> Bros With Benefits > by G r e y > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Childhood Frenemies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash used to be your childhood enemy. As soon as you met her for the first time many years before now, she immediately began messing with you and playing rough. She would get overly competitive when playing football with you, establishing early on that she was easily better at it than you. Every time you scored your rare goal against her, she would get visibly upset and play against you extra hard. Rainbow Dash didn’t want to lose a single goal to you, or probably anyone she played against, for that matter. As if that wasn’t enough, she then got mad when no one wanted to play football with her anymore. Meanwhile, all the girls in her group of friends didn’t even want to play football to begin with. Still, she oddly didn’t appear to be lonely as far as you could tell. One of your friends stupidly challenged her to a race, and Rainbow Dash hung his loss to her over his head for weeks on end. She would not let him forget about it. And then when he challenged her again, everyone was hoping she’s lose this time and learn her lesson. Nope, she went on to beat him by an even wider margin. Her sheer amount of smug spread like wildfire to the rest of your group of friends, including you, insisting that the rest of you were not too scared to even get into a foot race with her be cause you ALL knew you would lose. It soon became apparent that the other girls were annoyed by her, but the boys were even more annoyed by her, because it was they whom she constantly tried to hang out with instead of the other girls. About a year after that, your friend who had previously lost multiple foot races to Rainbow Dash decided it was a good idea to punch her in the face after being that fed up with her nonsense. He got her square in the nose, right in front of all the other girls and boys. At the drop of a hat, Rainbow Dash was whaling on him before you could even figure out what was going on. She didn’t even hesitate in shock or pain, just went straight to landing punches onto him that were audibly harder than the single punch he delivered to her face. The boys were begging their friend to rise to his feet and not let himself get beat up by a girl, while girls were cheering her on and chanting “girl power” or something to the affect of that. The girls started chanting louder by the time Rainbow Dash sent the poor friend of yours running home in tears in a condition that would make his mother’s heart skip a beat the second she saw him. Rainbow Dash immediately turned to the chanting girls and shouted at them in the nastiest tone. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Her raspy voice echoed throughout the trees behind them. The other girls stood there in shock, frozen together like a group portrait hanging on a wall with a backdrop of trees where Rainbow Dash’s voice continues to echo as she continues. “I’m NOT like you!” “What are you yelling at US for?!” Protests one of Rainbow’s friends. “HE punched you! Not us!” “I don’t care! None of you will ever understand!” “We’re on your side, you idiot!” “Well I don’t WANT you on my side! You’re all always so fucking lame!” Meanwhile, you were still stuck at the part where you just witnessed a girl scream the F word. You and your friends stood there as your own befuddled group portrait, like a confused painting trying to figure out why the loud annoying girl always had to be so needlessly aggressive and reactionary all the time. “None of you understand me! It’s not fucking ‘girl power’, that shit’s fucking stupid! All you do is play with your stupid little doll sets, and your smelly nail polish that gives me headaches and gets all over everything, and your…” Rainbow Dash went on and on and on about how she was not like the other girls, while actively displaying that she might have a point. It didn’t take a lot of brainpower to conclude that there had been something bottled up inside of Rainbow for a while by that point. It couldn’t have just come out of nowhere. Regardless, you had just realized that the other boys began to back away and go home after the moment was spoiled, some of them opting to pay a visit to their injured friend’s house to see if he’s okay. Or rather, to assess how badly Rainbow Dash beat the tar out of him like a cheap rug. You were the last to leave the scene, which is the reason why she chose you to be the boy to lament to one last time as she wiped the tiny bit of blood from her own nose. One of the adults heard Rainbow using inappropriate language like she just learned a new word, and started her way over from across the dingy grassy field making corny time-out gestures with her hands and arms. “Why the fucking fuck won’t you just let me be your fucking friend already?!” Rainbow Dash’s voice was noticeably hinting at emotional pain by this point. “You guys at least do the cool things I like! I’m not like the girls, I don’t wanna play with them! I wanna play with you guys! Why the fuck do you hate me so much?” “Hey!” The lady finally made her way over from across the field. “Watch your mouth! Don’t be talking like that! What’s the matter with you?” You had not registered this part of the situation, in the midst of you snapping back at Rainbow Dash and the absolute audacity of her to ask why the other kids hated her. “We hate you because you fucking suck to be around!” You let it all spill out. “You’re loud and annoying and never just go away! We don’t wanna play games with you because you’re so fucking pushy all the time! You only ever brag to us about how you always win everything ev-” “I said knock it off with the language! I KNOW your parents raised you better than that!” The lady continued. The confrontation ended with Rainbow Dash storming off, almost looking like she was hiding the fact that she was fighting back tears. ~ That confrontation in particular had stuck with you, especially after you noticed a few days later that Rainbow Dash seemed to have cut her hair shorter. Of course, it didn’t take long to figure out that Rainbow Dash’s parents were the kind of parents that enabled her way too much. Every little thing she did was an accomplishment, but she strived to always improve anyway and boast it to everyone. Very dangerous combination. And now she had started to cut her hair shorter and go back to trying to hang out with the boys, but her pushiness and aggression overall hadn’t subsided. Due to this, none of the boys wanted to be around her any more than the girls did. Rainbow Dash still avoided trying to hang out with you in particular, probably because of what you had said to her. Oh, she definitely remembered that. Every time she saw you again, she’d give you a dirty look then spitefully ask one of the other boys to play with her in front of you. Then when they said they didn’t want to ride bikes with her or play football, she stormed off again. You don’t even remember if she ever got in trouble for beating up your friend or not; she really did a number on him. Out of nowhere, her parents must have tried to get the boys in the neighborhood to play with her since she refused to play with the other girls. This was out of nowhere because you were surprised to see Rainbow standing at your front door asking if you wanted to play video games with her. You obliged, to your own surprise, but only because you knew in the back of your head that she would never beat you at your games you would always play on your console. This was it, the big payback to Rainbow Dash for all of the bullshit she put you and the other kids through. Except, it turned out that she was almost as good at the games you had as you were, but you were still slightly better, and this ANGERED her. It was simply not as easy as you had hoped it would be, but you finally hand-delivered the L to Rainbow Dash you always thought she deserved. …And there went your game console. Rainbow Dash stomped all over it, completely destroying it and rendering it permanently unusable. Your parents hearing the ruckus from the other room kicked her out within the minute after watching what she did in real time, then promised to buy you a new console as soon as they could afford it. Before, you simply disliked Rainbow Dash. But now, you HATED her. Even after she was forced to apologize, and really did express genuine regret for losing control of her gamer rage, you still wished she would just die or something. And you KNEW she still hated you for what you said to her, and wholeheartedly believed that had to do with the extent at which she demolished your gaming console in cold blood. If she hadn’t beat up your friend so badly, you’d have fought her… but you knew for a fact you’d be in for a world of hurt if you did that, not to mention how it’d look to your parents if you punched a girl. You could forget about them buying you a new gaming console if that happened, that was for damn sure. Even though SHE was the one who smashed it until sparks and smoke came out between the gaps of the mangled plastic. It was easy for all of your friends to tell that you were continuously upset about Rainbow Dash destroying your gaming console. A lot of your friends offered to let you borrow theirs when you wanted to play video games, or to just invite you over to their houses and play with them since you couldn’t on your own. However, your beef with Rainbow Dash came to an abrupt ceasefire when she unexpectedly showed up to your birthday party uninvited, only let in because she brought a present for you. You opened it, immediately expecting to be some sort of prank, which wouldn’t have strayed too far from what she did to a couple of other boys-turned-prank-victims you knew. It was a brand new gaming console, identically the same as your old destroyed one, down to the very brand, series and model. Inside the same present box was a game CD that was the exact same game as the one you also lost because it was inside of the console when Rainbow Dash pulverized the plastic under her tennis shoe. Along with all of this was a brand new console game that just came out, one you had been looking forward to getting. And to top it all off, a note reading “I’m sorry, Happy Birthday”. The two of you shared a hug, and that was it. You still never let her play video games with you again, though. ~ In fact, you never allowed Rainbow Dash to even get near you ever again. She was still really loud and annoying, and all of your remaining friends who hadn’t moved away really did hate her, almost as much as you still did under a thin veil of politeness. As far as you and your friends were concerned, Rainbow Dash was the antagonistic short-haired girl with the annoying raspy voice. Every time you were riding bikes, and you happened to be riding past her house (if you weren’t able to avoid doing so), you picked up speed, not wanting a high probability of her looking out the window and seeing you. This is the only reason why you remembered where Rainbow Dash lived… so you could avoid any further confrontations with her at all costs. Even your new friends you had just met and started hanging out with knew there was something up about her when they observed this. And you and your friends had to explain why. But even without this, they quickly caught on whenever happening to interact with Rainbow at any point in time, and gasped while you and your more longtime friends told the newer kids the stories about her. The stories about the fight, the gaming console, the pranks, the football matches, the foot races, the ice cream shop incident you were glad you had only heard about, and more. There was another past story only you knew about, one where you briefly saw Rainbow Dash's bellybutton multiple times while watching her play-fight with someone she was annoying. You didn’t understand why you felt funny, nor did you even care at the time. You made sure to never go into the details of that story, not even to yourself. But you made absolute sure to continue hating Rainbow Dash, going so far to even never directly talk to her again for a long time, let alone hang out with her. Meanwhile, all of your remaining friends began to get growth spurts and become taller than you. Started to feel like they were leaving you behind, especially when more of them started moving away. More and more of your newer friends were exclusively from school by this point, and didn’t live in the same neighborhood as you. Almost all of your old friends over the next couple of years ended up moving to somewhere where they were even in a different school district. As for the very few whom you still saw on occasion, they pretty much grew apart from you anyway, as they were also making new friends and moving on with life. But Rainbow Dash was still there, but you and her were still reluctant to converse all that much. You had all of your newer friends at school and your video games at home, along with your even newer online friends you were beginning to make as you started getting into exploring the internet and starting gamer groups of friends there over more time. By this point, Rainbow Dash preferred to go by RD, because it sounded cooler, by at least some amount. She still went to school with you and made friends with a bunch of girls who actually wanted to hang around her this time. Which meant that she’d finally leave you alone. About damn time. Finally having a consistent group of friends actually helped RD kinda grow up a little bit too, got her to finally start acting more mature and less insufferable. All of your own friends meanwhile started to really like girls more. All of those past rules you and them used to go by were suddenly flipped upside down as the lot of you finally reached that age. Your friends were interested in girls at school like that snooty one named Rarity, or the quiet one named Fluttershy, or the more cheerfully loud one named Pinkie Pie, but they were all annoyed by RD. Unfortunately, the girls they liked also happened to be friends with RD. And they started getting exclusive about who can hang out with them regarding other guys too; a clique was forming that you were already technically out of due to not being as tall or athletic as a lot of your new friends. And these guys weren’t even any of your original friends anyway. The only original “friend” you had left was RD, whom you still didn’t hang out with, and she herself was always athletic from the get-go and still gave you an occasional sneering look anyway. You had a choice to either try to befriend you current new friends all becoming jocks, or switch to hanging out with someone else you didn’t even know yet. Your current group of friends still let you hang around but you knew you were now a shmuck to them. You never went to football practice with them because you didn’t play it at all, you always had to focus on your schoolwork first unless you were playing video games they weren’t interested in, and you just overall didn’t really vibe with them. You inevitably grew apart from them and ate lunch alone at school before you would have predicted it. Sure you still had your online gaming friends, but it didn’t quite feel the same. You decided to take drastic measures. Becoming something almost like the Tommy DeVito of the group, you designated yourself as the chatty wise-cracker with the possible Napoleon complex, being extroverted to stay on top of your game. Except you were still pretty bad at being social by this point, which only made your interactions come off as incredibly awkward. ~ Before you know it, you were the annoying one now. And the worst part is, you didn’t even realize it. You thought you were becoming dominant and “leading the conversation” while showing everyone how unique and interesting you were. Nope, you just ended up coming off as an asshole, and disingenuously self-owning yourself as such doesn’t make it any less annoying, it turns out. Thinking back, you can’t even recall a single moment where this was evident, but as time went on, it was definitely evident to a bunch of the other guys at school. They trash talked you behind your back, spread rumors on purpose to mess with you, purposely set up their plans so you couldn’t work out a way to find time to hang out with them whenever you tried to bond with them. All because of something you were completely unaware of. However, you were made aware of it when you finally got into a fight with one of your classmates. The fact that you weren’t as tough as the other guys finally caught up to you, because you got your ass beat harder than a bowl of egg yolks. And everyone watching cheered. It was the most humiliating moment of your life, and it resulted in you getting suspended from school. Yeah, the other guy got suspended even longer than you did, but he wasn’t the one with the black eye, or the busted lip… The higher amount of time for which he got suspended from school only felt like a high score that beat yours. A certification that he clearly won the fight and got suspended from school longer for the clearly much higher amount of damage he had inflicted upon you. The fact that the fight was so one-sided wasn’t really even debatable. Grounded for a week, you sat in your room and mulled over it in your head. RD was still around in your neighborhood, the last and final remaining childhood “friend” you still technically had contact with, but you still weren’t interested in talking things up with her. And you knew she had to have heard about the fight you got into and lost badly. Outside of that, you didn’t really think about her at all anymore. ~ ~ Senior year. You still hold a grudge against that guy who beat you up, even though it was kind of your fault for picking the fight with him. You kind of have a grudge against a lot of the guys at school, some of them still being your “””friends”””. Two-faced about you to the point of spitting on your name behind your back but being well-wishers to your face as you all get ready to graduate. And that’s only the upside of it. The online gaming chatrooms got plagued by toxic politically-charged drama you want no part in, and those friend groups imploded and tore themselves and eachother apart in real time before your eyes on your computer screen. Long story short, those friend groups are now out of the question. But the problem right now is actually something barely even related. Regarding one of those girls from school you sort of focused on before, Rarity, you actually asked her out to prom recently. Multiple times, as a matter in fact. She turned you down each time, but both of you were cool about it, no hard feelings. But there is someone who wasn’t so cool about it. That same classmate you got into that one-sided fight with. The one who absolutely pulverized you and showed you you weren’t as strong as you thought you were. He’s been looking for you all day today in school after hearing that you asked Rarity out twice, and everyone who’s seen him says he looks really pissed off, and that you should probably avoid running into him at all costs. Lest he give you a proper beating again. You don’t know why, but your luck turned out to be so bad that he immediately spotted you the very next period, in a dead-end hallway where you couldn’t just flee. He gives you the look a man gives when he snarls at you to stay out of his territory; this guy actually turned out to already be Rarity’s prom date, and you somehow didn’t know about it. As he approaches you, all your attempted funny side can think is one thing: Welp, this is it. It’s gonna happen again, because your luck is somehow that bad. This is your life now, can’t wait until the next time after this time, eh? Right as you were having that train of thought, the guy gets pulled back away from you by an initially unseen force from your perspective. You’d have assumed you secretly had some sort of force-field superpower all this time that activated in your moment of danger, had you not recognized RD’s colorful short hair appear into view to you. “What the fuck do y-” Is all the other guy manages to blurt out before RD shows everyone how much she’s improved at beating up boys. The other guy’s attempt to fight back was about as useless as your former friend punching RD many years ago. His blow landing upon her cheek was quickly absorbed and delivered much harder right back to his own face sevenfold in a vulgar display of power. He tried to say something but kept getting silenced by RD’s fists. A tooth landed on the floor and you better believe it wasn’t hers. Several school staff members heard the deafening commotion of exhilarated students watching the most intense fight they’ve ever seen and will probably ever see in person. You imagined that they have to pry RD off of him, but she was already finished whaling on him and walking away by the time a teacher grabbed her by the arm. ~ About a week later. You know what they say: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." But you're still careful to apply this to RD, since she still hasn't changed a whole lot behaviorally even in recent years and months. You're only making an exception this time because of what happened. Of course, you perfectly remember which house is where RD lives. That same house you always made sure to quickly pass by before she had time to possibly look out the window and you or one or more of your friends walking by. Red flags and warning signs go off in your head as you walk up the driveway and towards the front door, as you've been conditioned to never do this over the years. But today is an exception. You’re standing outside, waiting to be let in after ringing the doorbell. Thanking her in person is the least you can do, especially after all of this time of silence and lack of speaking between the two of you. “Hey.” RD’s voice sounds through the door gap before it opens all the way. “It’s okay, you can come in. My parents aren’t home right now.” As over-encouraging her parents seemed to be over the years, you wouldn’t be surprised at them for being overprotective of RD even while she’s at the age where that’s no longer necessary. But she easily beat down the guy you stood no chance against in a fight, and you and her have known eachother since childhood, so there’d be no reason for them to be worried about you anyway. “God damn, it’s so hot today.” She complains, stretching her noticeably toned arms up above her head while the hot air seeping in from the open front door briefly interrupts the coolness of the air-conditioned room. “What’s up? Long time no see. I don't think I've ever had you over before.” "Yeah I..." You trail off, soon forgetting what you were about to say. As RD was stretching, the bottom of her small tight clingy T-shirt slipped just enough up her tummy to give you a peek of her bellybutton. It sends a shudder up your spine seeing Rainbow Dash's bellybutton again, now the vibe completely different this time. You just caught enough of a glance of it to see it’s vertically stretched with her soft skin of her smooth tummy accented by her slightly noticeable abs. "Sucks everyone else is gone, huh?" Comments RD, referring to your original group of actual friends many years ago. "Yeah." There's another pause. "I know it prolly doesn't mean much, but you still got me, eh?" “I uh, wanted to thank you.” You have to do a lot to keep your eyes on hers. “Y’know, just real quick.” “You didn’t have to thank me. I was sick of him and his bullshit too. Wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t stick up for you this time around.” “You mean that?” You hide the surprised-ness in your voice. She gives a slight hesitation but then continues to keep things cool. “I guess I kinda felt like I still owed you. And he did fuck you up pretty bad last time. I'll be honest, I think you're kind of a jackass, but you didn't deserve that. Let alone again.” She then changes her tone. "But don't think this makes me your bodyguard or anything." "I won't. That's okay." You think about what she said about still owing you, trying to take the focus in your mind off of her lewd bellybutton. "...How's it going?" "How the hell do you think it's going, dude? I'm still suspended for another week. I'm lucky I didn't get kicked off the team." RD gripes. "Right, sorry." "I'm bored as fuck, man. my parents didn't ground me, but I still can't do anything when everyone else is at school." She then gives you a look. "Wait... why aren't you at school right now?" "Playing sick." "Ah, I get it. Understood." "Anyway, I gotta go." “Aww, don’t leave just yet. I’ve been bored all week. Wanna play video games?” Pleads RD. "It's kinda hot up in my room though." You hesitate, thinking twice, then three times. "It's okay, we're playing on my console this time." She jokes. "Like... we're even enough now, right? You know, after everything?" The two of you pause for the longest time, after having spoken to one another the most since at least 7 or 8 years ago or something. "It doesn't have to be weird or anything." RD adds. "Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean... uh, well..." She struggles to find the right thing to say for this. "I was wondering if... I dunno." "If what?" "I was wondering if we could kinda... you know... be friends now..." After the longest pause, you finally nod your head. "That sounds nice. We can start off on the right foot this time." "I'd really like that." > Finally Bonding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within you, an internal conflict is still brewing as you stand in the front room of RD's house. In only makes sense to take up an opportunity to gain a friend; this is what you had done with a lot of your old friends back when you were younger. Only difference is that none of them had ever been a girl before, let alone a girl like Rainbow Dash. Though, on the other hand, it actually feels less out of place for you since it's a girl like Rainbow Dash. None of the other girls you ever knew wanted to play video games with you, not even the other ones on the sports teams from school. You not only know RD from a long time ago, but she's actually more likely to enjoy the same things you enjoy. "Oh, hang on, I forgot to lock the door." RD heads back over to it. Scanning the dingy wallpaper of this place's front dining room, you once again think about that glimpse of RD's bellybutton you just got, also having registered the obvious contours of her hips and chest through her clothes. And oh, are you thinking about things... You're not used to this. Never really did pay attention to RD's body while you had been focused on avoiding and disliking her for how she had behaved around you over the years. But you and her are older now, and she looks very noticeably different than before. "Alrighty, let's go." RD re-approaches you, facing you. The front door's lock beeps as it is now locked with the two of you inside the house. Younger you would have been uneasy about this, being trapped in here with... that girl. The air in here is a lot cooler than outside, though it gets a little warmer as you venture back to the kitchen and living room area with RD guiding you. And all you can think to yourself is "So this is what the inside of her house looks like" to the off-white flower wallpaper of the kitchen, while feeling as though you've gone further than you should have. This was a day that wasn't supposed to happen, and you had always been sure that it would have meant trouble for you had RD gotten you inside of her house at some point, like you wouldn't leave without a broken limb, or at least being annoyed and/or humiliated again. But instead, she's just standing there with a half-filled gallon of orange juice she just pulled out of the fridge, offering it to you. "You want some? I dunno if I'll be able to finish it before my parents get more, and there's like no room in there." RD glances over into the packed refrigerator. "Sure." You figure you could go for a quick glass of orange juice. RD lets you pick out which size glass you want from a cabinet and pour yourself a drink. You sit down atop a tall stool at the dark granite counter top and begin sipping the orange juice down; it may be a different brand, but it tastes about the same as the orange juice brand you g- Still standing, RD raises the entire rest of the orange juice with one hand, tilting the plastic gallon container towards herself with the opening up against her lips, letting her noticeable bicep flex as she gulps down the orange juice. You try not to stare too long, still flabbergasted as you wonder if this is the first time she drank directly out of the container itself, or like the fifth or sixth time. You're not exactly willing to ask her about this, as to not rock the boat regarding something as nit-picky as manners (although this might be a little more than that), and simply trust that this is probably the first time she drake from it like that. After a loud gulp-sigh, RD puts down the now one-third-filled gallon container she just directly chugged from and turns to face you. "I got Mario Kart if you wanna play that. Or Need For Speed." "...Sure. One of those works." Your respond, looking down at the small glass you already drank most of the orange juice from. "Awesome! Racing against the other players without it being an actual person isn't the same. It's not as fun." "Cause it's too easy?" "Bingo." RD makes a quick finger-gun gesture towards you with a friendly grin leaking a tiny bit of orange juice to her chin she quickly wipes away. As RD places the how empty container back into the fridge, her eyes widen in clear realization. "Oh..." "Hm?" "I uh, I'm sorry, I forgot to ask you if it's cool I drink right out of the uh, thing." She looks at the container. "I'm so sorry, I swear I just didn't think of that." Her sudden apology gives off a sense that she might be worried that she could hinder her chance to finally gain you as a friend, which reminds you of that past interaction you had with her before. What if she really did care that much about it? Luckily for RD, you surprisingly want to give this a shot as much as she does. "It's fine, it's fine. Not like you have cooties or anything." You say partially to yourself before chugging the rest of your orange juice down and hearing a barely audible sigh of relief emit from RD. A part of your imagination frames this as an abstract, indirect kiss you just shared with RD. Seeing it that way feels so silly, but you just can't help it. With that, you both start up the narrow carpeted stairs to the instantly much warmer part of her house, towards her room. RD leads the way, and your eyes can't help but wander down to her tight yet round butt in her denim pants as she goes up ahead of you. You notice that RD's hips have widened a bit too compared to years ago, and there's just enough of a gap between the belt-line of her jeans and the bottom rim of her clingy T-shirt to reveal a peek of the bare skin of RD's midriff. Her colorful hair is still just too short to reach her shoulders, which means there's nothing to cover up the view of the indentation of the back of RD's bra showing through the back of her clingy T-shirt. Subconsciously gazing in awe, you can't pull your eyes away from Rainbow Dash's bra straps showing through her T-shirt as she leads you into her bedroom. You hadn't even registered hearing the sound of her desk fan on full blast until she turned around, making you have to avert your attention away from her body before she catches you leering. There's a long-established part of your brain from your childhood that clings on to hold true to how you've always felt about RD, reminding you that this girl is loud and annoying and hot and rude and... No, no, no... you didn't mean part of that. You couldn't have. Not about RD. That smooth-skinned hourglass-shaped girl Rarity is hot. That busty girl in the low-cut tank top Fluttershy is hot. That curvaceous girl with the leather jacket and bright swirly locks of hair Sunset Shimmer is hot. You know this after having checked them out at school for so long. But RD is just... she's just not supposed to be hot, okay? It's not allowed to happen, not her! She's the loud annoying girl who always stayed hellbent on winning everything and showing off, who loved to pull petty pranks on boys who didn't even want to be friends with her and humiliating them when they told her to get lost, who broke your gaming console that one time, and beat up your friend right in front of you that other one time, which made you tell her you didn't want to be her friend or something along those lines (the memory of exactly what you said is getting fuzzy). She's that girl who got a bad reputation around the neighborhood, even as all your old friends moved away, leaving you and her the only original ones still left. And this same girl has been getting hotter? She's Rainbow Dash, she's not supposed to be hot! You're too used to swearing you'd never like her in a million years... Why did simply seeing Rainbow Dash's lewd smooth bellybutton have to make you feel funny inside? Even just now, it's the same occurrence as before. Why couldn't it have been something else long ago that gave you your first- "Helloooo?" RD repeats and waves her hand in front of your face as you stare into outer space. "Which one you wanna play first? Mario Kart or Need For Speed?" "Oh, uh, whichever one you wanna do. Doesn't matter." The two of you settle for the latest Need For Speed game first, and after setting up the game, it isn't long before RD thoroughly reminds you of her annoying overly-competitive side. She already has her own custom designed car she had pimped out after unlocking pretty much every upgrade in the game. There's so many vibrant rainbow lightning bolts plastered all over it that you'd think you were watching one of those really old LinkOnDrugs videos or something while watching that thing speed around with its mean engine revving the way it does. RD's eyes light up and lock onto the screen, as racing around as her special hot rod of a ride is a sort of a high for her. Her back straightens, her hands grip the controller, her desk fan blows onto her face and makes her hair fly back like she's in the game sticking her head out the driver's seat window... everything falls into place for her... You can usually say something similar for yourself when playing one of these super fun car-racing games, except something about RD sitting right next to you puts a damper over your candle about it. Not that the game isn't fun, but you're not able to give it your 100% all, as if you're too nervous to. It was a smart move to remember how she got before, because that's exactly how she gets this time too. RD defeats you in every single on-on-one race against you in the game in every map she can, almost seeming as though she's been waiting to prove to you how much she's improved in playing this game and that she can easily smoke you in a race nowadays. Unlike when you were but a wee lad back in the day, you actually don't even try to best RD at the game this time. Even after all this time of the heat of spite and rage cooling down, you're still almost conditioned to not want to mess with RD or get on her bad side, even if it's just on video games... on her console this time. Several minutes pass, which turns into a half an hour, which turns into even longer. Little by little, you become increasingly complacent with being second place to RD, letting her have her full moment of validation where she finally proves once and for all that she's the real winner. Yeah, it's really stroking her ego a lot, but whatever, just let her have her moment. She'd probably beat you up if you didn't; the internet showed you how bad that "I wasn't supposed to lose!" gamer rage can get. But you've already found your own way to have fun losing to Rainbow Dash in the racing game and making her happy along the way. While you kind of fuck around trying to find the funniest way to "accidentally" crash the car you're playing as, RD starts bragging, blurting out catchphrases, doing victory laps or parking-lot-donuts, and so on... Yep, can't really say RD's changed a whole lot mentally, at least in this regard. She's definitely a lot less standoffish about it, that's for sure. Not only that, but she has a good reason to brag if her honestly really impressive lap times are anything to go by. RD's messy room is surprisingly cozy to be in; clothes and other items are strewn about the floor, her bedsheets are ruffled in a few clumps of little mountains of fabric, her desk is cluttered up with a bunch of stuff threatening to make lots of noise if she opens her laptop that's underneath some of it. Gearhead posters of Corvettes, Jaguars and Mustangs line her bedroom walls, next to posters of a couple of hard rock bands you recognize and a couple of shelves of past trophies RD had won in the past. Every time you glance over at her, you're reminded of how admittedly pretty she looks now compared to so long ago. Even if just about her face, there's something much more alluring about RD's very vibe than ever before. Her mostly short colorful hair whips back and forth as she shakes her head to make this happen. Your mind gradually slips back into the gutter as you return to sneaking glances at RD's bra strap indentations and the smooth skin of her smooth lower back just barely peeking out from between her T-shirt and jeans as she sits on the floor. The more you talk to her about random stuff over the next hour or so to keep chatter going as you play together, the more warm and fuzzy you feel inside talking to RD. Her company excites you more than you're willing to admit. You were supposed to hate her! What happened?! It's so surreal seeing Rainbow Dash after she got boobs. You never really took note of them until now, only remembering her as her past self before the future came crashing in. Before you finally fully acknowledged to yourself that Rainbow Dash has boobs just like the other girls. They might not be as big and bouncy as Fluttershy's, but it's not like their presence can be ignored. And that's... apparently enough to get you going? Definitely that plus having seen RD's lewd bellybutton slip after she's gotten older. There's a growing amount of tension and tightness in the front of your pants now. Doesn't take much thought to figure out what's causing it. Not this time. "I guess you can say I still got your back if he ever tries to pull some shit again." RD goes back to talking trash about the guy whom she pummeled the living daylight out of. "But I still really don't wanna get suspended again." "I can't blame you. You shouldn't have to get suspended over me OR him." "But you get a pass this time, because he was waaaaaay out of line." RD conveys with her raspy voice loudening. "How were you supposed to know he was already taking Rarity to prom if he never told you?" "I know! She even said no, so I don't see what the hell he got so bent out of shape about. Guy's got anger issues." "You know the funniest part?" Asks RD as her rainbow-saturated digital car rounds a corner. "Rarity's still gonna go to prom with him anyway. Even though he showed how much of a douchebag he is." "Will she really?" "Oh yeah, I know Rarity. She's prolly gonna like, like, nag him about it a few times, and tell him how ashamed of him she is, but still dance with him and stuff." "Damn." "I know, right?" "To be fair though, I did ask Rarity twice, not just once." You bring up. "But that's still no reason to just go straight to wanting to fight me." "Yeah! That's just out of bounds, man." Agrees RD. "It's out of bounds. Ya just don't do it." You're afraid to mention the moment when RD beat up your friend in the past, or just how rash she's been in general that might highlight a lack of self-awareness she might have in this moment. Though, in RD's case, your friend did in fact punch her first before she went berserk on him. "Anyway, you'd be a lot better off if you could just defend yourself." Suggests RD as she crosses the finish line first yet again then lets the controller fall out of her hands. "I could probably help you out with that." "Like how?" "Like help you get into better shape. C'mon, dude. I see those noodle arms." RD starts to lightheartedly taunt. "Well, I haven't exactly been lifting weights or anything." You admit, almost instinctively flexing the still present amount of muscle you actually do have. "I may not be jacked, but they're not noodle arms either!" "Looks like noodle arms to me!" Teases RD. "It's okay, bro. Almost everyone starts off with noodle arms. Even I did." Did she just call you... bro? Not sure why that somehow felt any different than her calling you dude about half a minute before that. Something about that felt pretty good. "Well we can probably change that if you want. More than happy to let you come work out with me sometime." RD reaches over and lightly clamps your noticeably smaller bicep with her hand. "Lookit that, there's a lot of room for improvement there." "No need to rub it in." You playfully pull away with a grin and a chuckle. "Can I at least feel yours?" RD grins almost sinisterly, rolling back her short sleeves until her smooth shoulders are bare. "Take a look at these!" RD flexes her own biceps for you, one at a time, showing off how firm and developed they are. "Try not to get jealous." You stare as you've been directed to, feeling some type of way in the presence of toned girl muscles. There's just... something special about that you can't quite put your finger on. Especially when it's not a whole lot of muscle, but still enough to reasonably classify her as somewhat muscular. These traits along with the developing womanly features of RD's body are just evened out enough to work perfectly hand-in-hand. Her round curves, soft chest and slight muscles each compliment eachother, turning RD into a surprisingly hot girl for you to have once hated being around as you let her wipe the floor with you in video games. This was also a perfect excuse for you to check out RD's body without it being too obvious. "Well are ya just gonna sit there and stare or are you gonna feel them like you asked to?" Says RD with an impatient tone as the menu screen of the Need For Speed game awaits on the TV. With a nod, you reach over with your hand. You can somehow sense that both of you are imagining in your heads you groping her tit instead, except you're 99.99% sure that's a one-way ticket to having RD punching you and ruining this pleasant budding friendship you and her are finally restarting together. "I knew you'd get jealous." RD flexes her firm bicep up against your gently squeezing hand. "But you can have absolute guns like these in basically no time too. All you gotta do is stay dedicated." "Well dedicating to something new ain't exactly my strong point." You tell her. "That's okay, that's how it is for lots of people who wanna try some thing new. Most people fail their New Year's resolutions for a reason, y'know." "Fair point." "But what you really need is the proper motivation." RD says to you. "Which is more or less a 'different strokes for different folks' sorta thing." "Well being able to not get beat up at school is a pretty motivating goal." You imagine how many people it must have worked out for. "Maybe for me as much as some nerd." "We just gotta figure out what's most motivating to you. If you're down for working out, that is." "Oh I am." You reply. "I just don't know for how long." This conversation continues on for some more time as you continue to let RD defeat you in racing match after racing match. Not long after the two of you had switched to playing Mario Kart together, you realized it has now been over three hours playing with RD in her cozy messy room. Time really flies sometimes, doesn't it? You have to let RD know that you had still been playing sick for today and only said you were going for a walk for fresh air, and having been gone this long would make your parents start to worry that something might have happened. She immediately understands, and the two of you stand up together to stretch after having sat there on the floor for so long. RD Falls back onto her bed, raising her arms and letting the bed sheets hiss up against her skin as she crosses those just noticeably muscular arms of hers behind her head. As she lets out a long sigh with her eyes closed, you look down at RD and get a clear, prolonged view at her now fully exposed tummy and bellybutton, more than you've ever gotten yet. You watch RD's smooth, soft yet toned tummy rise and fall with each of her breaths, getting strong urges to bury your face onto that soft skin right up against RD's sexy bellybutton. While wrapping your arms around her mostly bare midriff around to her exposed lower back that's up against her bedsheets. Then just stay like that for another hour with her... you wish you could. And now you finally registered the full-on erection in your pants you didn't know you already had... now twitching and heavily pushing up against the inside of your underwear now that you've gotten such a great view. If this is how much of an effect RD's exposed midriff does to you, you're afraid what would happen if you saw her all the way topless. By the time RD gets back up, you're already facing away and opening the bedroom door, but something inside makes you suspect that she might have seen the tent you're pitching for her while lying down and isn't gonna tell you about it. But you have no proof of this, maybe it's just guilt-fueled paranoia. "We racing downstairs?" RD already pushes past you after seen the haste in your step. You collide with the doorframe, feeling the near-future beginnings of a bruise get planted onto your right arm. Well that sure kinda sucked. RD is at the bottom of the stairs before you even make it down the first step. You do your best to make your erection point as downward as you can to minimize how much it sticks out as you rush down the stairs hoping RD doesn't notice. It wouldn't be unrealistic to assume that even if she didn't see it back in her room, it'd still be more likely that she saw it now. And if she did see it, she's definitely not reacting to it. "Sorry about that." She apologizes for that push back up at the entrance to her bedroom. "I got a little worked up. You okay?" You give her a cheesy thumbs-up, receiving yet another quiet sigh of relief from her. "I wasn't really racing you, but we should do that outside next time if we're gonna do that again." "Right, I gotcha. Sorry, though." RD looks at your arm to make sure you aren't bleeding or anything like that. "It's alright, I'll live." There's another pause. "Hey, you don't have my number yet, right?" RD asks you. Shake your head. "I don't have my phone with me." She heartily pulls hers out. "Alright, bro. Give it to me." You comply, still making sure to face away from her as if that dingy wallpaper of the front dining room between the stairs and the front door is suddenly so interesting to look at. Although, something else was interesting to look at instead, and there may or may not be a third thing that's interesting for RD to look at if you keep facing her while she adds you as a contact on her phone. You think about this all the way back home as you walk. ~ Your entire world feels different now. So much confusion and clashing thoughts battle it out in your mind over the next few days as you look out the window in the direction of RD's house in your neighborhood. She had sent you a test text to which you had replied, but that didn't feel the same as being in person with her. After being back in school the following day, you now take extra notice of how RD isn't there, but you have her number in case the two of you want to text while you're in class or something... if your teachers allowed it. Can't do it at lunch with your current friends all sitting right there in full eyesight, can't do it in gym class where your phone is locked away in your locker, which leaves only study hall, a class period perfectly quiet and boring to silence your phone's sound and text someone. Even then, there's nothing really that interesting that you and RD talk about. Upon the weekend finally arriving, your other friends in the neighborhood are finally available to hang out for the day, fixing to go to the mall or something since the neighborhood is not only "old news from when we were kids", but the place has been changing anyway, including having a new playground be built and a couple of old houses and stores from before being torn down to make way for new stuff. The fact that this has been happening over the last year or two has really gotten you feeling a little bummed out that places associated with your childhood memories are inevitably going away. Which in turn has made your appreciate your newfound "better late than never" friendship with RD even more, because she's the only other one your age left who was here during those times. And because of this, you decide to skip out on going to the mall on Saturday. Whether it's because you've finally started bonding with RD and feel like you've missed out on making memories with her, or because she's starting to get really hot and you're reluctantly becoming down bad for her, or both, you'd rather hang out with RD before your other friends in your contact list on your phone. It only makes sense, you and RD have history together, as well as chemistry. Hell, maybe you can add in gym together too in the near future, just have a whole figurative school-day together while you're at it. You wouldn't mind. After that day you spent playing video games together, things are different now. The two of you are texting back and forth regarding your plans for the weekend. [Aw fuck I'm gonna be at a party at Sunset's house for a party!] RD's text all the plans have to revolve around reads, after you ask her what she's doing tomorrow Saturday night. [I already promised I'd go] After a little bit more texting, you find out that Rarity and her prom date are also going to be there, and Rarity alone is going to stay overnight in a sleepover along with the other friends who are girls, but the direction of the party is in the same direction as the mall your other friends are going to on Saturday afternoon. Only a few minutes later, it becomes known that you've never been to that old-school ice cream shop where one of those stories about RD takes place. RD begins to beg you to join her there before she goes to the party at Sunset's house, swearing that you'll love it there and it'd be awesome if you went to one of the last old store places that are still up and running that were around during your childhood. And it happens to be in the direction of the mall and the party as well. And this gives you a sort of... bold idea. A bold idea that RD seems a little hesitant about it first as well, but you both decide it would be an overall helpful experience. ~ The friendly confrontation is short, but goes considerably well. "Oh hey! It's... Rainbow Dash?" One of your other current friends watches the girl approach the group standing outside of the ice cream shop. He turns to you as another friend gives you a look. "Guys, it's alright. She's cool now." You tell them, getting confused looks back at you. "What's up?" RD leans against the stucco-covered side of the building. Everyone immediately thinks of the story of the incident that happened here a long time ago, now knowing why you had suddenly brought it up with them and made them promise not to talk about it a couple of minutes ago. "Dude you didn't say she was gonna actually be here." A friend tells you. "It was a surprise." "I know at least couple of you, I think." RD starts off, before going on to correctly name two of your friends while blanking on the third one. "Well this was a little sudden." The first friend silently thanks you for the warning with his facial expression. "Well anyway, I actually haven't gone here before, and RD here wanted to show me what it's like." "How long have you two been friends?" He asks. "A bit. You know." You respond. "A while." RD joins in. Neither of you seem to have a straight or exact answer to give to that question. Your other friends shrug it off and don't pry about it, soon entering the ice cream shop with you and placing orders with you, paying for their respective orders immediately afterward. There certainly is one thing your one friend was right about: this absolutely was sudden. You made this decision to meet with them here on the way to the mall at the last minute. RD's lackluster reputation with the rest of the guys is in part your fault, for telling the stories when you had, since these guys had been the new kids at the time learning about which other kids to hang out with and which kids not to hang out with. And in light of that, you decided to have them meet RD really quickly on her way over to the party tonight. And perhaps see that she's not so bad after all, despite the previous things you had said. It was clear to you that RD was on board with this idea as soon as you had texted it to her. Everyone sits around one of the booth tables with their little ice cream sundaes or milkshakes or whatever on the surface before them, illuminated by the bright light above while slightly shivering in the red cushioned bench seats from the cool air in here. You laugh and joke together, taking it easy and keeping things loose, eventually seeing RD herself bring up the past incident from here on her own volition. You have a feeling she herself had consciously planned to bring it up, maybe to clear her name about how everything went down in this fabled, unspeakable ice cream shop incident. The way she tells it sure is different from what one of your now absent old friends had said it. Details aside, there's two sides to the story here, and RD's side of the story is a point of view you that had been kept from you all these years on account of you simply never talking to RD about the story focused on her. You still respect the old friend you no longer talk to anymore, but you see how he might have been biased about what he said about Rainbow Dash back in the day, even considering how you had seen her act in person. After all is said and done, your three other friends get up and get ready to head over to the mall. They ask you one last time if you want to come with them, but you and Rainbow Dash both tell them that you've been invited to a party tonight and can't stay long anyway. With that, they're off. And you and RD stay in the ice cream shop a little bit longer. What you said was partially true and partially a lie; RD was invited and you weren't. But you're still going to the party with her. As for Rarity's prom date, you'll just have to figure out how to steer clear of running into him, both you and RD, even though the only reason RD is going is because Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer made the two make amends then begged RD to come to the party because she's their friend and they want her to be there too. Maybe that's why you weren't invited too, if that's the case. Maybe the other girls just don't know or trust you well enough, or maybe they know about how often you've been caught leering at other girls at school (themselves included). Which would probably why that guy went from 0 to 60 after you asked out his prom date twice. Now that you think about it, more of this might be your fault than you previously acknowledged. ...Maybe. Going straight to beating someone up instead of at least verbally persecuting them is still extreme either way. As if simply seeing RD's bellybutton making you act unwise wasn't enough evidence alone, you kind of are a bit of a pervert, as lots of guys your age are. Adopting RD's lack of self-moderation probably didn't help with that. All things considered, you're just glad you were able to quickly help RD clear her name a little bit, you're sure she really wanted to do that after wanting to hang out with the boys for so long but never really got the point of being just friendly with them. It was nice for them to sit down with her and have some delicious ice cream together. But they still weren't hesitant to go back to what they had planned to do, while you yourself stay with Rd in the old ice cream shop a little longer because there's something she wanted to show you. "Bro, see that jukebox over there?" RD says to you, looking at the large device just out of arms reach of her. "Yeah." You reach over to it. "No, no, wait." She yanks you back next to her. You watch RD pull out a quarter, then get into some type of stance while facing the jukebox. You say nothing, waiting for her to show you what she's about to do, and momentarily watch her toss the coin like a skipping stone over at the coin slot, aiming to have the quarter slip directly into it. "Fuck!" RD curses that same old F-word after missing then walks over to pick up the coin spinning around on the shiny tile floor. "Hold on, hang on..." From the same distance, she tries again, misses, then tries again, and then finally gets the quarter to perfectly into the slot on the third try. "Holy shit." You gasp. "I know! I wanted to do it on the first try but... it's kinda been a while." Responds RD. "Took a long time to get good at it, though." "That's amazing." "Every time I wanted to play a song I liked and someone was here with me, I'd challenge them to do this, and whoever got the quarter into the slot first got to choose the song." RD tells you. "That's... wow. So you got good at it." "Yup. I used to do this all the time. Super fun." "I wish I was here to see that." You comment. "Same, bro." RD responds, softening her tone. "But uh, hey. You're here now, aren't you?" "You want me to try it out? I don't think I can get it in." "You don't have to do it too. I just wanna see you try it. See if you get close." This must have been something she's been curious about for a while. Throughout all those years of you largely ignoring her and not coming over to here with her. The only thing about here you had heard about involving RD was that story one of your old friends said, and he never mentioned the quarter thing to you despite obviously having been here to see it if he really was an in-person witness to the incident he told you about. As you hold the quarter in your hand, it finally dawns upon you: this is also a major part of the reason why RD wanted to come here! She probably figured you didn't know about this either, while still knowing about that story about her she swore was told with bias against her. And you... you're the only one left who was around at the time... It breaks your heart a little bit thinking about it this way, as it's probably identical to how RD sees it. You can sense it, in a way. The look of enthusiasm in her eyes before you even throw the quarter for the first time. She really wanted you here for once. And you KNOW she loved having impressed you. "It's alright, bro. You can stop now if you want." RD talks as though she was holding you hostage until you perfectly threw the coin into the slot. "That's so freaking cool how you're able to do that." You say. "How come I never heard of this?" "Good question." She replies. "Not dissing our old friends, but it looks like they kinda left that out. Pretty lame, huh?" "I gotta admit, that actually is pretty lame of them to not at least talk about that. After all the other stuff they said." You agree. "Even after..." You trail off, now remembering that you yourself lashed out at her once, and then went on to badmouth her even after the game console incident was resolved. "Hey..." RD places a hand on your shoulder. "It's okay. Everyone else may be gone, but at least we still got eachother, right?" "...Y-yeah." You give her a warm nod. "We should hang out here more often. Not on workout days though, if you're still down for that, that is." "Oh I am if you really want." You tell her. "I'd love to work out with you too. And also hang out here... if you're gonna teach me how to do that cool shit." Funny how "I'd love to work out with you" is one word different from "I'd love to go out with you", spoken while the two of you are in an ice cream shop together throwing quarters at an old-school jukebox. You and RD continue to share this newfound memory together, years-delayed from when it was supposed to happen ages ago while you simply weren't there to experience it with her. You laugh together, you groan together when you almost get the coin into the slot but just miss by a hair, you hi-five after you finally give up and watch RD eventually successfully do it again. After all these years, you two can finally catch up on what you've missed out on, now with none of the other guys around and it's just the two of you. As classic oldies songs play on the jukebox, the sky outside start to turn vibrant colors as the sun goes down. "Hey, aren't we gonna be late to the party at Sunset's place?" You ask. "Oh! You're right! C'mon, let's go. I totally forgot about that!" "Are we late?" "Yeah, a little, but not too late." Responds RD. "Better late than never, right?" ~ > Party Crashers Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You two're gonna see eachother at school anyway once she's back, might as well bury the hatchet now 'fore that happens." Applejack pries in an insisting tone. "Does it have to be at a party?" Her bruised classmate with a bandage over his nose questions barely a minute after noticing a head of colorful hair he didn't expect to see here. "If not here, then when and where? Ya weren't willing otherwise." "That's kind of the point." "Well it's a stupid point! Ya can't just never talk to her again." Applejack plants her hands onto her hips. "Well why the hell not?!" He responds to her, raising his voice a little. "We're about to graduate anyway! Why the hell would I ever want to see her again after what she did?" "It's not about whether ya want to or not!" The farm girl raises her voice even louder. "Applejack, please!" Sunset Shimmer intervenes then turns to him. "Look, I'm sorry we had to do it this way, but making our friend make amends with you is necessary because of the principles of it all!" "The principles? You mean YOUR principles!" The still wounded classmate feels trapped with his trust betrayed. "And what business is it of yours anyway? You told me she wouldn't be here!" "She's our friend!" "Yeah well look what YOUR friend did to MY face!" "And now we're making her apologize to your face!" Says Applejack. He turns to Rarity, who gives him an apologetic look before speaking to him. "I can promise you it wasn't my idea. They just told me at the last second too." "Well back me up in this, then!" He continues. "I don't wanna talk to Rainbow, why should I have to?" "She didn't wanna talk to you either, but we're makin' her apologize anyway." Responds Applejack. "Applejack, you were supposed to leave that part out!" Sunset grits her teeth, having wanted to make it out like RD wanted to apologize. "Aw consarnit!" Groans Applejack as her bandaged up classmate starts looking angrier and angrier. "All right, look. We're makin' her do this cause she's our friend and we care 'bout her. And we care 'bout you too. And we wanna make Rainbow realize her actions have consequences. She can't be goin' through life thinkin' she can get away with doin' stuff like what she did to you." "If she was ever gonna realize her actions have consequences, she would have done so years ago." The guy gripes. "She's always been so full of herself, why would that change now?" RD's circle of friends stare at him before he keeps going with his little monologue, with more and more fo the other partygoers beginning to take notice of all this. "Yeah yeah, I get it. That's your friend I'm talking about. But you know what? Put it on my tab." He points to his injuries. "I'm not doing this." "Darling, please!" Rarity gently grabs his arm as he starts to walk away before RD can spot him. "You're acting immature!" "How am I the immature one?" The high-schooler argument quickly devolves into who is actually being the immature one, with Rarity reminding her prom date that he indeed beat you up before and was about to do it again because you asked her out twice, which definitely counts as immature. To which he responds that means RD is just as immature as him if that's the case because she beat him up too instead of just stopping him. He says this part quieter and with shame in his tone, being embarrassed that he got beat up by a girl at school. But this talking point is just used as a way to point out that both he and RD have been immature at various points during this whole dispute and that's why they're making her apologize and begging him not to be stubborn. And to at least accept the apology so everyone can move on on the least bad terms possible. These girls really care a lot about making sure everyone sharing contentions eventually puts that water under the bridge in the end, like it's their job or specialty or something. Especially if one of their own friends were involved, whether at fault or not. They really don't like grudges, or whatever it is they're calling a "friendship problem". "Hey, uh..." RD moseys on over with a sheepish expression angled down at the floor below, having just arrived to the party a couple of minutes ago before being noticed. "I just wanted to say sorry for what happened." He watches her stand there with her hands apologetically locked behind her back, like her wrists are in imaginary handcuffs until she's finished saying what she's supposed to say. "I lost my cool back there." RD continues. "That was very stupid of me, how I reacted." Sunset and Applejack glance over to Rarity's prom date, who darts his eyes back and forth between their facial expression, knowing they're expecting him to apologize next for overreacting on his part. Which he probably would have done if they didn't try to force him to do it. "Fuck this, dude." He immediately makes a speedwalk for the front door, blinded by his own anger issues. "I'm going home." "Hey, at least I apologized!" Protests RD, speaking loud enough for everyone at the party to hear. "At least I tried." "If you leave everything like this, I'm not going to prom with you." Rarity takes a couple of steps towards him, now also speaking loud enough for everyone at the party to fall silent and stare at the free soap opera they get to watch outside of a TV screen. He turns around, surprised. "You what?" "I can only tolerate so much stubbornness, dear." Rarity crosses her arms. "Rainbow came through and said her part. It's only fair that you say yours." "You're seriously gonna do this to me?" "I'm sorry, but if that's what it takes." Rarity firmly stands her ground. Everyone watching starts silently making that "ooh" face at one another, one classmate even turning the music down to be able to hear the juicy drama better. "Alright, you know what? Fine, it's off. I don't need this shit." The now ex-prom date to Rarity says to her then turns to her friends. "Fuck all of y'all. Especially you, Rainbow." "Hey fuck you too, asshole!" RD finally decides to just verbally lash out at him, no longer able to keep it all in. "Rainbow!" Sunset and Applejack gasp at her in unison. "You were always a fuckin' douchebag anyway!" RD continues, fully solidifying this into a sailor-mouthed name-calling contest. "And you were always a cunt!" He sneeringly responds on his way out the door. "Hey!" Sunset now angrily steps towards the guy in defense of her friend, while still helping Applejack hold RD back in case this escalates further (again). "You heard me!" He snaps back. "Yeah yeah, whatever. You're a little fucking bitch." RD mocks him, not even affected by the insult. "At least I apologized, you fucking pussy!" He slams the front door closed from the outside in response. Half of everyone else at the party erupts into roaring laughter while the other half watches in uncomfortable silence but enjoying the drama at the same time. At least one of them had to have filmed more than 45 seconds of the exchange by now. RD races over to the front room window and slides it open. "Fuck you, asshole!" She shouts out to the driveway as Applejack makes sure to keep the front door closed and locked so they stay separated, leaning against it. "No, fuck YOU!" He responds, pointing his finger. "Fuck you harder!" RD is really just starting to enjoy this now. And so, the exchange has devolved into the phase of endless "fuck you"s being flung back and forth until the two are too far away to hear them anymore. "Okay fine, whatever. Whatever." Sunset Shimmer pulls RD away from the window with Applejack's help. "He's an asshole, forget it." "Ah shoulda known you were gonna make a scene." Comments Applejack. "What were we even thinking?" "Hey, I tried, alright?" RD shrugs and raises her outstretched palms up in front of herself. "He's the one who decided to be a shithead first." "I'm so sorry, everyone!" Sunset apologizes to the rest of the party. "He's gone now, he won't be causing any more problems." Everyone breaks out into a round of applause, but it's clear it's mostly for RD and her spunky character. Sunset simply shrugs it off with a "whatever" and begins to quietly scold RD for still encouraging him as soon as they're in private together. And meanwhile, you haven't even arrived yet. ~ You were told by RD to stay behind a little ways for several minutes, so it isn't obvious you two are arriving at the party together. The plan is to get to an impromptu rendezvous around to the side of the house where one of RD's more free-spirited and open minded friends will discreetly let you into the backyard despite you not being invited to the party. Having waited a block or two away for a long enough time, you finally decide to continue on to Sunset's house, which isn't hard to find since there's a bunch of cars in front of it driven by a few of your classmates. Onward you walk in the direction of the house, having a hunch that the distant unintelligible shouting you hear echoing off of the sides of the other houses is also coming from the party. You watch the sky get darker and darker as the evening sets in while soon rounding a corner on the sidewalk. And it's actually dark enough for you to almost bump into whoever's now standing in front of you. You start to apologize, but then feel a lump in your throat when you realize who it is, noticing that bandage on his nose. It didn't take very long to connect the dots and put two and two together, and the next thing you say just might very well determine whether you're about to end up with a bandage on your own nose by the time this encounter is over... or worse. "I uh..." You start off, simply waiting for him to inevitably recognize you before you have to time turn around and speedwalk away from him, maybe run if you have to. It may not be too too bright out here, but you can still make out the clearly upset expression on his face, even through how badly RD had messed him up however many days ago that was. "Hey look, I'm sorry. Alright?" You raise your open palms up towards him as though he's about to pop you with a rifle. "I swear I had nothing to do with RD doing that, I didn't want her to do that any more than you did." He stares for a second or two, probably considering his options as far as you're concerned. You continue. "If I knew what was about to happen, I'd have tried to stop her beforehand. I swear on my mum's life I'm telling you the truth." He almost looks around, then takes a deep breath. "Look." You tell him, slowly backing away while facing him with your open hands still raised. "If you don't want me at the party, I'll just turn around and walk home now. I'll just say I couldn't come. You won't see me anywhere near there. I don't want any trouble, man." Every ounce of your well-being is praying that this will be enough to deter him. "Nah, it's cool." He finally responds; it's not hard to tell his perturbed voice is passing through gritted teeth. "You can even have Rarity now if you want. She and I just ended." "I... wait, what?" "Yeah, uh, she's not going to prom with me anymore. Some shit happened, we kinda had a fight and aren't gonna do it anymore now." "A-alright, well..." "Go ahead and ask her out again if you want, I don't give a fuck anymore, dude." He eyeballs you up and down. "She's gonna say no anyway, though." He shifts his tone to make that more more obviously an insult to you. "Well I wasn't even about to ask her, but okay then." You're actually telling him the truth. "Alright well, whatever, man. Go have fun, I don't care." He proceeds to walk right around you then continue down the sidewalk in the direction he was going before muttering under his breath. "So done with those crazy bitches..." And just like that, he was gone. Welp, that was unexpected. Guess you'll just show up to the party and have yourself a good time without worrying about that anymore. But now you can't stop worrying about what the other that was all about, having it buzz around in your head as you walk over to then up the driveway as muffled rock music blasts from inside. RD said to go to the side of the house where the garage is. The rocks crunch under your feet as you approach the side gate from the far side of the driveway, alerting whoever's on the other side of the gate that you're finally here. "Ooh! That must be him!" A cheerful and bubbly voice sounds from the other side of the dark splintery wood. "Heya, you here with your friend?" "Yeah." You answer the girl on the other side of the closed gate. "Which one?" "Rainbow Dash. She said to meet you here and you'll let me in." You confirm yourself to be legit. "Okie dokie loki!" The lock on the gate loudly clicks, followed by a low sustained creak as the gate itself gradually swings open on its hinges as you walk through. "So you're... Pinkie Pie, right?" You remember this girl from school, noting to yourself how hard she is to miss due to how much attention she draws with her energy. "Yup! I'm so glad to finally meet you! You just missed a huuuuuuge fight that just happened. It was really intense, and Rainbow Dash was actually part of it!" "She didn't... beat anyone up again, did she?" "Didn't sound like it. But I was waiting back here the whole time, so I wouldn't know." Pinkie responds. "Heh, sorry to keep you away from all the fun for so long. I promise I won't be late next time." You finally make it to a spot on the patio under the illumination of a backyard light with the girl. She looks just like how you remember her, bright pink poofy hair with wide open blue eyes and an even wider smile greeting you. "Come on!" She hops up and down in excitement she's known for not being able to contain, showing you the way to the sliding glass doors leading inside the house. You noticed Pinkie Pie's chest noticeably bounce inside of her clothes, bringing your attention to how large and soft that chest is. Damn, you forgot how busty this girl is. All those sweets and stuff really must be getting put into all the right places. Pinkie didn't even need to wear a revealing top to appear as lewd to you, as her own properties are insistent on making their presence known through all those clothes regardless. She's too distracted by her own happiness to notice you glancing down at her as you get ready to enter the back of what's probably the living room or something. Now you have to take your attention away from how soft and curvy Pinkie Pie is. Need to switch off that built-in part of your brain that you didn't bother moderating as you started reaching the age of sexual awakening a few years ago. As you enter, the muffled music becomes un-muffled, and the cooler evening air is replaced by stuffier interior air filled with chatter and the smell of beverages and food. Only a couple of other classmates glance over at you, but don't think anything of it regarding you being here, as they weren't the ones who sent out the invitations. Almost immediately, you spot Rainbow Dash. Her vibrant multi-colored hair is way too hard to miss. And right after this [almost immediately] moment, you remember that she had said to you that it wasn't certain whether Sunset would be cool with you being here, especially after what happened between you and her friend's prom date. Though, you are also aware that he has left the party as well, so maybe you'll be let off the hook as soon as she inevitably catches you at her party she technically didn't invite you to. Maybe the invitations were more of a casual thing, but the obviously less casual thing will be the "no boys allowed" rule as soon as the sleepover half of this party begins, for reasons not to hard to guess. With this, you aloofly wave over to RD, pretending to be rather surprised to see her here as to not raise suspicion. This might not even be necessary, but you're doing it anyway because you wanna hang out for at least a little while. But nothing much happens at first. Remember that busty girl Fluttershy you've found yourself thinking about a couple of times? There she is, standing in the corner, probably having avoided whatever it was that just happened here. "Hey, dude." RD finally comes up to you, before Applejack can come over and say something. "Glad you could make it." > Party Crashers Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The way you're standing here must have caught Rarity's attention, because she glances over at you even more often than Applejack does. Maybe it's her expecting you to ask her out to prom again now that whatshisname is out of the picture, leaving you with a chance to take she doesn't know you likely no longer care about. "Hey uh, I'm sorry about everything with... you know." RD apologizes as though this is the first time you two have talked about it. "I just knew he was about to do something. I could feel it, you know?" "Kinda funny how ya just now showed up." Comments Applejack, leaning against the wall, giving you a look that makes up for the higher number of times Rarity glanced over at you. "Pretty convenient, I'd say." "Sorry if I'm late." You apologize. "Hope I didn't miss anything." "Oh no no, ah don't think you missed anythin' at all." Applejack does nothing to hide the sarcasm in her voice as she looks over at the front door she wishes she had been paying attention to know if anyone entered or exited through there in the past five minutes. You try to look confused, and maybe play it off like Pinkie didn't just say to you what she said to you. This task is impossible, as Pinkie Pie is right here next to you now. And boy does she have a lot to say about what you missed right before you got here. "That guy who beat you up and Rainbow Dash just had a huuuuge argument!" The pink girl waves her hands in the air. "They said so many swear words at eachother, I thought it was a pottymouth competition!" "It kinda was after a minute." RD admits quietly. "Can we please not talk about that?" Rarity finally walks over. "So tell me, how'd ya find out about this party?" Asks Applejack with her arms crossed. "Word of mouth?" "I told him." RD steps in for you. "I just said we'd be partying here." "Did ya invite him?" Applejack quizzes RD. "...Not formally..." RD responds. "I mean, I didn't say he could come, but I didn't say he couldn't either." She shrugs. "I didn't really think about it that way." "Aww, come on AJ! There's nothing wrong with a few extra folks having fun with us for a little bit!" Pinkie Pie finally jumps in and vouches for you two. "He's already here, isn't he? And he's not hurting anyone, right Dashie?" "Doesn't look like it." RD gives AJ a lidded glance. Applejack knows she can't prove either way that her suspicion you waited until the "storm" died down to suddenly show up is true or false. And it's not like you would have been able to predict that Rarity would be free for another prom proposal, as that wasn't even on the table about 20 or so minutes ago. She and Sunset exchange glances from across opposite sides of the half-wall dividing the kitchen from the living room. Sunset can plainly see what's going on, and that you're here, and only gives Applejack a shrug then goes back to what she was doing. With a sigh, Applejack leaves it alone and moves along. "Ooh, you wanna play darts with me?" Pinkie Pie grabs your wrist and tries to pull you along with her. "Applejack got bored playing with me since she keeps beating me at it." "Ah was gonna ask to play with Dash next, but you go ahead." Applejack makes her way towards the kitchen to get herself something to drink, with Rarity following her. "Applejack, dear, I'm sure it's just a coincidence he arrived right after Racket left." Rarity tries to end the topic so it gives way to something that's not this. "Let's enjoy ourselves now, shall we?" "Whatever, it's alright." Responds Applejack. Looks like the whole invitation system that must have happened really was only informal, and the only part of the party that'll get more strict is the part where the girls sleep over overnight. Maybe sneaking in through the back wasn't even necessary, though you're sure Applejack would have told you to take a hike if she was there at the front door with you right outside. With a casual snicker, RD watches Pinkie pull you along with herself towards the side of the room where the dartboard hangs on the wall. The amount of punctures in the wall all around it spells out Pinkie Pie's name more than anyone else's name; those two darts sprouting from the bullseye spell out Applejack's name. When it comes to darts in particular, you're not exactly a pro at it. In fact, you could say you're not very good at it at all. But you're still doing it better than Pinkie Pie, who seems to have a curse set upon herself that makes the darts weave around an invisible forcefield protecting not only the bullseye but most of the entire rest of the dartboard from her throws. Whatever, Pinkie's not even getting mad about this like you know RD would have. The more Pinkie Pie tries to innovate how she throws the dart from her hand, the more off-balance her stance becomes. And the more she stumbled around having tried to find a "better way" to throw the dart that would make it hit the board. And all of a whole lot of something underneath her clothes moves around for you to notice. Pinkie's not even wearing anything that revealing from what you can tell from this angle, but her soft busty nature underneath that clingy top and those tight pants continue to prove how well-endowed the girl is. Pinkie Pie is living proof that young upper-C-cup breasts are hard to ignore. You let her have extra turns throwing just to watch her make those goods jiggle underneath her top some more. You're sure that Pinkie Pie's bra is used to having to hold all of that in place as she moves around. That thing must be on pretty tightly, and it still doesn't stop Pinkie's enticing chest from wobbling around as she leans forward trying to keep herself from falling face first onto the floor after surrendering her balance to the possibility of a bullseye on the dart board. Someone's going to have to fix that wall up, and it's probably going to be Sunset Shimmer, since this is her house. You feel for her in the future moment she'll have to fill up all those punctures in the wall. But your mind doesn't stay on that for long after more distractions by Pinkie's very... alluring nature... diverts your focus. "Alright, alright, hold on." Applejack comes marching in with Sunset right behind her after about ten more minutes of this. "Nonononoo! Gimme one more chance! I can do it!" Pleads Pinkie as Applejack snatches a dart from her hand. "Yer throwing the dang thing all wrong!" Applejack tells Pinkie. "Pinkie, please. These holes are gonna be hell to spackle up tomorrow." Groans Sunset, looking over at the damage done to her wall with dread. "O-oh..." Pinkie grows quieter. "I'm so sorry, Sunset! I didn't realize." "It's alright. But please, just let Applejack teach you." "Ya gotta keep yer hand level with the floor." Continues Applejack as you stand there. You've gotten a sort of unofficial cue to kinda walk away and do something else for now as the dart throwing contest goes back to Applejack vs. Pinkie again. You notice Rarity standing over at the other side of the room, talking with a couple of the other guests. She does glance over at you a couple of times, probably out of nervousness that you might ask her out a third time, though you can somehow tell she's still not talking about you with the others. You're not sure if it's because you're standing right there in the same room as her, or she simply has enough respect for you to not gossip about you, or maybe both where she respectfully won't talk about you when you're in the room with her. Your money's on both. But there's a problem that remains: You have nothing to do here at this house party you technically weren't even invited to. As you stand around, you realize that there's nothing else to do other than pretty much just check out the girls here. Which is bad, because that just makes you out to be a creep if they catch you. Which isn't even far-fetched for them to assume since you're so inclined to do this in the first place, but that's only because most guys your age are like this anyway. It's just hard not to, or at least that what you assume. You can still see Pinkie's butt wrapped up in those tight pants from across the room, and can't help but notice Sunset's got kind of the same thing going on with her leggings. Naughty thoughts begin sneaking their way into your mind, and you have to venture over to the kitchen where RD is now looking for something to drink. "Hey bro." RD soon turns to you with a cup of Gatorade in her hand. "Wanna watch me totally smoke AJ at darts?" "You've been watching her, right?" "Yeah, she's pretty good. I don't think her technique can match mine though." You remember the whole thing with the quarter in the slot compartment of the jukebox. "Yeah, you'd definitely be a challenge for her at least." "Aw come on, don't say it like that." "What do you mean?" "It's about her being a challenge for me! Not the other way around." RD specifies. "What's the difference, though?" "I dunno, it sounds better that way." Shrugs RD. "Makes it sound like I'm the raining champ and she has to take my place. Which she won't." "Ah can hear ya, y'know." Applejack calls over from in front of the dart board. "Ya gonna stand there n' keep talkin' or are ya gonna come over here and prove what ya say?" "Thought you'd never ask." RD grins in fiery confidence before chugging the rest of her gatorade down and strutting over to the other girls. Rarity rolls her eyes at the two. Sunset smiles warmly and shakes her head a little. It didn't take long for them to start lawyering which darts they want to use, sending static back and forth between their mutual competitive glares. And once that phase ended, the actual dart throwing was quick to begin. And Applejack's eyes shot open wide as soon as she saw RD hit a perfect bullseye on the first throw... then the second throw... then her third and final throw on round one. Those wide eyes then met RD's smug grin, flaring up with thundering determination as she held the darts in her hand. Pinkie Pie hops up and down, rapidly clapping to RD's immediately jaw dropping performance that turned the heads of many of the party-goers. You try not to watch Pinkie's tits bounce up and down along with her movements, but those things just look so soft and heavy and... hold-able... And you have to look away and wait for the intrusive thoughts to leave. Facing away completely to hopefully keep the temptation unable to screw you over even if it overrides your restraint. At this time of year, the weather has been getting hotter and hotter. Which means that the girls at school start wearing more and more revealing tops and stuff that show more skin. A guy your age couldn't help but notice and think about this in this way no matter what. You kind of feel guilty thinking about these girls as "something nice to look at when it gets warmer", as your hormones and your respect for them collide and battle it out within your mind. Oh they'd be lining up for you alright... lining up to slap you if they knew everything you were thinking every time one of them walked by. You're certain they are aware that lots of boys think these kinds of things about them, and they just kind of roll with it and never talk about it until they're alone with only other girls. Which only makes that guilt feel worse due to the sensation of exclusion. It's not your fault you're thinking these things; you didn't choose your own nature. It wasn't your decision to have your brain hard-wired to be this way after several millions of years of human evolution... proven through which ones were more likely to breed and produce offspring. The best you can try to do is turn your back to what's triggering those millions of years of human evolution, to take your mind off of Pinkie's Pies. In this season during which the girls wear less and less in response to the weather getting warmer. Your plan is simply to survive the rest of the party, then go home and jerk off to the thought of what you saw like you usually do. But now sitting on the couch before you is Fluttershy. The really busty girl with an amazing pair of luscious D-cup breasts packed into that thin white tank top she has on due to the warmer weather. And that thing is not designed to hide the cleavage of a young lady as busty as Fluttershy, who wouldn't be able to stop that chest of hers from tightly stuffing even a thick sweater. Fluttershy briefly glances at you with her nervous puppydog eyes, possibly not even realizing how enticingly her upper arms are pushing her big soft chest together and deepening her soft cleavage right in front of you. If she's been living with that chest for a while, there's no way she wouldn't be aware, but doesn't seem like she is for some reason. She anxiously keeps her eyes glued to the dart throwing contest between her two friends, mushing her big voluptuous tits together between her shivering arms until they look like they're about to spill out of that little white tank top. You gotta get your eyes off of Fluttershy now! Batting away at those thoughts about burying your face in Fluttershy's lovely, soft, busty chest forever, you hobble over to the other side of the room, even further away from where RD and AJ are duking it out at the dart board. Soon standing next to Rarity. "WHAT ARE YA GONNA DO, APPLEJACK?! HHAAAHH HAAA!" Wails Pinkie Pie in a shrill, mocking voice as the farm girl stands hunched over with fists balled up on either side of her thighs and a bright red blush of rage painted across her face. You can almost see a couple of plumes of smoke coming out of Applejack's ears. It has been at least three rounds by now, and RD has gotten 8 bullseyes out of 9 throws, while AJ has gotten 7 bullseyes out of 12 throws (RD let her have two turns in a row to give her a false sense of opportunity). RD, now proceeding to have her turn, throws three more perfect bullseyes, raising her score to 11 bullseyes. "What was that about me being all talk again?" RD smirks over at AJ, wording what the other girl had actually said a bit differently. The two of them continue to compete, with RD only widening her lead over AJ as you stand next to a very politely nervous Rarity. "So are they always like this?" You ask Rarity, already feeling comfortable around her since you don't actually have any plans to ask her out again. "You don't know the half of it, dear." She responds. "I hate to say it, but they always embarrass me more than they ever did eachother." You force a laugh, which Rarity imitates a little bit. "You're not going to..." Rarity starts off again. "...ask me something again, are you?" You scoff in a friendly manner. "Oh, don't worry about that. I already know you don't wanna. Hope I'm not making you uncomfortable or anything." "Oh, alright. That's good." Rarity sounds just as relieved you are that this is no longer an elephant in the room for the two of you. "I didn't even know you'd be here. I'm here because of RD, if you heard that part." "Oh I heard, don't worry." Rarity stands quaintly in place while watching the action as your finish attempting to drain the thoughts about Fluttershy from your head. "It's quite alright." Rarity occasionally glances down as you stand next to her, which immediately makes something dawn upon you you wished would never happen to you at such an inconvenient time. You don't even need to look down to feel the raging erection in the front of your pants that would obviously be noticeable. You don't even want to see whatever look Rarity must be giving you as you momentarily gorilla-walk away from her, knowing exactly what you going out of your way to stand next to her while sustaining a hard-on implies after your history with her. You immediately blame Fluttershy's... properties... for making your body react to your intrusive thoughts in this way. There's not much more that can be said beyond that. You barely even feel awkward about this, since you're kind of brain-melted from being aroused. But you still don't want to make Rarity feel uncomfortable. Might be a little late for that. Rarity very politely doesn't say anything about it out loud, but she soon walks over to Sunset and whispers something into her ear. And now you know she's talking about you. You barely even got a chance to do much at this party, and you've already shown yourself to be too horny to stay. God damn it, why the hell do you have to be so horny? Your stupid naturally hard-wired brain is such a curse. You don't know exactly what it was Rarity whispered to Sunset, but you already know it was something you're afraid to hear directly and almost certainly has a lot to do with your little circus tent you're trying your hardest not to pitch and make a fool of yourself. Rarity's clingy top over her hourglass body you've semi-intentionally become familiar with teases you. That off-white blue over what you know is her silky light grey skin underneath has gotten you prone to acting unwise. You don't know what else to do except wait for your erection to go away. It refuses to go down. Why do RD's friends have to be so hot?! "Calm down, Applejack." Sunset anxiously rubs AJ's shoulders from behind. "It's just a game, remember?" Applejack pulls away then swiftly unbuttons the front of her top, revealing her own thin, clingy white tank top underneath. You can't tell if Applejack has a bra on or not, but her nipples have got to be pointy to at least some degree to be slightly poking out in those subtly conical shapes. The shine on AJ's skin shows that she's been working up more of a sweat than RD, and the ripples on her own arms sharpen that shine a little bit. "OH MY GAAAAWD!" Pinkie rolls her eyes up to the ceiling then pulls Fluttershy closer to her after sitting on the couch with her. "Someone hold me, I can't take it!" There's a brief moment where her huge soft tits mash up against Fluttershy's huge soft tits, making you imagine all sorts of things before Pinkie stands up in all her excitement, hugging you next while hollering she can't take the tension anymore. Feeling Pinkie's chest now up against you, feeling it be exactly how you imagined it would be, those two huge mounds of soft flesh pushing against your arm like big warm water balloons underneath a layer or two of fabric... it's making you so stupid... You're trying to cover up your raging erection that shows through your pants as RD continues to soundly defeat a desperately huffing and puffing AJ at the game of darts. Sunset definitely saw it by now, starting over to you across the room from the entrance to the kitchen of her house, with an almost apologetic look on her face you can read the words behind already. You decide you'll just leave now and save her the quarrel. Whatever her intentions to tell you are, you might as well just save her and her friends the trouble. As you make your way to the front of the house, almost running away from Sunset, RD notices you leaving and quickly follows you. "Bro, where you going? I'm totally smoking her!!" "I gotta go." You tell her. "Whaaaat?! Why?!" Sunset looks like she's about to tell RD something but decides to just let the problem resolve itself as you go out the door. She doesn't want any more awkward confrontations tonight. "Well... lemme come with you!" "Oh no, you don't!" Huffs Applejack. "You and I ain't done yet!!" RD looks back at her friend, then back at you, reading the way your standing and possibly figuring out the truth. But you have no way to know for sure. "I'll wait up for you, okay? I'll explain later." You plan to think of a lie... maybe. "But I'm staying overnight! Remember?" RD says to you. "It's okay, you can come right back." Sunset says to her friend. "He just has somewhere he needs to be." RD lets out an agitated grunt and rolls her eyes. "Ugh! Fine. But you better have a good reason you suddenly ducked out on me!" "It's not like that, I promise." You just know she's gonna follow you out into the night after seeing that look in her eyes. RD was originally going to come here without you, but now she sounds like doesn't want to stay here after you're gone.