Swastika over Equestria


First published

WW2 Germany in the world of Equestria at War! What can go wrong?

April 20th, 1945

The Greater Germanic Reich, better known as the Third Reich, was burning. Berlin was in ruins, as Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of Germany, realized all hope was lost and retreated to his room. The man had seen the writing on the wall, as his generals told him that the war was lost and he, for the first time, believed it.

The Soviet artilery was heared overhead. Nonstop.

However, by some miracle or form of dark sorcery, the weakened Reichsadler finds itself in a brave new world.

A shiver, a shudder and the bomardement stopped.

The next thing he knew was his generals informing him that Berlin, along with what's left of the Reich finds itself in a world that's incredibly different but similar to Earth. A world of magic and all kind of talking animals from myths and fairy tales, but a world filled with racial and political strife of a kind he knew all too well...



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April 20th, 1945

11:45 A.M.


Few words could describe how Hermann Fegelein was feeling at the moment, as he was looking at the watch for the 10th time today. The bolsheviks have begun their bomardement over the city of Berlin 45 minutes ago, and have not stopped since.


That's the only word that could come ontop of his head. He had spent the better part of the day simply drinking his worries away, more or less just drinking wine and whatever other alcoholic drinks he could get his hands on. Earlier today, he had a small chat with Heinrich Himmler about somehow, someway, convincing the Fuhrer to leave Berlin and retreat to the alps for a last stand, but to no avail. The old bastard was simply too instant on remaining in the city until the end.

Well, this was the end, it seemed. The Reich was burning into a pile of ash, and it would be them who would be dragged through the mud to the gallows at the eyes of the disgusted.

Fegelein brought the cup in his right hand to his mouth, finishing his drink before putting his free hand to his face, wishing to rub away the fear of the gallows. Truth be told, he didn't want to die. He still had so much to live for, but he knew that it was over for him and the rest of the damned in this city.

Suddenly, a small shudder hit him like a splash of water. Normally, that wouldn't shake the Gruppenfuhrer, but this time, it did. For one simple fact.
The muffled sounds of artilery hitting the ground stopped.

The Soviet guns had ceased.

Fegelein thought the Bolsheviks had simply ran out of ammunition with how much they bombed the city with, but then he remembered that Ivan had nearly unlimited numbers of anything that was grounded.

Still, not wanting to waste the oppurtunity of peace, he got up and pulled out a pack of ciggars, walking through the bunker as all around him were murmurs and confusion to the same questions that were in the man's head. Why had the Soviets stopped?

He opened the main bunker door and simply walked outside, as what hit him wasn't the burning air of Berlin, but fresh air as a clear sky was visible.
He looked around confused, seeing the other defenders of Berlin, what remained of the Wehrmacht, look around in confusion.

The ruins were there, the destroyed city was still there, but everything in the exterior parts of the city were gone. Replaced by a grass field.
The first soldiers came running over, reporting that indeed the city had somehow...
...moved into a brave new world.

General Wiedlling groaned, as he opened his eyes and found himself on the dirt, before he looked to his left, and saw a huge bhole in the wall next to him. All he remembers is that he was shouting on the phone, to which as Knappe grabbed him and placed him on the ground as an artillery shell hit the already ruined building he was in.

He looked around, as he heard silence. Nothing but silence. All around him was shouts of pure agony due to some crushed bones.

He looked at the table as he grabbed the phone’s dangling handset before shouting “Hello?!” into it, his ears still ringing. “Anyone there?” he shouted again as he looked behind his back, seeing a confused Siegfried Knappe. “It’s cut, I can’t seem to get in contact with the command!” he says.

“What? Why?” asked Siegfried. “Maybe the Rusians have run out shells!” was the answer he got from the general.

The general began to walk out of the shelled building, followed by the captain as he looked around in the air.

What the hell is happening?

The general would soon get his answer as a Feldwebel drove over in a Zündapp KS 750, “General!” the man shouted as he got off the motorcycle, and ran over, before stopping and giving a quick salute and standing straight. “Sir, you need to see this.”

See what?

The General thought he had gone insane, maybe he had finally snapped? Some shrapnel went into his head? Some brick hit his head? Because what he was staring at, literally just beyond the sign which said “Berlin” was a lush green field.

He placed his foot in the field, and the other leg on the destroyed road of Berlin and stared at the perfectly cut line, leaning down, undoubtably questioning reality.

He then leaned back up, arms on his sides, before he looked at the posed Feldwebel. “How long ago did this happen?” he asked.
The Feldwebel hesitated before answering. “A-About..” he has his mouth open, clearly thinking how to answer. “..uh..5 minutes ago?”
“5 minutes ago?”

“Yes, sir, 5 minutes ago.”

The General stared at the man for about 10 seconds further, as this began to sink in. “Oh God. “


Vanhoover Coast Guard Command Building

Command Office

Commander Straight Shovel looked at the several reports on his table as his hooves flipped through the several files of civilians reporting that a city appeared out of thin air. The earthpony looked up at Police Chief Strawberry. “Are you sure they didn’t eat some sort of mushrooms?”

“No, Commander.” the unicorn answered. “I went there and seen it myself, there are crumbled ruins of what looks like a city from a distance. There’s even smoke and what not.” Strawberry said. “Besides, I was wondering if you and your Coast Guard could go and investigate?” she says.
The colt leaned back against the chair, as he moved his hooves to his eyes and began to rub them before inhaling.

Sweet Celestia, give me strength.

And exhaled, before he let his hooves fall to the table. “Fine.”

Fuhrer Bunker

The bunker had never been this chaotic. Not even during the worst parts of this war, it had always been orderly. Now the bunker was empty of soldiers except for the Oberkommando, as all of them were either weeping for the loss of their loved ones or drinking their worries away. Some generals had left the bunker in order to see if they had families left.

Alfred Jodl, Chief of Operations Staff, was one such man. The realization that they, indeed, were in a new alien world was crushing for the man. It meant he lost his brother, Ferdinand. He sipped another drink before he had some more wailing coming from another room.

Reichsmarschall Goering had lost his wife and child, so he was drinking himself to death, it seemed.

Himmler was in the other room, and he was also wailing. Even more than Goering.
Everyone was not handling this well at all. Questions were everywhere. How? When? Why?
Amongst thousands of questions and sorrow that filled the bunker, mankind was at their lowest.

Adolf Hitler was in his bunker study, left alone with the pictures of the field about and stared at them. Where were they? Where was he?
That’s the question that kept gnawing at his mind.

Why? Where?

No answer could come to him. And Hitler despised this. He wanted an answer. He needed an answer. After all, what else would he say to those outside this room? It could lead to his downfall!
He looked around the room, something, anything that would give him an answer. He closed his eyes, his hands in his hair as he began to think, think, think. Something, anything!

In his desperation, something came to him. An old painting that he saw in the, now destroyed, Art Museum. Valhalla.

Valhalla. Yes, that’s it. Valhalla.

The germanic Eden reserved for the warriors of Germania. Perhaps they have been moved towards Valhalla? To claim it for the Aryan race? So that the light and glory of National Socialism to lead the world into a glorious brave new world?

All these points began to sink their teeth deep into the rationality of the Fuhrer. Perhaps the only way to settle the thirst for an answer that made sense was Valhalla. An Eden ripe for the taking. They had held out against the storm and have ended in a world that was unlike any other!

The answer was clear for Adolf Hitler. It had to be. This fact was the truth. Why? Because it came out of his mouth. And the Fuhrer’s word was law.


Outskirts of Berlin

Hauptmann Hans was adjusting his cap as he used his binoculars once again, looking into the lush green field. He had heard from the megaphones attached on the trucks that they have been brought into Valhalla. The Germanic Eden.

Of course, Hans was a rationalist and didn’t believe propaganda but nothing made sense anymore. Rationalism didn’t explain how he got transported into a new world. And to keep himself sane, and alive, he chose to believe, or at least, pretend to believe in what the party said.

“Sir, do you think we are in Eden?” a voice asked. Hans lowered his binoculars, as he adjusted himself ontop of the Sd Kfz 251, he turned his head to the left and looked down, it was an Unteroffizer, specifically Unteroffizer Fredrich.

Hans shrugged as he looked back up. “I mean, unless this is what the after-life looks like, I think I am still alive. “ he looked through the binoculars, as he saw a convoy of Bedford MWs filled with ponies in British looking uniforms. A part of his head wanted to think it was imagination, however no matter how many times he blinked.

They wouldn’t go away.

“CONTACT!” he shouted as he grabbed the megaphone. “POSITIONS! SCHNELL!”

Every soldier began to get behind the sandbags, some manning the machineguns, others cocking and reloading their STG-44s and MP-40s. All aiming at the direction of the trucks

The convoy stopped as Hans pulled out his MP-40 and aimed at the truck. He grabbed his megaphone, brought it to his lips and shouted. “HALT! WHO GOES THERE?!”


The first truck filled with ponies looked at each other in confusion, as they saw the disciplined line of bipedal soldiers aiming the guns at them. Those looked advanced.

“What did he say?” one mare whispered as she looked nervously at the Half-track.

“How in Tarturus should I know?” a stallion responded. “I don’t speak Herzlander!”

Commander Straight Shovel, who was next to the driver of the truck, opened the door as he held a stick with a white cloth. He slid out of the truck, adjusting his Lee-Einfield as he trotted slowly.

“LASS DEINE GEWHER FALLEN-! (DROP YOUR GUNS!)” was the reply from the one who looked like the officer, as the bipedal chocked on himself as he leaned forward. “Was zur Holle? (What the hell?)”

Straight Shovel, sadly, didn’t speak Herzlander. He spat the stick forward and asked. “Do you speak Equestrian?” he asked.

Hans stared at the pony for two seconds, as he gestured for a rifleman to move forward. “You mean English?” he asked. The man was taught english alongside german by his parents.

Straight Shovel raised an eyebrow. “Is that what you call it?” he asked, before he watched the rifleman move forward, poking the barrel against his side. “I would appreciate if you don’t.”

“Why are you wearing British uniforms?” Hans asked as he looked at the pony.

“Bree-dish?” Straight Shovel asked, as he put his hoof against the barrel of the rifleman and pushed it away. “Please, stop.” he asserted as he looked annoyed.

The confused rifleman looked at the pony straight in eye, as Straight Shovel could see his brain processing the information before looking at the officer.

Hans responded. “Yea. British. That’s a standard british outfit. “ he says as he points at the Brodie helmet.

“Look lad, I don’t know what you are talking about but I’m Equestrian.” and Shovel could see that Hans was having an internal seizure.
“What the fuck?!” was all that Hans could say.

“Langu-” Shovel said before he was interrupted by the laughing of Hans. “WHAT THE FUCK?” Hans shouted as he was clearly going insane. “Is this some elaborate dream? Or have the Soviets gassed this city with hallugenics?!”

Straight Shovel looked confused, as so was the rifleman next to him. “Uh..you mean Stalliongrad-?”
At that, Hans stared at Shovel before bursting into laughter. “STALLIONGRAD? DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT?! A TALKING HORSE SAYS STALLION-FUCKING-GRAD?!”

After about 3 minutes of very awkward, manical laughter, Hans sludged on the mounted MG of the half-track. “God, is this my life now?” he asked as he grabbed a cloth, shoved it into water on a nearby bucket and slapped it into his face, and praying that this was hallucinations, as he removed the cloth and stared at the very real pony next to the rifleman, and the truck behind him filled with different ponies looking at him and his men. “Yep, it is. “ he muttered before looking sludged at the pony.

“Either way…” Shovel tilted his head to the side, and looked at the ruins of the city. “What happened here?” he asks as he moves his eyes back to the biped.

Hans looked back at the city behind him, before looking back. “Total war happened. “ he shrugged. The man had gotten used to the sight.

Straight Shovel raised an eyebrow. “Really?” he asked as he stared at the biped, who nodded. “Uh, right. Can I ask what exactly are you?”

“I’m the man who’s having a conversation with a talking horse aka you. “ he pointed a finger at the pony. “I am a human, more specifically German.”

“A hoo-man?” the stallion tried to pronounce. “You look like apes to me. “

“So consider us more advanced apes. “ Hans chuckled at that.

Straight Shovel also chuckled. “So, are you the highest authority around here or do you hav-”

As fate willed it, the phone next to the Hauptmann. The man grabbed the handset, and moved it to his year. “Hauptmann Hans, wer ist das? (Who is this?)”

After a couple of minutes of Hans speaking with the Oberkommando and Straight Shovel staring around, as both sides’ soldiers just kept their weapons trained at them.

Hans slammed the handset down before putting his Luger back in his holster. He then crossed his arms behind his back. “It seems, mein Freund, that my government has taken an interest in your kind-.” he was about to close his mouth before the sounds of engine were heard behind the man. A soldier was on a motorcycle, before he ran to the captain.
He stopped for a moment, looked at the ponies, blinking, questioning reality before blinking again, climbing into the half-track and clicking his heels and extending a paper in his hand. Hans grabbed it and nodded the soldier, as the soldier got off.

Hans shrugged as he extended the letter, leaning down against the half-track. “For your government, it seems.” he says as he holds it for the earthpony.

Straight Shovel blinked before grabbing the letter with his hoof and putting it in his saddle. He nodded at Hans. “I’m Straight Shovel. “
“Hauptmann Hans Neumann.” Hans responded as he watched the earthpony give a brief nod before heading back to the truck, climbing into it as the trucks left the area.

Now where is that pack of Pervitin?

Prolouge II: Situation in Canterlot

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April 22nd, 1007

1:30 PM

Princessdom of Equestria

Canterlot, Royal Ministry of Internal Affairs


Paper Stamper looked at the classified file, dictated “VANHOOVER INCIDENT”, in which he blinked at the category of incident. It was Category V.

What could have possibly occurred in that city that required th-?

His thoughts died out as soon as he opened the file with his levitation, looking at those black typerwriter words in it.

The file documented an unknown, alien species and a ruined city roughly 100km outside of Vanhoover itself. The species itself was ape-like, but capable of walking on two legs and having social capabilities. They wore Griffonian Empire-like army clothes and advanced weaponry. The helmets, which looked like the Griffonian stalhelm, seem to either have the Griffonian runes, or a tricolor flag on it, or a simple black bent cross on a white circle, with said circle on a red background. Some wore a cap. Children were identified within the group.

Most interestingly, the file couldn’t identify if they were speaking Ling or Herzlander. The ape claimed they spoke something called “German”. When questioned by the local police, they called themselves something called “human”. They also claimed they were other apart of the “Wehrmacht” or the “Schutzstaffel”, the children said they were apart of the “Hitlerjugend”.

A few humans, some in soldier-outfits while one in a suit, came over to talk with the local police, as they said that they hailed from a country called the Großgermanisches Reich and that they wished to speak with the Equestrian government in the name of the “Fuhrer”. (in their words, it was ‘whatever compiles as the highest form of authority’).

Paper Stamper was by now sweating. He was just a simple bureaucratic stallion! He wasn’t trained to deal with situations such as this! He took a deep breath in, and practically chocked on the hydrogen as he looked at the clock, as his eyes widened in a surge of panic. He had a meeting with the Privy Council about…4 minutes ago!

He immediately levitated the file into the suitcase, closed said suitcase and levitated it beside him as he began to trot faster than usual, praying to Celestia that the Privy Council wouldn’t fire him.


April 22nd, 1007

1:55 PM

Canterlot Castle

Meeting Room


Counciler Stiff Bit could only mutter one question.


The entire room, alongside Princess Celestia, as regal as ever, looked in surprise at the, by now, sweating beaucrat.

“W-Was there something you didn’t unde-” Paper Stamper was interrupted by a hoof smacking the tabe, scattering a pen.

“Of course we bloody understood everything!” the Royal Armed Forces Council Attache, Colonel Dark Arms, shouted as he looked at the file. “Some technological advanced glorified apes who speak Griffonian and have Griffonian attire, have suddenly appeared out of nowhere! I ought to have hal-”

He was silenced by Celestia’s clearing of the throat, and her staring at the Colonel. “Colonel, please. “ she said in a calm voice before she moved her head to Paper. “You mentioned they wished to talk?”

Paper Stamper nodded. “Yes, your highness. The ap-”

“I think we should call them by what they wish to be called.” interrupted the Princess.

Paper Stamper grunted before he nodded.

“Right, sorry, your highness. “ he cleared his throat once again. “As I was saying, the…” he sighs. “...German ambassador who talked with the police forces said that they are in desperate need of, well, everything. Food, construction material, everything. He said that the Führer, that’s the title of their leader, wishes to talk with your highness at, what they call, the Reich Chancellery. “

The colonel huffed, but sighed. "Do we know anything about their capibilites?"

The beaucrat inhaled, as he looked at the Colonel, thinking how he should explain this to Prince Blueblood's right-hoof stallion.

He finally exhaled. "Reconnissance and, from what we got from the contact reports, the Germans seem to have advanced weaponry and technology. Some of it is out of our spheer of knowledge and based on the count, we have to assume at least, maybe, 20 divisons, if not more that we haven't seen."

Dark Arms looked at the beaucrat, worringly. "So, that's it? We can't stop them at all?"

Paper shook his head. "The reports indicate that the soldiers seem highly demoralized and depressed. Some of the ponies noted the physical aspects of the soldiers, some thin, some hungry, all of them dust and mudied. " he shrugged. "Well, those that the police saw anyway."

Dark Arms immediately brightened up. "See, Princess? We can just wipe them out in one g-"

The warmongering earthpony was silenced by the alicorn's stare once more.

"We haven't heard if they even have demands at all. Maybe they wish to join Equestria peacefully. " she said before looking back at Paper Stamper.

“W-Well, there was one demand they have. “ he then levitates a piece of parchment from the Foregin Office of the Reich towards the princess. “They want the two regions ceded to Germany.”

A slight silence before the entire room roared with fury. Giving up lands to aliens? Improbable!

That was before the Princess snapped and shouted “SILENCE!” in the royal voice. The room instantly quieted. Celestia took the moment to calm herself down before opening her mouth to speak. “Let’s hear them out first. Tell Vanhoover that I will be heading there to visit Berlin. I will see their situation for myself and decide from there. “

The colonel opened his mouth, perhaps to complain, and to perhaps try to convince the Princess to take advantage of the situation by simply mopping these humans up, but the alicorn was quicker.

“I will decide for myself.”

That pretty much just shat the entire room up before she turned her head to her Captain of the Royal Guard. “Do set it up, please?”

The Captain nodded, before moving his hoof to his head in a salute, before trotting out.

Celestia smiled before looking down at the table. “I believe that will be all. “ she said as she got up and trotted out of the room towards her office as she began to think her next words, and probably a letter to Twilight Sparkle.

Chapter 1: Meeting with the Devil

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“The road to hell is paved with good intentions”

Outskirts of Vanhoover

26th of April, 1007

11:37 Hours

Princess Celestia was relaxing in her seat in the carriage as the carriage itself was swaying side to side, driving down the marble road towards Vanhoover small huts and houses wooshed past by.

She levitated a cup of tea towards her mouth, her lips getting wet by the liquid as the taste of mint tea entered her mouth before she levitated it down and looked infront of her.

Infront of her was Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, who was overextensively looking into books regarding the Griffonian language. Twilight Sparkle had been ecstatic, practically seeing this as a gold mine oppurtunity of potential information regarding a new species. For the first few hours, she had practically been gathering as many books as possible, most of them on the language, some of them empty for her favorite part, documentation.

Celestia chuckled. “I think you are overprepared for this, Twilight.”

Twilight looked sheepishly at her long-time teacher. “M-Maybe, but this is a huge opportunity for more knowledge!” the younger alicorn exclaimed with a widening grin on her muzzle. “I mean, a whole new species! Oooooh! I am so excited to see their ways! It’s a huge opportunity to make some new friends! ”

Celestia merely chuckled at that as she brought the cup to hear lips and took another sip. “Well, I can say I am also a bit excited to see a new species. The fact that they speak another common language and they know Equestrian, somehow, is reassuring for talks. “ she says as she levitates the cup down on the table. “Although I wonder about their technology. It seems relatively the same to ours but a bit more advanced. “

Twilight nodded quickly as she smiled further. “I know, right!? I can’t wait to speak to whoever’s in charge of their research, hopefully Equestria can also receive some of the technology in some sort of trade! I can only imagine what form of knowledge they have accumulated!” she beamed cheerfully.

As the convoy began to drive down the road which was reaching within the proximity of Vanhoover, Princess Celestia just looked outside the window of the carriage while Twilight was still muttering about the informatics to Spike whom was making a checklist of places to visit in the city of Berlin.

However, one thing that remained on Celestia was what they warned her about. It wasn’t a warning, per say, more of a heads-up, as the person from the Foregin Office said that Berlin wasn’t “in its’ former glorious condition of beauty and splendor befitting of your highness”.

How bad could it possibly be really?

Outskirts of Berlin

27th of April, 1007

12:55 Hours

It was absolutely worse than even Celestia had imagined as she was driven in the fine German car by a human, which was led by a convoy of motorcycles, as the humans called them.

The city of Berlin looked absolutely destroyed.

If Celestia didn’t know any better, she would have said that it was an ancient ruins. She turned her head to Twilight on her right, as Twilight looked horrified as she looked at the lumping civilians, scaviving what they could, while also children operating what looked like a piece of artillery (8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37/41 AT/AA gun). Whatever occured here looked like an utter disaster. It looked like complete anihilation of this city occurred.

Twilight Sparkle, ever the curious pony, decided to get information regarding what occurred from the closest human she saw – the driver.
She moved her hoof over to his shoulder, and patted the man on the back as he arched his back, before looking at the window frame. “Ja, how can I help you?” he spoke in a heavily accented Equestrian.

“If you don’t mind, could you tell us what happened here?”

The man sighed. He then thought about it for a second before he opened his mouth to talk.

“A war occured. “ he sighed. “We were winning. Until we weren’t. “ the man said as he turned the wheel around a corner, driving the car under a massive monument. “The Russians were the worst ones. They destroyed everything as you can see. “ he said in a tone that had a hint of exhaustion.

“I’m sorry.” Twilight said with an apologetic tone, as she looked around the destroyed city.

A heavy silence reigned in the car, except for the rumbling of the engine and the motorcycles escorting the car.

A good few minutes later, the convoy drove to a massive building, as the man turned around, looking at the princesses. “Here we are. The Reichskanzlei.” he said as two men in black came over and opened the door for them. The two humans raised their arms in what looked like a salute. Celestia nodded as her own two Royal Guards looked at the massive building, which, while it had dust on it, was still grand and massive. A massive eagle sitting was implanted on the wall at the entrance.

Celestia and Twilight both spared an eye at one another before looking forward, at the opened double doors leading to another massive marble courtyard.

These humans have a taste in asthetics. Celestia thought as she trotted forward, led by one of the humans, an officer by the cap, however neither she nor Twilight had any idea what the 4 silver pips on the right collar on him. They were led to the courtyard, which had an assembly of men in black, all holding their rifles at present arms.

The rigid discipline of the soldiers was quite impressive for the two princesses.
Twilight, always the curious one, asked the officer leading infront. “Excuse me, but could I ask what they are?” she points a hoof at the soldiers, still at attention.

The officer slowed down, as he looked at the soldiers, before grinning and raising his cap slightly before nodding to the Princess. “They are the Fuhrer’s bodyguards.”

He then turned back to the door and continued walking towards the second double doors in between two statues at the end of a staircase.

The two Princesses were quite optimistic. These people certainly had virtue and discipline, as they saw it.

It would be their greatest mistake.

Albert Speer was bored. It was rare for him to become bored.

He walked in circles around the grand marble gallery, arms behind his back as he looked at the shattered windows. He had a lot of work ahead of him in fixing Berlin after these meetings were over.
Albert looked at his watch. The watch dictated it is 13:20.

The Reichsminister heard doors opening, looking up expectantly. The main double-doors weren’t open. He sighed as he turned his head to see Reichsleiter Martin Bormann walk over to him.

Hello there, you work-acholic fat fuck. Speer thought as he crossed his arms behind his back once again. “Can I help you, Herr Reichsleiter?”

“No, I’m fine. “ responded Bormann, as he also crossed his arms behind his back, taking up much of Albert Speer’s personal space. It was not something that Albert Speer appreciated in the slightest.

“How is the Fuhrer?” asked the Reichsminister.

Bormann sighed. “The Fuhrer’s having that doctor inject him again. “

“Is the Fuhrer alright?” was the question Speer asked next.

“Yes, he is. ”

They were both interrupted as the double doors down the gallery were opened, revealing the two alicorns that were radiant.
Both of them blinked as both of them looked at each other in the eye.

If there was one thing that both of them agreed on, despite how much they hated each other, was that now was a moment that would define the Reich’s history.

Berlin, Neues Reichskanzlei

Fuhrer’s Study

27th of April, 1007

13:45 Hours

(German will be spoken in this colour)

Twilight Sparkle always prided herself on her ability to preserve herself when in front of foregin dignitaries, let alone the entire leadership of a new nation with an unkown species.

She questioned her abilities today as her nervousness began to chip into her.

She stared at the opposite end of the couch, as she stared at the old man infront of her, the Fuhrer.

He entered into a massive coughing fit for the 3rd time in..

...she counted 10 minutes in her head.

There were about 18 people in the room, 3 people in green, 5 people in black and 10 men in brown.

Twilight Sparkle looked at her left, as she adjusted herself on the couch. Celestia had that stoic calm face she always has but Twilight could imagine that not even her mentor was feeling any semblance of comfort within the proximity of this cripled man that they were supposed to be talking with.

Adolf Hitler coughed further, before he inhaled, grabbing a glass of water with a shakey hand, sipping the drink before he placed it down on the table infront of them before he looked up and down at the two alicorns, and their guards in that golden armor.

What is this?” he asked as he gestured at the two alicorns, while looking at Bormann.

Uh, these are the uh..” Bormann cleared his throat, leaning down to the Fuhrer’s ear. “..the princesses, mein Fuhrer.

The Fuhrer looked back at the princesses, more so at Celestia, seemingly inspecting them,

Twilight Sparkle looked at the man, before looking at the nervous assistant in brown who was on a typewriter.

If it makes you feel better, sir, uh..” Twilight, clearing her throat, tried speaking in the man’s native tounge, which was in her mind, Herzlander, “..I can act as translator for my mentor, Princess Celestia?

You speak German?” asked Goebbels.

Yes, sir, we call it Herzlander.” responded Twilight.

Joseph Goebbels’s face turned angered. Who would dare steal the beautiful language of Germany?!

Herzlander? Who wou-?!” Goebbels began shouting before he was interrupted by Bormann,

That makes things a lot easier, however, if we could focus at the current situation?” Bormann said before he looked at the Foregin Minister,
This is Reichsminister Joachim von Ribbentrop, the one responsible for the Foreign Office. If you would, Herr von Ribbentrop?

The Reichsminister looked at Bormann before looking at the Fuhrer, who also nodded.

Joachim then pulled out a dossier from his briefcase, as he presented it to Princess Twilight, in which she activated her magic, the purple wrapping and illuminating the paper, as she brought it over before holding it for Celestia to see it.

I’m sure you’ve seen the city outside this building, Princess. Therfore, you must understand the necessity that the surrounding region around Berlin be given to the Reich. We have suffered...” he sighed. “...catastrophic losses to the Soviets and the other nations that have gone against Germany’s interests. We need territory to rebuild, restart, rebreed ourselves once more.

Twilight translated all of that for her mentor, alongside what was written on the dossier, “They are essentially asking us to cede the Vanhoover region.”

Celestia looked at the file’s words, before she looked at the humans, her face stoic as ever, however, her head was overdrive into thinking the benefits and the cons of this deal.

Equestria would, obviously, lose territory and a sizeable population, alongside the city of Vanhoover and the Equestrian Navy would undoubtably be whining about the loss of a precious port city. Not to mention the Economic Ministry would be on her for weeks at the loss of the city and surrounding villages.


She could see that these people were clearly all tired, exhausted from some devastating war that had utterly flattened this city to rubble. They also had some advanced technology, which implied that humanity was a smart species. In any case, she could get some good favor out of a grateful nation and a grateful population. Besides, despite how despairing the situation looked, these people were clearly still combat ready. Celestia may have abhored war but she wasn’t stupid and she recognized a mobilized nation when she saw one. These people, while not in the long term, could inflict damage on Equestria and she didn’t want that.

In that moment, she made her decision.

She closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, before she exhaled through her mouth, before she opened her eyes and looked the crippled man that was their leader.

“What about my little ponies living in the region?” she asked calmly.

The Reichsminister immediately responded before Twilight could translate it.

“They will be left alone.” he said in perfect Equestrian, in his thick accent.

What made Celestia suspicious was the monolougous voice he said it. Almost as he had praticed saying that sentence, however, it was word from their minister.

“Is it possible to get it in the treaty?” she asked.

“It is. “ he replied. “Thank you for understanding our situation. “ he says as he looks at the man at the typewriter, who was just finished with the treaty. Joachim grabbed it before putting it onto the coffee table. He then places two pens on opposite sides.

Adolf Hitler leaned down, as he looked at the treaty for a couple of seconds, before grabbing the pen and signing it.

The Princess of the Sun levitated the treaty, looking at it. Everything seems in order. She levitates the pen and signs it before she levitates the pen towards the table, also putting the treaty down.

“I am looking forward for a beneficial relationship. “ she says as she extended her hoof.

Twilight Sparkle translated the sentence, as Hitler looked at her before looking at Celestia.

He eyed the hoof before he extended his hand, gripping it as he shook it.

“Mich auch.”

Chapter 1.5: Ramblings

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Berlin, Neues Reichskanzlei
Fuhrer’s Study
28th of April, 1007
12:15 Hours

Who thought it was a good idea to give the Fuhrer a history book of this world?

That was the question which plagued the entire inner circle as they all stood infront of the Fuhrer’s desk, to which infront of him was a book called A Comprehensive History of the World, which was a gift from Equestria. It’s been a day since the Berlin Conference was signed and completed, in which the gears of the machine that was the Party and Reich’s bureaucracy procedded to essentially take over all administrative duties of the Vanhoover and Cape Acadia regions while the Wehrmacht, more specifically the Heer, was securing the borders, establishing the Third Reich’s foothold into this world.

All of them would be busy for the months to come.
Hermann Goering would be busy refixing his Luftwaffe. Wilhelm Keitel would have the monstrous job of fixing the Heer and the Wehrmacht as a whole. Karl Doenitz would have the job of using Berlin’s ports to rebuild the Kriegsmarine. Berlin became a port city after Vanhoover was merged with Berlin.

Albert Speer would have the illustrious job of refixing Germany’s industries and refixing the German economy. Joseph Goebbel would have the job of bringing the German people back to their former fevour and to fill the minds of the last bits of mankind for their superiority in Valhalla while Martin Bormann would have the job of restructuring the bureaucracy and pratical governance, alongside the question regarding the non-humans. There was also the regional administration nightmare, such as renaming the regions and so forth.

While Heinrich Himmler would be ultimately responsible for restoring law and order within the Reich proper, and dealing with the non-humans.

However, They would have to, for a lack of better words, endure the incoming onslaught that would be Hitler’s incoming rampage.

The only sound was the ticking of the clock, as the room awaited in heavy silence. It was becoming unbareable, all of them wondering when the Fuhrer’s wrath would finally come crashing down on them.

“WHAT IS THIS?!” a roar finally snaps them out of their thoughts, as they all see Hitler up, his palms against the table. The man is furious. Utterly furious.

“COMMUNISTS? IN THIS WORLD?! A RAGTAG HIVE OF BUGS SPEAKING OUR BEAUTIFUL LANGUAGE?! “ he shouts. “THIS WORLD IS FILLED WITH ABOMINATIONS OF CREATION! “ he slams his fit, shaking several items, and a lamp falls down, shattering on the floor. But Hitler doesn’t care. This degenerate filth is polluting his glorious Valhalla.


Hitler began to move around the room, his words shouting venom as he could not believe what awaited in his beloved wonderland for the Aryans.


The man coughed several times, as he grabbed another lamp and threw it at a wall as he roared with fury. The lamp shattered against the wall, the shards falling onto the floor.


Adolf Hitler was breathing heavily, his voice rasp. Himself shaking with anger. He leaned against the desk, putting his hand on the edge for support.

“Gentlemen..” his rasp voice calls to the inner circle members. “..we have ben given, by the wills of fate, a great responsibility for the betterment of mankind. These creatures are not animals in the slightest. They are an abomination, creatures that have been out of their cages for too long. It is time for our species, our race, to step in once more and bring semblence of order to these things, these animals that have the unnatural ability to speak. They have been out of control and it is our duty to put these animals in their place. This is our collective struggle, our struggle for the restoration of mankind as the dominant species of this world. It is now my responsibility to not only make Germany glorious again, but to show these creatures their place once more. After all, a man is not ruled by a horse. He rides the horse. Germany will not be run by animals, but by humans. “

He inhaled, having somewhat calmed down, however he was still furious. However, as he had done in 1933, he would follow whatever the circumstances dictated. In the end, he would be victorious.

“We have been given a second chance, a new lease upon life. We have been given the mandate from fate to cleanse our Valhalla. It is our duty to seize this oppurtunity with both hands. We shall rebuild, rearm and Germania shall be reborn anew. “

With this, he grabbed the history book and threw it in the trash can.

He then walked towards his office table, sat down on the seat, grabbed his glasses and placed them on before grabbing a governmental report.

Hitler then looked up at the men still in the room. There was a heavy silence for about 5 seconds before he opened his mouth and out came one word: “Dismissed.”

That one word immediately made the men, out of instict or, in Goebbels’s case, fanatical belief, raised their arms in a salute, before all of them were heading for the door.

The Reich’s gear are spinning..

the Fuhrer’s orders are clear...

..there is much work to be done.

Chapter 2: Order and Paperwork

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2nd of May, 1007

13:08 Hours

Exterieur Berlin (formerly Vanhoover)


Wilhelmsplatz (former name lost from records)

Standartenführer Erich Ehrlinger was surrounded by about 6 other officers and 14 NCOs with a map of Exterior-Berlin, in which he was drawing a few lines of blocks as behind him were constant shouts of orders for soldiers to get in line, dogs barking, as he had already drawn several blocks with the color of a ghetto’s designation.

SS men lining up in the city’s center, taken by annoynmous photographer

Erich turned to an Obersturmführer next to him, as he asked. “The previous administration has had list of communists, ja?”

“Ja, herr Standartenführer. “ the man said. “We have several documents of recognized communists or suspected. I do not know why, but the previous administration’s police only had them under survelliance, herr.”

Erich chuckled as he grabbed his whip. “The Equestrians are weak, idealistic people. That’s why they lost the rebellion!” he slapped down the whip on the table. “Start arresting them, and shoot the leaders based on the lists the former police had. No more games. These filthy communists shall know fear. “

The NCOs nod, as they grab some documents from the boxes placed ontop each other and began to give their subordinates orders as the lot of them began to move around, like mad dogs unleashed onto an unsuspecting population.

The purification has begun.

Steel Star, an earthpony stared at that paper on the wall for a few more seconds, alongside several others ponies to his left and right. All of them were staring at one thing, the paper on the wall which said the following:





Before any of the ponies could proccess the notice’s words, the whistles were already heard from the distance, followed by the sounds of boots hitting the concrete.

“HALTEN! KOMM HIER RÜBER!” they shouted.

Steel Star could feel his hooves running before the brain commanded it. Maybe it was the fear, maybe it was obvious what was about to happen. Screams of fear all around him as he ran.

Then came the sounds of submachine gun fire. The continous rat-rat-rat was heard behind him. It was everypony for themselves.

All the communist earthpony could hope for now was for Celestia’s mercy.

Sandy Bee would always sleep into the day, as she always worked night shifts at the local factory that she worked at. As one might imagine, the conditions from the factory might have been the reason why she believed in Equestrian Socialism. Sandy Bee had also been apart of her city’s trade union for about 3 years now where she found her friends and, by that extent, her role as Cell leader.

When she heard about Equestria giving two regions to the alien species, she was a bit alarmed at first. Albiet, when they did nothing in the beginning, she grew a bit indifferent.

For her socialist mentality, it was just living in another state with someone else to fight. She already planned to go to whatever place the new order required her to sign up for citiz-

“RAUS! RAUS! DU DUMMES PONY!” were the shouts outside her window and door, as she groaned. Why did they have to shout so loud?
Then, she heard a knock on the door. No, that wasn’t a knock, they were banging on her door.

“I’m coming! I’m coming, damn it!” she shouted out at the door, as she trotted over to the door. What could these apes possible want that they had to wake up? She was met with 3 humans in coats, one holding a list in one hand as he asked. “Sandy Bee?” he asked as he looked down at her.

“Yea, that’s me. Why?” she asked as she eyed the three humans, all of them holding their guns too close for comfort.

The man in the middle looked at the one to his left, as he nodded towards her. “Erschieße sie.”

Then, Sandy Bee felt her mane grabbed by a hand, as she shrieked. Around her were ponies being pushed and kicked the hallway as they all whimpered and cried out in fear. She looked at the man holding her by the mane, who looked in her eyes with a straight face. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"NO, PLEASE! DON'T DO THIS!” she begged as she already worked out what they were about to do. Memories of her life flashed before her eyes, as every conviable decision she has made that led to this moment. The man just stared at her before kicking her on her back to the floor, his muddied boot on her stomach as he held her down. He then raised his P38 to her forehead, as her eyes began to become pinpricks, the sound of her heart beating in her ear.


A shot rang out through the room, silencing the mare in an instant while shrieks and yelps of fear came from the ponies who were still in that hallway. The man stared at the dead body, the hole on the mare’s head splat out blood as she stayed there lifeless.

He then raised his head, looking at the ponies infront of him looking with fear. His face contorted as he shouted at them one word: “LOSS!” and all of the ponies began to run once again outside as he looked behind him, looking at the SS-Oberscharführer who crossed the name from the list and gestured for the two to follow him.

To the ponies outside the building, rounded up and made to sit on the concrete as shouts rang all around, one thing was made incredibly clear.

These people did not see them as equals. They saw the ponies as a burden.

2nd of May, 1007

15:31 Hours

Wehrkreis I

Acadia Bay


This tea is sweet.

Hans had been relaxing on the seat in a recently seized cafè, as he looked at the tea he had been sipping. He inhaled the fresh sea air of this bay. This air is good. He thought as he looked at the port infront of him that had the the Kriegsmarine's emblem on it, sounds of metal being cut and placed together were heard alongside the occasional shout of an order by somebody angry enough to make his voice heard while shouting at one of the ponies who were the new pool of slave labor for the Reich.

He exhaled as he took another sip, before a ring was heard. He turned to his left as he saw a postman on a bicycle. The man stopped his cycle as he looked at the Hauptmann.

"Hans Neumann?" the postman asked as he brought his bag up.

"Yes, that's me. "

"Letter from the Oberkommando der Heer." the postman said as he ruffled through his bag for a few minutes before he found what he was looking for and handed the letter, before giving a quick hitler salute and riding away.

Hans grabbed the knife from the table, cutting the envelope open as a light blue earthpony mare came over. "A-Anything else you would like?" she asked as she looked nervous.

"No. You can take the cup. " Hans responded, focusing on grabbing the partchment from the sliced-open envelope. "And could you give me the bill?"

The mare gave a quick nod before grabbing the cup plate with her mouth and turned around, as Hans turned his head towards the piece of document that was from the Oberkommando der Heer.

It was a congratulationary letter for his promotion to Major. As the letter put it, "due to your exceptional and proven leadership capabilities, and for serving your duty valiantly to the Fatherland."

Hans was flattered at the context of the letter, however he was more than certain that this had less to do with his capabilities and more to do with the fact that there was a massive lack of manpower within the Wehrmacht itself, especially within the officer corp. Still, he wasn't one to reject a promotion.

He sighed as he leaned back against the chair, as a truck passed by. He looked at it pass, as he saw in the driver and passanger seat were SS men, and in the truck were two SS soldiers with a truckload worth of ponies shoved in, all of them looking terrified.

"Uhm, excush mh. " was the voice that snapped him back to look at the waitress mare, who was holding a bill in her mouth. She placed it down on the table, as she gave a nervous grin before bowing her head slightly and left.

Hans moved his hands to the bill, and grabbed it, opening it as he looked at the receipt.

80 ℛ︁ℳ︁?!

Hans blinked at the number, thinking that it would change but it didn't. It was still eighty reichsmarks. Lovely...

He sighed as he grabbed out his wallet, pulled out a 50, 20 and 10 notebills as he placed them in the bill and closed it.

Hans then got up, before he grabbed his cap and placed it on before he walked down the street. His next destination would be the quartermaster's office to get his new shoulder boards.

The paperwork ought to be fun.

2nd of May, 1007

17:15 Hours


Neues Reichskanzlei



I need more coffee.

Those were the thoughts of Albert Speer who was asked by the Führer to fix the economy which was in shambles.

For the last 24 hours..
..or was it 26..?

It didn't matter, what did matter was that Speer was utterly exhausted with this responsibility as Reichswirtschaftsminister. He had been within 20 meetings with the Reichsbank and several other respective departments and offices within his Reichsministry.

One simple question: How do you fix an economy that was throughly annihilated with a demoralized, shellshocked and depressed population?

Not that it bothered Speer, he could fix the economy alongside with whatever other economists he could find. But the issue was the timeline that Hitler had given him. He was expected to fix the God damned economy, get production up and coming and rearm the Wehrmacht in a year. Sure, it gave a ton of political power and leverage but it was also a curse with all the mounting stress - and paperwork - that was pilling up.

All he could do was nationalize whatever busniesses the previous administration had allowed and seize the properties of the ponies, especially the bits. These ponies were trading gold as if it was normal. No matter, that gold would be the Reich's.

He looked at the paper, before rubbing his eyeballs, blinking before staring at the document again. It was regarding the reestablishment of price controls and reestablishing faith within the Reichsmark.

And then there was the matter with the SS. Being Reichswirtschaftsminister gave him control of all economic aspects of the nation, but he had to make sure that all the gold and valuables came to him, not the SS Main Economic and Administrative Office with whatever the SS confiscated.

Heinrich Himmler insisted that the SS would only take a "marginable cut" within the seized amount but Albert Speer knew Himmler too damn well for that failing chicken farmer to not redefine the definition of "marginable cut".

Manpower for labor wouldn't be a problem, since there were plentiful of non-human resources he could convert into slave labor. Infact, the only thing he and Himmler agreed on was the need for concentration camps, but even they disagreed on the type. Albert Speer wanted to convert EVERY camp into a labor camp and use the prisoners for his factories to get use out of them while Himmler wished for them to be death camps.

These regions also had a nominal amount of factories albiet they were not very good ones that Speer was used to since the ponies begun their industrialization just a few years before the Reich popped up. No matter, he would have to make use of them until he had the neccessary funds to renovate and, in time, build new ones.

There was also the budgeting issue, since Speer knew that the Führer wanted to maintain the policy of making the budget for the military entirely, with some small bits for the civilians. But where would the Wehrmacht even get their pool of manpower? Other than non-combat roles, Speer knew that the Wehrmacht would not have talking animals in the military.

Albert Speer moved the back of his hand against his head, rubbing the sweat away as he looked to his left. The file in question was a detailed proposed plan for government-sanctioned birth growth de that he would take to the Führer, if the Reich had any chance of survival, it would need to have mankind as the dominant species.

Either way, he would have to use the Führer's ear to its' fullest to deny the SS any form of economic insentives, every last piece of asset of economic value must go to him in order to allow Albert Speer the breathing space required for him to actually fix a broken economy.

He grabbed his cup as he brought it to his lips, drinking the coffee before putting it down.

It was a long way before Germany would return back to the status quo and it seemed Albert Speer would become a caffeine addict in the process.

Chapter 3: Discussions and Planning

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5th of May, 1007

14:10 Hours


Neues Reichskanzlei, Reich Government Chamber

Wilhelmstraße 77, Voßstraße

The only thing that was audioable within the cabinet meeting room was the sound of the clock ticking slowly, counting down the seconds. Rarely had the entire cabinet of the Führer convened into one room. There were people from all branches of the party, paramilitary and military, and they were all with their respective higher-ups, all of them having whispered conversations with each other, all of them nervous to not dissplease the Führer and, at the same time, eager to report their accomplishments this past week.

There were old and new faces within the meeting room. On the left side of the table, at the end of the table closest to the Führer's chair was Hermann Göring wearing his Reichsmarschall uniform, as he was talking with his Chief of Staff, Karl Koller. Directly on the third seat was Generalfeldmarschall WIlhelm Keitel, next to him being Generaloberst Alfred Jodl, both of them looking over their respective files. Directly after the 2 Generals was General der Infanterie Hans Krebs. Next to him was Großadmiral Karl Dönitz.

On the right side of the table, directly next to the Führer's seat and facing Hermann Göring was Martin Bormann. Seated next to Martin was Joseph Goebbels, and then was seated Albert Speer. Unfortunately for Speer, he was seated next to Heinrich Himmler. Counting next on the list was Alfred Rosenberg, Bernhard Rust, Herbert Backe, Konstantin Hierl and Joachim von Ribbentrop. The final ones on the list of attendants are SS-Brigadeführer Walter Schellenberg (Chief of the Abwher), SS-Obergruppenführer Ernst Kaltenburner (head of the SD and RSHA) and SS-Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller (head of the Gestapo).

The only thing that was heard was the ticking of the clock and the occasional typewritting from an assistant who was writting the entrances to the cabinet hearing log.

Then, footsteps were heard as the LSSAH guards turned to their respective faces to face each other, then grabbed the door handles and opened the double doors. Heinz Linge stepped forward first as he announced "Meine Herren, der Führer!" before he stood aside and raised his right arm.

The entire cabinet rose to their feet from their seat, raising their arms and shouting "Heil Hitler!" as the Führer walked in, hunched, an arm behind his back with a shaky hand as he walked over slowly to the head of table. The man took a minute to walk over, before Heinz drew the seat and held it open for the Führer to sit, in which he did, as Heinz then pushed the seat forward before standing to the Führer's left wedge with arms behind his back. The LSSAH guards close the door.

"What are you doing standing around? Sit down. " Hitler said as he coughed, watching the members shuffle and take their seats. He gave another cough before he inhaled rasply, exhaling before slowly putting on his glasses. "Now then, gentlemen, I am sure you all are aware of our current situation. So, I shall now be hearing from your reports, starting with Albert Speer here regarding the economic report. " Hitler said as he leaned further against the table. "Reichsminister?"

Albert Speer inhaled and exhaled before getting up with the open report in hand. "Mein Führer," Speer began, as he looked at Adolf Hitler. "the current state of the economy is what any respectable aryan economist would call 'a shitshow'. As such, I have been becoming a coffee addict, strangling the Reichsbank President and becoming a workacholic in order to not have us go into total economic collapse. As such, the Reichsministry has confiscated.. " he licked a finger and fliped the file's paper. " ...approximately 4,000 tonnes of gold, including those from the established banks that were already here, and the bits that were confiscated from the animals, made into molten gold and made into gold bars for our gold reserve. On the other hand, there is the matter of the civilian population which mankind has been made into the minority, which is a big no-no. My ministry recommends we provide subsedies to german families for them to have more children. Obviously, we can't have the slave population be a majority, which is why we ask, in cooperation with the Reichsministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, to begin encourage and enforce human population growth." Albert Speer paused as he inhaled. "In effect, we also ask that all economic assets, including those seized by the SS Main Economic and Administrative Office, be given to my respective Reichsministry. Furthermore, I ask that all slaves be put to work in the mines and factories, which is why I will have to disagree with the proposal of death camps be moved forward. "

Himmler snickered as he leaned back against his chair, crossing his fingers as he inhaled. "Herr Reichsminister, are you suggesting that abominations of God have a place in reich economics? What's next? Jews?"

A small batch of snickers came from the SS section of the room.

Albert Speer looked at the SS-Reichsführer, trying as best not to make a rumped face before shaking his head. "No, Reichsführer, I am saying that these animals are better put to use like in our old world. In the old world, we put ponies to drag carriages and heavy items, yes? Now we have the oppurtunity to use these talking animals for more than simple animalistic labor. Since they have about the same thinking capacity as we do, I see why not put them to work in my factories? If they are unfit for work or too old, then I wouldn't give a shit about what the SS does to the unfit to work. If they are fit to work, then they are fit to be exploited and that is what I intend to do. "

Hermann Göring spun his chair to face the Führer, "Mein Führer, the Reichsminister isn't wrong. There are about 1.2 million natives in this region and most of them are young enough to be exploited if the numbering report is to believed. Besides, these ponies give birth within large numbers..." he says as he flips through the report. "..so I don't see an issue with the Reichsminister's plan to kickstart our industrial capacity once more. " Göring chuckled. "Hell, one of those ponies would make a good horse for me to ride around. "

Albert Speer took over. "Indeed, Reichsmarschall, we all know about your love for equestrian habits. " He says as small snickers and chuckles are heard. "Now, onto the next part of my report, would the Führer look at page 6 of the Resources Report?"

Heinz grabbed the folder, before opening it to the page asked by the Reichsminister and putting the open document infront of the Führer for him to grab and look at.

Speer inhaled and exhaled. "As the report suggests, there are several spots where iron, steel and oil can be found. These areas can be readily exploited, we have the labor source to which we can derive from and let the ponies work in the mines while the German families are regrowing. I am sure the whole of Wehrmacht will agree with me when I say that the ponies would be more useful at making bullets and shells in the concentration camps rather than wasting more precious bullets on the animals. As much as the SS may object, in order to kickstart the economy once again, these ponies need be put to work in mass quantities. Thank you. " Albert Speer dropped the file and took his seat again.

Adolf Hitler inhaled as he took a few more seconds to proccess the information given. "Very well, Speer.." he sighed out as he crossed his hands. "You have my full permission and support. The SS will hand over all assets they have taken for themselves. "

Himmler got up, as he spat out. "Mein Führer, if I ma-!"

Adolf Hitler looked at Himmler with a raised eyebrow, daring the man to go against his authority. "The Schutzstaffel will hand over all economic assets to the Reichsbank and Reichsministry of Economic Affairs. That is final. "

Himmler opened his mouth to say something, before he immediately closed it as he slowly sat down.

Adolf Hitler nodded before he gestured for Heinz to grab the document infront of him, as the valet did so. "Now then, on the matter of our northen neighbour, the so-called Kingdom of Olenia. I trust the finest have gathered information on them?"

Walter Schellenberg nodded as he got up, before he walked at the end of the table, raising his arm for a string and pulled down a map. "Meiner Herren, the Abwehr has been extensively researching the history pages and the former administration's files regarding the Olenians. In short, gentlemen, they are deer copycats of Norway. " he snorted the last part out as the room also loudly chuckled.

"As it is, the history pages has credited them with being vikings, and they are also the creators of the radio in this world, appeanrtly. Unfortunately, they have decline in all manner of importance. Their current ruler is this deer. " He says as he has assistants put the Abwher file on Olena. "King "Djävulen" Johan Jelzek. " Walter says as he gestures at the picture of his potrait. "He is, appearntly, the illegitimate son of a past king who ursuped the throne from his sister, Velvet. " he says as he placed his hand in his pocket. "Now, here's the sweet part, gentlemen. The country is about as stable as glass attempting to hold an anchor. Their government is filled with corruption and the internal chaos between the illegitimate king and his half-sister claiming the throne is ripe for exploitation. Plus, fractures of collapse are already beginning to show, as such, we have the ability to test their capabilities out. " he nodded at Generalfeldmarschall Wihelm Keitel who turned his head to the Führer.

"Indeed, mein Führer. While we await for Reichsminister Albert Speer's promised shells and bullets from the labor force, the Wehrmacht can, after a few weeks of retraining and readjustment, operate a boder-conflict with Olenia to test out their capabilities and snatch more territory from them, as the Foregin Office, as I am told by Reichsminister von Ribbentropp.." he nodds at Joachim who nodded right back. "..claims have already been pressed to the territory that we border with the Kingdom. Should the operation succede, and I, very much, am certain that it will, then the Abwehr will conduct some sort of operation..." he raised an eyebrow as he looked at the chief.

Walter responded fairly quickly, "Operation Broken Horn, gentlemen. " he gestures at the aides to hand the files, as they do so. "Once the successful operation is completed, the Abwehr, in cooperation with the Reich Security Main Office and the Luftwaffe, will inhiate a surgical strike against the King's government in Hjortland. Plans are still being discussed, of course, however the main plan is to take the King hostage and force him to read a humiliating surrender format, on live radio about him handing us over his entire Kingdom. Those are the basics, and as I said, plans are still being drawn. " the Abwehr chief turned his head to the Albert Speer. "Of course, provided that the Reichsminister can provide the neccessary equipment that he promises on time. "

Hitler moved his eyes back to Speer. "Well, Reichsminister?"

Albert Speer turned his head back to the Führer, opening his mouth to speak before closing it to choose his words very carefully. A lot of enemies in this room would inch for him to say one wrong word and take everything from him. Albert Speer waited for a few seconds, inhaling and exhaling before he gave his answer. "Within an established, and feasable timeframe, I can. "

Hitler grinned at that, as he nodded before looking at Reichsminister von Ribbentropp. "What of the other.." he waited before spatting out the world. "..nations in this world? What is our diplomatic relation with them?"

Walter took his seat, as Joachim got up from his seat. "Diplomatic recognition has been sparse, mein Führer. Albiet we have recieved letters of recognition, we have very little diplomatic contact. The only ones that we have had active discussions with are two nations who also somehow speak our tounge. " he says before he goes to the board and pulls a sheet. "This, gentlemen..." he points at the yellow and dark-orange flag of the Griffonian Empire. "..is the Griffonian Empire which is a bird-like nation of the First Reich. They are now in a period of appearnt regency, with this lad here.. " he pulls out a picture of Archon Eros VII. "..is now the regent, leading the charge with the young Kaiser, Grover VI, after his father's death just a few months ago. " Joachim cleared his throat. "They have similar instances to Germany, including the german tounge, which they call Herzlander. They are the other continent called Griffonia. "

Joachim coughed as he looked at the file, before he decided to present the other nation. "The only nation that has pratically ripped-off nearly everything from us is the Ordensstaat Hellquil. Led by a griffon with the same title as you, Führer Wingfried von Katerinburg. " he showed the picture of the blue griffon in an SS-like uniform. "They even have a copy of our National Socialism, under the name of 'Reformisten'. So far, they are also the only ones to request diplomatic discussions and even for a meeting. "

The entire room went silent. Bird-like creatures subscribing to the same ideology as the Reich? That was incredibly suprising. Heinrich Himmler seemed more interested about these griffons than anyone else in the room. After all, it wasn't every day that an animal-like species would actually agree with you.

"Do more research into these gryphons. " Hitler broke the silence, as Joachim nodded.

"Now onto the matter of internal security..." Hitler turned his head to Himmler, as he raised an eyebrow.

Heinrich Himmler quickly got up, as he straightened his uniform, and nodded. "With regards to the internal security of our nation, all non-humans have either been rounded up into a ghetto or have agreed to peacefully leave the Reich back into Equestria, mein Führer. All communist and.." he cleared his throat for a moment. "...Equestrian socialists have been sent to the concentration camp which.." as much as it pained him to say this, Himmler spoke again, reflecting the Führer's earlier order, rather than having all the filthy animals shot. "...will be reorganized into labor camps as per your order, Führer. Of course, escape attempts have been made by the winged-ponies but they have been shot down appropiately." Himmler straightened himself. " In all manners of speaking, mein Führer, the Reich's stability is secured."

Adolf Hitler chuckled as he nodded, looking at his crossed fingers. "Good..good." he murmurs before he looks at Wilhelm Keitel. "Feldmarschall, how is our military?"

Wilhelm got up to submit his report on the state of the Wehrmacht.

"Mein Führer, to put it simply, the Wehrmacht is ready to simply destroy a nation that has a small to medium army at the moment. As discussed with the other Oberkommandos, it has beeen established that the Heer will get more focus, with the Luftwaffe being slightly less important due to the Reichsmarschall's insights. Furthermore, he Großadmiral has agreed to allow the shifting of funds more towards the Heer and Luftwaffe respectably. Our contractors, those that have come with us anyway, are prepared to restart operations at our first orders accordingly to Reichsminister Speer's capabilities. We have about 2 infantry divisions and 4 artilery regiments, 1 motorized division, alongside 1 tank batallion ready for combat, alongside the additional Waffen-SS divison and, according to the Oberkommando der Luftwaffe's report, 6 flight squadroms at the ready, with the rest of our undersupplied divisions being retrained for preperations. " Wilhelm turned a page.

"Thanks to the collaboration between the Pioneer Corps and the OT, we have been capable of building supply infrastructure, adding to, and upgrading the, already existing infrastructure using the local expendable labor. "

Keitel slapped the file down on the table as he looked at the Führer. "Mein Führer, if you wish to ask how long until we will returning back to our original strenght, it will take until 1947 (1009) if we are being optimistic and putting every resource we have at rebuilding the Wehrmacht. " and with that, Wilhelm Keitel took his seat, and looked at the Führer.

Hitler looked at the table for a few seconds, clearly fustrated before inhaling deeply, and then exhaling. He turned his head to Goebbels. "And you, Reichsminister?"

Joseph Goebbels quickly got up, almost stumblingly as he grinned awkardly before he opened his file.
"Mein Führer, I am happy to report that our propaaganda efforts have been rather successful! Support is sky-high and all the German people are looking for your guidance now more than ever. In essence, as part of the mourning proccess, the Reichsministry is preparing to bury an unkown soldier in the center of Berlin to commemorate the sacrifice of the brave soldiers and to celebrate our rebirth tomorrow. Sadly, we are not capable of operating the television as of yet, however we still do have the radio to our usage. The schools within Berlin have reopened alongside those in Hamburg (formerly Acadia) and Exterieur-Berlin. "

Although the report was rather short, its' information was valuable and pleasing to the Führer as he nodded and smiled. "Good, I expect the ceremony to go off without a hitch. "

"Of course, Mein Führer! It will be perfect. " chirped Goebbels with child-like enthusiam, clearly happy to have pleased the Führer.

Adolf Hitler had heard enough, as he slowly got up, followed by the sounds of the other chairs being pushed and people standing up. "Meine Herren, keep up the good work and we shall be restored to our former glory in no time. " He said before he coughed, as he raised his arm in a salute, watching as the men clicked their heels and shouted "Heil Hitler!" in unison.

He slowly stumbled his way out of the room. The double doors close.

The Reich's cogs begin to spin.