> The Extraordinary tales of Astrospark > by WingLord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Crushed Dreams and Shooting Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the captivating town of Sire's Hollow, where magic dances through the air and secrets lurk in every shadow, a vibrant blue unicorn named Astrospark was fervently engaged in his quaint study. Here, amidst the comforting glow of candlelight and the faint scent of ancient parchment, a towering labyrinth of books enveloped him. Each tome was a portal to realms of wisdom untold. The shelves groaned under the weight of their contents, their spines bent and frayed from countless journeys through the annals of history. Dusty tomes lay scattered haphazardly across the cluttered desk, their pages adorned with scribbled notes and arcane symbols, a testament to Astrospark's insatiable thirst for knowledge that cost him a personal life outside the walls of research. Astrospark, with his vibrant azure coat and a dark blue mane that shimmered like stardust, was known throughout the town for his insatiable curiosity and unyielding passion for the mysteries of the universe. Today was a momentous occasion for him, as he prepared to present his groundbreaking research to the esteemed Committee of Exploration. With a flick of his horn, the papers on his desk levitated into the air, arranging themselves in a neat stack. ready to go and show the world the results of his studies. "Okay Astro, Today is the day," he said to himself as he tried to pep talk himself. "Today is the day that the Committee will give you the title of an "Explorer" and you will be able to travel and Explore New lands and even discover New Creatures! No more "Researcher Astrospark" it will be "Explorer Astrospark" just like Pops and Great Grandpa, you need to stay focused and put this Smart Head of yours to work," he continued his internal monologue. Astrospark always dreamed of Being an Explorer and venturing into uncharted territories since he was just a colt. He came from a long line of unicorn explorers, His great-grandfather Astromoon, with only a bag of apples on his back, was the first unicorn to reach the frozen North. and his Father Astroglimmer who was a strong unicorn with an even stronger will and made a name for himself after meeting a Roc and "Borrowing" its egg and bringing it with them. needless to say, Astrospark inherited a rich legacy from his family. As he gathered his thoughts, Astrospark's mind wandered to the journey ahead. The Committee Headquarters in the next town awaited him, where he would present his meticulously crafted research. He had spent countless hours analyzing maps, studying ancient texts, and consulting with fellow scholars to compile a comprehensive list of potential places to explore in Equestria. His research delved into the deepest forests, the highest peaks, and the most mysterious caves, all in search of hidden wonders and untold stories. Each location held the promise of New discoveries, from ancient ruins to mythical creatures long thought to be legends. Astrospark could feel the excitement building within him as he visualized himself standing before the Committee, presenting his findings with passion and conviction. He knew that this presentation would be his ticket to the title of an explorer, a title that meant a lot to his family and to him even though he never understood why. With a determined expression, Astrospark gathered his papers and secured them in a satchel slung over his shoulder. His heart raced with anticipation as he made his way out of his study and onto the sunlit streets of Sire's Hollow. "I'm on my way!" He shouted, making some ponies turn their head, making the blue stallion sheepishly speedwalking after he embarrassed himself. As he approached the towering spires of the Committee headquarters, Astrospark took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. With a confident stride, he entered the grand hall, ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime and fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming an explorer in the magical land of Equestria and continuing the Family tradition. As Astrospark entered the grand hall of the Committee headquarters, he saw portraits of pony explorers that reached legendary status and found portraits of five members of the Astro family first was Astromoon who co-founded the committee, and next to him were the Astro-twins: Astrobeam and Astrodream who explored "the great Inland Sea" and the fourth portrait belonged to the Mare explorer Astrospell who became the first mare to travel all of Equestria on hooves and finally there was Astrospark's own father Astroglimmer and his portrait radiated courage and bravery, Astrospark then was greeted by the sight of five old and wise ponies seated at a long table. Two mares and three stallions, their faces etched with years of experience and knowledge. Astrospark felt a pang of anxiety as he approached them, his heart pounding in his chest. Astrospark took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves as he approached the table where the five ponies sat. They regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and solemnity, their gazes piercing through him with an intensity that made him feel exposed. "Good morning, esteemed members of the Committee," Astrospark said, trying to keep his voice steady despite the nervous flutter in his chest. "I am honored to have the opportunity to present my research to you today." The ponies nodded in acknowledgment, their expressions unreadable as they waited for Astrospark to begin his presentation. With a flick of his horn, Astrospark levitated his papers out of his satchel and spread them out on the table before him. "I have spent many months compiling this research," Astrospark began, his voice gaining confidence as he delved into the details of his findings. He spoke with passion and enthusiasm, his words flowing effortlessly as he described each potential location for exploration in vivid detail. He spoke of the ancient ruins hidden deep within the Everfree Forest, where forgotten secrets lay waiting to be uncovered. He described the towering peaks of the Crystal Mountains, where rare gemstones glittered in the sunlight like stars in the night sky. He painted a picture of the vast deserts of the Badlands, where mysterious artifacts from a bygone era lay buried beneath the shifting sands. As Astrospark spoke, the ponies listened intently, their eyes alight with interest as they absorbed the wealth of knowledge he had gathered. When he finally finished his presentation, he felt a surge of relief wash over him, accompanied by a sense of pride in his accomplishments. "Bravo, Astrospark," one of the mares said, her voice warm with approval. "Your research is truly impressive. You have proven yourself to be a skilled researcher and a location expert." Astrospark's heart swelled with gratitude at the praise, but his excitement was short-lived as he realized what the ponies were implying. "But...what about the title of Explorer?" Astrospark asked, his voice tinged with confusion. "Isn't that what I've been working towards all this time?" The ponies exchanged glances, their expressions somber as they deliberated amongst themselves. Finally, the stallion at the head of the table spoke up, his voice grave. "I'm afraid, Astrospark, that you have not met the requirements to become an explorer," he said, his tone regretful. "You may have the knowledge and expertise, but you lack the courage and bravery that are essential qualities for an explorer." Astrospark felt like he had been punched in the gut, his dreams crumbling around him as he struggled to process the ponies' words. "But...but I've dedicated my entire life to this," Astrospark protested, his voice rising with frustration. "It's my life goal, my purpose! How can you just take that away from me?" The ponies remained unmoved, their expressions impassive as they listened to Astrospark's outburst. The pegasus mare named Steadwings spoke up, her voice gentle but firm. "Astrospark, perhaps it's time for you to reconsider your priorities," she said, her tone sympathetic. "Is becoming an explorer truly your dream, or is it simply a legacy you feel obligated to carry on?" Astrospark's eyes widened in shock at her words, his mind reeling with confusion and doubt. Was he pursuing his own dream, or was he simply trying to live up to the expectations of his family? Before he could respond, the ponies rose from their seats, signaling the end of the meeting. Feeling lost and disillusioned, Astrospark slumped in his chair, his mind consumed by turmoil. Was his dream of becoming an explorer truly his own, or was he simply chasing after a legacy that didn't belong to him? "I can learn," Astrospark said while looking at them and demanding their attention, "I can learn how to be an explorer..." "you can't Astrospark," Steadwings interrupted, "you either have it or not" Astrospark's heart sank at Steadwings' words, his mind spinning with a mixture of disbelief and despair. He had always believed that with enough determination and hard work, he could achieve anything he set his mind to. But now, faced with the harsh reality that he might never fulfill his dream of becoming an explorer, he felt like he was drowning in a sea of doubt and uncertainty. "But...but I can show you!" Astrospark exclaimed, desperation creeping into his voice. "I can prove that I have what it takes to be an explorer! Just give me a chance, please!" The ponies exchanged skeptical glances, their expressions remaining stoic as they listened to Astrospark's plea. The stallion Named Sage Hooves at the head of the table shook his head, his tone regretful. "We've tested your bravery before, Astrospark," he said, his voice tinged with sympathy. "And the results were...disappointing, to say the least. You showed a reluctance to venture outside your comfort zone, preferring the safety of your studies over the dangers of adventure." Astrospark felt like he had been struck by lightning. It was true—there had been times when he had shied away from danger, when he had let fear hold him back from taking risks. But he had always believed that he could overcome his fears, that he could push himself to be brave and bold in the face of adversity. "I understand," Astrospark murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for your honesty." The ponies nodded in acknowledgment, their expressions filled with sympathy as they watched Astrospark gather his belongings and prepare to leave. But before he could go, the stallion at the head of the table spoke up, his voice soft but full of wisdom. "Astrospark, I want you to understand something," he said, his tone gentle but firm. "The legacy of the Committee of Exploration is a sacred one, passed down through generations of brave and courageous explorers who risked their lives in search of knowledge and adventure." Astrospark listened intently, his ears perked forward as the stallion continued. "Being an explorer is more than just a title," the stallion explained. "It's a calling, a way of life that requires bravery, determination, and an unwavering spirit. It's not something that can be learned or taught—it's something that is born within you, a fire that burns bright in your soul." Astrospark felt a lump form in his throat as he listened to the stallion's words. He had always believed that he was destined to follow in his family's footsteps, to carry on their legacy and make them proud. But now, faced with the truth that he might never become an explorer, he felt a sense of grief and loss that threatened to consume him. "Your family's legacy as explorers ends with you, Astrospark," the stallion continued, his voice filled with regret. "But that doesn't mean that your life has any less meaning or purpose. You are a talented researcher and a valuable member of our community. Don't let the pursuit of a title define who you are. you are a fine researcher Astrospark but you will never be an Explorer" Astrospark felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes as he listened to the stallion's words. He had always believed that his destiny lay beyond the borders of his hometown, in the uncharted territories of the world beyond. But now, faced with the reality that his dreams might never come true, he felt a sense of resignation settling over him like a heavy cloak. "Thank you," Astrospark said, his voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for everything." With a heavy heart, Astrospark turned and slowly made his way out of the grand hall, his head held low as he tried to process the enormity of what had just happened. As he stepped out into the cool evening air, he felt a sense of emptiness wash over him, a hollow ache that seemed to echo in the depths of his soul. Astrospark trudged through the quiet streets of Sire's Hollow, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He couldn't shake the feeling of failure that hung over him like a dark cloud, weighing down his every step. Each footfall seemed to echo with the weight of disappointment, a constant reminder of his shattered dreams. As he approached his modest little house on the outskirts of town, Astrospark couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the sight of it. This was where he had spent countless hours poring over maps and charts, dreaming of the adventures that awaited him beyond the horizon. But now, faced with the harsh reality that those dreams might never come true, the familiar surroundings felt strangely suffocating and the house that was once his safe space became a prison. Entering his house, Astrospark sank into his favorite armchair, his thoughts a jumbled mess of regrets and what-ifs. How had it all gone so wrong? He had spent his entire life preparing for this moment, studying tirelessly and honing his skills in the hopes of one day earning the title of an explorer. And yet, here he was, rejected and alone, his dreams in tatters. "I'm the last living member of the Astro family," Astrospark muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "And I have brought shame to our name...what would Pops say..." you are a failure, son" I know that he would say that" Tears welled up in Astrospark's eyes as he thought about his ancestors, the brave explorers who had come before him. They had faced unimaginable challenges and overcome insurmountable odds, all in the pursuit of knowledge and adventure. And now, here he was, a failure in their eyes, unworthy of carrying on their legacy. Looking up at the starry sky above, a single wish escaped Astrospark's lips. "I just wish...I wish I could show them that I can be a brave explorer." To his surprise, the stars seemed to shimmer and dance in response to his words, twinkling brightly overhead as if in acknowledgment of his plea. And then, as if in a surreal twist of fate, one of the stars began to move, growing larger and brighter with each passing moment. "Woah! Is this star coming towards me haha...oh wait IT IS!!" Astrospark's eyes widened in disbelief as the star hurtled towards him at an alarming speed. Before he could react, it crashed into his head with a resounding thud, sending him spinning and stumbling backwards in a daze. "I'm Coming, Mother!" Astrospark shouted, his voice filled with confusion and panic, before everything went black and he collapsed unconscious on the floor. As Astrospark lay there, his mind drifting in and out of consciousness, he couldn't help but wonder what strange twist of fate had led him to this moment. Little did he know, the journey was far from over, and the adventures that awaited him were beyond anything he could have ever imagined. > The Quest Begins: Seeking the Four Essences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting hit in the head by an unknown object and losing consciousness, Astrospark started Hullicinating and saw himself walking through the town of Sire's Hollow, he felt the glowing sun hitting his face and saw the ponies of the town doing their daily activities but he felt strange. Astrospark could swear that he didn't know any of those ponies, and he knew every pony in his town even if didn't have any friends, those ponies looked uncanny and looked "fake". the Azure unicorn continued his walking through the town towards his comfy house with the feeling of uneasiness filling his mind and body. Astrospark reached where his house was located but froze in his place, His house, which he considered a safe space, and the roof that protected him all those years was nowhere to be found. there was only grass and different types of flowers, they were beautiful but Astrospark felt a sense of panic rising within him. He searched for any sign of his house, but it was as if it had vanished into thin air. Astrospark approached the ponies nearby in a frantic attempt to get answers. However, to his amazement, they stayed silent, their gaze fixed on him with disconcerting intensity. He asked about his house again, but they still didn't respond. "I know what happened to the house," an orange pegasus colt approached Astrospark, The colt's demeanor was strange with his head twitching and his wings flopping uncontrollably as he continued telling Astrospark about what happened. "well you see, there was this old unicorn researcher who lived in the house you are looking for" "Old Unicron researcher?" Astrospark raised an eyebrow. "yeah he lived there but died many years ago," the colt added. "he died alone with his books, and no one bothered to show up for his funeral so they buried him in the hill or something" "But after he died, ponies just came and wrecked the house, turned it into a garden or something," the colt continued, his voice taking on a sinister tone as he spoke and became unnaturally deeper. Suddenly, his form began to warp and shift, growing larger and more monstrous before Astrospark's eyes, and he started laughing manically with a devilish laugh."THAT'S YOUR FUTURE ASTROSPARK! YOU LIVED AS AN INSIGNIFICANT PONY AND YOU WILL DIE AS ONE HAHA!!" Astrospark's heart raced as fear coursed through his mind and soul, he struggled to comprehend the surreal scene unfolding in front of him. With a jolt, he woke up drenched in a cold sweat and he soon realized that it was just a nightmarish hallucination. As he slowly regained consciousness, his head throbbing slightly from the impact. He blinked a few times, trying to make sense of his surroundings. As the fog lifted from his mind, he remembered the strange glowing object that had hit him in the head. He sat up and looked around, spotting an orb a few feet away. It was still glowing softly, Astrospark cautiously approached it, his curiosity getting the better of him. Using his magic, he levitated the orb closer to him, examining it closely. It was smooth and perfectly round, with velvet star symbols etched into its surface. As he shook it gently, trying to figure out what it was, a voice suddenly echoed in his mind. "Stop shaking me, you big oaf!" the voice exclaimed, startling Astrospark so much that he dropped the orb with a yelp. The orb floated in the air, now at eye level with Astrospark. It glowed brighter, revealing its inner contents—a swirling mass of energy that seemed to form into a face. "I am Oracle," the voice said, the face in the orb adopting a stern expression. "I was sent here by the powerful Alicorn Queen to find and deliver a message to an explorer from the Astro Family." Astrospark's eyes widened in disbelief. "A message? For me?" "oh so you are an explorer from the Astro Family?!," Oracle replied, its voice echoing in the room. "The stars have chosen you, Blue Pony. You have been selected for a special mission." "But I'm not," before Astrospark was able to tell Oracle the truth about him not being an actual Explorer he had second thoughts. with Oracle assuming that he's an explorer he doesn't need to correct it plus it said that it was looking for a member of the Astro family which he was so it was half true. "Yes I am, I am an explorer just like all my late family members," Astrospark said with a smile, trying to hide the lie that he just said."I go to a lot of exploration missions so what makes yours special?" "Ah, that's the fun part," Oracle said, its voice suddenly cheerful. "You are to travel to the edge of Equestria and seek out a certain Pony. This Pony holds the key to unlocking a great mystery—one that could change the course of history!" Astrospark's mind raced with questions and doubts but he had a facade that he should keep. "this looks interesting but sadly it won't do it for me you need to give a better reason, "Astrospark was confused and needed more answers." also why the star choose me?" Oracle chuckled, its voice filled with amusement. "Oh, but that's precisely why you were chosen! The stars see something in you, blue pony. They see bravery and determination, qualities that are needed for this quest." Astrospark felt a mixture of excitement and fear coursing through him. The idea of embarking on an adventure was thrilling, but the thought of leaving his comfortable life behind was daunting. "hmm you still didn't give me a good reason to risk my life so can I think about it?" he asked, still trying to wrap his head around the situation, "Also my Name is Astrospark," he added. "Of course, of course," Oracle said its tone understanding. "Take all the time you need. But remember, the stars have spoken. They have chosen you for a reason." With that, the orb's glow dimmed slightly, its energy subsiding. Astrospark watched as Oracle floated back into the orb, its face disappearing into the swirling mass. Alone once again, Astrospark sat in silence, the weight of the decision heavy on his shoulders. Should he embark on this mysterious quest and live the lie that he just built, or stay in the safety of his familiar life after he tells Oracle the truth? As he pondered his options, Oracle's voice echoed in his mind one last time. "Just remember, Astrospark...you know what i will just call you sparky-anyways Sparky, the stars have chosen you. And they never make mistakes." And with that, the orb fell silent, leaving Astrospark alone with his thoughts. He stared at the orb for a long moment, feeling a surge of suspicion welling up inside him. "All right," he said to himself, his voice filled with resolve. "this oracle is telling me to go on an adventure to the edge of the world just to find some pony...what if it's a prank or some sick joke at my expense? also, how did it know that I'm An Astro?" "Hey Oracle," he called the orb, wanting to ask her about the legitimacy of the message and mission. Oracle's voice echoed back in his mind, "Yes, Sparky? What is it?" Astrospark hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to phrase his question to not show weakness. "Um, Oracle...You see, I'm a very busy pony. If I want to go on this mission, I'll need to make time for it and let go of all my other duties and focus on it, so you want to find this certain Pony at the edge of Equestria... can you tell me more about her? why is she important for 'the stars'?" There was a brief pause before Oracle responded, "Ah, yes, of course. The Pony you seek is none other than Princess Andromeda." "Princesse Andromeda?" Astrospark repeated, the name rolling off his tongue. "Who is she?" Oracle's voice softened, "Princesse Andromeda is a beautiful cream color Alicorn, with a Sky blue mane as bright as the stars themselves. She was once a beloved member of the royal family of a distant land of Exteria, known for her kindness and joyful spirit." Astrospark's curiosity was piqued and started thinking to himself. "woah this huge! this orb wants to go and find a princess?! But imagine if I was able to find her, screw Being Explorer I will be a hero!...and who knows maybe Princesse Andromeda will fall in love with the pony who rescued her, oh I like that!" Oracle's tone grew serious, "Princesse Andromeda disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and her absence has left a void in the kingdom she once called home. The Princess's mother, Queen Estella, is the Queen of Exteria and a powerful Alicorn herself who controls the Stars in the sky, sent me to seek out a pony brave and resourceful enough to find her daughter." Astrospark listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities. "So, I'm supposed to find Princesse Andromeda and bring her back?" "Exactly," Oracle confirmed. "But be warned Sparky. The journey will not be easy. You will face many challenges and obstacles along the way but I don't think this will be hard for an experienced explorer like you" Astrospark took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead. "I see. well, you know what this mission piqued my interest and between the two of us I was hoping for a big Adventure like this, So I will accept this mission of yours and I will do whatever it takes to find Princesse Andromeda." Oracle chuckled, its voice filled with amusement. "Well, that's the spirit, Sparky! I have faith in you." With newfound determination, Astrospark began to gather his belongings, preparing for the journey ahead. He packed his bags with food, water, and supplies. "oh, you sure have packed a lot of food, sparky," Oracle said teasing him "yes since it will be a long journey it's necessary to be prepared than to starve to death" Astrospark responded. "And what's with all those books, are you sure that those books will be necessary?" Oracle asked again "Of course they are, it is important to keep a clear mind while going on a dangerous journey" Astrospark replied, not sure what's he talking about. "Okay then," Oracle exclaimed."you are the expert" after hearing these four words, Astrospark stopped packing and slowly realized what he agreed to do, he just accepted going on an adventure and risking his life. Astrospark believed the lie that he told and actually thought that he was an actual brave adventurer. it was further from the truth and he knew it. Astrospark felt his hooves getting heavy and he he started shaking revealing the true Astrospark. the weak and cowardly Blue unicorn who's afraid of the outside world. "what's the matter sparky?"Oracle asked making Astrospark anxious. Astrospark found himself between a rock and a hard place, on one hoove, he couldn't reveal himself to be a fraud and ruin the Astro Family's reputation, and also he didn't want on a journey that could end his life. "Eh yeah! I just have to go check something first.."Astrospark said after he rushed to the bathroom. in the bathroom Astrospark was having a panic attack, His heart raced like a supernova on the brink of explosion, each beat echoing loudly in his ears. Breathing became a struggle, each inhale feeling insufficient to fill his lungs, and each exhale coming out in short, ragged bursts. Sweat dampened his brow, trickling down his face. "hey Astrospark," a voice called Astrospark. he looked around but he couldn't find the source of the call," who said that?" "It's me your Cutie mark," said the voice again. Astrospark looked to Cutie Mark, a shining blue star who started talking with him. "I know what you feel, you don't want to go on an adventure but you already gave your word to Oracle and you are afraid that this would ruin Astro Family's name," the Cutie Mark explained calmly. "yeah...wait am I really talking with you or am I hallucinating again?!" Astrospark wondered. "Not really...I mean yes I'm talking with you right now but I don't really exist, I'm just a coping mechanism that your mind created so you can process the situation," Cutie Mark answered and then added."I think that I can help you with the decision" Astrospark was so deep into desperation that he agreed to listen to his Cutie Mark solution."Yeah...I'm listening" "listen to me Astrospark, "Cutie Mark started, "you don't want to live your life as a nameless pony who lived in an abandoned library, right?" Astrospark nodded and then Cutie Mark continued. "and you also don't want to a dangerous adventure because you are too afraid for your life, right?" Astrospark nodded again slowly and sheepishly this time. "And you already lied to Oracle and already accepted the mission so there's no coming back now...and that's good!" Astrospark raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?" "This is your chance to change your Destiny, your hallucinations were a sign for you to stop being your old self and to start a new page, a clear and better page with a new Astrospark who goes on adventures and becomes a hero and gets the Princess.." Astrospark blushed a little after hearing the last part, he had already fallen in love with Princess Andromeda even if didn't know she existed hours ago. This was the result of never talking with a mare in his whole life and loving the first Mare who thought that he had a chance. "Also you need to know this," Cutie Mark continued, "Look Astrospark I will not sugar coat this...if you decide to go or not to go on this journey you will die either way but you will either with your books alone and always regretting that you didn't take this chance or you will die trying to be a hero and trying to find and probably save a mare in distress, the choice is yours but just remember that you wished to be able to show ponies that you can be brave and this is your chance to honor the Astro family." Astrospark took a deep breath trying to process what his Cutie Mark just told him. "And now I need to go, Good luck Astrospark!" Cutie Mark said and then went silent. Astrospark nodded and then stood and went back to continue packing. As he finished packing, Astrospark looked out the window at the stars twinkling in the night sky. He couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and adventure stirring within him. "All right, Oracle," Astrospark said with a grin. "I'm ready. Let's go find Princesse Andromeda!" "Good Good, sparky!" Oracle said before it sheepishly added one little detail," To enter the strange Lands of Exteria you need to first find 'The Four Essences Of Equestria', " "The what now?" Said Astro while raising an eyebrow. "Okay here's the complete Oracle and where to find them," Oracle Cleared its non-existent throat and started telling him the Oracle."In the chill of the North mountains, where ice whispers secrets of ancient wisdom, the first essence awaits. Venture into the depths of the Deep Sea, where the waters hold mysteries untold, to find the second essence. Seek the fiery heart of the Volcano, where flames dance with the spirit of creation, for the third essence. Lastly, brave the Enchanted Forest, where magic weaves through every leaf and branch, to uncover the final essence. Only those with courage, wisdom, and an unwavering spirit shall gather the four essences of Equestria and open the doors of Exteria". Astrospark's eyes widened as he listened to Oracle's instructions, "The Four Essences of Equestria...," he repeated, the words echoing in his mind. "Yes, Sparky," Oracle confirmed, "To enter the mysterious lands of Exteria and find Princesse Andromeda, you must first gather the four essences. Each essence holds a key, and only by gathering them can you unlock the doors to Exteria." "I knew that it wouldn't be that easy," Astrospark muttered to himself. Astrospark took a deep breath, his mind racing with all the new information that he got, "So let's see first we have the North mountains, then the Deep Sea, then the Volcano, and finally the Enchanted Forest...that's a tall order I tell you that," he muttered, trying to commit the locations to memory. "Exactly," Oracle replied, its voice filled with encouragement. "But do not worry Sparky. I will be with you every step of the way, guiding you and offering my wisdom." Astrospark nodded, feeling a surge of determination coursing through him. "Alright, Oracle. I'm ready to begin this journey. Let's go find the first essence, I sure hope that you like snow because you will see a lot!" With a determined stride, Astrospark made his way out of his cozy house and into the cold night air. The stars twinkled above, guiding his path as he set off toward the Frozen North.