> Sunset's First Snowpants Wetting > by The Dark Wolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sunset's First Snowpants Wetting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a mild winter day. Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer were skiing together. They were wearing their winter outfits, with Rainbow wearing her skintight black pants underneath, and Sunset wearing jeans underneath. After skiing down a massive slope, Rainbow and Sunset sat down in the snow to rest for a bit. "That was awesome!" said Rainbow Dash. "When we get back up, let's go down that hill again!" "That sounds fun," said Sunset. But at this moment, she felt an all too familiar sensation: She had to go to the bathroom. There was a bathroom relatively close by. But this reminded Sunset of something that she had been itching to know. "Rainbow Dash, remember that snowball fight where you were inside a snowman for two days to get a sneak attack?" "The sneak attack that didn't work?" Rainbow said indignantly. "Well, it might have worked if you didn't loudly shout 'Sneak attack!' before throwing the snowball. "Point taken." "I've been thinking. Two days is a long time to go without a bathroom. Did you... um... pee in your snowpants?" "You bet I did," said Rainbow unabashedly. "Do you think I'd cancel my awesome sneak attack for a bathroom break? And with all the coffee and energy drinks I drank to stay awake, I peed more than once." She chuckled. "So... you were willing to pee in your snowpants just to get a sneak attack?" Sunset had never heard of anyone willingly wetting themselves before. "Well... There's kind of more to it than that. You'll probably think I'm weird, and I've only ever told Fluttershy." "Now I'm curious. What more is there to it?" Sunset felt her need to pee increase a bit, and fidgeted slightly. "It wasn't my first time. Far from it. For years, whenever I'd be having fun playing in the snow, doing winter sports, or hanging out with you at a snow fort or something like that, whenever I have to pee, I just go in my snowpants." "You wet your snowpants all the time? Why?" "I'm having so much fun outside, and I don't want to take the time to go inside and remove multiple layers of clothing. The last time I did that, I felt it was a major inconvenience. So, far more easier to just pee my snowpants and be done with it." "But your snowpants always looked dry every winter." "They only get wet on the inside. They don't show wetness on the outside. And you never saw me take them off so you didn't see how wet my pants were underneath. So not only is it convenient, but no one can even tell. Like I said, I told Fluttershy, and she thinks it's kind of cute." The talk of wetness made Sunset's need to pee grow more, but she was very intrigued by Rainbow's story. "Do you know of anyone else who wets their snowpants for convenience?" "Not in person," said Rainbow. "Maybe Pinkie Pie, I've seen her a little fidgety at the beginning of some winter outdoors and then heard her sigh in relief, and I could've sworn I saw some steam coming off her snowpants, which is what happens when you pee outside. But she almost doesn't count." Sunset had to agree there. Pinkie did all kinds of weird things and the girls had learned to just go with this without giving it too much thought. Given what Rainbow said, it was most likely that Pinkie also wet her snowpants on a regular basis. She did wet the bed sometimes, after all, and laugh about it, and Sunset had dismissed it as her just being Pinkie Pie. "But," continued Rainbow, "I got curious so I looked it up online and it sounds like there are lots of people in the world who wet their snowpants for convenience. And they also like how it's easy to hide." "I had no idea this was actually a thing. It sounds very interesting. Is it... unpleasant?" Rainbow blushed lightly but smiled. "Kinda the opposite. After doing this for years, it's hard to ignore how good the warm release feels. Maybe it's cause I don't mind getting wet, but the warm wetness spreading through my snowpants... You won't know unless you've done it." "I'm thinking about it," said Sunset. "I have to go right now." Badly, in fact. "So, why not go in your snowpants?" "I'm really curious now about how it feels, if it's that good. Can we... go together?" "That would be a little difficult," said Rainbow. "I already went when we were skiing down the hill." She chuckled. "Oh. Well, if you're already wet..." Sunset tried to pee, but was having a bit of difficulty. "It can be hard the first time since your body is trained to not pee in your pants," said Rainbow. "Funny how that works because when I first came here from Equestria, I didn't realize I was wearing panties the first time I went to the bathroom." She strongly suspected that Princess Twilight had had the same mishap on her first trip to this world. "At the time all I could think was how embarrassing it was and hoping no one would notice, and not how it actually felt." "Just think of how it will feel," said Rainbow. "The warm release, the wetness spreading through your snowpants, how warm and wet it will be, and if all else fails, think of the sound of your stream splashing into the toilet." Sunset had to pee so badly that it actually didn't take long to convince her bladder to let go. Sunset began peeing her snowpants, feeling the warm wetness soak her rear end and spread through the inside her her snowpants. She blushed, feeling a bit foolish at deliberately wetting herself, but she couldn't deny that it felt very good. The relief, the warmth, even a bit of excitement at doing something "naughty" without anyone knowing, except Rainbow Dash, who was sitting beside her in equally wet snowpants, and not for the first time. As she peed, a hissing noise could be heard, and steam came off of her snowpants. Sunset blushed a little more, but also felt a bit of excitement at this. Eventually, she finished wetting her snowpants and sighed of relief. "That's better." Her jeans and snowpants were very wet, never mind her black boyshort panties, but she didn't really mind this either. Quite the opposite, actually. She remembered that time she was in the rain in her Backstage Pass pants, and decided that for her next snowpants wetting, she would wear those underneath. "Did you enjoy your first snowpants wetting?" Rainbow asked with a smile. "Yes," said Sunset. "I just wish I'd thought of this sooner. All the times I ran to the bathroom and spent so much time removing my snowpants and my jeans... One of them was a near miss, too. If I had known how amazing this felt..." "Yeah, it's the best," said Rainbow. "So, you're gonna do it again in the future?" "All the time," said Sunset. "I mean, of course, my jeans are wet now too, but I can always change when I get home." "Sometimes I don't change when I get home," said Rainbow with a mischievous smile. "Of course I do always wash up and put on a clean pair of pants for the next day. I know Rarity doesn't like it when I smell too unpleasant. I still remember that time she gave me a bath in my stinky shorts after not washing for days." She chuckled a bit, finding it funny to look back to. "That reminds me. Have you ever messed in your snowpants?" "Once, inside the snowman." "And was that enjoyable too?" "It was kind of fun at the time, but the cleanup was pretty annoying. You can try it if you want, but just keep that in mind." "Maybe I will. Not now though, I don't have to go in that way." "So, wanna go skiing some more?" "Sure." Sunset and Rainbow stood up, made their way up a hill, and began skiing down the slope in their wet snowpants, which, while very soggy on the inside, showed no wetness on the outside. > Sunset Loves Wetting Her Snowpants > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer woke up to her alarm. At first, she didn't want to get out of bed. But then she remembered what she had planned for today, and immediately got up. Leaving her black underwear from yesterday on, she removed her pajamas and put on her Backstage Pass outfit. She looked at her pajama pants and made a mental note to wear them under her snowpants the next time. She walked into the kitchen and made a big pot of coffee, eating some toast for breakfast while it was heating up. Once the pot of coffee was done, she drank it, along with three cans of soda. She was already feeling a need to pee since she hadn't used the bathroom since getting out of bed, and had drank a hot chocolate and cider before bed, and this would make her need to pee even more. Once she finished what she was drinking, she put on her winter outfit over top of her Backstage Pass outfit and walked outside. It was snowing, but the temperature was only mildly cold. Perfect for a winter walk. As Sunset walked down the sidewalk, she slowly felt her need to pee get even more urgent. She hoped she would make it to where she was trying to get to, but she was confident that she would. She had really enjoyed her first snowpants wetting and wanted to do it again. By the time she reached the park, she was twice as desperate as she was before. She was enjoying her desperation, and knew she would take even more pleasure in what was to come. She walked back and forth along the path, allowing her bladder to fill up even more. When she leaked a little, she decided it was time to do what she came here for. She found a nice snowbank a bit away from the path, and sat down in it. If anyone saw her, it wouldn't look suspicious. She had been walking for the past half hour and so of course she would want to rest for a bit. She sat and fidgeted, letting her desperation continue for a short while. After another leak, she giggled slightly, and then spread her legs and peed. She sighed of relief and pleasure as her stream soaked her pants and the inside of her snowpants, feeling her crotch and butt get absolutely soaked. Just like the last time, she could hear a hissing noise and see steam rising off her snowpants. She loved the sight of this, the only visible sign of what was going on under her winter outfit. Even more did she love the feel of it. The relief, the warm wetness, the naughty feeling of wetting herself... After over a minute, she finished peeing and sighed of relief. She no longer needed to go, and her pants and snowpants were soaking wet. She felt like some of it was pooling around her bottom, but she knew it would be absorbed by her snowpants. "Hiya, Sunset!" Sunset nearly jumped and looked in the direction of the voice. Pinkie Pie was sitting in the snow close by. She hadn't even seen her come. She was a bit nervous, but reminded herself that her snowpants didn't show any wetness. "Uh... Hi, Pinkie. How are you doing?" She smiled, trying to act casual. "Really great! How are you doing?" "I'm doing good, too." "Did you like wetting your snowpants?" Sunset blushed beet red. "How...?" "You think I can't tell when someone's peeing their snowpants? I do it all the time! Actually, I'm wet right now. And I see Rainbow Dash and Applejack peeing their snowpants a lot. They think I don't notice, but I can tell all the signs. Only when they're peeing though. After that, it's impossible to tell, so don't worry! Your wet snowpants are safe with me!" Sunset sighed of relief. But she should have known. Rainbow Dash was pretty sure that Pinkie wet her snowpants, and they'd all seen Pinkie wet the bed and laugh it off. And so Applejack wet her snowpants too? That didn't surprise her. "So, you like wetting your snowpants too." "Well, duh! It's the greatest feeling ever! Sometimes I drink a lot right before I go out and play in the snow so that I'm more likely to pee!" "To tell you the truth, I came out here specifically to pee in my snowpants." Sunset blushed lightly, for Rainbow mainly wet her snowpants for convenience rather than planning a snowpants wetting. But she smiled. Pinkie giggled. "I don't blame you. Sometimes I wonder if Dashie plans it too, she does it a lot." "That wouldn't surprise me." "Wanna go get some pancakes and hot chocolate?" "Sure." So Sunset and Pinkie stood up. Sunset felt a bit of pee dripping into her shoes, but not much, the rest had been absorbed by her snowpants, which were very wet on the inside but dry on the outside. As they walked, Sunset enjoyed the feeling of having wet pants while anyone who walked by them had absolutely no idea. They walked to a restaurant where they ordered some pancakes and an extra large hot chocolate. No one in the restaurant even suspected how wet Sunset was underneath her winter outfit. Afterwards, they returned to the park, where, after having a snowball fight, they sat back down. After talking for a while... "I have to go to the bathroom," said Sunset. "Me too," said Pinkie. Sssssssssssssss... "Ahhhhhhh," sighed Sunset and Pinkie in unison. > Snowpants Holding Contest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer woke up one morning. It didn't take her long to remember what was planned for today. Without taking her morning pee, showering, or even changing out of her pajamas, she got out of bed, drank a pot of coffee, and then put her winter outfit over top of her pajamas and ran to Rainbow Dash's house. Rainbow Dash was at the door, in her modern outfit that included skintight black pants. "Good, you're here. I was afraid we'd have to do this without you." "Sorry I'm late," said Sunset. "I overslept. I really don't want to miss this." Sunset entered the house. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were sitting on the couch waiting for her. Applejack was wearing tight jeans and Pinkie was wearing tight jean shorts. Sunset giggled at this, as it was winter. Of course, Pinkie would be wearing her snowpants on top while outside. "What you wearing under your snowpants?" Pinkie asked. "My pajamas," said Sunset. "Ooh, pajamas under snowpants is fun too!" "All right," said Rainbow. "Did any of you take your morning pee?" The girls all shook their heads. "And you all had a whole pot of coffee when you got up?" They nodded. "Good. Now, let's each drink one big bottle of soda and a hot chocolate, put on our snowpants, and go outside." Rainbow gave each of the girls a big bottle of their favorite soda. They drank them as fast as they could, and Rainbow made them each a hot chocolate which they also drank, and then Rainbow, Pinkie, and Applejack put on their snowpants, and they all walked outside into Rainbow's backyard and sat in the snow, in square formation, with Rainbow and Applejack facing each other, and Pinkie and Sunset facing each other. "Well, the rules are simple," said Rainbow. "Hold it for as long as you can, and if you wet yourself all the way, you lose. We'll know when someone wets herself because there'll be steam." The girls all giggled, and sat still. They already felt a bit of a need to pee from not using the bathroom today. Pinkie had told Applejack and Rainbow Dash that the other liked to wet her snowpants, so immediately they wanted to do a snowpants holding contest, and Sunset had been interested to enter as well. "By the way," said Rainbow Dash, "Fluttershy likes to pee in her wetsuit." "Is she all right with you tellin' us this?" Applejack asked. "For those of you who also wet for fun, yes, she said I could." As an hour went by, their need to pee increased rapidly, and soon they were fidgeting where they sat in the snow. Sunset wasn't sure whether she could beat Rainbow Dash or Applejack, but she was having a lot of fun with this. Even if she lost, she'd get to experience another snowpants wetting. Of course, even if she won, she'd pee her snowpants anyway. "Ooh, I gotta go potty!" said Pinkie. Everyone giggled, then focused on trying to hold it. As time went by, the girls squirmed harder, with Pinkie squirming the hardest. Pretty soon, Pinkie stopped squirming, spread her legs, and sighed of relief as steam came off her snowpants while a hissing noise could be heard. She had a look of absolute pleasure and relaxation on her face as though she was thinking about cake frosting. Whether eating it or covering herself in it, either way she loved it. "Pinkie's out!" said Rainbow. "Yep," said Pinkie. "I was just so excited to be playing a fun game with all of you. And I still had lots of fun. And now I'm really wet." She giggled. Sunset leaked a little, dampening her black boyshort panties and her pajama pants slightly, but not enough to say she lost. From Rainbow and Applejack's motions, they were also having a bit of difficulty holding it through the sights and sounds of Pinkie's wetting. Sunset, Rainbow, and Applejack fidgeted for another half hour or so. They all needed to pee really badly, and weren't sure how much longer they could hold it. Sunset had a feeling that if she stood up now, she'd lose it. Part of her wanted to, but she told herself to be patient. Either she'd lose control, or Rainbow and Applejack would and then she'd pee voluntarily. Either way, she would wet her snowpants again today. She leaked a little more, enjoying this. Pinkie, meanwhile, sat still with a big smile on her face. "Mind if I make it more challenging for you?" "Go right ahead," said Rainbow. "You fine with that, Sunset?" Applejack asked. "Sure," said Sunset. She was looking forward to it. "Soon it'll be spring," said Pinkie. "And all the snow's gonna melt. The snow will get really wet and become slush, with our boots sloshing through the slush, and if we wear shoes, our socks will get really wet. Then the slush will turn to puddles, and I'll splash around in the puddles, making big splashes and getting really wet in the process." Sunset leaked for three seconds. There was still no steam but she was sure she would wet herself any second now. "And then we'll get lots of rain. Remember how wet we were that Monday when it was raining really hard? And there'll be more puddles to splash in, while the raindrops splash into the puddles, drip drop, drip drop, and rivers will flow through the gutters and down the rain. The rain on the puddles will almost sound like your stream splashing into the toilet. Wouldn't it be such a relief to just let go and pee, hearing your stream splash into the toilet, and if your underwear's still up, it'll get soaked, and... Ooh, Sunny, you're out!" Sunset was sighing of relief as her overflowing bladder released itself into her pajamas and snowpants, and a hissing noise could be heard while steam was visible. She liked the feeling of a full-blown loss of control, and once again she took great pleasure in the warm, wet feeling spreading through her crotch and tush, soaking her pajama pants and the inside of her snowpants. Even without Pinkie saying it, Sunset could tell that she had lost. But she didn't mind. She held it as long as she could, she had a lot of fun, and now she got to enjoy peeing her snowpants again. She spread her legs all the way and peed harder, letting her stream grow stronger as the hissing noise grew louder. Rainbow and Applejack whimpered a bit, and Sunset was sure they had leaked a little. She couldn't blame them. She had already held to bursting point so she couldn't imagine they were far behind. Her behind was soaking wet and the pee was pooling in the seat of her snowpants. She finished peeing and sighed of immense relief. "Ahh, that's better." "Applejack, think you can hold it longer?" Rainbow asked, fidgeting hard. "I know I can!" said Applejack, squirming equally hard. Sunset sat in her wet snowpants and watched the last two contestants fidget and try to keep their snowpants dry. She wasn't sure who would win. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had about an even history of winning their competitions with each other, when Rainbow played fair. She was sure that both their underwear was wet already, but they had yet to wet themselves all the way. As Sunset looked back and forth between them, she wiggled her butt slightly. By now, the pee in her snowpants had been absorbed, but they were still very wet. Finally, the contest came to an end. "Uuuhhh... I can't hold it..." A hissing noise could be heard, and Applejack stopped squirming and spread her legs, realizing she had lost. Steam came off her snowpants and she sighed of relief. "YES! I win!" Rainbow stopped trying to hold it, spread her legs, and blasted a power pee in her snowpants. The hissing noise was louder than Applejack's, and steam emanated from her snowpants very quickly. She sighed in relief and then chuckled. "Well, you win this time, Rainbow," said Applejack, still peeing. "But maybe next time I'll come out on top." "I would love for there to be a next time," said Sunset. "Me too!" said Pinkie. "I could've held it for another hour," said Rainbow. Applejack raised her eyebrow. "All right, I was really close to losing control, and my underwear was really wet." "Still is," said Pinkie with a giggle. "Flooded is more like it," said Rainbow. She finished peeing. "That was awesome!" "Would you all be up for this again, a week from today?" Sunset asked. Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie all made sounds of agreement. They sat in their wet snowpants for another five minutes or so before they stood up. Rainbow walked back into her house, and Sunset had a feeling that even after she removed her snowpants, she would stay in her wet pants while watching a movie or playing a game. Sunset, Applejack, and Pinkie walked back to their houses. Sunset could feel a bit of pee dripping into her shoes, but most of it had been absorbed by her snowpants. She walked by several people on her way, who were completely unaware of how wet she was. Once Sunset was home, she removed her wet snowpants, picked up her orange T-shirt, black vest, purple skirt, and some clean underwear, and walked into the bathroom. She examined how wet her pajama pants were, and smiled, slapping her own butt. Then, she took a short bubble bath in her pajamas. They were already wet so why not? Plus this was fun too. After scrubbing herself all over, she drained the tub and rinsed herself off in the shower, before finally removing her pajamas and showering normally. She exited the bathroom in her dry, clean outfit and put her wet pajamas and snowpants in the wash. She couldn't wait for her next holding contest next week, but would most likely wet her snowpants again before that!