> The Story Behind Evil > by Winona > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stand at the edge of the territory of the Changlings. I look out to the land called Equestria. We failed. What's worse, my mother was there. Now I know what she meant by both of us getting hurt. I didn't know she would be at the wedding, I didn't know she was an element of harmony. But what could I do? I had been waiting for years for this. I did know she lived in Equestria, but I didn't know we would be so unfortunate as to meet again on the moment I had planned to take over Equestria. It was Celestia's fault, she killed my first mother. But, when I saw her face, saying to me, "Chrissy, don't hurt us... don't you remember me?" My heart stopped. I knew then that I was wrong to try and take over. But, it was too late... I took over... and I was happy until Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shinning Armor ruined it. Wasn't I? A chill runs down my spine as I again regret that day. I close the curtans to my balcony, leaving myself alone in the darkness. My mothers hates me, now. A changling interupts my thoughts by knocking on my door. "Your highness?" a shy voice called. A voice that resembled my mother's. I let out a sigh. "Come in." A changling guard opens the door and enters, fear clear in his eyes. He bowed slowly, shaking just a bit. I am the queen after all, and I would've been angry that we lost if not for my mother, so I undertood that he would be fearful. "Y-Y-Your highness..." the changling bowed. I would've smiled at the respect that I deserve, but my thoughts never left mother. "What is it?" I ask, sadness obvious in my voice. "W-W-Well... we lost the battle with Canterlot... a-and some of us are w-wondering... w-what do we do n-now?" The changling stuttered. The stutter so much like my mother's. Why can't I just forget about her for one second!?!? I hit my head on the wall, making the changling jump. I couldn't help but let out another sigh. "I suppose we rest for a while, find new food in the morning. You may go." "Y-Yes, your highness..." The changling lifted his wings to fly away... but he stopped. "Uh... y-your majesty?" "Yes?" I did not react, as if I were a robot. Normally I got angry when they lost a battle, and got even more angry when changlings came uninvited, and even MORE angry when they stayed longer than I asked. The changling whipsered to himself "...shouldn't I be headless right about now?" I still heard, but I paid no attention. "Well... uh... y-your highness... I-I don't m-mean to be r-r-ude, but... you're usually... a b-bit angry... w-when we loose." The changling curled himself into a ball, prepared to be punished for speaking freely to me. Am I so mean that my subjects are amazed when I speak freely to them? "I am... but this time when we lost... it was different." I did not make eye contact with the changling. I just stared at the far away Castle, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw what he was doing. The changling got up, and stared at the me. His eyes showed how surprised he was. "D-Do you... w-want to talk about it?" The only other person who had spoken to me like that... was Fluttershy. There was something wrong with me today, something was wrong. The changling must have understood that. A smile actually started to from on my face. "Thank you, soldier. I will surely call for you when I am ready." The soldier's eyes widened. "T-Thank you, y-your majesty!" He bowed low again. Chrysalis turned to face the changling. "What is your name? So I may call you when I am ready to talk?" "My name?" I nodded. He thought about it for a second. "#376, I guess." "No, that is just your number. I asked for your name." I looked the changling in the eyes. "Do you not have a name? Have I been so careless of my subjects that I have not let them have names?" "W-Well... I wouldn't say you were careless... j-just busy. B-But to answer your question... n-no, I d-don't h-have a name." the changling let his head fall, and he stared at the floor. "Well, then it is time you were all given names!" I stared at the changling. "Hmm... you shall be called..." I thought for a moment. This pony was kind, caring, and shy. Very much like a changling version of mother. "You shall be named Shadow-shy, but it makes you sound like your afraid of everything, so you will be called Shadow!" I smiled. The changling's smile was even wider than mine. "My own name! Oh, thank you your highness!" "Of course, dear subject. I will call for you when I am ready to talk." "Yes, your highness..." The changling's wings buzzed as he slowly flew away, closing the door behind him. He certainly came out more confident then he had come in. Mother was shy like the changling had been. I go onto the balcony of my room in my castle, and stare at the Canterlot Castle in the distance. She hates me. Mother hates me. I shake my head and turn away from the castle. Why do I even care? She's not my REAL mother. I think of all the times we had together... the memories that haunt me... that I can't seem to forget no matter how hard I try. I wonder how much it hurt mother, (if it even hurt her at all) to watch me try to destroy her home. Did I even matter as much to her as she did to me? She probably doesn't even think I cared about her, anymore. I look back to the town of Ponyville. I can barely see it, but I don't need to... I remember it well enough. I remember meeting her friends, whom I now know as the Elements of Harmony. I remember their siblings. What did they call themselves again? Oh, yes. The Cutie Mark Crusaders. The other friends I had made. I was even introduced to Celestia and Luna once, I recalled. I cowered behind the Princess who destroyed my mother. She didn't recognize me, though... thanks to my changling abilities. Why can't they love Crystal Charm as much as Chrsalis? Why do they all hate me... When Luna heard, she understood. I mean, she was Nightmare Moon. An even greater threat to Equestria than me and Discord, since Celestia and her were so close. No pony trusted her when she first returned, but they eventually welcomed her because she was a Princess, and she was good now. They'll never trust me. The changlings have always been enemies to Equestria, they'll never accept us as friends. I sometimes wish they could just meet us, and find out that we aren't so bad, the same way mother did. But no, we can never really be loved for who we really are. I just got lucky for a short amount of time. After the attack, my filly self was never trusted by Fluttershy. Oh, why... why did I have to be a changling. Why couldn't I have been born as Crystal Charm, average Ponyville pegasus. And why Queen of the Changlings? It has it's ups... but it seems to have mostly downs. It is my job to find food for my subjects... and I don't know what to do anymore. We've tried Canterlot (huge fail), Fillydelphia, Baltimare, and don't even get me started on Manehatten. We've pretty much covered the whole world! We usually get food for a while, then a week to 3 months later, we're kicked out. Life was much simpler as Crystal Charm in the care of Fluttershy. My eyes water as I try to find a certan cottage in what I can see of Ponyville. After nearly 10 minutes of looking, I give up. But, I look out to the distance, and as if she could hear me, I whisper just like the filly I once was. "I'm sorry..." I hang my head as tears flow out of my eyes faster and faster. I'd give anything to go back to yesterday, and change my plan to take over Canterlot. "...mommy." > Chapter 1: Mother > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Last chance, Changling!" The guard's voice echoed throughout the queen's bedchamber. The queen's eyes flashed from the guards, to her bed, then back before they noticed. "Never!" "Where is the young queen?!" He shouted louder. The sound of it rang in Chrysalis' ears. A shiver ran down Chrysalis' spine. She couldn't scream, then they'd find her for sure. She covered her mouth with her hooves, but it didn't matter anyway. The holes in her hooves would allow the sound to escape. I can't scream. She thought to herself. Don't scream, don't scream, don't scream... She couldn't do anything. Her mother was doing all this for her, and there was nothing she could do to help. There were only things she could NOT do. She could not speak, not even the slightest whimper. She could not move. She could barely breathe, because her heart was pumping faster and faster, and she was nearly panting. Her heart was so loud she was sure that it could be used to track her location. She tried to slow it down, but she couldn't. Her mother was right there in front of the guards and she could see their huge spears from there. That's all she could see, though. Their hooves, and long, sharp, spears... pointed right at her mom. Mommy... "I will never tell, and I will NEVER come with you!" the queen shouted back. "So be it!" The guard charged at the changling, his spear pointed directly at the queen's heart. Chrysalis felt a pain in her stomach as she heard the spear hit her mother. A small gasp came out of her as she saw her mother go limp and hit the ground. She can't be dead... she can't be dead... She closed her eyes tight and began to shake. She opened one eye to look at the body in front of her. It didn't move. It didn't even breathe. Oh, mother's hurt! She's hurt really bad! she thought. A mess of questions and worries ran through her mind. Will mother live? What's gonna happen to me? Will they find me? Who did this to her? Why did mother have to get hurt? She saw the guard take his spear from her mother's body. She stared at him. On his armor, was the mark that resembled the sun. Chrysalis' mouth hit the floor. Literally. She remembered that mark. It was the mark of Equestria! The mark of the sun Princess! The mark of... "Celestia..." she whispered. She glared at the guard. Celestia killed my mother!?!? How could she? How DARE she! Oh, Celestia will pay for this... the filly thought. Chrysalis was burning with anger as she watched the guard leave. He didn't show even the slightest bit of shame. In fact, he almost looked proud. How dare he be proud to take somepony's life!!! Chrysalis mentally screamed. As the guard closed the door to the room, Chrysalis left her hiding space under the queen's bed. She stared at the door, as if it was the one who killed her mother. A small growl escaped her. They will pay... Her mind suddenly left her hate as she heard her mother groan. Her eyes widened. Mother's alive!!! She ran back to her mother's body. She cringed at the sight of her mother's large wound. "Chrysalis..." Her mother whispered. "Mommy?" The filly changling stared into her mother's eyes. She held a hoof on top of her mother's wound. "It's gonna be okay, mommy.... they left." She felt blood on her hooves, but she didn't dare look at them, or her mother's large wound, again. With every second, her mother was slowly losing her life. "Chrissy... they're gonna... come back for you... you have to... leave me... you... have to run... they're gonna... get you, too..." said the changling queen between large gasps for air. "What? No! I can't leave you! You're hurt, and you're hurt really bad!" Chrysalis whinned. Tears fell from her eyes, leaving wet streaks across her cheeks. She barely noticed, though. Focusing only on her dying mother. "Chrissy.... run... as fast.... as you can... through the Everfree.... it's the only way...." "NO! I won't leave you, mommy!" Chrysalis knew she was crying now. "It's gonna be okay.... you have to trust me... you... have... to... run..." "Mommy..." She closed her eyes tight, trying to keep more tears from falling out. "Chrissy... I love you." She then whispered into the little changling's ear. "And remember... you are my daughter. You can do anything you set your mind to. Anything, Chrissy..." the queen smiled, but then let her head fall back, and she again lay down, not moving, not breathing... Chrysalis found new strength at those words. A warm feeling came over her. Much like the shiver she had felt moments ago, but in a good way. Instead of the cold, dark feeling of death, she felt the warmth of life. The warmth of love. A smile formed across her face. "Okay mommy, I'll go..." Chrysalis opened her eyes, to find her mother's just staring into space. "M-Mommy?" Chrysalis nudged the her mother. "Mommy, wake up!" She looked again into her mother's eyes. A moment ago, they were full of beauty. Full of hope. Full of... Life. Chrysalis' eyes widened. They now looked nothing like they had a moment ago. Now, all she could see was... Lifeless. "No! NO! NO!" Tears fell faster, and faster from her eyes. "Y-You can't be gone, mommy... I... I need you." She nudged the lifeless body again. "Please don't go..." She coudn't accept it. She stared at the eyes of what was left of her mother one last time. "Mommy..." She sniffled. She whimpered. She sobbed. She crossed her forehooves on top of the body, and let her head fall on top of them as she cried. Suddenly, she recognized her worst enemy, all around her. Blood. Her mother may have died, but that didn't mean the bleeding stop. Oh, how could I have been so stupid! I forgot about the blood!!! She hadn't opened her eyes for a while, and was too afraid to see how much blood would be around her right now. Blood. She sniffled again, and tried to ignore it. Blood. I can't leave mother... thought the filly. Blood. I've been here too long. It'll be too much for me... Blood. The thoughts filled her mind. She tried to block it with her mother, but it kept coming back. Mother. Blood. Mother. Blood. Mother. Blood. Mother. Blood. Chrysalis whinned. Mother was gone. She was there alone. Surrounded by probably all the blood in her mother's body. I can't do it... but I can't stay here forever, either! All her focus now was on what to do. I can run out pretty fast, but I'll still have to face my fear for a minute or two... Blood. No, I can't do that. I could just stay here a while, I guess... Blood. It might get worse. Blood. I haven't even seen how much there is... Blood. maybe it's not as bad as I think. Blood. Or... maybe it's worse... Blood. Stop! Blood. NO! Blood. STOP!!! Blood. GET OUTTA MY HEAD, BLOOD!!! Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. 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Chrysalis' shout echoed throught the castle. ____________________________________________________________ "Did you hear that?" "Yeah... it's coming from the changling queen's room!" "But, I killed her!" "Well maybe she wasn't the only one in there..." ____________________________________________________________ Chrysalis' shout even surprised her self, causing her to open her eyes. The pool of blood around her wasn't as big as she imagined, thankfully, but still a bit too big for her to be comfortable around. She let out a sigh of relief as she scanned the room. I'm okay! I'm... surrounded by a bunch of blood... But, I am alive. She let out an embarrased laugh. "See, Chris?" The changling said to herself. "That wasn't so hard..." > Chapter 2: Lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis walked slowly to the door, remembering what her mother said about the guards coming back. It's okay... I made it through the... Chrysalis shuddered ... blood, the worst is behind me. Chrysalis slowly opened the door. It creaked. She winced at the loud sound. I'm probably not the only one who heard that... She poked her head out of the room, and looked down the halls. There was nopony in sight. She let out a sigh of relief. Okay, no more noises please, old castle! She thought to herself, as if it were making noises on purpose so the guards wouold find her. She lifted a hoof and put it back down outside the room. The floor betrayed her, as if payback for calling it old. It let out another creak. Chrysalis growled with anger towards it. Oh, come on! I said 'please'! In my mind... and... I'm talking to a castle... through my head... and I didn't even... say it... out loud. Chrysalis rolled her eyes and sighed. She continued to tiptoe down the hall, the floor creaking with nearly every step. Wow, I never noticed how loud our floor was until now. ________________________________________________ "Did you hear that creaking sound?" "Yeah, it's coming from upstairs!" "There it is again!" "Okay, somepony's definitely up there..." "Let's go!" _______________________________________________ Chrysalis was starting to get really annoyed by the floor. Oh, if I make it out of here to come back when it's time for me to be queen, I'll definitely destroy this floor! She stopped walking for a moment to imagine her future self, getting rid of the floor. Oh, but, I still need a floor. Her thoughts were interrupted by the creaking sound again. Oh, I'll have the other changlings make a better one. Creak. Wait, the floor could be used to detect enemies! Yeah! Creak. Ugh... but the sound is so annoying! Creak. Wait, have I been walking? Chrysalis looked down to see her hooves standing straight up, not moving even the slightest bit. Creak. If I'm not making that sound, that means... "Shh.... quit making that noise!" a voice whispered. "It's not me! It's the floor!" said another. "I said shush!" said the first. Chrysalis' eyes widened. Guards... She turned around. Gotta hide, gotta hide, gotta hide! She searched the hall for someplace to hide in or under. Mother's room! She ran like a bullet back to the room. So fast, that her hooves barely touched the ground, and no creaking noises were made. As she ran back under the bed, she could hear the guards talking. There were three of them. Too many for her to fight by herself. As she slid under the bed, the guards entered the room. "You see anything?" said the first guard. Chrysalis growled. She recognized the first guard's voice. She recognized him as the one who killed her mother. "No, nothing." said another. "That's weird... I know I heard something!" said the third one. "Well, there's nothing now." said the second. "I told you guys I killed her!" said the first guard, gesturing to the body on the floor. Again, Chrysalis growled. He was proud! Proud to be responsible for death! Something inside Chrysalis was burning as they inched closer and closer, continuing to search the room. It was the first time she ever experienced this feeling. The feeling called hate. She hated the guards. She hated Equestria. And more importantly, she hated Princess Celestia. The guards came closer and closer to her hiding spot under the bed. Chrysalis eyes widened. They still had weapons! They were all unicorns, and she could try to fly away, but she wasn't the best flier. In an instant, her hate flashed back to fear. Fear that she would suffer the same fate as her mother. Her heart began to pound again. It pounded twice for every time the guards stepped closer. She tried to keep from panting but she couldn't help it. I'm gonna die... I'm gonna die... Suddenly, a guard dropped to the floor, looking under the bed. "AH!" Chrysalis screamed at the sudden move. "Hey! It's the little princess!" said the guard. The guard (the same one who killed her mother) picked up his spear and aimed at Chrysalis. "You're coming with us!" Chrysalis scooted backwards to the wall. "No! I won't!" The guard began to crawl under the bed, trying to get closer to her. "Listen kid, you don't really have a choice. Come. With. Us!" "Never! You killed mommy! You'll just kill me too!" She pointed a hoof at the body across the room. The guard looked back to the body, then turned to Chrysalis again. "I had to kill her, because she wouldn't listen! But, if you come with us, Celestia might just spare you!" I was right! This is all Celestia's fault! I hate her, I hate her, I hate her! "NO!" "Hmm... like mother like daughter I guess." The guard inches closer to Chrysalis with every word. "Come here!" The guard tried to grab her with his hooves. "NO!" Chrysalis screamed. Chrysalis used her hind legs to kick the guard in the face, giving her just enough time to run out from under the bed. As she ran out, she heard the guard yell "You little brat!" but she paid no attention to him, she just ran towards the open window. As she neared it, she saw magic consume it with it's glow, and it shut. She stopped herself with a skid, a slip second before she would've hit the wall. She turned around to see the other two guards with their spears pointed at her. One of them said, "Well, looks like you did hear something after all!" meanwhile the first one was still under the bed, shouting "Help! I'm stuck!" As the guards came closer and closer, Chrysalis racked her brain trying to think of a way out. Her heart pounded in her chest. Faster and faster. She looked around for a way out. There has to be a way out. She looked between the two guards, and saw, on the floor, her mothers body. She stared at it for what seemed like hours. As if the guard weren't even there. She flashed back to the moments before she died. "And remember... you are my daughter. You can do anything you set your mind to. Anything, Chrissy..." "I can..." Chrysalis whispered. She looked back to the guards, and looked over the room once more. In a moment, she smiled. Realizing her plan. "Come here, princess..." said one guard. Chrysalis waited for them to get closer. She bent her legs, as if preparing for a jump. As they nearly touched her, she made a great leap, with help from her wings. She landed on top of the guards with two hooves on one's head, two hooves on the other's. "Hey!" they said together. As Chrysalis leaped off, she used her hooves to make them hit eachother's heads with their own. She grabbed onto the nearest curtain and swung away. She looked back and giggled as the two guards fell to the floor. As she swung back in the oppisite direction, she looked for the remaining guard. She swung back and forth, but she didn't see him by the bed. She shrugged and decided to go back to her initial target: getting out of here! As she began to swing back to the window, the guard jumped in front of her. She let out a gasp, and held onto the curtain tighter. The guard swung his spear in the air, and she swung with the curtain. She began to slow down, and several times the guard nearly cut her tail clean off! As she swung back to the side with her mother's bed, Chrysalis let go of the curtain, did a somersault in the air, and landed beautifully on top of her mother's bed, bouncing back up and down a few times while giggling. I wish I had a trampoline bed... Chrysalis gasped again as she saw the guard coming charging at her again. She tried to kick him again, but the guard knew her strategy now. He grabbed her by her hind legs before he got hurt. Chrysalis struggled. "Let me go!" She screamed. "I don't think so..." said the guard. He levitated her beside him, and began to walk to the door. His spear was pointed at her. Chrysalis thought for a moment, looking back to her mother's body. You can do anything... Chrysalis smirked. She grabbed the spear and turned it around, so it was pointed at the guard. The guard was shocked, and forgot about his spell, letting Chrysalis fall back to the ground. She kept a tight grip on the spear, and the guard fell back. Chrysalis smiled, noticing a chance. As the guard recovered, she bloted to the window. She stopped by her mother's body, whispering in her ear. "Thank you, mommy... I love you too." As Chrysalis tried to push the window open, the guard picked up his spear and ran to the changling. At last Chrysalis opened the window, but she looked down to see the ground looking like it was 1,000 feet below! In reality, she knew she was only 3 or 4 stories up, but it still looked so far down. I think I'll just take the door... She turned around to find the spear right in front of her, and behind that, the guard. Maybe I should've taken the door first... Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the other two guard getting up. "What are you gonna do now, princess?" the guard smirked. Chrysalis looked behind her again, at what seemed to be 1,000 foot fall. Which is worse? Having to meet the person who killed my mother (Celestia) and have her kill me, or prove these guys I'm not just some little kid and face my fear heights, too! Chrysalis smiled. Looks like I'm facing two fears in one day. She jumped out of the room, and felt the sudden rush of wind. She could hear the gaurd shouting "HEY!" but she focused on this. She unfoled her wings and her fall slowed down. She flapped her wings, faster and faster, and before she knew it, she was flying across the Everfree Forest. She smiled as wide as she possibly could. "I'm flying!" She yelled. "Wee! I can fly!" She looked back to the castle and saw her mother looking about the size of an ant in the window. Tears fell out of her eyes. "I wish you were here to see this, mom..." Chrysalis came upon a clearing in the forest, and landed there. She looked around. The trees, looking like monsters, and the cold night air. She looked up to see several stars and a full moon shinning down on her. She stared at it for a moment, then realized something very important. Crysalis was alone, on a dark spooky night. She was homeless now, because the guards will find her if she went back home. But after flying around for a while, the castle went out of sight. And now... She was lost. > Chapter 3: Found > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunderstorm gulped as he entered Celestia's throneroom. Celestia smiled, but that didn't make him feel any better. That only meant she expected him to have done the job perfectly. He bowed down before her. "Hello, Thunderstorm. What news do you bring?" Her regal voice filled the room. "Uh... well... I..." Thunderstorm sallowed. "The Queen of the Changlings is dead..." "Oh..." Celestia frowned. "She did not cooperate?" "No, your majesty... so I had to kill her." Celestia looked down. "I suppose it's for the best." "Yes, your highness." "What of the young princess?" Celestia's face showed concern. "Did she agree to come?" "I... regret to inform you princess, but she got away." Celestia's eyes widened "She what!?!? How guards were there including yourself?" "Two others, your highnes... but they sustained injuries..." "Was the princess armed?" "No... not really..." Celestia thought for a moment. "She escaped..." "Y-Yes, your highness..." Celestia sighed. "She will be a tough enemy and problem in the future if we don't find her now." "Shall I send a search party for her?" "Yes, please. And I'd appreciate it if she were kept alive." "Oh... uh... yes, your highness." Thunderstorm left Celestia by herself to think. She looked up to the sky. Even though it was day, she still talked to the sky, as if her sister could hear her. "I wish you were here, Luna..." she sighed. "Perhaps a walk through Canterlot will make me feel better." _______________________________________________________________ Everypony bowed as Celestia walked past them. They all smiled at her and she smiled back. Suddenly, a strange rainbow filled the sky. Celestia's eyes widened. She then saw a large dragon coming out from one of the towers in the castle. She ran towards it, amazed. "Wasn't a young unicorn filly taking a test today for my school for gifted unicorns? What was her name, again? Oh, yes! Twilight Sparkle! Well, she certainly has quite a gift!" _________________________________________________________________ Chrysalis eventually made a fire, and it lit up the dark so she didn't feel as scared, but she thought about what had happened that day. Mother was explaining about me ruling the kingdom somday, when suddenly, mother told me to hide under the bed, and a guard entered the room. Then he killed her... and I esacped... and now I'm lost. A tear fell from her eye. Lost. A shiver went down Chrysalis' spine as she continued to cry. She turned her back on the fire, as if it had betrayed her, and continued to cry. In the middle of her cries, Chrysalis somehow fell asleep. But, even in her sleep, the poor little changling couldn't forget what had just happened. ________________________________________________________ "Okay, Chrysalis. Now, someday, you'll be incharge of the whole kingdom." "Really?!?!" The little changling's eyes wided. She was excited, and it was pretty obvious. The Queen giggled. "Yes, someday..." In the distance, a scream was heard, soon followed by many more. "Whats wrong!?!?" the changling asked her mother, who held a worried look. "You have to hide!" yelled the queen. Chrysalis ran under the queen's bed. "Mommy, what's going on?" She asked after she got under the bed. "Just stay there until-" "This is the Equestrian army! Surrender, changling!" a guard entered suddenly. "Never!" screamed the queen. "So be it!" the guard chanrged at the queen a spear pointed at her. Soon, the queen body fell the the ground, not moving. "Mommy!" the princess screamed. She covered her mouth suddenly, as the guard walked over to her. "Aha!" said the guard. Chrysalis screamed and kicked, but the guard levitated her and put her in a cage. She was sent to Canterlot. Chrysalis found herself in front of Princess Celestia herself. "We have the young princess!" said the guard as he bowed. Celestia eyed Chrysalis for a moment, making her uncomfortable. Chrysalis opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't find her words. Her heart began to speed up, and she began to shake, but she tried to gain confindence. She had questions to ask Celestia. She eventually found her voice, but she couldn't bring herself to look the princess directly in the eye. She stared at the ground as she spoke. "W-Why did you hurt my mother?' After moments without hearing respose, Chrysalis looked up to find the princess staring at her blankly. Staring, as if the question wasn't even asked. Chrysalis seemed confused. She asked again, louder. "I said... why did you hurt my mother?!?!" her voice nearly echoed through the room, and still, Celestia stared. "W-Why are you doing this?" Chrysalis asked. That time her voice was quieter than the first time she spoke. As if she were only talking to herself. But, to her surprise, Celestia reacted that time. She leaped off her throne, and landed in front of Chrysalis' cage with a crack from the floor under her hooves. Once Chrysalis saw the princess up close, she realized how tall she was. She looked especially tall because Chrysalis was lowering herself as low as she could possibly get, as if it made her invisible. Celestia lowered her head to the changling's level, their muzzles inches away. "Why are you doing this..." Chrysalis whispered. The changling stared into the princess' eyes. At first, they had the look of power, strength, and well, royalty! But in a flash they changed into a look of anger, hate, and evil. The kind of eyes that looked like they wanted to kill you, and would the moment they got the chance. But, this [was the chance. Another shiver ran down Chrysalis' spine as she realized she couldn't stare into Celestia's hateful eyes any longer. The changling's eyes dropped down to the princess' mouth. She saw that they wore a smile. Not the cheerful smile that a certain pink pony would have, but the an evil smile. "Um... Celestia?" Chrysalis whimpered. Magic surounded the cage, and the door swung open. She backed away into her cage as far as she could, but it was no use. Celestia's magic surounded her too, and she was taken out of the cage. Celestia grinned evily again, and in a flash of magic they were next to a post shaped like two sides of a rectangle, with a rope swinging from the higher and farther out edge. Chrysalis stared at it, at the end of the rope, it was tied into a circle shape. Chrysalis' eyes widened as Celestia began to bind her.. Celestia moved her closer, and closer, to the swinging rope. "No, NO! PLEASE, NO!" _______________________________________________________ "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chrysalis' scream filled the forest. She opened her eyes, and rubbed them. She let out a relieved sigh as she realized it was all just a dream. But, it was a dream that could very well come true if the guards should find her. She looked around to make sure no one else was in her clearing. As she looked though, she noticed that nothing was there. Nothing at all in the clearing. Nothing to hide her if the guards came. She was in an open space. Open, and vulnerable. She dashed between the two closest trees and looked again for other ponies. None in sight, but it was hard to tell because it was so dark. Chrysalis' eyes widened. Dark. She looked in the middle of the clearing and noticed several half burnt logs in a pile. The fire! No wonder I felt so cold! Cold. Dark, and cold, and lost. Another tears fell down Chrysalis' cheek as she remembered everything. She thought about her dream. Would Celestia really do that? Well, she did somthing similar to mother... Snap! The sound interupted her thoughts. Snap! They were twigs. Two twings that got snapped in half! But... if those twgs just broke... who broke them? Snap! It happened one last time. Chrysalis looked around closely. There were several dark shadow throught the forest. The kind of dark shadows that would make little foals burst out crying for their mother. But at the moment, Chrysalis had no mother to call for, and if she started to cry, the guards would find her. Chrysalis looked closely through all the trees and bushes, through all the- THERE! There was moment! Chrysalis' heart was pounding so hard it seemed like it was about to burst! She turned the oppsite direction and ran though the forest. Several thorns scratching her skin, several twigs snapping, several plants destroyed. Chrysalis looked back, and saw the figure of a pony running. She quickly turned away and focused on the path ahead. Several times she nearly hit a tree because she looked back, but she continued to run. Her heart pounding faster and faster, pounding louder and louder. She began to pant, her eyes searching for a place to hide. Soon, the hooves of the other pony began to pound the ground louder than Chrysalis' heart. She resfused to look back, she knew he was gaining, she didn't need to know by how much. Her hooves finally lost their pattern as she tripped on a tree stump. [My leg... The hooves of the other became louder and louder, and Chrysalis closed her eyes, preparing for death. But instead of a spear, or a cage, or Princess Celestia, Chrysalis heard a voice. "Young Princess, are you alright?" Chrysalis opened her eyes to find not an Equestrian guard, but a fellow changling! Chrysalis' heart slowed down, and she realized how tired she actually was. She nodded slowly. "I am... okay..." "Sorry to scare you, your highness." The changling helped her back onto her feet. "It's okay..." Chrysalis said, trying to stop panting. "I'm #152, your mother trusted me to care for you if anything were to happen to her." "Oh, thank you for coming! I really need help! Celestia guards came, and-" "I know what happened, and I'm here to help." Tears filled Chrysalis' eyes "#152, what am I gonna do?" "Come with me." Chrysalis nodded and followed the changling. After much walking the made it to a small cave. "Where are we?" "This is the shelter were a live. Your mother thought it would be best if I lived apart from the others, in case we were ever attacked." "Oh..." Chrysalis frowned. "So, how are you gonna help me?" "Have you ever heard of time travel?" "Yeah." "Well, a brown pony-" "A pony!?!?" "Yes, a pony. He was a time travler. I met him, and he showed me everything!" "Are you sure that pony wasn't crazy?" "I'm sure." "Cause, mommy told me that some ponies are..." "I'm sure, Chrysalis." "And why would he trust a changling with that kind of information?" "Chrysalis, just listen! I don't know why he told me, but he did. Eventually, I was able to almost copy his work! And now, Chrysalis, my plan is to send you to the future." "What?" Chrysalis' eyes had never been so wide. "I want to send you to the future! If you supposadly disappear, no one would be looking for you in the future! And, after you grow up there, you could be sent back to your original time!" "How would I even get back?" "Find the brown pony." "How will I know that I've got the right pony?" "There was also this very clumsy, purple pony with him. You couldn't miss her even if you wanted to. But, you would have to live with ponies." "Live with ponies?!?!" "It's the only way, Chrysalis. You have to." "But, I'm a changling! They'll hate me!" "Exactly! You're a changling! You can ust change into a pony for a disguise!" "Okay..." "Great! I'll start the machine." "Machine?" "Yes. The brown pony's machine was like a blue box, but he helped me make a portal for this very reason!" Chrysalis followed the changling to a large, silver machine with several buttons and switches. "Okay," said #152 "I'll set you to about 10 years in the future. So remember, Chrysalis, after at least 1 year, find the brown pony and tell him to send you back 10 years." "O-Okay..." Chrysalis gulped. The changling flipped a switch and and bright light came from something in front of her. She eventually was able to see, and in front of her, she saw a portal. She stared at it, her eyes and mouth wide open. "I can't believe it!" she screamed. "Okay, Chrysalis, now you go through." Chrysalis nodded slowly, and walked closer and closer to the white circle. She turned back to the changling. "What's your name?" "I told you, #152" "No, your name. That's like... your number." "Then, I guess I don't have a name." "Really? Everyone should have a name!" Chrysalis thought for a moment. "I'll call you shadow, because I thought you were one at first!" Chrysalis giggled. #152, or Shadow, smiled. "Thank you, Chrysalis." Chrysalis smiled, and took a step into the light. It felt... warm. She walked in slowly, and kept walking. For a moment, all she saw was light. Even where she came from, nothing but light. Eventually, the light faded away, slowly, and she found herself at the edge of the Everfree. Something was different. It looked like the very same forest she had been in moments ago, but somehow in was... different. About 10 years different. > Chapter 4: Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis looked behind her to see a glimpse of Shadow waving goodbye, and the portal covered in light, getting smaller and smaller, until it was nothing at all. She looked around. In the distance behind her she could see the home of the changlings. She smiled. That meant the changlings survived the attack. She then looked forward. In front of her, she saw Equestria. In the distance, she could see the castle of Canterlot. She could practically see Celestia looking at her now, through a giant telescope. Wait a minute... It's 10 years later! Celestia's (probably) given up looking for me! Chrysalis thought for a moment. Probably... Probably? PROBABLY!?!? Chrysalis stared at the highest tower in the castle. Could Celestia STILL be looking for me? She shook her head. I can't think about that now... first of all, where am I gonna live? Chrysalis could see a little town a few miles ahead. She shrugged. I guess that'll do. Chrysalis began to trot to the town. She began to take in her surroundings, trying to guess where she was. She recoginzed the town itself, but couldn't remember what it was called. Is this Manehatten? No, that had a big green statue... and more lights. It's definatly not Cloudsdale... that was a pegasus-only place in the sky. Oh, what is this place called!?!? "Whoa!" Chrysalis hit the ground with a thud. There was a pain in her right hind leg. It felt... scratched. She shook her head again and looked behind herself. What just happened? No pony was in sight, but near her hurt leg, there was a rock. Oh... Chrysalis sighed, and stood up again. A little bit of blood came out of her wound, and she shuddered. Even though she wasn't afraid of it anymore, it brought back memories of her mother. "Ah-ah-ah-ah... Ah! Ah-ah-ah-ah.. aah..." Chrysalis stiffened. Somepony else was there. She hid in the nearest bush. "Ah-ah-ah-ah... ah-ah-ah...." There it was again! A small, soft, voice... singing! Chyrsalis moved a few braches aside, trying to see where the voice was coming from. "My Little Pony... My Little Pony..." The voice began to hum. Soon, Chrysalis saw a cream pegasus with a pink mane and blue-green eyes. The pony was smiling and trotting by happily. Behind her, Chrysalis could see a little white bunny. How cute! Chrysalis thought. The pegasus then stopped suddenly, causing the bunny to hop into her leg and fall back. "Okay, Angel bunny... time to head back now." Chrysalis couldn't help but giggle at the little bunny. She giggled quietly, but not quiet enough. The rabbit's ears perked up, and it sniffed the air. Chrysalis' eyes widened, and she suddenly covered her mouth, making noise in the bush. The rabbit inched closer and closer to the bush, as Chrysalis mentaly smacked herself. The bunny then poked at the bush. "What is it, Angel?" The pegasus asked. The bunny then moved leaves and braches aside, to reveal a very scared, shaking Chrysalis. "Ah!" Fluttershy turned over onto her back with her legs straight up in the air. Chrysalis stared at the pegasus who seemed to literaly be 'scared stiff'. Chrysalis slowly exited the bush, and came closer to the pegasus. "Um... miss?" The pegasis didn't respond. "Miss?" Chrysalis poked her, and she didn't move. She turned to the bunny. "Do you know what to do?" The bunny simply nodded, and bounced away. Within a minute, he was back with a bucket of water, that was within a second, poured on the pegasus' face. The pegasus shot up like an arrow, then hid in the bush Chrysalis had been in. "W-W-Who are y-you?" She barely managed to say. "Well..." Chrysalis thought for a moment. Would her name be recognized? Could she trust this pony? She seemed nice enough. She was a scardy-cat... but she was nice. Still, she couldn't take a chance. "Who are you?" "I... flunrsi..." She muttered. Chrysalis tilted her head in confusion. "Wha?" "Flunersy..." She muttered again. Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry... you'll have to speak louder than that." The pegasus took a deep breath, and finally managed to speak again. "My... name... is... Fluttershy." Chrysalis looked at her in disbelief. FlutterSHY? Really? Chrysalis shook her head. "Nice to meet you." Fluttershy slowly emerged out of the bush. "Y-You didn't answer me..." "What?" "I-I asked you for your name... a-and you never answered..." Fluttershy then let her head down as if bowing. "N-Not that I mind..." "Oh... uh... I'd rather not say..." Fluttershy looked up again. "O-Okay..." "Where do you live?" Chrysalis asumed it was the town ahead. "P-Ponyville..." Oh, yeah! That's what it was called! Ponyville! Chrysalis smiled. "Cool!" Fluttershy began to smile. "Where do you live? Oh... um... if you don't mind me asking..." Chrysalis thought again. She didn't want to lie... but she couldn't tell the truth... "I don't... really have a home..." Well, that wasn't a total lie. Fluttershy's eyes widened as she gasped. "YOU DON'T HAVE A HOME!?!?" Chrysalis jumped back. Who would've guessed that somepony so shy could have a voice so loud? "N-No..." Fluttershy began to cry. "I... I'm so... sorry..." "Oh! It's.. it's okay... it's not your fault!" Fluttershy wiped her tears. "Oh... but you still need a home!" Fluttershy gasped. "You can live with me! I... I mean if you want to..." Chrysalis smiled almost as wide as a certain pink party pony. "Really? You want me to? But... don't you know... I'm a..." Chrysalis took a deap breath. "Changling?" Fluttershy stared at her. "Changling?" "Yes, I'm a changling." Chrysalis hung her head. "I... actually don't know what those are... what's a changling?" Chrysalis looked up in surprise. "You really don't know?!?!" Fluttershy shook her head. "Is... that bad?" Chrysalis smiled again. "Not at all! In fact, I'm kinda glad!" "Well then, let's go to my house!" Fluttershy began to trot back to her house, but Chrysalis stood in front of her. "Wait!" "Is something wrong?" Fluttershy tilted her head. "Oh, uh... no... it's just that... some ponies are scared of changlings." "Oh... well... what do we do then?" "I better tell you more about changlings." "Okay..." _____________________________________________________ After the explanation of the changlings themselves, and everything that you just read in the past few chapters (excluding prolouge). _____________________________________________________ "Oh, my!" exclaimed Fluttershy. Chrysalis nodded slowly. "So... what do we do?" Chrysalis thought for a moment, and her eyes widened. "Oh yeah! I'll just change into somepony else!" "But... if you change into somepony else... won't they find out your impersonating them?" "Oh, yeah..." Chrysalis thought again. "I can just change into somepony who doesn't exist!" Fluttershy smiled. "Yay!" "Okay... give me some space." Fluttershy backed away slowly, as Chrysalis began to concentrate. There was a flash of green fire surrounding her, and before her, Fluttershy saw a blue unicorn. "Chrysalis? Is... that you?" Chrysalis nodded. And looked at her hooves. The looked like a brighter sky blue. Her mane, dark blue. And she felt a horn on her head. She giggled."How do I look?" Fluttershy smiled. "Like a regular unicorn!" "Yay!" Chrysalis hopped for joy. "Okay, let's go Chrysalis!" "WAIT!" Chrysalis screamed. "What?" Fluttershy was still confsued. "Some ponies might still recognize me by my name!" "Why?" "I'm the Princess of the Changlings, remember!?!?" "Oh... right..." Fluttershy frowned. "So, what will I call you?" Chrysalis looked at her new coat, and thought for a moment. "Crystal?" Fluttershy nodded. "Chrysal... Charm! Crystal Charm!" Chrysalis smiled. "Okay!" "So... are we ready to go to me house now?" Chrysalis, a.k.a. Crystal, nodded. "Let's go!" She began to trot happily next to Fluttershy. > Chapter 5: Mane 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis and Fluttershy trotted into town. Chrysalis began to see knew ponies. Several times she hid herself when one got close, and Fluttershy had to remind her that she was in disguise. Eventually, Fluttershy and Chrysalis bumped into our favorite pink pony. "Hiya, Fluttershy!" Chrysalis was startled by the high voice. "Hello, Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy responded smiling. Pinkie Pie then turned to Chrysalis. "Hello-" She cut herself off with a huge gasp. "OH MY GOODNESS!!!" Pinkie froze in the air for a few seconds, her eyes focused completely on Chrysalis. Oh no... she knows! That pony knows! Chrysalis thought. "You're a new pony in town!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Wha?" Chrysalis tilted her head. "You're new here! Am I right?" She didn't wait for a response. "Well, of course I'm right! I would've remembered you if you were here before! I mean, I remember all of my friends and everything about them! My Pinkie sense told me something really great was going to happen today, and it must've been telling me that a new pony was coming to town! A new friend! And I just love making new friends, will you be my friend?" Pinkie Pie brought her face inches away from Chrysalis' and fluttered her eyelashes. All Chrysalis heard was, 'Will you be my friend?' Wow... she talks fast. "Uh..." Chrysalis looked at Fluttershy, and saw the pegasus nod. "Okay?" "YAY!" Pinkie Pie jumped and froze in mid air again. "Wait a second! I never introduced myself!" Pinkie fell back to the ground. "Oh, silly me! I'm Pinkie Pie What's your name?" Chrysalis smiled. "My name is Chrysa-" "Crystal Charm!" Fluttershy cut her off. Chrysalis' eyes widened. "Oh... yeah... sorry. I got confused..." Fluttershy shrinked down. "Oh... um... sorry for cutting you off..." Pinkie Pie hugged Fluttershy. "Aww... it's okay! You helped her remember her name!" they all laughed. "Okay, Crystal... we should go now.." Fluttershy motioned for 'Crystal' to follow her with her hoof. "Wait!" Pinkie Pie screamed. "How do you know Fluttershy?" Crystal, again, forgot what she was supposed to say. "I met her today in the-" "SHE'S A RELATIVE!" Fluttershy screamed again, and imediately fell to the ground. "Sorry..." Pinkie hugged Fluttershy again. "How are you two related?" Crystal looked at Fluttershy for help, but the pegasus just stared and nodded, as if giving her permission to speak. "I'm her... sist-" she watched as Fluttershy quickly shook her head. "I thought Fluttershy was an only child!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Oh, she is!" Crystal sunddenly said "I'm her... cousin?" She looked to Fluttershy who nodded with relief. Crystal smiled. "I'm Fluttershy's cousin." Pinkie Pie smiled. "Wait, then why did you almost say she was your sister?" "Uh..." "Oh! That's because... we're so close it feels like we're sisters!" Fluttershy said, bringing Crystal to a hug. Pinkie Pie giggled. "Then why haven't I met her before?" Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Um... she's shy, too..." "Wha?" Pinkie was confused. "I mean, I would visit her a lot when I was a filly... and I would write to her... and now she's moving in with me!" Fluttershy began to sweat. She was grateful that she was not the Element of Honesty. Not that it isn't a wonderful element... she thought to herself. Pinkie Pie smiled. "Well, then it'll be a double party! A 'Welcome to Ponyville Crystal Charm' party, AND a 'Congradulations Fluttershy for being reunited with your cousin who feels like she's your sister and she's moving in with you' party! Yay!" Pinkie Pie then zoomed off before Fluttershy and Crystal could say another word. After a few seconds of staring where Pinkie Pie was moments ago, Crystal finally spoke. "What just happened?" _________________________________________________________________ Pinkie Pie bounced away happily on her way to Sugarcube Corner. "Oh, I'm so excited for the party! I can't wait! The party should be this Friday. Today is.... Tuesday! So... I have three days to prepare! Oh, I better tell AJ to bake some Apple Pies!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "But first, I need to tell the Cakes about my next party!" Pinkie Pie continued to hop to Sugarcube Corner. After Pinkie Pie told the Cakes, and started to go to Sweet Apple Acres, she heard somepony calling her. "Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie looked up to see a cyan blue pegasus flying above her. "Hey, Rainbow Dash! What's up?" she giggled. "Oh, yeah, you are!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah... very funny. So, listen, I just got the best idea for a prank, and I need your help!" Pinkie Pie frowned. "Well, as much as I love pranking with you Dashie, I have to ask Applejack for pies for my next party!" "Oh... when is your next party?" "It's this Friday, and it's a double party! So, I need douple the pies! It's for Fluttershy, and her cousin Crystal Charm! She just moved here! Er- not Fluttershy... her cousin!" "Fluttershy has a cousin that just moved here? Why didn't she tell me! I gotta met her cousin! See ya later, Pinkie Pie!" And the pegasus was gone in a flash. "See ya later, Dashie!" and Pinkie trotted to Sweet Apple Acres. ________________________________________________________________ Rainbow Dash landed in front of Fluttershy's cottage. Instead of knocking on the door though, she tiptoed over to the window, and peeked in. She saw several animals around the yellow pegasus, and she also saw a blue unicorn. She tried to listen to their converstation. "We still have to meet my other friends eventually... I hope this works..." Rainbow Dash recognized Fluttershy's voice. "Hey, how did that pink pony know I was coming?" That must be Fluttershy's cousin... Crystal something... "Oh, she has a special sixth sense! It's really amazing!" "Sixth sense? Interesting... does that mean she can 'sense' that I'm a changling?!?!" "I'm not sure... I hope not..." Changling? Rainbow thought to herself. What the hay is a changling? Rainbow began to slowly tiptoe away, when she slipped on one of Angel's unfinished carrots. She landed with her back on the ground with a loud thud. Oh, horseapples! She looked up to see Fluttershy and Crystal looking out the window, very confused. Rainbow stared at them for a moment. "Hehe... uh... hi?" "Are you alright?" Fluttershy was obviously very worried. Rainbow nodded and got up. "I'm okay. That was just a little crash. It's gonna take more than that to keep me down!" Once Rainbow was up, she stared closely at Fluttershy's so-called cousin. She looked like a regular unicorn. Almost like a small... blue version of Twilight, with no cutie mark, green eyes, and a different mane style. Almost young Luna-styled. "So... you're Fluttershy's cousin?" The unicorn nodded. "Yup." Rainbow eyed her suspiciously. "So... where ya from, kid?" Crystal froze "Umm..." "I'm waiting!" Rainbow brought her face inches away from Crystal's, acting how she did when she thought Twilight was Nightmare Moon's spy. "She's from Manehatten." Fluttershy spoke. Rainbow turned to Fluttershy then back to Crystal. "Interesting..." Rainbow tapped her hoof on her chin. "Something funny is going on here... and I'm going to find out what!" With that, Rainbow dashed away. Crystal managed to speak as Rainbow flew out of sight. "Who was that?" _____________________________________________________________ Twilight jumped as she heard a loud noise. She opened the door to the library to find Rainbow in front of it, slightly dirty, and in an akward position. Twilight giggled. "You crashed again, Rainbow? Are you okay?" The pegasus got up and shook herself, sending all the dirt onto Twilight. "Fluttershy has a cousin!" Twilight stared at Rainbow, annoyed. She shook off the dirt too, then stared a Rainbow in confusion. "So?" "So... I think there's something wrong with her!" Twilight nodded. "Which is?" "I don't know." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Well, in that case, I can't help you Rainbow Dash." Twilight began to close the door when- "WAIT!!!" Rainbow screamed. "What?!?!" Twilight was obviously annoyed now. Rainbow thought for a moment. "She said she was a changling!" Twilight now looked confused. "Fluttershy? Or her cousin?" "Her cousin! So... I have a question for you Twi... what IS a changling?" Twilight thought for a moment. "I actually don't know. I can do some research on the subject if you like, but honestly Rainbow, I think you're just overreacting." "Me? Overreacting?" "Yes! I mean, did Fluttershy ever tell you about this cousin?" "NO! That's the freaky part! We tell eachother everything!!!" "Well, Rainbow... maybe there are some things Fluttershy felt... shy about telling you." "Why would she be shy about telling me about her cousin?" "I don't know... but I will reserch changlings for you." "Thanks, Twi. I owe ya one!" ________________________________________________________ "Well... I suppose you should meet my other friends, Crysa- I mean, Chrystal." Fluttershy said, smiling. "Okay! Where do we start?" Crystal smiled back. Fluttershy thought for a moment. Mental checklist. [] Applejack [] Fluttershy [] Pinkie Pie [] Rainbow Dash [] Rarity [] Twilight Sparkle Wait a minute... why am I on this list? [] Applejack [] Fluttershy [] Pinkie Pie [] Rainbow Dash [] Rarity [] Twilight Sparkle Crystal and I saw Pinkie Pie on the way here. [] Applejack [] Fluttershy [/] Pinkie Pie [] Rainbow Dash [] Rarity [] Twilight Sparkle ...and Rainbow Dash crashed outside my window. [] Applejack [] Fluttershy [/] Pinkie Pie [/] Rainbow Dash [] Rarity [] Twilight Sparkle ..so that leaves Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight. Hm... maybe Applejack first. She's at the top of the list. Oh! Um... not that I like her better or anything... I... just put our names in alphabetical order... Fluttershy turned back to Crystal. "How about we see my friend Applejack?" Crystal nodded. "Okay! Lead the way!" ______________________________________________________ Crystal loved apples once she finally tried them. She happily continued to eat while Fluttershy talked to Applejack. "So... you say your cousin is from Manehatten?" Applejack asked. Fluttershy nodded. "Ya know, I used to live with my aunt and uncle in Manehatten. But then I moved back to the farm 'cause I didn't like it there." Applejack then turned to Crystal. "No offence, sugarcube... it just wasn't where I belonged." Crystal smiled. "It's okay. It wasn't where I belonged either." Applejack then turned to Fluttershy. "So... how come she's never had an apple before?" Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh... um... she's alergic." Applejack stared at Fluttershy. "Well, she's doin' just fine now." "I... I mean... her parents are alergic." Applejack continued to stare at the pegasus. "I never heard of somepony bein' alergic to apples. And I outta know." "It's um... extremelly rare... I... I gotta go!" Fluttershy ran away quickly taking Crystal with her. Applejack just stood there, confused. An hour later, Applejack was selling apples at the market. "Excuse me sir, would you like to buy some delicious Apple Family Apples?" Applejack asked smiling, when a pony walked by. "Oh, no thanks... I'm alergic." said the pony, and he walked away. Applejack walked up to the pony. "Listen here, mister! I don't like lies as an excuse to not eat my family's apples! You can just tell us if you don't like apples! You don't have to go a make up some story! Ya hear?!?!" The stallion swallowed and nodded. "Now I'm tellin' ya, sir. Just try some of our apples! They're the best!" Applejack tosed the pony an apple. He hesitated. Slowly, he took a bite, and smiled. "These are really good!" Applejack smiled. "I told ya there were the..." Applejack stared him. "Uh... sir? You alright?" The pony's tounge and lips were swollen, his eyes were watery, and his hooves developed a rashes. "I told you I was alergic!" the pony tried to scream as he trotted away as fast as he could. Applejack quickly looked around to make sure nopony else saw that, then stared into space. "I guess some ponies really ARE alergic to apples." __________________________________________________________ Fluttershy added a mark to her mental checklist. Meeting Applejack, check! [/] Applejack [] Fluttershy [/] Pinkie Pie [/] Rainbow Dash [] Rarity [] Twilight Sparkle Now... um... I'll go visit Twilight. Since we're closer to her right now. As Fluttershy was thinking, she accidently bumped into somepony. "Oh! I'm so sorry... I-I wasn't paying attention and-" Fluttershy finally looked at the pony. "Rarity?" The white unicorn nodded. "Yes, it's me." she then turned to Crystal. "This must be your cousin! A unicorn, I see! How wonderful!" Fluttershy was confused. "You know about Crystal?" "Why of course, darling! Pinkie Pie spread the word faster than a unicorn could spread zap apple jam across toast!" Crystal smiled. "Hello! Your name is Rarity... right?" Rarity nodded. "The one and only! And you are Crystal Charm, correct? Welcome to Ponyville, I'm looking forward to your party!" Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh! Pinkie forgot to tell us, when is the party?" "This Friday, at the tradtional location: Sugarcube Corner." "Thank you, Rarity!" Fluttershy hugged her white friend. "No problem at all, dear!" Rarity returned the hug. "Well, I must be going. I have to make sure Sweetie Belle didn't burn the place down trying to get some ort of flame cutie mark. Until we meet again!" Rarity maved a hoof and left. Fluttershy smiled. Rarity... check! [/] Applejack [] Fluttershy [/] Pinkie Pie [/] Rainbow Dash [/] Rarity [] Twilight Sparkle Now, all that's left it Twilight! _____________________________________________ "This library is where my friend Twilight Sparkle lives. You can call her Twilight, though." Fluttershy said happily. Crystal nodded. "Okay." Fluttershy nocked on the door, but it was so quiet nopony else would even call it a knock. And, no answer came. Fluttershy frowned a bit. Crystal noticed this, and nocked on the door herself, several times, REALLY LOUD! Soon from inside, they heard the lavender unicorn speaking, abd trotted towards the door. "Rainbow Dash, you're going to have to give me more time then that to-" the door was finally open. "Oh! Uh... hi, Fluttershy. W-What bring you here?" Twilight laughed nervously. "Oh, um, I just wanted to introduce you to my cousin..." The pegasus nodded to the filly beside herself. "but, um... if you're busy we can come back later..." Twilight blinked. "Oh! It's no trouble at all, Fluttershy! Nice to meet you..." Twilight's voice trailed off meaning she didn't know the filly's name. "Crystal Charm." said the blue filly. "Lovely name!" Twilight smiled. "Well, thank you for the introduction Fluttershy, but I have to get back to my studies now, if that's all." "Oh, um... yes. That's all Twilight." The pegasus began to trot back slowly, but she then turned back. "Thank you for you time." "No problem!" Twilight magically closed the door behind herself as she walked back into the library. Twilight stared out her window and watched the two ponies walk back to the pegasus' cottage. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the filly..." Twilight sighed and walked slowly back to her study table. "But not everything is what it seems." Twilight levitated a book in front of her and stared at a picture of what seemed to be a black pony with holes, a strange horn, and thin fly-like wings. Next to it, a picture of a small black pony-like creature, simlar to the one on the right, except this one looked like a filly version, in front of it's mother. This one had a small crown, like the one Crystal wore. Twilight didn't notice it at first, but Crystal looked an awful lot like this creature in the picture. The same crown... and the same eyes. Those eyes. But it couldn't be. The book says the young princess disappeared 10 years ago. Twilight shook her head, closed the book, and walked away. On the evil green cover, it was written: History of the Changlings: the enemies of Equestria. > Chapter 6: The Invitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That night, Twilight had nightmares. Nightmare of the changlings, like her nighmares of Zecora. From what she got from the book, the changlings sounded awful. She kept waking up from her nightmares in the middle of the night. She was awake in bed with her eyes shut tight. She could see light shining through her window, but she didn't open her eyes. She knew she didn't get enough sleep, but at the same time, she knew she had to get up. She opened her eyes a second before her alarm clock rung. Spike immediatly jumped out of his bed, meanwhile, Twilight was experiencing one of her rare mornings were she was NOT happy to see Celestia's sun. She stared at the purple, smliing dragon. At least somepony- er, someDRAGON... slept well. Twilight thought to herself. Twilight looked out the window. The sun seemed to shine brighter and brighter. Twilight groaned and magically covered her head with her blanket. Spike finally noticed the lavender unicorn still in bed. "C'mon, Twilight! Get up!" The dragon pushed her, trying to get her up. He heard a muffled sound coming from her, but couldn't understand what she said. So, he continued to shake her. "Twilight!" Again, Spike heard a muffled sound. But it was too muffled to try to make into words. "Twilight, your gonna have to get up, I can't hear you." Without realizing Twilight was now on the edge of the bed, Spike gave her one last push, letting her face hit the floor. Spike's eyes widened and he let out a gasp. "Twilight! Are you okay?" Spike got off the bed and stood in front of the unicorn. He reached a claw to help her up, but even though her face was still on the ground, she knew what he was doing. She smacked his claw away with a hoof. "No! I am not okay!" Twilight said as she looked up at the blushing dragon. "And what I was trying to say was that I didn't get enough sleep last night, and to QUIT SHOVING ME!!!" Spike jumped back, away from the mare. He covered his face. He knew Twilight wasn't the kind of pony to hit others, but still. "WAIT!" Spike yelled. Twilight rolled her still-furious eyes. Her voice still showed anger as well. "What do you mean, wait? Spike moved his claws so he could look at Twilight with one eye. "Just let me explain, okay?" Twilight growled before sitting down and arching her back forward in defeat. A small smile began to form on Spike's mouth as Twilight was now eye-to-eye with him, but it disappeared quickly. "You see... you got a letter from the Princess the morning... and-" "A letter from the Princess?!?!" Twilight eyes widened. "Why didn't you say so?" Twilight began to trot all over her room looking for it. "Where is it!?!?!" Spike stared at Twilight. Can she really go from angry to worried just like that? "Uh... I just did tell you, and it's right here." Spike held the letter in his hand. Twilight quickly levitated it toward herself, before opening it though, she checked to make sure it had Celestia's royal seal. She rememered one of Pinkie Pie's pranks not too long ago. Twilight read out loud: My Faithful Student Twilight, I continue to ask myself why you wanted a book about changelings. I remember your wish for your reasons to be kept to yourself, but I would like to know if it's alright. I might even be able to help. ~ Princess Celestia Twilight thought for a moment Should she tell her? She could surely trust the princess. And, Rainbow never said anything about keeping the changling question a secret. Twilight shook her head and levitiated new parchment, ink, and a quill to herself. Dear Princess Celestia, I appreciate your conern and your offer, but this was actually for my friend Rainbow Dash, and I don't know if she'd be okay with me telling anypony about this. I'm sorry. ~ Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle Twilight read her letter over, and nodded to herself. She then levitated the rolled up scroll to Spike, who sent it on it's way to the princess. Within a few minutes, another scroll come out of the dragon. Twilight read aloud: My Dearest Twilight, I completely understand. I wouldn't want to be the cause of distrust between you and your friends. I apologise, and hope your friend enjoys the book. ~ Princess Celestia Twilight smiled, then turned to Spike, who was still a bit scared. Twilight pulled the little dargon into a hug. They both smiled. "WHOA!!!" And suddenly the two were pulled apart by several pieces of wood crashing beside them, and a cyan pegasus. "That is the LAST TIME I let Derpy help me with a new trick!" Rainbow screamed as she shook off the wood-dust. Twilight looked up at the huge new hole in the ceiling, and shook her head. That's... gonna cost us... She then thought about Rainbow's words. She turned to stare at Rainbow Dash with a confused look. "Wait, who's Derpy?" The pegasus' eyes widened. "How do you not know who Derpy is!?!?" "Well... can you describe her for me?" Rainbow thought for a moment. Describe Derpy? Let's see... she's a clumsy grey pegasus, and she's a dumb blonde (no offence to Applejack). "Well, she's-" "LOOK OUT BELOW!!!" Before Rainow Dash could finish, a grey pegasus was suddenly on top of her, and there was suddenly a second hole in the ceiling. "Oops! Sorry Rainow Dash!" The pegasus said, with a somewhat stupid smile. Rainbow got up, causing the pegasus to fall off and hit the ground. "THAT," she said, pointing a hoof at the pegasus "is Derpy." Twilight looked at the grey pegasus, and then started to laugh. "Oh, I know her! She's my mailmare! I just thought her name was Ditzy Doo." "It is!" The two pegasi said at the same time. Rainbow gave the grey pegasus a glare, but Derpy only seemed to notice with one of her eyes. She misinterpreted it though, and gave Rainbow a quick wave, while Rainbow rolled her eyes. "We just call her Derpy... because... well... look at her!" Twilight watched as Derpy suddenly crashed into a bookcase, knocking several books off the shelf. "I just don't know what went wrong!" she said as she fell to the ground with several books knocking her in the head. She didn't seem to feel anything, though. "Oh... I see..." Twilight began to levitate some books ack on the shelves, but Rainbow moved in front of her. "Don't fix it yet, not while she's still here..." While Rainbow said this, a whole new shelf was being knocked over in the background. Twilight sighed, and dropped all the books. Some, falling on to herself and Rainbow. The grey pegasus continued to 'fly' with her goofy smile. "Weee!!! It's raining books!" "Well, would you mind taking her away so I can 'hit the books'? I have a lot of studing I want to finish before next week." Twilight tried to smile, despite the fact that she was screaming at "Derpy" on the inside. Derpy overheard this, and gasped. "Oh! I'll help you Twilight! Hiya!" Twilight was amazed. How could sompony like Ditzy Doo cut a book in half with her bare hooves!?!? As Ditzy continued to break books, Twilight began to growl. Between her clenched teeth, she spoke to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow... please get her out of here, so I can fix my library..." Rainbow nodded, and truned to Derpy. "Okay Derp- I mean, Ditzy. I think that's enough books for today." "Bye Twilight! See you tomorrow!" Ditzy waved to the unicorn as Rainbow pushed her out of the library. Twilight sighed and asked Spike for a broom. He nodded, and within an hour the whole library was back in order again. Shortly after that was done, another letter came from the princess. Twilight caught the letter with her magic just before it hit the ground, and opened it carefully. It read: My Dearest Twilight, After quite a bit of thought, I realized that I haven't seen you nor your friends in quite a while. If you aren't to busy with your studies, and if your friends are available, I would like you to come visit me, Luna, and your brother of course. I await your reply patiently, Yours Truly, Princess Celestia Twilight thought for a moment. A visit to Canterlot. We haven't been there since Twilight suddered Discord. It would be nice to see my brother in person again. We were all busy with Discord, and the gala those other times. Yes, a visit would be.... nice. "What did she say? What did she say?" A curious baby dragon broke Twilights thoughts in half. She shook her head and turned to the source of the voice. "Princess Celestia wants us to visit Canterlot, because we never really go there just for a visit. We only go there when something important happens that requires the use of the elements, or that one time when we went to the gala..." "No need for flashbacks of that!" Spike and Twilight shuddered together. Twilight recovered faster than Spike. "So... what do you think? You wanna go?" Spike thought for a moment. "Will we get to see Shinning Armor this time!" "If he's not busy with his job." Twilight smiled. "YAY!" Spike jumped in the air very Pinkie-like. "I'll take that as a yes. I'll go ask the others if the want to come, I'll be back soon." Twilight magically opened the door, only for Spike to jump in front of her. "Wait! Um... can... I go ask Rarity?" Spike blushed with hearts in his eyes. Twilight stared at him for a moment, then rolled her eyes. I knew he'd say that. She then smiled though, as her 'little brother' was growing up, in a way. "Sure." "YES!!!" Spike imitated another Pinkie Pie jump, as the both of them left the library. _______________________________________________________ "Crystal, you have to take off that crown if you want to go outside." Fluttershy said seriously. She and Chrysalis had been arguing over the past hour whether or not Chrysalis could still wear her "Princess of the Changlings Crown." At the moment, Chrysalis was back to her normal self. "But, Fluttershy! It's the only thing I have to remember home!" Chrysalis' eyes were watery. Any second her tears would be falling out of her eyes. Fluttershy sighed. "Chrysalis, I'm sorry... I know you miss your home... but if you don't do this, they'll take you away, and you definately won't see your home again! I promise I'll keep it in the safest place." Chrysalis let a few of the tears drop, and sighed. She took the crown off and put it on Fluttershy's waiting hooves. "Okay." She looked up and gave Fluttershy a smile, which the pegasus gladly returned. The warm, loving smile gave Chrysalis strength, but as Fluttershy left to put the crown away, her strength diminished. She sighed and stared at her small puddle of tears on the ground. She saw her reflection. Another tear hit the puddle, making rings flow across it, and making the puddle bigger. This time, when she looked, she saw her mother giving her a warm smile. She tried her best to smile back. I miss you, mommy... she whispered to the water. Chrysalis looked up just when Fluttershy reappeared with a small cloth in her hoof. She wiped Chrysalis' eyes softly. "Sorry for crying... I understand now." Chrysalis stared at the ground again. She felt Fluttershy's hoof lift her head up again. "Oh, Chrysalis, it's okay." Fluttershy pulled the changling into a hug. "Crying isn't bad." Chrysalis felt the warmth of love again. She smiled. "Now... can you change back into Crystal so we can go outside and play?" Chrysalis stared at the pegasus who gave her another warm smile. Chrystal nodded again, and concentrated. After a few minutes of grunting, and her horn shimmering, she feel into a heep on Fluttershy's floor, exhausted. "I... I can't do it." "Yes you can, Chrysalis!" Fluttershy picked her up and hugged her. "You can do this." Chrysalis pulled away, but Fluttershy still had her hooves on Chrysalis' shoulders. "What if I can't?" "No need to ask that, because you can!" Fluttershy hugged her again before going back to the previous position. "You can do this Chrissy!" Chrysalis imediatly froze and feel back. Though it seemed like hours in her mind, it was mere seconds before she recovered. "What did you call me?" Fluttershy became scared, not knowing what she did wrong. "I just-" "Fluttershy!" A knock came at the door. Fluttershy yelped. She quickly covered Chrysalis with a nearby blanket and stood in front of her. "Y-Y-Yes?" The door soon opened to reveal Twilight. "Hi Fluttershy!" Twilight smiled. "So... I recieved a letter from the Princess, and-" "Aletterfromtheprincesswhyhowdidsheknowthatchrysaliswashere" Fluttershy spoke to fast for Twilight to hear the words. Twilight stared at her for moment, giving her a look that said "Wha?" Fluttershy began to sweat. "I um..." Twilight shook her head, seeing that her friend couldn't come up with an explanation for herself. While Twilight began to explain about the letter, Chrysalis (still under a blanket) tried to transform before Twilight noticed her. Chrysalis tried her best to focus on the transformation, but she couldn't get Fluttershy's voice from her head. "You can do this Chrissy." Chrysalis growled, and immediatley covered her mouth. "What was that?" Chrysalis heard a muffled Twilight say. Chrysalis began to pant, as Fluttershy did the same thing. "Oh, nothing" Fluttershy squeaked, as her lavender friend tried to get at the blanket. "I heard something." Twilight tried to grab the blanket once more. Fluttershy swatted her friend's hoof away again. "Really, it's nothing!" "Fluttershy I know what I heard." Twilight stared at Fluttershy, angry. "Really, Twilight, please just-" Fluttershy's voice was cut off as Twilight had magically lifted up the blanket above all of their heads. This moment had changed everything. Twilight gasped as the blanket reavealed... "Hi, Twilight!" Crystal Charm smiled at the older unicorn. Twilight stared at the unicorn. Her mane was a mess! "Oh..." Twilight turned to Fluttershy. "That's why you didn't want me to see her. You were in the middle of brushing her mane and didn't want me to see how... um..." Twilight looked back at Crystal "interesting it looked without brushing..." Fluttershy turned to stare at Crystal, who gave her a wink as a response of an answer. Fluttershy then smiled. "Yes, so... if you don't mind... I don't want to go to Canterlot. I mean, I need to take care of Crystal." "Oh, but I'm sure Princess Celestia wouldn't mind if you brought your cousin!" Twilight smiled. I'm sure Princess Celestia wouldn't mind... Princess Celestia wouldn't mind... Princess Celestia.... Celestia... Celestia... Crystal Charm gasped. "You guys... know Princess Celestia?" Fluttershy nodded to her "cousin" and then turned to face her. "Would you like to come with us to meet her?" Fluttershy said with hopeful eyes. Crystal sighed. Fluttershy's eyes were just too cute. She nodded slowly, trying to hide her sadness. Soon, Fluttershy was jumped in the air with happiness. "Oh, I can't wait to introduce you!" Twilight said her goodbye, but Crystal was too busy thinking about actually meeting Princess Celestia... a.k.a. the person who killed her mom! Oh, but it couldn't be that bad... could it? > Chapter 7: The Mare in the Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis feel alseep during the train ride to Canterlot. So, she was quite schocked when she woke up in front of a huge castle, and 30 royal guards! She'd have screamed if she hadn't remembered that she was already in Chrystal Charm form, and nopony would recognize her. After Fluttershy calmed her down, they were let inside the Castle. Chrysalis was amazed by all the things she saw. The castle may have been beautiful on the outside, but it was nothing compared to the inside! In the courtroom, she noticed that something made the others stop walking. She looked at the object in front of Twilight, who was leading the group. It was her. It was... "Princess Celestia!" Twilight smiled at her teacher. The Princess of Equestria smiled back to Twilight. "Welcome to Equestria, Twilight. It's nice to see you and your friends again!" Seeing the Princess... Chrysalis was freaking out inside, and trying very hard to control herself on the outside. She wanted to scream as Celestia began to walk toward her. "What's your name, little filly?" Celestia gave her a warm smile. It didn't feel warm to Chrysalis. In fact, it felt dead cold. But, who could blame her? I mean, this pony was resposible for her mother's death! She used all the bravery she could, and was able to mutter an answer to the waiting princess. "Crystal Charm." "What a lovely name." Celestia smiled again. As Celestia turned away, Crysalis flinched at her voice The same voice that brought most ponies peace and comfort brought her hatred and fear. She would never forget her mother. "I assumed that you all would stay the night, so I prepared rooms for you." Celestia continued to smile. Evily. Chrysalis thought. "Thanks, Princess!" Twilight's smile couldn't possibly get any wider. "So... Shinning Armors is...?" Celestia seemed to get the hint. "Training. He should be done soon, though. Do you remember where the training area is?" Twilight nodded. "Thanks, Princess. Please excuse me." Twilight then trotted away. "Where's Twilight going?" Pinkie was the first to notice. "Oh, to visit somepony." Celestia smiled again. Pinkie Pie shrugged and the continued to their rooms. All their rooms were close to eachother, and close to the room where Twilight used to live. That's where Twilight would be staying again, of course. "Dinner will be ready at 7:00." Celestia told them each before leaving. Nopony knew how glad Chrysalis was when Celestia left. That night, Fluttershy and Crystal shared a room. Crystal stared out her window and watched as the sun set and the moon rose. She turned to the pegasus. "So... your friend Twilight is really... close to the princess?" Fluttershy smiled at Crystal, "Oh yes! She's Celestia's personal student!" "And..." Crystal swallowed. "Does Celestia really raise the sun and moon?" "Oh no, she only raises the sun!" Fluttershy said, getting into the bed. Crystal stared at the pegasus. She seems to really like Celestia, too. Crystal then remembered that while telling Fluttershy her story, she left out the part WHO killed her mother. Crystal stared out the window again, watching the rising moon for a few minutes. "So... Fluttershy... if Celestia raises the sun... who raises the-" Crystal turned around to face Fluttershy, but cut herself off as she saw the pegasus already fast asleep on the bed, without a blanket. She smiled and covered Fluttershy with a blanket. Shortly after transforming to her orginal self for the night, Chrysalis fell asleep next to Fluttershy. Chrysalis' opened her eyes to find the moon still high in the sky. She checked the clock in their room. 2:50 A.M. She looked back at Fluttershy who was still sleeping on the bed. Even though Chrysalis had gotten only, 5 or 6 hours of sleep, she was wide awake. She wondered what she could do. She didn't want to wake Fluttershy. She looked outside her window to the moon. She realized it didn't have that unicorn shape in the moon like it did in her time. Chrysalis had heard the tale of the mare in the moon before. Her mother used to tell her many of the pony's-tales. She never thought they were true, though. Twilight mentioned before that there was a library here. Perhaps she could look it up? Chrysalis made sure to transform back to Crystal Charm before opening the door. Not many guards were inside. Most were outside and in the princess' courtyard. Crystal quietly trotted away, and after possibly ten minutes of wandering through the castle, she found the library. The door was open, and she went right in. Mare in the Moon. Chrysalis thought to herself. Where's the Mare in the Moon story? She looked in the fiction area, under "M". However, the Changling Princess found nothing there. She eventually looked over all of the fiction books, and still no information about the Moon-Mare was found! Could it be true? Was the Mare in the Moon not just a tale mares and stallions used to scare their foals into behaving? She looked over the iibrary again. Where else would such a story be located? Crystal Charm sighed in defeat. She was getting tired, and she wasn't having much luck. Her annoying question of the Mare in the Moon remained though, and that compelled her to keep searching. She began to walk to the back of the library, a section that was a bit darker than the rest. She saw several Dark Magic books there. Every cover she read seemed to send another shiver down her spine. Another book caught her eye. It was black-green with snake like letters. It was hard to see in the dark since the color of the letters was so close to the color of the book's cover, so she decided to come back and get it after she copleted her main quest. At the end of that section, she saw a small table. It was small enough for her to see the book that was opened on top of it. She could see on it a picture of the moon. It looked promising, so she closed the book and brought it back to the light in the middle of the library. Crystal Charm sat in the middle of the library and stared at the book. It had a dark blue cover, and it read: The Tale of the Mare in the Moon Somepony had been reading this not to long ago. It wasn't dusty like all the other books. Or, perhaps it was new! It wasn't torn at all like most of the other books in that area. It didn't really matter to Crystal, though. She opened to the first page, which showed the author of the book. Crystal couldn't believe her eyes as she read aloud: Written by: The Mare in the Moon Crystal Charm shook her head, believing that it must've been a joke to scare those who read it. It certainly worked, though. The next page was the index. There were only two chapters. 1. The Ledgend of the Mare in the Moon 2. The Elements of Harmony Crystal Charm barely took notice of chapter two. She still nodded continued to the next page. I'm sorry. Crystal shook her head and looked again. It was still there, though. In plain Equestrian, "I'm sorry." was written! Crystal didn't understand, but she continued on to the real story. Chapter 1: The Ledgend of the Mare in the Moon Once upon a time, in a castle that is now located in the Everfree Forest, there were two regal alicorn sisters who ruled together, and created harmony for all the land. The two represented the Elements of Harmony: Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic. The elder sister rose and set the sun, while the younger rose and set the moon. However, as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in her elder sister's daylight, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. Her jealousy got the better of her, and it transformed her into Nightmare Moon. She tried to overthrow her elder sister, who to her, was getting all the attention. Nightmare Moon covered Equestria in enternal night. The elder sister tried to harness the Elements of Harmony on her own to purify her sister. However, withour her sister, it was impossible. Instead, as punishment, Nightmare Moon was locked away in her moon forever, while neither her nor her sister could ever use the Elements of Harmony again. The elder sister then took over raising both the sun and the moon. She the moved her kingdom to a safer place, for that castle brought too many painful memories for her. The Elements were left at the castle, awaiting new bearers. It was prophesied on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars would aid in Nightmare Moon's escape. The elder sister waited patiently for the time to see her beloved sister again, even if she was still evil. The elder sister still loved her, and every night after raising the moon, she would fly as high as she could, and apologise once more. While on the moon, the younger sister could not hear the elder's apology, but every night she gave an apology of her own. The younger sister continued to fight against the evil inside her, hoping that one day, her sister would come to forgive her. The chapter brought Cystal Charm to tears. "Oh, the poor sisters..." she sniffled and wiped her tears with her hoof. She was remined of having to leave her mother. After a few minutes, Crystal was calm again and she continued to the next chapter. Chapter 2: The Elements of Harmony The prophecy became true, and on the longest day of the thousandth year, the younger princess was free again. However, dispite her inner battle, it was Nightmare Moon in control. As the Mare in the Moon swore long ago, she covered all of Equestria in Enternal night, with her elder sister powerless to stop it. The only way to stop her, would be to find new bearers for the Elements of Harmony. The was a pony though, who saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and with the help of her friends, found her way to the Elements of Harmony deep in the Everfree Forest. It became that she and her new friends became the Elements of Harmony: Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, and Loyalty. the pony herself, became the Elements of Magic. Nightmare Moon was then purified into the young alicorn sister she was. The elder sister then returned from being taken, and she and her real sister were reunited. Today, the two alicorns rule Equestria alongside one another in peace and harmony. The Elements of Harmony are still beared by the six ponies who freed the young princess from her jealousy. That was all. Crystal looked the book over. There was still room for more writing. Was that really all? No! The next page had something else written. I'm sorry... for all I've done. - Luna "Luna?" Crystal wondered aloud. "Indeed." A voiced called out of the darkness. Crystal Charm gasped, realizing she was not alone. > Chapter 8: Princess Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Who... who's there?" Crystal was barely able to speak out loud. Her throat was suddenly dry. The figure of a pony stepped out of the shadows. Crystal Charm stared at her. The pony was quite tall, with blue skin. Her mane was a darker shade of blue, with a translucent border. It was flowing, even without wind. It took a moment for Crystal to realize she was an alicorn. "Who are you?" Crystal swallowed. The pony smiled at her, and walked closer. "I am Luna." Crystal's eyes widened. It couldn't be... she looked back at the book to make sure. I'm sorry... for all I've done. - Luna "Why... did you write your name in this book?" Crystal asked, still not understanding. "I am the author." Luna frowned. Crystal gasped and backed away. She pulled the book away with her, and flipped backwards frantically. She saw the words again. [iWritten by: The Mare in the Moon "Y-You... you're..." Crystal couldn't bring herself to speak. Luna, again, finished Crystal's sentence. "I am Princess Luna, the Mare in the Moon" Crystal backed away again. "Please, don't back away... I won't harm you." Luna smiled to the secret changling. "I'm... sorry I scared you." Crystal just stared at the mare. "My mother used to tell me stories about you... I used to see your mark imprinted in the moon..." Luna sighed again. "What are you doing here so late?" Crystal began to tell her story, but she didn't because she was scared to tell Luna anything. "Why are you here so late?" Luna laughed at the unicorn. "I suppose you haven't been paying attention to the story you've been reading. I am the moon princess, I raise and set the moon, and I watch over the night while Celestia watches over the day." Crystal nodded. "So... you're the one who raises the moon." Crystal turned to stare at the moon, as did Luna. "Were you lonely, Luna?" Crystal spoke after staring at the beauty of the night sky. Crystal could've sworn she saw a tear fall from Luna's left eye. "I... I was..." Luna's hoof wiped her own cheek. "S-sorry..." Crystal hung her head in shame for making Luna remember such horrible things. Luna lifted Crystal's muzzle up with her hoof. There were face-to-face. "It was my own fault for letting my jealousy take me over." Crystal nodded in understanding. "What is your name, filly?" Luna smiled. "Crystal Charm." Crystal smiled wide. Luna nodded. "Now, back to my original question. What are you doing here?" Crystal hesitated. Is Luna trustworthy? She's surely been through harder times than me. Crystal thought. Would she understand? "Luna... if I told you something... something that could be wrong... would you have to report me to Celestia?" Luna sighed again. "It is my duty as princess..." Crystal's heart dropped. "... but I don't have to tell Celestia everything that happens at night." Luna smiled mischeviously. Crystal smiled wide again. "So... I can trust you?" Luna smiled and rasied her right front hoof "May I be banished to the moon again if you cannot!" Luna then whispered to Cyrstal, "And I don't ever give that promise away if I don't intend to throrougly keep it!" Crystal giggled. "Okay... you know... changelings?" Luna nodded slowly. Crystal sighed. "I... I..." Crystal was suddenly englufed in a circle of green fire. "Crystal?!?!" Luna shouted over the flames. The fire soon died down... and where the blue unicorn used be, was the changling princess. (her crown was left at Fluttershy's cottage) Luna walked around Crysalis slowly, as if she herself was the fire that was surrounding Chrysalis moments ago. "Crystal?" Luna sqeaked. The changling shook her head. "My real name's Chrysalis." Luna stared for a moment, then began to giggle. "You are so lucky I promised on my banishment." Chysalis began to giggle, too. "So... you won't tell?" "I shall not. But, I feel as though I 've seen you before..." Luna stared hard and long at the changling. Suddenly, her eyes widened. She scrambled to her hooves in a hurry, running to the area where Crysalis found the story-book written by moon princess herself. "What are you doing?" Crysalis walked toward the anxious mare. Luna was franticly searching for a book in the area. She magically tossed book after book behind her back, several nearly hitting Crysalis. Luna gasped as she found the book she had been searching for. She pulled it out slowly, as to not damage it in any way. As if it she depended on it to keep her alive. She levitated it in front of her, and slowly brought it back to the center of the room. Cyrsalis watched carefully, wondering what information could be held inside the precious bind of paper and... and whatever the cover was made out of. Luna gently placed the book down on the floor, and sat in front of it, staring. She did not dare to open the book... not yet. Crysalis trotted from behind the alicorn, and sat next to her. For the first few moment, Crysalis mearly stared at the princess next to her, who didn't dare move a muscle. She seemed as though she was barely breathing. Crysalis wondered again, what kind of book could make her act this way. She slowly turned to face the book, though once she did, Crysalis immediatley wished she hadn't. She stared at the green and black book. The very same one she had seen while looking for the Mare in the Moon story. The snake-like letters made it hard to read the word, but Crysalis understood it. History of the Changlings: The Enemies of Equestria Crysalis winced. The Enemies of Equestria? True, her people were not necessarily 'friends' with Equestria... but, enemies? THE enemies? Crysalis sighed. Luna, however, seemed to take no notice of Crysalis' sadness. She simply stared at the book. She knew Crysalis was beside her, she could see out of the corner of her eye. A part of her thought she shouldn't have Crysalis be with her as she reads the book, considering that the book was written by her people, and that they might say some harsh things. Though Luna was too focused on figuring out the truth. So, she slowly opened the book. She found that near the end, was a chapter entitled: The Lost Princess of the Changelings. Luna quicky found that this took place ten years ago, and began readingth story. She didn't realize it, but she read aloud. "The Lost Princess of the Changelings." "Once long ago, the ponies of Equestria and the changelings had been at war. The cause of the war, was that the Princess ruling Equestria found a Changeling impersonating one of her guards. Equestria believed that the changlings had sent a spy, to find their weakpoint, and to take over Equestria. The ponies feared the changelings for they understood that the changeling's food was others love. So, many also thought that they were trying to get stronger. Through messengers, the Queen of the changelings and the Princess of Equestria spoke. The Changeling Queen claimed that she had no knowleedge of the spy, and that she wouldn't do such a thing. The Equestrian Princess believed the Queen, and the matter was settled as a mistake. A week later, however, ponies found more changlings among them. It is unknown how long any of the changlings were there. Then, war was declared. The Equestrian Army did a sneak attack against the changelings, many were killed. A few of the guards made it to the changling queen's bedroom, and the changling queen was killed since she would not surrender, nor tell the guards where her heir to the throne was hiding. Yes, it is said that the queen also had a daughter, who was to rule over the changlings after her mother. However, throughout the war, she was not seen. The princess dissappeared and was never seen again. Some say she ran away, some say she was killed in the war, and some believe she is still in hiding to this day... waiting to avenge her mother and her people." A picture of the changeling princess and her mother was at the bottom of the page. As Luna thought Crysalis looked just like the princess. Luna then turned to look at the poor Changeling Princess. Crysalis stared at the words, she stared at the picture, and several tears could be seen flowing from her eyes across her cheek. "We didn't send them, you know." Crysalis whimpered. "Who?" Luna continued to stare at Crysalis. "The spies." Crysalis finally looked up at the alicorn beside her. "We didn't send them. I... I remember them. They were old friends of mine. I told them not to go... and mother told them that Equestria is dangerous for people like us... she tells everyone that, every day... but they went anyway..." "How did you get here?" Luna asked. "One of my mom's old friends... Shadow..." Cyrsalis paused to smile. "He... met someone... who had a time machine... he thought the future would be safer for me. So, that ten years ago... was kinda like a week ago to me." Luna held back tears. "I'm sorry..." Crysalis sighed. "It's... not your fault." Luna nodded. "They fear you." "What?" "The ponies of Equestria... they fear your changeling kind. That's why they attacked." Luna sighed. "I know what it's like to be feared." Crysalis moved closer to Luna, and the alicorn pulled the changling into a hug. For a few minutes, they sat there. They stared at the moon, and the night. They thoughts over their lives, and themselves. Soon, Luna stood up from their spot. "You should go back to your room." Luna said through tears. Crysalis nodded, and stood from her spot as well. Before leaving though, she hugged Luna once more. "You're not going to tell, right?" Crysalis whimpered. Luna simply shook her head. "I promised, remember?" Crysalis nodded, and turned to the door. She resumed her form as Crystal Charm before leaving Luna alone to stare at the night sky. Luna turned to the two books still on the floor. She returned the books to their proper places, several tear stains on the book about herself. The next morning, before the ponies went back to Ponyville, Luna and Chrysalis had another quick talk before the princess of the night had to rest for the day. All Luna said was: "You should be proud of who you are, Crysalis... no matter what others think." > Chapter 9: A Canterlot Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Mi Amore Cadenza smiled to herself. Everything is going according to plan. She thought to herself. Cadence is trapped, Shinning Armor is under my spell, and Equestria... more importantly... Princess Celestia will pay. Once, and for all. The "Princess" walked to her mirror, she saw her eyes shimmer a evil green. As she stared, she began to laugh. The evil sound filled her room, as her horn glowed and green flames englufed her. It was sunny say in Ponyville, and Fluttershy and her friends decided to have a picnic. It was her five friends, excluding Crystal Charm. Crystal was tired that morning, and so Fluttershy left her bunny Angel at home to take care of her. Fluttershy smiled at her friends enjoying their days Rarity smiled, "Ahh! It is gorgeous out. Just gorgeous!" Fluttershy agreed mentaly. I was quite a lovely day. Birds chirping, sun shinning, and just enough clouds for shade. As the pegasus continued to find more wonderful things about today, a certain dragon appeared. He was panting, and quite a lot. The dragon spoke slowly, still trying to catch his breath "Twi... light! ...I... have... lemme just..." he sucked in a deep breath, followed by a burped-out letter from the Princess. Twilight picked up the scroll, and began to read aloud. "Dear Twilight, I am sure you are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Canterlot." Twilight looked up to her friends "Wedding?" she then turned back to the parchment "I will be presiding over the ceremony, but would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations for this wonderful occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you and your songbird choir to provide the music." Fluttershy smiled wide, "Oh my goodness! What an honor!" I'll have to start training tomorrow she thought Or tonight if the birds aren't busy... Twilight continued to read, "Pinkie Pie, I can think of no one more qualified than you to host the reception." Pinkie's smile bested Fluttershy's as the earth pony bounced around happily. "Hip, hip, hooray!" "Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception." Twilight smiled to her said friend. Applejack smiled as well, "Well, color me pleased as punch!" Twilight Sparkle then turned to her rainbow-friend. "Rainbow Dash-" The pegasus mearly yawned, expecting something either boring or some lovey-dovey-gushy gross stuff. [yawn] Twilight continued, "...I would very much appreciate it if you could perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their 'I do's." Rainbow Dash froze. Did she hear Twilight right? She must have! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Rainbow leaped into the air, ecstatic. "Yes!" True, the 'I do's were still lovey-dovey-gushy gross stuff... but you add a sonic rainboom in, Rainbow might even let Rarity do her mane. Well... maybe she wouldn't do that... Twilight then turned to the last friend "Rarity, you will be responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids." Rarity froze just as Rainbow had. "Princess Celestia wants me to-" she muttered something "...wedding dress? For a Canterlot wedding..." Rarity's took on a wall-eyed look, and began to sway back and forth while Fluttershy did her best to keep her friend from falling "I, ah, ooh, oooh!" Fluttershy stared at her fallen friend with concern as Twilight continued to read. "And as for you, Twilight, you will be playing the most important role of all: Making sure that everything goes as planned. See you all very soon. Yours, Princess Celestia." Twilight looked to the other side of the paper to make sure there was no more forgotten information. "But... I don't understand. Who's getting married?" she turned to Spike for answers. Spike realized he had forgotten something. "Oh, wait! Uh, I was probably supposed to give you this one first." He pulled out a second scroll and gave it to Twilight. Twilight opened the scroll and began reading "Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and..." Twilight suddenly gasped and dropped the letter in front of her. "My brother?!" Crystal Charm awoke with the sound of a door opening. How long have I been asleep? Was her first thought. "I'm home, Crystal." A soft voice spoke. Fluttershy. Crystal knew right away, dispite still being sleepy. Crystal got up from her bed and quickly went downstairs. "When did you leave?" she asked, once her tired eyes found Fluttershy. Fluttershy smiled. "Earlier today. My friends and I had a picnic." "Why didn't you wake me?" "I thought you needed rest. Did you just wake up now?" Crystal nodded. "I'm sorry... did I wake you?" Crystal smiled. "It's fine, Fluttershy." "Oh I have wonderful news!" Fluttershy flew in the air out of excitement. "What is it?" Crystal asked, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. "I'm going to a Canterlot wedding!" "Cool!" Crystal smiled. "Who's getting married?" "Twilight's brother... I'm going to Canterlot!" The sentence immediatley make Crystal wide-awake. Back to Canterlot!?!? A small part of her was still scared of Celestia... but a HUGE part of her wanted to see Luna again! Oh, they would talk again... maybe Crystal would learn more of Luna's story! Oh this will be so- wait, did Fluttershy say I? Crystal shrugged it off. Assuming Fluttershy made an honest mistake. "So, when do we leave?" Fluttershy's voice cut off Crystal's fantasy of Canterlot that was beginning. "Um... actually Chrysalis... I was gonna go by myself." Crystal's wide as a mile-smile turned into near-tear eyes and a large frown within a split-second. "What!?!?" "I... I need to prepare my birds, and... Princess Celestia will be there... I just think it's best if you stay here. I'm... leaving later today... and-" Crysalis wouldn't listen to Fluttershy, and she stormed off to her room in anger. Fluttershy was going to leave her HERE!?!? ALONE!?!? She thought she could trust Fluttershy... "Cadance" walked past all the guards who bowed in her presense. She liked them bowed at her, but it wasn't the same She wanted to see them quiver with fear when she entered a room. It will happen soon, she thought. As she walked toward one of the bridges that connected towers, she heard a pony singing. "You're marrying Cadance! You're marrying Cadance!" As she walked closer she saw Shinning Armor and... Twilight? Fluttershy's old friend!?!? What's she doing here!?!? Cadance's face didn't change at all. She simply enetered the area. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." she said rudely. Twilight ran up to her "Cadance! Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" as the unicorn recited the rhyme, she did its actions. Cadance stared at her. "What are you doing?" The unicorn turned to face the alicorn. "Cadance, it's me, Twilight!" Cadance mearly stared for a moment before walking toward Shinning Armor. She mearly said an uninterested "Uh-huh" Cadance stood next to her soon-to-be husband as he spoke again to Twilight, "I've gotta get back to my station, but Cadance will be checking in with all of you to see how things are going. I think I speak for both of us when I say we couldn't be more excited to have you here." he then turned his attention to Cadance "Right, dear?" Cadance nodded, "Absolutely." she gave an evil glare to Twilight, which Shining didn't see. Twilight stared at the 'princess' She sure has changed... and not in a good way. Cadance walked into the kitchen where Applejack was preparing the food. Cadance still couldn't believe it was them! Fluttershy's old friends! She'd just have to... keep her act up. Applejack stepped in front of her and bowed low. "Hiya, Princess!" Princess Cadance mentally sighed. "Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." "Hiya, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!" Applejack said in the same, friendly, farm-voice. "You come to check out what's on the menu for your big day?" The earth pny finally looked up. Cadance manadged a smile "I have!" ...which dropped as soon as Appljack turned around. Applejack handed the princess a plate with fritters. Cadance levitated one and took a bite. She faked, "Delicious! I love, love, love them..." Applejack nearly blushed, and even though Cadance wouldn't admit it, she felt slightly bad for lying. "Aw, shucks. Why don't you take a few to go?" Applejack had a few in a bag in no time, and Cadance tried to be polite and magically took it. "I know how you brides can be. So busy, you forget to get a little somethin' in your belly." Cadance ingnored Applejack, and once the earth pony's back was turned, Cadance threw away the bag without a care. In the distance, she could hear Twilight gasp, but continued walking away. Cadance headed to the dressmaker's chambers. She couldn't believe it! Another one of Fluttershy's friends! That sewing unicorn! As she entered, she could hear Twilight Sparkle "Oh, you should have seen how she acted back there. I don't know when she changed, but she changed!" Changed? Was she doing something wrong on Cadance's part? she could also hear Twilight imitating her... badly... "Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." Cadance decided she wouldn't stand for more insults on her acting. "Did I hear someone say my name?" Before Cadance could turn to stare at Twilight evily, the white unicorn jumped in front of her. "Your highness! Let me just start by saying what an honor it is to play a role in such a momentous occasion." said the unicorn, before laughing nervously. Cadance nodded and spoke unenthusiastically, "A-ha. Is my dress ready?" Rarity stammered, "Yes, of course." The unicorn walked toward the bride's dress with Cadance following close behind. "Um, I've been working on it ever since I was given the assignment, and I think you'll be pleased with the results! Mmm!" Cadance became annoyed by the unicorn's nervous and at the same time cheery attitude. "I was hoping for something with more beading and a longer train." Rarity was shocked at first, she herself thinking the dress was fabulous and perfect, but after all, it wasn't her dress. She levitated a note book in front of herself along with a quill. She quickly wrote the princess's demands. "Oh, yes, of course." Cadance quickly looked over the bridesmaid dresses before finding a complaint about them, as well. "And those should be a different color." However, Cadance's bridesmaids disagreed. Twinkleshine was the first to disagree. "I think they're lovely." Minuette joined "Me too!" Don't you dare... Cadance thought before Lyra Heartstrings added, "I love them." Princess Cadance glared at the three mares who sheepishly and suddenly began to find the floor quite interesting. Cadance then ignored their comments and spoke again to Rarity, "Make them a different color." As Cadance walked away with the three mares, she could hear Twilight's comment "Gee, maybe her name should be 'Princess Demandy-pants.' " Cadance, after going through Pinkie and Rainbow's preparations... the only one left was... Fluttershy. Cadance visibly shuddered. The pony who she'd been avoiding all day. She couldn't believe it! In truth, she was supposed to check on Fluttershy's preparations first. That way, Twilight would already be done preparing, and Cadance wouldn't have been stuck with her every time. But no, Cadance had to simply skip Fluttershy... and now the said pegasus was the only thing she hadn't checked yet. Cadance sighed as she entered the room. There she was, Fluttershy practicing with her bird choir. Fluttershy herself turned around just in time to see Cadance enter. The princess held her breath at first. She expected Fluttershy to recognize her... or... say something around the area of her being similar to someone she knew. Cadance mentally smacked herself. Of course she doesn't recognize me! I'm Cadance! Cadance walked slowly and regaly toward the pegasus and birds. "Hello, Princess." Fluttershy greeted. Cadance nodded her head to show that she heard, and then turned to the birds. She eyed them for a moment before speaking, "These are the birds for MY wedding?" Cadance asked, seemingly not impressed. Fluttershy took no notice, however. "Oh, yes. Aren't they lovely?" It took all Fluttershy's will-power to not cuddle one of the birds as they practiced the wedding song again. Cadance rolled her eyes as Fluttershy stared smiling at the birds. She sure hasn't changed... Oh, of course she hasn't changed! It's the same time! Cadance turned her attention back to the birds. "Yeah... sure... lovely. But, I think-" Cadance was suddenly interrupted by the screeching sour note of a bird. She quickly spotted the horribly off-key animal, and yelled at it. "There better NOT be any WRONG NOTES at MY WEDDING!!!" Then, Cadance quickly left them room, leaving Fluttershy confused for seconds, before turning back to the poor, scared bird. "It's okay... she's just stressed and wants her wedding to be perfect..." "What's wrong with you, Cadance?" Lyra asked once the four ponies left Fluttershy's room. "You seem... angrier then usual." "I'm... stressed about the wedding..." Was Cadance's only excuse. "Even THAT wouldn't make you this mean..." Minuette pressed on, "Is it about Shinning Armor? Are you having second thoughts on the wedding?" "No! Nothing's wrong!" Cadance was becoming angry. "Then why are you so upset, Cadance?" said Twinkleshine. "I told you three to call me..." Cadance took a deep breath to keep from screaming it, "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza." "There you go AGAIN!!!" said Minuette. Cadance turned in shock to the mares who she'd been keeping her eyes away from until now. "You always HATED your full name, and now you want us to use it every time we address you!?!?" Cadance couldn't speak. "What's wrong with you, mare?!?!" Minuette continued. That was it... Cadance couldn't take it anymore. She blasted the three mares with a green magic, and they were teleported underground. There... Cadance thought. That takes care of them... and they'll keep the "Princess" busy. Of course... I'll need new bridesmaids now... she sighed... knowing what she'd have to do. Cadance trotted to Shinning Armor. She still couldn't believe it! Her moth- I mean... her old caretaker and her friends were going to ruin everything! She took a deep breath. Twilight was already suspicious! She could hear her now! Talking about how mean she was and- wait a second... she really can hear her voice! She was talking to Shinning Armor! No no no!!! "We need to talk. I think you're making a big-" Cadance cleared her throat for the perfect interruption. Shining Armor turned to the princess "Oh, uh, hi, sweetie." Cadance could hear Twilight muttering, "She sure has a way of sneaking up on people." Cadance turned to Shining, "Could I speak to you for a moment, dear?" Cadance walked into the next room with Shining following. "Better see what she wants." was his excuse to Twilight. Cadance spoke once they were in the next room and the door was closed. "Look, we need to talk." was all Cadance could think of saying. She didn't have a REAL reason... she just needed Shinning away from Twilight. Shining Armor nodded "I'm here to talk. I- look, she's okay-" Cadance shook her head "Just- listen to me." Shining Armor nodded again, "I'm listening, I'm listening." Princess Cadance finally found her complaint "I thought I made it perfectly clear I didn't want you to wear that." Shining Armor looked to where Cadance was staring... "This was my favorite uncle's." Cadance simply stared "And?" Shining continued "And I think I should wear it." Princess Cadance stared harder "Are you disagreeing with me?" Shining Armor stared back "I guess I am- ah" Shinning put a hoof to his head in pain Cadance came closer "Oh dear, are you getting another one of your 'headaches?' " Shining Armor seemed to stare angrily at Cadance before she blasted him with magic. As Shinning stood back up, Cadance's voice seemed sweet and kind again. "Feeling better?" Shining Armor nodded. Twilight, who had been watching silently through the slightly open door, gasped. "She isn't just unpleasant and rude, she's downright evil!" Twilight ran away as just as Shinning opened the door again. "Twilight!" he shouted. Princess Cadance shook her head, "Let her go". It was time for a wedding practice. Everything was going well up until they realized a certain lavendar unicorn was missing from her part as the groom's Best Mare. Instead of her, all they saw was a certain dragon playing with the cake toppers again. "Hey... has anypony seen Twilight?" Shinning was the first to ask. Twilight Sparkle suddenly entered and shouted "I'm here!" The unicorn turned to the future bride. "I'm not gonna stand next to her. And neither should you!" Shining Armor blushed and quickly apologised to Cadance "I'm sorry, I don't, I don't know why she's acting like this." "Maybe we should just ignore her." Cadance sent a glare Twilight's way. "You have to listen to me!" Twilight tried to speak, but her friends showered her with worries about her. Twilight ignored them best she could. "I've got something to say! She's evil!" Twilight pointed a hoof at Cadance. The ponies chatted aumongst themselves with concern, meanwhile Cadance prepared for the best acting of her life. Cadance stared as Twilight continued to explain, "She's been horrible to my friends, she's obviously done something to her bridesmaids, and if that wasn't enough, I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all..." Twilight put on a wall-eyed look that challenged the great Derpy! Cadance took a breath before start to 'cry', "Why are you doing this to me?!" she ran away quickly, in tears. Twilight Sparkle teleported behind her once. "Because you're evil! Evil! And if I don't stop you you're gonna ruin my brother's life!" That was WAY too close. Cadance had to do something about Twilight! Suddenly, she thought of an idea. She teleported back to the room Twilight was in just in time to her a song. "He was my big brother, best friend Forever... And now, we'll never do anything Together..." Cadance tried her best not to gasp. She almost felt... pity. She had just... broken apart a brother and a sister... who had a special bond. Her thoughts went back to her own mother... but she shook her head. Now, is not the time for sympathy. However, she walked over to the crying unicorn and began to pet her head. Twilight looked up to see the alicorn's kind sympathetic eyes. "I'm sorry!" she said quickly. Cadance quickly regained control of her seeping sorrow. Her eyes fluttered a dark green, before she glared into Twilight's very soul. "You will be..."