> Unicorn Ageplay Tales > by SuperPinkBrony12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Comet's Crinkle Curiosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comet sniffed the air. A faint scent tickled his nostrils. He couldn't quite place its source, but it felt like he was at least aware of what the scent was: It was the smell of cornstarch. At first, the glasses wearing unicorn thought nothing of it. It was probably just wafting in from outside, or even coming from somewhere downstairs. But as Comet wandered around the Brighthouse, the smell would not leave him alone. It was there whether he acknowledged its presence or not. Now it was starting to bother him. Where was that scent coming from? By chance, as he wandered around, Comet happened to draw closer to the shared bedroom that his friends all occupied. He found it weird that only Hitch didn't have a bed of his own, not even when he was staying overnight at the Brighthouse. Yet those thoughts were soon pushed to the back of his mind as the scent he'd smelled earlier started to grow stronger. There was no mistaking it, it was originating from here, probably underneath one of his friends' beds. Then the unicorn's pinkish-violet eyes spotted something that appeared to be sticking out from under Izzy's bed. He squinted despite wearing his glasses, and as he did so he could just make out the outline of something white and roughly triangular in shape. His curiosity getting the better of him, Comet trotted over, using his horn to pull the object out for a closer inspection. He was not prepared for the sight that greeted his eyes. Much to the stallion's shock and surprise, he had pulled out an entire box, a very large one at that. Inside said box were a series of objects one might need if caring for a foal, except they all looked much bigger, far too big for any ordinary foal. There was a pacifier the same light pink as Izzy's coat, a smaller box containing wet wipes, a large tube of rash cream, a few well worn foal toys clearly sized up for a full grown pony, and a canister of foal powder. Most noticeable of all, however, were the large, white, and very poofy diapers poxing out. Did all of these things belong to Izzy? Why would she have them? At that moment, Izzy happened to come trotting up into the bedroom, completely unaware of what Comet was doing. "Hey, Comet, everything alright?" She innocently asked. Comet gasped and hastily tried to shove the box and its contents back under the bed to hide them! "W-why would anything not be alright?" He nervously exclaimed, hoping Izzy would buy it. She did not. Izzy just trotted up to her fellow unicorn, all the while smiling and swishing her tail. "Come on, Comet. You're a terrible liar. I can see right through you," She commented with a smile. "What's wrong?" The glasses wearing stallion backed up and tried to shrink from his fellow unicorn's gaze. "I... i-it's.... nothing. N-nothing's wrong, I swear!" Yet his hooves then betrayed him, causing him to stumble and fall. As he did so, it was now possible to see behind him and see what it was he'd been trying to hide. Izzy let out a gasp when she saw the diapers and the foal supplies! But was it Comet's imagination, or did the gasp sound... playful for lack of a better term? "Oh no, you found out my secret!" She exclaimed as she put her hooves to her face with what seemed like exaggerated worry. "Well, I guess I should've expected that. I knew I should've found a better hiding place for my foal stuff. But I don't have a secret room in the Brighthouse like Misty does, and I don't know how Pipp manages to keep her foal stuff hidden." Comet rose slowly, blinking in surprise. "Wait... all of that is for you, Izzy? The diapers, and the foal powder, and the toys, and... stuff?" The unicorn mare with a lovely pink coat nodded back. "Yup. It's my little secret. Get it, my 'little' secret?" She giggled with childish worry. Comet adjusted his glasses. His confusion hung overhead like a fog, there was still so much he didn't know or understand. "Y-you mean, you actually wear diapers and act like a foal? A-and you actually," He gulped. "Use your diapers for a bathroom?" "Sometimes, sometimes not, it all depends on how 'little' I feel," Izzy innocently replied. "It's what's called an adult foal, though someponies call them forever foals. And when I get into my 'little' headspace, they call it ageplaying. I can't really explain it, but it's kind of like playing pretend or playing a role in a play." The glasses wearing unicorn stallion could only say in response. "I still don't understand, Izzy. Why would anypony like to do things like that? I mean, not that I think it's wrong. I'm just... surprised, I guess. You don't seem to be very upset about me finding out about your secret, or that I was going through your... er... foal stuff without permission." The unicorn mare's smile grew brighter and wider. "Now why would I be mad, Comet? Honestly, I'm glad I have another friend in on my secret, even though you're not the only one who knows." She gave a knowing wink. "So, you've told the others?" Comet questioned as he scratched his head with a hoof. "Only some of them," Izzy explained. "I still haven't told Zipp or Hitch yet. I'm actually trying to think of how best to tell them, seeing as they've always struck me as more... independent than the others, Zipp especially." Comet let out a gasp when he realized what such statements implied! "So, does that mean Sunny, Pipp, and Misty all know about this?" "Correct!" Izzy happily replied! Then she let out a gasp! "Oh my hoofness! I have to tell Pipp and Misty the news!" "Tell us what, Izzy?" Pipp inquired as she came fluttering up to the shared bedroom at that very moment. But when she saw Comet and the exposed foal supplies, she could only gasp in what was only slightly exaggerated fashion! "Izzy, what did I tell you and Misty about leaving your diapers under the bed? It's such an obvious hiding place, it's the first place anypony's going to look!" Izzy replied in an only slightly annoyed tone of voice. "Hey, it's not my fault if I can't think of a better place to hide them. But now the cat's out of the bag. I think we have to spill the beans." Now it was Comet's turn to gasp! "Wait, you're an adult foal too, Pipp?!" Pipp squeaked ever so slightly. "Guilty as charged, Comet. I've probably been one for as long as Izzy has, if not longer. Words cannot express how relieved I was when I found out Izzy was one too. Having somepony to share in the secret with made it all worthwhile." Comet then questioned. "So, does that mean Misty is also..." Izzy and Pipp nodded in unison, and Pipp explained. "-Oh yes, definitely. But she's a bit more... insecure about it. She's only ageplayed with us once before," She then put a hoof to her chin. "Come to think of it, that's the last time I can remember where Izzy and I got all padded up and had fun foaling out together. Has it really been that long already?" Izzy shrugged her hooves. "I guess time really flies when you're busy doing other fun things with your friends, or stopping a no good fire alicorn from stealing everypony's cutie marks," When Comet shot her a look she just vaguely answered. "You had to be there." "Why exactly do you girls like to... do all of that?" The glasses wearing unicorn asked Izzy and Pipp point blank. "There has to be a reason behind it, right?" "Well, why don't you join us and find out?" Pipp offered. "We'll have to clear it up with Misty first, though." A little later, after Izzy put her foal supplies back under her bed and out of sight, she joined Pipp and Comet as they paid a visit to Misty within the confines of the secret room she had discovered a while back. Izzy and Pipp quickly explained everything, and as they did so it was possible to notice a raging blush spread across Misty's face. "So, he knows everything?" Misty inquired just to be sure. She received an answer in the form of three affirming nods. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. "Well, that's a relief. I was wondering when we were gonna have to tell him. In fact, I'm surprised he didn't find out accidentally," And turning to Izzy, she playfully scolded. "You really should find a better place to hide all your foal supplies, you know. Just imagine if Sparky found them by accident. How would you explain that to Hitch when you know how hard he had to work to get Sparky potty trained?" Izzy playfully replied. "Under the bed was the best place I could think to hide them where nopony would look. It's too bad only you know how to access this secret room, Misty, or I'd hide all my foal stuff in here with you where I'd know it'd be safe." "So, where do you hide your... er, foal stuff, Pipp?" Comet inquired of the pegasus popstar princess. Pipp winked. "I keep them safely stored away at Mane Melody in a place where only I can access them. Whenever I think I'll need them, I make sure to smuggle them over to the Brighthouse and keep them hidden out back," She then coughed into a hoof. "But that's not what I brought us all here to discuss," Turning to Comet, she asked him point blank. "You're curious about the diapers and other things, aren't you?" The glasses wearing unicorn stallion was silent for a moment, before answering. "I think I am. It definitely sounds interesting. and I'm always excited to learn new things," Then he gulped. "But how would we make it work, the four of us? There's not that much room in the Brighthouse. Plus, how would we take care of any..." He shuddered. "-Evidence?" The pastel pink pegasus pop star proudly proclaimed! "Well, I've been thinking about ageplaying again! Now that the whole Opaline business is behind us and things have settled down, what better way to celebrate than with an ageplay livestream?! I know of a lot of good causes that could benefit from the generosity of my donors and fans." "You think I'm ready to be part of one of those?" Misty nervously questioned. "What if my father sees me on it? How would I explain that to him after I specifically told him the last time I saw him that I didn't want him treating me like a little filly?" "Well, we could do a trial run with Comet to see how well he does," Pipp explained. "We wouldn't actually be livestreaming just yet. After all, the location I have in mind is an untested one. It's in Zephyr Heights," She turned to Comet once again. "So, whaddya say? You wanna join us for a practice ageplay session before we start planning any charity livestreams? It'd just be the four of us and nopony else, none of our friends would have to know." Comet hesitantly replied. "I... guess it couldn't hurt to try," But a nervous gulp escaped his lips as he thought aloud. "Does that mean I'd have to actually... you know?" Misty replied. "You could if you want to, but you don't have to. That's the thing about being an adult foal, you can be as big or as little as you'd like. I know I'm not as big into using my diapers the way Izzy and Pipp are. I'll still do it a little from time to time, but usually I just wear them and that's it. Having to change myself is... less than ideal." Pipp clapped her hooves together! "Splendid! It's all set! We can go first thing tomorrow! After all, I have to give Rocky and Jazz a heads up so they don't suspect anything when I don't show up to work." But Comet questioned with concern. "But how are we going to get there? And how are we going to transport all of the... stuff? I thought Zipp didn't want anypony else trying to fly the Marestream without her?" Pipp flashed a toothy grin. "I'll take care of the supplies, Comet. And I can make arrangements to have anything we can't bring with us be shipped in. When you're an ageplayer like me," She winked. "You tend to know ponies and places that can help you indulge." Izzy then added. "And as for the rest of us, we can just teleport, Comet." "Actually, I don't know if I can do that. I don't have a lot of practice." Comet confessed. Misty smiled. "That's okay. You haven't been to Zephyr Heights yet anyway. Just leave the teleporting to Izzy and I, we'll make sure not to leave you behind." And Izzy chimed in. "And you're welcome to borrow some of my diapers, Comet. I can always get more from Alphabittle. Without his help, I'd never have been able to indulge to my heart's content back in Bridlewood." And so it was arranged. The next day came before long. When it dawned, Comet felt like he had butterflies in his stomach. His mind was a mix of conflicting feelings of worry and curiosity. This was going to be uncharted territory for him. Time itself seemed to fly by. It wasn't long before Comet was leaving the Brighthouse with his fellow unicorns. And with a flick of their horns, they whisked him away to Zephyr Heights. The glasses wearing unicorn's pinkish-violet eyes soon took in all the sights of Zephyr Heights, the magnificent city of the pegasi. It easily surpassed anything he had seen in Maretime Bay, and was rivaled only by the majesty of his village back in Starlight Ridge. How had he never known wonder like this before? Alas, there was little time to dwell on such rich architecture and so vibrant a populace. The trio of unicorns had come to Zephyr Heights for a very specific reason, and it wasn't to take in the sights. "So, where's this place Pipp was talking about?" Misty wondered as she looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Izzy shrugged her hooves. "It's probably somewhere very out of the way. Guess we should've asked for a location and directions. But oh well," She let out a sigh. "We'll find our way there one way or another." But there was no need for the unicorns to start wandering aimlessly around. Just as they were about to start their search, Pipp swooped down and greeted them. "Oh, you're here. Good. I've already got things all set up. I decided to fly in early yesterday and make the arrangements ahead of time," She then gestured a hoof, leading her friends along. "Follow me." The pastel pink pegasus pop star princess proudly paraded her friends through the many winding streets of Zephyr Heights, past houses, hotels, and shops as pegasi of all ages stopped to look at her or wave at her. Ordinarily, Pipp would've loved nothing more than to bask in such praise and affection. But she settled for just waving back and mouthing such phrases as "I love you all so much" and "Thank you for being my fans", before inevitably telling ponies that she was "going unplugged" for the day. At last, the four friends reached their intended destination. Pipp proudly presented what appeared to a fairly inconspicuous looking building that appeared to not have been in use for quite some time. "I know it's not much to look at, but that's what makes it perfect!" She proclaimed as she ushered her friends towards the building's front door. "Rocky told me about it a while back. Apparently, this used to be a television studio way back when, which means it'll have plenty of wide open space for us to ageplay to our hearts' content." Upon setting hoof inside and having the lights turned on, Izzy, Misty, and Comet were all amazed at what their eyes beheld! The entire interior had been re-decorated to resemble a giant nursery: The floor was covered by large rubber mats in hues of baby pink, blue, and yellow, large guard rails had been set up to turn a corner of the room into an oversized playpen currently populated by several comically large stuffed animals, four sized up high-chairs lay across the room from a massive mini-fridge, and there were not only four massive cribs in close proximity to each other, but also some small television sets. Most noticeable of all, though, was the truly gigantic changing table: Its smooth, padded surface and many cabinets stood out in bold detail. "It took me forever to get everything set up just right!" Pipp exclaimed as she brushed her mane with a hoof. "That's why I knew I had to start working on it yesterday after we agreed to this trial run with Comet. But I think you'll find it's well worth the effort and the expense." Izzy's mouth hung wide open in amazement, and it took her several minutes to find the words she wanted to say! "Wow! This puts even that club Alphabittle set up in Bridlewood to shame. This is the stuff dreams are made of, if you dream of giant nurseries! I know I do." Misty, for her part, was all but speechless! "This is just... just... I don't even know... there are no words!" Comet, meanwhile, turned to Pipp. "How did you ever manage to find all of these.... sized up foal things? A-and, is all this really necessary for... foaling out as you put it?" The pop star princess nodded. "You want to get the full experience, don't you? To see what it's like being an adult foal? Why shouldn't I go all out for your first time?" The glasses wearing stallion's blush deepened. "Um, if I do end up... you know," He coughed into a hoof. "Do I have to change myself? Because if not that... might be a problem." "Don't worry, Comet," Misty reassured the stallion. "We always make sure to respect each other's privacy. Whatever you do, we won't mind. And we'll be sure not to look while you're cleaning yourself up," She was quick to add. "Honestly, the changing and the cleaning up is the hardest part of being an adult foal if you ask me. It's why I'm not as big into using my diapers, either for number one or number two." Izzy smiled. "The key, Comet, is to do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Find what makes you feel the most like a foal, and go from there." "O-okay," Comet nervously replied. "So, I guess now we have to put on our diapers?" "Duh!" Pipp giggled and snorted. "They're basically the whole point of being an adult foal. So enough chit chat! Hoist yourself up on the changing table already! We don't have all day!" So Comet nervously trotted over to the changing table, climbed onto the padded surface, and lay down upon it. "Uh, now what?" He asked in hesitation, even though he knew what was coming. Izzy took the lead, lighting up her horn and opening up one of the drawers. Soon, she had floated out a thick, white, poofy diaper. "Go ahead," She said to her fellow unicorn. "Put it on!" The glasses wearing unicorn reluctantly took hold of the diaper when it was floated close to him. Feeling it crinkle and compress within his hoof touched something deep inside him. It felt so... comforting, for lack of a better term. Slowly and clumsily, he fiddled with his hooves and taped up the padded undergarment. Then he rose, and jumped down from the changing table, only for his hooves to give way due to the extra weight of his padding! He fell promptly upon his padded posture, making it crinkle and compress quite audibly! Izzy, Pipp, and Misty couldn't help but laugh at the sight as Comet slowly stood back up. "Whoa!" He exclaimed as he pushed his glasses into place. "That's gonna take some getting used to." "Yeah, the first time's always the hardest," Izzy said with a swish of her tail. "But hey, the poofier the better, right? Think of it as having a giant pillow taped to your butt." Then she made her way over to the changing table and climbed up onto it, grabbing a diaper from the opened drawer with her magic in the process. In a matter of mere minutes, Izzy, Pipp, and Misty had all put on diapers too. And in contrast to Comet, they seemed to have no trouble waddling about in their thick pampers, which swayed and shook with every step they took. "So, how does it feel to be back in diapers, Comet?" Izzy questioned her fellow unicorn as she waddled over to him. The glasses wearing unicorn paused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "It feels... different, I guess. And kind of relaxing too," He found himself unable to resist poking his padding with a hoof. "You weren't kidding about the poofiness, Izzy." The unicorn mare with a pretty pink coat smiled. "Well, don't thank me yet. You've only just started wearing 'em. See how you feel after you've had a chance to really make the most of 'em!" She patted her padding. "Trust me, these diapers can handle just about anything! These aren't your average, everyday, store brand foal diapers. Nu-uh! These are special. You have to have these ordered from the right ponies, like Alphabittle." Misty sighed. "That just makes this all the more awkward to me. He practically babies Izzy already, and knows she likes it. Now how am I supposed to tell him that I actually don't necessarily mind it if he does the same to me?" Izzy trotted over, reassuring her fellow mare. "You can cross that bridge later, Misty. For right now, just get into your foal headspace and let yourself relax. Let those big pony thoughts and worries float away." "Okay, I'll try." Misty sincerely replied as she watched Izzy retrieve a pacifier, pop it into her mouth, and start suckling on it. Pipp, meanwhile, had waddled her way over to the playpen, and had clumsily hoisted herself over the guard rails to land on the other side. For a brief moment, her padded behind was raised towards the air, not that it seemed to bother the popstar pegasus. "Hey, everypony, come on over!" She encouraged the unicorns. "Now's the time for play!" Izzy, still suckling on her pacifier, happily and excitedly waddled over! She needed no hesitation to join in the fun. And it wasn't long before Misty did the same, waddling over with practiced precision. Comet attempted to mimic the movements of his padded friends, putting a hoof forward only to feel his legs wabble and wiggle. How did they manage to make it look so easy? Still, he somehow managed to stumble his way over. And despite his fears, he was able to keep himself from losing his balance and falling to the ground again. If only his diaper didn't push his legs apart so much, waddling around in it wouldn't be anywhere near as hard. "If Izzy, Pipp, and Misty can walk about in such thick padding no problem, I'm sure I can get the hang of it eventually." The glasses wearing unicorn thought to himself. Then he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he grasped one of the guard rails with a hoof and straddled over it. He landed in the playpen as his diaper audibly crinkled anew. It sounded like the noise echoed everywhere. But the other three padded ponies didn't seem to care at all. They were absorbed in playing with the toys scattered about the playpen: Izzy was shaking and banging rattles and squeaky toys, creating a childish cacophony. Misty was having a pretend tea party with some of the stuffed animals. And Pipp was stacking large alphabet blocks on top of each other, standing on the very tip of her hooves as the tower she was making steadily grew taller and taller. Comet wasn't sure what he should play with, there were still lots of stuffed animals and a few toys left lying about the length of the playpen. Trying to think about what a foal might like best didn't help, it just left him in a further confused state. So he just waddled towards the closest object he could find. It turned out to be a large, rubber ball. Unable to think of anything else to do with it, he just bounced it against one of the guard rails, watching as it bounced back to him. The stallion repeated this motion again and again for a while. He thought he would soon grow bored with it and want to move on to something else. But much to his surprise, he didn't. He kept bouncing it, and bouncing it, and bouncing it. Was this what it was like to get into that "little" headspace Izzy had been talking about? Comet didn't get a chance to dwell on such thoughts for long, though, because suddenly he became aware of the signs of a full bladder. Come to think of it, he hadn't gone to the bathroom since before he'd left the Brighthouse. Had it been that long already? Or had putting on the diaper somehow weakened his body's ability to hold it? Well, either way, the stallion became quite desperate and stood up! By chance, Misty happened to notice the strained look on Comet's face. "What's wrong, Comet? Are you okay?" She asked him with sincere worry. The unicorn stallion with a beautiful arctic blue coat could only reply! "I've gotta go!" Then after stumbling over the guard rail at the end of the playpen, he took off as fast as his hooves would let him! It didn't seem to matter to him that he was frequently slipping and falling! All that mattered was that he reached the bathroom in time! It was to Comet's great relief that there was a bathroom not too far from the playpen and the changing table. He didn't even care that he ended up racing into the mare's room by mistake, so focused was he on his little "emergency"! He just rushed into the first open stall he could find, not even bothering to shut and lock the door behind him! His bladder felt like it was ready to burst at any second, it was now or never! He hurriedly planted his butt upon the toilet seat, sat down, and sighed as he finally allowed his bladder to empty itself. Strangely enough, although the stallion could clearly hear a hissing sound, it didn't have the echo he expected it to have from peeing into the toilet bowl. And was it his imagination, or was his diaper starting to grow warmer? Suddenly, it struck the unicorn, who stood up with a gasp! Sure enough, he had forgotten about taking off his diaper, and thus had wet it by mistake! Try as he might, he was unable to stop his bladder from emptying itself fully into the padding, which swelled up as a visible damp patch spread out from the seat of the diaper. In a matter of seconds, it was all over. Comet's bladder was empty, but his diaper was warm and soggy. Strangely enough, it didn't bother him as much as he thought it would. It still wasn't the most pleasant feeling in the world. But the damp feeling faded almost as quickly as it had appeared, as the glasses wearing stallion's eyes could see the padding soaking up his "accident" with ease. The yellowish tint to the formerly pristine white padding was still faintly visible, but aside from that it would've been impossible to tell at a glance that the diaper had been used. "Wow!" Pipp exclaimed with surprise when Comet exited the bathroom a moment later. "I know I had to sit on the toilet the first couple of times I tried to use my diaper, but that was always intentional." A raging blush quickly appeared on the glasses wearing unicorn's face. "I... I didn't mean to." Izzy was at her fellow unicorn's side in a heartbeat, popping the pacifier out of her mouth in order to talk to him. "Hey, it's okay. It's what your diaper is for, Comet. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, isn't that what a foal would do?" "I... guess so," Comet blinked rather slowly, before asking. "Should I... get changed?" "Nah!" Izzy replied with a swish of her tail. "Your diaper looks like it can hold a lot more than that, Comet. And since it's so absorbent, you should be okay for a while without worrying about a rash." "Trust me, rashes are the worst!" Pipp exclaimed again. "And I know what I'm talking about." Reassured by his friends' words, Comet returned to the playpen and tried to put his unintentional diaper wetting behind him. That was hard to do when his soaked diaper reminded him of its presence and of his deed, especially when he moved to sit down. It didn't help that the initial warmth he'd felt in the immediate aftermath was starting to fade. Not long afterward, the sound of rumbling stomachs signaled the end of playtime. Misty was the one to declare. "Sounds like it's time for num-nums." Izzy licked her lips in delight! "Ooh! I wonder what kind of delicious, nutritious foods are on the menu for today?! I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse!" Pipp flashed a knowing wink as she again took the lead. "Well, there's only one way to find out! Come on, everypony! To the highchairs!" And one by one, the big foals exited the playpen and waddled their way over to the sized up high-chairs waiting for them. Comet found it a bit of a struggle to climb into the seat of his high-chair once the bar was unlatched for him. Yet somehow, he managed to wiggle his way in. He was surprised to see Izzy and Misty use their hooves, rather than their horns, as they relatched their bars shut. He opted to do the same. Then, looking across to his friends, he asked them. "So, what are we having today?" Pipp took the liberty of flying over to the mini-fridge, and returned shortly with several jars of different flavored foal food in tow. With what seemed like practiced precision, she distributed the jars amongst herself and her friends, before landing. Then, unlatching the bar of her own high-chair, she climbed in and re-latched it once she was sitting comfortably in it. "Now everypony remember your bibs." She spoke, promptly fastening a gold laced bib around her neck. Izzy and Misty also had bibs (which matched their coat colors), and tied them around their necks (Izzy popping her pacifier out of her mouth and leaving it off to one side of her high-chair). Comet clumsily managed to do the same with his bib that was a mix of baby blues and pinks. But as he eyed the different flavored foal foods, he was understandably hesitant. Many of the flavor names didn't sound appetizing in the slightest. Yet when the glasses wearing stallion glanced over to the occupants of the other high-chairs, he saw all his friends removing the lids on the jars, and dipping their hooves into the different colored goops. They were soon licking their hooves, caring not the slightest for the traces that got on their cheeks. No wonder they were wearing bibs. If they weren't, they were likely to get flakes of food all over their coats. "What are you waiting for, Comet?" Misty encouraged as she paused momentarily in her eating. "Aren't you hungry?" The unicorn stallion uncertainly replied. "W-well, yes, but..." Misty seemed to sense what Comet was thinking, as she reassured him. "Hey, it's okay. Trust me, once you've had a taste, you'll be unable to resist having seconds and thirds! Plus, if it's really not your thing, you'll get a bottle of milk afterwards to wash it all down." Then she went back to licking her hooves without a care in the world. Reluctantly, Comet unscrewed the lid on one of the jars. He didn't bother to look at the label, he just sniffed the air when the jar was opened. The smell did nothing to convince him that the contents within would be any good. Still, he hesitantly dipped a hoof into the creamy yellow goop, and placed said hoof into his mouth. He shut his eyes and swallowed hard. To say the taste caught him by surprise would be an understatement! He didn't know how or why, but it was so sweet! Never in his entire life had he tasted anything so tasty! Even the hot chocolate he'd been famous for brewing back in Starlight Ridge was nothing compared to this! So the glasses wearing unicorn stallion dipped a hoof back into the goop, and started experimenting with some of the other flavored foal foods too. They were every bit as delicious! All his earlier anxieties and worries left him, so fixated was he on the different tastes that tempted his taste buds. When it was all over, Comet leaned back in his high-chair and patted his stomach. He felt nice and full, and let out a hearty belch as a result. "Excuse me!" He exclaimed in only slightly exaggerated fashion. "You're excused," Misty replied with a giggle. "See, Comet? That wasn't so bad, was it?" Comet nodded back. "No it wasn't. If stuff like this is what ageplayers and adult foals get to experience, I think I'm beginning to like it. Even wetting my diaper wasn't all bad. I almost can't tell I did it now." Izzy then spoke up. "Well, the best is yet to come, Comet! Now comes the bottle of milk to help you wash down all your food!" Sure enough, Pipp flew off to retrieve said bottles and brought them back in the blink of an eye. Unsurprisingly, they were in plastic baby bottles with rubber nipples. It took a great deal of effort, at least to Comet, but eventually all of the adult foals were drinking down the rich taste of the milk. And soon, the bottles were depleted fully, which to Comet only further contributed to the full feeling in his stomach. With bellies nice and full, the four padded ponies returned to the playpen for more playtime. Much to Comet's surprise, he watched Pipp "accidentally" destroy her block tower and build it up anew. But the glasses wearing stallion didn't feel like playing with his ball this time. He instead waddled across the playpen to Pipp's location and asked the pastel pink pegasus princess. "Can I help you build your tower? I think it'll be easier with two." Pipp smiled, pushing a few blocks towards the stallion with one of her hooves. "See, now you're starting to get it, Comet. It's all about having fun and just letting go. Keep this up, and I know for sure you'll make an excellent livestreaming partner, probably just as good as Izzy." "What about Misty?" Comet asked as he started helping Pipp stack the blocks up again. "She's not as big into that stuff as Izzy and I are," Pipp explained. "I think right now she's mostly trying to sort out her conflicting feelings about how she likes to do stuff like this, but didn't like her father treating her like a little filly. It doesn't help that the last time we ageplayed together, it was in Bridlewood with a pony who we'd later learn was her father, and he served as our caretaker more or less. I know I'd probably find it awkward if I was doing it with my mom. Can't imagine what Misty must be going through since finding out Alphabittle was her dad." Comet blinked in confusion. "How did she not know?" The padded pop star pegasus shrugged her hooves, pausing momentarily in her construction. "Well, none of us knew at first. I don't wanna get too into details, but it's all tied back to that fire alicorn Izzy mentioned. That pony was basically using Misty for their own goals, and we suspect they did something to block out Misty's memories so she wouldn't remember her past. But Misty ultimately did, so now she's got a whole bunch of conflicting feelings to manage." "And what about Izzy? It sounds like she would be really close to all of this." Comet questioned. Pipp just replied. "Izzy seems not to mind the fact that she and Misty might technically be family. From what I understand, her parents either died or left her when she was still very little, and Alphabittle had to raise her all by himself. Now that we know he was Misty's father, it makes sense why he was so good at taking care of Izzy, he already had experience as a parent. As for myself," She could only shrug anew. "I'm not really sure what it was that drew me into diapers. I suppose part of me always has felt like a child, especially when Zipp used to constantly tease me about how small I was. Maybe this was just a coping mechanism that blossomed into something more, or maybe I just feel at home being a little." The glasses wearing stallion blinked slowly, scratching his head with a hoof as he tried to process the information. "I never really gave much thought to my own childhood. But I do remember that even back when I was in diapers and still had parents, Violet Frost was always there for me. And when I got older and my parents disappeared, she took me in and more or less became like a mother to me," He blushed in spite of himself. "I wonder what she would think of me if she saw me like this." The pop star pegasus princess giggled slightly, but spoke reassuringly. "She'd just want you to be happy and to have fun. Don't forget, that's what made your species so unique in the first place. But enough talk," She resumed her construction project. "You said you'd help me with the blocks, so let's get back to stacking." So Comet went back to helping Pipp, all the while reflecting just a little on what she had told him. It seemed like each of his friends that were partaking in this had their own reason for doing so, even though they all had differing childhoods. Then, suddenly, an ominous gurgling and rumbling sensation in his gut made the glasses wearing unicorn stallion pause. He pressed a hoof to his stomach, now regretting having stuffed his face so full of foal food earlier. He looked down at his diaper in hesitation. He'd already wet it, and it hadn't been that bad. Should he see what using it for the other thing felt like? Comet's body ended up deciding for him as he tried to decide whether or not he should intentionally use his diaper. His tail hiked upward as he felt himself start to push almost entirely on instinct. He shut his eyes, grunting audibly. Even so, it was very hard to go against years of potty training, part of his body was fighting him every step of the way. At last, however, the stallion felt his gut empty itself fully with one last push. Soon, the stench of manure and methane began to waft through the air. Pipp was the first to notice the foul odor permeating the area. Yet she didn't seem bothered by it. "Oh, Comet, you messed yourself?" She asked, sounding a tad surprised but not annoyed or disgusted. The glasses wearing stallion sheepishly replied. "I... guess I did," He tried not to gag as the smell grew stronger, reminding him of his dirty deed. "Wow, this really doesn't feel good. No wonder foals always cry when they do this." "Yeah, but you get used to it," The pastel pink popstar princess proclaimed. "Still, you should probably get changed now. Don't worry about your dirty diaper. Just drop it in the trash and I'll take care of the evidence later." So Comet waddled away to change into a clean diaper. It felt like every step he took lasted an eternity. And he could've sworn Izzy and Misty were watching, or at least were aware of what he'd done (even if they didn't say a word). When he at last reached the changing table and hoisted himself on it, he unhappily sighed when he felt his now heavily used padding squish underneath him. Luckily, the changing supplies were readily accessible to horn. "Let's get this over with." He said to himself, as he began to open his diaper, preparing himself mentally for what was to come. The change into a spotless diaper took longer than Comet would've liked (how he wished somepony else had been doing it for him). But at last, he was clean and smelling nice again, the smell of cornstarch was far more pleasant than manure or methane. It was the one thing about being an adult foal that he had rather disliked. If possible, he would probably not ever mess himself again. Fortunately, the rest of the day after that passed without any further "accidents" for Comet (either wet or messy). He was only slightly surprised to see Izzy and Pipp do what he had done, and only a bit more surprised when Misty ended up doing the same. He found himself wishing he had that kind of a bond between them. Still, for his first time as an adult foal, he felt he'd done a good job. Climbing into one of the cribs that evening and lying on his back, the glasses wearing stallion tried to sort out his thoughts and determine for himself whether he would do this sort of thing again. Unable to come up with a satisfying answer, Comet decided to sleep on the issue. At least with a diaper on, he didn't have to worry about getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. But Comet was not the only unicorn contemplating something that night. Misty and Izzy were also thinking of their own dilemmas, and how best to go about them. > Misty's Diapered Dilemma > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Misty was tossing and turning, turning and tossing. The dreams were back again. The same dreams that had first tipped her off that she had in fact had a past before being taken in by Opaline, the same dreams that had foreshadowed the revelation that she was actually Alphabittle's long lost daughter and not an orphan as she had been led to believe. Yet now, in light of all that happened, the dreams had changed. The mists that had blocked out so much had cleared away. Now Misty found herself face to face with the very last pony she wanted to see right now, a certain no good fire alicorn that she'd thought for sure had been defeated for good. "Well, well, well," Opaline cruelly hissed, her eyes casting daggers at Misty. "To think that after everything I did for you, you would betray me in my hour of greatest need. All I wanted was a friend, Misty. That's why I took you in when you literally ended up at my doorstep. All I asked for in return was your complete, unending loyalty." "But... but... you lied to me!" Misty snapped back, trying to pluck up courage. Was it her imagination, or did Opaline seem... taller, somehow? Was it the work of some sort of spell? Opaline snarled with a fiery sneer, her horn glowing ominously. "You are an ungrateful little brat, Misty! No, you're worse than that! You're a pathetic, worthless foal!" "I'm not a foal!" Misty bellowed, only to find that her words were high pitched and squeaky. Suddenly, it dawned on her! Opaline wasn't getting taller, Misty herself was getting smaller. She was actually regressing! In a matter of seconds, she went from being a confident and assertive young mare, to being a helpless, bawling infant. The fire alicorn who now towered over the regressed Misty approached, horn still glowing and crackling with energy. "This time, there will be no mistakes! I will see to it that you remain weak and helpless forever, dependent on me for your every need! You won't even have free will! But then, isn't that why you've always acted like a foal? Because you're too afraid to ever make decisions on your own? Wasn't it better to 'pretend' you were a big pony and 'pretend' to be nice to me for so long?" The now toddler sized (and aged) unicorn sniffled and sobbed. It was all she could think to do in this situation. Just then, however, a voice bellowed and boomed like thunder from the distance! "You stay away from my daughter, you foal snatching monster!" Opaline turned to face where the voice had come from, and growled into the distance. "Who dares to challenge me, the Great and Powerful Opaline Arcana?! Show yourself, if you're not afraid!" In a matter of seconds, Alphabittle appeared, looking exactly the way he had appeared when Misty had last been a child. It was like he hadn't aged a day. And the look upon his face conveyed more than words the righteous anger that burned within him. He wasn't the least bit intimidated by Opaline. In fact, he looked like he could tower over even her. And when he spoke, every word he said shook the ground. "Misty doesn't belong to you, Opaline! She's not yours, and she never will be!" "Dad?" Misty turned to face her savior with a blink of confusion. She was surprised when the word that lisped out was "Daddy". Alphabittle smiled as he looked down at the mare turned foal. "It's okay, pumpkin," He spoke in a reassuring tone. "Daddy's here for you, just like he's always been," Then he turned back to Opaline. "Misty has a family! She's the only child I'll ever have! And I won't let you take her away from me, away from the only home she's ever known!" He then rushed towards her with bravado! The fire alicorn could only roll her eyes. "Really? You think you stand any chance against an immortal pony like me? I'll cure you of your delusion soon enough!" And she immediately fired off a powerful blast from her horn! It struck Alphabittle head on! But Alphabittle shrugged off the hit as if it were nothing. He continued to advance on Opaline, not flinching or faltering in the slightest, and showing no signs of damage as hit after hit bounced off him. Soon, he was face to face and snout to snout with the fire alicorn, hooves raised into the air. "If you ever come near my daughter again, I will be your end, Opaline! Do you understand?!" His voice sounded much more like a parent scolding their child for acting up. Surprisingly, that single sentence was enough to make Opaline flinch and whimper. With tears in her eyes she ran away, sobbing hysterically. Just like that, she was gone. Yet Misty found that she didn't return to her mare self when Opaline disappeared. The unicorn remained but a little foal as she saw Alphabittle, no her father, approaching her. "Daddy!" She exclaimed as she held out her hooves. Alphabittle wasted no time in scooping the frightened foal up, holding her close. "Oh Misty, Daddy's so glad he found you! I promise you, I will never let you out of my sight again! I'll always be here for you, no matter what! You'll always be my little filly, forever!" Wiping away the tears falling from his cheeks, he then cooed. "Now come on, pumpkin. It's getting let, we need to get you home. It's not good for you to be up so late past your bedtime." The dream ended but a second later, and Misty's eyes fluttered open. She sat up slowly in her bed within the Brighthouse. It had only been a day or so since her foaling out session in Zephyr Heights. She had long since gotten comfortable sleeping in just her diaper, especially since discovering that secret room in the Brighthouse that only she knew how to access. Yet that dream had been playing in her mind again and again for a very long time. It had kept coming back ever since she'd first found out that Alphabittle was her father and always had been. And dwelling upon it reminded Misty of that unforgettable reunion, how Alphabittle had clearly wanted nothing more than to have his little filly back after all those years. At the time, she'd thought nothing of telling him that she didn't want to be treated in that way. Her thoughts then and there had been focused on so many conflicting emotions, and the threat of Opaline had been lingering in the back of her mind. But now that the unicorn mare with a butterfly cutie mark thought more about it, the more a new feeling was gnawing away at her from within: Guilt. Given her discovered love of ageplaying, at least to the extent of wearing diapers and playing with her friends when they were also diapered. Heck, she'd once tagged along with two of said friends to a club in Bridlewood that had catered specifically to big foals like herself. Yet she'd had the gall to tell her father that he was wrong to try to treat her as younger than she was. With all that she had discovered about herself, who was she to tell her father no to treating her like a filly, or even a foal? Misty still didn't know what had become of her mother, Alphabittle hadn't told her and she hadn't seen fit to ask. But if her dreams were anything to go by, her mother hadn't been around almost from the moment of her birth. Alphabittle had raised her on his own, which explained why her sudden disappearance had hit him so hard. Knowing that, it now seemed so obvious that he would've clung to the memories of a happier time, even if for a while they had been buried deep down inside him (requiring Izzy of all ponies to help bring them back to the surface). Yet she had denied him what he wanted most: A chance to start over, to pick up from where he had left off. Try as she might, the once evil and misguided unicorn mare couldn't get those conflicting thoughts and feelings out of her mind. And so, she decided then and there that there was only one thing to do: She was going to have to go back to Bridlewood, find her father, and have a heart to heart confession about all of this. She'd put it off for far too long! If she ever wanted to soothe her guilty conscience and know a good night's sleep again, she had to do this! And she had to do it alone! "I can't drag the others into this," Misty thought to herself as she sat in her bed, absentmindedly sucking on one of her hooves. "This is something I have to do on my own. Even Izzy can't know what it's like, she wasn't there when Dad and I spent that day in Bridlewood after we were reunited." So, after hastily scribbling a note to let her friends know not to expect her back for at least a day or two, Misty set off for Bridlewood! It never occurred to her to try teleporting, despite how much more comfortable she'd gotten with using magic. She only just thought to make sure to take off her still spotless diaper first, rushing around behind the Brighthouse to bury it in one of the already full trash backs. She hated to waste a perfectly good diaper like that, but she could think of nowhere else to hide it to keep Hitch, Zipp, or Sunny from finding out accidentally about her secret. That was a conversation she'd rather avoid if at all possible. Once her diaper had been discarded, Misty took a deep breath, and trotted away from the Brighthouse. With any luck, she would arrive in Bridlewood by the time the sun had risen tomorrow. Next morning in Bridlewood dawned the same as any other day, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. As the owner of the Crystal Teahouse, Alphabittle made sure to get up bright and early so he could open the place for business. There were sure to be lots of ponies waiting for their morning cup of tea to start their day, all of them counting on him to provide it for them. Yet the tall and bulky stallion had only just switched the "Closed" sign to "Open", and begun wiping down the countertop he frequented while at work, when suddenly the bell above the door jingled. He looked up, and his eyes quickly fell upon his unexpected visitor: Misty. "Pumpkin?" Alphabittle blinked, before remembering their last encounter and quickly coughing into a hoof as he corrected. "Er, I mean, Misty? Is... everything alright?" Misty looked ready to burst into tears at a moment's notice. Yet somehow, she seemed to will herself to be strong as she trotted forward. "No, Dad," She said in a sorrowful, somber tone. "There's... something we need to talk about. And I think you know what that something is." It was possible to notice a slight blush forming on the tall unicorn stallion's face as he quickly deduced where his daughter's conversation was going. So he hastily switched the sign back to "Closed", figuring he had nothing to lose since nopony else had come in yet (and hopefully wouldn't be coming in for at least a couple of minutes). After making sure the doors to his business were shut, he breathed slowly. "You're talking about that... event with Izzy and Pipp, aren't you? That little club I set up for ponies like them." Misty gave a slow nod as she spoke slowly and sadly. "Yes, that." "Hey, if you're talking about the fact that I saw you in diapers, it's okay," Alphabittle insisted. "We didn't know at the time. It didn't even dawn on me until after you'd left. And before I could really think about it, that's when you showed up again, not as a foal but as a full grown mare. I still remember what happened afterward," The realization suddenly dawned on him. "Oh!" The reformed unicorn mare nodded, her eyes growing teary just a little bit. "Yeah. That's why I came here, why I sought you out. We needed to talk about stuff like that." "What's there to talk about, Misty?" Alphabittle inquired, seeming to feign ignorance. "So you were in diapers that one time. So what? It's something you like to do. You're a grown mare, now. You can make your own life choices. And you've demonstrated that fact perfectly clear several times over." But Misty could only shake her head. "But Dad, don't you see the problem?! Because of the diapers and the other stuff, I don't have any right at all to be telling you that you can't treat me as a filly again. You had a perfectly good reason. You wanted to get back something we lost because of my disappearance, something I once thought I never had. And I denied you that. I told you no, even though I'd already been acting like a foal and had enjoyed it. I didn't even move back in with you, I insisted on you treating me like an adult, like I was all grown-up." "And you still are, pumpkin," Alphabittle replied. He didn't seem to sound bothered in the slightest. "So you like to wear diapers and act like a foal? So what? Izzy does that too, and I'm sure she told you how I had to practically raise her almost from birth. Hoofness knows, I thought I was prepared because of my experiences with you, but Izzy was a foal on an entirely different level!" A chuckle escaped his lips. "It's not the same!" Misty protested as she stomped a hoof down! Her voice changed from one of sorrow to one of anger and frustration! "How can you act like it's no big deal?! It's a big deal! Here I am, revealing that I like to do exactly what I said I didn't like you doing to me, but going even further! I had no right to tell you not to treat me like a little filly, to treat me like something I sometimes liked to act like and be like. Don't you see how childish and immature that was?" Alphabittle shut his eyes, deep in thought. "I won't lie, it definitely stung when you told me point blank that you weren't my little filly anymore, and didn't want me to keep pretending like you were. I thought a lot about that, and how to square it with that night at the club here in Bridlewood." "So why doesn't it bother you?" Misty complained. "It bothers me! It bothers me even if you think it shouldn't!" She began to sniffle, all but rushing over to her father and burying her face into his chest. "Daddy, I don't want you to be sad because of me! I want you to be happy! How can I claim to be a big pony if the truth is that I don't always act like it?! How can I tell you not to treat me as younger than I am, when that's exactly what I like to do with my friends?! For pony's sake, I've actually worn and used diapers! And you're telling me that it was totally okay for me to tell you not to treat me like that, or treat me as slightly older than that?" She lifted her head slowly, her eyes now stained red with tears. "How can it be okay?! It shouldn't be okay. This isn't normal! This isn't right!" To the surprise of Misty, her father's only response to her pouring out of her heart was to gently, delicately reach out a hoof. Slowly and with trained precision, he stroked her from head to tail to calm her down. "Misty Wisty," He lovingly cooed. "So what if it's not normal? I'd hardly call you normal after everything you've been through. You've been through so much in such a short amount of time. It's natural you'd seek comfort in something that makes you feel young, gives you the chance to let your worries drift away," He paused for a moment, reflecting on all she had said to him. "What happened during our last time together... I wasn't thinking about anything other than the fact that you'd come back. I let myself believe that all the years of sorrow and sadness didn't matter. But they did. I couldn't turn back the clock, no matter how much I might want to." "Dad." Misty spoke slowly, her crying having ceased. Alphabittle gently shushed his daughter, continuing to calm her down. "I know you're conflicted now, Misty. Part of you likes to be little, to be treated like a foal. But another part of you wants to be an adult, wants to shoulder all that responsibility. And that's totally okay. What matters most is what makes you happy. It doesn't matter what you feel on the outside, on the inside you will always be you. And I'll always be proud of you no matter what you do, no matter what you like. If it means that every now and then you get the urge to come rushing back to Daddy and just let him take care of everything, that's fine. I will always be here for you no matter how big or little you're feeling. And I have a feeling your friends feel the same way, even those who don't know about your 'little' secret." He delivered the last line with a knowing wink. The once evil and misguided mare rubbed her eyes, drying the last of her tears. "So... is it okay to call you 'Daddy'?" She asked her father, looking him deep in the eyes. She started to blush. "I didn't exactly bring my... stuff with me. I kind of left in a hurry last night." The tall, bulky unicorn stallion only chuckled, speaking in that fatherly tone of his. "That's okay, pumpkin. I still have some of your old supplies. I just couldn't bring myself to throw them out, even after Izzy outgrew them, there were just too many memories associated with them," He smiled. "And don't worry about using your diapers for a bathroom. Daddy doesn't mind changing you. I did it before, and I can do it again." Misty all but threw herself into her father's arms right then and there. "Thank you, Daddy." Alphabittle's smile grew brighter. "Just go upstairs and wait. Daddy has to take care of a few customers at his business. But then he'll have plenty of time to spend taking care of you." Misty gave a firm nod and trotted away, her stomach now full of butterflies. The good kind of butterflies, mind you. She was amazed at how well that talk with her father had gone. Was that all it had taken to clear everything up? Just a good, firm talking and a teary confession? Whatever it was, the full grown mare was glad it had happened. She couldn't wait to share this news with Izzy when she got back to Maretime Bay. Time seemed to pass in agonizing slowness for both father and daughter. The wait was worth it, however, when Alphabittle at last came trotting up to what had once been Misty's bedroom when she was a child. It had remained untouched even after what had transpired during Misty's last visit to Bridlewood. Misty was most surprised to be picked up by the magical hold of her father's horn. It really did make her feel little, surrendering control of herself to somepony else, somepony she trusted with all her heart. "Okay, Misty Wisty," Alphabittle playfully cooed as he floated over a diaper that had clearly been magically sized up to fit a full grown pony. "Let's get you all nice and snug in your diaper wiaper." With what seemed like practiced precision, he floated the padding onto her rump and strapped her up, securing the tabs with tape. Misty didn't fight back at all. She was already slipping into her little mindset, and it told her that it was perfectly okay to accept the diapering job from her daddy. That's what he was there for, after all. He would always be there for her no matter what, taking care of her every need. Alphabittle then floated over an oversized plastic baby bottle, filled to the brim with milk. "Go ahead, pumpkin," He encouraged with a smile and a wink. "It's fresh and warm, just the way you like it." The diapered mare didn't think twice and threw her hooves around the bottle's nipple. She then watched as her father appeared beside her, sitting on her bed and gently placing her onto his lap. It was just like he'd done many times before so long ago. She closed her eyes, listening to the beat of her father's heart and timing it to the suckles as she drank down the milk. Pretty soon, she felt the warm milk making her feel drowsy, and she drifted off to sleep. Just as Misty was falling asleep, Alphabittle's ears picked up the sound of a faint hiss. He looked down at his daughter, seeing her diaper rapidly swell up and grow warmer, a damp patch spreading across the seat as the wetness indicators faded. He just smiled, waiting for her to finish. He'd make sure to change her into a fresh diaper before setting her down for a nap. > Izzy's Padded Pondering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not long after changing Misty and setting her down for her nap, Alphabittle went back downstairs and changed the "closed" sign to "open". He made a mental note to check on his precious "Misty Wisty" later on, in case she needed anything from him. Much to the tall and bulky stallion's surprise, he soon received a visit from none other than Izzy. Had she come all the way to Bridlewood because of Misty? "Hiya, Alphabittle!" Izzy cheerfully greeted. Alphabittle smiled back. "It's been a while, hasn't it, Izzy?" He playfully teased with a knowing wink. "You in one of your 'little' moods again?" The unicorn with a pretty pink coat shook her head from side to side. "Nah, I'm good. I just got back from a really great foaling out session in Zephyr Heights. It was Pipp's treat." "Oh, so you told her about your secret?" Alphabittle questioned as his mood didn't change in the slightest. Izzy nodded. "Had no choice, she more or less found out for herself. And it was the same with Misty. But you probably already knew that." The grey coated stallion nodded back. "Yup, figured as much when you three showed up to that club I put together," His smile grew brighter. "You're so lucky to have such good friends, Izzy. And I can't thank you enough for the role you played in reuniting me with Misty. It's still hard for me to grasp how much she's changed. But she's still my little girl on the inside, always has been and always will be." "Yeah, it's kind of funny to think we're technically family now, even if you never officially adopted me," Izzy giggled and swished her tail. Then her playful mood slowly faded. "I never really asked, because I never really thought about it until now. But why did you take me in all those years ago? You didn't really know me. Was it just because I reminded you of Misty?" Alphabittle let out a sigh, shutting his eyes. "That was part of it. I wasn't really in a good mood or a good place when you ended up in my care. Don't get any ideas, you weren't a replacement for Misty. You could've never taken the place she had in my heart, even during those years when I thought I'd never see her again," His tone of voice took on a mournful tone as he continued. "But there was something about you that drew me to you. You only vaguely remembered your parents." Izzy interrupted, giving a confirming nod. "Yeah. I know I had them when I was really little. But they either left me or something happened to them before I was even two years old," A tear came into her eyes. "What's even worse is that nopony knows what happened to them. It's like they just... disappeared." "Yes," Alphabittle sighed deeply. "And considering the closest thing we had to any authority was Elderflower, well... somepony had to take charge and keep you out of trouble. I basically got volunteered for the role," Without opening his eyes, he started to chuckle as a memory came flooding back to him in an instant. "I thought I was ready for anything you might throw at me. Boy was I wrong. You were a foal on a completely different level from Misty." The memory Alphabittle was recalling involved him chasing after a toddler aged Izzy as she was all but bouncing off the walls, bristling and brimming with seemingly unlimited energy! And the foal showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. It was like she didn't have an off switch. "Whee!" She exclaimed, running all about the length of the first floor of the Crystal Teahouse, her diaper swaying alongside her tail. Alphabittle (only slightly younger than he was now, despite outward appearances to the contrary) was panting desperately as he chased after his young charge! "Come on, Izzy, get back here this instant!" He demanded, pausing to catch his breath. "That tea was supposed to calm you down so you could take your nap." "Nu-uh, no nap!" Izzy stuck out her tongue in playful fashion, taunting! "Can't catch me!" "Misty was never this difficult." The stallion thought to himself as he chased Izzy up, down, and all around. Try as he might, he couldn't catch her. Where did she get all her energy from? Izzy just kept on running, not having a care in the world as she raced to and fro! It was like the entire Crystal Teahouse was her playground. Alphabittle sighed and groaned, realizing that there was only one way he was going to get his charge to stop. "Well, I guess a certain little filly doesn't want any dessert after her next meal." The toddler unicorn ceased in her excited running upon hearing those words. "No dessert?" Alphabittle firmly nodded, confident he'd finally gotten through to Izzy. "That's right, Izzy. If you keep acting up like this, I'll send you to your room without dessert. You know the rules: If you want dessert, you have to behave. So stop trying to run away! It's time for you to take your nap like a good little foal!" That did the trick, Izzy turned back to Alphabittle with a sorrowful and regretful look on her face. "Sorry, not do it again." She apologized with what sounded like a sincere tone of voice. The bulky unicorn stallion breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his brows. "That's better. Now why don't we?" But then he happened to sniff the air, and an all too familiar stench reached his nostrils. Fearing the worst, he trotted over to Izzy and pulled back her diaper. "Izzy!" He exclaimed, nearly recoiling from the overwhelming smell! Izzy blushed bright red with shame! "Sorry, Alphabittle! I really had to go!" "It can't be helped," Alphabittle forced back a groan as he scooped Izzy up. "Come on, let's get you changed. And then you're going to take your nap: No ifs, ands, or buts." "Yup, those were the days," Alphabittle chuckled as the flashback ended and he opened his eyes. "But your cute face made it all worthwhile, more or less." Izzy nodded ever so faintly. "Yeah. I hope you know I didn't mean to give you a hard time." "Oh come now, Izzy," Alphabittle reassured her. "You're the kind of pony that's impossible to stay mad at. Besides, it all worked out in the end. You've grown into just as much of a fine young mare as Misty and the rest of your friends." The unicorn mare with a pretty pink coat just replied. "Well, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. You're the first pony I ever trusted with my secret, after all. And I remember being really worried what you'd think of it: Of me wanting to go back to diapers when you'd worked so hard teaching me how to get out of them." The bulky stallion's smile did not fade. "It wasn't that much of a surprise, really. You've always had that child like curiosity and innocence. It's what kept you from being broken by Bridlewood like the rest of us. And much as I didn't want to admit it back then, some of that innocence rubbed off on me," He then commented. "If you're worried about your friends and what they'll think of this, you really shouldn't be. You've already shared it with at least two of them, and it's clear they feel the same way you do." "Yeah, and I more or less told Sunny and Comet about it, and they were okay with it too," Izzy explained. "That just leaves Hitch and Zipp. And honestly, they're the ones I'm most worried about. They always strike me as more mature and independent, Zipp especially. I can't imagine they'd be as understanding. Hitch is practically a parent already given how he's been raising Sparky. And Zipp," She put a hoof to her chin. "I'm kind of surprised she hasn't already found out about me, or about Pipp. She is pretty good at being a detective." "So? You think after all you've been through together that a secret like yours is going to be a problem?" Alphabittle inquired. His tone of voice made it clear that he didn't sound all that concerned, but was trying to be respectful towards Izzy's feelings. Izzy put a hoof to her chin. "I'm just trying to think of how to best tell them about it. I'd kind of like to have a friend or two where I'm the one revealing the secret to them, rather than have them find out. I feel like it'd be better for everypony if that's the case," Looking Alphabittle deep in the eyes, she questioned him. "So, since I was already stopping here in Bridlewood for more crafting supplies, I was wondering if you had any ideas or advice?" The bulky stallion just replied. "This reminds me a lot of when you got that letter telling you that you had 'Friends in Maretime Bay', and you weren't sure what you should do about it. Ultimately, it didn't matter what I told you or what other ponies said, you were convinced the letter was real and that it wasn't a trap. It turned out not to be. And because of that, not only did you make the friends you'd always wanted to make, but you also brought magic back to Equestria. When you follow your heart, Izzy, you're seldom wrong. This is no different." "You really think so?" Izzy asked in a hopeful tone of voice. Alphabittle gave a firm, confirming nod. "I know so, Izzy. And no matter what happens, know that you can always count on me for support." Seemingly satisfied with the response, the unicorn mare with a pretty pink coat was silent for a moment, apparently deep in thought. Then she said with a smile. "Okay, Alphabittle. Thanks for the talk. I think I know what I have to do now. Just need to make a few little arrangements, first." And with that, as if to make herself heard, she seemed to bounce away with a skip in her step. Upon returning to the Brighthouse late that day, Izzy started to work on her plan for more or less "coming out" to Hitch and Zipp. She wanted it to be meaningful, something that would convey the significance of her confession. "Hey, Izzy," Sunny greeted when she noticed the unicorn all alone in the bedroom of the Brighthouse. That was usually a sign that something was up. "What's on your mind? You seem... troubled." Izzy turned towards Sunny with a bright smile. "I'm glad you asked that, Sunny," She pulled the earth pony close and whispered. "You remember my 'little' secret?" "Oh, that?" Sunny blinked in surprise yet understanding. She whispered back. "So you're thinking of finally telling all our friends about it?" Izzy giggled, playfully swishing her tail from side to side. "Not all of them, silly. Most of them already know. Even Comet. And let's just say you're not the only one here who likes to wear diapers and act like a foal." She flashed a knowing wink. Sunny smiled. "I guess that doesn't surprise me. If I'm being honest, ever since I found out about your secret, I've been... intrigued for lack of a better term." "So, would you consider joining me for a special occasion?" Izzy proposed as she looked all around. "Because I'm thinking we could have a great big diaper party! You know, as a way to celebrate our victory over Opaline!" She put a hoof to her chin. "I'm just having a little bit of trouble figuring out what to do with Sparky. I don't think Hitch would really want him getting involved in all of this." "That's... a good question, actually," Sunny thought aloud. "He has mentioned how hard it was to find diapers that Sparky couldn't destroy with his claws or his fire breath. That's more or less why he decided to start potty training Sparky so soon after he hatched. Maybe Spike would have some ideas, seeing as he would've had to have been in diapers at some point too. And that means he would..." Then she gasped, putting her hooves to her face as a realization struck her! "Wait, that's it! Why didn't I think of it sooner?!" The unicorn mare looked over. "Think of what?" Sunny couldn't stop herself from getting all excited! "Spike is the answer! He and the other dragons can look after Sparky for Hitch on the day we have the big diaper party! Hitch won't suspect a thing, and I'm sure I can convince Spike. After all, he seemed to know more about Sparky than any of us did," She giggled with apparent giddiness. "It's the perfect plan! I can have Hitch and Zipp drop off Sparky with Spike via the Marestream, which would give the rest of us plenty of time to get everything set up here at the Brighthouse." Izzy's smile grew brighter. "Oh Sunny, you complete me! It's almost like we were always meant to be friends!" A realization then struck her as she thought about Sunny's eagerness to take part in the planning and preparation. "Wait, does this mean you're gonna pad up?" "Of course, that's what friends are for, right?" Sunny innocently replied. "Besides, with how busy my smoothy cart has been, I could use some time off to relax. And nothing's more relaxing than having your every need taken care of for you," A sigh of regret escaped her lips. "It's just too bad my dad isn't here to be my caretaker. He didn't seem to care how long I stayed in diapers, or how long I took to be fully potty trained. It always seemed like there was nothing I could do that could make him get mad at me, not even playing with his glasses or messing up his carefully organized research. Acting like a foal, it's kind of the next best thing to having him around." Izzy reached out and put a hoof around her fellow mare. "I'm sure your dad wouldn't be bothered by you going back to diapers. And you're not the only one who misses their foalhood. That's what initially got me into diapers as well," Looking into Sunny's eyes, she asked. "So, can I count on you to get Hitch and Zipp onboard? Don't tell them the whole details," She winked. "Remember, it's our little secret." The earth pony mare with a lovely orange coat nodded, moving a hoof across her mouth. "Relax, Izzy, my lips are sealed. Hitch and Zipp won't suspect a thing." "Great!" Izzy exclaimed and bounced away! "Now I just need to wait and see what the others think! I mean, I'm sure they'll say yes. But you never know." Izzy really needn't have asked, however: Pipp, Misty (once she returned from Bridlewood), and Comet were of course all onboard with the idea of a diaper party. Comet in particular commented. "I've never been to any sort of party before. So a diaper party will be twice as much fun!" Pipp did see fit to ask. "So, if all of us are going to be foaling out, are we going to do it alone? Or are we going to have caretakers?" The unicorn mare with a pretty pink coat just vaguely responded with a simple. "Leave that to me." It took surprisingly little time for the plans for the diaper party to come together. Hitch and Zipp, suspecting nothing out of the ordinary when told by Izzy about a "Surprise Party", agreed to take part in it. And just as Sunny had been hoping, Spike promised to take care of Sparky on the day when the party was slated to take place. When at last the day of the party arrived, Hitch and Zipp got up early, and soon took off in the Marestream to drop off Sparky. "They're gone," Sunny said to Pipp and the unicorns as she came trotting into the Brighthouse seconds later. "Let's get everything set up before they come back." And she pitched in with helping to redecorate the entire place from top to bottom. Everything was ready by the time Hitch and Zipp returned to the Brighthouse, neither of them the least bit prepared for the sight that was to greet their eyes upon their entrance into it. When the door to the Brighthouse swung open, Zipp and Hitch were more than a little bit surprised to see that all the lights had been switched off. They trotted inside together, only for the lights to suddenly be switched back on as the familiar voice of Izzy shouted out! "Surprise!" Once the off-duty sheriff and the part time detective's eyes had readjusted to the sudden brightness, they took in the sights that surrounded them. To say that the two ponies were shocked would be an understatement! The entire Brighthouse had been redecorated, full of streamers and banners in hues of baby blue and pink. But what really commanded attention was what had been done to the bedroom upstairs and to the kitchen downstairs. The kitchen now had several high-chairs, with a bib resting in each one. As for the bedroom, it was covered with a soft, foam like surface, and was surrounded by large bars that made it look more like an oversized playpen. Off to one side was a well stocked changing table, overflowing with diapers, wipes, rash cream, and of course foal powder. And most of the beds had guard-rails installed, effectively turning them into makeshift cribs. In short, the Brighthouse now resembled a giant foal's nursery more than anything. And if that wasn't strange enough, Izzy, Sunny, Pipp, Misty, and Comet were all wearing large, thick, poofy diapers that had cartoonish images printed on them to serve as wetness indicators. The two friends' mouths dropped wide open in unison! Neither one knew what to say. Izzy was the one to take the lead, proudly parading forward as her padded posture was present for all to see. She didn't seem to have a care in the world. "I knew it! I knew you guys would be speechless!" "Just what is all this, Izzy?!" Zipp questioned, slowly finding her ability to speak. "What does this have to do with the surprise party you proposed?" Pipp just flew forward, giggling as she booped Zipp right on the nose. "Oh Zipp, and you pride yourself on being a detective. Isn't it obvious? This is the party. It's a diaper party. Or, if you prefer, an adult foal party." Hitch let out a gasp! "Wait, then that means..." "-Yup," Sunny interrupted. "Diapers are very much mandatory. Just put one on, and let all your big pony worries drift away," To Hitch, she then commented. "Haven't you ever secretly wished you could get away from it all, even just for one day?" The off-duty sheriff blinked slowly. "W-well, the thought did cross my mind once or twice. But I don't know..." Zipp, meanwhile, saw fit to inquire. "Um, I hate to ask, but if we're all going to be in diapers and acting like foals, then does that mean we have to..." She shuddered. "Use the diapers for their intended purposes. That sounds pretty gross." "You don't have to if you don't want to," Misty explained while poking her padding with a hoof. "Just do whatever makes you feel comfortable. The whole point is to relax." "But you expect us to change ourselves?" Zipp questioned. "Not all of us have magic, you know. That could get pretty messy very fast." "Duh!" Izzy playfully giggled with childish worry. "That's why I had some very special ponies come over to serve as caretakers. And they should be here right about... now!" As if on cue, the Brighthouse door swung open again. In trotted Alphabittle, Grandma Figgy, and Queen Haven, all of whom had bright, cheerful, and most of all playful smiles. Hitch spun around and let out an eep! "G-Gran Gran?!" Grandma Figgy trotted over, nodding happily as she let her grandson nuzzle into her chest. "Yes, Hitchie. I'm here for you. I know how much you've secretly longed for this. Gran Gran has ways of knowing." "But... but... I have to be big and strong, for everypony's sake! For Mom and Dad's sake!" Hitch tried to protest. Grandma Figgy just replied by pulling out a baby blue colored pacifier, popping it into Hitch's mouth as she cooed. "That's quite enough, grandson. Talking is for big ponies. Just hush and let Gran Gran take care of everything." The earth pony stallion suckled heistantly and slowly on the pacifier. As he did so, any desire he might have had to fight back seemed to leave him. Still, he reluctantly trotted away as Grandma Figgy followed. Zipp then gulped as none other than Queen Haven came trotting up to her. "M-mom, please," She whimpered and pleaded. "I... I don't want to go back to diapers! Y-you can't make me!" It was hard to tell if it was just an act or if she was being sincere. Queen Haven playfully retorted. "Oh come now, Zephyrina Storm. You know better than to argue with your mommy. Since you don't want to attend my lessons on how to be a ruler, the least you can do is let me baby you and Pipp again. Hoofness knows, this certainly brings back memories." Zipp gulped and swallowed hard as a bead of sweat trickled down her face. "F-fine. But I'm not using my diapers and you can't make me! Understand!" "Of course, Zipp," Queen Haven chortled as she led her eldest daughter away. "You've always been so independent, always trying to do things your own way. That's why I'm certain you'll make an excellent ruler someday, whether you want to be queen or not." Alphabittle then came trotting over, looking at the remaining mares and then at Izzy as he made sure to shut the Brighthouse door and lock it. "Don't need anypony interrupting our day of fun," He said with a grin. "Sure took you long enough to share this part of yourself with everypony, Izzy. But I'm glad you did." Izzy nodded. "Yup. I don't why I ever doubted myself," Then she giggled. "I can't wait for you to put me back into diapers." Alphabittle laughed in reply, scooping up Izzy with his hooves. "Let's not waste any more time, then! I mean, you're already in diapers, but I have a feeling I'll be changing more than a few of them before today is over." Izzy just let out a cute, foalish giggle. Everything was coming together nicely. To think, just a year or two ago, Alphabittle had been the only pony to know about this secret side of her. Now, she'd shared it with all her friends.