> The Blood Pours Through The River > by Wr1tingN3rd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blood stains covered the floor. Guts lined the walls and shouts of pain were heard from a mare who laid still on the floor. Her breathing was ragged, her voice was weak. She was missing a foreleg, the bloodied mess which was mutilated and completely separate from her body just over a foot away. Her body was covered with cuts, bruises, and deep gashes. The horn that she used to have was shattered into multiple pieces, bleeding out excess magic and blood making a horrible reddish-purple glop that dripped from the base. Her once purple coat was stained red, with no trace of the original color being there. A pool of blood spread out from under her, her fur not enough to soak up the bodily liquid. Her eyes were trained on one pony. A rainbow-haired cyan pegasus, who's wings were battered and had bruises and cuts along her body, though she was nowhere near as injured as the unicorn that laid on the cement floor. The room was dark. The prismatic mare was chained against the wall, unable to move. Unable to help. All she could do was cry out. "Twilight! Get up! Please!" she cried, tears streaming down her muzzle and dripping onto her coat, washing away fresh blood. "Don't do this! Please! Take me instead!" She writhed against the chains, but to no avail. "Please!" she sobbed. The perpetrator, with their green eyes, blue coat, and dark red mane, smiled smugly at the helpless mare, sledgehammer in his magical grip. "Oh, but that would ruin the fun, wouldn't it?" he taunted. He looked back down at the bloodied unicorn that lay on the floor, barely recognizable as a pony - and kicked her in the chest, causing the mare to cough up more blood, further adding to the exponentially growing pool of blood. Her eyes grew weak, barely able to keep them open. Then noise was heard from outside. Ponies who had come to rescue them. Clatter could be heard as they moved about upstairs. The tormentor frowned and looked back up to the cyan pegasus. "Looks like we're going to have to cut this short. What a shame," he smiled creepily, eyes completely devoid of emotion. "No! No! I'll give you anything you want! Please! Don't kill her! Please!" She kept struggling to break free, pushing herself as hard as she could, ripping her own skin off of the areas that the shackles held her. "I can't live without her! Please!" she continued to beg. Taking his time, the villain continued to stare into her eyes as he lifted up the sledgehammer high into the air... "Wait! Please think about this! Please-!" ... and brought it down onto Twilight's skull for the last time. "NOOO!" she screamed, thrashing around helplessly as the pony that did the deed stared through her soul. Brain guts splattered everywhere, covering the victim's body and the perpetrator, who did not seem phased even remotely. The mare, who was still chained up, staired in horror as her marefriend's insides sprayed all over her face, getting into her eyes and mouth. Her marefriend's remains were inside her mouth. Her face turned green and she threw up on the floor. The murderer simply walked through the throw up that was on the floor and approached the mare. With his hoof, he forcefully stuffed some of her marefriend's guts into his mouth and forced her to swallow it. The prisoner threw up again. Right after she had finished emptying her stomach, he quickly grabbed her hair and pulled it close to him, whispering behind the pegasus's ear. "I would do you next, but it seems we're out of time. Oh well, live a long and painful life, Rainbow Dash," he spat, getting spit onto her ear and face. All the sadness inside of the chained up mare, all the pain, regret- it all turned to anger. She started growling, which quickly turned to enraged screams. "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" she shouted, biting through the air and latching onto the killer's ear, ripping a piece off and spitting it onto his face. He yelled in pain and threw his bitten off piece of ear back at the mare, quickly grabbing her by the throat. "You FUCKING BITCH!" he shouted, punching her face, causing her nose to break, blood pouring out. "YOU'RE FUCKING LUCKY, YOU HEAR ME? FUCKING LUCKY!" he growled as he punched her in the gut. "IF IT WASN'T FOR THE PEOPLE OUTSIDE, YOU'D BE FUCKING DEAD! DEAD, YOU HEAR ME?!" He threw a punch at her stomach again and again, making her cough up blood, getting it on his face. Each punch he applied more force, breaking her ribs and making her shout out in pain. Then, he grabbed her wings and snapped them in half before ripping them off and throwing them on the floor. "DON'T FUCKING MESS WITH ME NEXT TIME!" He punched her across the face again. The mare was now a bloodied mess, even more so than before. Even so, she looked up at the enemy and smiled, chuckling weakly. "Is that all you got?" she taunted. "You're fucking weak." The colt grabbed her by the neck again and raised his hoof to bash her face in before the door broke down. "Put your hooves behind your fucking head!" a mare known as Spitfire shouted as she rushed in with the other Wonderbolts, a crew of fliers who were also a part of the military. "You're under arrest for kidnapping, assault, and- you know what? You fucking know what you did! Hooves behind your back!" she said sternly, rushing over to him. "Fuck!" he turned to the prisoner. "Burn in hell, Rainbow Dash." And with a flash, he was gone. Spitfire punched through the air right after he vanished. Heavily breathing, Rainbow growled and let out a scream of anger as loud as she possibly could before she started crying again. "T-Twilight..." she muttered to herself. "I couldn't save you... I'm so sorry..." Spitfire quickly turned her head towards Twilight before cringing and reverting her attention back to Rainbow Dash. "Hey, enough of that. You couldn't do anything. Come on, let's get you off of here." she said, taking off the chains of her newly recruited cadet and trying to avoid looking at the body. She had more important things to worry about. "Are you okay? Can you walk?" she asked. The mare in question was unresponsive, having calmed down, she was now seething through her teeth. "Hey, I need you to say something." Rainbow growled and turned to look at Spitfire, hatred burning in her eyes. Only one thought rang through her mind. "I'm going to find them. And I'm going to kill every. Last. One of them."