> TAG-TEAM FICTION > by jstar666444 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a quick story made at 1AM that is made for the fun of it and no other reason by 2 people with nothing better to do.* “Okay what the hell happened. I go to sleep on the goddamn couch when I wake up, get ready to go out ,and find out that our house has transported out of the city onto an open pasture” said Chris. “What the hell are you talking about?” said Jeremy “Look out the fucking window” “All I see are....what the hell....ARE THOSE TREES?!” Jeremy quickly gets ready and rushes out the door with Chris “Umm Chris... Don’t get mad at what i’m going to say but...” “What?” “This forest look very familiar to me.” “Why would I be mad? That should mean you know where we are and where we can get help right?” “Yes..Just follow me.” “Okay but let me lock the door first so nothing bad gets in” *Jeremy sighs and proceeds to walk with Chris following* The two walk through the forest for a couple of minute before they find a village “Jeremy” “What is it Chris?” “Why does that village make me feel uncomfortable?” “Because it shouldn't. It makes me feel happy” “Why do I feel hate for you right now?” “Lets just go and meet the locals and i’m sure we can get this straighten out.” The two continued towards the familiar town. As they approached they saw that the town was empty. “ Deserted, I wonder why?”said Jeremy “How the hell should I know?”said Chris *they stood in what seemed to be the middle of town and began to look around. As they look around themselves that saw a shadowy figure quickly move passed a large object and into a building. They also saw curtains quickly move as they peered around as if inhabitants were watching them.* *Chris began to making a frustrated facial expression* “There toying with us” “Chris who are you talking to?” “Fuck this idle shit they're in their house staring at us ready to attack us at the slightest sign of danger.” “How about I knock on that door over there that looks like it’s made of candy.” “Fine go ahead i’ll just stay here and ready to fight whatever horde comes my way.” Jeremy does as he said and approaches the door after a quick deep breath before knocking. As he knocks on the door he hears a soft squeak and then puts on a massive grin while saying softly awww “They won’t answer you that easily you know. There is a reason they're hiding from us.”said Chris “Maybe they're just scared”Said Jeremy as he quickly flailed his hands in front of himself in a small motion. *Sternly pointing*“Stop that now or you will be tasting my shoe” Jeremy’s smile quickly became a frown. *Sighing*”Fine” *Starting to get angry*”We’re wasting our goddamn time here in this pathetic town. No one is going to help us so lets just leave.” Without skipping a beat the door to the candy looking house opened and stood a little yellow pony. “I’ll help ya strangers”said the little yellow pony “Oh fuck I think I know where we are now”*Chris said with a shocked whisper. “Uh.. Hello my name is Jeremy. My friend and I are in need of some assistance.” “Aye can help you two!”said the little yellow pony “Oh no you ain't little missy”said a larger orange pony with hat before pulling the smaller one back into the house and slamming the door. Jeremy with a look of defeat walks back to Chris “Well that was pointless”said Jeremy “I told you we’re wasting sunlight being here. Lets go and maybe we can find real help instead of spineless town folk.”Said Chris Again without skipping a beat the candy door opened, but this time a cyan pony stood there. “WHO ARE YOU CALLING SPINELESS!”said the cyan pony *Turning around with a furious look*”YOU BITCH!”yelled Chris With that being said Chris and the cyan pony were ready to fight, but as the pony was at the start of it’s dash it was quickly caught by it’s tail but the orange pony and at the same time Jeremy jumped on Chris’ back grabbing him so he could not run & fight. Next to intervene was a lavender pony with a horn and disapproving look on it’s face. “I told you girls that we shouldn't have ignored them. Now look where we are.” At the sight of the lavender pony Jeremy falls off Chris but quickly gets up and dusts himself off. “Uhh... Thank you for coming out and stopping your friend.”said Jeremy a bit awkwardly. Chris immediately knew from the way Jeremy spoke what was going on in his head. “Let me go I can take him!”said the cyan pony “Calm down Rainbow he is just a little angry and didn't mean what he said.”said the lavender pony “I’m very sorry about my friends here. They thought you two were evil monsters coming to destroy our town.”said the same pony “Well I guess the look of my friend here didn't help”said Jeremy Chris was wearing a black opened zip up hoodie with the hood up, black baggy pants, black shoes with red laces, and a shirt that had Five Finger Death Punch written and a man with a skull for a head holding brass knuckles in his mouth, with a bloody hand print on his head. So it was no surprise he looked a bit like a monster to them. Jeremy on the other hand looked like your typical young adult so he didn't seem as great of a danger. “Anyways my friend and I are in need of help like we said” “Jeremy I don’t think they can help us”said Chris with a still frustrated look on his face and his arms crossed. “It doesn't hurt to try.” “Whatever.” “Maybe we can talk this over at my house”said the lavender pony “Alright then let’s go”said Jeremy After a short walk to the home of the lavender pony which included her friends which were the cyan, and orange pony. She also had 4 other friends inside that were a pink pony who was bouncing around, 2 yellow ponies, and a white pony. The only other things that came with her was a purple and green dragon that seemed to be around the age of the smaller yellow pony. Except for the pink ones attempts to start a conversation the walk was quieter than a graveyard at night. They all stood in the lavender ones home with was a tree and a library. “So now that we’re all here and the tension is gone, how can we help you?”said the lavender pony “Well uh we ummm kind of ahh”Jeremy said mumbling Chris quickly taps the back of Jeremy's’ head with his hand to make him stop talking. “What this mumbling fool is trying to say is that we woke up this morning with our house near the outskirts of a forest and we don’t belong here so we need help trying to set things in order.”said Chris “Uhh yeah what he said” “Wow that's really neat! Where are you from?! What do you do?! What are your special talents?!”The pink pony kept barraging the two with what seemed like endless questions. “Pinkie darling you must learn to stop doing that every time somepony new comes in town.”said the white pony This stopped pinkie in her place. Chris and Jeremy shot a glance of appreciation to the white pony. “We should get the introductions out of the way first”said the lavender pony “I’m Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends *pointing to each as she says their names* Rainbow Dash (Cyan), Rarity(White), Applejack(Orange), Pinkie Pie(Pink), Fluttershy(larger yellow), AppleBloom(smaller yellow), and Spike(Dragon).” “What are your names?” “I am Jeremy” Chris stood silent. “Names are for friends. So I won’t be needing one while i’m here.” All the ponies and the dragon looked a bit shocked when he said that. “Uhh so how can we help?” said Twilight “Well you look smart, so i’m guessing you might know or be able to figure out how to help someone in our situation”said Chris “Maybe I have a book here that can fix your issue.” “Okay that's acceptable I guess. Jeremy stay here and help this hoofbeast find that book. I’m going back home to search for something and to get away from here.” “Okay see you later Ch...uhh I mean bye.” Chris proceeds to leave. As he leaves Rainbow Dash walks up to Twilight. “Hey Twilight i’m going to follow him to make sure he isn't planning anything bad” “Good call he seems like he could be a real problem.” Rainbow Dash leaves quickly to make sure she won’t lose him End Chapter 0 > Chapter uno > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris begins to walk home, but felt as if he was being followed and didn't like it. He noticed that all the ponies were out of their homes, but still kept their distance. He got a thought in his head that maybe because he walked with his hands in his hoodie pockets they thought he had a weapon in them. He didn't care if they feared him or not as long as they stayed away and left him alone he was somewhat happy. “What is this guy up to?”Rainbow Dash said to herself “I bet it's no good. He’s going to get something dangerous and attack all of Ponyville. I hope the others are okay back there. That Jeremy fellow is a bit strange, but the others can easily take him down. Sitting high on a cloud made it easy to follow someone unnoticed. Though it never shook the feeling of being followed. Chris finally got home and sighed with relief. He was able to get back to his comfort zone away from the land of hoofbeasts as he liked to call them. “Well I guess I better start doing my own searching.”Chris said to himself. “Now where the hell did I leave that fucking thing?*Chris began combing his home* "Shit this house is a fucking mess, it must be from that teleportation. I’ll clean it later. I have something to find first." While unaware Rainbow Dash snuck into the house.She followed Chris like a shadow. So far all she saw was him going through multiple messy piles and hearing him say short words like “Nope”, “No”, “Not It”, “Surprise it’s not it”, and other variants. “Could this be it?” asked Chris to himself. “OH GOD NO THAT’S JEREMY'S”.*Chris quickly throws the object across the room* The object was a box containing pictures of provocative furry anthropomorphic women. when the box hit the floor the pictures scattered around the floor.Rainbow Dash saw the pictures and was almost unable to hold in a large gasp. “Did he just say that belong to that Jeremy guy, good Celestia what’s wrong with him! They're so many pictures in this one small box?!”Rainbow Dash thought in her head After a couple more minutes of searching Chris finds something! “AH HA I KNEW I’D FIND YOU HERE” This alerted Rainbow Dash to quickly be on alert for what he may have just found. Chris grabs the object, pulls it out and holds it in the air with one hand in a victorious pose! “MAI KENDO STICK! FOR THE NON-LETHAL LETHAL APPROACH” Rainbow Dash took this as a weapon and jumped out to confront Chris. “I knew you were up to no good”said Rainbow Dash *Quickly turning around*”I fucking knew I was being followed!” “Lets end what we started this morning.” “I was thinking the same thing.” Meanwhile at Twilight's' house. The only people/ponies left were Jeremy, Twilight, Rarity, and Spike. “So Twilight what type of book are we looking for?” Jeremy asks “Well anything that talks about the multiverse theory.” she answers So for a while we search. At first Jeremy finds books on cooking, then on various magic subject, He also found one on dubstep. Jeremy thought “ What the fuck?” as he opened the book all he saw was wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub wub and the occasional drop the bass.Eventually Rarity says something “Twilight is this of any use” in front of her is a book. Twilight trots over “Aha that's it.” “Umm what, is it the book on the multiverse?” Jeremy asks “Yes and now we can figure out a way to send you and that other kid home.” Twilight then addresses Rarity “Thank you Rarity but I’d like to go over this with Jeremy first.” “That's alright Twilight I fully understand I’ll see you guys later.” Rarity leaves with Spike in tow. Twilight heads toward the stairs leading up to her room. On the way there she trips and falls face first into the ground. Upon falling her tail flicks to the left revealing two thin little purple lips (and not the ones on her face) which Jeremy saw. When Twilight got back up Jeremy had a bright crimson blush along with some blood trickling down his right nostril. She turned around and saw that he was just standing there with a flustered look on his face. “Are you OK.” Twilight asks him. Jeremy however did not answer as he continues staring away at the same spot. Twilight sighs and decides to levitate both him and the book up to her room. (“Inside Jeremy’s’ mind “ holyfuckingshitIjustsawtwilightclitohmygoshIsowishIcouldgetatitrightnow.”) Twilight then placed Jeremy on the bed and tried every method she could think of to get his attention. Again she sighed and went back on with her reading of the book. She makes it halfway through the book before Jeremy comes to his senses. “Oh are you al...what how did we get up here?” He asks “Well you spaced out or something so I brought you up her” “Did you find anything in the book yet?” “No not yet, if you want you can help.” “Is there anything other than reading that I can do?” “Not really, but you can, wait I found the entry on multiverse. Good can you write all this stuff I say down?” “No problem.” Twilight read along not word for word but in a shortened form get all the major points and some minor. Jeremy wrote it all down on a piece of parchment. Once finished they both agreed to wait until they talked to both Twilight's' and Jeremy’s’ friends before they continued. Now they had the rest of the day off. Twilight looked up at him with a look of struggle on her as if she was thinking whether or not to say something. Eventually she did make up her mind. “ Umm....Jeremy, can I ask you something?” “Sure what is it.” “Well you know when I tripped right?” “Right” “ Well....” Now back to the house warped into the woods. Both Chris and Rainbow Dash were locked in a heated duel. Rainbow Dash quickly tackled Chris and pinned him down, but then he performed a monkey flip to get out of it and get to his feet again. He followed up with an elbow drop that included as spin as he fell. Rainbow Dash rolled out of the way and kicked Chris right in the stomach. Chris does a slight gasp to let the air out of his lungs so his stomach could constrict. They both stumble to get up. *Breathing in and out softly*”Now you fucked up!”said Chris “I’m not losing that easy”said Rainbow Dash “Neither will I” Chris rushes to Rainbow Dash and gives her what can be described as a spinning uppercut “SHORYUKEN!” Rainbow Dash hits the floor rolling and slams her back to the wall. *Getting back on her hoofs*”Nice hit, now it’s my turn” She flies right to his face and gives him a head-butt. The impact knocked down Chris and flipped Rainbow Dash over his head doing the same to her. Once again they both stumbled to get up trying to be faster than the other. “I can go all day hoofed beast!” “Same here monster!” “You have no idea how badly I can destroy you rainbowed horse!” “Go ahead and try dark clothed ape!” “For an equine you sure are stubborn. You could almost be confused for an ass” This infuriated Rainbow Dash. She once again tackled Chris. She quickly started stomping on his rib cage. Chris returned with a hay maker to get her off. Her next attacked was biting his hand. Chris then yanked on her left wing in order to get his hand out of Rainbows’ teeth. So far no blood was drawn except for a small drip out of Chris’ mouth from Rainbow Dash's’ attack on his ribs. They stood once more. Chris wiped the bit of blood from his mouth. The tension was high between the two. Rainbow Dash attempted to head-butt Chris again and succeeded, but this time she didn't flip over him. Chris was knocked down with Rainbow Dash sitting on top of him, pinning him down. They looked angrily into each others eyes. Chris looked down to see something that made him quickly look away and turned his face reddish shade. Rainbow Dash suddenly felt a bump and saw what he was looking at causing her to blush. They looked into each others eyes once again, but this time new tension has risen. Both anger and sexual tension filled the room. Back at the Library “Well... I was wondering why you just suddenly stopped.” Twilight continues “Oh, you see, I ah...you know....saw something I shouldn't have.” Jeremy answers Twilight starts to blush a deep red “Oh you saw that did you.” “Yeeeeah” Jeremy pauses as an awkward tension filled the room “Soooo what now.” Twilight's' blush was still on her face “ We could ummm...I’m sorry but I...can’t.....think....” she stopped as Jeremy moved closer towards her. “Hey I’m sorry I looked, sometimes I just can’t help it. Back on my planet I don’t get many girls or talk to any. When I saw your ah... slit I just froze up. I promise it will never happen again.” Jeremy puts on an apologetic smile. “Th..Thank you for that, but if I hadn't tripped we wouldn't be here right now.” Jeremy laughs “Well actually we would but it would be less awkward.” She laughs too. Breaking the awkward tension in the room “I guess you're right, so is there anything you want to do?” Jeremy scratches the back of his head and says “I did have one idea, but that's out the window” He frowns slightly. “Why do you say that?” “It just wouldn't help me or you in anyway.” Jeremy says sadly “You don’t know sometimes it might be the opposite.” “Are..are you sure? I...I just don’t want any negative repercussions on what will happen.” “I’m sure” she assures Jeremy “Okay” Jeremy slides closer to Twilight so that they are side to side. He takes a deep breath and prepares for what he is about to do. Twilight looks on curious as to what Jeremy might do. After settling his nerves Jeremy Prepares for what he is to do. He leans forward towards Twilight and plants a deep passionate kiss on her lips. At first Twilight's' first instinct was to pull back but the warmth emanating from his lips made her feel relaxed. they sat there lock in this kiss for several moments before Jeremy pulls out. He stares into her eyes and puts a loving smile in which she returns. They then share a warm tender hug. “Twilight can I ask you something.” She lifts her head off his shoulder “Yes.” “Do you think we can...you know if you’re ready?” Jeremy trails off Twilight plants a quick kiss on his lips “Only if you are” she puts on a playfully smile They settle backwards onto the bed locked in a deep kiss and hug. As this occurred in the library, something not so different maybe going on at the house near the woods. There was a loss of words between the human and pony. The tension was so thick a sword made of adamantium couldn't cut it. Neither of them knew how to recover from this situation. It didn't help where she was sitting. Especially since it was directly on his bulge. She was unsure how to proceed on how to move. He didn't want to move in fear of something going horribly wrong. “Oh Celestia what have I gotten into”whispers Rainbow Dash “Oh my god what is happening”whispers Chris Chris attempts to move her leg so to slide his hips away. This action failed and caused a soft moan to arise from Rainbow Dash “Oh fuck what did I just do?!”thought Chris. After this thought he began to feel a slight pressure pushing down on his groin. His eyes widened as he realized that Rainbow Dash’s’ eyes were closed and her hips began to slide up and down his shaft through his pants. He had a battle between two parts of his body now, his head and his other head. sadly he felt like the latter may be winning this fight this time. He was beginning to enjoying this until the pressure was lifted from him. “OHMYGOSH! I’m so sorry I.. don’t know what came over me..It’s just...these pictures scattered around..”said Rainbow Dash Chris feeling a bit dominated over got up uneasily. “That’s..uh...okay...I think”said Chris feeling violated *Looking away nervously*“I’m not normally like this around other ponies” “Acting like this right now or when we fought?” “Mostly now.”Rainbow Dash said with an awkward smile”I feel a bit bad right now for what I just did” Chris facepalms with a sigh thinking”I know I will regret asking this.” “Is there anything I can do to help you...you know *sigh* feel better?” *Blushing*Well we can continue to do what we just did so I don’t feel bad” Chris now feels as if he just backed himself into a wall. He now believes that he has no choice but to agree. “.....Fine” Rainbow Dash appears relieved by his response approaches Chris. “Before we do this...can you tell me your name?” “....My name is Chris.” End Chapter 1 > Chapter that comes next > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeremy was sitting on Twilights bed waiting for her to come back upstairs. She had gone down on the account of a knock at the door. Before the knock they had been making passionate love on her bed, mainly just kissing as Twilight wanted to take it slow. Jeremy is just wearing his boxers while sitting there. He hears the door slam and then hoof steps on the stairs. Twilight then walked into the room sporting a black and purple striped sock on each leg. “Holy crap that's hot. Where’d you get those Twi.” “Rarity just dropped them off. I asked her to come by and pick up some of Spikes stuff as he is spending the night there.” She answers as she hops onto the bed next to Jeremy. Jeremy leans his head on top of hers “So do you think your ready now Twi” “I’m not sure. I just don’t know what to do?” “Just do what you think is right I’ll guide you through it.” “Okay” Jeremy starts by kissing her along her neck then up to her lips. He places a quick kiss then moves on toward her ear. He then whispers to her “I’m ready for you when you are” She nods and hops of the bed and in front of him. She proceeds in pulling of his underwear revealing his erection. It points straight at her face as if knowing. “I don’t know if I can fit it all in?” Twilights asks “Just take as much as you can,alright.” “Alright” She sticks her tongue out gingerly licking the tip. She starts a swirling motion around the tip with her tongue. She swirls around for a few seconds before taking the tip into her mouth. Slowly she moves her head up and down taking little by little in. The moment his cock went into her mouth a wave of pleasure went from tip to base. He had never felt a sensation like this before, and as she took more in the pleasure increased. Once she took half of it in she started to pick up a smooth rhythm. At first she swirled her tongue around his cocks upper half. Then she learned that she could give him more pleasure by sucking in slightly. Using the same tactics she managed, and only could manage, to get about 3/4ths of it in her mouth. He watched as her head bobbed up and down feeling the pleasure increased significantly. However he knew she needed to stop for if she continued he would reach an orgasm. Ever so slightly he pulled Twilights head off his cock. She looked at him with pleading eyes “ Did I do something wrong? I promise I can fix it.” He was slightly panting “No *pant* you were fine. Well more than *pant* fine, that was amazing.*pant* Its just that you should *pant* not be left out.” He pointed to a fluid pile on the floor. “Your obviously dying for some action.” She blushed slightly “ What do you want me to do?” Jeremy taps the bed “Come on up” she hops onto the bed again. “Alright I want you to sit on my face.” “Why?” “So we can stimulate each other” She stands on all fours and crawled over me with her flank in my face. “I see we can help each other now instead of one at a time.” She sucks my cock back into her mouth and starts to build her rhythm back. Jeremy pauses to adjust with the pleasure. Once he is ready he licks the length of her slit causing her to lose focus on her task at hand, but she adjusts too. Jeremy starts with motions around and on the lips before reaching a hand up and spreading her lips apart. With her lips apart he starts to move his tongue around the now exposed vag. When he picks up a rhythm he feels a new pleasure on his cock. Her started to moisten as Jeremy ate her out. She could not help but moan onto his cock. She felt him pick up the pace and start to shove his tongue inside of her now. In turn she doubled her speed and shoved more into her mouth. He could easily see how wet she was. He then lifted his right hand and inserted his pointer finger. Now he was eating her out and fingering her at the same time. Twilight let a loud moan around his cock when she felt his finger slide. She just couldn't help suppressing her moans anymore. Jeremy could tell that he wasn’t going to last much longer. While he was pulling out his finger he slide his middle finger in there too feeling the tightness of her vaginal walls contracting around both fingers. As soon as she felt the second finger slide in she pushed her head down all the way deepthroating Jeremy’s’ cock. She moved her head as fast as she could. Jeremy felt his cock slip into Twilights throat. So in turn stuck three fingers in and doubled his speed as well as continuing eating her out. They were both so close now the other could feel it. Jeremy was determined to get her to finish first. He lifted his head up to her clitoris and started to suck on it. Twilights felt his mouth move from one spot to a different one. She was not prepared for what was to happen next. When he started to suck on her clit her vaginal walls contracted like crazy and pleasure swept through her body, she knew she was having her orgasm. Jeremy felt her walls contract and the first of her orgasm beginning. While moving his fingers in and out ounces of her fluids squirted out. The intensity of her orgasm caused him to hit his peak. Twilight felt his cock twitch in her mouth and throat. She pulled it just into her mouth and started to stroke it as he fired load after load of semen into her mouth which started to leak out. Seconds passed as both of their orgasms faded. Jeremy moved out from underneath her and they both swapped each others fluids into each others mouth through kiss. When they both swallowed they laid facing each other. “So how was your first time Twilight?” “Orgasmic!” she and Jeremy shared a laugh at the stupid pun. They laid there and just relaxed. Shifting the story back to the other two. Both Chris and Rainbow Dash are about to do something similar. “I feel so strange. Am I really about to do this with a pony?”thought Chris “How should we start this?”said Rainbow Dash “Do you know what you can do or what to do?” *Raising her voice*“Of course I do!..*sounding slightly embarrassed in a lower tone* It’s just that I never did this with anypony before.” “Great I’m about to fuck what seems to be a pony that knows about and wants to have sex, but has never had it. Good to see we’re on the same page.”said Chris in his mind “Maybe I can take the lead and start like.” Rainbow Dash flies up to Chris’ face and begins to lean in closely. Chris tries to take a step away, but falls backwards onto the ground. Rainbow Dash follows him down and is laying on his chest. She cranes her head pressing her lips on his. During this kiss Chris felt a tongue violently enter his mouth. Rainbow Dash raises her head back up with a smile. “I’m ready” Chris still in a bit of shock of what is happening doesn't notice that Rainbow Dash begins to tug on the top of his pants undoing the button and unzipping the zipper. With the top of his pants open, his penis slips out of the pocket in his underwear leaving it standing up and out in its’ full glory. Chris tries to sit himself up, but as he does Rainbow Dash puts her hoof on his chest and softly pushes him back down. She kisses him once again and whispers to him “i’m nice and wet for you.” Rainbow Dash lowers her soaking wet marehood and presses it against his shaft. She slides up and down covering his penis in her juices. Rainbow Dash lets out any moan she gets while Chris on the other hand, held in every single one that he felt was trying to get out. Chris’ face stayed completely straight but his teeth were clenched in an attempt to keep composer. Rainbow Dash saw what he was doing and took it as a challenge to make him moan and fully enjoy this. “Good to see you’re still trying to put up a fight”Rainbow Dash said with a grin Chris kept silent as so not to let out any sexual noise. “Come on I know you want to let out that voice of yours. Just relax and enjoy yourself, because I know I will.” Chris still is restraining himself. Rainbow Dash slides herself all the way up to the tip and widens her grin “I guess it’s time for the real fun to begin” And with that said she trusts down all the way to the base. This sends a massive shock wave of pleasure to the both of them. Chris’ head flicked back and forced his mouth to gasp open, but he still managed to keep the moan in. Even though her hymen broke Rainbow Dash kept on going without hesitation Rainbow Dash saw that he still didn't give up and this only excited her more. She started out slowly to see how close to the edge she could push him before he falls over. Even with all his training in fighting, Chris was not prepared for a fight like this. Even during sex neither of them wanted to lose to the other. “There’s no need to fight it. Just give up and accept it.” “Never!” “Gotcha!” Rainbow Dash increases her speed and thrusts harder. Chris bit down on his teeth immediately and she did this. Chris knew the only way to win this was to take the lead and get her to finish first. He let her get in a few thrusts to find her rhythm so he can know when to attack. When she pulled up his opportunity opened. He grabbed her by the hips, pulling down, and then sitting up so she was left in the missionary position.While in this position Rainbow locked her legs around his back. He slammed himself into her as fast as he could. Chris felt her walls start to squeeze him letting him know she was close. With a few more hard thrust she came to a climax. The force of her constriction during her orgasm made him do the same a few seconds after. Chris pulls out of Rainbow Dash and falls back. Both laid there on the floor breathing heavily. Back at the library both Jeremy and Twilight were just relaxing. Through the whole ordeal neither had moved a muscle just locked in each others grasp. “You think we should clean up Jeremy?” “Yeah but we should problem get up first.” “Alright lets start with the bed.” she kisses him on the lips. Both of them get up but when Twilight gets up Jeremys semen slowly rolls out of her slit and down her right hind leg. The bed has both Jeremys and Twilights fluids spread out among the bed and on the floor is a puddle of Twilights fluids. Twilight heads to her bathroom in search of a rag while she was in there I hear water start to run. She returns with a rag floating next to her. She heads to the puddle on the floor and wipes it up. “What do you want me to do with this sheets Twi?” “Well it’s just the comforter, so can you bring it to the basement.” “Sure thing Twilight.” Jeremy heads downstairs all the way to the basement. Twilight heads back into the bathroom closing the door. Jeremy finds another pile of sheets and throws the comforter on them. When he heads back up Twilight’s’ room she isn’t there. So he heads toward the bathroom. “Twi, you in here?” He asks loudly “Yeah” She answers “Hey I’m coming inside OK.” “That’s fine” Jeremy enters and walks straight to the toilet to piss, but stops. Instead he heads toward the shower. He move the curtain and sees Twilight just lying down taking a bath. “Mind if I join.” She giggles “Sure why not.” The bathtub could easily fit two people. Jeremy puts both legs in then slides down next to Twilight. He moves his arm around her then pulls her close to him. “So can I ask you something this time?” Jeremy asks “To be fair yes.” “Why did you let me make love to you?” “At first I thought it would be good research on your kind, but when you said for both of use to feel good something changed? I think it’s the way you are around me, I know I can trust you and that you won’t hurt me.” A single tear runs down Jeremy’s’ eye “ That’s cute Twi, but there's more to it than that for me. You help me feel something I haven’t felt in a long time.....love.” She hugs him and a few tears leave her eyes. “It’s okay Twi don’t worry about me all i need is this night and this night alone. All I want to do is make this night last longer.” She nods as if knowing what he mean. She slides her body on top of his. He stops her and says “I love you Twi, and I want this to be special for both of us.” again she nods. “I love you too.” He lifts her up out of the tub. Both of her fore legs are wrapped around his neck. He carries her to her bed and lays her down. Sliding on top of her, still wet, he glides up to her lips and plants a kiss. This was the longest kiss they had shared. It lasted about six minutes long. They finally break the kiss gasping for air. Jeremy looks deep within her eyes just gazing at their beauty. She slowly nods her head and I continue my path. I start by kissing the fur on her neck, then i move to her chest, lastly to her stomach. He looks down and sees her boobs. He takes the right teat in his fingers and the left in his mouth. He plays with them for a while alternating. Finally he goes toward her main attraction. He spreads the lips of her marehood and notices that she’s still wet but not like before. He shoves his right pointer and middle finger inside probing her depths. He fingers her for a period of time all the while his erection has come back. Looking up he sees her eyes close loving these moments. He stops and she opens her eyes. “Ready Twi” “Ready” He takes aim with his soldier and probes her entrance. Slowly he pushes in but due to her tightness it takes longer. Reaching out with his right hand again he grabs her right teat. By now 1/4th of his cock has gone in. He waits till he gets halfway in before starting to pump his hips. It’s still tight so constricts his cock in the most pleasurable way. His penis slides in farther before hitting a solid barrier. “Twi...Twilight I’m stuck at your hymen...” “Break it, please” Thats what he does he gives a solid thrust effectively breaking her hymen. She screams into a pillow in pain so he stops moving. He waits three or more minutes before she tells him to continue. That he does this time digging deeper and deeper until he’s balls deep. Twilight then wraps her hind legs around his legs. From there he starts to pick up speed in his thrusts. However it is fairly useless because of her vaginal walls constraining his movements. He finds a rhythm of long deep thrusts and from there slowly picks up speed. At this point Twilights whole cunt spasmed in an orgasm and more screams found a pillow. Since he’d been doing long deep thrust he hadn’t been anywhere close to an orgasm, but Twilights twat was sensitive. Now he had picked up a normal speed in his thrusts. Jeremy leaned forward so his face was right over Twilights. Bending his head down they start to share another passionate kiss. His speeds increased as her slit accepted more of his girth. Now he had an above average speed and was making out furiously. Jeremy felt more contractions on his dick as Twilight orgasmed once again moaning into his mouth. Now he was getting close to blowing his load again. He picked up more speed and harder thrusts which make Twilight to break the make out session and moan like crazy. As Jeremy stared at her he noticed her horn was starting to glow. He just stare when one of Twilights hands grabbed his left arm, which made him bring up his right arm up, and grab hold of her horn. The magic seeping from it sent jolts of pleasure through both his and Twilights bodies bring both of them closer to the edge. Jeremy just couldn’t take it any longer he was going to blow. Determined to make this the best orgasm ever in his right hand he held Twilights left hoof. His left hand grabbed a tighter grip on her horn sending more magic through both their bodies. Lastly he speed up his thrusts and made them harder. Within a few seconds of doing all this he was at his breaking point. His next thrust sent a hot glob of semen deep within her vagina, two more thick blasts went almost as deep. on his fifth spurt Twilight came harder than the past two. Along with her fluids came more magic which made me cum harder the next few spurts. After six more spurts it finally died down. He let go of Twilights horn and pulled out from inside her. Once pulled out a torrent of semen and feminine juices spilled out of her slit. Happily taking a handful of the mixture he brought it up to Twilight. “*pant* looks like *pant* we will *pant* have to clean *pant* up again.” He manages to get out. “Want *pant* the aftermath” He hands her the combination of fluids. She drinks it right out of his hand. Then he leans forward and they share the mixture before swallowing half and half. From there they curl up under the sheets and go to sleep. To the house in the woods at night. Rainbow Dash stood up and gazed at Chris with pure lust in her eyes. She wasn’t done yet. He might have won the first round, but she was ready for round two and this time she knew she was going to win. “That was a nice reversal, but i’m not done with you yet”Rainbow Dash said forming a devilish grin. Chris sees that Rainbow Dash is up and walking towards him. He tries to slide away fearing the look in her gaze. He was only able to move a few inches before being stop. “Where do you think you’re going?” She laid on him, pinning his growing erection between them. “I hope you’re as ready as I am and if you’re not I don’t care.”said Rainbow Dash still holding her malicious smile Chris knew he most likely won’t last this time. Never having been dominated before he had no idea on how to respond to this situation. Rainbow Dash had the upper hoof and she liked it. She knew she had almost full control now and how she was going to win. She angles herself in the way she wanted allowing for an easy penetration. As she was about to place him inside of her a sudden thought came to her head.”You know Chris I want to try something different this time.” She presses his manhood on to her anus. Chris’ eyes widen as he fully understood what she was doing. He had his member already lubed from the last round. “There's no escaping me now” after saying this she inserts him inside of her, moaning as she slides lower. Chris’ mind starting racing.She only manages to get a little more than half. He was slowly losing control as she started to move. It was a slow pace at first but the pleasure was still there, the muscles of her anus sporadically clutching the sides of his cock. Chris felt as if he was in a vice grip and struggled to not enjoy the pleasure. Rainbow was not faring too well as it was her first time doing anal, but she didn't care. Rainbow starts throwing all her weight into it sinking deeper until it hit the bottom and was building speed. A jolt of pure ecstasy washed through Chris as he bottomed out, almost breaking his concentration. “God damn it’s so tight. I don’t think I can hold on for much longer.” Chris thought. Chris felt his hands clench into fists on his sides. “Chr...Chris just *moans slightly* you wait I saved *moan* the best for last.” Rainbow murmured She reaches out and places both her front hooves on his chest. Slowly she moves them in a circular motion massaging his chest. Chris knew the massage shouldn't feel good, on account of his bruised ribs, but it relaxed his whole being.They stayed like this for several moments. Suddenly Dash throws her head back and lets out a long throaty moan. Chris felt a new warmness spreading on his crotch. With this new feeling Chris could feel his pleasure growing. Dash brings her head forward just hanging it over his. She laughs slightly moving her mane out of her eyes. “ Now it’s time to end this.” His eyes widen as Dash triples her speed. Her hips bucking wildly up and down his cock. All the while his pleasure increases with each thrust. “Not....much....longer” Chris managed to think. Rainbow saw his expression slowly decomposing to one of pleasure. In turn she doubled her efforts making it six times more pleasurable. It didn't take much longer after that. Chris felt his peak hit. When the first few jets of semen entered Dashes anus she felt herself start to climax again as well. The movement speed in which they were fucking and the dual orgasms caused a miniature sonic rainboom. This caused the second floor to crack and then break. Falling through they landed on the couch below. Chris let out a long drawn out moan when they hit. Time passes and their orgasms subsided. Rainbow looked him in the eyes “I knew I’d win in the end.” She a cocky grin when she said this. Eventually she lies on his chest and they both fall into a deep sleep. End Chapter 2 > Chapter The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris awoke to find the multi colored pony laying on him. He was still trying to get what just happened through his head. All he is thinking is “Well that just happen. Now what the hell do I do?” He looks up and notices the hole in the ceiling. “Well...shit. I guess when we get back i’ll have to fix that up.”Chris said softly aloud. He placed his hand on his face and rubbed his forehead. *Starting to slowly slip out from under Rainbow Dash*”I should get the pony off of me first.” Rainbow Dash stayed asleep and he moved her off onto the couch by herself. “Good thing she’s apparently a heavy sleeper.” Chris goes to grab a new change of clothing and takes a shower. When he was finished and got dress, he went back to the living room to find that Rainbow Dash had awoken. No word were shared only glances. Chris was the first to speak “This never happened. You were never here. And you know nothing of me.” “Okay then, but can I do one last thing?”Rainbow Dash asked “Fine, what is it?” “This was my first time and I kind of don’t want to remember it ending like this, so can I have one last kiss before you go back and have to leave?” “...sure.” On the other side of things Jeremy awakes. He turns over in the bed to meet purple fur. He moves his head back for a second to look at her. Then he moves his lips to hers waking her up. “*yawn* Good morning Jeremy.” she says “ Good morning Twi, so what’s on the agenda for today.” “First is breakfast” she pause as she looks at herself “ or maybe a shower.” He laughs a little “Let’s go” They both exit the bed and head to the bathroom. Jeremy takes a piss while Twilight starts the water in the tub. They both take a shower, together, then head downstairs. When they reach the bottom floor and aroma wafts from the kitchen. Inside is Spike finishing his cooking. I lean toward Twilight. “Hey what about your bad sheets?” “What about them?” “Do you want me to bring them down to the basement or leave them there?” “Can we eat breakfast first then worry about that.” she pleads I nod “Only for you Twi.” We sit down at her table and eat a breakfast. Then we clean up her room but the air still had a faint hint of the sex the night before. Twilight tells Spike to send a letter to Celestia then to go grab Rarity. She then tells Jeremy to go get his friend. “Alright see you soon.” he plants a quick kiss on her lips before he leaves. Both Rainbow Dash and Chris left to the library. There was no conversation along the way. They met up with Jeremy who was in search of Chris. Jeremy runs up to greet Chris. Rainbow Dash quickly leaves. *Back handing Jeremy*”The fuck took you so long?!” “Why did you hit me?!” “Because when I woke up I was still here!” “Thats not my fuckin fault *short pause* just come back to the library.” The two head back to house tree to meet Twilight. When they entered they were greeted by Rarity,Spike, and a much larger white horse. “I didn’t know ponies came in extra large.”Smirked Chris Jeremy chuckles slightly. Twilight gives him a very disapproving stare. Jeremy stopped dead in his tracks. “My student here has told me that you two are in a predicament”stated the large horse(who was not so large compared to Chris) “You think so and you’d be right.”said Chris “Well then what are you name if I may ask?” “His name is Fuck Face Asshole and mine is You don’t need to know shit.”retorted Chris *Serious glance*”Hmmf....cute” Twilight was at a loss for words. The large horse responds with a smirk “So did you sleep well last night while you were here?” *Giving a quick glance to Twilight and then away*”Uhh yeah”said Jeremy. Chris knew what she was getting at so he played along. “Fuck yeah I did! Do you know how comfortable my goddamn bed is?!”said Chris Keeping her serious stare and smirkish grin “So have you ever heard of a Sonic Rainboom?” “Have you heard how glue is made?” All eyes in the room and stared at Chris incredibly surprised. “You did not just say that.”said Jeremy “And what? Nothing thats what I thought!” Chris said pridefully *Interrupting and giving and apologetic look to Jeremy* ”Can we just get this over with?” “Twilight my student is everything prepared?” “Yes Princess Celestia!” “Then let us begin” As they walk out Spike goes to Chris and looks at him in amazement. To show appreciation Chris offers him a high five.”Yeah give me one more for hands!” They do one more awesome high five. They all stand in front of the house on the edge of the woods. “Okay then our spell was put around your house. Just walk on in and close the door.” said Celestia *Walking into the house*“Thanks” said Chris “Can I have one goodbye first?” asked Jeremy “Alright then but make it quick.” said Celestia “Thank you Princess.” Jeremy walks over to Twilight. He kneels down so they are face to face. This time she leans in quickly for the kiss. They share it for several heartbeats before pulling away. “I’ll never forget this time I spent with you Twi. You will forever be the only person, no pony in my heart. No one in my universe can compare to you.I love you Twilight Sparkle and please never forget that.” Tears start to stream down her eyes “I won’t Jeremy. I will remember you everyday. I love you too.” Jeremy holds Twilights head to his chest let her cry it all out. When she finishes to look into each others eyes and share one last kiss. He stands up two tear streaks on his face and walks back toward his house. Jeremy turns around and says sadly ”I..I don’t want to go” Twilight looks at him”You don’t have to” A loud yell comes from the house. “TO DAMN BAD BITCH!” Chris sprints out, jumps over Jeremy’s’ shoulders, turns around, and punches him in the jaw. The impact of the punch sent Jeremy flying into the house. Chris then walks back into the house, turns around, and places his hand on the door. He gives one last look at all of them. “There’s a place for everyone where they belong. This is not our place.” Chris closes the door and the house vanishes believing to never be seen again by any pony. One last line was spoke “I’ll get you for this Chris.” End