> Why You Love Fluttershy So Much > by Smooth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Flutterblow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a heavy sigh, you open the door to your house, tired after a long day at the office. You immediately retreat to the living room, just off to the side, and sink into your cozy chair. Battling with customers, dealing with passive-aggressive coworkers, and having the boss breathing down your neck is a very exhausting process to deal with for eight hours a day, five days a week. It's tough, but it's all worth it for you and her. "Hi," a sweet voice interrupts your thoughts. You look up and see Fluttershy, your beautiful marefriend, cautiously enter the room. "I heard you come in. I was just getting dinner ready." You instantly feel better. It's like soup for the soul for her to be in your life. She always comes to your side whenever you need her, almost like she can tell exactly when you need her. That's just one of the many reasons you love her. You met at a volunteer event for an animal shelter; of course, she was there. Her love of animals and her fantastic desire to help others made it an obvious place for her to pop up in your life. You were dragged there by one of your friends, who didn't want to be alone. You notice a stunning mare staring at you out of the corner of your eye, but she turns away as soon as you see her. The next time you see her spending time with the puppies, you walk over and introduce yourself. It is one of the best decisions you've ever made. Your marefriend trots over to you, jumps up, and puts her forehooves around your shoulders. She leans toward you and kisses you on the cheek. You respond by turning to her and kissing her fully on the lips. A soft squeak escapes from the mare as she pushes back with her lips, igniting a spark that envelopes the both of you. You notice everything, from her silky lips to the intoxicating aroma of her favorite perfume. Now, time stands still, and there is nothing around you but each other. That's another thing you love about your marefriend: The soft and sweet kisses she gives you, on your lips, on your cheeks, no matter where they are on you, are always amazing. You don't know how long it is before Fluttershy breaks the kiss and gazes between your legs. She smiles playfully when she sees your erection and hums. "Looks like I have some kind of an effect on you," she grins, not taking her eyes off your member. "Do you want me to help you with that?" Not that you needed to, but you quickly nod in the affirmative. As Fluttershy kneels before you, you sit back, your body buzzing with anticipation. Her eyes meet yours, filled with a mixture of desire and mischief, and you can't help but grin. You know what's coming, and you can hardly wait. She takes your penis in her hoof and carefully lifts it up, leaning her head in closer. Her lips brush against your cock, sending shivers down your spine. You feel the heat of her breath, adding to the moment's intensity. "I've been waiting for this all day," she sighs, releasing even more warm air onto your arousal. When she whispers those words, your heart skips a beat. You can hardly contain your excitement and anticipation for what comes next. Wasting no time, Fluttershy opens her mouth and dives in, her lips closing around your penis. When she does, you release a moan and squirm a bit from the immediate pleasure you feel all around your body. You can feel the tension building in your muscles as she moves her head up and down. Each touch, each caress, sends shockwaves of pleasure through your body. You can't help but arch your hips, urging her on, desperate for more. It's just another reason you love her so much, even though it is not something you or anypony else would ever put on a birthday card: Fluttershy gives the world's best blowjobs. You're lost in a whirlwind of sensation. Fluttershy's mouth is warm and wet, her tongue dancing over you, driving you wild with desire. She occasionally makes eye contact with you as if to silently ask how she's doing. Even in this moment of pleasure, she was always so considerate. You are reminded of all the times you've had with each other. The nervous and awkward first times that helped you both become more comfortable with each other. The new experiences and sensations that followed. From gentle to intense, each one felt like a true expression and passion that you remember fondly and never get old. You can feel yourself getting closer, your breath coming in short gasps as she pushes you closer and closer to the edge. As she works, Fluttershy releases some sucking noises and moaning noises that coax you even closer to your climax. The pressure begins to fill up in your cock, begging for a release. And then it happens. You let out a low groan, your body tensing as you release into Fluttershy's mouth. Her eyes open wide when she is greeted by your warm seed. The pleasure washes over you in waves, leaving you spent and satisfied in its wake. You collapse against the back of your chair, your heart pounding in your chest. She jumps onto your lap and curls beside you, a satisfied smile gracing her lips. At that moment, wrapped in her arms, you feel more alive than ever. At times like these, you can't help but feel grateful for the incredible mare lying beside you. Nothing else matters to you in these moments, only snuggles. Yet another reason: the snuggles. "I love you," she whispers into your ear. You kiss the top of her head and say the same to her as you curl up into one another, trying to count all the things you love about Fluttershy but giving up after reason 69.