> Sunset's Newest Book > by Lighttone GryphonStar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Becoming The Book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight rushed through the halls of the university library, dodging the students who were still working on their homework. This was rather hard while carrying so many notes, details, and even chemicals. The people who ran the library didn't like her bringing so many destructive stuff into the place every day. However, she also held the highest grades among all the students. Ergo bringing up the university's prestige average by simply existing. This allowed her to pretty much get away with anything. Luckily she never pushed her luck beyond her limits. However, her limits were way beyond the rest of her peers's stress levels. This left all of them glaring her as she reached a private room in the basement that she used so much they just plated her name on the side. The door was unlocked which made her sigh with relief upon spotting the table. She entered and dropped all her books onto it. Looking around the room, there wasn't any sign of life. She smiled at the privacy and unloaded all the stuff. Among the collection were some books on alchemy, potions making and even some scrolls with ancient spells straight from across the mirror. In particular, was a certain extremely old spell she stole... er, borrowed from the other Twilight's most private collection. It was a good thing that this other Twilight was just like her as it made it really easy to find the secret stuff. After taking out all the things she needed, she locked the door and closed the curtains. She then returned to her workstation where she set down several small vials of dark, white, green and red liquid. She unrolled the scroll and read the spell written on it. A simple ritual for creating a perfect book containing all her knowledge. She grinned when she realized how useful it would be. She loved recalling all knowledge, but was always limited to what she could remember at the moment. With all her knowledge in book format, she could simply just flip to the right page and start reading whatever interested her. Best of all, if the details of the spell were correct, she had the perfect way to organize herself! Following the instructions carefully, she poured each vial into its respective areas on the scroll. The process took about half an hour. Afterward, take a thousand-year-old owl feather to draw lines from each small pool of liquid. She needed to match each word with each respective liquid to create the right effect. Once she finished, she looked around to confirm everything matched the example. Satisfied with her work, she took a deep breath and began chanting the newly outlined words. After the first two words, the ground rumbled under her feet. Her anticipation grew as she reached the end of the spell. A faint glow surrounded the edges of the parchment as the liquid started to flow around her head. A loud noise echoed throughout the room sounding a lot like someone flipping through the pages of a book. Twilight pressed her lips into a small frown as something felt off. She went back to the beginning of the spell to see if she missed something. However, the liquid stopped her by wrapping around her neck. It locked her to the table like a chain. She tried pushing against it, but failed to move. Terrified, she grabbed her necklace to fight against this spell. But the mere touch of the amulet burned her hand and made her scream in pain. Her eyes widened as the necklace broke off and rolled under the table. "That can't be good." She whispered, but the liquid flowed up her face and down her shirt. They crawled quickly over her shoulders, arms, breasts, stomach, hips, thighs, legs, and feet. As it overcame her mouth, nose eyes, and ears, all her senses seemed to change. This was best showed when her eyes went black only to reappear in a changed perspective. Now looking up at her own body from on the table. No, from the scroll itself. All she could do was watch and listen. She tried to scream for help but couldn't stop the liquid from covering her entire body. Her clothes slipped off instantly and she was now completely naked but covered from head to toe in the liquid. Her limbs compressed against her body, against her control. She could feel all of this from the outside, watching in horror as her body convulsed right in front of her. The liquid forced her body toward the scroll, giving her the sensation of being moved by an invisible force. It pushed her closer and closer until her face was staring directly right back at her new perspective. It was a strange form of out-of-body experience. Especially as the face twisted and turned its expression. From pain to a seemingly intense longing gaze. She could feel a blush growing and a strangely powerful sexual drive growing inside her. She tried to resist the urge, but it only grew stronger as the liquid lowered her face closer and closer. It puffed her mouth and lips open and gave her the feeling. No, a longing desire to make out with herself. To kiss her own lips, teeth and tongue. Even stranger now, the liquid started to dig into her pours and orifices. The feeling was both painful and pleasurable. The stuff flooded over all her most sensitive parts. Her chest, and breasts, felt so good on his nipples. Down her belly and over her hips like the touch of the most sensual hands moving over her. As it reached her pussy, and pinched hard. This caused her body to convulse and twist like she was screaming, but no voice echoed out. Her sight from the scroll pleaded for it to stop, but the liquid didn't listen. Instead, it flowed into her pussy and then her anus. She could feel it spreading throughout her insides. Her whole body shuddered even harder from the sensation. Her vagina, and anus opened up to allow the liquid in and fill her with the strongest desire for sex she ever felt. She couldn't resist it anymore. She let go and allowed her orgasm to hit her full force in seconds. It was like she was climaxing, but unable to enjoy any of it. Her mind and her body were completely out of sync. All she could do was stare up at the face that was so close and yet so far away. Yet things were far from over. It was about to get even more insane. Soon enough her entire body was completely covered in the liquid. Even her insides were fully coated. Then the most disturbing part happened. Her body began to melt over the scroll. It started with her face dripping down, piece by piece. Then it spread down her entire head. She watched as her face became a puddle over the table, but couldn't feel a thing. Not only did it feel painless, but it also gave her an immense amount of pleasure. The kind that made her want more. Her shoulders and chest melted over the table, all of it pooling around the scroll. Her legs lifted off the floor and floated over the table. As her entire form became no more, her sight faded in an explosion of lavender light. ****** Hours later, the smoke cleared and the scroll was nowhere in sight. Instead, in their place laid a lone book. A beautiful lavender cover and a silver biding on the side. Twilight's face is on the cover. The last page wrote out her words at that moment, confirming the true horror. "Wait, what just happened... No, no, no!!" The face on the cover shrieked in silence and shock. "I am... a book!!!!" ****** > Reading The Book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset arrived in hours later. It was nearly closing time for the library. She had been searching for Twilight all day. Checked this place three times but with how late it was getting, she figured one more go wouldn't hurt. walked through the door, finding nothing again. She entered every private room and found no sign just like before. She knew Twilight was here somewhere, she could feel it. She headed downstairs where a few of the employees were cleaning up. Asking all of them led her to the same empty room as the last place Twilight was seen. Peaking inside, all she saw was a lone book on the desk. She sighed in defeat again, heading back upstairs. The last thing she wanted to do was try to find Twilight in a place like this. However, she caught the book shaking in the corner of her eye. Looking around the room revealed no one inside. Yet the book was clearly moving. Maybe the table was unleveled. Twilight often left a mess in her way, so maybe she was here previous. Sunset caved and decided to at least enter the room and clean up. Entering the room, book stopped bouncing. Sunset shrugged and walked over to it. There was quite large and matched Twilight's skin tone. The surface felt like the most real leather she ever touched. She brushed it against her fingers and felt it shiver. She moved her finger up and down along the spine. and the pages flapped open. For a solid second, she thought she heard a moan. It's probably just her mind playing tricks on her. She flipped it around and studied the name. 'Twilight Sparkle's Literal Biography'. Sunset couldn't believe what she was seeing. "I knew you were a little vain, but to write your own biography, really Twilight?" Her eyes dropped on the cute face under the title. It almost looked like it was blushing at her for that comment. Sunset rolled her eyes and sat down. "I could at least read the first few chapters while I wait for you to show up." Flipping the book open she found the first details quite strange. "A lone semen's determination was unfazed as it exited my father's penis and crawled through the tunnel of my mother's womb to find the egg-- Twilight!! What kind of opening line is that?!" The woman tried to rub that disturbing image out of her head by skipping a few chapters. The cover rolled their eyes, but Sunset didn't notice. She continued reading the story when she found the sections about Twilight's childhood. "The earliest birthday present I could remember the clearest, I received a book. It was a small, purple hardcover with a silver binding on the side. This began my love of books in general. I couldn't remember the subject of the book, but that I desperately wanted more. My parents, in their infinite wisdom, bought me another book every year until I turned twelve." Sunset laughed at the adorable thoughts of her friend. "So cute, is that why you love books so much." "Now I am a book..." Twilight's face whispered, unsure if Sunset could hear her. The woman jumped at the voice, but looked around for the source of a person, not realizing the obvious. Her eyes landed on cover of the book. "Odd..." Sunset's eyes narrowed on the face. She could have swore she saw sweat pouring down the face. Maybe it was some type of illusion or an effect from the book. Her eyes darted back into the book. "I'm curious just how accurate Twilight made this book." She thought, flipping several pages. "At the age of ten I finally had enough money to buy myself the first copy of what would become my favorite kind of books, the Oxford Dictionary. I spent days learning the meaning of every word, using it to better understand the world around me." Sunset chuckled and flipped a few more pages. "After scanning all of it, I began the process of buying all the other dictionaries in the store. That was the best part of my childhood. Every new book I bought added to the fun I had understanding everything around me." "Damn..." Sunset stopped and giggled ever harder. "Just dictionary! So boring!" "You're such a child." Twilight whispered, couldn't see much of Sunset's face while flipped open. She didn't speak up, because she was still unsure how much her friend could hear her. Plus, while sitting like this her mouth was muffled. Sunset gave a soft laugh and continued flipping through the book. "Okay, let's read about her first friends. Surely they must be more interesting than dictionaries." She stopped at the name, Moondancer. The description of plush, nerdy girl with thick glasses. A solid three chapters solely around this girl, it almost made Sunset a little jealous. This section spoke about how she was a loyal friend of Twilight. Several quote caught her attention like. "The girl knew just as much as me if not far more in certain subjects. We were practically sisters, even though our personalities differed in many very small ways." Sunset smiled, she was beginning to get excited. "It got to the point that our parents would style our hairstyles similar. They said we looked like twins now." She flipped a little further and found a quote cutting against this cute mirroring. "As we grew, we slowly began to hate these matching styles. I wasn't sure if it was because of my growing feeling or her distancing. By the time we were ten, I couldn't see her as a sister... I wanted something more." Sunset's heart sank the details became clear. Both pairs of parents were against this completely. They didn't want their daughters to grow in love. "Luckily for them, and heartbreaking for me the choice was made against me." Sunset's ears pitched as if she was hearing this directly from Twilight. "On my twelve birthday I was going to finally tell Moondancer my real feelings, but in all my nerdy desperation to make everything perfect, another had moved faster. I found her, lip lock with my first rival, Jack Nox. They were kissing right in the middle of school yard." Sunset's eyes widened the horrible detail. "I wanted to assume he pushed it on her, but seconds later they were laughing together the entire time." The pony, living in a human body wanted desperately to fold her ears and cover her eyes in a mane upon reading this section. It was the worst nightmare one could imagine. She never knew Twilight had dealt with such heartbreaking moment so early in life. "I always knew Twilight matured early, but was this the start of her isolation?" The thought shook her so deeply, yet now she couldn't stop reading. Jumping ahead when Principal Cinch entered the picture. Sunset didn't want to read anymore sad sections, moving over until she found parts where Twilight left the Shadowbolts and joined Canterlot High. "That's when I realized, I wasn't alone in my misery. Six friends showed me a light I hadn't seen before. My friendship with them became a guide in my life. They were the ones who taught me what true friendship was." Sunset's heart fluttered upon reading Twilight's adventures with her friends. Rarity giving her beauty tips. Fluttershy helping her understand all kinds of animals in a personal way. Pinkie Pie throwing her multiple parties and birthdays better with each passing year Applejack giving her determination in the parts of school she never considered. There was even a short romance Sunset didn't even know about between Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Each chapter only made Sunset smile brighter and brighter. Until one of the most important chapters caught her eye. "I always knew I would need to leave to college, but I never expected Sunset to join me. And I couldn't be happier. Now I had my closest friend by my side, helping me grow and learn more every day." Sunset smile turned in a cheeky grin at the flattery. "Oh, stop it!" She playfully threw out her hand, answering the book as if it was talking to her. "This is getting embarrassing." However, her eyes stopped at odder quotes like, "Sunset is so cute when she giggles. Her laugh always filled my heart with utter joy." Her embarrassment turned to a solid blush as more details came. "But wasn't until we started sharing a room did I realized my attraction to her figure. From her soft shoulders and her... plump chest to her tight ass." Sunset's heart raced as the book gave away new information about the way Twilight looked at Sunset. "So much of the time we spent together was awkward. One time as she was changing clothing, I caught myself drool at her from the other side of the room." She felt her cheeks turn redder and redder the more she read. "I was afraid I would ruin our friendship, so I kept it quiet. I also feared she would think the same thing about me too or worst she would treat me like Moondancer." Sunset slammed the book shut, but kept her finger bookmarking her spot. Why would she have been so embarrassed reading this? They weren't even dating! Why would Twilight write such a thing? How could she see her in that way. With her free hand, Sunset even covered her chest even though she was fully clothed and no one else was in the room. She stared up into the air, considering whether or not to go back and read more. The more she thought about it, the more she realized Twilight had been staring at her longer over the months sharing a room. A greater blush came upon any temptations she had previous about going full naked in the room. Many times she asked Twilight this very thing since she always hated wearing clothes ever since she came to be a pony inside a human body. Yet upon realizing that Twilight might of had a crush of her the entire time they were living together. All of Sunset's desires of freedom only driving Twilight more crazed with heat. Yet she was not sure how she should take all this information. Twilight should have told her feeling sooner. Not hiding her attraction for Sunset from her. If she had known earlier, maybe the two of them could've explored this. Now she was urged more than ever to read things in greater details. Before Sunset was just skimming, not she would go in with greater detail. Or at least she would if it wasn't for Twilight squeaking upon her nose hitting the table. "Damn it Sunset!" This time, the woman did hear and jumped back, covering her face again. "I'm sorry. That was an accident." Sunset covered her face. Turning left and right, panicking that Twilight had found her reading the book. However, there was no one the room again, not matter which direction she looked. "Twi..." She softly called out. "I know I heard her just now." "You did!!" Twilight screamed through the muffling. Her face still planted firmly in the table. It took Sunset a few minutes to slowly realize the obvious. "Over here!!" Twilight screamed again, pulling her attention to the book. Sunset's eyes widened and lifted the book. Flipping over to the cover, her eyes narrowed on the cover. Originally she assumed Twilight's literally face upon it was just a vanity thing, but now. She lifted her hand and poked the cheek with her finger. "No..." The woman shivered upon the soft touch akin to skin. "You can't be serious..." Her fingers traced over the lips of the face, tracing them down the jawline. "Stop that!!" The book cover screamed at her. Sunset screamed back upon seeing the face move free, dropping the face back onto the table. ****** > Screwing the Book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was filled with more questions than answers after reading that book. Questions about what happened to Twilight? Why was her face on the cover of this book? No, better question was why it spoke with her voice. As if it was the real Twilight. What was her deal? After staring at it for a solid hour she decided to poke the face again. Twilight's face blushed and tried to bite the finger, "Stop that!" Twilight's voice echoed from it again. "Twi..." Sunset shivered and pulled her finger back. "Is that you?" "Yes, I've been transformed into a book!!" Twilight's face cried out in desperation. Sunset blinked. "A book? How?" "I... I stole a spell from the world behind the mirror." Her eyes dropped in shame. "I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't know how turn back." "What?!" Sunset picked the book up and shook Twilight's face. "Are you okay? Does it hurt to be a book?" "No, it doesn't hurt." Twilight's face replied. "If anything I feel weightless, especially when you are holding me." She blushed at the way that wording sounded. "Surprising since you're a rather heavy book." Sunset raised an eyebrow, spinning the book around on it's side. "Wait, are you calling me fat?!" Twilight complained through the spinning. "Why would you say something like that?" "I doubt this has anything to do with your heavy bust. More around your big brain." Sunset smirked as Twilight's face flushed redder than before. "Oh, that's just rude. You don't need to be rude to a book." Twilight sulked. "How can I help you, Twilight?" Sunset asked. "You can let go of my face." Twilight whined. "Your fingers are digging into me." Sunset chuckled, setting the book on the table. This time, she left it face up so Twilight could see. "So how did you get turned into a book?" "It was a mistake." Twilight admitted. "I thought it would copy all my knowledge into a book. Not literally seal myself into a book." "Didn't you think it might be dangerous?" Sunset questioned. "I didn't think it would happen like this." Twilight exclaimed. "I mean, books aren't supposed to talk. At least, I haven't seen any talking books. I never thought magic was this unpredictable." Her eyes darted around nervously. "Well, you're not wrong about that." Sunset agreed, her eyes slowly widened at a thought. "Wait, you wanted all your knowledge as a book?" "Yes, I thought it would be easier to share my knowledge with the world--" Twilight was stopped as Sunset reopen her and flipped through the pages. "What are you doing!?" Twilight yelled. Sunset only smiled at her. "Isn't this fascinating? All these words are not just your history, but even your most personal thoughts. Your personality is written all over this book." Sunset continued looking through the book until she found her previous spot. "This was the section on Twilight's current feeling about her. She picked up Twilight and read aloud, "Sunset has been leaving me so breathless lately. When our hands touch even for a second, my body feels like it's about to combust. I can't take this limit anymore. I don't want to be just her roommate. I'm ready to be more." Twilight's face on the cover blushed so brightly at the details. "That's... that's embarrassing. I've never said any of those things." "Out loud, no. This book is you, everything about you." Sunset flipped back to some sections she ignored. She blushed too at the first words in this section. "Short after my camping trip I managed to convince him. Flash missed the original Twilight so much that he didn't hesitate taking my virginity with his long and hard..." She stopped reading and pressed the book against her chest, blushing so much that she didn't realize she was shoving Twilight's face into her cleavage. "I told you take a chance, and you just used him as a quick sex toy. No wonder he was so heart broken afterword." Twilight's face blushed brighter. "He didn't deserve me, I was such a whore to him." "And you ran to Timber just as quickly." Sunset wrapped her arms tighter around the book. "This is who you really are, Twilight. You are so horrible at romance, but so good at sex. You were too scared to make a move, and yet you took advantage of a guy who was desperate for attention." Twilight screamed into her chest the break the embrace that left her so flustered. "How dare you?! I'm a nice person! I love helping people and making friends." Sunset raised the book till they were face to face. "You're not a nice person. You're a manipulative bitch. A selfish girl keeping all her truths to herself." Her eyes softened as she looked at Twilight. "In such denial that you can't ever seem to see me gazing back at you!!" "Wha-what!?"Twilight's face changed from anger and offense to a solid surprise and her greatest blush of all. "What are you saying?" "You dumb genius... While you only started crushing on me in college..." Sunset brought the cover closer, revealing her own bright blush. "I've been loving you since the moment we've met." Saying that was too much for the pony inside a human body. She had been hiding her feelings for even longer than Twilight. Now, saying them out loud finally made it feel real. Before Twilight could full process all of it, Sunset just went for it. Pressing Twilight's mouth into her lips. The kiss was rough and passionate, almost violent. It was wild and raw, exactly what Sunset needed. Her mind was racing as she kissed Twilight's soft lips. The taste of her mouth drove away all the fears she was holding onto. For the first time in years, Sunset felt alive again. Twilight didn't scream back. Instead, the nerdy girl met every passionate second with her own. She opened her mouth and let Sunset's tongue invade her mouth. She moaned into the kiss as Sunset's hands reached around the other side of the book. It felt like her fingers were digging into every part of her body. The kiss broke off as Sunset pulled away. But she kept her face close to Twilight's, looking deep into her eyes. Their heads tilted back and forth as their lips met for another slow, gentle kiss. The two parted again and Sunset placed the book, face up, on the table. Twilight stared up at Sunset, observing her with no restrictions at all. She couldn't believe it was happening, all the things she had worried about were being fulfilled now in front of her. How could she be so lucky? Sunset smiled at Twilight and leaned back. She slowly unbuttoned her shirt and let it slide down her body. Followed quickly by her bra and skirt. Her bare skin was just as beautiful and sexy as Twilight expected it to be. The woman trapped in the form of a book wanted to touch her body, so desperately Twilight's eyes grew larger upon seeing something she never noticed before. Sunset winked at her and threw the chair out of the way. Walking over to the windows, she closed all the blinds and dimmed the lights. Twilight watched her go. Her legs were shaking so badly that she was barely able to stand. Something bouncing up and down behind her panties that weren't there before. "What have you been hiding from me?" "Let's just say, being a pony inside a human body does have some limitation..." Sunset stopped at the table. She dropped the panties and popped out the long horse cock attached to her. Twilight looked on in horror as the member sprang free. The large yellow head pulsated with excitement as Sunset stroked it with one hand. Twilight's pages trembled with desire and confusion. "Wait... I'm just a book right now." "Yeah, and you have a mouth... right?" Sunset leaned over and grabbed the edges of the cover and yanked her over the table. Twilight's face went pale as the long shaft was pressed against her lips. She tried to push back, but Sunset held her still. "Just think back to that creepy episode of Doctor Who." Sunset spoke softly, while staring deeply into Twilight's eyes. "The one written by a fan--" She was silenced as Sunset shoved her mouth over the horse cock. Her jaw stretched as far as it would go and she gave an audible gasp. Twilight's eyes rolled back in her head. She clenched her teeth, trying to hold in her gag reflex. "That's a good bookworm." Sunset patted Twilight's head, letting her know she wasn't going anywhere. "I knew this thick book could contain it all." Sunset moved down and pushed Twilight flat on the table. With Twilight lacking a body, Sunset had to do all the work herself. She grinding her cock against the teeth, groaning at the pressure Twilight was giving back. She slid her hips forward a few inches, then back and forth, fucking Twilight's mouth slowly. Twilight struggled to grow accustom to her new shape. The most difficult thing was having no arms or legs, was nothing could rub herself. She couldn't grind back. No matter how hard she tried, her hips just wouldn't move. So she simply laid there and took it, moaning into Sunset's thick shaft. Sunset was taken aback at how wet Twilight's mouth was already getting. She had never gone down on a girl before this hard before. Plus, Flash never enjoyed getting pegged. "How did you get so dirty?" Sunset gasped out between thrusts. "I can't believe you are a filthy little book!" Soon enough she sped up her pace, pushing deeper into Twilight's mouth. She was using the spine of the book as leverage, making sure she got the most out of their oral sex. Twilight felt the tip of Sunset's cock hit her throat and gagged. Sunset squeezed her cheeks together and forced her down further. She felt as if she was being choked, but she continued to take it. She couldn't breathe, but she wasn't suffocating. Maybe it was the effects of the spell. Picking the book off the table, Sunset could feel her orgasm was building fast. Her balls tightened and she moaned loudly. She stood up and took the book with both hands, dropped Twilight's face down to her base. Her entire horse cock vanished into the nerdy girl's mouth. Lifting up and down with great speed like Twilight's mouth was the perfect sex toy. Twilight lost track of time. All she knew is that she was sucking on a horse cock in the middle of the library. She became so overwhelmed with pleasure that she forgot everything else. Every sensation was amplified and intensified. Despite no long having a body, she found herself reach her own peak of an orgasm. She squeezed around the throbbing member, her stomach muscles tensing up. She lost her voice as the whole book shivered from the intense pleasure. "Mm!" Sunset grunted, slamming the cover against her hips. Her hips bucked and jerked as she came inside Twilight's warm, willing mouth. A strong spray of cum filled Twilight's mouth and she began to swallow it down greedily. She had never tasted anything so delicious. It was thick and salty, but also sweet and smooth. Her lover kept her in place until the dick was firmly drained. Once free, Twilight struggled to catch her breath. She had never felt such a powerful orgasm. She was dazed and foggy, but her mind was alive. She didn't remember ever thinking about a man's dick before. But now she couldn't stop fantasizing about Sunset's massive length sliding into her tight pussy. If she still had a pussy. Sunset fell over onto the table and gasped out loud. She had never been so completely spent. She felt a bit dizzy, and her vision was hazy. She noticed the cum dripping out of Twilight's mouth and down her chin. She reached out and picked up the book, cleaning the cover and smiling at Twilight's face. "We should probably figure out a way to undo this spell..." Twilight mumbled, her tongue feeling swollen and dry. "Yeah, because I want so desperately right now to fill your pussy as well." Sunset laughed between breaths. ******