are aliens." Dashie looked back to the two, who were watching her eagerly. "Aliens, huh?" ~~~~ ~ ~~~ "I have transported them to your care in hopes of learning more about the stars." Rarity read, glancing nervously to the lipstick-wearing animal in front of her. Another one, who looked much older than her, was playing with a bell on one of her work-in-progress dresses, honking occasionally. Yes, honking. "They are from a race called Alternian trolls and they shall be depending on you to survive." ~~~~ ~ ~~~ Fluttershy was petting one that was purring and curled up like a kitten. "They have been treated harshly when they were much younger, and they need someone to depend upon to learn how to grow up like most." She looked up to the unsure one who was trying to nudge around a lance. "Oh, you poor babies!" Fluttershy gasped, bringing them into a tight hug. The cat-like one was screeching and yowling. She did NOT want to be picked up. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ "Twilight, you have gained a yellowblood, Sollux Captor--" Twilight Sparkle looked up toward the two trolls who were conversing amiably while trying to climb the bookcases. "and the rustblood, Aradia Medigo." ~~~~ ~ ~~~ "Pinkie, you received the purpleblood Eridan Ampora and the tealblood Terezi Pyrope!" Pinkie exclaimed, looking at the two who were fighting over a tube of icing. "M1N3!" the bigger one complained, who appeared to be blind. "no, i saww it first!" the smaller one whimpered. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ "Ah got a fuchsiablood named Feferi Piexes and the blueblood Equius Zahhak.." Applejack said uncertainly, looking at how the larger of the two was so nervous and sweaty around the baby of the two. "Oh boy." she sighed. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ "A ceruleanblood named Vriska Serket and the mutantblood Karkat Vantas?" Rainbow Dash questioned, glancing at the two trolls. "Well, that blows!" Vriska stuck out her tongue. "8luh 8luh!" she squeaked. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ "Tavros Nitram..?" Fluttershy looked to the brown blood who nodded slightly. "And Nepeta Leijon?" the olive blood smiled. "uM, yUP," Tavros said nervously. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ "The jadeblood named Kanaya Maryam and the indigoblood named Gamzee Makara." Rarity looked up at the two. Kanaya was scolding the larger for messing up a dress. Rarity smiled slightly. She believed she would like the jade one. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ "In all hopes, Princess Luna." Twilight finished. They were all gathered at the library with their new trolls. "Well, this was undoubtedly a surprise. But if the Princess has given us a task, we must preform it to the best. Yes?" Rainbow Dash didn't look so estatic. "What do they even eat?" she asked, staring at how their trolls stayed shyly by their new owner's sides. Gamzee perked up by Rarity. "FaYgO?" he asked. Fluttershy's ears dipped. "I um...I imagine if we asked them politely we could figure it out." As if on cue, Nepeta's stomach growled. Kanaya cleared her small throat. "Ahem?" it was a question. Everyone looked to her. She was strangely proper for her age. "We Normally Eat 'Human' Food Such As Cluckbeast Eggs And Bacon And The Like, But Assessing This Current Time Set, That Would Be Considered Cannibalism" Rarity was shocked at her well stretched vocabulary. "Bacon? Does she mean Hay Bacon? And what's a 'cluckbeast'?" Pinkie looked at Twilight, who was studying some books. "Um...I think they eat chicken eggs...and pig meat..." Twilight shuddered. Gamzee honked happily. The indigoblood continued, which they had determined was the eldest of the group, whilst Eridan was the youngest. "BuT We cAn eAt aNyThInG YoU GoT." he smiled lazily at them. Fluttershy shuddered. She wasn't sure if she liked Gamzee all that much. Nepeta pawed at Fluttershy, whining. She was hungry, and didn't feel like waiting for this meeting to end. "Um...maybe just some cereal will be good for them right now. And oatmeal." Nepeta nodded happily. She crawled up her back and nuzzled into her mane. "Maybe they like cake!" Pinkie smiled hopefully. Terezi was too busy sniffing and licking at her mane to really care about this conversation. "Why don't we go home and figure this out troll by troll?" Rainbow Dash asked. Everypony nodded. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ Kanaya was watching carefully over Rarity's shoulder as she cooked. She watched her magic, impressed. "You Have Powers Like A Psionic Yet You Have Normal Eyes..." she murmured. "A psionic?" Rarity asked politely. "A Member Of The Troll Community With Red And Blue Eyes That Have Amazing Powers, In Example Sollux" "Oh, so I see. No, We Unicorns merely have mystical powers." Rarity smiled, setting out two bowls of oatmeal at the table. Gamzee was already sitting and took his spoon, immediately beginning to eat. Kanaya leapt to her place, eating as well. "Maple Sugar" she asked after a few bites. Rarity nodded. "And...Mmmm..." "Cinnamon." Kanaya brightened and ate faster. Literally, brightened. Rarity hadn't noticed it earlier, but she was glowing, if faintly. Kanaya noticed her staring and fidgeted. "Uhm..." she looked back down at her bowl. "You're glowing." Rarity spluttered. "Yes, Not Meaning To Frighten You, But I Normally Drink Blood" she smiled. Rarity backed away slowly, whimpering. "No Worries, No Worries, Gamzee Here Has Agreed To Supply" Gamzee looked up and honked at the mention of his name. Rarity stared at the two, frightened. What had the Princess sent her unknowingly?! The two trolls watched as she dropped to the ground in a faint before looking at each other. "...ShE'Ll wAkE Up." Gamzee smiled and kept eating. Kanaya, after a hesitant moment, did as well. ((AN: I take requests on which troll's chapter I should do next, so just write me up on who I should do. More simply, you can send an emotocon of the pony in charge of each troll. The Chapter names often have hidden hints towards the Chapter, but not in just one way. I E, A Certain Surprise, they get their trolls and Rarity is scared of hers. <3 Lizzard)) ((Edit: Fixed some quirks.)) > a FALL FOR,,,uHH,,,tHE WORSE > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- a FALL FOR,,,uHH,,,tHE WORSE "Now come on little guy, don't be so shy. Angel doesn't bite." Fluttershy encouraged Tavros as he walked towards the irritable rabbit. Angel merely glared at him, he hadn't gotten his breakfast yet, and Nepeta was still eating. Tavros sat down next to Angel nervously. He really liked all the animals Fluttershy had, but he was sort of scared. At his old home, they had loads of pets. But he was always scolded, and at the worst beaten, if he tried to touch them. You see, the trolls had been transported from a land where humans used them merely as pets. Luna received them, broken, beaten, crying for a someone. She did the best she could to heal them, but nothing could heal the scars of their past. Caring for the 12 was too much for her to handle, so she knew just who to send them to. Fluttershy nudged Tavros closer to Angel. He whined quietly and clung to Fluttershy's neck. They were still very young. She wrapped her forehooves around him, picking him up. "Hush..." she murmured, but he kept whimpering. He was scared she would hurt him. She spread her wings, and with a few quick swooshes, they were in flight. Tavros sniffled and opened his eyes, staring below them. He smiled slightly and looked back to her. She nuzzled him gently and he giggled. She set him back down on the table next to Nepeta, who was watching curiously. He sneezed when he was placed near her and demanded to be picked up again, his arms raised high. Nepeta blinked, frowning. "Oh dear!" Fluttershy picked him up once more. "You're allergic to cats, aren't you?" she swooped around the room as he nodded. Nepeta whined; she wanted to be flown around as well. Fluttershy placed Tavros gently on the couch with a kiss to his forehead before scooping up Nepeta. Nepeta hung on tight to the kind pony, watching the ground fall away slowly. She whimpered quietly. She didn't like this as much as she thought she would. Come on Rowdy! Show that cat how to fly! The horrible memories flashed through her mind. Her last fight with the dogs. The humans had forced her to fight. To kill. Like no little troll should. The dog grabbed hold of Nepeta's tail, throwing her high in the air. Her tail broke with an audible snap as she wailed and landed with a yelp. The drunken crowd found this hilarious. Nepeta dug her nails into Fluttershy, making her yelp. Her wings locked up, and Nepeta fell, fell, fell, tumbling from her hooves. There was a small cry of pain and a crack. Tavros merely watched in horror. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ "Is she gonna be okay?" "I think. It was just a little fall, but she broke her arm." "Hey Twilight? What's an arm?" "Something humanoid creatures have for forehooves." "English, egghead." "Something that humans or things that look similar to it have for forehooves." "Oh, dear." Nepeta slowly blinked her eyes open. The six were gathered around her. Fluttershy looked extremely guilty. She frowned and reached out for her, but found that one of her arms was heavier. She looked at it. She had a cast. She whined softly for someone to pick her up. Gamzee, Sollux and Equius were peering at her, frowning. Equius went to her side, petting her carefully. She purred softly, leaning into his touch. She didn't like not being able to use one hand. Sollux chirruped something, and the other trolls came over. Terezi bounded over to her side as quick as she could, sniffing at the olive colored cast. She went to lick it but Karkat tugged her away. Nepeta stared at Karkat, shifting, trying to sit up. Equius made her lay back. She whined quietly. Fluttershy glanced to her and shooshed her. "I know, I know..." she whispered, humming softly to calm her down. Equius hugged her carefully, and she purred. She was glad to have her friend by her side. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ Tavros was watching Gamzee and Nepeta talk quietly, He paddled his feet, sitting on the edge of a table. Vriska wandered towards him, smirking. "heyyyyyyyy, tavie~" she greeted, laying down next to him and propping her head up on her elbows. "i uHHH,,,hI?" he mumbled nervously, looking down. "soooooooo, is that your girl that got hurt or something?" she winked. She secretly hoped it wasn't. "wHAT?! nO..." he said quickly, blushing. Vriska smiled. "oh come oooooooon~ i know at least one person you'd 8e cute with!" "w-wHO,,,?" Vriska merely giggled and stood up. "wouldn't you like to know." She wandered off to Terezi to talk. Tavros stared after her, left curious and lonely. ((AN: I will ship things in this, but I'm not sure what you guys wanna see, so recommend some ships? I can do anything, but I personally ship NepSol, GamKar, and TaVris. But if you got something else, I'm open ears :::;) )) > oh clap claaaaaaaap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ((AN: I got a note to describe the troll's appearance more, so I hope some things are cleared up in this chapter.)) oh clap claaaaaaaap "No, Vriska, get back here!" Rainbow Dash yelled after the large ball of fur and hair. It was a sunny midday up in the clouds, and the trolls seemed to be able to walk on clouds. Karkat whined from the light on Rainbow Dash's back as she flew after Vriska, who was leaping from cloud to cloud. The half rabbit, half gray-skinned creatures seemed light-sensitive, but Vriska's glasses seemed to fix that for her. Rainbow focused in on the cerulean fur haunches racing away from her, the small horns hiding in her long, curly hair. "STOP...FAST..." Karkat whined in her ear, clinging to her mane. He was strange, he had fur red as the red in her mane and tail. Vriska giggled wildly as she was scooped up by the much faster flying pony, her orange....yellow...squash colored? nails digging into the cyan legs. Karkat kept up the whining as they flew back to the rainbow-maned pony's cloud home. As they landed, Karkat quickly scrambled off to a dark corner, chirping his complaints. Vriska laughed and leapt onto Dashie's bed, sprawling out and catching her breath. "There will be NO adventures without telling me!" Rainbow scolded, glaring at the lounging troll. "pfffffffft. like you could do any reaaaaaaaal adventuring." Vriska taunted. Rainbow growled. "It is SO on. Once you guys take a nap. ...kids do that, right?" Dashie sounded unsure. Karkat yawned. "........i might if you read a story. um...do you have pupa pan?" Vriska asked nervously, looking hopeful. Karkat took a suspicious glance at her. They all gathered on Dashie's bed, blankets around everyone displaying pictures of the Wonderbolts. "...I don't think I have Pupa Pan...but I do have Daring Doo." "that'd 8e okay........" Vriska yawned quietly. She didn't feel like putting up a fight right then. And so, as everyone cuddled up, Rainbow opened the book and began to read. Karkat was already sleep at the first sentence. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ Dashie stared at the faces beside her, so unlike, so unreal. The differences in their moods...they couldn't possibly be PETS from all the emotion they showed. Vriska had a look of fear and pain on her face. Not pain from the outside, but on the inside. Like she was reaching for a someone who wouldn't listen to her pleas. It was horrifying, to see so much need on such a young face. By now, Dashie had judged that they were both about 2, but Vriska was on the older side, whilst Karkat was younger. She pondered who's birthday was coming soon, and if Pinkie would throw a party. Karkat, on the other hoof, had a look of ultimate rage and hate. It was kind of...scary. His nails were digging into the pillow, and his long tail tapped rhythmically. A flicker of fear washed over his face, and he coughed. Dashie blinked and frowned. Was he okay? Was he sick? What if he was dying?! Oh god, what if he wasn't supposed to have that red colored fur?! Maybe he was supposed to be blue like Vriska?! Dashie started panicking. Karkat blinked awake and stared at her irritably. "WHAT." he merely squeaked. "Are you okay?" Rainbow whispered. "I FINE." he whispered back. Well, whispered the best is loud voice could. "Oh..." Dashie facehooved. She overreacted. As usual. He smiled slightly and nuzzled his face into her mane. She pet him gently, grinning. As her hoof strayed curiously to his candy-corn nub horns, he began to purr. Huh. Strange. Just like Rarity's cat, Opal. She thought about Rarity's trolls. Karkat seemed to hang nervously around Gamzee, while Vriska was constantly talking to Kanaya. Maybe they were like, friends or something? Should they have play dates or something? Damn, taking care of trolls was so haaaaaaaard. ~~~~ ~ ~~~ Vriska woke up later, after Rainbow had slept for a while. She demanded to go adventuring now, and was not going to WAIT or SLOW DOWN as Dash commanded. Karkat clung sleepily to Dashie's mane as they set to flight, following Vriska's lead to the Everfree Forest. Oh no. They were not going there...and Vriska was racing ahead. Oh no. What if she fell? As if on cue, the small black and cerulean ball fell with an inhuman screech.