> Dragon Bio Class > by Lighttone GryphonStar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "And that's how real dragons breed!!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The adult dragon walked down the hallway with a stack of books in his claws. Contained was every detail he ever learned about his species from first-hand experience: their biology, physiology, and culture. The young male was so happy to share the knowledge, so glad that Starlight allowed him to have a class in the College of Friendship about the subject. It had been a rough start in his life; his egg was abandoned by his parents. The first few years of his life were spent under the care of Twilight and her friends, before fully growing into the adult dragon he was now. He had learned many things on his own and he was so ready to show off his knowledge. He passed through the corridor and entered the classroom. Dropping his stack of books loudly upon the front desk to get all the students' attention. The classroom was filled to the brim, each one looking at him. All their gazes filled with curiosity, eagerness, and confusion. Spike smiled wide as he greeted them all. "Welcome class, today we'll begin our lesson on the anatomy of dragons, their history, and the different types of dragons out there. So take notes, because this is gonna be a long one." One of the students raised their paw. Spike gestured for her to speak. "Yeah, I have a question." Smolder raised her claw. "Is this really a required class for me? I mean I am a dragon!" She stood up from her chair and showed off her features, from the purple frills to the orange wings far larger than Spike's own. "Well yes, it is..." Spike's voice softened at the sight of her. "After all, you never know if you'll meet a dragon or not." Realizing he was saying this to literally another dragon did feel kind of embarrassing, but he had to stand strong. "Knowing them is important," Spike replied while grabbing a book and flipping through the pages. Smolder groaned as she sat down. "Ugh, this is so lame. Dragons are awesome, but I already know all these details." "You sure?!" Gallus laughed at her attempt to hide herself in a book. Smolder's face reddened. "Sh-Shut up Gallus! A griffin would know even then a dragon raised by ponies!!" Gallus smirked, he raised a single finger. "I do know that dragons have a really sensitive spot under their chin, just ask Yona." The yak suddenly jumped and blurted out. "Yona did not cheat on Sandbar!! You hearing lies!!" "I..." Gallus stopped. "I never said you did." He said in utter confusion. Sandbar facepalmed and dragged his hooves over his face. Meanwhile, Silverstream raised her hand and asked if they could study yaks instead now. Ocellus was curious and seconded that thought, followed by Smolder, not care about Spike's subject. "Hey, hey. Please focus." Spike said. Smolder scoffed. "Fine, fine. What do you know about dragons?" "Well..." Spike got sheepish again. "I... I am a dragon." Smolder laughed and echoed her voice between her claws. "Raised by ponies don't count!!" All the rest of the students started laughing with her. "Guys please, I... I know a lot about dragons. I'll prove it to you all!" Spike's cheeks burned, feeling all eyes on him. "Oh yeah, go on, then." Smolder kicked away her book, leaned back in her chair, and put her feet on the desk. She already decided if she was going to be forced to listen to all this, she might as well take a nap. Why care about hiding it? Why not snore as loud as possible? Spike sighed. "Well, let's start with the basics. We have different sizes. Like my height, and Garble--" Yona randomly interrupted again. "Garble is not handsome!!" "I never said that..." Spike raised an eyebrow at the strange comment, before moving on. "We come in different shapes and sizes. There are different types of dragons. For example, ice dragons, wind dragons, earth dragons, and of course the classic fire dragon!!" He got so into the hype of explanation, he had forgotten he had an entire classroom looking at him with utter disinterest. Throwing up his head, he blasted out green flames which brought them all back on track. The sudden heat caused Smolder to almost fall from her seat, her eyes wide open. "Wow, your fire is... Green?" Gallus noted, tilting his head. Spike blushed. "I-I guess... I'm special like that. Not every dragon has green flames. Some had the classic red and yellow flames, while royalty would have blue flames. The more special the dragon the stronger and brighter their flame. And their body can be different too." Gallus raised a claw. Leering back at Smolder. "What can you tell us about dragon personality?" "Well, actually, I was going to save that subject for month 2." Spike rubbed the back of his neck, looking back at his stacks of books. "But, I guess today can be a preview of all the subjects we'll be going throughout the semester." He pulled out one of the books and walked over to the chalkboard. Smolder groaned, fearing this would continue being a limited format of more details she already knew. However, she had no idea how strange this day was about to get. Nor was she ready for Spike's very 'extensive' knowledge. "Alright, they are extremely intimidating creatures. So, much so that some creatures will flee just upon sight of the bigger ones." Spike drew a line, representing a dragon, with a frowny face, and the word 'intimidating' in the big, bold, and scary font. "They are extremely proud and greedy to in bigger sizes. Often kidnapping mares to... murder or mutilate." Spike stopped, realizing what he just said out loud. Smolder's eyes popped open at those words too. The teacher adjusted his voice and flipped through some pages. "And their bodies are extremely resilient and sturdy. Their scales are harder than diamonds, their wings are sharp enough to cut down the toughest of trees, and their teeth..." He stopped and took a deep breath, biting his lip upon realizing what he had written down. "Teeth strong enough to rip a pony to shreds." He flipped the book around, showing off the page, trying to stay as resolute as possible. Smolder was frozen in place, the color leaving her face. Gallus looked over her shoulder and chuckled. "Hey, Smolder! How many ponies have you devoured? I bet the number is zero." He laughed and slapped her shoulder. "Ooh, I want to see that drawing!!" Silverstream cheered. "Yona hadn't seen any details, nor want to!!" Yona screamed just as loud as before. Spike tried to ignore their chatter. He had no idea if what he was saying was making sense. But he couldn't argue with the books. Some of them he wrote years ago from details he only knew from accounts of ponies. He hadn't realized this upon gathering them all up, just in such a rush to teach the students. The drawings were crude and often had him wincing at the depictions. But it was the truth, he had no reason to change it now. The students were no longer ignoring him. He moved on to the next section, trying to keep his cool. "Next preview will be on..." He put back the book and pulled out another. "Dragon biology..." Instantly his eyes widened upon the images inside. He flipped to the next page and the next page. Only to find out all of them had something very disturbing and lewd. He had forgotten about the dirty smut he drew while a teenager and being driven by hormones. "Uh..." Spike's cheeks burned. "S-Sorry, the wrong book..." He quickly switched to another book. Let's jump ahead to... Dragon martial arts." He opened the book. However, this left him blushing the brightest as apparently, he left a sexy photo of Rarity folded inside. He instantly closed the book and grabbed a new one, feeling himself losing the students' interest. "Let's just skip that chapter and move on to the next. This is where we will learn about dragon culture and traditions." He pulled out a book titled 'Dragons: A History' from the very bottom. This was a bad idea as the jenga stack of books finally came falling. All the books were scattered toward the desks of each student. More problematic, the dragon biology book landed on Gallus's desk, showing all of Spike's disgusting drawings. The griffin's laughter was uncontrollable at the sketchy details of a mare similar looking to Rarity underneath a certain dragon. "I-It's not mine!!" Spike yelled, but the students kept laughing, while his heart kept pounding. "Looks like what you meant by mutilation was rape and fornication!!" He threw the book into Smolder's face. "Tell, is the reason Yona is so on edge today is that you raped her coltfriend!!" He couldn't stop himself from making such a crass accusation. Smolder was so angered by the images and Gallus's accusation, her anger was reaching a boiling point. Her red flames came out and burned the book to ashes, sending all the other students to the opposite side of the classroom. Every one of them was in a sheer panic now, between their shivers of laughter. "Smolder!!" Spike shouted at her. "I didn't do anything to him, nor her!!!" She growled and jumped out of her chair. The dragoness rushed over and grabbed the teacher by the throat, pushing him against the chalkboard. "And I refuse to listen to any more of this offensive lack of knowledge!" "What?" Spike struggled. "I'll admit my details are a little crude... but--" He was stopped as she threw him onto the desk. "Crude!! Oh, I'll give you crude!!" Her eyes were burning up with anger, she was so furious that nothing was stopping her now. The dragoness climbed onto the desk and over top of Spike. Flipping around, she pinned his legs down and pulled back his secret pocket. "Students, take note of these--" She stopped as the two full erect penises bounced out. The sheer size of them compared to his overall small body was leaving the dragoness's eyes popping open. "Wow, those two are bigger than... well mine!" Gallus went sheepish now, shivering into Silverstream behind him. Silverstream did even notice the embarrassment on his face, cheering out. "Yeah, you don't even crack a foot long." "Hey!!" Gallus felt his pride bruised, but it was quickly ignored. All the students drew their attention to Smolder, hoping for more accurate dragon details. Smolder sheepishly laughed before accepting what she just started. Spike was struggling, but her hind legs were firmly locked around his wrists, her own pocket opening to reveal her pussy and anus to him pure from the tension of their closeness. "What are you doing!!" Spike screamed. "I'm just gonna show off actual dragon anatomy!!" She dropped her pussy and anus onto his face silencing him. Turning attention to the two large penises, she grabbed both with her claws. "Now class, you'll notice his balls are much larger than your average pony, and there are a series of ridges going down to the base of his cocks. And his dicks are a lot thicker at the bottom." The class nodded and scribbled down the notes. "Now, to process, the start is similar to a pony." She opened her teeth moved her tongue and flicked it across his tips, sending a shiver down his spine. Her own eyes were wide as the taste was so different from what she expected of him. Spike had a sweet, and gentle flavor, a stark contrast to the usual musky smell. This only meant one thing, he was still a virgin. She smiled at the assumption and licked up the first cock, moving from the head, and going all the way down. She wrapped her tongue around it, taking the tip into her mouth, sucking on the top and licking the sides. Her anus and pussy were dripping wet from the taste, the smell upon Spike's nose, and the heat harden him more. His cock was throbbing and pulsing, growing thicker, the ridges becoming more pronounced. The dragoness moved to the second one, pushing it into her mouth and dragging her sharp teeth along it. She was careful not to hurt him, but a little pain was always welcome for a real dragon. Hearing him moan encouraged this, and his hips started to move. He couldn't stop himself, his body was acting on instinct. The smell of her, the heat of her. She was getting him so aroused and turned on. Her tongue slid over his balls, licking around the soft surface. She pulled them into her mouth and suckled upon them. This made his cocks twitch, and his voice screamed out. She smiled at the response, the other students were writing down every detail, and watching their every movement. Leaning forward, she opened his pocket fully and revealed his anus. "And the males have an anus as well. Just like the females, it is a pleasure spot for our kind. Just watch." She took her hips off his face and flipped herself around until her tail was lined up with his anus. Before Spike could process what she was about to do, she pushed her tail right in. The dragon's eyes popped wide open, his back arched, and his voice let out a cry of pain and pleasure. She smirked pulling out her tail, and then pushed it in again. Leaning down she took his entire ball sack into a tight vice grip of her teeth. Spike's voice rang out again, he was panting and breathing, the heat rising in his face and his chest. Smolder was moaning as her own anus and pussy were getting tighter from the sight. Knowing how close both of them were going, she reached back and shoved Spike's tail into her own anus. "Oh, wow." Smolder moaned through her jaws, her body curling from the sudden intrusion. Spike's tail was not nearly as thick as her own, the sudden pleasure was sending her eyes rolling back. Already to was moving on instinct, shoving his tail further into her, and twisting around. Both their voices were growing louder and more heated. The students were shocked, watching the two dragons, teacher, and student, both fucking one another with their tails. They couldn't even look away. Gallus was so aroused, looking back at Silverstream, who was drooling as well. Their eyes met and both blushed, looking away. They figured good fucking later in private would be the obvious option after this. Smolder released his sack from her mouth, her tongue going over the top of his dicks, licking up the pre-cum. She turned to Ocellus and gestured the changeling over. The shy creature slowly walked over, her legs trembling, her body shivering. "Come on, babe. I need you to taste this." Without giving the other students any prompts, she stole the changeling's mouth in a passionate kiss. Ocellus was shaking, feeling her mouth getting filled by Smolder's tongue. The precum lacing her teeth and her cheeks. Her eyes rolled back, her heart racing and her legs grew weak. Smolder pulled back, and the two shared the taste between their tongues. The other students were in awe, while Smolder wrapped one of her wings around the changeling's shoulder. "Stay beside me, babe!" She licked the corner of her lips. "I need you to know this won't get between our love!" "...Sure." Ocellus's confirmation left the rest of the students' jaw dropped. None of them knew the two had been dating. Smolder laughed. "Oh, come on. We've been together for more than two years now!!" She rolled her eyes at them never noticing. "Let's get this over with." Rising upward, she pull out both tails and lined his two penises with her pussy and anus. "And remember students. There is no need to hold back when with a dragon! Even our princess Ember has taken quite the beating from Ocellus's uncle Thorax!" With that, she slammed her hips down over the two penises. The two dragons screamed together. Spike's voice was more desperate and needy, but Smolder was holding strong. The ridges rubbing the walls of her pussy and anus, the size of his shafts stretching her out. While he was a virgin, it had been so long for her. She was such a loyal lover to Ocellus, leaning over and kissing her again before taking Spike for a ride. The other students were speechless, their faces turning the brightest of reds, their bodies growing hot. Silverstream was the only voice, crying out. "I want some of that action too!!" "Damn it, we're skipping this class!!" Gallus grabbed Silverstream's hand, ripped open the nearest vent, and dragged her inside. His penis already popping out as the two fled from sight. "G-Guys!!" Sandbar cried, but he too was blushing. His eyes turned to Ocellus and Smolder and the sight of them sharing another kiss. His face was growing the hottest. Turning to Yona, he hid his face in her giant and thick fur. Yona blushed and pulled the earth pony close. "Y-Yona didn't cheat, she swears, it was just a one-night stand with Smolder's brother..." Sandbar sighed. "I already knew..." He bit his lip, tears tip from his eyes. "I had a one-night stand with Gallus on the same day!!" "You did, what!?" Yona grabbed Sandbar's head and started shaking him. "Why you little...!" "Guys, this isn't the time!!" Ocellus yelled back at them. Smolder and Spike were completely oblivious to their surroundings. The dragoness was riding him fast and hard, his voice screaming, her tongue hanging. Their hips slapped and her pussy and anus squeezed him. The ridges were throbbing into her most sensitive spots, his cockheads swelling, his balls expanding. She was feeling it too, her pussy and anus were dripping all over him. The two couldn't stop themselves. His hands were grabbing her hips, her claws were digging into his shoulders. He was pulling her down and thrusting into her violently. Their movements were getting rougher and faster, and their screams were growing louder. Smolder was the first, her voice breaking, her pussy and anus clenching. Spike was following closely behind. Smolder's back arched, her hips lifting off and slamming down, all the way passed the base, baring skinning her pocket against his own. His cocks erupted and fired like pistons into her. She could feel her womb being flooded with his seed. Leaning back and against Ocellus her stomach expanded. Her voice was breaking and her vision growing blurry. Spike was losing his mind as well. Feeling her clench around him and milk him. His hips kept moving, his voice continued. His eyes were growing dim and flames sparked from his mouth. Ocellus's arms were holding the dragoness steady. They both were smiling, knowing the pleasure she was feeling and the fact the two of them didn't feel betrayed by the sight. The two dragon's orgasms were slowing, and the seed spilled from their holes. The students were blushing and sweating, their bodies were burning up. Even Sandbar was trying to keep his cool now, mixed with anger and lust for the yak, whose fur he was smothering his face in. Yona was blushing as well, she had felt her heart skip a beat watching the two dragons mating, but seeing the two students, her eyes narrowed, and she growled. "Yona will deal with you later!" Smolder panted, her body shivering. Pulling herself free, her body shivered off the desk and onto the floor. The seed spilled from her, coating the floor. Her vision was still a bit blurry, her heart still racing. She turned to Ocellus and kissed her passionately again, cursing between breaths. "S-Sorry... babe... I... can't stop." Ocellus giggled. "What do you mean?" The changeling enjoyed the kiss between was curious why her beloved with still moaning. "Do you want me to finish you off?" "No!" Smolder screamed, her cheeks still flushed, her body trembling. "It's his damn scent... I couldn't stop myself. Even while knowing this was a bad day for sex!!" Her eyes widened and her back arched again. Much to the shock of the students, it was far from over. "He's still going!! He's got three rounds in him!! Fuck me, Ocellus, he's going to fuck me!!" She flipped around as Spike dropped off the desk and well. The students' eyes widened, their cheeks blushing. Spike was still hard and ready to go, and Smolder shivered into her lover, Ocellus. Her hips were begging him to continue. However, his eyes were not the same. They were a shade of red and his teeth were bared. "Spike... Spike?" "Smolder!!" He growled, his claws digging into her hips. "Spike!" Smolder tried to pull away, but he was so much stronger, he was so much bigger. The mighty purple dragon leaned over the top of Smolder and slammed his penises back in. The students were gasping, Ocellus was shaking. His eyes were wild and his voice was growling. "Spike!!" Ocellus rushed forward and slapped the dragon. This was enough to snap him out of it. "No, Ocellus!" Smolder leaned up, barely able to talk through each intense fuck. "It coming... The eggs are coming!! Nothing can stop him now!!" She wrapped her arms around Ocellus's neck. "Kiss me, babe, kiss me!!" Ocellus's eyes were watering, but she followed Smolder's command. Leaning in, she stole the dragoness's mouth in another passionate kiss. Meanwhile, Spike thrust into Smolder so hard and intense and his claws were desolating the floor. His body was moving on pure desire to breed all her eggs, and nothing was going to stop him. Smolder's mind was growing fuzzy again, her pussy and anus being destroyed by his powerful thrusts. The other students were covering their faces, and yet unable to look away. The sounds of his cocks slamming in and out of her, the fluids leaking from her. The dragon's body was quivering, and her wings flapped up and down. The changeling was crying, not for herself, but for her beloved. After what felt like an hour, Smolder's body arched one last time and her eyes rolled back. Her pussy and anus clenched tightly, the ridges throbbing. Spike's cocks exploded multiple times, caking her insides with each continuing thrust. Smolder's stomach bulged once more. Throwing his head upward, and blasted a massive plume of green fire so intense that it tore a hole through the ceiling and through Rarity's classroom above them. Up there, she had been showing off to her students the strength, prowess, and handsomely well-hung her ex Thunderlane was. The lesson was violently interrupted as he was consumed in flames. "Spike, stop trying to kill my exes!!" She screamed downstairs, not knowing what the dragon was doing, and assumed the usual stunts from him. "How dare you ruin my lesson plans! I've had a very good thing going here with Thunderlane!" Back below, Spike slowly came to a stop. Pulling out of Smolder and blasting seed over both her and the changeling. The dragoness was a mess, her belly full of his seed, her pussy and anus gaping holes. Her body was shivering and rolling onto her back. Her head flipped up and blasted another plume of flames, burning up Thunderlane again as he fell through the floor, in a lot of pain, but alive. Smolder panted and looked at her beloved Ocellus. "It's coming... Wow, fuck, they are coming!!" She moaned as the expanded belly of semen started to shrink. "Please, babe! Catch them!!" The shape of large eggs appeared around her hips, popping out at a quick speed. Her voice was quivering, and she tried to grab her beloved, but her arm was so weak. "Ocellus..." The changeling morphed her legs into a bed under her dragoness and held her tight. The eggs were dropping, one by one, until a full dozen popped out. The dragoness was exhausted, her chest was heaving, and her breathing was slow. Ocellus was kissing her neck and cheeks, rubbing her sides and her belly. Smolder smiled, the heat still in her face, and she turned to her class. "And that's how real dragons... breed!!" The entire class was speechless. The room was almost silent outside of the moaning between Gallus and Silverstream in the vents. Rarity arrived at the horrifying mess and quickly screamed in terror at the sight of it all. "What happened here!?!?" ******