> The heros of Equestria > by Godzilla2000 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1- Becoming pt1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A random cave on Equestria 3rd person Pov An old man enters a cave walking with his wizard staff as he walks he puts his left hand along the surface of the floor. this man, well pony was named Star swirl the bearded. As he walks through the cave he remembers the old times he spent in this cave along with the other pillars, his allies, his comrades, and his friends. he takes a right turn and waves his staff to reveal a door made of magic resistant material which in turn made the door open to reveal a spell circle. This special spell circle had ruins carved into the cave floor. He walks into the center of the circle with him and his staff. he holds his staff in front of him and starts to say a chant in a language long gone. As he says the incantation for the spell he remembers his friends that lost their lives to the evil sorcerer storm king who took the power of the three alicorn princesses. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence who were the leaders and rulers of this great world but now their souls and powers are trapped in a scepter of unknown origin. That was when Star swirl realized what he was doing, why he was doing this spell, and the cost of such a spell but he didn't care as long as the storm king was defeated it would be a worthy sacrifice. As he continued the chanting his body started to turn into golden sparks of magic. With one last thought he said, " hopefully this spell will find powerful heroes to save his home" and with that last thought he faded into a nothingness. But the spell was complete and now was ready to choose worthy hero's who were strong, fearless, brave, and most of all willing to put their lives on the line for Equestria. Earth Seattle 3RD person Pov "Come on guys help me I'm being over runed!" Someone yells over a microphone "I'm coming hold on" Another person responds back as he moves his character to where his party member needs help. "Why are we even doing this?!" a person says as he fights a skeleton monster. "I'm about to fucking freak!!!" someone yells loudly into his mic causing everyone to laugh. "Jezz Eathen calm down its just a dungeon" the first person says to his friend. "Yeah Eathen, Wills right it's just a dungeon" his party member says trying to comfort his raging friend. Silence falls upon the group until they hear a SLAM on the mic. They all laugh as they hear their friend continue mutter swear words over the mic. After their friends small outburst they continue to fight their way to the end of the dungeon to defeat the boss. "alright guys this is what we've been waiting for" the group leader called Will declares. "yay" Eathen says unenthusiastically still calming down from his small rage moment. "do you have to do that every time we're about to finish a mission or dungeon" the third group member called Christian says bored as he walks his gamer avatar through the entrance. "yes" Will says not effected by his teams bored tone. As the group starts to get into position Will takes his place upfront since he's the human paladin tank. Eathen takes his place close to Will but not to close to where he's going to take the most damage since he's the groups Dwarf dps Kight. Then covering their rear was Christian who was their Elf Sorcerer to act as magical back up. Then the boss came into the groups active view he was called Morgorath the Ogre. As the ogre steps in he immediately goes on the attack, Will blocks his attack with his shield then he starts to slash the ogre with his sword. But the ogre due to its programming isn't going for Will Its going for Christian who is shooting Lightning bolt after Lightning bolt at Morgorath, Eathen was doing nothing but standing there and his party members needed him to help lower his HP{ health points}. "Eathen what are you doing?" Will says to him as he continues to slash at the ogre boss with his great sword. "I think he's afk" Christian says as he shots a barrage of earth spikes at Morgorath "Hey guys sorry i had to go to the bathro--OH SHIT!" Eathen says with surprise as he finally gets back from the bathroom. "You just had to go to the bathroom at this TIME" Christian says yelling the last part. "HEY when you got to go you got to go" Eathen says smugly as he moves his avatar behind the ogre and starts to stab him with his Dwarven broadsword. The two of them continue to argue failing to notice that Wills character was pushed back by the bosses slam attack. That seemed to make the two of them focuse back on the game forgetting the argument all together. For the next 10 minutes they slashed, stabbed, and fire at the boss doing tons of damage but finally they did it they defeated the ogre. "Yessss! finally we defeated him" Will says as he does a taunt. "yeah whatever" Eathen says with a board tone "lets just get the loot" he says as he finishes. "But that was a close battle right i mean if Will hadn't used that health potion then his character would've died and we would've been screwed Eathen" Christian says with a bit of fear and excitement in his voice. "True" Eathen says agreeing with his comrade. "Alright lets get this fuckers loot and move on to the next quest" will says as he finishes taunting the defeated boss As the group goes to collect the loot they see something weird. The notification they usually see when they defeat a boss thats giving them a reward of coins, weapons, artifacts, or totems was a notification that would change their lives forever. "Congratulations you've successfully defeated Morgorath the ogre your team have leveled up to 70, 65, and 79 congrats. now is time to pick your rewards, you could choose to be given 10,000 xp or be part of an adventure that is life changing. The three of them thought about it and how weird the reward was they could have 10,00 xp or be part of a new game experience. Christian choose the second option along with Will But Eathen took a little longer to choose but he chose the same as his group. but when they did a new notification popped up. "Great you have chosen to be part of a new adventure enjoy your new life in . . . Equestria" After they read the notification a portal appears out of no where starts to suck them in like a black hole. Eathen was shocked and sucked in without resistance, Will held on to his desk as half his body was in the portal but he eventually let go due to fore of the portal, and finally was Christian he held on to his bed by one hand and slowly his hand gave up as the portal consumed him as well. After Christian entered the portal it closed leaving his room and his furniture a mess.